A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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When I saw this on twitter I thought it was from the Babylon Bee. But no, it’s from the ABC.
And speaking of the Bee…
Biden Commits To Picking A Diversity Hire For SCOTUS Since That Worked So Well With His VP
January 27th, 2022 –
Just curious, Ric…
Why did you pick The Babylon Bee 🐝? They are a well known satire site.
Except this time there’s no mistake. Wait till you see what she looks like and dig deeper into her politics. She’s a **RABID*** hater of White folk. God only knows how much damage she can do if our spineless Senate confirms this creature.
Ric probably has a sense of humour
IMHO Harris was picked as she is disposable and will be scapegoated with Biden as the ones to blame and dumped into the rubbish bin. Then, a new heroic figure will charge in (?Barry) and clean up some of the mess. This heroic act will induce a swing in the vote from the easily fooled moronic masses. I am just curious to know when this will happen, but I expect after a disastrous midterm election. He of course will only remove the more blatant idiotic window dressing while the deepdown hardcore politico-legal infrastructure will stay permanently as will the DNP bureaucratic control of the federal state. If Trump stands in 2024 at least he will know what to expect from a bureaucracy that has sold its soul to Stalin.
They are called plants but don’t tell the ABC.
Yes, they are creating virtual machines to “filter” what they call “carbon” out of the athmosfere.
One week ago, in there was a post with this title:
Decarbonisation tech instantly converts CO2 to solid carbon
I wrote a comment/question:
“Coal, graphite or girls best friends?“
“girls best friends?”
And it is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next weekend – though Lizzie’s more silver than blonde.
Some things just go together; however, we all know the combination doesn’t survive for too long. Maybe Elton John will release yet another version of Candle In The Wind… oh that’s right, he’s got the ‘rona.
On the morning news they had a special report on how gas cooking stoves are contributing to global warming. I kid you not.
Not just global warming, but harming children!! A double-header of doom…
the ABC labels it “science”…
Maybe if they were all operating at the same time, the heat would warm the world. Insane.
It’s so sad that time, effort and resources are being wasted on absurd schemes such as this.
Think of the huge amount of energy required to process the atmosphere to extract a trace gas present at only 400 ppm them to compress, liquefy and then pump it underground.
When CO2 is produced commercially as an industrial chemical it is never done by extraction or distillation from air as it is too inefficient. It is either made from combustion of natural gas or collected as a by-product of some other industrial combustion or fermentation process.
I would think that extraction from the atmosphere would require more energy than was liberated in the original combustion process.
Plus the volume of liquid CO2 produced is about double that of the original coal from which it was produced. Simarly if it is reacted by some unspecified process to produce carbonate rock.
Just where are you going to put all this stuff?
And what is the magical energy source used to do this.
What they are talking about is the science fiction concept of terraforming.
This is from a warmist website. Even they think it’s ridiculous.
‘The amount of energy required by direct air carbon capture proves it is an exercise in futility’
Removing CO2 directly from the air requires almost as many joules as those produced by burning the fossil fuel in the first place, writes Leigh Collins
The problem of Carbon Capture and Storage. (That phrase Carbon Geosequestration never did really catch on)
As I mentioned in a guest Post here at Joanne’s site seven years ago now, the CCS process is so energy intensive, when it is applied to an electrical power generating plant, it consumes fully one third of all the generated power.
It consumes almost the same power as Desalination, turning salt water to fresh. (Liquid Energy, another of those redundant phrases)
When I first heard of Carbon Geosequestration I thought it would be easy for the Yanks – just pump it into depleting oil wells. Can’t be that easy though.
Back in 2010, Under President Obama, Senators Kerry and Lieberman sponsored what was artfully called The American Power Bill, in an effort to instigate legislation to promote the answer to ….. well, everything I guess.
The Bill was released on April First 2010, and was 987 pages long. Thankfully, it sank without trace and was eventually removed from John Kerry’s pages in November.
The whole Bill dealt with all manner of everything, and included in that was a large section on CCS. As part of that (proposed) Legislation for just the CCS part of the Bill, pumping the CO2 into existing oil and gas fields was expressly prohibited, and any new geological formation for the purposes of pumping it full of CO2 had to be a totally green field formation.
For 3.5 Billion tons of CO2 a year, at that time.
Surely these people would have had advisors who could have told them about the realities of it, but no, just blunder on ahead. They even planned seed money, just a small starter for it of ….. $20 Billion.
At the time, I was asked to cover what the Bill was on about. I made seven separate (long) Posts at the time, and while I only read pertinent parts of the bill itself, as most of it was political jargon on setting up Committees and the like, I just shook my head in wonder that ….. that was what passed for Legislation. Just amazing really.
God Forbid the woke left catch on to humans producing CO2 and breathing it into the atmosphere….they’ll force us to where a carbon capture mask …captures expiration and then traps the CO2 and allows the rest to leave …CO2 gets emptied into a new sealed garbage can for collection each week….
Gerry, I have learned never to challenge the Left with a ridiculous suggestion. They see it as a challenge..
Yes…. I’m tempting fate …..
Not so far fetched. It has already been proposed that cattle wear special diapers to capture methane and prevent the methane from being released into the atmosphere.
I find that after reading the Babylon Bee I am unable to read any “serious” news without laughing.
It’s like discovering the opposite of truth by asking a politician what their opponent would say.
Couple that technology with the technology NASA announced back in April 2021, and the CO2 problem is solved.
In the article NASA announced that they had managed to extract oxygen from the CO2 which makes up about 96% of Mars’ atmosphere. The technology extracts oxygen from the CO2, leaving carbon monoxide as a waste product, which would make it unsuitable for use on earth.
All that is needed is a technology modification so that two oxygen molecules are extracted from each CO2 molecule, thereby doubling the oxygen production, leaving behind carbon as the by product.
Of course if NASA already had such technology they would most likely keep it under wraps in order to avoid the obvious question
Babylon Bee, ABC, either way they’re both satire.
Sadly, THEIR ABCess is ultra serious about being the prime “opnion-shaping” force in this benighted country.
I did my usual scan of the enemy propaganda channel this morning and was greeted by ill-concealed derision about the Reef and Koala capers with both those “issues” being linked to the overarching evil of Klimate change.
Last time I looked, Koalas were marsupials, a VERY ancient form of mammal that has somehow survived continental drift and several ice ages during their residency. Just for giggles, is anyone brave enough to do the numbers on the introduction of Canis Familiaris to this continent. Seen a live Diprotodon lately?
How did the delicate QANTAS bears manage to survive? What was their rang 60K years ago? How much did all those aeons of “firestick hunting” alter the botanical landscape?
WE, the REAL people, are being played, big time.
Per Voltaire:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.
This all sounds like the widely predicted “pivot” from Kung Flu Pron, to full-throttle Klimate Pron. It is, and ALWAYS has been about power and its “use and “distribution”.
The “body count” will be spectacular, as always intended. By comparison,Malthus was a piker; ditto Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot” Always remember that socialism IS a DEATH CULT. Once you have picked a side, get you affairs in order. There is a LOT of players out there who want their “place in the Sun, before they get much older.
Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson Slam Climate Predictions
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Blasphemy, Blasphemy – this is an attack on the religious beliefs of every climate Catastropharian on earth!
A bit long, but well worth your time. One brave Canadian speaks out.
[Caution; post has “Adult Language”, but he uses it well.]
Sample graph:
It seems people have not only caught on that they were lied to the entire time, clued in by the constantly shifting narrative and goalposts, but also that the substance they injected into themselves all willy-nilly not only doesn’t work in protecting them from the virus or spreading it to others, no matter how many doses you take, but does, in fact, actually destroy their immune system – revelations only known now thanks to the several dozens of bona fide doctors and scientists – leaders in their chosen disciplines – who cared more about the integrity of their chosen professions than the money taken by their contemporaries that turned them into whores.
RTWT, as per:
I heard about this in UK some months ago. Worth reading.
That said, we have a new source of information. From Ron Johnson’s congressional hearings, TheBlaze’s Daniel Horowitz reported:
I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.
Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.
Think about this. That’s a threefold increase in cancer among the healthiest among us. What else don’t we know about this “vaccine”?
Why the double-vaccinated in some places are testing positive for COVID more often than the unvaccinated
‘The first thing for me that comes to mind is, I don’t see any biological explanation for this’
As one infectious-disease specialist said, the trend is “curious.”
But why might the double-vaccinated now be testing positive at a higher per-capita rate than the non-immunized? Or as Deonandan put it in his “deonandia” blog , “WTF is going on here?”
“Israel is overrun with Covid. The vaccines have failed. The experiment must stop.”
I totally agree and the citizens are waking up to the scam/lie. The RNA vaccines do not provide long term covid protection. Six months after receiving their RNA vaccinations, data and analysis indicates that 70% of the at risk people, have antibody levels for covid that are no longer detectable.
Omicron, the dominate strain of covid, which is 1/10 as deadly as covid delta, has defeated covid. Not the vaccinations. If Omicron had not been developed we would still be in covid hell with no solution. (Ignoring the fact that Ivermectin and/or Vit D are the natural solutions to all virus outbreaks.)
The RNA vaccinations provide protection for 5 months, at which time a first RNA booster is ‘required’ that provides ‘protection’ for another 2 months, and then a second RNA booster is required however, that provides protection for only 5 weeks.
“At 6 months post-vaccine, 70% of the infection-naive NH residents had neutralization titers at or below the lower limit of detection compared to 16% at 2 weeks after full vaccination. These data demonstrate a significant reduction in levels of antibody in all groups. In particular, those infection-naive NH residents had lower initial post-vaccination humoral immunity immediately and exhibited the greatest declines 6 months later.
Healthcare workers, given their younger age and relative good-health, achieved higher initial antibody levels and better maintained them, yet also experienced significant declines in humoral immunity.”
Denmark becomes first EU country to scrap all COVID-19 restrictions
Following in the footsteps of England, Ireland, and the Netherlands, Denmark has announced that it will soon be dramatically pulling back on COVID restrictions within the country.
Doctors are starting to challenge the dominant COVID paradigms
In medical circles, the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) is one of the most prestigious medical schools and hospitals in America.
That’s why it matters that four UCSF doctors, including the director of the COVID response for the emergency department, are pushing back against California governor Gavin Newsom’s “mindless” COVID rules in schools.
The four doctors and one nurse opened their petition by noting that California exists under the most restrictive COVID regulations in the country, policies that continue even though California is highly vaccinated and has low hospitalization rates. California’s policies, they say, are lagging reality and “have caused considerable collateral damage throughout the pandemic, have long lost their justification as necessary for prevention of serious illness and death.”
They offer a list of 17 action items for Newsom, many of which really ask him to apologize for what he’s done to California’s children. Here’s my abridged version of the list:
The whole article is interesting, but what’s most interesting to me is that at least a few mainstream doctors are overcoming their paralyzing fear of offending leftist dogma and are telling the truth about COVID extremism in America.
Sweden decides against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-11
Here’s my criticism of Berenson’s position – he believes that the mRNA vaxx rollout is “an experiment” which has failed and should now be stopped.
But had this vaxx had been merely a medical experiment, it would have been halted a few months after it began, when the list of deaths and vaxx-injuries began to grow.
This was no “experiment” – it was from the start an attack on the people via the syringe.
Berenson believes his government in the US simply “over-reacted” in an “hysterical panic” – which thus led to so many “mistakes.”
So naive.
Sadly, it’s feasible. When the goalposts keep moving there’s crookery afoot.
I just hope the people wake up to what is being done to them.
Even when the Gnomes of Oxbridge have been proven wrong they will fight to maintain their positions. They have too much to lose.
That was meant to be for bittercenturion @ #3.
This is the year that a swarm of EVs will enter the retail market. The amount of money spent, and about to be spent, by companies is colossal. Add the taxes collected, and transferred to this, and the newly printed money by governments to the pot, and the total is uncountably large.
The upshot of this massive effort is significant advances in battery chemistry, electric motor efficiencies, and auto design (one example: incorporate the chemistry into the structural components). The magazine Motor Trend (USA) is chronicling these developments, and also trying to look a few years (15) ahead.
What I find most fascinating is that car owners are just now starting to encounter the end-of-life of the expensive batteries. See the post by Paul Homewood of January 26 – – “Mercedes owner ‘horrified’ new battery will cost him £15,000 – more than the car is worth”. [with 74 comments in 2 days]
Some governments are mandating all new vehicle purchases be EVs. I wonder if they will be prepared for the replacement battery costs and/or the lack of resale value.
Meanwhile, the CO2-AGW axiom is wrong, so all that follows is either wrong or irrelevant. Oops!
But have they made the transition to first choice Family car and the only vehicle in the family?
A cold day, heating, wipers, music, fans, lights all full on. 4 people and their luggage in the car. A 400 mile journey. You couldn’t just set off it would have to be carefully planned.
With subsidies being removed and charges being levied against them instead of free car tax, free parking, free congestion charges etc etc then the real world costs of these expensive cars will start to be factored in.
Once stories get round the neighbourhood of the cost a neighbour had to pay to swap their battery, add in the odd spontaneous fire or EV’s being banned from recharging in a communal garage then there is likely to be considerable reappraisal
You make valid points.
No, the transition has not happened.
Some of the new EVs are well over $100,000 (£75,000). This appears to be where the innovators have to be to make a profit. The concerns of driving are slowly being met. A titantic load of money does produce results.
There are folks that have the money and a couple of other vehicles so all is good with them. Lower priced autos are soon arriving.
General Motors: “These 30 new EVs will include Cadillac, GMC, Chevrolet and Buick products. GM said they will also encompass EVs “at all price points,” and and for various lifestyles/uses including work, adventure, performance and family. More than 40 percent of GM’s U.S. portfolio will be battery-powered by the end of 2025.”
General Motors To Launch 30 New EVs By 2025 | GM Authority
Note that 60% of offerings will not be EVs. The strategy is based on lots of government incentives and regulations. But, if that doesn’t work as planned, GM will still have a car to sell you. Other companies will likely struggle if the transition goes slowly.
I recently read a long report on Electric Vehicles, points made included;
* No manufacturer of motor vehicles would have attempted to manufacture EV without a lot of pressure from governments for a transition and legislating/regulating to get ICEV off the roads and out of showrooms.
* No manufacturer is making a profit from EV so far because they are a very high research and development and production line costs product.
* One well known EV manufacturer produces a modest profit but based on selling credits to ICEV manufacturers needed until they have EV in production.
Without the European Union Standard favouring EV and penalising ICEV on emissions targets EV sales would be even less than the small market share now.
John,the government don’t have to worry about replacement of batteries etc because WE the PEOPLE will be the saps who pay the bills for them.Let us ALL hope that WE vote the bastards out at the next election.
Also consider the adverse impact of EV batteries condition for trade-in valuation purposes.
“. See the post by Paul Homewood of January 26 – – “Mercedes owner ‘horrified’ new battery will cost him £15,000 – more than the car is worth”.”
Its the same for ICE vehicles also if done by a workshop as most people have to.
A replacement engine for my 2009 truck is more than the car is worth. But the i have a couple of car club cars over 25 years old still with orginal motors. With modern materials science and maintenence they keep going for a very long time.
THAT is why there was furious push to get old? cars off the road under “cash for clunkers” programmes. The entire idea was to literally destroy entire generations of “low-tech, relatively easy to maintain vehicles. Were the car-makers in on it? Probably. Did their “executives” understand what the next stage was? Possibly.
“Unintended consequences”? Unlikely.
Global warming will come several decimeters high
The current cycle of glaciation started 400 years ago; the last time perihelion occurred before the austral summer solstice.
Boreal summers are getting more sunlight. Under 1w/sq.m more than 400 years ago but heading for 21W/sq.m more in 10,000 years. The flip side is that boreal winters are getting less sunlight. That means more boreal winter latent heat transfer from oceans to land and it will arrive as snow, which will gradually accumulate over the coming millennia.
Real climate change is always occurring and it is not linked to CO2.
You know that I know that, don’t you ? 😀
‘But unusual cold is also due to global warming, since it apparently causes sinister waviness in the jet stream.’
Does anyone know how a buildup in CO2 causes waviness?
It’s the eternal battle of light versus dark, ie. diamonds versus charcoal. Apparently it’s everywhere, hence the left-handedness [L. sinistra] waviness of it all.
Datasets cool the past and warm the present, as this figure for GISS demonstrates:
Yes and just like the BOM and their constant tinkering with past and present temperatures. I have heard the BOM now renamed as a “Bunch of Muppets”…………………………….
Oz to Canberra Convoy Official
When will our so called health officials come to realise that natural immunity is not only a very powerful and proven way to defeat a virus, it’s actually a far better way than using vaccines now that there is sufficient proof they have very little if any value? Do they realise they have placed lives at risk? That’s not what a health official is suppose to do. In fact what they are now doing is the exact opposite, and I hope one day they are held to account and severely punished. The Ministry of Health is anything but.
That’s for starters. Then there are the financial and mental issues people are suffering directly due to the draconian mandates. Our political leaders should therefore also be held to account with similar outcomes. Who would have thought we would be living out an Orwellian society so soon.
The trap the health authorities have set for themselves and the world appears to be that the injections have three phases.
First there is an initial 14 day period during which people are more susceptible to infection, then a period of a couple of months were the injections provide a positive benefit, and finally an indefinite period where people are again more susceptible not only to infection but also to a wide range of other illnesses.
And once the initial injection is made there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. You can’t just stop injecting. So having made the initial blunder what’s a health authority or totalitarian government to do?
We will find out in the fullness of time.
My latest:
Like watching ice melt. Oh wait, it won’t. Right?
What messy web we weave when we base policy on lies and wishful thinking.
I am hopeful.
The train wreck is now in progress. Only people with their heads in the sand are not seeing the carnage all around us, and it’s getting worse for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the collapsing supply chain. A war between the US and Russia will only make matters far worse. What needs to happen next is for people en mass to unite and start the mopping up phase. First order of business is to get rid of the despot leaders and anti-health health officials. Unless that happens there will be more train wrecks.
That’s a good one.
Anti Health, Health Officials.
aka Kovid Komanders.
Putin’s Green Fifth Column
German environmentalists have made the country dependent on Russian energy, a weakness with geopolitical implications we are seeing now.
It is now apparent that unless further actions are taken to deter him, Vladimir Putin intends to proceed with his plan to mount a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Yet any effective military or economic deterrent is being undermined by Germany, which has refused to agree to any meaningful threat of sanctions. Indeed, Germany has gone so far as to attempt to block other NATO nations from sending Ukraine any arms to defend itself. According to the Germans, Putin needs to be free to slaughter and subjugate Ukrainians, because otherwise he might cut off Germany’s natural-gas supplies.
In fact, Germany’s dependence on Russia for its natural gas is an entirely self-inflicted weakness.
Let’s compare the sources of German and French electricity.
The West’s clean energy push empowered Russia and China
The gospel on climate change has been that, first and foremost, fossil fuels must go.
Coal, oil, gas (liquefied or otherwise)… out, out out. Close the oilsands, cancel the pipelines, end the fracking, get rid of the nuclear plants while you’re at it. The imperative is all about ridding the world of supply, getting us off our existing addictions, whether or not there was an alternative available to take its place. It was taken for granted … or on blind faith … that the alternatives would be there. Technology would advance, innovation would flourish. Just get rid of the bad stuff and we’ll worry about supplying the good stuff later. It’ll work, I promise you. We can do this! No more coal! No more coal!
It made for great demonstrations. Excellent chants. And the politicians listened. So here we are in a world desperate for more energy, and it’s not available. Whoops. The crises crowding us on several fronts have much to do with policies that put popularity ahead of pragmatism.
Geez Old Ozzie, it’s far simpler than anything in those long-winded articles….
Germany runs Europe. The Russian gas pipeline goes to Germany, and then to the rest of Europe. Angela is a long-time Russian asset. Speaks fluent Russian, and her dad was known as the Red Pastor when he submitted the Lutheran church in East Germany to Commie Control.
Angela’s long-time Commie predecessor as Chancellor was Gerhardt Schroeder……..another Russian Asset. “As Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder was a strong advocate of the Nord Stream pipeline project, which now supplies Russian gas directly to Germany, thereby bypassing transit countries…..In 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s friend Schroeder hastily signed the deal just as he was departing the office from which he had been voted out days earlier. Within weeks, he started to oversee the project implementation himself, leading the Nord Stream AG’s shareholder committee.[86]
What else needs discussing?
Except that Nordstream 2 isn’t allowed to supply gas by German decree. They are worried that Putin will switch off the gas pipeline through the Ukraine which will wreck the economy there, so the EU is pushing Germany not to use the pipeline. So is the USA who want to supply gas to Europe instead of Russia (which Biden wants to stop producing).
Those who heard the news that ultra woke Disney for their remake of the classic film, was using a Latina for Snow White and getting rid of the seven dwarves, will enoy this headline
I like Dinklage as an actor he’s done very well considering when he was born the doctor said he was going to live a short life…………
Surely they can’t call her Snow ….. WHITE.
Latina/Spanish: Blancanieves.
Dopey Disney’s remaking Minnie the Mooch Mouse too. ‘History’ is whatever they want it to be.
Snow Woke?
Coke woke
Of course not..
Snow (non-binary colour)
Fits their narrative perfectly..🙄
Stupidity of America in one Cartoon
Hey it also applies to Australia!
If and when the time comes people en mass have woken up, all that needs to happen is we all stop complying to the mandates and just push through regardless of whether one is vaccinated or not. There are far more of “us” than there are of the people who stand at the entrances of the shops and other places demanding proof of id and vaccination.
That hybrid energy mix/mess at King island is still showing Diesel is KING again this morning.
Note too that the population is about 1585 people, but solar should add a bit today if the clouds stay away.
Hydro Tasmania refuse to provide the costs of implementing this Heath Robinson power system.
I also wonder what the maintenance costs have been over it’s lifetime, even excluding the replacement of the failed vanadium redox flow battery with the bank of good old lead acid batteries.
Do the savings in diesel even cover maintenance let alone the capital expenditure?
As a public entity, they should be legally required to disclose all such costs. What are they hiding?
It wouldn’t surprise me if it would have been cheaper for each household to have their own off-grid system like the inhabitants do on French Island in Vicdanistan.
Now the Left are remaking Minnie Mouse in their own woke ideal.
Her iconic feminine polka dot outfit is being replaced with some boring drab gender-neutral Chairman Mao or Hillary Clinton -style pant suit more suitable for the proles in Nineteen Eighty Four.
Get woke, go broke.
Outrage as Disney debuts ‘new look’ for Minnie Mouse, ditching her iconic red dress in favor of a ‘progressive’ blue, sustainable pantsuit designed by Stella McCartney – after vowing to take ‘new approach’ to Snow White remake
Stella McCartney declares she ‘shares the same values’ as Minnie Mouse. Stella may need to be gently informed that the said mouse is a f…ing drawing! How much filthy lucre did the Disney Corporation transfer to Ms. McCartney’s bank account for the incredibly creative task she performed in drawing a pantsuit for a cartoon mouse? This is lunacy on a monumental scale. This woke charade just indicates how low we have sunk as a society. As I have stated previously, the dumbing down is almost complete. It is now time to strike back and just ignore this entire shower of lefty muppets. No oxygen = no existence.
The Democrat Party’s Application of Mass Formation Psychosis
Also applies to Australia by Politicians on all sides, Media and Medical Bureaucrats
These doctors’ knowledge of human psychology and their analysis of how Mass Formation Psychosis is being employed are spot-on. Once we understand these basic concepts ourselves, it is not hard to identify and comprehend how the Democrat Party majority in our federal government and each Democrat majority-run state share a strategic vision and are using the same tactics in their attempts to divide, manipulate, and control us, not just with COVID but in everything.
First, Democrats scared the pants off everyone with their faulty, unrealistic models predicting millions of deaths in the United States alone. As the pandemic progressed, the loss of lives and livelihoods, and the ancillary damage to our citizens’ and our nation’s well-being, created intense anxiety that has compounded the loss of a collective belief in what connects us and makes sense in the world. Our fear opens an avenue for leftists to exert their control.
The medical establishment’s and media’s relentless fearmongering have further heightened our sense of doom, as total case numbers are reported without meaningful context.
More than any other issue, the pandemic is the global elites’ springboard to implementing a totalitarian vision of their power and our prevailing misery, to keep us in our place and under their rule.
– “Climate Emergency” and the “Green New Deal”
– “Voter Suppression” and “Voting Rights”
– “Our Democracy”
– “Insurrection”
With the Left being more embedded than ever before in the United States plus the likely appointment of a far Left US-hating and racist white-person-hating and man-hating USSC “justice”, and given the dishonest elections of 2020, I am concerned that it may not be possible for America to ever again have a fair or free election.
Biden’s DOJ Thinks BLM Criminals Deserve Lesser Sentences
According to a memo from the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Minnesota, even though Lee “committed a crime that cost a man his life,” his motives for committing the crime merited a lesser sentence.
“Mr. Lee’s motive for setting the fire is a foremost issue. Mr. Lee credibly states that he was in the streets to protest unlawful police violence against black men, and there is no basis to disbelieve this statement,” the memo reads. “Mr. Lee, appropriately, acknowledges that he ‘could have demonstrated in a different way,’ but that he was ‘caught up in the fury of the mob after living as a black man watching his peers suffer at the hands of police.’”
So, if you’re in legal trouble, just say you support Black Lives Matter, and the Biden Justice Department will give you one of these:
Any good criminal defence lawyer will argue mitigating circumstances and being caught up in the heat of the moment is a mitigating circumstance. Even the prosecution will occasionally make concessions. And bear in mind that sentences for causing death in the USA can amount to hundreds of years imprisonment.
On the other hand there is a bigger problem when prosecutors decide whether to prosecute for political reasons. And this looks like a HUGE and growing problem in the USA.
In a strange sort of way the elections would be fairer if they allowed the US military to conduct them. At the moment it’s a dog’s breakfast.
other than we need Photo Id to vote, I think the Australian AEC works well
Suddenly its no longer deeply dangerous to talk about Rigged Elections
It wasn’t long ago that we were told that President Donald Trump’s questioning the legitimacy of the election wasn’t just unfounded, but a serious threat to the future of the nation.
As one commentator put it, by raising the specter of election fraud, Trump was “sowing doubt not just about the 2020 election, but whether America’s voting system – the foundation of American democracy – is sound … In a democracy, where governing power is rooted in the consent of the governed, this is deeply dangerous.”
Yet here is President Joe Biden, predicting that the next election can’t be trusted, based on far less evidence than Trump had. And the press is celebrating him for it.
“I think it would easily be illegitimate,” said Biden at his marathon press conference last week when asked about the midterm elections (that Republicans are expected to sweep). “The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”
Yet, despite zero evidence that Republicans are trying to suppress legal voting, you never see Democratic claims about voter suppression preceded by the obligatory “baseless,” or “false,” “big lie” adjectives attached to every Trump statement. They don’t even get tagged as “misleading.”
You certainly never see complaints about how these false claims are threatening the fabric of our society. Biden isn’t being kicked off social media. Tweets about voter suppression lies aren’t being censored by Twitter.
The truth is that Democrats have been undermining the integrity of elections far longer and much more aggressively than Trump has.
The Dems know they are going to lose in 2022 because they have failed to get their voting fraad bill placed into law. They want to delegitimize the coming Republican controlled congress before they are even sworn in or prevent them from being sworn in or seated.
The other day I overheard some recent immigrants espousing the marvels of Australia’s welfare system.
The key phrase I heard was;
“…and the more children you have the more money they give you…”
How wonderful for them…
It’s disappointing that there has been so little interest in the James Webb Space Telescope, now in its L2 orbit.
It’s a sad reflection on the general dumbing down of society and the lack of interest in real science.
Well.The science of”Global warming”might have put some of us off”The Science”Has anyone noticed that scientific breakthroughs don’t seem to be occurring much any more.Why is that???????
Too busy contemplating their belly-buttons
instead of looking out at the stars.
Or, more likely, contemplating their bribes – sorry – pay cheques.
Ah yes the “Navel Academy”.
A beautifully presented statement about the dangers of peer review in academia stifling science.
It took an “old white guy” to put it out there so I guess the lefties will dismiss it purely on that basis.
I like his final statement – “We are going to kill ourselves because of Stupidity”
It’s a bit like the quote attributed to Albert Einstein…………….”Both the Universe and Human Stupidity are infinite and I’m not so sure about the Universe”……………LOL
I’m still waiting for a warmist to explain when in human history natural global warming has ever been a bad thing. It worked fine during the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval Warm Periods, during which some of the greatest advances in civilisation were made. Not so much during periods of natural global cooling as we are possibly entering now.
The CAGW advocates are desperately trying to make those periods look like local/regional phenomena rather than being global. This is after trying to erase then completely.
I’m guessing they’ll try to claim that the external boundaries were where these civilizations flourished
Yes David and I’m forever asking why or how we are facing an EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
I mean 200,000 years to reach 1 billion population and life expectancy always under 40 years and yet we’ve added another 4.1 billion since 1970 and life expectancy in 2022 is 73 years.
So where’s Biden’s EXT threat and why doesn’t the MSM inform the people about real world data/ facts?
“life expectancy in 2022 is 73 years”
Average age of death by/with WuFlu/Jab is 83 years.
Now THAT’S existential/life-threatening to the Gnomes of Davos and their sycophantic tribalistic bankers’ schemes.
The Snow Hits the Fan on Saturday: Global Warming Alarmism to Follow
The various weather forecast models are coming closer to a consensus: During Friday night through Saturday night, New England and coastal portions of the mid-Atlantic states are going to experience an historic snowstorm.
For eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island it looks like up to 3 feet of snow are possible with wind gusts of 50 to 60 mph. Here are the forecast snow totals from three weather forecast models:
Thanks for your energy updates David and amazing that the L W German govt STILL want to close their remaining Nukes ASAP.
We all know lefties are too stupid to understand very simple sums and “in your face data”, but you would think they would start to wake up by now?
BTW the EXISTENTIAL THREAT Biden donkey is now issuing more lease permits etc for more oil and gas in the USA. Even more than Trump according to NET ZERO WATCH.
Amazing what their disastrous polling can do to start to focus the idiot DEMS on the midterms in November.
Sorry this was supposed to be a response to David + Wojick, GRRRRRR.
‘Who’s Putin’s puppet now?’ Joe Biden standing up to Russia looks an awful lot like bending over
I’m amazed how many of those commentators want America to go to war with Russia!
I assume none of them would be in the front line.
Once those hypersonic missiles get moving, there won’t be any front line.
As Len Dighton put it in “Fighter” the current wisdom around 1930 was that “The bomber will always get through”. Then came the realisation that bombing killed voters and accurate bombing could actually kill politicians”.
Maybe a similar result in politics here?
I dunno … on today’s battlefield, conventional bombers are easy to stop. In WWII the fighters did stop some, but not all, of the bombers, and ultimately the relentless bombing raids over Germany did cripple a lot of their industry, especially things like railway yards which cannot be either concealed or armored.
However a hypersonic cruise missile flying at Mach 3 about 10m above the ground and following a zig-zag path is pretty darn difficult to stop. That’s the next technological frontier, and who has any idea where we will end up? Accuracy of these machines is within a radius of a few meters and they can do a last moment “jump and dive” maneuver where they strike at any angle.
Without wanting to fight a real war, politicians are resorting to information wars as a fallback. Many threats, and little action.
Data analyst Joel Smalley shows correlation across the entire continental USA for CoViD infection with vaccination on a 2 week lagging basis. Seasonal variation, shown by comparison with 2020, was totally swamped and there is only one significant factor that changed
This is what real data analysis with a proper statistical approach looks like, folks.
Thanks for a really useful link Analitik.
Adam Carolla may have gotten to the heart of what really bothers the MSM so much about Joe Rogan
Comedian @adamcarolla
defends Joe Rogan: “Think about what all these idiots are saying. They’re worried about misinformation … What have you guys been right about? I’d put Joe Rogan’s batting average up against CNN’s batting average any day of the week.” 🔥🔥
Does the cosmic microwave background really exist or are the measurements an experimental artefact?
Here is a scientist with a non-consensus opinion on the matter.
What do you think?
New scientific paper claims octopuses are actually aliens from outer space
Where things start to get really interesting, though, is when the paper starts to discuss the arrival of cephalopods. The paper itself claims that certain cephalopods like octopuses, squid, and others arrived on the planet by falling from space, frozen in a kind of stasis.
“Thus the possibility that cryopreserved squid and/or octopus eggs, arrived in icy bolides several hundred million years ago should not be discounted,” the paper reads. The authors of the paper say that the octopus and other creatures benefit from biological features that appear to have been derived from “some type of pre-existence.”
They Came From Outer Space… I knew it! 🙂
Octopus and squid are intelligent, but that extra-terrestrial origin fails to explain how our politicians and bureaucrats arrived.
Oh, Silly Me; they came on Ark B.
I’ve seen a different view of gravity that explains cosmic microwave background radiation. The different view depicts space as a membrane being greatly accelerated in a fourth spatial dimension. The Unruh effect, which connects acceleration with a black body temperature, could then explain the cosmic microwave background radiation. I haven’t studied this theory enough to decide if it’s a good one or not.
Of all the damage the Left have done to science and Western Civilisation in general, one of the most harmful claims, apparently now widely accepted, is that science is about “consensus”.
You can see the devastating effect of this as applied to false claims of anthropogenic global warming plus the gross mismanagement of covid, especially not allowing any treatments not specifically provided by Big Pharma, even before Big Pharma had anything to offer.
The result in both cases is massive economic devastation and lives lost in the case of covid. (Lives are also lost in the former case due to “energy poverty”.)
Try again – missing some words.
Scientific consensus often conflicts with the scientific method in the beginning but typically it comes about in due course. It can take a very long time though, which is the problem. It could be short circuited if only scientists truly had an open mind instead of being so stubborn and arrogant.
Why Do Media Ignore Biden Family’s Corruption?
It’s a curious thing: Obvious, credible signs about a prominent political family emerge, but federal authorities at the Justice Department and elsewhere do nothing. Meanwhile, leftist media “watchdogs,” in a classic case of gaslighting, pretend that nothing has happened.
So it is with Joe Biden and his errant son, Hunter.
A new book (“Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win“) by investigative researcher and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer makes a powerful case that the Biden family has profited handsomely from its cozy ties to China’s ruling Communist regime.
The book claims that, all in all, the Bidens raked in close to $31 million from deals in China with individuals having close ties to the Chinese government.
“In sum, each deal the Bidens secured in China was via a businessman with deep ties at the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. And in each case there appears to be little discernible business or professional service that was rendered in return for the money,” Schweizer notes.
And there were others, many others.
In fact, Schweizer’s book goes into detail about how other members of the Washington and Silicon Valley elite — ranging from family members of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Dianne Feinstein to former President George W. Bush and multiple high-tech executives — have used their positions of power and influence to extract favorable deals from China that have helped build their own family fortunes.
The question begs asking: Can anyone so financially beholden to an overtly hostile foreign power be trusted to make decisions on the American people’s behalf? Or to run our economy and businesses? Of course not.
Equally troubling is that the left-biased American media, with a few notable exceptions, have essentially thrown a blanket over these revelations. Nothing to see here, move along.
George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms
Reportedly, $2.5 million has been donated to Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) Senate Majority PAC, $1 million to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) House Majority PAC, and $1 million also donated to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State.
Soros is well-known for contributing great sums of money nationwide to local prosecutors to alter the criminal justice system in the name of “criminal justice reform.” Breitbart News reported:
The rise of these Soros-backed prosecutors has coincided with a massive surge in murder and crime in many Democrat-run cities, including many where these prosecutors have implemented radical policies toward policing and incarceration.
Most recently, for example, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has faced criticism for his radical reforms in the year since he took office, while murders soared. “The city last year experienced 397 murders, up 11.8 percent from the 355 the previous year, and a 53.9 percent increase from the 258 in the pre-pandemic year of 2019,” Los Angeles magazine noted
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Implicated in Sixth FBI Probe – Accused of Bribing San Francisco Officials to Remove Permit Violations at Ex-Girlfriend’s Property
Earlier this month it was reported Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi, was involved with five companies that were probed by federal agencies.
According to The Daily Mail, the list of companies includes the following:
The 52-year-old joined the board of a biofuel company after it defrauded investors according to an SEC ruling, and whose CEO was convicted after bribing Georgia officials
– Pelosi Jr. was president of an environmental investment firm that turned out to be a front for two convicted fraudsters
– He joined a lithium mining company and received millions of shares, allegedly issued as part of a massive $164 million fraud
– He was vice president of a company previously embroiled in an investigation of scam calls that targeted senior citizens
– He has close business ties with a man accused by the Department of Justice of running a fake UN charity that stole investors’ money
– A medical company Pelosi Jr. worked for tested drugs on people without FDA authorization, according to an FDA investigation
On Friday, the Daily Mail revealed Paul Pelosi is actually embroiled in SIX FBI probes.
Is Joe Biden In the Pocket of the Chinese Communist Party?
I think the Liberals (for our overseas friends, they are Australia’s main pretend conservative party) in Vicdanistan are quite happy to stay in opposition forever. Why would they want to get into Government? As it is now, they have moderately secure, well-paid jobs with fantastic benefits and they don’t have to do much, or even any, work. They are far too comfortable in opposition.
I believe covid is the first new disease in history where the medical profession has not “thrown everything in their arsenal” at it, as done with other new and poorly understood diseases, but has sat back and adopted the option of providing almost no treatment, even before the Big Pharma vaccines.
Doctors used to be under an ethical, maybe even a legal obligation, to try everything they could.
Rather, they were all subjected to both fear of government reprisals and/or mass formation psychosis in regard to considering their treatment options.
Now you see what happens when there is a shortage of doctors and nurses, yet the Govt employs more medical managers and office staff. The ratio has changed markedly over the last 40years, and around the Western world as far as I can see.
In a letter to my local paper, a correspondent wrote that South Aus had 7 days in Dec 21, when they were able to rely totally on renewables. I’ll see what I can find, but energy charts are not my strong suit.
NEM only provides weekly data from December 2021.
Percentage wind for each week were 63%, 50%, 64% and 62%
Have to remember, that SA often uses even less electricity than Tassie..
.. around 10-15% of NSW usage, and has very little industry to supply.
Publicising the good times, but don’t mention the winter.
Average! “Average” power output is no use at all when your power has gone off! Sure, you made more than you needed on a windy sunny day, but when the sun sets and the power stops, its a different view.
They should have done more King Islands, small-scale locked-in experimental setups powering communities with various options to gather the data of when it works and when not. Jumping in with the whole country is having all their eggs in one basket while running down stairs.
I keep thinking of a bridge designed for average load.
THAT is the perfect metaphor to try and give the scientifically illiterate a feel for the requirements needed for a functioning grid!
Excellent – I will be using this from now on.
Reminds me of the average time between dawn and dusk, that is the time that, in theory, sunlight is available to produce electricity, except when there are clouds, fog etc.
At the equator it’s probably close to 12 hours every day.
At the two poles in midsummer it’s 24 hours, in midwinter it’s zero, still average 12 hours.
Everywhere else is somewhere in between.
SA’s power usage is often less than Tasmania’s.
They are a small blip in electricity consumption in Australia.
A big percentage of a small amount, is still a small amount.
They could not survive without Gas and the interconnects to carry the load on those many small wind days.
When Trudeau calls the unvaccinated ‘racists,’ ‘misogynists, ‘anti-science’ and ‘extremist’ and asks – ‘Do we tolerate these people?’ – he is, I believe, contemplating a violent police/military response to the truck rally.
Remember when the world was captivated by the resistance of the Chinese students to the CCP in Tiananmen Square – everyone was cheering for them, just like now with the truckies. And what was the Communist response?So don’t be surprised.
WAPO APPLIES CAREFULLY REASONED RHETORIC TO CONVINCE ANTI-VAXXERS TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS. Nahh — just kidding, of course: Washington Post Mocks Massive Canadian Trucker Convoy Protesting Vaccine Mandates, Labels Trucks ‘Fascism.’
Batya Ungar-Sargon
Being part of elite liberal media means calling it “fascism” when the working-class folks who brought the food to your door during the plague so you could sit at home in your pajamas typing “STOP THE SPREAD STAY HOME” on Twitter dare to speak up for themselves against your edicts
So he doesn’t accept that sincere people can have misgivings about:
(1) hastily tested “injections”,
(2) using technology never before used for vaccines, and
(3) rushed into production by one of the most disreputable** companies out there.
(4) plus the banning of alternative therapeutics.
We’re just BAD people… (what’s wrong with Democracy, that these lowbrows get elected?)
**is there another company who’s paid more in fines for their bad practices, than Pfizer?
A bit late to the Party – Vitamin D supplements may help ward off autoimmune diseases
Taking vitamin D supplements may help stave off psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other autoimmune diseases, a new study suggests.
Previous research has hinted at this connection, but the new study is the first randomized controlled trial to look at what happens when people are given vitamin D supplements and followed to see if they develop an autoimmune disease, the study authors said. Randomized controlled trials are considered the gold standard in clinical research.
In the new study, people who took 2,000 international units per day (IU/day) of vitamin D, with or without one gram of fish oil, for slightly more than five years reduced their risk of developing an autoimmune disease by 22% when compared to their counterparts who took placebo (“dummy”) pills.
Tumors dramatically shrink with new approach to cell therapy
Northwestern University scientists have developed a new tool to harness immune cells from tumors to fight cancer rapidly and effectively.
Their findings, to be published January 27 in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, showed a dramatic shrinkage in tumors in mice compared to traditional cell therapy methods. With a novel microfluidic device that could be 3D printed, the team multiplied, sorted through and harvested hundreds of millions of cells, recovering 400% more of the tumor-eating cells than current approaches.
The cells of interest, called tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), are natural immune cells that invade tumor tissue by engaging cells in a form of hand-to-hand combat that looks like someone using insecticide on a weed. But, in this scenario, previous researchers have been attacking the weeds with a half-expired cannister of chemicals.
Reproducible, accessible technology
Because her team’s technology is small and easily reproducible, Kelley said it would be feasible to bring the 3D-printed device into hospital settings, rather than confining it to a lab. Getting cell therapy closer to patients would dramatically reduce research and development costs and ultimately deliver the treatment to more people.
What the hottest stars of the ‘80s and ‘90s look like now
After looking at what has happened to these “stars” I got some old photos out to see what I looked like 40, 50, 60, years ago and quite remarkably, I have hardly changed at all.
One problem I do have though, is when I shave I’m not sure how my father looks back at me from the mirror. He looks really old.
Why hasn’t Fauci been fired and put under FBI investigation yet?
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House top medical adviser, shouldn’t be on TV; he should be under federal investigation answering serious questions about his knowledge of the National Institutes of Health’s reckless funding of dangerous gain-of-function research of bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab via EcoHealth Alliance while overseeing the government agency.
And the so-called infectious disease expert leading the US COVID-19 pandemic response should be explaining shocking new information and emails obtained by Fox News’ “Special Report” program exposing Fauci’s reported role in withholding vital information about the true origins of the suspected bioengineered coronavirus and subsequent alleged cover-up at the outset of the pandemic beginning in January 2020.
The fact that America’s highest medical officer reportedly failed to disclose this critical information to the public is beyond frightening; it’s a dereliction of duty warranting his immediate dismissal and full investigation by authorities.
Another title he’s gathered
“Shot Goblin Fauci Says Kids 6 Months to 4-Years-Old Will Get Three Shot Series After Political Approval”
With secrets, lies and cries of ‘racism,’ Biden covers up huge influx of illegal migrants
US Congresswoman Claudia Tenney Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Due to Secret Flights of Illegal Aliens from Southern Border to Northeast
Yesterday evening Professor Peter Ridd was interviewed on a Sky News programme about the latest government decision to provide new funding for Great Barrier Reef research and care, $1 billion over 9 years, and when asked about why this money was needed Professor Ridd replied mainly to appease the UNESCO world heritage sites officials and discourage them from producing a report claiming that the GBR was in danger and impacting adversely on reef tourism in Queensland.
And therein lies the heart of the climate hoax modus operandi, I would call it blackmail.
Shameful hidden cost of your fast fashion: Dumped in the Atacama desert, the mountain of discarded cheap clothes from the West that even charities don’t want
“Not a Joke, U.S. Govt Takes the Official Position There Is No Food Inflation
January 28, 2022 | sundance | 244 Comments
The same people who told us to appreciate saving $0.16 on our July 4th BBQs last summer are now taking the official position there is no massive food inflation. [DATA HERE]
Those skyrocketing prices you think you see at the grocery store are not real. Those announcements of forecasted price increases by the food producers, well, those are not real either. So sayeth the United States Dept of Agriculture (USDA).”
But one of the things that they forgot to mention
“As Expected, Chicken Wing Shortage Just in Time for Superbowl
January 28, 2022 | sundance | 199 Comments”
“For those doing the math, that’s a 51.4% price increase in a year.”
That’s the plan, talk up the economy, talk down unemployment.
Australia’s unemployment at record lows. But then I look at all the closed shops and lack of tourists.
The only purpose for these segregation mandates is to destroy small business.
From comments at CTH via Chiefio
“From memory, the best comment I saw was to the effect, “I went to the store today and I didn’t notice any price increases. There was nothing on the shelves to buy, so I didn’t see any signs of inflation.” “
See How Large the ‘Freedom Convoy’ Justin Trudeau Denounced Has Become | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report – YouTube”
Wellington St, in front of Parliament, approx 5 AM 29 Jan AU time.
Ian, regarding a misspelling , that was “Justine Turdreau”.
/sarc off.
Well that’s not 50,000 trucks. Watched a vid of a lad traveling in the convoy, he stated a couple of hundred. I’ve looked at heaps and never see more than a couple of dozen trucks.
That whole exercise is starting to smell, something bad is going to come out of this.
“First Wave of Canadian Freedom Convoy Arrives in Ottawa
January 28, 2022 | sundance | 294 Comments
Jumpin’ Ju-Ju Bones, we shall have to dust off the happy dance shoes. The wrong thinking “fringe minority” have raised over $7.5 million [LINK] in support of their trucker Freedom Convoy. The Canadian freedom movement is representing very well.
As the first wave of the convoy rolls into Ottawa, we start the update with the patriotic voice of fellow Canadian and friend of the Treehouse, Mark Steyn.”
On Twitter
“12000 trucks crossed the border with no problems and joined the convoy”
The US border that is
Sounding more like “Marie-Antoinette Trudeau” lately
Mark Steyn: Canadian anti-mandate truck convoy is most inspiring story around the world
Hmm, reckon a kid would even think like this? No idea who the original cartoonist is…
A few thunderstorms about Thursday and Friday. Get the usual storm warnings on the Vic emergency app. Then suddenly we get a “watch and act” thunderstorm warning WTF? Nothing happened though, not here. But I would have been happy to go outside and watch the thunderstorm but no storm for you! Now we’re also getting medical advice for extreme heat days on the Vic emergency app. Melbourne had a day or so of around 35°C and the Vic emergency app was warning of extreme heat, in summer, in the middle of summer. WOW, derrrr. But there were no warnings for the country areas where it was hotter, are city folk softer and need to be told its hotter, look out?
MSM coordinates attack to pressure substack to drop anti-vaccine writers
The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) appears to be coordinating a broader pressure campaign against Substack for platforming “anti-vaccine figures.”
The only surprise is that it’s taken until now…
Amazing how these social warrior groups like CCDH always end up engaging in the practices they claim to condemn…
Reporter Asks Why Biden Admin Doesn’t Stress Living Healthier Lifestyles
“Have more than you show. Speak less than you know.” Shakespeare
Pakistan says trial of Chinese traditional medicine for COVID-19 successful
Pakistani health authorities on Monday (Jan 17) announced the completion of a successful clinical trial of Chinese traditional herbal medicine for treating COVID-19, as the South Asian nation enters a fifth wave of the pandemic driven by the Omicron variant.
Shhh…don’t tell big pharma…
Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature
*Additive or synergistic toxicity may occur following multivalent vaccination.
*Infant deaths post-vaccination are often misclassified as SIDS or suffocation in bed.
*Of all reported SIDS cases post-vaccination, 75 % occurred within 7 days (p < 0.00001).
Within seven days of what John. Vaccination??
Thanks to FOIA requests, we now know the 2008-2010 bank bailout didn’t cost us $5 trillion, as we’ve been told. The real number is closer to $29 TRILLION, and it didn’t just go to American banks.
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the “Nudge Unit”, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavirus.
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Nudge nudge wink wink. Say no more!
“Have more than you show. Speak less than you know.” Shakespeare
The true under reporting factor (URF) for miscarriages is 49.
This article is about calculating the URF using the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). It was released recently and contains breath-taking data. This data set is special because it contains up-to-date data for every individual in the U.S. military with regards to their existing diseases, medical history and personal data.
Not VAERS for a change. 😆
NAMIBIA – Namibia detects 1st bird flu strain that can spread to humans
A deadly form of bird flu that can be transmitted to humans has been detected for the first time in Namibia’s history, the Directorate of Veterinary Services said.
British man, 70, dies inside ‘happy ending’ massage parlour in Thai ‘Sin City’ Pattaya
Didn’t make it to the happy ending…at least he didn’t have to pay the tab.
No doubt be written up as a Covid death 😈
Got by what Pfizer didn’t release on the “blue pill”?
“Received this from reader D. N.
1. When one door closes and another door opens, you are probably in prison.
2. To me, “drink responsibly” means don’t spill it.
3. Age 60 might be the new 40, but 9:00 pm is the new midnight.
4. It’s the start of a brand new day, and I’m off like a herd of turtles.
5. The older I get, the earlier it gets late.
6. When I say, “The other day,” I could be referring to any time between yesterday and 15 years ago.
7. I remember being able to get up without making sound effects.
8. I had my patience tested. I’m negative.
9. Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a Tupperware lid that doesn’t fit any of your containers.
10. If you’re sitting in public and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, “Did you bring the money?”
11. When you ask me what I am doing today, and I say “nothing,” it does not mean I am free. It means I am doing nothing.
12. I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days, but whatever.
13. I run like the winded.
14. I hate when a couple argues in public, and I missed the beginning and don’t know whose side I’m on.
15. When someone asks what I did over the weekend, I squint and ask, “Why, what did you hear?”
16. When you do squats, are your knees supposed to sound like a goat chewing on an aluminum can stuffed with celery?
17. I don’t mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.
18. When I ask for directions, please don’t use words like “east.”
19. Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.
20. Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes you forever. We call those people cops.
21. My luck is like a bald guy who just won a comb.”
Thx, another ian.
Some preferences in numerical order: 5,8,10,12,20… pour moi at the moment, particularly number 8
‘I had my patience tested.I’m negative.’ 🙂
We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny but the War on Freedom Is Not Over
Kees van der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution, by creating a global information and communication system, was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations… Van der Pijl makes a cogent argument. He shows that the ‘pandemic’ is a political emergency, not a medical one. Its purpose was to suppress populations and transition to an authoritarian state and social structure… PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
It’s absolutely not over. It’s been planned for decades. Contemporary players like Gates, Soros & Schwab are NOT the real power behind this. Things should hot up next week. Wink.
“Have more than you show. Speak less than you know.” Shakespeare
Certainly, the savage attacks on influential users (e.g. Steve Kirsch, Rob Malone, Weinstein etc) of various social media venues – such as on Twitter, Facebook, etc – indicate sensitivity on the part of certain behemoths. And it is not over – as even Substack is now under pressure to evict them.
Warning Moderna and mRNA Companies Could Suffer the Fate of Enron
Former Blackrock & Hedge Fund Guru Edward Dowd Joins Paine and the Intel Files, Warning Moderna and mRNA Companies Could Suffer the Fate of Enron; Plus is Big Insurance Prepping to Square Off With Big Pharma Over Life Insurance Payouts Linked to the VAX?
This is a 3 part podcast well worth the time.
A lot of excellent points. Pharma vax deaths and injuries vs health insurance giants.
Podcast 2 is the juicy one ☺
Little story from the belly of the beast,
Years ago, I was at small private dinner and two of the quests, a couple, were both lawyers for FERC, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (US).
Rumblings about Enron were beginning to surface.
I asked them about it and they said, “no, Enron is very innovative and doing wonderful things for the energy market.”
And acted like I was a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
Barely weeks later, it all crashed.
So there ya go.
Another fabulous article by Julius Ruechel showing how the disappearance and now reappearance of the flu in most countries over the past 2 years shows how the SARS-CoV-2 virus – I refer to this since Covid is an actual manifestation of the infection to disease which largely does not occur – has been spreading through various nations and the implications. The vaccines are also shown to be totally ineffectual looking at the current situations in Germany and Sweden.
The mechanism is viral interference where a combination of the innate immune system being primed plus the infection pathways being already in use by one virus prevents variants and other viruses with similar modes of infection from simultaneously infecting a person. The less familiar the virus is, the stronger the innate response which is why the flu was largely displaced but in those populations where the SARS-CoV-2 virus has become endemic, the flu has returned.
I learned a lot from this article but the author must have been convinced by the narrative that early treatment protocols are largely ineffectual as he does not mention ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in his discussion of Kenya where the population has been shown to have had very high exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus yet Covid has The take-home lesson from this deep dive is that lockdowns and vaccines didn’t make a shred of difference to Covid outcomes, even as they delayed acquiring natural immunity and caused endless unnecessary misery. Meanwhile, the lifestyle differences that could have dramatically reduced the individual risk of severe outcomes for the vulnerable were completely ignored in favor of a hysterical obsession with vaccines, PCR tests, and suffocating social controls barely registered any cases let alone deaths while the flu was never displaced.
The final message from the article is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus will likely remain endemic, as with the common cold coronaviruses and the influenza viruses, since the high mutation rate will allow some level of immune escape from previous infection but that the response will still be enough to limit the severity so that actual Covid cases will be largely mild. So get used to living with it folks.
Ruchel missed a lot.
1. Regardless of orders, Swedish people did reduce movement a lot voluntarily as I posted several times — citing mobility stats. Given that 50% live in single person homes, they are in a permanent states of semi-isolation. They also fortify foods with D3. Sweden isn’t much use as “proof” of anything given how different it is to other countries because of major confounding factors.
2. Discussions about masks without the word “electrostatic” are missing the big reason they can work with the smallest particle sizes.
3. Yes there is some immunity debt due to the absence of the usual infections.
4. The mask debate is polarised scientific junk. No one is taught how to put them on, and many people are using the wrong type, fitted badly. Though masks are less effective against the superspreader of Omicron, they are neither as bad, nor as good as some people say.
5. Most of the reduction in Flu is because the Ro for flu is only 1.4. Obviously when a virus with Ro of 3 – 8 turns up, any restrictions at all will reduce the Ro of the flu below 1 and it will die out. It’s utterly predictable, and I’ve said it many times.
6. There is a very short section of overlap in amino acid sequences of Flu H1N1 and the old corona-spikes (Wuflu to Delta). That doesn’t seem to be the case with Omicron. It may explain some of the asymptomatic cases previously, and possibly people who caught covid got a little bit of flu protection for a while too.
7. At different points of infection with one virus people will be more likely to catch a second, then less likely as common innate defences get ramped up or any cross protection kicks in.
8. Yes, Covid excess deaths will have removed a group of susceptibles to influenza too. True.
9. Of course they would have run PCR tests in 2018 on old sick people. They did millions of those tests for the last three decades.
Sorry, I stopped reading — it’s too long and life is too short. So he’s part right, part wrong. I wouldn’t use him as a primary source of info. Stick with Paul Marik, Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Tess Laurie etc. FLCCC are much better.
10. Yes, obviously SARS2 is now becoming endemic. I didn’t think anyone was saying anything else now
Hadn’t considered that before. Thanks Jo. This is the reason I come to your site every day. I am very grateful. All the points in this post worthy of thought, & these in particular – very interesting.
The mask electrostatic effect only works for clean dry masks so yo need to be changing to a new n95 mask every half hour at most for any benefit .
The return of influenza in highly sars-Cov-2 infected populations demonstrates Ruechel is correct about viral interference being a rolling effect as immunity to the most recent respiratory infection wanes, giving opportunity for another disease or variant to take its place. Flu has not “died out” in any respect.
#1 merely indicates what our population would naturally have done, given proper medical advice by our health authorities.
#2 answered in reply to Vicki- masks have never been demonstrated to provide any meaningful reduction in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 , neither has 6’ / 1.5m separation nor Perspex shields.
#4 if something can’t be implemented, then it’s not a solution. People can’t even fit car child seats properly with standardised fittings so facial contours will never be properly fitted to and doesn’t address facial hair (gonna ban beards and moustaches?)
#5 answered in reply to Vicki – flu is returning
#6 the innate immune response is not specific enough for the differences to matter. More important is the partial evasion of SARS-CoV-2 to innate antibodies so the immune system ups its response further crowding out influenza
#7 show a case where a person falls immediately into another respiratory viral infection after fighting off a previous infection. It doesn’t happen.
You stopped reading before responding – how open and thorough of you. I expected better.
If voluntary action works fine, that’s a reason to avoid the distrust, threatened violence, and social disruption of mandates.
Lockdowns Did Not Save Lives, Concludes Meta-analysis
Two years into this experiment, it’s about time to assemble the evidence. Did lockdowns live up to their trotted potential? Did they “save lives” and “stop the spread” and all the other slogans we painfully heard talking heads sputter?
Browsing through the result summary of the 34 final studies is dire reading for the believer in lockdowns (the authors publish a table with a brief description of all). A few show measures that correspond positively with Covid mortality. Of the ones that do find statistically significant results of the right sign (with lockdowns having a negative effect on mortality) the impacts are remarkably small: often single-digit percentages, with several studies reporting results around zero.
The authors are pretty severe in their final conclusions. Lockdowns didn’t meaningfully reduce Covid-19 mortalities: “the effect is little to none.”
That’s a good question. Anyone?
Maybe the question worth thinking about is; is omicron more infectious, or are the majority of people more vulnerable?? I guess S Africa points to more infectious, but highly vaxxed figures are out there.
“Authors of ‘unreliable’ global anti-red meat report miss deadline to defend their data”
The Lancet adding to its reputation?
Tomahawk Steak
Think of a frenched lamb cutlet, but bigger, much, much bigger! The Tomahawk is a very large rib eye beef steak attached to the bone. It’s the bone where the Tomahawk take its name from – the large 30cm rib bone left on the cut gives it a distinct tomahawk shape.Tomahawk steaks each weigh between 1.6-2.1kg. They’re designed to be brought to the table, then carved and shared between 4 or more people.
How do you cook a steak that is that big?
Remove from fridge 20 mins before cooking.
Brush with olive oil and season liberally with sea salt and black pepper.
Preheat BBQ to hot.
Brown steak well on all sides, including its girth.
Lower the BBQ to moderate heat, close the hood and cook for 15-20 mins for medium rare.
If you have one, it’s best to use an internal meat thermometer to gauge its doneness.
55-60°C for very rare up to rare.
63°C medium-rare.
70°C for medium.
Take it out of the barbecue or oven just shy of your preferred doneness as it will continue to cook for a few minutes as it rests.
Let it rest in a warm place for 15 minutes before serving
Bomb Cyclone hits US north east.
‘This storm is very cold…incoming arctic air coupled with severe wind chill. At the coast, astronomical high tide running 1-2 feet above normal coupled with wind previously described leads to flooding and beach erosion. Snowfall rates can be 3-4 in. per hour. Coupled with wind, visibility is near zero for this storm during heavy snow.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Video link address from Prime Minister Morrison to the World Economic Forum, Davos, January 2022 (extracted from the transcript);
“Prime Minister: Well, thank you very much, Borge, it’s very good to be joining you, and thank you for that very kind introduction. So, g’day from Australia.
It is a pleasure to join this forum as you continue what has been a half century conversation about the state of the world.
As your 2022 Global Risks Report notes: ‘The economic fallout from the pandemic is compounding with labour market imbalances, protectionism, and widening digital, education and skills gaps that risk splitting the world into divergent trajectories.’
Now like the rest of the world, Australia has not been immune to the disruption and devastating impacts of this global pandemic.
We all have a responsibility to address these challenges, with practical solutions to ensure – both within countries and between them – we grow together, not apart.
We are now facing the immediate challenges of Omicron, a rapidly evolving variant and the need for vaccinations and boosters, as we go around now in Australia for our third round of of doses.
Omicron underscores this simple fact that there is no guidebook to this pandemic. There’s no magic GPS system for avoiding the enormous stresses and strains it continues to place on all nations – be they governments, businesses, communities, families, and indeed individuals, wherever they are.
Yet amidst this fog of radical uncertainty, Australia, well, we’ve charted a very clear path, and it’s been our own unique path through this pandemic – what we call the Australian way.
And in the process, we’ve achieved amongst the lowest death rates in the world, the highest vaccination rates and one of the strongest performing advanced economies in the world to come through those pandemic. We’ve always been prepared to save lives and save livelihoods. And we’ve seen those as important dual tasks through this pandemic.
We have been realists in our approach. We’ve been prepared to take action early, closing our borders, initiating our national pandemic plans, calling it the pandemic some fortnight before even the WHO named COVID-19 as a pandemic.
We’ve been highly pragmatic and consultative. We’ve been prepared to listen to the expert medical advice, and act on it – the best available medical advice – but also the best available economic advice.
As I’ve said many times in Australia, a pandemic is no place for ideology. You’ve got to do what works. At the same time, we’ve been principled and very clear-eyed in our response.
At all times, our goal, as I said, has been to save lives and livelihoods. Our approach has reflected Australia’s unique circumstances and our institutional structures, our federation first and foremost, such as our mixed also public and private health system, which continues to perform well.
Our unprecedented economic supports, delivered in a form that kept employees attached to their workplaces as businesses went into an unspecified period of hibernation back in 2020. It gave businesses the confidence that they could get through tomorrow each and every day.
And we were clear that our measures were never designed to be open-ended, but they were to be temporary and targeted, respecting that there were taxpayers’ money that that was being spent.
And at all times, we put our faith and trust in the common sense and public spiritedness of the Australian people. And that trust was well-founded.
No country, Australia included, we don’t pretend that every every response has been perfect. No country could claim that. No government could claim that. But what I am very proud of is Australia has been able to stay focused on these key, these key goals.
We have the second lowest death rate from COVID in the OECD. We have the eighth highest full vaccination rate in the OECD. And fully 93 per cent of Australians aged over 16 are now double dose vaccinated, and around a third have had a booster dose. And over 60 per cent who are eligible for that booster dose have now had it.
Our latest economic growth figures for the third quarter of 2021 showed we were just 0.2 per cent below where we were going into the pandemic, whereas most advanced countries, economies nations were remain one to two per cent down on pre-pandemic levels.
And we finished 2021 very strongly in the fourth quarter. Our unemployment rate fell to 4.2 per cent. Now that’s the lowest rate we’ve seen since 2008. At the height of the pandemic, we had an effective rate of unemployment of almost 15 per cent. And that effective rate now is equated with the actual rate of 4.2 per cent.
And our participation rate remained at near record highs, so nothing points to any great resignation by Australians. That is not what’s been occurring here. Our economy has been coming through strongly. We’ve retained our AAA credit rating – only one of a handful of countries who’ve been able to do so.
And let me make another point to this audience. From the outset, our Government always say, saw the way through this as backing a business-led recovery. We did not see a Government-centred recovery sustaining into the future. There was certainly a role for Government, but for the role for the Government was to ensure that we would have a sustainable business-led recovery.
We knew we were dealing with a public health crisis, albeit one with profound economic and social consequences. We never saw it as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system. We haven’t seen this as some long-term invitation for the return of a, or the establishment of some state-centred economy. And there’s good reason for that.
It’s worth remembering that prior to the COVID recession Australia had been recession-free for 28 and a half years – and by some accounts, that is a world record amongst advanced economies. Now this achievement was based on a track record of strong economic management and market-oriented economic reform over many, many decades. Yet we also know that our economy was going to face challenges, and that’s our outlook now.
COVID is helping accelerate big political, economic and technological changes that have been happening for some time. And forces that have been shaping a post-pandemic world is what I really want to focus on this evening, Australian time – these larger forces and the approach that we’re taking in Australia to support our economic recovery and our resilience into the next decade.”
Was this delivered via videolink? If so I suspect widespread use of the mute button.
And some high paid droid got paid for writing it!
Our Prime Minister would of course be speaking for his Cabinet of Ministers, the “board of directors” of the Morrison led elected Federal Government responsible for overseeing the governance of our nation through public service government departments, executives and other employees.
I am one Australian who has been concerned about the non-government organisation WEF slogans: great reset, build back better and new green deal. And the influence that the WEF has achieved not only with world governments but also the private sector and therefore it has been a concern that WEF agenda would succeed in stealing our assets claiming that we would be happier. And when professional organisations, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand for example, appear to be cooperating and in this example organising a forum for discussion with reset in the publicity material, cancelled not long after the advertising commenced, my concerns increased. So the video link address reference from our Prime Minister was very encouraging ….
“And let me make another point to this audience. From the outset, our Government always say, saw the way through this as backing a business-led recovery. We did not see a Government-centred recovery sustaining into the future. There was certainly a role for Government, but for the role for the Government was to ensure that we would have a sustainable business-led recovery.
We knew we were dealing with a public health crisis, albeit one with profound economic and social consequences. We never saw it as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system. We haven’t seen this as some long-term invitation for the return of a, or the establishment of some state-centred economy. And there’s good reason for that.”
Covid strikes
An expensive mistake in more ways than one.
As the F-35C pilot neared the USS Vinson, he “called the ball,” but also said he was experiencing sudden and intense chest pain, as if “someone hit me with a baseball bat.” The Landing Signal Operator aboard the USS Vinson noticed at once that the F-35 was above glideslope and would miss the wires. He ordered the pilot to “wave off” just as the pilot’s crackled voice said on the radio, “F@cking vaccine.” The pilot had barely enough strength to eject safely, though several boatswain’s mates on the flight deck were injured when the plane struck the deck.
The pilot was recovered and taken to medical, where a physician determined he had suffered an acute case of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, a common and potentially deadly side effect of Covid-19 vaccinations. The USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-Class carrier, has a fully functional medical ward on its 2nd deck, complete with diagnostic equipment, including CRT and MRI scanners, found in contemporary hospitals.
The pilot, current condition unknown, got his booster shot aboard the USS Vinson 72-hours prior to the accident. He had no comorbidities, and passed a medical examination on 9/5/2021. “
Facts please Ozzie.
Did the arrester wire break as first reported or did the automated landing system cause him to hit the fantail as reported later?
It seems the auto-land is so precise that when landing they hit the same spot on the deck consistently which caused problems with deck structural integrity. Answer? Introduce a random factor to spread the impact.
This is an excellent aircraft. After all these years there is yet to be a hull or pilot loss due to design.
F-35 Global Fleet Surpasses 400,000 Flight Hours
July 01, 2021
The global F-35 fleet has achieved 400,000 flight hours – demonstrating the progress and maturity of the F-35 program.
The 400,000 flight hours includes all F-35s in the fleet: developmental test aircraft, training, operational, U.S. and international F-35s.
I read a very interesting story written by a Scandinavian pilot who has transferred from F-16 fighters to F-35 and was describing the performances of the two aircraft, he rated the F-35 well in front of F-16 and including aircraft to aircraft attack and defence manouvering. He commented that as pilots including himself do more training in the F-35 how to fly it to best advantage of it’s capabilities will improve and extend the gap even more.
Noting that F-35 was not designed for that role, it is a stealth platform that uses missiles to bring down enemy aircraft far away, cary out ground or sea level surveillance of battlegrounds, block electronics and much more including what is not released for public knowledge purposes.
My apologies OO. What I’m reading today is not what I thought I read last night.
The world is dividing up into blocs. Russia, China, Iran, Kazakstan, Afghanistan, probably Pakistan, other North Central Asian states are forming up into a bloc. For Russia it’s a matter of strategy and Putin is playing that game well. China is being siloed by the West and it is relying on the bloc for its energy, minerals and trade in general.
In the USA the country is dividing into a Republican bloc and a Democrat bloc.
Australia, the UK and the USA into the AUKUS bloc.
The way you put it we are a tinderbox, primed for WWIII.
What a Russian assault on Ukraine would look like
PS: Would China use the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a distraction to invade Taiwan?
Russia, Russia, Russia.
George Friedman: Putin will not Attack Ukraine
My take so far, subject to change is Russia will invade Ukraine only of the US invades first.
It’s now clear the lesser of two evils at the moment is Russia, not the US. It used to be the other way around when the Soviet Union was the more evil one. Now it’s the turn of the US so long after the fall of the Soviet Union. I can understand why the US wants a war of some description. Misdirection to fool the people yet again. Problem of course is it could get out of hand, especially when China gets involved. The left were warning us that Trump was dangerous and could to lead to a world war. Biden is the real one to worry about. The left’s silence is deafening.
Russia Rejects Globohomo
AUKUS formed in 2021 but there are others worth considering and not least the QUAD (Australia-US-India-Japan), “Five Eyes” intelligence gathering (UK-US-Australia-Canada-NZ) another.
QUAD was revived following discussions between POTUS Trump and PM Morrison during their days of meetings in the US and discussions with India which include revival of Commonwealth of Nations trade agreements following the UK Brexit.
By all accounts the gathering together of old allies and new allies has surprised China-CCP.
Japan and the US have expressed interest in being included in the new Commonwealth of Nations member countries trading group, but are not members of course.
Good morning from America.
As leaders of the Formerly Free World, our POTUS is steady at the helm.
Rest well, you are all welcome.
“our POTUS is steady at the helm.”
Asleep, no doubt.
Asleep? More dazed & confused: he’s a goner.
A consensus is developing that we are entering a cool decade, this snippet from Climate Etc.
Javier: ‘Regarding multidecadal variability, the climate shifted into a warm phase in 1976, and shifted again into a cool phase in 1997. AMO lags these shifts as part of Marcia and yourself “stadium-wave” hypothesis. If I have to guess I would say the climate will shift again to a warm phase c. 2030, during the next solar minimum. This means little warming or even some cooling (not much, perhaps -0.2ºC) until c. 2035, when warming will resume.’
Judith: ‘Based on stadium wave analysis, and lack of a cold AMO transition so far, we estimate warming to resume circa 2040.’
Millions of double-jabbed Ozzies are soon to discover that they are “unvaccinated.”
ATAGI is about to announce that to be classified as “fully vaccinated” (which is no longer synonymous with “fully protected”) one must have a booster shot.
And since the Federal government has ordered enough boosters to give every man woman and child in Australia ten shots each, the definition will be sure to change.
How many folks, especially those who have had nasty post-vaxx experiences, will baulk at another shot, let alone the prospect of a succession of boosters?
In brief, how many Ozzies will be happy to board to vaxx-train on a journey with no destination in view.
No booster for me, got the astra first two, no more, no mrna.
I’m getting off the train, but it will require strict isolation most of the time.
When I told a relative that its over his rebuke startled me, ‘your choice, die then.’
Imagine the outcry if your hepatitis, tetanus, mmr etc shot was so ineffective you had to take boosters every few months. Yet the sheep line up again with nary a concern.
40 June 2021
‘Nanotechnology is an emerging field that can alter the way we approach the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases. Nanomedicine offers unique potentials to address future epidemiological challenges with other emerging viruses.
Moreover, nanoparticles have been shown to interfere with biological processes like inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, macrophage phagocytosis and platelet function. Acute or chronic toxicity of nanoparticles may be caused via ROS generation, cell membrane binding, DNA damage, altered cell cycle regulation and protein denaturation.
Another important issue is the incomplete understanding of long-term effects of nanoparticles in humans
I’m trying to understand this article. Could these things happen with the current mRNA vaccines or does it have nothing to do with it? Or we just don’t know yet?
Could this be related somehow?:
Dr John Campbell
Data, we want it all
And we want it now.
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now
Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now
Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals
Actual Study Start Date : April 29, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date : May 15, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date : May 15, 2023
‘Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.
Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche.
Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech, have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA. Each is principally focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer, which the companies believe can be attacked with just a few doses of mRNA. And each has already tested its technology on hundreds of patients.
“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.’
Southerly buster to reach Townsville late next week.
Welcome to the 1st of February:
A “light dusting of summer snow” may grace Tasmania’s highlands overnight. Good to see some things never change.
BoM is joining the dots, more cloud cover means warmer minimums.
‘There is an increased chance of unusually high minimum temperatures (in the top 20% of historical records) for February to April over most of Australia (1.5 to more 4.0 times the usual chance). The highest likelihoods are across the northern parts of the NT and Queensland, and western WA.’
Given the BOM’s
performancepredictions for Adelaide in the last 2 weeks I wouldn’t accept a claim from them that the sun rises in the East.Mind you, I remember Alf Gard, the ABC race caller, having some pungent things to say about them in the 1970’s. (He was marooned in the caller’s box on the Cheltenham racecourse by heavy rain which had been predicted as passing light showers).
According to a non-local publicity company employed by the WA state government, the sun sets in the east. They made a tourism ad for Perth that extolled the virtues of watching the sunset from Kings Park, which faces east…
Is something preventing you from facing west in the park?
I surmise that you have never been in the park.
I have but the sun still sets and you can face west even if the horizon is not visible?
Has January been hard for you?
Test tube babies just around the corner.
‘Researchers in Suzhou have developed an AI system able to monitor and take care of embryos as they grow into fetuses in the lab.
‘Technology won’t be a problem for its future application, but legal and ethical concerns might, warns Beijing-based researcher. (SCMP)
mmmm yes, I imagine legal and ethical concerns are top of mind in China
sounds like a solution in the works for the one child demographic time bomb
@Jo, any updates on that Aussie-developed COVID vaccine that the TGA refused to evaluate and that we raised funds for?
This is a shocker.
Interesting graphic of main energy sources across Europe
Levin: This is a disastrous domestic situation