Don’t underestimate how important this UK news is. The protesters won. The people who held the line, saved the day. There were just too many of them to sack them all.
The Big Retreat is great news — except of course, for all the healthworkers who’ve already quit, or been forced to take an injection they didn’t want, or who have suffered for months with the stress of not knowing if they would be sacked. It’s all been so cruel and will leave a wake …a loss of trust that will last for years.
Covid passports programs are also ending in Ireland, Bolivia, the Czech Republic, and Denmark and now Switzerland, Saskatchewan and Alberta Canada are promising that vaccine passports will end this month.
Tell the world about them: it’s fuel for protesters and a cold shower for politicians. Newspapers probably won’t headline the pattern of freedom that is starting to spread. There will be people in the world who will be wondering right now if they should hold-the-line.
Politicians will feel isolated if other countries are abandoning their “health passes”.
Health secretary Sajid Javid announces U-turn that will prevent exodus of thousands of health workers
The move came three days before the 3 February deadline that unvaccinated NHS workers who had face-to-face contact with patients had been given to have their first dose or be dismissed.
Figures published last week by NHS England show that 127,515 NHS and domiciliary care staff working in registered settings had not had a first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine as of 23 January.
Javid also plans to remove immunisation as a condition of working in care homes, an approach that has already led to the loss of about 40,000 staff in that sector.
He told MPs: “While vaccination remains our very best line of defence, I believe it is no longer proportionate to require vaccination as a condition of deployment by statute.
NHS organisations said that an estimated 60,000 staff would have been dismissed if Javid had not relented.
Omicron has changed everything, but governments shouldn’t have mandated this in the first place. The loss of faith in institutions may never be recovered. After calling healthworkers heroes, they treated them like dirt. The next time there is a major health crisis, healthworkers will believe the pots-n-pans theater?
More countries cutting restrictions and passports:
- Switzerland will end vaccine passports later this month.
- Alberta Canada may lift COVID-19 vaccines passports by the end of February.
- Italy, Switzerland and Finland are easing restrictions, and faster than they expected even two weeks ago. Norway also relaxed most rules. Vaccinated travels can fly straight in without testing. Unvaxxinated travelers are welcome but need a test before flying. There are no more quarantines.
- Most people can fly to and from most European countries, sorta.
- Mumbai is easing restrictions
The UK Government cannot even afford the compensation claims for all the pain and suffering these
h/t John R Smith and this video. Old Ozzie, PeterS.
“He told MPs: “While vaccination remains our very best line of defence….”
Yup, that statement right there….plain wrong…
Statement is true. Vaccinated health care workers are less likely to contract the virus and therefore pass it onto their patients. Vaccine hesitancy has caused needless deaths.
simple, Simon, but you are totally wrong. Vaccination is supposed to prevent infection and prevent onward transmission of the disease, but covid vaccines are very poor at both these objectives. Especially with Omicron, covid’s latest iteration. And the point about health workers refusing vaccines , is that most of these front -line health workers already had covid -19 before vaccination was available, hence the “Heroes” reference. In the UK, it is illegal to vaccinate anyone for 3/12 post covid ( see NHS guidelines. Vaccination post covid infection much more strongly related to severe adverse effects). These health workers have much better immunity than vaccinated workers, and are MUCH less likely to “pass it on to their patients”. They should be the ones looking after the elderly. Just a heads up , and thank you for calling them “patients”, as it now appears to be PC to call them “clients”.
You never will/can’t learn anything, and seeing the truth isn’t yours, we know that
” Vaccinated health care workers are less likely to contract the virus and therefore pass it onto their patients. “ Not according to the UK covid data.
Simon, according to the figures from the UK the actual number of deaths FROM COVID is much lower than newspapers, the ABC and social media would have you believe.
“Incredibly, there are just 6183 deaths where COVID is the only cause listed on the death certificate. Astonishingly 4035 of them ( 66%) were in people aged over 75.” That would indicate that Health Workers are unlikely to be heavily infected.
Further it seems that the death rate from COVID has been manipulated upwards by ignoring other causes. “The majority (90.2%) of deaths that mentioned COVID-19 on the death certificate in 2020 had COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death; where these deaths had another cause mentioned as a contributory factor, this would not be included in our leading causes analysis. For example, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease was mentioned as a pre-existing condition on 18,420 death certificates where COVID-19 was the underlying cause of death; these deaths would be not be included in the dementia and Alzheimer’s figures presented in this bulletin”.
That could explain the disappearance of influenza during this epidemic.
Yes Graeme.
In August 2020 the CDC publicised how only 6% died “of covid”, the other 94% with comorbidities. But the MSM in typical fashion ignored that and continued, as they do to this day, the hyperventilation and the “we’re all gonna die” theme.
This is just more of the same and proving that covid is actually something like the flu in its impact in reality. Of course, the govt impact of reckless thoughtless and unjustified policies continues to this day – that is the huge issue, not covid.
I suspect that some of those ” Comorbidities ” would be the mRNA vaccines . It was known as far back as 2017 that the mRNA technology would be unlikely to be safe to use in humans for vaccinations :
Can’t say they didn’t know !
There are holes we just don’t need to step in, no matter how tempting they are.
I remind everyone that co-morbidities are still relevant and having diabetes/heart disease/hypertension/asthma/cancer/obesity doesn’t *prevent you* dying of Covid. Death is complicated, but just because someone has a comorbitity doesn’t prove that Covid played no role hasten their death. The-94%-didn’t-“die-OF-Covid” argument is not a scientific line we want to pursue. See the reasons. Be wary of junk conclusions no matter how appealing they look. – Jo
Ostrichs hide their heads in the sand (holes) to avoid the truth. Simon, stop ignoring the evidence provided by so many countries now that it is the jabbed overwhelming the hospitals with their vaccine induced covid infection. Next we will see an epidemic of VAIDS, albeit the complicit leech pedlers (once were medical professionals) will do anything to avoid any reference to vaccine induced sickness.
Simon, be honest, is your real name Jacinta?
You’re seriously deluded, mate. You need to read more widely to inform your opinion with fact. You might start with the US where a government bounty on covid deaths who’ve been through every hospital protocol devised by government policrats results in needless deaths as doctors stand by as people who could be treated with antivirals are denied them, as the hospital receives $100,000 for verified covid deaths! THAT’S needless deaths from wilful negligence. Thousands of covid patients worldwide were successfully treated before vaccines were available, thousands more would have been if antivirals were mandated instead of waiting for the ‘magic forcefield’ of experimental vaccines. THAT’S needless deaths from wilful negligence, not trained medical staff making a personal choice. Their vaccine status doesn’t change the care they provide from behind full PPE!
Useful idiots drinking government koolaid is the biggest problem in the West!
Australia’s biggest problem at the moment is there is no roadmap out of this stupidity as the Victorian despot bleats about 4th and 5th doses as ‘fully vaccinated’! That is purely and simply political control to get him to a November election because his loaded questions to focus groups tell him McGowan won because of his ‘strong leadership on covid’.
The mental distress for Victorians is they know these decisions made by Denmark, England, Ireland won’t happen in Victoria as Andrews is following the Macron, Trudeau, Ardern model of destroy hope to foster Socialist dependence!
The even more distressing thing for states in Australia is they see the conservative national leader saying one thing and then standing idly by as lunatic state demigods destroy peoples livelihoods and democratic freedom!
[My post — US Hospitals paid for Covid cases, and to suppress drugs:. Don’t assume Andrews etc won’t back down. That’s what they want you to think. They will never give an inch until they do. – Jo]
Here is the narrative…….
Fauci states that you will be “a dead end for the virus once you are vaccinated (double vaxed). It stops with YOU” All the major movers and shakers state this in this video. They are either liars or else nincompoops. They are also the people telling YOU the latest narrative!
The only question: do you believe Nigerian Princes who send fortunes to strangers really exist?
Viruses enter the body via the airways, where they are recognised and attacked by the body’s first line defences.
The jabs mobiise the leukocytes in the blood stream. These are two separate systems.
There is no way the internal-facing defences and the external-facing respiratory defences meet.
Hence the jabs cannot reduce infection. Really very simple, Simon.
Wrong. Short of having everyone catch covid and have most of them recover, vaccination is the best defence against high viral loads. Those high loads would make the symptoms more severe and would make it easier to transmit covid to others.
Almost everyone WILL catch the Omicron strain of covid, and most of them WILL recover. Vaccination x4 does not appear to work against Omicron-see Israeli Studies.
Anti-virals for covid, banned in Australia, would likely do a better job when used for routine prophylaxis by health workers and others. Obviously they have to be taken in accordance with published protocols, not used as in “clinical trials” specifically designed to fail.
There are studies saying they cant find any difference in the viral loads between infected vaxxed, or unvaxxed covid19 patients. I’m pretty sure John Campbell covered it.
The viral load is similar. But vaccinated people are less likely to catch the virus and they are quicker to recover from it.
Are you blind or just deceitful? Cases are exploding amongst the vaccinated. The vaccinated are clearly superspreaders.
I have seen with my own eyes a nurse catch covid pre jabs and then post 3 jabs. Pre jab did not spread the virus to anyone in close contact. Post jab spread it to her whole jabbed family and suffered worse symptoms lol.
Later COVID strains have been more contagious. The reason more vaccinated people are catching COVID is because almost everybody is now vaccinated; the statistics are reporting the breakthrough cases. It’s an arms race between your immune system and the virus, and you need every bit of help that you can get.
But the jabs are proving to be no defense at all, probably making it worse because of the known detrimental effects to the human body.
Roll-up, roll-up…. get your forth and fifth jabs…
Then ask why the powers behind this farce are denying the use of medicines that actually work.
Rubbish Simon. Read
In this Washington hearing Dr.Ryan Cole states that the vaccinated carry more viral load in their nasal passage than the unvaccinated. And if you really wanted to know how bad Pfizer are watch this
Simon the Lancet study was done in September. It was about Delta. That’s irrelevant now.
Get up to date please.
And yet the countries with the highest vaccination rates also have the highest transmission rates. You’re playing with a dead parrot matey
Data shows the mRNA vaccines to have a very short period of any usefulness.
And basically zero usefulness against Omicron.
Just ask Tru-d’oh ! Triple jabbed, and runs away saying he has Covid.
You couldn’t write a more bizarre slap-stick humour script. !
Even the health workers think the vaccines are unworthy of mandatory implementation.
Now that’s what I call “health advice”.
Health care workers in many countries get mandatory vaccinations against the flu each year. They also probably get mandatory vaccinations against other diseases of the type they wouldn’t have defence against from the mandatory vaccinations they had in childhood.
John, should they be revaccinated every three months ? Or every two months? Please look at Israel , where they gave 50,000 people a fourth Pfizer vaccination, and found…….not much at all . They no longer give a fourth dose, and suggested a fourth dose ” might, possibly” be of use in some elderly patients who had severe immune defficiency.”…
All those mandatory vaccinations of health workers are with properly tested and mostly effective vaccines.
Almost no one is against vaccination per se and they are not “anti-vaxxers”. That is a lie told about people with concerns about the present covid vaccines.
People are against compulsory administration of a mostly ineffective and poorly tested experimental agent with known serious adverse effects in a significant number of people.
David….the best 3 paragraph summation i’ve read in months in regard to vaccination controversy. Thanks mate
Thanks Mike!
The only way they can refer to these experimental agents as ‘vaccines’ was to change the definition of the term. Suspicious, much??
If you want anymore evidence of how useless these vaccines are i give you this. I just flew overseas as part of my job (and the only reason i was coerced into getting jabbed-i signed a waiver to get the AZ as im under 60). To get on this plane i had to not only be double jabbed, but also have a negative test that was less than 24hours old. So everyone on the plane had to be “vaxxed” and negative-and we still had to wear a mask that studies prove dont do anything anyways. Its a joke
True, but those are all vaccines with a long history and known adverse effects profile, against which folk can make an informed decision, not novel and experimental gene therapy of whose previous attempts to make, all proved decidedly against the recipients best interest; the animals died. So they skipped that bit.
Plus, there is now a colossal database of deaths and injuries, many life-changing, that dwarfs the entire thirty-year history of all normal vaccines put together.
It’s time to educate those State Premiers still dwelling in the mandate mindset.
They already now the truth. It will last until each of us individually say enough is enough. I’ve already started by publicly creating humour around their actions. Reduce everything to the ridiculous and people begin the catch on, but make it funny.
Whenever I refer to ‘our’ Palacechook I start with “picture Anastasia as a cane toad with a Messiah complex, would you really believe a word that comes from her jowls?” Gets a laugh then drill in. The chook is so immersed in corruption charges presently, it is QLD after all, she might miss an aid spraying a mix of Dettol and meths in her direction. Such a mix is good at getting rid of cane toads forever.
Now, funny how their Australian MSM never reported that England, Scotland and Ireland were banning mandates for the general population, and now I expect they won’t report on the decision to withdraw tax mandates for health workers.
I pass on most posts concerning vaccines and masks to my local member who is a very decent fellow. Politicians have no excuse and can never claim that they did not know. Those forcing vaccines on the unwilling by threats and coercion should be prepared for class actions by those who suffer adverse reactions. Likewise those that banned treatments should also start to worry about class actions concerning preventable deaths.
I suspect all restrictions will be lifted when the federal election date is announced. The left would love to see a surge in illness and even deaths so they can hang it on Morrison.
Good to see. However, it’s not enough. The coercion to get vaccinated through draconian mandates and restrictions must stop. That’s what the truckers protests here, in Canada and wherever else are all about.
Meanwhile, in Australia Andrews and other premiers look like making a booster mandate for our workers. The problem in Australia is that the sheeple have been beaten into submission and those that advocate for restrictions and mandates remain electorally popular. When you’ve been spending 2 years creating a narrative to scare people into compliance it’s hard to convince people to be unscared.
The compliance that authorities have received through lockdown , mandates and passports reflects a malleable population that had been softened up by years of indoctrination on Climate Change.
It’s amazing to understand how trusting people are about information coming from untrustworthy sources such as most mainstream media such as the ABC and many politicians. I think people are very uncomfortable to hear views that don’t fit into these false narratives and don’t want the judgemental heat that comes from having an opposite opinion. No doubts the protests in Melbourne and elsewhere in Australia made those in the apparent minority position realise they were not alone and for those who didn’t have their heads buried in the sand curious as to what the protestors were complaining about.
‘their heads buried in the sand‘
Remember when, 10 years ago, climate nutters were digging holes at beaches around the world, then performing some strange ritual where they’d kneel down, face-first into said hole, with their rear ends sticking up to greet the sun…
I guess they ‘believed’ they were making a statement aimed at those who didn’t follow their strange death cult. At the time, I thought they were complete bonkers. Funnily enough, I still do.
The problem is not just those that were successfully scared. The bigger problem is those that were told they were allowed to hate, and gleefully seized the opportunity.
Those suffering from reduced opportunity to berate others as “holocaust denying anti-science tinfoil hat wearing luddites” as the AGW narrative withered, found a new outlet in vilifying those that thought there may be some risk in mass use of the rushed experimental shots.
“Selfish granny killing anti-vaxxers” became the latest cry of those craving their “two minutes of hate”. These people will be the last to return to sanity. It’s easier to admit that you were deceived than to admit you willingly participated in discrimination and vilification.
The bigger problem is those that were told they were allowed to hate, and gleefully seized the opportunity.
It seems the anti-vaxxers and right wing zealots who rage against the restrictions placed on their daily lives are the haters. Of course these haters are not concerned about the deaths that eventuate when these restrictions are removed as their freedom is so much more important than someone else’s life.
Dominic Perrottet is a prime example of the Freedom brigade with his ludicrous let it rip approach instituted on December 15 and reversed 7 days later. As a result of his inanity case numbers hit the tens of thousands per day and deaths now stand at 1450.
Additionally the rapid increases omicron cases are causing unprecedented disruption to businesses during a non-lockdown period as industries from retail to hospitality are forced to shut down or scale back operations because their workforces are being decimated by staff falling sick or isolating.
I am not an anti vaxxer–I have been providing vaccines and vaccine information all my working life. The only thing I truly hate, is the way medicine has been politicised since the advent of covid. Prior to that medicine as a discipline had, during my lifetime, been evidence -based. With the advent of covid, science and evidence based medicine went out the window. Pre-covid, repeated expert advice was that, in a pandemic, lockdowns would be inappropriate. Only in rare cases with a level five pathogen (Covid was level 2 to 3, but now with Omicron reduced to level 2) could lockdowns, in selected targeted communities, lasting a week at maximum, be considered. This advice was agreed on by the CDC , the WHO , and all parties . The CDC has since become a mouthpiece for big pharma, with St Anthony Fauci as the new Pope. The vaccines were touted as 95% effective,(or 99% , or 100% !), and anyone or anything that stood up to talk about alternative treatments (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Nasal rinses (with pov/iodine , or with Trumps famous bleach) , were pilloried by the CDC and the “free” press. In Australia, doctors and pharmacists were ordered not to prescribe anything except paracetamol, though we all know that paracetamol has killed a lot more people than ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine.! I have been vaccinated, and had my third vax last week after looking at the figures from Scotland . I do have my cache of hydroxychloroquine in the bathroom cupboard, but would rather have Ivermectin. Tried to get some from India a while back , but disappeared in transit. Maybe a quick trip to Bali when it opens up? Unless , of course, I, like every other Aussie,have had the (not so dreaded) Omicron in the near future.
Ian said
I cannot disagree more vigorously than words permit. In my opinion you are blinded completely by your own exceedingly narrow view. Zealot, meet hater kettle and mirror!
” their freedom is so much more important than someone else’s life. ”
That is absolutely true, it is, its why we go to war! Not being free would be the perfect description of a slave, which most the world got rid of some time ago.
This is Darwin doing a clean-out of the weak and the ill, and will leave a stronger race. If your time has come, embrace it!
Do you seriously think the people staggering around in rest homes in their 80s & 90s don’t see this? (those that can still concentrate long enough to understand..)
Now I talk to more old people I find they are far more accepting of death & realise their life is so limited its hardly worth living.
! ! ! “Not being free would be the perfect description of a slave, which most the world got rid of some time ago.”
UN reports prove slavery is common, around our Earth; especially with China’s treatment Of Uyghur Muslims.
That is a bit bizarre.
But we have come to expect that.
I wear a mask to protect me from the RONA ands a tin foil hat to protect me from lighting.
I’m good.
I had my two vaccines early last year (one not-too-bad adverse reaction). Then I had a Moderna mRna booster in December. Just over 6 weeks later, I am still not fully recovered from the booster. It gave me a severe fever for a few days and triggered my immune system into attacking me instead of coroviruses. Six weeks, several tests and several doctors later, I am much recovered but I fear that some part of the damage may be permanent (only time will tell).
As you can tell from the above, I am not an anti-vaxxer (though I did feel they had a case that should be listened to) but I will refuse to take an mRna injection ever again no matter what lawmakers may try to make me do. I have no intention of ever taking any kind of coronavirus “vaccine” ever again. I have written to my state and federal MPs telling them of my experience and opposing mandatory “vaccines”.
It is unconscionable for any government to make “vaccines” mandatory, especially as Pfizer reportedly refuses to show its test results. The fact that they are now reportedly urging children under 5 to be “vaccinated” looks to me like child abuse.
I hop your reaction was reported as an adverse event.
Are you blind or just deceitful? Cases are exploding amongst the vaccinated. The vaccinated are clearly superspreaders.
I have seen with my own eyes a nurse catch covid pre jabs and then post 3 jabs. Pre jab did not spread the virus to anyone in close contact. Post jab spread it to her whole jabbed family and suffered worse symptoms lol.
Reply to comment above. Something went haywire
Always keep a hold of nurse for fear of finding something worse.
It is comparatively easy to cause people to have false assessments as to what is reasonable -especially by techniques which show a false appraisal as being popular wisdom. This is known as ‘moving the goalposts’ and is covered by propaganda of “Moving the Overton Window.’ More than you likely want to know about bullshitting the public :
I posted a link on this on Tuesday Open Thread comment # 4.

One green, one red.
I’m so under appreciated.
Major news if you ask moi.
Doesn’t this mean the great darkness is over in Britain?
Oh, and never mind.
Mandate, just kidding.
You’ll find another job.
[I saw your comment, and gave you a hat tip in the article. Thank you! And thanks to OldOzzie and PeterS too – Jo]
Just got back today after spending a Night here
It’s a tidal island off the south Devon coast , where, apart from me, many famous people have stayed, including agatha Christiie.
No masks in sight, no social distancing, no sanitising. In fact all completely and utterly normal apart from the huge number of cocktails being drunk
There are three things that may be notable, in as much there are surely three mysteries that Christie could have set here?
Firstly ‘covid, who hypnotised governments worldwide?’
As this has been a tidal island for as as long as records have existed and it remains possible to walk there over the causeway at low tide, but it becomes cut off at high tides, it is evident, as with nearby st michaels mount, there has been no sea level rise in recorded history, so the next in the mysteries is
‘Sea level rise, where is it hiding?’
Lastly I took my co2 meter so as to get an island reading. It measures around 520 ppm as it has done with similar devices in Australia France and here in the UK
So the third title
‘The strange case of exaggerated Co2 ‘
I am sure publishers will have a tremendous appetite for books such as these. Perhaps the govt could give me a grant?
I do admit I need to work on the titles and the agatha christie estate may be a little reluctant to
Lend their name to it
Not far away from where you were, the village of Dunster on the north Somerset coast flourished as a port in Medieval times but is now 2 miles (3km) from the sea. You woukd be hard pressed to make the people of Dunster fear sea level rise.
Congrats, in my city there is still a indoor mask mandate.
A friend, a couple of days ago, told of having dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill, a DC elite haunt.
No mask at tables, but once you stood up to go to toilet or exit/enter, mask required.
Staff masked.
The educated elite are the worst.
In these parts, a mask is just an ‘I didn’t vote for Trump’ badge.
This is a meta-analyses of masks, its rather long but worth the read.
Forgot the spiel, but there is so much good info in that link.
For small increases in carbon dioxide in the inhaled air, this disease-promoting effect has been proven with the creation of headaches, irritation of the respiratory tract up to asthma as well as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate with vascular damage and, finally, neuropathological and cardiovascular consequences [38]. Even slightly but persistently increased heart rates encourage oxidative stress with endothelial dysfunction, via increased inflammatory messengers, and finally, the stimulation of arteriosclerosis of the blood vessels has been proven [55]. A similar effect with the stimulation of high blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction and damage to blood vessels supplying the brain is suggested for slightly increased breathing rates over long periods [56,57]. Masks are responsible for the aforementioned physiological changes with rises in inhaled carbon dioxide
Maybe Sleepy Joe is not senile but has been affected by his mask wearing. Likewise the rest of the Democrat crime family is similarly affected and will shortly begin to succumb to the next stage of mask syndrome. They are all quite mad so institutional care must be the next stop.
I really think its his underwear and nappy hindering his oxygen intake, but you maybe correct.
You obviously don’t understand the science. In restaurants and indeed all indoor places, the covid miasma operates at a steady height of around 5foot. So when you are walking round your head is dangerously right in the toxic cloud. However as soon as you sit down you are below the infection level. You can get round this by crawling or crouching to the toilet or wherever, thus ensuring your head remains below this critical level.
Many countries had a curfew operating in eating places at 10pm. The science behind this is because the covid layer becomes supercharged charged with extra particles and moisture expelled by the patrons the cloud suddenly drops to table level. Theoretically you could eat lying on the ground but that would be plain silly.
Those of you here who follow UK affairs ( I don’t mean the Boris Johnson sort) may remember that apparently it was OK to order or stand at the bar if you had a meal. Eventually it was agreed that could include A scotch egg but you mustn’t be too long consuming this morsel as it might be seen as an excuse to break the rules.
There is an amusing new musical I the UK called “Scotch egg” which pokes fun at some of the nonsenses thrust on us. An enjoyable sceptical read . A small part here
You can’t be too careful
You can’t be too careful
Oh you cant’ be too careful after all, not at all
Oh you can’t be too careful
You can’t be too careful
You can’t be too careful after all
Mind the gap, watch your step, stay in bed, safety first, mind your head, walk this way, catch your sneeze, wash your hands
I wear a mask!
It’s a rigorous, effective thing,
Despite the fact it’s a quarter of a nappy
Tied up with a piece of string
(grandly, portentously)
I’m avoiding all humanity
Especially all my friends and family
It’s for the good of all society
And you can’t be too careful after all!
Tonyb, I’ve never heard of a Scotch egg.
As I may have mentioned, in the late 1700s, it was suggested by British authorities, that my ancestors on my maternal side, find different accommodations other than the Highlands of Scotland.
I guess the egg thing didn’t make it.
But it worked out since we can now send wood chips back to help England with Climate Change.
Fortunately, my Scots half is mellowed by my German half.
Although I do get confused about in which direction I should cross the Rhine.
And as you may have noticed, I am developing Scottish Alzheimer’s.
I forget everything except the grudge.
But thanks to our excellent Health Authorities and our ‘we only follow the Science, except we get in trouble’ political leaders, I am still able to learn Science.
Also, I would appreciate it if you could have Boris Johnson’s barber contact Joe Biden, I think Joe has sufficient hair plugs.
Dang, missed acknowledgment at bottom of post …. ugh!
Never mind.
As I have had 2 doses of AZ vaccine, how can a dose of Pfizer be called a “booster”? Isn’t it an entirely different vaccine?
In Vic the CHO has stated that he has not recommended a third dose become mandatory, despite Disaster Dan indicating he will mandate under the emergency regulations.
Andrews claims to be receiving “expert public health advice”.
That “expert” advice is meant to be coming from the Chief “Health” Officer Sutton. But Sutton claims not to have given it to Andrews.
Who to believe?
Also, Andrews has mentioned a “fourth or fifth” booster as required. He is enjoying the dictatorship and control and the horrifying thing is that he may very well get elected a third time.
OurTheir troika of Ardern, Hipkins and Bloomfield, have adjusted The Science of 3rd-shot ‘boosterism’ waiting-time from 6 months to 4 months, and now down to 3 months.Roll up, junkies, get your next fix now!
Health? Not. Political Pfizterical Scientism.
No one in Government or legacy media.
When the choice of who to believe is between Dan Andrews and absolutely anyone else, go with absolutely anyone else I reckon.
He’s the incarnation of skew whiff our Victorian premier; lord alone knows what will remain of the state and who will own it when he’s done.
I have also been wondering about how Pfizer can be a booster for someone that has previously had two Astras.
For the record, not by choice. I am the sole source of income in a family with two teenagers, and I was given the jab or job choice.
I had a headache for a month after the jab. I haven’t forgiven and I will not forget.
When you are pushing 100% spin, an adenovirus can be equated to a Malone special I guess. The Marxists delight in chipping away at the intellect using the 2+2=5 method. Like my stream of thought posts that ED rejects, the sensible thing to do is recognise that cognitive dissonance is simply lathering your prefrontal cerebral cortex- it is meant to be anti-intellectual! Rational argument deploying pure logic will not alter the “Rulez” that have been spread over the world as though we had an international cabal of unelected officials governing us.
Every jab uses the same old Wuflu spike. That’s why a dfferent vax can be called a “Booster”. That original virus does not exist anymore or has not been found spreading in any samples for months now.
The last 19A clade variant (original virus) was found in PNG in Jan 2021.
The original plan was to defeat the Wuflu which apparently we have. We have also defeated the Delta strain, not part of the original plan. We have also handled this new strain called Omicron. Omicron is not the same as the Wuflu so this is a different campaign. Is it our future to be fighting a new strain each time it arises meaning that governments could stretch these unconstitutional mandates out for ever in the interest of saving us of course?
Since the vaccine was designed to provide immunity against the Wuflu and the booster is the same as the original but Omicron is different to the Wuflu then logically no matter how many boosters are given they will be not effective. Why do the Health “experts” persist in vaccinating kids against a disease that no longer exists and a disease they do not catch anyway? If the experts want to protect the kids against Omicron why do they use a vaccine that is not going to work? No wonder people get the idea that there is a sinister agenda afoot.
@ Robber:
That “mix ‘n match” caper seems to be the “standard procedure” here in the benighted State of Queensland.
That’s what I got, a while back.
Watching for signs of myocarditis these days.
I questioned the Vet Assist Jabber at the time of the third and was basically patted on the head. I was a bit irked; Just because I am old and grey with zero tertiary qualifications does not mean I am stupid.
There is something rather rotten in this festering dung-heap that used to be my country.
R, the publicly available CMI (Consumer Medical Information) sheets for both the Pfizer and AZ inoculations both clearly state that each of them have not been tested in combination with any other “vaccine” or medicine, let alone the combination being properly trialed with a control group. This is all on the TGA website, but everyone should be given a copy to read and understand BEFORE agreeing to get the jab, as part of the informed consent process.
Also the CMI for the provisionally approved pfizer inoculation states only that a third dose “may be taken AFTER 6 months” so it is all bs “expert advise” being relied on when the gov is trying to coerce people into taking it after 3 months.
Therefore taking a Pfizer “booster” after an AZ 2 dose course is pure experimentation, but you will never be told that by your Dr as they have all been compromised by the blatant threat they have received from AHPRA to follow the gov narrative or be investigated and deregistered. All drs now have a conflict of interest and your health is not their primary interest.
No gov can legally, ethically or morally mandate these “provisionally approved” inoculations, but unfortunately we are now living in a communist country called Australia.
” informed consent process.”
Lol, good one. Informed consent is so passe’.
Thank you for a sensible question rather than pretending you know the answer.
All vaccines do the same thing. The AstraZeneca vaccine and most of the other less well-known vaccines use traditional vaccine technology – a small de-activated part of the virus that will trigger the production of antibodies and will “educate” your B and T type memory cells so that it future they will (a) re-trigger the production of antibodies and (b) know what infected cells to kill. (Don’t worry, the cells are quickly replaced with healthy new ones.)
Pfizer and Modern use mRNA technology to biochemically trigger the production of antibodies and will “educate” your B and T type memory cells in the same way as above. Some people seem concerned about the mRNA biochemicals. There’s no need to be. Within about 10 to 14 day they break down and simple become waste that’s disposed of in the usual way.
No, not all vaccines work the same way. Previous vaccines did not hijack your bodies cellular functions to produce viral cell structures. The covid “vaccines” are experimental gene therapy.
Lest We Realise:
‘Moderna’, the trade name, has nothing to do with being ‘modern’, new, novel, or the lastest trend in injectable fashion.
Try: Modified-RNA, or Messenger[ode]RNA.
Or simply: Mode-RNA.
George Orwell would’ve been impressed.
AZ is not a traditional vaccine, they even say as much in their PR publications. They are DNA based, unlike Pfizer and all available in Oz which are mRNA but both achieve the same outcome, the generation of active spike proteins that create the disease. Quite simple really.
AZ does not use traditional vaccine technology. It is the DNA of a Frankenstein’s monster of a genetically modified chimpanzee virus.
Moths, I thought it was grown in.
Nope that’s Novavax. Probably go with monkey if I wanted a choice.
AZ is a monkey virus common cold shell. It has RNA inside encoding the spike.
The clotting risk is enhanced by the adeno-shell. But the risks of your body manufacturing a spike inside your own cells are still present.
But the mRNA technology is very different, and the RNA has to be synthetically modified in many ways to stop your body just destroying it. So there are some very new and different genetic technologies used with Pfizer and Moderna.
The simplest vaccines are the protein vaxes, ie Novavax and Covax-19 (Adelaide vax, used in Iran.). They are both grown in moth cells, then extracted from those moth cells. There should be no RNA or DNA in those protein vaccines.
Your body does not need to manufacture spikes with a protein vax. There are just so many fewer steps that could go wrong.
But all vaccines with the older spike carry a risk of Original Antigenic Sin (meaning old fashioned spike that generates a potentially useless distracting and “wrong” response). And they carry the risk of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement).
Ok, I will go with the chicken then.
I think it is DNA not RNA
It’s frightening isn’t it?
There is no doubt that only a small proportion of the population are free and independent thinkers.
I would count the unvaxxed among those thinkers (10% of the population over 5 yrs that require compulsory vaccination but refused) plus most of those forcibly vaxxed in order to keep their jobs or because they were kids (that my be 20% of the population over 5 yrs).
So we have 30% over the age of 5 who didn’t want to be vaxxed or didn’t have a choice due to being children. Subtracting the children out of the equation might give you 20% of the adult population that are free and independent thinkers.
That waa meant to be a reply to Zigmaster.
Free and independent thinkers or people who are ignorant of key medical issues and believe anything that social media tells them?
That’s a pretty ill informed response you got going there John. Reminds me of Jonathon Haidt’s research into how conservatives can accurately articulate the lefts position and reasoning on issues but the left can’t of the right. They see conservatives through a distorted lens that is more caricature than reality.
How about:
John, as I said, free and independent thinkers.
You will find very few people against compulsory administration of the present covid vaccines that are genuinely ignorant or have beliefs based on social media.
All people I know, including medical doctors and scientists, who are against compulsory vaccination with the existing covid vaccinations on offer, follow the science.
I would suggest that it’s those who blindly and unquestioningly believe what the Government, Big Pharma, the legacy media and the Left tell them about the present covid vaccines who are the ignorant ones.
You seem new to this group so are unlikely to have seen tens or hundreds of thousands of previous comments on such matters. You would not be calling such people ignorant if you had seen, read and digested those comments and associated literature.
Australia seems first to adopt the bad trends and last to adopt the good trends.
Compulsory vaccination is one of those bad trends.
Remember that Australia has purchased enough covud vaccine doses to forcibly inject everyone over zero age nearly ten times. Most have only been injected twice. What do you think they are going to do with the remaining doses?
I am quite impressed that Once Great Britain has dropped the mandate, at least for health workers.
LOL……….By the time they have figured out what to do with all of these surplus doses they will have passed their “use by date” ……………..
Thank you for your numerous and thoughtful comments, they are much appreciated. I have one slight caveat regarding the reversal of the NHS ‘vaccine’ mandate. Although unvaccinated NHS staff will not now be sacked, they will not be able to move, be promoted or change jobs in the NHS unless they are “fully vaccinated”. I heard this on TALKRADIO this morning.
Couldn’t believe my ears this morning when a senior medical bureaucrat told a TV host that the vaccines hadn’t performed as expected. Mind you, he quickly qualified that astonishing statement by saying that he has prevented serious illness and death. But said TV personality was bewildered. Not finished, he then went on to say that the use of RATs in schools was questionable.
I think we will be seeing this about face from the bureaucrats more often as the reversal increases overseas. The backpedaling will be frantic.
I should be pleased and I am. But I am just so weary of the hypocrisy and lack of insight.
Maybe some senior bureaucrats and politicians are starting to worry that they might be held to account for the death and mayhem they have caused.
Nuremberg Mk 2.
It might be worth doing a quick law degree to cash in on the class actions to come. For or against it does not matter; a share of the settlement or a charge on the defendant.
I’m not the litigious type, rarely solves problems in my opinion. In this instance though, I hope there is unprecedented litigation against all those responsible for the mandates and lockdowns. It may cause economic problems for us in the near future but it would set an example for future generations not to repeat this travesty.
Just picture the crevasses in the “Egg on face layer”
Vicki. How about telling us where you saw this.
It was on T.V.
More overreach;
Pick, pick pick.
Those in Australia who know any medical doctors or nurses on a personal basis will know that many of them express scepticism or concern about the present covid vaccines and very often have had direct experience with serious adverse vaccine events, including death, among their patients. (I am not talking about sore arms.)
Severe adverse events are usually misattributed to “coincidence” by authorities and nothing to do with the vaccine.
Such medical professionals know if they speak out they will likely be sacked (fired) or severely ostracised and unpersoned. It is a poor career move so sadly they remain silent.
The blatant blackmail of drs is publicly available in writing on the AHPRA website in what they call their “Position Statement on Covid-19”, so it is not just hearsay.
This is why EVERY registered doctor in Australia is now compromised with respect to any advice they give regarding Covid-19. They have a direct conflict of interest between protecting their medical licence or providing you with proper health advice. It is therefore criminal if they don’t declare that to every patient before each consultation.
My wife has a family friend of 35 years who has spent most of that time as a nurse. He was recently stood down for not taking the injections. Last year he told me that the adverse events were being massively underreported and that nurses had been told not to make reports. Since then I have spoken to a number of nurses at various rallies that have confirmed this position. Scary stuff.
Just reported that of the 2000 plus people who have died from covid in Victoria since the pandemic began 47% were unvaccinated with an additional % only recieving one dose.
All interesting of course, but really meaningless figures just designed to keep the fear going. No mention of the 800 plus nursing home casualities that died before any vaccines were available, no mention of other comorbities that were life threatening, no mention of the age of related deaths, and the list goes on.
A great exercise in obfuscation but not much else.
Yes, that was the train man. Jeroen Weimar. ( sorry, COVID Commander )Those figures have a starting date of June 2021. If you start the data from early December (when Omicron started being detected) you get a whole different picture. The proportion of vaxxed in the mortality group then increases dramatically. NSW seems to be the main state actually publishing true information on vax status. I wouldn’t trust Vic data at all.
Sambar….the difference in reporting covid deaths in Victoria vs new South Wales is enlightening.
NSW gives daily reports, breaks the numbers up into age and sex, explains if there are comorbidities and gives vaccination status. The reports show that on a daily basis, roughly 25% are unvaccinated, and except on rare occasions all those who have died, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, have comorbidities.
The weekly covid statistics for NSW can be found here…
Of note is Section 4 of the latest weekly update found here on page 8…..
The breakdown for Australia can be found here…..
Finland is another country that is opening up:
This from Breitbart on Canada , re freedom convoy protest of Covid Mandates…
“Newspapers probably won’t headline the pattern of freedom that is starting to spread.”
I predict the corporate media (including the ABC) will be the second last group to report the change in pattern.
The very last group will be those who slavishly follow the corporate media.
See also:
I am wondering if France will drop restrictions before their rounds of elections (April 10-24). I have a feeling (perhaps over-optimistic) they may – hopefully all the restrictions involving “papers please” anyway… fingers crossed.
I attended a “United Australia Party” get together last night. There were 70 people in attendance. I know that the Liberal party has 100 total membership in my city. The local candidate is a bright young Engineer, and I have known his family for 15 years. It will be an interesting Federal election campaign- as people get to decide the “Level” of governance they have to live under rather then the bearing on the compass. I had to heckle the senate candidate- he started a yarn about Dan Andrews being an Arts graduand- and missed the perpetual student credential.
I will be voting for the UAP.
Liberal Democrats are also a good choice but don’t have the exposure or funding of UAP.
Will the SA government say that only vaccinated people can vote in person in the upcoming election?
Will the federal government say the same for the federal election?
Will they offload the decision to the polling places instead? effectively blocking people from voting in person, without officially saying so?
My wife has a family friend of 35 years who has spent most of that time as a nurse. He was recently stood down for not taking the injections. Last year he told me that the adverse events were being massively underreported and that nurses had been told not to make reports. Since then I have spoken to a number of nurses at various rallies that have confirmed this position. Scary stuff.
Bugger, that was a response to David Maddison back at #11
I think they are already softening us up for that James.
Wow…hadn’t thought of that…..hmmm the implications, vax passports for entry?
From NewCatallaxy Blog – Meme of the Day #12 sums it up really
The COVID Narrative is Falling Apart
Why is there so much disagreement? The late Malcolm Muggeridge put it this way; “People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to.” Think about it; the Left and their media allies have terrified our children and ordinary citizens so much that they desperately want to believe masks and vax mandates are the only answer. Anyone who disagrees must be silenced, socially destroyed, or even allowed to die by withholding organ transplants or life-saving therapeutics.
It is nearly impossible to overcome emotion with facts, but I will present some anyway:
1). Alarming vax side effects reported by military whistleblowers.
2). Athletes are mysteriously dying of sudden heart attacks:
3). Vaccines now have negative efficacy:
– Data has surfaced claiming that continued use of the original vax is causing negative efficacy. Negative efficacy doesn’t mean the protection fades. It means the opposite: it means the vaccines are now weakening the immune system.
4). Omicron provides long-lasting natural immunity:
Conclusions: Considering the dangerous vax side effects described above, it’s time to recognize that COVID is becoming endemic like the closely related common cold or seasonal flu. This means the safest way for the unvaccinated to produce the necessary long-lasting memory T-cells may be by catching omicron.
For those facing omicron with an immune system weakened by multiple vaxxes and boosters, age, or comorbidities, an emergency use authorization by the FDA for the therapeutics (chiefly ivermectin) India used could be a lifesaver. However, the political climate today makes FDA authorization unlikely — many hospitals have already allowed patients to die rather than try these proven, safe therapeutics. And last week, effective monoclonal antibody treatments have mysteriously lost their FDA approval.
Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to fortify your immune system with a daily dose of over-the-counter vitamin D3, C, and zinc (all are included in India’s COVID kit). Around 80 to 85 percent of people who died from COVID were deficient in these vitamins and the most vulnerable are senior citizens and the obese (because fat cells absorb vitamin D before it can reach where needed).
So begins the exodus of health-workers from Australia.
I wonder if they’ll qualify as refugees?
I am not joking.
They will be escaping from serious human rights violations in Australia.
Justin Trudeau is a Bungler and Menace to His Nation
At the end of January, Justin Trudeau posted a message on Twitter in which he announced that he had tested positive for Covid-19.
Astoundingly, at the conclusion of his message, Trudeau urged everyone to get the shots even though they failed to protect him from the disease. “Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted,” he insisted.
Trudeau’s message shows the depth of irrationality – bordering on insanity – to which many have fallen victim. We propose to call this phenomenon the Vaccine Insanity Syndrome (VIS). Those who suffer from VIS have largely lost touch with reality and things like common sense, evidence and logic no longer gain any traction in their thinking.
Just to summarize the absurdity of the whole situation: Having been previously vaccinated, Trudeau gets additionally boostered and three weeks later contracts Covid-19.
To put it in a different way, shortly after getting his third shot, Canada’s Prime Minister falls ill with the very disease against which these “effective” injections were supposed to protect him.
But rather than repenting of his mistake, he goes on Twitter and advises the Canadian people to do the same.
Where is any logic in this? Has Covid affected Trudeau’s brain? Or was it the injections that somehow diminished his capacity for thought and reflection?
If anything, Trudeau should be “Exhibit One” for why people should not get vaccinated and boostered, since he is now Canada’s poster boy for vaccine failure.
The Rest is an excellent read
Penned by a bloke who grew up in Czechoslovakia… I’d say he knows all-too-well the stench of Double-speak and Gobbledygook.
COVID and cultism
Recently, the principles of freedom of expression, and science were put to test, predictably, “liberals” demonstrated scant comprehension or concern for these fundamental tenets of modern civilization.
The political ideology that we variously call liberalism, leftism, or progressivism has degenerated into an anti-science cult that is impervious to feedback.
In the spotlight illuminating this cultism were Spotify, Substack, and a trucker protest in Canada.
Next, Spotify will be pressurized to fire Rogan, owing to an exodus of musical talent for business reasons. Perhaps “offensive” utterances in Rogan’s earlier podcasts will be discovered that morally justify his firing.
Now for Substack, an online platform with over 1 million paying subscribers that allows writers to send digital newsletters to subscribers. The platform received criticism from the left for the lack of “regulation.”
The Washington Post led the charge by lambasting Substack for “making millions off anti-vaccine content.” The Post claimed that Substack “can make like-minded people more radicalized in their beliefs. A popular newsletter can be picked up and amplified by other outlets, as well as forwarded to others.”
How ironic that The Post, which made millions by relentlessly peddling misinformation about President Trump has the audacity to blame others for spreading misinformation. But the self-righteous seldom have any self-awareness.
In current times, all mainstream groups in the Western world obediently follow groupthink. This includes the mainstream news media, showbiz, the intelligentsia, the political establishments, international bodies, Big Tech, non-profit organizations, and even comedians.
Their political leanings, the causes they advocate, their likes and dislikes are identical, which makes their hypocrisies identical. Clearly, the nonconformists prefer to remain silent.
This is tyranny, which is the hallmark of a cult.
Those who lived under an autocratic government will tell you what the regime fears most is contrarian ideas. Rebels can be severely punished and made examples of.
But great ideas, contrary to groupthink, are impossible to restrain or censor.
Why should the rules for the COVID-19 vaccine be different?
The vaccine proponents have been inconsistent in their claims.
They first claimed that those who are fully vaccinated are protected from infection of COVID-19. When the vaccinated were infected, they claimed that vaccinated individuals won’t suffer during their infection. When the vaccinated people suffered during their infection, they claimed that the vaccinated will certainly survive their infection. When some vaccinated individuals died, they claim that deaths were rare or due to pre-existing conditions. They also keep redefining the term “fully vaccinated” by adding boosters. Some who have taken the vaccine have suffered serious side effects.
Ivermectin: It seems that the ‘horse dewormer’ is an effective COVID treatment
I don’t think it can be said often enough that the leftist establishment’s dismissal of all early treatments for COVID in favor of vaccines, followed by hospitalization when people are in extremis, will go down as the greatest slaughter of Americans since the Civil War. Whether driven by politics, profit, or the power that vaccine mandates have given them, the entire leftist establishment dismissed ivermectin as a “horse dewormer,” making it almost impossible for doctors to prescribe it. Yet a Japanese study shows that, in fact, ivermectin is both “safe” and “effective.”
When Trump mentioned the possible efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an old, stable, safe malaria medicine, it was instantly shouted down as a deadly fish treatment. That came as a surprise to me because, several years ago, when I was going to Cambodia, Kaiser’s travel nurse automatically prescribed HCQ as a prophylactic to prevent my getting malaria. Although I’m the person who always gets the side-effects, I had no problems with HCQ (plus I didn’t get malaria).
Then, when word began to emerge from Africa, Latin America, and India that ivermectin, a truly magical anti-parasitical that has changed life across the third world for the better, the establishment instantly tagged it as a “horse dewormer.” And once again, Americans were denied a safe, effective early treatment for COVID.
Mind you, these medicines weren’t just subject to derision. The FDA refused to authorize them for COVID treatment. Vast HMOs, usually headed by leftists, also refused to allow them to be used in an off-label way. Not only did Meryl Nass, a physician in Maine, have her license suspended for prescribing ivermectin and HCG, but the medical board demanded that she undergo a psychiatric evaluation to get it back.
To add insult to the profound injuries the establishment has inflicted on the American people, with more than 800,000 deaths attributed to COVID, a Japanese study confirms that ivermectin was always safe and effective:
This is like Dorothy discovering that her ruby slippers always had the power to return her to Kansas. However, they wouldn’t work as long as she wasn’t ready to believe.
I think we pro IVM folk have to get things right too. The study only actually says IVM worked against omicron en vitro. That part is just an update of the Monash study from way back.
A group of doctors put a submission into the NHS regarding the UK vax mandates- jab or job for medical workers. They looked at production of antibodies post vaccination in terms of time to peak etc. Then they compared to the level of COVID viral load that a nurse in particular might be faced with on a day to day basis. They estimated that nurses would have required MONTHLY vaccinations of the present range of vaccines in order to provide some level of protection. Clearly this was impractical. Seems like someone in the NHS actually might be following the (real) science.
And then, there are the numbers from, among other sources, US military data:
Are you aware that in the fiefdom of Western Australiastan, unvaxxed lawyers and jurors cannot attend court? So there is no possibility that an unvaxxed accused person could be properly represented or judged by a jury of their peers.
I am guessing that might apply in other states as well but has not been reported by the Misleadia
Yet another major human rights violation in Australia.
Yep, just another sign of communism.
McClown is blatantly interfering in the court process and that of fair justice.
I therefore believe that there is enough evidence for the WA Governor to sack him immediately, but oh wait, they are labor party mates.
Psaki confirms suspicions about monoclonal treatment shutdown
On January 24, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shut down Florida’s popular monoclonal treatment sites. Without warning, the FDA revised its emergency use authorization (EUA) to cancel appointments for thousands of Floridians who were to be treated for mild to moderate COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies.
The FDA cites the ineffectiveness of the monoclonal antibody treatments against the new omicron variant. Florida governor Ron DeSantis fired back that this was simply the latest in a series of threats to punish Florida patients and their doctors.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s response left no doubt that this latest ham-fisted move was designed to chastise Florida and threaten other governors who challenge the administration’s strategy on COVID-19. Psaki simply announced that monoclonal antibodies “do not work against Omicron.” But if Jen’s word isn’t good enough, she added, “this is what scientists are saying” gesticulating in her trademark flourishing hand movements.
There was a time not long ago when shame would have prevented an administration from attempting such a blatantly cheap political shot. This is taking medication from coronavirus victims.
This vindictive attack is familiar to the bogus accusations that called hydroxychloroquine “fish tank cleaner” and ivermectin “horse dewormer.”
The Democrats hate monoclonal antibodies because Trump was treated with them when he caught COVID back in 2020 and he recovered very quickly. They work exceptionally well vs Delta and previous variants – maybe not so good vs Omicron in their present form. But apparently there was (is) still a lot of Delta variant in the US -hence they could still be used. All you need is the same process for Omicron monoclonal antibodies. You harvest natural antibodies from people recovered from Omicron and then just brew up another product. When Jo said weeks back that we are surrounded by a sea of anti-virals, she wasn’t kidding.
White House Defends Mailing Americans Coronavirus Tests Made in China
The White House on Wednesday defended spending over $1 billion in taxpayer funds to purchase coronavirus tests made in China and sending them to the American people.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily briefing that demand for tests was too great to prevent setting up government contracts with China to acquire tests.
China’s Andon Health Co., Ltd. signed a $1.28 billion contract with the United States Army Contracting Command to acquire over 250 million coronavirus self-test kits to send to Americans.
Biden’s decision to purchase over a billion coronavirus tests to send to Americans drew criticism from some governors, who noted the federal government was making it more difficult for states to acquire their own testing.
“Senator Scott thinks it is unacceptable that the Biden administration would spend American taxpayer dollars on COVID tests from Communist China, which just goes directly to supporting General Secretary Xi and his genocidal regime, instead of supporting American manufacturers and jobs,” a statement from Scott’s office to Fox News read.
Well, that are good news.

I hope the Germans will follow next year at least
While there are voices talking about some opening, Drosten (who else ?!?!) is warning !
The new variation will spread much faster than the first Omiocron.
No idea where to put the /sarc tag
Over at least two million years we humans have developed a remarkable, natural immune system that has dealt with most of the viral, germ challenges which nature has sent us.
In relatively recent times the intrusive vaccination process has added to our natural capacity to get through these natural challenges and, as in the case of polio, I and many others were grateful for the for opportunity to get the new polio vaccine.
Other useful vaccines and treatments followed and I can remember the process of immunity boosting I was required to follow when going into a potential malaria zone.
I was a little concerned at the immediate vaccination of my newborn babies but accepted it as simply good sound government health care.
Recent accounts of child vaccination programs in the U.S. are frightening and no doubt Australia is following.
Over the current CV19 period I have become alarmed at the blaze behaviour of the VaXXine industry which first showed its colours with the annual Flu VaXXine and has gone hell for leather with the experimental COVID19 VaXXines.
Anyone who thinks that the CV19 VaXXine program is under government control and supervision needs to think again.
What’s it all about, Alphie.
It must be obvious to any familiar with biology and process analysis that a little help for our natural immune systems via the occasional vaccine is good; but the chronic injection pathway pushed by big Pharma is just too much, and will tear down our hard won natural immune system.
” little help for our natural immune systems via the occasional vaccine is good”
No, that may not be the case at all. We have a massive range of illnesses and conditions in the modern world, easily measured by the amount of money spent in the pharmaceutical industry, illnesses we never used to have. We are the sickest we have ever been! Our biggest killers like cancer & heart disease were almost unheard of before 1900, and common diseases like diabetes and neurasthenia were similarly rare.
How many have been caused by damage to our immune systems from vaccines??
How many have been caused by damage to other systems in our bodies by the vaccines?
Not just the active ingredient, but the other toxins like mercury and aluminium. We were never designed to have anything shot into our bodies by a needle.
The graph I have in front of me shows measles mortality peaking in the 1920s at 18/100,000. It slowly declines to about 0.5/100k by 1945, and dribbles along to 1963 when the vaccine was introduced. The measles infection rate varied seasonally, peaking from about 20/100k before 1945, down to 7/100k before the vaccine was introduced. The virus had run its course before the vaccine was used.
People who say measles was cured by a vaccine, or polio, should see it!
I agree with your concept that there are health issues besides those that can be helped by vaccines.
Diabetes, the cause of which was discovered after world war two, is related specifically to the problem of overeating and most recently outright gluttony. It’s also related to inactivity or physical laziness.
There’s no vaccine for diabetes.
The reduction in deaths from malaria has been an incredible intervention, and so on.
What I’m saying is that the recent behaviour of pharmaceutical companies in producing junk vaccines is now doing damage that should not be occurring.
Army to ‘Immediately’ Begin Separating Soldiers Not Complying with Vaccine Mandate
The Army announced Wednesday morning that it will “immediately” begin separating soldiers who have not complied with the Biden administration’s order for all service members to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Army Secretary Christine Wormuth issued a directive to commanders to initiate the separations against any soldier who has not complied with the vaccination order and does not have a pending or approved exemption request, the Army said. The order applies to active duty members and reservists on federal active-duty orders, as well as cadets.
“Army readiness depends on Soldiers who are prepared to train, deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars,” Wormuth said, according to an Army press release. “Unvaccinated Soldiers present risk to the force and jeopardize readiness. We will begin involuntary separation proceedings for Soldiers who refuse the vaccine order and are not pending a final decision on an exemption.”
Video comparing Russian army to US army ad goes viral – 52 Secs
The Russian ad focuses on military life, buzz-cut muscly men looking into the camera intimidatingly, stomping boots, shooting guns, talking of forgetting who you were before ‘cause you’re in the military now, etc., etc.’ Meanwhile, the US ad features the upbringing of a California girl with two moms, who ‘took ballet, played violin,’ but ‘also marched for equality’ – and how all that made her the soldier she is today.
The stark contrast of the US’ colorful animation and romantic theme tune to the dark and dramatic tone of the Russian ad has not gone unnoticed. Americans, apparently nostalgic for the hypermasculine military days of yore, seem to be feeling a little bit threatened.
Even Republican Senator Ted Cruz tweeted, ‘Holy cr@p. Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea…’
He was then called out by Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth for suggesting the US Army was inferior to Russia’s.
The only logic that can be seen in this is scary.
They want to destroy the U.S.
Meanwhile, the Therapeutic Goods Administration has advised it is important not to eat, drink, smoke, brush your teeth or chew gum in the 10 to 30 minutes before taking a saliva rapid antigen test (RAT) — dependent on individual test instructions provided — “as it may produce an incorrect result”.
NSW Health, on social media, cautioned against these actions for at least 30 minutes “before putting the swab in your mouth” to obtain a saliva RAT sample.
“Rapid antigen tests can be very accurate when used as instructed. However, food and drink can impact the accuracy of the result,” the department said.
“GBNews- Covid is now no more deadly than the flu, Case Fatality Rate shows”
“The Real Anthony Fauci” is a must read. I finally got a kindle in order to read books that weren’t getting to Aus. I’ve ordered a hard copy, but the release date on amazon has gone indeterminant. It is a devastating read. There’s so far nothing new on the therapeutics front, but what is lacerating is the rerun of the AIDS epidemic strategies, by Fauci and big pharma. Forget public health, only patentable drugs were allowed onto the field. The corruption, and capture of the bureaucracy, and media, is complete, and has been refined by 40 years, and over $1 trillion in grants, to Fauci’s loyal supporters. I havent seen it yet, but maybe ‘The Dallas Buyers Club’ might be a path to have a conversation about the present situation? That phenomenon was caused by Fauci ignoring generic treatments for AIDS.
Another thing is the HIV/AIDS controversy, that seems to be a perfect mirror for global warming. Fauci was able to shut down any public questioning that HIV may not cause AIDS, even though scientifically there is no basis for it. Unfortunately big pharma now has a massive multi billion dollar industry, with anti AIDS retroviral drugs, and any one who spoke up suffered the prototype for cancelling! In terms of how a scientific controversy can play out, once again, the present climate situation is just a rerun.
I was also able to download ‘Red Handed’ the book about the elite sell out to China, but couldn’t get the DR Tyson and Fareed book, ‘Overcoming Darkness….’ Amazon sold out of hardcovers, but how does that stop digital being available!!? It’s disappeared into a black hole. Strange that.
The great reset.
The great oppression.
The great reject.
The great awakening pt1 (lies/fake science)
The great rebellion.
The great backdown.
The great awakening pt2.(vax damage realisation)
The great class action lawsuits and political hell.
The great awakening pt3.(yep..)
How about:
And, from late last year:
NOT a “conspiracy” but a co-ordinated campaign that continues today.
Also, the purported “unintended consequences” were anything but “unintended”.
This is the Work Place Health and Safety instruction for confined space, relevant to masks.
Paired with this, you get this.
My summation.
The WPHS act has declared an environment with the oxygen content below 19.5% (Atmosphere 21%) a hazardous environment. Any person mandated to work in such an environment shall be provided with either a self-contained breathing apparatus or mask with air supplied from an external source, filtered.
There is a threshold limit to the 21% of +/- 10%, this is that the minimum amount of O2 in the inhaled environment must not be below 18.9%
The Oxygen content on the inhaled breath through a mask is 17.5%, (attached meta-analysis indicates 18.3% average)
Safety/health: The requirement for working in a hazardous environment is, first aid certified, CPR trained responder be on hand. Resuscitation equipment being an Oxy-viva or Oxygen bottle (medical grade) associated hose and mask, cpap and first aider trained in their use.
There is never a requirement to work in a hazardous environment and this act cannot be mandated.
If this is the case then it can be argued in court that mask mandates are a requirement to operate in a hazardous environment, and therefor illegal.
The masks create the hazardous environment due to dead space containment of Co2.
You cannot mandate a dangerous act, the act of mandating is against the law.
That and you all look like breathing frogs. The compliers that is, Just in case KK thinks I am picking a fight and the overlords start deleting my comments.
Speaking of “unintended consequences” (interesting book, by the way):
Latest NSW Covid case stats
Some thoughts :
(1) All cases appaear to be detected via PCR test now.
(2) Children are now rolled into the stats
(3) Totals have dropped by 20% by changing to PCR confirmed cases ( you wonder how they confirmed infections without a PCR test prior to this week? )
(4) from the table footnotes :
“The increase in cases with a vaccination status Under investigation since December 2021 is due to no record being found
in AIR, and NSW Health no longer interviewing every case, such that cases cannot provide further information about vaccination. These cases likely represent a mix of those with two or more effective doses, and those with no effective dose.
Epidemiological week 1, ending 15 January 2022
“Published 20 January 2022”
“Appendix C: Additional tables and figures”
Page 27
“Total PCR confirmed COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June 2021 to 15 January 2022”
“Vaccination Status”
“3rd or More Effective Dose 8,057 (4%)
“Two effective doses 112,762 (62%)
“One effective dose 1,526 (1%)
“No effective dose 21,459 (12%) – ( either 21days < since vaxxed, or unvaxxed – not specified )
"Under investigation 37,745 (21%)
"Total 181,549 (100%)
Definitions :
"Three effective doses
"Cases reported as having three effective doses have had a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least 60
days after a valid second dose and 14 days prior to COVID infection. This includes people who are
immunocompromised and have had a third primary dose (recommended 2-6 months after second dose),
and non-immunocompromised people who have had a booster dose.
"Two effective doses
"Cases reported as having received two effective doses have received their second vaccine dose at least
14 days prior to known exposure to COVID-19, and have not yet received an effective third dose.
"One effective dose
"Cases reported as having one effective dose received their first dose of a two-dose vaccination course
at least 21 days prior to known exposure to COVID-19, or received their second dose of a two-dose
vaccination course less than 14 days prior to known exposure to COVID-19.
"No effective dose
"Cases reported as no effective dose received their first dose of a vaccination course less than 21 days
prior to known exposure to COVID-19, or have not received any vaccine dose.
Using the phrase “no effective dose” indicates that an insufficient period of time has elapsed to allow for
maximal immune response provided by the vaccine. It does not indicate that vaccines are ineffective.
"Historical cases in children aged 5-11 between 16 June 2021 and 9 January 2022 have been assigned
No effective dose, as have all cases in children aged 0-4 since 16 June 2021.
"Under investigation
"Cases reported as under investigation are those whose vaccination status has not yet been determined
via searching the Australian Immunisation Register and/or via case interview
[AU law opinion please: Is it permitted to use government sourced material?]ED
Published date is incorrectly stated – should be
“Published 1 February 2022”
Rebel News Australia reports from Freedom Camp in Canberra.
My wife works in the office of a workshop with two other ladies and seven lads doing the grunt work.
Both other ladies are fully vaxxed, my wife is a pure blood. The lads are two pure bloods and five, soiled.
The two fully soiled ladies are adamant mask wearers, the others don’t as they believe they got the shot so they could go to the Gym and be free of the BS, as per QLD health directive 47.4, only vaxxed allowed in gyms. QLD health directive 697.356 reversed this previous directive and they still have to wear masks.
The business is now four employees down for unknown reasons, they are just crook as no vaxxed person will dare fess up to the unvaxxed, but they phone the wife everyday
hoping she is crookto see if she is OK, my wife said they sound very disappointed when she answers the phone.The two workshop lads who are out for a week, think they are “close contacts”, symptoms unknown.
The known common effect of the vax in her work place is, one shingles, one kidney issues, one heart issues, he clutches it all day trying to keep it inside his chest.
The moral of the story is, Masks don’t work and are actually health negative, Vaxxines are
Safe Effective andfree.The two lady mask wearers are genuinely crook, so we have vaxxed mask wearers, unvaxxed non compliers and vaxxed non compliers, the only ones crook are the vaxxed mask wearers
Moral of the story – young people interact with more people than old people.
Yet the two old people are down for the count.
Breaking news……….Wife informs me they are dropping like flies. Her company has many similar businesses, around 10 other shops all dropping and all vaxxed.
Wife’s still fine though
Funny, none of her plagued co-workers has informed her they have the rona, not one, even though they are working beside her. Shows the quality of these vaxxinated persons.
This is who we are up against.
‘Newspapers probably won’t headline the pattern of freedom that is starting to spread.’
According to someone’s ABC nothing newsworthy has happened in Canada since the 21st of Jan.
Here’s the link.
My last search was at 5.13 AEST, 2022-02-03.
Whose ABC is it? Who’d want it? Really!!
(There are two general stories since the 21st of Jan mentioning Canada – one a propaganda piece about solar and wind generated energy (3rd Feb), the other (doubtless also a propaganda piece) about contact tracing around the world (26th Jan))
Bugger, Thought I was on the unthreaded, opened too many tabs and it had fallen off the page.
If UK indeed backs down on mandating vax and vax-passports (would be great news), could it be that they just have a new plan around the corner – to use the more powerful/vicious/uncontestable(in court) CCP-like social credit database and restrictions to enforce the same ends ?
Japan appears to be one of the only sane countries on the planet.
Japanese Health Ministry: COVID Vaccination Not Mandatory, to be Given Only with Informed Consent
I think I’ll start eating Japanese food in hope that it’s a prophylaxis against insanity.
Japanese diet? Check out the lemon boosted Sake; rather like the Italian Limoncello. Contains Vitamin C and that great Covid repellent, ethanol.
Or a multicultural Gin and Lime; Gin for the quinine (natural Hydroxychloroquine) and limes for the Vitamin C.)
Consent is required in Australia
Correct, your consent is required (or else).
[…] Major win: UK Govt backs down on mandatory jabs for Healthworker Jabs […]