A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I have spent the night listening to Dr Chris Martenson.
One with Viva and Barnes
and one with Barnes alone
There’s 3 hrs there so pick your quiet time.
I watched some of this last night too. I need to watch again, as I dosed off a bit as it was late. Very informative information!
How’s does the ‘pandemic’ end?
100% vax is not going to stop infections.
Eradication of the virus save for the trophy vial on Fauci’s shelf?
Variants stop varying?
Is the curve flattened yet?
Goal posts are where and what exactly?
It is obvious the goals are obscure and purposely unarticulated by authorities.
Some say the flu is ended….via the arrival of another pandemic …perhaps the same way ?
Apparently it will end if we deport unvaxxed tennis players.
Especially as we seem to import it via the vaxxed!
It will probably end if we come down hard on MSM. Its beyond a joke that an ineffective vaccine (70%, let alone 90% vaccinated should stop the spread if an actual vaccine) is mandatory for someone who recovered from Covid. And, apparently, this was OK until the media piped up.
Disgusting. Poor woman. I am incensed at the stupidity and cruelty of it all. Including to me because I prefer to take proper health/diet precautions instead of dangerous gene therapy. I would wish to see my 99 year old mother in the UK before she departs this planet, but why compromise my health, to the point of killing myself, in a bid to travel? It won’t do her any good if I am too ill to travel. I utterly despise all who have landed us in this invidious situation; I don’t wish H3ll on anyone but they deserve it.
At 99 my mother still has all of her 6 offspring still living. My aim is to survive long enough for her not to have to face the death of any of us, although one of my sisters has already had to face that.
Hi Annie
Compared to some of the European nations things are pretty normal here in England, other than wearing masks in shops we can still go in cafes pubs etc without putting on masks and do not have to wear them in outdoor public areas. Some big rugby matches are coming up which will have tens of thousands of spectators. Peopl are behaving pretty sensibly.
However the other 3 home nations still have the screws turned on their populace and may have to switch some of their rugby matches to England as they wont allow crowds in their stadiums
Ironically England now has the best record on covid in recent weeks despite having virtually no restrictions. The leaders of the Scots and Welsh are jumped up bureaucrats eager for power as many of your state officials over there seem to be.
Hope you make it over some time this year but land in one of the English airports where many restrictions on taking tests have been relaxed.
Just been watching a Fox report on the Djokovic fiasco. The reporter basically says there are several issues, one of which is that Novak should have been up on the “draconian” Australian laws, and acted accordingly….
He then says, seriously: If a woman is going to the Middle East she should know about clothing + modesty laws, and if an American goes to Nth Korea they should be aware of how Nth korea sees westerners. Etc.
This guy was genuinely comparing Australia to Middle Eastern shyte-holes and North Flamin’ Korea…but NOT flippantly. Australia really has become the arse-end of the world with these lunatics in command!
John: “pandemic” is a bureaucratic definition; it has no meaning in the realm of epidemiology. In epidemiology, it is used as a vernacular (common; non-scientific) term when we refer to a disease that is spread “everywhere” (in all the world; in most of the geographical area of dispersion of its host; something of the kind: it is not a very precise term).
“Pandemics” were invented by the WHO to refer to influenza (N.B.: it does not apply to any other contagious disease! What kind of “science” makes such distinction between similar things?).
In its original formulation, it referred to an epidemic severe influenza (i.e., with many patients requiring hospitalization and with high fatality) that quickly reached a number of countries or continents.
A dozen years ago (after the swine flu) the WHO deleted the reference to the severity of the disease in their definition of “pandemics” (because, as you remember, the attempt to sell swine flu vaccines did not succeed). So, now, anything can be a “pandemic”, if it reaches quickly a certain number of countries in three (? memory sometimes fails…) continents. Then, if there is a “test” that produces a lot of positive results even with something very mild, then … pandemic!
Now, to your question: it is a bureaucratic classification ascribed by the WHO (not by the scientific community!). As the owner of the power to ascribe, then it is the WHO that has the power to tell when it ends…
Thank you.
More of a political creation than I knew.
That’s the kind of science we have now.
Not like there aren’t folk, perhaps like yourself, doing faithful work.
They had me forgetting ‘epidemic,’ the old word.
The language cringe irks me particularly.
Happy Decarbonization.
I think I may be Pananthropogenic.
John, thanks to your witty pananthropogenic, I reached for my 1946 Odhams Dictionary (a treasure-trove of vernacular no longer, or rarely, in use) and immediately below ‘pandemic’ is:
PANDEMONIUM, noun, an immense, demonic uproar, tumult and confusion [Coined by Milton as capital of Hell, from PAN + DEMON].
The crooks behind this crock sure do know their language.
Awesome, if disturbing, possibly biblical, connection.
Have to admit, for a while there I thought “carbon bad”, but I had dropped Organic Chemistry in college.
I am bothered by how I find even my half-witted cynical self absorbing these pananthropogenic wordprops (derived from agitprop) thought memes.
There, used pananthropogenic in a sentence.
Now, I have to go and find out what an ‘agit’ is.
You’re right, the crooks are good, but it is a target rich environment for mockery.
John Cleese, phone home.
The pandemic stops when the alleged / purported hosts are all dead.
I’m not sure why anyone believes there can be an end other than this, since the recurring gene-jabs are now “forever”, which means the clotting agents (spike proteins picking up passing platelets) can only be increasing over time. When has never-ending clotting NOt caused death?
As for the numbers of “infections’ now being discovered, this was predicted long ago by all honest virologists etc. The gene-jabs cause the body to produce it’s own spike proteins: the PCR test detects spike proteins and says “hey that’s an infection”. No-one ever said the tests were ACCURATE, did they?
=vaccine ingredients
“Twitter suppresses massive study showing ivermectin reduced COVID mortality by 68%
“The Brazilian study revealed ‘a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality’ for those using ivermectin and a 67% reduction in hospitalizations. ”
That link does not work – maybe this one?
Don B thanks for that.
You can download 26 Page Pre Print from this site
Details already sent to list of MPs with additional comment
NSW Health says
Look after yourself -If you have tested positive for COVID-19
A lot of these symptoms can be relieved by simple remedies including:
. bed rest
. regular paracetamol and ibuprofen to relieve pain and fevers
. throat lozenges for a sore throat
. keeping hydrated with regular sips of water
. cough medicine such as Bisolvin.
Australia has spent Billions on Testing, Shutting down Businesses and Vaccines that do not work – US CDC changed definition of Vaccine on 1 September 2021 from Vaccine provides Immunity to Vaccine provides Protection
The NSW Health advice above for when you test positive for Covid-19 is a pitiful.
TGA Australia banned Australian Doctors from issuing to their patients a Nobel Prize Winning Drug Ivermectin that has been used safely for years as medication and which can be used in early treatment of Covid-19
Why does not NSW Health suggest the use of Ivermectin as an early treatment?
Are we stupid in Australia or just plain Dumb?
After the collection of each subject’s baseline personal and medical information, ivermectin was offered as an optional preventive treatment to each person, consisting of light dosages of 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight for two consecutive days every 15 days. 133,051 (60.3%) participants accepted the treatments and 87,466 (39.7%) declined, providing the study with exceedingly large sample sizes for both the treatment and control groups.
As a result, the study reports that the “regular use of ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality,” which following adjustments for “residual variables,” reached 70%. Further, the hospitalization rate of the treatment group was 56% lower, and after similar adjustments, 67%.
“These results indicate that medical-based optional prescription, citywide covered ivermectin can have a positive impact in the healthcare system,” the study’s authors concluded.
At least they snuck Bromhexine in (but not aspirin)!
Aussies urged to buy paracetamol before becoming infected
Aussies urged to get paracetamol, Ibuprofen
Australians have been warned many of us will likely test positive to Covid in “coming days” and are being urged to make sure they have paracetamol before becoming infected.
It comes as the country reached a major vaccine milestone with more than 44 million doses administered, with 94.7 per cent of people having had their first dose.
Health Minister Greg Hunt said it was “heartening” to see Omicron was milder than previous strains of the disease, pointing to only 76 people who were on ventilation across the country.
Despite a significant increase in new cases Mr Hunt said the strain was “significantly less severe”.
Deputy chief medical officer Michael Kidd said it was likely many Australians would test positive in the coming days and weeks as case numbers continued to surge.
“With the rising case numbers we’ve seen over the past week in many parts of the country, it’s likely that many of us will test positive for Covid-19 over the coming days and weeks if we haven’t already done so,” he said.
He urged people to be prepared for any potential infections by having paracetamol or ibuprofen at hand to manage fevers and mild aches or pains.
“If infected, many will have no symptoms at all, others may have mild symptoms,” Professor Kidd said. “You‘ll need to drink plenty of fluids which can be water, but you may also benefit from using electrolyte powder or solution.
“It‘s important to be prepared, because you won’t be able to go to your supermarket or pharmacy if you’re diagnosed. If you are feeling abnormally weak or tired you may have moderate symptoms and need to seek medical advice.”
Professor Kidd said it was important to protect people who might experience such moderate symptoms along with the elderly or those with chronic health conditions. “Some might become seriously unwell so that’s why it’s important to prevent transmission in places like homes,” he said. “We don’t want people to be infected with Covid unnecessarily.”
No mention of Ivermectin, Vitamin D/C, Zinc – Australia The “Dumb” Country
As the article you linked to notes, being labelled misinformation by twitter probably means people should read the paper.
I cannot imagine why anybody would ever use twitter.
It’s pleasing to see that there has been nothing about the Capitol Hill riots and the US elections after all the nonsense that was posted here last year.
Well now there is Simon ….thank you
Of course you n’t read the Old Ozzie postings, not that I wonder about. 😀
“January 6th is Ashli Babbit Day now.”
Though a protest in the next comment
As a footnote to yesterday’s leftist jamboree about January 6, let’s note the signs and symbols that the left is waaaayyy overreaching with this. I hope they keep up with this narrative, as it is certain to alienate more and more Americans, even ones with little or no sympathy for Trump. (There are several surveys, in fact, finding a majority of the public regards the events of last January 6 to be a protest that got out of hand.)
I had not intended to write anything about the protest that took place at the Capitol a year ago, but I was on two radio shows today and both hosts asked about it. There seems to be a good bit of interest. So here, for what they are worth, are my thoughts on that event, one year later.
* “January 6” is the most overhyped news story of our time. Kamala Harris’s suggestion that the Capitol riot was equivalent to Pearl Harbor is a historically ignorant joke. The fact is that the Capitol riot, while bad, was not one of the 50 most destructive riots of the last two years.
* The Democrats’ calling the riot an “insurrection” is another bad joke. This is the first insurrection (or “coup,” as the Democrats also say) where not a single person thought to bring a firearm. And I don’t think anyone would choose a “shaman” with horns and a fur hat to lead an actual insurrection.
* I have been called on to denounce the Capitol rioters of a year ago. I wouldn’t mind doing so–as stated above, I am opposed to rioting–but I ask Democrats to go first. Denounce the radical Democrats who illegally occupied the Capitol of Wisconsin for four months; denounce the Antifa rioters who have destroyed Portland; denounce the George Floyd rioters who burned down large sections of Minneapolis; denounce the Democrats who rioted in Washington when Donald Trump was inaugurated–a far worse riot than the one that occurred a year ago. Do that, and I will happily denounce the January 6 rioters. Until then, forget it.
* Law enforcement in many American cities has gotten ridiculously lax, and one sign of that is the fact that rioters are rarely punished. In fact, the same people tend to riot time after time, with impunity. The January 6 rioters are the one exception to that rule. They have had the book thrown at them, and I understand that many are still in jail with no charges against them having been heard, a year later. Is there some reason why this is not a scandal? At a minimum, can we have equal treatment of rioters?
* Why are the Democrats trying to make “January 6” into the equivalent of Pearl Harbor or the September 11 terrorist attacks? On its face this is idiotic, yet there is a rational purpose at work. I think the Democrats have two motives.
* The first is to change the subject. The Biden administration has so far been a train wreck, and the Democrats know it. They need to deflect attention away from inflation, covid, their unpopular spending spree, the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Joe Biden’s mental incapacity, and so on. Their carefully coordinated “January 6” campaign obviously is intended to distract.
* But I think there is a deeper purpose. Today Joe Biden violated all precedent by viciously attacking his predecessor, Donald Trump. This is outside the bounds of anything we have seen in our democracy, certainly in the modern era. Biden not only attacked Trump, he bragged about defeating him in the 2020 election, claiming that he won by 7 million votes.
The mind boggles as to what kind of radio shows these are.
A mob attacking police officers to gain entry to the voting chambers while chanting to kill the vice-president because he intends to ratify the vote is an insurrection by definition.
You actually think they were unable to secure the US Capitol and prevent an unarmed mob from entering?
Trust me, I lived and worked in DC for 15 years.
They could keep an army from entering if they wanted to.
Simon look at 3rd and 4th photos down
People having been ushered in by Capitol Police walking calmly inside guide rope paths sightseeing as they walk
President Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. In response, radical Democrats gathered in Washington to riot. The riot was ugly and violent:
Protesters set fires and hurled bricks in a daylong assault on the city hosting Donald Trump’s inauguration, registering their rage against the new president in a series of clashes that led to more than 200 arrests. Police used pepper spray and stun grenades to prevent the chaos from spilling into Trump’s formal procession and evening balls.
about a mile from the National Mall, police gave chase to a group of about 100 protesters who smashed the windows of downtown businesses including a Starbucks, a Bank of America and a McDonald’s as they denounced capitalism and Trump. Police in riot gear used pepper spray from large canisters to help contain the violence, which erupted periodically throughout the day.
“They began to destroy property, throw objects at people, through windows. A large percentage of this small group was armed with crowbars and hammers,” said the city’s interim police chief, Peter Newsham.
A number of police officers were injured, and the radical Democrats assaulted random passers-by. The 2017 riot was, what? 1,000 times as destructive as the January 6, 2021 riot? 10,000 times as destructive? And yet none of the rioters sat in jail for a year awaiting trial.
On the contrary:
Liberal Elites Want Us to Care About Jan. 6. But They Don’t Care When Our Cities Burn | Opinion
Over the spring and summer of 2020, thousands of businesses were looted, damaged, or totally destroyed during the George Floyd protests—especially here, where Floyd was killed. Every day we read heartbreaking stories of business owners begging and pleading with rioters to spare their livelihoods, many of them uninsured, pleas that went unheeded. There was over $2 billion in property damage.
And yet, to follow the mainstream news, you’d be forgiven for thinking the destruction of cities across the country—the decimation of small businesses, many of them owned by lower income people of color—wasn’t the biggest story of violence in recent history. That honor, to hear the media tell it, is reserved for an hours-long mobbing of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. The Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 has been the lead story in the liberal mainstream media all week long.
This breathless, week-long commemoration—along with the sacrosanct solemnity with which January 6 is discussed in elite liberal circles—exposes whose lives really matter: the elites in D.C. ivory towers and Manhattan newsrooms. And it exposed whose lives don’t.
Minneapolis erupted in violence following the death of George Floyd. There was no law, only disorder. The metro buses were shut down, curfews were in place, grocery stores and drug stores looted and burned. The Third Precinct police station was gutted.
But the narrative from most of the journalists who flew in from New York was of a city and by extension a country facing the racial reckoning it deserved. There were no rioters, to hear the media tell it; the mobs throwing Molotov cocktails shattering windows were demonstrators and “mostly peaceful” protesters. The violence was framed as a necessary airing of grievances. The collateral damage to businesses and lives were cast as a pittance compared to the national discussion on race relations and policing in America.
But that was just the beginning of the abandonment of underserved cities and urban neighborhoods by the people charged with representing and protecting them.
The narcissism is just staggering. But it goes much deeper than that. Pitting groups against each other and stoking fear and anger is how our elites—our politicians and journalists among them—keep themselves in power, while average Americans are left with the tragic aftermath.
This is the disappointing but unsurprising reality of a society partitioned between the powerful and the powerless. The powerful have the luxury of nursing their trauma by sitting down for dewy-eyed interviews and twilight vigils, with news networks holding all-day specials. The powerless go to food shelters because their grocery store burned down and beg for justice when another child is gunned down in the street.
How can they ask us to care about one riotous day last January when every day in cities across America, the lives of the most vulnerable are in danger, their livelihoods threatened?
A powerful overclass apathetic to the concerns of the people they are supposed to represent, and for whom they work, is the real miscarriage of justice they claim as their own.
Nation Observes 0 Seconds Of Silence To Read The Names Of Those Killed By Trump Supporters On January 6th
WASHINGTON, D.C.–Following President Biden’s speech yesterday, the nation observed a moment of silence lasting exactly 0 seconds long as they read the names of those who suffered death at the hands of supporters of former President Donald J. Trump.
Vice President Kamala Harris thanked Biden for his bold speech and took to the podium to announce the moment of silence. An intern then reverently handed her a folded piece of paper.
Several media pundits watched as Harris carefully unfolded the paper and stared at it blankly for a moment before waving the intern back. The vice president could be heard whispering, “This is blank.”
Kamala Harris then cackled wildly and said, “Thank you. This is a somber day.” before slinking back into the shadow from whence she came.
We’re live on the scene at the Capitol building as the FBI hosts their beloved annual January 6 reunion. Good times!
One Year After Jan. 6, Elites Remind Us Their Lives Are More Valuable Than Yours
But living in Minneapolis, I had a front-row seat to the violence that occurred in the days and weeks following George Floyd’s death, just as I am now a witness to the devastation of my city from exploding violent crime and homicides in its aftermath.
It’s very hard for people like me who had their streets on fire for days, who still drive through a gutted, ash-heap of a city now riddled with crime and violence, to see Jan. 6 as anything more than a mob gone wrong. Where are the lasting scars like I see in Minneapolis? Where was the breathless 24/7 news coverage of that city? And while some of those at the Capitol have been held in solitary confinement for months, vandals and arsonists in Minneapolis were bailed out by groups supported by our vice president.
One year later, Washington appears unscathed, spared from any real, lasting damage.
Double Standard
As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Select Committee plans its colonoscopy-like partisan investigation, few have been held to account for the violent riots that laid waste to a once vibrant, dynamic Minneapolis and many other cities. According to the Major Cities Chiefs Association report in 2020, an estimated 574 violent riots took place in the weeks after Minneapolis burned, resulting in damage of up to $2 billion.
Pelosi made sure the capital was locked down and surrounded by the National Guard and coils of concertina wire, city leaders and governors left citizens at the mercy of thugs hurling Molotov cocktails, helpless as their homes and businesses burned to the ground.
Crime Rates Up
Leftist politicians and activists vilified law enforcement officers, campaigned to defund police departments, and worked to install far-left district attorneys more interested in using their positions to run social justice experiments than pursue law and order. As a result, police departments are suffering from mass attrition, leaving cities vulnerable to record-breaking violence, homicides, and carjackings.
Clearly, lawmakers and the media think themselves and their safety are more valuable than the people they are supposed to work for and represent. There is a great divide between those with the luxury of marinating in self-pity and the rest of us trying to rebuild our livelihoods and avoid the very real violence we are faced with every day as body counts rise across the country.
Media and Political Elites out of Touch
Any suggestion of a threat to America’s credentialed class is presented as an affront to democracy and a sin equal to the worst treason in our nation’s history. Meanwhile, the destruction of dozens of cities and thousands of lives in middle America has been accepted as a necessary airing of grievances, a reactionary event in the name of social justice that inflicted pain on those who probably deserved it anyway.
It is an iteration of the divide between those who see themselves as rulers and the people over which they rule. It extends from the leftist media that needs to perpetuate democracy’s threat to fight off the ratings implosion since President Trump left office, to sanctimonious politicians who view the public as nothing more than the masked, faceless unwashed who should be grateful that the 2020 riots exposed their racist ways and now can correct them.
“Insurrection,” “violent coup,” and “domestic terrorism,” are terms they use when describing Jan. 6. Contrast that to the media’s coverage of the violent riots, even as fires burned uncontrolled in the background of their live-shots — terms like “social unrest,” “demonstrations,” and “mostly peaceful protests.”
Our lawmakers are just as shameless in airing their trauma and reminding the country how close they were to their impending doom, even though some weren’t even in the same building.
Its been 12 months Simone, you have to move on.
Can I suggest where to?
Yes, Simon, the mob got in.
However, they were unable to stop the insurrection and the election results were certified.
8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy
Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings.
Self-absorbed congressional Democrats held a group therapy session on Capitol Hill on Thursday as they work tirelessly to immortalize Jan. 6 as an annual day of doom, but the rest of us are old enough to remember a few more times when riots and protests overwhelmed government buildings with no such theatrical response.
More than a few times, actually. The 2020 summer of rage was more or less “incited” by these same top Democrats, who race-baited as if their lives depended on it, and even our vice president, who helped bail violent rioters out of jail. It featured a number of these attacks on the government (which strangely weren’t called attacks on democracy at the time).
Not all of these demonstrations were allegedly a response to the Minnesota death of George Floyd, however. Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings. It started long before Jan. 6, 2021, and continued long after.
1. Interior Department Overtaken
Can you spot the difference between these two insurrection photos?
Didn’t think so. One of them was compared to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 by our vice president. The other one barely made the news and was referred to as a mere “sit-in.” Both were attacks by political activists on government buildings.
2. President Moved to Bunker After White House Fence Breach
3. Wisconsin Capitol Overwhelmed
4. Portland Federal Courthouse Overtaken by Violence
5. Democracy Halted at the Texas Capitol
6. SCOTUS Police Lines Breached, Senate Overwhelmed by Anti-Kavanaugh Activists
7. Senate Bombed by Left-Wing Terrorists
8. Senate Chamber Breached by Biden Himself
In now-President Joe Biden’s farewell address to the Senate in 2009, he claimed to have broken into the chamber and sat in the vice president’s chair when he was 21 years old. The first time he stood on the Senate floor was when he visited with friends in the early 1960s, he said.
“I remember vividly the first time I walked in this chamber. I walked through those doors, but I walked through those doors as a 21-year-old tourist,” Biden claimed. “In those days, you could literally drive right up to the front steps. … I drove up to the steps and there had been a rare Saturday session. It had just ended. So I walked up the steps, found myself in front of what we call the elevators, and I walked to the right to the Reception Room.”
“There was no one there. The glass doors, those French doors that lead behind the chamber, were open. There were no signs then. I just walked,” Biden continued. “…I sat in the presiding officer’s chair. I was mesmerized.”
He was then caught by a Capitol Police officer. I wonder if Biden thinks his self-guided Capitol tour “borders on sedition“?
The Democrats’ January 6 observances were like a bad Academy Awards show
Yesterday, Democrats in D.C. and the mainstream media gave themselves over completely to a look back at January 2021 and the extraordinary horrors of a riot that lasted a few hours; involved people with no weapons; had no looting, fires, community destruction, or police deaths; and saw only one death (at police hands). The whole event was like the Academy Awards. Not the long-distant Academy Awards of beautiful people celebrating movies America loved, of course. Instead, it was the modern Academy Awards, with hate-filled people ranting against Americans; making boring, stupid speeches; and getting interrupted by badly staged musical numbers.
Slowly, though, as Hollywood went woke, the Awards became boring as the Academy celebrated preachy, anti-American movies that no Americans wanted to see. And then Trump became president, and the Academy Awards developed into a Trump hate-fest. The clothes got uglier, the people weirder and angrier, and the whole thing was a parody of Hollywood’s once exuberant celebration of self.
One could say the zeitgeist of the modern Academy Awards culminated in today’s January 6 observations. It was all there: the angry people; the ugly clothes; the hatred for ordinary Americans; the boring, bizarre speeches; and the weird musical entertainment.
The Award for Most Ridiculous Speech went to Kamala Harris for comparing events on January 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11:
The Best Acting Award went to Chuck Schumer.
A year after the event, he finally remembered that people had hurled anti-S@mitic remarks at him and managed to repeat that lie with a straight face. Twitter users responded appropriately:
At the Academy Awards, there’s always a moment to honor the dead, which includes listing people no one has ever heard of. In the House’s version, Nancy honored several policemen, none of whom died on January 6:
Ridiculous though this Kabuki theater was, Glenn Greenwald rightly observes it is dangerous. It obscures the disaster that is Democrat party governance. It also continues the destruction of liberty in America, whether it’s the January 6 gulag prisoners or the effort to destroy Donald Trump forever and silence the Republican Party.
Womp, Womp, Womp: Fox News Bests CNN, MSNBC on January 6 Anniversary (By a Lot)
CNN and MSNBC spent over 1,600 minutes Thursday obsessing over the first anniversary of the January 6 riot on the U.S. Capitol, but it failed to translate into any success in the ratings department.
Thanks to early numbers from Nielsen Media Research, the Fox News Channel cruised to an easy victory in both total viewers with roughly 1.567 million and 245,000 in the 25-54 demographic.
According to a Fox News press release, FNC defeated CNN “in every hour across both categories” as the Jeff Zucker-led channel was only able to fetch 742,869 total viewers overall and 139,202 across Thursday in the demo.
MSNBC was able to best CNN in total viewers with about 1.049 million viewers, but narrowly lost in the 25-54 group as the Comcast-owned property garnered just 136,019 viewers.
And in the key 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Eastern block during which President Biden and Vice President Harris delivered remarks from Statuary Hall, CNN and MSNBC still couldn’t pull in a sizable audience.
Instead, Fox News still came out on top with America’s Newsroom pulling in 1.58 million total viewers and 232,112 in the demo versus 1.083 million and 144,832 for MSNBC and 1.106 million and 190,613 for CNN.
CNN’s gambit that Americans would tune into see rank partisanship and destructive rhetoric failed as, according to Fox, “CNN also failed to break 1.5 million viewers in any hour throughout the day” and both CNN and MSNBC lost “nearly 90 percent” of their primetime demo and total viewers compared to the same date a year ago.
“Preserve the Narrative”: The Public Rejects the “Insurrection” Claim in New Polling
Pelosi’s concern over the viability of that narrative is well-based as shown by a recent CBS News poll. The majority of the public does not believe that this was an “insurrection”
The public saw that terrible day unfold a year ago and saw it for what it was: a protest that became a riot. (For full disclosure, I previously worked as a legal analyst for CBS News).
Not surprisingly, the poll received little comparative coverage on a day when reporters and commentators spoke of “the insurrection” as an undeniable fact. Yet, when CBS asked Americans, they received an answer that likely did not please many. Indeed, CBS did not highlight the answer to the question of whether the day was really a “protest that went too far.” The answer was overwhelming and nonpartisan. Some 76% believe that this was a protest that went too far.
Yet, “insurrection” and “sedition” are legal terms. They have a meaning. The FBI investigated thousands after January 6th and charged hundreds. Not one is charged with insurrection or sedition or conspiracy to overthrow the country. The vast majority are charged with relatively minor offenses of trespass or unlawful entry or property damage- the type of charges that are common in protests and riots.
If January 6th was an insurrection, then members challenging the electoral votes were little more than Confederate rebels. As with villages in Vietnam, it seems that democracy will be saved by destroying it.
The problem is that the public is not buying it. Even when the public is not given the choice by CBS of calling this a riot rather than an insurrection, the truth emerges like water finding a way out. The poll also shows the limits of not just Speaker Pelosi but the mainstream media in preserving such narratives. Despite the endless drumbeat of coverage referring to the day as an “insurrection,” the media cannot get the public to ignore what they witnessed — any more than getting viewers to accept reporting on largely “peaceful” protests with images of burning buildings in the background. When the media was instructed to call the violent riots of prior summers “protests,” the effort to “preserve the narrative” failed with almost comical results. This is why the “Let’s Go Brandon” movement is as much a criticism of the media as it is the President.
How is even the concept of going 100% electric vehicle financially and feasibly possible in Canada?
About our politicians wanting us to drive electric vehicles…
Canada 2018 Power, billions of kWh
Own consumption 522.2
Production 649.6
Import 2.68
Export 73.35
Net Surplus Power 56.73
Tesla Model 3
Avg km per year 20,050
kWh/100 miles 34
kWh/100 km 21.25
kWh/year power consumption = 4,260.625
[Avg US Home consumes 10,715 kwh/yr]
LEAP OF FAITH – What would happen if all Cdn Motor Vehicles in 2018 were Tesla Model 3’s???
Did not bother to round.
# of Registered Vehicles Canada = 35,108,602
Total Tesla’s in Canada, 2018 = 67,373
Vehicles not Tesla that would need power = 35,041,229
Power shortfall per year, kWh * = 92,567,536,308
Hoover Dam kWh per year = 4,000,000,000
# of Surplus Hoover Dams needed in Canada, 2018 = 23
Time to build a Hoover Dam, years = 5
Cost to build a Hoover Dam, todays $CDN = $1,140,406,704 ($49M US in 1931 to 2021 CDN $)
Total cost of 23 dams size of Hoover $CDN = $26,391,159,745
* = Net Surplus Power – Tesla Model 3 kwh/yr x Vehicles not Tesla that would need power
Basically if all motor vehicles in Canada in 2018 were EV’s this many would be SOL trying to charge them:
Canada needs +23 new Hoover Dams to charge the electric vehicles.
“Jun 29, 2021 — Canada will ban the sale of fuel-burning new cars and light-duty trucks … by 2050, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government said on Tuesday.”
Well Justin, you’ve got 23 x 5 years of Hoover Dam building to get there in 29 years time if only 35.1M vehicles on the road, like forever.
The grid itself can’t hold that much capacity as our system is designed for a 110 voltage household and many fuse panels are already maxed out and would need replacing for the 220 voltage to charge the EV’s.
Now that is just our electric infrastructure problem along with the manufacturer warning of ‘DO NOT PARK IN YOUR GARAGE’ as they’re insurance liability claims would be through the roof.
This calculation also doesn’t include any population increase which PM Trudeau wants to add another million immigrants next year.
Our politicians may want to slap it into law but physical limitations says it’s an impossible goal cost useless billions of dollars even trying to go this route.
Those are some fun calculations. But what happens to the 56 billion kWh that is currently labeled as “net surplus”? It is not being consumed or exported. Is it just lost as waste heat in the system?
The power requirements for everyone to own a Tesla are actually not quite as hysterically bad as I thought. It is only about double the current net surplus. If we could avoid wasting that net surplus, we would only need a dozen or so Hoover dams 🙂
That is 92.56 TWh.
Canada has an installed generating capacity of 130 GW ( increasing to 170GW by 2030 ?)
If fully utilised and controlled that is equivalent to 1140 ,000,000,000 kWh per year ( 1140 TWh)..currently, and 1,490 TWh in 2030 .. ( way before you even get 50% EVs !)
Last year Canada only used 650TWh , leaving 500TWh “in the tank”……a CF of 57% !
So..there is , even now, more than enough excess generation capacity available to charge all 35m of Canada’s EVs……and probably all the USA EVs too !
Wind and solar energy are notoriously unreliable sources of electricity, with the best wind turbines producing electricity a little over 40 percent of the time, and solar panels faring even worse. Where I live, solar panels work around 18 percent of the time, and the electricity they produce is so faint that when they are covered by snow in the winter–I know, it’s a shock, but that happens in Minnesota and other northern states–they aren’t worth shoveling off.
Can anything save wind and solar energy from irrelevance? If you ask a liberal that question, his answer will be: batteries! Batteries that will store electricity when wind turbines and solar panels actually work, and discharge that electricity the rest of the time. Do batteries approaching such a scale actually exist? Well, no. It’s a concept.
But how does the total quantity of existing battery storage, which all of us rely on every day for our laptops, phones and other devices, compare with an industrial society’s need for power? Bjorn Lomborg does the math; the result is pathetic:
Nope – that would not even get the environmental approval done now. The cost of hydro projects has risen many times more than inflation. There are lots of lawyers and politicians involved in any sizeable project.
There is already a 1TWh design hydro facility on the west coast of Canada with all the tunnelling complete and turbines were on site a few years back but the project was halted because it may have altered some fish habitat in the perched water lake. The facility is not well known because it has no road access just boat or helicopter.
The opportunities for hydro diminish rapidly as they get built with the best spots already used or impossible to get environmental approval done. Getting environmental approval inside a decade in the developed countries is impossible.
Virginia traffic jam provides reminder of limitations of electric cars
It must have been awful, but it could have been worse. And, as Charles Lane explains, it would have been much worse if there had been many more electric vehicles (EVs) in the traffic jam.
Lane writes:
Sometime after 3 a.m. Tuesday. . .a long-haul trucker from Canada heard a knock at the door of his cab. It was one of the hundreds of other motorists stuck in subfreezing temperatures with no food or water.
The supplicant was “driving a Tesla,” recounted the trucker, who told the story on Twitter under the handle My World Through A Windshield, “and he’s worried about running out of power in the cold. [It’s] 19°F or -7°C. He’s a nice guy who was worried about his kids. I gave him some water, a spare blanket and [a] thermal/mylar blanket.”
To be sure, cold also affects the performance of gas-powered vehicles and many were left stranded in Virginia after they ran out of fuel or their batteries died. But, says Lane:
All else being equal, though, cars and trucks with internal combustion engines (ICE) would have the advantage in coping with a sudden challenge such as the I-95 fiasco. It is much easier to rehabilitate a disabled ICE vehicle. Rescuers can deliver gallons of gas in convenient jugs; gas stations are still far more numerous than EV charging stations; and ICE car batteries can be jump-started in minutes.
Absent some breakthrough in mobile charging technology, out-of-juice EVs in out-of-the-way places will need a tow. If Monday’s nightmare had been an all-electric affair, they might have littered the highway for miles.
Just a few corrections..
The average km driven by Canadians was last reported to be 15,200 km/yr
The Hoover dam has an installed generation capacity of 2.08 GW…but currently only operates at 23% CF for a 4000 GWh/ yr output.
But, if there is enough water available, then it could be 4+ times that annual output !
But, you would not build dams anyway.. the greens wont allow it !
Nuclear, would be the ONLY practical solution for power generation.
Very interesting figures JoJo. Am now wondering what the figures for Australia would be. I believe our average daily power consumption is only 15 units per dwelling.
Its a non issue…see 5:2:1 above for the real Canada situation, …
….and a similar answer for Australia with capacity to recharge a 50% EV fleet within the current system .
The news from Britain is that EV’s will in future need a separate charging point from other electrical items in a house, by way of provision of a dedicated charger linked to the households smart meter
We have steered clear to date of the governments incessant push for smart meters as power companies can turn power on and off should there be a shortage, increasingly likely as unreliable renewables become ever more the norm.
The news that EV’s will be charged separately, and that the power in the EV battery can be pushed back into the grid if needed, or power can be charged at a higher rate, all raises some interesting (hopefully highly fanciful) scenario, worthy of a Film or Tv series. The basic plot is that the Govt turns off the power to climate change, political and anti vaxxer dissenters to bring them into line, to the approval of a majority of voters.
I need to start looking for some possible actors so I can pitch the idea to the BBC.
Are smart meters being pushed in Oz and do your EV’s get powered from the general household supply or have a requirement to utilise their own dedicated meter?
They have been pushing smart meters in Australia for getting toward 20 yrs now. One way was to govt subsidize solar power, and the smart metres came with it. People ask me why I dont get a subsidized solar setup – and that is why. I believe new houses must have smart metres.
I read that 28 of the 70 electricity retailers in the UK have gone bankrupt in the last year, mainly because of rising electricity costs squeezing them up against the price cap. Mostly due to the rush headlong into “renewables”.
As it appears that most smart meters weren’t compatible with other retailers meters, there will be a few problems there. And with over 60% of homes in the UK not having a garage or off street parking, the idea of overnight charging may not be popular.
As for your proposed film for the BBC I bear bad news. They stopped the Goon Show years ago. Althought the idea that EV’s can be driven by day, charged by night while also supplying power to the grid allowing a reliable supply from renewables would seem a bit silly even for that show.
Not sure what has been going on with power generation in the eastern states but only Victoriastan is producing more than the demand .
Due to large use of Electricity was moved to Smart Meter in early 90s – recently upgraded to new Smart Meters
I have been happy with Smart Meter as with Pool and Spa with separate filtration systems and pumps, Time Of Day (TOD) Charging is the best way to go and with NRMA Discount 26% Electricity if paid on time with Simply Energy and around 18% Discount same on Gas very Happy with smart meter
Gas is very old fashioned meter and I take photo every 3 months and send to Simply Energy as the Guy who came to read Gas meter seems to have stopped.
Sydney Water just replaced old water meter, but not with auto reading, just updated meter on old.
I have 3 phase power and no Solar Panels
No inclination to go EV, but with 3 phase could put heavy duty charger in carport area if I wanted to.
They have been mandated in Victoria for about a decade now and the vast majority of mechanical meters were replaced by 2013. The disconnect procedure needed many more hoops because it just became too convenient for suppliers to shut off power to houses that did not pay their bill. There are now regulated disconnect procedures that suppliers must follow.
There are not many EVs in Australia. There are some high end suburbs where fast chargers pose a threat to the integrity of the supply.
I expect every country will follow the UK in preventing car charging during peal consumption time – that requires a separate supply that can be remotely switched. In Australia, it would make sense to charge cars through the middle of the day to level the demand curve. That would likely require workplaces to install charging points.
A full duplex electricity supply won’t come cheap.
But we’ll have a safe sink for the regular excesses of renewable energy with all those hundreds of thousands of EVs off the road charging so hang the expense.
Why has this fantasy evolved? Who’s done the modelling?
Charging EVs in the middle of the day seems to put the entire Snowy 2.0 project out of action, does it not?
Isn’t the rationale for S2 that there is / will always be excess power production in day-time off-peak periods, and that this “un-needed/un-used” power can be sent to pump water uphill to Tantangara Reservoir where the water will wait until needed, to be released to the underground power station down at Lob’s Hole/Ravine?
When, instead, EVs get that “un-needed” power, what will pump the water from Talbingo Dam (where it goes after passing through the Lob’s Hole turbines) back up to Tantangara?
Snowy 2.0 yet another Govt-knows-best lemon? Renewable ClusterF’ck after C-F’ck!
The whole country is hating on Novak Djokovic right now because he had the courage to do what most of us did not – stand up for himself.
Novak’s principled stance has only served to highlight the fact that millions of Australians have allowed themselves to be abused for the past two years. And no one wants to admit that.
good book to read is:
Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour by Helmut Schoeck.
With more than 70,000 cases a day and a 90%+ vac rate, an unvaccinated tennis player is clearly the biggest risk to the nation. The headline should be; “Unvaxxed tennis champion braves Covid hotspot”
5 monkeys were placed in a cage. Everyday a bunch of bananas was lowered in but if any monkey approached the bananas all monkeys were immediately fire-hosed. After a short time the monkeys became afraid of the bananas. Subsequently, a new monkey was placed into the cage. He wasn’t afraid of bananas, but every time he approached the bananas all the other monkeys would attack him.
Welcome to Australia 2022.
Good one harves!
Indeed a good illustration of what’s happening with humans. However, there is a big difference between monkeys and people. People are supposed to have critical thinking skills that can smell a scam a mile away. A person would try to grab the people who are deliberately playing games and throttle them, then eat the bananas. It’s called self-defence.
Please do not underestimate the common folk who have had to be threatened, bullied, abused, cajoled etc etc non-stop for two years to get them to this point. The huuuuge majority have NOT gone willingly into this!
Now, however, that many (who knows how many, since ALL the stats are rather dodgy) have been beaten down and been gene-jabbed, the effect of permanent vax-induced micro-clotting probably HAS rotted their intellectual abilities.
What I’m saying is that most DID smell the scam, but they have been crushed by the forced gene-jabs. the masses are annoying, but they ARE victims of evil intentions. Keep your ire for the MFs who did this!
I realize that but “following orders” is no excuse when it comes to the survival of democracy and our freedoms. United we stand or else we fall and complete tyranny takes over. We get the government we deserve then becomes the tyranny we deserve. More and more people need to take a stand and resist passively. I can’t see than happening though. Each time a draconian action is introduced, more people lap it up rather than resist it. Social credit scoring is becoming popular and I know some who can’t wait for it to be introduced. Ignorance may be bliss in some circumstances but in this case it’s a disaster given the type pf politicians and others in authority.
Djokovic visa: It’s shame, set and match … and the Djoke is on us
Chris Kenny
It is not about Novak Djokovic.
Love him or loathe him, the Djoker is one of the greatest tennis champions of all time and the way this country has pushed him from centre court to the federal court in a farcical circus shows us not what winning has done to his character, but what coronavirus has done to ours.
Djokovic was given proof of vaccination exemption from Tennis Australia and Victoria, and applied for and was granted a visa from the federal government. But he spends this weekend in detention, as yet another target for public Covid shaming and political grandstanding.
The Queensland women who went shopping in Melbourne and returned with Covid-19, the footy fans who broke to rules to see Melbourne win the AFL grand final, and the Adelaide teenager who did not head straight home from a nightclub when he received his Covid positive text – we want to take out our virus frustration on people. It is futile, the virus will outlive any of our rules.
The reality is that Djokovic is more likely to catch Covid-19 in Melbourne than bring it in – especially given he has already had the virus. Presumably he tested negative before the flight – which is a requirement for all those who travel to Australia.
It is absurd that we are encouraged to treat the unvaccinated as lepers given that more than 90 per cent of our compatriots are vaccinated and the latest virus variant is spreading wildly, mainly via fully vaccinated people.
The unvaccinated are a risk to themselves, not the rest of us.
As a fully vaccinated person, I could care less whether the person next to me is vaccinated or not. But mobs like to identify a bogeyman, and politicians love to fuel such antipathy to justify their power grabs and deflect criticism.
The reality is that Djokovic is more likely to catch Covid-19 in Melbourne than bring it in – especially given he has already had the virus. Presumably he tested negative before the flight – which is a requirement for all those who travel to Australia.
It is absurd that we are encouraged to treat the unvaccinated as lepers given that more than 90 per cent of our compatriots are vaccinated and the latest virus variant is spreading wildly, mainly via fully vaccinated people.
The unvaccinated are a risk to themselves, not the rest of us.
As a fully vaccinated person, I could care less whether the person next to me is vaccinated or not. But mobs like to identify a bogeyman, and politicians love to fuel such antipathy to justify their power grabs and deflect criticism.
There are two reasons the Djokovic case is an abomination. First, he abided by the rules as they were outlined. Second, those rules have become redundant – mandatory testing is sensible to minimise infections in the confined spaces of 14-hour flights, but vaccination status hardly matters now when both our vaccination and infection rates are so high.
The Djokovic Djoke shows how the federal government apparatus has been caught up in the same paranoia, crowd-pleasing and disproportionate nonsense that has bedevilled five states.
Good for Chris Kenny.
At the very opposite end of the sporting spectrum I can still play golf indoors in a retail simulator but not outdoors at a driving range or in the sun and the rain on a golf course.
I believe I can also drive from Melbourne to Yarrawonga and play there.
You can still attend the Ashes and sit amongst 20000 strangers, but playing golf with 3 friends is way too risky, eh?
It’s a Djoke!
None of this is about the virus. It is about double standards – Australians abhor the privileged getting special treatment – the onepercenters!. An almost identical situation unfolded with Johny Depp and his dogs. They entered the country without following required protocols and were deported. The Pistol and Boo saga made Barnaby Joyce a folk hero in Australia despite his personal dramas. Pistol and Boo got a good deal of press coverage back in 2015 and the spat still continues long after Heard and Depp separated. Heard has named her new dog Barnaby Joyce so it will be something she never forgets.
Tennis Australia misinformed the international tennis association on entry requirements. That is Novaxx’s dilemma. After 14 days in hotel quarantine, he will be able to stay lawfully. Others have been granted permission to quarantine in isolated facilities and he could probably do that but I think 14 days from arrival will be past the start day of the open – 17 Jan. He will be seeded so they could set his first match for 18th. He might have given himself time to make that just in case.
I think it’s our famed tall-poppy syndrome exposing itself.
Chris Kenny writes sense….especially when noting that Djokovic’s risking much more than the 95% of vaxed folk he’ll maybe encounter.
Something else to consider; most opponents of pure-bloodedness eventually fall back onto the “if they get sick they’ll cost us money for treatment”. which obviously does not apply to Novak.
Also, that Novak is being put in a flea-bag hotel when he is very willing to pay for a 5 Star joint out of his own pocket, indicates this is vindictiveness at work.
A total disgrace and a real stain on Australia!
You are no longer “fully vaccinated” — you are “keeping you vaccinations up to date” — the new Fauci catch-phrase.
The goal posts just got officially kicked about a mile down the road.
Days after White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci said that the federal government is mulling the definitions around what it means to be “fully vaccinated.”
“We’re using the terminology now ‘keeping your vaccinations up to date,’ rather than what ‘fully vaccinated’ means,” Fauci said during a National Institutes of Health-hosted commentary.
“We need to find out what the durability of protection of the third shot is before we start thinking about the fourth shot,” Fauci also said.
Meanwhile in France . . . vaccine acceptance has fallen from 80 percent for the first two jabs to 35 percent for the third booster shot.
This will not end well. The masses are finally starting to perceive what has been done to them.
Novak Djokovic court documents confirm he tested positive for Covid in December
Novak Djokovic claims he was told by Australia’s Department of Home Affairs that he had met the requirements for quarantine-free entry as an unvaccinated traveller, explosive court documents have revealed.
The documents, submitted by Djokovic’s Australian legal team and publicly released on Saturday evening ahead of his court challenge on Monday, claim he received the correspondence on January 1.
That letter stated the world number one’s Australia Travel Declaration had been assessed and that his responses “indicated that he met the requirements for a quarantine-free arrival in Australia”.
Djokovic was officially granted a visa to enter Australia on November 18, and later received an exemption to formally defend his Australian Open title.
The court documents have also confirmed that the Serbian superstar was granted a medical exemption because he was infected with Covid on December 16, which was confirmed by a PCR test.
It is the second time Djokovic has contracted the virus having tested positive after the ill-fated Adria Tour in 2020.
From first principles, he is here, uninfected and is no risk to anyone. Let him play. Remember what public health is all about? By not being jabbed, he is hurting NOBODY. I suppose Novak can’t understand completely farcical arbitrary “Rules”. Especially as they all seem to have a faceless acronym “committee” behind them. If he has been infected and recovered, he is many times BETTER than having had the vaccines. How do I understand this? It is all in the scientific data, that it is suppressed as part of the great “Noble Lie”. Novak has become the Idee Fixee of the masses for “Two minutes of hate” to cover up the explosion of the Omicron variant which is “Nature’s Vaccine”.
My latest scribble:
Energy anguish hits Britain
By David Wojick
The beginning:
We are just weeks into winter and already an energy crisis is starting to burn in Britain. Part of this anguish is directed at climate policy, especially net zero.
The Brits are way ahead of the US when it comes to threatening people with direct hits, so this is no surprise. We have high natural gas prices, but they are being told they will have to pay huge sums to insulate and convert their gas heated homes to electric heat pumps. We have high gasoline prices while they are threatened with outlawing new fuel-fired cars. The stupidly green government has even suggested that personal car ownership might be ended. No wonder the Brits are running hot.
One aspect of this green shock is that supposedly conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson was elected largely because of his role in Brexit. That he was a roaring green was not part of his popularity. Under his leadership the UK has taken the global lead in climate madness. This includes floating various surprise radical proposals at COP 26, all of which mercifully sank. Thus he is the natural lightning rod to attract the energy anger.
What is especially interesting is that the mainstream press is on board with the people. Here are some nasty headlines from six different papers, from just a few days. Imagine months of this!
The headlines, and more, are in the article.
“Citing the figures in the current safety report of Germany’s renowned Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) from December 23, 2021, found “frightening” results: “In the last eleven months, 4 times as many suspected adverse reaction reports and 4 times as many deaths in absolute numbers were reported for COVID vaccines alone than in the last 20 years for the totality of all vaccines used in Germany.” …..
“In terms of presumed deaths per 1,000,000 vaccine doses, there are 21 times as many deaths with COVID vaccines as with all other vaccines vaccinated in Germany in the period 2000-2020. Expressed as a percentage, that is 2,200%.”
Interview: Watch Martin Armstrong Expose the WEF and Great Reset
Yes, up there with the monkey story mentioned by Harves at #7.2 (at the time of writing) is the Stanley Milgram (author of Obedience to Authority) experiment which Armstrong supposes is key to understanding why people will wear masks when alone in cars. Thanks.
From NTZ… death rate from mRNA jabs is at least 21 time higher than other vaccines.
NTZ is regarded by many as a propagator of pseudoscience with little factual reporting. A majority of the published articles written by two contributors – owner Pierre Gosselin and Kenneth Richard. Although Gosselin and Richard make use of legitimate scientific research papers in many of their claims, their conclusions are often distorted or misguided and cherry-picked data.
Others also regard NTZ as a very biased source of information
Why am I not surprised you rely on dodgy sources to support your assertions
A coward’s way to start a post.
If YOU see errors in fact or interpretation, raise the matter under your own name, don’t use some vague appeal to authority or consensus.
A coward’s way to start a post.
The truth hurts does it Hanrahan? Or does it unnerve you?
Lots of comments commence with a statement and many make observations concerning errors. That NTZ is regarded by many as a propagator of pseudoscience a claim supported by appropriate references unlike many comments here that contain no supporting evidence.
Ian, my fully serviceable heart scared the crap outta me a few weeks ago. Took a week to get back to normal. I know personally that the jab is unsafe.
On the other side of things I’ve had 2 jabs and a booster and have had no untoward symptoms whatsoever . I know personally that the jab is safe.
Only 2.. !!
Go for gold… aim for 3, 4, 5
Keep up with the pack. 😉
mis-read sorry.. you have had a booster as well.
Why ? Didn’t the first two jabs work ?
They did, he got a third.
Woody, they are called flocks. (Didn’t think I would ever be correcting the use of English)
Wrong.. NTZ is more often on point.. and backed by solid science…
… that is why they catch the flack.
Opinion pieces from climate alarmists and other propaganda sites are meaningless and highly biased misinformation.
No-one who uses the word “denier” as a descriptor has any scientific validity whatsoever.
Try to find reliable fact-based sources in future.
.52 degs warming in 10 years, the man made component is 4% of the increase, .0208 deg, shut it down, shut it all down now. .2 of a degree in a hundred years. Im not going to wet the bed about that.
Can I offer you a towel Ian.
Ian. Alas, the data is directly taken from the Paul Ehrlich Institute which is a German govt outfit.
You know that there’ve been so many deaths from the gene-jabs in Oz that the Comm Govt has established a special payment as compensation, and to cover funerals….yet you persist in claiming all is more-or-less OK.
What IS the go with your rabid defence of this evil?
BTW: Feel free to tell us why the Govt should be paying the compensation etc…and NOT the manufacturers.
“Ian. Alas, tIf you read my comment on NTZ he data is directly taken from the Paul Ehrlich Institute which is a German govt outfit.”
If you read my comment on NTZ you will see I wrote
“Although Gosselin and Richard make use of legitimate scientific research papers in many of their claims, their conclusions are often distorted or misguided and cherry-picked data.”
Their presentation of the PEI data is a typical example of their unethical behaviour as is borne out below
The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which is in charge of vaccination in Germany, has been looking into 113 reported deaths in the country. In all these cases, those who died were aged between 46 and 100-years old and died between one hour and 19 days after receiving the vaccine. Of those 113, 20 died as a result of the COVID-19 infection (19 of them did not have full vaccination protection; the other case is still unclear). 43 people died as a result of pre-existing conditions or other infections, according to Brigitte Keller-Stanislawski, the head of the PEI’s department of safety for medical products.
“Based on the data that we have, we assume that the patients died of their underlying disease — in a coincidental time with the vaccination,” she told German broadcaster n-tv. While she did not comment on individual cases, she said, “They were very seriously ill patients with many underlying diseases.”
“If the elderly or people with severe pre-existing conditions are vaccinated, there will be a certain number of accidental deaths that occur shortly after vaccination, which cannot be causally associated with the vaccination. In its latest safety report, the Paul Ehrlich Institute highlights the cases of 20 vaccinated individuals who died in the setting of the COVID-19 disease.
According to Ulrike Protzer, a virologist at the Technical University of Munich, the number of deaths after vaccination is below the expected number of deaths without vaccination. “If you make that comparison, it’s actually the case that fewer died after the vaccination than one would expect,” she told public broadcaster ARD.”
“the number of deaths after vaccination is below the expected number of deaths without vaccination.”
They have zero clue how many death there would have been without vaccination , except by “models”.
So the comment is unsupportable.
“we assume that the patients died of their underlying disease “
Funny how they “assume” the person died of underlying disease when the person in vaccinated, but of covid if not vaccinated. 😉
And of course, anyone that died within 2 weeks of the vaccination, was considered “not vaccinated”, so died of covid, rather than the vaccine.
Easy way to fudge their very misleading analysis. !
Other might refer to it as a “cover-up” 😉
Funny that the numbers you use are totally different from the data given in this link…
Have you disingenuously chosen a totally different thing to comment on?
“their conclusions are often distorted or misguided and cherry-picked data.””
You are talking about “climate change” reporting in leftist newspapers now, correct…
… you know, like the two propaganda “fact-farce” links you posted above ?
113 people died just after being jabbed.
20 died of Covid
43 died of pre-existing conditions or other infections,
Which means 50 of 113 people were killed by the vaccine. Why can’t they say this??
“According to Ulrike Protzer, a virologist at the Technical University of Munich, the number of deaths after vaccination is below the expected number of deaths without vaccination.”
She is talking about comparing vaxxed with unvaxxed when both get Covid, something that has nothing to do with deaths from the vaccine.
PEI seems a dodgy site to me….
Ian. The important aspect is that the Oz Govt now admits and accepts liability for deaths (and funeral costs) for pharma products manufactured by giant Pharma Firms….
A special payment = a special problem. Govt accepting liability whilst simultaneously vigorously promoting that same product to EVERY AUSTRALIAN = deliberate and deadly malfeasance.
Have YOU ever heard of any govt (or even a company) which admits a product IS deadly but then continues spruiking it 24/7 regardless? This is weird as F, so what’s the go here?
BTW: The NT is a very weird case. Known killer jabs must be submitted to, or else PERMANENT lockdown. Your take, Ian?
Comments such as yours are regarded by many as totally irrelevant to rational discussion.
I am not surprise you use rags like the dailykos and “fact-checking” opinion sites as your source of misinformation.
It is noted that you were, as usual, not able to argue the actual facts put forward by NTZ.
As for the word “denial” used in your link… Pierre and Kenneth bases their summaries on actual fact and data, and peer-reviewed papers…. not hear-say.
The word itself shows the far-left bent of your sources of mal-information and baseless opinion.
No-one has been able to say what deniers actually “deny”, that there is real scientific proof for.
Perhaps you would like to try. 😉
Your first opinion link says about NTZ…
“The website downplays human influence on climate change through false interpretation of data from scientific research.”
Now, you need to prove that humans have an influence on global climate.. something which has never been done…
So the opinion page starts with a fallacy….. and shows no let-up.
I am not aware of this publication but surely the story it tells can’t be true?
If it is, the unvaccinated are being put under de facto house arrest
Yeah, that’s the Northern Territory for you.. the heat drives people crazy! Both them and West Australia have leaders with some insanely grandiose ideas, it must be the isolation.
For how long though? If indefinite then it’s time for PM Morrison to pull his finger out, step in and take over the territory. What the NT is doing is working towards the kind of stuff that happened in Naz1 Germany. It must be stopped and stopped ASAP before it creeps to the states.
That’s in the Northern Territory where a certain amount of eccentricity is observed. The diktat will be (mostly) observed in Darwin where there is a high percentage of Public Servants but not elsewhere.
Mind you, some politicians esp. in Victoria would like to bring in the same order. On the grounds that the 90% people vaxxed and (supposedly protected) are in danger from those who could get the virus and give it to them. The classic case of blaming a minority to try and get support from the majority.
The Northern Territory has a significant number of unvaccinated indigenous people with other medical issues. The NT has limited hospital resources and basically nothing in remote locations. Overall the 85% of the population over 16yo have been vaccinated. The requirement will be coercing others to get jabbed.
The chances of vaccinated people ending up in hospital due to covid is extremely low. Most of the vaccinated cases in hospital entered the hospital for other reasons and were found to be carrying the virus so are treated in a covid ward. By comparison, there are plenty of unvaccinated younger, otherwise fit people requiring invasive covid treatment. I know because my son is admitting people to a Victorian hospital that has high covid case load. He does not know how many have delta or omicron though.
Northern Territory could have a health crises where few will be able to access appropriate treatment if needed. There are some population similarities between NT and South Africa where omicron went rapidly through the community without high death rates – NT may get lucky. South Africa’s cases peaked 20 days ago so their deaths should be peaking now – 551 deaths yesterday in a population with very low vaccination rate. I expect even remote communities in NT have higher vaccination rate than SA.
So two years into the greatest ‘pandemic’ in modern history, and hospitals still have ‘limited resources’?
Guess so when that Pfizer bill is due and you’ve given huge tax breaks to media to proselytize a single solution.
Limited resources is what you get when you sack your resources.
Limited resources is what you inevitably have when there is, on average, 1 person per 5sq.m.
“1 person per 5sq.m.”
Sq metre? – would be a bit “sardinish” for the NT
Sq mile?
Square mile, got the numbers from the 1960’s Pornstars Almanac.
Nothing has changed in Northern Territory. The average population density is one person for every 5 km^2. Roughly 5 times the area of the entire United Kingdom and a population of 250k. This is from NT Health:
So far a total of 2099 cases and 1 death. They are simply not able to handle a lot of cases in unvaccinated people.
Sure they can if only they swallow their pride and move aggressively to supply prophylactic and early treatment therapies including antivirals and anti inflammatories (such as IVM) and positive general health information, eg increased outdoor exposure/Vit D supplementation, regular mouth wash and gargling, increased physical activity, eating better, etc, as other countries have demonstrated.
Low cost, low risk programs which at worst lead to improved health outcomes generally.
Serious Q. What has anyone got to lose worse than the current situation ?
I used to take great pride in our country and how smart our ‘experts’ were. The scales have now fallen from the eyes well and truly…. now I am in despair at the gross and mass stupidity on display.
Except its the Vaxx junkies spreading their plague, not that it worries me. Funny how limited resources is an issue now, the population spread has always been the same, but don’t let that stop you spreading your porn.
1 in 3 QLDers have the plague, still know none of them, amazing.
So, during the ‘deadliest pandemic’ in modern history, the national government is unable to provide life saving assistance to the poorer parts of the country?
Save for free vaccine?
Sounds unprogressive to me.
That darn Trump.
So… I’m sure quite a lot of people on here are familiar with how the vaccine RNA gets delivered through the cell membrane. Then it somehow finds its way to the ribosome complex, even though it is coming from the membrane and not out of the nucleus, and the roadways in the cell don’t point in that direction.
Ok, it gets turned into a spike protein, that’s fairly well understood, but apparently then it uses magic to get outside the membrane again. I expected that foreign proteins inside the cell would be counted as a ‘not-working or not-complete’ protein, a mistake, and get ripped up by a protease.
Has anyone seen an explanation of how the spike protein gets from the rbosomes to the outside of the cell? It just seems to have been ignored by the manufacturers and scientists making comments about how the vaccines work.
Good question, KP. The explanations I’ve seen indicate that the newly created spike proteins don’t leave the membrane entirely, they just poke through it, attracting clotting agents and making blood clots. But I have no idea how they don’t get recognized as foreign proteins before that happens. How do other viruses work their replication magic? Shouldn’t they all have the same problem? Do cells even have a way to recognize internal foreign proteins, or is that ability limited to immune system agents circulating around on their own (antibodies)?
As I understand it the virus will copy its DNA/RNA first, then make the proteins for the envelope, then make the assembly proteins, and the last part of the viral DNA codes for cell lysis, the proteases that rip the membrane apart and release millions of new viral particles. So a virus keeps all the proteins inside the cell until the new virions are assembled.
You’re right in that the cell doesn’t have an internal immune system, or whatever it has gets overwhelmed by the virus RNA making foreign nucleic acids & proteins, its just like cancer in a human. Foreign molecules displace cellular ones and interrupt normal pathways & processes.
Mine you, that was virology more than a few decades back now! We’ve learnt a lot about the molecules in the cell and especially the nucleic acids since, but not much about the amazing organisation it must take to keep or move each molecule to its proper place.
Years ago we were taught that viral replication continued inside the cell until such time that the cell explodes. The newly released virions then attached to the neighbouring cells and the cycle is continued.
Yes, that’s right Chris. So a virus in nature waits until the cell disintegrates and releases them all.
A spike protein must have some other way to get out of a cell and leave it living, unless the cells that get infected by the vaccine do actually explode to release the spike proteins.. Its a pity they don’t tell us these details.
Latest Kunstler
“When That Ol’ Mojo Stops Workin’”
“ – etc”
Covid hits Tasmania
Panic queues for testing.
Supply problems – North America
BUT there is a circular from Coles warning of “lack of items” here. One town supermarket is rationing mince per customer I heard.
All Coles stores are rationing everywhere except WA.
And Woolworths on the radio earlier today
Blocking high over Argentina causes extreme weather.
Why do they use F and not C?
Sometimes I use F ‘n’ C together in the same sentence… fish ‘n’ chips, for those of you with naughty minds.
Blocking high over NZ (plus the perihelion earlier this week) causes woke media to scream this lovely summer warmth is un-youknowwhat-ed! Meanwhile low pressure sits to our west, ie. Australia, and to the east, where failed cyclones go, to disappear into the Roaring Forties. May this (temporary) status quo remain the same: long live La Nina!
Natural variables overwhelm AGW.
May I (with Jo’s indulgence) offer a weekend meditation?
The constant, unrelenting anxiety generated by the current world situation is one of the ways by which our health is being undermined.
Worry and anxiety erodes our quality of life, disturbs the regeneration we need from sleep, and depletes our immune response via floods of cortisol.
Where can we find relief from all this stress?
Once we might have found it in religion, and many still do find it there.
But what about those who have fallen out of the security once provided by religion?
I would like to suggest that there is a place of sanctuary in our troubled, anxious psyches, if we care enough to search for it.
It may be found, I argue, via meditation – but meditation on what, by what system?
Any formal practice of meditation might lead to results, but those results are dependent entirely on the technique involved.
The meditation I have in mind has no formal practice or underlying philosophy or doctrine, but is as simple as what the Indian thinker J. Krishnamurti calls “choiceless awareness.”
That is, a non-focussing, general acceptance of all experience, whether from external or internal sources – from sensations of the body to the movement of thoughts.
That is, a state of awareness without comment or judgement.
The state which such choiceless awareness brings might be compared to that of a muddy pond, whereby the ONLY way to clarify the opaque water is to do nothing but observe it.
Non judgement of experience is like non-action with regard to the pond: the lack of any interference allows the turbulence to subside, the sediments of worry begin to settle and the water slowly becomes still and clear.
Thus choiceless awareness alone – without mantras, systems or beliefs – can clarify the muddy, anxious pond of our minds.
Some call this state “mindfulness” – but I would prefer to call it mind-emptiness.
An interesting aspect of this approach is to discover what it is that interferes with choiceless awareness – what might make it difficult?
It is, I would suggest, the constant presence of one particular thought: the one we call “me”.
Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
Net Zero, this is 6 months old, but relevant until 2030/50. An hour long.
It appears the supply chain is starting to fail, who would of thunk.
Fully vaccinated and boosted Fabienne Schlumpf has suddenly developed myocarditis. Why is this noteworthy? She is the Swiss marathon record holder, finishing 12th at Tokyo, a European silver medalist in the 3000m steeplechase and is only 31. People in her sex, age and health cohort do not develop heart conditions without a severe viral infection (which she hasn’t had). As with Australian champion cyclist, 20 year old Sarah Gigante, who developed myopericarditis after her second shot, Fabienne’s career may well be over.
The temporal proximity of getting a Covid “vaccine” shot and developing a heart condition would warrant an investigation, along with a pause on use of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines, if science was still being followed.
If you read German,
The Covid World has done excellent Covid Tyranny reporting, providing both red pills and white pills:
Everyone was told that those who did not get the jab would regret it, but now it seems that the opposite is true.
In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility.
Magnificent. Despite two years of programming, biological reality rears its devastating head:
Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of widespread perception among men that they are infertile or will bear children with birth defects. One man, who wants to remain anonymous, said:
“In clubs, they claim they’re NOT vax’d. They say things like ‘Oh COVID is bullshit‘ or ‘I don’t want to try this new experimental shot‘.
“However, after going out with them several times, the women finally admit they took the vax . . . and watch as most potential husbands leave them almost on the spot.”
The person went on to say that at least two separate women asked him why he would break off relations with them over something like the jab, and he told them:
“I don’t want defective children and I won’t get closer to a girl who lied to my face from the start.”
Women lie.
The positive from this is that they are lying because male preference has forced them to recognise the lay of the land, so to speak.
I saw that, which is interesting. I’m a tad skeptical that it is more than a few cases at this stage.
as I am Unvaccinated, the pressure from Family who have all been vaccinated, including 6 teenagers with youngsters being lined up, has been relentless and many times erratic (as now with Omicron, as lots of live in Youngsters friends test positive), plus unable to eat with Tuesday Lunch mates till now. Pressure, now from Cancer Clinic, though they did accept home RAT Ttest yesterday (begrudgingly) – I can sympathise with any woman who has had the Vaccine – Society pressure is unrelenting.
I find the attitude of the males shunning the women is incredibly horrible.
Is this what Society has become, being turned on each other? – Chris Kenny in his article Djokovic visa: It’s shame, set and match … and the Djoke is on us summed Australia up.
Victoria has 51,356 infections, nine deaths, and NSW reports 45,098 infections, nine deaths seems to show up the uselessness of Covid Vaccines.
My female GP thinks I am an Anti-Vakker and totally disagrees with my thoughts on Ivermectin, but continues to telehealth me.
I will email what I sent to my list of MPs above, to her as well, and I will take Novavax when TGA approves(definitely dragging chain on approval)
Australia has spent Billions on Testing, Shutting down Businesses and Vaccines that do not work – US CDC changed definition of Vaccine on 1 September 2021 from Vaccine provides Immunity to Vaccine provides Protection
The NSW Health advice above for when you test positive for Covid-19 is a pitiful.
TGA Australia banned Australian Doctors from issuing to their patients a Nobel Prize Winning Drug Ivermectin that has been used safely for years as medication and which can be used in early treatment of Covid-19
Why does not NSW Health suggest the use of Ivermectin as an early treatment?
Are we stupid in Australia or just plain Dumb?
After the collection of each subject’s baseline personal and medical information, ivermectin was offered as an optional preventive treatment to each person, consisting of light dosages of 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight for two consecutive days every 15 days. 133,051 (60.3%) participants accepted the treatments and 87,466 (39.7%) declined, providing the study with exceedingly large sample sizes for both the treatment and control groups.
As a result, the study reports that the “regular use of ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality,” which following adjustments for “residual variables,” reached 70%. Further, the hospitalization rate of the treatment group was 56% lower, and after similar adjustments, 67%.
“These results indicate that medical-based optional prescription, citywide covered ivermectin can have a positive impact in the healthcare system,” the study’s authors concluded.
The reverse might also apply, with women seeking out Pureblood men to marry.
If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not exist, Steve Bannon would have to invent her. She is indeed the gift that keeps on giving, well after the holiday season is over. And now we learn that the person whose “democratic” socialism requires carbon dating to see how old and decrepit it is thinks Republicans don’t like her because they secretly want to date her. How that’s hot, as in hot mess. I hope she is the face of Democrats for a very long time. Did anything else happen this week?
Covid vaccines rapidly show negative efficacy vs Omicron
And there are strong indications from recent Danish hospitalisations that Omicron infection is more severe amongst the vaccinated
Victoria has 51,356 infections, nine deaths, and NSW reports 45,098 infections, nine deaths seems to show up the uselessness of Covid Vaccines.
Nothing to do with the vaccines. Those Victorian case numbers have skyrocketed since Novak Djokovic arrived in Australia.
Chuckle. 🙂
Analitik, I don’t follow the logic there.
During that study period 77% of the Danes were fully vaccinated against Covid19.
If the vaccines were neither good nor bad and had absolutely no effect whatsoever, you’d expect 77% of people showing up in hospital for any reason to have been vaccinated against Covid19. That appears to be basically what happened. Surely this implies the vaccines are duds?
But you cannot get less effect than zero effect, so on what basis do you say the jabbed fare worse than the unjabbed with Omicron? Especially as Omicron did not begin stealing market share from Delta until right near the end of December. This more contagious strain did not result in daily hospital covid admissions increasing slope, so cumulative hospitalisations would still be in exponential growth but the exponent hasn’t changed. That is not what we would expect if either Omicron was more contagious, or that the jabs were worse than no jab against that new strain.
It’s not necessarily rotten in Denmark but there is something puzzling there. 🙂
‘cannot get less effect than zero effect”
The proper interpretation is- with negative efficacy the jabbed person is more likely to get infection than if they did not have the vax.
This is exactly what would be expected if the vax destroyed natural immunity, replaced that with its own, but the immunity from the vax declines faster than natural immunity recovers -if it ever does.
An interrastng comparison of vaccination rates and fatality rates at the present time:
Fatality Rates
Russia 4.71%
United States 0.209%
United Kingdom 0.0826%
Australia 0.0223%
Vaccination Rates
Russia 45.6%
United States 62.3%
United Kingdom 71.6%
Australia 77.4%
Vaccinated people are still ending up in hospital but they are usually there “with” covid. Most of the unvaccinated people in hospital are there because they have covid. My son told me of two in their 30s who were discharged from hospital but were still coughing blood after they had recovered enough to be sent home.
Link please.
How do you know vegans aren’t being hospitalised disproportionately?
One of these countries is not like the others,
One of these countries does not belong.
Next thing you know they will be using strip-barked trees to find a suitable data set to cherry pick tree growth caused by a hypothesized Global Warming.
Russia may be reaching the final act of the Soviet Era. An ageing population dying in isolation, unloved by the Mother Russia. The lucky are found in the thaw with lips wrapped lovingly around their favourite Vodka. Sadly though, a much kinder death than hoping for an ambulance unable to hold the phone because of a stroke or jammed against the toilet door as is happening as we return from interlude to find our National Health System is busy seeking new efficiencies. A central bureaucracy hard at work to find much needed funds to go carbon and gender neutral. Meanwhile, our government is busy following the Soviet model and ridding our society of those pesky small businesses and the reliance on a family network. Promoting instead the obviously efficient State provided services, free of the evil profiteering.
That be the case when you have Pneumonia, you cough up sputum laced with your blood, someone may listen to your chest and send you for an x-ray, are given a course of antibiotics and sent home.
So let us work on it RickWill. Provide those scary anecdotes so we to may relinquish our freedoms to a Totalitarian regime and we too can be rewarded with a result like Russia.
Now look at all cause mortality in those countries – the insurance companies are presenting the real picture.
All cause mortality in Australia is down over the last two years.
Both USA and UK have people now dying of long covid complications. That is not happening in Australia because there were very few covid cases during lockdowns. Cases in Australia have only increased since lockdowns were eased after vaccination level reached 80% in over 16yo. The vast majority of Australians are vaccinated and experience mild symptoms with covid.
WHAT? What evidence do you have for that?
Post viral syndrome is basically what “long Covid is” & it is NOT a condition that leads to death!
South Pole frozen over in coldest winter on record.
Study Confirms Southern Ocean is Absorbing Carbon
In a NASA-supported study published in Science in December 2021, scientists used aircraft observations of atmospheric carbon dioxide to “show that the annual net flux of carbon into the ocean south of 45°S is large, with stronger summertime uptake and less wintertime outgassing than other recent observations have indicated.” They found that the waters in the region absorbed roughly 0.53 more petagrams (530 million metric tons) of carbon than they released each year.
Go home Greta and play with your dolls…
Revolution topples Kazakhstan government in less than 24 hours
All over fuel prices…what happens when the food shortages begin and/or the reality of experimental vaxxes kicks in???
The warning we ignored.
An almost 40 year-old interview with an ex-KGB Defector, Yuri Bezmenov, has re-emerged and is going viral. Why is it going viral now? Del sits down with the journalist who conducted that interview, G. Edward Griffin, for a deep dive into the Russian spy’s extraordinary warning to the American people in 1984, and why this warning must be heeded today.
[John, I’ve emailed you the rest of the comment so you can split and post. Great style of commenting, and very useful! Just a bit long. I can see you did a lot of work. Thank you. Jo]
“Computer models suggest that 40 percent of the human-produced CO2 in the ocean worldwide was originally absorbed from the atmosphere into the Southern Ocean, making it one of the most important carbon sinks on our planet. ”
Yep! Southern Hemisphere countries should be getting PAID for the NH CO2 we absorb! The whole global warming scam is a NH problem, we shouldn’t get involved at all!
…and they seem to have the Kazakh under control again-
“President Tokayev claimed on Friday morning that the country’s security forces have managed to largely restore constitutional order in all the regions with local authorities now back “in control” of the situation. The state of emergency will now therefore be gradually lifted, the president said.
The use of lethal force was also authorized by Tokayev, who announced the launch of an anti-terrorist operation and dismissed the notion of negotiating with “bandits and terrorists” as “nonsense”. Law enforcement and the military are now allowed to use lethal force and “shoot to kill without warning.”
Almost 4,000 people have been detained around the country since the beginning of the unrest, while 26 armed people have been killed, according to statistics from Kazakhstan’s Interior Ministry.
Peacekeepers from Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan were deployed to Kazakhstan earlier this week, with Tokayev saying they would stay “for a limited period of time” to support the local security forces.
Also from
Is there anything climate change can’t or won’t impact? So now raw milk is at risk due to climate change. New study per the link below but the usual catch all word COULD. Shouldn’t be drinking raw milk anyway for this exact reason.
Since the only places with any real warming are urban areas, from urban heating effects….
… cows and milk processing will be totally unaffected.
And even if there were some effects, there are plenty of ways of getting rid of microbes.
Yet another failed “model.
Easy to test.
There is at least 10 deg change summer to winter in temperate regions. Is there a massive increase in microbial contamination every summer? No? Then it is BS.
So true. BS all the way. 🙂
First job I ever had was on a dairy farm although the cows were dried off over the summer and there was no irrigation.
Isn’t calving in spring so milk production falls off in summer anyway? I milked a few cows at Gatton College myself.
Yes but some farms on irrigation keep going through summer .
Why Don’t We Cut Out The Middleman And Just Elect Pfizer & Merck?
If we no longer have the capacity to distinguish between moral legitimacy and self-serving corruption, then we might as well eliminate the Middleman and vote directly for Pfizer or Merck.
There’s a fancy word for cutting out the Middleman: disintermediation. Removing intermediaries who take a cut but neither produce nor add value makes perfect sense, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Maybe it’s time to eliminate the politicians who soak up hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions from corporations and the super-wealthy and just elect Pfizer, Merck, Amazon, General Dynamics, etc. directly. Since corporate lobbyists write most of the legislation anyway, why not cut out the intermediaries in the process?
The super-wealthy buy political power via Political Action Committees (PACs and Super-PACs), think tanks and philanthro-capitalist foundations (Gates Foundation, et al.). Now that it takes tens of millions of dollars to buy the conventional “winning campaign,” the political class spends much of its time fund-raising, i.e. lavishing kisses on the derrieres of corporations and the super-wealthy, implicitly promising to do their bidding better than the alternative candidates that the corporations and super-wealthy could buy.
Politics has been reduced to claiming to serve the public while serving as handmaidens to a neofeudal autocracy. The public would be well-served by stripping away the obfuscating artifice and fakery and revealing just who’s in charge.
Our “democracy” is nothing but an invitation-only auction of political power cloaked with fine-sounding excuses. Politics has always been about money, so this is nothing new; I would love to serve the public interest but gosh-darn it, I need to raise $30 million pronto or I’ll lose my seat at the banquet; we’re the party of noble idealism and public service, blah blah blah….
America is nothing but a vast moral cesspool that the public is told is a pristine pond of wonderfulness. The secular religion is self-interest cloaked as caring, profiteering sold as “value,” fraud packaged as “finance” and rapacious monopolies marketed as “enterprise.”
Oh no, H5N1 (birdy flu) has jumped to humans. The only person to contract it has no symptoms, but they killed all his birds anyway.
Deer have contracted COVID.
The animal kingdom is out to kill us. Tally will be up dated daily by “Dick Won’t”. 15 mins long
Woman has 5 shots but no antibodies!
Say after me “safe and effective..” 😁
Normally called Croup
I wonder if Australia is experiencing the same problem for the same reason, LOL
Stores are Running out of Tampons
R.I.P. Covid-zero
How can there be so many cases when nearly all the population in double jabbed !! 😉
Could it possibly be that the jabs are almost totally ineffective against catching the infection.
Yep, don’t seem to be able to shake this cold!
I was doing some woodwork today.. without a mask. (I usually use one)
Started sneezing and coughing…
Should I get tested for covid ??
The most disturbing thing about this is not you working your “wood”, but the fact you felt you had to tell me about it.
I wood strongly advise you wear a mask, or point it away from your face.
You should probably avoid a test as the one you need would likely see you locked up.
A question of others taking quercetin daily.
Has it helped your blood pressure? Replying to Ian above prompted me to take my BP. It was 113/66. Y’day it was 120/68, both with no medication. Quercetin is the only addition to my supplementation.
Mine is higher but good for me 128/78 resting 59 – have been taking Quercetin with bromelain for over 2 years
No, but I’m on heavy-duty blood pressure tablets anyway, which may skew the outcome. The QCT may be an irrelevance for BP in my case. Have been on QCT/Bromelain since early August.
You realise that difference you’re quoting is very small in any case? It is well within the noise of daily variation.
Do you turn your forearm with palm upwards when taking a reading? You should to get a proper reading. A small change in the position of your arm can make a fair difference in apparent BP. You can also get different BPs in different arms.
Sorry Beo, I didn’t explain myself well. These are the readings from the last two days. In shooter’s parlance they are a group.
My GPs drive me to distraction over BP, we are at odds. They LUV someone with high BP: Easy to test, easy to prescribe, easy to lecture. For me they then overprescribe. I have had a couple of hypotension events from medication errors which I can do without.
I have no idea what is “normal” for me. I stop taking the meds, go to the doc, have white coat syndrome and get lectured again how I MUST take them every day. My average is about 135/73 when I feel I’m cruisin, and I am happy with that, allowing for age. I am happy with what I have now but definitely don’t want lower: Bin there.
Getting worked-up a lot about stuff designed to get you worked-up, also does not help BP stability.
observation Quercertin seems to have been pulled from the shelves in pharmacies.There was a lot a week ago but nowhere to be found now
Did everyone know that for the last 5 days, Arctic sea ice extent has been at a 17 year high.
Above every year back to and including 2005.
Yes – it was on their ABC news report three days ago. I expect BBC covered it as well.
Also pigs can fly and I have a bridge for sale if you are interested.
Yes, Arctic sea ice extent is presently within the 1981-2010 (30-year) interdecile range.
Probably been linked before, but well worth a listen
CNN’s Dana Bash: “Are cotton and surgical masks effective at preventing the spread of Omicron?
FAUCI: “They are”
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) January 3, 2022
There you have it. Saint Fauci has spoken. There will be no Omicron if you just bung on a cotton mask.
But the report that the CDC uses to answer that question implies that cloth masks are not effective.
The study is reported in the British Medical Journal and was performed at 14 secondary-level/tertiary-level hospitals in Vietnam, where standard practice involved use of cloth masks.
It involved 3 groups of hospital workers, one group was required to wear surgical masks continuously through their shifts, a second group was required to wear cloth masks continuously, and a third group (the controls) was supplied with cloth masks but were not required to wear them continuously but to follow normal procedure.
The results:
Accordingly it is less safe to wear a cloth mask continuously in a high-risk environment than to wear it occasionally.
UK school kids rebel against COVID dictatorship demands.
According to education officials, “huge numbers” of children, in some cases as many as 95 per cent, are refusing to wear face masks in school or take COVID tests.
This came after the instruction from the Carrie/Boris government reported previously where all UK school children were to get at least 2 lateral flow tests per week indefinitely.
France may see 40% electricity price surge by February.
The French authorities are working on further measures to restrain spiking energy prices, the country’s finance minister said, issuing a warning about political fallout ahead of a presidential election.
“Look what’s going on in Kazakhstan, it’s quite indicative of what can happen when energy prices explode, it’s politically dangerous,” Bruno Le Maire said on Friday.
“If we don’t find a solution to the electricity prices in the days to come, the French will see at the end of January an increase of 35-40%.”
Someone should have told them not to allow UK and Germany to bring their stinking intermittency into the network. It hollows out dispatchable generators till the inevitable crunch.
Cardiac arrest is very rare for people under 30. Today, 13-year-olds dying from cardiac arrest are pretty common. The one thing they all have in common: recent vaccination with the COVID vaccines.
Before the COVID vaccines, cardiac arrest = very rare
After the COVID vaccines, cardiac arrest = not so rare
So, given the evidence is there to show they are going out of their way to kill children how come the MSM, politicians and doctors are not all over it like a rash? Rhetorical question of course.
One up for blogging
Read the links and comments before opinionating
“Democracy is apparently the greatest threat to our way of life”
So you get the idea
“This is from the comments to the vid which kind of explains what’s happening.
Okay, it’s really quite simple. The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose you’ll be protected. Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, the restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading. I am confident that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we’ll have no reason to fear the eighth dose. The clinical phase of the ninth dose will confirm that the antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose. The eleventh dose will insure that no new mutations will develop, so there is no longer any reason to criticize the twelfth dose.
What else is there to know?”
Governments and the rich who hold the puppet strings to tied to them hate democracy because they don’t trust the people to make the right decisions. The game plan for some time now is to get rid of democracy. It’s up to the people to put a stop to it at the ballot box before the ballot box is taken away or made useless. Given most people are not that interested, it’s very likely democracy as we know it will cease soon. In that case perhaps they are right but for a different reason, we the people can’t be trusted to make the right decision at the ballot box so what’s the point of having a democracy? None at all if people don’t bother to wake up. At the moment we get the government we deserve, soon we will get the tyranny we deserve.
Taken to its logical conclusion, democracy is 50% +1 goes. The lazy, the communists, the dumb as dogpoo all have a vote and vote to use the strength of the state to pick the pocket of the productive.
They and the uber-rich combine to steal from the middle class – the only ones worth stealing from. Let the sub-classes steal from each other: Keeps them busy
You describe a paradox in the manner of Zeno of Elea.
But each of Zeno’s boosters would divide the distance and make progress toward immunity. Coronavax boosters only offer the idea of such progress.
Perhaps you never can reach the goal while the fear reduces with each booster.
On the plus side, the really harsh lessons are the ones that tend to stick.
Breaking News: Their ABC has provided the latest protocol for dealing with COVID-19 in the home. This is so important, that I am filing it right next to “Duck & Cover”, you remember, in case of a nuclear attack.. 🙄
Gordon Bennett! Was that a spoof?!
Shouldn’t the person who put his name to the documents ordering Australia’s 250 million, ‘A’ variant, covid19 shots, get some sort of a medal?
Fancy being in a cue to get tested for hours then waiting days for a result only to be told sorry your test is invalid .
“U.K. Anesthetist, Dr Steve James, Tells British Health Secretary the Mandatory Vaccination Rules Make No Sense for Those with Natural Immunity
January 8, 2022 | Sundance | 2 Comments”
Particularly the graph there
And #40 this thread
Yep, as I posted previously, in France vaccine acceptance has fallen from 80 percent for the first two jabs to 35 percent for the third booster shot.
Seems a handy description
“Pat from kerbob
Reply to
January 8, 2022 1:21 pm
A very entertaining opinion columnist (now dead) George Jonas, wrote about this many times and had a priceless phrase
“Educated beyond their intellectual means”. ”
In comments at
“Exponents Are A BITCH”
From there for discussion IMO
“As is apparent from a very large study group in Britain, the data continues to show that series is valid but also has a much-more troubling aspect to it, in that it appears that the Moderna jabs are worse than the Pfizer ones. This is important because much more mRNA is in the Moderna jabs. Further, the exponential factor appears to be a doubling with each dose for the Pfizer shots, which means the risk is a power function and not linear, and the fact that now we have booster data and the series has continued means the risk does not bleed off back to baseline over time.
We don’t know with the Moderna jabs when it comes to boosters as there were not enough boosters given to get statistical power.
But the second shot showed sixteen times the risk from baseline instead of four for Pfizer.”
More there.
Steve McIntyre has a look
“Safe And Effective ®”
It’s extremely hard to be funny in the written word, so much so that you should probably not even try. Which makes this Craigslist ad all the more remarkable, because it is very funny. So much so that we’re contravening an unofficial Jalopnik policy of not posting Zany Craigslist Ads to this website.
First, the ad in full. It has been taken down from Craigslist but you can still view in its original glory on the Wayback Machine. It’s title was, “1999 Toyota Corolla — Fine AF.” The text:
You want a car that gets the job done? You want a car that’s hassle free? You want a car that literally no one will ever compliment you on? Well look no further.
The 1999 Toyota Corolla.
Let’s talk about features.
Bluetooth: nope
Sunroof: nope
Fancy wheels: nope
Rear view camera: nope…but it’s got a transparent rear window and you have a f@cking neck that can turn.
Let me tell you a story. One day my Corolla started making a strange sound. I didn’t give a sh@t and ignored it. It went away. The End.
You could take the engine out of this car, drop it off the Golden Gate Bridge, fish it out of the water a thousand years later, put it in the trunk of the car, fill the gas tank up with Nutella, turn the key, and this puppy would start right up.
This car will outlive you, it will outlive your children.
Things this car is old enough to do:
Keeping score
“Aussies Beat the Yanks and Europe”
Latest Pointman
Sums up America under Hiden Biden
To anyone but the determinedly blind, it’s been obvious for at least the last eighteen months that Biden is senile. The Dems stole the 2020 election and got away with it but that raised the tricky question of what to do with a doddering old fool of a candidate who by the time he took the oath of office couldn’t barely string a coherent sentence together unless it was being fed to him through an earpiece by one of his handlers.
Some situations nobody can plan for in advance because it’s fate interfering with what was a reasonable course of action – all you can do is manage the problem in front of you. In common with most observers, I expected some sort of graceful medical retirement after six months of increasingly embarrassing gaffs followed by wheeling in Heels Up Harris as president pro tem until 2024, by which time they’d have legally nailed down the whole freshly corrupted electoral system of the banana republic the United States had become. By then, they could install any compliant puppet.
What that assessment didn’t take into account was two things. The first was the taste for power his unelected and therefore unaccountable handlers might acquire having had a taste of such heady stuff. Like all faceless bureaucrats, it went straight to their head. It was all going so well, this puppet masters stuff. An emasculated press corps was retrained to never ask an unrehearsed question on the rare occasion they were even granted a live audience with their mouthpiece, both houses of congress and both parties were cooperating and the executive and judiciary branches of government knew which way the wind was blowing and went straight back to their swampy ways.
The leaders of foreign countries know exactly what the true situation is and how weak and incompetent the handlers are, so they’re taking the opportunity to take the piss big time in areas like the South China sea, Taiwan, the Ukraine and even the regional maniacs like Iran are having a go.
Tawdry effort ending up with the “publically” solecism; thanks anyway.
If you are in any doubt about the danger to health posed by these gene “vaccines” here are 1,000 research papers that argue the case.
Yes -these are opinions, scientific or otherwise – but they are substantial to the counter argument.
Print them off to show to contemptuous and sanctimonious doubters.
I apologise to Jo for posting an article (but properly, not published) I came across which listed some thousand articles in journals examining the effects of the gene “ vaccines”.
Unfortunately, the valuable link was prefaced with fairly wild conclusions. It is a pity, because the collection of articles was a valuable source of scientific scrutiny of the vaccines.
Not to worry Vicki. Everybody knows that the “vaccines” are safe and effective with the sole proviso that you should not allow them to be injected into your body.
Nolte: Teacher Charged with Locking Son in Car to Prevent COVID Exposure
Texas teacher Sarah Beam has been charged with locking her son in the trunk of her car to protect herself from catching the coronavirus.
“The woman faces a charge of child endangerment after she arrived at a Covid-19 testing site with the 13-year-old boy in the back of the vehicle, according to an arrest warrant filed Wednesday,” reports far-left NBC News.
This alleged lunatic is a high school English teacher. According to authorities, she drove into a drive-thru COVID testing station in Houston on Monday and told the people her son was locked in the trunk in order to protect herself from getting infected. Earlier, he had tested positive with the China Flu. So she was bringing him back for additional testing.
According to the warrant, the staffer asked to see the boy, and sure enough, Mom Of The Year opened the trunk, and the poor kid was lying inside.
The staffer reportedly told her to put the kid in the backseat and then called 911. As a result, the mother has been placed on “administrative leave” at her school and an arrest warrant for child endangerment has been issued. She is not yet in custody.
With all the caveats about innocent until proven guilty and all that, here’s another look at one of the hysterical morons who have control of your children all day, every day, for ten months a year in our rotted and corrupt public school system.
I really should have read this article BEFORE the one about Joe Biden being senile and the Craig’s List Corolla ad.
Truth really is stranger than fiction. That is providing of course that it is possible to tell one from the other.
Poll: Vaccinated and Boosted Americans Are Most Concerned About Coronavirus
Americans who have gotten vaccinated and boosted against coronavirus are the most “personally concerned about the coronavirus threat,” according to a Rasmussen poll released on Friday.
The report states:
Interestingly, being vaccinated against COVID-19 doesn’t relieve concerns about the disease – in fact, the opposite appears to be true. Vaccinated Americans are more concerned about the coronavirus threat than the unvaccinated, and those who have gotten COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are most concerned.
Among unvaccinated Americans, only 36 percent are concerned about coronavirus, including 13 percent who are very concerned. Vaccinated respondents are much more wary, with 75 percent saying they are worried about coronavirus, including 41 percent who are very concerned.
Eighty-one percent of those who have gotten the booster say they are still concerned about the coronavirus threat, “including 48 percent who are very concerned.” The survey was conducted with 1,000 American adults on January 2-3 during an ongoing spike in omicron variant cases nationwide.
Global Warming Continues
Tokyo: 525 People Hospitalized for ‘Falling on Ice’ in Record Snowfall
More than 500 pedestrians and bicyclists were admitted to hospitals across Tokyo between Thursday and Friday for injuries caused by “slipping and falling due to ice and snow on the streets” after the Japanese national capital region experienced its heaviest snowfall in four years, Kyodo News reported on Saturday.
“A total of 525 people, aged between less than 1 year old and 100, were taken to hospitals in the capital, including a woman in her 60s who suffered severe injuries,” the Tokyo Fire Department confirmed on January 8.
After many years of habitually crying “Wolf!” there’s an actual tropical cyclone forming off the North Queensland coast. This one will not be the usual asymmetric, hopelessly sheared-up, dehydrated elongated trough, that BOM farcically, shamelessly and stupidly routinely call a “Tropical Cyclone”.
No, this is not one of those this time. This one will be an actual tropical cyclone with good symmetry, good-vorticity, low-shear, high-humidity and SSTs around 30C range. Iirc TC Debbie in the Whitsundays was the last proper cyclone.
This one will come ashore mid-afternoon tomorrow but should reach Cat-1 cyclone strength by mid-afternoon today, if not sooner. It will have a bit over 24 hours to spin-up, and conditions look good for it. It could get to an intensifying Cat-2 at landfall, near Cape Grenville and Princess Charlotte Bay or just south of them, then cross the Cape and reform in the Gulf within 72 hours to become much stronger cyclone next week.
The core meso-vortex (giant waterspout) plus a 22 km wide rotating donut of storms started to show-up on IR, and visible images, at about 5:03 PM yesterday (-76C) with a much larger meso-vortex complex and proto eye inside a new 62 km wide inner-core convective column appeared at about 6:43 PM just after sun down. The near-region started the spiral in towards the second one.
The cloud top was -80C, it punched up from near sea level to well into the stratosphere, in under 15 minutes. By 10:30 a proto Central-Dense-Overcast was present and 340 km in diameter.
At 4:40 AM this morning the core pushed out another large donut of storms at -80C, and from that point the radial cirrus outflows became much stronger with numerous -75C storm cell tops formed from that, and a true CDO ‘bulge’ appeared after this, with storm-laden spiral arms forming and feeder bands growing fast.
The lower winds are yet to accelerate, but that will spin-up from here into a proper tropical cyclone, with a full CDO, fully-closed circulation and some proper banding and a complete eye-wall structure. As it tightened-up it shrunk down to ~400 km (E – W).
It will become a quite dangerous storm in hours with demonstrated potential for rapid intensification jumps.
A 5th cycle of deep convection began at 11:10AM.
Darkest area shown is below -80C, and 110km across.
Satellite IR data does not extend below -80C, so this huge area of intense convection was almost certainly colder than the indicated -80C.
Extremely deep convection over a large area = rapid intensification. It is getting spun-up now.
The middle grey tones in the CDO are also ~72C. It stopped moving South, but this blow-up has dropped pressure sharply to the north of the prior ‘centre’, and that jolted the entire core 10 to 20 km northward fast. It will consolidate there before moving westwards.
I just read the BOM 1:25PM “Technical Bulletin” and their modelling forecasts a Tropical Cyclone might form on Wednesday, 13th of Jan, 2022 in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Meanwhile, I’m watching the final stages of a tropical cyclone forming. Their Bulletin was out of date hours before it was published. Observations of what’s actually happening don’t count.
Their model’s absolutely useless “guidance” …
So there might be a cyclone develop on Wednesday!
Is this not going to turn into a Tropical cyclone until sometime Wednesday?
This system has been under obvious continuous rapid intensification and structural development since about 11:10 AM.
Calling that a “tropical storm” is not allowed, so don’t even think about it, it’s either a Tropical Low or it’s a Tropical Cyclone. There are no Tropical Storms. Head-office said those have been discontinued.
The BOM’s media bloke has moved in next door. Any specific concern you would like me to ask of Ze?
What could you say to the guy? … they’ve messed up so badly, and just keep doing so.
Bottom line is, everyone wants BOM to do its job properly, and most of all, to succeed at doing it.
The problem is, they’re hopelessly incompetent, and lacking the focus, ethics and interpretive capacity needed to be effective actual human weather observers, and timely communicators.
It’s an appalling situation–not for them–for Australians. We don’t have the weather service professionals for pop-up situations like this, the human talent pool just isn’t there anymore. They really don’t know how to operate effectively.
Yeah? I bet my Flurona can beat your Cypricondelta..
What’s next…oh, the big one.
Starting to see social media posts displaying results of an individual bloggers Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT’s) seemingly as a kind of rite of passage. Pretty wierd social phenomenon considering that RAT results are unreliable to the extent that sometimes they are not reproducible for subsequent tests. Is the RAT becomming like a theatre ticket?: ‘Admit one covidiot into covid theatre 3 to see a possible future cult movie’: ‘The RATS of Covid’.
Interesting how diseases themselves aren’t the primary driver of death. The 1918 so-called Spanish Flu is a case in point.
The primary factor was vital pneumonia caused by face masks and that could have easily been avoided. In short human error/ignorance/stupidity. Inadequate vitamin intake and indeed understanding of same, lack of significant sun exposure did the rest.
Similarly for superbugs. They’re still with us and as Pfizer said “we’ve shot all our bullets; we’ve got nothing left”.
Yep. People’s obsession with cleanliness has caused the rise of superbugs. Avoidable.
Again with Covid – sanitise those hands people! 20 times a day.
The Canadian Medical Association Journal reported hand sanitizers don’t affect viruses like we hope, “Alcohol-based hand sanitizers may not be the panacea for hand hygiene they were once supposed, as mounting research indicates they may not be effective substitutes for soap and water, and in some cases may actually increase the risk for outbreaks of highly contagious viruses in health care settings.”
With their studies on the norovirus they reported, “Of the 45 facilities that reported preferential use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers in a recent survery [sic], 53% experienced a confirmed outbreak of norovirus, compared with 18% of the 17 facilities that used hand sanitizers less often than soap and water.”
Good old soap and water…
Thankfully skin contains Keratin otherwise everyone would be in ICU’s.
The point is that we’re CREATING a scenario far worse than Covid-19.
By failing to understand the very nature of disease and by engaging in practices that counteract and negate the highly efficient immune systems that we have, we are setting the stage for the next real plague.
The law of unintended consequence reigns here.
The NWO population reduction plan is going to backfire in spectacular fashion.
Stay tuned.
Gorgeous HD Footage Shows Humanity’s Final View of The James Webb Space Telescope
We can all breathe a bit easier now. In spite of a launch bedeviled by problem after problem, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is finally in space, making its way to its new home.
And if you needed a little reassurance that this is the case (which is totally understandable), the European Space Agency has released footage from the Ariane 5 rocket, which filmed the telescope in glorious HD as it zoomed away.
In the three-minute real-time video, you can watch as Webb separates from the rocket, moving away, the solar array deploying after 69 seconds.
Surface Forces: China Loses Another Customer
January 7, 2022: Australia has run into problems replacing its aging offshore patrol boats. The last six of its 18 new Cape-class boats ran into problems when it was discovered the China had sold Austal, the Australian builder, sub-standard aluminum. Austal dropped the Chinese as a source but fixing the problems caused by the defective metal delayed delivery of the last six boats by up to nine months. In addition to the cost of replacing the defective Chinese metal, there was an additional $32 million needed to keep older patrol boats in service a little longer. Without these additional costs each of the last six Cape-class boats was to cost $42 million each.
The Armidale’s replaced the 25-year-old Fremantle class boats, which entered service in the early 1980s and were all retired by 2007. The Armidales were the first Australian designed patrol boats while the Fremantle’s were British designed, and not very successful in Australia. They had stability problems, and a long list of lesser complaints. The Armidales were designed to overcome all of the Fremantle’s shortcomings. The 300-ton Armidales were longer, at 56.8 meters (186 feet) than the 42 meters (137 foot) long 220-ton Fremantles. The two classes have the same crew size, 24, although the Armidales also had accommodations for another 20 passengers (special forces, or whatever). The Armidale’s have a cruising speed of 40 kilometers per hour, and a range of 5,400 kilometers. Armament consists of a 25mm automatic cannon. Also carried are two RIBs, which allow the crew to carry out boarding, surveillance and rescue operations. The Armidales were built to be at sea up to 250 days a year. To keep patrol boats at sea this often, each vessel has two crews, which rotate the sea time. Primary missions are coastal patrol, interception of smugglers and illegal fishing.
Wars Update: You Can’t Hustle The East
January 4, 2022: This is our annual summary of current war zones and an overview of where it is all heading. After this overview there is the alphabetical list of the war zones and a quick summary of how the local mayhem has been proceeding. Since we have been covering this sort of thing for over twenty years now there are many war zones that have gone quiet. We left most of those in summary, with a note that those wars had gone dormant, and maybe extinct. History shows that dormant is more common than extinct. Forever wars, or at least multi-century ones, are an ancient tradition.
Overall things are a lot more peaceful than the headlines or Internet chatter would have you believe. Like most major trends, world peace just kind of sneaked up on everyone and a lot of people have not noticed. Thanks to modern tech, mainly ubiquitous access to cell phones and the Internet, any mayhem anywhere on the planet easily becomes another news item for a global audience. This gives the impression of more violence when it is nothing more than unprecedented general access to violence that until recently was never broadcast worldwide and accompanied by video. That gives a false impression that has not been widely acknowledged. Historians, anthropologists and archeologists have found that centuries ago life was a lot more violent and we have long known that life spans were much shorter. This is still the case with surviving tribal and Stone Age cultures as well as what we have come to call “failed states” like Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan.
“You Know the Global Elites are Triggered When the Propaganda Institutions Collaborate to Refute “Mass Formation Psychosis”
January 8, 2022 | Sundance | 106 Comments
Well, butter my buns and call me a biscuit… if this ain’t the biggest revealing tell in years.
Apparently Big Tech and big propaganda media, Reuters and the Associated Press, have joined together to refute the concept of “Mass Formation Psychosis”, and pushed their collective narrative into the narrative engineering system:”
More at
British social psychologists no longer read Sigmund Freud. Freud introduced the concept of “mass psyche” in his 1913 book, Totem and Taboo: Resemblances Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics- and later further developed a concept of mass psychosis.
BOM predicted just 3 hours ago that this will turn into a Cyclone sometime on Wednesday.
But not today, today it’s just a Tropical Low, forget what it looks like. I just hope the people up there in small fishing boats are smart enough to know by now that the BOM are completely useless at cyclone forecasting.
Oh, and they’re completely useless at cyclone classification too.
Nope! Change of Plan!
Now “Tropical Cyclone Tiffany“, as of 4:45PM.
But the earlier 1:25PM forecast remains at the top of their TC warnings page!
Oh my gawd … what a disgrace …
Oh, and they finally worked out it could be an intensifying Cat 2 at landfall.
Bit late for the people in boats who needed that warning this morning.
Letter to Dr Death from a real doctor, well written.
Dr Simon Stilgoe
Qualifications Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of SurgeryUniversity of Rhodesia 1980 FRACGP 2009 Occupation General Practitioner (GP) Gender Medical Specialties General Practice Links
Congratulations! As you and your colleagues pat yourselves on your collective backs and brag about a “world-leading” approach to the coronavirus problem, what you have actually produced is a community with 0% herd immunity and 100% herd insanity. We are like a fresh agar plate in a laboratory waiting to be infected. But anyone with a firm understanding of virology, immunology, epidemiology, sociology and human psychology could have told you this would happen. I presume you have a panel of experts that advise you? They would have known this would happen. So, they have either not advised you correctly, or you have chosen to ignore them – I don’t know which scenario frightens me more.
QLD minister of health D’ath (I don’t know why they us a ‘ instead of an e)
A Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Australian National University must surely helped D’ath beside work experiences as a waitress to become the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services and Leader of the House in Qld during this terrible “deadly pandemic”.
ANU comes up a lot with these people
This is an excellent but vey long video from Mike Yeadon explaining how certain batches of vaccines are toxic, and the conclusions that he draws.
Just to point out that exactly 24 hours ago this did not exist. The first indication it was coming was at 5:03 PM yesterday afternoon. Here we are, 24 hours later, and it has been almost continuous rapid development, and now rapid intensification on top since 11:10AM this morning.
I’m really annoyed that BOM failed to warn the people who need to be warned.
BOM constantly calls mere messy troughs “tropical cyclones”, but when a real and fast-developing genuine tropical cyclone shows up, they completely stuffed it up. I knew by 7 AM this morning that we would have a dangerous storm in the area by mid-afternoon today. And I wasn’t guessing, it was clear from the developmental trend what was taking place, and it went exactly as I expected it would.
It’;s totally unacceptable IMHO, that BOM are this incompetent at a real-world cyclone, and cyclone forecasting and its responsibility. They exist to do it so that the people who need the information will get it in time. And that did not occur. This is a service and responsibility that should be taken off BOM, as they’re simply no longer able to perform it with any level of competence. They don’t have the basic capacity.
Which is unforgivable, and infuriating.
It’s really simple BOM people, if you see the above, a big blob of clouds near or above -80C, for hours on end, and getting bigger, with radial spikes radiating away from it like that, it means one thing, and one thing only, you are looking at very rapid intensification adn deepening of the central pressure, and in a few hours you’ll have a cyclonic system on your hands that’s much stronger than it currently is.
It is unforgivable that BOM did not act on this obvious indication of trouble to come, 5 to 6 hours earlier than they have.
They could have switched to 1-hour warnings at 1 PM! And didn’t. They could have used the warning signal, but didn’t. What is the good of crying “wolf” with mere coastal troughs, and then when the real thing comes along, you won’t even warn people, or use the warning signal!
This situation is what that signal exists for! What a regrettable failure this has been. You are the people we rely on?
We need someone else to do it, it is much too important to leave it to BOM to screw things up again. When awareness was what was needed they did not have any.
I can take one look at this current image, and I know with certainty that that will be a Cat-2 within hours, and probably bordering Cat3 by midnight. Possibly Cat-4 by landfall tomorrow afternoon, if that visually very obvious rapid intensification continues.
Truth to Power
Thank god it wasn’t Cairns or Townsville that got no warning of that coming at them this time.
7/1/22 ?
Hmm …our ABC went back and rewrote history, by the look of that.
Danistair won’t like this
As expected, TC Tiffany cleared its eye out, and tighten up rapidly into a Cat 3 cyclone just before its southern eye-wall crossed the northern tip of Cape Melville. It’s beginning to cross Flinders Island now and will probably remain a Cat 3 all the way to landfall on the western side of Princess Charlotte Bay. Just hope no one is still sheltering in the bay, which is where scores of fishing boats, fuel barge, and mother-ships often shelter from rougher conditions.
Oh, btw, BOM’s last warning at 4:45 AM called it a Cat 2 with 130 km/h gusts. Incompetent BS! How could they have possibly missed the signs of what was clearly occurring?
The storm had typical Cat 3 structure, and was very rapidly intensifying just before first land crossing. It may still be intensifying as it’s still almost all still over very warm waters, it’ll be ~31 degrees in the bay, easy, as the deepest parts of that bay are no more than 30 meters. This will have had at least 190 km/h winds and ~225 km/hr gusts when the southern eye-wall clipped Cape Melville.
You can see from the visual image as the sun rises that the tiny eye of TC Tiffany is still over water. Looks like no part if it made it overland as yet. That bay’s waters will be very warm this time of year, I know the area well. It’s entirely possible the storm impacts the western side of the bay as a strong Cat 3. The land is very flat and low-lying, so storm surges can move water literally ten km inland over the western side of the bay coast.
The structure and definition on IR looks like it’s resumed intensifying after an initial land interaction of the outer core. The eye is small, and the inner eye-wall does not appear to have impacted the coastline yet. There are three small very-low wooded islands in the bay area and a lot of reef. The water in there will be much warmer than in the open GBR lagoon area.
The entire core is fully over very warm waters again. Anyone who has worked or fished there knows how much warmer the water in the bay area is.
The storm has also gotten about 40 km wider E-W, plus the core’s very deep convection area has also grown ~20 km wider again, and throwing out long radial spokes into the stratosphere once more (@ > -80C … amazing to see that).
So it’s clearly intensifying again before proper landfall. I had a boss in the mid 1980s who told me he’d seen radar reflection images, showing the sea going 30 km inland in the western and southern side of the bay after a big cyclone. i.e. even once this eye crosses the coast, it will still have warm surge water from the bay supplying it moisture for another 10 to 20 km inland.
All the softness has disappeared from the margins again, looks sharp, definitely getting stronger again. New large deep-convection storms appearing in the outer feeder-banding too.
I hope everyone got well north of the bay overnight.
The core is finally losing its deepest convection levels, and the periphery of the storm has begun to shrink some.
That said, the deep convection in the system remains incredible. It is backing off from -80C to -75C.
US GOM’s Cat 4 to Cat 5 hurricane cloud tops rarely exceed -72C. But this storm’s core has been regularly far-exceeding that for over 36 hours. And what remains in the image above still greatly exceeds it. The 100% white in that image is set at -71C for that reason, All that white area is still exceptionally deep convection.
In other words, this storm won’t lose much strength until that whole white area around the core has turned violet. Real weakening will be occurring when the core turns red (Red = -56.5C, which is equal to the average temp of the ISA tropical troposphere, at 36,500 ft).
Red = -42C
Violet = -56.5C
White = -71C
Black = -80C
As the storm clears later this week, a whole flock of useless fools, from the universities, and ABC, plus the useless self-promoting Green political groups, are going to wring their hands in front of cameras and vigorously bemoan the terrible damage to the reef, the fish, the wild life, and the fishery, from “Climate Change™”.
You can safely discount all of their baloney.
The coral, and also the fish and seafood around the Princess Charlotte Bay is notoriously prolific. Fish and coral absolutely love the warmer waters. Sharks and crocs love it too, they are present because that’s where the food is. The coral grows rapidly in there, and the fishing is incredible. Every older fisherman who’s worked there has stories of what occurs after big cyclones go through the bay. The fishing catch is enormous for the next 2 to 3 seasons, all life in the area blooms profusely.
There will be a very big storm surge from this cyclone because the back side of the storm will pull the bay up to 20 to 30 km on land, and massive rainfall is already occurring there. The nutrient runoff into the bay area will be epic, as will be the sediment. And contrary to the endless legendary BS from coral worriers, and lying greenies, the coral will recover more rapidly than you can imagine. Go there in 2 years, and you won’t even be able to see any cyclone damage, just lots of vibrant health regrowth and very high coral cover.
The environment absolutely thrives on these major disturbances. Counterintuitively, it’s when the disturbances don’t occur for many years that the area languishes and diversity falls and the percent of coral cover drops away, and the system is less healthy. Exactly opposite of what the doomy eco-whiners claim, is what actually occurs. Nature works very differently to how the self-appointed touchy-feely nature experts claim. Major disturbance is a vital ingredient to its health and regeneration.
ah super spreaders, golly, gee, down here in cockie land super spreaders are for manure. When you say super spreader I think politicians.
Eye is now on shore.
It is still producing vigorous convection bands. Most of the weather is on the western side of the eye, plus the storm’s central-dense-overcast is ~340 km wide, which allows it to pick up feeder bands from the Gulf air immediately. The outer western edge of the CDO is already about to cross over Gulf waters. CAPE is high and humidity is ~100%, with a ~1200 km circulation radius, so no lack of storm formation fed by humidity from the Coral Sea and Gulf, at the same time. Seems likely to maintain core structure and symmetry to the other side of the Cape. Should be in it by noon tomorrow, and spinning-up quickly to Cat 3 or 4.
Just to add that none of the computer models performed well during the past 40 hours of development of TC Tiffany. In fact, it’s worth noting how very badly they all performed.
ECM was way off, which is unusual, as it’s usually the most accurate by far. It was terrible, and the question why sticks out. BOM was also dreadfully wrong. But they did belatedly adjust to try to catch up, each 3 hours, so did do better overall. GFS model got the right-ish track, but was too slow, and the intensity and development was way off from reality. ICON was also very bad in all areas.
My guess as to why they all performed so badly (ECM is typically very accurate) is because the system had the most spectacularly energetic sustained convection, and over a large area, so the storm grew so fast due to the pressure drop that produced.
The usual models simply did not see such intense convection coming. They did not realise the conditions for development were as good as they were. Some inaccurate or inadequate observational data density was skewing their inputs, to not see very rapid development as being likely. They all went for extremely slow development!
Something about the input data, gathered from the Coral Sea area, was very wrong. The cause needs to be identified and rectified, immediately.
Nor did the models catch up when the system was clearly very explosively developing after 11:10 AEST on the 9th of Jan. They should have all seen that and adjusted to the new reality. But none of them did! It’s as if they were biased, or rather, the input data fed into them, was biased to not allow them to notice this abrupt development.
And most hideously, even BOM totally failed to recognise the very rapid development and intensification, occurring right in front of their face, and were still reporting a Cat-2 storm with only 130 km/h maximum gusts, at 4:45AM, when the true max gust level would have been approaching 210 km/h, to 220 km/h.
And the implied rapid central pressure drop from such convection seems to not have been recorded (nor even estimated from DVORAK).
All up, this whole automated model-forecasting period has been a complete debacle, for this storm.
It is not OK to recognise this after the fact! This is why forecasting is performed at all, so that we have a good idea *BEFORE* a storm like this pops-up.
Yes, the ECM models did provide an early indication a week ago that a Tropical Low would develop to near Cat 1 speed before crossing the Cape.
But BOM basically said no, that it wouldn’t happen like that, their computer model said so.
It’s beyond disgusting that no clear-headed human cyclone pro was in the loop, checking on such an important development, TO MAKE SURE THE BLOODY COMPUTER MODEL WAS RIGHT!
And all those models somehow got feed garbage, to the point that they did not work anymore.
How did their input data get so degraded?
Or more likely, it simply didn’t exist, just completely interpolated , from thin air maybe?
Did Ventusky do any better?
It gives you access to 3 global models ICON, GFS & GEM
And is anyone within BOM, or Canberra and QLD State Govt politics aware that there exists a slight weather radar coverage issue between Weipa and Cairns? You realise they are 640 km apart right?
Yes, there’s half a large cyclone hidden in there, crossing Cape York.
And seriously BOM, when are you going to update this horrendously bad radar display site? This is not 1996 any more, we do not use 640 x 480 VGA resolution PC monitors. So why does your radar page look like it’s from the digital stone-age?
Can’t provide for a programmer to deliver a page that displays the data from your expensive radars, as higher-resolution imagery that we can all use, to best effect, on modern displays? What’s the good of having an expensive weather radar network, if you can’t see the data it can potentially deliver?
This is the same radar data feed being displayed at high-res.
Why does BOM consider it OK to keep denying the public the ability to see the full data these radars produce?
What astonishingly complacent sloppiness!
But WXcycles:
Surely you’re not suggesting that the BOM supply good quality information to those plebs who think water sloshing downwards means that it is raining?
Next thing they will be querying the pronouncements from the altar about the need for burnt offerings.
The upper plus mid-levels of the storm sheared away from the lower-level circulation near landfall.
The eye remnant of TC Tiffany is visible, sitting close overland to the Princess Charlotte Bay SW coastline.
It’s thus lost its steering-winds, so where it goes from here is not clear, given there’s no mid-level remaining in the storm to guide it along, via mid-level pressure gradients.
i.e. it’s direction, speed and timing of movements just became less clear or predictable.
If there had been contiguous weather-radar coverage between Weipa and Cairns, this would have been seen within minutes, instead of hours.
Will Djokovic get booted from Australia?
No. But the bureaucrats in Canberra are threatening to ban him again.
So instead of getting Covid and developing natural immunity, he will be deported to go and get a double dose of the vaccine that doesn’t work, but gives off a nice ping note.
I can accept that “the law is the law”
I can appreciate that “The minister is the Law”
But if Australia kicks Djokovic out at this stage of the game …
It mixes sour grapes with bad sportsmanship
Just now
I may have to juggle some stock
I could happily use a couple of hundred mm. right now. Looks to be something coming about ten days away:-
Djokovic wins court case against Australian government