A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Top o’ the mornin’ All!
Good morning to you Annie and Analitik, and also to all whose comments I am about to read.
How did that comment rate a red thumb?
Novavax vaccine may be approved for Australia within months
Protein-based vaccine was promised for 2021 but met heavy delays, despite government reassurances, earning the nickname ‘Never-vax’
Wed 12 Jan 2022
Australia’s promised supplies of 51m doses of the Novavax vaccine, which failed to arrive in 2021 as planned, may be approved within months after the company finally completed its approval applications with the health department.
The protein-based vaccine, which was initially intended to be available as a primary vaccine for the entire Australian population last year, has earned the nickname “Never-vax” within the health department because of the ongoing setbacks.
After providing initial data to the Therapeutic Goods Administration in January 2021, the company provided the government with its “complete submission of data and responses” last week.
The Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV), which advises the TGA and the health minister, met to review the Novavax vaccine on Friday. The TGA is now preparing to review the committee’s final report.
“Once the ACV’s final report is received and reviewed by relevant parties, the TGA will be in a position to make a decision,” a spokesperson for the Department of Health said.
“The Novavax vaccine candidate will not be rolled out to the Australian public until the TGA has completed a full and thorough assessment. No part of this process has been rushed, and the TGA will not approve a vaccine unless it is found to be safe and effective.”
The department noted that the supply of Novavax vaccine after approval would still be dependent on products arriving in Australia and meeting laboratory batch release requirements, noting problems faced by the company last year.
“Throughout 2021, Novavax publicly indicated that there were delays in their regulatory submissions due to a series of vaccine manufacturing and supply issues,” the spokesperson said.
Novavax Begins Shipping Covid Vaccine to Europe
Tue, 11 January 2022
Novavax Inc. has shipped the first doses of its Covid-19 vaccine to Europe, marking the drug company’s entry into a potentially large new market. He calls this a “big milestone for the company.” He talks about when the vaccine could be approved in Canada and the U.S.
I thought it was already meant to have been approved.
Why the delay?
It’s probably the government don’t like it because:
a) it is a more traditional protein subunit vaccine
b) properly thought through
c) Novavax Inc. is not a member of the Big Pharma club
d) it works. It might end the pandemic. There would be no more excuse for removing individual rights and imposing dictatorship.
Probably 100% correct David. The same treatment is being metered out to Vaxine Pty Ltd, the developers of Covax-19, another protein based vaccine. By the time they get released to market, they may not be required or will need ” adjusting ” to accommodate the present Omicron variant and future variants.
Big Pharma certainly have had the lions share of the $$$$ in this plandemic.
The contribution of the Novavax product will mean the government has purchased enough doses for everyone in Australia aged zero plus to be injected 12 times.
That’s really kind of insane. Would be interesting to know the “rationale” behind that.
Shelf life ???
Depends on how its stored and/or transported
Effective, very effective.
The rationale behind it is simply to implement a digital ID, to function in their NWO all individuals will have to comply with the forcing of endless booster shots, the technological tracking of all your movements via implants or internal circuits (graphene oxide), the loss of private property replaced by state rentals for every aspect of life, a digital currency/benefit that is non negotiable and taken away for any reason they see fit, a social credit system that rewards compliance and informing on others.
Are you awake yet Australia?
12 jabs might be enough stuff to make one bluetooth discoverable.
…rationale behind that?” How much of the purchase price was “diverted” to political concerns?
The rationale?
It is simple: you pay, Pfizer earns.
Of things that are useless at best and quite possibly highly dangerous
Talk about hoarding ! !
For those interested in hearing direct from the head of Novavax Inc. Quite enlightening to hear him talk about third and possibly fourth ‘booster doses’ plus periodic ongoing boosters, maybe even pre-mixed with their existing ‘flu shots.
“The Novavax vaccine candidate will not be rolled out to the Australian public until ” … let me guess:
Until every single person in the nation who can be threatened with having their jobs and their lives destroyed, cajoled, gas-lit, hounded and shamed into taking the preferred mRNA “vaccines” has taken them – those few “anti-vaxxers” remaining might be granted permission to use Novavax, so long as they agree to the infinite number of boosters required .
Sure – Novavax is finally arriving…when even the WHO is intimating a change of position on boosters.
I doubt if we shall ever know the truth about what delayed the approval and release of Novavax in Australia.
Greg Hunt knows, but I doubt if we will get the truth from him. As everyone knows, he is resigning before the next election. But before he does, he has introduced a compensation scheme for all those injured by the genetic “Vaccines’ …..AND….backdated to February.
Think about it.
Topher Field’s new film Battleground Melbourne
The last 18 months has seen Melbourne, Australia, fall from ‘Most Liveable’ to ‘Most Locked-down’ city in the world. It’s an astonishing fall which has brought with it previously unthinkable levels of civil unrest and government repression and sparked protests around Australia and throughout the world as scenes reminiscent of the USSR or CCP have gone viral.
The fact that these scenes are playing out on the streets of a city in a wealthy and ‘free’ country makes this an ominous warning for all. If it can happen here, it could happen anywhere.
Battleground Melbourne tells this story from the perspective of the activists and journalists who tried to save the city of Melbourne.
This is our story.
It was a lovely sunny day yesterday Here in Devon. So my wife and I went to the pub for lunch. No masks, no QR codes, no vaccine passports, no curfews. Lovely completely normal meal
If this had been Austria, the unvaccinated would not have been allowed out of their homes assuming the restaurants had been open And not under a curfew. Any pedestrian may have been checked by undercover Police on the streets checking their vaccination status, vaccinations are becoming mandatory.
On arrival at the restaurant, in some places wearing masks outside to get there, and with your vaccine passport checked before entry. A dystopian nightmare.
Where does Melbourne currently sit between these two experiences, as I know at one time the police were wildly over reacting.?
There’s a vid on YouTube of Queensland (?) cops arresting an older woman for refusing to show her vax status , wasn’t read her rights just manhandled by five cops and arrested for obstructing justice . Apparently she was fined $1300 .
Not enough staff to check things like vaccine passports and not much point. Omicron is tearing through the place and should crest in the next week. Staff shortages are significant as people self isolate. There are no rapid antigen tests available to general public – all sold out. Supermarkets are not very busy. Fruit in good supply. Seafood OK but chicken and red meat generally low stocks. Mince meat rationed.
Hospitalisations and death rate both rising but relatively low compared with cases; today 147k cases and 53 deaths. Most deaths are still from unvaccinated group although numbers have not been updated this year so far. Hospital staff in critical situation. My son ended up a close contact and was required to isolate and decided to resign as his partner has a new job interstate and he will locum from there. He can earn $200/hour as a locum in most hospitals these days. He is moving to Tasmania where their covid experience is limited to date so he will bring a lot of covid experience.
Novax should be available for the Aus Open but there is a good chance it will be a mess with Covid already hitting players.
The T20 bigbash cricket has become close to a farce due to player loss from covid self-isolation.
Last ashes test starts tomorrow – covid permitting. Australia has the series but it would be nice to see another win. The 4th test was riveting in the last few hours but Anderson hung on. The grit of the defeated poms has to be admired. All other batting nations crumble in the death – not the poms.
RickWill. A young bloke I know personally, is currently dying in hospital due to a brain disorder. He is unvaxed since the vax would have maybe killed him even quicker.
If he tests positive to SARS-CoV2 before dying (hospital staff now not isolating) he will be one of the unvaxed Covid death stats. What we need to know is why the dying unvaxed are not vaxed (too feeble: too sick for it?). Facts are that Covid CANNOT harm a healthy person without pre-existing health issues. NOT ANY.
According to the latest from the US, about 75% of “Covid deaths” were people with AT LEAST FOUR existing illnesses.
The entire pandemic has been a transparent scam from the very get-go.
” it will be a mess with Covid already hitting players. ”
Where does London sit would be a more sensible question. There has always been a large divergencd between the behaviours in regions vs cities, although the broad brush right up to whole country level is often applied.
You don’t need a vaccine proof or a mask to enter hospitality places for a drink a meal or to stay. You need a passport to attend large scale events so most venues are exempt but not large stadiums
sounds similar then, though at least in VIC they want vax passports enforced. The degree to which that happens in real life varies.
funny today we went to lunch in a nearby town
we were greeted and seated and there was nary a mention of QR codes or vax status.
we saw another couple arrive and they were soooo eager to show their honour badges the waiter had to pull his head back from the phones being pushed in his face.
some people on the streets walking around in masks, most not. We shouldnt have driven towards Melbourne.
Thanks for everyone’s replies. Just had another completely normal lunch at nearby Widecombe on Dartmoor, which Annie knows I think.
Why I am recounting recent lunches? Well, they are our treat, as this week we should have been on the Glacier Express In France and Switzerland which was cancelled, as the French in particular went mad, put Brits into quarantine, then outright banned us, even though they had more infections than we did and they allowed EU residents to enter, again with more infections.
Truth to tell we are not sorry as we would have had to show the French triple vaccinated green pass on every station, every train, every cafe, restaurant, shop, hotel, EVERYWHERE! Which somewhat takes away the pleasure of the trip as masks are mandated as well in all those places and even outdoors. They are moving to compulsory vaccination , the Greeks are fining those without the jab and the Italians again require a vaccine passport everywhere and are going to apply extra taxes as well as restrictions on the unvaccinated and make the jab mandatory… If you are a day over the time limit and the initial vaccination has lapsed you are considered unclean and lose your passport
As mentioned yesterday Austria has got the secret police out on the streets to check up on the vaccination status of people.
So all in all due to Boris actually standing up to the mad scientists and for all his many faults, we are probably one of the freest of any in Europe especially the Dutch who have a lockdown and curfew at present.
Some of the OZ states seem to have gone as mad or madder than Europe and I will long remember the brutality and sheer idiocy of your police forces.
This from Washington Dc. Not only will vaccination passes be needed to access most places but they will be combined with a photo id card
This is surely something that everyone feared but was always denied, that your health details and id are combined in one place and is mandatory to produce if you want to do anything.
Welcome to socialism, even Nazionalsozialism.
“Boris actually standing up to the mad scientists”
which would explain why Boris i, apparently , brown bread – politically .
Ah yes, Widecombe. We went there for afternoon tea with scones, jam and cream, after a hike around the moor. We were staying with very dear friends who lived nearby and were entertaining ourselves that day. The wife has died since, very sadly, and our last visit was to have lunch with the husband. That lunch was well over two years ago; part of our last time in England, a short and busy stay. Never guessed then that we wouldn’t be back for a more leisurely visit because we are stuck here in Victoria. 🙁
A group of German doctors and researchers have become the latest to find substantial impurities in COVID-19 vaccines as well as in the blood of vaccinated individuals.
Worms in the vax, really?
Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot sounds off against Israel’s policies
She may never work in Holly
woodwoke again250
I should have mentioned that the above was just one tweet of the 23 that she put up in the thread on her profile
I recommend reading all 23, just so one realizes how much crazier things will still become….
A self-inflicted pale yellow star.
Wasn’t WWII bad enough ?
D’oh !!
Covid-19: ‘Unvaccinated hogging hospital beds and ruining my life’, says Parkinson’s sufferer
Liam Mendes
As the Covid pandemic throws the nation’s healthcare system into crisis, Peter Boyce is facing the gravest battle of his life – all because he doesn’t have the virus.
The father-of-three has battled the ravages of Parkinson’s disease since being diagnosed 3½ years ago, and had already endured an agonising wait to undergo neurosurgery that would dramatically enhance the quality of his life.
Instead, the procedure has been indefinitely postponed after his hospital was overwhelmed by an influx of Covid-19 patients, many of whom chose not to be vaccinated. “These people really don’t understand how selfish they are, their decisions are having a direct impact on people like myself, it is just cruel,” Mr Boyce told The Australian. (Disclosure: Mr Boyce is my uncle.)
“I’m getting older, I want to be here for my grandchildren, and have some fun,” he says. “I’ve just retired so it is cruel in that sense.”
The needs of the unvaccinated have now become a more sinister threat than the tremors that have robbed the 64-year-old of a peaceful retirement. And he’s angry.
“Every day lost from having surgery is a day lost from my life that I can’t get back,” he said.
“The surgery gives me more better days for more years, but it has to be done now.”
With doctors and nurses forced into isolation, and the unvaccinated taking up scarce hospital beds, elective surgery was postponed last week in order to alleviate pressure on the hospital system.
In Victoria, the health department is unable to provide a breakdown of hospitalisation and ICU rates of unvaccinated and vaccinated Covid-19 patients. However, fewer than 2.4 per cent of people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 in NSW from June 16 to December 25 last year were fully vaccinated.
NSW Health says half of all patients in intensive care with Covid-19 are unvaccinated, but 93 per cent of people in NSW have received two doses of vaccine.
Mr Boyce doesn’t understand why he has to give up his position in a hospital to someone who has elected not to be vaccinated.
“Imagine if somebody said, ‘I really prefer driving on the other side of the road, so I’m going to do that and you can all adjust around that and change the rules to suit me’. But here we are letting them drive on the wrong side of the road.”
From the Comments
– Increasing resentment of those who are unvaccinated — not only among critically ill patients who can’t access appropriate treatment, but throughout the health-care workforce — is starting to divide the community.
– Albert Bourla the CEO of Pfizer has come out and said that the Two doses of the vaccine offers little or no protection but a third dose will be OK. He has also stated that a vaccine will for the Omicron variety will be out in March. Every one I know that are crook have been vaxxed. I feel for this bloke but he needs to get his facts straight.
– Reading the comments below, and noting which comments get ‘likes’, it seems to that if our leaders had wanted to divide society, they have certainly succeeded!
– Latest official weekly report reveals at least 72% of hospitalisations are vaccinated. From when 28% is “majority”?
– Staff shortages due to the arbitrary rules are the real issue, not patient numbers.
By way of putting things tsraight :
“COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW Epidemiological week 51, ending 25 December 2021”
“Section 3: Omicron variant in NSW”
Page 5
“Confirmed Omicron Cases”
“Vaccination Staus”
“Fully vaccinated 879 (79.5%)
“Partially vaccinated 12 (1.1%)
“No effective dose 154 (13.9%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed)
"Under investigation 29 (2.6%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 31 (2.8%)
From the article :
“In Victoria, the health department is unable to provide a breakdown of hospitalisation and ICU rates of unvaccinated and vaccinated Covid-19 patients. However, fewer than 2.4 per cent of people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 in NSW from June 16 to December 25 last year were fully vaccinated.”
In NSW, similar, but they only tell you half the story – here is the rest of the picture :
“Section 5: Clinical severity by vaccination status
“Table 5. Hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths among cases diagnosed with COVID-19, by vaccination status, NSW,
from 16 June to 25 December 2021
Page 7
“Fully Vaccinated 2.4%
“Partially vaccinated 8.5%
“No effective dose 12.4%
“Under Investigation 9.1%
“Not eligible for
(aged 0-11 years) 1.8%
Remeber – this is June – Dec 2021 figures. So it spans Delta and Omicron.
Just recently, the U.K. posted data saying that approximately 70% of COVID-positive hospitalizations among unvaccinated are hospitalizations for something else, and they test positive while in the hospital, on average eight days after admission. Yet these are counted as COVID hospitalizations! So I have a stroke, I go to the hospital, and after eight daily COVID tests, I get a positive. Am I hospitalized for COVID? If you are saying yes, then I can for sure baffle you with BS. Even Fauci admitted that most children hospitalized with COVID are in the hospital for something else and only happen to test positive.
We need to wake up to this madness.
The only good thing now is that the nonstop vaccine-boosting has resulted in the government labeling all the double-vaxxed as not immunized. They are now welcome to the same scorn and disdain as us pure bloods. They were told back in the day that getting the vaccine meant getting back to normal. Now they know: the masks never went away; two shots are not enough; and if they don’t comply, the powers that be are coming for their jobs, their leisure travel, everything they have taken from us pure bloods. We welcome them as our half-blooded counterparts. They can now join our resistance and take the country back.
I am reminded of a plaque that my mentor had in his office. “It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you work with turkeys.” So, physicians, stop being so foul, and take back the practice of medicine.
NSW Health has provided further details of the 22 Covid-related deaths recorded in the 24 hours to 8pm last night.
According to the daily update, one person was aged in their 60s, eight people were aged in their 70s, seven people were aged in their 80s, five people were in their 90s and one person was older than 100.
Of the 22 people who died, 14 were vaccinated and eight were unvaccinated. All but one of the deaths occurred in Sydney, with one fatality recorded on the Central Coast.
There have been 799 Covid-related deaths in NSW since the beginning of the pandemic.
Yeah but to be fair, unfortunately if someone elderly also has underlying health conditions, a bad flu will kill them, covid being a flu and all…..
Not to mention the shock of a fall and broken hip etc which puts some to the point of just giving up and slipping away.
Covidlive reports 48% of those in hospital in VIC were fully vaccinated as at Dec 31, up from 38% earlier in December, but 0% of the 54 in ICU were fully vaccinated. Earlier in Dec report showed 10% of ICU cases were fully vaxxed. Data reportedly comes from Vic Dept of Health weekly media release. It’s not stated whether those admitted to hospital with Covid were there solely because of Covid, or admitted for other reasons and then tested positive.
NSW data shows 7% of those in ICU fully vaxxed and 16% of deaths were fully vaxxed.
Note that the statistics compare number in hospital or in ICU and not throughput of cases.
Unvaccinated have longer hospital and ICU stays, so their proportion in hospital will differ from their proportion of individual cases over a period. You will find that the proportion of the vaccinated by average number of new cases would be significantly higher in both instances (early December v late December).
It’s the bed availability that’s important for hospital management, so the discrimination against the unvaccinated in that respect is justified.
Nonetheless, it is misleading.
Please define unvaccinated? Is it like NSW with the ‘No Effective Dose’ category, capturing all the admissions and deaths from those who have received a mRNA injection within the last 21 days.
In many cases these people, recently vaccinated, will be spending the rest of lives visiting hospitals, that is if they survive the treatments currently offered and the horrific deaths and maiming that is being reported in the DAEN early warning system.
There is hope though for those suffering from the heart disease at least.
Pig’s hearts may be available.
In a Pig’s Ear to this statement of your charitable nature.
So where should you start the pile for ambulances to dump those unvaccinated that may have suffered a life threatening injury?
Don’t be obtuse. The context was clear- I was referring only to people who were in hospital with Covid.
My point was that health bureaucrats were misusing statistics to give the impression that the relative frequency of hospitalised unvaccinated cases were much greater than in fact it was.
They were effectively using exaggeration to stimulate animosity by one group of people against another for political reasons.
people without Parkinson can say, people with Parkinson’s ruining everyone else life as well.
Problem started when government promised “free lunch” — you go to see doctor and no need to pay, you go to hospital and no need to pay.
Australia have socialist health system — and that system will fall apart as any other socialist program.
“no need to pay”
All taxpayers pay Medicare contributions/insurance premiums .
I do not have data, but intelligent guess will be enough;
If person spend 10-15 days in Intensive care, medical care expenditures would not be covered by that person life time of taxes.
In 2016, spending per person in Australia was the 7th highest of all OECD countries: $6,661 per person
Incorrect actually, you are talking about one part of the health system as though its all of the health system.
Are you aware that Medicare pays 75% of the scheduled fee in”Private Hospital” operations? That true private insurance is outlawed and can not be implemented in Australia- which is why you can claim a chiropractor visit but not a GP visit with “Private health insurance”
doesnt mean everything is free including gp visits, which is what is presented. Are you aware that 75% of the “scheduled fee” is actually a spit in the ocean?
Wonder how the hospitals are filling with unvaccinated seems we are denied entry to hospitals, can’t get past the SS at the door?
In Cairns yesterday for the wife’s appointment with an eye specialist. Had lunch prior to the visit at a café. There was a Cairns post newspaper on the table so I had a read, the story on the third page was a lady who presented at the Cairns base hospital with severe chest pains and was turned away as she did not have the green tick.
She was double vaxxed but did not have time to download the app after her second dose before the onset of the chest pain, I did not finish the story so not to sure of the outcome. I think this is the story on face book, but I cannot view as I don’t have face book.
The eye specialist we go to is normally packed with people in a huge waiting room, can never get a car park. Yesterday empty maybe 6 people and one car in the car park.
The local pubs in my area are down 50% on trade, they don’t think they will survive. A friend works at Big W and has until the end of March to double Vaxx or lose the job, strangely the staff at the W have been told not to harass people who won’t play the mask game and not ask for a look at the tick. 50% of the staff are leaving at the end of March.
Could be all pantomime…
Saw a report on Channel 7 MacKay news that all hospitals for miles were full (Mackay, Prossy, Bowen, T’ville etc) and ambulances lined up for blocks.
Next day I visited a friends who’s brother had fallen off a ladder at Sarina and was rushed to MacKay base. When I asked ‘Was it packed?”…”Nah, he’s in a two bedded room on his own for a coupla days.”
Everything the govt or the MSM tells us is a lie!
Same cairns base hospital late December had real hard time getting in to appointment as not Vaxed and no ph.
Two days later made to sit out in the sun at eye specialise and was told to go away didn’t want me near their vulnerable vaxed “mob”
Week after that turn up for an appointment at Medical Clinic to have stitches removed, again made to wait outside and then taken in via back door so as not to expose myself to any of the “clean” people inside.
Great experience in how prejudice works.
Lest we forget…
Isn’t there supposed to be something called ‘triage’?
Patients are managed are managed on the basis of urgency.
‘Hogging beds”, what a joke.’
Lack of capacity is a failure of medical management.
Not a failure those seeking medical care.
If anything, medical resources are being overwhelming ‘hogged’ by the obese.
So. close gyms and parks.
Behold reality turned on its’ pointy head.
John I wonder if they will start to give preference to those vaxxed for ICU and ventilators over the unvaxxed?
What you find is that the old, frail people, who are vaccinated, end up in hospital due to other causes but are placed in a covid ward because they also have covid – they may have contracted it in ED. Many of this group would not survive invasive treatments so they do not get into ICU. They are medicated to ease whatever ails them and often fade into afterlife in peace.
The big effort is put into the younger people (say under 70yo), most commonly unvaccinated, because their chance of surviving invasive treatment is higher.
This is another reason why unvaccinated tend to disproportionally dominate ICU. Vaccinated people in hospital are more likely to be in their 80s. Unvaccinated from 40s though to 70s.
Thank you RickWill. I haven’t seen information like that in the media. And expressed so plainly and simply, that one would wonder how it could be ignored.
Why when there is no shortage of either?
“John I wonder if they will start to give preference to those vaxxed for ICU and ventilators over the unvaxxed?
Good, here in the US, at least one will not be contributing to the bounty being paid by the government to the hospital for vents and treatment with Rundeathisnear.
Oh, and besides paying a bounty for desired outcomes, let’s fire experienced doctors and nurses that are disinclined to be coerced into medical treatment, and then demonize the sick for the lack of doctors and nurses.
Asking anyone to present evidence the any government or medical establishment anywhere made serious efforts to improve capacity and therapeutics in case the witch/dragon virus escaped from the cave to eat the village.
Somebody doesn’t care if the village is eaten.
(managed to not prematurely click the Post button this time … I hope.)
I feel terribly sorry for all those who cannot get the medical attention that they deserve, due to the difficulty in hospitals coping at the present time. My own grandson, with a broken jaw after being king hit from behind, was unable to get operated on for several days.
However, it is a big stretch for people to blame Covid alone for the overcrowding, and an even bigger stretch to blame the “unvaccinated” when the statistics show a preponderance of the vaccinated.
Our hospital ERs have run “on the edge”for a number of years. Any sort of abnormal “run” is going to cause problems.
I am vaccinated for many diseases. But not this apparent “Black Death”. Not in Hospital either as I have an Immune System that is many times better than an experimental (mental) gene therapy emergency approved potion……………………
Brilliant – Chris Martenson goes through an abusive relationship guide to evaluate government and big tech actions over CoViD
Trump has just destroyed himself.
His continued pursuit of credit for the “warp speed” fuels his praise of vaxx.
Only two types of people continue to push this vaxx:
[1] The terminally ignorant mass-minded Left.
[2] Supporters of the Great Reset.
I don’t care which Trump is, I am DONE with him.
I am not going to write him off over one error.
He’s the only hope the United States and Western Civilisation in general have.
Charter boat, what charter boat?
He gave a job to the pharma companies …they said they could do it with some help from government, reckoned they got it done and then didn’t get it done ….all Trump did was get them started and kept them focussed …it’s not his fault the vexes are substandard …. he also pushed for HCQ and monoclonal but they got dumped on … Israeli (I think) company developed a light source to disinfect blood, he talked about it and was laughed at by ignorant pseudo-scientists … I doubt anyone around could have done much better esp with a swamp to wade through whilst dragging behind him a set of huge media tyres …
Marc Girardot – IT, Automotive, Biotech advisor and member of PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics) – shows how vaccinating children “to protect society” is insane, even if the gene therapy spike protein vaccines prevented (or even reduced) transmission.
Uh oh…..a leak froma BSL4 lab?
“Officials in Kazakhstan have denied that a controversial ‘military biological laboratory’ was seized in the recent unrest, which has so far claimed 160 lives since starting on January 2.
“It is not clear if the 164 deaths refer only to civilians or if law enforcement deaths are included, but the number – provided by the health ministry to state news channel Khabar-24 – are a significant rise from previous tallies.
“Kazakh authorities said earlier on Sunday that 16 police or national guard members had been killed.
“Russian media highlighted claims that the US-funded facility near Almaty was compromised, resulting in a possible leak of dangerous pathogens.
“The airport, mayor’s office and secret services buildings fell briefly into the hands of rioters during a wave of protests backed by shadowy armed cells.
“12 Monkeys” scenario?
And haemorraghic fever in China? No need to panic apparently – is that why they have 20 million people locked down super tight?
“Xi ‘an reports hemorrhagic fever cases, but no need to panic as medical experts urge quick vaccinations
“Since the beginning of winter, Xi’an, Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province has recorded a series of hemorrhagic fever cases, a natural epidemic disease with a high fatality rate. Medical experts said that rodents are the main source of infection, and called on the public not to panic as vaccinations can effectively prevent and control the disease, while human-to-human transmission is basically impossible.
“The Global Times learned from a medical staff member at the infection unit of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University that the hospital admitted a patient with non-life-threatening hemorrhagic fever in the past few days.
Gorblimey mate, let’s get over this one…
Just say no to Biden and Fauci’s universal vaccination nation
By Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro – – Wednesday, January 12, 2022
America’s quasi-vaccines significantly riskier than public health officials have disclosed
In this declaration of independence from a “Forced Universal Vaccination Policy,” we hold these truths to be evident:
SARS-CoV-2 appears to be a bioweapon genetically engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology using gain-of-function technologies transferred to China by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health bureaucracy and funded in part by both NIH and the threat mitigation branch of the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
China’s virus has killed millions, undermined the economies of China’s rivals and destabilized Western-style democracies through panicky authoritarian measures such as vaccine passports, economic lockdowns and mask/vaccination mandates.
No vaccine exists capable of eradicating the virus comparable to vaccines for diseases like polio and smallpox, and COVID-19 has entered a variety of animal reservoirs. At this point, it cannot be eradicated by any human vaccine.
Furthermore, the public health threat of the omicron variant is minuscule while our national medicine cabinet contains only a very mixed bag of highly leaky and nondurable quasi-vaccines. For example, the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are based on an experimental mRNA technology originally developed by one of this piece’s authors (Malone), are of primitive construction and are associated with the development of vaccine and monoclonal antibody-resistant viral mutations.
With leakiness, vaccinated individuals are becoming infected at increasing rates. With nondurability, the Pied Pipers of forced vaccinations are demanding ever more “booster” jabs.
America’s quasi-vaccines are significantly riskier than public health officials have disclosed. They can trigger serious cardiac and thrombotic conditions, menstrual cycle disruptions, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome and anaphylaxis. Male children appear particularly prone to myocarditis, while, post-vaccination, individuals may have suppressed immunities that make them vulnerable to other diseases.
Government officials like Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma executives like Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla and Scott Gottlieb have fed us a steady diet of “noble lie” assurances to encourage universal vaccination. This propaganda has been disseminated by outlets such as CNN and MSNBC and reinforced by systematic Big Tech censors like Facebook and Google determined to hide reality from the public — even as drug company lawyers work to avoid data disclosure that would inform us otherwise.
The virus is now so thoroughly embedded in global populations that, like the common cold and flu, it will be with us for the foreseeable future. It is long past time to substitute Dr. Fauci’s increasingly frantic “vaccine” as a silver bullet fantasy for this reality: The genetic vaccines and overall Fauci/Biden policies have utterly failed to meet their public health objectives — even as life insurance executives such as OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison are on fire concerning the overall high mortality rates they are observing in their data.
Regarding therapeutics, abundant research now shows hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, in particular, can significantly moderate symptoms, reduce hospital stays, eliminate the need for a ventilator, and take death off the table when administered in “early treatment” after symptoms begin. Both are not just far cheaper than the new antiviral pills approved by the FDA and pimped by Merck and Pfizer. They are safer and likely more effective.
The biggest health risk from the Biden/Fauci universal vaccination strategy is this doomsday scenario: The more you vaccinate, the more likely you will spawn vaccine-resistant mutations; and the more likely those vaccinated will fall prey to the mutations. A particularly lethal vaccine-resistant mutation in a universally vaccinated world may well wipe out the human race.
From the Comments
Almost everyone who’s died to date could be alive if the government with the help of the Fascist Big Tech news media by withholding known therapeutics that if administered within the first 5 days would have stopped the virus from replicating and moving on to phase 2 wherein your chances of being harmed or dying go up significantly. These individuals who withheld this information need to be held legally accountable. Their next home should be in a cage known as prison.
America’s quasi-vaccines significantly riskier than public health officials have disclosed
Impossible – this cannot be true.
Our own TGA has said do:
“No part of this process has been rushed, and the TGA will not approve a vaccine unless it is found to be safe and effective.”
“… the TGA will not approve a vaccine unless it is found to be safe and effective.”
I would really like to know exactly how they did that – aside from just copying advice from abroad.
They must be in a quandary now that Rochelle Walensky is backsliding and the European Medical Association is advising against repeated boosters.
“….the TGAA will not approve a vaccine unless it is found to be safe and effective”.
But the trials need to be LONGITUDINAL i.e. proved safe and effective many years after the vaccines are administered.
This could not be done ….& is why “emergency authorisation” was given. But this CANNOT, by definition, satisfy the customary regulations.
Its also possible that parents, having been conditioned for generations, vaccinate thier kids, follow along blindly with themselves as well.
Dont forget too that the powers that be have have legislated a medical procedure, under pain of unemployment. In no way can we consider those people blameless in all this, and as a result we have a traumatized population basically kicked into submission.
The whole covid thing appears to be about effectively forcing a vaccine passport and ultimately a digital identity onto everyone, including kids ( hence the insanity of vaxxing kids – now you know why ), but no one would take it normally, so they have basically brutalized and broken people down so they no longer resist the vax passport.
I guess bonus points for the damage to peoples bodies by the vax, but the main thing is its kicked the whole planet into a new world order where a control grid via a dystopian social credit system could be implemented by vax passport, which will store other info, not just vax info.
Watch this video – this Irish financial advisor totally understands the bigger picture.
Basically, the pandemic is the battering ram to force a new financial system into place.
Or maybe 50 years of peace, wealth and contentment bred complacency and two generations who have never seen how badly bad government can screw things up.
Stay skeptical. Maybe there is a big conspiracy, or maybe it’s just a criminal cock-up. At this point both are possible.
Just because there are psychopaths and marxists out there doesn’t mean a lot of this is not explained by incompetence.
Thanks, Jo, I heartily agree. Far too many people are assuming unity of will and purpose among the many Bond villains in the world (whether real or imagined).
Principle 1: Don’t assume malice when it may well be incompetence.
Principle 2: “Baptists and bootleggers” is usually a better starting point than “conspiracy theory”.
Examples like this pointed out by Jessica Rose don’t fill me with enthusiasm.
Information gathered via the TGA’s FOI. Redacted paragraphs and whole pages throughout the report.
“The shortcoming of the repeat dose toxicity study design should not preclude approval of the vaccine.”
European drug regulators have abruptly reversed course on boosters.
Last month, the European Medicines Agency authorized boosters EVERY THREE MONTHS. No probs. All systems go.
Not even five weeks later, and barely 24 hours after Pfizer’s CEO downplayed a fourth dose, they said they think frequent boosters may not be safe due to immune system risks from repeated shots.
That’s some double backflip. Apparently the injections are no longer considered safe . . . or effective?? You might almost think that some extremely adverse data has finally penetrated their self-imposed fact-filter and smacked them squarely in the face.
But no qualms at ATAGI in OZ as of December 21st:
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has indicated it may update the interval period for booster shots from six months to as few as three.
ATAGI also said it is considering moving the acceptable timeframe between a second and third shot to four or even three months, after dropping the interval from six months last week.
LOL…………………Show me the money…………….
Thanks M A,
You should really be praising the TGA for magnificent use of language. After all, they’ve strategically placed five lies into one sentence:
# The process was rushed;
# The “vaccine” was approved;
# It is not safe;
# It is not effective; and
# It’s not even a vaccine in the historical sense.
Apart from those minor details, it’s great bureaucratese. And well worthy of a guilty verdict on a murder charge.
Dave B
Data saved on 05 January 2022 for 50 mainland states of the USA, produced a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.498 for the percentage of fully vaxed persons relative to the number of Covid cases per 100,000 population. A test for zero correlation gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.411 and probability of this being zero of 0.3%, necessary because the data did not fit a Normal Statistical distribution.
For the percentage of persons with at least one dose relative to the number of cases per 100,000 population, the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.506. The Spearman Rank test gave a statistic of 0.454 and a probability of this being zero of 0.08%.
For the percentage of fully vaxed persons relative to the number of deaths per 100,000 population, the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.183 with the probability of zero of 20.1%.
For the percentage of persons with at least one dose relative to the number of deaths per 100,000 population, the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.141with the probability of this being zero of 33.1%.
Data acquired for 203 countries worldwide produced a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.37 for the number of Covid cases relative to the number of injections delivered. The correlation test gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.86 with a probability of the order of 3 x 10^-75 that the statistic is zero.
For a comparison of the number of deaths relative to the number of injections, the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.34 and the correlation test gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.85 with a probability of the order of 6 x 10^-70 that the statistic is zero.
While the data values exhibited considerable scatter, the fact that all of the above correlations were positive shows that the injections were not fit for purpose, namely reducing the case load and the deaths in which case the values would have been negative. This conclusion is supported by an article published by The Center Square (Indiana) which revealed how Scott Davison, CEO of OneAmerica (a life insurance company) raised the alarm over an unprecedented 40 percent increase in total deaths among Americans aged 18 to 64 (i.e. working-aged Americans).
The file listing the US States by percentage fully vaccinated and percentage of persons having at least one dose came from the web site for the Mayo Clinic as did another page giving the average daily number of cases per State, the cases per 100,000 population and again the percentage of fully vaccinated population.
The file giving the deaths per 100,000 population and daily average deaths by State came from the Beckers Hospital Review web site updated to 04 January 2022.
The data for the World cases, cases per 100,000 population, deaths and deaths per 100,000 population by country came from the CNN Health web site on 07 January 2022. Another page on the site gave the total number of doses, the doses administered per 100 people and the days since the first dose.
Radio 2GB website news today …
“It’s been revealed states and territories rejected offers to stockpile on rapid antigen tests last year.
Industries and individuals are struggling to source enough at-home kits.
Specialist emergency physician Dr Ian Norton told Chris Smith states and territories rejected the suggestion of creating a stockpile.
“They would come back to us and say, ‘we don’t need it’.
“Why would we be so arrogant to say ‘we don’t need tests that huge amounts of the rest of the world have used?’””
Coronavirus: We won’t pay for worker RATs, bosses declare
Employers have ramped up calls for the Morrison government and the states to fund free rapid antigen tests in workplaces after pushing back against draft workplace rules they feared would have obliged them to pay for the tests.
Safe Work Australia guidance seen by The Australian will require employers in relevant industries to supply RAT tests at no cost to workers, but draft rules that would have required businesses to supply RAT tests regardless of their capacity to pay have been removed after employers raised objections.
The draft guidance will be discussed at a meeting of work health and safety ministers ahead of national cabinet on Thursday.
The testing debate emerged as the federal government, ahead of the national cabinet meeting, moved to expand the number of industries considered as essential services in a bid to ensure the economy continued to function as the Omicron outbreak worsened.
A draft consultation document prepared by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee and circulated to industry representatives who had attended late-night crisis talks on Tuesday, revealed the expert panel had approved broadening the industries able to access more relaxed isolation rules.
Building and construction, financial and insurance services and accommodation and real estate were added to the list of essential services. They were accompanied by health, education and childcare, emergency services, energy, resources and water, transport freight and logistics
Industry leaders have warned that the looming impact of Covidabsenteeism on critical services risked placing a “handbrake on the economic recovery”.
But how to deliver RATs and who meets the bill remains an ongoing debate.
Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox said it “makes little sense to make PCR tests free and charge employers for RATs, particularly in situations where the testing is required by government regulation”.
“Coronavirus: We won’t pay for worker RATs, bosses declare”
What they meant to say was they prefer not to pay for the RATS directly, but rather be added to their tax bill.
Corporations pay little tax, its the people paying, the people are paying every step of the way and being told these things are free. They go on the account (onthe account we don’t have any money)
The pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to advertise, “emergency approved products” but the government controlled tax payers have been pouring hundreds of millions a year into this constant abuse by media called advertising.
Those who have done MSM advertising would of got the sales pitch of effective advertising explained to them by the sales people. Main is “top and tail” these are the first add after the program and the last add before the resumption of the program, those in between are just toilet breaks. The next is product placement, manufacturer pays to have their products in the shot, labels facing the camera’s.
The nightly MSM news its full of marketing, if they don’t mention Pfizer half a dozen times, they always display the product label out, Pfizer pay for none of that but the taxpayer pays the lot.
We are being played, we are paying for everything being used against us.
Have you noticed that through the whole p(l)andemic that each step creates stress upon the population?
In this case, we go from people queued for miles for PCR test, then to RAT, then no RATs available, then $1000 fine if you dont register the result…if you can find a RAT test, and too bad if you cant find one.
In Russian prisons, they “duck walk” prisoners around like ducks, to keep them in a stress position so they cant fight back easily.
And lest we forget, it wasnt that long ago it was carrot inducement to get to 70% “and then we would get our freedoms back”, but now its 95% and a stick/truncheon is used instead….
“Published 30 July 2021
“Australians will move to the next phase of dealing with the pandemic – potentially out of lockdowns and internal border restrictions – when 70 per cent of the eligible population is fully vaccinated.
In my view, the anxiety levels in the Australian urban population are way beyond what is healthy.
Their immune systems are taking punishment – and it is not necessarily from Covid!
I dont have words strong enough, to condemn the Nuremberg trial-worthy level of damage and just out and out abuse done to our population. Those in charge of it need to rot in prison for eternity.
It seems to us what you say is very true. Whenever we catch up with city friends it seems like 80% of them are screwed over mentally by the last couple of years and don’t seem like the same people. The rest are more resilient it seems, and they seem to align with a sense of humour and independent thinking.
Its been a surprise to me how many of the 80%’ers think the MSM is a source of useful information.
Which is why they are of the 80% …chicken and egg scenario though…
mmm yes, it surprised me though. I had worked with many of them and they appeared very competent professionals in what I now see as a very small window. I would have thought they would be smarter than to be herded and scared the way they are.
The pandemic of testing continues apace. For little to no practical benefit it seems.
Of course not! The PCR test is the Gold Standard, why would States invest in some other cheap alternative that was promoted as being full of false results… by the proponents of PCR!
..not to mention any holidays on Pacific Islands that some lobbyists may have been throwing around to any regulators. Once you have lobbyists, you have corruption, they serve no other purpose.
‘It’s like a Soviet store during 1981’: Grocery stores across the US have empty shelves as supply chain crisis and COVID combine to make basics like milk, bread, meat, canned soups and cleaning products hard to find
Every country all at the same time.
People need to look into the UN World Maritime Organisation, they control all the worlds shipping, routes and transit speeds. They introduced “Slow Steaming” to save the world from CO2, this has lead to an increase in transit times by 15 to 20%. To move the same amount of product requires 15 to 20% more ships and containers these are not available so result is less product to market and more wasting on docks around the world.
A ship blocking the Suez canal for a week and the hundreds of ships stuck either side, we can never regain those losses to supply as they are speed governed by the UN. Result is stock piles are depleted at the receiving end. In my industry we have a saying “you can never regain the tonnes you lose” you run the plant at 100%, 100% of the time no room for regaining.
Death by a thousand cuts.
Death by Marxism…..
So why not tell the UN and its agencies , who are un-elected meddlers, to go jump?
Its the the ad blue problem that isnt – just disable the ad blue systems and run the trucks like that. A bit of extra pollution, so who cares, compared to a starving population?
Lest we forget – mass starvation was used by Stalin to kill millions and force the Ukraine into submission in the 1930s.
Same play book, submission, force people to become dependent on big govt.
(M)omicron is a non event- get the trucks moving, use the navy to get ships and containers in, break the deadlock….job done.
Another thoughtful interview with Dr. Robert Malone on “American thought leaders”.
I have to say that I appreciate the many links that commenters to this site provide with their comments. They provide links to information that I would often otherwise miss. So to those of you that do your research and share the results with the rest of us, “THANK YOU”.
Ditto. And a very big thank you, again,to Jo.
As Narrative Collapses, Top Scientist Unloads on the Authorities
By Tom Woods
January 12, 2022
Udi Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and a leading Israeli immunologist, has taken the opportunity posed by the collapsing narrative to release this open letter to the authorities (this is a mechanical translation from the original Hebrew):
In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic – we told you so.
Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years, but in retrospect it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.
You refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves, despite years of observations and scientific knowledge. You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false propaganda “you overcame the plague.” And again you defeated it, and again and again and again.
You refused to admit that mass testing is ineffective, despite your own contingency plans explicitly stating so (“Pandemic Influenza Health System Preparedness Plan, 2007,” p. 26).
You refused to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine, despite previous knowledge and observations showing that non-recovered vaccinated people are more likely to be infected than recovered people. You refused to admit that the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations. Based on this, you hoped to achieve herd immunity by vaccination — and you failed in that as well.
You insisted on ignoring the fact that the disease is dozens of times more dangerous for risk groups and older adults, than for young people who are not in risk groups, despite the knowledge that came from China as early as 2020.
You refused to adopt the “Great Barrington Declaration,” signed by more than 60,000 scientists and medical professionals, or other common-sense programs. You chose to ridicule, slander, distort and discredit them. Instead of the right programs and people, you have chosen professionals who lack relevant training for pandemic management (physicists as chief government advisers, veterinarians, security officers, media personnel, and so on).
Thanks for that Max, also for the following one @#16.
What utter nonsense.
Countries/States that stopped the virus at its borders; limited mobility when the virus was in the community and vaccinated enthusiastically have done extraordinarily well compared with countries/states where the virus was allowed to rip.
The fatality rate in Australia for omicron variant at 0.03% is below typical influenza. Australia outlasted the deadliest variants and mobility has remained high in most states as omicron took hold. It was often predicted that a more contagious but less deadly variant would emerge – so it has.
I now know a few people (all vaccinated) who have had covid (omicron) and their experience has been mild. Some having to test because they were a close contact and found infected but asymptomatic.
Taiwan has had 850 deaths and has so far avoided omicron taking off.
New Zealand has so far recorded 50 deaths.
Western Australia has recorded just 9 deaths through the whole Covid episode. That state remains the nuclear reactor powering the Australian economy.
Tom Woods needs a dose of facts. His rant is fact free.
I don’t think that you have addressed the point he is actually making Rick.
“Udi Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and a leading Israeli immunologist, has taken the opportunity posed by the collapsing narrative to release this open letter to the authorities (this is a mechanical translation from the original Hebrew):”
It’s not Tom Woods writing this, these are the words of Udi Qimron. And you know more about Microbiology and Immunology than this man? I know who I’d believe and its not you.
If you’re going to have a rant make sure at least that you have the right target.
Yes, attacking the messenger doesn’t really work when the words are a direct quote from the source. Admittedly, max didn’t format his comment very well but Rick Will showed a knee jerk reaction in his reply by not checking the sourcing – an unthinking reflexive response
“New Zealand has so far recorded 50 deaths.”
From Sars-CoV-2 infections – alone?
I have never heard that one before ; did you make it up yourself?
Who is Afraid of Novak Djokovic?
By Vasko Kohlmayer
January 11, 2022
Having Djokovic participate in the Australian Open would expose the falseness of the government’s Covid narrative, which, sadly, has become the official narrative of most governments around the world. According to this narrative, we are in the throes of a deadly pandemic which necessitates draconian curtailment of human freedoms and liberties. The only way out of our predicament, they say, is through mass vaccination whereby every man, woman and child receive multiple doses of experimental and inadequately tested pharmaceuticals which carry a considerable risk of serious side effects.
These vaccines, by the way, do nothing to inhibit or curtail the spread of infection. In fact, there is increasing evidence that they have negative efficacy in this regard, which means that the vaccinated are more likely to contract the virus and pass it onto others – especially the Omicron variant – than their unvaccinated counterparts.
Facts notwithstanding, according to the authorized Covid narrative, an unvaccinated person presents a potentially mortal a danger to themselves and to society.
Should Djokovic be allowed to play, the whole of Australia – as well as the whole world, in fact – would watch an unvaccinated individual happily thriving and excelling, and quite possibly triumphing, without particularly endangering himself or anyone else.
This would expose Australian Covidism for the lie that it is.
This is the true reason why they want to keep vaccine skeptic Novak Djokovic, the world’s number one player, so desperately out of the Australian Open, a tournament he has won more times than any other player in history.
Shame on them and let’s hope Novak gets to do that which he should be entitled to as a matter of course: to decide what to put into his body, to play superb tennis and give joy to millions of sport fans around the globe.
Novak Djokovic is one of the greatest athletes of all time. With a career filled with spectacular triumphs, may he also triumph over the madness of Covidism.
Go, Novak!
Great article. Thanks for posting.
Exactly. The Djokovic saga is all about our health authorities and government maintaining the narrative. Following actual science would show that all the “violations” of his visa requirements (and of the Croatian governments isolation policy) are totally inconsequential.
But admitting this would also be an admission that the policies set by our health authorities and government, for those who have recovered from infection, are totally arbitrary and lack understanding of science beyond counting antibodies. This admission would then lead to further investigation of other CoViD policies and the whole narrative would unravel.
Vaccines must be protected at all costs (to society, the economy…)
What has Croatia got to do with this?
Sorry, brain fart – it was a Serbian post infection isolation mandate that he “violated”, not Croatian.
“the whole narrative would unravel.”….
All the way back through CAGW to the Hole in the Ozone Layer.
Absolutely correct.
It is all about promoting the “vaccines”. Acknowledgement of acquired immunity threatens to derail the vaccination and booster program.
NCAA Recognizes Natural Immunity In Definition Of ‘Fully Vaccinated’
The NCAA has changed their guidelines to recognize natural immunity from a prior COVID infection as part of their definition of “fully vaccinated,” according to ESPN.
“The omicron variant has presented another surge of cases across the country,” said NCAA chief medical officer Brian Hainline. “This guidance was designed to align with the latest public health directives. Given how the pandemic continues to evolve, it’s important that staff on member campuses continue to work with their local and state health officials on protocols most suitable for their locations.”
There’s a catch, however, in that the “fully vaccinated” status will only include athletes who are “within 90 days of a documented COVID-19 infection.”
It’s unclear what “documented” means (positive home test?).
The NCAA still suggests a five-day quarantine period following a positive test, followed by five days of wearing a mask – in line with the CDC’s controversial new guidance.
Natural immunity
As notes: “Some evidence, such as a medical study out of Israel published in October, suggests that people with natural immunity actually have more protection from COVID-19 than vaccinated individuals.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institutes of Health and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, was recently asked on CNN about the Israeli study—specifically if people naturally infected with COVID-19 had a lower risk of contracting the virus than those who received the vaccine. He declined to give a clear answer.
“I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that,” Fauci said. “That’s something that we’re going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response.”
Reminds me of Hitler hosting the Olympics…similar spectacle….the need for an ideology to win on home turf…
Somehow UFO’s have become part of the Left’s agenda, particularly in America. Perhaps it’s to focus attention on aliens from space rather than from across the southern border?
The following therefore comes as no surprise:
This ICU doctor and nurses are getting sacked rather than vaxxed.
Imagine there was a new type of aircraft, based on never-before-used technology.
Now imagine that a sizeable group of dedicated pilots, engineers and other flight crew, who had all spent decades passionately pursuing their calling, say they would abandon their careers and never fly again rather than take a ride in this new aircraft if it became mandatory to take a flight.
Now, that level of personal sacrifice- as with the doctors and nurses who would rather be sacked than take the vaxx – would certainly give me pause regarding my willingness to climb aboard.
But to dismiss these dedicated health workers are “misguided anti-vaxxers”, and get the vaxx anyway despite such informed opposition, is to me utterly unbelievable.
Insurance companies
Insurance company refused life insurance payout as suicide by vaccination.
I think denying the payout is unfair.
In most Western countries covid “vaccination” can hardly be considered truly voluntary. If you are not injected you have numerous restrictions against you. So it can’t have been a suicide, especially as the Government constantly states the vaxxes are safe.
Read the fine print: He volunteered for the trials; he didn’t get vaxed after it became available for public distribution.
Open thread leftovers (Pt 2):
Researchers may be in the early stages of discovering an effective strategy for inhibiting the virus that causes COVID-19, according to the results of a recent study.
The results of the findings from David A. Ostrov, Ph.D., of the University of Florida, were published in Pathogens in late November.
The report suggested that combining diphenhydramine — an antihistamine sold as Benadryl that is used for allergy symptoms — and lactoferrin — a protein found in cow and human milk — reduced replication of SARS-CoV-2 by 99% in lab tests on human lung and monkey cells.
Harvard Study Explodes Myths About ‘Vaccines’ Stopping the Spread – But It’s Even Worse Than That
A Harvard study of 68 nations and 2,947 counties in the United States published in the European Journal of Epidemiology is shattering the argument that the mRNA therapeutic drugs being marketed as “vaccines” do anything significantly to stop the spread of Covid-19.
There is an Aussie site for vax adverse effects but it’s brief
A meeting of 3 intellectual giants
(Now this is interesting, especially the commentary by Desmet. It explains why the religious-zealot live fervor of the vaxx squad exists and it doesn’t reflect well on them at all. A must watch if you want to understand.)
Mass Formation Psychosis: Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough
Omicron or OmniCon?
Donald Ainslie Henderson MD, MPH, was the man credited with designing the strategy that eradicated smallpox from the world.
In the early years of the twenty-first century, Henderson became concerned that a small coterie of computer scientists and public health officials, none of whom had any experience in managing outbreaks of infectious disease, was attempting to replace the evidence-based strategies that he had helped develop during his long and illustrious career, with primitive, myopic and non-evidence-based approaches to infectious disease containment such as large-scale quarantine, travel restrictions, prohibition of social gatherings and community masking.
Everyone should read his article:
There are 25,754 adverse event reports in VAERS for babies aged 0-2 (this includes all vaccines and the COVID-19 products combined) for 2020/2021.
Vaxx away and reap the ramifications of your ignorance…
(Everyone seen the film “Children of men”? No? About time you did..)
I know I sound crazy but if I had 3 (or 4) polio shots in 1 year and still got Polio I’d have some questions…
The US just finished dead last among 46 countries for media trust
Open thread leftovers (pt 3):
Israeli ministry of health doctor was quoted that the number of unvaccinated patients among the hospitalised is decreasing.
“We are hospitalising much more vaccinated patients”
Truth hurts: 96% of omicron cases in Germany are among the fully vaccinated
The Robert Koch Institute, a research agency under the German government, found that 96 percent of omicron cases in Germany are among the fully vaccinated. The Koch Institute also noted that 28 percent of the omicron positive had booster shots and only 4.42 percent are unvaccinated.
Reiner Fuellmich: “New findings enough to dismantle the entire (VAX) industry!”
Jab Chief Says “We Can’t Vaccinate the Planet Every 6 Months”
Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, who helped develop the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, warns that endless rounds of booster shots are not the answer and that “we can’t vaccinate the planet every four to six months.”
At least 7 shots to be fully vaxxed (until the goal posts move again)
UK vaccine scientist: Continuous boosters are unstudied and unnecessary
mRNA Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Faces Tough Questions, Aussies RISING UP Down Under
Dr. Malone spills beans about Dr. Fauci on national TV: “Tony has no integrity”
A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products
Jessica Rose PhD, MSc, BSc , Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH
“Tony has no integrity” bumper sticker material right their. Maybe a twofer deal with a “Lets Go Brandon!”
Open thread leftovers (pt 4). Phew. Finished, Jo !!
Dystopian: China Introduces ‘AI Prosecutor’ That Can Automatically Charge Citizens Of A Crime
The product, which has already been tested by the busy Shanghai Pudong prosecutor’s office, is able to achieve 97 percent accuracy in charging people suspected of eight criminal acts, researchers developing it have alleged
And now the plan is to introduce a machine that would be given decision-making powers, such as whether to file charges, and what sentence to seek on a case-to-case basis.
The minds of men – 3 hour official documentary
History of the war on the human psyche and the mass mind control we see
Former president of Bolivia found clues to NWO depopulation agenda in IMF documents
“I have many concerns about this latest pandemic. I read some commentaries, some documents from the International Monetary Fund, and what did they say?
That within the policy of the New World Order, importance is attached to planning for the reduction of the “superfluous population.”
Denmark found Covid transmission INCREASES with vaccine doses. Immune systems are weakened by the VAX. Time to lock down the vaccinated
The relative difference in transmission between the Omicron and Delta variants when
comparing potential secondary cases with the same vaccine status is shown in Table 3.
For unvaccinated individuals, an OR of 1.17 (CI: 0.99-1.38) was estimated for households with the Omicron VOC compared to households with the Delta VOC.
For fully vaccinated
individuals, the OR was 2.61 (CI: 2.34-2.90) for households with the Omicron VOC,
for booster-vaccinated individuals the OR was 3.66 (CI: 2.65-5.05).
This significant change in OR for fully vaccinated and booster-vaccinated individuals represents strong evidence
of immune evasion of the Omicron VOC
New Study Adds More Evidence for Omicron Immune Evasion
So why vaccinate for an old variant….
Dr.Alexander Redko, PhD: There´s no effective “vaccine” that works against COVID
Nadine Dorries, the UK minister of Culture admitted today that a totally opaque “disinformation unit” in the government works 24/7 to unlawfully remove opinions that the government doesn’t like from the internet.
And lastly, in NZ the unvaxxed have set up their own market and the media is unwelcome! With all the Covid measures the regular market lost 60% of its customers.
Interesting story about the oldest farmhouse in Manhattan.
Inside The Oldest Farmhouse In Manhattan – And How It’s Still Standing 235 Years On
By James Cannon
October 19, 2021
As you make your way through the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, you turn a corner and see something that makes you stop dead in your tracks. Nestled among the oppressive concrete jungle is an old farmhouse that looks like it belongs in a whole different world. You do a double-take, wondering if you’ve stepped into a time machine and somehow arrived back in the 1700s. And when you get closer to take a peek inside, you realize it’s not just the exterior that’s eerily frozen in time.
Apparently there is also an English Cricket Club in NY City somewhere………………….
Martin Armstrong’s on Tyranny
Has the virus been isolated, appears not.
Perhaps the virus only exists as fragments of itself ! 😉
More likely figments.
Looks like there needs to be a sticky for this Steve Kirsch article that I posted a couple of days ago.
Set up a BSL3 lab and then you can order some and infect some subject to prove it to your own satisfaction
From links within the links,
So though we were growing the virus around the world, we could not get enough of the pure virus to do anything with so we downloaded the Genetic sequence (from China) and made our own to fit the China sequence, is not proof of culturing.
“While the virus isolates are available, we didn’t know what the exact amounts were. To measure the exact amount of anything, one needs to have something to weigh it with. So we needed an already known amount of virus to use as a standard of comparison to determine exactly how much virus was present in the tube. But in this case, since the virus was new, we didn’t have any pre-measured virus,” Dr Rath said.
“Hence, known quantities of artificially made copies of the virus RNA (‘transcribed’ RNA) were used as surrogate measures. Graded quantities of these also helped to determine the limit of detection, meaning the smallest amount of viral RNA that will show a detectable signal in the RT-PCR test,”
Here’s the “isolation paper presented as proof from a link within, it is not proof of isolation, it is proof they tested positive to PCR, see above.
But there was this in a proposed study on isolation and purification?
This concept was detailed in the mini-review by Yang and Shen, wherein they proposed that SARS-CoV-2 may be susceptible to the inhibitory effect of chloroquine (CQ), a lysosomotropic agent, via its accumulation in the acidic organelles [29]. The therapeutic effect of CQ may be a result of its ability to neutralize the endosome-lysosomal acidic pH and block the protease activity necessary for viral entry [30]. This could possibly be evidenced by the HCQ treated patients in this study that appeared to have cleared the virus having tested negative by enrichment NGS
This ones made in China, again not cultured other than PCR or NGS and not purified or isolated, but presented as proof of same.
Funny how in Feb 2020 the Researchers in China called it The Wuhan Corona Virus, those racist Chinese. Way to many words like Predicted and estimated.
Data reporting
No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. The experiments were not randomized and the investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment.
The viral loads of WHCV in BALF were determined by quantitative real-time RT–PCR using the Takara One Step PrimeScript RT–PCR kit (Takara RR064A) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Real-time RT–PCR was performed using 2.5 μl RNA with 8 pmol of each primer and 4 pmol probe under the following conditions: reverse transcription at 42 °C for 10 min, 95 °C for 1 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 1 min. The reactions were performed and detected by ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR Systems. The PCR product covering the Taqman primers and probe region was cloned into pLB vector using the Lethal Based Simple Fast Cloning Kit (TianGen) as standards for quantitative viral load test.
Your link is an opinion as stated by the author, reads like they found what they wanted to find, again from China.
I found no evidence of the claim in the attached documents, though they do bag Koch’s postulate even though it is claimed as the gold standard by the same lab rats.
You are using a negative proof argument.
I’ll accept its existence from the fact that people are getting sick with symptoms and complications and that it responds to treatments different to pre-existing diseases
I will except it when I know one person who gets it, the runny nose virus.
So we have treatments, Panadol?
The symptoms are cold and flu like. Like cold and flu.
1 in 3 Queenslanders have the Rona, still know of none.
Only virus I see is on the black screens and in a syringe.
Top Doctor Claims Omicron Was Created In S. African Lab…”It effectively is ‘gain of function’ research”
Last night, Fox News host Jesse Watters invited Dr. Steven Quay to appear as a guest on his show to discuss the origins of the Omicron, the latest COVID variant that is spreading like wildfire across the world.
Watters asked Dr. Quay about Omicron and the possibility that its origins are tied to one or more labs in South Africa?
“Research suggests, the evidence suggests, that they were doing experiments on mice in a lab in South Africa,” Watters said. He continued, “We don’t know which lab,” asking, “Do we know which lab?”
Dr. Quay responded, “Uh, we do,” he said, adding, “There are actually several laboratories, so we don’t have that final piece of information.”
Toxicologist warns against Covid jabs “We could make an entire generation infertile”
(Well, that’s one of the NWO objectives after all isn’t it?)
“We were developing a temporary contraceptive vaccine, which was very attractive because it stopped fertilization rather than preventing implantation – or it should have; that was the idea.
Unfortunately, even though a lot of research was done in different animal models to make sure that it didn’t have an autoimmune effect, in the end it did have an autoimmune effect and caused complete destruction of the ovaries.
(A lot of research and disaster. Sweet FA research in humans for covaxxes and…)
During this time, the miscarriage rate is a whopping 82% – a recipe for disaster.
(We thought it would work and without harm but…sound familiar?)
A Broken Promise to Our Elderly…
Part 1 – Vaccines are Ineffective to those who need it most
Like magicians misdirecting attention and using the audience’s own biases, vaccine manufacturers have literally managed hiding in plain site their biggest fraud: these vaccines don’t protect those they were supposed to protect in the first place: the very frail, the very old, those that can end up in the hospital. It’s physiologically impossible.
The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses
(You don’t say !!!)
Stunning Facts Released About Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated COVID Patients In Australian Hospitals
New South Wales (NSW), a state in Australia, has had a much higher rate of vaccinated patients hospitalized with COVID than unvaccinated patients.
These reports are backed by data from the state’s COVID-19 Critical Intelligence Unit’s website, which shows that 68.9% of COVID patients in hospitals are double-vaxxed, and 28.8% of patients are completely unvaccinated.
Bill Gates Funded Research Finds Ivermectin Is Safe To Use Months After It Was Maligned By Media And Government
After some people started using Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 symptoms, the media and government engaged in a vicious campaign to discredit the treatment and attack people who used it. Now, research funded by Bill and Melinda Gates found that Ivermectin causes no significant negative side effects.
I’m not an epidemiologist so I need some help. What’s the technical name for a mass vaccination campaign that results in an unprecedented wave of cases in the vaccinated population?
Perhaps the term you need is stupidity?
From today
Why half of the people in intensive care in NSW are vaccinated
The real issue is that its not working as well as a vaccine should. It hardly hinders people getting ill enough to spread the disease when this is the whole point of concentrating on a vaccine rather than therapies to minimise symptoms. The vaccines seem to have reduced getting into an ICU by a factor of 13. It appears that getting seriously ill is 6 times less likely for the double vaxed. Its better than nothing but I would rather be forced into taking a cocktail of over the counter medicines once infected.
And then there is the stupidity of vaccinated people scared to sit next to someone unvaccinated. Why is a vaccine supposed to make you less likely to pass it on but not get ill?
But only for a limited time. There is also evidence of negative vaccine efficiency after a few months. This makes intuitive sense if the virus mutates enough that the body’s immune system is primed to respond to the previous variant.
So, all risk for anyone other than the old and co-morbid and a couple of months “reward”.
What a deal!
Vox May 1 2020 – Why some labs work on making viruses deadlier — and why they should stop
Science 9 Jan 2017 – White House announces review process for risky virus studies
Plan could lead to end of 2-year moratorium on handful of controversial flu studies
Orange man bad for being a luddite before the Covid 19 outbreak. Orange man bad for being a cowboy after the outbreak. The bias is beyond a parody.
Actually it was Obama that changed the policy( ‘rescinded the pause ‘) during the caretaker period before Trump was in the Whitehouse.
A big concrete wall is going up around the White House.
Something BIG coming???
Or is it just to stop sleepy Joe from wandering off. LOL…
Standing in front of White House mid 80s thought it was very small and unimpressive
Best thing about Washington then, Museums free and Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, The National Archives, Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery were excellent
Biden Administration Erecting Concrete Blast and Security Wall Around White House
Recently revealed video shows the Joe Biden White House is erecting a concrete (K-Rail) blast and security containment wall directly around the White House. There doesn’t appear to be any explanation readily available. Pictures below:
These types of security barriers are sometimes erected when heads of state are planning to come to the White House. However, there doesn’t appear to be any information about an anticipated delegation or foreign dignitary. Additionally, according to one researcher on social media {LINK}, all of the publicly available CCTV video-streams have been disabled as this work is taking place.
The perimeter fence appears to be approximately 10′ high and is made from reinforced concrete k-rails. It is also being installed directly around the White House building itself. Quite odd. Video Below:
You never want to jump to conclusions, but given the COVID pandemic situation it’s doubtful the fencing would be for a head of state arrival.
What is the White House preparing for?
From the Comments
Looking after no1 again, rather than the people. More isolation more disconnection.
Just one more way he’s cribbed the Presidency.
This is just crazy, crazy, crazy.
Mass formation psychosis indeed.
That is one of the cruellest acts in this mad age that I have read.
Yes, and that trend was evident before the onset of Omicron.
How do you account for it?
Not likely to be the temporary reduced natural immunity after vaccination.
Vaccination programs appear to increase risks of infection for the unvaccinated, as well as the risk of short and long term injuries for the vaccinated.
They do appear to create an increasing pool of non-symptomatic spreaders.
Moreover, adults whose job or lifestyle involves many frequent close contacts with others (particularly with their likenesses) are more likely to choose vaccination where a choice is involved, and more likely to use their vaccination status to avoid constraints on their lifestyle.
Symptomatic spread, on the other hand, tends to be self limiting, and the unvaccinated more cautious.
Yet our health authorities scapegoat the unvaccinated.
“The Ronald McDonald House in Canada will evict all tenants, adults and children over the age of five, who are not vaccinated by the end of January.”
Here’s my prediction – No-Vaxx Djokovic will be expelled from Australia before the Open begins.
The authorities simply cannot allow someone, especially with Djokovic’s profile, to find a way around the “vaxx-for-all” policy.
I see now that Spain has joined in the fray, suggesting that he cheated on them also.
He will be gone by this weekend.
And there was I thinking he’d be expelled on the eve of the final; there ought to be a wagering service showing the odds.
Here’s my prediction – No-Vaxx Djokovic will be expelled from Australia before the Open begins.
It was absolutely obvious that this would be the result.
Ultimately, there will be NO ACCEPTABLE EXEMPTIONS.
Visa cancelled , lawyers at 50 paces .
Actually Novak will win if he appeals , the minister who is typically a villiage idiot these days has decided that “it’s not in the public interest that he stays” ! What ? ABC deciding commonwealth law ? He could have used the visa irregularities or he could of just said no and I’m sure he could have used a few other legitimate reasons but since when has public opinion become a deciding factor .
Mass psychosis – how an entire population becomes mentally ill. N-O-T the Joe Rogan/Malone podcast
HOT TAKES: Nancy Pelosi’s Eyebrows Are a Thing — No, Really
Nope, Pelosi’s eyebrows stole the show, so much so that even Fox News host Tucker Carlson got in on the act, as only Tucker can.
You might’ve found yourself sitting on the couch, idly flipping around the TV dial, and if you flipped far enough, you could have had the shock of your life: Michael Jackson was on “Face the Nation.”
Let’s be clear, this wasn’t video of Michael Jackson performing his hit songs of the 1990s; this appeared to be a living version of the international pop star that news reports claim died of a drug [overdose] more than a dozen years ago.
And despite those claims, there he was: fully, undeniably Michael Jackson talking on television. How can that be? We can only show you what he saw.
Ouch. Then again…
Dome Of Capitol Building Raised To Accommodate Nancy Pelosi’s Eyebrows
Gloves off at world’s biggest condom maker as sales slump
It seemed an obvious Covid growth area, as locked down couples, forced to stay at home, entertained themselves in the oldest way known to humankind.
But the world’s biggest manufacturer of condoms has confirmed that people have been having less sex during the pandemic, devastating its sales and forcing it to branch out into the more lucrative business of making rubber surgical gloves.
Less than two years ago Karex, a Malaysian company that makes one in five of the world’s condoms, was predicting that stocks would run out because of demand from housebound lovers with nothing else to do. Instead it has suffered a 40 per cent drop in sales as condom use and distribution has slumped.
The stresses of lockdown can drive couples apart as well as bringing them together – and have separated many partners. A number of scientific studies have concluded that people have had less sex during the pandemic.
The reduction in social activities and holidays has also made it harder for people to form new relationships. Sex workers, who are large consumers of condoms, have also seen their business decline.
The company made a loss last year for the first time since listing on the stock exchange in 2013. It plans to use its expertise with latex to diversify into the manufacture of medical gloves, which are in high demand during the pandemic.
Karex makes more than five billion condoms a year for international brands including Durex and exports them to 140 countries. It also has its own lines of speciality condoms, including those flavoured with the famously pungent and smelly southeast Asian fruit, the durian.
From The Comments
– Durian flavoured condoms. Now there is a show stopper.
– Another one of life’s pleasures that Covid has had a massive impact on.
Maybe “breakthrough cases” are hurting their reputation.
To any readers distrustful of officialdom’s presentation of data and statistics, this might be useful, as a counterweight:
Weeks ago, Survivorship Bias** was mentioned by me and others, as a reason for caution when comparing Fully Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, mortality rates.
Now it’s time to consider Selection Bias, , which affects the selection of group members, at the very outset of group formation, before ‘survivorship bias’ can play a part.
For example, we were told about the priority given to vulnerable groups, so therefore the vaccine was rolled out to the very elderly first, followed by progressively younger age groups. What we WEREN’T told was to what degree the most vulnerable ‘within each age group’ would be excluded from vaccination … perhaps some individuals felt too ill to consider it (self-exclusion); or the vaccinators themselves decided that some people were too ill.
If the “too ill” people were excluded as the rest of their cohort was getting vaccinated, then that could be a source of Selection Bias. Assuming that a significant number of these “too ill” people, DID pass away in the weeks after turning down or being excluded from vaccination, this naturally, favored the vax pushers: the excluded people were kept out of the “vaccinated” group which resulted in a more favorable mortality rate than the Unvaccinated group which was made to look more prone to death. The only way to eliminate this type of bias is to roll out vaccination to everyone, with no exceptions allowed (and that’s an ethical minefield so I’m not advocating that).
The fairest thing to do, is ring-fence the “too ill” people, from the rest of the data — that is, keep their numbers out of either group — record them separately.
This might be the biggest failing of the ONS data (mortality and vaccination): that health status isn’t recorded.
The same goes for the official reports from NSW Health, Victoria Health, UK Surveillance reports … well, practically any place that’s trying to put a rosy glow on the vaccines … there’s no acknowledgement of, or accounting for, the inherent biases in the data.
**It affects the data you see downstream from an event like Mass Vaccination; and makes one group ‘appear’ to be doing better than another group, because their members had to ‘survive’ some kind of ordeal (eg. adverse events from vaccination).
Edit: I want to retract the sentence beginning “The only way to eliminate this type of bias…”.
It appears to suggest that there be no Unvaccinated persons remaining as a Control group — which would leave nothing to compare against — not useful at all.
The best hope I think, is that the mortality numbers can be broken down, not just by age group (as is done now), but additionally by categories like number and type of comorbidities, and their level of severity. That would allow a fairer comparison of the fates of the two groups.
I dont think the Prof from Tel Aviv could be more damning of his government , and the response to Covid. He calls out the giant stuff up in crystal clear terms, probably at some personal price.
If you have FOMO because of the shortage of RAT’s you might have MFP.
Grilles you NEVER saw: Holden, Falcon, Valiant, Mustang, Plymouth, Ford and more
The grille is arguably the most important styling feature of a car. It is where the car meets the world, literally, head on.
Be it simple and clean, chromed and dazzling or an intricately styled combination of shapes, the grille is capable of delivering a potent message.
You might not know the exact model of BMW when you see one in the street, but you know it is a BMW from its twin oval grille, a design feature since 1933.
The upright Rolls-Royce grille conveys the marque’s global reputation for excellence which has endured for more than a century.
The elegant chromed bars of the 48-215 Holden capture the unlimited optimism of nation building pride.
Get it wrong, however, and your car becomes the object of criticism and sales suffer. The 1961 Plymouth trapezoid shaped grille, designed when Virgil Exner was boss of Chrysler’s design efforts, was a key reason why the sales of its full-sized cars dropped by 25% that year. Does the Lexus grille appear similar?
And then there’s the Edsel, which quickly entered popular culture as a universally recognised visual and verbal shorthand for failure.
Incoming North Korean Missile Warning Prompted FAA’s Mysterious Air Traffic Halt
New details about the FAA’s halt on flights across the western U.S. clearly point to North Korea’s hypersonic missile test as being the culprit.
Two days after the Federal Aviation Administration issued a highly peculiar ground-stop order to aircraft operating across the western United States and Hawaii, and after the release of a remarkably murky official statement from the agency, we were no closer to understanding exactly what prompted the order than we were initially. While U.S. Strategic Command would not comment on the incident and NORAD denied it had any hand in it, information that has come to the attention of The War Zone from sources with knowledge of the events clearly paints a different picture—one that points directly to the North Korean hypersonic weapon test that occurred at nearly the exact same time as the culprit.
While it has been up for debate if the ground stop order was some sort of blatant mistake, hack, or misunderstanding on the FAA’s part unrelated to the North Korean test of a hypersonic maneuvering reentry vehicle (MaRV) that occurred just before 2:30 PM PST on January 10th, 2022, that doesn’t seem to be the case. We have heard multiple pilot reports and radio communications that mention a national security issue being the impetus for the ground stop, which included some airplanes in the air being told to land immediately. The FAA’s official statement, which was released 20 hours after the order was issued, didn’t help quench curiosity surrounding the incident, stating ambiguously:
As a matter of precaution, the FAA temporarily paused departures at some airports along the West Coast on Monday night. Full operations resumed in less than 15 minutes. The FAA regularly takes precautionary measures. We are reviewing the process around this ground stop as we do after all such events.
No, Those Who Pushed Lockdowns Can’t Hide From The Consequences Now
Did any of these people tell the truth back when it could have saved the generation that comprises the world’s future? Nope.
Americans are starting to feel the increasing collateral damage from our unprecedented, ineffective, and ill-advised Covid lockdowns. It was known before March 2020 that lockdowns would cause lifelong and avoidable damage to billions, yet the world’s ruling classes who claim to have earned their place atop a “meritocracy” strenuously demanded such damage be inflicted especially on children and other vulnerable people.
This ruling class used all their massive financial, communications, and government powers to ensure these tragic outcomes, even though anyone who was an actual expert—or, like me, just someone who reads and has common sense—predicted this false “cure” would hurt worse than the disease.
Now that people are beginning to more deeply feel the foreseeable evil consequences of ruling class responses to a novel virus, that ruling class is pulling what propaganda experts call a “limited hangout.” That’s admitting to bits of the truth in order to re-establish yourself as a credible authority while attempting to keep the whole truth hidden.
Now that the damage is done, major corporate media organizations have decided to pivot to acknowledge just enough of the truth to cover their complicity. The Atlantic, for example, last week published an article titled “America’s Covid Rules Are A Dumpster Fire”
(It took you two years to figure out what was apparent within the first month?).
“Data now suggest that many changes to school routines are of questionable value in controlling the virus’s spread. Some researchers are skeptical that school closures reduce Covid cases in most instances. Other interventions, like forcing students to sit apart from their friends at lunch, may also have little benefit,” he noted in the article.
No sh-t, Sherlock. So why did The New York Times run hit pieces on Trump medical advisor Scott Atlas for being one of the few scientists courageous enough to point this long-ago known data out more than a year ago, when the damage could have been mitigated? Why did Stanford University colleagues and formerly respected medical journals, boosted by corporate media attack campaigns, try to discredit Atlas and colleagues such as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for saying things The New York Times, Atlantic, and CNN are admitting now?
Experts who knowingly allow mass child abuse because they don’t want to harm their careers are not experts, they are cowards. They deserve not one ounce of public trust or even to retain their jobs. They certainly should have no public funds nor authority over any portion of the upbringing of American children.
Biden Education Secretary Planting NSBA Letter Takes A Page From Russia Collusion Hoax Playbook
If corrupt federal law enforcement agencies can run a covert smear campaign against a U.S. president, they can do it to you.
Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona requested the infamous letter from the National School Boards Association comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists, emails published Tuesday revealed, demonstrating even further the Biden administration’s entrenched efforts to smear its political opponents as threats to national security.
In an Oct. 5 email obtained by Parents Defending Education, NSBA Secretary-Treasurer Kristi Swett wrote that NSBA interim Executive Director Chip Slaven “told the officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cardona.”
That letter, which smeared concerned parents who showed up at school board meetings as domestic terrorists and urged the Department of Justice to use terrorism laws against them, was cited by Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland as the reason he directed the FBI and state attorneys to take action against “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” The NSBA later apologized for the letter, but that wasn’t enough to keep dozens of state school board associations from distancing themselves from the national organization over the debacle.
The idea that a member of the president’s cabinet secretly planted a political message in an outside organization, then acted on the request with the force of law under a pretense of neutrality, is scandalous. But it’s far from the only example of the Biden administration’s “domestic terrorism” smear campaign against its political dissidents.
On the same day these damning emails were revealed, the politicized Department of Justice announced a new “domestic terrorism unit” to deal with “an elevated threat from domestic violence extremists,” including “those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.” Read: anyone who challenges the regime, never mind the fact that the same “authorities” spent all four years of Trump’s term challenging the president’s legitimacy.
Only Relevant to NSW House.Landholders
Abolition of Certificates of Title
Changes to the land title system
On 11 October 2021, new changes to the land titles system in NSW were introduced that transitioned NSW away from paper-based processes.
The Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 made several changes to legislation, importantly allowing for the cancellation of certificates of title (CTs) and progressing NSW to 100% electronic lodgment of land transactions.
There are two significant changes from 11 October 2021:
. the cancellation of CTs and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework; and
. all land dealings must be lodged electronically. This is referred to as ‘100% eConveyancing’.
Key changes from 11 October 2021
Certificates of title
Existing CTs were cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs cannot be required to be produced to have a dealing or plan lodged for registration.
Similarly, Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions, such as banks, will no longer be issued with CoRD, which is the electronic equivalent of a CT.
The Torrens Title Register has always been and will continue to be the single source of truth as to the ownership of a person’s home. The Torrens Title Register is securely stored and backed up by both NSW Land Registry Services and the Office of the Registrar General.
The impact on landowners
There are three main changes from the current practice for landowners:
1. Those who pay off their mortgage will not receive a CT as was traditionally the case.
2. A purchaser of property without the need for a mortgage (aka “cash-buyer”) will not receive a CT.
3. When a plan of subdivision is registered, and new parcels of land created, CTs (or CoRD) will no longer be issued for those parcels.
In all instances an Information Notice will issue, which will confirm the dealings registered and date of registration.
Landowners of unencumbered land (i.e. no mortgage) who have a CT don’t have to do anything after 11 October 2021. After this date the CT will no longer be a legal document.
Those who own unencumbered land, but have someone else holding or storing their CT, may wish to request to have it back. From 11 October 2021 there will no longer be a remedy under the Real Property Act 1900 to get a CT back from others, given it has no legal effect.
Clients CTs
Currently, representative subscribers would be storing thousands of CTs in safe keeping on behalf of their clients. When CTs are cancelled, some firms may wish seek instructions from their clients on what to do with their CT. Others may want to just return CTs to their clients. Others may want to take the ‘do nothing’ approach, or even destroy them. All are viable options a firm should consider.
If a firm is considering destroying a CT it is recommended that instructions are sought from the client in the first instance. Despite the CT no longer being a legal document, it is still the client’s personal property and should be treated as such.
It is not necessary for representative subscribers to stamp a CT as “cancelled” or mark it in any way if returning it to their client after 11 October 2021. Likewise, previous advice was to keep the CAC secure. From 11 October 2021 the concept of the CAC is redundant and is no longer required to be kept securely.
We had a discussion on this a week or so ago.
Look into the companies holding the eCT’s, all publicly listed, in the one I looked into they had half a billion dollars in assets listed in their financials after a couple of years in operation. They only do eCT’s, so your property is their assets and they trade (gamble) these on the stock market.
Your home is held on the servers of private companies, are we awake yet?
Hi MP.
This topic is important to me right now.
CT’s came up recently (maybe Annie from this blog mentioned them) and it made me have a think about our own situation.
We have effectively paid our bank house loan out but have left things in situ for flexibility.
With the way things are globally with world banks, quantitative easing, etc, I persuaded the other half that we should finalise our loan so that we hold the title to our property (rather than the bank).
Anyway, we’ve been trying and they are making it extremely difficult. Even going into the bank in person today yielded no result – told to do the form on-line. The on-line form has questions that are worded in “solicitor-speak”. I wouldn’t have thought we would need a solicitor or conveyancer to finalise our house loan.
Given what you mention above, I’m wondering if we’re bothering for no reason. However, I’d prefer we officially have the title to our property.
I’d appreciate any thoughts on our predicament.
Well, if the Great Rest plays out according to plan, which only time will tell, then you won’t have anything to worry about as we will all own nothing and be happy. That means title ownership of properties will no longer exist. Are enough people awake yet? No, but the alarm bells are ringing loud and clear if anyone dears to listen.
For now, just paying off the loan ought to mean the bank still holds the CT on your behalf but the property is automatically in your possession unencumbered. The problem of course is we have to trust that the banks don’t do anything stupid.
You haven’t really owned land for 100years now. The moment a Govt official can tell you what is allowed or banned on ‘your’ land, it is his, not yours.
If you have to ask permission to put in a driveway, build a building, cut down a tree, dam a creek.. its not your land. If someone else can come on your land and dig it up to see if there are minerals below it, its not your land.
You buy and sell a ‘permission to occupy’, the same with Windows 10 or a thousand other products these days. Where the back of the box used to be advertising about how wonderful the product was, yesterday the new ‘Link” computer for a race car came in a box covered in fine-print legalise saying you didn’t own the product, you have a licence to use it, in one vehicle only and if you sell the computer the licence and box must go with it
A stroke of a pen will nationalise all land & Govt will say “Oh its just a change of “insert new word here” and it won’t make any difference. Then you’ll find the outer suburbs suffer all the power cuts at night, while the inner city has generators. Then they will make all travel to work from your suburb as difficult as possible.
Unfortunately you won’t be able to buy a new car, (shortages) or catch the infrequent broken-down trains (shortage of parts) to get to work, but look, we can assist you into one of these new Govt-built affordable, sustainable, green, 65-storey inner-city apartment blocks!
Too many bureaucrats and too much Govt!
If its important to you pay the couple hundred bucks to have the solicitor sit with you and do the form. It really doesnt sound like they are making it hard, they just have a process you dont like.
We probably will sit down with a solicitor due to the complexity of a task that should be simple.
i.e. We borrowed money to buy a house from a bank and the bank holds the title of the property until the money is paid back. Money now effectively paid back (pending this process). Why must we jump through burning hoops to get the bank to release the title to the owners?
In regard to your second sentence, I definitely do not like their process. That would just be another of nearly all of their processes I don’t like.
If you don’t think they are making it hard, the other half went in to the bank yesterday to try and sort it out in person. The young girl she spoke with had no idea what the process was. So my dear lady asked to speak to one of the house loan “experts” as illustrated on the sign outside. The loan bloke wouldn’t even come out of his office, and told the girl to convey the message that the only way to do the task is on-line.
Also, due to their “workload”, this process may take up to 6 weeks.
Once again, if they are not making it hard, they certainly ain’t making it easy.
We have CT for our own house, but now irrelevant – rang solicitors holding CT for Investment property yesterday to return the CT they held as now irrelevant, but feel happier to have in my possession.
What worries me is
The impact on customers
You will need to see a lawyer or conveyancer who is a subscriber to an Electronic Lodgment Network (ELN) to prepare and lodge dealings that are to be registered on the Torrens Register.
Most lawyers and licensed conveyancers that deal with property law are already registered as subscribers.
A subscriber must follow strict obligations, such as verifying your identity, establishing that you have the right to deal with the subject land and that they have your legal authorisation for them to carry out the work on your behalf. Failure to do so may result in the subscriber being suspended, terminated, or otherwise disciplined by their regulator.
There have been unscrupulous people in the past and how do you establish you have a right to deal ith the subject land?
I looked back at the old posts, I had a few links on that to what you seek, could not find it.
Here is a link to a fella who is taking the fight to court on behalf of QLDers
The private companies who hold your titles.
Property Exchange Australia Ltd.
Cash and cash equivalents $ 402,451,929 don’t appear to pay tax or dividends in any of their years though always in the black
In 2016 they made $6.5 million profit, spent 3 on wages and 2.5 on admin,
Purcell Partners Pty Ltd.
Sympli Australia Pty Ltd.
Thanks MP.
I had a quick look at what Len Harris is trying to do, and it’s very good.
The amendment bill in question just another example of what these sneaky governments (that supposedly represent their constituents) and bureaucrats do without the general public knowing.
People like Len need as much support as possible.
This change could be quite a shock for one class of landowner- the virtual landowner who conceals his ownership by entering a contract with a nominee owner in whose name the property title is recorded.
The virtual landowner maintains possession of the Certificate of Title and the nominee accepts some consideration for his part in the arrangement and is required to transfer the title to the virtual landholder according to the terms of the contract (usually by demand).
I’ve come across a few of these arrangements over the years. One involved a group of detectives who invested in a certain type of business and used a criminal figure as nominee. More commonly a group of foreign investors and prospective residents use the facility to hide their investment from authorities.
I expect such an investor now needs to be more certain about the trustworthiness of their nominee.
Look at this Jo!
How contagious is this Omicron?
The University of Washington’s Virology Department dashboard has hit 32 percent of those tested. Rarely has it exceeded 10%.
The respiratory viruses have plumetted off the Influenza reporting system for Washington State.
What is happening? Christmas? Self-Isolation?
‘Egg Nog cures FLU’
So are people wearing masks, isolating, and generally trying not to catch respiratory diseases? I don’t know. I’m not there. But given that the flu has a pitifully slow Ro of 1.4 it will be easily stopped by people doing things to slow Omicron. Omicron is just so infectious.
“Rex Murphy: Trudeau’s vilification of ‘anti-vaxxers’ paved the way for Legault’s punishment tax
It is an opening of a large door, a gate in fact. What new imposition will follow in its wake?”
Politicians are using COVID to gut the fundamentals of universal health care
Where is the Parliament of Canada when so much of our cardinal understanding of the nature of this country is being mutilated, basic freedoms amputated, our economy being laid waste, and every province made a mess of ever-shifting lockdowns, decrees, reverses and vacillations? COVID has not been managed: it has been one long, confusing, frustrating and gravely imperfect improvisation.
This latest and most blatant intrusion of state power — what Quebec Premier François Legault wishes to call a health tax — will doubtless be “sold” as being for the common good, as a one-time, one-off, never-to-be-exercised-again, during-an-emergency moment. If that’s how it is to be sold, then do not, I repeat, do not buy it.
Here is the fundamental principle of state power. What the state once gathers to itself it does not return.
Any fresh accretion of power to the state over its citizens has only one dynamic: as a precedent for the gathering of new and more power. And the go-to excuse from every fresh raid on the citizen’s autonomy is always, always, the classic claim: It’s for your own good. It is done only for the most benign of reasons. And we, your government, will only use this power with great restraint, under the most circumspect oversight, and with immense reluctance.
For those of you that haven’t seen this Gem from the WA dictator .
I’m aghast.
A media organization with some self awareness and humility. Not an Australian one of course.
I am very happy that the James Webb Space Telescope deployed successfully. I.e. it fully unfolded but has not yet reached L2 or received first light.
Sadly, I thought with America under siege by the Left and wishing to bring her done a notch (as was Obama’s objective), I thought there was a possibility that the project could have been sabotaged.
I just learned an interesting factoid.
If one of the 18 mirrors get damaged by debris, it can be de-aligned to remove it from the optical path.
Does that imply that all mirrors may be adjustable?
Yet more vaccine insanity from California – nurses who test positive for CoViD but are asymptomatic are now allowed to keep working due to the staffing shortage caused by mandates.
Meanwhile, unvaccinated but uninfected nurses are still banned from working according to the state’s regulations..
The WHO has given up on the gene therapy spike protein vaccines for CoViD
So the WHO recognise that the gene therapy spike protein vaccines have narrow protective profile, weak overall protection, poor or non-existent capability for reducing transmission and are short term for any resulting efficacy.
Are the WHO spreading misinformation?
And in case you think The Guardian is a right wing, white supremacist, anti-vaxxer publication, here is the source statement by the WHO
Interestingly, they are asking the vaccine manufacturers/developer for detailed information on the action and efficacy of their products. I wonder it the WHO will have more success with this request than all the others who have sought this data?
h/t Alex Berenson on his excellent substack
Unfortunately vaccines with much less sideeffects haven’t been part of the wishlict…
There are a number of protein sub unit vaccines wait for the authorizing groups to permit them to be used.
Here’s one of the reasons why the gene therapy spike protein vaccines for CoViD have never been particularly effective.
Remember Jo’s article from ages ago about the SARS-CoV-2 virus making some cells send out offshoots to spear neighboring cells to infect them? When this happens, the virions are never out in the bloodstream where the antibodies produced by the “vaccines” are.
That last sentence suggest some form of ADE was observed. Unfortunately, they don’t specify if the sera were from convalescent (recovered) plasma, from innoculation (vaccine response) or a laboratory monoclonal source.
With Australia one of the most covid “vaccinated” countries in the world die to compulsory vaccination, and infections increasing dramatically, what exactly would there be to lose from allowing the horse dewormer or the malaria drug to be used by willing consumers?
Is the fear that they might actually work?
That’s exactly what it is.
The trend to vaccinate children as young as 5 is going to be achieved by the governments proclaiming it’s in their best interests. As long as the people are convinced of that, they will happily endure any loss of freedoms and to a certain extent deprivation since it will be stated we must cherish our children and do whatever it takes to protect them from the virus. That’s the sort of approach H1tler used to control the people in his early days. We are seeing a similar pattern today with our government leaders, state and federal.
Dictator McGowan’s new regime.
Unvaccinated West Australians will soon be barred from a huge number of locations, including gyms, cafes and bottle shops, Premier Mark McGowan has announced — and the restrictions could last “years”.
Proof people have been double-jabbed is already required for venues taking in more than 500 punters, including nightclubs, music festivals and major events.
But from January 31, the list of places non-vaccinated people aged 16 and above will be able to attend will shrink dramatically.
Proof of vaccination will be required to visit public and private hospitals, aged care facilities, all hospitality venues including restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, clubs, nightclubs and dine-in fast food venues.
The unvaccinated will also be banned from museums, cinemas, the zoo, gyms, bottle shops, amusement parks, indoor entertainment venues and the entire Crown complex. They will be permitted to get take-away food and visit roadhouses and petrol stations.
Add to that hospitals. Yes hospitals are on the list
Add to that hospitals. Yes hospitals are on the list
I would assume same as Sydney Hospitals at the moment – no visitors, but before latest outbreak, Visitors had to be vaccinated, so far as unvaccinated I have not been banned from Hospital, but had 1 PCR Test, then was allowed RAT test – negative for Camcer Clinic, but no requirement for Pathology and I assume for next Pre Op Appt end January
We already have it in New Zealand. One can’t go to a private hospital if unvaxxed.
Unsurprisingly it has spawned a black market – home hairdressers, etc and a market in lending vaxx passes out.
At first McGowan seemed reasonable, consistent and intent on the task in the early Delta phase. Gradually he has gone off the rails and since the election win seems to have easily slipped into full dictator mode. Like Andrews he appears to really have some issues that he is now inflicting on the people of his State.
Like Andrews he will probably come back with a smiley face, reducing restrictions as the next cycle approaches.
Typing from the UK with frost still on the grass mid-morning and patchy freezing fog lurking around, ‘record’ temps (ignoring all the deleted old ones and including all the dodgy new ones!) look absolutely delightful.
Let’s pretend it’s not happening.
It’s a La Niña year, and the last big La Niña year was around 50 years ago, too long ago for the BOM weather folks to remember what La Niña years are like. The advantage we now have in Western Australia is lots of air conditioning.
The last big La Nina was a decade ago and BoM acknowledged it.
my apologies if these have been posted already
Corrupt graft by 100% tax relief to government compliant MSM across Australia secures the duopoly spin doctors propaganda machine bullshit remains front page in place of damaging factual news reporting.
Emergency Room Doctor: “I Am Blowing the Whistle”
I suspect more whistle blowers will come forth but they will have very hard time against the great evil already spread across the world. For example, George Soros has publicly stated that he does not believe in God, and thus it is up to him to manipulate the world economy to fulfil his grand visions. He has also stated that he had no remorse for helping the Naz1s against the Jews when he was a Jew pretending to be a Christian. That’s the sort of ev1l people the world is up against, and if they are successful, what happened to the Jews in Naz1 Germany gives us some insight of what to expect for our future.
Does that ev1l extend down to the likes of PM Morrison who calls himself a Christian but acts out as though he has no remorse for helping Big Pharma to execute a deadly experiment on children? I’ll try to believe he is just an ignorant fool for mistakenly supporting the deadly COVID-19 scam.
I suspect more whistle blowers will come forth but they will have very hard time against the great ev1l already spread across the world.
Just a reminder that Willis Eschenbach covered the latest Vinther study of Greenland in 2019 and he called it “Greenland is way cool”.
Good graphs and data for the Holocene and a good fit with the long 2006 Vinther thermometer study that showed warmer decadal trends from 1921 to 1980 and then 2 cooler decades from 1981 to 2000.
So no warming for Antarctica since 1950 ( 2020 Singh et al) and Greenland not so warm and little wonder that SLR is not a big issue in 2022.
“Planting trees and suppressing wildfires do not necessarily maximise the carbon storage of natural ecosystems. A new study has found that prescribed burning can actually lock in or increase carbon in the soils of temperate forests, savannahs and grasslands. […]”
Quarantine needed! Canadian news
“Liberal environment minister Steven Guilbeault said in a recent interview that he hopes to phase out fossil fuels within two years.”
In comments there
“Electric Cars lost to Steam…think about that.
What would be the market for electric, without government force tipping the scale?”
because something happened 100+ years ago, it doesnt mean that is a model that holds for eternity. Technologies evolve and new ones are created. I am no fan of EVs as a general and forced (in some cases) transport but “electric cars lost to steam….” isnt really much of an argument in 2022.
Skrable, Chabot, and French limit human CO2 effect to 48 ppm
Health Physics published the paper by Kenneth Skrable, George Chabot, and Clayton French on January 8, 2022
Australian Lamb: The Lost Country of the Pacific
This year’s Australia Day Ad
“Good to see the Victorians finally out of the House”
Perfect Showing of Victorians – Wrapped up against the Cold/Sun huddled under a Sun Umbrella
How so? does that fit your mental cinema somehow?
So much to like in this ad – need to watch it a few times to pick up everything. Love the last dig at McGowan and the hermit state of WA.
Scott Morrison and border bans get roasted in Australia Day lamb ad
That almost brought tears to my eyes. Sad to see Australia in such a mess.
How much longer will “disinformation sites” such as this one be allowed to operate?
WEF partners with Big Tech and governments to police Internet, encourage ‘coordinated action’ against unauthorized voices deemed ‘harmful’ to collective psyche
a recent piece by Neil Oliver on GBN was about co-ordinated voices. Interesting they are globally “on message” and want to stifle everyone else.
The two-party structure in the West is failing, and it’s easy to see why. Neither side truly represents the real wishes, aspiration and desires of a general population, simply because the general population is more and more diverse than ever before. We end up in a death spiral, politically and socially. SO, the real cause of the problems is not the government itself but the voters – they are so diverse we can never return to being a united nation with the same wishes, aspiration and desires for s prosperous and growing future. Going back to the old normal is now impossible. The new “normal” is divisions and chaos.
What about the Swiss model of direct democracy?
What about it? They seem to be having the standard amount of angst. Their system deals wonderfully well in steady state operation and dealing with low level commune/canton level issues. Not sure it offers that much more in terms of emergencies and draconian Feds in Bern.
Alright, how about a dictatorship headed by a charismatic right wing individual with strong Christian sensibilities?
A comet fell into the Indian Ocean around 2,200 BC, which had a big impact on climate and brought down the Old Kingdom.
Pauline Hanson reminding us of Therapeutic Albo’s True Thai massage.
Great Video 1 Min 41 Secs of enjoyment especially Albo at the End
Its always the same, give people a good middle class lifestyle and they stop having children.
‘China’s birth rate in 2020 declined to 1.3 percent, far lower than the replacement rate of 2.1, according to the seventh national census results. Since the population of women of childbearing age in China has reached its peak, it will continue to decline.’ (China Daily)
“DAN WOOTTON: The real lesson of Partygate is not that Boris is a lying hypocrite (we knew that already) but that lockdown laws are an ass and always have been”
Will love to see the independent/minor party vote at this year’s Federal Election. Our two “traditional” major parties are an anachronism. We deserve what we get in the Canberra “Snout’s in trough bubble”.