Major protests against mandatory vaccination are being planned in 40 countries and at least 150 cities around the world this weekend.
Mandates, masks and VaccinePassports are being wound down in the UK. “Prime Minister pledges to scrap all controls by March”. Omicron has derailed the program. We have a short window to push back hard as current vaccines stumble. In only 6 – 10 weeks Big-Pharma are promising new Omicron specific vaccines (which will probably be mRNA because they are faster to develop). At that point, the old vaccines and all the problems with them may disappear down the memory hole as the radiant glow of *All New Vaccines* appears over the horizon. Now is the time.
Even Austria which announced incredible 1,000 Euro fines for the unvaxxed per month has pushed the date back to April. But other states are ramping mandates up.
Find your town on or on or Telegram.
See also GETTR, Twitter #WeWillAllBeThere or Instagram, or Facebook
Jan. 22 __________________
Australia — At least 22 cities and towns, see the banner below, or
Washington DC – Jan 23rd (Sunday!) Defeat the Mandates (FLCCC and others)
South Africa Cape Town — Woodbridge Island Millnerton 11AM
France: There must be 200 locations listed.
Canada: As well as Freedom rallies in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Monreal, Calgary and Edmonton, there are some #TruckersForFreedom protesting on the move.
“On 22 January, new vaccine mandates for truck drivers will come into effect in the US, which will also bar unvaccinated truck drivers from crossing the border.” — Independent
CANADA, Truckers For Freedom are blocking all lanes of traffic to and from USA in Emerson, Manitoba. What do you think about that @JustinTrudeau , next they are heading to Ottawa to pay you a visit.

- Helsinki, Finland: 14:00, march from Senate Square to Rautatientori
- Dublin, Ireland: 14:00, Garden of Remembrance
- Lisbon, Portugal: 15:00, Praca do Marques de Pombal
- Gothenburg, Sweden: 15:00, Gustav Adolfs Torg
- Stockholm, Sweden: 14:00, Norrmalmstorg
- Kyiv, Ukraine: 12:00, Sofia Square
- London, UK: 13:00, Portland Place; protesters will likely march to Westminster
- Birmingham, UK: 13:00, Chamberlain Square
- Bristol, UK: 13:00, College Green
- Cardiff, UK: 13:00, City Hall
- Glasgow, UK: 13:00, Commonwealth Monument, Glasgow Green
- Leeds, UK: 13:00, Town Hall
- Manchester, UK: 13:00, Piccadilly Gardens
- Liverpool UK — St Georges Hall, 1pm
Jan. 23
- Brussels, Belgium: 12:00, Brussels North railway station
- Sofia, Bulgaria: 14:00, Palace of Culture
The only protest list Google seems to find is one by a European security firm warning of disruption.
Germany, It’s happening all over Germany, nearly every town, every night.#Germany #protest #NoVaccineMandates #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #NoVaccinePassports #nocoronapass #NoGreenPass #freedom #Lockdown
— Protest News (@ProtestNews_EN) January 19, 2022
h/t MP
I am always suspicious of universal mandates by socialists and so called leaders who claim to be conservative but act just like the socialists. There is something vary sinister about these vaccinations. Why weren’t we forced to vaccinate against Ebola, swine flu and bird flu? Was it not the right time then? No one cared during those outbreaks apart from those directly involved. Why now the urgency using a vaccine that patently does not work but is very expensive? And why only Western countries? The poor countries are largely untested, un-vaccinated and coping relatively well with off patent drugs. There is something seriously wrong with this equation. This has to be the great push by the communists who we foolishly thought were defeated in 1989. Trudeau’s virus science is the same as climate science; believable only by the ignorant but being used for a purely political purpose that has nothing to do with our well being.
I hope the marches go well and send the right message. Some support from the MSM would help greatly.
“Why now the urgency using a vaccine that patently does not work but is very expensive?”
Careful – questions like this could lead you to entertain “conspiracy theories.”
“Careful – questions like this could lead you to entertain “conspiracy theories”
I suspect they already have along with many others on the far Right.
The standard far-left/totalitarian/communism/marxist way of attempting to deflect from what they are actually doing, when someone sees through their petty games….
… is to label it a “conspiracy theory”
Its as meaningless as a leftist “fact-check”. 😉
They only fool themselves. !
Mr. Ian: Good thing the far left doesn’t entertain conspiracy theories, but what the left lacks in imagination, they make up for that with pure, malevolent destructive effort. Keep trying!
The Far Right.
Right so Far.
Ah, Ian, the first to throw that turd 💩 in the punchbowl.
Keep up the good work, you Socialist.
Western politicians and media destroyed their countries economies over this virus. Their very careers and legacy, depend on there NOT being a large number of unvaxed people who don’t get hospitalized with the virus. (which would imply that economic destruction wasn’t necessary).
Well yes, maybe (destroyed economies) – – – – but. Big buts. These economies that have suffered damage, in most countries are unsustainable, environment-damaging and people-exploiting economies. These economies that have suffered are part and parcel of the over-riding, ‘never ending growth’ model of economies. Sadly though, few will understand that fake and destructive economies might need to be turned upside down to make a new future. And most politicians, of course, don’t want to see that new future.
Given our vaccination rates (AUs) vs our rates of infection it is fair to say the vaccines are an unmitigated failure.
Gee Aye wonder if Rick Will refute that?
I have no idea. What an interesting question.
According to Luc Montagnier (who? certainly nowhere near as distinguished a virologist as our own bureaucrat, non-entity Health Offcers, eh?) “the curve of deaths will follow the curve of vaccinations”.
Check out the ever-rising death totals as the vax % grows larger.
Or, that ‘”numbskull” Sucharit Bakhdi who predicted all this stuff from the very get-go “When the boosters begin, please ensure you’ve made your will’ What boosters was he talking about in April last year, d’ya reckon?
And the tens of thousands of infections? Well, if you have a factory producing ANY product, you can be sure you’ll find some of that product around the place if you look hard enough. And here we are ; the human body turned into a pathogen production hub and the PCR/RTA finding IT. Man, am I surprised or what?
“Unless the People, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and Liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest.” – Calvin Coolidge
Dr John Campbell going through the results of the FOIA request in the UK re covid deaths in the UK. How will the media cope with this? Will they?
Is that why UK is doing away with a vast array of restrictions? It’s a real overnight surprise. Australia is already looking the fool. Now we are going to be seen as the bigger fool for still using draconian measures when compared to UK in effect we don’t have a serious issue with the virus.
England is scrapping most restrictions and mandates because Boris wants to appease the masses to distract from his participation in the mid-lockdown Christmas party. He knows it’s safe to do and he needs the public support plus he can see the narrative crumbling.
Politically expedience rarely coincides with science and sense but in this case it does (since the narrative is the polar opposite).
It made it to an australian newspaper, but is buried so deep as to almost be invisible
But eventually found it.
[SNIP a mile long pile of linked stuff. We are almost at wits end over posting protected material. DO NOT DO IT! ]ED
It has been known since mid 2020 that the average age of those who succumbed from covid was near and sometimes higher than the life expectancy for that area. It’s been known that 75% of those who are hospitalized and die from covid already had 4 comorbidities. It’s been known that only between 5 and 10% did not have an underlying serious health condition.
I pointed out at the start of the pandemic that the average age of a victim was above life expectancy. This means *any* sacrifice by anyone in the community was more likely going to someone who lived longer than then anyway! In other words it’s terrible trade to make.
The only conclusion was clear: no economic impact of any kind is justified.
Dr Campbell is terribly amusing in the most British way- He was reviewing the WHO as they congratulated the Indian States on doing so well against Covid before vaccines by giving out a kit of easily available medicines and vitamins.
The WHO wrote the whole article without mentioning the Ivermectin & the vitamins in the kit, and as Dr Campbell came to the end of the page he said-
“they’ve run out of space on the page so they couldn’t list the ingredients of the kit.”
In another one he was criticising the BBC for their myth-busting of Ivermectin using a scientific paper where he had looked up the head researcher. His comment was “this man will no doubt be a senior lecturer or researcher at XXX university. Well, I looked him up and he’s student there.”
It turns out the paper about meta analysis of Ivermectin studies being fraught with problems was written by a group of people who knew each other via Twitter, and he ridiculed them as only the British can!
Ivermectin is an interesting one. I recently checked the covid-19 death rates of African countries that undertook the WHO sponsored river blindness/Onchocerciasis programs (started in the 1990s) which involved the wide distribution of ivermectin tablets. Many of these countries (Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Cameroon, Congo, Mozambique, Liberia, Angola, Ghana, Mali, Togo, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Nigeria, Central African republic, Benin, Niger, Chad and a few more) have lower death rates (per million pop.) than Australia. The African countries which did not participate in these programs (eg South Africa) have higher covid-19 death rates than border-locked Australia. There is a recent Japanese paper on this but can’t recall the link.
Interesting video. Wondering if the lack of birds were due to the wind-farm further down the road.
Worth telling family & friends :
UK to dump most covid restrictions asap ( and do we hear about it in Australia? – generally no – only briefly on skynews last night….)
Yes, all restrictions will be lifted in the UK after another 6 weeks of restrictions.
But just like the W.A situation, when a new variant pops up, it’s – sorry, the old deal is off, we never planned on having this new variant.
And for those in the UK who believe there will be no further variants in March to warrant even harsher restrictions, I have a bridge that might interest you.
“But just like the W.A situation, when a new variant pops up, it’s – sorry, the old deal is off, we never planned on having this new variant.”
Looking at the shambles in NSW as a result of Perrottet’s let it rip lunacy i doubt Western Australians will be too upset by McGowan’s borders backflip
Mark, sadly you are correct.
The NHS run jab passport system is not being dismantled. The forces of evil have not given up.
“Riding the tiger’s back.”? “Holding the wolf by its ears.”?
They can’t let go, lest they lose everything. Their undeserved everything.
It may seem strange that the same rich and powerful made the same mistake twice: seeking the suspension of freedom and democracy with a “science” scare with global implications. Due to the intended Blitzkrieg of AGW being reduced to the battle of Kursk by the power of the Internet giving the scientifically literate a global voice, you’d think smart rich people would learn from that.
They didn’t, because whilst they are rich, they are not smart. Most of the Davos elite and their cronies were born into money. They didn’t start from scratch and work their way up. They just were gifted wealth, and fought to maintain systems where wealth begat more wealth. Just like their vacuous stenographers in the Establishment Misleadia, they arrogantly assumed they if they couldn’t understand the science, there was no way those they considered “sheeple” ever could.
There were two games in play here:
1. For the elite to secure their position as top of the pile, and lock in the formation of the pile against forces like freedom, free speech and democracy that carried the constant threat of pile reorganization.
2. Kill off the new emerging pile (China). Those that crave “top of the pile” status cannot tolerate two separate and competing piles. There must only be one, and they must be top of it.
The tiger’s back/wolf’s ears problem for the plandemic players is that this time it’s not just financial. Not just carbon taxes and high power bills. This time they have injured and killed millions of humans. And when you cross that line, it doesn’t matter how many politicians or judges you can buy. It really doesn’t.
Well put Konrad.
All we need now is resolution of the misbehavior, law breaking, theft by jab and test and illegal establishment of new governance outside of national boundaries.
Every nation should bring those acting on behalf of external forces to account for their actions and make them forfeit all assets to the nation in part restitution.
This could be finalised with the usual, but with renewable energy in keeping with the current meme.
Can it be done?
Tracking better than the best case scenario by predicted by their ‘experts’ so I hear, Ian.
In Australia it is illegal under the constitution for states to raise their own armies so in the People’s Glorious Socialist Republic of Vicdanistan, Chairman Andrews instead established a paramilitary police force complete with Lenco Bearcat armoured personnel carriers (military vehicles). In the past these paramilitary police have been quite violent against peaceful anti-lockdown and anti-mandate protestors and that has been widely documented by independent reporters on the non-legacy media. In fact, there was a leak from a police officer that said that in a previous pre-rally briefing, police were instructed to “break some skulls”. Some police have resigned due to this misuse of the police force as though Victoria were a Third World fiefdom. Most conservative overseas commentators have been horrified by the brutal tactics of VicPol in the past in relation to these protests.
Let’s hope that for this rally they are working for “the people” and not Dan Andrews and his socialists.
In fact, even some of the legacy media described police actions as brutal so just imagine how bad it really was.
Or see many other independent videos from non-legacy media.
NovoCastria as well, but this was an isolated case.
Police here are normally very reasonable.
First media reports indicated a broken collarbone but she had much more serious stuff on top of that.
The slight, sixty year old woman was tackled down an incline by a much heavier police officer. Smashed her hip.
Let me repeat that; smashed her hip.
The police response was totally disproportionate and thuggish.
Deadly media silence followed.
Aren’t there civil lawsuits against such brutality?
There should be.
In Vicdanistan the courts are dominated by Leftist “activist judges”. Any suit is unlikely to succeed.
However Avi Yemeni, independent journalist, has an action in the Victorian Supreme Court at the moment.
The police did stop assaulting and harassing Avi after his suit was filed.
Interesting to see in many similar videos how the police fine or arrest people for failing to maintain the “safe distancing rule” yet the police themselves are bunched up together in groups thus breaching the very same rule. That in itself is sufficient proof we are already under a sort of police state where it’s not about our health but about draconian power and control by government decree.
It’s also illegal to mandate treatments but extreme coercion to the point of mental and financial collapse is apparently ok.
It’s also illegal under the constitution for organisations to bill or fine people making every council in Australia guilty of criminal acts. This actually went to the high court and the judge agreed but refused to rule in favour as it would turn Oz into Mad Max world in weeks.
So much for “the law” and the “constitution”.
citation needed.
Come on; it’s good but not good enough for a citation.
I know a wee bit of law you know. I am trying to work out what JC II is referring to. Maybe you know?
Having re-read it I tend to agree;
it’s good and should get an honorable mention.
I have to say it. Justin Trudeau is a flog.
“Very often misogynistic and racist”
So all the women who are worried they will be infertile, don’t want their children vaccinated or are pregnant and worried about miscarriage or birth defects, are misogynists.
No, then they must be racist.
He needs to prove that it is not normal to be failing to abide by the vaccine mandates, so pulls out the old leftist chestnuts, not even having a clue how ridiculous he sounds.
He truly is a despicable man.
It just exposes what the Elite think of normal people, it appears.
Basically they want – compliance. Thats it. Do as youre told.
Who died and made the Elite self appointed “kings” ?
Answer – no one. As illigitimate as thier puppet Bumbling Joe……
Time this was re-introduced
“Oath of allegience to kings of Castille (Spain)
We who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than we, to accept you as our king and sovereign lord, provided you observe all our liberties and laws, but if not, not.
J.H Elliot, “Imperial Spain”
So what do we do when both major parties keep failing miserably to uphold such a highly ethical and reasonable standard? We appear to reward their bad behaviour by voting them back into power in turn. At least we should refuse either to have majority rule. It might not help much but it is sure worth a try. The alternative is too scary even to talk about at the moment but I’m afraid it will very likely come to that eventually.
“He truly is a despicable man.”
Just another graduate from the WEF school for young leaders, just like Jacinda , Macron and that tyrant in Austria. Hanson-Young also attended ; there could be others.
yeah, there are others, they can be seen here –§or=®ion=#results
Australasia public figures show up 6 politicians. only one that i know of is not of the left-
The likes of Trudeau will have to tolerate people like me for a very long time as we DO NOT tolerate people like him regardless of position or standing!
Perhaps if anti virals can be demonstrated to work by authorities that carry out the sort of tests that national governments will accept, then our elite and us plebs they order about will demand they be provided as a first option?
I have not seen any national govt in Europe give the nod to existing anti virals but perhaps in Finland the way is now open
This refers to Finland allowing our favourite anti viral to be prescribed
One of the main motivations, apart from the Elites not wanting the pandemic to ever end because of the dictatorial powers they can implement, is that for the experimental “vaccines” to be given “emergency use authorisation” or equivalent in various countries, it was necessary to claim that there was no other alternative treatment, when clearly there was. Hence the war against HCQ, IVM and even any mention EVER by government or medical authorities that Vitamin D deficiency is very common and makes you much more susceptible to covid.
If they are so frightened by Me The Unvaxxed why withold all of the therapeutics they claim will kill me?
Send me all the COQ IVM Zpacs etc and let me commit suicide.
Problem solved!
There is now ample evidence that the TGA got it wrong to approve the mRNA “vaccines” and ample evidence that the cheap drugs that they banned are much more effective at dealing with Covid 19. It is high time that the TGA stands up for the health and well-being of the nation.
Quite so Padre. I’ll just add that to my list of things I do not ever expect to see.
Rather- It is time for the nation to stand down the TGA.
3 mg Ivermectin ? 4 pills / package ??
0.4 * 0.6 mg / kilo wight ? That doesn’t sum up at first sight.
Yes, one would need several boxes for treatment depending on one’s size and the protocol. 6 mg is also a common tablet size also.
Perhaps what he took was early enough to stop the infection before it really got going. Sensible.
Dave B
A few people in Finland have made a difference. “Doctors Are Allowed To Prescribe Ivermectin To Treat the Coronavirus in Finland”
We will overcome the evil.
Yes I’ve read it, I just saw the picture and am wondering.
So has WA transported itself lock stock and barrel, and now is anchored off the coast of its spiritual political home, North Korea?
Also, where does WA hide its covid stats about cases & vaccination status? So far, impossible to find….maybe thats part of the australia “hermit kingdoms'” approach to transparency?
How about McGowan now aiming for 95% triple vaxxed until he opens the drawbridge to W.A.
I can smell the fear as suddenly the 90% double vaxxed goal is stillborn.
I wonder how many months of rallying are ahead for the poor people of W.A?
He must have seen Bourla’s video message about double vax providing little
to no protection. Pleasingly, the W.A. media are asking much harder questions
than the stenographers at Dan’s pressers.
I personally know a number of people who took the first two injections to keep their job but will not keep taking three monthly boosters, and some of them work for silver chain. Some people are getting the message.
I am waiting to hear the outcome of the case of Ben Falconer I believe representing himself and another 30 police officers in the court in WA. To be heard on the 28th or 29th of March I believe. If they win that case then hopefully it will be considered a precedent for the legality of all the existing mandates.
It is amazing that The Djoker can get three judges from the High (?) Court to convene with about one day’s notice, yet an important test case like this can’t be heard until the end of March? Something smells!,
He is in a state of panic because the hospitals can’t cope already. Totally fear driven. Antivirals would fix things in a few weeks.
McGowan cannot say he was not warned, but he has not made any preparations in the WA Health Sector.
His reckless boostering defies reality. Has he or any of his advisors seen Israel with its higher than our covid case rates. He will be there and some in the very near future.
So will he go for the 4th and 5th etc etc??
Complete madness, but what is incredibly disturbing is that no Federal Politician except Craig Kelly says anything at all.
When the fine clots and surge in cancers have rendered large numbers in WA sick will people finally wake up? In the future McGowan will be used as a text book example of a politician strong arming a populace too self absorbed and incapable of critical thought.
WA will be an interesting guinea pig – virtually no cases, and zero in hospital.
So why are WA hospitals reporting code yellow overloads?
Probably vaccine adverse events, but not recognised as such.
A sudden “surge” of the thousands of patients “backlogged” to keep bed-spaces for the mass of Kung Flu victims?
Cancer patients, diabetics, coronary “issues” patients, etc., etc.
Worst Australia:.. They used to have on their vehicle number-plates, the slogan; “State of Excitement”. (Careful how you mispronounce that>)
It’s been the state of paranoid statists, forever. BUT, NOBODY in any other State or Territory should get too cocky. The Rum Corps LIVES! On a national scale.
Most notable about McGowan’s panicked bringing down the boom: Omicron is very dangerous, and then he tried to bolster his prior (but persisting) fame in WA by referring to the totals of hospitalisations and deaths in the Eastern States to ramp up a fear campaign against the most inocuous of the SARS 2 variants.
It would seem he will continue the hermit kingdom approach for WA while all other States are taking the road to grabbing widespread natural immunity while the relatively benign omicron is on offer. If a much more dangerous, ust as infectious variant pops up in a month or two, won’t he be creating a lame duck State with WA having to face it with almost zero natural immunity while the State vaccination status could be waning as well? It has the potential for McGowan to be setting up WA for an horrific outcome if such an infection presents.
Yet, WA people are as trusting lambs to the slaughter. They love him. It would seem this government has absolutely no time for small businesses nor the prolonged pain of social exclusion he is imposing on WA, let alone the woes for all those in the sporting games that are locked away from home if they wish to compete in normal Australian summer sporting competitions. His government is immune from such considerations because it’s mining revenue is continuing. The poorer and more stressed people get doesn’t seem to concern him at all. The inane expostulations of the political class that ‘we are all in this together’, is fatuous bs in the extreme. But WA people are tunnel visioned by the driven fear.
It will be interesting to see the effects of these rallies in the EU as they seem to be moving towards the need for a vaccine passport to travel between member countries and to enter everywhere from cafes to museums
As we in the UK don’t have these passports other than for some specific places like large venues , which are being cancelled anyway, this will cause us problems.
So we will need to generate one of these passports if we want to travel outside the UK.
Does that make sense? You might be vaccinated to an acceptable standard in your home country, but not for the place you’re visiting. If there’s any sense at all in the idea, it’s a vaccine visa that you’ll need.
Its called removal of freedoms….death by a 1000 cuts….and also then puts pressure back inside the UK to re-instate the passports internally and become one big european Soviet, all over again.
No. Way. In. H….
If they make it compulsory for you to take a vaccine they can also make it compulsory for you to sterilized, euthanized or give up an organ on demand.
The importance of informed voluntary consent is understood by few.
There was another click of that ratchet a couple of years ago.
English organ donation law has changed. All adults in England are now considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.
See the source at .
France is leading the charge.
The BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal, has a history of being more than just a respected peer-reviewed scientific publication. Throughout its 180+ year history, it has acted as a watchdog to protect the public interest from nefarious forces in and out of government who manipulate health sciences and research for their own benefit. Today, they released an editorial slamming the powers-that-be over their handling of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments.
In an article titled, “Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now,” (link: ) the journal called foul on the lack of transparency behind Big Pharma’s push to jab every man, woman, and child on earth. They called out how there is even less transparency with Covid-19 vaccines and treatments than in past instances that proved to be deadly.
Data should be fully and immediately available for public scrutiny.
In the pages of The BMJ a decade ago, in the middle of a different pandemic, it came to light that governments around the world had spent billions stockpiling antivirals for influenza that had not been shown to reduce the risk of complications, hospital admissions, or death. The majority of trials that underpinned regulatory approval and government stockpiling of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) were sponsored by the manufacturer; most were unpublished, those that were published were ghostwritten by writers paid by the manufacturer, the people listed as principal authors lacked access to the raw data, and academics who requested access to the data for independent analysis were denied.1234
The Tamiflu saga heralded a decade of unprecedented attention to the importance of sharing clinical trial data.56 Public battles for drug company data,78 transparency campaigns with thousands of signatures,910 strengthened journal data sharing requirements,1112 explicit commitments from companies to share data,13 new data access website portals,8 and landmark transparency policies from medicines regulators1415 all promised a new era in data transparency.
Progress was made, but clearly not enough. The errors of the last pandemic are being repeated. Memories are short. Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come.16 This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.
Great link and comment Max, many thanks.
Funny how this article was published just after BoJo pulled the plug on Covid mandates and restrictions in England. You could almost think that they had this on file to instantly put out once they sensed the narrative was foundering…
The USA FDA is demanding the books on the developmental data be closed until 2095, while the Pharmaceutical companies wanted it restricted until 2075. By then the world should be a burning cauldron according to the AGW theorists! I believe Trump had to give them immunity from the law to get the vaccines developed. Ergo, there is huge benefit to government to have their contracts with those companies also sealed long term. We are still waiting for any media to pressure any western government into defending the exclusion of therapeutics from this epidemic. Government-Big Business-Big Media conglomerates acting together, with all the power and mostly immune even from electoral threat.
That quote from Trudeau astonishes me. And yet he is reportedly still PM of Canada.
How long does someone name you an enemy until you believe them?
They’d elect him again tomorrow. Canadians are just as compliant as Australians, though apparently Kiwis take the cake.
Just as a matter of interest can you confirm that the parliament appoints the PM in Canada as it is done in Australia, NZ and the UK?
That would mean a two stage level of reprehensible conduct. First to get the government party elected and secondly to get the government party to appoint the PM. That is double plus bad in my book.
Hey hey, I never voted for Jacinda bin L’Ardern, drug-dealing arch-terrorist Davos-pirate of the South Seas. This bloke, along with NZDSOS, is shooting down the tyrannical government with their own (govt) statistics. But yeah, too many sheep obediently wobbling off to the jabattoir.
Greg in NZ said:
Quite a few of us haven’t/didn’t, but unfortunately, not enough. Dammit.
And we don’t have our election until next year.
It seems Victoriastan has not learnt any lessons at all, and picked yet another high profile sports star to tangle with…..
In an interview on Skynewas last night, a alw professor ( I forget his name ) appeared to basically say that if you took the same approach from the vic govt and applied it to media generally, most kill off a lot of it.
“Basketball champ Andrew Bogut has lashed out at the Victorian government, claiming authorities were attempting to “silence” him.
“Taking to social media on Tuesday night, the Sydney Kings star shared a screenshot of a letter he recently received from the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC).
“It was in response to a Twitter post from Bogut’s account on October 27, 2021, which criticised the state government’s controversial pandemic powers bill.
“According to the VEC, Bogut received a formal notice that his post appeared to have “failed to comply with the requirements for the publication of electoral advertisements, handbills, pamphlets or notices (Authorisation Requirement) under section 83(1) of the Electoral Act 2002 (Electoral Act)”.
“The VEC said the post was problematic as it was “intended or likely to affect voting in an election”.
Ivermectin is currently used for about 28% of the world’s population!
Re:Trudeau’s rant. Never go full Nazi.
The usual version is to never go full retard but yours works as just as well in this case.
I had to got o hospital once about 3 months ago and the Dr inquired to my vac status. I said Im waiting, perhaps better vaccines will arise as this tends to happen to all technologies. She firmly disagreed. She was about 28 years old so I left it at that.
I saw my very experienced gp a few months ago and when i told him i was not jabbed he said he didnt blame me. He was seeing many problems, especially with fizzer. One of his patients was in hospital for 3 days and almost died after the first fizzer shot and then went back for the 2nd shot in few weeks – he was staggered. He had also stocked up on Ivermectin for himself and his family.
I saw my very experienced gp a few months ago and when i told him i was not jabbed he said he didnt blame me. He was seeing many problems, especially with fizzer. One of his patients was in hospital for 3 days and almost died after the first fizzer shot and then went back for the 2nd shot in few weeks – he was staggered. He had also stocked up on Ivermectin for himself and his family.
TGA confirms first cases of myocarditis linked to booster shots
Australia’s medicines regulator has confirmed the first cases of rare heart inflammation after booster vaccines.
Frank Chung
January 18, 2022 – 7:02AM
Australia’s medicines regulator has confirmed the first cases of rare heart inflammation after booster vaccines.
As of January 9, there have been six reports of likely myocarditis – four after Pfizer and two after Moderna – and 12 reports of likely pericarditis – 10 after Pfizer and two after Moderna – after a third or booster dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) most recent safety update.
Thing is normal people look at those ratios and conclude well I’ll be right then. I think people would accept much higher numbers than that.
Myocarditis in 12 -18 yr group ( or somehing like that) was 1 in 10000, officially (so most likely higher), and people found that acceptable. I find that astonishing.
Yes, people fail to realise that the reported myocarditis cases are only those where the victim (or their parents) sought medical attention. There would be others out there who didn’t feel bad enough (possibly due to pre-existing conditions or just not being active enough to notice) and these would not be picked up without screening.
In Hong Kong, where they use the Pfizer “vaccine” so the CCP don’t care about the bad news being presented, young males were found to have an incidence rate of 4 in 10000 and, again, this was without screening.
I’m sure there’s major under reporting because doctors will be too terrified to disclose a vaccine injury.
It would be a bad career move and they might be sacked or otherwise cancelled.
These perfect vaccines are considered infallible. Nothing can possibly go wrong and don’t dare question them.
Also there is the French case of the businessman who had his life insurance policy voided because the vaccines were experimental and getting shot was a voluntary action. Life, Total Permanent Disability and Income Protection insurance policies have all sorts of exclusions and taking unapproved vaccines and drugs would be amongst them (emergency/provisional authorisation is not the same as approval)
…and today they are warning that if you DON’T get vaccinated your insurance company will not pay out when you die.
So insurance companies win both ways!
“Some life insurance companies are denying full death benefits to the families of people who died from Covid-19 because they refused Covid-19 experimental vaccines. Certain front-line workers have been considered eligible for accidental death benefits because they are presumed to have gotten sick on the job, but the benefits may be denied if they didn’t follow established safety protocols, which may include Covid-19 vaccines. ”
And there are lots of cases where the doctors have diagnosed these patients as having “anxiety”. I would say there are many more cases the TGA is totally oblivious to as the doctors are deliberately misdiagnosing them and so not reporting them. See Senator Rennick’s Facebook page for lots of examples of vaccine heart damage.
“do we tolerate these people?”
Wow just wow!
It looks like the Wu Flu is fizzing out with Omicron. It has the strength of a weak flu. When our borders are open will it still rip through?! We need to get back to the old normal as soon as possible. At the moment our gallant efforts are being rewarded with more stringent measures. Not good. Almost all of us are vaccinated however the response of Pavlov’s dog – the state government – is the opposite of what is expected – it’s more and more stringent – so – like with Pavlov’s dog – we are obviously doing the wrong thing.
The big problem when dealing with the Wu Flu is that there is a very broad situation – many factors – such as collateral damage :- i) other health treatments not being received (deaths), ii) problems such as myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) caused by a reaction to the vaccine, iii) massive economic damage particularly to the small business sector (more than half the economy), iv) the massive debt being racked up, v) vaccine mandates – the problem with vaccine mandates is that it prevents doctors from treating their patients individual circumstances. vi) politics ignoring the science, vii) the damage to the democracy – totalitarianism. The whole situation needs to be looked at realistically :- i) is the Wu Flu more deadly than the seasonal flu? especially now in our current situation? Doesn’t seem to be. ii) the Wu Flu should be treated like a normal flu, iii) the vaccines haven’t been fully tested and none of them have been given full approval, iv) the collection of stats has been very poor – there is a massive amount of medical information that wasn’t discerned and analysed properly, v) the long term effects are not known, vi) effective antiviral treatments have been refused purely for political reasons. Right from the start the government messaging has been very poor (governments are notoriously bad with communication). They have constantly changed their story. They haven’t been honest and upfront. They haven’t passed the street cred test. And that has been a massive problem.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has provisionally approved Pfizer’s oral protease inhibitor, Paxlovid. Pfizer have agreed to supply our government with 500,000 doses for 2022.
Pfizer claim that their new drug is the first of its kind. Is that correct? Ivermectin functions as a protease inhibitor. So how can Pfizer claim that Paxlovid is the first of its kind?
Another interesting question: If the mRNA ‘vaccines’ are working so well why the need for a ‘novel’ protease inhibitor, when Ivermectin has been around for about 60 years, has proven very effective and is almost as cheap as chips? Are the medical and government bureaucrats finally on the way to admitting that the nRNA ‘vaccines’ have been a failure. If so, how will thay admit to such a costly, disasterous failure and save face?
Pfizer of course, doesn’t mention that other miracle drug from decades ago that Big Pharma had to suppress when the patents expired. Nimesulide isn’t really a protease inhibitor, but one of its properties is that it reactivates the body’s natural protease inhibitor (alpha-1-PI).
Boris Johnson’s ending of restrictions is being ignored by the press.
I doubt that can go on.
I think (hope) the dominoes begin to fall.
The danger is how will the Trudeaus and the Dans react when the populace realizes what’s been done to them.
Loss of political position may be not sufficient satisfaction for those that have lost livelihoods, been kept from the bedside of dying loved ones, suffered ruined friendships caused government fearmongering, kept from routine medical care from government fearmongering, and all the destructions we are yet realize.
Not if there is justice.
When the penny drops, it will be ugly. I know Ive said that a few times, but the anger will be like a blow torch.
That said, the SA govt has backed down on a revolt by mothers to be about not allowing a birth partner to accompany them during labour.
( been looking for the article, hard to find – but appears to be in hard copy of “The Australian” today.
Vic backed down on IVF etc.
Umm, Queensland’s CHO Dr John Gerrard has changed the narrative. (I’m sure his first stop every morning is the Premier’s office. M’aam what do you want me to say this morning?)
That Premier woman told us hand on heart that the virus will actively seek out the UNvaccinated, and that the only way forward was to get double vaccinated….. the ONLY way.
Now we have x number of deaths every day. blah blah blah, and one of those ten was unvaccinated. (umm, i guess that means the other nine were fully vaccinated then) Most were aged 70, 80, 90, and one of them was over 100 years old. (and that really pi$$es me off. That 100 year old had so many decades in front of him) They were almost all of them residents of aged care facilities. They also had ….. SIGNIFICANT underlying conditions as well.
Now, there’s just so much wrong with all of the above, and what he and the talking head Government Ministers rolled out every day tell the obligatory press conferences. Those aged care facilities are locked to the general public, so how are those old people getting it anyway.
If nine out of every ten people dying are indeed vaccinated, doesn’t that mean the vaccination is not working. Now hark back to the original virus actively seeking out the unvaccinated, when now it seems that more vaccinated people are dying than unvaccinated.
Why does NO ONE ask the questions that need to be asked, you know why the narrative is now the complete opposite of what it was. How do these people say what they do EVERY damned day, the opposite of what they said barely Months ago. Why do journalists not do ….. journalism, just nod their heads and let them get away with it.
Why do they EXPECT us to believe what they are saying.
And the worst of it all…… there’s nothing you can do. Just go out to the protest march and risk arrest, or the huge fines, and umm, speaking of those huge fines and costs for quarantine, no one is paying them. The Government is owed many many millions, and the thinking is it will just be written off.
I know this is just a rant, but hey, like I said, we’ve all become so powerless now. They can say whatever they want to (with a straight face mind you) and they’re just getting clean away with it, and the m0r0n$ will just vote them all back in ….. with an increased majority to boot.
Bah Humbug!
All of this is happening because there is no independent, apolitical mainstream media any more. Politicians have always lied, broken promises, put their fingers on the scale, stole taxpayers’ money, broken rules and held flexible morals – nothing much has changed there. In the past however, the most careless pollie scumbags would be exposed by the media and their policies would be analysed, costed and disputed across the board. This, to some degree at least, held them in check.
The MSM has since sold out and/or become a largely leftist, ‘Big Government’ propaganda wing. There is nobody outside the ‘fringe media’ holding them to account and, because so many people get their news and views from the TV, those few voices online (sorry Jo) just aren’t getting the traction they need to make a big difference. The demonisation and de-platforming of aforesaid online commenters makes this even harder.
So I don’t think our pollies, celebs and other elites really care much what the people think, any more than the sheep farmer spends time wondering what all that ‘Baaaa!’ means. So long as the sheep keep making wool and we vote in accordance with the instructions sent out via the TV, all is well.
“The MSM has since sold out and/or become a largely leftist, ‘Big Government’ propaganda wing.”
It’s what they are taught to do in their Journalism Degree course – “tell a story” (not THE story, A story!), “make a difference” etc. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is no longer what journalists do. They even lie about what the president of the USA “said” – they interpret what they think he meant and state it like a quote, instead of reporting him verbatim and allowing the consumer to see it in all its, err, glory.
They no longer “report”, they opine. This gets them clicks and views from their intended audience, keeping them in a job. Asking tough questions singles you out, and you won’t get called upon for a question by the pollies, so don’t ask them!
The only ones doing anything like this in the USA is Joe Rogan and the Epoch Times. Epoch Times is low audience, but will survive. Joe Rogan is bigger than Fox News (Joe has 11 million view per episode, Tucker Carlson gets about 5 million!), and what is more average audience age is 24 – more power to Joe, as this means that within 10 years, there are plenty who will be more conservative and want answers to tough questions. And they will be the ones taking over the reigns of business and politics. That generation is the first in many years to be more conservative than their parents.
If the MSM doesn’t change tack, they will keep sinking in the ratings – as they should.
But they won’t change, because the “new blood” is still being indoctrinated by radical left universities.
Perhaps they would be better off with reporters who started as the office dogs body and slowly worked their way up the ladder – as in the old days – rather than demanding a degree in “churnalism”.
A useful Article with many links supporting your position(s).
“Here is a collection of evidence that highlights the glaring errors in our pandemic response.”
“These studies all show that the more you vaccinate, the worse the outcomes. Overall, the nations who vaccinate the most have the highest infection and death rates. That’s the opposite of what was promised. ”
“I know this is just a rant,” albeit an extremely well informed and intelligent rant. A useful contribution.
Nailed it Tony.
Tony, Journalists are trained not to be investigative reporters, searching for and reporting the facts, but rather to provide headline stories that capture the attention of the masses. Entertainment is the name of the game, and disasters capture a lot more eyeballs that good news stories.
So what features most?
Covid deaths; Hurricanes; New Covid variants; Protests; The Joker; Floods; Bushfires; Sleepy Joe; Etc
But have you seen a headline and followup stories about: “The effectiveness of Pfizer’s booster shot against symptomatic Omicron significantly wanes after 10 weeks, a new study said this week — as experts weigh whether fourth shots are necessary.”
Yes. I recall the media amplifying a NSW Health reports of a young family man, aged about 30, who died last year. He was a close contact of his health worker partner who had tested positive.
The claim was that this case demonstrated how even the young and healthy can be “cut down” by Covid.
He had a heart attack the day before his 14-day quarantine was to end and had been anticipating his release from quarantine.
Implication: he was expecting release from quarantine and therefor had no symptoms.
This type of rubbish is being fed into the system as “data” and some people still take it seriously.
It would be much appreciated if could post a trigger warning at the top of the page when you show images of Justin Trudeau. Some of us deeply despise that guy.
Ditto for Macron.
Broke: Resist!
Woke: What you resist persists.
Bespoke: Without respect, we reject!
The problem is that politicians the world over simply don’t care about the people and they don’t give a flying fig about protest rallies.
When they’re drunk with power and bought&paid for, the sheeple are just expendable nuisances.
As said before, this will only end when those in power are no longer so, and you can decide the means of their removal be it by (probably rigged) elections or by history repeating.
Human nature doesn’t change therefore history repeats…
Let’s see how different things are in a week from now.
” Kill some one, thats murder, kill a million and that’s a statistic”
Probably not quite the actual quote attributed to Joseph Stalin.
A week, its taken two years to get to this and planed for decades.
We have a retiring Police man at our rallies, on overwatch. At the last rally he came and said see you latter and we chatted he told me he retires in 36 weeks (at the time) I said I hope it will be over by then, shook his head and said no, then walked off.
An item on The Conversation – “We found and tested 47 old drugs that might treat the coronavirus: Results show promising leads and a whole new way to fight COVID-19”
The article is dated 1 May 2020. That’s about 20 months ago.
The article heading says: We found and tested 47 old drugs that might treat the coronavirus: Results show promising leads and a whole new way to fight COVID-19
The article continues:
Since then, as far as I can tell, interest shown on The Conversation has been a big fat zero.
To my mind it is inconceivable that a study like this can be published in Nature and written up on The Conversation, and then just disappear into a black hole for well over a year and a half – unless there has been concerted behind-the-scenes activity to get it suppressed.
How can such promising results, for drugs already known to be safe (“already approved by the FDA for human use”), not be followed up urgently. If vaccines can be fast-tracked then further investigation of these existing drugs can be fast-tracked too. We should have been getting progress reports from day 1, and in fact we the public should have been invited to participate in the testing. These safe drugs could have been made available immediately to the public on a trial basis, ie. the public could sign up voluntarily for the drugs they wished to sign up for, subject only to safety clearance by their doctor, and the outcomes (anonymous) could be tracked on a public database. The public would of course be told that it was a trial with no promised outcomes. OK, there are other possible ways of doing it, but that seems to be easily the fastest high-volume approach.
Winston Smith must have missed one.
The tragic thing is that the Left have been at war against ideas of freedom for decades and few younger people value or cherish it.
Hence the Left’s promotion of censorship, control, lockdowns, banning of anything they don’t agree with whether they be ideas or material objects, promotion of extensive people tracking, the move toward a cashless economy so everyone can be traced and tracked etc., etc..
Many people feel uncomfortable thinking for themselves and making their own decisions hence the embrace of these anti-freedom dictatorial policies.
Vaccine injury video released by It may well be taken down before you get to see it
Um…leads to a music video
Yes, it is a music video presenting vaccine injury cases
Protests and marches worldwide,
To turn back the tyranny tide,
As it’s never too late,
That our destiny and fate,
Be up to us all to decide.
Yes, but it does require a more significant proportion of the people to get involved not only at marches but also to resist passively all the restrictions each and every day so the message gets through loud and clear. Protest marches alone are not going to achieve much more than they already have as the MSM and governments keep ignoring them.
The Establishment Misleadia refuses to show it, but the protests are global and on a scale never seen before. Literally the largest protest movement in a century.
Whoever said “the revolution will not be televised” was right. But it is being broadcast across the Internet and recorded forever. As is the shameful silence of the Establishment Misleadia.
The millions protesting now are but the tip of the iceberg about to sink the SS Plandemic. We are being joined by those now told their “Jab Passport” is invalid without continuous booster jabs. And then the parents who lose their children to the jabs. And their rage is going to be white hot.
I sincerely hope that the guilty in the Vaxx Passports nations give up and flee. The longer they play on, the worse the fallout will be.
Its a show of numbers to the people, that is what matters most. The pollies are noticing.
Together we are the first wave.
Getting the message out is so hard, every Sunday we stand in an F’ing park, rain snow, sleet and hail, every Sunday, never thought I would be down to this.
But I must stand, we must stand!
This is an excellent post, H/T Jo.
I never thought I would be protest marching at my age. I never joined the perennial protesters when I was at UNI. The first time I joined a protest was during the anti-carbon tax rallies that saw the end of the Gillardio-Kruddulence era. We won.
I joined the rallies against mandates and passports last year. I had initially avoided these events because of police violence. When it comes to countering such behavior, I am more effective as an individual not part of a crowd. I realized that the threat of physical force and restrictions on physical movements were critical to the plandemic player’s game plans. “The mob” served no purpose to me in setting my defense against state violence.
But then something happened. Some police betrayed the public trust, encouraged and emboldened by political and media vilification of dissenters. A grandmother was smashed into the ground, and as she lay there concussed with a broken hip, the police pepper sprayed her in the face. The video wasn’t shown on Australian Misleadia, but it outraged the world outside our little island.
The international condemnation of this and other acts of police violence in Australia caused me to change focus. I had been focused on the dependence of bad actors on the threat of police violence, and how to counter it, and putting measures in place. But the impact of these videos internationally, reminded me that this, despite the state violence, actual and threatened, was an information war.
Give me a lever and a place to stand …
Just showing up adds to numbers. And everyone who shows up gets “red pilled” when they see the size of what they are part of. They take photos. They show family and friends. And all those go: “hey, why wasn’t this on the news?!”
But those videos of Australian police violence echoing around the world woke me up to something: Establishment Misleadia coverage of a rally is irrelevant. What matters is eyeballs and ears on message. And the Establishment Misleadia are no longer arbiters of that.
So I will be marching with “Spike” again tomorrow. Nothing like a camera magnet in an information war. Last year I wasn’t “so angry I made a sign”. Last year I was so engaged I made a 3D protest sign!
If you’ve been at Sydney freedom rallies, you’ve probably seen “Spike”. An umbrella based protest sign. Painted as planet earth jabbed with black goo filled needles, oozing and melted into a screaming skull and crossed syringes. The messaging on the crossed syringes warns that mass use of non-sterilizing inoculations in a pandemic is not “safe and effective” and that mandates and passports have no scientific justification.
“Spike” has taken a beating over many rallies. But as an information warrior he fights on., Daily mail, NineMSN, Sky? Not a problem. But a few hundred folks wanting “selfies” is better. (Except for millennials who just have to live post and can’t pick a filter already).
But don’t have a fancy sign? No excuses. Get to a rally tomorrow. Jabbed, unjabbed, it doesn’t matter. You all know something is very wrong, and we need to end it.
Well put Konrad.
All we need now is resolution of the misbehavior, law breaking, theft by jab and test and illegal establishment of new governance outside of national boundaries.
Every nation should bring those acting on behalf of external forces to account for their actions and make them forfeit all assets to the nation in part restitution.
This could be finalised with the usual, but with renewable energy in keeping with the current meme.
Can it be done?
Canada has a special situation. It is winter. 90% of fruit and vegetables are imported via trucks from the USA. In a few days, some 12,000 to 16,000 truck drivers will be impacted by vaccination mandates without regard to the effects upon the populace.
Trudeau is about to be educated by the Trucking Industry. Hunger and social chaos have a way of focusing one’s attention.
“Brace for impact: Our supply chain is about to take a further hit, and we’ll all feel it“
He is the type of figurehead who would say something along the lines of “let them eat cake”. Of course there is the possibility he and Biden could arrange for the US and Canadian military to drive the trucks. Now that will be interesting to see what happens next.
Trudeau will have lots of veggies directly supplied to his house, he won’t even notice any supply chain disruption.
Have faith, its all part of the Great Reset.
Data analyst Joel Smalley shows from data released by the Alberta health department, how the 2 week post vaccination non-efficacy window must have been specifically chosen by the vaccine manufacturers to boost efficacy and hide the immune system suppression in that period which leads to higher cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
The cat themed El Gato Mato goes into it further in his followup article
Little wonder that the FDA tried to stretch out the release of the Pfizer acceptance trial data to a 75 year timeframe. Since judge, Mark Pittman, has ordered Pfizer to now release the data over the next 6 months, we have some hope of recognition of the damage that has been wrought while some of the victims can be provided some level of compensation.
Yes, you can almost see a Sir Humphrey type smirking away and implementing a plan B (or is that plan C or G).
The masters of the universe are most certainly not done with the truth yet.
The masters of the universe are most certainly not done with the truth yet.
And the public continue to be gullible and completely ignorant of the truth. I have just chatted with a neighbour who was gobsmacked when I said that I thought it was possible that Omicron would see the back of the virus. He protested that hospital figures show mounting deaths from Omicron. He had obviously not noticed that even Brad Hazard and others say that many deaths were from co-morbidities & not attributable to Covid.
Yes, this is increasingly evident in data from all over the world. Each wave of jabbing is quickly followed by a wave of hospitalizations and deaths. By claiming “no effective dose” for up to 21 days after second jab, these hospitalizations and deaths can be hidden as “unvaccinated cases”.
The jabs have made everything worse.
This website I follow daily in NSW has been updated today for vax status, deaths, hospitalisations, ICU.
Scroll down half-way for the table where the end-of-period has been updated from Christmas Day (Dec 25th) to January 1st. The beginning-of-period has changed from sometime in September (my memory) to November 26.
The data is scary. Hospitalisations for unvaxxed was ~65% and fallen to 12% for the new period (Nov 26-Jan 1). Death rate for unvaxxed was >70% in the old period, which has flipped to partially/fully vaxxed people instead (73.5%) in the new period.
Daily number of deaths continue to increase in NSW and it is the fully vaccinated who are dying in January. Our unaware vaccinated (especially elderly loved ones/infirm) who believe they are safe need to be informed about this, they need our protection, to isolate.
So now it’s a pandemic of the vaccinated?
Nice pick up rowingboat.
The big task however is to identify the treatment of the data (aka the prisoner) because it is well known that if you torture data for long enough it will confess to anything.
For example comparing the 70.9% injected positive test result to the 1.8% not injected test result you might think that the omicron sheep have been separated from the delta goats because the time period in question includes a significant overlap between the two. But whether the sheep have been separated from the goats is not disclosed.
Or you might believe that the 70.9 to 1.8 rate shows the injections show marginal effectiveness because the wider population has comparative rates of about a 95% to 5% injected v non-injected. But then again the 95% to 5% comparison may or may not distinguish between the initial 14 day period after injection when the injections positively invite infection.
Somebody will probably write a useful textbook on how lie with statistics. Or more correctly will update the existing text books with new examples.
My take? There are people who don’t want to be the ones caught holding the whole smelly bag of crap so they are leaking out the facts little by little.
Where do we think all the missing people are?? 150,000+ cases.
Cases- Unvaxed 1.8%, part vaxed 0.7%, fully vaxed 70.9%.
That leaves 26% of cases unaccounted for.. That’s about 40,000 people that they don’t know if they were vaxed or not??
In hospital, 2000 odd-
Unvaxed 12%, part 2.3%, full 62%. So even in hospital they couldn’t determine the status of that 25% of patients.
At least when you die they get it up to 21% + 9% + 65%, 95% of patients are listed.
I thought they would hsve a better handle on it that that.
Just read that apparently there are cases of Astrazenica causing transverse myelitis and not just one or two. What I red suggested around 370 suspected cases! Apparently this side effect was known – it was the reason the trials of AZ were suspended for a while. Strange it was not reported. Several sites including pubmed ncbi. Symptoms apparently include severe backpain and leg weakness.
If a vaccine does not stop you getting the disease, doe not stop you from being a carrier and infecting others, just lessens the severity of symptoms, oh and it only works for 3 months is it a vaccine or a prophylactic treatment.
The mRNA “vaccines’ were only intended to less the severity of symptoms, and governments everywhere understood this.
But they still insisted that they would provide “full protection’
Recall the spiel – “get double jabbed and be fully protected.”
An absolute baldfaced LIE!
How many, especially in the early days, would have jumped on the vaxx-wagon if they had known they would NOT stop youngetting or giving the virus, and no greater protection overall?
Add to that, the city of Daegu in South Korea. A rally on Jan 23 at 2pm:
A reminder about The Borg from Star Trek.
The Borg are a race of cyborgs with a collective intelligence that assimilate into their hive all other intelligent beings they encounter and add the technology of those they assimilate to their own.
They are enormously powerful and dissent is impossible within The Borg. Any independent thinkers are destroyed.
Fighting the Left / Deep State is much like fighting that bad guy collective.
In the end, the good guys win but at a huge cost and the requirement to remain forever vigilant.
For further clarification, see Justin Trudeau statement, with photo, at top.
When Biden declares declaration of emergency for the war, He will order the immediate halt to any elections and declare any not abiding this order, enemies of the state and have FBI arresting.
Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity reviews an article on vaccine injuries in New Zealand from the perspective of NZ as a control case, given there are negligible Covid cases to introduce confounding factors. IUnsurprisingly, the NZ health department spokesperson denigrated the data source which happened to be their own adverse Medsafe system.
He also goes through more data showing that Omicron is mild and will serve as a natural vaccine against Covid more effectively than any lab vaccine has any hope of doing.
And here is the NZ article – quite detailed and shows their health department is keeping its head firmly in the sand (as are those in all western nations).
Moreover, this article contains a link to an Urgent update notice to NZ GPs outlining the possibilities of heart related adverse events with the Pfizer vaccine with steps that the GPs should take to observe, report and initiate treatment. The letter is signed by the NZ Director-General of Health, Chief Medical Officer, GM Clinical Quality & Safety (for the COVID-19 Vaccine & Immunisation Programme) and the Director of the National Immunisation Programme. This puts paid to any notion that the health department were not seeing strong signals in their adverse event reports despite their claims to the contrary.
From the notice
Too bad the harm is already done by the time the symptoms are felt, eh?
Australian Governments are pushing for 100% triple vaccination for “vaccines” which are now essentially obsolete because they are designed for a strain which is no longer dominant and has been replaced with an essentially harmless one (harmless for those without comorbidities like obesity, immune deficiency and micronutrient deficiencies such as lacking vitamin D and zinc).
Contracts? Money paid out?
Sometimes I sit at the computer ready to write a comment, but usually get too agitated and stuff it up, so I will try to keep this short.
I am just a joe average in the latter stages of life, never really been against vaccines but only ever had one flu shot in the last 20 years or so. Since this current imbroglio began I have read the following:-
Bechamp or Pasteur (Ethel Hume)
Plague (Mikovits)
Plague of Corruption (Mikovits)
The Contagion Myth (Tom Cowan)
Vaccines,AutoImmunity (Tom Cowan)
Dissolving Illusions (Suzanne Humphries)
I got 3/4 the way through Kennedy’s book on Fauci but I felt so sick that I cannot bring myself to finishing it (yet).
I will not be having any more shots.
Re Canada, I migrated there in the 70’s, but only worked for about six months as a family tragedy brought us home way too soon. When I retired and applied for some pension, I had to declare that I had lived overseas, and the Oz govt. said I must apply for some Canadian pension. The paperwork was horrendous, and I even offered to forgo it, but they said the legislation did not permit cancellation. So I stopped doing the paperwork (I still get some, but ignore it) and eventually some small $$ turned up in my account. It pays for my firewood, so, thank you Mr Trudeau!
One more thing, NEVER vote for a sitting member!
Interesting story CriddleDog.
Top advice; let’s limit our representatives to one term only.
Actor John Malkovich Tossed from Venice Hotel for Expired Vaccine Passport
ROME — U.S. actor and director John Malkovich was turned away from a top Venice hotel over a lapsed coronavirus vaccine passport last week, Italian media reported Wednesday.
The Hotel Danieli, which overlooks Venice’s Grand Canal, denied entry to the 68-year-old Hollywood star and he was reportedly forced to stay at a nearby private residence.
According to the most recent decrees from the Italian government, which change on a daily basis, only those who show proof of full vaccination or recovery from the coronavirus can access public spaces like hotels, restaurants, bars and theaters, as well as public transport.
Until recently, one could obtain the coveted “Green Pass” by showing a negative coronavirus test, but in an effort to pressure all citizens into getting vaccinated, that option has been eliminated.
As of January 10, a new “Super Green Pass” is also required on all forms of public transportation — local, regional and national — which includes planes, trains, ships, buses, trams, and subways.
In a curious irony, possession of the Super Green Pass is no longer sufficient for travel within Europe, which now often requires a negative coronavirus test.
“Where are your papers?”
“No. Not those papers. The new papers!”
“These papers?”
“No! No! No! Where are your new new papers?”
“Well … I… the thing is … I support the government! Hail the government!”
Resist! Call their bluff! You are made of sterner stuff!
Why is this filed under global warming? Unless there is the same level of spin
Well Peter,
You’d better ask your Silicon Valley kin!
They would pick it up straight away.
Bit different to counting burnt koala bears mate!
It’s filed under the TAG “Protests” and under the CATEGORY as “Global Warming”
Because you have protests for Global warming such as Greta not getting enough attention or $’s from the OmyGoodnessCron!
But it has nothing to do with global warming, protest or otherwise. Slipshod
Or maybe the site defaults to “Global Warming” as a category, and sometimes I forget to change it. Thanks for the proof-reading.
Do you wonder sometimes if you are analyzing the wrong data?
Its a psychological dilemma, the authorities are telling fibs about AGW and also the vaccines.
The people behind this have said, upfront, that they want to use the lockdowns and restrictions trialed during the Covid ‘crisis’, to carry out their climate-scam based agenda.
When the man who can’t remember how many times he donned blackface and sang “Day-O”
Calls other people racist
Neo-Liberal clown world
FOIA docs reveal Pfizer shot caused avalanche of miscarriages, stillborn babies
Yes. But not on that site. Try for example:
Yes, but not on that site. Try:
(Having trouble posting, pardon if this is a repeat)
How far your link is better than mine ?
Oh, just found out 😀
Oh, I just found out, wrong link, so sorry.
That was the site I would link too
Thanks Lucky. The link works fine, but the content is absolutely disgusting.
Pregnancy and giving birth are challenges many women accept for the reward that follows; new life.
To see the contempt that Big Pharma shows for humanity just makes you want to vomit, but the bigger issue is the fact that governments everywhere enforce no oversight of the pharmaceutical industry.
Government is Failing us for a reason; think about it.
Just got back from the Brisbane rally. As far as I could see, it had been hijacked by an indigenous rights organisation called ‘The People’s Revolution’. My bad for not checking out who TPR are, but it looked to me like the majority came expecting to support one, simple message: freedom from vax mandates. The organisers were conflating indigenous rights with the anti-mandate movement.
I listened to a couple of speeches about 250yrs of “genocide” then left.
Freedom United! 😎️
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