It’s a miracle. Common sense. For the first time in two years government rules are shrinking.
A lot of this is thanks to Omicron, the gift from Africa.
In terms of infections the UK is past the peak, but most of Europe is a viral Firestorm. France just recorded a half a million new Covid cases in a single day, and with a test positivity of 31% awesome percent. Something like 1 – 3% of the entire French nation caught Covid yesterday.

All the past awful waves shrink before Omicron. | Source OWID
Despite the bonfire of cases, the deaths are lower than any wave:
A glorious contrast in graphs:

Deaths per million in Europe | OWID ..
With the disaster averted in the hospitals, suddenly political leaders are changing tune. We might think this is all just thanks to the magic of Omicronic nicety, but cases are still rising in places like Denmark and France and yet the Governments are already pulling back. That’s surely thanks to the pressure of mass protests. Without that pain and anger, political leaders wouldn’t be acting so early.
Though it helps that millions of people are catching Omicron and know first-hand that it just doesn’t make sense to force people to get vaccinated.
There’s a wave of mandates disappearing
Vaccine passports were wound back in England last week. But 80,000 Doctors, dentists and nurses still face losing their jobs next week due to vaccine requirements for them. It’s about 5% of total healthcare staff. There are many rumours the UK government is considering postponing it.
The US Supreme Court threw out Joe Biden’s illegal mandates for not just private but federal employees, but not before 98% of employees were cajoled, coerced or tricked into getting vaccinated.
And suddenly other countries are winding back the rules.
Ireland ends vaccine mandates:
Ireland to End Most COVID-19 Restrictions, Including COVID Passport
Epoch Times
Almost all CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus restrictions in Ireland will end on Saturday, including domestic COVID-19 Certificates, curfews, social distancing, and capacity limits.
From 6 a.m. on Saturday, COVID certificates, which are currently required as proof of vaccination or recovery to access indoor hospitality venues, cinemas, theatres, gyms, and leisure centres, will be scrapped.
Bolivians blocked the roads in protest, and the mandates ended:
How Bolivians Defeated Socialist Government’s Vaccine Mandates
Epoch Times
ANTA CRUZ, Bolivia—On Jan. 19 the administration of socialist President Luis Arce canceled the requirement of proof of vaccination against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus to enter any public establishment or place of commerce.
The Movement for Socialism (MAS) party officials announced the original “supreme decrees” 4640 and 4641 on Dec. 28, which triggered nationwide protests and legal backlash in the cities of Santa Cruz, La Paz, Cochabamba, El Alto, and Sucre.
On Jan. 17 protesters established road blockades leading from the city of El Alto into the capital La Paz. The head of the rural magisterium in La Paz, Rudy Callisaya, said the blocks would stay in 20 provinces in La Paz department until the government agreed to dismiss the vaccine decrees. The roads Callisaya pledged to impede with other protesters are a vital part of the supply chain allowing food and essential goods to arrive at La Paz.
No more mandates in The Czech Republic:
The Czech Republic charts its own path on Covid
The new Czech government has pledged to undo the previous regime’s vaccine mandate for over-60s and selected professions in spite of the fact that the Czech Republic has lower levels of vaccination than Austria and Germany. Health Minister Vlastimil Válek has assured people that they “do not have to worry about sanctions” resulting from their vaccination status.
Denmark have so many infections they are stopping all restrictions including vax mandates
Denmark becomes first EU country to scrap all COVID-19 restrictions
Denmark is to lift all remaining COVID-19 restrictions, with Omicron hospital admissions and deaths remaining stable and high rates of vaccination.
“Tonight we can … find the smile again. We have incredibly good news, we can now remove the last coronavirus restrictions in Denmark,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said at a press conference, following recommendations from the Epidemic Commission and with all the main political parties’ support. The last restrictions will be dropped on February 1.
The announcement comes as a new subvariant of Omicron, BA.2, is gaining a foothold in Denmark and driving infections up, with 46,000 new COVID-19 cases recorded on Wednesday.
On the other hand –Netherlands, France lift restrictions, but still have a “Covid pass”
Dutch bars, restaurants and museums were allowed to reopen on Wednesday…Cafes, bars and restaurants closed since mid-December can now reopen with reduced capacity and until 10pm as long as customers have a Covid pass…
France on Tuesday reported a new daily record of 501,635 new cases but, again, while hospital admissions have risen, only about half as many patients are in intensive care as during previous waves, and the number has been falling since 12 January.
Some of the harshest places in the world are lightening up a bit
Austria still has one of the strongest vaccine punishment regimes in the world, from mid-March a new law will see the unvaccinated subjected to fines of up to €3,600 (£2,994). At the moment this would apply to an astonishing 28% of the population.
At least, this week the government announced it would let the unvaccinated out of their homes. They have been locked down since last November and could only leave for work or food. Since those monster fines were only just legislated a week ago, presumably the government needs a bit longer to come up with a facesaving excuse to wind them back too.
Germany is debating whether to mandate vaccination
The threats to force vaccinations on all adults have been discussed in Germany for months but are only just being debated in parliament now. There are accusations from the Opposition leader that Schols hasn’t even produced his own legislation yet. It sounds like a bit of a go-slow.
But Germany will crack down on Covid protesters wearing yellow star badges with the words “unvaccinated” printed on them.
Police in the German capital have been instructed to document, remove and confiscate the yellow star badges, which some German vaccine sceptics have taken to wearing with the superimposed words “ungeimpft” (“unvaccinated”) in order to draw a parallel between modern governments’ treatment of those who decline to take a jab against Covid-19 and the systematic stigmatisation of Jewish citizens in the Nazi era.
The police’s internal memo clarifies that wearing the blue and white Star of David, classified as a purely religious symbol, remains legal at demonstrations.
Phew. There’s no free speech in Germany, but at least Jews can still wear the Star of David, as long as the police officer knows what it is.
No, fortunately, but there are different, not unimportant voices speaking against a mandate for several reasons.
You were fast Krishna. I added more to the section on Germany. Will they follow Italy and set a mandatory vax age of over 50, or Greece for over 65? Hopefully the wave of non-mandates in Western Europe means if Germany dithers long enough they may never legislate anything.
Two years in we should have much better data. For example I want to know if “age” is a single line item or if it is only a problem because of the associated health issues [comorbidities] that come with it.
I’m “old”, and I don’t want any special treatment to protect me from The Virus, especially from graduates of the WEF and poseurs from government health departments.
Some say that natural acquired immunity wanes with age, maybe, but I’ll take my chances with the immunity I have.
Agreed. I’d rather take my option of getting sick naturally than deliberately making myself sick by taking a jab of something with millions of adverse reaction.
Plus of course you have done your homework and understand the value of vits D&C, zinc, Quercetin, Ivermectin and maintaining your overall health in every way you can.
I believe these measures to be way more effective than a trip to the Jabbatoir, thanks to Jo’s site.
And you could add magnesium, selenium, P-5-P and vitamin K. Thanks to Jo, I have added a nasal spray that costs just £6 from Boots when mixing with lots of people such as on the packed morning train. For the record I did have my flu jab for the second year given that influenza can be a deadly infection and unpleasant even if not.
Here, the olds not vaxxed are asked to be vaxxed for “solidarity”.
What a BS !!
I forgot to mention that was said in the conext of Danmarks decision explained with the higher rate of vaxxed people specially the elder. So the German TV news (!!!)
Couldn’t believe they make that to a news subject here, as I said to my wife earlier, telling her of my read here and asking if they will talk about in the news, and they did, oh wonder.
May lead to some deeper reflections in the one or other politician.
Where is “here” ?
See context, Germany 😀
Correct Hanrahan,
It is a scandal that our our health statistics here in Australia are so poor. We usually have to rely on stats from the USA and UK to try to work out what is going on.
Authorities want ever greater surveillance of us as individuals but do not supply trustworthy information with what they already have.
Calling the stats poor is kind.
They are fictions.
Same here in America.
In the UK, there are just gentlemanly enough to give you a reach around.
Hockey stick science.
That’s also what the TGA relies upon for CoViD medication approvals – look at what the FDA and UK Health are doing, take their assessments at face value, apply rubber stamp.
The justification for approving vaccinations for under 18s and under 12s clearly indicated this – FDA says shoot up the kids then states no adverse events worth noting so the TGA says shots are OK ‘cos millions of overseas kids have been shot without harm.
Just yesterday the great satan Fauchi was recounting how “they” were pleased with the results of their injecting babies from 6 months to 2 years.
They were not too pleased with the results from 2 to 6 year olds – but were working o n it.
Well it saves actually working for the pay packet.
Does the BOM handle the health stats as well?
Yes.. And they adjust the totals accordingly from various locations.
Plus of course Mordor,to name just a few..
With the same “venomous dexterity”
“Age”, as I have seen in EU countries, has been instrumentalized in the political fights: one of the center parties, the one that is in the government, proposes mandatory injections. The other centre party, in opposition, starts by saying that it is unacceptable. At the end, they agree on a bargain: both win, one part of the population will be forced to be injected, the other not! And all seem to have made the same choice: the older people will be injected by force!
Yes, I am old. But I am in the plenitude of my mental capacities! I can chose, I am free to select or trust what I believe is better for me! Good or bad choice, it’s my own responsability, it’s mi right, it’s my freedom! I am not a criminal, I never have put others in risk due to my actions. And it is now known that injected or non-injected people are equal in their possibility to be a contagion to others.
Those age distinctions in the injection mandates are a criminal, illegal, offensive, humiliating division among the peoples, forced to them by their governments (those in power and those in opposition which will replace them).
The answer to your question has to be (as a generalization?): it is only a problem because of the associated health issues [comorbidities] that come with it. The data indicates that the immune system of the younger cohort can adequately eliminate Corona Virus – even this manipulated version, and we all start off in a similar manner.
Comorbidities … that is a generalization itself; so, does one include height, sex, nationality, hair coverage ( probably not so much with this latest variant),locality, physical fitness level etc ….
In his latest podcast, Jonathan Couey on his Gigaohm Biological site, gives a comprehensive put-down of the transvection regime here: watch from 1hr 23mins to 1.50. Learn how the sophisticated immune system works
Seek and ye shall find. According to this chart it is not listed as a factor on its own, so why is it always stressed?
Open at this point and pause John Campbell’s video:
One shouldn’t answer a question by asking another one … but then, I generally go against the flow anyway. Why do “they” insist that those with no recognized comorbidities and as good as no probabilities, be jabbed. There are recognized exceptions, but in general, it all fits the same purpose!!! I did watch the Clancy – Campbell discussion listed at #10 below, but only up until the 22 min mark. Until then, it did nothing for me – was just more of the same. NO offence meant to Prof Clancy, perhaps it was just the format that he had to deal with? During that, Clancy mentions “age at being over 65”, but doesn’t detail it. Perhaps that comes later? Was far to politically correct for me, having already described my attitude. So, I am in my late 70’s, data indicates that the failure rate in my age group is 4.5%. Whereas that instills NO fear in me, it also indicates that increasing age is not of significant concern.
last sentence should read: increasing age alone
Hanrahan asks Is age a problem in itself.
Sadly, I suspect it is a factor. Things like mTOR and telomere damage are turning up in Covid papers. The mTOR path is regularly discussed in longevity and anti-aging forums as a central controller of aging. More mTOR helps the virus. Anti mTOR slows the virus and also slows aging.
If Telomeres are shortened as some claim (and I want to see that confirmed), effectively aging people, that would obviously affect older people who already have shorter telomeres.
There is also a pattern of risk doubling every 8 years. If it were just age being a proxy for something else I would have expected to see a knee bend, or a step up, some other shape.
Sweden doesn’t appear in those graphs of surging cases. Is this because their figures aren’t scary enough?
No.Sweden got 40,000 new cases today. Per capita, it’s worse than all of the countries in the graph except for Denmark Switzerland and France.
I hope for us, the process of discussing is long enough and some people wake up fast enough.
In contrast I am encouraged by Neil Young whose music I don’t like, making a stance against Joe Rogan’s anti-vaccine propaganda. I am similarly encouraged by the stance of 270 doctors against what they call Joe Rogan’s Covid Lies.
What is it with Conservatives and vaccines?
Most Australians under 60 were vaccinated from 12 hours after birth till they were 18 or more. “Flu vaccine doesn’t attract much attention so why Covid? Because “Big Pharma” is profiting?
If it wasn’t for the pharmaceutical companies, the life span of most in the Western world would have been significantly reduced.
Or is that it is believed vaccines cause adverse effects? It is true there are adverse effects and as of December 12 last year 91,346 such effects had been reported. However that was out of a total 40, 199,797 jabs in the same period and is 0.23 percent of that total.
As for deaths the TGA closely reviews all adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination where a fatal outcome is reported. Read more about this process in a previous report. Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 12 December 2021, about 40.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given. The TGA has identified 11 reports of death that were linked to vaccination from 705 reports received and reviewed. The deaths linked to vaccination occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) cases, 2 were linked to Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
Of the 705 deaths reported to the TGA, over 75% occurred in people aged 65 years and older. The median age was 76 years old. A very small number of deaths have been reported in individuals under 35 years of age, including 2 adolescents. Only one death reported in a younger person has been linked to vaccination – this was in a 34-year-old woman who died as a result of TTS.
‘What is it with Conservatives and vaccines?’ I surmise, Ian, that it has more to do with lies and coercion than vaccines in general. (Assuming the currently mandated injections can be classified as vaccines, of course).
In addition, it has also been reported by those on the ground, that many adverse effects – including fatal ones – are simply not being reported as such in hospitals and medical centres. When queried by nurses, the so-called medical professionals refuse to contemplate the possibility. As for the ‘statistics’ reported by the TGA, the demographics seem oddly familiar don’t they?
270 Doctors? About 1/3 of that.
Fox News notes:
“Only 87 of the signatories are medical doctors or doctors of osteopathic medicine, though, the conservative news site The Blaze found. Signatories include numerous nurse practitioners, veterinarians, a dentist and close to 100 Ph.D.s and Ph.D. candidates.”
“In addition, a psychologist, physicians’ assistants, medical students, an engineer and a podcast host made the list.”
Sounds similar to the 97% scientists agree on Catastrophic Climate Change/warming.
“If it wasn’t for the pharmaceutical companies, the life span of most in the Western world would have been significantly reduced. ”
Rubbish! Only the vaccine companies & their bought-for toadies push this. We are sicker as a race than we have ever been, only being kept alive for a miserable old age by expensive chemicals. Once you are on that treadmill you will be shoved full of more and more chemicals to counteract the comorbidities caused by the previous chemical.
We could have pharmacists compounding herbs and natural products to give to the 99% of people who are not terribly sick, and yes, the 1% that Pfizer keeps alive now would die.
Do you want 99% sicker from Big Pharma to save that 1%.
Forget pharmacists. We should call on the expert at blending herbs and spices. This is a job for Colonel Sanders.
“Joe Rogan’s anti-vaccine propaganda”
Joe Rogan is a comedian and martial arts guy.
You have an ahistorical view on propaganda and propagandists.
You likely have many other ahistorical views.
And I, Jo, and most here, will make no attempt to prevent others from hearing them.
We would be, and are, discouraged by such attempts.
Hence the difference between us.
Ian,you do understand that this isn’t actually a vaccine, in the commonly accepted definition, don’t you?
‘I am similarly encouraged by the stance of 270 doctors against what they call Joe Rogan’s Covid Lies.’
But you shoud be depressed. 13% of the US adult population have post graduate degrees. So, given Joe’s audence of 10 million, there will be over a million highly qualified indviduals who just love it.
Even the BMJ disagrees with your implicit trust of the pharmaceutical companies. The good John Campbell discusses today –
As regards France they have had severe lockdowns for months, masks have been mandatory for many months indoors and even outdoor settings, vaccine passports have been needed for virtually every ascot of life from travelling to entering restaurants, gong to the bank and shops,
Yet they have still have this astonishing number of cases.
It’s almost as if these precautions not only don’t work but are perhaps counter productive.
9 million people in France set to lose their covid passes and be deemed unvaccinated within two weeks unless they get the booster shot
Which is one of the problems as you have to keep running on the tread mill to keep your papers and pixels up to date
Just what is the “magic” number when Government bodies admit that the Virus…”has them beat” ?????
6 …8….10 boosters ??? At some stage, enough egg on face ..will suffocate someone !
if you are holding, or attending a political event associated with the elections in France, you don’t need any papers. If you want to sit at a cafe and watch the world go by, you need papers, and be ready to show photo ID if the waiter thinks you’re dodgy. Recent negative tests are not good enough, only “vaccinated” people allowed now.
Fines start at 1000euros. For some comparisons, this is in the order of 1 months rent for a pretty small studio apartment in an average part of Paris.
Average net pay in mainland France is about 2800 euro/month
Minimum wage is about 10.50 euro/hr
France…All I see this achieving is completely destroying ALL small business..forever ! Isnt this the main aim of the NWO ?
As some of the world appears to be heading towards normality, is Australia heading in the opposite direction?
Hopefully readers here can tell me this report is hugely exaggerated.
Mind you the NZ Pm appears to have gone quite mad. It’s hope its not infectious,
Tony, bits of truth, bits of hype. Not much perspective. Overall the UK approach killed 20 times as many people per capita and had months of lockdowns too, if I recall?
The worst crime anywhere in the Western World was the total suppression of cheap safe drugs, and total lack of prevention. After the initial few months all the long lockdowns, and many deaths, could have been prevented.
In Australia, if we had managed the borders competently we could have avoided all the long lockdowns, and most of the vaccinations and just waited the surges out til Omicron arrived.
We were one hazmat suit away in NSW from doing that. The UK could have done that. I know it’s harder, but it is an island. Then we all could have lived like Covid didn’t exist (at least within the UK AUST NZ Bubble) and you could have flown to Oz for beach holidays in January.
If we’d used antivirals we could have had a few border leaks, and still mopped it up Japan style without the long lockdowns.
Cases started to fall here before lockdown and before masks. The enormous number of deaths at the start was primarily due to old people being shuttled untested into nursing homes (44000 deaths) , hospitals infecting many people who went in for other reasons ( I know 3 people personally in this category who died) and being locked down in small unventilated houses (because heating is so expensive) without vitamin D after a long winter, whilst people could go out to infection hot spots such as crowded supermarkets and bring the virus back home.
A disproportionate amount of deaths occurred in the ethnic communities who live in small houses with large families and socialise much more and who continued this habit.
Our lockdowns–after the first-were nowhere near as severe as many other countries
All of this not helped by not closing the borders to China and Italy in particular until far too late.
I am not disagreeing about anti virals.
Britain has 66 million people and is an international hub and the worlds second largest importer of goods and food so it was not possible to totally isolate ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, I thought the Govt made many missteps, not helped by the mad modeler, who also forecast hundreds of thousands of Deaths through BSE, Bird flu and swine flu yet despite that had the Govts and the BBC’s ear. Let’s hope he doesn’t turn his hand to climate modelling.
I wanted to send you some more chocolates but wanted your confirmation the first small lot arrived safely so the route was proven?
Oh yes, that one limo driver just needed to wear a hazmat suit. Mind you, he might have been puzzled why none of his mates driving other limos had to wear one. No doubt he’d have been convinced when you explained that you were using your brilliant powers of hindsight and a time machine.
So NSW was one hazmat suit and a time machine away.
There appears to be sound evidence for your statement when you look at the rice growing nations in Asia. Their understanding of prevention was only over ridden by the arrival of the ‘clot shot’.
Why was Fauci over in these countries working out why they were unaffected by the ‘pandemic’ in early 2020. After all the Chinese ‘Students’ returning to Australia were enjoying 14 day quarantine stop overs in these countries on their way here at that time.
Hi Jo
Same methods as AGW, dodgy science and scare stories. Some of the same people, for instance, Minister Hunt who refused an audit of the temperature data because it would erode public confidence in the BOM, denying us access to Ivermectin Also to antibody testing.
Same press poodles.
If antivirals are being used in Japan then they are not doing much good. Case numbers have a trajectory of a moonshot:
You want high case numbers.
What you don’t want is high deaths or permanent damage from CV19.
So, how are deaths, yes being manipulated.
Long COVID19, being hidden.
Cases don’t matter: their number depends on the number of test that are performed; and, of course, on the kind of results those tests yield: mostly false positives.
The indicator that matters is “Deaths”, as Keith stresses. Even without discussing if they are “from” or “with” C19: RickWill, if you chose this indicator, in the link that you mention, you will see yhat it is well in line with what happens in this season.
The other indication that substantiates my claim that “cases don’t matter” is “case fatality rate” (CFR), that is to say, the percentage of deaths on the total the cases. Again, RickWill, if you chose this indicator in John Hopkins site, you will see that, while cases are, as you pointed out, quickly increasing, the CFR is decreasing: this means a lot (I mean A LOT) of false positives, i.e., positive tests (“cases”) in persons that are NOT diseased; or at least not diseases as to die from it.
Precisely, Jo. There are a few salutary lessons which must be learned from this fiasco – this one is close to the top.
The main one, in my view is what happens when rules and regulations (and corruption) foul the process of science and medicine in responding and adapting to a live and novel crisis.
In this case, the vaccines could only continue to be administered if there were no other viable treatments. Pressure was brought to bear to discourage and prevent exploration of alternative protocols, because then the emergency use authorisations would immediately cease to apply. So, no approved alternatives are allowed. It’s vaccines or nothing.
When the vast majority of infected and hospitalised have received these injections, yet the unrelenting message is to keep getting more and more injections, I must admit that I do not understand how they rationalise these statements in their own minds (unless they do know they are wrong and are just bold,sociopathic liars).
Two very interesting graphs.
The first shows that Omacron is something very special with massive spread of cases.
The second shows two effects; the intensely seasonal death toll and the reduction in mortality rate from the latest form of the virus.
So, the “Virus” has been and gone and the remaining task will be to clean up the damage done to society by the Treatment.
Society has been crushed and splattered; how to clean up?
“… how to clean up?”
Don’t. This experience needs to be burned into peoples minds as out of control government over reach in response to manufactured fear so that they can immediately reject the next attempt which is almost certainly going to be about the unattainable and ineffective net zero plans.
True it is often the best way to teach people – the hard way. However, there will come a time when there will need to be a mopping up stage. Included in that stage ought to be arrest warrants issued to all state premiers and the PM to call them into account. Yes, it probably won’t happen but is ought to given the gravity of the situation and the damage they have caused. The buck stops with them, at least locally.
Agreed. As warned by President Reagan people would do well to keep in mind the most terrifying words in the English language “we are from the government and we are here to help”.
How to clean up? Time limit tenure in government departments. Every person is entitled to government employment for a maximum of 10 years. After that you are off the government teat.
Excellent idea FG! Goes along with elected members only getting one shot in Parliament, then the boot.
Its not Omicron causing the huge surges. It plays its part, but the huge driver here are the vaxxes that have been senselessly pushed onto all and sundry in so many countries. Look at those countries with lower vaxxing – less cases…
Complete madness – saying we want to shut out the unvaxxed to “stop the spread” yet inoculate so many with a treatment that makes them far more likely to get AND SPREAD the virus.
Yes, as I’ve mentioned before I noticed a sudden increase in deaths in Vietnam a few months ago; the figures represented an amazing change.
On checking it was evident that Australia had the same thing happen and it would seem that the cause was most likely due to the increased VaXXine push from governments.
Possible summary; Vaxxines are immediately dangerous and most likely also in the long term when structural damage to the human body is revealed.
The recent U.S. armed forces CV19 adverse effects report is more than alarming, it’s damning.
Governments have pushed these Vaxxines on us with no regard for their responsibilities in protecting us from opportunists.
We are experiencing a sudden and singifcant increase in deaths here as well. It can’t be due to the Omicron explosion as we all know it’s no where as bad as previous variants. So, what could be the cause? The vaccines themselves?
Thanks Keith
I work in Quality in the Food Industry. At no stage would I ever recommend to any client that they introduce new ingredients, never used before, without a proper validation. And if we found the ingredient was sickening and killing people then we would immediately cease use, otherwise my client would be unable to sell any products and would be submerged in lawsuits.
Contrast this with the vaxxes. No attempt to limit the use to only the very vulnerable until we understand the long term impacts, and then a continual pressure to maintain use when they are found to kill and maim, and found to be completely useless.
This is beyond comprehension that we should be continuing to use these dangerous products and extending their use to children under these circumstances…
Prophet, I worked (now retired) in plant pathology (agriculture, food production). Plants also have diseases, I specialized in those caused by bacteria.
I would be ashamed if I were to advice growers to apply treatments to their orchards or crops based on as weak, controversial or absent evidence as has been done with the so-called “vaccines”! Certainly I would NOT recommend them and, if forced by law to recommend them as the only therapeutic, I would abstain to recommend it!
And my “patients” were plants, not humans!
“This is beyond comprehension that we should be continuing to use these dangerous products and extending their use to children under these circumstances…”
Indeed it is. So what can their motive be for doing this? What drives them?
At the outset as I remember, JoNova with her personal expertise was ahead of all the packs. She recommended an immediate full lockdown for was it three weeks? To eradicate the disease.
I couldn’t see that as workable, but could see where she was coming from.
Bye and bye Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a plan to “flatten the curve” in six months. This was a mystery error. A big error. Flattening the curve had been discussed, but whoever dreamt up the six months?
I remember I wrote to our local bloke telling him we couldn’t afford six months, and to make the six months six weeks.
Anyway they flattened their curve in seven weeks, and were shocked by this success, notwithstanding the advice given by JoNova indicating this result was feasible, readily predictable.
Then they changed their plan. Without telling anybody, the various state governments switched to trying to eradicate the disease. Which was never a valid objective given what was happening in the rest of the world.
How we got from there to here is too long a story this morning. But:
1. Nobody has explained to me how an unvaccinated person represents any threat to a vaccinated person if the vaccine is effective,
2. The same but more so when the vaccine is not effective, as we see here.
So, why the compulsion?
I was here before Whitlam changed the world. Since then I have often found cause to declare that you make a rod for your own back when you educate a fool. Twice as bad if you educate two fools.
…the French strain of the virus?
Mais oui.
I think their locals would be referring to it as “Oh Macron!”
As in macaron et fromage, oui?
And quick as a flash Dan Andrews imposes mandatory third jab!
Over in Canada the BBC portrays anti-mandates trucker convoy as not that large, not that sensible, while Son of Trudeau is a steady and responsible hand on the national tiller, or something.
Like most lefties, Andrews brain is programmed to reject logic and support doublethink.
Erasmus: Did th BBC mention the truckers’ slogan Truck Frudeau?
Truck Fudeau
Truck Fraudeau…
It will all be better once you have had the 9th jab. What on earth is the problem with a jab per week? It could be delivered along with the weekend newspapers
Trudeau has declared that he must stay home and self isolate fora week due to a possible recent brush with Omicron.
Unfortunately he’ll miss the trucker protests. Hahaha!
There isn’t a person alive who believes this story.
He’s scared.
Son of Trudeau or son of Castro?
Maybe someone here with medical knowledge can tell us if the spike protein can be removed from a persons body, and whether immune system damage is reversible.
From what I read, once mRNA is injected, nothing will remove it and we will end up with a much weakened population when the next flu virus arrives. The unvaxxed will be doing all the heavy lifting.
A Retired Pathologist told me that Bromelain cleaves the spike protein and this appears to have some support in literature. Pineapple juice appears to have worked for some though so does homeopathy.
Nice to hear some countries are being released from the ravages of Authoritarian control. The carnage and destruction in our community is massive. There may be a need for families and communities to visit those who have shut themselves off from family, friends and community and gently bring them out of there Fear Porn bubbles. We are going to need the toilet paper they have hoarded when the Truckies strike.
Many varieties of quercetin are sold with bromelain additive.
Covid revolt continues (CBC). Infamous Sunwing party flight to the Carribean
Sunwing party trip organizer apologizes, plans to sue airline for breach of contract
Seems the airline had every right to kick the spoilt brats off. There actions were dangerous and the pilot would be working overtime maintaining the aircraft trim.
The original pilot should have done an ’emergency’ drop in altitude and then blamed the idiots for destabilising the plane.
Those party animals would have freaked and sat quiet for the rest of the trip. Nothing quietens such self-important, ‘superior-to-everyone’ types like a threat to their lives.
The German State is very wary of yellow stars. Probably pink ones as well.
The same outcome is being recorded in the University of Washington Virology Department. The previous variant /corona virus infections rarely peaked at above 10% of those being tested and there was a general rate of about 5%. With this current virus (and who would have predicted this) the positive rate is in the low 30% range.
This is great news! The domino’s are falling!
On a slightly different topic, Dr John Campbell interviews Prof Robert Clancy who gives an explanation on why the boosters dont work:
This is brilliant. Didn’t understand much of it but it was well explained to a layman. I couldn’t stop watching and listening. Why haven’t our health officers and politicians been talking to Professor Robert Clancy and if they have, why haven’t they been listening?
‘Immunology with Professor Robert Clancy’
Dr. John Campbell:
“Many thanks to Professor Clancy for a fascinating education on the science and clinical application of immunity.” ‘
This was very interesting, (although some parts weren’t so easy to understand for people without a medical background like me)
“Somehow, in the madness, fear, confusion, and paranoia of our two-year sojourn through COVID-19, that basic definition of scientific truth—that it is ever-evolving, and inimical to dogmatism—has been largely mocked, denigrated, and ignored, if not met with slogans like “believe science.”
Re slogans like”believe science” There was a time, well documented when the science of the time decreed that,…. The World is Flat… Here be Dragons……the sun rotates around the earth….travel at speeds in excess of 20 mph can be fatal……etc etc.
Just brilliant! Ties the whole war together, the Ivermectin/HCQ effects into the reasons we have vaccines and why they are not working.
The more people who understand this the better, and it should be mandatory for Govt all employees, politicians included.
” if not met with slogans like “believe science.”’
THESE are the scientists, they make the bureaucrats look like the clowns they really are! Prof Clancy got into trouble for supporting Prof Borody, and I can see why. He would derail the whole Govt response at any public meeting.
I see Oxford University shelved the Ivermectin study Prof Clancy was promoting, they cited “Supply problems”. Nothing to do with the pharma company making Ivermectin having other products it wants to push, or Oxford being involved with their own vaccine… I’m sure! They are the last people you would want looking at Ivermectin treatment.
I welcome a return to some commonsense
But here in benighted QLD we have a Premier and Health Minister who continue to make hysterical and nonsensical pronouncements against those who chose not to partake in the reckless and experimental treatments that were pushed on us. They cannot argue anymore on the basis of the unvaxxed spreading the virus, like they ridiculously did for so long. Who can forget “the virus hunts down the unvaccinated” or Dr Youngs unscientific claims that vaxxing would stop you getting covid, or keep you out of hospital.
These despots have egged on useful idiots in companies to implement their own apartheid regimes, and are presiding over the destruction of our health care and education systems through completely unjustified mandates.
Unfortunately I fear that we will be among the very last to abandon this madness. Our Premier and CHOs have lied so continually that they need to keep lying to try to hide the past lies. Politics will ensure the unvaxxed in QLD continue to be unjustifiably punished for some time yet.
Abandoning madness leaves a scar.
How does one “undo” a frontal lobotomy?
By putting a bottle infrontome?
“They cannot argue anymore on the basis of the unvaxxed spreading the virus, like they ridiculously did for so long.”
Yes they can, and they will. The media will go along with it, too. All that matters to them is the polling and, according to my ears and eyes, there are many, many voters going along with it all. Unless and until the opinion polls swing the majority onto the anti-mandate side, and the media is doing its best to prevent that, she will continue to shamefacedly lie.
Just show them the figures i have quoted from NSW :
Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 26
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 8 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“Fully vaccinated 159,127 (70%)
“Partially vaccinated 1,468 (1%)
“No effective dose 779 (<1%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 46,955 (21%)
"Not eligible (aged 0-11 years) 18,343 (8%)
"Total 226,672 (100%)
Some more statistics for everybody.
Australian cases by age and sex.
Deaths by age group and sex.
Personally I think vaccination should be absolutely voluntary. I’m in the 70’s age group with underlying health issues and so I’m vaccinated and boosted, but then I made that choice, nobody forced me. I have young friends who chose not to and I fully supported their decisions.
But if you look at the younger age groups especially teens and young children I see no need for them to be vaccinated at all as it’s becoming patently obvious that vaccination does not stop transmission.
As an unvaxed Queenslander, I have finally been over the border to NSW for a holiday. What a great holiday, I can go anywhere, do anything. It doesn’t matter. Had my first meal out in over a month at an Indian Restaurant. Going back to Queensland next week to be under “house arrest” again until I get my novavax shots.
Thanks to Anna for opening the Border. At least I can take a break in NSW now.
Yes my wife and I do go over the border to sanity and no persecution on occasion.
Makes a mockery of the politically aligned CHO here with his mandates, done at the behest of Queen Anna, and maintained out of spite. I will never forget our Queens derision and baseless attack on me and others because we “did not do the right thing”. What, so we exercised our free will not to partake in an experimental trial or to take concoctions with no long term safety analysis??. Just unbelieveable.
Regarding the data.
Comparing the US, Canada, Australia and Japan demonstrates that Japan is doing something right (couth, ivermectin, cough). Considering they have possibly the oldest national population in the world…
Agreed. You can also include India and Indonesia with the countries that eventually chose saving lives over pharma profits. Most countries did not.
There are enough different approaches around the world to get a fair idea of what works and what doesn’t. Australia had the luxury of being behind the game with more time to learn than most.
The thing which are clear are that a strategy based entirely on a sole strategy injecting the so called “vaccines” and prescribing panadol will fail or make things worse. A diverse range of approaches was and is to be encouraged to discover which treatments were effective.
These reversals are indicative of two visible (there could be others) possibilities.
[1] Hubristic over-reach meeting political and economic reality.
[2] Its a deliberate temporary manoeuvre to be followed by another shock
I lean towards the 1st option. The 2nd requires too much competence.
In Australia’s case the economic, social and medical harm caused by the incompetence of politicians, bureaucrats and their clueless, sycophantic advisors has been so extreme, they have dug themselves a hole they won’t be able to easily get out of.
There was never a justification for:
1) Banning antivirals such as IVM and HVQ which was done even before vaccines were available.
2) Prohibiting, subject to a $600,000 fine, importing rapid antigen tests; I know, I looked into doing that about 18 months ago.
3) Justification for the world’s longest and most extreme lockdowns, largest fines and massive police brutality that trashed the reputations of both Vicpol and NSWPol, among others.
4) Mandatory vaccination and no choice.
5) Little to no recognition of possible or actual harm of the vaccines on offer.
6) Making it especially hard for Australian vaccine producers with products in trial.
7) Not allowing the more traditional vaccine Novavax to be used as a booster.
8) No recognition of micronutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin D and zinc, as a leading cause of greater susceptibility to covid and poorer outcomes.
9) Little recognition, especially in the early days, of protecting the vulnerable such as the old and obese.
10) Censoring and unpersoning anyone, including eminent scholars, who were critical in any way of government policy and the particular vaccines on offer.
Remember to remind your favourite politicians and senior public serpents about the Nuremberg trials. One day they will be held to account.
All to be exploited to the max during the election campaign.
You can never trust Libs, Labor nor the Greens ever again.
Agree 100%. Anyone who doesn’t must be completely ignorant, or doesn’t mind, or in fact wants, tyranny. There is no reason for the draconian mandates to remain in place any longer. They should be all lifted immediately. Votes ought to go to minor parties that support the lifting of all mandates. Anyone who disagrees is part of the problem not the solution.
Waddayamean again?
Well summarised. A few more could be added but that list is enough to warrant those coercing and mandating for the vaccine shots to be held to account. That means arrested and charged even now let alone into the future when the dust settles. Leaders who claim ignorance is no excuse. Their cohorts who claim they are following order is also no excuse at this late stage given the ample evidence widely available published by professionals in a variety of relevant medical disciplines, such as immunologists and epidemiologists.
Re your 2)
I had read about that previously.
What was the reason for that prohibition? I understand the trst had to be administered by a ‘qualified’ person.
Apparently it was the pathology companies making millions or billions from the PCR tests that complained about the rapid tests as it was an encroachment into their government-gifted monopoly.
At the time, the tests did not have to be administered by experts.
To protect Pharma profits and Plague prophets.
Yes, but what was the Official reason given?
The TGA had not approved the tests. I don’t think they usually bother publishing their reasons as they claim “commercial in confidence”.
I replied earlier but comment stuck in moderation.
To ensure that sufficient test kits were available to the governments. Their need to control everything is just so strong these days.
These drugs are so dangerous if used against COV-19, and the are not efficient, proven with wrong and pharma funded, badly designed studies.
And I am completely okay with it.
I say we put some unvaxxed contractors back to work and have them fill in that hole asap (had better make it rapid set concrete).
Those that were digging are free to continue doing so as they please.
The rest of us can move on without them. The world will be a better place and we will have a much greater chance of responding better to the next “pandemic”.
There should not be any need to use unvaccinated people to help solve all these supply issues and other problems. Just get more robots and that should fix it……………………….
If you read our constitution it is illegal to make any injection mandatory $1500 fine. If all people are made aware of this anyone or any business insisting could be legally sent broke by a very large crowd. It is also illegal to demand a face covering AKA mask same $1500 fine. Came across o bloke in Bunnings recently with no mask and he had the part of the constitution on his person in case he was challenged.
Omicron is quickly taking over and is over 90% with the expectation it will be virtually 100% very soon. We know it’s far less deadly than the previous variants of COVID-19 and is now considered to be no worse than a bad flu, possibly far less. So why are we still being coerced into taking the vaccines, which are shown to be of very little value if any to Omicron, plus have been shown to have very serious ill side effects? Besides, well informed people like Dr Campbell now admit that he would rather be “vaccinated” against the virus by way of Omicron than by another vaccine shot. Also, why do we still have any restrictions at all? Is that the real reason why some countries are now pulling back their restrictions? Are they afraid of a public backlash if they don’t lift restrictions as more and more of the public wake up? Unless he is too far removed from reality, PM Morrison must be starting to be worried about his chances of winning the next election that’s coming up soon. If things get really moving along and a lot more people wake up, he might even find he and his party smashed at the next election. It’s now a race as to how fast and how many people wake up before the election. Anything can happen given we still have a couple of months till the election.
It’s about compliance.
It’s about training the whole population to think government knows best.
Primarily it’s about reprogramming the minority thinking and conservative population.
The useful idiots of the Left are already highly susceptible to suggestion and do whatever Big Brother tells them to do, no matter what.
I already know of a few of my “friends” and relatives who talk and act as thought they actually are in favour of more tyranny not less. They have been successfully reprogrammed. It’s no accident they mostly watch the MSM, in particular the ABC. Most have already received their booster shot. I am trying to help them to come to the truth. I doubt most will change. I fear if things get a lot worse I will end up having heated arguments with them with the possibility of violence not from my part. If it comes to that I will try to walk away from them to avoid harm.
I think a note of caution is in order.
My hunch (and it is nothing stronger) is that there are a wide range of variants out in the community. The delta variant doesn’t stop infecting people in a whole area just because there is a more infectious variant a few miles away.
I’m not even sure that if there are people infected with two variants in the same room that others in the room will be preferentially infected with one variant rather than the other (and not both).
So my note of caution, especially when it comes to government statistics, is to avoid making assumptions about what variant has infected which patient dies, which ends up in IC, which recovers after a short stay in hospital and which doesn’t even present to hospital.
Like you I’m encouraged by the apparent dominance of Omicron but give it a week or two before predicting more than a week or two in advance.
It is interesting. I have friends where they have all been vaccinated. One couple had the 2 jabs and both got the ‘virus’ on holiday in Fiji. She was impacted a lot more than he was. They both got over it. The other couple, both jabbed, and he is a skin Doctor. He got it worse than his lady partner. They are both getting over it. Me; I am single and have not been jabbed. I have not had the virus to date. Based upon my “in depth” study and research, just like Fizzer and the others, I will continue to rely on my top notch immune system and ignore all the BS………………..QED
This is very telling about the trust the pro’s have for the mass vaccination approach.
You realise, even if covid fully goes away, that the totalitarianism doesn’t stop?
1) In Australia most of the extreme laws will not be removed as Australian laws don’t usually come with sunset clauses. Government always grabs whatever power it can.
2) The Left are already talking about “climate emergency” lockdowns such as each individual is assigned a certain permissble carbon footprint which you can’t exceed. So e.g. you have a certain number of kms of driving or flying which you cannot exceed.
3) There will be likely energy rationing to deal with the “climate crisis” apart from point 2 above.
4) Following communist China there will be greater use of digital Id’s for everything. Everyone will be traced and tracked. People are used to it now due to QR codes for check ins.
5) Following communist China there will be social credit scores. E.g. in my council area of Melbournistan the council (City of Glen Eira) has started checking the contents of everyone’s recycle bins on collection days and giving a tick of approval, or not depending on if you are a good recycler or not.
6) There will be greater government control over the currency and your personal bank accounts and investment portfolio.
“4) Following communist China there will be greater use of digital Id’s for everything. Everyone will be traced and tracked. People are used to it now due to QR codes for check ins.”
And I got a post “cancelled” the other day because I said they were looking at baa codes !!
I have turned off my mobile phone device and I do not do the QR check ins. If I have to, I will hand write the info and I do not have to hand write to check out……….lol……….So, bollocks to the lot of them. And I remain unvaccinated.
The preferred method for achieving all that is via taxes and pricing. That way, the elites, the rich (inc celebs, sports stars) and the powerful (who are usually rich anyway) will not be inconvenienced by such emissions limits. Meanwhile the plebs on limited means will be forced to cut back. Perfect!
Quite so David, but those against totalitarianism have learned too if only the identity and nature of the would be rules of the universe.
What doesn’t kill you might just make you stronger.
After all Australia’s lockdowns and vaxes, 9% of the population has still acquired Covid according to Worldometer.
Israel & France 28%, UK 24%, USA 22%, Sweden 20%, Germany 11%, Canada 8%.
I’m sure the proportion of Australia’s population who have had or will get covid will increase rapidly beyond 9%.
1) Vaccines poorly effective and non-sterilising.
2) Antivirals banned.
3) No official recognition of the role of micronutrient deficiencies such as Vit D and zinc, among others, in relation to susceptibility to covid or worse outcomes if you do get it.
I expect Aus to be like the UK eventually
Canada will almost certainly be the last country to lift restrictions as we easily have the most incompetent “leader” in the free world. Sadly I am including Biden in that comparison.
I don’t know, Australia’s various state premiers and PM as well as the NZ PM are providing some very tough competition in the incompetence stakes.
It’s hard to say who is the most incompetent. I’m glad I’m not a betting man.
I agree that Trudeau is an excellent competitor in the incompetence stakes.
It’s not incompetence, it’s corruption in its broadest sense. As much as I despise the likes of Trudeau and his ilk, they are not stupid. None of this is happening by accident.
Add Quadruppled Jabbed Israel to the graph to show the benefit of Two “Booster” Jabs
While I agree there is some competition, I don’t think it is humanly possible to out-stupid Trudeau. He would have to cheat to pass a urine test.
Somewhere in the world there is a village missing it’s idiot.
The belief that the leaders of nations are merely “incompetent” or “stupid” is a gross misreading of the world situation.
I do grant that Communism is stupid, but those pursuing its ascendancy are neither incompetent nor stupid – they are merely determined.
Yes. Let’s say the “followers” are incompetent, but the Elites know exactly what they are doing in order to implement The New World Order where Big Brother knows best.
Let’s just say incompetence is not necessarily the only reason. Leaders come in different forms, some are purely incompetent while others are very competent in their draconian actions and mandates, and as such have little or no regard to the safety and health of the people they are supposed to govern.
Yes and it’s getting worse.
Now even 1984 comes with a trigger warning, unbelievable.
Determined to do as instructed so they can get their pre-arranged ‘consulting’ gigs when their political time is up.
Politicians look dumb to us because what they do isn’t meant ‘for’ us. Their real job is not to be correct, or to act correctly, but to be _convincing_. Their job is to ‘sell’, and like all good salespeople they’ll sell whatever their boss tells them to sell.
Like, say, the idea that covid is the end of the world unless and until we take vaccines that are “safe, free and effective” except that we might get a blood clot in the brain and die, oh and that we shouldn’t expect the ‘vaccines’ to provide actual immunity.
Biggest. Fraud. Ever.
Australians have had plenty of opportunity to be informed about the adverse effects of vaxxines, if you still get it, than its your fault.
I heard Scotty from the trading post doing a presser the other night,
50% of all Covid hospitalisations where admitted for other reasons and tested positive while there, 50% of all ICU where admitted for other reasons and tested positive while there, same with deaths.
What does this mean?
Found a similar interview. Jan 4th
What does this mean?
It means it is important to have a trusted source with a good working knowledge of statistical inference particularly with a focus on the precise thing being measured and the inferences being drawn.
This web site tends to attract such people. Government authorities either don’t or worse are filled with miscreants who with to mislead.
Cases, cases, cases, blah, blah, blah. What is a ‘case’? Anyone who has a heavily discredited ‘positive’ PCR test or a likewise RAT. If you’re going to tell me the number of cases then break them down by Ct, Cycle Thresholds required to get a positive result. All mumbo jumbo but don’t tell the sheeple, don’t wake them from their slumber.
NSW have announced they run theirs at 40 when the inventor of the PCR the late Karry Mullis said never go over 20.
That they run it at 40 cycles should be a big deal, and I reckon an argument can be made that running it at 40 is medical fraud.
In the end, the pandemic virus behaved exactly as those few of us who bother following the science and history of pandemics predicted.
Most natural pandemics last 2 to 3 years.
The pandemic virus or bacterium usually mutates into a more infectious but less harmful form as evolutionary theory predicts. After all, it’s not in the interest of the virus or bacterium to kill the host.
Plus, people being exposed to the virus or bacterium generates immunity.
COVID has done exactly that. It’s too bad our “leaders” didn’t know a bit more history or biology.
Again I urge caution. It is reasonable to say that the virus appears to be behaving as science predicted.
BUT bear in mind that there are forces other than nature at work. Specifically there are almost certainly other artificially created variants which have not yet found their way out of laboratories.
I am yet to be convinced that there is never going to be an artificially designed virus which can displace Omicron and have designer features making it more politically useful.
Agreed Forrest. I did say natural pandemics. That pattern seems to be followed at the moment.
I have little doubt however that the Chicomms have learned a lot from this trial and now have all the info they need, plus knowledge of the West’s response for a new release.
Suppose omicron was an engineered or modified organism. The Chicomms now have a highly infectious platform to which they would simply have to add a deadly payload, after immunising their own population first. At least the ones they wanted to survive, presumably not the undesirable free thinkers or ethnic minorities.
I think the Chicomms were played. Big money developed the virus in China so if anything went wrong there was a bogey man to blame.
The Spanish Flu eventually went away as did the Black Death and the Bubonic Plague. They may well come back again but this “Wu Flu” is not even third rate in the big scheme of things…………………….
Quite so John. Keep your fingers crossed it stays that way. There are evil forces at work who discovered that they could and never questioned whether they should.
Whether there is such a virus as CV19 or simply other colds and flus identifying as such I don’t know.
Perhaps someone could confirm that CV19 has been isolated and is a specific entity.
I hope that it isn’t the world’s first “trans virus” that’s simply flu identifying as Covid19.
surely you could find this out for yourself. The endless posts on this blog about sequences etc should be enough.
The virus has been pulled out, examined under electron microscope both inside and outside of cells, it has been used to infect and reinfected cells, reisolated, is the most sequenced genome in history from multiple samples around the world.
Thanks, a good outline of its genuine, unique identity.
Next strain
NIH Genbank
Electron microscope image of virus infecting cell
Were these viruses examined under electron microscopes before, or after, being mixed with monkey cells and a variety of toxic substances? Virologists tell me that the word “isolation” doesn’t mean the same thing to them that it means to you and me… not for decades.
‘The Spanish Flu eventually went away …’
Not according to wiki
‘By 1920 the Spanish Flu virus that caused the pandemic became much less deadly and caused only ordinary seasonal flu.’
Be very afraid citizens …
the STEALTH VARIANT has arrived.
Marketing, … it’s about the marketing.
I’ll be Net Zeroing in Climate Change while I’m Resetting Back Better and building up my core on my Peloton and hydrating with electrolytes with Equity and not insurrecting or taking horse de-wormer .
Unless I get a scratchy throat.
Oh, and if any of you Canadians could provide a list of the unacceptable thoughts/ideas referred to by Mr. Trudeau, I would appreciate it.
I want to make sure not to have them.
There’s no such list and there can never be. The hallmark of totalitarianism is that everything which is not expressly permitted is forbidden.
You will be notified in due course what you are permitted to do. Of course the notice may be retrospective and withdrawn without notice.
Yes, the STEALTH variant is very concerning.
One the important symptoms is an urge to urinate upon waking up.
If you have this symptom, get a test immediately and self quarantine.
and still according to our federal and state governments we need to take our booster shot ASAP. Utter insanity.
Hmmm, I guess I have had covid19 every day this month. sometimes three time during the night. I know!! Covid19 is caused by too much beer before bedtime.
Fortunately, our bodies give us a signal to wake up when the bladder is getting too full.
In most cases.!
“One the important symptoms is an urge to urinate upon waking up.”
WOW.. I remember that from when I was a lot, lot younger..
Seem Covid has been around for a long, long time.. ! 🙂
Now that Omicron is causing some governments to back-pedal to avoid any embarrassment, what’s next? This video gives some good detailed clues.
What happens next.
To top it off, this article might be on the money as to why the US wants a war with Russia. I hope not though.
US & NATO Refuse to Grant any Concession to Russia
“The World Health Organisation’s Global Chief said it was “dangerous” to assume the world was nearing the “end game” of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that we should instead prepare for more variants of the virus.”
Doctor’s Organization Has Treated Over 150,000 COVID-19 Patients With 99.99 Percent Survival
A doctor who has been offering free telehealth services to COVID-19 patients during the pandemic says that early treatment for COVID-19 works, claiming that he has a 99.99 percent survival rate.
“We have a team of volunteer free doctors that donate their time to help treat these patients that come to us,” Dr. Ben Marble, the founder of, an online medical consultation service, said at a roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Jan. 24.
He added, “We deliver the early treatment protocols to them as early as we can, and we have a 99.99 percent survival rate. So, I believe, the free volunteered doctors have settled the science on this—early treatment works, period!”
via theepochtimes
So none of this insanity was ever necessary…
But here’s my take:
Omicron was engineered to largely bring the plandemic to an end and is achieving that, because as I said Covid is stage 1.
Pollies could otherwise have just continued their draconian rule, banned elections for safety (rig the results anyway) and continue in power indefinitely under emergency powers acts. If we accept that NWO and Agenda 21 are real then why wouldn’t they? Would Schwab give up, retire and write books? No…
Stage 1 had a purpose. Time to move on.
Like everything it’ll manifest in waves.
I note today that KFC overseas is limiting sales due to major chicken shortages.
Supermarket prices up 40% over last year.
France reports 1,000 outbreaks of Avian flu.
You don’t say 😉
Who’d have seen that coming 😈
..and that odd event I mentioned before just keeps building..and affecting food supply…
Stage 2 – food supply.
Do KFC use chicken now?
In Alberta, Canada. We currently have the most active cases of C19 ever, and the most hospitalizations due to C19. I believe the situation is similar in the rest of the country. We also have a high vaccination rate. about 86% with at least 2 doses. The more that are jabbed, the more that get the disease. This is not a correlation that points to an effective vaccine.
In my small group of friends there are already two people that have been triple vaccinated but still caught C19.
The truckers are right. Further restrictions make no sense at all. The current government authoritative overreach cannot be tolerated in a country that values freedom.
Go truckers ,go.
And at least you have those Truckers. A great protest it is. No such luck in compliant Australia.
Breaking news
A team of Chinese scientists from Wuhan have discovered a new strain of coronavirus that they fear could make the jump from animals to humans. Shortly after another team of Chinese scientists published new research claiming that the omicron strain may have gestated inside mice, this other team has warned about the “potential bio-safety threat” represented by a new strain of COVID.
The team of researchers from Wuhan University claimed to have “unexpectedly” stumbled upon the new strain, which they’re calling “the NeoCoV strain” (should it become a serious enough threat to warrant a “variant of concern” label, the WHO will grant the mutant strain a new Greek letter name).
The strain was originally discovered in South Africa and is a “close relative” of omicron.
South Africa eh…
Another event I’m tracking.
Round up the hamsters……..The strain is just too much……………………..
The Public Health Scotland has released data from the past four weeks and it shows that the unvaccinated are less likely to get COVID than those who have been injected with two or three doses of the mRNA sludge. The ruling class has been straight-up lying about this being a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as well, considering those who took the shots are more likely to be hospitalized or die than people who are unvaccinated.
The data showed a rate of infection of 866 per 100,000 people for the double vaccinated and 481 per 100,000 for the boosted, or triple vaccinated. The unvaccinated had a rate of infection of 413 per 100,000. The death rate from COVID is drastically different too. The death rate of those who have had two shots is about 12 per 100,000 which is more than 50% higher than the rate for the unvaccinated.
Narrative collapses, reality exposed.
Wonder how the vaxxed will feel?
Here’s what happens when the fear narrative collapses:
“If you’re unvaccinated then you’re a risk to the vaccinated”
“But if I get vaccinated then I’ll be the one at risk from the unvaccinated”
You have to love the logic.
Something about zombies and joining the undead comes to mind. After all don’t the living eventually prevail over the undead?
Here’s my prediction for the next big move: “bird flu”, because so many people are dependent upon chickens and eggs.
Within the next year or so all chickens will be culled – you know, for safety’s sake.
Here we go: “chicken keepers could be putting us all at risk”:
why would they do that if it was not necessary?
When certain folks believe that Communism is necessary, everything that supports that movement will be considered necessary.
hmmm yes. Kill all the chooks because communism. I should have known.
“hmmm yes. Kill all the chooks because communism. I should have known.”
Yes, you should have known:
“In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by the Soviet government of Joseph Stalin. The primary victims of the Holodomor (literally “death inflicted by starvation”) were rural farmers and villagers, who made up roughly 80 percent of Ukraine’s population in the 1930s”
No more stupid than stabbing the entire human population of the Earth.
Actually confiscating food is a very communist tactic and killing.
I will put you down for a couple more pairs of socks, the last ones appear to have holes in them already.
It never ceases to amaze me how certain people always defend socialism (in any of its varieties, international, national or “democratic”) or communism, one of the most evil ideologies ever conceived by mankind.
The duck mans name is Mr Gosling. This would have to be an AP construct.
“While the man is still alive, the ducks were culled to prevent further spread.”
from the link within,
“All of Mr Gosling’s adopted ducks were culled after several of them fell ill in late December – leaving him alone for Christmas.
A few days later he also was confirmed to be the first UK case – despite having no symptoms – and has remained isolated in his empty home since.”
“Gosling then tested positive for general flu virus and the H5N1 strain of avian flu.”
Probably should change his name to “Asymptomatic”, now that would be a crowd clearer.
You read the conversation, why?
More from the alternative universe that used to be called Queensland.
Empress Palechook made the decision that our schools will not reopen for another two weeks, added to the summer holiday. This of course will have been massively disruptive to working families, especially given the short notice, though teachers seem to have accepted the bad news rather well …
However, when asked what the plan was to facilitate a ‘safe’ return to school as the plague continues to ravage Queensland, killing thousands (sarc), Palechook declined to give parents any guidance or clues, instead saying that the Education Minister will make that announcement when she returns from sick leave!!!
Of course this is code for, “I have no idea but we’ll figure something out.” So bugger you parents trying to juggle work and children, you’re not important enough to warrant my government getting its finger out.
We have clearly entered an era where the opinions, needs and problems of ordinary citizens count for nothing, except of course for the few weeks leading up to each election.
There was a story going around a few weeks back that thousands of Qld teachers, aides etc weren’t returning to work because of unvaxxed status. Is that still a possibility?
I hadn’t thought of that. Good point. If a teacher shortage is looming, that would explain why Empress Palechook wouldn’t answer when asked what the return to school plan is, saying instead that the Edu. Minister would reveal all when she gets back from sick leave, with just a week to go!
Palechook always pushes somebody else in front of the cameras when there is bad news to relate. If there is good news, her beaming, scheming visage is wall-to-wall on TV. The relevant minister doesn’t get a look-in.
Where are the unions is all this? Rhetorical question of course. They are on the side of the draconian monsters leading the states and the nation. Unions used to be for the workers. Now they are for the globalists.
MRI today had to use their mask, non metal and as unable to close right eye, had my black silk eye mask on as well – had a real attack of claustrophobia, and they said I had to have mask on, as they had had to shut down earlier in the week, for 24 hour deep clean.
Compromise was, I was told I could lift from mouth when in tunnel, but put down when coming out.
Had usual panic button in left hand, but as soon as first clanging started, felt very calm and relaxed and lasted 30 mins without touching mask – very relaxed – getting too used to MRIs, but this was first with a mask.
Noticed different sound at end of 1st 20 mins and same sound, second sound into 10 mins contrast session, said they keep tuning the MRI based on research overseas
Wondered where all my links where today, now get back to work.
The end game for all these restrictions which were imposed is to get everyone a digital ID pass to create a global surveillance state.
Yes, that’s pretty obvious for most people who have critical thinking skills. The other factor is that so many people are gullible enough to be in favour of it. It’s part of the mass formation psychosis. As part of the agenda, those who are not in favour of such a draconian measure will be derided by everyone else. I’m already getting flack from people who think I’m crazy listening to anyone other than the governments and MSM. Sometimes I confront them with the evidence to open their eyes. They quickly retort it’s fake news. That’s how bad it already is for some. I just hope it doesn’t get any worse but I suspect it will given the power of the governments and MSM, the money pouring in to support their agendas, and the gullibility and/or bias of so many people.
The intermediate game is to get everyone at least tripple shot and repetitively tested so that we pay Big Pharma biggly.
The national debt consists in large part of borrowing to finance that and Jobbykeeper type “essential” support.
“is to get everyone a digital ID pass to create a global surveillance”
The sheeple will be give baa codes. 🙂
The end game? No, it’s only a half-way house. The real end game is transhumanism; resistance is futile, etc.
World has lost nearly 6 million people to C-19 related deaths in the last 2 years. That is 0.1 % of population, 0.05 % per year. Europe and North America has been hit the most, younger populations in Africa and Asia not so much. European statistics do not show abnormal excess mortality. We have had bad but rather typical flue seasons.
It is time to stop the mass hysteria and make your own evidence-based decisions. Very bad things have happened by just following orders.
Also, in that time it is estimated that the world’s population increased by about 100m.
The Spanish Flu Pandemic killed more people than WW1.
‘Two years later, nearly a third of the global population, or an estimated 500 million people, had been infected in four successive waves. Estimates of deaths range from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.’ (wiki)
Mortality in the USA in the 1910s was no different than age-adjusted mortality in the 1900s. I don’t see a deadly pandemic there at all. I think that was made up too. And the part that wasn’t made up was probably caused by vaccines and masks, just like this one. (In Canada and the USA over the last two years I don’t see any excess mortality at all before masks, lockdowns, and vaccine rollouts… and are we sure that all of the excess mortality after those measures was caused by viruses?)
Buyer’s remorse versus the State of California
The “California only” section notes that
California reported 326,648 deaths of all ages for the year 2020. Expected deaths were 287,849. That is an increase of 38,799 deaths (+13.5%). To date, for the year 2021, California reported 336,364 deaths of all ages. Expected deaths thus far, were 286,274. That is an increase of 50,090 deaths (+17.5%).
That is not small potatoes. It’s not easy to evaluate the meaning of such statistics, but comparing the trends over time alarms me.
Since vaccination started, we still have had a climbing death rate that is statistically significant. If the vaccine worked, we should have had exactly the opposite.
That said, we have a new source of information. From Ron Johnson’s congressional hearings, TheBlaze’s Daniel Horowitz reported:
I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.
Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.
Think about this. That’s a threefold increase in cancer among the healthiest among us. What else don’t we know about this “vaccine”?
I for one don’t need any more convincing that the vaccines are next to useless at best and do far more harm then good at worst. Too bad so many still think there is nothing wrong with the way most people are behaving and obeying the mandates as though there is nothing wrong. It’s a clear sign our society is sick. It needs a strong does of the truth shoved down their throats before it gets much worse.
The key takeaways for me from the UK’s two year SARS-CoV-2 experience is that our immune systems need daily exercise to keep them fit. They don’t get exercised by being isolated and locked away from contact which is Public Health 101.
The vulnerable are always at risk during cold and ‘flu ‘seasons’ and need concerned but also entirely humane measures. Humane measures should not mean isolation or the current English regulation where a care home resident must spend 14 days in isolation from simply having contact with a positive tested staff member when the tested staff may return to normal duties on the sixth day! Why on earth should the resident serve any time at all let alone eights days longer? It is yet another absurd and inhumane regulation among the many that have been laid at our door over the last two years.
Lockdowns, school closures, masks and unnecessary vaccinations seem to be in absolute conflict with good professional health advice and, perhaps, the UK’s outcomes from the past two years will one day be exposed for what they have been – a public health disaster which could and should nave been avoided
That nails it.
It’s unacceptable to use a heavy political response to a relatively small medical event.
Makes the demand that those responsible be arrested and charged for a variety of crimes even more necessary. The actions of our leaders and MSM are reprehensible to say the least.
Ivermectin tableted (under WHO river-sickness preventative programs) African countries are still doing way much better than the rest of Africa. We in the west are the guinea pigs of modern medicine.
very interesting. Glad my IVM came through from India the other day.
Just fascinating how western countries are at the top of the deaths per millions charts. Obviously they are the worst at handling the virus. It’s just science. And yet they tell us they are the best.
Pity poor NZ. The Tooth Fairy hasn’t got the message yet and has really gone berserk this time.
Earlier this week, the New Zealand government issued instructions saying ‘household close contacts’ of a positive Covid case must isolate for up to 24 days – even if they do not have the virus.
This means that household contacts are required to isolate longer than the actual case themselves, which only has to isolate for 14 days.
‘The isolation period for Covid-19 cases in the community is at least 14 days, including 72 hours symptom-free,’ the instructions say.
‘Your household members will need to remain in isolation for at least 10 days after you have been released as a case. This means they will need to be in isolation for longer than you.’
We can’t even test for the new ‘Stealth’ peril, making it too perilous.
What I’m worried about is that Biden will start WWIII solely to distract everyone from pandemic policies that completely failed. I.e., solely to change the news cycle. One should not underestimate the potential actions of politicians who cannot admit mistakes.
“In terms of infections the UK is past the peak…” By infections, you mean cases, positives from a test run in overdrive, that indicates the presence of fragments of almost anything. If there was genuine pandemic you would think I would have come across at least one seriously ill person in two years. A couple of younger family members have been off-colour, as we used to say, for a day or two, but that’s it. In the original ‘outbreak’ the private hospital where my wife works was commandeered and put on stand-by for weeks to take ‘the overflow’; never happened, staff just lost work.
….Plus Antigen tests, antibody tests, RNA full sequencing. Testimony from thousands of docs and nurses. Spikes in Excess deaths that match the exact timing of the PCR tests (which have been hyped and abused, but which are extremely accurate when done properly). Yeah, it’s not the Black Death, but it was worse than the Flu. (Not so much now with OMicron)
Even here in Perth Australia I know two UK expat families here, both of which describe their London family members having Covid and one of which lost an immediate family member.
Glad things have been lucky for you Phil.
I just read for the first time about the
Jehovah’sCorona’s Witnesses 😀 in a German tweet 😀00
Semper aliquid novi Africam adferre
Pliny the Elder (ad 23–79)
“Confirmed COVID deaths” from ???
When they prohibit life saving early treatment, and give hospitalized patients treatments that harm more than they help, the only thing that’s “confirmed” is their homicidal medical malfeasance.
And then there’s the matter of counting people who passed the rigged PCR tests, but who really died of something else.
How are we supposed to ever again trust with our lives anyone who participated in that sham?