by Joanne Nova
Maybe it’s an accident that every answer is “Vaccines”? Or maybe not.

People are asking why early safe cheap treatments could have been suppressed, after all, people are dying. A better question is to ask how could any cheap alternative treatment ever be selected? The money-pot on offer is so stupendously, fantastically big, it can buy small nations. And the cheap drugs don’t just compete with it, they obliterate it.
In the current system, legally, the FDA can’t give EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for any vaccine if there is a safe useful alternative. The EUA approval is simply extinguished by any treatment that works. Therefore billions of dollars in profits depends on making sure there are no cheap safe alternatives.
It’s not a question of whether Big Pharma are pulling levers to crush cheap drugs. With billions at stake, Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.
The EUA is all or nothing
The Covid vaccine was worth $24b to Pfizer this year alone:
This year, the Covid vaccine has brought in revenue of $24.3 billion. And Pfizer said it expects a total of $36 billion from the vaccine for all of 2021 — nearly $12 billion more in revenue the final quarter of the year. And it said based on contracts it now has signed it expects revenue $29 billion from the Covid vaccine in 2022. And that’s not necessarily all it will bring in.
It’s easy to screw up a study of unloved drugs
There are many ways to innocently mess up a study by starting treatment too late, using too little, too much, picking the wrong participants, and keeping the study small so it never reaches “significance”. And if a study gets published it can always be retracted. Editors like their careers too.
The big two vaccines generate $93 million dollars a day in profits
It’s not just Pfizer with fingers in the medical swamp of course. All Big-Pharma sellers are happier if the people are vitamin deficient, and if all competing unpatentable alternatives “just don’t have enough evidence”:
Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna making $1,000 profit every second while world’s poorest countries remain largely unvaccinated
New figures from the Peoples Vaccine Alliance reveal that the companies behind two of the most successful COVID-19 vaccines —Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna— are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute.
Despite receiving public funding of over $8 billion, the three corporations have refused calls to urgently transfer vaccine technology and know-how with capable producers in low- and middle-income countries via the World Health Organisation (WHO)…
The left-leaning activists miss the point:
Maaza Seyoum of the African Alliance and People’s Vaccine Alliance Africa said: “It is obscene that just a few companies are making millions of dollars in profit every single hour, while just two percent of people in low-income countries have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus.”
This is what’s obscene
What’s obscene is not that barely tested, unnecessary, risky drugs were not foisted on Africans, it’s that millions of people have died in the West that could have been saved if our government run agencies were serving The People instead of Big-Pharma. Billions of dollars has been burnt in long lockdowns that ten dollars worth of Ivermectin, Vitamin D3, A, C, B6 and antihistamines, nasal sprays, and mouthwashes could have avoided.
What’s obscene is that our spineless elected Representatives fail to represent The People (apart from the few brave souls like Rand Paul, Craig Kelly and Malcolm Roberts).
What’s obscene is that the mass media journalists jumped to “Vax The Nation” and not report the obvious conflicts of interests, the alternative treatments, or give a voice to the few brave doctors who have been sacked.
What’s obscene is that our Minister of Health, our Prime Minister, and Presidents everywhere unquestioningly obeyed the captured committees and incompetent Chief Health Officers who turned vaccines into a religion and signed secret contracts with multinational corporate giants that are well known to sacrifice lives for profits.
The greatest scandal of our lifetimes is here, and it’s the deep dark Medical Swamp, hidden in plain view and killing people we love. It bans wonder drugs, pours scorn on vitamins, denies doctors the training and choice to use the best treatments they know of, and generates massive profits for companies that used government funds yet avoid any legal liability and transparency.
They have suppressed many safe, useful treatments:
People deficient in Vitamin D3 are 14 times more likely to get severe Covid. Why aren’t the Health Departments telling us all to get our D3 measured and why don’t they hand out free samples at every corner chemist? Vit D3 reduced hospital deaths in Turkey by 60%. Most of the sickest Covid patients in Spain were deficient in Vit A. And 42% were deficient in B6, which helps reduce cytokine storms. Think that’s an “accident”?
Melatonin reduces deaths by maybe 90%, good old antihistamines saved nursing home patients, Iota-carageenan nasal sprays reduced infections by 80%, Mouthwashes reduce covid deaths by 80%. Asthma drug Budesonide reduces Covid hospitalization rate by 90%. Even cough syrup with Bromhexine might help.
Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax, Uttar Pradesh, India, wiped out Covid with ivermectin. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks. The virus mysteriously disappeared in Japan. Can’t we copy them? Meanwhile countries that use hydroxychloroquine appear to have 80% lower Covid death rates. Maybe that matters?
If the Health Dept cared about health, if hospitalization rates were important at all, they’d be acting differently.
The legal fine print is there for all to see all along:

Legally, there can be no alternate safe treatment… | Cornell Law School
Right now, your life may depend on getting organized and getting angry.
Time to drain the Swamp.
A post for Julian and Rachel.
We on this blog have been saying exactly this for nearly two years.
Slightly off topic: Consider Novak Djokovic to be trans-vaccinated.
Is that ‘No-vax’ Djokovic.
Sounds like he’s being transported.
” However, the federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt, this morning told Channel Seven the ABF had confirmed that “Mr Djokovic failed to provide appropriate evidence to meet the entry requirements to Australia and the visa has been subsequently cancelled”. ”
Dave B
Fully vaccinated young man dies of Covid as NSW records 34,994 new cases
NSW Health has revealed a fully vaccinated man in his 20s with no underlying conditions has died from Covid in hospital as Omicron continues to spread across the state.
The state recorded 34,994 and six deaths on Thursday, including the young ACT man who died at St Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst.
“He had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had no known underlying health conditions,” NSW Health said in a statement.
“NSW Health expresses its sincere condolences to their loved ones.”
Almost one in three people whose tests were processed in the latest reporting period tested positive to Covid-19.
The positivity rate, from the 111,231 PCR tests processed in the 24 hours to 8pm on Wednesday, was 31.46 per cent.
A further four men and one woman aged in their 60s, 80s and 90s also died from the virus overnight.
Two were from the Lake Macquarie area and three from Western Sydney.
There are now 1609 people in hospital with Covid, 131 of which are in intensive care and 38 on ventilators.
Hospitalisations have increased by 118 from 1491 patients on Wednesday and ICU presentations have increased by 12.
At the peak of the Delta variant outbreak on September 21, 1266 people were hospitalised, with 244 patients in intensive care and 118 people on ventilators.
What about this?
It is so obvious that ivermectin with doxycycline and zinc eliminates Covid-19 when used for early treatment when you look at the low cases in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Indian States like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. You would think that those countries would be trumpeting their success but obviously their main stream media is also controlled by “Big Pharma.” The world has gone mad!
Japan is a great success stoty: Hit this link and scroll down to ACTIVE CASES IN JAPAN
Japan has a population of 123 million, but their daily infection rate is a few hundred even in this super-fast spreading Omicron.
The media are saying nothing about it. Fact (fake) checkers try to convince us that it’s not Ivermectin, but according to what I have read, Japan’s version of Chief Medical Doctor overruled the politicians’ instructions not to use off label medicines, and instructed doctors to feel free to administer medicines that they deem fir and proper for the treatment against the Wuhan beast.
There is no evidence that anyone in Japan is taking ivermectin or any other drug to stop infection.
It’s a g..dam miracle!!
Compare with a similar population -Sth Korea.
In my post on Japan which you obviously didn’t read, you can see two doctors talking about the benefits of ivermectin. Dr Nagao had treated 500 people and was telling everyone how good it was on a TV show in early August, two weeks before the mystery sharp “collapse” in cases. The other Doc was head of the Tokyo Medical Assoc telling docs to use it. I also found a recent Japan Times story raising “concerns” that people were ordering in ivermectin “unproven” and that there are “agents” for ordering it.
So the balls in your court Gee Aye. What evidence do you have that the amazing situation in Japan is not due to ivermectin? Was it the strange evolution of a badly repairing nsp14 mutant that somehow outcompeted all the nasty delta version but then drove itself to extinction?
How does that work evolutionarily?
It is not in my court. Prove it was ivermectin.
You are absolutely correct. I cannot get a comment published in the Australian that mentions Vit D, ivermectin or any other Covid treatment. Any mention of the results from Uttar Pradesh are similare
“no evidence that anyone in Japan is taking ivermectin”
Would 500 pieces of evidence be enough? Your court.
It is in your court to prove that it is something else other than ivermectin.
One day, people will be charged of crimes against humanity for wilfully denying life-saving medicines on an international scale causing the death of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Covid-19 patients. Oh wait a minute, the Indian Bar associations have already opened a criminal case against the WHO’s India representative, which may lead to the death penalty of the accused. But the media are not telling you, so this must be ‘fake’. Actually it is fake fake.
I’m 69, healthy, no underlying conditions, I take 2 HCQ (Plaquenil) every Saturday and Zinc Sulphate with Vit C every day. This since about June 2020. I have lived near as normal as possible, even doing site work as an engineer, although my son and daughter and their young kids did try to avoid my presence to protect me, but that was until I got fed up. I kept taking this regime even after vaccination x2 and booster. Now the booster protection is on the wane and will not take another booster for CV-19. It’s too risky.
All the three vaccinations did bad things to me:
No1: vertigo and strange feelings in my head when I woke up and when I went to bed, for about 3 weeks. Never happened before.
No2: breathlessness, something I never experienced in my whole life.
Booster: subconjunctival haemorrhage in my right eye, the first time in my life. Was this the result of micro-blood clots? Will I have (did I have) identical events somewhere else in my body?
Will I get seriously sick with a second booster? For sure Pfizer have boosted their profit by orders of magnitude.
Image shows Google searches for ivermectin along with case numbers for covid19
Sorry, that uptick was a fat-finger error.
It is obvious that vaccination to control Covid-19 is not working when you look at the huge increase in case numbers in Europe and now in Australia as restrictions are eased. Japan has controlled the virus and the only explanation is the use of treatments like ivermectin and other drug combinations.
By not publicizing this use they are beating “Big Pharma” at their own game without the need for disinformation. Having worked with Japanese companies in Hong Kong on the construction of their Mass Transit System I can understand their mindset in keeping information on a “need to know” basis. They are extremely smart at using technology to their advantage without advertising the fact.
In this particular case I salute them.
So do you need to see someone taking the drug before you will believe it ? Your irrepressible willingness to not acknowledge the wind despite the trees waving and the clouds moving and the wind gauges barrelling around flat out and the breeze on your face is both admirable and perplexing.
“No evidence”?!
I’m betting you would also claim there is “No evidence” that the early outpatient treatment kits used in India include Ivermectin?
It’s over Leaf. The jabs have failed, and failed so badly there is no hope for the players involved to slink back to Climey Whinmey.
There is nothing the players can do now. The majority of the world’s population remains unjabbed, and that is not going to change. The most useful people in our world remain unjabbed, and they will no longer bend the knee to those
…demanded they take the jabs.
The various factions in the media report different things, as you would expect, but this report seems interesting:
Interesting and wrong.
What is interesting and what is wrong?
Japan graphic ivermectin with covid case’s Google searches please scroll to see. I know correlation is not causation.
Be patient, apply as much pressure as you can and always stick to reliable research when you quote sources. A quick way to lose credibility is to quote fringe sources, trendy and popular as they might seem to you.
It is not hard to forecast that there will be a savage, well supported, global retaliation to the deceit that Jo describes here. I have never seen private enterprise using any substantial deceit before the start of the global warming era, then we had the USA housing/banking debacle and what looks now like a change in public morals, to a low level that rewards deceit if you have sucked up adequately to government.
It is a horrible way of life for we older folk who were reared on clearer, more disciplined ways of life, with truth held in high regard. Geoff S
I have to agree with every point that you have made Geoff.
If you don’t quote fringe sources you will have nothing to quote but the ABC, and they’ll be quoting false facts from Nature magazine..
Credibility for our fringe sources will come as people realise the mainstream are just liars, and that takes a lot for the middle-class, comfortably watching 7o’clock news on TV.
Even harder is to convince them of the solution, their ideas cannot get past voting for Labour if you don’t like the Coalition. The thought that ALL politicians are equally corrupt is just so far from their reality they cannot get a grasp of it.
‘We older folk’ are the problem, we believed in Govts after WW2 and somehow never read the books about how we won the war, the corruption and propaganda that enriched the ruling class. We were too busy slagging off Communism under Stalin, without whom we wouldn’t have won anyway, and cheering America, the saviors of the free world….
No, there is no retribution for what has happened, a change of politicians will do nothing but showboat. There will be no revolution with ropes over light poles, the middle-class are too comfortable and even the dispossessed poor have been bought by the Welfare State. The person on here who said some people look forward to China taking over from the USA was quite correct, it will only be that disruption that will change what we have had for 70years now.
Time to take PROFIT OUT of medicine.
Lets not be hasty Joe,
The free market works well, including for medical services.
We just have to align the incentives with patients needs.
Impossible. To corporates PROFIT is all.
The punishment for the crimes currently being committed should be:
1. All participating corporations and businesses should have their patents and copyrights confiscated by the state.
2. All research and production facilities should likewise be confiscated.
3. Researchers involved should not be allowed to work in the field again.
4. The state should manufacture all medicines and provide them for free (what are taxes used for anyway?)
5. The state should be stripped of the power to enforce medical procedures or medicines.
6. The state should be prohibited from keeping secrets from the electorate.
7. The state should not be allowed to refuse to manufacture a medicine until it has been tried and failed.
Joe, “The state should be stripped of the power to enforce medical procedures or medicines.”
Its called the constitution, Nuremburg code and Australian vaccine hand book and the Prime ministers own mouth.
They know, they know you know, they don’t care.
The rest, are you asking for communism, because we are there. Corporate communism.
If we have corporate communism now – let us at least remove one level and also reduce the corruption due to it.
Capitalism is working so good for us now – Normal people are under the pump, but the connected are making a killing.
I’ve got nothing against profits. The governments job is to make it a level playing field where competition works for The People. Not to sign secret contracts on our behalf. Not to use government committees to enforce a monopoly, and crush natural or cheap alternatives.
If Big Pharma is Too Big To Fail, it’s too Big to allow.
The incentives are all wrong. Public Universities don’t serve the public. Public Broadcasters don’t serve the public. The TGA and FDA don’t serve the public.
Where was The ABC when the worst scandal in our lifetime was killing people? Where was Sydney University, or the ANU? Where were all the journalists, Members of Parliament, and Professors?
We can’t blame Pfizer for making profits, though we can boycott everything they sell.
No, we don’t need to
If they “developed” the fountain of youth, or elixir of eternal life, who would not want to buy it?
The problem is the behaviour and tactics of the “companies” (corruption?) and the facilitators inside our governments – THIS is what must be addressed and punished (heavily punished) – ALL OF THEM.
If they have purchased influence inside how we govern ourselves, then it is our process of governance that needs fixing.
The “profits” are not the core problem (or even a problem at all), but the conditions under which they were able to influence and “buy off” the legislators and regulators to ban competition in favour of their preferred, very profitable “solution”. How many people died (were killed) by these people suppressing safe, effective, and cheap treatments throughout this charade.
Had Ivermectin, HCQ, amongst other treatments remained unhindered, the uptake for their product (and the associated profit) would be far, far less.
It is the corruption of the market, freedom of choice, and freedom of bodily autonomy that has been the biggest victim in this tragic farce.
The perpetrators of this crime against humanity MUST be held to account (in full) and justice administered with cold, hard-hearted indifference.
Compassion must be reserved for the victims, not the criminals.
The Pharma giants have a perfect network of lobbying. Without transparency.
Some years ago here in Germany, they even wrote laws.
Jo, re: “We can’t blame Pfizer for making profits” – it’s not the fact of making profit that is (or should be) the issue, it’s the way in which they have made their profit. I am not a lawyer and maybe one could help here, but my understanding is that Big Pharma have abused their market dominance by using anti-competitive practices.
Not only has it given them sky-high unjustified profits, but it has also put many thousands of people’s lives at risk. I would like to see the Big Pharma companies in court on charges ranging from anti-competitive behaviour all the way up to manslaughter.
By Robert W Malone -January 5, 2022
One farm visitor told me of his foreshadowing massive numbers of deaths within three years consequent to the genetic vaccines, and that this was all about the “Great Reset” and the depopulation agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
I tried to reassure him that, in my opinion, this was highly unlikely- while privately thinking about how easily people fall into this type of conspiracy ideation, and how I need to be careful to avoid going there when confronting so many public health decisions that appear either incompetent or nefarious.
At the time, I only knew of the WEF as the host of a big annual party in Davos Switzerland where the uber rich and the hoi oligoi of the Western nations went to watch Ted talks, drink the best wine, see and be seen. Silly me.
What a long, strange trip this has been.
But I am wandering from a point that I am afraid to clearly state.
It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed. And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes against Humanity” push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic.
Here is what lit me up in this report from The Center Square contributor Margaret Menge.
“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week.
“The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
The only person who might change this is a certain president who has no reason to support the established corrupt practices.
Everyone knows this.
The establishment will do anything to make sure he does not win another election.
China is the unknown.
‘ Had Ivermectin, HCQ, amongst other treatments remained unhindered’ – they wouldn’t have been able to secure EUA for the experimental mRNA concoctions. Therefore the corruption involved in effectively making the alternate treatments illegal.
“The incentives are all wrong.”
It comes down to Freidman’s 4 ways to spend money –
1) spend your money on yourself – price and quality both matter. EG you might buy a product that costs more up front, but over time turns out to be cheaper
2) spend your money on someone else – price is more important than quality EG you spend your Christmas present budget on more cheap toys rather than less of the good quality toys
3) spend someone else’s money on yourself – quality is more more important than price EG you buy good quality food and accommodation on the company expense account
4) spend some else’s money on someone else – neither price nor quality matter EG all government spending
Governments always spend other people’s money on other people, so they don’t care about price or quality.
Both side of politics like “market solutions” as the “most efficient” because it is – “the market” is largely people spending their own money on themselves. Both sides then screw the market up with subsidies of one form or another – which never works because once the rules are in place, the smart guys figure out how to maximise the benefits (to them) of the subsidies and minimise the cost (to them) of gaining said subsidies.
The solution is not more laws, rules, regulations and taxes, but LESS of all of these. Any of these that distort the market in one way or another are to be avoided. If Government wishes to promote a specific industry for other reasons, the least damaging way is to provide one-off direct payments to specific companies. Sure, it’s open to abuse and corruption, but it stops the damaging over-investment of tax incentives and subsidies that is most apparent in the clean energy industry.
Response to Old Ozzie’s linked article.
The Margaret Menge article also said:
The CDC weekly death counts, which reflect the information on death certificates and so have a lag of up to eight weeks or longer, show that for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319.
Covid deaths are down by 141;
Other cause deaths are up by 31.
Do the sums.
All cause deaths are down by 110.
So how the devil is that a 40% increase?
Sam, the 40% increase is in 18-64 year olds from purely Non-Covid causes.
The all cause figure includes the Covid deaths. People in the 18 – 64 age group don’t die very often. So a 40% increase is still a small number. It probably matters a lot to those families though. The point of those statistics is that something strange is going on, and deaths from Covid have gone down while deaths from other causes has gone up.
And this Question relates to the post two days ago:
Jo, the end-game that affects all the people of a nation such as ours is not the big companies and profits or losses. The entire game, set and match lies at the very top of the nation. It is the top politicians and bureaucrats that ‘negotiate’ and sign us up to the conditions of the contracts who are entirely responsible for what we, the herd, are allowed to partake of – or not!
There may be criminality, neglect, total incompetence in the matters at hand with no one group representing the interests of the nation being totally in command of the knowledge base behind problems such as these infectious agents present, the alternatives known to be effective in their treatment, especially when the onset of the condition is abrupt and maybe of devastating potential to the community. One should apply the heat to all our epidemiological departments, departments of health and medical professionals that should collectively have the knowledge to compete with that of the big pharma companies, but it would seem fell grossly short in the knowledge base they would be expected to have, or were dictated to by the politicians to toe the political line regardless of what their knowledge base told them. The same ‘deficiency’ again seems to be a commonality for the Western governments around the world. Remember the created confusion as the epidemic proceeded where we had Western medical centres lauding various therapeutics working in several jurisdictions, but only to be shotdown by Western governments using or via their Health Department officials etc, and bans were thrown against utilising those therapies. Our politicians seemed to have been accepting of high death tolls amongst their citizens when surely, in a competent and honest world they should have been obliged to throw everything they could use against the virus in fulfilling the prime principle for existence ie to protect their citizens.
The key question that has to be defended, based on your well presented information above, is why did no known bureaucratic knowledge base have the early stage, current information on therapeutics being successfully used around the world that would argue there existed information on products used to control the epidemic when used early. This would have annulled the legal basis for exclusive development of vaccines. Those therapies could have been used alongside the vaccines as they developed. Our top politicians at both national and State levels should if possible be forced to demonstrate what competencies they used in determining how best to control and treat this epidemic. For the citizens, there must be a right to know if any deficiency in the political approach that holds us in chains was deficient and has cost us hugely in lives of loved ones – lost due to incompetency at the top levels of our decision makers.
When the FDA and the drug companies demand this information on their decision making to be kept closed until 2075, or 2096, then it is reasonable to infer there are matters of rank incompetency and /or criminal neglect to be covered up by both sides of those negotiations. It is of note that Trump had stated that in the interest of speed, there had to be indemnity given to the drug companies to produce the vaccines asap. However, Trump himself was still advocating for hydroxychloroquin et al therapeutics which would indicate he had no knowledge that these therapeutics would be then excluded and debunked, post haste on very little evidence and using the political ‘out’ learned from the political manipulation of the AGW game. That is, politicians declare the science is ‘in’ and anyone caring to disagree is chucked to the lions and deigned to be a non person in society. This must end.
Governments who make massive buddy-buddy deals with big industrialists and businessmen to bamboozle the people and treat them like bacteria or viruses in a massive global petri dish are called Fascists. Hitler was the ultimate Fascist. His rise to power was financed by German industrialists.
Time to take “rorting” out of the system.
“Time to take PROFIT OUT of medicine.”
Funny, a not funny funny, that progressives have always and are still saying this as they use totalitarian tactics to force people to take multiple injections of a FOR PROFIT PRODUCT.
And the PROFITEERS have been released from liability for anything that might go wrong.
Now the PROITEERS are taking your tax dollars AND your private(insurance)funds.
And maybe your immune system.
And peoples minds.
And if Dr. Malone is right, the children.
Public funded healthcare is most of the problem. It would be better to take the government out of medicine and allow genuine competition.
— P. J. O’Rourke
That’s the real problem: there are only a small number of very large corporates that mostly control the industry … and they do it with government assistance. Massive taxpayer subsidies for Remdesivir but outright bans on competing products like Ivermectin … it’s not about health because Ivermectin has a much, much better safety record than Remdesivir (which is known to damage kidneys).
Go to the supermarket, and check out the vitamin aisle, notice how it gets bigger every year because people are buying vitamins … and this despite being given the pooh pooh by the doctors. There’s profits to be made selling vitamins, and there’s no government subsidy, and the only regulations being imposed are quality control (which is reasonable).
” It would be better to take the government out of medicine ”
Finally, someone sees it!! Its YOUR life, your ONLY one, so don’t let Govts take it over by running your health for you! Get the Govt out of health and out of education, and the free market will move faster and more economically to solve problems that arise.
Just compare Musk to NASA, or Musk to those Govt-propped dinosaurs Boeing and General Electric, they still have got a rocket to take people to the ISS! Entrepreneurs beat bureaucracies every time.
A free market would let enjoy Indian, Japanese & Chinese traditional medicines as well as the West. Sure, only the rich could afford the equivalent of $350 Brooks running shoes, but there are plenty of running shoes for under $70. If you’re worried about ‘the poor’ not being able to afford healthcare, set up a charity, they control billions of dollars these days.
But everything we’ve seen go wrong with the whole Covid debacle has been from the Govt being involved.
Not “take profit out”, just make income depend on “health” rather than “sickness”. How? Ensure doctors are incentivised to promote health (i.e. penalised when sickness occurs). In other words, you enrol at a local clinic and pay monthly subscription (small) UNTIL you become ill. Stop subscription payments until you recover. Think about it.
When his community is well, the doctor has income and leisure; he also has an incentive to pre-empt unhealthy situations. He might even be motivated to visit homes to check on vulnerable patients before they deteriorate.
During a pandemic, their incomes would initially decrease, until they get it under control. Would doctors not revolt en masse against a rogue TGA under these present conditions, when their incomes could be radically improved by cheap alternatives?
The idea seems sensible enough, yet perversely it works against a free market in health care and has negative consequences. In particular freedom of choice gets removed from the consumers (patients).
A former Australian Health Minister, Michael Wooldridge, thought he had come up with this innovative idea. One of his solutions to wellness was a hugely expanded vaccination program. I am not sure that has worked out well.
Another consequence of his thinking is the unremitting campaign against smoking. Many will doubtless agree with that, yet in my view there are far too many tyrants already in the medical profession. A lot of them (medical tyrants) would decline to treat people who have damaged their own health if they were able to and some already do.
It does not sit well with my view of medical ethics.
Part of the problem if incentivize health is that doctors wouldn’t want to take on sick patients. I don’t think there is an easy solution. Though public feedback about doctors (which docs would hate) would probably mean successful doctors got rave reviews. (We hope).
I’m not saying I have an answer, but if the media covered this topic, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
I think the real money will be in Rapid Antigen Tests.
Must have them free and get the media pushing them as must have items, unlimited sales for an unlimited time.
get a oximeter! $40. Done.
More preaching to the converted here from Dr Been
MY observations: 1,000 IU after infection is too little, too late and B12 is poorly absorbed orally so should be taken sublingually ie suck on a lozenge. It has been on my goto list for years being a good antioxidant.
B12? Eat more beef.
Not so simple. Meat eaters can be deficient as they get older in B12. It is the largest vitamin, biggest molecule, and hard to absorb. Everything needs to be right. Only about 1% is absorbed. We make a molecule to protect B12 against stomach acid, then another molecule to detach it. Another molecule to bind it and another molecule to absorb it. It’s also hard to test and get useful informative results. Testing four downstream molecules is better but still hard. As usual minimum RDA levels aren’t set for optimum benefit though may stop you getting nerve damage. B12 helps you make the myelin shealths that are the insulation on your nerves./
However Big Pharma would like you believe that you can definitely get all your vitamins and trace minerals from industrial foods, modern NPK fertilizer, long freezer storage, and the evolutionary new radical changes in homo sapiens diet, as well as other drug side effects.
” Screening may be warranted in patients with one or more risk factors, such as gastric or small intestine resections, inflammatory bowel disease, use of metformin for more than four months, use of proton pump inhibitors or histamine H2 blockers for more than 12 months, vegans or strict vegetarians, and adults older than 75 years.” AAPF
Jo, it is not just the repression of the drugs, it is also the use of Induced Comas and Ventillators as recommended by, you guessed it, China and the WHO.
The suppreesion of the drugs is also part of the “Control” in the control group of the worldwide Vaccine trial currently underway.
When all the useful tools are taken away and early treatment is suppressed, what else can docs do? The WHO weren’t the ones forcing ventilators on patients. That’s what honest Docs were saying in Feb 2020 because they thought SARS it was “like ARDS in influenza” but Covid is a vascular disease with a massive cytokine storm, and freakishly low Oxy levels are common.
Found this article on Cyprusmedianet News Plus: (bolding & caps mine)
“Omicron is literally the vaccine vaccine companies COULD NOT make.
It is attenuated.
No hospitalizations.
No critical patients.
No oxygenation.
Everyone will be exposed and will get it.
Within 8 weeks the world will be vaccinated.
Why the panic ???
It could’ve been a lot worse”.
Emrani says further: “In my opinion, the biggest threat remains the overreaction of government agencies, which causes panic and misinformation and leads to a closure that affects those most vulnerable to us” (bolding emphasis mine)
– Afshine Emrani MD FACC (@afshineemrani) December 21, 2021
What is the Australian govt going to do with their 250 000 000 vaccine doses, and their vaccine factories?
Maybe we should start dosing horses?
But I doubt it. They have shown a very strong propensity to double down.
Maybe we should start dosing horses?
Nah – Racehorses are too Valuable – Humans are disposable in today’s Covid Vaccine Age
Yes, it’s the “OFF SWITCH”
But who deployed it? It wasn’t engineered. But it was “islanded”. Who did that? Their deployment method indicates hundreds of operatives in multiple nations, each personally prepared to risk the consequences of infection, just to defeat the WEF plan. Ability to isolate, sequence, island, replicate and mass deploy. Who?
Now we know more about Dr.Malone, that may seem a good point to squeeze. But in his own words “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”
My answer is no. It is good that Klaus Shwab and his WEF cronies like Morrison have dedicated heroes working on their deserved downfall. These heroes don’t need names, faces or capes.
“No capes!” – Edna Mode
The climate debate was the best preparation for understanding Covid I could have.
If I were to start listing parallels between Climate and Covid I would be at it for a month.
You are so right.
The majority of people with STEM tertiary education who are unjabbed are the AGW sceptics.
I think covid is the only disease where early treatment options are specifically excluded, or in Australia’s case, banned.
In fact, the first thing people are told to do if diagnosed with ‘Rona is to go home and do nothing and then call an ambulance if and when you get REALLY SICK. Then you go to hospital and are put on oxygen and then a ventilator which you will be lucky to survive.
If really lucky in Australia you might be given a dose of monoclonal antibodies. The government has the medical establishment too terrified to dare to use any supplemental treatments not specifically approved by Big Pharma, Government or the Left.
youmissed 1 reason a Rockefeller U. people patent:
Greg Hunt’a brother is involved in similar research.
The main problem we have here is corruption . Big business has control because they can and do destroy any opposition . The media controls almost everyone . How many of you have lost friends due to their lack of critical thinking and uncritical acceptance of the “narrative” ? The lies and misinformation provided by big pharma and published by the media have sent many people to the morgue and yet no one is being held accountable . This cannot end well…..
So I and my two daughters, did all the things, took vitamins, got double dosed, and still got Covid, as have just about everyone in my extended US family. Which treatment helped the most, is hard to say, although my youngest daughter, who takes her health very seriously was the least affected.
By the way vitamins are chemicals necessary for human health, but can not be synthesised by the body. Maintaining a regime which includes vitamins is really common sense, and is down to individual responsibility.
Until people realize the “vaccine” is actually a gene therapy drug, not an actual vaccine, it wont make sense to people why they got sick – even after being “vaccinated”.
I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not Peter because you Leftists are uncritical “true believers” in everything the Government / Big Pharma partnership tell you and just yesterday you were laughing at the “horse dewormer”.
The pro-science conservatives on this site know there are prophylaxis, early treatment and later treatment options. Some involve “horse dewormer”, some involve zinc, some HCQ. Vitamins in general are not useful unless they correct specific deficiencies. Vitamin D is a common deficiency and needs a higher dose than the current guidelins which serve only to correct rickets. It is not certain you won’t get corona but if you do the symptoms will certainly be less severe.
Jo has previously reported them on this site.
Your side has tirelessly worked to make illegal early treatment and prophylaxis options (according to appropriate proticols) in Australia and elsewhere.
Your side is responsible for massive unnecessary economic and social destruction around the world.
Forgive me for thinking you’re not serious and you also don’t deserve the benefit of the knowledge you and your comrades have worked so tirelessly to delegitmise around the world and even make illegal in Australia. That has cost many lives.
Actually, I don’t know why I bothered replying to you. You’ll probably use the advice you receive to get banned anything others may suggest. That’s how you Lefties work, isn’t it?
If you are serious, the knowledge is out there, including on this site. Find it.
Or just keep getting injected every three months or less.
It is not worth the effort to engage the serial disinformants and provocateurs DM.
My wish is for the software here to include an ignore function.
Get back to me when you are recovering form a dose of Covid. I provided observations, you provide Kant
Maybe not what was intended, but:
Emmanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers. Kant’s comprehensive and systematic works in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics have made him one of the most influential figures in modern Western philosophy.
The Left are at war against Enlightenment values.
“Get back to me when you are recovering form a dose of Covid”
Not being vaxxed, we are less likely to get it.
“Get back to me when you are recovering form a dose of Covid”
Not being vaxxed, we are less likely to get it.
The vaxxed who get Covid 19 may not be able to get back to you PF according to NSW Health figures.
The ‘Not eligible for vaccination(aged 0-11 years)’ can come back to you after a Covid 19 positive in NSW – Zero deaths.
Whereas the deaths are occurring in the the Vaccinated and the ‘No Effective Dose’ categories.
Table 6. Deaths among cases diagnosed with COVID-19, by vaccination status, NSW,
from 16 June to 18 December 2021
Vaccination status Death (%)
Fully Vaccinated 90 (15.3%)
Partially vaccinated 76 (12.9%)
No effective dose 416 (70.5%)
Under investigation 8 (1.4%)
Not eligible for vaccination(aged 0-11 years) 0 (0.0%)
So what is ‘No Effective Dose’ in NSW.
So PF, Why are the definitely un-vaccinated under 12 years of age not dying of your Covid 19 and those over 11 and un-vaccinated or those that may have received a ‘Shot’ dying within 21 days of the treatment dying?
Strange illness that did not kill anybody under 50 before the middle of 2021 and the authorities have since become unable to separate those who are un-vaccinated from those who have been jabbed.
Double blind!
My Family and a large group of people I know did non of those, ate well, hugged and kissed as normal and were at the front line of dealing with those who were sick. We are lucky to live in an area that is relatively wealthy, has excellent food and services and access to sunlight. No one is sick or has tested positive.
Our staff have the same environment, are obsessive about their health and fitness, are terrified of Covid, take anti-depressants, have just had their boosters. One has giddy spells, another menstrual issues and the last has a serious problem with her heart. We do not discuss these ailments with them, though have overheard discussions regarding other pains and problems after receiving the Shots. The two who push the fear porn the most will not accept any source of information outside the ABC, The Project, official sources and their Doctor. The third had the vaccine against her better judgement in the hope of visiting her son overseas. Her Doctor has admitted her new Health problems are the result of the vaccine. (This Doctor actually fell down the stairs shortly after his and yet is still pushing this treatment.)
The difference in my anecdotal ramblings to your missive PF is that these outcomes have been hypothesized by some of the leading virologists, immunologists, vaccine scientists , pathologists etc and we are now seeing these outcomes substantiated by facts as listed here on Jo’s blog.
The message I believe you were hoping to sneak passed the red thumbs is:
If you are implying ‘double dose’ will save you from bad Covid 19 you may be missing another possibility and that is that Covid 19 appears to only have had poor outcomes for the elderly and infirm. So run off and get your boosters and report back on your success with this emergency use approved therapy on your children. I certainly will not be letting my children be used as lab rats.
Quote: “Maaza Seyoum of the African Alliance and People’s Vaccine Alliance Africa said: “It is obscene that just a few companies are making millions of dollars in profit every single hour, while just two percent of people in low-income countries have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus.”
Now if we could be so lucky as to have Big Pharma/Health Bureaucracy/Hysterical women so uninterested in vaxxing us.
Follow the money.
Rearly but sometimes it can be an advantage to have none.
We need to look behind the Covid details and the climate details to see what is going on.
Have a look at this
and combine it with the inflation and massive printing of USD.
The answer to the level of “corruption” may be found in the length of time that the protein sub unit vaccines (now being used in non western countries) are accepted worldwide as “valid vaccines”.
It is noticeable that the Thugs Goons Administration In Australia has been dragging their feet approving Novavax
Some of the wide range in things that help make me think that a lot of it comes down to the placebo effect. In fact, I don’t see any real evidence that the vaccines work beyond a placebo effect.
I think that people’s anxieties and fears are playing a huge role in whether or not they become sick and how sick they become. If you go to the hospital and you’re faced with an understaffed environment and hugely stressed healthcare workers, walking around in the equivalent of haz-mat suits, that doesn’t help with anxiety levels. I think the fear-porn and the insane testing requirements—with tests that can produce a lot of false-positives—are driving this whole thing.
i have not been afraid of this thing, except for a few weeks at the beginning, and I have had no problem staying healthy. Because I read a lot and do a lot of research, the huge amount of media manipulation was apparent to me early on. And then, building a global pandemic narrative on the back of the PCR test, a test which cannot detect either active virus or active infection, seemed ludicrous to me.
Also, early on, I read a story by a respiratory therapist who relayed how people in a place of chronic fear and/or anxiety forget how to breathe properly, and, as a result, can end up with pneumonia. That story was confirmed for me by the husband of a friend who told me that when he broke his ribs, one of the first things that he was warned about was that he might end up with pneumonia. “Because when you break your ribs, it hurts to breathe, you don’t breathe properly, and hence, you’re prone to respiratory illness.”
As a preface to my comment, all I know is what I read and hear. My background is mechanical engineering. But combining clues/comments leads me to sense a different objective in all this, rather by design or happenstance. There may be more than short term profits involved. There seems to be a vaccine addiction developing. Around ninety days after vaccination, a booster is required. A few months later, another. There is talk now of needing a booster four times each year. There is also evidence the vaccinated immune system is degraded by the vaccine (creating a dependency), making the vaccinated more susceptible to not only COVID, but other viruses. It is beginning to appear as though those who have been vaccinated have a weakened immune system in perpetuity, requiring perpetual boosters to avoid becoming seriously ill with viruses that a year ago the body would have easily handled.
Interesting. Psychological addiction seems for sure.
Is there any means of disclosure of what other physiological mechanisms might be built into the stuff?
No only does pharma have liability protection, but proprietary privacy.
As far as I know, we have no way of knowing.
There is a previous dark history with opioids.
Not to mention Thalidomide and DES. Just naming a few.
Wait, we’re not supposed to remember that, Pharma are life-saving heroes now.
Not only
Agreed WM but what exactly do the boosters boost? If they suppress the natural immune system then repeated boosters can only serve to increased suppression.
And that leads me to the big question. Will human immune systems tend to recover if these injections cease? Or is the damage permanent?
Forest Gardener (what a serene handle), I have long considered that mankind is moving toward what I call the “Ant Farm” mentality. With the advent of radio, TV, the internet, social media and even blogs like Jonova, mankind is moving toward the collective. A hundred years ago the was individual thought, local customs, regional events, national identity…as the norm.
I have seen video of Bill Gates, a financial supporter of mRNA research, openly talk of a vaccine that could change the way men think. At first this comment may seem a benign comment by an ego disguised as a billionaire. But I ponder the mind behind such a comment.
If I control the only source of water, I control everyone! If I were an egoist that considered myself vastly superior intellectually to the common man, controlled vast sums of money, thus politicians, and I further considered the common man wasteful, unsophisticated, destructive of my enlightened agenda, etc., how could I gain control over them, and require them to heed my wishes and commands. Very simple, I would gain control of the only source of water! The unvaccinated are already being excluded from society in some countries and the concept is spreading.
While I do not believe a few billionaires sat in a smoked filled room planning the take over of mankind by releasing a virus to induce mass, global panic so they could save the world with their miraculous vaccine, I do believe there are people that manipulate and take full advantage of a good crisis.
I do believe there are diabolical men and women that feel the end justifies the means, and that they are gifted above all others to know what is best for the future of man. As for the question of will the vaccine create a long term or permanent weakening of the immune system, I can only imagine the outcome. If you wish to stay healthy, it’s a good idea that you change the way you think! And the masses voluntarily submit. No wars, no destruction, just voluntary submission.
If you even mention the word Ivermectin in the comments section of the newspapers, particularly The Australian. Your comment will be rejected immediately. So as far as I am concerned the mainstream papers are in on the fix as well.
Yes, talking to friends and family direct is really the best way to get the info out there.
Ultimately the MSM are just slaves to bug interests, so we have to cut them out of the loop and go direct.
We will win eventually.
You don’t even have to mention an alternative. From the local daily paper “The Advertiser”, their guidelines (T&C’s)clearly state “The following behaviour may result in commentators being suspended or banned…….making comments about the effectiveness of products in treating serious health concerns”.
I have had four comments in the paper removed by “moderators”. I have only ever mentioned information from ATAGI/TGA/Australian Government Health websites.
eg. provisional approval, when approved, vaccines would prevent Covid-19 and now boosters required etc.
Is it true that all media in Australia has been provided “tax deductions” and grants to assist the promotion of the virus?
You are absolutely correct. I cannot get a comment published in the Australian that mentions Vit D, ivermectin or any other Covid treatment. Any mention of the results from Uttar Pradesh are similarly dismissed. I cannot understand why the Australian would behave in this way – why does the editorial staff have a position on this?
Peter Petrum #19.3
The answer to your question is, what is a journalist these days.
To my mind most are commentators and their commentating is fixed in accordance with the policies of those that own the company for which they work. It seems a leftover from a profession where finding the news and truth and getting a ‘scoop’ was the raison d’etre for their existence.
It’s no different, it seems, from those working for Universities and government ‘science’ labs these days where one’s occupation lasts so long as it doesn’t transgress against the fields of climate science as politically and bureaucratically dictated to be the entire truth existing in such ‘science’. It would seem COVID-19 reporting is tarred by the same brush; no deviation to be supported, presented nor tolerated. It’s the new world of combined government, big business, and media of all forms, that seek to control our very thoughts and speech by censorship and dictation. Population control and profits driven by lies and fear for the disinterested. Exclusion is for those that care, seek truth and understanding and refuse to be silenced.
One applauds Markson and Devine (unbelievably, as she coined ‘delcons’)on their recent books investigating the topics of the origins COVID-19 on the one hand and the Russian collusion fraud on the other. They’ve both had working relationships with Murdoch Press and Foxtel. There still exist a few non-zombi journalists around. One wonders if their courage will take them similarly into investigating Climate ‘science’ and COVID-19 to separate truth, fiction, driving forces and corruption.
“This is gonnna be hard to hide on the news. Quite the large study from the UK linked in the post. ”
“Let’s Make This Simple”
From the link:
“In fact the data is that the jabs appear to make infection more likely rather than less and, what’s worse, it appears they potentiate repeated infections.”
Get triple-jabbed and get recurring Covid for the rest of your foreshortened life.
So far so good for the population reduction programme; after all the stupid people have been swept away by this bold initiative the AI left running the show could dispense with the rest leaving nobody to feel the pain.
Thank you Jo! Your courage to print this is to be applauded. Time now to think of an alternate government for Australia. Hyper hypocrite Morrison is a danger to all of us, labor/greens worse. He and the “National Cabinet” are running us not parliament. If there is a glimmer of hope for Australia when we read this we should have a very long, deep think about trying different people to run this country, otherwise we are done.
Granted it’s a problem when we have powerful lobbies effectively bribing the US government to bend to their will and then make big profits as a result. Not sure how it can be stopped since the US lives in a political model that allows that sort of thing to happen with really no strings attached. An amendment to the US Constitution would be required, or a change in government that does support that sort of “arrangement” between government and private business. Good luck with either one as both parties relish in it.
correction: or a change in government that does NOT support that sort of “arrangement” between government and private business.
Just a there is separation between church and state, there ought to be a separation between private business and state. In other words, it ought to be illegal for private business to lobby government. Provided it’s monitored and policed correctly, any politician caught doing so ought to then receive a punishment of life in prison. However, there will be the proverbial problem of who will “police” the “police”.
I find it quite amazing that back in the 1970s and 80s the Left was very suspicious (rightly in many cases) of companies. Companies themselves were suspicious of govt and wanted the govt to mind its own business. Govt was far smaller than now and we did not have a constant (false) atmosphere of crisis.
Nowadays the Left has cozied up to companies and companies embrace big govt. Debts skyrocket as companies, quangos, Leftist oriented organisations and “activists” all have their snouts in the trough ripping off taxpayers as subsidies and payments (eg for useless and dangerous covid vaxxes) flood out.
The press is in on it as well, flooded with govt money for ads and recklessly pouring out fear porn on climate and covid to boost clicks and views.
Australians are being ripped off and wrecked big time. When the next election comes do not vote for Labour or the LNP – they are in it up to the gills. Vote for those who do not want to perpetuate this unsustainable cycle of greed and corruption.
G’day Prophet,
I generally agree with you, but I’ve still got to put the Greens last, as I think they are most dangerous.
Dave B
Once again, thank you Jo, for a great article which reminds us all of the scandalous failyre
Sorry, pressed post accidentally. Should read – the scandalous failure of government, media, the Academy etc to inform us & protect us. The failure is so monumental, it is staggering in its implications for our future.
Incidentally, Sydney has gone barking mad. People are just hysterical about a variant that is giving every indication of being innocuous.
Hi there,
No matter what I think and people here think about the big con of “vaccination” the huge well oiled machine of big Pharma(Pfizer,Moderna etc etc) and the most
evil -insincere orchestra conductor -Dr Fauci (read Robert Kennedy’s Jr book on Fauci and this whole story becomes crystal clear) will change anything.
I think the con and the narrative was brought about by what the word vaccine means ! I am not an anti vaxxer. In contemporary times properly carried out Random
controlled double blind placebo trials produced vaccines that worked ie would stop infection by being sterilising (“kill the virus”) and therefore stop it spreading.By the way
a healthy innate/adaptive immune system will do the same for Sars cov 2 .
Now the con and the sting comes in here mRNA -gene therapy inoculations are NOT in any sense traditional vaccines!They enlist the body’s cells to make the spike
protein (this has never been done before in the history of immunology at least not en masse with human populations)
The spike protein is a biological toxin-when made and presented on any of the body’s cell membranes -our T cells will examine it and mount an attack on the “infected” cell this is an auto immune result.
The so called “trials” by the main players Pfizer etc of these obscenely profitable medial products were curtailed within months of them starting so then they could rush them to market by getting governments to enact
Emergency Use Authorisation ( meaning smear, kill, deride any other substance/compound HCQ,Ivermectin,Quercitin ,Vit D,Zinc etc that could and did effectively deal with
Covid 19)
The stage now was almost perfectly set.All that had to be done was : A. Pharma writing up contracts that overid citizen rights and of course national sovereignty.
B. Get on board MSM and Social Media.
C. Enlisting Governments and compliant politicians of any political colour to come on board.
When these three boxes were ticked the show and the play could go on.
Politicians and governments could now become saviours (there “wet” power dreams had just come true) -just by the way most of them would have no more science
background than what they forgotten from Year 10 Science.
In all of this remember the kicker- there would be absolutely no debate not even polite questioning of this narrative .And if there was any opposition those involved
would be deplatformed ,maybe even handcuffed ,lose their medical license etc etc and so on.
The sad truth about this unstoppable international behemoth can be found in the US governments VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) where the number of deaths associated with these “vaccines” amounts to about 20000 (and likely to be 10 times higher)
And now the sad truth at home in Aus -goto our Federal Governments Health Dept website then goto the TGA search in Medicine -vaccines tick all vaccines
but not the 4 authorised mRNA type vaccines (Spikevax ,cominarty etc) and search all other vaccines (about 70) from 1971 to 2021 -you will find the associated death rate
for these vaccines over 50 years to be below 100 .Now add in the 4 mRNA vaccines and you get a figure of about 700.
I rest my case.
Cheers Mike Reed
I have tried to get Fauci’s physical book but it is unavailable at the moment except by Kindle download but I want the physical book.
I meant the book ABOUT Fauci, not by him.
The big con of vaccination might be exposed soon. If any proof is needed that passive resistance is the best way out of this mess, we might be seeing it now as so many font-line workers (police, nurses, fire fighters, truckies, etc.) are refusing to take the shots and losing their jobs. If that continues, governments and business will have to rethink their tyrannical approaches or else our economy will collapse due to lack of workers. Those who are vaccinated might join those who lose their jobs if and when they refuse to take the boosters shots. Perhaps that is when governments and businesses relax the restriction and allow their staff to keep their jobs even if they refuse to take on the booster shots. If that’s the case, the big lie is then exposed. How is it then that a person who is double vaxxed but never gets a booster shot and thus is effectively not fully vaxxed once it wares off is allowed to keep their job while those who are not vaxxed can’t? It will be a proverbial gotcha moment, at least for those who are still awake.
The revelation of major insurance companies in the USA that non Covid mortality rates have risen abnormally may be game changer. Big corporations do not like to lose money. Big Insurance V Big Pharma – now there’s a battle!
When rapid antigen tests for ‘rona first became available about 18 months ago a medical friend and I were interested in importing and selling them. However the Government made such tests illegal and imposed a $600,000 fine for anyone selling them.
Apparently it was the Australian pathology labs who are making billion$ from government contracts on ‘rona PCR testing who were behind a campaign discrediting the rapid tests and getting Government to ban them.
As with everything to do with ‘rona, follow both a) the money trail and 2) the Leftist totalitarian political ideology the covid restrictions are helping to implement.
Now, they are legal and people can’t get enough of them and Government is even encouraging their use.
David, this is not forgotten, nor should it ever be forgotten.
If you check the history, I would be one of many called for the use of “paper antigen tests” over a year and a half ago in comments on this site and others.
Never let it be forgotten that when Scott Morrison was challenged on his ban, his justification was:”But the government would lose control of testing.”
That bit the drivel monkey said out loud. The bit he didn’t say: why ban the therapeutics? Because the government would lose control of treatment …
Well, now they’ve lost control of both.
For the Davos wannabes, a pine veneer chipboard box with cheap electro-plated handles is a luxury they may dream of. The way it’s heading, a deep muddy hole, backhoe still chugging, with a shovel of quick-lime in the face before they’ve stopped breathing is looking increasingly probable.
(Oh and before Leaf accuses me of hyperbole. Just remember, they jabbed children and pregnant women.)
Good summary Jo and yet we’ve had decades of scandals and corruption with every con merchant and trickster promoting and making money out of their so called climate change.
Trillions more $ are at stake if these loonies get their way ( with the exception of China, Russia, India + other developing countries) and the OECD could waste many more trillions $ by 2030 or 2050 or…..
When this CV-19 drama is over there should/could be a lot of soul searching and perhaps some of these major players will then be hounded by the media until we get at the truth.
If Omicron is found to be the ultimate booster shot for everyone we can then return to the DATA and properly start to understand the truth. Who knows?
My understanding is that the EUA for Pfizer is only applicable to 5-15 yo. Apparently it got fully approved back in August 2021. Pfizer is now currently seeking full approval for the 5-15 cohort.
While I agree with Jo’s logic above, and the simple and pervasive prioritization of profits over people certainly appears to be a key objective in the operational framework that the COVID response is playing out in, I doubt it’s the only theme – increasing political/social/economic controls also appear to be a key objective alongside profits.
I expect that even with full authorisation of the COVID vaccines, the suppression/banning of off-patent treatments will continue until the operational framework changes to one orientated to the welfare of the common people.
Omnicon, from the Latin, Omni,multidirectional, universal and Con, to deceive, misrepresent, lie, cheat, steal.
Hmmm, who’da thought.
This voiced pharyngeal fricative also derives from the proto-semitic language meaning eye. The Hebrew equivalent is ayin which also means eye.
Figures keep popping up that vax’s give us X3 the protection vs unvaccinated, and for boosted its around X12. Sometimes they are weird numbers, just non sensical. The rule of thumb could be that corona kills about 1%, but I’ve seen numbers quoting orders of magnitude lower or higher. And there’s never a column for unvaxed, with doctors who decide to play doctor, extolling preventative medicine, and therapeutics.
And also when vaced vs unvaxed are lined up, it’s only on covid they are judged. The non covid deaths are never added to the vaxed column. It is just simple maths really.
“The non COVID deaths are never added to …”
Now you are getting it. Now you can see why Pfizer really didn’t want to look at “all causes mortality” at the 6 month mark in their dodgy trials.
There are people claiming there will/should be an accounting in the future for this fiasco. That’s a delusion. The West is so white anted, where are you going to suddenly find the people with any clear insight? You can change leadership (but there’s no team in Trump!), but finding the millions needed to actually run everything, unideologically, I don’t see where they come from. My scenario goes total collapse, then the only thing between us and medieval times, would be our Chinese overlords. I know people who think that would be great. Or even back to hunter gathering!
To those who think returning to an earlier time would be great, I want to ask, how long it will take to produce a hypodermic needle from scratch? We do live in an age of material wonders, unfortunately our psychological development isn’t keeping up.
I believe there will be an accounting. I believe it has already begun.
I see that micro-smirk on Dr. Malone’s lips on the question of the origin of Omicron. (Just one podcast. Just one tiny slip. That’s all I need.)
He knows who had the capability to identify, sequence, “Island”, replicate and mass deploy Omicron. He knows why. And he knows that they are not part of team WEF. (One twitch. Quarter of a second.)
How does he know? Because even though he has mostly worked for good, he has been employed by the US military to assess and anyalise the bad. That’s why he was receiving phone calls from the CIA’s man in Wuhan in the last days of December 2019.
Dr. Malone ain’t pure as the driven snow. He did co-discover the lipid nanoparticle delivery method for mRNA therapeutics. But he never overcame the migration and toxicity issues. It’s why he later worked on an alternate patented delivery technology. Knowing that big pharmaceutical was going with lipid nanoparticles, he did warn: “only for the elderly or most at risk”. But it was a very quiet warning.
Could he have yelled sooner? Or was softly building trust the right way? There is going to be decades, if not centuries, of debate on this …
Slow down folk. Medical authorities can hardly be expected to approve drugs if there are no formal trials proving them to be effective and safe.
And those trials are a problem. Drug companies normally fund and run formal trials. They are hardly likely to fund trials for generic drugs for which they’ll make little or no profit.
It might be argued that on the basis of anecdotal evidence various governments that will be paying for covid drugs should have funded such trials in the hope that the trials would show great efficacy and indicate that the widespread use would be effective and save money. It seems a reasonable argument, but where would the line for government funded trials be set? Would it be three anecdotes of possible effective use, 10, 20, … ?
I also remind you that some of the early papers about the effectiveness of Ivermectin have been shown to be high implausible, to put it politely. This probably was a disincentive to governments to seriously consider it.
Can you give a reference? It seems to me that the evidence for Ivermectin now is overwhelming.
I also remind you that to undertake a proper trial for any vaccine or treatment to determine whether it’s safe for human consumption, it will have to be carried out over a number of years. Ivermectin has been proven to be safe for many decades now. Insufficient time has passed to make the same statement with regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Those are the facts.
G’day J,
The trials you refer to seem to be the ones initiated in mid to late 2020. The successful phase 3 trials for ivermectin, and HCQ, were completed – multiple decades earlier and successfully. And the odd doctor in a few places around the world has used them with great success since.
Then the clinical success against Covid was ignored – sorry, suppressed is better usage – as soon as it became apparent their existence was a threat to the vaxxs.
As far as I can tell the suppression of doctors ability to prescribe, or even talk about HCQ or IVM is against normal bureaucratic procedures, is probably illegal and is certainly immoral and against normal medical mores.
Dave B
John, I have access to over 350 studies on the efficacy of Ivermectin against the FauciFlu.
“Early paper’s” you say?
Ok, There are two that come to mind. First is from Australia, Monash university, claiming dramatic in vitro success, and calling for further research.
The second is a paper that miraculously passed pal review and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, trashing IVM before it was on anyone’s lips. A paper that within weeks had to be retracted due to scientific fraud. (The “findings” of that paper remained on both the FDA and TGA websites weeks after the shameful retraction.)
John, scientific fraud was used to trash the therapeutics, over 6 months before the failed “vaccines” were ever deployed. The guilty cannot hide. (And nor can they run. Because they only fly on private jets.)
There is no doubt that Big Pharma is making billions from all this – but to limit the whole Covid show to JUST A WAY FOR BIG PHARMA TO GET RICH is to miss the bigger picture.
Big Pharma is merely the vehicle for even darker forces.
Exactly my point earlier. If we really just wanted to stop companies making big profits then one sure way is to turn to 100% communism. The big profit agenda is really a misdirection or perhaps more accurate to say irrelevant when compared to the far greater issues at hand with the COVID-19 vaccines and how we are being coerced by different groups to take them. Let;s stick to them and not focus on the big profit point. Otherwise, we will miss the real agenda.
Correct. Big Pharmaceutical profits are a distraction.
Funny thing. The Davos WEF crew have cancelled their next shindig.
Maybe they have realized that whomever trashed their plans with Omicron, don’t just have P4 labs, but also nukes?
Vic records 21,997 new cases, six deaths
There were 631 people in Victorian hospitals with Covid on Thursday, up from the seven day average of 537.
NSW has recorded 34,994 new cases and six deaths in its last reporting period, a slight drop on Wednesday when more than 35,000 cases and eight deaths were recorded.
The number of people admitted to hospital has risen to 1609, up from 1491 on Wednesday, 1344 on Tuesday, 1204 on Monday and 1066 on Sunday.
There are currently 131 people in intensive care, up from 119 on Wednesday, 105 on Tuesday, 95 on Monday and 83 patients on Sunday.
COVID vaxxes are a bit like “climate change”.
In both cases their proponents claim whatever is observed would be worse without the claimed effective action.
COVID vaxxes don’t stop ‘rona so their proponents claim the cases would be worse without the vax, which may or may not be true. It’s hard to tell when the Left / Big Pharma alliance show such propensity for fraud.
In the case of supposed anthropogenic global warming, the failure to see any genuine warming without resorting to fraudulently altered temperature data is seen as a “evidence” that the climate policies are working, because otherwise the oceans would be boiling by now.
More news to make Australia the laughing stock of the world.
No one has an obligation to disclose their medical history or reasons they or their doctors made a certain medical decision.
In Australia, it’s also illegal for a third party to disclose your medical history without your permission.
Novak Djokovic: Australia cancels top tennis player’s visa
Tennis star Novak Djokovic has had his visa to enter Australia dramatically revoked on his arrival in Melbourne.
The world number one was held in the city’s airport for several hours before border forces announced he had not met entry rules and would be deported.
It came a day after he was granted an exemption from vaccination rules to play in the Australian Open.
Australian PM Scott Morrison said no one was above the rules, and Djokovic is reportedly challenging the decision.
this is incorrect if you are wanting access. A simple example is showing evidence of an up to date influenza vaccination when entering a nursing home. This has also been a condition of entry into countries for decades or more – e.g evidence of yellow fever vaccination if returning from certain counties.
The legal challenge will be against the verdict that his exemption was contrary to the conditions of the visa.
Gee Aye is correct, once again!
Certain counties disagree
Something you haven’t quite thought through.
The jabbed are now the primary transmission vector for and infection risk for new variants.
Would you like it if you had to prove your non-jabbed status to travel or attend businesses or events? (Remember, the jabbed are the minority of the global population.)
What if a quick scan of your retina could reveal you as “unclean jabbed” and that branding was forever? Imagine that you could never erase the evidence you took the jabs, in a world where the jabbed are viewed as plague carriers?
Unpleasant? Look inside your brain. What were you wishing on the unjabbed? And remember, the jabbed are a global minority, and the lifespans of the oligarchy that sought to crush democracy are finite.
The logic is OK, but when monoclonal antibodies and the new antivirals have EUA, then where are we? Will these get approved once the ’emergency’ has passed? Also the product liability comes back with approval of the vaccines (in the US anyway), so will that ever happen?
Finally, will these govt bodies even follow the rules, technically or otherwise? My confidence in that is low, see Novak.
In the US, no jabs with full FDA approval are currently available. Every COVID shot is under EUA. It is a similar situation in Australia.
What big pharmaceutical is attempting is to use sub optimal doses in children (with anti heart inflammation additives) to try and get their products onto the child immunization schedule. Any shots so approved will then be liability free for the manufacturer, even if used in adults.
Currently these experimental gene therapy shots are not being mass used in any nations that have not signed agreements to totally absolve the pharmaceutical companies of any liability.
Look at all the nations like Australia where the jab passports are still in play. They’ve all got the same loophole. No liability for jabs on childhood immunization schedules. Children don’t need these jabs, but the pharmaceutical companies need children jabbed.
(It’s not all bad news. Currently even those who jabbed themselves in the US are now reluctant to jab their children. Less than 20% of 5~12’s jabbed, and most with doses too low to damage ovaries. There is hope.)
We all know this and we also know it’s a politically motivated scam. The problem is that our elected pollies don’t grasp that they’re our servants not the other way around. Until that changes, nothing will change. 2022 is THE year 😈
Don’t forget too that post-vaxx you can forget about vit D3 for anything..
“how long it will take to produce a hypodermic needle from scratch? ”
Obviously, a very long time would be a good idea… We were never designed to have stuff pumped straight into the blood stream, and of course once we had hypodermics other methods of medicine fell by the wayside.
Spot on summation, Jo! The absolutely frustrating thought for those who want to and therefore can see the forest is the orchestrated response by so many different politically motivated leaders in the West. Whether left or right leaning they’ve swallowed the vaccine or be damned koolaid to the point of innocent people being sacrificed to big pharma dollars and trashmedia propaganda without question.
In Australia alone in the last week we’ve seen the toothless federal government backflip on an economically mature decision not to keep the covid money press going, purely because the leftwing trashmedia played ‘you don’t care about Australian lives drivel’ picked up by Qld leftwing government unelected ‘advisers’ telling the premier she controls covid response not the Federal Government which is only a bankroll.The
While this situation remains with petty functionaries in control of a hundred different counteracting measures but all geared to vaccine boosters and RAT’s, and a Federal Government in ‘don’t do anything logical to trigger the negative publicity’ election mode, then big pharma keeps projecting greater profits and the Doctors of this country DON’T write prescriptions for over the counter interventions which their hypocratic oath (spelling intended) was built on more than a century ago as preparation for this very eventuality!
All hail Pfizer!
“Mattias Desmet, Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. This discussion with the three men who are fast becoming the titans in the fight against the Branch Covidians is well worth a listen.”
Just announced in the NT:
Key points:
The NT has added 256 new cases
A lockout will be introduced today and remain until midday on Monday
Unvaccinated people will not be able to leave home to go to work, Michael Gunner says
COVID-19 shots are not vaccines
Why can’t doctors and the public health crowd just say that?
What is a vaccine, anyhow, and at what point is the public health community gaslighting us?
Collins Dictionary of Biology defines a vaccine as “a preparation … that is used to stimulate an immune response.” Until about two months ago, Merriam-Webster defined a vaccine as “a preparation ,,, that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.”
Last May, no doubt anticipating the emerging clarity that what they were selling were not vaccines, the CDC changed its definition of what a vaccine is to emphasize the stimulation of immune response rather than immunity.
A “vaccine” is commonly understood to be a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. Vaccines prevent one from becoming infected with a disease and prevent the transmission of the disease to others.
I mention all of this only because the recent surge in omicron infections suggests that almost every individual who has received one of the “vaccines” and/or boosters for COVID-19 has the potential of both becoming infected with COVID-19 and, presumably, becoming transmission vectors for the virus.
A significant portion of those now testing positive for the virus has been “vaccinated”; a sizeable fraction has been boosted as well. Moreover, additional millions have contracted omicron in an intensity below what warrants testing.
So, whatever shots we took earlier in the year were not vaccines, at least not as that term is understood by native English speakers everywhere.
Consequently, all of the judging and anger that the “vaccinated” directed at their fellow unvaccinated over the last year was largely pointless and misguided. The simple truth is that we have all been unvaccinated, whether we got the shots or not.
Its obvious and outrageous, but what can you do? I theorize our society is run by a lower IQ than those who created it. People are so easily persuaded. Just listen to talk back radio, my goodness.
I have iodine and carregelose nasal spray; nigella sativa coming; I eat a good diet so theres little point in vitamins though I do have them, my D is good Id assume due to sunshine exposure; Im going to start taking melatonin(?), the one for sleep. I’d like to get some Ivermectin but its an overseas purchase hassle. And low social contact, the best of all, but it does leak a bit.
You’re on your own. I actually have been considering getting the vaccine recently, getting backed into a corner here its really getting about, but, I just cant bring myself to do it. I don’t wan’t either.
The ACT government also wants to amend it’s public health act. The most egregious section is this:
Section 118Z
a requirement for a person to be vaccinated against COVID 19 to do any of the following:
(i) engage in particular work;
(ii) work at a particular workplace;
(iii) engage in a particular activity;
(iv) access a particular place.
One of the justification for the limitation of human rights is that it’s been done on other places. Phew, that’s OK then (not)
Accordingly, the infringement of the rights identified by this Bill are all for a recognised legitimate purpose, as evidenced by the fact these valuable and effective methods of responding to and alleviating the significant public health risks posed by COVID-19 have also been deployed in similar forms throughout Australia, and internationally.
They do grasp that they are supposed to be our servants. But they haven’t been. Not for decades.
Globally, public belief in the left vs. right Kabuki Theatre began crumbling over a decade ago. New players like Farrage, Le Pen, Abbott and Trump resonated with a public tired of Uniparty games and elections that changed names, but little more.
A dangerous outbreak of democracy was occurring. Leveraging a pandemic to stop this had been long “wargamed”. When a truck of lemons from Wuhan lost its load, it so happened that a bunch of human parasites, tired of answering to their hosts, had a recipe for lemonade ready and waiting.
But, as they say “The best laid plans of mice and men …”
Gorebull Warbling should have been a doddle after ozone set the stage. But then the internet happened.
The “Russian collusion” plan to stop Trump winning 2016? First Papadopoulos failed to take the bait of the OCONUS lures. Then Admiral Rogers unexpectedly audits contractor access to the NSA database. Suddenly the plan is failing because of just two tiny hiccups. (Adding Downer as HUMINT was just “bouncing rubble” in that fail.)
So what’s the hiccups with the pandemic? There needed to be no alternative to jabs only big government could provide to suitably compliant citizens desperate to surrender their democracy, and the shots had to work for months after jabbing without risk exceeding benefit.
These politicians never signed up to be servants of the people. And the people have no obligation to defend them when those they chose to serve address their failure.
If there was ever a reason to have a windfall profits tax like the USA did back in the 70’s for the oil companies…..this is it.
[…] Why suppress early safe treatments for Covid? Here’s $24 billion reasons […]
I am 63 non vaxed recently got delta.
Took Ivermectin zinc vit d etc recovered in 4 days.
Don’t tell me Ivermectin doesn’t work.
Having gone through all the comments I feel somewhat despairing about the ability of the truth the come’s impossible to have conversations with friends and family about what has been happening regarding the coordinated effort to prevent even any discussion about non vaccine solutions. Whilst my instincts tell me that there are so many anomalies that have occurred in response to the virus that the truth is out there and whistleblowers and sleuths will eventually get main stream support for what is happening. The pure evil that has led to the pandemic and it’s response whether that is for profits or for power or both must eventually have the light shined on it.
But I’ve reflected on my 12-15 years of following global warming and the frustration I’ve had that despite obvious holes in their arguments and data ,there are more people than ever are under its spell. When hockey stick was debunked I thought it was over, when climategate came out I thought it was over, when data showed widening gap between predictions and outcomes I thought it was over, when Planet of the Humans came out I thought it was over. Climate change reminds me of the film Jason and the Argonauts. when Jason was fighting the seven headed serpent which kept growing another head each time one was chopped off.
The Climate Change monster just won’t die and I’m fearful that the Covid Monster is a similar beast. Too many powerful and corrupt people are involved and too many vested interests connected to it that I have no confidence that the truth will ever become publicly mainstream. But we can always hope.
Uttar Pradesh goes for the win, …with Ivermectin!
But the Axis powers fight back elsewhere, and the experts on the front lines are forbidden to use it, or anything else that works.
Battles are won. Battles are lost. The war goes on.