A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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From the FLCC about a large Brazilian study on Ivermectin in prophylaxis.
From the report – Mortality rate 0.8% with Ivermectin compared with 2.6% without.
Australia’s current mortality rate is 0.12%. Since Australia started vaccinating this year, there have been 2,311,204 cases recorded and 2390 deaths. That gives a fatality rate of 0.1%. Hence Australian vaccinations 7 to 8 fold better result than Ivermectin.
Fortuitously, omicron is less virulent, though more contagious it seems and summer sun helps boost people’s immunity. Nevertheless, cases and deaths are spiking in Australia now. Your stats are out of date. The 7 day average for deaths is currently over 60/day and the total of deaths is currently about 3300.
In any case, if one were interested in the effects of ivermectin in helping Australians, then one would test it in Australia. People in Brazil have different genetics, demographics, climate, healthcare, etc. and even the genetics and virulence of the viruses in circulation vary over time and geographies.
The data is right up to date for the last year since vaccines have been available in Australia, which is exactly what I stated.
The study was for the effectiveness of Ivermectin against death. I only used data since Australia started using vaccines.
In 2022, there has been 1,994,934 cases and 750 deaths. So 2022 mortality down to 0.04%.
Ted Rick, everyone, I already discussed that Brazilian study and possibly so did you with 313 comments here:
As I pointed out, it was a very low dose — so low and infrequent it was amazing it worked at all. Rick, seriously — comparing medical outcomes in AU v Brazil with different variants, different treatments, different demographics?
Most Australian cases are Omicron. Obviously they have a lower death rate.
The half life of ivermectin is given by various sources to be in the range 12 to 36 hours.
But I may be looking only at old sources.
Sorry Rick, I misread your sentence about stats since the vaccine availability.
Still, your comparison is faulty, the old apples to oranges thing.
Rick you take the Ivermection death rate in Brazil and compare it to ours without. And then claim vaccinations are far better than Ivermectin. Very disingenuous. In Brazil it reduced the death rate from 2.6% to 0.8%. If you applied the same reduction factor to our death rate here it would be in the order of 0.04%.
In 2020 pre-vaccination, the covid mortality in Australia peaked at 25%. The vaccines caused a massive reduction in fatality. Way more effective than any of the Ivermectin studies have demonstrated.
I have no idea why anyone would want to try a third world risk reduction anti-viral over a proven first world vaccine.
25% really?? So, 25% of what ?? Nah,just has to be another episode of the brain fog effect again.
That’s because they count all vaccine deaths within 3 weeks of the first jab as non-vaccinated deaths. There are no deaths from Ivermectin or HCQ/ Zinc use. Quercetin/ Zinc Vitamin D, C, Melatonin, etc don’t kill you either. Plus, do you not understand the jab no longer works for Omicron since the spike protein mutated greatly. It’s old technology now, thus a spring vaccine is coming.
Have you also not seen the ‘Our World in Numbers’ graphs for India that has been putting out CoVid Kits with Ivermectin in it for free, or made OTC Ivermectin available? Japan is also now allowing a lot of Ivermectin shipments from India without hassle, and then took the boot off the neck of doctors to prescribe Ivermectin. The FDA in the USA has agents intercepting Shipments at the airports. Look at India and Japanese numbers versus 90% vaccinated Israel, and…..oh hell, you must be a Big Parma Rep.
Plus, my 85 year old dad with fairly severe Parkinson’s was on all the FLCCC suggested items I mentioned, and took Ivermectin for 5 days the first day his temp was elevated. O2 never was below 95%, temp was never about 100 F, so not officially a fever. He did get dehydrated and went to Hospital, but Bloodwork was all great except for low sodium. After in the hospital for 2 days they sent him to a skilled nursing home for PT and OT to regain strength before going home. But remember, he’s 85 with pretty severe Parkinson’s, so I’d call that an Ivermectin success story!
The vaccines maybe first world, however, they are miles from being first class. Third class at best………….
Usual one sided analysis, with the single outcome only allowed. You are seriously comparing the state of public health and the health system in Brazil with Australia? I must have missed Favelas in Carlton.
Against the backdrop of life in Brazil the results are quite impressive.
Exactly- If you only have a third world anti-viral available then that is the case. I wonder why anyone in the first world would consider Ivermectin over a free jab or three of a proven vaccine.
I suspect that the vaccine side effects might be severe.
That is one reason to consider Ivermectin over three free jabs.
Australia’s management of the risk of covid has been top of the class. Ivermectin has shown to lower risk but a tiny fraction of the benefit of the vaccines.
The vaccines are not risk free. I do not know the relative riskof omicron versus the vaccine but there are still 0.04% of the covid cases dying from omicron. Death rate from vaccines are a couple of orders of magnitude lower.
Some of the decision making depends on your exposure to covid and your ability to manage that exposure. If you choose the vaccine then you are 100% exposed to that risk. If you can completely avoid human contact then you have no risk of covid exposure so why would you take the risk of vaccination. Vaccine mandates have no impact on people choosing to avoid human contact.
Good response.
I don’t know the relative risk of Omicron vs Vaccine either. 0.04% mortality from Omicron is a risk I will take.
My exposure to Covid is moderate to Low but I am not a hermit.
Covid is everywhere in Melbourne now so expose could occur at any time with out warning.
Actually I am trying to manage the risks of Covid infection, using many of the suggestions which have been discussed here on this site.
I know of 20 to 30 people who have had covid now. One was delta and she found that tough for a few days (hard to get out bed)- a woman in late 50s but got through it OK. As far as I know, all the others are omicron and some have only known after being informed they were a close contact and then confirming with a test.
Right now there is more severe gastric and respiratory bugs going around.
The current “heat wave” in Melbourne is mild by most standards but its persistence is a tad draining without air-conditioning. I expect older people without air-conditioning are finding it taxing.
IVM is nearly side effect free, not so the vaxxes.
How much are you paid for this woke garbage?
Mr. Will: You wonder why a first-worlder like me would decline “a proven vaccine” over IVM. Thanks for asking. If a proven vaccine shows up, I’ll think about it. Don’t know why you would spin it like that, considering the “proof” has put the lie to the “95%” stuff they were putting out there last spring NH (can you tell me what that means, and what it meant last spring? Is it the same?). The “proven” part is the numbers you like to cite about death rates, from the most fancifully gathered data you ever saw. So, I’m a first worlder who does not have access to human IVM, my choice against the “proven” jabs is like so many other life decisions- I’m gonna notice if the promoters are liars. How do I do it??!! I find it easy, just remind myself that Fauci et al promoted this, and have lied repeatedly about very serious matters. If Fauci, Collins, et al tell me to do it, that’s what I ain’t doin’. My criticism of you is that you are promoting the jabs using fake numbers produced by proven liars. You are useful to them.
A proven vaccine? Proven what, apart from proven experimental?
What has been proved to me so far is that these “vaccines” do not deliver the protection we expect and should be entitled to seek, and would be seeking if health authorities allowed.
As for Ivermectin. Why ban any drug which any clinician finds effective? It is becoming clear that the bans on legacy drugs are not for the benefit of individuals, in fact they eliminate individualism. They are an exercise in social engineering on the grandest scale.
WE must ask, for what purpose? Why has our health bureaucracy put all of our eggs in the one experimental basket?
Time for a Royal Commission.
Apples and oranges Rick. Read the text associated with the data carefully, then you might know what you are talking about.
Yes but it would be even lower with IVM.
2017 influenza deaths 3,330. Australia
All that you have to do to here to show false evidence about “the wonders of the vaccines” is to remove the artificial addons who died of any other disease but supposedly had a positive PCA test, and hence “died of covid”, to show that the “vaccines” worked as you are attempting to do.
Why should anyone believe such statistics from those with vested (financial and/or political) interest who have been shown multiple times to be repetitive liars?
Statistics are only as honest as those who produce them and are NOT mathematics alone.
I will bet that every western hospital that received grants etc. foe covid deaths inflated their numbers.
I wouldn’t go as far as there was no pandemic; just that it was exaggerated to the extreme and it unnecessarily scared the living daylights of everyone.
Proof There Never Was A Pandemic in 2020
Today’s batch of COVID information provides food for thought
The way I prepare for writing is to read everything I can and then line up the tabs that strike me as “story possibilities.” Today, I have multiple tabs about vaccines, COVID treatments, and some governments’ responses to COVID. Taken together, the reports create a powerful narrative: in America, the government continues to block COVID therapeutics; as people warned when mRNA vaccines came out, they are dangerous; and governments at home and abroad continue to use the vaccine as a pathway to total power.
Here are the reports I’ve been following:
One: Nurse Nicole Sirotek testified before the House regarding the way the medical establishment is mistreating COVID patients, who aren’t dying from COVID but, instead, die from medical malpractice
Two: A large, peer-reviewed study shows that ivermectin works.
Three: The FDA abruptly announced that it was revoking monoclonal antibody treatments.
Four: Alex Berenson published an urgent post stating that the data from Denmark, Australia, and Israel make it patently clear that, the more highly vaccinated a population, the more people become infected with COVID. He made four points:
Five: Various governments are going mad with the power they’ve acquired from COVID.
The “vaccines” are proving to be a dangerous experiment with multiple unknown long term effects. Triple jabbed individuals are getting infected multiple times which suggests that their immune system is compromised. Furthermore ADE effects are becoming more common everyday as the double vaxxed cohort are dying in greater numbers than the unvaxxed cohort.
The injections need to be stopped immediately failure to do so should be a crime.
The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
Vaccines were wasted on those who didn’t need them, and people who posed no risk lost jobs.
Public-health officials ruined many lives by insisting that workers with natural immunity to Covid-19 be fired if they weren’t fully vaccinated. But after two years of accruing data, the superiority of natural immunity over vaccinated immunity is clear. By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others. It’s time to reinstate those employees with an apology.
For most of last year, many of us called for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its data on reinfection rates, but the agency refused. Finally last week, the CDC released data from New York and California, which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination.
Public-health officials have a lot of explaining to do. They used the wrong starting hypothesis, ignored contrary preliminary data, and dug in as more evidence emerged that called their position into question. Many, including Rochelle Walensky, now the CDC’s director, signed the John Snow memorandum in October 2020, which declared that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection.”
Many clinicians who talk to other physicians nationwide had have long observed that we don’t see reinfected patients end up on a ventilator or die from Covid, with rare exceptions who almost always have immune disorders. Meanwhile, public-health officials recklessly destroyed the careers of everyday Americans, rallying to fire pilots, truck drivers and others in the supply-chain workforce who didn’t get vaccinated.
Politicians and public-health officials owe an apology to Americans who lost their jobs on the false premises that only unvaccinated people could spread the virus and only vaccination could prevent its spread. Soldiers who have been dishonorably discharged should be restored their rank. Teachers, first responders, and others who have been denied their livelihood should be reinstated. Everyone is essential.
Meanwhile here in Melbourne
“A Melbourne paediatrician has encouraged doctors to administer Covid-19 vaccines to children as young as 12 against their parents’ wishes, arguing it is both ethically and legally permissible.
John Massie, professor of paediatrics at the University of Melbourne, says there is “no ethical barrier” to vaccinating children under the “mature minor” doctrine – AND THAT PROVIDERS SHOULD NOT FEAR LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS AS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS FULLY INDEMNIFIED CLINICIANS AND DRUG MAKERS AGAINST ANY ADVERSE REACTIONS.”
This was reported in this morning. The article went on to say that 12 year olds were as cognisant as adults and were capable of making their own decisions.
Maybe we can get the kids to register to vote at the same time as they get their jab
The good news is that doctors are generally very intelligent people. The downside is the intelligence makes them susceptible to convincing themselves of really stupid and even evil ideas.
Considering whether punishment might follow a course of action is at the very lowest level of ethical reasoning. The two year old who does something because otherwise they’ll be in trouble is at that level. Higher levels involve questions of whether it is right to steal life saving treatment you can’t afford.
And including an absence of fear of punishment in his arguments puts Prof Massie at that lowest of ethical levels. Or at the very least reveals that his ethical reasoning is confusing higher level ethics with lower level ones.
In short Prof Massie needs to attend a course in ethics.
This a generalization. In Australia there is variation between the generations of Doctors plus an influx of overseas qualified people.
Before the Seventies at which point patients were told the service was free, Doctors practiced a tradition which included long hours, a relationship with subsequent generations of their patient’s family and relatively poor earnings for the training, hours and skill. Many of the Doctors experienced or were trained by those with wartime experience. They were predominately male and married a nurse.
The next generation had to compete at school for top educational scores, enjoyed a free university education and the potential to earn large amounts of money from 10 minute consultations without any responsibility for after hours care. Continuing education in Medicine was replaced by studies in Tax Law. Many are divorced or have had multiple relationships. Having spent most of their child hood studying for exams they were not really ready for the nuances of other humans in their private or their work experience.
The current cohort,for the most part have undertaken the required qualifying degree having failed to get a high enough score to enter Law. They carry large Higher Education Contribution Debts plus the expectations of the lifestyles enjoyed by those before them and the respect earned by their post war colleagues. They are put through the meat grinders of the Public Hospital System and Corporate General Practices. They are predominately female and partner with another Doctor or Lawyer and work 3 days a week.
These are of course generalizations though to my surprise nearly to a person, with the exception of the Natural Medicine AntiVax types, they are lining up for their ‘Clot Shot’, some suffering adverse reactions and still going back for more. Many Doctors I respect as people are lining up their young children for a potential life of misery and pain. This is even after watching their young patients wind up in hospital with horrific adverse reactions. Still they do not question the dominant paradigm. They say Covid is horrific but when asked you find that until after recent ‘Boosters’ no one has really experienced any patients ‘with symptoms’.
They are bright people but so were the members of this cult .
The Next Asteroid (2009JF1), 6th of May is on the way so many of our current medical profession definitely qualify for a seat on the hidden spaceship. That is if the Asteroid doesn’t smack into Earth?
As Paul Keating said ” never get between a Doctor and his money”.
An interesting analysis Broadie. Remarkably accurate!!
An interesting analysis Broadie. Remarkably accurate!!
In my distinctly regional environment, the most interesting MDs are transplants from South Africa. The practical aspects of their job experience before arriving in Australia can not be duplicated here.
Professor Massie needs to provide evidence of his assertion on the ability of 12yos to make such choices while totally lacking in education, considered debate and experience in the matters the professor says they are proficient in. His has no basis except as a follow on from his stated idea of truth unless he can justify that basis about a ‘mature minor’ who isn’t even endowed with full adolescence at that age. On these grounds I would say he is promoting a totally unethical position, imo.
It is more of the CRT type rubbish and like that comes with no duly recognised basis, again imo. Even the transgender war on children was brought on by a Ms Clarke if I recall correctly, and that was also recognised, publicly admitted, as being a theory without proven basis in fact. Most of this stuff is getting through under the pressure of those agitators of wokism and unfortunately many of our politicians are too weak on arguing history, principles and ethics to challenge them.
In the USA we see the resistance having to come from the parents who have found their voices at last and are doing the heavy lifting of a fight which should never had to be made in the first place if just enough politicians had enough guts to nip it all in the bud. As our conservative parties are being taken over by the woke leftist/wet liberals, Australians are in the same position of having to take on the fight for their own futures and that of their children. It will become the big fight of the ballot boxes, but the way anyone in our Parliaments that reason against the growing trends and power plays is shut down by their own leaders, I don’t hold much hope for such an upheaval in the immediate future. The people are too trusting of the Parties and too shy of the publicity to fight.
Oh dear. Once again I have kicked an automated moderation tripwire. It really would be nice for the forum software to actually advise posters of the error of their ways.
[I don’t see why either. To my knowledge we don’t have the tool you are asking for. ]ED
not uncommon. I was trying post a video file to a forum one day and the only error message I got was it was an unsupported format. Tried a few formats and got the same. Asked the forum owners and they didn’t know either (?!)
sometimes you just cant get there from here
We are dependent on a piece of AI type auto-filter as well as manual filter. Who knows who makes the rules?
Who makes the rules? If it is not you Jo then I humbly suggest it would be a good idea for you to find out.
” 12 year olds were as cognisant as adults and were capable of making their own decisions.”
..have sex, get on the booze, go to fight a war, even get a job if they want to instead of school.
The person who wrote that wouldn’t qualify as an adult.
drive a forklift maybe?
My boys can pick up a 20 cent coin with a forklift.
“My boys can pick up a 20 cent coin with a forklift.” But can’t find something actually useful to do with the forklift.
Ahhh, yes please line up kiddies for your shot and cue beaming parents giving assent in order that we will all be safe. Bring along the family Labrador for its dose as well. The sheep are in the pen after being drenched.
My 30 year old niece works inn the public health system and has had her booster. Today, 2 weeks after she is laid up in bed with very unpleasant symptoms from the VIRUS. Great stuff ain’t it.
I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine
Many in my family and workplace pressed me to get the vaccine, but I persisted in not preceding my 80+ parents in the queue. In any case, I had been working steadily through the pandemic so the arrival of the vaccines wasn’t a “magic bullet” for me. Other than those jumping the queue, many agreed that those at the highest risk of hospitalization and death should be prioritized to be offered the vaccine first. After all, COVID deaths would fall if the elderly were vaccinated first. Whether the vaccine provides a public or private benefit continues to engage debate.
After my parents got vaccinated, I followed. Within five hours of my shot, I had a severe headache and was unable to multitask. I retired to bed early, and the next morning, every joint was achy and stiff, making me wonder if this is how I’d feel at age 100. My headache persisted along with difficulty concentrating. For the next six weeks, I was fatigued, with my body wanting to sleep at 6 rather than 9 P.M. When the 28-day mark passed, my brain was still processing slower, and I wondered if I’d ever return to my usual self. My antibody test was positive, and I wasn’t planning another shot.
The unremitting fatigue had finally lifted, so I went to request a booster dose and left with my second jab.
This time, I developed a fever within an hour of the jab and went to bed at 5 P.M. Around midnight, my husband found me burning hot with fever and shaking uncontrollably, so he woke me to give me ibuprofen. By the next morning, I was fine. However, a few months later, I developed a tingling pain in my back that ran from my shoulders to my hips that recurs when I overheat. Although I didn’t initially attribute this to the vaccine, my symptoms match the prickling, burning pain described post-vaccine. Every day when I run or lift weights, I get this pain, and I’m reminded.
I regret getting the vaccine.
I was given Oxford – Astra Zeneca and the first in early August 2021 and the second early November 2021. The first resulted in a slightly sore upper arm where the injection was applied and that mild pain lasted about two days, but nothing else to report. The second injection was less painful afterwards and again nothing else to report. I am over 70 years of age.
Several friends and family who also received AZ had much the same experience, including five people vaccinated soon after AZ was released in the UK early in December 2020, one of them did experience mild cold symptoms for a few days.
Two family members just under and just over 40 years of age were given Pfizer and had no problems.
I believe that health condition and age can make a lot of difference to experiences for vaccinated people which is why I consulted my GP before making an appointment to be vaccinated.
Of course.
“Two family members just under and just over 40 years of age were given Pfizer and had no problems”
A few decades ago we might have read:
“Two pregnant women were given the morning sickness pill Thalidomide and had no problems with it. They are due to give birth in the next month or so.”
[SNIP. Nope. All polite commenters are welcome. Please treat with respect. I want to hear the stories of people’s experiences whatever they are. – Jo]
Sounds like you might have made the comment I was thinking about.
“The sheep are in the pen after being drenched.” With Ivermectin of course.
Whoa whoa whoa…
This is turning into something out of the end of ww2 in europe
Ok, so paraphrasing – “its ok to jab kids, the cause is all that matters….”
Warning – this is evil. Period.
I dont give a damn what people think about my opinion, but this is the stuff of Josef ******e.
(Mods…Id suggest you have a moral and ethical consideration to discuss this stuff in plain terms.)
“Professors” no longer are automatically entitled to the respect and the assumed omniscience that they once deserved and received. The March through the Institutions has long polluted academia with leftist clones and now, Health, to such an extent that you can trust NONE of them to give an opinion unpolluted by their politics and the grants etc. from toeing the “company” line (“diversity graduates” was such a bonanza). In my graduation year we have three such and two of them are bleeding heart wokists while the third one actually deserved his position from sheer hard work, knowledge and skill.
Here is a link to audio of that.
‘food for thought’:
‘As the FDA tries to obtain months of delay, guess who just showed upon in the lawsuit? Yep, Pfizer.
Let me end by noting that all of this insanity is simply in response to an attempt to obtain some basic transparency.’
This doesn’t give me confidence in their Covid vaccine….
from the comments:
‘I work for a company that has a platform that allows large organizations to perform eDiscovery and redactions on large datasets.
I know for a fact that, with pattern search and export we could process the entire workload of 500,000 documents in less than 24 hours. Then have reviewers spend about a week ensuring proper redaction, then export the dataset in less than a day. The fact that they do not have technology in place that can do this is phenomenal. I guarantee Pfizer has an eDiscovery platform for these types of defensive discoveries. If they miss production of requested Discovery product they can be fined, daily, until they do.’
Imagine if this was already done…
What would have been the results of it?
(I still hope everything will be all right for the sake of so many people …)
Germany and Russia had a two year pact during ww2 in order to carve up eastern Europe. Germany are still highly ambivalent to the threat in ukraine
They refuse to send weapons to the country and instead have sent helmets
In the meantime the UK is sending weapons to ukraine and Germany refused us permission to use their air space.
This has nothing of course to do with Germany’s dependence on Russian gas. The EU and France are also being very ambivalent .
Let’s see how NATO deals with this especially as we have the very weak Biden at its head
So many things the Democrats organised have turned out to be false flag operations (Whitmer kidnapping, January 6th) that it would be safe to assume that everything they do is a false flag operation until proven otherwise.
Which brings us to the strange case of the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. We are supposed to believe that the modern Machievelli, Vladimir Putin, has had 100,000 Russian troops camped out in the snow for months on end, poised to invade Ukraine.
No complaints from the Russian troops have been heard so these must be really hard men, capable of enduring enormous suffering, sitting patiently in the snow drifts while waiting for their leader’s order to advance. And they would all be men with not one pregnancy flight suit east of the Dnieper.
Which is doubly strange because personal relations between the Bidens and the Russians are so cordial. One Russian lady, Elena Baturina, gave Hunter Biden US$3.5 million, seemingly out of the kindness of her heart because no reciprocal service was provided by Mr Biden.
Another strange thing about the Russian invasion threat is that it is exactly the wrong thing to do if your major threat is China. China has territorial ambitions on all its neighbours and is the greatest threat to world peace.
I would have thought that nobody would have more than Russia at risk if China became expansionist.
I don’t think I ever saw any sign of happy memories of when China went to Europe in history.
The Spanish Influenza Pandemic originated in China, but apart from that Beijing is guilt free.
From what I read, it originated on a Kansas farm, where duck flu infected a young man on the farm, who then went to France during WW1.
Good point! But the Crimea has a temperate climate compared to the rest of the once USSR.
IMO if he really does intend to invade, Putin will wait until China attacks Taiwan as the US will scarcely notice it.
Still, I don’t know why he would do so as the Ukraine has a long festering hatred for Russia and its rule.
It is much easier to poke a sleepiing Animal when you are outside the cage..(UK, USAetc)
…..but if you are trapped inside the cage (most Europeans) you might prefer to keep a low profile and hope the animal doesnt notice you. !
Im not saying its a smart strategy, and i can understand the thought train if you are in that situation…
….but you have to stand up to bullies. !
D Eisenhower warned against just this eventuality in the 1950’s.
Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Biden is backing Ukraine against Russia because Ukraine ‘has dirt on Hunter Biden’
– She complained Biden ‘is willing to take our military to war … against nuclear Russia because of Ukraine’
– She said the reason was because Ukraine ‘has dirt’ on Hunter and Joe Biden
Maybe Russian Gas and oil crosses an international border on its way through the Ukraine to the rest of Europe. Does the exchange as this commodity cross the border require a swift code for a transaction in US dollars? Would someone want to hold any of these Countries to ransom by impeding the transaction?
OldOzzie. Just lets see what’s in that laptop that the FBI was said to hold, view what it held but has done nothing. My bet is it will be wiped by some ‘method’ nobody in that organisation could ever explain. ‘It just happened’! After Hilary and her electronic device destruction shows, US law only applies to some, and the preferred method of having to explain seems to be to destroy the information and quietly move on due to lack of evidence..
Wiped, sent through a destructor to pulverise it, compressed into bricks and dumped at sea. You think I’m kidding dont you.
There are several copies of the laptop hard drive. When Rudi Gulliani was raided by the FBI he assumed they were after Hunter’s hard drive, as he had a copy. But they said no, they were looking for proof that Gulliani was a pipeline to Russia for Trump.
I imagine there are more copies tucked away for save keeping .
maybe there is a dossier, a real one this time.
Ukraine presents a difficult problem but it will have to come to terms with Russia regarding its arrangements with the West and how far it wishes to militarily mesh with NATO. Some believe Russia to be expansionist, but I differ. Russia requires security and attempts to equate to the internationalist Soviet are wrong. Of course, it is a great political distraction but we all hope it’s a storm in a teacup.
I kinda miss the Cold War.
I once played a gig at the Russian embassy in DC,
The Russian security guys were cool and funny.
Unlike the American secret service that were humorless martinets.
NATO needs to pull its head in and back down.
Is NATO involved in any way?
Not directly.
Off the top of my head, Putin wants to leave a legacy to be proud of and that means ending the cold war with Europe. Putin fancies he can persuade the West to dismantle NATO and this brinkmanship is only a war game on the road.
The Ukraine is not a member of NATO and Moscow wants it to stay that way. A hot war is not on the agenda.
How about Ukrainian expansionism?
And this map of the 2010 election would serve as a guide to where the Russians live. Not counting the minority Rumanians, Polish, Hungarian and Byelorussian minorities
And don’t forget that Yanukovych was overthrown in a rebellion, and a suitable West leaning one installed.
Exactly. Yanukovych was ousted because he wouldn’t immediately sign in with the west. Some say Ukraine is a free democracy, rather it’s a dysfunctional kleptocracy.
As australian with friends/family Ukrainian, I want to point a few things that seem to not be realised by most Australians.
Ukrain is 2nd world country at best, more like a 3rd would country.
Most joe blow workers are lucky to earn the equivalent of $90 AUD per week.
However the white collar government ruling class have insane salaries that start at $750 AUD per week for entry level positions which you can never get without the right connections.
There is essentially no public health care system for private individuals. Their covid death rate is about the highest in the world. Most people don’t get treatment and are left to die. This was true for most things even before covid. Friends of ours have sent over $40,000 AUD just to get treatment for parents in private hospital, luckily neither need intubate other wise it would have been six figure amounts.
The way the UN refused to run the referendum basically threw the non elite class under the bus. The ruling class will see the poor class obliterated in war before they give up their gravy train.
The ruling class know they are finished under Russia. While the under class get nothing from the west because it’s ash taken by the ruling class.
Ukrain government is one of the most corrupt twisted on earth, and you never hear one peep about it in the west. Governments are always infallible and must always be, is the stance taken.
I don’t think russia will invade, i think they are ready to actually guard with force the aid they will send though and avoid it being stolen.
If the west has any sense it would air drop all the aid money in the streets.
How a nation is run or runs isn’t part of the equation in the geopolitics of the great powers. It’s the overall chessboard that is the focus. This means turning a blind eye to the society if one needs to keep a nation onside in the strategies.
Mundi, thank you. I have emailed your comment to several friends around the world who I know are interested in the bigger strategic picture. It’s very useful.
less 10% for the “big guy” of course
I think Russia will only invade if the West invades first to set up base there. Putin made it clear he will not put up with the West establishing itself a base that close. He also made noises if the West does enter into Ukraine, Putin will establish a base in Cuba and other places nearby to the US.
A cool video on the origins of Russia:
Russia was founded by Vikings who built their capital in ….. Kiev
Speaking of Vikings, there was quite a good ‘Viking clap” recorded during a recent vaxx protest in Brussels:
Very impressive and intimidating.
another good one
Our media didnt show any of the peaceful, colourful protest of course…just black clad antifa smashing stuff at another location with police not arresting any of them, claiming it was anti-vax protestors.
Knowing that the World Economic Forum is keen to transform the world’s energy infrastructure, ie send us back to the Stone Age, and knowing that Morrison had already allowed the State Premiers to implement Covid Tyranny while pretending to look like the good guy, we reasoned that he was likely taking orders from international institutions rather than listening to his own constituency.
This makes the following clip, of a WEF spokesperson congratulating ScoMo for pushing along Australia’s “digital transformation” and “energy transformation”, very interesting.
As posted recently by me;
This extract is very interesting and enlightening;
“PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has told global business leaders his government did not view COVID-19 as an opportunity to create a “State-centred” economy.
He instead backed a more sustainable business-led recovery.
In a speech to the Davos Agenda 2022 virtual summit hosted by the World Economic Forum, Mr Morrison laid out Australia’s way through the global pandemic and its approach to supporting economic recovery and resilience over the next decade.
We never saw COVID as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system…”
Also not well publicised was his resistance to COP26 calls for the end of coal, to increase the Paris Agreement timing and emissions reduction target to be increased and to commit to net zero emissions (agreement) by 2050. Again, similar to the reasons why PM Abbott became a globalist political target as Christopher Monckton warned he was in a video when he also warned that the Prime Ministers of Canada and New Zealand at that time were being targeted, the three not cooperating in climate hoax political agendas.
And before condemning PM Morrison have a long hard look and think about Shorten and now Albo led Union controlled Labor and their Greens comrades and what they would most likely do if elected to government again.”
Regarding cashless society: the commencement of the Information Technology Age during the 1990s replacing the Industrial Age (read The Sovereign Individual) has as predicted resulted in fewer employees replaced by self-employed contractors (sovereign individuals) including people deriving income from internet businesses.
Part of the major economic reforms by the Howard Coalition Government 1996 to 2007 was the 10% Goods & Services Tax that is collected by the Federal ATO but distributed in accordance with an agreed formula to States and Territory Governments, one hundred per cent. Wholesale Sales Tax was abolished, WST was a Federal Tax revenue ranging from 17.5% to 27.5% on goods only. Calculations of retail pricing show that without WST and then GST added at point of last sale goods became cheaper, but of course services had a new 10% surcharge added. Overall with once-off compensation for pensioners and other adjustments we were no worse off in the real economy, however black economy illegal tax avoidance people, as compared to legal tax minimisation, were unable to avoid paying the GST unless they dealt in cash transactions as many do.
The real objective of the GST, and many developed nations have a similar tax, is to collect revenue from the black economy which is estimated to be a substantial percentage of the GDP of a nation hidden and not accounted and audited. Look around at the very expensive cars, boats, top of the market real estate, private executive aircraft and other signs of wealth in Australia. On a Harbourside drive in Sydney a visitor from the US once remarked to me about the obvious high wealth in those suburbs of Sydney around the Harbour. If you could tour the building and construction sites around Sydney you might ask yourself where the money comes from to pay for a multi-million dollar house, for example, and then either demolish it and build a new one or gut it and rebuild inside and with additions. All this activity when the average Australian worries about how to buy a home.
So my point is that with a cashless society all transactions are recorded and can be referenced for tax auditing purposes and other purposes. The increased tax revenue potentia is enormous. Consider the public debt and interest liability we now have, the Howard Government retired Labor’s pre-1996 debt and annual interest liability by June 2006 and that was $95.8 billion of Federal Government debt in dollar value that today would be probably three times as much. A combination of debt creation to $400 billion as at September 2013, or 2014 accounting for the borrowing via government bonds the Coalition were forced to borrow to fund Labor Budget commitments for expenditure 2013/14 financial year for which Labor made no provision to fund and creatively accounted and reported a lower budget deficit that way, and borrowing since with emphasis on economic stimulus to prop-up the economy during the States imposed lockdowns and restrictions for pandemic purposes, support funding to employers and employees and notably small to medium businesses and self employed people both being the places of employment of the majority of the workforce.
So more tax collected from tax avoiders and honest people pay no extra tax resulting in significantly higher government revenue and funds to repay the public debt, one example.
My preference is Debit Card transactions, and sometimes cash payments especially in remote areas where cards might not be usable. And I use internet banking.
Debit Card direct payment from my bank account is as good as cash and more convenient than needing to access cash supply. I avoid Credit Card use and when I do use one I pay the account on time every time.
Cash really is an old fashioned concept and in so many ways inconvenient when compared to electronic transactions in my opinion. And I am very supportive of a fairer taxation system that makes tax avoidance extremely difficult, but nothing is impossible. Taxes pay for the government services and infrastructure we benefit from and the more tax is collected the less need their is to burden individuals with more tax.
“Cash really is an old fashioned concept and in so many ways inconvenient when compared to electronic transactions in my opinion.”
I live in a small coastal village in southern NSW, and a few years back during the bush fires all power was down for well over a week.
This meant that credit cards and eftpos machines were out of action, leaving ONLY cash to buy anything.
If I hadn’t keep a few jars of coins I would have had a very hungry week.
Imagine a nation-wide grid collapse – no cash, no eating.
I do understand, I mentioned my use of cash in remote areas travelling.
It is one problem that needs attention.
Problem solved – businesses to have bank credit/debit card transaction machines again with paper;
* Customer copy
* Business copy
* Bank copy for processing transactions
As there were before internet banking for credit and debit card transaction. The small machine could be stored with paper supply for emergencies.
As long as you are happy for your wealth to exist as ones and zeroes in someone else’s computer, that can be “adjusted” according to the banks needs or govt/reserve bank edict , then sure physical money (whatever that means to you) is sooooo yesterday.
All well and good but it is handing the government far too much power. You can just see how government power has been abused in the Pandemic. A few billion tax bucks missing here and there doesnt come close to the harm that can be done with a government that has access to every little bit of information about you. Following the digital trail lets someone know what you spend your money on, who you spend it on, where you were, who with and so on. Eventually a social credit system. I dont fear tax dodgers anywhere near as much as a government abusing its power. Once this is done it cannot be undone. I use cash as much as possible.
And to add to this, if you think governments are incorruptible, like God, just google the Zondo commission into state capture in South Africa. Criminals were feeling the heat from SARS (South African Revenue Service), so they conspired with the former president to take control of it. Corruption in every part of government. The whistleblowers are now in hiding. Your digital currency is just the thing to entrench criminality and perpetual serfdom and misery. How would these whistleblowers survive if the same criminals could trump up some false charges, take away their passports, take away their money, have them committed to an asylum? Its all over.
A little bit of corruption is a small price to pay, to avoid total corruption.
You will own nothing and you will be happy……..
The States control their Health systems. There is a certain commonality with the leadership of Qld, Victoria and WA.
There is an election in the air and it appears Andrews and McGovern still (unbelievably but understandably due to where people get most of their information from) have very high support rates(70% still for McGowan, even with his latest undermining of WA businesses – which makes my case). Morrison is a bit like Trump. The media laps up the left taking kudos for the wins and throwing the losses into Morrison’s court.
This is a subject that has long interested me, temperature inversion, this being an extreme example yesterday here in the UK
When a global temperature is calculated it is assumed the temperature at varying heights will conform to the standard notion that temperature drops three degrees for every thousand fett.
However that is so often wrong that I wonder if it affects the supposed accuracy of the modelled temperature.?
As an aside, if the UK stopped emitting co2 tomorrow for ever, the temperature drop that would theoretically cause is equivalent to walking up two steps of a staircase. In the case of Australia I would imagine its not mich more than standing on a couple of bricks.
So well worth the costs and lifestyle disruption.
Oh no, climate change is here! What else could cause this upside-down, back-to-front inversion of reality/physics… We must ban carbon now!
So a hill in wintry Wales was 21°C and sunny, while a summery mountain in NZ, Mt Hutt skifield, was -3°C and COVERED IN SNOW this morning after an overnight cold front passed through.
Unprecedented? Not on your nelly: it snowed last Thursday too, and not just a dusting, there was 10-20cm of gobull worming goodness burying the foothills (with MORE on the Main Divide). The more things ‘change’, the more they stay the same.
Not a great simple explanation from the Met. Warm air doesn’t rise. Less dense air rises. Warming up a pocket of air will make it expand slightly and become less dense than the air above it. As it rises and expands more, it does PV work and cools. Dry air should cool about 1°C every 100m when there is convection. The less dense warm air is replaced by denser and cooler air dropping, but it warms 1°C per 100 m as it drops and is compressed. (Google adiabatic lapse rate and chose your preferred source of information). The actual temperature gradient is about 0.64°C of cooling as you climb 100 m.
Sometimes you get conditions where dense cold air creeps under the warm air without falling, compressing and, hence warming 1°C per 100m. If there is fog, the ground doesn’t get warmed by the sun and that colder air doesn’t warm, expand then rise causing convection. The air above the fog will be warmed by the sun and then you get that large difference in temperature for a long time.
Climate models epitomise “trivial pursuit”. Labelling them meaningless junk overstates reality. They bear NOTHING relevant to the physics of Earth’s climate. They are based on a thorough misunderstanding of how water on the surface of the earth and in the atmosphere regulates the energy balance. They embed outcomes that are physically impossible. They show tropical oceans surface exceeding 30C over annual cycle – physically impossible with the current atmospheric mass. They show the atmosphere creating matter with precipitation exceeding evaporation year after year. The assume oceans absorb radiated heat through the surface.
Even considering that their poor performance could be linked to temperature inversion gives them far more credit than they deserve. They are less than junk – poo comes to mind. They need to treated like most people would deal with a turd. Climate models are turds in the scientific community.
There was an interesting piece of propaganda on their ABC’s virus pages yesterday along the lines that Victorians should “get the full protection offered by three vaccine doses [sic]”.
Readers needed to have their thinking caps on to understand the spin involved. The truth the authorities obscured was that 64.2% of people in ICU being treated for covid were “fully vaccinated” to use the current euphemism injection compliance. Their ABC did not include the other statistic that 77.2% of people admitted to hospital were “fully vaccinated”.
Sometimes not mentioning things is called lying by omission. It is of course possible to analyse the statistic in a way which says that all things being equal you are better off being triple injected than not being triple injected but all things are NOT equal.
What does it say when 64.2% of people in ICU with a particular affliction have received the officially “safe and effective” preventative? I’d say the preventative is not worthy of being called a vaccine.
And to get a better idea of the gullibility required to believe the spin readers need to remember that a mere 12 days ago on 15 Jan 2022 there were said to be 0% in the same category. The spin at that time was more than hinting that triple injections provided 100% protection.
What is needed for the public to be fully informed is some additional information. If I was still considering taking one of the currently available injections I’d be interested in things like the percentage of omicron infected who were uninjected, injected months ago and triple injected. That would enable me to make a voluntary and informed decision about medical treatment. I say that because I am suspicious that the injections actually make people MORE prone to omicron infection.
These injections are not worthy of being called a vaccine.
F.G., I made the mistake of clicking onto theirABC yesterday (looking for info on the 4.7 earthquake in Wagin, WA) and an article mentioned construction workers in Bunbury (at a lithium mine?) who had succumbed to the Rona were all fully vaccinated.
Here in Jacindastan, a music festival last weekend turned into a Rona ‘super spreader event’, with authorities advising everyone who was there to get a nose-poke and self-isolate. But – only fully vaccinated and ID-compliant partiers were allowed entry.
Almost every day, the f. v. are going down with moronic symptoms yet, according to official stats, there’s only ten people in hospital(s) with it and none – as in zero – in ICU. But be afraid… get your 3rd shot now! Madness.
Yes. The whole thing is so far out of whack that even the drones must be tempted to do a reality check.
At least you’d think so, but apparently there is no sign of anything other than a hive mind at work.
And here in Victoriastan, no Australia day celebrations cos, you know, “rona” might spread. Luckily once the sun went down dear leader Dan was able to declare the danger had passed and to celebrate he will now allow 60% capacity crowds at the tennis instead of the original safe 40%.
People losing money, major event at risk
We identified as QLDrs while streaming some tennis the other day. The VIC tourism people were pushing hard and perhaps too repetitively. I suspect it make take years to recover from the damage that Andrews has wreaked.
“Police THREATEN two years jail if I don’t REMOVE this video – YouTube
Let me put your suspicions to rest. Courtesy Robert Malone & Steve Kirsch.
You get no empathy from me if you weren’t restrained and involuntarily forced to listen. How sad!
I’m not after empathy RickWill.
My advice is always to keep an eye on what the enemy are up to. Make no mistake their ABC are the enemies of reason and good government.
“You get no empathy from me if you weren’t restrained and involuntarily forced to listen. How sad!”
I think you mean ‘sympathy’, ’empathy’ is something progressives go on ad nauseum about, but completely lack.
I don’t think the old Soviet bloc citizens were ‘restrained’ and forced to listen to propaganda on radio and TV.
That the NWO totalitarians would take this next step would hardly surprise me.
You and them may be simpatico.
FG, i dont think that data indicates anything of significance !
Without knowing the actual % of vaxed/ unvaxed in the relative population , and a “control group” with similar demographics, …all you can conclude is that the vaccine wont preven you contracting the virus.
It may be that with no vaccine, hospitalisations and deaths would be much higher in certain demographic groups..aged, young, male, female , etc.
There simply is not enough data to draw any conclusion.
Chad, I don’t accept your assertion but let’s assume you are right. The health authorities would have had absolutely no basis for pretending that the injections had a beneficial effect when the percentage in question was 0%.
Would they?
Which % are you referring to ? , F G
0% unvaxed ?.. and we still would not know if the vaccine was having an effect..
0%. Vaxed……ditto !
Here is a starting point for your investigations :
Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 26
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 8 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 159,127 (70%)
“Partially vaccinated 1,468 (1%)
“No effective dose 779 (<1%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 46,955 (21%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 18,343 (8%)
"Total 226,672 (100%)
Previous weekly reports here :
O Steve…
Unless i am mistaken , F Gs original data was for Victoria,…your reference id for NSW !
I dont think we can deduce or derive anything by compareng those ?
And you’re not curious just WHY that data isn’t available two years on?
Curious?, not really !
I do not believe any of the data is accurate or consistent.
The data is collected as a secondary function by overworked health care workers, not as a primary function of their efforts.
It is asembled from multiple sources, many of which use different criteria and guide lines.
Even simple basic data such as the number of cases is just a rough figure from only those tested….it doesnt represent the true number of cases in the population, or even the date they occurred….only the date they were reported,….so it Is unreliable as a reference .
So without reliable data, its a waste of effort to analyse or draw conclusions.
It like counting casualties in a war,.vaguely and morbidly interesting, but ultimately useless.!
Chad I try to avoid pointless discussions but you seem sincere so without restating the whole thread here it is in a nutshell.
When 0% of IC patients in Victoria were fully injected the government line was that it was proof of the benefit of getting injected. Two weeks later the percentage was 64% and the government line was again that it was proof of the benefit of getting injected.
My inference is that the government line is the worst kind of spin. Heads their argument wins. Tails your argument loses.
The Capitol Police Are Spying on Members of Congress, and the Details Are Incredibly Disturbing
Another move that caused concern when it occurred was Nancy Pelosi’s elevation of the United States Capitol Police to some kind of personal, partisan defense force, including funding offices all over the country used to gather data on those that just so happen to be political opponents. Now, we are learning just how far that operation goes, and the details are incredibly disturbing.
Republican congressional members, their staffers, and their donors are being spied on in ways that are simply not tolerable in a free society. Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) went on Tucker Carlson last night to discuss the issue. Here’s what he had to say.
Politico also provides some more information on the specifics of what is occurring, including real-world examples that sound like they belong in a third-world dictatorship.
In another document reviewed by POLITICO, one Capitol Police official noted that Farnam directed analysts to run “background checks” on people whom lawmakers planned to meet, including donors and associates. When staff were listed as attending these meetings, Capitol Police intelligence analysts also got asked to check the social media accounts of the staffers.
Analysts were also directed to probe the ownership of buildings where members of Congress held their meetings.
“Is there a foreign interest or ownership in the event location?” the revised template read. “Are there any permanent delegations or missions in the immediate area of the event?”
It gets worse, but I want to stop here because I think it’s important to see the game behind the game. Probing for “foreign interests” in the meetings of congressional members seems like a pretty clear attempt to dig up another “Russian collusion” narrative. Why else would that even be relevant to the Capitol Police, who ostensibly exist to simply protect the physical lives of congressional members? Is there a physical threat or not? Because a donor having ties to another country does not represent a clear and present danger for the USCP to act on.
O/Ozzie. With the laptop it shows the specificity of the power being thrown only against one side of politics. Isn’t that what’s happening in China and Russia. This is the detail that should scare every American, and Australian, to death. In Australia it’s the use of the police to enforce health matters and the enthusiasm they show in wielding those powers. It’s one sided if one compares the different responses to any union march or leftist movement matter versus that taken against those against the virtual compulsion to take these therapies masked as vaccines. Both the elderly and the pregnant are taken as fair game to their violence. We haven’t quite got to Tiananmen square level yet, but our current politicians have us going down the early stages of that track, and people need to reassess just how ‘Australian’ are our current politicians, especially at State level.
An astonishing 2 million migrants have come to the Us southern border in 2021
It seems trump was right to want to build a wall. These numbers are changing the demographics of the country, are mostly unvaccinated and will require funding.
What is it with the left wing and open borders?
“These problems include economic instability, gang violence and environmental devastation brought on by climate change.”
The stock market is all over the place, the gangs are shooting everyone, but the President won’t allow no climate change in America, lets go there..
Not to mention the narcotics brought into the US.
“What is it with the left wing and open borders?”
Leftism is feminism is basically to reckon that ‘If it feels good then it is good – and anyone with a problem with that is literally Hitler’.
tonyb. It’s all about the votes the Democrats presume will be theirs when they can get these people able to vote without id’s. Many are being taken and dumped in the middle of the night in Republican States. If it’s not politics that interests the US citizens I suggest they consider the criminal elements being admitted as well any subversives getting free entry. Who is going to be the target of the next explosion? As the Border Force people are saying, the government is hand in glove with the gangs doing the people smuggling trade because they are allowing free entry.
That’s exactly right. 2016 scared the Swamp so badly, and everything we have seen from them including the open border is part of them making sure that 2016 never happens again, and that 2020 becomes the reoccurring outcome in perpetuity.
More on that:
Roger Caiazza has applied my solar unreliability analysis method to New York State:
The method applies anywhere there are cloudy days.
David, I rarely comment on your posts but please accept my thanks for the work you do. The search for objective truth is more important today than ever.
Sure is! Well said.
Thanks Forrest
EV Recharge Hell for Climate Activist Heidi Harmon
Today’s lesson: virtue is no substitute for intelligence.
Virtue is no substitute for diesel nor petrol.
I found it funny Heidi couldnt get an Uber from San Jose into town (its about an hour) if it was so important and worth driving so far for. But no she preens on social media and becomes a poster child for EV dysfunction. Bit of dipstick methinks.
Nice piece of satire from conservative woman about the new products to be issued by our new overlords including The comply mask
For what its worth there is a funny channel on Youtube called “its a Southern Thing” which focuses on the ways of folks in the southern USA, and often it features the well wielded power of the angry southern woman. Its quite funny at times.
I read an article on AOL this morning about a new battery for EV. Tesla is involved. This new battery would last 12,000,000 miles and could be recharged in 8 minutes after running the vehicle for thousands of miles. Didn’t give that must detail, but from an ROI viewpoint, why would anyone develop a battery that would outlive the vehicle chassis 24:1, assuming a car chassis would last 500,000 miles. It would take 20 years or so to put that many miles on a car. Besides me, who keeps a car 20 years? Anybody else read about this new battery?
I own my Volvo 850 now for 13 years and if it continues to have no technical problems then the usual due to normal usage like breaks, tires or coupling I see no reason to give it up.
It’s a 1994 one with 350,000 km, still the first motor, first exhaust (!, Swedish built, not Belgian.
Mine’s an ’83 Corolla with a few mods to make it more a sports car than when produced, its a joy to drive a lightweight RWD car. I expect to have it until I die, although I’m sure the Govt will stop that from being too long.
I’d be in the queue for an electric conversion the moment they make sense, but currently the batteries would weigh more than the car. If the batteries WM talks about are under 200Kg they would be great!
Well maintained and sensibly driven such a car should easily exceed 500,000 kilometres with only normal wear part replacements.
I read about a Toyota Land Cruiser used for escorting heavy road transport around Australia when travel permits are required and escort services that has passed one million kilometres and still with the original diesel engine, gearbox and differentials.
My 330,000 km Toyota Hiace 4×4 diesel van cruised through its Warrant of Fitness today, good for another 12 months, and that’s all I need ‘coz the world’s gonna end next year innit?
I have a 1998 Subaru GT turbo, 452,000 km and just had the front struts replaced…
We reluctantly sold our Landcruiser (40thAnnivetsary 80Series) when it had travelled nearly 500,000 km. The only reason we sold it was because it lacked airbags & we thought we do so many km the continued risk was too great.
Our new 200 Series has goddam awful seats compared to the old one. Despite the huge mileage the old seats had no sag at all & were incredibly comfortable. Not so the new model. But the really annoying feature is the Sat Nav & radio which require inattention from the road to operate. Otherwise – great power and solid construction as you expect from Toyota.
I believe it refers to patented battery technology of Israeli company StoreDot, batteries to be made in China.
StoreDot appears to be a serious company with serious financial backing.
Of course, charging an EV battery in ten minutes, assuming it’s possible, is not likely to be doable at home due to the massive power required to do that which would not be supported on any standard domestic electricity connection.
And not doable in any country heavily reliant on solar or wind.
You need coal, gas, proper hydro (not SH2) and nuclear power stations to fulfil the EV fantasy.
Given that coal is the dominant source of reliable electricity in most places, most EV’s are in fact powered by coal and probably all Australian EV’s.
Electric cars are like socialism: it’s always the next version that’s going to work.
And in between times people must learn to live within the limitations.
“Mercedes owner ‘horrified’ new battery will cost him £15,000 – more than the car is worth”
“The car owner claims he was quoted £15,000 for a battery replacement – excluding labour costs which he was quoted would be roughly around £200 an hour……Mr Singh claims the battery died after just eight years”
If it is based on lithium chemistry then it is not for the masses. Lithium is already hitting its price barrier:
Could be wrong but I think it’s based on graphene.
Odd way the measure a battery. It really doesn’t care how far its travelled. If you think the capacity is excessive give it to some lefty technologists. The left is all about destroying that which works and thrives on dysfunction e.g California, Victoria, Canada
Me. Nissan Patrol -433,000 kms on the clock. Pulls the horse float, works around the paddocks, best air conditioner in the world. Never misses a beat. I love this car.
Can this story be true that NZ has run out of money trying to fight a virtually non existent covid problem?
New Zealand is digging a deep hole – similar in size and shape to the UK:
Maybe New Zealand is digging a bit faster than UK. USA does not need to worry about its hole because the entire world help them fill it up. That could change as China takes a firmer grip of global finances in line with its manufacturing and military prowess.
And this assurance from China:
This us the problem with socialists…as Margaret Thatcher would say – they spend other peoples money.
Ergo, they are a sum sink on society.
Tony, sad but true. Toilet paper is now the new currency and there’s not much of THAT left neither. Today’s stats:
Hospitalised, 5
I.C.U., 1
But but but THE MODELS scream 80,000 people per day will die – oops, my bad – will be ‘infected’. It’s not just Clown World, it’s INSANE Clown World.
Send a secure address and I will mail a few rolls over to you. If you decide to sell them on the black market just split the profits with me or maybe you could mail back some RAT tests, same deal. That is of course provided they are not confiscated by customs.
Official inflation rate has hit 5.9%, which means real inflation – the sort we feel in our wallets – is probably 8 or 9%. In response, their reserve bank is hiking the base rate to 1%.
Wow. Not a good time to be a retiree over on the other side of the dutch, eh?
Mind you, we’re all headed that way. My super is earning 0% at present, while my wallet says inflation is around 6%, so I’m losing ground fast.
Are people turning against the NZ PM?
It seems that in the most liberal democracies people have been very willing to accept virtual dictators and then demand even more restrictions. It mystifies me why people want to keep themselves under house arrest and perhapss illustrates the frightening ability of our elite to use ‘health’ as a way to exert power.
good photo on Kates site of the truck convoy:
More reading at
Victorian farmers turning to automated shearing in answer to worker shortage
the working conditions, along with other factors such as border closures due to the COVID pandemic and vaccine hesitancy have contributed to the current Australia-wide shearer shortage.
That’s why Kevin Butler, in Kilmore in northern Victoria, decided to take matters into his own hands to invest in semi-automated technology to shear his sheep.
“I would say it takes away 95 per cent of the energy [required],” Mr Butler said.
“I know my shearers are getting on like I am and there’s no young ones coming up to replace them, so where are we going to be in five years’ time?
[snip too much cut and paste. ]ED
We used to have sheep but decided to cut them out. Too much bother these days with labour etc. I used to shear but on the understanding it was purely voluntary on my part. Landowners prerogative.
Mr Butler typically needs a team of shearers to complete the work, but with this technology he only needs himself and another; his roustabout and shearer Barry Milne.
“It’s no stress on me. I’m getting on and I’m not having to visit a chiropractor a couple of times a month,” he said.
The $100k job no Aussie wants: Shortage of workers means there’s easy money to be made and NO experience is required – so could you hack it?
– Aussie farms are offering school leavers lucrative jobs in sheep shearing sheds
– The industry normally relies on 500 Kiwi workers to meet spring surge
– Shearers with six months experience can make $1,500 a week shearing sheep
– Seasoned sheep shearing professionals can make more than $100,000 a year
Countries that will soon only let travellers in that have received three doses of a Covid vaccination
Double vaccinated travellers could soon find themselves locked out of Europe as the world redefines what it means to be “fully vaccinated”.
Fauci warns it is too early to believe that the U.S. has its COVID-19 situation under control: Says Pfizer vaccine will be THREE doses for children under five
And watch how many kids under five have mysterious heart attacks…..
This is evil.
they were going to have them anyway, no link at all, nothing to see here , move along.
Let me guess.
Only place we want to go these days is NZ. It seems it will take a change of government and a return of sanity for that to happen. Oh well we have some nice memories from earlier trips.
Remember to remind public serpents and politicians, if they have been involved in making any decision in relation to the mismanagement of covid, that they will one day be held to account.
As they probably have never heard of the Nuremberg Trials, remind them!
I posted this in the previous thread but since the thread was short-lived I think it is worth repeating…
The following 12 min video is excellent and directly relevant to the protest. It is about authoritarianism and rejecting it.
It is so pleasing that there are still small sparks of pro-freedom sentiment left in the world, whilst most people blindly accept tyranny and control.
I used to wonder how the totalitarian movements of National Socialism and International Socialism got into power. Now, thanks to covid, I can see how easily it happens.
“Why are Most People Cowards? Obedience and the Ruse of Authoritarianism”
Before watching that video I’ll have a go at answering its question.
We are habit machines and operate by immitating what we reckon to be ‘good’ behaviour. But in a novel context where there is a lack of historical precedent for how to behave, like say when a new bug shows up, most _crave_ someone to tell them what to do and what to think about it… Therefor 90% vaccination rates, and a fear, and loathing, of the unmaskilated and/or unvaxified.
I also wondered how NAZI’ism happened. And I also now see how, and how _easy_ it is to (make) happen. We, generally, are not that clever. And the elite know that very well. We’re less of a critical body politik, and more of a fearful, lazy herd _wanting_ to be told where to go.
Do you realise that there are some people who are proud of their extreme covid compliance, following the rules and regulations to the letter; boast of their triple, quadruple or quintuple “vaccination”; and and live their lives in terror of contracting the disease?
” triple, quadruple or quintuple “vaccination”; and and live their lives in terror of contracting the disease?”
Its quite bizarre, isn’t it.
All those jabs and they know its not protecting them !
[fixed ED]
Why would someone with quintuple dose be worried about contracting covid. Given how serious the side effects are, surely if they have survived 5 doses, they have demonstatred they are at least bulletproof and maybe even bombproof.
I imagine that’s what every drug addict thinks.
John Campbell was talking to a guy in Panama who was OK with the mandate that you must wear a mask while driving.
This, apparently, is to protect the copper when you wound your window down while he was pulling you over to check covid compliance.
Do you realise that there are some people who are proud of their extreme covid compliance, following the rules and regulations to the letter; boast of their triple, quadruple or quintuple “vaccination”; and and live their lives in terror of contracting the disease?
Meet my Family
Those mRNA jabs, the so called vaccines, are the leading cause of coincidences.
9 MSM about 4pm SA time. There has been heavy rain on Eyre Penninsula starting at 6pm, but not at the towns mentioned. Cummins which is 240 km east of Streaky Bay (0 rain) has about 25 mm starting 6.15. Further east, Port Lincoln got 47 mm starting around the same time.
So BOM can see heavy rain only a few hours before it hits, and only somewhere within a 1000 km2 area.
I know weather is a hard thing to predict but there is as much expertise at BOM as a weather rock.
It is interesting news today about the new Ambassador for China arriving in Canberra with “an olive branch” and he has commented on wanting to improve the diplomatic and trade relationships between China and Australia.
It has been said that “megaphone diplomacy” is counter productive and from what I have learnt Australia’s leaders including Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Trade, have been unsuccessful when trying to contact the Ministers in the CCP Government of China, but the olive branch approach now being reported suggests that whatever our leaders have been doing and their tactics are working, and that has to be good for all concerned, aggression and including trade barriers is a loss for both sides.
Of course reports are that China has major economic problems from a failed major building and construction firm and others in trouble, also an energy supply crisis, and add discontent reported among CCP members about getting offside with so many nations where previously relationships were getting stronger, the beginning of the decline appears to have been the Wuhan Laboratory COVID-19 virus escape and following calls for an investigation via WHO. But reports claim that China continues to have major health problems from that virus.
I read that most of the coal shipments refused entry for unloading in China have now been admitted and unloaded, other shipments were redirected to other countries during the confrontation period when ships remained at anchor offshore near China.
When China says it wants to improve relations it loses something in the translation into English. A more nuanced translation is that Australia must give China everything it wants right now or sooner.
Vassal State has been mentioned many times by senior Coalition Cabinet Ministers and others, being their belief that the CCP would like to achieve for Australia.
And it worries me how close Union controlled China have shown themselves to be to CCP-China, they are not alone of course among Australian politicians and related lobbyists, for example Minister for Communications Turnbull and family members were reported by The Australian newspaper dining with former PM Rudd and family members at a restaurant in Beijing, China during the Abbott Government term in office before the “Turnbull Government” as Turnbull PM and colleagues referred to it.
But I have very good reasons to believe that the other than LINO left Coalition MPs are patriots and determined to keep Australia safe and with economic prosperity.
“But I have very good reasons to believe that the other than LINO left Coalition MPs are patriots and determined to keep Australia safe and (under their thumb while they are in power)….”
Dennis, they would sell you into slavery if it meant they stayed in power. Just like any politician of any ilk, the only thing that interests them is power and the wealth it brings them!
When did one ever say “No thanks, I want to remain a backbencher & represent my people, whom I canvas regularly asking them how I should vote on issues..?
Your last paragraph is what they say when they have resigned to go to the back bench before making a leadership push isn’t it?
Does anyone here know what to make of these lot numbers for Pfizer shots that, according to the TGA, were reserved for their local staff? Super dooper shots? Saline?
They all have the following comment in the TGA page for Batch release assessment of COVID-19 vaccines
Jessica Rose brought this up on her substack –
Well, it wouldn’t look good if Pfizer employees had adverse events, like death, to their own vaccine, would it? So probably saline. You still get covid with or without the vax so nothing will seem strange if supposedly vaxxed employees get the ‘Rona.
What price a warehouseman to swap batch numbers around..
Sand in the gears indeed!
FYI “OCABR Reviewed” means not tested in Australia. The following is taken from here.
“Pathway one uses overseas certification as evidence that the batch has already undergone independent testing and assessment by a recognised National Control Laboratory, such as the Official Control Authority Batch Release (OCABR) process(link is external) in Europe.”
According to US Attorney Thomas Renz, three US military doctor whistleblowers have provided some appalling figures on Vaccine-Injury Numbers
Increases in recorded issues since the vaccine rollout in 2021 were
Some of this information was presented at the COVID-19: Second Opinion panel organised by Senator Ron Johnson and some figures were added in a following interview
The followup interview article actually lists the whistleblowers as Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long.
So this isn’t from ghostly anonymous sources but from people willing to put their careers on the line to present the truth vs the narrative that the vaccines are fully tested and totally safe.
So it will be J&J Vaccine-impaired American soldiers versus the Sputnik-impaired Russian soldiers in Ukraine..
Covid might see the end of war.
It’s sad that Australian politics is no longer about deciding which party or candidate is best but which one is least dangerous.
I would never have thought that Clive Palmer would meet this criteria but here we are…
Clive is first and foremost a business man and motivated by self wealth creation, and I make no criticism of free enterprise ventures and making profits.
However, his history in politics started during or just before the Bjelke-Petersen Country Party Queensland Government long period of terms in office, he was a member of the party and a source of donations, and well respected. He also built his fortune during those terms, and has since increased his wealth. He backed the Newman led LNP before they were elected to government in Queensland and news reports after that indicated that there had been a disagreement, a falling out, and based on Clive wanting special treatment and being told that the Newman Government was of course interested in doing what they could to get new business ventures underway but only through official government department applications. For reasons I can only guess, because I was not involved and I am not well informed other than what the media provides, this resulted in Clive deciding to oppose the LNP/Coalition and later he formed PULP, now UAP.
History reveals that no minor party has ever governed in Australia, the preferential voting system lottery of trickle down after primary vote system can cause upsets, mainly in marginal electorates meaning do not need many votes to lose. Many MPs have lost their seat on preferences and voters are often surprised and not happy with the result. Labor relies on Greens preferences and the Unions donate to the Greens, in 2020 the Gillard Labor Government was forced into a minority alliance and the Greens who later forced Labor to introduce the carbon tax they had promised not to introduce, and other Greens demands.
Be careful about selecting candidates to vote for and allocating preferences, following a how to vote pamphlet empowers the party or candidate that compiled the list.
My worst nightmare is Union controlled Labor returned to government at the next election.
I will risk it all rather than vote for either of the major Parties. After what they have supported in the last 2 years I could not in good conscience vote for “the lesser if 2 evils”.
Anyone who had had the courage to deplore what has been thrown upon us with such contempt for our rights will
……will get my vote.
I expect as the election approaches Palmer Derangement Syndrome will take full flight.
I just checked the latest polling and Greens remain in front at 7% while PHON and UAP combined are about half of Greens support.
Polls are not reliable as we learnt at the 2019 Federal Election.
Primary votes are Labor 46%, Coalition 39%, Greens 7%, One Nation 3% and UAP 1%. The poll also has Scott Morrison at 28% approval and 46% disapproval (which is quite a bit worse than his 45% approval and 51% disapproval from the state in the last quarterly Newspoll) and Anthony Albanese at 21% and 44%, while Mark McGowan has 75% approval … January 2022
If the polls can be trusted Labor with Greens support can win.
Lets hope that the polls are wrong.
Not if you read the comments in the Sydney Morning Herald…
I’m pretty sure you have to be a whining leftie to get a comment in there, or maybe there are millions of them.
In some places
Smh = “shaking my head”
For a long time it has been a case of “the lesser of 2 evils”.
Quite a few people are looking for other options. I don’t blame them.
Both majors have flaws that they seem unwilling or incapable of addressing.
A worrying trend for minor parties excluding the one with the most support by a wide margin, the Greens, that voters are not thinking hard enough, why water down support for PHON and UAP (was PULP) and not choose one to best achieve supporter’s objectives if enough candidates are elected? Because no minor party can form government and again this election a collective of candidates masquerading as individual Independents are standing for election, and again targeting Liberal and National MPs and not Labor MPs.
Combine the minors apart from Greens and another poor result is on the cards, refer to 2019.
The minor parties are only targeting Lib/Nat electorates? What’s your source? If that’s the case, I’m going to be having second thoughts about UAP. I want the Libs and Nats to be sent a very clear message that they need to start acting like they are conservative parties, but if Clive just wants revenge, I’m out.
Or is there some other strategy in play here? The Australian voting systems does me ‘ead in.
The UAP are targeting all positions in all Federal electorates, both House of Reps and Senate, regardless of who currently holds the seat.
I don’t know where the misinformation comes from that it’s only Lib/Nat seats being targeted by them.
Why is it only conservatives who ever feel the need to “I want the Libs and Nats to be sent a very clear message……..”
The reds ALWAYS vote left, that’s why they win.
But they dont always win, so blind Uniparty voting is hardly a recipe for succes
They win with 35% primary vote.
Enjoy Albo.
That’s not what Dennis said. I quote:
“(in) this election a collective of candidates masquerading as individual Independents are standing for election, and again targeting Liberal and National MPs and not Labor MPs.”
Think Zali Steggall. Elected with the help of Melbournians who falsely registered in Warringah.
Hanrahan it is a real worry how many people fail to read comments in full and then make silly claims about what was NOT posted.
It happens a lot unfortunately, and probably explains why the PM is blamed for everything, obviously too many critics are not across subjects, powers of three levels of government and areas of responsibility, and fall for media and political spin like blaming the PM for bushfire fighting period family holiday that was State and State Emergency Services like RFS duties and responsibilities.
Read my comment again please: “a collective of candidates masquerading as individual Independents ……. again targeting Liberal and National MPs and not Labor MPs”.
I did not refer to PHON or UAP (aka PUP) targeting only Liberal and National MPs.
I believe it’s the Holmes A’Court funded ‘independents’ that are primarily aimed at coalition seats that only have small leads. They are supposedly ‘Independents’ but seem to copy Steggall who had never voted coalition in her life we are told.
‘For a long time it has been a case of “the lesser of 2 evils”.
That is the way it has always been in Australia and they also said if you don’t vote for a major “its a wasted vote.” These days labour and capital are no longer at war, the workers are heavily invested in the stock market, so the majors are a thing of the past.
To remain relevant Labor became Green.
2 friends of a relative got really sick and are now already home for 2 weeks after a booster from Moderna.
They had the Pfizer vaccine before. ???
Canadian convoy reminds me of…
Deplorables: Trump, Brexit and the Demonised Masses
Will the COVID-19 pandemic make waste management more uncontrollable?
The pandemic has increased the generation of medical waste by 18%–425%. It is estimated that the daily output of COVID-19-related medical waste in the world increased from 200 tons per day in February to more than 29,000 tons per day in September during 2020
Plastic waste release caused by COVID-19 and its fate in the global ocean
We show that 8.4 ± 1.4 million tons of pandemic-associated plastic waste have been generated from 193 countries as of August 23, 2021, with 25.9 ± 3.8 thousand tons released into the global ocean representing 1.5 ± 0.2% of the global total riverine plastic discharge.
So much for Schwab’s green future.
Anyone got Greta’s #? 😅
One particularly disgusting aspect of ‘Rona waste is discarded masks everywhere.
Leftists complained endlessly about free supermarket plastic bags, which as we have discussed here, conservatives always had a multitude of secondary uses for, until they had them banned, but not a word about filthy masks everywhere.
The only difference the supermarket bag ban made to us is that now we buy the bags we need, and still use the same number of bags as we never threw away an old style bag without re-use.
Hell I’ve spent the past 2 years trying to keep wastewater systems functioning.
You have every CNN viewer cleaning & bathing in chemical. Then they give me the blank stare
when I show them why their septic system is failing. I can only imagine what it is doing
to municipal treatment systems.
They take a bit of getting back on the rails once they go pear shaped.
Go Fund Me, another leftist collection of prats, run to service the deep state, have frozen the account of the Canadian truckies, to whom five million dollars has been donated by Canadians fed up with the separation between those jabbed and unjabbed.
One by one the collusion of so many, PayPal and all of them is being exposed.
Go Canada. ❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️
There is a video at the link.
A woke climate change catastrophist drives an EV to a climate change rally and runs out of charge and can’t find a charging station…
Doctor’s Organization Has Treated Over 150,000 COVID-19 Patients With 99.99% Survival
Marble says that he and his small team of volunteer doctors prescribe [Dr. Peter] McCullough’s treatment protocol, which consists of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, and other low-cost generic drugs. They also prescribe vitamins D and C, and zinc.
McCullough, a cardiologist, and epidemiologist, along with several physicians put together an early treatment protocol to provide outpatient care for COVID-19 patients. Their paper was published in The American Journal of Medicine in August 2020.
Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonologist and the President at the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, says that the public is not aware that there are doctors across the country who will provide telehealth and early treatment for COVID-19.
“On our website, we have a button, which says find a provider. We’ve tried to collect as many telehealth providers that treat all states in the country,” Kory said.
“We are trying to let that message be known because that message is being suppressed that this disease is treatable,” he added.
Kory also claims that there is corruption at the federal level in suppressing early treatment with repurposed cheap drugs and their availability and that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been “captured by the pharmaceutical industry.”
“The corruption is because they don’t want you to use off-label, repurposed generic medicines. It does not provide profit to the system,” Kory said, adding that, “you know what’s going on in this country right now, is that the CDC has been captured by the pharmaceutical industry.”
“They sent out a memo in August of 2021, they sent out a similar memo back in the spring 2020, telling the nation’s physicians and pharmacists not to use generic medicines.”
Additional information for those who might wish it:
Long Covid Treatment Protocol from FLCCC Alliance. PDF document.
Victoriastan Dictator Daniel Andrews has been on the radio all day stirring up hatred against the unvaxxed, blaming them for rampant ‘Rona infections.
I wonder how long before one of his socialist useful idiots takes things into their own hands and does some violence against the unvaxxed or people they suspect of being so?
Rampant Rona infections at 95%+ vax rate? the more he speaks the more he clarifies the uselessness of the vaccines in terms of his beloved case numbers. I suspect its dawning on the compliant given the low enthusiasm for boosters.
Done something that doesnt work? the answer is of course to keep doing!! its wind turbine logic.
This is actually exactly what the NAZIs said about the Jews, and the orginal purpose for marking them and their houses and their businesses, and restricting their movement. (Specifically that Jews transmitted typhoid.)
And the free and critically minded people of Victoria, who don’t operate on the basis of fear at all, voted Dan in, again. I wonder how totalitarian regimes gain power…. It’s such a mystery….
January 23, 2022: Half a million people went to Brussels (Belgium, EU capital) to demonstrate against the mandatory QR-codes and Covid vaccinations. What was a beautiful, colourful. and peaceful protest was corrupted by Antifa, the Police, the Military, and the Main Stream Media. This short film shows you the evidence of a scam, a set-up to make the “anti-vaxxers” look like criminals, vandals, aggressors. It’s time to expose the oppressors of the People! Please share this video wide and far…
Trump was announced on the 1st tee of one his golf courses as the 45th President. As he bent over to tee up his ball he said quite clearly “45th AND 47th”.
The Funding Effect: How Drug Manufacturers Design Clinical Trials to Produce Favorable Results
The companies seem to get the results they want not by fiddling the results, which would be far too crude and possibly detectable by peer review, but rather by asking the ‘right’ questions—and there are many ways to do this.
I often wonder if red thumbs are a sign of a lack of subject knowledge?
doubt if its that black and white (red and green?) but probably the case sometimes.
Dennis, democracy at work on the blog. I can understand some argument and disappointment when it’s matters of science with data that’s thumbed down, but that’s how science develops anyway. That’s a facts versus facts battle. Often it’s thumbs down on matters of opinion, and that’s legit too. So long as it doesn’t become a personal slanging match of irrelevant abuse, then my feeling is ‘what’s it matter?’
Some here seem to get very upset by the thumbs down, but disagreement is reflecting the reality that in society, opinions differ. Agitation comes when one thinks one sees opinions, supported by many, as socially damaging. We see a lot of this now in current political practices, and opinions often enforced on society using the most powerful agencies available to government and backed by media controlled public opinion and Big Business.
The advocates for mandatory vaccination ought to be brought up short by a study out today in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, which looked closely at the data on vaccines and incidents of myocarditis, with findings of special significance for young males. The study boasts 26 authors, including figures from the CDC and top medical schools. It hardly comes much more “mainstream” than this.
25 January 2022 – Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021
Myocarditis! Is that all?
I am looking at reports of Increased Cancers and increased female infertility in the US Military.
What about neurological disorders? Well Andrew O’Keefe seems to have lost his self control recently.
Yeah and heres the thing …..there appears to be enough empirical evidence to suggest the vaccines do cause neurological damage, and given enough time may create a damaged mental state. Who is to say part of the plan was to decimate the military so America can be easily conquered by any invading army?
Logically, if you have those inside every western nation working to take out chunks of its important workers, it creates a weakened society and an easy target, so communism can triumph….
For the last two years we had the PM who has vaccine derangement syndrome
More from Schwab’s Canada.
“vaccine derangement syndrome” – must send that to Rob Malone.
Certainly describes VIC, NT and WA.
and NZ
What happened to the mRNA ‘miracle’?
By all indications, these mRNA shots were a revolutionary game changer. Surely, the data would bear this out in emphatic fashion.
Well, we’re now over one full year into the deployment of the “miracle cure,” and countries that have bought mRNA vaccines in droves cannot demonstrate any discernible difference from nations that decided not to accommodate the mRNA hype.
it was never about a cure…..
Antibiotic-resistant infections killed more than 1.2 million people in 2019
Antibiotic-resistant infections, on the rise globally, killed more than 1.2 million people in 2019, according to a new estimate published recently in The Lancet.
Additionally, researchers estimated that nearly 5 million deaths in 2019 were “associated” with bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Product X kills 99.9% of germs but the 0.1% it doesn’t kill go on to become superbugs.
People are their own worst enemies…if your immune system is a couch potato then you reap what you sow.
Garlic. Anti-viral, anti-bacterial.. and anti-vampiric.
I’ve gotten into the habit of making a garlic and horseradish ‘tea’ in the evening. No more than 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic (from a jar), 1/3 of horseradish (same), a squeeze of lemon. I drink it all down.
Sounds like it would be harsh but it’s not. You definitely taste it in the moment but it doesn’t linger as you just gulp it down.
Judith Curry (Climate Etc) takes a look at the AMO.
‘Most analyses have identified the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) as having the dominant multi-decadal imprint on global temperatures. It has been estimated that there is a peak-to-trough impact of the AMO on global mean surface temperatures of 0.3 to 0.4oC The climate has been in the warm phase of the AMO since 1995; hence in 2021 it has been 26 years since the previous shift.
‘Analysis of historical and paleoclimatic records suggests that a shift to the cold phase of the AMO should occur within the next 12 years (by 2032), with a 50% probability of the shift occurring in the next 5 years (by 2026).’
Giles weather station ‘non-compliant’.
Oh Dear,
Giles is one of the sites that I look at fairly regularly.
Data from Giles shows basically zero warming since 1958
‘We Failed’: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Its COVID Coverage
A Danish newspaper has apologized to its readers for not questioning the government’s data and narratives more throughout the first two years of the pandemic.
The Ekstra Bladet, founded in 1904, said it should have done more due diligence in examining the government’s data and conclusions before reporting them—danish-newspaper-apologizes-for-its-covid-coverage/
MSM dinosaur media worldwide would do well to learn from this or start practising your job interview skills.
We failed
I just let google translate the original source
There’s been a huge drop in QR code check-ins in Vicdanistan. And why not? They no l9nger do contact tracing and the vaccines are ineffective. Why give Big Brother yet another means by which to trace and track you?
Victoria’s Silent Revolt: QR Code Check-ins Drop 800,000 In One Week
By David Hiscox -January 23, 20223
Bumbling Brett Sutton’s infamous admission, that if the Victorian government can’t enforce check-ins they’ll scrap them, could very well come back to haunt him:
The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions met with hospitality and retail groups on Friday to discuss how making the Covid-19 booster mandatory might affect their staff and customers, The Age reported.
A third jab could be required meaning that unvaccinated and double-jabbed residents would no longer be allowed to visit hospitality venues.
You’re only ever one booster away from being unvaccinated.
During discussions, the group, which included National Retail Association, Restaurant and Catering Industry Australia and the Franchise Council of Australia, also spoke about the future of QR codes.
There were talks about their usefulness, with health authorities less reliant on the app as they scale back on contact tracing and shift their focus to high risk close contacts.
According to data obtained by The Age, there’s been a huge drop in Victorians using the Services Victoria app to check into business and venues, with 800,000 fewer QR code check-ins recorded during the second week of January compared to the first week of the year.
They have noticed at last.
A friend who owns a shop reports that most customers still obediently check in with the QR code and then show her the Covid tick. So many are complying.
However my observation when I visit the supermarket is that many do not bother. I agree that it is pointless now.
The basis of QR is contact tracing for a dangerous virus.
Talking to my cousin in melbourne, his opinion is that covid is now a summer sniffle…..
Game over.
Amazing that the person who talked sensibly is painted as a simpleton, rebuked with utter gibberish and equated with views that have nothing to do with what he was talking about. What a farce.
As I understand it, the direct effect of doubling CO2 increasing temperatures 1.5°C is not what is being referred to. While I’m far from convinced of the robustness of that, its not something calculated like the weather. What he refers to is the feedbacks that turn this into fears that the oceans will boil away like on Venus, or Albatross divorcing more.
Its difficult on this tablet, especially when going through a third party, to copy an address and I ended up forgetting to add it. An interesting read even if a hatchet job.
This blog is excellent. What we’d like (and I’ll just casually speak for all its readers now) is more people to become aware of its content, for broader public awareness/ engagement. My suggestion is to print these posts (appropriately edited and reformatted) on A4 and deliver them door-to-door, or pay someone to deliver. Could be just one per month, with a run in the single digit thousands, to different locales each time. Crowd funded one run at a time. If Jo so pleased there could even be a little vote by financial contributors as to which post to print…
I think many people would read such and think, “Well that’s interesting. Didn’t know about that. Might have a little look at that blog..”
SCOTUS scuttlebutt.
The imminent retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer has opened up several main chances for the Dems.
Jen Psaki has confirmed that Biden’s SCOTUS nominee will be a black woman, and Kakkling Kamala is reputedly the front-runner Biden nominee as replacement.
One commenter summed up one possible course of events thus:
• Harris will be offered Breyer’s seat before the mid-terms;
• Hillary Clinton will be appointed Vice President;
• Biden will then retire;
• Clinton will become the first female POTUS
All loose ends tied up neatly:
• Raging lefty appointed to SCOTUS
• Serial embarrassments Biden and Harris out of the Democrat Party’s hair
• Hillary installed in the Oval Office — reluctantly and graciously accepting the POTUS role no doubt.
Whether Joe realises most of that is of course more than a little doubtful.
“Biden should tap Harris for SCOTUS . . . He’ll get the first woman of color on the bench plus he’ll get to pick a new VP that people actually like.”
The Republicans may have something to say about that nominee.
Would it be legal for Kamala to vote for herself? Not even Manchin would vote for her surely.
And is it possible for an unelected party to be installed as VP ?
…..if so, that would seem to be a major loophole ?
25th amendment.
Two previous unelected VP appointees as precedent in Richard Nixon’s day:
• Gerald Ford, chosen by Nixon to replace Spiro Agnew, who resigned;
• Nelson Rockefeller, chosen by Gerald Ford when Nixon himself resigned and Ford became president.
And if Hillary gets the top job, she can appoint who ever she wants as VP.
All of the above subject to congressional approval.
I find it interesting that despite a blog being a relic form of the internet world, it – or this one in particular – is still way better than the big modern platforms for discussion, debate and information. I often spend a few hours reading through these threads. Well done to you all.
Seriously, there just is nothing like this site.
And so say all of us !!
One really good feature of this blog which sets it above others is the red thumb.
It’s curious that I rarely use it.
Thos site is the best of its type, but it does have one major flaw..
The “blog” type of cronological threads, results in multiple subject being thrown into each thread , and then “lost” when the next thread is started.
A better “topic based”. Format with structured index etc, would be much better.
Its fine, leave good enough alone.
We agree on something.
Yep, we must remember that at chocolate time
I am a self-defense instructor.
There is a an abundance of silliness in this realm.
Though probably less silliness than climate ‘science’.
“Children born today will never see self-defense in Istanbul or Jerusalem.”
I was just involved in a discussion about whether self defense techniques really work.
Then it occurred to me …
self defense techniques work better than mandated vaccines!
Ah, the sweet feeling of redemption.
What type of self defence do you teach?
A gun is pretty good for self defence.
two is better LOL
YouTuber “Mr Reagan’ gives an excellent 13.5 min talk about Mass Formation Psychosis and why the Left are terrified of conservatives discussing it and why Leftists are trying to censor discussion of it.
YouTube has permanently removed another conservative, Dan Bongino.
Styxhexenhammer discusses in the following 11 min video:
Ultimately he will strengthen Rumble as his followers on YouTube will go there with him, where he already has a huge number of followers.
Rumble is also partnered with Trump’s new free speech social media platform, Truth Social.
Soon, there’ll be no one interesting on the Legacy Tech platforms as they’ll all be banned.
Let the Left eat each other on censored Legacy Tech Media.
It will be a great day to see YT and the like all close down due to lack of interest. I now visit Rumble, odysee and the like far more often.
Royal Rumble?? Just as much credence as the WWE (LOL)
There are those who say that Peter Schiff should be ignored because he promotes gold as an inflation hedge .
Of course gold is not the only possible hedge .
But Schiff still makes sense.
” I think inflation is ultimately going to push the economy into a recession as consumers are forced to spend more and more of what they have on food and energy and insurance and just the basics. They’re not going to have discretionary spending. And when they have to cut back, that means a lot of other people lose their incomes, lose their jobs. This is going to be stagflation.”
He thinks it will be worse than the 1970s with a weaker economy and even higher inflation. Worst of all, the policymakers won’t be able to do anything about it. The Fed finally broke inflation by pushing interest rates to 20%.
” We don’t have the ability to do that today. We could afford to pay 20% interest on our debt in 1980 because we hardly had any debt.”
Sounds about right.
Interesting. I am old enough to recall the interest rate of 22% that we paid on our business overdraft. Kids can’t believe the 14% we paid on our housing loan either. We survived it all & it has been a long time since all loans repaid.
Today we cannot believe the soaring cost of insurance on the assets we struggled to acquire. You can never win, really. Very hard to stay ahead of the game. Lots of advice but nothing is risk free. But would like kids to inherit what we spent a lifetime in achieving.
I have let both house and car insurance slip. the house had a 35% increase the car spends its time in a locked garage.
Hanrahan, Vicki,
For car try Shannons (part of Suncorp Group in fact NSW Rego came back with Shannons CTP receipt as paid to GIO) – excellent on low mileage – Both cars combined on 1 policy with Agreed Value 1994 Landcrusier well covering extras value.
For House try GIO ( been with them 46 years – I negotiate every year on renewal)
Has anyone done an INDEPENDENT proper audit of King Island energy generation.
It has Solar, wind, diesel + flywheel, battery ( ?) etc and at the moment Diesel is about 95% + and wind 1 to 5 % and Solar SFA.
Tony are you in a good mood or could you even spare a few minutes or perhaps a glance?
BTW that King island energy meter is addictive and goes down to 60% diesel, then within seconds shoots up 100% and Wind goes down to minus, so turbines must be robbing the grid to keep turning?
Gosh what a chaotic mess to deal with and how would you ever run a modern economy/ country using S & W energy?
What do you mean by “Audit” Neville ?
I look at it frequently, and have concluded that if it was intended as a “Pilot” for RE energy in Australia, as claimed…….then it has been totally ignored !
It is very obvious that without the Diesel generator , the poor sods on KI would be in the dark and cold much of the time.!
By their own reports, the RE has reduced Diesel use by 60%……
…….which means that it is still required for 40% of the time !
Thanks Chad and I noticed also that Diesel was used for 40% of the time, but I suppose I’m lazily looking for someone much more astute than me to look at the long term and the very messy parts week on week or month on month etc.
Today seems to be SFA solar so far and Diesel is very high use this morning.
What we already knew, at least those of us who are awake…
Alberta Canada just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.
Jo, Kim Burgess a data analyst has/is produced a report on our TGA DAEN database and how could I send the work over to you?
Video police want SCRUBBED from the internet goes VIRAL again
Shocking bodycam footage that Victoria police tried to bury by threatening Avi Yemini with jail time has now been seen by ANOTHER 500k+ people in less than 24 hours.
Interesting choice of words by the police “jail time”
Setting themselves up as the judiciary.
Thanks for putting that up.
My pleasure. I try my best to spread as much of the the truth as possible. How long I can do that remains to be seen. Dark forces are heading our way.
On the question of the GBR, Graham Lloyd says it all in one sentence.
‘Scott Morrison’s billion-dollar Great Barrier Reef rescue has one eye on the election and another on a UNESCO mission that is being sent to Australia.’ (Oz)
Isn’t it China’s turn to supply the Head of UNESCO? With all the problems with China at the moment, the fear was that it would use its position to have the GBR declared endangered in the World Heritage listing, with all the interventions that would allow the UN to complicate our life with.
People would have read this week that the new ambassador for China, in Australia, was offering an olive branch approach as his way of doing his job between the two countries; a big departure from the last gentleman (who wasn’t a gentleman at all). From the new ambassador’s comments, one would hope a reasonable, mutually accepted as equals-for-trade purposes peace might be incipient. Then such concerns would become matters of history.
That $1B is over 9years; not all in one year. Unfortunately that’s a lot of cash being handed to those universities that seem to use it primarily to declare the reef ‘will all be rooned’ – which ensures massive research funding for the next millenium! Governments have to rebalance the way research is carried out such that its funding can actually be utilised to provide meaningful knowledge on all matters about the reef and the environment. That means the good the bad and all in between. Currently it seems to pour taxpayers funds into the bankaccounts of ‘selected’ researchers.
The information gained seems basically concentrated in the negative. This ensures that funding continues. It also provides the grounds for our independence to be interfered with by UN bodies we have no control over and who are more interested in playing environmental politics at our expense to effect our society in other ways.
GoFundMe Freezes Over $4 Million in Funds Raised for Canada’s Truckers
Did you read the post I wrote on the Truckers? Try it…
about getting barred from : anyone else getting this barring message?
“See more Tweets from Climate Realists & Unacceptable Views
When you log in you’ll be able to ….. ”
I have been refusing to login since past several months without much issue other than losing a bit of Screen area to their banners
When I saw this on twitter I thought it was from Babylon Bee. But no, it’s from the ABC.
Oz to Canberra Convoy Official
Sadly they need more than that to get mass support. I’d love to see this work, but they will need a way to share their mission for starters that doesn’t need people to log in to a new platform. I hope someone helps them.
I don’t know what they stand for, as is…