The Canadian government is so loved that the people who work for it want to hide their faces and names.
What government transparency means now: The whistleblowers will be exposed
The riot squad dress like Antifa and have no name badges. And the tow trucks in Ottawa were allowed to hide their truck branding so they suffer no pushback for towing away peaceful protestors.
Not the Canada you thought you were living in…
Who are these men hanging around as the tow-trucks took the trucks in Ottawa?
It’s hard to tell from the video, but there are a lot of people in halloween costumes doing something during the day the trucks were towed away.

Which trucking companies did the towing in Ottawa. Source: Yahoo
If most Canadians really did want the truckers gone surely some tow-truck drivers would be happy to help and soak up the free advertising. Or maybe all the polls are wrong?
Government critics get abuse and death threats
The team with the army, navy, jails and the billion-dollar budget is so afraid of the unarmed family men with trucks, tractors and hot-tubs that they have vowed to hunt them down “for months”. Not only that, but they will pursue anyone who gave them $20 for fuel to get there. Trudeau won’t say it, but he’s afraid of truckers, tractors and cars rolling on, and protests popping up everywhere.
If trucks just started to carry free advertising mocking Trudeau — they’d be free moving billboards across the country — like the ultimate bumper-sticker campaign. Though no one needs a slogan — cars and trucks just need to carry the Canadian flag and let it be known, that that’s the protest. He can’t ban the flag.
Some 92,000 donors who supported the peaceful protest were publicly outed by cyber hackers. The State propaganda outlet — the CBC — is being paid by taxpayers to contact critics of the government, let them know they had all their personal details, and harass them to explain why they donated.
If ever there was an argument to end state funded media, this surely is it.
Will the cyberhacker criminals ever face justice — or is that kind of crime not a priority like tracking down people who gave a burger to a trucker?
One Cafe owner had to close her shop after death threats and abuse, and of people throwing bricks through windows
We have been called terrorists’:
Tearful Ottawa gelato shop owner whose name was released in GiveSendGo data hack describes being hounded with death threats and says she’s been forced to shut her shop
MattMcNulty, The DailyMail
An Ottawa gelato shop owner whose name was released in the GiveSendGo data hack after she donated to the Freedom Convoy claims she has been forced to shut her store after receiving death threats, abusive phone calls calling her a Nazi – and a sign has been hung outside her store saying ‘Tammy supports terrorists.’
Tammy Giuliani, who owns the Stella Luna Gelato Café, spoke to Fox News‘ Jesse Watters on Thursday about the backlash she’s faced since she donated $250 to the group of Canadian truckers protesting against COVID-19 mandates.
‘I think never in my 56 years have I ever experienced a country so divided… ‘You know, we have been called terrorists. For the first 60 to 36 hours, we were inundated with hatred, with threats of violence. People threatened our team on the phone, telling them, “We’re coming to get you. We’re going to throw bricks through your window. You’ll pay for this, you Nazi supporter.”‘
That’s Justin Trudeau’s communist paradise of love and worker contentment?
The Ottawa Police Chief commits to hunting down and punishing peaceful protesters for months to come.
Even if those protestors broke no law, his job is to make sure they live in fear, and the rest of Canada knows how risky it is to speak up against government rules that most people don’t want.
Once upon a time the police were there to protect shop owners from mafia style threats.
And laws are so complex now,
That one Swastika flag at the protest was mocking Trudeau for being a Nazi
Is this flag the source of all the minion haters calling the protestors terrorists and Nazi’s? Notice the flag above it says Truck Fudeau (or something like that. )

The only Swastika anyone can find was warning what Trudeau’s Canada would become.
Trudeau gaslights the nation that these are neo-Nazis marching because they carry the Swastika. It’s as if Greenpeace carry banners of a burning Earth because they want to burn it. Now, somehow, the Nazis are the ones that stand for “medical choices”? And all the misleadia just rinse and repeat the nonsense as if Nazi medical experiments never happened.
For the moment, Trudeau’s maneuver will effectively slow down protestors pointing out the similarities. If protestors are going to use the toxic Swastika symbol, they need to make sure Trudeau’s name is printed all over it — with the words “show us your papers” or a huge needle and syringe symbol. Of course, if they do that well, the media won’t show it at all.
Here is a way to explain the situation to those whose loyalties are where loyalties have traditionally belonged, with the elected government.
I happen to enjoy Guinness stout, brewed in Dublin. I bought several cans of it a couple of weeks ago, for $25.
The following week, the elected government announced it had uncovered a deadly plot by Irish interests, to seize control of Canada via insurrection. No real evidence was provided, nor were any countermeasures proposed.
In view of the seriousness of the threat, the elected government has no choice but to impose serious consequences on the Irish insurrectionists and their supporters near and far. Anyone who has bought Irish beer will be subject to having their bank accounts and property seized. No further evidence is required beyond the fact that beer was bought and the transaction involved a credit card.
This threat will be broadcast widely and approvingly on subsidized media. Unsubsidized media will be mocked for their paranoia.
The help of members of the public who help reveal and broadcast the identities of Guinness buyers will be appreciated. Financial institutions will be required to comply and will be protected if some Guinness buyer happens to object to his accounts being frozen.
So, Mr. Traditional Supporter of Authority, did you buy any Guinness? How do you feel now?
Keep honking, people.
An excellent analogy. I’d been trying to think of one that I could offer to the many brainwashed MSM-suckered idiots surrounding me. You’ve done a great job & I’ll be using it.
I’d buy you a Guinness, but my card seems to have stopped working for that. Would an Old Peculiar do?
A Theakston’s sighting!!
Next one is on me, DD.
How about a Kilkenny?
I remember my very first pay packet. I lined up with my fellow workers signed a book and got money in my hand. At lunchtime I walked up the main street with the intention of going into the first bank I came to and opening an account to put my pay in – less board to mum and dad.
The ritual of the fortnightly payday lunchtime stroll to the bank had gone on for 6 months when I got a letter from my bank thanking me for being such a good customer. A couple of months later our office introduced automatic deposit of pay into your bank account. I never received any thank you letters from my bank after that. Instead, sometime later they told me how much I had to pay the bank for them to hold my money for me.
The married men of the office would talk about how buying a house was always tough for the first couple of years of the 30-year fixed rate mortgage but then around year 2 or 3 with pay rises and inflation it became more manageable and you were on “easy” street. When I finally got around to taking out a mortgage there was still the 30-year package but the interest rate was not fixed and depending on the Reserve Bank could fluctuate at any time. If you wanted to fix your interest rate you could do so for between 1-5 years only and there were various conditions on making extra payments and paying it out early seemed to be a really bad idea. Oh, and I also had to pay a sizeable fee to set it up and then an ongoing fee to maintain it.
I started getting letters from the bank initially telling me that because the Reserve Bank had made an announcement re interest rates my mortgage rate was increasing. These letters only seemed to come after the announcement was in regard to rising rates, when the announcement was in regard to a fall in the rate I never seemed to get a letter. Then I started getting letters from the bank that my mortgage rate was increasing despite the fact that the Reserve Bank had not announced any increase. Some bankers must have been rocket scientists at some stage of their career because the interest rate changes were presented to 4 decimal places – how precise is that!
I miss the social line up and the feeling of achievement when handed my money in my hand. I miss the walk up the street and the smiling bank staff who thought I was a good customer. At least when the banks computer systems crash and I can’t buy lunch or my automatic payment gets stuffed up the bank does apologise for the inconvenience. My servant is now my master and I am happy.
On the cops in Canada, a few quotes:
“Of the footage I did get to see, I saw:
- police officers deliver several knee strikes to an apparently wounded, but definitely unarmed, civilian, then continuing to kick and knee him when he fell to the ground.
- A woman get butt-stroked by a C8 carbine rifle at least three times after being taken to the ground (DEFINITELY not an approved law enforcement control technique).
- The now world famous video and photographs of Roberta Paulsen, an elderly Mohawk woman with a walker, get trampled on by mounted policemen. Initial reports said this had killed her, but apparently she is still alive, although had sustained some injuries.
- Photographs of a Rebel Media journalist after she had been shot at point blank range by a less lethal munitions launcher (probably an ARWEN 37) and struck several times with a baton, just for trying to cover the event.
- Former RCMP Cpl. Danny Bulford, ever the honest and stalwart individual, turning himself into police for warrants of the ‘capital offense’ of ‘mischief’ – he was quickly taken into physical custody, then rapidly vanished into a ‘sea of blue’.”
Got it all right here:
Funny I don’t remember seeing those clips on CBC or other Canadian MSM news sights. Must have missed them somehow
I have a friend who lives not far from Ottawa and we have been communicating about the protest. His take is 180 degrees from what we are seeing here. He doesn’t like Trudeau but thinks the new Chief of Police is doing a good job. Sorry if this is so long but I thought an insight into what Canadians have been told would be helpful.
Good to hear from you. No doubt the media are having a field day here and where you are.
You viewpoint is interesting, especially given the power of media to play up whichever way they want to cover these crazy situations.. It is amazing what a 30 sec sound bite, taken a bit out of context, can do.
Let me add a few facts to try and balance the “police state” image that you have received, which I can fully understand and appreciate.
The Chief of Police (COP) for Ottawa COMPLETELY failed as Chief. Despite two week’s notice of the cross Canada convoy heading here, he did NOTHING to restrict entry of hundreds of big rigs and trucks to the downtown core of Ottawa (city of 1 million). By comparison, each Canada Day NO TRAFFIC is allowed in that area for Canada Day celebrations, starting the day before, and all walkers are screened on entry. Three weeks ago, the Chief did NOTHNG. It was an utter and complete failure of both threat assessment and preparations. For almost three weeks, this same Chief preferred to “chat and negotiate” by news releases, in a non-confrontational manner. He said after two weeks of this occupation (no permits to demonstrate had even been asked for…) that with no arrests and nobody being hurt, that this was a success.. So many laws were being broken – by-laws up the wazoo, noise (imagine hundreds of big rigs blowing air horns 24 /7 for two weeks in an urban and residential area until an injunction was sought by a resident!), parking chaos so no vehicles could move within the downtown core, threatening big mall store employees to take off masks (NO MANDATES NEEDED), crashing homeless shelters demanding meals – the list is endless, and still no City action. Finally the Province declares a state of emergency, as does the city, and still the COP took no action to remove trucks or protestors.
AFTER THREE WEEKS OF UTTER LAWLESSNESS (and huge parties by protestors in the encampment by Parliament) and no end in sight, Trudeau said it is time for the Feds to get involved – no military, but as nobody was able to do anything, Trudeau invoked the never used Emergency Act to give all police the powers they needed to move in.
Starting last week (Wed) EVERY vehicle owner in the blockade was given a verbal warning, plus a detailed hard-copy notice of coming actions, and by Friday, the police moved in. They did use their numbers to move the crowds back – by slowly advancing a few metres at a time, pushing protestors backwards into areas they wanted to “corral “ them. They were continuously told that they could leave freely now, or they could be arrested. And they were, as some folks and trucks left freely, but the core group has stayed and defied police. Today they were subject to the same slow but constant push back – a few metres at a time to shrink the containment area, and the only difference was – they were told to leave or be arrested, no longer maybe.
The police actions have been slow, deliberate and measured, despite constant verbal abuse, attempts to seize police weapons, pepper spray and smoke bombs..
Now – I agree that Trudeau made his biggest blunder three weeks ago when he trash talked the convoy, but at the time it was the City of Ottawa’s problem. Sadly the City also blew it, so by Trudeau having to step in the same day that Ottawa fired it’s useless COP, he was pretty well forced to do something -NOBODY ELSE WAS!
It was/is a mess, but I have watched hours and hours of coverage, and I am annoyed that the 30 sec news clips that networks play DO NOT TELL THE FULL STORY… the police rarely used their batons, as there were only a few isolated incidents of protestors fighting back.. most of the time, even the protestors were verbally abusive but little actual violence. Laurie- we both know the power of the media – good and bad – and what makes a great 30 sec spot, which may have been the worst event of the day perhaps, but not indicative of the “head busting , baton wielding impression portrayed by those wretched clips.. As a proud Canadian, I am disgusted with some of the protestors, some of the politicians and some of the media for what actually happened.. it was ugly all over, but your comment about a police state was a long way from the truth, especially given how this situation had evolved by inaction from COP and Prov govts,. THREE WEEKS OF AN ILLEGAL GATHERING – BLOCKADE, OCCUPATION/INSURRECTION, PROTEST whatever it was, has cast a terrible pall over us all, and I do feel embarrassed, frustrated and angry by it all.
In my opinion, the protestors deserve ever penalty available under the law for their civil disobedience, and the trauma and incredible costs caused by their actions – for 3 weeks of terror for seniors downtown, for wages lost for hundreds (yes hundreds) of store owners, mall owners, retail; for missed medical appointments for seniors, for hundreds of innocent hourly wage paid workers for these shops, for the cost of policing (over 1.5 million Cdn$ PER DAY,), for unceasing noise pollution, for the fear for so many downtown to even leave their homes, for the environmental cost of hundreds of diesel engines idling for 3 weeks. Let us not even talk about the US/Canada bridge closure (millions per day lost by similar protests).
And you know what it boils down too – a few wankers who drove big rigs for a job and did not want to get their vaccinations to be able to cross the border into the USA, DESPITE the USA having imposed an identical restriction on entering the US. Later on, the protest morphed into so many disparate causes that nobody really knew why they were there or want they were protesting (like – overthrow the Government of Canada and give it to three truckers and the Gov General – really?). It was a real shit-show there Laurie, and as long as nobody gets shot, we need these idiots gone home. We are ALL FRUSTRATED BY COVID – some people just can’t deal with it, and that is sad. But it is a world wide issue, not just Canada’s mandates..
If nothing else, I hope that I gave you a different perspective from the absolutely damaging and tunnel vision video clips on the news! It is ugly, yes, but sadly (I don’t like Trudeau) he didn’t have much choice in order to end this stand-off. At least Ottawa now has a COP who can deal with crowds of idiots and reasonable protestors both!
Take care my friend,
Except there are many hours of footage and reports from people in the area who say the opposite. That crime was lower while the Truckers were there, that they stopped honking at night, swept the streets, cleaned up the litter, and fed the homeless.
There are reports and long interviews from so many residents who went through the rally, met people and though some disagreed with the cause, they were impressed with the people, and with their organised competence to get things done in a civil manner.
If there was lawlessness in the streets it would have been televised.
The area around Parliament is meant to be for protestors. Now they have fenced that off, where are they supposed to go?
Was your friend aware that it was the government that defaced the war memorial with a fence, and the truckers restored it and put guards on the memorial?
Laurie, your friend’s comments are very interesting, and many around him probably feel the same. But unless he has actually been at the scene he may only know what CBC is feeding him on TV or what he hears from others who only know what they saw on TV. I’m sure some people living nearby were put out, and are fed up. The noise of the singing and festivities might have been an issue. But he has been fed a line. The protestors always had only one goal, get rid of the mandates. They said that from start to end. They’re still saying that. But Trudeau wants people to believe they wanted to overthrow the government (what with, an attack of the bouncing castles?) It’s a lot like Jan 6th mythology.
And Sloly may have been incompetent, but he did not allow most of the trucks into the centre. There were 11 convoys converging on Ottawa and one was 70 km long. Yet only 400 trucks made it to the centre. The rest were diverted and separated into little groups further out.
Remember, no matter how annoying the protesters were, it would have been stopped with six words: You don’t need to get injected.
How much more annoying is it to have to give up your job, sell your house, and live out of an RV because you can’t earn a living for your family without taking an injection you believe could harm you. Three weeks of listening to the National Anthem by night and Honking by day is nothing compared to what Trudeau has inflicted.
A minority blockade public thoroughfares, deprive citizens of access to either their place of employment or their homes, extort the government and you say there was no lawlessness?
Yeah Peter you would prefer BLM/ANTIFA mobs burning business and houses and getting away with it because the CAUSE makes you feel all fuzzy and cool.
Fitz would say BLM/Antifa riots “were mostly peaceful”, as reported in the MSM.
The MSM is not worthy of being called Media. It is now nothing short of propaganda.
Fitz is a perfect example of the result of this propaganda.
I see two wrongs make a right?
I stated the facts, which are not disputed here.
No, PeterF — you stated your fantasy hopes. The requests of the “minority blockade” are supported by more than half the population.
Like the truck drivers – they disavowed the protest and are over 90 percent of truckers. Pull the other one
In Peter’s fantasy world, every person coerced into getting vaxxed through threat of losing their job, or being unable to visit dying relatives, is an enthusiastic supporter of mandates.
Equivalent to believing that everyone who paid their taxes is against reduced taxes…. But it’s Peter, eh?
Peter, you get the details wrong on every issue.
The Truckers Union backs vaccine mandates, not the Truckers.
And if 90% of Truckers are vaccinated (probably true) how many support the protests? How many were force-vaxxed? How many are happily vaxxed but dread the idea of a Social Credit Score?
PS: We all noticed you changed the topic. Still got nothing?
Tell us Peter, what exactly should “lawful” protestors do? Sit quietly in an out-of-the-way location where no one can see or hear them?
Give Lawrie a thumbs up — He’s done exactly the right thing. He’s made the effort to reach out to people with differing views and he’s bringing the conversation back here.
Let’s help him. Lawries problem is all our problem too.
Pete, you’re kind of like Biden, always on the wrong side of an issue. I think you like the attention.
[Snip about Snip, sorry, this thread is too important. -jo]
Are you speaking of Selma, Alabama in 1963?
“a minority”!!! Maybe not over 50%, but 38% “strongly support” the Emergency Measures and 39% strongly “oppose”. Morningside poll 2 days ago.
Two-thirds of Canadians ready to drop COVID-19 restrictions
“Dan Bongino: This is the biggest crisis of them all”
“Tucker roasts book that compares AOC to Jesus”
Denied Ability to Discuss Orders Of Klaus Schwab..WTF”
I saw a blog comment that 13 members of the Canadian parliament are WEF graduates. Likely he is one – one might suspect.
Anyone found a similar list for here?
Greg Hunt trained under him and I think ScoMo may have also.
We are being hoodwinked by OUR betters(sic)
Klaus Schwab in 2017 at Harvard: “What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders.”
You’re being played Jo, he’s surely a parody.
And right there Anton you have identified one of the big issues.
There are people who want chaos and confusion. Those same people want the general populace to trust nobody. It is as though when nobody trusts anybody the bad guys can pretend to be good guys and still the general populace will not be able to tell the difference.
My rule of thumb is to pay attention to people with a proven track record both good and bad. Trust those with the good track record. Believe the opposite of what the bad track record people say.
For example TV news will be either incompetent or deliberate misinformation. Anything from one of the bigs like government or big business will be deliberate misinformation. Some sources on this web site will be over 90% reliable but occasionally misled. Some sources on this web site will be 90% unreliable to the extent that you can safely believe the opposite.
A good moral and intellectual compass is invaluable.
Anton, I have access to the behind-the-scenes comment metadata. I wouldn’t have posted that at #2 if it came from a commenter who didn’t have a long good record.
You will see in a week or so.
In a very short time.
Why are the US and UK leaders convinced that Russia is about to invade?
Even though Russia pulled out extra troops to show it’s a false narrative by the mainstream media.
Neither you, Jo, or my 35 down voters realise that the letter is from a Canadian friend who is telling me what his take is. He responded because I was sending him information that I was getting via this site (which I greatly respect and financially support) and TGP among others. I am sure he does not watch Rebel News (which I also support) and which has provided more of the information that I have shared with him. I am a pro trucker and have been since it’s inception just as I was at the Peter Spencer rally in Canberra and the Convoy of Incontinenece as Albo called it.
It seems I am the victim of a shooting ( the messenger).
Love to you all.
I’m sure that the reds we’re for your friend’s message, not the messenger who shared it with us.
Lawrie is a long time sincere commenter and supporter. I have no doubt that the letter is genuine.
I also don’t doubt that there are many Canadians who would agree with Laurie’s friend — Which is why that letter is so important. (Thank you Lawrie!) It cuts to the core of the real problem. We’re in an information war, and the opposing team have all the megaphones. What are we going to do about that?
It’s a bizarre situation for me — on the other side of the world — to feel at all confident that I would understand the situation in Ottawa better than someone who lives there.
All I can humbly say is I’ve watched hours of footage from both Pro and Against, and if the government could find footage of protesters being rude to citizens, vandalizing statues, setting fire to bins, or generally being badly behaved, they would have put it on 24/7 repeat. Instead, the TV News has buried the stories about Polish and Iranian refugees driving miles to bake bread or support the convoy because they “don’t want Canada to become the tyrannies they once left”. Since when did the media hide the voice of refugees? Since the refugees are pointing out the flaws of Big Government.
The TV News was so desperate to tar the Convoy they mocked them for taking food from a soup kitchen to deprive the homeless. They didn’t mention that Trudeau had booked out all the hotel rooms with taxpayer funds, closed restaurants and food supply to starve out the protesters, and then stole their fuel in minus 20 degree temperatures. Within a day of that MSM report, the Truckers had their own food supply lines and built a soup kitchen to give out free food.
The Truckers went out of their way to be disciplined, sing the national anthem, carry the flag, be considerate towards Ottawa police. Despite that, I’m sure some residents were put out who lived right at the centre. When the Truckers were asked to move from residential areas they did so without tow trucks.
The only people the Truckers were rude to were politicians and the media.
Thumbs up from me Lawrie. You did exactly the right thing. We need to discuss this. What short videos could we ask Laurie’s friend to watch, knowing that we can’t undo years of propaganda in a day or a week. We can’t pretend that such a big protest would not impact on the people living near, but nor can those who hate-the-protest find footage of protestors being even 1% as badly behaved as BLM.
And we need to keep coming back to the demands of the BLM protests compared to the Truckies. All the truckers want or expect of their fellow citizens is for the Truckers to be able to earn a living to provide for their family and make their own medical decisions with their doctor. What BLM wanted was more more more, vague and unsolveable and apparently race based segregation?
Jo. I sent him three: the guy being kneed, the horses trampling the old Indian lady and the attack on Alexa Lavoie. I am sure none of those were on CBC.
Well said Jo Nova,
One of the beauties if your website is your willingness to encourage debate.
Hats off of Larry (was that a song?) Laurie for posting this.
Just a few comments. I also have an old pal living in Canada who is totally enamoured with the little Just in Case leader so we differ.
On the question of BLM. Over here in the “mother country” we are totally in tune. Watching (on TV) my football team and their opponents genuflecting to BLM before kickoff yesterday is the reason I have stopped paying to watch live after 40 years support.
Finally I read above something to the effect ‘like greenpiss wanting to burn the world down’ – no that mob just want to turn civilisation back to the stoneage
Watersider, I was in Greenpeace once. They don’t want to go back to the stone age, mostly they just want to impress friends at dinner on the weekend.
I have enjoyed reading your web site for many years and have supported it financially as well. Please keep up the good work. In terms of a source for non-establishment information/perspectives, I recommend the web site to you and all of your patrons. It is only $5 a month and contains loads of stuff (some a little bit out there) but lots of good info.
You’re mistaken about Jo at the very least. From her response:
So she knew it was your friend’s letter.
I suspect the same goes for many of your red-thumbers. I recommend you read the responses but don’t worry about the thumbs, they’re a blunt instrument. You never know if a red is because they disagree with one thing in particular, or with everything you said, somethinhg you quoted, or they just don’t like the cut of your jib. Same goes for greens.
Hey Robert. You don’t survive 76 years as a farmer and 28 years as an officer in the Reserves without developing a hide like an old bull so don’t worry. I will defend myself and apologise for being less than explicit. It makes a point that things you say or write can be easily misinterpreted, even by your friends, if they are not stated unambiguously. Makes one recognise the value of a good education.
Lawrie, they are booing your friend.
I loved your post because it gave us sounds from outside the echo chamber. That is an enormous advantage.
As an aside, green thumbs are addictive, aren’t they? I would like to pretend I dont crave them but I do.
In June or so 2020 when Portland was in riot night after night, there was living nearby, I mean a few blocks away, a retired guys who had worked security for the U.S. State Department around the world. He apparently has been getting his news from our Main Stream Media. The protests are peaceful, you know. One night he decides to walk a couple of blocks over the see what was going on — he is acosted and he cannot believe the level of violence.
I wish I could recall where he was interviewed, but I can recall him saying that the authorities need to get control of the Antifa and BLM folks pronto.
With the media in a full propaganda role it is difficult for people to separate what is fact from fiction. This guy was pretty sure not much was happening and was stunned to see the scene for himself.
Look. When police resort to anonymizing themselves, one knows that bad stuff is about to happen. And when the media really want to smear people wouldn’t the video of truly violent behavior be broadcast everywhere? The metadata here tell a great deal of the story all by itself.
Lawrie thank you for sharing this note from your friend. To me, it shows the puzzled group on one side (how dare these whiners object to what all right-thinking people know is true?) willing to support whatever makes their lives easier.
I noted that framing of “3 weeks of terror for seniors downtown” vs a few drivers who just wanted to be selfish. I believe that half of Canada thinks this way; they have no clue that there are reasons to question public health policies. The “misleadia” (thanks for that, Jo!) has done its job masterfully.
We honk!
[I owe Misleadia to a commenter here. Please speak up! dang I want to hat tip… -Jo PS: Good summary Doubleontundra]
Hat tip to Konrad for “Misleadia” (first by a long way) then Keith, David Madison and Greg. Thanks.
A new term to go with “misledia”
“Unfiltered is bad!”
” “3 weeks of terror for seniors downtown” “
Trucker response:
“It’s just 2 weeks to slow the spread of authortarianism”
“Just COMPLY with our demands and everything will go back to normal – what’s the big deal?”
“When we risked our very lives with no possibility of a vax, we were heroes. Now, after 12 months of such risk taking, we have either had it and have immunity, or know how to avoid it. We neither want nor need want your vax!”
“Have you forgotten who gets food and fuel into your city, where you cowered under your bed for months while we just kept working and getting you supplies? OK, fine – arrest us, steal our money and assets, demonise us. Who is gonna fill your supermarket when we aren’t here any more?”
Your friend in Kanuckistan is missing the mark.
The top cop did not “blunder”. It was the intention to bring about confrontation and provocation.
Primary rule of assessment in such events?
“Never ascribe to incompetence that which is clearly MALICE”.
Buildings full of “expert” advisors, all on salaries like ISD phone numbers, and they come up with this sort of stuff, consistently?
Give me a break!
Yes Bruce. The old adage was of course to never ascribe to malice that which is amply explained by incompetence.
There’s another rule of thumb which has been subverted. The moral of the lesson is to always act in a trustworthy manner and be very careful who you trust.
Your friend sees only one side of the issue – police actions AFTER the protest started. The other side is what happened BEFORE the protest started: The government was destroying the lives and livelihoods of loyal Canadian citizens, to the point that they had nothing left to lose. When those people and their loyal mates protested, Justin Trudeau refused to listen, ran away and hid, and then did everything he could to crush those people even further.
If the government and/or the courts uphold Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act, then Canada is right down the gurgler.
Lawrie, the problem is that most people have short memories and are so short focused they don’t see the big and more important picture. The crux of the issue is it’s a race towards two world-views. One, is totalitarian not much unlike the Orwellian one many speak about, two, one focused on liberty, which entails the responsible use of freedom under the rule of law without depriving anyone else of their freedom. Clearly we are heading to the former world-view but that could change if we have enough people like the freedom fighters in all facets of our lives, not just blocking roads with trucks. That includes being aware of what our governments are doing and voting them out when they do not meet our expectations. Instead what are we doing? People en mass are voting them back in, playing ping-pong between one despot major party with the other despot major party. We are spiralling to our own destruction if enough people don’t wake up.
This guy has figured out how to beat the system.He shows how to use the two party preferred system against those who invented it.
Thanks; very good video. It details what I’ve been advising for people to do at the next election. It won’t guarantee to solve our problems but it will put a spanner in their works. In that light it’s the only logical and sensible thing to do. Otherwise, one would be in support of the despot major parties. It’s that simple.
A new video has just been uploaded explaining Why preferential voting exists
It’s a convincing argument. The only possible flaw of course is it relies on the voters to vote according to the respective policies of the parties and not to follow blindly the electoral preferences the major parties want them to follow, which is often a big difference.
Great idea. Have you any suggestions when the party in power is fascist/socialist/green/atheistic (add yours) and the opposition is even more so.
What alternative is there except revolution.
As I still remember having lived in a police state, allow me to testify that to be a police state it is not enough to have police beating people everyday in plain daylight, for everyone to see.
As a matter of fact, the “efficient” repression of police states is characterized by avoiding visible violence of the police…
Perhaps you have lived all your life in a democracy… it is hunger that makes you really understand the value of being well fed; it is living under lack of liberty that gives you the first-hand understanding of the difference between a democracy and a police state. I have seen it recently in my country, among younger people, who have accepted (and even asked for!…) limitations of their freedom “just” for two weeks for… flattening the curve… then for “protecting” the hospitals… then because “models” said that there would be a calamity of “cases” in the following weeks… then … for two years now!
Take a note, Lawrie: not all police states started with a military putsch, some started with a free and democratic election (Nazi Germany is a good example).
The double standard is breathtaking.
I had to help my friends in Minneapolis as they cleaned up their burned-out business and then their trashed house a block down after the rioting and destruction when a drug addict killed himself with police help.
I’m willing to bet that his sympathies would have been differently expressed that week.
Reasonable things can be said by anyone. You need to look at what they said yesterday. Saying “can’t we just get along” becomes a joke after you trash cities for your own chosen causes.
You have not mentioned the root cause of the trouble once – the vaccine mandates; the same ones being lifted in many countries and even provinces of Canada at the time Trudeau doubles down.
I have no doubt that the protest has been disruptive for some people, but it is the consequence of gradual escalation by two sides who are unwilling to give way and each responds to the other. So let’s look at the core issue. What have you to say about that, please?
Also, do you, personally, consider that Trudeau’s invoking of the Emergency Act is justified given that the criteria are and “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians”?
Most of the negative effects he lists are the same as the lockdown damage caused here in Australia.
The only difference is that the lockdown imposts have had a very real and measurable effect whereas the Canadian stuff is very mythical.
If Trudeau had displayed guts and commonsense and withdrawn mandates, this need not have happened. He could have shown real leadership at the outset. Honk!
Please, might everyone understand that Lawrie is simply telling us what his friend has said. He’s a relay, a messenger.
Analyze what Lawrie relays. That would be his point. Be Calm, Concise, Respectful, and scrupulous.
One of the reasons people have lost faith in legacy media is the unreliable nature of their news reports. You finish up having to trust your instinct in many cases. And going on what typical behavior would be in situations like Canada right now, I’d believe the truckers were probably OK and that Trudeau was panicking that his control over Canada’s public discourse was failing. Lefties hate free speech.
In a blog from a guy with an apartment right in the middle of the truckers, he said that the horns stopped at 6 pm. He walked around at night with his cell phone recording and talking to people. There were no horns in the background. This was before the “injunction”. Your friend did not go into the centre city. He also seems to be a consumer of MSM which has aired the one guy with a swastika dozens of times, making sure that viewers could not see that it was aimed at Trudeau. The truckers got rid of him fast.
Sorry to say that your friend is a card carrying CBC member. He doesn’t remotely understand how algorithms dictate what he will and will not see and as such, he sees only the side that his preferences dictate he should see to keep him engaged. I sincerely doubt that he was actively out there witnessing stuff, probably moreso watching from afar, via his chosen media outlets.
Everyone has seen the clip of the indigenous woman being trampled by the horse. The official word from government, media and the Ottawa police was that someone threw a bike under the feet of the horse and the horse stumbled. That is a bald faced lie, nothing more, nothing less. Those horses are trained to do what they did, the rider didn’t manage the horse any more than he had to and subsequently put an innocent and non-threatening woman in hospital.
There were undoubtedly bad actors on both sides. I’ve no doubt it sucked for many Ottawanians but the outcome of what they experienced is on the governments of Ontario and Canada. Full stop. You don’t demonize people, they don’t double down. Be a politician. Meet with them. Lie to them, like you do to all of us. And all of this is avoided. Full stop.
As a final point, the contention that these were unvaxxed individuals is comical at best, delusional at worst. Canada has among the highest uptake of vaccination in the world, nearly 90% with one vaccination, over 85% with two. You’ll never achieve 100% as it is reasonably estimated about 10% of the population cannot because of medical conditions (I couldn’t be vaccinated for flu after cancer treatment for three years). It would be almost impossible for those protesters to achieve 100% unvaccinated or anti-vax status. That’s a conflation of issues. I’m fully vaccinated but also fully against mandates.
“Australia was in the van.
Canada has moved up to lead the Assault.
Australia will mop up.
NZ is already toast.”
Overnight, the N.Z Government’s war against the people has been stepped up a notch.
Radio NZ News overnight trotted out one of the paid mouths to explain the real crime that was being committed , which justified the mobilisation of the military against the people , that action now being underway.
The real crime is that the protestors are not wearing masks . The protestors are doing that because of their wrong thinking .
The essence of their wrong thinking is , according to the paid mouth, is that they do not believe in the “lethality” of this virus.
They do not believe the modelling that Jacinda and co. bought and paid for , as revealed in The Jacinda Papers, which predicted 80,000 NZers would die .
The official figure is fifty three, and that may be a lie also, although there is no doubt that 53 people have died “with covid”.
So the propaganda assault on Truth and Reason , not to mention Freedom , will go to “11” over the next little while as the government redoubles its efforts to turn the compliant, unwitting majority against the “dissidents”, whose real crime is to point out that The Empress has no clothes.
She is covered only with transparent lies.
And just like that , Jacinda announces the end of vaccine passports (whatever that means ) , and IT WAS NOT BECAUSE OF YOU PROTESTORS. Yes that is what she said – LOL.
Whatever , we’ll take the win ;she can call it a draw .
So the ball is now in our court ; as soon as we stop getting tested , it’s over.
For now.
This was just a small but significant battle , with a win to us , the people.
Now we have to go on and win this war that the politicians have conspired to wage against us.
The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US (and Oz and NZ)
Understanding Martial Law
Dr Naomi Wolf lays out the step by step path used by 20th century dictators to gain absolute power, and points out where WE are currently on that ladder and what to expect next if things go belly-up in Canada, and Trudeau prevails.
One possibility for Canada is that the Emergency Measures is “passed” for a nominal month in Parliament tomorrow. Then police will harass as many supporters as they can find. This will make someone angry enough to take a pot shot at someone important or burn down something. Then Trudeau makes the EMA open ended. Now there is not even a semblence of democracy left.
This is my worst nightmare and I sincerely hope it is just a symptom of creeping paranoia.
Stand by Australia we’re next! The Commonwealth is dead!
Watch for the “belt and road” rescue.
I’ve been warning of that for years. I can see the day Australia as a whole will be in such a state they will be begging for China to come in and take us over. By then of course the US will be in tatters due to their own self-destructive moves. I prefer that Russia come and take us over but I suspect their eyes are on Canada and the US. Share the spoils as they say.
Bearing in mind the extremely repressive measures we have seen from Australia, New Zealand and now Canada it will be impossible for them to lecture other governments about freedom , democracy and liberal values.
The actions have been indistinguishable from those China might have enacted and 18 months ago we would not have believed that the three countries could behave like they have done,. The events have certainly changed the benign view that looking from the UK I previously had of all three countries. What a shame. Sorry.
Yes, that shows how hypercritical our governments have become. It’s actually worse that that. Many of the major parties are appeasing the CCP. In normal times that would be considered as bordering on treason. Strange how things have turned around and now anyone who dares to uphold libertarian views is labelled as a traitor. I doubt the vast majority of the population even recognise that’s how far we’ve declined already.
Conversely, it’s shown we’re gained status as contenders for seats on the UN Human Rights Council along with countries like Pakistan, Somalia & Venezuela.
Ask Mr Schwab about his plans for the New World Order and it all makes sense – their sense.
I think Putin’s eyes are very much on the Chinese, but not for any kind of help, ‘belt & road’ or otherwise. Putin is not worried, IMO, about NATO and the US – NATO is a toothless tiger without the USA and Biden and Co have made sure the US is no longer a capable fighting force.
The medical records of vaccinations among the military and their horrifying consequences, along with a whole lot of recruits who are more proud of the LGBTQ+ status than they are of being a soldier, marine, pilot or sailor mean if the US tries to field an army Russia will make them wish it was only the Taliban.
I think Putin is ensuring China stays aware that Russia is an active military presence – he HAS to know that as soon as China has Taiwan, the US is dead in the water (no computer chips from anywhere) and Russia will be on the list for conquest. And unlike the US, the takeover will be violent – Russia hasn’t let hundreds of thousands of sleepers in to infiltrate all their insitutions and govt.
Australians let our govt take what guns we had and restrict all use of them, while building up their ‘policy officer’ force into a paramilitary and well-armed force – against WHO? In Australia, why would police on the streets need automatic weapons, armoured vehicles and more of the accoutrements of war?
If anyone can find a country where they let the govt take their guns that did NOT turn into a totalitarian state, I’d love to know which it is.
U.S. male soldiers are now allowed to wear finger nail polish and lipstick, so long as they match their dress (women’s).
Russia would rather be with the Euros than part of China I expect.
Orwell may have it right- Russia with Europe as one State, China with Iran and everything around it, USA taking all the Americas, Southern Africa and Australia. Top half of Africa, the Middle East, India & SE Asia non-aligned.
I think Henry Kissinger said one of the easiest ways to invade a country was to covertly assist their own demise, then offer to ‘help’. They’ll actually cheer you as you arrive to take over!
The fact of the matter is the public is becoming more and more polarised. Both sides are increasing in size. It’s a race as to who will win. One side supports liberty and desires our freedoms back, and the other side supports the despot Western governments. That’s the reality we are now facing. It’s not just up against the despot governments, MSM and police; we are also up against a formidable size of the community. Now we can go at length to discuss how and why that is so but that’s not the point. The point is it’s already happening and there is no end in sight. It will be getting a lot worse. People will turn on people, and it’s not going to end well. It has already started in some instances where people are being abused in shopping centres and other public spaces for not wearing a mask. That’s just the beginning.
Oh, the turd-dope was aware that people were waking up and on the side of the block party with bouncy castles and delicious free food.
Don’t trust the push-polls. People in Ottawa were seeing it for themselves, and seeing the Misleadia and propaganda from the state. The tide of public opinion was turning so fast, the turd-dope declared Martial Law, because that is what potato-taters do.
Yes I am aware of why they moved in to shut down the protesters. The despot government feared they would be brought to account and taken down. The government’s exercise to prevent such outcomes thus far has been successful. I’m waiting for the next big event to see if the people are still asleep or not; that’s the next round of major elections in the “five eyes”; US, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ. It will be very telling as to whether we change direction or we continue down the road of self-destruction.
“The despot government feared they would be brought to account and taken down.”
Nah! They were afraid of public opinion. If they lose their credibility, they lose their legitimacy.
What would you like to see in the next elections PeterS?
The best I can think of is to either vote against incumbents or vote informal.
What do I like to see at the next election? The LNP, ALP+Greens slaughtered to minor party/coalition status.
Interesting. I was maskless in a shopping centre in Sydney this morning. Got a few curious looks, that’s all. I actually thought that the mask mandate had ended, just as the QR mandate had. Have since learned it ends on the 25th Feb in NSW.
I saw a lady in a Woolworth Garage in Erina NSW this morning who walked in and out of the shop without a mask. No one turned a hair.
l rarely wear a mask now and never have had a problem
in fact most shopping assistants ect… give me a smile behind their mask
It’s amazing how they know that in 4 days there won’t be so much airborne cv19 floating around.
ZOT live stream:
More horsies being ridden properly in BC:
I like the comment on the second video: Уважение этим людям; respect for these people. Yes indeed.
More Live stream from adamnucci:
That is reportedly where turd-dope got the expression “small, fringe minority” according to Chinese-Canadians who lived through it.
J & J (Justin and Jacinda) appear to be long-lost twins, out-vying each other in arrogance and total lack of leadership, thanks to their dark lord mentor, KKK Schwab (spit!).
Our PM’s favourite, and over-used, word is ‘conversation’, however for the past 14 days and nights, not once has she entered into ANYTHING resembling a conversation with the crowd of disaffected, yet celebratory, NZers on her front lawn. If I was a teenager I’d call her a chicken… as well as a smarmy bully-brat, hiding behind her bovver-boys in blue.
I’m a long way from Wellington today (on a roadie up the Coromandel coast to celebrate my birthday – thank you!) but with police surrounding Parliament House with concrete barriers before sunrise, I hope today is not marred by any nasty government ‘action’.
Happy Birthday Greg!
Thank you Annie. Am now camped in my van, under the trees, by the sea, after a lovely day’s drive. Met an elderly couple at a beach earlier on, and once we discovered we were all un-whacked, she recited a little ditty she had penned this morning:
Jacinda’s only got one call,
Jab-jab-jab for one and all.
She has no vision
Except division,
While media hides behind the wall.
Have a good one Greg!
Just an aside, but I cannot help noticing how many lovely young women are in the protest.
Also, someone commented that the mounted police were using spurs on their horses? Couldn’t find a clear enough image to confirm. IIRC, there is a tradition in Dressage that you “earn your spurs” at a very high level, and can wear them as part of the costume, but you never, ever, use them.
My Wife rides Dressage. Spurs are a “communication aid” and they Are used in riding, although gently. They allow the rider to slightly twist their foot to touch the horse’s belly and “tell” the horse to do something. It takes 5 to 10 years to properly train a Dressage horse, and equally long for a rider, even with an excellent trainer and instructor. Communication is primarily through shifting one’s weight in the seat, using reins and knees/thighs to communicate. Feet are nearly flat in the stirrups as opposed to Hunter Jumper (highly inclined feet) or Western (slightly inclined feet). The Dressage spur is actually a 10mm – 15mm single ball as opposed to Western rowels. They are a functional piece of equipment with definite use and are not ornamental. But. One must be well trained to use them, and the horse must be well trained to understand what the rider is trying to communicate. They are not used to “jab” the horse. They are used to gently touch the horse as part of rider/horse communication.
Ah, I thought spur-use was against the rules in competitions. What was your wife’s take on how the police were handling their horses in Ottawa?
Allowance of use of Spurs depends on the competition level and rules of competition for that level. Comparing Mounted Patrol to Dressage is a false comparison. The situation in Ottawa was Mounted Patrol horses, Not Dressage horses. They are worlds apart.
Comparing Military Working Dog training and usage to UKC/AKC/IABCA events would be a similar false comparison.
Sorry, I have never seen spurs used in dressage competitions.
“The situation in Ottawa was Mounted Patrol horses, Not Dressage horses. They are worlds apart.”
Agreed. But I don’t think the Mounted Patrol horses were like “Military Working Dog training” either.
Odd that you haven’t seen spurs in Dressage competitions. FEI “required” them at Advanced Level and above until 2021.
Mounted Patrol horses are trained very differently than Dressage horses. Just as Military Working Dogs are trained very differently than AKC/UKC etc “show dogs”.
It isn’t clear what point you are trying to make. One thing is certain. Dressage horses and Mounted Patrol horses are Never, Ever, interchangeable.
Thank you for the information about the spurs. I honestly did not know that.
“It isn’t clear what point you are trying to make.”
Sorry, Lance, I wasn’t really trying to make a point. Was just looking for more information, which is why I wondered what your wife’s take was on how the horses were handled.
More footage.
Also, broken collar bone, not dislocated shoulder. Still bad enough.
on ‘Common Sense’:
‘Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists?
Showing up to dress down school boards over their dereliction of duty isn’t a crime. It’s good parenting and good citizenship.
Maud Maron
Oct 11, 2021
I am a mother of four, a criminal defense attorney and a lifelong liberal who is deeply concerned about the direction of New York City’s public schools. I’ve been outspoken about my views, along with an untold number of frustrated parents. For that, the FBI is considering using the PATRIOT Act against me.
Let me explain: late last month, the National School Boards Association, an umbrella organization representing thousands of local elected school board officials, sent a letter addressed to President Biden. It warned that “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat.” But not just any threat: “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” The letter implored the White House to enlist the support of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate the threat — adding that the alleged crimes fall under the purview of the “PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism.” ‘
‘A Social Credit System Arrives in Canada
Justin Trudeau just created a caste of economic untouchables. Can we stop this dystopian policy from taking hold in America?
David Sacks
Last summer, I warned readers of Common Sense that financial deplatforming would be the next wave of online censorship. Big Tech companies like PayPal were already working with left-wing groups like the ADL and SPLC to define lists of individuals and groups who should be denied service.
That prediction has become reality.
What I could not have anticipated is that it would occur first in our mild-mannered neighbor to the north, with the Canadian government itself directing the reprisals. It remains to be seen whether Canada will be a bellwether for the U.S. But anyone who cares about the future of America as a place where citizens are free to protest their government needs to understand what has just occurred and work to stop it from taking root here.
The self-conception of these pundits and politicians could not be more at odds with reality. They pose as defenders of democracy while invoking emergency powers without legislative or public debate, or without an emergency for that matter. They claim that diversity and tolerance are their highest values while insisting that only one political point of view is acceptable and censoring the alternatives.
Those of us in the free world have been asked to suspend many of our freedoms for the sake of our collective health during this pandemic. But asking us to compromise our right to peaceful protest, or to have our finances seized without due process of law in the name of a fake emergency, can never be made normal. In the words of Justice Gorsuch, “Even if the Constitution has taken a holiday during this pandemic, it cannot become a sabbatical.” ‘
Nice post, thank you.
I suspect that the high tide of western democracy was reached a decade or more ago. Since then free speech, democracy, freedom of action and the ability to express an alternative point of view wthout rancour, have gradally ebbed away, aided and abetted by the twitterati and keyboard warriors on the Internet
The few islands of sanity have been overwhelmed by a giant Wave of woke over the last two years .I don’t think the great bulk of the ordinary public have yet realised that a relatively small group of woke warriors have seized many of the heights of government, the media, academia and institutions through clever use of social media and using the Internet to spread their messages
Where will it end? Will the ordinary people realise what has happened, let alone have the time, knowledge and ability to turn the tables? One or two motivated people wanting societal change can manipulate a large crowd and it needs leaders to emerge from the as yet unorganised masses if this is to end well
Will the ordinary people realise what has happened, let alone have the time, knowledge and ability to turn the tables? One or two motivated people wanting societal change can manipulate a large crowd and it needs leaders to emerge from the as yet unorganised masses if this is to end well
The “ordinary” people in Oz have already realised what has happened – as evidenced by the demographics of the Canberra protest. However, I believe they desperately need leaders experienced in public speaking and organisation of large groups.
I wasn’t aware that PayPal was deciding which organisations you can send money to. I attempted to send funds to support the retired military anaethetist Dr. Bruce Paix when he was arrested in Canberra last month, & was denied service to that recipient. No idea why. It hasn’t happened before.
Someone sent up a fake account to suck money from suckers but it was shut.
How much did you lose?
I never thought I would see some of the actions that have been taken in Canada. It seems like I’m watching a movie of a banana republic. Free speech is in jeopardy in one of the most unlikely places.
May I suggest a new way to spell MiSinforMation!!!
An excellent analogy. I’d been trying to think of one that I could offer to the many brainwashed MSM-suckered idiots surrounding me. You’ve done a great job & I’ll be using it.
I’d buy you a Guinness, but my card seems to have stopped working for that. Would an Old Peculiar do?
Old Peculier. do spell it correctly.
Interesting reading material:
Eugyppius is one very savvy commentator. I subscribe to his substack. He has recently explained why he does not support the idea of a planned global elite conspiracy behind the COVID strategy. He prefers the simplest explanation of panicked incompetence global government & their bureaucracies and the mendacity of Big Pharma.
Need to read
“hat if there was a better way? What if you
could outsource the decision-making fatigue
to a trustworthy third party? What if you could
pre-consent to your preferences so that you
did not need to continuously opt-in? What
if technology allowed you to outsource your
decision-making even further – to a digitally
automated agent, potentially using artificial
intelligence (AI), which could actively make
those decisions for you? All such scenarios
require the enlisting of an intermediary. “
Well, since Artificial Intelligence is just a Stupid Computer, I’ll pass.
The WEF is so far removed from reality, we really should pen them up in Davos for their own good.
Their very own leader(sic)Klaus schwab has said that”We will have nothing and we will be happy”I wonder what he’s talking about?
Well you can bet that “we” wasn’t all inclusive
This is closer to reality. It appears the US truckers are about to take their turn to protest but the result might not be good for them as it’s very likely a trap to allow the despot US government to clamp down even harder on the population. Time will tell and I hope that’s not the case but we must face reality, warts and all.
And who shall escape calumny?
I thought that was obvious. Those who will escape the slanderous and defamatory statements will be those who will comply to the despot governments, at least for a while. Then their turn will come once the despot governments become terribly draconian. Then no one will be safe. We need to do everything we can to stop such governments from being elected. We have the power of the ballot box but I suspect not enough have the will to use that power wisely.
Peter, the correct answer is that no one shall escape calumny. So grin and bear it, baby; it’s coming your way!
That’s what I said. Read my post again.
I think the US truckers need to change tactics. Announce to all and sundry they are heading for DC and let Biden and Co prepare for them. Then, along the way, have organised masses of trucks break away and head for the constituencies of those imposing the mandates and trying to force their will on the People.
Go to where the People who voted for the Left actually live. Let THEM see the real reaction of free People instead of them hearing from the MSM just how wonderful a job their ‘representative’ is doing.
Can you imagine how hard it would be for Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the RINOs to get elected in the mid-terms if their voters had to experience directly the consequences of the edicts?
Australia and other places should do the same – go and affect those responsible for failing due diligence on their pollies. Going to Canberra does little except let the MSM broadcast propaganda – nobody sane will believe the media about violence and criminal activity when they can SEE a peaceful protest and people respectful of others.
Talking of a change of tactics I wondered whether a rolling blockade might be worthwhile at peak hour. Something like encircling parliament house at 5 kph. Make sure a very clear message is displayed in 8 ft tall letters on the sides of trucks.
Well, clogging up the 95, the 495, or the 395, or GW Parkway, does nothing. Those are clogged up at peak hours anyway. Most transport into and out of the district is by Metro, and it’s quickly dispersed throughout the suburbs at residential park and rides. A general strike, considering the supply chain issues would be a body blow, though. Just shutting down I-80 anywhere across the country for a few days would be painful.
To Lawrie at #2,
Your Canadian friend encapsulates the thought processes and convictions that we from outside Canberra see in the ACT. Ottawa is a company town (government and public service and businesses that service and depend on Govt $$). Canberra is the same. The protests last week in Canberra were the largest ever seen in the area. The comments in the various newspapers both local and interstate was the usual lopsided type. Protesters bad and the cops should do more. Completely oblivious to the real reason these people were protesting. Which was to just get out of our lives and stop with the COVID nonsense. The canberra bubble is still alive and well as none of the APS and Govt flunkeys lost any $$ and indeed could work from home. Just about every other business was markedly affected and quite a few have folded. Even now with most of the QR nonsense gone and mask requirements almost all gone save hospitals, I still see people wearing them outside in the heat and also whilst driving in their cars. To a degree the fear porn has worked. And the jabbing of young children gathers pace. We have yet to see the real health problems emanating out of all this. Maybe toward the end of this year. But the perpetrators of this lunacy will go unpunished as the bought and paid for media and judiciary will not act or tell the truth. Maybe I am wrong about this and there will be an accounting, but I am not overly hopeful. Canada, NZ and Australia are descending into fascism at an accelerating pace.
You are a realist like me. Still we can remain hopeful we can turn things around at the ballot box but I too have my doubts that will work since as you alluded to too many have drunk the kool-aid and there is little hope of them waking up to what’s really happening. Still, I will be doing my bit in various ways, including placing LNP, ALP and Greens last on the ballot paper. I refuse to reward such parties for what they have already done to our nation, and still yet to do given half a chance, which I suspect they will.
Follow these directions and you just might make the Uni-party pay for their treachery.
I’ve been following such directions for the last federal election. Hopefully more will follow at the next one.
Surprised about Oz, not at all surprised about Canada.
Just been shopping in a local supermarket complex in suburban Sydney. People still registering QR code, even though government has ceased processing the data! Masks everywhere – even where unnecessary & not required. Palpable fear about STILL.
So the government is not requiring masks but the people, who have done their research and risk assessments, wear them anyway. Sounds like people with freedom taking their health into their own hands.
They can take their health into their own hands by staying home if they fear contact. What they cannot do is take my life into their own hands when they feel that fear.
Gee … Aye, good to see you going against Jacinda and the NYT by advocating for folk doing their own research and risk assessment.
Rather than just saluting and following government decree.
Oh wait, you mean only if I come to the pre-approved conclusion.
“the people, who have done their research and risk assessments, wear them anyway.”
GA, I’m interested to know how you developed your view on this.
It is not a view, it is what “Vicki” observed. People wearing masks despite the government not requiring them to is them freely wearing masks because they have assessed it is the best thing to do.
My goodness what an arse about democratic world we now live in. 18 mths ago we had ‘ mostly peaceful’ protests by Antifa-BLM comprising arson, looting, vandalism & property damage while police & world media stood back, observed & reported that all was ok. Skip forward to current time & this scenario has morphed into protests involving peaceful respectful ‘fringe minority’ trucker protesters & their families-colleagues-friends-supporters & the police & world media demonising them & mobilising riot squads prepared to use physical force & other unsavoury remote means to remove, cancel, cripple these supposed ‘nazi like’ thugs! I’m perplexed, i can’t help but look back on my 63yrs & say ‘boy, we had it good back then’…good luck gen x,y,z…..yah gonna need it!
I look back on my 81 years and, despite WWII my life was idyllic compared to what young people are going to have to deal with pretty soon. Unless the financial situation becomes really dire my wife and I will be comfortably off until we both fall of our perches, but my three young grandsons (brought up in a “liberal” family) just have no idea of what is coming.
From Vlad Tepes Blog:
“More on the UN forces that were deployed against Canadian citizens peacefully protesting for their basic democratic rights
To be clear, I saw with my own eyes, and will publish photos and video of these guys ASAP, large numbers of men in weird tope coloured uniforms with POLICE written on the backs but no other insignias. No way to identify them at all.”
UN planes land reside in nations that belong to the UN all the time so don’t jump to conclusions. Let’s wait and see what happens first. If Trudeau uses UN troops against Canadians then he will show his hand for all to see. Perhaps that will be his first big mistake. It would not surprise me at all that he would stoop down to that level given his character of late. After all, one of the objectives of our Western despot governments is to instigate a CCP style regime to control the masses. They have been edging in that direction for a long time now. The COVID-19 scare allowed them to accelerate things in that direction. It won’t be the last tactic.
First big mistake for him that will hopefully remove him from office. So far he has had a dream run with lots of little mistakes that he has deflected with ease. We need him to make a big one, perhaps two that can’t be deflected. Then that will be the end of him.
we had the same in Victoria Australia
The crunch vote in the Canadian Parliament on ratifying the Emergency Act will take place on Monday. May it not be ratified. That would presumably lead to a vote of No Confidence…
Trudeau, could have spared Canada this crisis by simply ending mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t vaccinate and for a population where 90% have already complied.
This only makes sense if your goal is something other than health.
He even makes no mention of the problem of large crowds in Ottawa spreading the contagion.
I doubt little niceties like law, and unity of the country, will stand in his way.
He has already declared members of parliament that disagree with him enemy combatants … to their face.
He takes his orders from his cult leader, Klaus.
2015 article: Will Canada become a dictatorship under Trudeau?
2020 and yes.
Anyone under the illusion that Parliament will be allowed restrain the petit despot, should read this article.
2022 … Joe Biden moment 🙂
Heartfelt monologue be someone who was there in Ottawa …
So what are they trying to hide?
Some context …
Watch how much the speaker of the house starts to squirm when Klaus Schwab is mentioned.
Then they cut him off, citing bad audio.
They don’t want this seen, so naturally, we should share it far and wide.
As per my post in the previous thread, Trudeau is certainly Schwab’s “man” and where Trudeau’s loyalties lie. His loyalties certainly aren’t with Canada.
Trudeau is the last hope of Schwab’s globalists because of the Anglo-heritage democracies, Once Great Britain have abandoned the covid narrative, NZ doesn’t matter much in world affairs even though lead by a loyal globalist Marxist, Australia’s PM indicated the narrative is starting to break in Australia because he said “there’s a difference between dying of covid and with covid”, and the US will never fall under dictatorship because they have the Second Amendment.
For the globalists, it is important for them to take Canada.
Have you missed the takeover that has already happened? The 2020 election was a farce – a guy that hid in a basement instead of campaigning not only out-polled a guy who got 10’s of thousands at every rally but also beat Obama’s best results by millions?
America has BEEN taken over – 2A is maybe a way they can take back their country but Dems and RINOs are working hard to isolate and radicalise the conservatives. Conservatives who have their own problems because they are still trying to be just and fair against a self-declared enemy who thinks them evil and needing extinction.
America is at war and has been for quite some time – likely GWBush or perhaps even earlier and the side of rationality and freedom is only just realising their enemy is entrenched and fighting dirty.
Klaus Schwab in 2017 at Harvard: “What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders.”
Klaus admits what you are saying
You never use the enemy’s name or symbol. Ever. That swastika flag had the right intention but it was terrible optics.
‘F..k Trudeau’ should not be a thing. He is a nobody and must be known as such. His name should never stain the property of good Canadian citizens.
If one studies history one will find the swastika is an ancient symbol that was in use in many different cultures in the past thousands of years. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune or “well-being.” It’s not so much the symbol itself that’s of importance but the circumstances in which it’s used. The same can be said about most other symbols, such as icons.
Maybe it was a photo op.
I think that putting a Hitler moustache on Trudeau pics is OK. After all, it’s only about 1% of blackface.
There’s no where else to put this, and it may have been mentioned before? Cannon-Brookes up for buying AGL, and closing coal plants early!
Cannon-Brookes should stick to ripping off the software users, who is he going to rip off to make money from AGL, us or the govt.
Same thing really, he has been noticed by the WEF and the Chicomms so that gives us an idea where he’s coming from.
Maybe the remaining coallies should arrange a little ‘preview’ for the clowns running this fraud called ‘ decarbonisation.
Re WEF globalists from E.M.Smith @ Chiefio Blog,
21 February 2022 at 5:35 am ,comment:
Trudeau is a WEF Young Leaders “graduate”.
My Governor, Nuisance, is a WEF Young Leaders “graduate”.
Angela Merkel is a WEF Young Leaders “graduate”.
Macron is a WEF Young Leaders “graduate”.
Repeat all over the world. THAT is why Canada, Australia, and parts of the USA are being subject to all the mandate crap. Those who are WEF puppets do what Klaus Schwab wants (via strokes or maybe the Epstein Diaries, who knows…) Klaus Schwab wants the Chinese Communist Passports and global socialism (aka Communism Lite).
Someone needs to find a list of WEF “Young Leaders graduates” and publish a “Dump This Scum” to regain freedoms article… (I’m too busy packing and moving to do it right now…) This claims to be a full list (make a copy while you can…)
Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders working in Lockstep to enforce the Great Reset include Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, & Boris Johnson
How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the Covid pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?
The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.
A hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency, and these leaders include President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson.
This isn’t fiction, it’s fact. Just listen to the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, himself say the following –
“I have to say when I mention or names like Mrs Mirkle, Vladimir Putin and so on they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, but what we’re really proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets.
“So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet are Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”
There’s your puppet master and the puppets. They see Nations as an object to parasitize and exploit for the ends of the Globalist Utopia. They do not see their job as to improve the nation, but to eliminate it.
So our job is to find them out and remove them from office. To defeat their “goals” in first one country, then another and another until Global Liberty is restored.
A call for a full General Strike of ALL workers and truckers in Canada.
This is what happens when the Left are allowed to go “free range”. This is exactly what Leftism is all about and what happens when conservatives remain silent.
Many years ago I read a good way to view what happens in humans regarding groups. I think it was Edward de Bono but it’s been decades!
Imagine a pristine beack, lovely sand near the sea. A rain squall comes in, raining across the beach – once it is gone the beach is essentially unchanged, maybe a myriad of tiny pock marks until it dries and the wind comes along to smooth it out.
Now erect a lot of funnels above the beach, of varying sizes. After the squall, the beach is radically different – large funnels create deep canyons and even small gullies transform the beach.
The beach is an analogy for the mind, where the raindrops are data coming in, creating an individual ‘landscape’ that shapes us.
The PROBLEM is the funnels – we tend not to discard them. The funnels are our preconceived ideas or beliefs we hold which allow us to group information into subjects. Mostly that’s a handy trait, letting us quickly assign input into categories we can evaluate according to the past.
So, how does this translate to people?
Imagine a Democrat – s/he has a funnel s/he uses to assign relationship with others depending on how they align to his/her beleifs. Mostly they will begin with a Dem funnel, a Rep funnel and perhaps a Lib funnel etc, one for each political ideology people might hold.
But over time, the lesser funnels are discarded through lack of use, like unused neurons becoming less responsive in the brain. Call it racialisation.
Eventually s/he is left with Dem and Rep, the 2 extremes of political stance, mutual enemies so to speak. But then something strange happens! (strange to rational people anyway)
S/he meets with Dems who don’t hold exactly the same views – they might be Dems who also think people should be personally responsible, or govt could be restricted in their powers to control individuals etc. S/he has nowhere to put them but in the Rep funnel and so, over time, the definition of Dem becomes tighter and more restricted and lots more people are assigned to the ‘far right’ even if someone ON the right would see them as a lefty, or even radical lefty.
And so we wind up with world views of black & white, a nation or world of GWBush, where if you aren’t identical to me you are the enemy.
There is no compromise because you’re either ‘right like I am’ or you are a ‘deadly enemy to all I hold to be true’ and any action is OK against you and yours.
And IMO it all comes back to allowing ideologues to run our schools and universities – they have brought forth several generations of increasingly polarised ‘graduates’ who, far from being educated in how to live a human life, are pre-radicalised so almost the entire world is their enemy and they see themselves as the shock troops for reforms and the destruction of the evil world.
Have a read of people like John Taylor Gatto and/or Charlotte Thompson-Iserbyt on the deliberate dumbing down – their focus is the US but you will recognise Australia’s education system in their books.
If we had prevented the left’s corruption of our education system we might have had a chance to rescue our young (of multiple generations now) but instead I think we are facing a war against them instead.
You cannot reason someone out of a position (or belief) they were not reasoned into. Beliefs have to be dismantled from the inside and they earnestly believe WE are evil!
Yes agree with this philosophical logic. However, reminds of the classic line: ‘man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still’.
I don’t think that’s a universal truth at all. The start of science was when people began to reason their way out of mere acceptance.
The “worn-in patterns of thinking” you describe does sound like what I remember of de Bono (from nearly 50 years ago!!). That sort of thing probably does underlie some people’s responses, but I reckon a lot of people are really just following the Asch experiments on conformity. They respond as they do, despite not really believing it, simply because they see everyone else responding that way. Such people can be brought across if they hear enough reasonable dissenting voices. That’s why people like Jo and especially apostates like Judith Curry and Bjorn Lomborg pose such a threat to the climate con.
Some people here use the term “sheeple”. Counterproductive. We all short-cut the thinking process at times (e.g. when driving) because you’d never get anything done if you thought about every little thing. It’s perfectly sensible to think “all these other people have thought about it, so I’ll just go along with them”. The problem with climate (and likely the Ottawa blockade too) is that most of those “other people” are applying the same rule and the core propagandists end up looking like they have overwhelming support.
The pertinent point being, those people “began to reason their way out” not have someone else try to convince them.
You’re right for the first person who did science. What did he do to convince the *second* person?
I might be on a loser here though. To bear out your original statement it might be important that you not let me convince you. Very meta.
“Romanian MP compares Trudeau to Ceaușescu in blistering speech!”
What we are all discovering is that (like Germany in the 1930s) voters in democracies can and will vote for fascist totalitarian governments. The difference is that in the 1940s there were free liberal states willing to fight to liberate them from their fascist totalitarianism when they tired of it. The world has now moved on, and no such free liberal states exist anymore to liberate anyone – those countries have all gone fascist and totalitarian themselves.
This is the key to the future of liberal democracy around the world. Welcome to fascist oligarchic government from the back rooms in Davos.
Ottawa police doubling down on punishing anyone who dares to go against them.
Ottawans calling in mass numbers to the cops to complain about how protesters are being treated. Interesting that not only the understandable “don’t call 911” is there but don’t call the non-emergency number!
Perhaps the callers should simply report a “gang of men are beating a woman” instead of complaining about cops?
Trudeau is just doing his master’s bidding! Why are so many govts in lockstep?
In 2020, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike the 2004 SARS epidemic, this new coronavirus strain—origin unknown—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing millions in just seven months.
The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers. The pandemic blanketed the planet—though disproportionate numbers died in care homes, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols.
The United Kingdom’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.K but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.
China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.’
You will have noticed a few words within the article which we highlighted in bold. These are words that we changed in order to bring the document in line with the current scenario playing out across the world – the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.
A grand total of just 9 words is all that we needed to change to ensure the full text; written in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation, fully represented the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. Just nine words.
We’re either living in the age of coincidence or we are watching a very carefully thought out plan play out before our eyes.
From a quite mind blowing article on the WEF.
Schwab admits it!
Schwab Admits he Controls Trudeau & Cabinet of Canada – Now the World
Who’d have suspected Canada of all places to be the focal point for the 2022 NWO backlash.
I didn’t nor can I think of anyone that did.
I would have placed Canada last in the rebellion stakes due to their placid & friendly citizens who wouldn’t say boo to a sheep. Their genuinely peaceful protests confirm that, unlike the torch-the-city riots posing as “peaceful protests” in the USA.
Ottawa police throwing down their shields and siding with the people?
That’s the way!
The government will replace you with UN police anyway as will happen worldwide so the police will just become citizens with the same fate.
It’s a burning platform.
One way (follow orders) is certain death.
The other way is possible death (lose your job, credentials & reputation for fighting against the NWO crimes).
People are realising that we’re at the point that you have to fight these power-drunk criminals no matter what the cost to you because the alternative is a guaranteed repeat of the atrocities of past totalitarianist regimes.
When they are defeated then your losses as above will be reversed.
Yes they will lose eventually but don’t fall into the trap it’s any time soon. Throughout history it never works that way. Much more to come before most people initially wake up, then after even much more hardship they do something about it. It would be nice to believe the people do wake up much sooner but sadly it doesn’t happen that way. I will be convinced that things have changed sooner rather than later for the better if at the next federal election we find both major parties cut down to minor party status. I don’t think it will happen but it’s a nice dream.
Song by Jordan B Peterson: Wake Up
When we have government sanctioned murder of our children by experimental vaccines, one has to wonder indeed how much more does it take for people to wake up.
The Left will always misrepresent the use of the flag of the National Socialists when it is used by freedom-lovers to mock the tyranny of socialism.
National Socialism is a form of Fascism which is a form of socialism modelled by the philosopher of fascism, Giovanni Gentile, who was written out of history by the Left. Dinesh D’Souza has a short video about this.
“Ron Klain Organizes a Stunning, Massive and Magnificent Biden-Putin Peace Summit Certain to Bring Nobel Peace Nomination
February 20, 2022 | Sundance | 172 Comments
To understand why there has been so much escalating rhetoric about Russia going to invade Ukraine at any moment, you must realize the intent. The motives of the crisis narrative are crystal clear.
Everything about the Russia invasion of Ukraine has to be increasingly imminent, horrible and loomingly catastrophic for the planet, so that when it doesn’t happen the glorious victory for Dear Leader Biden can be proclaimed and amplified from the mountaintops.” More at
Biden gave an emphatic no, to a possible meeting with Putin only 2 days ago. Macron played moderator and king maker to organize a meeting between these 2 giant egos. Biden did nothing, except for accepting an invitation.
Very difficult and dark times. Not having any real Canadian connections other than “Through the trade”, I cannot add value to the comments other than: The day is not over, but: How many of the non-injected caught or spread the cold from being there ?
I use the phrase ‘Caught the cold’ because I , too, have caught the cold only this year: no cold caught since at least before 2019 and since few people have been in contact with me due to the restrictions, the only way I could have caught it is – AIRBORNE. What does that tell us? Had to do some ON-site work recently – and for the “sake of the co-workers” there, wore a basic mask. by the end of 2nd or 3rd day, I was getting choked up with sore throat AGAIN. no more mask wearing and am now OK.
O/T but
“Venn diagram career choice analysis”
“Life After Death by PowerPoint (Corporate Comedy Video)
“The Users Guide to Relationships by Don McMillan
Ouch !!
Forgive me Keith. Discussions of other (often anonymous) commenters are not worth much real estate up at the top of the thread. Please don’t take it personally. Sometimes those subthreads become a pile on (because many people want to say it too) and in the big scheme, Justin Trudeau is probably more important.
Neo-Liberal Socialism is the new National Socialism
The deputy prime minister of Canada, the ironicaly named Chrystia Freeland, has announced the govt will put some of the financial tools under emergency powers in place permanently. These include tracking donors to crowd funding causes, and suspending the insurance on trucks used in protests.
Any opportunity for more power the govt always grabs it. Just like Dan Andrews’ legislation here in Victoria. Both aimed at targeting their opponents. Nothing to do with actual health measures in a pandemic.
Yep, the race to the finish line.
Get the controls in place before enough of the public realizes.
Two years ago the WEF Great Reset was a crackpot ‘conspiracy theory’.
“I’ll sell you this toaster for 1 million dollars”.
“You’re crazy, no toaster is worth a million dollars.”
“Ok, I’ll let you have it for $10,000.”
Public …
“cool, I just got a million dollar toaster for $10,000!”.
“Our ABC” had no qualms about contacting Australian donors who were on that hacked data base.
This is after refusing to report on anything from Hunter Biden’s laptop, because it was “stolen”
I made a comment way back up thread in response to P. Fitzroy which seemed to be too obscure for a younger and non-American audience. Peter Fitzroy thinks the truckers are thugs for engaging in a protest that inconvenienced others. This is a common sentiment.
Well in Selma, Alabama in 1963 civil rights protesters, peacefully, blocked roadways too. They caused an inconvenience. It was called civil disobedience. It is often the only way to get intrasigent government to move. It has been used, to the betterment of society in many instances around the world. Unfortunately those 1963 protestors were hosed down by firemen, and had the dogs set upon them by police and worse(My grandfather at the time impressed on me the fact that those in charge of the hoses and dogs were…Democrats). It is very similar to Ottawa. Mr. Fitzroy thinks groups should get permission from the government to be able to protest against the government — phony civil rights in other words.
Looks like the Great Pandemic is over in the UK.
Good luck Oz and Canada.
Oh, and condolences NZ.
Oz maybe has chance, Canada likely won’t make it either.
Joe Biden will just forget there was a ‘pandemic’.
He has a State of the Union address coming up.
I expect a declaration of victory.
Provided he’s interested in preserving a Union.
When the Liberal Party runs away from people who want to ask the hard questions, you know they are stuffed. Let’s just hope the disgruntled Liberal voters support libertarian and pro-coal parties over and above the ALP and Greens such that they block the ALP+Greens from forming government, and we end up with an LNP minority government that’s hauled back to sanity by negotiations with the minor parties on the two most important issues at hand; emission reductions and COVID-19 mandates, which at the moment are ripping this once great nation apart.
Hilarious Police operation ordered by Fiona Martin MP, (Liberal Party, Reid Electorate)
The vote is tonight in Canada. Canadian American commentator David Frum, former speechwriter for George Bush has a few good tweets
1 Canada’s Parliament to vote today on Emergency Act: a first opportunity to end the emergency if MPs so wish. Trudeau says he’ll regard vote as a confidence measure – meaning that if he loses, his government will resign and an election will be called.
2 Trudeau’s party lacks a majority in Canadian federal House of Commons, so he’ll need cross-partisan support to a) uphold the emergency and b) stay in office.
Even if MPs vote with Trudeau this time, they can still vote to void any individual emergency measure if they want.
3 If Parliament does approve the emergency and does vote confidence in Trudeau’s government, Trudeau next must organize a special committee of MPs and senators to review his actions.
The courts will also review government actions under Canada’s Charter of Rights
4 The emergency will automatically expire within 30 days unless Parliament affirmatively votes to extend.
Once the emergency does terminate, an independent inquiry will review the government’s actions and report to Parliament on how the government used its temporary powers.
5. When the elder Trudeau invoked emergency powers in 1970 to combat a terrorist cell in Quebec, public opinion backed him at first. But perceived abuses of power swung opinion against him, and his party suffered serious losses in the next federal election of 1972.
But as he has just been elected, he could care less about #5.
Uncertain if anyone is still following but the vote passed in parliament. Trudeau repealed the motion on his own on Wednesday the 23rd. Why?
Three possible reasons:
He achieved what he wanted – freezing bank accounts and the violence of the police forces have tendency to do that. Many though have thoroughly noted the “chilling” effect this has had and it has scared many a moderate.
He is polling terribly both within Canada and without. Many of the reported polls (Maru for example) are biased as they are “voluntary polls” rather than random/representative.
The Canadian Senate, all of which is appointed, many currently by Trudeau himself, was appalled by the behavior and invocation of the act and would have shot it down, presenting even worse optics for Trudeau than he already has.
Trudeau will be cast aside in time. Both by Canadians and by the WEF. He will be a prime example of a “useful idiot” that will be shocked by his future.
“The catastrophe of Canada”
Rex Murphy and Jordan Petersen – long but worth it IMO