Provinces of Canada (click to enlarge) | by Hogweard
Thank the Truckers
Vaccine mandates have or will soon end across five Canadian provinces, and at least four of the Premiers have also dismissed Trudeau’s call to invoke Emergency powers.
This includes some of the largest provinces, and within a few weeks, as many as 30 million Canadians out of 38 million, will be free of vaccine passports within their provinces.
The newly elected opposition leader Candace Bergen calls the Emergency Act an “unprecedented slegehammer”.
To give some idea of how the Truckers have transformed politics, only two weeks ago the leader of the Canadian opposition was Erin O’Toole. He was dropped on Feb 3 by a large margin with a secret ballot – 73-45. Notably, the first and worst thing that Reuters could say about the new leader Candice Bergen was that she once worn a MAGA hat. She is more conservative than the former leader.
The Premier of Quebec, which has long had a strong separatist movement, went so far as to say he’d only support the call if it didn’t apply to Quebec, and the military was not used anywhere in Canada.
Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet said he was “surprised” to find out the Prime Minister planned on invoking such serious measures and that he has “serious doubts” that Emergencies Act powers are necessary to deal with any part of the protests across the country.
He also said his party was ready to support the Liberals in this case, but only if they committed to leaving Quebec out of the new powers and avoiding deploying military members on the ground in Canada.
Premiers of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan have also said they don’t want the Emergency Act to apply in their provinces.
Lawyer Ryan Alford says the onus is on the government to show this unprecedented step is necessary:
The declaration must brought before Parliament within seven days of the invocation, and it could be revoked if the House of Commons or the Senate vote it down. “So, for up to seven days, Parliament has no ability to prevent what’s going on,” he said. — National Post
Vaccine mandates ending in five Canadian Provinces
Saskatchewan and Alberta have already removed the vaccine passports. Manitoba will also be lifting its vaccine passport requirement on March 1. Ontario (the largest province with nearly 15 million people) has announced an end to the vaccine passports). And now, wow, Quebec is dropping vaccine passports. Quebec is the second largest province with 8.6 million people. This is the most remarkably backflip. Only two weeks ago, Quebec had some of the most draconian rules on Earth. The government was considering whether to bring in a health tax on the unvaccinated but quickly dropped that after the Trucker convoy grew. Now in a complete 180 degree turn they are unwinding the mandates and even declaring that Trudeau’s Emergency ruling isn’t legitimate in their province and isn’t justified. Naturally this has absolutely nothing to do with Those Truckers.
Remember two weeks ago the unvaxxed in Quebec were not even permitted to shop in Big Box stores — but only allowed to walk through them to buy food or pharmaceuticals if they had a personal staff escort to make sure they didn’t buy unpermitted things like toasters or socks.
Quebec announces plan to drop vaccine passport by March 14
Quebec will drop its vaccine passport requirement for all public spaces by March 14, the government announced Tuesday. Health Minister Christian Dubé explained the decision at a news conference, saying the COVID-19 situation in the province has improved enough to gradually ease the measure. As of Wednesday, Quebecers will no longer need to show a vaccine passport to enter liquor and cannabis stores as well as larger retail outlets. By March 14, the passport will be phased out entirely… – CBC NEWS
Just like that. Amazing how the science shifts. The health minister suddenly says “the vaccine passport has served our objectives”:
“We’re doing it now because it’s the right time to do it, because it’s safe for public health,” Health Minister Christian Dubé told reporters at a news conference. “There is no link to the political environment.” Nevertheless, the shift was dramatic. As late as last week, Dubé was saying there were no plans to lift the vaccine passport or mask mandate by March 14, the date by which almost all health measures are set to be dropped.
Righto. And they wonder why trust in our institutions is falling.
Coutts border blockade ends amid “hugs” with police
There are images coming out of the blockade at Coutts on the border of Alberta showing protesters singing the National Anthem and hugging the police. These may be the same police that vandalized and did significant damage to three excavators that were parked legally on private property. In any case, what’s powerful is the unity.
According to Alex van Herk, the Coutts border protest is departing. It’s not about the Emergency Act declaration but about the risk that they will now be publicly tarred as “violent” due to the arrests (hear his explanation below in the video). Last night the police came out with live rifles and arrested two people, and one arrest was done at a local house (which was not connected to the convoy at all) where police claimed they found a large cache of guns. The protestors say are leaving because they are only taking part in a peaceful protest and don’t want to be associated with any firearms.
Four people have been charged with “conspiracy to murder”. We hope they have good lawyers. It all seems incredibly convenient for the powers that be. And people are asking the false flag question.
Rebel news has more information on the charges. “The trio face a charge of conspiracy to commit murder and mischief by impeding the use of property by others and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose.”
In British Columbia many restrictions are being lifted but not the vaccine mandates. (Not yet anyway). So there are signs of softening, but still battles to be won. The government of BC is described as “center-left” but the provinces that have dropped the mandates already are “centre-right”.
Warnings of a false flag event for Ottawa Protestors
Daniel Bulford is an Ex-RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer and former Trudeau bodyguard. He has released a video hours ago warning that they have intelligence suggesting that the recent theft of 2,000 firearms in Canada may be planted in Ottawa to thwart peaceful protests by the Freedom Convoy. Bulford is asking anyone who sees suspicious activity to report it to the Ottawa police immediately, “call 911”, and is reaffirming that the protestors have no intention of doing anything violent, and do not support anything outside the legal democratic processes.
Bitchute link:www.bitchute.com/video/N75xVkQ5WPiz/
In other news:
If the idea of the Emergencies Act was that it would spook Freedom Convoy into folding up their tent, pretty much the exact opposite has happened. Existing blockades all stood their ground, as well as two new ones at border crossings in Alberta and Manitoba.
Weirdly, throughout all this Trudeau keeps sending out tweets cheering Canadian successes in the Beijing Olympics or celebrating National Flag of Canada Day. Which … doesn’t seem like the actions of a government currently staring down a deadly and/or existential crisis
Ottawa’s “progressive” police chief Peter Sloly has resigned after criticism of his handling of the Ottawa protests.
The punishment begins for donors to the protest — the Solicitor Generals communications director has lost her job after she gave $100 to the Freedom Convoy and her name was exposed in the hacking of GiveSendGo. We hope some private company will immediately offer Isabeau-Ringuette a new job where she has the freedom to donate to whatever cause she wants. People who work for the Ontario Government clearly don’t. The fear campaign is just like the Soviet Union. The money that flowed to help the Truckers showed how popular the cause was. The last thing the Empire wants is for the people to do that again. Where is the investigation of the cyber criminals?
The Daily Mail reports that most of the money donated to the truckers came from Canada. “Leaked data of the donations on GiveSendGo showed Canadians raised $4.31 million for the Freedom Convoy while Americans donated $3.62 million. “
Let’s not forget that for all the fears of foreign interference, this protest is about the border rules between Canada and the US, and obviously, US citizens have a major interest in it too.
UPDATE: Wow. That’s a flip!
Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario is suddenly saying this is about “freedom” and everyone is done with this. “We also know if you have one shot or ten shots — you can still catch Covid.” “People want to be able to get back to normal”.
What poll did he see today?
Another huge win for the truckers. Doug Ford supported Trudeau’s state of emergency LITERALLY YESTERDAY but he has seen the tracking polls and wants everyone to know, he’s always secretly opposed himself and Trudeau. Please just ignore the past two years. https://t.co/3Y39hyq2Hl
— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) February 16, 2022
Good in theory, but let’s all wait and see how it plays out.
Trudeau II is just a pathetic ice-cream on the top of the monolithic NWO iceberg and although he has no value as a human being or a politician, they put him there, and they do not take kindly to the plebs trying to run things or even to dare to make suggestions.
Totalitarian rule never gives up so easily and if TII does fold it will only be because they have other plans.
In my world he would in prison awaiting treason charges as would not a few others.
But I can say that about most of the western leaders and I know that at worst he will be sent somewhere as an ambassador (not India :))
and given numerous seats on (probably Big Pharma) boards for a job, that to them, was well done.
The problem in Canada, we’ve come to realize that we have a one party system and every election that oppositions pretending to be different, eventually score that goal in their own net of having the same positioning and policies as the Liberals in power.
Every time all our politicians are aligned to the globalists agenda and not any major party to a national one.
Our official oppositions are jokes in wanting more restrictions and more punishment on it’s citizens.
That goes for ALL western states now and the choice is always between the lesser of two evils. The 2-party system which was the lifeblood of democracy is now a farce as it has been poisoned to the extent that we have only a choice between lunatic socialists or globalist pseudo-conservatives both with the same totalitarian aims and objective.
A decent 3rd party would have to overcome the green party in numbers to have any effect and in Oz we have multiple squabbling minor parties, all theoretically with the right idea but no idea how to make it common to each others. These parties between them see the problems but their failure to unite cohesively on one agenda has made them seem almost pointless. The One Australia party has always had the right idea, but it was crippled by false flag actions and political naivety akin to that of Trump (assuming honesty and integrity in politicians and bureaucrats) and I will never forgive the LBP/ALP for their role in gaoling Pauline Hanson. As a party they are now almost castrated (and I have never voted for her or her party before someone jumps in, but not because I do not respect her).
Only a united party to balance out or to even cancel the greens is the ONLY chance we have politically.
Interesting . A.takes a foreign news group to get answers .
B the search warrant says mischief as grounds for search .not firearms .
Hmm .
Nice that vaccine passports are being rolled back. What is the situation with vaccine mandates at e.g. workplaces?
This makes it very interesting methinks…………
“The declaration must brought before Parliament within seven days of the invocation, and it could be revoked if the House of Commons or the Senate vote it down”.
[1] With the premiers jumping ship, and ructions within his own party, will the parliament endorse the emergency powers or strike it down.
If [2] they endorse, then what do the blockades continue, perhaps gaining more or less popular support.
If [3] they strike it down, (a) can Trudeau double dip for a 2nd round of 7 days? (b) can people then go to the banks and retrieve their frozen funds?
Yes, very interesting and not that far away.
Just-a-stain Frudeau will not allow himself the ignominy of being voted down, he will cancel the Emergency before it goes to vote!
Or adjourn parliament to prevent any possibility of a vote.
Is any action taken upon declaration or do they then have to wait the 7 days for it to be ratified? If enforcement action is taken upon the declaration, and seems some has been viz crypto currency, and 7 days later it is revoked have the authorities acted “illegally” and can action be taken against them? I’m starting to smell an under arm incident here ie a provision exists that everyone should be aware of but it is only when someone uses it that everyone else says you can’t do that. Howzat?
The underarm bowling incident between NZ and Australia is a great analogy. All those State of Emergency legislations that have been enacted Australia wide. Everyone thought SOE laws are great, you know when there are bushfires and floods etc. But no-one thought they would be enacted ad-infinitum vs COVID and to the extent of overt police actions etc. When governments started invoking all the crazy lockdowns etc- it was just like that One Dayer cricket match. When Trevor Chappell bowled that ball along the ground- everyone proclaimed ” he wouldn’t dare”. Then he did. In fact, like Australian captain Greg Chappell, Trudeau himself didn’t proclaim the banking restrictions – he left it up to his deputy to do the dirty work.
Seven days sounds like a calendar week, but are they calendar days, business days, sitting days, or something else?
Sitting days could be stretched indefinitely depending on how many are left in this session of parliament. Almost all draconian legislation has a feature like this with escape hatches to avoid accountability.
As the MSM portrays this as a fake insurrection, just as they did for Jan 6, the obviousness of their lies is not going unnoticed. Both are examples of the people expressing no confidence in left leaning governments where the oppressive reaction is exclusively from the left that fears loosing power and this includes the MSM.
It’s amusing to watch as the political left across the globe is destroying itself by doubling down on anti-science, anti-freedom, anti-citizen decrees and rhetoric. It’s a lot like how China looks at us and laughs as we bury our ability to succeed under green nonsense.
Trudeau is sternly pitching this as a real insurrection. If it were fake, his efforts to reign it in would be criticized as overkill.
Common mistake by those who have been the subject of our education system over the last 30 years or so.
Which the word part or the Trudeau part?
Would that be the Bouncy Castle Insurrection?? He can’t be serious…….,,
If this were an actual insurrection, a real rebellion, Tyrant Trudeau would already be hanging upside down from a steel beam.
No, these are free citizens exercising their inalienable right to protest a rogue and dictatorial government (a foundational liberal democratic concept).
I believe the protesters have been remarkably reasonable, civil, and patient, yet the authoritarians have chosen to double-down; a panicked move.
The propaganda war by the government and their media enablers has been as pathetic as it is disgusting, however, its attempts seem to have had the opposite effect to their intent.
This will not end well for Trudeau nor his collaborators, and yet even the harshest of ends will still not deliver justice for their heinous crimes against humanity.
Here’s one for you guys. A little bit dated, but still worth the read. But first, a teaser:
“Today marks both another day of infamy in Canadian history and a brand new low for Justin Trudeau, the shameless (and gutless) scumbag who’s absolutely going for broke in what is a clear effort to drive Canada into the dirt.
Trudeau has decided to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the Freedom Convoy protests around Canada, even in spite of the fact that over a half dozen provincial premiers have said it’s not necessary AND the Ambassador Bridge, linking Windsor, Ontario to Michigan, had already been cleared by police (non violently, I stress) the previous day.”
RTWT: https://bittercenturion.blogspot.com/2022/02/emergency-measures.html
One interesting note is everyone is dumping the Trudeau name including his wife who runs a Healthcare Network.
It’s now a toxic name to be associated with as politicians bail and even our media says it’s too much and he’s done.
They will have some NWO graduate waiting in the wings. Just like Biden/Harris’s successor when they have finished their damage work. He/she will come rolling in like an anime hero making little concessions in all directions but overall changing nothing. Like isl*m they are in no hurry and are just as relentless.
His deputy is from the WEF Graduate School for Young Syncophants apparently.
“So, why double down? Why the xxxx is Justin Trudeau so hell bent on not only burning Canada to the ground but salting the earth left behind?” [Article comment linked above].
You can “salt the earth” in other ways too. This could be the start of a revival to match those of the last century. Clearly people are sick of the lies, the hate and the deception and are looking for something better. There are none so blind as those who will not see….. that is until they do start looking.
The end to the Coutts border blockade (vid above) is a prime example. The whole time that these people were staging their protest they would have felt and suffered the hate and negativity of the couch warriors (msm/blogs/twitter comments) not to mention the threatening presence of the police. When the end came what did they do? Hugged their “enemies”.
The last 2 years have been 7 days a week of negativity, threats, directions and orders which have been presented wall to wall via radio, television, social media, friends, workmates and relatives with absolutely no escape. We are told suicide levels are in the extreme. Who do you think coped best? Odds are that those that could find solace in something as simple as a belief system that offers so much love, inspiration and comfort not to mention life examples of people defeating adversity.
No doubt this is why such places were subjected to “special” treatment. But the message still got through because, like the human spirit that it is founded on it cannot be suppressed because it is of a higher power than man made rules, regulations and retribution.
It will not only be politicians that in the months/years ahead will come under the microscope but also the leaders of faith who chose to silently and lamely fall in line without even superficially facing their Pilate.
Well, apparently, the Canadian Justice Minister believes that anyone who supported Trump is reason enough to seize their bank accounts.
“What exactly Donald Trump has to do with middle class Canadian citizens asking their government to drop mandates is unknown. But the statement itself from the Justice Ministry of Canada speaks quite loudly to their political motives. ”
Well and good to celebrate the slowing of the cultural corrosion that is the modern left, but when will some rust-o-leum rust reformer be applied to stop the corrosion and reverse the rust to good base metal.
Here in British Columbia, the health Tsar is easing some restrictions for the vaccinated, but ramping up vaccine passports. The discrimination against unvaxxed is increasing.
I have to say that Doug Ford is a repulsive person. Just the look of him — overfed, full of himself, and of course with an invisible dual-use finger in the air to either insult people or see which way the winds are blowing…
Unintended Consequences by Trudeau…
Bank Run for cash and many banks are being effected.
Some sites are closed down which never happened before.
Also I expect tons of children coming as Trudeau warned of Consequences with parents.
Yes, the people who get elected or appointed in countries around the world never fails to amaze me.
I was thinking why do they keep electing that idiot. The next thought was, here we have Andrews and Dear Leader Anastasia and who could forget Adam Bandt? so stones will not be cast.
There is a chance that within a week the Prime Minister of Canada will find himself alone on a podium insisting that there is an emergency, while savvier politicians slip silently away.
They will see no need to be tarred with Justin’s brush, as it were.
The result of Pretty Weak Justin’s overreach has been to provide provincial leaders with a COVID measures off-ramp. I would not have seen this coming, but it is easier for a province to defend its new position on the basis of civil rights than it is on the basis of “the science”. You can still love vaccines without insisting that the Emergency Measures Act be used against those who feel less strongly.
We are far from out of the woods, but I imagine that the premiers of the remaining restricted provinces are suddenly looking around and wondering about the optics of being the last province in Canada to open up.
There is a chance for politicians to do the right thing for what might be the wrong reasons. I would settle for that.
But we are not there yet. Honk honk, until we are.
Settling for that means they will not go away and instead will keep the agenda alive and allow them to regroup and come harder on us the next time. No, they must be held to account. Then of course I don’t see that happening so eventually their evil agenda will continue to grow. We can stop the process by not voting for any party that aids and abets the evil agenda but then of course most people don’t care about politics, are in favour of what they are doing or are totally clueless as to what is happening, which means the same old major parties get re-elected time and time again. In the end the evil will be defeated but not until we have gone through hell on earth.
Peter I agree with your sentiments. In the long term, get everyone out of office who made things worse.
And for now, because there are no elections scheduled, let the incumbents do the right thing even if for the wrong reasons. Purity is not on the menu.
I could have my bank account frozen any time this week. Perhaps that makes me less idealistic and more results-focused.
Trucker protest in Ottawa will be over by Friday. If not the weekend reinforcements will make it harder to clear. Anticipate it will be a pushover
Weather will make it a mess
Do you have this week’s upcoming lottery numbers handy?
Like putting electric probes in the ground and watching the earth worms squirm. The house of cards comes tumbling down. And of course no one in government was ever supportive of Trudeaus policies, but they sure would like to be reelected.
Just to keep this all in some perspective:
Take a look at this map. Canada looks huge. Consider where the people are, though.
In this map, you’ll see a red line way down at the bottom right.
50% of all Canadians live south of this line.
You don’t have to move the line much at all to hit 65-70%.
This is where you find Trudeau’s people. The rest of the country is pretty sparsely populated, and goes without much clout in Government.
(You need to understand this in order to understand Canada.)
Is that the warmest part of Canada.
Yep. My residence is in Minnesota – so over 50% of Canadians live south of my home.
Over 50% of Canadians live clustered near the Washington DC powerbase area.
That small area forms the progressive base for Canada. The entire rest of the country trends much more conservative.
Whoa Bobby! Check your map projection. Or were you making a joke?
I think Washington DC is a ways from Detroit.
Or were you talking about escapees from Ottawa?
Sort of tongue-in-cheek, but they’re closer to DC then my Minnesota home, and way closer than my winter spot in Arizona where I am right now. And what they might lack in proximity, they make up for in political sentiment. (In the US, the DC/Northeast area is a hotbed of progressivism. Alas, so is Minnesota.)
Alas, so is Minnesota.
Voting in Minnesota hasn’t been the same since one lousy comedian won the Senate.
No, not irrational. Just looking in the wrong place.
They were never under the bed. They were in the classrooms and lecture halls.
And now, they’ve metastasised into big-government, big-bureaucracy, big-union, big-corporate, big-finance, big-pharma, big-NGO, big-grift, big-xxx. (A giant Fascist Techno-Corruptocracy)
Our entire society has its vital organs shutting down, riddled with Stage IV Progressive Socialism.
You will own nothing and be happy.
We will steal everything, and you will thank us for it.
Freedom is Slavery.
The problem is labeling it “paranoia”. The communist influence was then and continues to be absolutely true.
Calling it paranoia makes it too easy for young or newly awoken (not woke) people to ignore the reality.
Learn from the past if you can still find it.
“We are far from out of the woods,”
If we step back and consider the bigger picture and the NWO agenda , of which AGW and Covid Pandemic are just features , or means to an end, then we should expect a new front to open up to further the agenda, which basically boils down to the impoverishment of a very large number of people.
Or “saving the planet” , if you prefer.
That being the case, the next weapon to be trained on the people will likely be purely economic, without the camouflage of AGW or Covid , which were both having the same effect anyway – that is , reducing economic activity.
So what’s it going to be?
Stagflation would do the job nicely , being a nice word for a horrendous recession.
Just thinking.
Yes, in other words we can’t stop the cabal of evil smothering the world but that doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing about it. I have my own beliefs about where we are heading and how the evil will be defeated once and for all but for now we each have to make up our own mind as to what we do in the meantime. The obvious thing we ought to do is stop voting for parties that are aiding and abetting the cabal of evil; parties such as LNP, ALP and Greens. To support any of those parties is an admission of support of such evilness, either deliberate or by shear ignorance. Neither can be excused as the evil is visible everywhere.
” parties that are aiding and abetting the cabal of evil; parties such as LNP, ALP and Greens. ”
In NZ it is National , Labour and the Greens; very similar to the OZ situation.
Those are the parties that we must campaign against by seeing to it that they get as few votes as possible.
Are we just like rats?
Someone did the experiment.
Put rats in a tub of water they can’t climb out of, and they will swim for about 15 minutes, then give up and drown.
BUT, if you pull them out after 10 minutes, dry them off, feed them and let them rest, then put them back in the same situation again the next day, they will swim until they are physically no longer able to – several hours.
They are living in hope that they will be saved (again) – “If I can just hang on a bit longer…”
Is this where this whole thing leads?
Are we the rats and are we about to be “saved” just before we give up so that we will accept even more the next time?
I don’t get it . Saved by who?
The problem in NZ is that we have had no opposition in Parliament.
Because National , the largest party in opposition agrees with everything that this tyrannical government has done .
We can only save ourselves by preventing this situation from ever existing again.
Nobody is going to do that for us ? Right?
The truth is we have such a hard task to stop the madness currently in progress in several Western nations I don’t believe we will be able to succeed unless we have a complete change of government composition such that we elect politicians who are directly against the cabal of Big Pharma. This video is very disturbing, meaning it’s a lot worse than what we thought…
Veritas Exposes FDA
Martin Armstrong’s follow-up comments hits the nail on the head; it’s all about trust. We must stop trusting Big Pharma who are deliberately making massive profits while keeping secret what’s in the vaccines and the ill effects they have on people. If this was happening in any other line of business the directors of the company would be in prison by now.
” we elect politicians who are directly against the cabal ”
Or we give them the numbers to form a majority opposition in parliament , so that they have an effective veto , without being government.
I agree. Sorry I wasn’t clear. That’s what I meant when I said we need a complete change of government composition such that we elect politicians who are directly against the cabal of Big Pharma. I don’t expect we will have a government not lead by one of the major parties, at least not for a long while. We need to get closer to true representative government of the people, and one way to have some semblance of that is to allow minor parties of our choosing to break the stranglehold of the despot main parties who have demonstrated they have little or no regard to our health, safety and freedoms.
“The truth is we have such a hard task to stop the madness currently in progress in several Western nations”.
By slow steady progress the snail made it to the Ark.
Medical freedom to choose has now returned to one state in the US, Oklahoma.
The Left will be terrified that such rationalism and freedom of choice might spread elsewhere in the US and Canada.
Can you believe doctors will be able to use their professional judgement to prescribe medication to treat covid (or at least the Attorney General assured doctors they were not prohibited to do so under his state’s laws)?
Also see Dr John Campbell video: https://youtu.be/56gG_OD9KjM
It will be interesting to see if others follow. However, the cabal of Big Pharma with the financial support of our governments will not stop trying to vaccinate everyone (children and babies included) every year even if they start allowing the use of alternative treatments, such as ivermectin. BTW Dr John Campbell doesn’t have a view on the ideal approach to dealing with COVID-19 because he always supported the use of the vaccines as well as some alternative treatments.
Thanks David,
Great news, and well found.
Sounds like that legal advice should be applicable world wide. Apart from tyrannies. True?
Dave B
The latest data from the Aussie ABS shows that deaths from CV -19 were much higher if you were born overseas compared to Aussie born.
Here’s a simple observation from part of the report and the link.
This doesn’t include any 2022 deaths and up to the end of 2021 deaths from VIC were much higher than NSW. UK and Ireland born deaths were very low ,but middle east,Nth Africa, Island born etc deaths were very high.
“COVID-19 mortality by country of birth
Age-standardised death rates enable the comparison of death rates across populations as they account for differences in the size and age structure of the population”.
“Those who died of COVID-19 with a country of birth overseas, had an age-standardised death rate over double that of people who were born in Australia (4.3 deaths per 100,000 people versus 1.6).
Those born in Samoa had the highest age-standardised death rate at 37.3 deaths per 100,000 people.
Those born in England had the lowest age-standardised death rate at 1.0 per 100,000 people.
By region, North Africa and the Middle East had the highest age-standardised death rate at 16.3 per 100,000 people, with over 40% of the deaths in this group occurring in those born in Lebanon.
Those born in the Eastern European region had the highest median age at death at 92.1 years. Those born in the Oceania region (excluding Australia) had the lowest median age at death at 68.0 years”.
END of ABS quote.
A nice elegant piece of genetic engineering… You can imagine low-level war in a decade or two, a specific disease to wipe out whites, or Asians, or blacks or…
Those figures make sense.
Samoans are known to be extremely obese. A major risk factor.
Those from Africa and the Middle East are known to be Vitamin D deficient due to skin colour and/or clothing choice. A major risk factor.
The trouble with those ABS stats is that the Covidians will just say those figures would have been worse had we not locked down etc. We already have nutters like Jane Caro saying relaxing of present COVID restrictions is akin to “letting it rip”. She is shocked at the reckless behaviour of the UK authorities for example. At a University in the US there was a “pro-mask” rally on campus because the dean was about to relax mask mandates.
In my Blue US state, most of the pandemic alarmists are changing their pitch.
I guess there was no market for the sub-variant.
I await the next product with trepidation.
Honk R., May I call you Goose?
I think the next product will have to be delayed until the USA 2022 mid-term election cycle. The Left is well aware that they overplayed everything. Now they have to salvage what is left and that isn’t much.
Those “hillbilly truckers”
Starlink and likely more by comments
Very enterprising. Looks like they have no intention of going quietly into the darkness
Would be interesting to see her contract of employment. I would be surprised if there were not adequate grounds for unjust dismissal remedy through adjudication or civil action or both.
I gave up on Morrison many months ago, but note that he has singularly failed to offer meaningful comment on the various freedom rallies, other than they should be peaceful. His failure to support them in any way whatsoever shows, once again, he lacks spine and will do whatever it takes to retain his position.
But let’s not forget Labor, the LNP and the Greens, who have likewise shown themselves disinterested in citizens’ rights.
Drain the swamp!
He is aloof. That’s being nice. I could says much harsher things but I won’t.
“Rex Murphy: Trudeau’s monumentally misguided emergency measures are an insult to Canadians”
And another Trudeau “Fire, aim, ready”
All of the big Canadian banks have gone down online. It’s fun to watch!
I got doxxed today, as a donor. My public e-mail box right now has over 150 new emails which I’m not going to open – never know who is techie enough to append bad files! (The Canadian progs didn’t seem to think this one through – now they’ve made this all personal for a lot of US donors and sympathizers. Just what they needed.)
So I’m hoping the banking system up there crashes bigtime.
On social media the hacker that hacked GiveSendGo has been identified. Its not going to be pretty! The person appears to be a gay, very autistic type personality who allegedly also has done work for the Canadian government. Needless to say he loves Tik Tok and would definitely not be a Trump fan.
Ross, you mean this guy, Aubrey Cottle ?
I think it is going to be interesting to monitor what is going to happen regarding COVID policies over the next few weeks to months. All those covidians who were pro mask, pro lockdown, solely pro vaccine etc will suddenly change their tune. Some of those so called experts on Australian MSM like Swann, Booy, Collignon etc may have to do an incredible amount of back pedalling. The CHO’s, both state and federal will have to employ a lot of political spin to separate themselves from some of the daft pronouncements that they more commonly spoke. Politicians? We can vote them out at least ,but those shadowy health advisors behind the various health ministers and premiers will still remain. Will they resign? Maybe, citing the stress of the last 2 years would be one justifiable out. Maybe the journalists will turn on them and they will exit as a result of public shaming. Whatever happens, everything has been recorded on social media and the web, so there are few avenues to maintain innocence. The Canadian truckers appear to have promulgated a lot of these policy reversals in their own country already. Maybe they are the initial falling domino that affects the rest of the Western world? Much like Lech Walesa/Solidarity did for the demise of communism under the Soviet Bloc back in the 1980’s.
Bank outages at all 5 big Canadian banks
Not Canada but
“The ‘tide is turning’ against vaccine mandates”
OT I know but Jo will want to see this. My comment will automatically go into moderation and can be left there. Project Veritas camera catches out FDA official and big pharma.
More detail on War Room, starting at 15 minutes in.
Here’s the link that I overlooked as usual.
Wow. Hot stuff. Post coming ASAP. Just what we need for all the people who find science too complicated but still understand The Money. Thank you!
Ezra worries about an “enemies list” for Turd-dope, who is a fringe minority now: People are declaring themselves to be proud to be on his “enemies list”: https://rumble.com/vv40tm-invoking-emergencies-act-a-monumental-blunder-from-a-petty-tyrant-viva-frei.html
Me, I just wanna see Turd-dope’s narcissistic/psychotic breakdown live. I’m sure at least one of live streamers will catch the footage. Is that so wrong?
By the way, does anyone else suspect the Canadian parliament speaker is taking the mickey out of Turd-dope?
More Viva Frei live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br-bHLRdO-c
On the ground, look at all the happy people: https://www.rebelnews.com/convoy_protesters_still_optimistic_after_trudeau_invokes_emergencies_act
Pat King is skipping town
By invoking emergency powers, Trudeau has now lost this fight along with his future as PM. Reason is pretty simple – the reason for mandates no longer exists as everyone is either vaxed or had the chance to get vaxed. With no valid justification to back up the action of establishing what amounts to marshal law, he is now on the downward spiral to becoming public enemy number one. Personally, I’m shocked that he would make this move from a political perspective as he must know it’s a suicide leap. In terms of what happens next, let’s hope he doesn’t destroy innocent civilians on his way down. We have always known he’s a loose cannon, but this action is akin to a loose cannon swinging off the back of a ISIS truck.
“The newly elected opposition leader
calls the Emergency Act an “unprecedented slegehammer”.”
Go Murphy Brown 😀
“Canadian Justice Minister David Lametti Says Supporting Trump Is Reason for Government to Seize Bank Accounts Under Trudeau Emergency Act
February 16, 2022 | Sundance | 265 Comments”
“When you lose Ilhan Omar, you know you have really [Snip]AD https://www.foxnews.com/media/ilhan-omar-canadian-freedom-convoy-donors ”
Vote on “emergency”
“Vote is on the Commons order paper for Thursday. Senate meets next on Friday, and I expect to see the motion on their order paper for that day if it passes the Commons.”
And from comments there
“Two more Babylon Bee articles came my way today. Both are pretty good. Hopefully no one has posted them here yet.
8 Tips For Keeping Money Safe If Your Fascist Prime Minister Tries To Freeze Your Bank Account
Trudeau Having Difficulty Teaching Canadian Mounties To Goose-Step