A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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World Wide Freedom Rally this Saturday 22nd, 11am East coast. See this flier for times and places.
Shall be at the Sydney rally.
Mrs Wife and I will be attending the Brisbane rally.
Like all of these events there are none within a days drive from me. My support and best wishes nonetheless.
Are you sure, check tour local town. Or let me know what is your closest major (biggest) town and I will check for you.
These things are in a lot of towns across Aus.
Ahh, Narrabri is closer. Not the boondocks.. but.
Nothing in Narrabri or Moree, closest is Byron Bay, that’s a hike for you.
Its the thought that counts?
Off to the Perth rally and maybe I will wear my tin foil hat that blocks out Mark MacGowan’s lies.
Mark says mask in 40 degrees C heat.
This article is from October 9th last year. It concerns exemptions to Vicdanistan’s (and Australia’s) mandatory vaccination regime for certain workers.
As far As I know, the exemptions still apply.
In dictatorships there are always different rules for the Elites.
8:44AM OCTOBER 9, 2021
Commonwealth, justice employees in Victoria granted vaccine exemption
Authorised workers in Victoria have been given a reprieve after the Andrews government backflipped on plans to enforce a COVID vaccination mandate.
Authorised workers in Victoria have been given a reprieve after the Andrews government backflipped on plans to enforce a COVID vaccination mandate.
All Commonwealth employees as well as people who work in connection with court proceedings will be exempt with a government spokesperson saying the relaxation is an attempt to avoid “jurisdictional limitations”.
The change will apply to judges, lawyers, security guards and police officers.
Currently, 1.2 million authorised workers in Victoria are required to have their first dose of the vaccine by October 15.
A true mandate does not admit of exceptions; exempt one, exempt all.
One can only guess at the magnitude of the storm of injunctions which would have arisen had Andrews mandated vaccinating Victoria’s barristers.
The plebs still must comply.
Unions in QLD getting a fee ride also.
Thanks MP.
Parliament Hiouse Melbourne, its on.
The Central banks will soon be rolling out the digital currency.
All central banks and the Bankers Bank, (BIS, Bank of International Settlement) are Rothschild owned. This is what the Vaccine passport is for, full control over every aspect of your lives. For you health.
We already have digital currency,the government knows and controls everything we do with money.
Central banks will be trying to head off the block chain currencies to make sure “they “ don’t lose control.
In my opinion invest in gold and silver , they are the only real currencies and if the system collapses and they can’t manipulate the prices lookout for a bull run in precious metals
Mind you, what would I know I’m only a pleb :))))
If there is any statement in the link provided that
“all central banks … are Rothschild owned”
I did not see it.
Is Australia’s Reserve Bank owned by Rothschild?
US Federal Reserve? German Bundesbank? …
If you have any ‘evidence, put it up.
No that’s just Canada. But it is every country with a reserve bank. Look into which countries do not have a central bank and you will see where the next wars will be.
[Good God SNIP SNIP snip some more. A mile long pile of linked stuff. We are almost at wits end over posting protected material. DO NOT DO IT! ]ED
The Fed story is a good read, the creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin.
Whole book here I think,
How are any of those links protected, they are all available to anyone.
They are links. Links to the actual reserve banks own statements on their own sites?
City of London’s home page. Yahoo Finance?
The comment I responded to asked for links, “If you have any ‘evidence, put it up.”
..and away we go!
As I hinted at days ago (secret sources..) it’s all going to wind down.
Mega Breaking: UK to end all mandates
New Zealand. Deaths due to vaxxes. Shocking data
New research paper identifies excess death in New Zealand.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that cloth masks have never been effective.
But of course our govt health experts are still using beads, rattles and voodoo dolls…
Despite the data from Israel dear old “Delusional Dan” is rolling out experimental clotshot #3 for Vic.
I’m wondering why the Australian Advertising Board allows the blatantly fraudulent lies in the tv vaxx ads. Proven safe & effective…
Maybe we should all email them and ask. Hint. Email your local polly and ask them too.
NSW Health Commissars contradict each other in the same press conference
Incredibly, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard tried to maintain the lie that we are in a pandemic of the unvaccinated in exactly the same press onference in which Chant stated the 33/36 figure
This is the trouble with lying. We all did it as kids, got caught out, had to to tell more lies to cover the earlier ones.
It doesn’t work!
Insurance companies begin denying coverage for vaccine claims
But then comes the judge’s hammer: the insurance company will not pay the premium because the deceased acted at his own risk in the Corona vaccination.
You WILL be seeing this a lot from medical and life insurance funds from now on especially as the narrative collapses so be forewarned…
Alyssa_Milano says she still gets heart palpitations, shortness of breath and tingling in her hands and feet two years after contracting Covid
Don’t forget to mention the 2 shots and booster.
Alyssa you may recall was the one wearing a hand knitted woolen face mask. What can you say..
Follow the celebrities for medical advice 😅😅
Remember how health authorities said serious vaccine side effects always will be seen fast?
Turns out that’s not true… as Pfizer (and its veterinarian chief executive) should know better than anyone.
Quite so..and as I’ve said from day 1, it’s not Covid you have to worry about but what comes after it.
My special sources and “can of worms” says watch the UK and nearby Eurozone countries carefully. I am.
Nothing to see here.
Is it just me or was that article hard to read? It’s like it was originally published in French and has been badly translated to English.
Well if the theory about covid being the excuse to force everyone to have a vacvine/ID passport for the new Mark of the B financial system, then it makes sense it woukd wind down
My thought is what comes next? The resisters being thrown into camps, or will they realise a bug v2.0 that will use the ADE impact to finish the job? I recall seeing a german govt comment that they expected people to have AIDS-like stuffed immune function by xmas last year.
“My special sources and “can of worms” says watch the UK and nearby Eurozone countries carefully. I am.”
So is russia/nato war an issue or are we expecting to see a dictatorship globally emerge thats worse than what we have now?
By the way, if they start microchipping people, I’m out and into the hills…
It’s nonsense to condemn masks because they are not 100% effective.
If a mask did no more than catch 90% of the spittle that flies when people are talking that would justify their use. Most masks would do at least that.
The masks you Muppets wear, even the manufactures state “will not protect against COVID 19”.
The cloth ones don’t even have an ASA rating, yet are advertised as a safety device, which is illegal.
N95 surgical masks are $40 a pop and offer protection in preventing 95% penetration of particles to .3 micron, Particles!
For masks to work they must have a positive seal around the entire area, path of least resistance rules.
The Oxygen content on the inhaled breath in a mask is 17.5%, WPHS in a confined space, if the Oxygen gets below 19.5% the job must be abandoned, them’s the Rules.
Its the same as sucking your thumb, provides that warm fuzzy feeling only, but shows compliance.
Hiding under your bed is still 99% effective though.
If those masks you trust your life to were any good, every industry on the planet would use them, none do.
Wear a mask, your choice.
My rights don’t end where your fear begins!
Just watch out for MP and his misinformation. And pay no attention to his rhetoric- he’s scared of painted roads.
P2N95 masks can cost under $20 for a pack of 10 though more typically about $3-4 each as part of a pack. A good N95 will easily release most of the exhaled air so that figure of 17.5 is true only for certain masks.
The word is SURGICAL N95
A good quality N95 mask will probably cost between $40 and $80. Discounts are often available for bulk orders, so if you’re purchasing on behalf of a clinic, hospital or group, make sure you take a look at the offers available before you buy.
Of course your choice of quality would be similar to your standards, Low. Bunnings, low standards are just the beginning. For all things safety and vaccination.
I am talking of getting something that actually works on particles, you are talking about a comfort Blankie.
17.5% is true for all masks that seal.
and you conveniently link to a site that sells them in boxes of 20 for $48
That’s a paste in the linked article’s own words, I was not shopping. I could not remember the definition of the P. I have half face, canister type for spraying. But I need something that works, not gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
then pay the $2.40
None of those types seal, mainly because people have chins and noses. Inhaling herbicides and insecticides are best avoided.
Bought 10 N95s for $2. Is Bunnings providing a service at a cost?
Clarity of the Bigger Question, WHY This Massive Push for Vaccinations?
January 19, 2022 | Sundance | 458 Comments
A guest on the Tucker Carlson show outlined the answer to this question {Direct Rumble Link} which has been stated in these pages and a multitude of conversations for well over a year. Why has there been this massive disproportionate push for vaccination against a virus which, all things considered, is NOT that deadly?
For two years, as we have watched the various governments around the world pushing the COVID-19 vaccination, many have asked this question? The demand and effort is wildly disproportionate to the risk. So why has this vaccination program been so severely pushed, including the mandates and requirements that everyone must follow in order to participate in society? Why this scale of effort?
Tucker Carlson and Eva Vlaardingerbroek explained the motives and intents last night. Yes, in essence, this is the quiet part being said out loud.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the global protests against tyrannical government overreach. These mandates all stem from the goals and directives of the Great Reset movement by the World Economic Forum (a movement which the Biden Administration is a part of). WATCH:
Interesting dissertation
The same old question.
I’ll tell you this – the NWO agenda is real and planned progressive “population adjustment” is real. Experimentation via the vaxxes is real too.
But…Klaus Schwab/Agenda 21/NWO are all just a public front in the same way Biden is.
You want to know who the real puppetmasters are. Everyone wants to know, even Martin Armstrong.
I’ve racked my brain since 2020 and seen soooo much information…
I have a solid theory that fits absolutely everything but I don’t want to post it until I have absolute proof. I suspect a mod would open the door to oblivion and kick it through if I did.
It can all be summarised in one short sentence.
Let’s just say the same group of people that failed with their plan decades ago are having another shot.
I don’t like being cryptic but I dislike being suicided even more 😉
Don’t take the vaxxes or boosters. Fight back at every opportunity. It’s no longer a matter of winning or losing but rather one of damage mitigation.
“The same group of people”.
Absolutely. And their heirs. But where are they?
The “crash of 1987” was 34 years ago. So how can we learn anything from it now? By understanding what most of us failed somehow to notice then.
That crash was deliberately created, engineered. And the Australian government of the time played its full share on the world scene in creating it.
Every prudent businessman knew that what they were doing must lead to a crash. And still it was done. Because if the Prime Minister is promoting it it must be OK.
And Hawke was promoting it, personally and vigourously, even as the things that landed people in gaol ten years later were being done.
“Look at this great Australian!” He said of Alan Bond, the leader of the pack. And after Bond had filched Bell Resources’s $1.2 billion cash Hawke publicly vilified the NAB’s CEO Nobby Clark for refusing to join his National Australia Bank to their road to ruin. Note that the NAB was one of the smaller banks then but after the crash was Australia’s biggest, because it avoided the crash.
Nobody noticed that each Hawke/Keating budget brought changes which promoted investment in a particular sector, only to switch back a couple of years later to cripple that investment. It was systematic economic vandalism. Rental housing, the racehorse industry, and finally the tourism industry, which had been built up in the bicentenary year of 1988 to be Australia’s biggest industry, was bankrupted by Hawke’s personally engineered (“it would be resolved his way, no matter what the cost”) three month Pilots’ Strike on top of 20% interest rates.
Their motive? Simple. To destroy Capitalism, no matter the cost.
Why? To enable them to install a new economic model of their choosing. Just as a developer buys a building to demolish it and build a new one.
As far as I could ever tell, their model was the one the Russians threw out a couple of years later after spending a whole lifetime trying to make it work. And this fresh start would be installed on the scorched earth of their 1987 crash. Keating did go to Moscow and come back telling us that he had seen the future. (A future in which Boris Yeltsin was a has been Olympic athlete),
But, just as again in 2019, their hubris brought them unstuck. They underestimated their enemy. They were outsmarted.
The people on top of the pile could still remember the 1930s. There’s not much fun to be had on top of the pile when the pile is flat. So, instead of extracting every pound of flesh, they took losses sufficient to ensure that the pile did not collapse. Which left them still on top, and the Marxists still on the outer.
Having failed to gain control in 1987, the Marxists switched to running up public debt. Public debt must be funded by private capital. Their theory is that when public debt rises above the capacity of private capital to service it, private capital will become irrelevant.
Some of us have been thinking the same thing as you, but know less. I would like to hear your thoughts. Please post more. Has also occured to me that this is possibly being played out by the same people who were doing harm in the second world war, and their families. I am concerned they are after land titles. How was land confiscated in the past? In communitst countries? In Australia when the soldier settler blocks were created? Can we protect ourselves?
The Emissions Trading Scheme which but for the arrival of Barnaby Joyce would have been installed by the Howard government refused point blank to allow credits for the sequestration side of Agriculture’s carbon cycle. This was grossly inequitable. After protestation they shunted “Agriculture”, not just the sequestered carbon, into the too hard basket, but they never acknowledged that inequity. Had they succeeded in installing their ETS, they would have reinstated that provision.
This “tax on air” would have quickly rendered Australia’s grazing industry insolvent, rendering the land on which that industry operated valueless. That land would then be delivered via forced sales into new ownership, the superannuation funds, without compensating the present owners. The farming sector would have followed not far behind.
They nearly got away with it because with only Agriculture and Forestry having a carbon cycle, few people understood the concept of sequestration.
What is the logic behind the Government giving free funerals for COVID vax related deaths? After all, the approved covid vaccines are claimed to be fully tested and safe.
To buy silence?
Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs
In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.
Yep its one big con. If your death was classified as a COVID death, next of kin got $10,000 for funeral expenses, gamed the entire system.
The country is so corrupt they don’t even try and hide it anymore.
A covid death or a vaccination death?
Govt info seems to be saying a vaccination related death.
If they made this more widely known, say by advertising that should the jab kill you, you can get a free funeral, maybe this would appeal to the ‘vaccine hesitants’ out there. You never know, we could get 100% compliance rate!!!
Payment for “narrative compliance”
The Rum Corps LIVES!!
At a guess, it helps ensure fewer autopsies.
Yes I have really become that cynical … it tooks a while.
Get woke, go broke.
Novak Djokovic Saga Causes Refunds to Outstrip Ticket Sales at Australian Open
Colour me surprised!
And there is a very fair chance that the Djokovic saga and the RAT bungles and the cost of the RATs to be met by those who are already impoverished and the Christine Holgate debacle and Christian Porter’s problems and the idiocies of Craig Kelly and George Christensen and the wafer thin margin Morrison has in Parliament and numerous other examples of Morrison trying to shift the blame, will cause Labor votes to outstrip LNP votes in the upcoming election
And if your prediction comes true…we are better off how ?
We aren’t better off, but I will no longer vote LNP after their bad handling of an infectious bug and their seeming addiction to the green blob. No more. I previously fell for the kind of story that I mustn’t vote for minority parties because Labor will win. It makes no difference if the parties are doing the same thing, now does it?
I will never vote for one of the major parties again while there is a single representative that supported vaccine mandates still in the party.
The last election was won by the lesser evil. We knew and that is why they won
But of those who voted for them the majority are not dyed in the wool LNP supporters.
It is these voters who will vote for the myriad of disunited minor parties and thus destroy any chance of sanity.
Voting for ONLY one would give us the edge to negate the lunatic watermelons.
But these idiots cannot agree on anything and as each new one pops up it helps to destroy us.
However, the idiots who vote for the ALP are mostly deaf, dumb and blind(metaphorically) socialists, indoctrinated wokists, muslims or the parasite feeders from Centrelink breasts who would never contemplate voting for anyone else and thus the LNP is really up against it this time.
The real irony here is IF we think that the LNP did a bad job (which they did), then just imagine what the elected communists (ALP) would have done had they been in charge. Just look at NZ and Canada to gain a clue.
This next election will again be about the lesser evil however minimally so.
“This next election will again be about the lesser evil however minimally so.”
Well, you can see how successful that idea was this last time, why would it be any different next time?
There is NO difference between the parties, they are all made up of politicians. Just stop their careers being on the public tit and never vote for anyone who has been in there.
So, you advise not to vote at all, thus giving it to the braindead Left or are you implying that we should remove them literally?
“and the idiocies of Craig Kelly and George Christensen “
Nope… probably the only two rational thinkers of the lot !
Yes the Australian people sooooo want a PM Albanese.
You seriously think the electorate gives a rats clacker about Holgate?
“You seriously think the electorate gives a rats clacker about Holgate?” NB Don’t forget apostrophes or are you one of the “he should of done that” brigade?
Judging by the majority of comments I certainly don’t think anyone here gives a rat’s clacker about Christine Holgate or indeed about anyone except themselves. However there are lots of fair minded Australians who don’t forget the scummy behaviour of the LNP as exemplified by Holgate and Brittany Higgins.
Yes, the Liberals have taken on a lot of leftist characteristics lately. !
Oh lordy Brittany Higgins. Quite so I dont give a toss about either of these show ponies. I care about the many decent women out there working hard to make their way through life and succeeding on their own merits.
Are you seriously saying Brittany Higgins is a reason not to vote LNP?
If so. You have equivalent reasons not to vote Labor. There are equivalent incidents in the Labor party and the so called party for women and it’s vocal women’s rights members went MIA.
How Brittany Higgins felt she was treated and how she was treated are two different things. I’m sure it could have been done better. But many of the complaints are trivial or mischaracterised. (no, I’m not saying the alleged incident is trivial) Such as being questioned in the office where the alleged offence occurred. She was being questioned over a breach of protocol (which she was guilty of) and when the minister was advised of the allegation by Higgins the nature of the meeting appropriately changed.
,,, I’ve already said it but it bears repeating:
This is an election year for you guyz’n’girls! Kick your pollie’s rumps on every issue you feel anything about.
Kick ’em hard!
If you think the Ministers responsible for giving Australia a pair of PR black-eyes should make with a refund for Tennis Australia? Maybe it should be suggested, because from the headline of DM’s link above, it looks as though the Great Australian Tennis Open is going to be Closed.
Oh.Dear. How Sad. Too Bad. Never Mind.’What a Surprise.
A difference between Leftist and Conservative positions on the virus and its treatment (copied):
“The problem, however, is that your position says all must comply, and my position says all must have choice.”
The problem however is your freedom comes at the expense of my death.
I wish
No one gets outta here alive
Jim Morrison & The Doors
The Thugs and Goons Administration (TGA) have now approved Novavax.
But Novavax Inc. is not a) a member of the Big Pharma fraternity and b) their vaccine is a traditional protein subunit type.
Therefore, Big Brother doesn’t give it the full privileges of the Big Pharma vaccines. Thus, it will be a primary two shot vaccine only, and not used for the booster shot and not used on children under 18.
As it is not presently approved as a booster, you are still going to get an mRNA as a booster shot to be ” full vaxed “..thereby negating the safety of Novavax as compared to the [snip] booster. A no win situation sadly.
[no reason to add a slang term to make your point.]ED
Unpleasant comment to wish for someone else’s death but then why am I not surprised?
Sorry, correction, I want, I wish it would soon.
I would say your not surprised as you hear it often.
“The problem however is your freedom comes at the expense of my death.”
Utter and complete scientifically-unfounded BS. !!
What’s the point of vaccines if they don’t protect you?
Where’s the logic in Ian’s comment?
Come on Beth, ‘vaccines’ (formerly known as therapeutics) give a tiny bit of protection against against an outcome that has a tiny chance of occurring.
Totally worth the massive expenditure and possibly irreparable social and political damage.
Like Decarbonization.
Don’t worry. Your vaccine will protect you…
Bazinga, David!
HIS vaccination certainly doesn’t help anyone else
What vaccine?
“What vaccine?”
The jabs you said you had taken..
Sure, they are not really a vaccine.
Don’t protect against anything after a short time..
… but no need to play silly semantic games.
Its a weird world where the unvaccinated get accused of giving the vaccinated the bug that the vaccinated were supposedly vaccinated against. 😉
Seems the only people scared of getting sick are those who have been double or triple jabbed.!
Something obviously isn’t working.. wouldn’t you agree. ! 😉
I do understand your misgivings though, you have taken the experimental jabs.
You now know they are ineffective after a very short time, and you also know there is a distinct possibility they have done some possibly quite serious internal bodily harm…
Guess what….
.. you can’t un-take them. !
“Guess what….
.. you can’t un-take them. !
I don’t need to
You seem to be implying you are an anti-vaxxer. 😉
Particularly “weird” when you consider that the relatively few unvaccinated who get infected are most likely to be infected through close contact with vaccinated who were in turn infected by contact with another vaccinated.
If we could trace the lineage far enough there’s likely a humanised lab mouse to be blamed.
” … your freedom comes at the expense of my death”
That’s right, and if you don’t wear your car seat-belt mine won’t work.
I wonder, at what point will lefties concede that they were out-and-out, baldfaced LIED TO about being “fully protected”?
And now for the first time in history the failure of a treatment is being blamed on those who didn’t take it.
Why not think rather than parrot leftie talking points?
“I wonder, at what point will lefties concede that they were out-and-out, baldfaced LIED TO about being “fully protected”?”
At what point will the uneducated right concede they do not know the difference between death rate and total deaths?
You make no sense.
The left may have just eradicated a lot of itself by blindly taking a drug that may off a lot of them.
Conservative by resisting will prove to be overall smarter than the lefty blind believers.
In the USA, many smart people are bailing from the rapidly decaying blue states, and going to conservative red states.
Nice side-step, even for a member of the uneducated far left.
“at what point will lefties concede that they were out-and-out, baldfaced LIED TO about being “fully protected”?””
Despite all the data and facts to the contrary, do you really still believe you are “fully protected”.!
Very drama queen, neither condition is necessarily linked except in your mental cinema.
Ian, that is with out a doubt one of the dumbest things I’ve heard.
Ian claims to be at risk from others having choice.
Why does Ian not vaccinuate? It is safe and effective!
Others’ choice will cause his death – standard emotional blackmail argument.
Argument is the wrong way round- data shows that vaxing is riskier than the Wuhu. So it is us being ‘mandated’ to vax that are under death threat.
Further, death is not an expense, it is a capital transaction.
“Why does Ian not vaccinate?”
He says he has, double jab + booster.
Seems to have closed his mind to the damage the jabs can do to the human body. !
Our TGA website has 2,231 deaths with covid19 where 87% had one or more serious underlying health issues. Average age 86.
So 290 soul’s have passed away since the start of covid19.
#Check updated figure’s.
Our TGA DAEN database has 95,000 adverse vaccine events where thousands suffering from heart and many more from neurological damage. For many people there’s no end in sight. My nephew has pericarditis from one Pfizer injection.
Our TGA DAEN database has 740 deaths recorded as an outcome of covid19 vaccines, where 6% had one or more serious underlying health issues.
Only 11 have been confirmed
Adverse reactions must fall within 72 hours of vaccination.
A USA scientific research has found that the figure’s of adverse vaccine events be multiplied by 20.
Is the cure worse than the disease?
The global survivability of covid19 is 99.98%
Interesting philosophy … “Dominate or Die!”
There’s just a chance that might make you one of the bad guys. But hey, at least you are honest about it.
Bat-Flu Crazy in the Land of Oz by Peter Smith at Quadrant online
Monday morning and I tuned into a press conference with Dominic Perrottet and Kerry Chant. Masochistic, I suppose. Indications are that 95 per cent of new cases are Omicron, we were informed. A mild disease, therefore we can now all get back to normal? You think? Not a bit of it. This is a never-ending saga
Novak Djokovic is simply the latest person, at least who we’ve heard about, persecuted by the clowns running the country. As there were no medical grounds for booting him out, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke claimed afresh to a full bench of three judges that his very presence “may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment … potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest.” Civil unrest? Give us a break.
The cost of this pandemic is superficially measured in case numbers, hospitalisations and deaths by governments and public health authorities. That, however, is the least of it. Another measure is the livelihoods, and physical and mental health, damaged and ruined by lockdowns and restrictions. When the dust settles that will turn out to be the greater cost. Yet a third measure dwarfs the others.
The pandemic has brought out what was better left contained and hidden. It’s been akin to Pandora’s box. It has shown politicians to be even more self-exculpatory, mediocre and incompetent than we ever dreamt of in our philosophy. And worse, it has shown how many scaredy cats and scolds are in our midst.
According to the DAEN data, available on, there were 47,516 reports of adverse events associated with the jabs, and 470 deaths for the whole of 2021. Strange that we do not get much media attention to such important data.
More strange that some months ago, the number of DAEN reported deaths was 620, appreciably higher than what is currently reported. Are those dying of the vaccine arising from the dead, or is there some careful management of the unwelcome data?
sorry but no.
I’ll just add a note to this in case anyone is confused about reporting.
can be reported so long as it occurs within a certain time-frame. Thus, for instance, there are various cancers reported which clearly have nothing to do with the vaccine and likely arose before vaccination but were diagnosed post-vaccination and therefore are reported.
If you just look at deaths – the 400 or so in 2021 – you’ll see many that are completely unrelated to the reported symptom. About 22000 reports of fatigue and lethargy with 34 deaths! Seven deaths from 4477 rashes.
Every person I know who got the shot had those, including you. None reported it, including you.
But everyone else did, got it.
MP fatigue is killing me
I wish.
I have another invention you maybe interested in, aside from my vaccine camel back auto dosing system and shopping centre Vaxxine hubs.
Kevlar socks, for those that continuously shoot themselves in the foot. I shall put you down for two pairs, one to be worn over the other, as you are of a higher calibre.
Morrison destroyed my Gold Coast whale oil harvesting, sustainable fuel for the French subs, probably should take those nets out.
There are at least a dozen customers on just this site, get in quick while stocks last, as I am about to advertise on the “Conversation”.
I’ll plan my escape. But how to avoid the red roads?
As most of them are placed near a cliff, I would suggest you drive around them.
but most of them aren’t. It was fake news.
No its not Fake, they are on every road into every town near me. I drive over them every day, can’t see them at night or in the rain.
How’s the foot holding up.
in mod elsewhere
any problem driving around this road
I could, doubt you could. Couple of concrete blocks and wahla.
What is under that new bitumen, I found the cable coming out of one near me runs up the side of the cutting. That one is in a cutting, still can’t drive around it. I think they are load cells of a type.
Why are they not on all the speed reduction points, there are numerous around me.
For our safety and health.
Red marking = “put covid passport inspection road block here”
Makes it easier to know where to put traffic choke points.
On the subject of adverse reactions has anyone else with double AstraZeneca vaccinations experienced a non-itchy rash on chest and back that won’t go away. I have read that this is one manifestation but mainly with Pfizer and mRNA vaccines. Also an increase in my tinnitus which wasn’t very bad before the vaccines. Could be the onset of old age but I don’t think so.
Tinnitus is a common side effect of the Covid vaxxes.
Tinnitus is a fairly commonly reported side effect of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines – some have found it to be “almost unbearable” in its intensity.
The rash sounds like an autoimmune response which can manifest in many ways. If it was a background infection that flared up due to immune suppression, I would expect that it would be far more irritating.
You are onto something. But more than tinnitus, cancers “in remission” seem to flare.
There has been an increase in some cancers attributed to vaccination (endometrial etc). Vaccination should be expected adversely to affect the course of many cancers.
A healthy immune system eliminates the majority of incipient cancers. Vaccination is known to temporarily compromise the effectiveness of the system that eliminates cancer at that early stage.
It’s conceivable that the onset of cancer might have nothing to do with the vaccine but the progress of the cancer may have much to do with it.
Plus there are cancers (and other conditions) attributable to late diagnosis due to many people being too terrified to visit a doctor or unable to do so due to lockdowns.
And on top of that are the reports from oncologists that cancers once in remission have come back with a vengeance post vaccination. Those are certainly not cases where the diagnosis was delayed due to lockdowns.
I said much the same above. I had no wish to speak over you.
The emphasis is worthwhile since you posted independently
[ “which clearly have nothing to do with the vaccine” — JN]
How do you know?
Our TGA website has 2,231 deaths with covid19 where 87% had one or more serious underlying health issues. Average age 86.
So 290 soul’s have passed away since the start of covid19.
#Check updated figure’s.
Our TGA DAEN database has 95,000 adverse vaccine events where thousands suffering from heart and many more from neurological damage. For many people there’s no end in sight. My nephew has pericarditis from one Pfizer injection.
Our TGA DAEN database has 740 deaths recorded as an outcome of covid19 vaccines, where 6% had one or more serious underlying health issues.
Only 11 have been confirmed
Adverse reactions must fall within 72 hours of vaccination.
A USA scientific research has found that the figure’s of adverse vaccine events be multiplied by 20.
Is the cure worse than the disease?
The global survivability of covid19 is 99.98%
“…..and 470 deaths for the whole of 2021. Strange that we do not get much media attention to such important data.
More strange that some months ago, the number of DAEN reported deaths was 620, “
When you get to a thousand, you start again.
The number is 11 not 470
Our TGA website has 2,231 deaths with covid19 where 87% had one or more serious underlying health issues. Average age 86.
So 290 soul’s have passed away since the start of covid19.
#Check updated figure’s.
Our TGA DAEN database has 95,000 adverse vaccine events where thousands suffering from heart and many more from neurological damage. For many people there’s no end in sight. My nephew has pericarditis from one Pfizer injection.
Our TGA DAEN database has 740 deaths recorded as an outcome of covid19 vaccines, where 6% had one or more serious underlying health issues.
Only 11 have been confirmed
Adverse reactions must fall within 72 hours of vaccination.
A USA scientific research has found that the figure’s of adverse vaccine events be multiplied by 20.
Is the cure worse than the disease?
The global survivability of covid19 is 99.98%
How quickly it seems that all of this is now so totally unimportant, and we’ve all moved on from it, thank heavens. Woke people are the new goldfish.
Once upon a time, they told us that coal fired power is dying, and they all believed it, because, well, no one actually bothered to go and check. One plus one is good, but hey, 35% of something is totally meaningless, and maths like that is for, well, someone else, and hey, facebook doesn’t use big numbers anyway.
So then, let’s look at some maths.
35% (and ever so slowly rising each year) of the World’s total power generation is from coal fired power. That’s 8736TWH a year, (end of 2020) and that’s just coal fired power generation. (Hmm! Another of those meaningless numbers) Look at your power bill, and consider how the average Australian home consumes between 17 and 20 KWH of power a day. KWH, KiloWattHour. Well that 8736TWH is 8,736,000,000,000KWH.
Of that 8736TWH, 4631TW is generated in China alone ….. so that leaves 4105TWH for ….. the whole of the rest of the World. (Oh, and for some perspective, Australia consumes 240TWH a year of electrical power from EVERY source)
4631TWH – China
4105TWH – The whole of the rest of Planet Earth
So China generates 53% of the total coal fired power on the Planet, and the whole of the rest of the World generates 47% of the coal fired power.
So China generates 500TWH more coal fired power than the rest of the Planet COMBINED.
Let that sink in for a minute as you take in what comes next.
China burnt 4.3% LESS Coal to generate its power than the rest of the World burnt to generate its lesser amount of coal fired power.
LESS coal.
That’s because China constructs new tech coal fired plants, and is actively retrofitting older plants to bring them up to the standard of those new tech plants. China retrofits old plants to make them less emitting. Here in Oz, we just ….. ‘blow them up!’
Yeah, well, coal fired power is not dying. You only have to check to find that out.
See now why the goldfish believe what they believe. One plus one is easy. Umm, what’s a TWH, why the big numbers, and what does that percentage really mean. Oh, and do you have a reference for that, one that I won’t take anyway if all its uses are big numbers. I’ve forgotten how to use the Internet.
And you wonder why we’re so damned cynical.
Tony thanks for your hard work trying to get the yappers to think over the last decade or so, but I’m not sure you’ll have much success.
Even Wiki’s graph of countries’ TOTAL co2 emissions since 1970 doesn’t interest them.
The EU + USA combined TOTAL co2 emissions since 1970 have not increased, while China, India and other “developing countries'” TOTAL co2 emissions have soared over the last few decades.
And they couldn’t care less, because this is about their left wing political nonsense, not data and evidence. Of course we’re living in the very best of times and yet the MSM, so called scientists, most govts etc tell us we’re facing an EXISTENTIAL THREAT unless we change to their TOXIC S & W idiocy.
Good post and I’ve been reading the following (per the link) just to show how much in $ value our FF have increased over 2021 due to demand, this will most likely continue through 2022 and maybe beyond (who knows?). FF have been hard done by for a while, but that situation could be reversing. I do hope my super is investing in FF and not renewables, there’s $ to be made in carbon within FF.
I suggest you do not hope but take an active interest in what is happening with your money locked away in super.
In years past I would debate battery believers but gave up because they had no concept of scale. I would post pics of cities at night and ask how they hoped to power that without base load power. They never got it.
My bolding here
You hear the usual unmitigated trash blah blah blah from ‘friends of the dirt’ supporters of all things green, and one mantra their handlers mention to them is ….. ‘distributed power’ and the m0r0n$ just repeat it without even the slightest understanding of what it actually means.
Show them, (as you mentioned) images of cities at night, only show them the images of those same cities during the day, and ask them how they might propose to ‘distributed power’ for that. Mention HVAC and watch for the thousand yard stare blank face.
Sydney CBD, all the skyline you see in the one image (and the same applies for Melbourne and Brisbane just here in Australia) but just Sydney CBD alone consumes around 15TWH of power a year, (and there’s every chance it’s actually more than that) That’s a total of 1720MW in constant use, 24 hours of every day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. (a large rooftop solar system is 6KW, so that’s almost 300,000 of those large rooftop solar systems Nameplate, or to deliver that 15TWH, then 2.3 Million of those 6KW rooftop solar systems)
That’s in that concentrated area. You can’t solar panel, wind tower, battery backup ‘distributed power’ supply that, full stop.
And the point here is this …… They won’t hear of any explanation, because they have their mantra, but no concept of what it actually means.
The rooftop solar system was used as just one example here. The same 15TWH could also be supplied by 13.6 Macarthur Wind Plants. (Nameplate 420MW)
“..and they won’t hear of any explanation”.
This stuck in my mind following a recent discussion. The left, in all its forms on everything from Covid, AGW etc have their views AND their answers. They think they are right because they have answers.
The trouble is their answers don’t marry with or utilise FACTS.
But but but …
Ah, the subject change guy has turned up.
China is a place where energy availability leads demand. Think of it as filling an energy resevoir, being drained by industry
In the West, it more about drilling new holes and draining the energy resevoir faster than it can be replaced with a renewable product.
You are measuring China by the amount of carbon they emit wherein China is a place which will probably reduce its carbon emissions rapidly by switching to nuclear and natgas or crbon sequestering. Chinese have no difficulty buidling things. Whats the chllenge of a few hundred nucler power plants? (running it safely)
Problem in the West is diverting energy production to new uses before base load is bolstered. Example: green crypto
China’s problem is relying on an ever growing GDP to satisfy it’s society. It is trapped by Malthusian style growth. Taking over the world cannot solve this problem
Right at the top in my original Comment 12, I wrote this: (my bolding)
Raving, do please tell us about your carbon sequestering, just another of those things you ‘just believe’, without actually going and checking, eh!
Here is the USA’s zero carbon future, CCS is happening now, the irony is that the CO2 is coming from corn ethanol plants renewable fuel, compressed and pumped 1500 miles and injected into depleted oil fields. Reads to me like the oil industry invented a way of getting the taxpayer to pay for them to pump out more oil to sell them.
This is a good vid on the goings on
China might use half of the world’s coal but it also produces a third of the world’s economic output.
Not going to quibble with the importance of energy density or base load power or even the shift awy from coal to other energy sources
What limits is the global distribution of production versus consumption. Money eventually runs out
The problem is building that base load in India or Indonesia. It is not just a matter of coal, nuclear,naseload or renewable. Somebody needs to buy that power. People without income cannot take advantage of those solar farms. No purpose manufacturing without selling to markets to consume. Building a renewble power source in Africa with subsidized money assumes that somebody can afford to buy and use that power. Chicken and egg situation. Coal offers a cheap means of starting
It’s not really about generating power. It is about using power
“What limits is the global distribution of production versus consumption. Money eventually runs out”
No, it doesn’t. Two points on this, one is that Govts just invent money so it never runs out, in fact generally we always have the opposite problem, they invent too much.
However I figure you’re talking of markets, and if someone in Africa buys something like a cellphone from China, then rents it out to everyone in the village, they have just increased the GDP.
If you haven’t got any excess from your method of keeping yourself alive, be it extra coconuts or maize in Africa or savings in Australia, then you won’t float the boat higher. However humans have advanced from investing that extra energy each day, and global distribution is just another cost within a product, it pits one country against another for supply. The free market solves these problems easily, only people who believe in a fixed-size pie can’t see that.
Chinese carbon isn’t the biggest elephant. It’s all those billions of people in undeveloped or developing countries such India and Indonesia. The big danger from carbon is in what is to come, nothere and now
I look upon carbon sequetering in terms of burying vegetation in dry wet and aquatic sinks. This may retard emissions in only relative sense of hundreds to thousands of years. Sinking carbon into the ground, into lakes and into oceans. (Example: remember dumping iron into ocean?)
Yes I just believe that temporary sinks in the scale of hundreds to thousands of years makes a big difference. People forget that carbon emission and adsorbtion are time dependent activities
Plants adsorb loads of carbon and we are good at agriculture. It’s a storage problem
Yes I checked the numbers. 20% current global emissions is feasible. This without stimulating oceaniccpture or enhanced weathering.
Intended for Tony
Timely and pertinent article:
Covid has ALWAYS been, first and foremost, a “political” disease.
With creatively managed casualties.
Didn’t Boris Johnson just give an understated, very British version of this same speech?
There are likely some more derriere saving speeches in the works all over.
Contortions incoming.
Possible fun.
Boris is pretending to have relinquished control of the peeple now:
He needs a big distraction, just as the Dems do in the US before November. The narrative is also changing in the US, the CDC less alarmist and it seems it suddenly has the data to answer the with Covid/of Covid question.
Strangely (I jest), this change to UK policy has not yet been reported in on line news in Australia. At least not on Sky, ABC, DM, the Aus.
Thanks, was wondering, I see nothing.
Hi J
I just ran a site search for Boris Johnson Covid and in the first ten results the most recent was 5 jan of BoJo announcing a six week lockdown.Our taxes at work.
almost a million dead in the USA. Probably just a trick.
The CDC is picking through the numbers now doing the long avoided reality check. I expect they will discover that it wasnt as bad as they thought before November, especially after Biden took over.
My latest:
Did a simple engineering reliability analysis of standalone solar (with wind). Figured out what it takes to get a reliable around the clock 1,000 MW from solar, with occasionally 5 days of cloudy skies, which most places get.
It takes a lot! At least 6,000 MW of solar generating capacity plus at least 120,000 MWh of battery storage capacity. This costs tens of billions of dollars. For a measly 1,000 MW.
Having wind generating capacity too does not change anything because it may produce no power when a five cloudy day period hits.
Power systems have to be designed to meet commonly occurring extremes, not averages, which is all people are playing with. My analysis applies wherever in the world there are cloudy days.
Thanks for your efforts David and WUWT have also posted another article on the impossibility of their TOXIC S & W energy + batteries fantasy.
Great article David.
Sadly, what you have demonstrated further proves how we are doomed under a solar and wind power generation regime.
I think it’s tragic how there are “engineers” that are complicit in building the present solar and wind subsidy farms and are either too stupid or too evil to point out their fundamental flaws.
Real engineers of the past who built throughout the Western World reliable and inexpensive power generation systems would be horrified at the destruction of what they built.
Interesting figures David, although I would take issue with the solar output drop to 10% on really cloudy days. I’ve only seen a drop to around 30% on the worst days, but perhaps where I live, we don’t get really solid cloud cover. Does the 10% figure come from somewhere, or is this just an assumption?
If that means a total cost of US$60bn to only supply 1GW, you could purchase a lot of nuclear 0.5 GW SMRs for that money, and be assured of 24/7 power for many years.
“For a measly 1,000 MW.
About half a decent coal power station.
CO2 fingerprint smoothed in Antartica.
‘Ice core and plant stomata CO2 records are imperfect data and therefore, the global CO2 composite should be inclusive of both centennial and millennial scale deterministic measurements. Perhaps it’s the Antarctic global CO2 composite that is the outlier, suppressed smoothed, and muted by extreme Antarctic temperatures and burial conditions. And the centennial modern CO2 increase is not that unique.’ (CO2 Science)
The source of your pasted text would help.
The original source was a guest post by Renee Hannon on the Andy May Blog which was mirrored on CO2 Science.
A commenter referred to the same on the JoNova Tuesday Open Thread back in November.
cheers Leo.
It’s not like El G to post stale news.
Its a quiet week.
Nigel Farage reacts to ONS figures on how many people have died purely of Covid
Novavax has been provisionally approved for us in Australia:
Who will be inclined to take this shot and why?
I’m still waiting on the pineapple flavoured bullet, I will pass thanks.
I was waiting for it, but the TGA has also announced that it it NOT approved for use as a booster. So…you get the much safer protein sub unit vaccine, but to be considered fully vaxed, you then have to have an mRNA vaccine as the booster !
Likewise I imagine for Vaxine’s Covax-19 which is also a protein sub unti vaccine and presumably will not be approved for use as a booster, if the TGA ever get around to approving it as a vaccine.
It will be interesting to see if in time, both Novvax and Covax-19 are approved as a booster. Both Novavax and Vaxine are talking of a Omicron specific vaccine.
It appears that vaccines are always running behind as a virus mutates…is it possible to ever catch up ?
They are determined to get the mRNA vaccines into you one way or another, hence it not bring approved as a “booster”.
That is how it seems DM but if you are going from uninjected to two doses of Novavax then there must be a period where you are considered duly injected? At least for a few months until you rejoin the ranks of the uninjected again?
Or something.
TGA provisionally approves new Covid vaccine – Novavax
Thursday, 20 January 2022
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has granted provisional approval to Biocelect Pty Ltd (on behalf of Novavax Inc) for its COVID-19 vaccine, NUVAXOVID. This is the first protein COVID-19 vaccine to receive regulatory approval in Australia.
This protein vaccine is provisionally approved and included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older. It is recommended that the vaccine is given in 2 doses administered 3 weeks apart.
NUVAXOVID is provisionally approved for primary vaccination only. Studies for use of NUVAXOVID as a booster dose and in paediatric patients are ongoing, so the vaccine does not have regulatory approval for these purposes at this stage. The TGA will review any future application from the Sponsor as a priority.
The Novavax vaccine has received conditional marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency, and the World Health Organisation has issued an emergency use listing for the vaccine.
NUVAXOVID is a protein subunit vaccine. Protein vaccines use a non-infectious component found on the surface of the coronavirus and are manufactured in cells in a laboratory. After vaccination, immune cells recognise the vaccine protein as foreign and launch an immune response against it.
Provisional approval of this vaccine in Australia is subject to certain strict conditions, such as the requirement for Biocelect Pty Ltd (on behalf of Novavax Inc) to continue providing information to the TGA on longer-term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment.
Novavax and the Australian government announced an advance purchase agreement for 51 million doses of Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine in January 2021. The first shipment to Australia of the Novavax vaccine is expected in the coming month.
Studies are ongoing ? spare me.
We are using “vaccines” with no long term testing. We are told it just fine to mix and match with no long term testing as long as its an mrna booster. But Novavax needs further study? right.
and the Pfizer mRNA inoculant hasn’t been tested in combination with any other medication. The TGA approved product information document (Dec 2021) says so in section 4.5.
No. It will never be possible to catch up and a good example of this is the mutating Flu Virus and the annual jab.
Their ABC says it still needs a decision from ATAGI about who will be permitted to receive it. I’m also interested in the safety and efficacy of the newly approved medications.
To answer your question I’m inclined to wait a little while to see reports of unexpected side effects and to see whether the rules for the non-injected change. I’m also inclined to just keep a low profile until Omicron dominates more and then fades away. I’d kind of hate to be the last case of Delta in Oz.
So its over to the powers that be to see how they plan to propagandize their way forward (or is that backward?).
Fairfax Media reported this morning that the TGA has given provisional approval to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine:-
Never saw this coming
the good old Cairns news. Says it all. All those armed gates on exit roads… ooo scary.
On the other hand it might just be what the government says it is and the “no exit road” claim is false.
lol… one of the commenters thinks the vaccination sends out signals.
I have a comment in moderation but it gives me time to post this article about these evil red roads
note that the article has a photo that contradicts the cairns article as it shows a road with clear escape routes viz
you’d need a very wide gate to stop someone evading the “road block” on the road in the picture.
Actually marking country roads at speed change points with red paint seems to me a very good idea, as it alerts motorists that there is a road speed change.
Except you cant see them at night or in the rain, have signs stopped working all of a sudden.
Red on black, naa
Yellow is the first colour the eyes detect and white is reflective of all light.
And the paint is about worn off the slow-down side on ours all ready
Ours are turning into skid pads, for the lads.
Always thought red meant stop, I will inform safety.
The Thugs and Goons Administration (TGA) have now approved Novavax.
But Novavax Inc. is not a) a member of the Big Pharma fraternity and b) their vaccine is a traditional protein subunit type.
Therefore, Big Brother doesn’t give it the full privileges of the Big Pharma vaccines. Thus, it will be a primary two shot vaccine only, and not used for the booster shot and not used on children under 18.
every person I know in the tga is very nice.
Why be a child DM?
Ah, you’re one of the inner circle..
True – the left do eventually eat their own.
The TGA is Basically a whole bunch of pharmacists. And I’ve met a few in the past. And they were quite nice, pleasant enough folk. The staff, like most public servants, are eyeing the next promotion while being Paid to move papers from one side of the desk to the other. Decisions are made by a couple of the bosses who are looking for their next promotion. It’s a motivated workforce.
No Gerry, they are thugs and goons. Probably leftist too.
As the saying goes DM if you are copping flak then you are over the target.
Which applies to the flak that DM is sending to the TGA, “leftists”, socialists etc. He is a scared little man.
Not at all GA. Leftists are responsible for indescribable evil and destruction in the world. No system of Government that is implemented by force, such as under the National Socialists or International Socialists (or their less extreme interpretations) and denies individual freedom and choice (if harming no one else) can be righteous or moral. Leftism must always be fought.
Morrison, that NSW tosser Parrotface, SA whom ever, are right wing and are all against “individual freedom and choice”.
They are all in this together.
If they are against freedom of choice, then they are not “right wing”. They are conservatives in name only. In fact, I think the Liberal Party ceased being a conservative party decades ago.
Agree. We do not have a real conservative or centre-right major party. In fact even when we did it was intermixed with some leftist ideology, and like a cancer it grew to what we see today and infected the whole LNP right to the core.
Left and Right do not explain the political spectrum. All they talk about it who owns the means of production, the Govt for the Communists, the businesses for the Fascists.
You need a triangle for politics, Left & Right at the bottom, Freedom at the peak. Then align your Parties inside the triangle as to how much freedom they give you as well as what they let you own.
However the Left-Right line suits those whoa re in power, so it never gets questioned. It invokes a false competition between parties who are exactly the same, hiding the real war which is Them against Us.
It also suits DM. Nuance and complexity do not sit well with him.
PS watch out for the leftists.
Yeah leftists. They are everywhere. Them leftists. If it is bad a leftist done it. Sort of makes understanding the world simple. Almost as simple as “it’s the devil’s work”
For once, you’ve nailed it.
Lots of mirrors at your place are there, ga.!
Hope you are retired
Read the article by Jordan Peterson (below). By itself it says nothing. Taken with vigorous, wide spread woken advocacy, it sends a very different message.
Look at the trouble JK Rowling has gotten into. … All one hears now are woken rants and policy in university, government and environmentalism.
Scientists are susceptible to the intimidation. They burn witches for heresy
Sexual dimorphism is a forbidden topic unless it pertains only to botany
Another example for you
In reply to Raving’s “Should bad science be censored on social media?”
The people are waking up.
Raving …. The problem/issue is the Left have lied about everything (climate change, green scams, vaccine side effects, covid death rate, and so) so the problem is not only ‘science’ but rather lying/hiding the truth and stopping critical speech. Critical speech is calling out the lies. The Left are trying to censor the internet to hide their lies.
For example Biden’s claim (lie …which the BBC and all the Left wing fake news outlets repeated with zero questioning) that requiring picture ID to identifier a voter, is Jim Crow on steroids. That is a lie. The Democratic party of America wants mass mailing of ballots and ballot drop boxes to enable Democratic election fraud/felonies which is illegal and treason.
Democracy does not work if one party cheats and lies to hold ‘power’. The Left wing have got caught lying about covid. The first release covid vaccines are more dangerous than Omicron. It is based on the statistical evidence criminal negligence to give the first release vaccines to children.
Biden’s lie is the Georgia voter integrity law which requires photo ID for elections and does not allow voter drop boxes, or mass mailing of ballots, or ballot ‘harvesting’, and so on (same as every democratic country in the world and completely consistent with the non partisan Republican/Democratic voter integrity committee recommendations of 2005a and common sense) is ‘Jim Crow on steroids’.
“overwhelming majority of Americans (72 percent) favor requiring a photo ID in order to vote.”
“possibility of designating them as common carriers — which would effectively eliminate their ability to ban or censor users for legal, First Amendment protected speech.”
Mitch McConnell: It’s ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Corporations Fall for ‘Absurd Disinformation’ About Election Laws
“McConnell said the public is currently witnessing what he called a “coordinated campaign by powerful and wealthy people” in order to “mislead and bully the American people.”
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas today outlined a detailed legal argument for why social media companies might need to be subject to strict rules forbidding them from denying service to users for any reason or no reason, including the possibility of designating them as common carriers — which would effectively eliminate their ability to ban or censor users for legal, First Amendment protected speech.
See above.
This should come up “holders” if not click on it. Its always the same people.
Buy now. Even though it can’t be used as a booster and 93% of Aus are boost only, we have still bought 51 million doses.
It makes sense to the public sevants , thats all you need yo know.
Sorry forgot, opening a link is to much bother
So here they are.
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Blackrock Inc.
RA Capital Management, L.P.
State Street Corporation
Capital World Investors
I would rephrase this as “their vaccine is a more traditional protein subunit type”. It’s still single antigen (so narrow coverage) and still uses the Wuhan strain (extinct) spike protein as the antigen (so still a toxin being used to provoke the immune response). To my mind a “traditional” vaccine is killed or live attenuated virus, not that any of the Covid versions of these have been proven effective or safe.
Novavax WAS the vaccine that I would have subjected myself to if forced but with the Omicron variant proving to be highly infectious, vaccine immunity evasive and mild symptomatically, exactly as I stated late November, I’ll be passing up all vaccination options and hold out for the world to wake up.
Agreed !!!!!!!!!
There are those who question the Biblical story of Exodus due to a supposed lack of archeological evidence.
I saw this fascinating documentary which suggested that there is in fact archeological evidence but that it has been misinterpreted, misdated or ignored as not relevant.
It also provides a plausible scientific explanation for all of the ten plagues.
I’d be interested in the opinions of others. Length is about 90 mins.
David M:
I viewed a few minutes and got lots of Adds on youtube so have downloaded file for later viewing.
The first problem, I think, seems to be an assumption that the story is completely true and everything should interpreted in that light.
The story of Moses is a very old one The Legend of Sargon, engraved in cuneiform on a clay tablet, supposedly represented his biography, though it’s often described as folklore. It reads, in part:
“My mother was a changeling, my father I knew not…My mother conceived me in secret, she gave birth to me in concealment. She set me in a basket of rushes, She sealed the lid with tar. She cast me into the river…The water carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. He lifted me out as he dipped his jar into the river, He took me as his son, he raised me, He made me his gardener.”
That is from 800 years before the supposed exodus, although the source is a clay tablet from Ashbanipal’s (King of Assyria) library, but that includes other “biblical” stories from Babylonian times, and these were borrowed/copied from earlier Akkadian and Sumerican sources e.g. the story of Noah (see Irving Finkel in full flight It is theorised that many biblical stories were adaptions from ones the Jews head/read while in captivity in Babylon (the last empire).
As for darkness, storms in Egypt these may have been due to a volcanic eruption. Often associated with climatic disturbances. I’ve seen something from National Geographic on this but haven’t a reference perhaps might add something.
Jews read not head, Babylon was the last of 3 empires (you can’t keep a wicked Babylon down).
Ahmose,the brother of Kamose, led a successful revolt against the Hyksos and drove them completely out of Egypt, and thus is said to be one of the earlier, if not the earlist, pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty and the New Kingdom. (“Thus Ahmose I was the first ruler of the 18th dynasty and established the New Kingdom as a military empire”).
His reign is put in the early 1500 B.C.E. whereas the Second Intermediate period is placed around 1780-1549 B.C.E. coinciding with the Hyksos conquest? — Incidentally I saw a reference that the Hyksos used a 2 person light weight chariot (driver + archer) whereas the Egyptians used a heavier, less manoeuvrable 3 person one (driver, archer and spearman) which was so successful that the later dynasty switched to the lighter type.
What I forgot was that the 1600 B.C.E. (variously 1640, 1655, or 1675 B.C.E. – who said science was settled?) saw the eruption of Thera (the remains are now called Santorini) which wrecked the Minoan rule in Crete and southern Greece. A large volcano could well have put a dark cloud over Egypt and upset the weather enough to cause uprisings. Reports of evidence of 3 years of unusual plant growth in Anatolia 800km. away – inorganic dust fertiliser + rain? Also volcanos can be accompanied by tsunamis (as recent events show) and these can be characterised by retreat of the tide followed by a flood ( sudden dry land for Israelites and disaster for the following army?).
Alternatively the 1755 earthquake lured the inhabitants of Lisbon onto the suddenly exposed mud flats of the Tagus to scavenge (The River is above 6 km. wide at that point and quite deep) and they were caught out by the return.
A useful graph:
Love it Bruce! One of the most accurate images in the world!
My Mum, still going at 97, said recently “Its only now we find out how much we were lied to by Churchill in the War”
Pierre Kory documents how the death of evidenced based medicine with the adoption of the RCT only mandates led to him leaving the University of Wisconsin
Going by the vaccination ravings of a close relative of an ICU doctor on this site, it fully applies to doctors here.
A doctor friend of mine admitted that more and more, they are encouraged to only follow guidelines and not think through cases on their own. This was after I was proven correct about variants mutating around the vaccines and he caught CoVid.
If way back in BC some people hadn’t “kicked over the traces” of then medical knowledge current medicine wouldn’t have made it to leaches
Yes, a typical conversation may have been. “What will we do with this poor fellow? The leeches aren’t working.” “Then give him a booster leech. And if that doesn’t work another. And keep giving booster leeches until he is better.”
That’s not to say that leeches don’t have their place in modern medicine. They are used to help re-establish venously congested blood flow in reattached fingers, facial parts etc.. And maggots also have a legitimate use as microsurgeons to remove dead material in ulcerated tissues etc,.
But they’re no longer the CO2 equivalent of medicine
From The Covid World: “BOMBSHELL: Doctor Tells Patient On Phonecall Not To Take Any More COVID Vaccines Because They’ll Soon Be Halted Globally”
I saw that earlier. Interesting but golly — How do we know it is real?
1. Why was someone filming themselves doing a medico chat? I mean — maybe? Seems kinda odd.
2. If legit, perhaps one doc saw some hosp stats, had a discussion with a couple of doc friends? Doesn’t mean they themselves have any insight into national policy.
Such is the fog we live in…
seriously? No wonder there is a fog.
This is a serious effort by Jennifer Marohasy and I get the impression that the vaccines are not particular successful.
And you’re viewing from the other side?
I am keeping a very open mind on all this but am wondering whether it is somehow linked to the UK metropolitan police Crime case number 6029679/21 investigation and the ICC application reference number OTP-CR-473/21. And, is this also why Bojo has suddenly removed mandates and restrictions? Also read in conjunction with OO’s comment at 23.2 below.
You only have to do a ddg search on those case numbers and it brings up info that is certainly not published in the msm.
I don’t know yet whether to believe it or not, but my bs detector hasn’t gone off like it does with anything our governments are spewing out.
Maybe you have better Intel on this than I do.
Well, there is the massive international propaganda campaign, along the massive international propaganda campaign to ruin people that question the massive international propaganda campaign.
Then there is an ordinary person talking to their health care rep on a cell phone.
I put more faith in the second.
At the very least, number two hires way better actors.
Almost immediately after its posting, internet sleuths identified the phone number that’s featured in the viral video. The call was made to St. Richard’s Hospital in Chichester, West Sussex, England, which only adds credibility to the healthcare professional’s ominous warning.
Perhaps adding to the veracity of the claims, the original video, which was uploaded by Twitter user @theysayitsrare has also been removed from the social media platform for a rule violation.
The phone number is visual on the video’s.
Its not private it is the hospitals outgoing calls number.
It is publicly available on all those links, as shown.
Don’t care.
Even Once Great Britain is about to remove nearly all COVID restrictions. For them, the plague’s just about over.
Do you reckon that Boris has run out of summersaults then?
Boris is doing it for political expediency (ie please the masses to deflect from the mid-lockdown party) but it is the right thing to do. Scotland and Wales haven’t followed but that can’t last – I thought that Nicola Sturgeon would hold out longer than her Welsh counterpart but she has started lifting restrictions as well.
Boris is should still be held accountable for the numerous mistakes made in the UK response but this should mitigate some of the burden thrown at him
Do you think ScoMo – – ?
“Youngkin went hard on issues where other mainstream Republicans would flee”
sky news ran with this tonight
Victorian hospitals have gone into Code Brown, can’t make this stuff up.
Yep, they’re in the $hit alright. Well done Dan, Jerome, Brett et al.
I just been doing myself some reading on township entry treatments across the world. If you want to see what they look like web search and choose photos. Heaps of red roads.
QLD is even doing them following successful treatments in other countries. Here is their technical documentation
they are being rolled out in the following towns
Benaraby Blackbutt Boonah Bororen Burnett Heads
Cabarlah Cloncurry Collinsville Drillham Dulacca Eidsvold Gatton Gayndah Greenmount Killarney Marian Marlborough Marmor Miriam Vale
Mount Larcom Murgon Nanango Ningi Normanton Pittsworth Rainbow Beach Surat Tara The Caves Tin Can Bay Walkerston Walloon Wallumbilla Wamuran Wyreema Yaamba Yangan Yuleba
Funny… the technical notes don’t mention positioning them where an effective road block could be set up. After all it can’t be just paint on a road can it? And they can’t even do their job right… like this location where they are going to have to block off side-roads and put in kms of fencing to stop people escaping
Mareeba, Dimbulah, Herberton, Tarzalli, Ravenshoe, Mila Mila, Atherton, Mt Garnet.
All with a new surface same as in the Croydon, those tracks are access tracks to paddocks, farm house, not side streets. Croydon only has a few streets, when I was there many years ago.
You can see the overlaid bitumen surface in that photo, all have this, even the new roads, keep digging.
No need to keep digging, it is dug up and spat out. You need a new conspiracy.
Another tribute to modern road building
I’ve been everywhere, man.
Their all within 30 mins of my place
Move to the country. 30 mins doesn’t get me to the Crystal Ck ice cream shop north, the Mingella pub west or Ayr to the south and the GBR is a couple of hours east on a fast cat.
I’m in the country, but the country that actually grows stuff.
30 mins gets you to, Deeragun, Bushland beach, Bluewater, Rolling stone, Mt Elliot, Noam. The GBR is two hours by road? 30 mins will also not get you to, Brisbane, Melbourne or Perth, your point is?
That reminded of this great song from 1974
Jordan Peterson: Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto
I love his slogan “D.I.E. must DIE”
That goes for every white male, heterosexual, non muslim graduate in the west and especially in medicine.
Does anyone know if this crisis is the one caused by his cruising in the rented superyacht Topaz that uses 1,500 litres of diesel per hour?
Or maybe the string of energy guzzling houses he owns. Or maybe the collection of hybrid/electric cars all inevitably destined for premature death and car graveyards.
The question is can we save the world from egocentric hypocritical rich brats.
Not to mention they way he jumps on a private jet at any excuse.
He did take commercial flight to Scotland for the COP-26 gabfest, unlike most of his buddies (BoJo, Gatesy, Jezos, the various princes, Chuck and Al, …)
Man of the people, eh?
Gotta wonder what triggered the mod filter this time. Leo is a sacred cow?
Careful Analitik. Big Brother is watching.
He is claimed to be no longer an eco-hypocrite because unlike others, he took a commercial flight to COP26 instead of his usual private jet.
Private jet parking is always a problem at climate crisis conferences.
Normally Leonardo prefers to travel to his parties in a Bombardier Challenger 300.
The fuel consumption of such a jet is:
I wonder why your comment got through and mine got (modera)tionned?
Thank you, I will file this in my quite large “meaningless climate deadline back by nothing but BS” file
Leonardo De Crappio died when the Titanic sank in the freezing cold waters of the North Atlantic. Global warming could have saved him………………..
A very good interview with Dr Steven Hatfill. A bit over an hour but worth every minute of it.
We’ve survived two years. Almost all of us are vaccinated. Yet the government regulations are getting more and more odorous. Something is wrong here.
“Almost all of us are vaccinated.”
Anyone is only “vaccinated” if they have the latest booster – miss one and you become just another a filthy unvaxxed untermensch.
Almost all of us are vaccinated however the response of Pavlov’s dog – the state government – is the opposite of what is expected – it’s more and more stringent – so – like with Pavlov’s dog – we are obviously doing the wrong thing.
I like the Freudian typo
It all depends on what the definition of “vaccinated” is, and it follows that depends on what the definition of “is” is.
Let’s go Haddon!
Bad Haddon, who is somehow still the NSW health minister (maybe factional dealings?) is beating the drum for the unvaxxed to pay their own health care. I’m all for it! Give me access to the therapeutic medications Bad, and I’ll pay for them! No problems.
Instead I am being forced to take experimental vaccines. I just saw pfizer are about to release an omicron vaccine, and it is similar enough to the present vax to not need any trials! Way to go. We’re getting into the league of medicating with mercury. Sure there have been hundreds of millions of vax doses, and so far only a small fraction of one percent have been negatively affected, but we better hope the vaxs turn out to be safer than they are effective, because the effective narrative isn’t going too well.
What’s wrong with choice? We’ll soon know if something works for real.
Just what is the need for this demonic narrative. It’s almost enough to make someone with any sort of brain…. wonder?
(In ‘paying for their own health care’, I’m presuming they’re not including broken legs etc?)
No intubation and the freedom to purchase and take the medications of our own choice would be the conditions under which I would gladly accept his proposal.
You should be more respectful when referring to a prominent politician who has faithfully represented Wakehurst electors for such a long period and who has also served as Minister for so many portfolios in recent years.
The appropriate form of address is The Hon. Bradley Ronald Hazzard BA, DipEd, LLB (NSW), LLM (Syd), MP, PRAT (Positive Rapid Antigen Test).
So, does that mean we don’t have to pay the Medicare levy !
Well, unless the medical industry is fixing you up from an accident, you’re just a zombie paycheck for them. They will keep you alive and on medicine for as long as possible.
I suggest the Govt covers the cost of you being fixed up after an accident, but all other problems, conditions, sicknesses etc that require the billions of pills every year…. be paid for directly by the person consuming them. If you can’t afford the medicine, its time to change your lifestyle/diet/standing up.
Anyone in the second category doesn’t get included in Covid statistics, you’re dead already and just walking around due to pharmacopoeia.
I’ve been paying for my own Healthcare all the while working in Australia through Income Tax, the Medicare Levy, Private Health Insurance (when I had it), the GST, surcharges, Stamp Duty, booze excises and whatever else the Governments have slugged me with.
About a leading brand in USA
“Introducing Trojan Solo – for people who wear a mask alone in the car”
Prior Covid-19 Infection Offered Better Protection Than Vaccination During Delta Wave
CDC says research from California and New York before Omicron’s spread showed unvaccinated people without previous infection faced greatest risk
Surviving a previous infection provided better protection than vaccination against Covid-19 during the Delta wave, federal health authorities said, citing research showing that both the shots and recovery from the virus provided significant defense.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that data from 1.1 million Covid-19 cases in California and New York last year showed people who were unvaccinated and hadn’t previously contracted Covid-19 faced a far greater risk than both people who had gotten the shots and people who had been infected.
The data on testing, cases and immunization was collected between May and November, as the Delta variant emerged and became dominant in the U.S., before the more-infectious Omicron variant began to spread widely. The hospitalization data came from more than 50,000 people in just California.
“Before the Delta variant, Covid-19 vaccination resulted in better protection against a subsequent infection than surviving a previous infection,” CDC epidemiologist Benjamin Silk said. “When looking at the summer and fall of 2021, when Delta became predominant in this country, however, surviving a previous infection now provided greater protection.”
Australian judges reveal WHY they deported Novak Djokovic arguing it was clear tennis superstar was REFUSING to get vaccinated and finding he COULD encourage anti-vax sentiment Down Under
Official reasons for why Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia have been published by the Federal Court, with judges siding with Immigration Minister Alex Hawke – saying the star was ‘against being vaccinated’ and could encourage ‘anti-vaccine sentiment’.
The court also found Minister Hawke was right to be concerned that Djokovic’s position on vaccines could encourage anti-vaccine sentiment in Australia.
Djokovic’s presence in Australia ‘may encourage rallies and protests that may lead to heightened community transmission’, the judges said.
Chief Justice James Allsop, Justice Anthony Besanko and Justice David O’Callaghan, concluded it was not ‘irrational’ for the Minister to be concerned as Djokovic had gained widespread support of some anti-vaccination groups.
‘It is not the fact of Mr Djokovic being a risk to the health, safety or good order of the Australian community; rather it is whether the Minister was satisfied that his presence is or may be or would or might be such a risk for the purposes of (the Migration Act).
‘The satisfaction of the Minister is not an unreviewable personal state of mind. The law is clear as to what is required.
‘If, upon review by a court, the satisfaction is found to have been reached unreasonably or was not capable of having been reached on proper material or lawful grounds, it will be taken not to be a lawful satisfaction for the purpose of the statute.’
How stupid, with such high jab rates already, there is only about 10% of the population left to influence and most of those would be pretty well convinced already.
And we must keep that 10%, they are the control group.
Without the control group, the powers that be will be able to say that everybody fared the same throughout the pandemic.
We are all part of a vaccine trial that the majority did not sign up for.
So, essentially any person who says anything that could be construed as anti-Govt can now be deported by the Minister because they may incite protests that may lead to something else that may lead to someone doing something bad?
Next Royal visit? Next visit from any foreign national leader (there’s always going to be someone who’ll protest)?
“The Measurement Problem”
Biden says he is ‘profoundly disappointed’ after Republicans are joined by Democrats Manchin and Sinema in rejecting attempt to change filibuster rules and vote to retain it 52-48, effectively killing his voting bill
The 52-48 vote came with Democrats needing 60 votes in order to end debate and initiate a vote on the legislation that would overhaul U.S. voting laws
From the Comments
Why is “voting rights” legislation the democrats number one priority if Biden allegedly received the most votes of any President in US history?? Answer: He didn’t. Dems cheated. Trump Won!
Possibly even ‘The Most Extensive and Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization’ has difficulty countering the exclusive pecuniary interests involved in Senate voting.
There is a conservative pro-science medical doctor on YouTube called Dr Suneel Dhand.
His covid-related videos are short, sharp and to the point.
Worth checking out.
Here is a recent video.
“Land of hope and glory”.
Has any Australian since us boomers sung that to the cross of St George?
A pommy mate bought me a Sunderland football jersey and [drumroll] it is red/white.
My second name is “Stothard”, a name you could find in the Sunderland phone book. My Aunty tested this and found rellies. The Stothards were the “makims”, the ones who built the ships, quite distinct from the “takims”, the sailors. Legend has it they didn’t always get along well.
I am neither proud nor ashamed of my Pommy, Scot, Irish or that brush of Norge seaman, in my heritage. History IS.
It may sound as if I did some research. Not much and my interest died with my HD.
“Our ABC” had a news spot tonight to spruke kiddies’ vaccinations. They showed the case of a US child who had recovered from Covid but then come down with Multiple Inflammatory Syndrome, which is almost certainly a delayed autoimmune response and stated how 55 children in the US had suffered from this complication.
Then came the pitch with the statement that this was why parents need to vaccinate their kids since there were no records of serious side effects from the vaccines.
The reports on VEARS of all the kids that have been crippled or killed shortly after receiving a vaccine shot obviously aren’t relevant to ABC reporters. I’m certain our DAEN system contains cases of serious side effects for kids but it isn’t as easy to filter the results by age so I’ll let that one through to the keeper.
There was a UK school teacher bemoaning the lessening of restrictions on the radio this morning. He said 40% of his kids had long covid. Then he let slip that this allowed them to qualify for special exams exemption/consideration. So if kids claim to have a selection of vague and not provable symptoms like ‘brain fog’ or ‘fatigue’, they qualify for an easy ride. All aboard!
Weird stuff.
The floggings will continue until morale improves.
I’m eighty years old, and fear the possibility of contracting river blindness, threadworms or scabies. May I please obtain, immediately, a prescription for Ivermectin, which is legally approved as a treatment for all three? If so, will I need to agree not to use it should I contract COVID-19?
🙂 🙂
Better get some HCQ for that lupus, too.
Interesting stats from the NSW Health daily COVID reports:-
NSW COVID deaths since January 11th (10th) – January 20th (19th), 2021 – as per NSW Government Health reports:
Deaths: 233
Vaccinated: 174
Un-vaccinated: 59
The vaccine effectiveness is declining. These numbers indicate unvaccinated are about 4.5 times more likely to die than unvaccinated. With delta strain unvaccinated were 10 times more likely to die.
Given that 93% of the NSW population is vaccinated, there would only be 13 unvaccinated for 174 vaccinated if there was no benefit from vaccination. The ratio of 59/13= 4.5 it the death risk reduction factor for vaccination. Taken the other way, vaccines reduced the number of deaths by 618.
Fatality is very low for omicron,
So unvaccinated are 4.5 times more likely to die than themselves?
I wonder what the numbers for the unxaxed would have been, if we’d been able to use certain repurposed drugs? It’s just a question.
“These numbers indicate unvaccinated are about 4.5 times more likely to die than unvaccinated.”……….Your words…….LOL
Why don’t they ever talk about the ages of the people who died with Coronavirus and as to whether they had any underlying issues.
Hey!! back off, cut him some space. He could be suffering brain fog as a consequence of the jabs that he has had.
Sideeffects of vaxxes may be result of nocebo effect, I just read about a study by Julia Haas, Sarah Ballou and Friederike Bender from Harvard Medical School and Philipps-University in Marburg. Should be published in “Jama Network Open”.
Here’s something that may be cheering.
Here is the most recent numbers on the Omicron wave and the impact is seems to be having on overall cases of all types.
Cases: (pick your country and click on it for details)
Percent Omicron: (go down to “filter by country” and then click on the country you want to select for.)
South Africa (the source of Omicron)
Actual numbers as of 01-08
Cases: 9200 (actually 01-07, there didn’t seem to be a data point for 01-08)
Omicron: 100% measured. (I don’t believe in 100% of anything biological – I round down to 99%)
Net estimate of non-omicron cases at 01-08 – 9200 x .01 = 92 cases (or less).
Actual numbers as of 01-08
Cases: 144000
Omicron: 94% measured.
Net estimate of non-omicron cases at 01-08 – 144000 x .06 = 8640 cases.
Actual numbers as of 01-08
Cases: 809000
Omicron: 87% measured.
Net estimate of non-omicron cases at 01-08 – 809000 x .13 = 105,170 cases.
Based on these public numbers and net estimates based on them – South Africa seems to have come close to eliminating non-Omicron strain, certainly lower than any time since the pandemic started. Furthermore the Omicron strain case count itself is crashing. South Africa was the source of Omicron.
The UK non-Omicron case count is now down to around 25-30% of the Delta plateau range, and the Omicron case count is falling.
The US non-Omicron case count is still in the previous Delta range, and the Omicron case count may (or may not) be starting to fall. But note: the US was later in the Omicron wave start than either South Africa or the UK.
All the results are consistent with Omicron “pushing out” the other versions of COVID. The only way that Omicron could do that is for Omicron to have cross reacting antibodies with the earlier variants of COVID, i.e. it has been acting as a “natural” vaccine. Vaccine rates have no correlation – South Africa had a low vaccination rate. the UK and the US much higher rates. But all three seem to be following the same curve. The next 2 months will provide a final proof of this, one way or another.
It is starting to look like ADE is developing in the UK where I imagine AstraZenika was mainly used. This could well be the reason that Boris wants to stop all the pandemic measures so embarrassing numbers don’t show up more and more.
Some one has to be held accountable for this disastrous situation. My decision not to get the jab looks better every day.
Jesus! I hadn’t gotten to his substack today – that’s appalling. I’m now fearing for all my friends and relatives who were shot with AZ
Maybe BJ plains to send all his COVID social uncooperatives to OZ.
The camps are almost ready.
There is precedent. 🙂
Are they coincidence that the shortage of meat, the curtailing of air travel, lockdowns forcing people to work from home more than ever before, etc. fit perfectly with the climate change narrative to reduce emissions and Schwab’s Great Reset agenda? I don’t think so.
“There was movement on the station
as the word had got around
that the germ from old Wuhan had got away.
It had joined the wild bush virus’
and was worth a billion pound,
and all the cracks had gathered for the fray…….
It seems the word is slowly seeping out. Joe Rogan is a major ignition point, and here is Kim Iverson, from The Hill, taking a big swing at the lack of information on immunity, and treatments, once infection has happened. She gives them both barrels. Go Kim.
Interesting observation that we might be witnessing a similar trend as the final stages of the fall of the Soviet Union. Time will tell of course if it pans out that way and the people en mass start questioning again what our draconian governments are doing instead of complying so willingly as they are now.
Is The Narrative Beginning to Collapse?
Good presentation, when the narrative collapses there might be a universal uprising.
I listened to all of it very grateful for Dave Cullen’s deep thoughtfulness; thanks. Who knows we’ll live through this deliberately created nightmare but we’ve no option; must does.
It’s hard to predict what will happen in today’s environment. Will the mass formation psychosis continue to worsen and end up with a crisis in civilisation itself, or will the people wake up in time to scare at least one of the main parties to change, or will the the people react with so much anger in retaliation that our governments end up going harder and more draconian? Only time will tell. It appears UK is being forced to change but it could also be fake as they still can introduce even harsher restrictions if and when they so desire. A nation can only be free of possible tyranny if the government is transparent and rule according to the law. At the moment all governments have been reneging on both with no sign of that changing.
If the narrative collapses on vaccines, then the people will look at AGW and find the evidence weak. At first they will laugh and then get angry.
LOL.. Wind farms cause warming…
… why to the greenies always end up scoring own goals !
“The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Covid”
“Where’s Julie Andrews when you need her.
Lets review the goings on in Austria
Mid November, full lockdown
Mid December, vaxxed go free, unvaxxed fully locked down. (click on chart for full screen)”
And then marvel at the graph that follows!
Yes, the inference is open that the injections make people more susceptible to becoming infected with slightly less serious symptoms.
Safe and effective. Words are such slippery suckers.
“One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”
Things “furin cleavage site”
Interesting views from Chuck Norris. I always have had much respect for him and still do.
My 2022 health advice for Biden and all Americans
Fauci will start getting vaccines developed for these right away.
Tonga ash heads west to Africa because its stratospheric.
The Left REALLY Wants Your Kids…
Walls going up around parliament house in Canada following the same at the White House
Australia next? So what’s coming??
Narrative collapse. From the UK to Israel governments abandon vaxx passports
Ron Paul is one of those voices of reason always worth listening to.
So, given that politicians don’t care about the people or protests but only about tbeir own power, position and money, something is driving these actions.
Methinks “stage 2” of the great plan is kicking off. Covid was stage 1 and the “see how far we can push people” test.
Not really working out well for the Cabal there…
Let’s move to major global food restrictions and something worse than Covid.
Anyone own chickens? 😉
Australia’s already has a wall and armed guards at all entrances. Has done for some years now as a rather delayed response to terrorist threats.
Nothing short of a tank can get past the perimeter bollards and a security fence stops foot traffic from going further than a third of the way up the hill.
As for the rest of your ridiculous comment, I award you the honour for the 1000th post of proposing a non climate alarmist conspiracy that will never eventuate.
Ergo it is impossible to set fire to the front doors.
Nice to know.
For the chickens?
They’ve got the yearly bird flu scare well rehearsed in the UK.
At best it’s the mandatory keep your birds at home (well indoors) orders.
At worst the government comes for the birds and it’s a compulsory cull.
They even threw in a human case this year.
Viral Meningitis B cases rising sharply in the UK and exceeding pre-pandemic levels
Rise in meningitis cases could be linked to lockdown, government health experts say
Meningitis B is on the rise in England, with levels exceeding the forecast rebound rate – worrying officials. Why are meningitis cases rising?
News timed nicely with Boris’s mandate backdown…
And it’s not just the UK…
Oops. Forgot to mention the symptoms similar to the flu (or Covid, or vax-Covid)…
I’ve had viral meningitis, funnily enough while staying in NE England. It is horrible but is generally not really like the flu. Maybe some symptoms overlap but not the most prominent ones, and symptom treatment is different.
It CERTAINLY couldn’t be due to weakening of immune systems by repeated courses of gene therapy engendering toxins being produced..
“UK Data: Freedom of Information Revelation”
And other links
More on the BMJ Editorial
Link for that
“Serbia revokes Rio Tinto’s licences – $2.4 BILLION investment gone.”
Payment for Novaxx Djokovic…
Local rules for both places
Twiggy’s gonna be pissed!
Where’s the connection between Twiggy and Rio?
He’s going to need all that lithium for the grand plan?
Brain fart on my part. Apologies to all
The theme song behind the moving goal posts?
Silence Music Video
When I checked the site a few days ago there were a clear set of guidelines. Basically – masks and registration for indoors only. I have just had a good look and they seem to have disappeared. Further bad government communication for which they – governments in general – are notorious for.
James Whale hangs up on unvaccinated NHS worker facing the sack
For GeeAye’s tinf0il hat collection
The theme song behind the moving goal posts?