They told us the mRNA in the injections wouldn’t last long, barely a few days, and the protein spikes made from the vaccines would only stick around for “a few weeks”. But now, after 60% of the worlds population has been vaccinated, now we find out that the CCP bioweapon spikes are still there in lymph nodes two months after the last injection, and so is some of the mRNA. And we don’t know how much longer those spikes keep churning out, because no one has done that study.
Pause for a moment to wonder how it is that we could inject four billion people “for health reasons” yet no one knew the most basic things about how it worked, like, how long the vaccine mRNA might survive, and keep producing spikes for, or how many spikes it might keep making.
Now comes the bad news that mRNA-vaccinated people may be making more spikes than severely ill Covid patients, and that the mRNA survives much longer than anyone expected.
A Health Public Policy Nightmare
Robert Malone
The hidden highlight (lede) buried in this peer reviewed paper is that protein production of spike in people vaccinated with the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine is higher than those of severely ill COVID-19 patients!
This study asserts that the mRNA and the spike protein produced persists for weeks in lymph node germinal centers in human patients. Having worked with mRNA for decades, I can attest that this is highly unusual.

Click to enlarge. Figure 6. Disrupted Lymph Nodes GCs in COVID-19 patients versus mRNA vaccinees. (B) Representative immunohistochemistry of GCs with CD21 (left), BCL6 (middle) and PD-1 (right) in peribronchial LNs of an autopsy patient who died of COVID-19, a control autopsy patient who died from a non-COVID-19 pneumonia (pre-pandemic), and in an axillary Lymph node of a patient vaccinated with a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine.
To stop the mRNA from being degraded as normal RNA would be, the manufacturers used a synthetic type of nucleic acid — a pseudo-uridine instead of the normal uridine. Is it a bit like the plastic waste that takes years longer to breakdown in landfill? Could be. All our normal enzymes that chop up RNA might be stuck, flummoxed, and the mRNA might last for months…
One very real hypothesis is that the substitution of pseudouridine for uridine to avoid the immune response is working so well that the mRNA is completely evading the normal clearance/degradation pathways. Hence, mRNA that is not being incorporated into cells at the injection site, is migrating to the lymph nodes (and throughout the body as the non-clinical Pfizer data suggest?) and continuing to express protein there. In this case, the cytotoxic protein antigen is spike. Spike protein can be detected for at least 60 days after administration of dose. Note that the duration of the protein expression was only tested for 60 days.
In Figure 7 the researchers found vaccine mRNA in the GCs of Lymph Nodes up to day 37 post vaccination (middle column), but there was still a lower but “appreciable specific signal” of mRNA even at day 60. The Spike was found even up to day 60 (right column).

Click to enlarge | Fig 7: (B) Representative in situ hybridization of an RNAScope control probe (left panels) and SARS CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-specific probe (middle panels) within ipsilateral axillary core needle Lymph Node biopsies of female patients 7 to 60 days after second mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 dose. Probe hybridization is indicated by red chromogen spots. IHC signal for spike antigen (right panels), is detected as granular brown staining.
More spike than a severe case of Covid:
… the study quantitatively measured spike protein levels in plasma after vaccination. Which, it turns out, are higher than the levels observed in a person with a severe COVID-19 infection. Just to write it, the fact that this only now being discovered or it it was known, released to the public is criminal in my opinion. This should have been characterized long ago, including prior to beginning human clinical trials.
The biggest medical experiment ever….
That this has not been published or investigated more demonstrates the gross regulatory dereliction of duty by Pfizer, Biointech, Moderna, NIAID VRC and that whole crew. Using these vaccines, which include pseudouridine without fully understanding the implications and without the FDA requiring a complete pre-clinical toxicology regulatory package, including long-term follow-up, as is done with any other unique chemical or adjuvant additive is shocking.
So many institutions have failed us
It’s not just the corporate Pharma giants who have failed the public. What about the CDC, the FDA, the TGA, the Chief Health Officers, and all the professors at our public funded universities that didn’t ask the right questions, that assured us the vaccines were safe and the mRNA would be degraded quickly?
What about all the publicly funded science journalists at the BBC, ABC, CBC and NPR etc? That’s a lot of science unit investigative reporters who didn’t investigate. What do we pay public broadcasters to do — if not to grill scientists about the most important health policy decisions in the last 30 years?
The length of time the spike is produced for could have all kinds of effects. Not only will it increase the adverse effects, but if it is expressed too long, it could even reduce the immunity, or desensitize people to the very thing they are meant to be sensitized too. We really don’t know.
Robert Malone wonders if the pseudouridine was just the cheap option to avoid paying out on patents:
To note: The use of pseudouridine in these mRNA vaccines is not the only option. It has often been hypothesized that the reason Dr. Kariko added pseudouridine to the mRNA vaccine was to make an improvement to the original mRNA patents that I was an inventor on. An improvement to an existing patent allows commercialization of that patent. It is an old trick. Remember, that Curevac does not use pseudouridine in its formulation and it is not required or necessary for a significant immune response.
We had so many better choices
The mRNA technology is so new and risky. There are too many moving parts and unknowns. I’ve said before that we didn’t know how much protein spike people might make, and it was obvious that some people might make a lot more spike than others. At least with a protein-vaccine, like Novavax or the Australian Covax-19 the injection has a fixed amount of protein. We know what we’re getting. It’s still a nasty spike, a bad protein, and it’s still an out of date version of a virus that doesn’t exist anywhere — but there is a known quantity, and it’s not being made inside your own cells and displayed on healthy normal cells. That in itself ought to reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases like myocarditis.
Hat tip to Matthew L, David E.
In response to a question from Strop on why this matters:
The issue is mRNA is an entirely new technology, which has not even had basic testing and research done on it, and they’ve been lying about all of that.
They say they care about our health, but if they did, they would have done this testing and in 2020. That failure and deception is criminal.
If we had informed consent they would have told us how uncertain it was.
If people are being double dosed on a three week schedule, the first dose is still being processed and present when the second dose goes in. No wonder the second dose is such an issue. In Toxicology, the dose makes the poison — yet we didn’t even realize that the second dose was a “double dose”.
The spike itself is toxic — it binds to 13 different receptors in our tissues including crucial ones like ACE2 which lowers blood pressure. If spikes are still wandering two months later, that’s a major potential risk. Does it increase blood clotting and stroke or heart attack risk for months, and how long?
Not only does this show Pfizer and Moderna lied for profit, but that they were assisted by Professors of Microbiology etc who went on TV and swore these injections were safe. It also shows the failure of all the regulatory agencies who should have been demanding this data before they would even consider approving them.
It shows we should have rushed any other kind of vaccine into production before we rushed a totally new and unknown technology into mass production.
Röltgen et al (2022) Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination Cell. Published:January 24, 2022DOI:
What’s the issue being raised?
Is it known that vaccine protein spikes and some of the mRNA sticking around for a longer period than anticipated is a problem? If so, what is that problem?
Is the concern that we don’t know whether it’s a problem? That it might or might not be but we don’t know due to a lack of trialing?
The problem is in all cause mortality increasing Strop, likely as a result of the Vaccine.
If things played out as “No Problem” we would see a decrease in all cause mortality.
Ask the embalmers about their problems with unusual clots, look at the Life insurance claims “Spiking” in
the working age groups.
It’s a pandemic with a virus that’s known to cause some deaths. An increase in all cause mortality can’t so easily explained with “likely as a result of the vaccine”. Particularly with a vaccine that isn’t 100% effective and has a short effective period.
Why would all cause mortality decrease with a safe vaccine? Wouldn’t it just return to a somewhat “normal” with typical annual fluctations?
Sure, there might be a reduction in flu deaths and traffic deaths due to isolation and restricted movement. But potentially an increase in other deaths due to lack of preventative medical care.
Yes. This is a strange signal for an age group that isn’t typically at risk from the virus alone.
I’m not arguing the vaccines are or aren’t safe. My original question above was just to see if I was missing something in the article that had raised a specific known problem. It seemed to me the article was just raising a concern about an unknown and that’s been confirmed by William’s reply below.
My responses here are just to suggest we need to be a bit more scientific about claims. They are not to argue the safety of the vaccines. If I was confident about their safety I’d have had my overdue booster by now.
That was so 2020 Strop.
Now let us bring ourselves up to date and talk 2021. John Hopkins data for Vietnam
Look at the graphics on the right when you select Vietnam. Remember the pandemic hit in 2020.
Now look at the White Graphic, what is this a weekly increase in? What does the Green Graphic say? What happened in 2020?
Good Idea. Don’t!
The Vaers, Daen, Yellow Ticket etc are breaking records for adverse events since these GM Jabs have been introduced.
Vietnam was able to keep the virus mostly under control until mid 2021. Then, yes, vaccine rollout and deaths resulted. However, covid cases also started running rampant. Are you suggesting they have manufactured case number to try and blame vaccine deaths on covid?
You can pick 1 country to try and prove your point (not a great idea) but what other factors were at play?
Why did the virus take off when vaccination started?
Was it a consiracy to cover vaccine deaths? Or did vaccination stop people from being cautious? Did govt reduce controls because vaccination had started? Or is it just coincidental that delta got free at that point?
I don’t know the answers. I’m just saying we need to be more scientific about conclusions or claims.
I can equally say look at the john hopkins world data when you open your link. Weekly deaths decrease after vaccination started.
Anyway, we need to be looking at all cause mortality data as mentioned by Simon above. Maybe that will support his suggestion. Maybe it won’t. I haven’t looked at it.
Maybe we should have a look at Western Australia data where there has been very few cases of covid and very few deaths but a whole lot of vaccination. If the all cause mortality has jumped after vaccination it will look suspect for vaccination.
Then, yes, the vaccine rollout started and the deaths started.
Not a bad place to start. Here is a a previous post by Jo
Another good idea! And we should look at all the other States and NSW should open up their ‘No Effective Dose’ data to be split into unvaccinated and ‘Just Got Jabbed’. Unfortunately the Data is unavailable unless you are approved first and in Queensland they are too busy to investigate adverse event at any rate.
And with that database available you can pick an awful lot of countries, including most of those in rice growing areas and you can also pick Dominica & Tanzania whose problems start with the sudden and unfortunate demise of their narrative resistant leaders.
From that previous post by Jo link you submitted as evidence.
(my bolding below)
The post was about miscategorisation in the data. It’s not proving what you think it does (or want it to).
Anyway, you’re trying to argue a point that I’m not disputing. I’ll say it again. I’m not arguing whether the vaccines are safe or not.
What I’m wanting is for people to credibly back up their claims with good evidence. Whatever that shows, I don’t mind. I don’t have a dog in the fight. My responses are simply to say make your case properly and cover off on the variables or anomalies. If you can’t cover the variables then just use your data to highlight a potential issue and don’t make a claim or conclusion from it.
That is why I look at and quote to you the databases from the establishment sites. John Hopkins, CDC, Vaers, DAEN, etc. I do have a dog in the fight and this is to fight for safe medicines. we chose to do no harm. I do not wish to see the Community around me mauled by a pack of rabid dogs pursuing a manic agenda based on an untested drug supposedly curing a disease with a wide variety of symptoms (that happen to be common with those of the untested drug) caused by variants of what was known as the common cold.
In response to Strop’s “Is the concern that we don’t know whether it’s a problem? That it might or might not be but we don’t know due to a lack of trialing?’
Yes. The complex biological problems that are caused by the RNA vaccines need to be understood. These problems would have been found if Pfizer had or FDA required that Pfizer run standard biomarker tests which would have identify and quantified the problem during first vaccine tests There is no time to ‘study’ the problem now. The covid spike was designed to hurt people.
We need to understand how the first release RNA covid vaccines are hurting and killing people, with hurting and killing more people.
Our healthcare system’s number one goal is do no harm and in this case to stop harming more people.
In case of a mass medical mistake … which would justify a ‘Trucker Protest’… The first legal requirement to minimize criminal negligence causing death …. Would be to inform the public of the problem and to take immediate action to stop the damage.
The RNA vaccination should be stopped immediately.
Thanks. Wasn’t sure if I was missing a known problem highlighted in the article.
The issue is mRNA is an entirely new technology, which has not even had basic testing and research done on it, and they’ve been lying about all of that.
They say they care about our health, but if they did, they would have done this testing and in 2020. That failure and deception is criminal.
If we had informed consent they would have told us how uncertain it was.
If people are being double dosed on a three week schedule, the first dose is still being processed and present when the second dose goes in. No wonder the second dose is such an issue. In Toxicology, the dose makes the poison — yet we didn’t even realize that the second dose was a “double dose”.
The spike itself is toxic — it binds to 13 different receptors in our tissues including crucial ones like ACE2 which lowers blood pressure. If spikes are still wandering two months later, that’s a major potential risk. Does it increase blood clotting and stroke or heart attack risk for months, and how long?
Not only does this show Pfizer and Moderna lied for profit, but that they were assisted by Professors of Microbiology etc who went on TV and swore these injections were safe. It also shows the failure of all the regulatory agencies who should have been demanding this data before they would even consider approving them.
It shows we should have rushed any other kind of vaccine into production before we rushed a totally new and unknown technology into mass production.
Great question Strop.
Thanks for the explanation. It may be worth adding it to your article above.
No, not a really great question.
It has been known for many many months that the Spike protein, whether from COVID itself or the vaccines, damage cells, damage blood cells, cause microclots,and reduce immunity. The UK government even acknowledges vaccines reduce some immune responses.
There are numerous studies showing this occurs.
How much evidence do you need?
If someone has done a study on it then it must have been an answer worth knowing.
The fact that the answer is known by others doesn’t diminish the question. It just means the question can be answered. Otherwise, by your reasoning, any question that can be answered from existing knowledge can’t qualify as a great question.
Regardless of the quality of my question, I’m glad I asked and am grateful to have received answers.
Thanks for the study links.
Today the Therapeutic Goods Administration web site, Database of Adverse Event Notifications – medicines, showed that for the 51 years of data collection, vaccines, other than for Covid, were 76 in number and they caused 19,373 reported adverse reactions which included 60 deaths.
There are 4 vaccines reported for Covid and they caused 106,317 adverse reactions including 752 deaths. This vaccine data is available for 340 days from 21 February 2021. This means that relative to the 51 years of all other vaccines, the four Covid vaccines caused adverse reactions at a rate 300 times greater per annum than for all other vaccines. Further, the Covid vaccines caused deaths at a rate of 686 times greater per annum than all other vaccines.
From 21 February 2021 to 27 January 2022, there have been 752 deaths due to the vax and 2493 deaths due to Covid-19, ie the vaccinations caused deaths at one third the rate of the disease. Once upon a time, vaccines were provided to stop a person getting the disease not kill the vaccinated in addition to those killed by the disease.
Since the start of vaccinations, the death rate from Covid-19 has increased dramatically from less that one death per month for March to June 2021 to 1212 deaths for the month ending 27 January 2022. Has the vaccine contributed to that death rate? After all, the stated purpose of the vaccine is to cause the body to produce the spike proteins that are the Covid-19 disease so the more people vaccinated the more sources there are for the disease.
To give an indication of the relevance of the vaccine induced death rate of 807 persons per annum to other sources of death, it is greater than the annual rates in 2020 (the last annual publication from the Bureau of Statistics) for:
Emphysema 561
Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver 659 deaths
Car occupant injured in transport accident 695 deaths
and of the same order of magnitude as:
Pulmonary heart disease and diseases of pulmonary circulation 778
Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas 867 deaths
Hypertensive heart disease 885
With statistics like these being generated over the past 11 months, why have governments and health bureaucrats been promoting the continuation of even more vaccinations? Has this been gross incompetence or a deliberate act to achieve the aim of the World Economic Forum of world depopulation?
What is a spike?
Frankly, with an undergrad bio-chem background and a legal education following, I look at things like the caption of one of the photos above:
. . . and despair of ever understanding WTH is going on.
I appreciate the attempts to explain by those who do understand, but the entire discussion gets killed by noise from the people who understand even less than I.
I don’t consider myself to be stupid, but I have no background to intelligently assess the viral arguments. I’d guess 90% of the population of the world would have similar or lesser competencies. We’re all stuck deciding to whom we should listen based on non-competency factors.
And it’s frustrating.
(Rant over.)
This is explosive new news. The Canadian Opposition party should present this new information, about vaccine safety and vaccine testing failures, in Canadian Parliament. As soon as Trudeau is informed of the problem, he and his government own it. The failure to scientifically test the first release covid vaccines, is an indication of complete system failure and corruption. This is not a ‘mistake’.
What the evidence shows is that FDA/Pfizer allowed an untested adjuctive additive to be added to every RNA vaccine. This new untested adjuctive additive is not being broken down by our bodies (older vaccines all used an adjuctive that is broken done in the body to avoid this danger) and hence there are first release covid spikes in the body 60 days after vaccination. It is for this medical reason that the RNA vaccination with the first release RNA vaccines should be stopped, to avoid further death and long term damage to people.
This problem would have been found and quantified if Pfizer had ensure that standard biomarker analysis had been done on the test patient’s blood samples which were taken. Every RNA vaccine patient had a blood sample taken. The FDA and Pfizer did not order standard medical tests been done on the test patient’s blood. Changes in the biomarkers would have identified and quantified the problem. This should have been found during phase one vaccine testing.
This appears to be black & white simple evidence that the first release covid vaccines were not scientifically tested and that they are dangerous.
Robert Malone said: “The biggest medical experiment ever…. That this has not been published or investigated more demonstrates the gross regulatory dereliction of duty by Pfizer, Biointech, Moderna, NIAID VRC and that whole crew. Using these vaccines, which include pseudouridine without fully understanding the implications and without the FDA requiring a complete pre-clinical toxicology regulatory package, including long-term follow-up, as is done with any other unique chemical or adjuvant additive is shocking.”
William Astley (8.53am). There’s nothing new about any of this. Which is why such a huge % of people did not / do not want anything to do with the gene-jabs. The “did nots” have unfortunately fallen short, since suicide may (or may not) be painless (as claimed in the MASH theme song, but for sure it DOES bring on many changes….
The Sucharit Bhakdi video from last April laid it all out very precisely: the spike proteins, the impending multiple boosters (which were not “supposed” to be needed), and especially the good advice to boosterees to ensure their wills are in order.
As I’ve written many times: we pure-bloods have a number of duties before us…A)Comfort the afflicted, by not laughing at them for what they’ve been co-erced into doing B) Help them out in their last days by acquiring their properties dirt cheap, so’s the few family members left to organize funerals can do so C)Be physically fit so as to handle the massive increase in “Purebloods Only” requests on Tinder etc etc, and D) buy shares in listed Undertakers and Mortician firms, even though their prices are already skyrocketing.
All this kindness is what is known as “Being a Good Citizen” by leftists!
Good advice.
And on the financial side I would suggest that shorting of Insurance and Pharma stocks when the crash inevitably arrives will probably prove highly profitable.
Dr Bhakdis symposium on Dec 10 is also worth looking at
Just heard this:
“Workers in healthcare, aged care, disability, emergency services, correctional facility, quarantine accommodation and food distribution are now required to get their third dose.”
Apparently the people in their care prefer to catch their Covid from “boosted” (“fully vaxxed’) workers.
I think there are several scientific paper around with findings showing the harm of these mRNA vaxxes.
Only one is, people are told, the vaxxes are safe and long time sideeffects are therefor not expected because after a few days the spike prodution in the body is over. Unfortunately the opposite is true as it’s true too, the vaxxes are all, but not safe, don’t protect longer than for some weeks, longtime sideeffects will be the norm and natural immunity disappears.
Btw, all written down in the here discuassed paper.
Stephanie Seneff on Joseph Mercola’s website wrote
My impression is that the immune cells don’t know what the hell’s going on. There’s this toxic protein being produced in massive amounts by the immune cells. That’s extremely unusual. There’s no sign of any kind of viral infection because these RNAs look like human RNAs.
It’s as if the human immune cells suddenly decided to make a really toxic protein, and make lots of it — which is exactly what they’re doing — and the immune system is completely baffled by this. The immune cells have no clue what to do with it.
Unfortunately, the link cannot be accessed because censorship has caused Mercola to take down posts after 48 hours.
Here is a similar one in its place
I follow what she is saying but I really dislike anthopomorphising the behaviour of the immune system.
I wonder if Ivermectin might be the cure for the jab infection? Could it at least break down the spikes? Ironic if they have to go to a real treatment to cure the jab treatment.
Got another shipment of 100, 12mg Ivermectin tablets, & another 10 Zilverdo KITs from India yesterday in the mail. They are still getting through the vicious net, if you go to enough trouble & select the right shipper.
I have enough now to treat the whole family.
I got one lot through via Melbourne but the other lot is stuck in Sydney.. grrr…
Ivermectin. Yes, if it attacks the spike as described. If so, would be of help.
Take a day before jab, same day, next day, and at intervals thereafter. Or if later it may still work in stopping those spikes.
There is also black seed, nigella sativa, black seed oil, which is rumored to share that property with ivermectin. Used in Middle East cooking, recommended by The Prophet. Sold in health food stores but sold out in my area! Try 5g per day if you can get it.
It’s not the immune system manufacturing the spike protein, it is the whole body, or at least any cell that has the ac2 receptor. Conventional vaccines are localized at the injection site and attract the immune response but evidently these mRNA vaccines end up spread throughout the body, invade cells and cause them to manufacture the spike protein like crazy. The mRNA is supposed to be rapidly degraded by the bodies natural mechanisms, but if it endures and keeps pumping out the poisonous spike proteins, we have a big health problem.
Double Plus good article. I always wondered about the Kontrol mechanisms of the body to regulate the orchestra of production that carries on to keep us going. It never made sense to introduce the “Sorcery’s Apprentice” which looks good on paper but there is no proof that in vivo it will either a) Work at all or b) Flood the Joint with the very thing that is toxic! There is so much carry on about “Science” when people can intuit that the Null hypothesis is actually the most likely outcome. You do not have to be a polymath or a genius to understand what is ineffable. For example “Safe and effective” is NOT STUDIED and NOT KNOWN so such a claim has to be a lie. The snake oil salesmen with the slick slogan are dominant at the moment. I hope that the cabal that engineered this “Pandemic” have to face the music soon.
Fortunately the spelling is a little different to australia, but in Austria the compulsory vaccination is now in force
So you don’t have a Choice on whether to have MRNA or spike proteins lurking around
The police are able to stop your car or in the street. Whilst highly sinister you have to smile in a shocked way when they say imprisonment beckons if you are not vaccinated and that you will have to pay the costs of your incarceration
I would either leave Austria or just go to prison. Preferably the former.
Here in Victoria, my friend and I discussed this issue back in 2020. We realised that they would have to build a lot of extra prison capacity to house the people who would not want to be jabbed.
It’s not quite the Von Trapp experience but I leave Victoria to play golf. We’re all doing what we can.
Insanity. Hitler would be proud.
Yes. As somebody said history doesn’t repeat but it rhymes.
Hmm if the spike proteins sticks around longer than usual, I guess there could be a build up of it after multiple boosters.
Might lead to delayed immune response, if the spike proteins are floating around your system and not causing any harm, it will train your body to ignore other spike proteins such covid in its early stages.
It might even lead to increased chance of covid reinfection, with the same reasoning as above.
That was my concern too. With the continued injection of these mRNA vaccines does it have a compounding effect on the outcome? It does seem most adverse reactions were happening after the 2nd shot, and anecdotally I have heard from some people who have been boosted that it was the worst of the 3.
Some studies indicated over time the protection/efficacy of the mRNA vaccines went zero, or even negative – that is, you are more likely to catch COVID-19. This would support the comment made around desensitizing people to the virus over time. Look at Israel who had been getting a 2nd booster shot (i.e. 4 doses) and they recently peaked at the highest infection & deaths over the entire pandemic.
“…I guess there could be a build up of it after multiple boosters.”
Is there any information anywhere on what is actually in the boosters? It seems to me that everyone assumes a booster is just more of the same. The fact that this inoculation program is finally and more definitely being exposed as the experiment that it is why would the booster just be “more of the same” and not perhaps include something else to address some of the issues they have discovered during these 2 years of testing?
“…if the spike proteins are floating around your system and not causing any harm, it will train your body to ignore other spike proteins such covid in its early stages.”
Or worse it might train your body to produce covid by itself. This sort of thing happened with the polio vaccine. There were 3 types of polio which both versions of the vaccine (oral and injected) were designed to neutralize. However as far as type 2 polio was concerned the vaccine was a bit too effective in that it effectively eradicated it. The vaccine continued to be used until it was discovered that it was causing type 2 breakouts and the vaccine was modified to only address types 1 and 3. Type 2 still occurs in the “wild” but plan is to just vaccinate in the area of outbreak with the hope that eventually type 2 will die out “naturally”.
Great run down available here with link to WHO report on the escalating problem in Africa/world driven in some part by the WHO and other partners lack of response.
Fauci on 4th boosters
Thursday, 10 February 2022
DR. FAUCI: “There may be the need for yet again another boost, in this case a fourth dose boost for an individual receiving the MRNA…”
Fauci, the least credible health beauracrat on the planet
There are credible bureaucrats? I thought they were unaccountable for everything they say and do, so why worry about credibility?
He also said after 70% one shot, the pandemic would be virtually over.
He also said the PCR test is useless when run over 28 cycles.
Sounds like gain of function fauci is just making things up as he goes along.
Cover ups are like that.
And that’s the trouble with lying. You’ve got to have a very good memory to recall your previous lies and it becomes harder and harder to come up with new lies to cover up the old lies.
The rule is that the truth will set you free. Fauci is the exception which proves the rule.
I’ll take him at his word that those who have had an mRNA injection will need a fourth booster.
The unspoken part is that the mRNA injections may well have set off a global medical disaster. For the time being the best (?) the powers that be can do is to command more boosters to keep the short term effects of the injections in check. The long term awaits.
Fortunately I have not had an mRNA injection so I don’t need the booster.
“I Really Hate Being Right”
My recollection is that links to the Ticker don’t raise much follow up comment, or score many green thumbs on this blog. I
find that strange when compared to others that do.
Couey’s Gigaohm Biological fits the same pattern. In his latest: he discusses Wikileaks type documents that reveal that the Mrna transfection has been nothing but a CROCK from the beginning. If interested in following up on this, and not the rest of his presentation, start at 40 mins in.
The jab is working exactly as it was designed to !
“Fauci on 4th boosters”
Why is everyone so frightened?
By far the deepest insights into the pandemic, and the resistance by the truckers, is provided by David Solway, with this is his best effort yet. There is an agenda in play, and whether you believe it or not, you should pay attention because once we have gone beyond the point of no return, there will be no return. Even as it is, the fear that so many now have of this covid-flu is astonishing. Virtually no one dies, our hospitals are not overrun, while the cornonavirus keeps getting milder as each new iteration is revealed. Yet we are led by completely hysterical political fools who insist they are saving us from much worse.
This is David’s latest article, ‘Pandemic’ Truths: Time for a New Narrative. Here is the central point, but found only towards the end.
This in not the central point, but is relevant to this Blog
A Danish study shows that “the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines against omicron is actually negative. The Pfizer vaccine makes recipients 76.5 percent more likely and the Moderna recipients 39.3 percent more likely to be infected than unvaccinated people.”
Pfizer’s 95 percent vaccine effectiveness claim is drastically wrong. According to Pfizer’s own numbers, the absolute risk reduction in the unvaccinated control group (0.88 percent) compared to the test group (0.84 percent), is statistically insignificant, providing a net benefit of only 0.04 percent. But Pfizer gave the relative risk reduction number, that is, the difference between 0.88 percent and 0.84 percent, which is 95 percent. Moreover, the trial was “unblinded” after only two months rather than the stipulated three years, so that there was no longer a viable placebo group and thus no way to assess long term effectiveness and safety. Indeed, after six months, the inoculated group showed an increase in illness and mortality.
As the CanadianCovidCare Alliance reports, “Pfizer’s own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm”—plus poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. And it’s getting worse. Dr. Mark Trozzi exposes Pfizer’s “missing information,” grudgingly released by the FDA, which shows between 87.5 percent and 100 percent abortions and premature deaths of babies during preliminary trials involving injected pregnant women.
The criticisms of those early COVID mRNA vaccine trials are a mile long. The one that always sticks out for me was that in one trial the treated group received paracetamol post jab whereas the placebo group didn’t. Because a lot of the participants in those trials were medical people they knew which treatment they had received. So would then alter their behaviour accordingly- which is not “blind” but terribly biased. That alone should have cancelled that study completely.
Mr. Ozzie: I’ve been asking the jab promoters here and at WUWT for some time now, What did 95% effective mean? None of them take the bait.
So 2022 may well prove to be the year of premature passing? You can bet that insurance companies are busy asking their actuaries to calculate a formula to adjust policies with! Or even reject claims for customers that have accepted the vaccine.
So much of the vaccine topics and concerns relate to mRNA. (Pfizer and Moderna).
What about Astrazeneca’s vaccine? Apart from some clotting concerns for under 50’s, or under 60’s, it seems to fly under the radar on this blog.
Here you may get the first blood clots by the adeno virus used as vector for the COV-19 DNA
It does indeed. The Daily Expose (DE), a UK based website reviews government data by age group et al. I believe the UK used AZ until ‘recently’ so their early data indicates for 1, 2, and 3 jabs. DE’s analysis indicates the jabs have a huge negative impact on the immune system vis a vis we the unjabbed lot. I suggest a visit to the DE site to review heaps of data.
While most of us would stumble when hearing about remnant spikes in the bloodstream, there’s little to confuse us in the brilliant para that follows:
“Pause for a moment to wonder how it is that we could inject four billion people “for health reasons” yet no one knew the most basic things about how it worked,”.
It’s a sad indictment of the ruling classes that there are more incidences of VaXXine Adverse Events in my immediate community than there are of CV19 damage.
On top of that there’s a hidden mountain of human suffering and damage caused by the loopy Lockdowns, and this is the real Pandemic, an unbelievable crushing of all in society.
Little wonder that after two years of this we have all decided that we’ve had enough; almost half a century ago the people called on the Governor General to reset our nation’s democratic process; now again “It’s Time”.
Let’s Go GG, reset.
I have only just recently heard of the term “vaccinologist”. Someone who is an expert in the development and science of vaccines. This whole field of vaccinology is extremely small in terms of total professionals worldwide. In operation Warp Speed a majority of those were probably employed by the big boys of pharma to develop all the COVID vaccines. So there were few, truly independent, knowledgeable people with the courage to actually voice concerns over the mRNA vaccines in particular. Malone appears a lone voice at the moment. Michael Yeadon was also vocal at one stage but got cancelled. There’s probably others, but only a handful. Which leaves the regulatory authorities. The public service is not renowned for employing the best and the brightest at any time. So, the likelihood that the FDA etc have personnel that could actually interpret any of the data given to them by Pfizer, Moderna etc is probably – zero. For the Australian TGA, even less chance. If the Australian TGA wanted scientific appraisal they would probably outsource it. How many vaccinologists in Australia? Not many and mostly all employed by CSL etc and governed by non disclosure requirements. The only other true independent with expertise is Petrovsky and he cancelled himself out early by saying the Wuhan virus was definitely manipulated or man made. Which means the TGA basically just rubber stamped all the COVID vaccine approvals and continue to do so. The TGA/ATAGI haven’t even questioned the need to vaccinate children, yet even the WHO and the European authorities dont recommend it. All the way through this COVID saga our politicians have been very poorly advised and most seems to emanate from the feds and then trickled down. States get the blame, but the feds have initiated most of the dud COVID measures.
Malone in his 3 hr(+) talk with Joe Rogan highlights the actual normal process of pharmaceutical approvals. He described it as being like the French legal system – where you are guilty until proven innocent. (The opposite of most countries). Hence, the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies, in the case of vaccines, is to show that their product does no harm in a range of situations. Because mRNA tech was relatively new and their effects in widespread use not known, the US FDA should have been more diligent. The FDA should have demanded that more research be done, like that in the above article. Why didn’t they? Possibly incompetence or influence. Because the world’s pharma industry is dominated by the US, the US FDA have incredible influence worldwide.
The French legal system is not “guilty until proven innocent”.
Their “Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen” or declaration of the rights of man and the citizen, has been in effect since 1789. It’s not strictly in the French constitution, but the presumption of innocence has been considered a constitutional right since this date, nonetheless.
there are some legal loopholes where people can be considered guilty until proven innocent, but this is because, like all legal systems, it’s full of law that never get repealed or enforced, or, the laws were not vetted/tested appropriately.
“The French legal system is not “guilty until proven innocent”.”
Ah, they should take some lessons from the NZ Dept of Taxation, or any taxation Dept I expect.. They declare what you are guilty of and if you disagree, you have to prove yourself innocent.
More power than the Police, the Armed Forces or the Secret Service combined.
Just saw an update from Sharen Petrovski
“Just a quick update: Spikogen/Covax-19 has now been approved as a booster in Iran. We have finished recruiting for the paediatric trials in Iran in the age range of 12-18, but still recruiting in the age group of 5-12. All this information will be useful in our application to the TGA.”
Um… boosters? Is this vaccine useless as well?
I don’t mind useless nearly as much as I value harmless.
That said there is precious little information out about Novavax. I don’t care whether it is effective. As above my big question is whether it is harmless.
There are 11 vaccines approved in Iran. Perhaps, like here, if you’d initially been jabbed with others, you might prefer a booster to be Novavax/Covax-19.
That’s why when I was forced vaccinated by Dirty Dan I went for Astrazeneca to avoid the experimental nanoparticles!
Brave fellow. Early on Astrazenica injections were associated with blood clots.
That’s why I waited to see how the mRNA injections went. And that’s why I’m waiting to see how Novavax goes. I suspect that’s why the whole thing will die down before I submit to anything. After all I’m quite enjoying my trips to NSW to play golf.
Will we see another Nuremberg trial where our govts and ‘health’ officials go on trial for knowingly putting entire populations at risk, and worse, FORCING the risk on them?
Will they call in us Conspiracy Theorists who have been warning of things like this and other dangers (such as the increasing numbers of autoimmune victims) to prove the leaders not only COULD but SHOULD have known the dangers?
Just like ignorance of the Law is seen as no excuse, neither should ignorance of the actual science be seen as one, especially when they spent so much money, time and resources going after the very people telling the of the risks.
[Mark, apologies, I asked the mods to slow down the repeated boring prophesies of Nuremberg trials. We are a long way from the public demanding them. Perhaps they will happen, but we have a lot of work to do before it is a remote possibility. – Jo]
They are mandating this for children.
Utterly disgusting…evil.
As this medical disaster unfolds, the politicians, beurocracts, doctors and media will all flap their hands and try: “But, but at the time we couldn’t have known …”.
But this will be a big fat lie.
Even if they shut their eyes and ears to over a year of information on the toxic nature of the spike protein, they knew from Gamma strain onward that they were promoting and forcing the mass use of a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic. They were doing the wrong thing from the start. There are no excuses for this.
DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal — No Way “Revised” Numbers Are Real
The initial data was presented during Sen. Ron Johnson’s five-hour hearing on a “COVID-19: Second Opinion” by Ohio attorney Thomas Renz, who has been representing clients suing the vaccine mandates.
In response to the report, the US military claimed the five previous years were plagued by a giant clitch.
According to the Department of Defense, the actual number of doctor visits and ambulatory care in the military is at least TEN TIMES higher than was being reported since 2016!
The US military then provided this “corrected” chart.
So the US military in fiscal years 2019 to 2021 was over $680 billion per year. Yet, the US military could not compile a list of doctor visits for the past six years?
What the US military is admitting is that their numbers were off by 18 million a year in the number of doctor visits.
Could the US military really be this inept? Or are they covering up the actual COVID vaccine incidents?
And then there’s this… There are 1.3 million serving Active Duty in the US military today. So does that mean the average doctor visit, disease, and injury is 10 per year for our military men and women? Seriously?
This is a massive scandal. Heads should roll!
There is undoubtedly a public health and national security crisis in the military, and the Pentagon’s reaction only seems to be concerned with exonerating the vaccine, not fixing its own alleged problem.
1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety
Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients.
One of the things I picked up on early was that the Blood Bank was allowing people, within one week of jab, to donate blood. (a friends wife works for the Red Cross)
This is a catastrophy in the making as unvaxxed can be unknowingly “vaxxed” by spike protein in the donation. But also that this may mean another hit of this toxin.
The one week delay needs to be immediately extended. But we all know that there will be some WEF aligned “expert” who would produce “research” to show that there is no problem at all. The fact that these “experts” have been continuously wrong the entire time, is of course extremely clear, but the WEF aligned media and politicians must keep the lies rolling out, as if they actually tell the truth once then the whole house of cards collapses.
A great point PoB!
“The one week delay needs to be immediately extended”
Red Cross Lifeblood have reduced the wait time after the jab to 3 days!
From their website:
“Blood donors are our very own frontline team – you are absolutely essential to maintaining the health of all Australians. That’s why, to safeguard our blood supply, we encourage you to get vaccinated when you can.
As a precaution, donors need to wait 3 days after receiving each COVID-19 vaccine before donating blood, plasma, or platelets. This wait time applies to all COVID-19 vaccinations, regardless of which vaccine you receive”
Booster deadline is extended in Victoria as key workers are given an extra month to get mandatory third Covid vaccine dose or face the sack – despite case numbers falling 80% in three weeks
. Victoria will give key workers another four weeks to get their third vaccine dose
. Those eligible for a third dose before January 12 will now have until March 12
. The state recorded 16 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, along with 9,391 new cases
I presume folk here have seen this article?
Even they are asking questions now.
I had the AZ vaccine and booster. When I got the vaccine I got bright pink toes among other parts. I have just cut myself and I have bright red blood. Not the usual dark red colour. I’m wondering whether the vaccine causes an Iron deficiency?
I find it strange that to advertise a drug on TV they need to say all of the potential side effects, but with the Covid Vax they will “cancel” you if you say anything that doesn’t support the narrative. (Latest example Joe Rogan)
I hope the “Streisand effect” still works in these cases.
How to tell if statistics aren’t reliable:
Kendrick has earlier articles about the spike protein as well, for anyone interested.
Fun reads.
Most importantly, what about the TLA?!?
There is another issue much more serious than possible desensitization. If the vaccine’s spike proteins remain around during a covid-19 infection, Your body might be overwhelmed by the higher concentration of fake spike proteins which will may misdirect your immune system.
I can best explain it with the following analogy.
Lets say the vaccine containing spike proteins is represented by a large quantity of empty red Jerrycans, supposedly filled with love.
In this analogy, the Covid-19 virus is represented by a large quantity of red Jerrycans filled with gas.
And the your immune system is the police. They get trained on stopping the gas filled jerrycan via the usage of empty red jerrycans. They are trained to identify, track and intercept the cans.
The problem is months after the police training exercise, the empty jerrycan remain around in the local region.
When jerrycans filled with gas (Covid-19) begin being smuggled into town, the police take swift action. However, the police have a problem for every Jerry can filled with gas there is a even greater quantity of empty Jerry cans. In the end the the police are totally overwhelmed and totally distracted by all the fake jerrycans, making them much less effective at stopping the alleged smuggling of gasoline.
I very much appreciate your jerry can analogy fromdownunder. 🙂 Thanks!
I wanted to reply to this post a couple of days ago, but I’m just depressed at takes like this I don’t really have the energy to respond.
To the whole ‘spike protein’ issue. So, the mRNA goes into the cells the spike protein is produced, but the cell is unlikely to secrete the spike as its ‘design’ means it has a transmembrane anchor protein. There’s no point for the protein to be immediately secreted from the endoplasmic reticulum as the virus needs to assemble its own particle. Most likely the protein will be broken down into antigens maybe like 30 amino acids in length and presented as on Human Leukocyte Antigens that will only interact with T cell receptors.
Possibly the spike may go to the cell surface, but it would be stuck in the membrane due to the transmembrane anchor and eventually harvested by the immune system. Indeed studies have been done and its been found the overwhelming amount of vaccine mRNA etc stays at the vaccine injection site.
The ongoing immune response in OP is happening in the lymph nodes. This just means dendritic cells are displaying these viral epitopes (not the viral protein) to other immune cells in an immune organ. This helps develop and deepen the specificity of the immune response, but basically gives you better antibodies and immune memory. Its actually a very good things and demonstrates this technology is probably far superior to current technology used to make influenza vaccines.
With regards to methylpseudouridine, there’s a couple of reasons its used. The first is that RNA can be fragile and this modification stops the RNA from being broken down by the cells internal defences. The other reason is that viral RNA can trigger immune receptors in a dangerous manner, most notably Toll Like Receptor 3 (TLR3), so methylpseudouridine is placed there to stop unwanted runaway inflammation and side effects.
Anyway, my overall point is, understanding a bit of science and immunology this is not alarming at all. Its just an attempt to use FUD on scientifically lay people.
Hi Tony, what’s your thoughts on Novavax. If we assume some of the spikes break loose from the bouquet-of-spikes, and then get into the blood stream, do you think loose spikes could cause micro clots around the body ? One thing that concerned me about the Novavax detailed safety data was that it had a 3:1 ratio of strokes and DVT compared to the placebo group.
Add those links here, thanks ggm. Spikes across membranes can also provoke autoimmune reactions.
Tony, I very much appreciate hearing your views. Though — despite your ability to use jargon correctly, I don’t see any reason there to relax. It’s obvious why they used the artificial pseudouridine, but that’s the point — if it isn’t being recognized and degraded, that’s a problem. It doesn’t resolve the gaping issues and unknowns just to describe normal processes like dendritic cells, the ER, and HLA presentation. The study found exosomes with spikes inside. The one using FUD doesn’t appear to be me?
They said the mRNA would be gone in a few days, and yet it’s still there in large quantities 37 days later. That suggests at the very least, their dosage is all wrong. Should people be doing a second dose in 21 days while the first one is still there? Why didn’t they do this study in 2020? Do they care about our health? Doesn’t that matter?
If there is as much spike as occurs in a serious infection in some people, wouldn’t it be better to know who was at risk, how high their dose should be, what the spacing is, and whether they also need anticoagulants, antiinflammatories, antihypertensive drugs?
Seems to me this study shows a criminal lack of trials and transparency for months.
Here’s the official Novavax results. They conveniently hide the detailed side-effects data in the “Supplementary Material” link at the top right side.
That main page only shows the summary results which show that there were no “serious” side effects.
Here’s the link to the “Supplementary Material” section, which has the detailed data :
And the actual data is at the link “Supplemental Appendix[supplements/264567_file03.pdf]”
Here’s the direct link (that may or may not work in this post) to the detailed data pdf :
The detailed tables start on page 44 of that pdf. Keep in mind that the placebo group had 1/2 the number of people compared to the vax group (10k vs 20k), so to compare like to like you have to halve the vax group results to compare it to the placebo group.
It’s interesting that Nvx made a big deal that there were no differences in the placebo group for Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Myocardial infarction and Guillain-Barre syndrome – and this is why they claim it’s safe (and it obviously is safer than the gene therapy vax’s)
But starting on page 44, you start to see some slightly worrying things – Vascular disorders, Neoplasms, Hepatobiliary disorders, Blood and lymphatic system disorders and Endocrine disorders were measurably increased compared to the placebo group.
But I must give them credit. As much as this data has been made hard to find, at least they made it VERY detailed and public.
Unfortunately, I have to be vaxed soon, or I’ll get sacked, so Nvx seems like the least bad of all the bad options.