Global leaders must be sweating
Data from Public Health Scotland (PHS) is showing that not only are the “double jabbed” more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxinated — but they are more likely to be hospitalized as well. And that’s on a per capita basis and after controlling for age. The triple jabbed are less likely to end up in hospital than both other groups, but for how long?
Covid Scotland: Case rates lowest in unvaccinated as double-jabbed elderly drive rise in hospital admissions
By Helen McArdle, Herald Scotland
DOUBLE-JABBED Scots are now more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than the unvaccinated amid an increase in elderly people falling ill due to waning immunity.
It comes amid “weird” data showing that case rates have been lower in unvaccinated individuals than the single, double, or even triple-jabbed since Omicron became the dominant variant in Scotland.
Right now the double-jabbed are catching Covid twice as often as the unvaxxed in Scotland. Even the triple jabbed are slightly more likely to catch Covid than the unvaccinated.
Preliminary data for last week – which is age-standardised to adjust for the fact that younger people are more likely than older adults to be unvaccinated – shows a Covid case rate of 11 per 1000 in the unvaccinated group compared to 15 per 1000 for those who had received a booster or third dose, and 25 per 1000 for the double-vaccinated cohort.
Well that breaks the narrative: Who exactly is putting who at risk?
The people spreading Covid at the moment are more likely to be vaccinated than unvaccinated. Yet they are not the ones being banned from cinemas, bars and clubs.
The Double Jabbed are even more likely to end up in hospital
There goes the last main argument for mandatory vaccines. The hospital beds are not being filled by the selfish unvaccinated.
In the week ending January 7, the hospitalisation rate was also twice as high in the double-jabbed compared to the unvaccinated – 130 admissions per 100,000 versus 59 per 100,000 – but fell to just 15 per 100,000 in the triple-jabbed.
No wonder world leaders are telling the double jabbed to “get boosted”
The triple vaxxed are for the moment, thankfully, less likely to die (of Covid anyway)
All the death rates for Omicron are in the order of 1 in 20,000 which is a blessing. But given that death can take 4 – 8 weeks, it’s perhaps a little too soon to fix these ratios in stone for the Omicron wave that is still steaming:
In the final week of December, the death rate was 7.06 per 100,000 among the double-jabbed compared to 4.79 per 100,000 in the unvaccinated, and 0.21 per 100,000 in the triple-vaccinated.
The vaxxed and unvaxxed groups are obviously not the same to start with. Even when age is controlled the vaccinated may be working in riskier jobs, more likely to take Covid tests, and are a higher risk group. The unvaccinated may be healthier to start with, and also more likely to have natural immunity.
What about natural immunity?
Helen McArdle of the Herald Scotland (paywalled) tries to investigate why the data is so odd, but despite all the expert waffle, natural immunity is left til the end and only called “past infections”. If many people in the “unvaccinated” category are actually “immunised with the real deal” then the truly unvaccinated might not score so well if the people with natural immunity are taken out and put into their own grouping. I’m sure the experts know this, so it’s a little surprising they haven’t rushed out and done that? Why is natural immunity so hushed up?
What if natural immunity without a vaccine worked better in young healthy people than the quasi unnatural mixed immunity?
The data would look like this too.
The people getting in trouble now appear to be the ones who were due for a booster, but haven’t got it. So they were the first to be double jabbed and were higher income older high risk people. Their double-vaccine is long past it’s best-by-date. These are the people filling hospital beds, but no one is suggesting they should pay a health fee, lose their jobs, or be banned from flying.
Who’s caught more Covid, – the twenty-somethings
Over the whole pandemic the group who’s caught Covid the most in Scotland are the 20 – 24 year olds. Seen below in cumulative data with 100,000 cases per 100,000 population.

Source: Public Health Scotland.
In other news, even the boss of Pfizer says that two doses are not working against Omicron.
What this means according to Alex Berenson
Protection against “severe disease” is “reasonable right now” for people who have taken a “third dose” of Pfizer’s vaccine.
Put aside the fact that even those words are at best an optimistic interpretation of current data.
Put aside the fact that Pfizer has NEVER compared a three-dose vaccine regimen to a placebo in a clinical trial.
Put aside the fact that “reasonable right now” suggests that any effect of a third dose will not last.
What the chief executive of Pfizer is telling you is that if you received two doses of his company’s vaccine last year, your protection is gone. Even against “the hospitalizations and the severe disease.”
Weekly Statistical data in Scotland
This vaccination has now inverted to making you body more susceptible to additional virus while any more Boosters could kill the hosts.
The fancy name is Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and it’s not breaking any rules, it’s a well known problem that happens with certain virus types. Read up on Zika virus and Dengue fever.
The recommended strategy to address this vaccine-assisted disease enhancement appears to be “more of the same”. I think that may be breaking some rules.
“more of the same.”
Saw a question and answer meme:
Not necessarily Tel. If it were ADE presumably the Booster would make things worse. There are other ways immunity can go wrong — like Original Antigenic Sin, or T-cell exhaustion and probably a score of others. Though some of these would presumably also be worse with a Booster too.
So this is some flaw where immunity fades fast. But what causes the negative efficacy? Is that a specific weakening to Covid, or a general weakening of part of the immune system? Does the booster weaken the immune system while provoking a short honeymoon buzz against the old Wuhan Spike that lasts a month or two?
With ADE we know there is a mix of antibodies and a few of the total were identified as ADE inducing in August, but most antibodies were not. So there is a balance across a mix of useful/detrimental antibodies. Perhaps the ADE type antibodies were for some reason surviving longer while the helpful antibodies fade? I don’t know what mechanism would select that.
To what extent could this be an artifact of the statistics ?
Mi maybe dumb, but it is unclear to me what the “per 1000”. refers to ?
Is it per 1000 of the entire Scottish population, …?
..or per 1000 of just the relavent vaxxed , or unvaxxed populations ?
The statistics maybe a bit misleading.
assume 1000 people -they say that maybe 10% of these have had a booster and that 90% have had at least double vaccinated
So this gives 100 not vaccinated, 800 with a double dose and 100 that have had 3 or more doses.
Now say 50% of the un-vaccinated catch the virus, 20% of the vaccinated catch the virus and 10% of the boosted catch it.
The numbers are then 50 un-vac, 160 vaxed, 10 boosted.
It appear that 1 in 100 of those who catch the virus are hospitalised. so the numbers per 100,000 are as above 50 un-vac, 160 vaxed, 10 boosted. This is pretty close to the graph above for those hospitalised in Scotland. One can fiddle with the numbers to get a closer fit.
What these statistics do not show is the number catching the virus when they already have caught it once. It may well be that catching the virus is the best way of being safe but there is a risk of being hospitalised both with a vaccination or not vaccinated.
Personally, I have had a booster in Oct 21. I will likely not go for a 4th vax which could be available in Feb 22
The rates per 100,000 are for each category. Eg hospitalizations per 100k for vaccinated people are of 100k of vaccinated people.
Though these are probably only crude estimates to total population of “vacced” and “unvacced” etc, and if the total denominator is wrong, it will change the rates. It’s harder to estimate than you might think.
Neil and Fenton (PDF here) discussed UK data and how the size of the vaccinated part of the population was being systematically underestimated. That meant all the bad outcomes of the unvacced were “concentrated” in a smaller group. They estimated the “unvacced” population of the UK with some shonky estimates. I was quite astounded it was so badly done.
Anyone who uses medical or chemical products on a large scale to control organisms knows that resistance will develop rapidly if the following errors are made.
Exclusive use.
Repeated use.
Use in circumstances where the product will be less than optimally effective.
In repeatedly vaccinating enormous numbers of people with vaccines known to be “leaky”, most of whom were at relatively low risk of a very adverse outcome from the controlled organism – SARS-COV2, vaccine advocates have created the ideal scenario for the rapid development of resistant strains of the virus.
We’ve seen it before in everything from infectious agents in hospitals, to rabbits in the Australian landscape. As a farmer, I have been dealing with this phenomenon in weeds and parasites for forty years. Some very sensible virologists have been pointing to the inevitability of this outcome since mass vaccination campaigns were launched.
No-one should be surprised and there is nothing about this that “breaks the rules”.
It is just one more reason why we should have been doing as much research into treatment, as prevention.
Indeed Peter. You are correct, and I put the “breaks the rules” in quotes because that was how the ScotlandHerald were describing it.
I wanted to capture the wake up call effect…
Yes, the inoculations do produce the desired immune response but before long some process starts to induce tolerance to the antigen.
Depletion of contrasuppressor T cells perhaps?
my reading suggests that what is happening is that the immunity conferred by the vaccines is so specific (I think to just 3 proteins), that it is minimally effective against the Delta variant and completely ineffective against Omicron. They just have too many genetic changes for the narrow immunity to recognise them. Compared to normal immunity, which is wide-ranging because it identifies many proteins.
Obviously this is just a layman’s understanding. Real immunologists would be able to give you a much more accurate understanding.
Most vaccine immunity is indeed extremely specific. Though there are sometimes odd cross-over links –like one antibody to Swine Flu H1N1 was shown to bind to one small common section on the Corona spike.
That may explain some natural immunity and asymptomatic infections. However apparently the Omicron spike has shifted in that section. Possibly selected to get around that common antibody response?
The BCG vaccine and sometimes the live polio vaccine appear to have a generic “boosting” of immunity to other unrelated infections. So there are layers of different responses. I don’t know if anyone can explain the latter two?
Both natural infection and vaccination give similar spike protein antibodies
If ADE were a big problem you might expect recently infected people to get subsequent worse infections shortly after. Also, most people were double vaccinated many months ago all around the world, they would have low antibody levels, you would expect less ADE from double vaccinated people at this point as well, referring to the data presented in the post.
I’d also point out the other thing with ADE For Omicron is that ADE generally makes the disease worse on account of increased cellular entry. Omicron seems less deadly, therefore, ADE for Omicron based on immunity to the original variant seems unlikely.
Antibody diversity is generally much greater from natural infection than from mRNA induced spike protein antigen. Infected and vaccinated have markedly different antigen response patterns.
A confounding factor is that the naturally infected should be considered as having inadequate protective immunity at the time of infection (almost by definition- with adequate immunity they would not have been infected).
There is no reason to believe that the entire population has inadequate innate immunity to the SARS-CoV virus – it is not the Black Death. Genetic variation is a major factor in innate immunity, and for the vast majority of infectious viral diseases only a fraction of the population are susceptible to infection from close contact with viral sources.
My view is that about 85% of the population had adequate protective innate immunity at the onset of the pandemic, but the vaccination program has diminished the extent of that immunity.
Life-long innate immunity is being exchanged for an inferior short-term artificial acquired immunity.
It may actually be far simpler. There are issues with the reporting of unvaccinated vs vaccinated vs boosted hospitalizations/ICU/deaths. Given that your not counted as vaccinated/boosted for two the two weeks after the dose; that leaves a window for hospitalization/ICU/death that is counted (rightly or wrongly) as the previous state.
This causes problems with the statistics used to back up the choices for continuing rounds of booster shots & also correlated spikes in the death rates of UK age group vaccination rollouts are counted as in x state but not possibly caused by y state.
Three weeks in New South Wales. The UK statistics (previous post by Jo) have shown an increase in all cause mortality approximately 2 weeks after a dose.
NSW Health could very easily separate the No Dose from this statistic and historically had an unvaccinated category in these weekly reports.
This is not ‘Science’.
If it was general weakening of the immune system we would expect a lot of other diseases to be suddenly coming out of nowhere.
That may still happen, I have read some people suggesting that ordinary colds were worse in 2021 than other years but I have yet to see statistical support for this (admittedly, hardly any statistics are collected). Personally I had zero colds in 2021 … none, not a thing.
I did have one fairly stubborn cold during Winter 2020 which was annoying but not debilitating, it lasted about three weeks but only as an unusually running nose.
Thanks Tel,
My bolding and Caps of Coronaviruses.
It looks like it may be just that the vax does nothing to Omicron, combined with Frey Crowding Out because the vaxxed have been told it works against Omicron.
The lockdown crows have been ignoring Frey effects on human behaviour for the entire pandemic.
Fortunately they cannot deport Australians from Australia for discussing this toic
(We live in a crazy world right now, where it is even forbidden to discuss ordinary things)
Sadly it’s happening even here.
Haven’t they built some
concentrationquarantine camps?10
Perhaps not, but they can probably send us to the
re-educationquarantine camps in the Territory until we learn to be good citizens and not ask difficult questions.140
Dachau on the Downs might be closer
This is Simpson’s paradox
Example: Chance of getting killed by an asteroid is 1:250,000
Simpson’s paradox of a third kind:
Federal modelling suggests ‘very intense’ Omicron surge within weeks
Yet hospitalizations in Ontario are already at a record high and the Omicron wave is thought to have crested. Yet we are reopening and banning unvaxxed truckers from crossing the border
/monty python
“modelling suggests”
Well it would , wouldn’t it? No more , and no less than that.
Models always fall to ‘Paradigm shift’. Incorrect formulation of the problem. Classic engineering fail.
I’m glad I kept my crystal ball. It will become useful again once people realise the short comings of “modelling”. My tea leaves tell me that won’t be too far off.
You might need a new set of tea leaves.
I got introduced to modelling and computer simulation in the mid 1970’s and there was a fair list of shortcomings even then
What they are trying to do with thier “news” is overload people emotionally so they are so blindly panicking, they don’t notice whats happening in front of them.
Its basic sideshow charlatan antics at its best….
“Step right up! Get yer 100% Snake Oil here! Join the queue, stand in line, don’t complain, don’t you whine! Good ol’ Abe Bourla’s snake oil, medicine number nine!”
Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching…
Modelling “told” us, that everybody was equally vulnerable and that one in every thirty people was going to die.
Modelling told us that we would be able to drop restrictions when 70% were vaccinated. Then 80%. Then 90%…..
Natural immunity remains the big but mostly suppressed topic.
From the outset there appears to have a deliberate discouragement of anti-body testing to ascertain who might need a “treatment” and who might not.
Why should this be the case? Surely this would be the first thing to find out.
Another test, either not done or not reported, is the patients vitamin D blood level on admission or at time of test..
Dave B
There are several blood levels that are important in protecting against coronavirus infection:
Vitamins A, C and D
Although Zinc needs to be taken into the cells, which is where HCQ and Ivermectin come into it, and there are several other drugs that can help.
Natural immunity is not the only big suppressed topic. All conversation has been actively suppressed on all the things that could play a role in prevention or cure – vitamins, anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, etc. So apart from vitamins D, C, etc, there’s zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Ivermectin, Fluvoxamin, Budesonide, and lots more.
Our ABC has reported on all of these as follows: ” “. (full unabridged extract).
Jacinda’s jackboots are purging any and all ‘health practitioners’ who dare mention any of the above medicinals. Perusing today’s Team Of $55 Million misleadia is like reading something from 1960s China or USSR.
One source of truth
One jabberwocky for all
One world order
(not for me, count me out).
Would the time that acquired immunity lasts simply be the mean time between waves in most locations? If not what actually causes waves?
Very interesting question. Previous coronaviridae have been seasonal, disappearing over summer in temperate climates. My hunch is that the “Vaccines” are driving the pandemic by selecting for high R0 but low lethality.
Never mind that the old adage about no there can be no vaccine for tiny RNA viruses that mutate readily.
Simon. Well the vaccines are clearly not preventing waves. What has me most curious is how the growth rate suddenly changes at the high peak.
“My hunch is that the “Vaccines” are driving the pandemic by selecting for high R0 but low lethality.”
But there is another oddity. In the Ukraine, Indonesia and Iran the low between waves seems to have been very low compared to previous lows and by comparison to western highly vaxxed countries. As if the vaccines are keeping the spread going.
Natural immunity, sure… but proactive healthier lifestyle choices by the unvaxxed with informed vitamin/therapeutic supplements would explain the differences too.
In our circles, the double-vaxxed have only done what their governments have told them… rely solely on the vaccines for protection, which are no longer effective without the booster but as Jo says, for how long?
I reckon our family (Sydney) had Omicron. Wife caught it having lunch during the Christmas rush with a friend. Her friend’s immediate family, husband and adult daughter, all tested positive (double vaxxed, probably D3 deficient) had fever and all were bed-ridden for several days.
At the same time, wife and I had a scratchy throat, gargled once with Betadine which immediately killed it, very mild (constant) headache and slightly runny nose for several days. Teenage kids by and large, almost completely unaffected (snuffy nose, puffy eyes)… just gave them a daily Vit.C tablet. We had our Panadol, Polaramine and Aspirin ready to go if symptoms worsened… but didn’t use them.
Our experience also. Husband initially had sore throat (delayed telling me !) & when he had “tight” chest we hit it with recommended protocol – & was all over in couple of days. I also got scratchy throat which was controlled with Betadine. We think the mild response due to everyday recommended supplements plus anti histamines. Plus 2 years of very healthy diet, exercise.
BTW, thanks Vicki for your ‘gargling with Betadine’ suggestion (at least I think it was you!). We bought a bottle after your posts about it several months ago and will include in our overseas travel kit, if we’re ever so lucky again. I recall a friend who returned from China (pre-Covid) with the most horrendous cough, which almost ruined her holiday. I remember you saying Betadine saved the day for you in a similar situation.
“ and will include in our overseas travel kit”
I thought any liquids that fit the idea of “gargle” were not allowed as carry-on.
What have I missed?
The amount I think John. You are allowed up to 100 mL.
Yes, and anything over 100mL can go into your check-in luggage. We routinely pack 1L olive oil (and other consumables) when we travel, which allows space for souvenirs on the return flight home.
In the Irish sense of a gargle – you’re supposed to buy it from the drinks trolly
Will hitch a ride on this one and add what I consider a good news story recently read in this regard: “An early treatment anecdote. For the past two weeks, I’ve been helping my 90-year-old Type II (skinny) diabetic father-in-law. He was double-vaccinated, and I think boosted (although I just realized that I never specifically asked him about the booster). Anyway, he’s been very sick with *****-19. He unequivocally stated that he did NOT want to be hospitalized and is a smart guy with no dementia. So, hubby and I have driven 40 minutes each way twice a day to help him. His own doctor would prescribe nothing and kept trying to talk Karen-type SIL into bringing him into the hospital. With help from information gathered here and advice from frontline doctors, he took Vitamin C, D, zinc, Claritin, Ivm, Z-pac, albuterol and budesonide. He suffered and struggled, but as of the last two days seems almost completely recovered. His O2 sats were consistently 88-90 early on, but he was a “happy hypoxic” and adamant about staying home, so although it was nerve wracking, we let it stand, despite SIL harping for hospitalization. It was very scary trying to stay the course. The biggest improvements appeared to come about after a few days of albuterol and budesonide. He’s now up and about, eating well, breathing easily, moving around with little difficulty and very happy to be “feeling great” (his words).” My circumstances were similar to those of Vicki’s husband. As well as the Betadine gargle, I used it as a nasal decongester. Have posted on this previously. From Indian research, reco is to use at a conc of .6 rather than .2, so 1ml to 12 of water. My treatment regime also included the white paste, gave no ill effects. I weigh ~ 70kgs, so took a 100kg equ dose for 6 consecutive days. Ah! cost $15, – cheap! Spread in on an oily ham and egg toasted sandwich made for lunch each day. Quantity was not much different than the amount of toothpaste one would put on a tooth brush. I only had one uncomfortable night, but it took a fortnight for my throat to clean up. More recently, my wife has had her dose. Didn’t follow my protocol – why would she?, and coughed and spluttered around this place for a couple of weeks. It’s her house anyway. I think that it tried to get me again, but didn’t make the grade.
Same in my household.I’m the only one in my family not vaxxed. My whole family has been on the protocol that I’ve been using (the usual stuff) and only my youngest son who refused to pill pop caught it.
The lower “boosted” hospitalisation figures are not of any use because they derive from the survivors of the Double VaXXed group.
Many of the Double VaXXed group have eliminated themselves from further vaccinations because of the bad reactions to the VaXXing or in the extreme cases from having passed away.
The boosters may look good on the graph but things are not always what they seem.
Is it possible that the “unvaccinated” are the most informed and are taking vit D and Zn etc.etc. and therefore less likely to catch the virus in the first place?
I thougt this depends on what % of Scots are totally unvaxed. That is 5%. with no jab.
Why aren’t they vaxed? Perhaps they have had covid, or use alternatives or other measures to inhibit the virus.
Without that information the data only serves 1 purpose and that is get your third jab.
I don’t believe any authority has the right to make any individual put things in their body.
Governments have the responsibility to keep us informed and ensure adequate facilities are available.
There is far too much dishonesty and hence contradictions from extremist vaxers and antivaxers.
I always seek truth and find it difficult to find data that is unbiased. I have seen proof of antivaxers making videos to show lies. For example a woman birthing a stillborn child following a vaccination. In truth the baby was born a fortnight before the jab.
Projabbers are often aggressive and are unrealisticlly terrified of covid. Perhaps caused 2 murders in Victoria yesterday.
Experts have total contradictions and we can only sort through their consistent agreement and ponder motives and bias.
This Scottish data considered carefully is actully very clearly supporting a third jab.
Supporting a 3rd jab. when clearly the first 2 havent worked – leave you to it on that one.
The data says stay away from the jabs. Injury, death and before long we will likely see ADE.
Have you read the data below from NSW? It seems to backup the experience from Scotland, and if you dig into the UK data, it shows the same , namely 2/3 of hospitalizations are vaccinated.
But Steve,
The article clearly states per 100,000 7.06 double jabbed
4. 79 un jabbed
0. 24 boosted (3rd jab)
I am strongly against mandates and discrimnation.
I believe the motivation for releasing this data was to sell the third jab.
Supposedly the third jab makes you 20 times less likely to be seriously ill and 28 times better off if you have had 2 jabs.
There are many other contributing factors not addressed.
You know that the only thing that changes climate is man made CO2. If it wasn’t for fossil fuels every year would be the same and the BoM could tell us when to put the washing on the clothes line.
It’s obvious that they’re trying to sell the booster.
Using the so called “data” in that manner though, is deceitful because the booster group is made up of the initial VaXXine survivors.
All those damaged or extinct first rounders who dropped out by not getting the booster should be included in the “data” to show total efficacy.
The police were very strange about the neighbours reason for killing and that made me suspect it was jab related.
I have seen too many examples of disgraceful behaviour by both extremes. Violence from both. Masks being ripped from faces and protestors being attacked.
I was probably proved wrong as the police now suggest the argument was about garden watering. We know the MSM lie but vax and watering are both extremely emotive issues with some people.
I think some people may have misunderstood my 11.00 statement. Government should supply adequate hospitals, ICU, information, ivermectin, hydrox, zinc, ventilators etc.
They must consider economics and freedom of choice. My grandsons were forced to be jabbed or sacked. Both are in their twenties and know several guys who have had covid. 80% of the positives never even felt sick. The 10% that felt sick became the contact that forced the testing. The other 10% had a sniffle that would not have even caused them to take a sickie.
Its dusk and I am about to help the god lady wife water the garden.
sounds like a dangerous business, I may pack a sidearm
The unvaxxed in Scotland are mostly people under 40.
In general, people under 25 while likely to get infected by Covid they are not likely to get sick and even less likely to do.
They are acting rationally.
It is curious that anti body testing is discouraged & acquired immunity denied as protection. It just doesn’t make sense & encourages “conspiracy theories”.
Simply cost I think Vicki. Lots of people line up for PCR testing, but imagine if free ( not really ) testing for antibodies was announced. People’s in built curiosity if nothing else, would have the entire nation lining up.
Sure that would indeed be expensive, but it needn’t be. All that is required is a single, large-scale study. Performed properly (and there’s the rub), we could have known by now whether natural immunity beats the ‘vaccines’ or not. However, just like Ivermectin, Quercetin, vit D etc our governments are curiously disinterested. On the one hand they claim there is an emergency so profound it is worth ruining our economies, yet not urgent enough to put a relatively miniscule amount of funding into extremely valuable studies such as these.
Once again, this apparent double-standard leaves most thinking people wondering, “Is this REALLY an emergency, or not?”
With most things, including language, I am a traditionalist.
If you will pardon the pedantry.
“Uninterested “, means that you are not paying attention.
“Disinterest” means that you do not have a stake in the outcome.
In any sporting match, you want the umpire to be Disinterested, but not Uninterested….. and those ARE the traditional usages.
The original meaning of disinterested was precisely as I used it, i.e. to mean ‘not interested’.
“Dis – taken from Latin and was “the word-forming element of Latin meaning “lack of, not” as in dishonest”
This is one of those English language tussles where disagreement has existed for a long, long time and I will acknowledge that your usage is the more commonly-accepted today. Perhaps my inner Roman makes me do it. I am British and it could be that one of my early ancestors was Incontinentia Bucket.
You couldn’t make this stuff up, no matter
how hard you tried.
It certainly looks like it is coming from within.
Jo my understanding is that the unvaccinated group includes everyone up until second vax +14 days. Some of the so called unvaxed are actually vaxed with the first or second does and have had reactions to the vax. There is some question over all the stats because of this slight of hand. Given big techs banning of people for discussing the issues and the TGA bans on ivermectin etc and the mistruths coming out of health officials, it is difficult to know who to trust when it comes to info about covid, except yourself of course. I have found your presentation of the facts very level handed thankyou.
I believe there are too many unknowns to support a conclusion.
Populations, age, co-morbidities, living/working environments ,physical/medical condition when did treatment begin? what treatment?….
I believe everyone has been too quick to jump to conclusions which has led to much misinformation.
I am 72 unvaxxed and have had sinus headache sniffles and a low grade fever for a week. My vaxxed wife and vaxxed adult daughter were ill the week before my symptoms began. Daughter tested + Wife -. Neither’s RT- PCR test results contained any information other than +/-. No Ct nor viral load nor strain.
Unvaxxed 12 times more likely to be ICU patients
Unvaccinated people make up half of the patients in ICU but account for just 6 per cent of the population, with the unvaccinated 12 times as likely to enter intensive care.
In the six months preceding late December, 1014 fully vaccinated people were admitted to hospital with Covid-19, making up 2.4 per cent of cases. There were 5579 unvaccinated people admitted to hospital suffering the disease, accounting for 12.4 per cent of total cases. Only 0.2 per cent of vaccinated people who caught the virus had to be admitted to ICU, compared with 2.5 per cent of unvaccinated people.
That made unvaccinated people more than 12 times more likely to enter ICU with Covid-19 than those who were vaccinated.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet revealed on Friday that 50 per cent of the people in ICU with Covid-19 were unvaccinated.
“Vaccination is key,” he said. “It has been the key to keeping people safe during this difficult time, and it is why here in NSW and right around the country we have one of the lowest death rates and hospitalisation rates anywhere in the world.”
Half of Victoria’s 112 patients in ICU with Covid-19 come from the 6 per cent of the Victorian population that is unvaccinated, and 60 per cent of the state’s recent Covid deaths were people aged 50 to 100 who had not been vaccinated, according to acting Health Minister James Merlino.
“Half of the patients in the ICU come from 6 per cent of the population. Sixty per cent deaths come from 3 per cent of the population.”
As of Friday, 93.8 per cent of people in NSW had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine. More than 40 per cent of eligible people have already received their booster shot.
Among the 12 to 15-year-olds, 78.2 per cent are fully vaccinated, and 6.5 per cent of children aged 5-11 have now received one dose.
Of the 29 people who died from Covid-19 in NSW on Friday, 10 were not vaccinated.
Your last sentence is the interesting one. No mention of any co morbidities of those who are in ICU and unvaccinated.
Of the 29 people who died from Covid-19 in NSW on Friday, 10 were not vaccinated.
I noticed that 19 who died were vaccinated and
In the six months preceding late December, 1014 fully vaccinated people were admitted to hospital with Covid-19, making up 2.4 per cent of cases. There were 5579 unvaccinated people admitted to hospital suffering the disease, accounting for 12.4 per cent of total cases.
Given depth of vaccination 6 months ago, one would think that the next 6 months would see a rise in the fully vaxxed number admitted to hospital
Agreed. As you point out the first problem with the NSW stats is that much changed during the second half of last year including rapid injections and the onset of Omicron.
The Australian then compounds the problem by setting out to show how beneficial the injections are. What their analysis says to me is that the injections are woefully ineffective and should not ever be called “vaccines”.
I’d be interested to see the Australian investigate potential treatments. As I’ve said for some time testing + treatments = end of problem.
And the other irredeemable problem with these stats is that they relate to people hospitalised and dead “with” Covid, rather than “from” Covid. Consequently, they are meaningless for everything other than propaganda.
its apparent – if there was ever an English definition suited for “changing” it has to be – RARE BREAKTHROUGH
An interesting paper out of California comparing Delta and Omicron Outcomes for December.Obviously Omicron is less severe but some detail regarding vaxxed vs unvaxxed can be found in Table 5 in the appendices.
While vaxxes showed some benefit with Delta, your chance of being admitted to hospital with omicron was higher particularly double vaxxed but even Boosted compared with unvaxed.
John Campbell and Dr Beena Kumar both discuss this paper on Youtube
What a great business plan, get the gullible on the jab train. With monthly boosters needed because of a destroyed immune system the money never stops rolling in. Maybe this was the plan all along. Instead of mass genocide, like a drug dealer get everyone hooked and reliant on the boosters to stay alive.
And of course subsequent boosters will not be free.
Ka-ching, you’re on the money – though none of this is ‘free’ – can’t remember how much taxpayers’ money Comrade Leader has signed away to Jab Inc., if it’s in the millions, billions, or Pfizillions, and I don’t even use the product.
No real surprise, if people read official govt figures :
“COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW Epidemiological week 51, ending 25 December 2021”
“Section 3: Omicron variant in NSW”
Page 5
“Confirmed Omicron Cases”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 879 (79.5%)
“Partially vaccinated 12 (1.1%)
“No effective dose 154 (13.9%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed)
"Under investigation 29 (2.6%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 31 (2.8%)
From the article :
“In Victoria, the health department is unable to provide a breakdown of hospitalisation and ICU rates of unvaccinated and vaccinated Covid-19 patients. However, fewer than 2.4 per cent of people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 in NSW from June 16 to December 25 last year were fully vaccinated.”
In NSW, similar, but they only tell you half the story – here is the rest of the picture :
“Section 5: Clinical severity by vaccination status
“Table 5. Hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths among cases diagnosed with COVID-19, by vaccination status, NSW,
from 16 June to 25 December 2021
Page 7
“Fully Vaccinated 2.4%
“Partially vaccinated 8.5%
“No effective dose 12.4%
“Under Investigation 9.1%
“Not eligible for
(aged 0-11 years) 1.8%
Remember – this is June – Dec 2021 figures. So it spans Delta and Omicron.
G’day O S,
Shouldn’t that second set, from ” page 7 “. add to 100%?
Dave B
Privacy eh.
00, eh.
Hi Dave,
Good pickup, its because I had accidentally omitted the description which is :
“Hospitalised (% of total cases)” – so % of people who are vaccinated, partially vaxxed etc etc and wound up in hospital
The figures are correct.
On page 31 there are the definitions of all the stats, the “No effective dose” is basically 21days< since vaccination or is unvaxxed.
What makes if difficult is they leave it unsplit – in that you have no idea what the split is between newly vaxxed and unvaxxed. So to be generous to this sloppiness, we just split it 50/50 and leave them to it…..
"Cases reported as no effective dose:
" • received their first dose of a two-dose vaccination course less than 21 days prior to known exposure to
“COVID-19 or arrival in Australia, or
” • have not received any vaccine dose.
“Using the phrase “no effective dose” indicates that an insufficient period of time has elapsed to allow for maximal
immune response provided by the vaccine. It does not indicate that vaccines are ineffective.
You would think that the definition of “no effective dose” ought to cover anyone who got sick after a jab.
I mean, it they had an effective dose then that means they wouldn’t be sick … right?!?
Just me being picky but “no effective dose” is an interesting phrase.
My definition of no effective dose is testing positive after injection. Kind of like catching polio after being injected to prevent catching polio.
A cartoon just seen
“Call me crazy but if I had three smallpox shots in nine months and still got smallpox I’d have some questions”
Dang you beat me to it … but yeah I was thinking the same.
People worry that Western Civilization is losing our culture but we should start by just keeping our language properly operational.
Scotland’s data on vaccinations: At least one dose 91.9%, at least two doses 84.9%, third dose (booster) 66.63%.
These are the rates in the general population, so if the percentages of cases or hospitalisations that vaccinated people account for are less than these values then the vaccinations are having some effect.
Covid case rates in above article: 50% of cases are vaccinated, but 91.9% of the population has had at least one vaccination. As for the other figures we’re not given enough information to calculate the percentages.
Lots of other places with the same sort of stats: Denmark, Iceland, Breman, Singapore..
So even if the “vaccines” reduce your likelihood of serious illness if infected, your overall chance of serious illness could increase due to the greater likelihood of infection…
It will be interesting to see the numbers on this but I suspect they will only come out in retrospect.
BTW Jo, did you see the substack article that demonstrated how the booster “efficacy” could be purely due to the 2 week period after being shot where the people would still be counted as only fully vaccinated??
January 14, 2022 at 7:42 am
On this basis, as we all know, Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia for nothing.
Good on Novak for standing up for his principles and preserving his bodily integrity.
Yet another reason to prove Australia is “the dumb country”.
Australia is the laughing stock of the world, yet again.
I wonder if Australia will be removed from the international tennis circuit?
No, Novak was deported to protect the narrative. His exemption exposed the arbitrary, unscientific nature of the government’s CoViD policy which is totally based on vaccination.
CoViD vaccines must be protected!
G’day D M,
According to the ABC’s Just In, he’s still here.
” Djokovic will be interviewed by immigration officials in Melbourne this morning before being detained again, after a late-night court hearing on Friday where his lawyers challenged Immigration Minister Alex Hawke’s decision to cancel his visa. ”
The link was timed at just a few minutes ago.
Dave B
Fair enough David. He hasn’t gone yet but the Minister did cancel his visa a second time so I assumed his deportation was a done deal.
The argument this time around will be whether the minister exercised his discretion reasonably.
Failing to consider a relevant factor or taking an irrelevant factor into consideration will result in the deportation being ruled improper. And there must be a reasonable connection between the factors and the reason given.
Illegal immigrants can string the process out for years and stay in the country while they do so. All Djokavic needs to do is to string the process out for a couple of weeks.
Being banned from reentry for three years is the little mentioned horror besetting Djokovic.
If the tennis open sinks as a result no ne3ed to get back so no problem – for him
More around that and a cartoon
I think you mean horror for Australia; perpetual reminder of your government’s insane, NWO policies.
So basically the Govt is arguing that Djokovic should not have had his visa cancelled but now he needs to be deported because of the potential ‘public fire’ that was largely lit by the Govt cancelling his visa.
The Govt created the circumstances that mean Djokovic must go.
Novak is being deported because, had he won the tournament, which was highly likely, the government(s) would have been faced with the prospect of an UNVACCINATED person not only being well, but fit, strong and healthy enough to beat a field of VACCINATED opponents.
Could you imagine the fun we could have had with that story? There’s absolutely no way they could allow that to happen.
I find striking similarities between the current media circus ( like you say above ) and a certain set of olympics in europe just before WW2. Ideology is all in a totalitarian world, and likewise the Soviets would sacrifice large numbers of people to “prove” Soviet ideaology as “superior”…
We are in trouble when you get thought police comments from a so called conservative government.
Of course Jeremy Chardy won’t be competing.
Even the headline here was propaganda: “Taking vaccine and doing ‘common good for humanity’ force Jeremy Chardy to end season.”
‘The common good’ is expressly not allowed under every international treaty on ethics and humanitarian issues, that until recently were held sacrosanct.
Treatment is always allowed only for the individual and with their informed consent.
The Nuremberg Code 1947
The UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 3, 1948
The Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1984
Article D. Non-Derogable Rights, para. 58, spells out natural inalienable rights, and that those rights:
“These rights are not derogable under any conditions even for the asserted purpose of preserving the life of the nation.”
Note the precient insertion of the word ‘asserted’ wonderfully pre-empting the current deception.
The Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights 2005
Daisy Cousens has some excellent acerbic comments on the case.
Djokovic has not been deported yet. His lawyers have appealed and he is currently a free man.
Fair enough. Not yet, but his visa has been cancelled a second time.
Novak Djokovic was denied a visa because he gave incorrect (and self-serving) answers to certain questions. I have been critical of the government over its handling of the coronavirus all along (three letters to both state and federal MPs saying they should change tack) but the most relevant point re Novak Djokovic surely is that the rules used for Australian citizens must not be waived for a visiting tennis player. Thousands of Australian citizens have been trapped overseas for two years, unable to return to their jobs and families because of those rules. They have already seen a cricket team fast-tracked through, and if another high-profile person, who has in addition given false information, just breezes in then how do you think those Australians would feel.
Enough is enough. Those at the top must come under the same rules as everyne else.
You would need to see the minister’s reasons to make that statement. You would also need to show that the minister has always acted the same way in cases with similar facts.
Nothing is as simple or as complicated as it seems.
As in standard Climate-Speak: “It’s complicated”.
I posted the reasons above.
Yes. However the word “centred” suggests a summary rather than full reasons.
No, I don’t think the minister has acted consistently, but public pressure has been building. He has at last realised that he has to consider ordinary people. Long overdue, but better late than never.
The boosted are looking better with regard to hospitalisation just now, but in two or three months it would appear to be inevitable that they will go the way of the double vaxxed. Then they are booster dependent, on the booster merry-go-round, while they progressively weaken their innate immune system. Much better to have never started.
It appears more and more that the much maligned dooms-dayers (actually those with academic and intellectual integrity) will prove to be correct.
Are any medical stats broken up into type of vaccine a vaccinated person has had? Or is everyone in the one vaccinated basket?
Daisy Cousens has some excellent acerbic comments on the case.
So if Scotland uses the same “vaccines” as Australia, then ironically those in charge have allowed apples to apples comparison of results between countries.
Tally ho!
Jo, you have within 24hours presented two opposing reports. Yesterday it was the Europeans saying don’t push the
boosters. Today it’s the Scotland paper suggesting otherwise. What a quandary that presents for the double vaxxed.
The first is theoretically based. The second is the practice outcomes.
The appropriate response would be to point out that the effectiveness of the vaccine fades with time.
Therefore, we would expect those who have had the more recent shots to have a better outcome on those grounds alone….. but that those with the third shot will go the way of all the rest, as time passes.
Of course that IS the rationale behind repeated boosters….. but – as the WHO pointed out recently – an endless series of boosters is still not effective at preventing spread and is not sustainable.
Probably the best context on this issue is gained by considering the increasing evidence that there is no consistent correlation between high levels of vaccination, and low levels of CV19. In other words, the vaccines are not super-weapons, we cannot stop CV19 using them, therefore we need another string to our bow…. which looks very like being effective early treatment.
I asked our Sudanese Cleaner “what are folks back home doing about Covid?”
She said “no one cares. Everyone at the factory where my family works got it, so they took Hydroxychloroquine and it went away. Only one older lady got quite sick, but not for long.”
She also explained that with all the nasty tropical bugs kicking around, they have HCQ and other cheap drugs all over the place.
Plus, you can buy HCQ (and most medications) there without prescription. Supply isn’t a problem.
What this means according to Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson and many others continue to believe that this is all about Big Pharma exploiting a frightened population into trusting their drugs.
And this is why he (and others) declare that “vaccine passports are finished” – as if the obvious medical failure of the “vaccines” will spell their demise.
One respondent to the latest Berenson email shows where his interpretation misses the mark:
“The problem isn’t at all that “we” were “duped” or “hoped for” something we didn’t get.
“We” were FORCED, bullied, coerced, threatened, imprisoned, fired. I promise you 90% or more of the people shot up with this shit aren’t mentally ill internet fanatics- they just had their jobs, kids, and freedom threatened. (We can argue about whether their capitulation makes them weak).
They weren’t excited about “safe and effective.” They were forced.
All of this is about the fact that allegedly free nations became fascist states overnight and forced an innocent, 99% safe populace to take a drug at legal gunpoint.”
What seems to be missed in all the “let’s blame the greed of Big Pharma” approach is the fact that in the space of a few weeks THE GOVERNMENT OF VIRTUALLY EVERY NATION ON EARTH spun on a sixpence and dumped over 50 years of medical wisdom regarding pandemics and ALL opted to replace it with the totalitarian model from Communist China.
Now we await the Year Zero announcement; maybe the delay is because of haggling over the exact beginning date.
Just read this on Dr Robert Malone’s email feed:
“Alex Bereonson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn’t invent RNA vaccines.
Unprofessional, rude and an asshole to boot.
But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.”
Yup, there’s a lot of it around, I reckon.
Did Berenson really say that?
No, he didn’t call Malone a liar, but he did say that Malone’s claim to have invented the mRNA technology is a “large exaggeration”. He went on to say, “… and I don’t think he does us any favours when he says that Ivermectin has been proven to work.”
Malone doesn’t let him get away with either statement.
Sadly, he did Jo. Just scanned Malones newsletter. A great shame. Malone is an icon in this epic struggle against the Covidians. But bloggers like Berenson are also invaluable. Malone is a very tall poppy – I hope he doesn’t get ploughed under.
Yes, he did say that, Jo.
Check the video at item 5 on this link:
And check Berenson’s subsequent email defending himself, while claiming that Ivermectin “is no more a magic bullet for Covid than the mRNA vaccines he [Malone] didn’t invent.”
Berenson is sounding more and more like an agent of “controlled opposition” every day.
And it isn’t even as if it worked in Communist China. For starters, China notoriously lies all the time about all their statistics: economics, production, banking, etc. and they sat there with “gain of function” research known to be happening and simply told the uncritical media, “Let’s not talk about that. Please look over here.”
It’s obvious to me they lied about their case numbers almost constantly for two years, and the data is such an amazing outlier that it’s got to be cooked. They claim that their “zero covid” policy is working although they are also shutting down whole cities and unable to provide food supplies to their own people.
Even the leftwing ABC paints the Chinese lockdowns as drastic, and you can be sure it’s a lot worse than what the ABC is willing to admit.
People talk about the great danger of Mainland China invading Taiwan, but ask yourself whether right now they have any capacity whatsoever to do so?
In the general area
Via Chiefio
[ “You can stick your …. up your ….” video. Language warning. – LVA]
To boost or not to boost? That is the question. Yesterday’s article, the Europeans say hold off. Today’s article based on practice in Scotland favours the boost if one is double vaxxed and maybe tardy with the boost.
Shows just what a blind-leading-the-blind mess the science around this virus really is in, yet we have politicians mandating actions obviously based on best guessing and wielding democratically dangerous powers. Add the fact they, in their wisdom, have banned – as almost a hanging offence – the use of propitiously available, cheap therapeutics that seem to have proven reputations for being as effective as the therapeutic vaccines when used as advised. What a medico-political blundering system, and at what cost in health, lives lost and socioeconomic matters?
Beware nice little graphs seeming to show booster effectiveness. It easy to lie with statistics, hard to garner truth.
See for example “bayesian datacrime: defining vaccine efficacy into existence”
Or see comment #16
I’m sure I am missing something.
Of all those infected, the chances of hospitalization are very low.
In Australia the average age of covid death is older than the average lifespan.
So the vaccines only lower the likelihood of a likelihood that is already unlikely.
For this, a social disruption that teeters on the brink of disaster.
It’s very interesting the statistic that shows the average age of death attributed to covid exceeds the average lifespan, and that was already the case with the original strain.
Yep. Discussed this with many people early on. If only people could grasp the concept that Covid is less dangerous than daily life.
As with any other medical experiment you need a control group for comparison so why can’t the authorities cut the unvaxxed some slack? They are providing a valuable service.
Precisely; that’s why they are unwelcome!
I just heard on radio news that Australia’s Chief Medical Officer is warning of “an epidemic of the unvaccinated”.
Ye gods! Didn’t omicron arrive here courtesy of the double-vaxxed?
That’s so 2020. He really should know that this season, it’s the pandemic of the unboosted
Only a few days ago the CEO of Pfizer said the vaccine and booster shot offer very little protection from Omicron, in effect, no one is currently vaccinated. So the statement from the Cheif Medical Officer is true.
That makes sense – the unvaccinated stay at home and are not allowed to go to public places, of course they will not get the virus. The vaccinated people are out and about and are more likely to get and spread the virus. No surprise there.
Don’t be ridiculous! I am unvaccinated & I still need to get groceries, shop for essentials & try to live a normal life. I come across numerous contact possibilities in my daily life & in fact was contacted a week or so ago by the authorities as a close contact. I am still not symptomatic.
Mind you, I also use daily vitamin supplements according to the protocol of Covid physicians, & get a lot of exercise.
Don’t check in and spend cash, you will never be a close contact or be the cause of businesses closing and people losing their income.
Ironically, the Scots have maintained a higher level of restrictions than the English, and have suffered higher levels of infection. Arguably as a result.
Scots will have lower 25(OH)vitD levels than England because
1) the population centres are 4 and 5 degrees North of London(52 degrees)
2) The weather is worse(quite a lot).
” The vaccinated people are out and about and are more likely to get and spread the virus.”
So in what sense are they “vaccinated” – which we were ALL TOLD was to be “fully protected.”?
I am unvaxxed, spent yesterday with 700 people shoulder to shoulder, today with 50.
I go out the same as I always have, same cafes same everything.
You have no idea of what you are parroting, but I’m guessing you have never let facts cloud your
We the people. The rally yesterday in Atherton FNQ.
This graph sums it up better:
John Connor II
Great Graph – simple and puts it plainly – Covid 19 Statistics Scottish Public health Report 12/01/2022
Vacinnation Status – 28% Unvaccinated 72% Vaccinated
Cases – 14.2% Unvaccinated 85.8% Vaccinated
Hospitalisations – 21.5% Unvaccinated 78.5% Vaccinated
Deaths – 20.5% Unvaccinated 79.5% Vaccinated
13th January
Covid Scotland: Case rates lowest in unvaccinated as double-jabbed elderly drive rise in hospital admissions
DOUBLE-JABBED Scots are now more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than the unvaccinated amid an increase in elderly people falling ill due to waning immunity.
It comes amid “weird” data showing that case rates have been lower in unvaccinated individuals than the single, double, or even triple-jabbed since Omicron became the dominant variant in Scotland.
The counterintuitive data from Public Health Scotland (PHS) contradicts previous pandemic trends which have consistently shown infection, hospitalisation and death rates to be highest among the unvaccinated.
However, one expert stressed that the patterns probably reflect factors such as Omicron initially transmitting in more affluent communities.
In the final week of December, the death rate was 7.06 per 100,000 among the double-jabbed compared to 4.79 per 100,000 in the unvaccinated, and 0.21 per 100,000 in the triple-vaccinated.
In the week ending January 7, the hospitalisation rate was also twice as high in the double-jabbed compared to the unvaccinated – 130 admissions per 100,000 versus 59 per 100,000 – but fell to just 15 per 100,000 in the triple-jabbed.
The admissions data does not differentiate between patients in hospital ‘because of’ Covid and those who tested positive while being treated for other ailments, but PHS said the high hospitalisation rate for double-vaccinated individuals is being driven by increasing admissions among over-70s who are not yet boosted and whose immunity is waning.
It added: “In other age groups the rates remain lower for those with two doses compared to those with one dose or unvaccinated.
“This group of individuals aged 70-plus who have had two doses of vaccine but have not yet had a booster may include some very vulnerable individuals.”
Thanks for posting this article.
I have read numerous news reports that case rates (infection/hospitalization/etc) for the vaccinated are higher than the unvaccinated.
However, I have not come across write ups, articles etc that provide robust arguments and explanations why this is so.
What are the probable reasons?
Is it due to vaccinated/unvaccinated socializing behaviors, immunity being compromised by the vaccines, confounding factors like age, deprivation, etc, etc?
The list goes on.
Do any readers here know of any well written articles (journals, reports, etc) that provide explanations?
I suggest you watch some of Dr Robert Malone’s interviews, and use something like duckduckgo or rumble to find them. He gives a reference in this short video – 5 minutes:
which I found at #25 by John Connor II in:
Dave B
Oh, looks like a pandemic of the vaccinated to me.
Science forces me to change my statement above in #27.
‘So the vaccines only INCREASE the likelihood of a likelihood that is already unlikely’.
meant as reply to John Conner II #31
It’s very annoying to me that the whole (covid19) vaxxed versus unvaxxed narrative concentrates on statistics of cases, hospitalisations and deaths (and ofcourse adverse reactions which only applies to the vaxxed category).
It would be nice if we could all just take a step back and acknowledge that if these injections were truly vaccines, 100% of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would be in the covid19 unvaxxed category.
The discussion regarding relative risk should also include adverse events following vaccination, for a true picture of these vaccines’ value. We shouldn’t just be looking at deaths and serious sickness vaccinated vs unvaccinated but also all-cause mortality and injury vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
I agree.
My point is that the whole narrative keeps swaying away from the fact that a proper covid19 vaccine would have these stats:-
– Vaccinated: 0 cases, 0 hospitalisations, 0 deaths.
These mRNA injections are not even close to a traditional vaccine that works.
Australia today. Already looks like NSW and Vic may have peaked in daily cases. Yet ‘experts’ still trying to talk up hospitals being overrun.
And today Queensland has six deaths. Here’s how the CHO explains it.
“ Chief Health Officer John Gerrard said all of the six people who died had significant underlying health conditions.
One was aged in their 20s, one in their 70s, two in their 80s and two in their 90s.
“All of these people had in fact received a vaccine,” Dr Gerrard said.
“It is a reminder that even the vaccinated can get severe disease, particularly if you have underlying medical issues.”
Perhaps it is a reminder that comorbidities are a bigger factor than vaccination status? Or perhaps it’s a reminder that these so-called vaccinations are not actually vaccinations in any sense of the word as understood before 2021.
John Gerrard is better than the idiotic Dr Young. But he is still pushing a false narrative. He should be completely honest with Queenslanders and state the figures Jo has posted here and in recent weeks showing that the vaxxed are far more likely to get covid than the unvaxxed.
Other things he could do to actually help people who are sick would be 1) to advocate for Ivermectin and HCQ as treatments as there are still people getting quite sick here. 2) to emphasise the importance of vitamin D and C 3) Get people to start getting the weight off as 78% of those hospitalised in the US were obese and a big one, 4) come clean on masks and admit that they do virtually zero and yet we have a spiralling road toll and masks badly impact concentration – a link perhaps? At least stop people wearing them when driving or operating machinery.
But he will do none of the above and will continue to promote the narrative and his orders are the ones about to send 10-20% of teachers out of work as they wont take the vaxx – completely incomprehensible given the info Jo posts regularly here and what anybody with half a brain sees overseas.
Yep. The thing that sickens me most about this whole pandemic is that the vast majority of doctors have simply stopped treating their patients. There has never been a potentially fatal medical condition for which the treatment has been “Go home, lock the doors, and if it gets worse, don’t call me, call an ambulance.” The medical fraternity is guilty of en mass dereliction of duty. It is the single most disgraceful and embarrassing thing about the whole two years.
We have grown to expect doctors to be better than politicians and public servants … but we’re clearly mistaken.
I agree . It has been the thing that shocked me from the beginning. The advice has been to see your GP regarding vaccination – but not if you actually become ill! Amazing stuff. It was actually one of the irregularities that initially made be suspicious about the whole nature of the pandemic analysis by authorities. Standard procedures were being reversed – yet no one seemed to notice!
We had a rally for the teachers yesterday. our local area is losing 50% of the teachers. Won’t matter as most parents with any brains are not sending their kids back to school.
The newly unemployed teachers are starting their own home schooling programs for all grades.
The local doctors surgery advertised their youth euthanasia project, they are now closed/locked, open for appointment only, no idea what happened?
It’s now been two years and govts are still trying to tell us that in all that time they have not had time or ability to confirm the efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ one way or the other. Seriously.
Yes, but they have had the time to fund the production of multiple injectable products without confirming efficacy haven’t they?
It’s the same story for the last 2 years. There has been only a really small minority very badly affected by COVID. Even now, with Omicron and vaccinations, the seriously affected is incredibly low. Yet, the majority of us have been adversely affected in some way or another by the COVID restrictions. There has been a complete failure of holistic public health considerations during the COVID pandemic. All of which was known prior to December 2019 and laid out in pandemic guidelines issued by both WHO and individual governments.
Good Afternoon All,
Really enjoy Jo*s website. Just wondering if anyone else was curious as to the article in this morning’s weekend Australian that stated that the unvaccinated were 12 times more likely to be in ICU. I note the figures they provided, but also note that the article did not provide much context as to why someone might have been unvaccinated. If the figures are correct ( I will assume they are at this point in time) I think context in terms of why people who were in ICU were not vaccinated is crucially important to understanding the true rate of vaccine efficacy and also acknowledging that there are limitations on the percentage of the population that can actually get vaccinated due to reasons outside of their personal choice. As an example, I am aware of an individual who was admitted to ICU with COVID, but this individual had been advised by their medical practitioners that due to their age and underlying health conditions that vaccination as well as COVID, carried significant risk for them, and as a consequence the individual did not get vaccinated. It appears that this individuals health and age made them vulnerable either way.
The triple vaxxed will be exactly where the double jabbed are very shortly. Have a look at the Israeli cases – through the roof and they are nearly all triple jabbed.
This merry go round does not help anybody as the severe adverse reactions and permanent disabling will continue with the jabs, only more so as those who have had covid are madly being still told to jab and face over double the risk of an adverse event. And I had also seen that the boosters increase the rate of adverse events anyway.
We need to admit that given Omicrons mild nature and the completely unknown risks related to continually jabbing people, that the best strategy is to stop the jabs altogether. This is only logical but to say it brings down the wrath of the Pharma lovvies and vaxx pushers, and their govt beneficiaries. Nothing good will come of this continued jabbing.
From a blog and bumped
“When you find yourself in a hole with no exit the first thing you should do is stop digging”
“But these people are sure that there is an exit – further down”
🙂 🙂 🙂
From the ABS:
In 2021, 124,184 deaths occurred by 31 October and were registered by 30 November. This is 5,418 deaths (4.6%) more than the 2015-19 average and 5,000 deaths (4.2%) more than in 2020.
Since the start of the pandemic, 1,671 deaths were due to COVID-19.
Most COVID-19 deaths had acute respiratory symptoms such as viral pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome listed as a consequence of the virus. The highest number of COVID-19 deaths occurred among those aged 80-89 years (612).
71.2% of people who died from COVID-19 had pre-existing chronic conditions certified on the death certificate.
Chronic heart diseases were the most common pre-existing chronic condition for those who died from COVID-19.
Robber; not sure why chronic heart disease should be the leading comorbidity unless of course covid is primarily a disease of the blood vessels rather then the respiratory tract. I seem to remember Dr Robert Malone claiming exactly that – you know, the guy that played a large role in the development of mRNA vaccines.
May just show that the double vaxed needed to get a booster shot to get into the boosted column.
For example those in the double vaxed column may have all needed a booster shot as their immunity had worn off.
Very poor data analysis on very poor data.
Blah blah blah….
I’m still waiting for proof the virus and it’s variants have been isolated and identified.
It is all a scam!
Babylon bee type article from Steve Kirsch
He has outlined an interview with Fauchi
Oh Dear; I came across this article on the web
Its a US government medical site so presumably not totally shonky. It talks about the mechanism by which hydroxychloroquin protects against covid. Does that mean that maybe it does work after all? It must be evening, so many chickens coming home to roost. /sarc
The main reason hydroxychloroquin was maligned was because it would have given increased credibility to Trump, and they could not have that in an election year. Getting rid of Trump was more important to the left and the never Trumpers than saving lives.
So the Scots really are canny.
Doubtless the Wee Nippy Sweetie (the woman who gives Glasgow Fishwives a good name) will claim it is all due to her social enforcement policies.
Seems to me that ideas of Decarbonization and continuous vaccination, in an effort to eliminate ‘climate change’ and human viral infections are anti-human, and anti-nature, ‘anthropogenic’ interferences of epic proportion.
We are attempting to fix something that ain’t broke.
We have crossed a Rubicon where, rather than adapt to nature, we’ve decided we have become smart enough to ‘fix’ it.
Perhaps nature has noticed this flaw, and it is nature that is doing the fixing.
“German Government Data for the alleged Omicron variant of Covid-19, suggests that most of the “fully vaccinated” will have full blown Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by the end of January 2022, after confirming that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of minus 87%”
Behind the Herald paywall.
23rd December 2021
Double-jabbed 10 times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid than people given boosters
PEOPLE who have been ‘boosted’ against Covid are ten times less likely to be admitted to hospital with the virus compared to the double-jabbed, according to the first data showing the impact of the rollout in Scotland.
A report by Public Health Scotland also shows admissions among unvaccinated individuals, who tend to be younger, had outnumbered those for people who had received a third or booster dose in recent weeks despite this group being disproportionately older or vulnerable due to underlying conditions.
In the four weeks from November 20 to December 17, there were 213 Covid admissions among the boosted group compared to 740 among people who had received two vaccine doses and 381 among those who had never been vaccinated.
Once the figures were adjusted for age, it showed that the hospitalisation rate was just 2.8 per 100,000 among people given booster and third doses compared to 29.7 for the double-jabbed and 34.5 per 100,000 for the unvaccinated during the week ending December 17.
13th January
Covid Scotland: Case rates lowest in unvaccinated as double-jabbed elderly drive rise in hospital admissions
DOUBLE-JABBED Scots are now more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than the unvaccinated amid an increase in elderly people falling ill due to waning immunity.
It comes amid “weird” data showing that case rates have been lower in unvaccinated individuals than the single, double, or even triple-jabbed since Omicron became the dominant variant in Scotland.
The counterintuitive data from Public Health Scotland (PHS) contradicts previous pandemic trends which have consistently shown infection, hospitalisation and death rates to be highest among the unvaccinated.
However, one expert stressed that the patterns probably reflect factors such as Omicron initially transmitting in more affluent communities.
In the final week of December, the death rate was 7.06 per 100,000 among the double-jabbed compared to 4.79 per 100,000 in the unvaccinated, and 0.21 per 100,000 in the triple-vaccinated.
In the week ending January 7, the hospitalisation rate was also twice as high in the double-jabbed compared to the unvaccinated – 130 admissions per 100,000 versus 59 per 100,000 – but fell to just 15 per 100,000 in the triple-jabbed.
The admissions data does not differentiate between patients in hospital ‘because of’ Covid and those who tested positive while being treated for other ailments, but PHS said the high hospitalisation rate for double-vaccinated individuals is being driven by increasing admissions among over-70s who are not yet boosted and whose immunity is waning.
It added: “In other age groups the rates remain lower for those with two doses compared to those with one dose or unvaccinated.
“This group of individuals aged 70-plus who have had two doses of vaccine but have not yet had a booster may include some very vulnerable individuals.”
here is a clue:-
I am loving this COVID nonsense. This is exactly the same approach, scientifically, when compared to AGW. Models and predictions which don’t work. The Scottish data may be related to the COVID 19 virus’s ability to mutate, or just simply human error. Who knows??
there is weird data that contradicts data in every other jurand then there is published data on Scotland