All Trudeau has to do is declare vaccination is voluntary…
The Trucks can’t be towed away — apparently all the towing companies “have Covid”. And the Truckers have been resolutely peaceful and considerate (honking aside). The protests are spreading, not shrinking. The Ambassador Bridge is now also blockaded — that’s the major bridge connecting Detroit, Michigan and Windsor. Hundreds of Truckers on the Alberta border are still gathered there. The Cavalry has arrived! Hordes of cowboys on horses have joined them. In Alaska, trucks are gathering too. Truckers in Alaska can’t drive to the rest of the USA without crossing the Canadian border.
The Ottawa Mayor has declared a “State of Emergency” because people were burning down buildings, destroying statues, and looting Nike stores — wait… No. That’s all fine. It’s a state of emergency because someone is honking horns. Trudeau could have come out to meet the workers revolution, listen to them, and negotiate, as any good leader would. Instead, the troopers started to arrest people carrying cans of fuel or propane gas to support the Truckers. Staying warm in parked trucks is now an act of insurrection.
It was minus 5C last night in Ottawa, and it’s forecast to be minus 20 this weekend.
In reply people started carrying empty jerry cans “filled with love”:
With everyone carrying red jerry cans, it’s hard for the police to find the few with fuel.

These Jerry Cans are “Filled with love”. Rebel News.
In three and a half days since GoFundMe tried to steal the donations, donors have already re-given almost 80% of the funds. The Freedom Convoy donations at GiveSendGo are now up to $6.2 million USD.
So much for it being “fringe”: One third of Canadians feel they have a lot in common with the Truckers protest. Obviously the protest includes a lot of vaccinated people as well.
The new conservative opposition leader in Canada (as of last week) is Candice Bergen, and she is now calling for an end to Federal vaccine mandates.
Ezra Levant: Trudeau is scared, and he doesn’t know how to stop this:
The DailyMail, quotes one Brian Gregg, a trucker from the US who is at the protest in Ottawa, saying:
…he’s amazed at the amount of support the truckers have received from the public.
‘We have access to whatever we need. I haven’t spent a dime since I’ve been here.’
The Freedom Convoy is well organized, according to Gregg. ‘Every street with truck drivers parked on it has a block leader, about 20-30 drivers per block leader. The block leader is the person you go to if you need anything – food, gas, clothing, shelter, etc.’
Gas is a hot commodity to these diesel drivers who haven’t moved their trucks in over a week, while still idling their engines to keep warm. Gregg said men come by with wheelbarrows or wagons hauling 5-gallon jerry cans of diesel fuel to keep their trucks running.
Apparently US truckers are coming to help with spare diesel:
See #FreedomConvoyUSA2022 for more perhaps?

US Truckers are on the way
Meanwhile it appears the Really Big Trucks have arrived:
The miners are sending the monster dump trucks.
#Canada 🇨🇦 Each Time Justin Trudeau speaks the Canadian Truckers Convoy gets bigger.
Universal Law of Expansion#freedomconvoy #OttawaOccupation #TruckersForFreedom2022 #Ottawa #TruckersConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedomEurope #europeanfreedomconvoy @EuropeConvoy
— La French ConAction..🇫🇷 🚛 (@LFCNewsMedia) February 8, 2022
The Ambassador Bridge is also now blockaded:
This bridge carries 25% of the trade between the US and Canada and about 14,000 vehicles a day.
A trucking convoy has blockaded the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario. The fire rises.#TruckersConvoy2022
— Anna Taylor Sassy American (@AnnaTay59833185) February 8, 2022
The whole Tucker Carlson show
David said it’s a cracker…
Tucker Carlson on Fox
How long before protests like the ‘Freedom Convoy’ come to America?
Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Karl Marx never spent a moment in a factory. He was a rich kid who became a journalist. Of course he was. But for more than 150 years, Karl Marx inspired generations of other rich kids who also became journalists to repeat his line or variations of it.
…consider what’s happening right now in Canada. Thousands of truck drivers have descended on Ottawa, the capital city, to protest the tyranny of Justin Trudeau’s government. Justin Trudeau does not like truck drivers. He thinks they’re revolting. Justin Trudeau likes private equity barons and tech moguls, the only people who give him money. Trudeau is not in Ottawa right now. In fact, he and his family fled when the truck drivers arrived and they’ve been in hiding ever since. So when the revolution he has been calling for finally arrived, Justin Trudeau wasn’t there to see it. He ran away in terror, kind of sad.
… in his place, his friend Mark Carney has been speaking for him. Carney is a former Goldman Sachs executive who many believe will replace Justin Trudeau if Trudeau ever decides to give up power. In a recent op-ed, Mark Carney vented his rage …””Anyone sending money to the convoy should be in no doubt,” Carney wrote. “You are funding sedition. Foreign funders of an insurrection interfered in our domestic affairs from the start.” “
Got it? That is not a protest. It’s sedition. It’s an insurrection.
Things may get nasty. There is no sign the Canadian government is going to govern in the spirit of democratic debate and persuasion. There is video of the police in Ottawa manhandling a 78 year old man, aggressively harrassing people, pushing them out of their cars and confiscating legal jerry cans. There are unverified claims that the internet and cell phone coverage are down in all major cities where there are protests. I cannot confirm this on Netblocks or the IP Observatory. That would indeed be cruel, not to mention a bit of a problem for the people of Ottawa and Toronto etc. It may be nothing.
There is also a claim that a suspicious man who appears to be a “Fed” was trying to provoke the protesters to “storm Parliament”.
The protesters however inflating bouncy castles for children. Send in the SWAT team, eh?
#GlobalMovement #FreedomConvoy2022 #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 #FreedomConvoyUSA2022 #FreedomConvoy2022nz #FreedomConvoyaustralia #FreedomConvoyArgentina #freedomconvoyuk #freedom #FreedomConvoygermany #FreedomItalia1
Peaceful protest will win the day, and it must be peaceful.
If the [government] uses violence, it will be exposed for the world to see, and that it wasn’t the protestors who got physical. If you turn the other cheek, and the [government] then set up on people who have just parked their trucks and partying, then who is the aggressor?
There is a lot at stake.
[In-house jargon that is unreadable by normal people doesn’t help. Please write in English. – Jo]
I agree they ought to be peaceful but don’t forget we are dealing with desperate people here. They have had enough but things could easily turn pear shaped. Besides, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility the government could “fire the first shot” so to speak and make it look like it’s the freedom fighters who caused it. Given there is a lot at stake for all of us, not just those who are protesting, I believe they should continue to fight for all our freedoms whatever it takes. Otherwise, we might as well throw in the towel and let the despot leaders continue on with their draconian mandates, which would be a very sad day for all of us. BTW, some countries have already lifted all restrictions and mandates. Our leaders are power drunk and they need to be sobered up fast. If they don’t then they need to be kicked out of office permanently for causing so much harm to the people, including government sanctioned murder by preventing people from using alternative treatments that have been shown to save lives.
“it’s not beyond the realms of possibility the government could “fire the first shot” so to speak and make it look like it’s the freedom fighters who caused it. ”
Standard practice! If it suits their ends they will pay the protestors to riot before shooting a cop themselves and then blaming their protestors. Well-practised all over the world, all you need is the compliant media we have to never question the nonsensical narrative put out for the event.
The truckers have been amazingly well-organised to avoid it happening so far.
PeterS says “I believe they should continue to fight for all our freedoms whatever it takes.”
And what are you doing PeterS? You don’t answer that. Or are you just hoping other people will do “whatever it takes” on your behalf?
PeterS: “Otherwise, we might as well throw in the towel “
Good people are their own worst enemies. Talk like this is the road to serfdom. Surrender now. Surrender later. Always surrender.
Some people ask what they can do, others find reasons to do nothing and give up.
Why are you picking on me Jo? What’s your problem? As for what am I doing, I’m doing what most of us here are doing; posting links to relevant news. I’m also telling my friends and relatives what I think about all this. What else do you want me to do? I can’t attend the protests as I have baby (grandson) sitting duties and other important work to do, just like many others who are in a similar position and also can’t attend.
She’s not picking on you, you do these things to yourself.
Those are literally the worst reasons for doing nothing I have ever read.
This is about your grandson, about his future. Those who do nothing should say nothing.
Stop talking in riddles and just spell it out. What have I done wrong? Please!
Come on MP, life has to go on.
Not everyone can just pick up an go away for a few days and the alternative work being done to spread the message close to home is very useful.
“Given there is a lot at stake for all of us, not just those who are protesting, I believe they should continue to fight.”
Yes, there is a lot at stake for all of us. THEY should continue to fight.
“What have I done wrong?” You don’t want to contribute, that’s what’s wrong.
Thanks KK. At least some of us here understand the situation while others just want to pick on their own supporters instead of focusing their attack on those who want to destroy our way of life. We need to stand together, not fight amongst ourselves. If we don’t stand together then we become our own worst enemy and we all lose. So, as KK so accurately portrays it, life must go on and most of us can’t do much other than keep each other informed of the relevant news, and spread the word to relatives and friends, which is what I am doing. If that’s not enough then tell me what else to do and I will consider it. Otherwise, stop wasting our time.
We can all do little bits that add up.
Last week I visited my local federal MP’s office to briefly comment to the office staffer about the damage being done to people and the nation.
Only a little push, but it’s a start.
FFS banging on a blog to hundreds of people about the same thing, is not doing something. Jo has been covering this whole thing very well from the get go.
You your self stand in a park every Sunday for hours and you still manage to comment here. You are doing something and far more than most.
He may get your Christian sympathy vote, but we must help ourselves. If this is not about the kids, grand kids, the future, than what is it about?
At our rallies we have hundreds of elderly, maybe thousands, many with walkers and wheelchairs. A vast majority of the group are middle age and over, we got the kids into this mess because we were far to comfortable, for far to long. We must correct this, together, standing as one.
The worst type of individual is the one who see’s something and does nothing.
A group, a plane load of us were taken hostage in an airport in a busted arse third world shit hole by a group of hundreds of armed thugs. 90% of the hostages were expats, in the few nationals was one young lady on work experience at the mine I was finishing up at. (construction) I did not know her. The thugs surrounded this lady and where going to drag her outside, rape and kill her. I spoke the lingo and understood, but every person there could see the absolute terror on this girls face, she pissed herself understandably. Good men did nothing.
I wrote a note to my wife and delivery instructions to get my possessions to my wife, kicked my possessions to the expat sitting beside me and asked to ensure they got to my wife if things went pear shaped and I went and stood between the thugs and the girl and told them no, if they wanted her they had to go through me first. There was one card left in that deck to play, so I played it.
She flew out of that mess with me holding her hand much much latter that day.
Don’t tell me one person can’t make a difference.
One man is the difference.
[Awesome story and gets a pass out of moderation for that reason!] ED
Yes MP it’s an awesome story, but FFS does that entitle one person to rubbish someone else.
On this blog I have been rubbished by a couple of people and I’ve pushed back very actively and openly made my feelings known.
Apart from those two who went out of their way to be very unpleasant, pretty much everyone else is just trying to get through the day.
We live in difficult times.
KK, that reminds me. I’ve emails my local federal MP many times over the past few months and the last response I got last week was classic. He ran out of excuses for the arguments I’ve put forward (huge number of doses, mandates, etc.) and he ended up by saying talk to your state premier and local doctor for my concerns. So much for taking an interest.
Also, I attended a phone conference where PM Morrison was there and I managed to ask him a question about safer vaccines. He basically said the current ones were safe enough.
To PeterS, the participant.
🙂 🙂
I won’t speak for Jo, but look at statistics for commenters to this thread at the moment:
4: Hanrahan, KP, Peter C, Rick W, Kargaard, Ronin
7: Gee Aye, TdeF, farmerbraun
10: David Maddison
11: another ian
12: PeterS
So you are, for now, the most prolific poster to this thread. And to many others too. I’m sure I haven’t read as many of your comments as Jo has, but in the ones that I have read you often point to something bad that the government has been doing and you say what you wish they’d do instead. You then go on to say that your fellow citizens are too stupid and/or lazy and/or self-obsessed to push for the change so why should you bother. I’m afraid that this leaves me (and I guess others) thinking that, while you might not be stupid, one or more of those other categories could apply.
The comment Jo responded to wasn’t one of your worst but, having read so many others from you, there might be a last straw effect.
Tempers are running a bit high now. OK, I will post less stuff (links, updates, etc.) supporting the freedom fighters and exposing the lies from the governments. It appears some here must be getting bored of them.
Peter, you already knew my opinion, we had the exact same discussion about casual premature surrender a week ago. It’s a hard battle we face. If people tell the crowd to give up, especially at #1.1. I will resist. Tyrannical rulers want us to feel learned helplessness. Don’t help them.
And I have hat tipped you for several useful updates lately. Thank you for those, I appreciate them.
And thank you for emailing your MP. That’s exactly the kind of constructive action I want to hear about.
Never give up.
PeterS: how many first shots “vax” have bloodied the world?
Good point. I suppose one can make the valid argument that Big Pharma with the help of our governments have fired the first shot a long time ago.
HYPOCRISY Class 101,
lesson 1,
example 1!
This will become like Solidarity and the Polish in the early 1980s. It will get bigger and bigger until the Government relents IMHO.
Our governments have been behaving like ‘Lucy in the Peanuts’ comics where she holds the football and at the last moment pulls it away.
Our politicians keep making promises on normalcy and you do everything they have expected and in every instance, they have lockdowns it citizens.
Very frustrating as nothing has changed from the beginning of this Pandemic for two years now and just more burned out Healthcare workers and less Hospital Staff.
The Grinch is going to steal NEXT Christmas too.
Very successful lockdown. Around 90% of the population have 3+ jabs.
“Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.”
Socialists certainly hate it when the workers fight back against tyranny. In 1921 Lenin murdered the thousands in the naval fortress of Kronstadt who had supported him into power in 1918. In our own Victoria communist Premier Daniel Andrews declared war on the quarter million outside construction workers, all Unionists he petulantly put out of work. They besieged Union headquarters where the CFMEU improvised a water cannon defence. And this entirely peaceful and popular protest in Ottawa is being painted as insurrection like the 6 January protest in Washington where the doors were opened by a canny Pelosi in the certain knowledge that with a very few misdemeanours it could be recast as assault on a democratically elected government.
Dictators hate it when the people want to take their power back. And this is the middle of winter, not some excuse for an outdoor family party and bbq. -20C is no picnic! It shows the incredible depth of feeling across Canada and the increasing popular support from the US where their own peaceful uprising last year was recast as insurrection and assault. In Canada not an epidemiologist in sight and the Prime Minister is missing in action. This is clearly not about a virus. This is about freedom from Government arbitrary rule by decree.
You need a comma after “not mostly” .
Apparently there is a new strain called Coward-19 , that infects politicians that cases them to go MIA….
You need a “u” in “cases”
Love your stuff TdeF !
Not so. Paul E. Alexander and others explaining the absurdity of the mandates…
In the mean time the “great white” hope of the NZ National Party has very publicly outed himself as an absolute tool , in declaring that he would not meet the convoy at the NZ Parliament because they were “anti-vaxxers” , the fact that most of them are vaxxed and are simply protesting the compulsory administration of an experimental medical procedure , in order to keep their jobs and livelihoods , apparently being of no concern to him whatsoever.
What a despicable piece of work he is.
Remember that name – Christopher Luxon.
The great irony is that at the very recent National Party conference , the very same Christopher Luxon as “leader” opined that the National Party needed to appear more ” caring ” in order to garner popular support .
Clearly he actually doesn’t give a toss.
Yeah, I don’t trust him.
If he’s not off the assembly line from the WEF, he does a good impression.
All these weaK political leaders are incapable of original thought and seem to follow the same UN-reliable advice.
I’m totally convinced all major political parties have received a very large donation cheque from Pfizer. It is the only reason I can think of to explain the arrogance and ignorance shown to protestors and earlier rallies.
We even had a Cabinet Minister saying “They are flying the flag upside down. They cannot even fly the flag properly”. For a senior politician not to understand the meaning of flying a flag upside down, says it all to me.
I’m sure many Aussies would appreciate this image. The old stood saluting the convoy for over an hour as it passed his place.
Just a parasite like them all, absolutely no difference between Left and Right, they are all a blight on our lives. Throw them ALL out!
News update:
Live streams:
Highlights: Ottawa has never been so clean. Crime down 90%. Ottawa residents feel safer walking the streets since the convoy came. The homeless are now fed. Ottawa native testifies that the truckers have been considerate about honking from the very start. Well, since many of them have kids, honking after 10 p.m. was obviously a no-go.
“Seemingly, entire hotels in Downtown Ottawa were booked out by protestors. I walked the streets of downtown with a group of friends on Friday night. Despite the temperature hovering somewhere around -27℃, the city was one giant block party. Folks were screaming at the top of their lungs for “FREEEEEEEEDOM!!!!” firecrackers and fireworks popped off intermittently, HOONKING was incessant. One woman was running around with her shirt off, wearing body paint that said “My Body, My Choice,” while a burly gent wielded dual Canadian flags wearing nothing but his underwear and some steel-toes.
“People actually had fun in this country for the first time in two years.”
And they’re still at it! They’re not giving up. The world is watching. Lots of the police are sympathetic, and those who aren’t are on the wrong side of history.
And now they’ve got the firefighters:
There are also a bunch of citizens entering the area carrying legal fuel canisters filled with water and anti-freeze who the police are stopping, trying to figure out who actually has diesel.
Love it!! Sand in the gears,,,
the ending to the first link is a classic LOL
thanks for posting 😉
above is for post #5
Most tyrants and dictators die of old age, unfortunately. It may behoove people to remind up and comers of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu.
Yes and a possible Liberal leadership challenger has arisen from Quebec, named Joel Lightbound, he actually spoke a lot of common sense. Apperently there is much dischord among the Liberal ranks in Canada. All is not well after all.
The convoy is working.
It now appears freedom fighters are gathering in strength everywhere. Makes one wonder how all this can be resolved. Perhaps in one of two ways; one, our governments back down and remove all mandates and restrictions forthwith, or two, we enter a very dangerous period where people will die in large numbers, in which case our governments will be exposed for what they are – tyrants. The ball is now in their court.
Alberta and Saskatchewan have now eliminated the vaxx passport.
For most Leftists the passport is the greatest prize, it is a fundamental part of the Great Reset. Klaus will not be amused.
The convoy is working.
I dont know much about Canadian politics, but I understand Trudeau basically leads a minority government. Is there no possibility for the conservatives to form a coalition with a smaller party to just throw him out and stop the mandates? Just about every government around the western world would wet their pants if they did that. It wouid be the end of mandates everywhere.
It struck me that all opposition politicians in Canada should be working hard and visible in supporting the truckers cause. There should be a no-confidence vote in the Trudeau Government. Any leader who cannot attend such a vote has lost the people.
Vaccines are past their useby date. There is abolutely no point in supporting vaccine mandates at this point in time and development of covid.
The problem is that the minority is upheld by the New Democratic Party whose leader, a Sikh who wears his religion on his sleeve, went even farther than Trudeau – called the trucker “islamophobs”. Apparently he is unaware that during Partition in India, the Sikhs were the most zealous in “dealing with Moslems”.
His party is bankrupt and cannot afford an election.
The failure of the opposition to even speak out is telling as is the failure of the other minority coalition partners to act. Maybe it will take a bit longer.
On another front I wonder how the Ottawa supermarkets are restocking their shelves.
Unfortunately the liberals govern because of the only other party with enough seats to make a combined majority. Unless a substantial portion of the NDP change sides the liberal remain in power or rather their Liberal/NDP coalition does.
The completely worthless Erin O’toole is apparently gone as conservative party leader and replced with Candice Bergen. She has now called for an immediate end to the mandates. … We’ll see ….
” Is there no possibility for the conservatives to form a coalition with a smaller party to just throw him out and stop the mandates? ”
None whatsoever, because the Conservatives in Canada , just like the National Party “Opposition ” in NZ are totally on board with the agenda, and probably are equally as compromised , as in , bought and paid for .
I believe that the situation in Australia is just the same.
Unlike NZ and the UK, Canada, Australia and the US are Federations. ” the national Government of Canada and ten provincial governments. (Although the UK is changing in some respects) All eleven Canadian governments derive their authority from the Constitution of Canada. … Each jurisdiction is generally independent from the others in its realm of legislative authority.”
In Australia the States ceded powers for National activities like Defence, Trade, Customs, Immigration and increasingly on taxation but the major activites of government of police, health, education, transport are all State. All the legal systems are separate too with their own laws. Federal Law, Commonwealth law is about Federal matters. The Federal Police as well, a group formed initially to provide protection for Billy Hughes, are only involved in Federal matters involving those few things which transgress Federal laws like taxation and customs, not the individual State Criminal codes.
So absolute dictators like Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews can ignore the Federal government completely. I am not clear about the situation in Canada but would have thought that Mask Mandates generally are a state matter.
What that means is that individual states could counter Federal mandates, but perhaps not with Federal employees. As in Australia and the US , people think the Prime Minister or President and Federal Parliament controls the Country but only in Federal matters which are usually to do with international matters and Federal taxation. It remains to be seen what Canada’s individual governments do. Individual states in the US are now removing mask mandates completely.
“I am not clear about the situation in Canada but would have thought that Mask Mandates generally are a state matter.”
Thanks but that’s Saskatchewan. Here is a list State by State of mask mandates. I can only guess Saskatchewan bows to the Federal advice. And of course the Federal position may be obligatory for the Federal public service, armed forces and multi state groups like airlines and the long distance inter state truckers. There is the major 7,800km Trans Canada highway, the second longest National highway in the world so likely all truckers are affected by National decisions. As Judy Garland sang in the Wizard of Oz, follow the only road.
Freedom convoy is targeting provincial governments as well, and some are fast forwarding the removal of their mandates.
It is, however, the federal border mandates that unfairly punishes unvaccinated truckers that was the trigger and remains a focus of the Freedom Convoy.
Thanks. Now we have it. ‘federal border mandates’ and of course that’s what trucks cross. Which in turn means Federal mandates apply to them as suggested above.
Perhaps a couple of down voters believe that Luxon has a cunning plan to oust the tyrants , and end both the climate and covid emergencies.
Hope springs eternal . . . .
Well, Jo did mention that Candice Bergen did call for a quick end to federal vaccine mandates:
So perhaps there is hope?
And no one is considering the impact of taking all these trucks and people off the road will have on the supply chain. Like most modern cities, severe shortages will start to appear. And this will have political consequences.
And it’s amusing how the socialist media across the world are trying to fact check this protest out of existence, or call it right wing extremism or the dreaded fascism. Fascists were an invention of socialist Benito Mussolini, socialists in partnership with capitalists. Just like the Democrats and the media and Silicon Valley billionaires. So it is dreadfully inconvenient that Elon Musk is publicly backing the protest.
The irony is that with the extremely rapid rise of Omicron now at 90.5% in North America, the plague is over anyway. It would be better to remove the mandates now. Trudeau’s intransigence is nuts.
“Trudeau’s intransigence is nuts.”
Similarly Jacinda Ardern is doubling down , seemingly oblivious of the tide of public opinion , not to mention the medical evidence that she is hopelessly wrong.
In an interesting news item last night, Jacinda let it be known that she will not hesitate to close the schools completely this year , should a new variant emerge , and at the same time she opined that the emergence of a variant of even more “concern” was likely if not inevitable .
It’s not clear if she has advance knowledge , and was simply warning us of the plan, perhaps in order to say “I told you so”, or whether she is simply that blissfully unaware of the unfolding of events around the world.
Socialist leaders are never wrong. It is always the people who are wrong. It’s a hive queen mentality. To bee or not to bee.
Gladys understood a long time ago, saying that at 90% vaccination freedom would return. The point is that at 90% vaccination you don’t need to worry about the unvaccinated any more – they can’t trigger a runaway infection rate. All that assumes that the vaccination works, of course, but then if it doesn’t work there’s no point in mandatory vaccination. This has been a monumental stuff-up by almost all national and state governments around the world. With a few notable exceptions such as Sweden, Uttar Pradesh and NSW. NB. I’m not claiming perfection for the exceptions, but do bear in mind how hard it is to be sober at a drunken party.
NSW!! You Sydney types are so insular, so funny. You actually haven’t a clue about the rest of the country and you care even less.
Hey, it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect. Just ask any Sydneysider. 🙂
“If you had told me 18 months ago that Australia, a democratic country that once seemed to exude rugged individualism, would devolve into a Covid police state that imprisons its citizens in quarantine camps and deploys riot police to crush lockdown protests with brute force, I wouldn’t have believed you. But here we are……Canada’s conservative politicians seem divided and rudderless, unable to provide the protesters a voice or meaningful support, let alone a legitimate democratic outlet for their grievances. The situation, in short, is a powder keg. There are no clear off-ramps for the protesters, and no one in a position of authority seems to know how to deescalate the situation. ”
It could be said that Australia was never truly a nation based on individualism rather a collectivist one. By the 1880’s rural workers had assumed a socialist egalitarian philosophy set against the agrarian hierarchy – namely the squattocracy. The 1891 and other strikes set this separation in place. Labor was very strong in the bush some years ago. That said I knew many men and women who stood alone against the Australian wilderness with great obduracy.
[…] Trucker Convoy: Trudeau doesn’t know how to solve this — Freeze them out? […]
“When the time for change has come nothing can stop it and everything serves to advance it.” George Rude.
Trudeau’s government cannot continue to govern under the current circumstances and it is only a matter of days before it collapses. They govern only with the consent of the people – they have now lost that consent and have turned into rulers, not representatives.
The end for Trudeau and his thugs is nigh.
Albo and ScoMo would do well to learn from Trudeau’s situation. Canadians are much more docile than Aussies.
Cracks in his own party now picked up by MSM
Who are you kidding? Take a look out the window. What you’ll see is obedience, compliance, apathy, ignorance, gullibility, softness.
I’ll say one thing for the Canucks — they are way better organised than their Aussie counterparts. Unlike the Aussies, they don’t squander their energy on a multitude of half-arsed petty protests that can easily be laughed off by the authorities. They concentrate their effort so it builds up a head of steam that does some good. By that I am not denigrating local meetings in the park, which is how all dissenting movements begin, but rather the resultant pointless little convoys of 50 trucks and a thousand people or whatever. You get 50 times that number at a weekend football game — or at least you used to. The protests must be huge and they must be focussed to make an impact. If you can’t muster that kind of support then you must bide your time and keep your powder dry until the right moment.
Timing is critical. The mass of the Australian population is not YET ready for protest. Remarkably they haven’t been pushed to breaking point. I have no idea where that breaking point is, but there is no groundswell of support for the protests. That’s the sad truth.
Compliant sheep I’m afraid to admit. Today I spent a session with my doctor who prattled on about a 3rd whack of vaccine and it saving my life. So cocksure and in thrall with AMA and the bureaucratic position I was tempted to fire a counter broadside. His attitude means I will seek an alternative.
The first protest was small but it grew and still grows. The first protesters were legends, took it head on, brave, brave men and the ladies, do not take it away from them.
People are waking up seeing the protests and joining in, crowds attract crowds.
Hope your in Canberra
Trudeau loves the dictatorial ways of his Chi-comm masters and seeks to emulate them, just like Dictator Daniel Andrews in Victoria, Australia.
The scenes from Canada are so reminisce
nt of those from Victoria (Australia), compleye with the use of paramilitary police in both cases. Bejing would be proud.
As further proof, a Canadian Government website is advising companies how to get a good Chi-comm social credit score. No doubt Trudeau will try to implement it in Canada as well.
Similarly to the Victoria, Australia dictator, Trudeau has been elected three times and Daniel Andrews twice but will quite likely win a third election as well.
Like Andrews, Trudeau has little prior work experience in any real jobs. Trudea had 2 years as a high school teacher and boxer(!), Andrews had a total of 5 years as an electorate officer then Labor Party organiser. Andrews’ jobs were political so you would hardly count those as real world experience.
The common ground these leaders, Trudeau, Andrews and Ardern have is the connection they all have with the Chinese CCP
And Biden and Pelosi and McConnell.
So the pictures we all saw of police in NSW “doing a Vic” in the Southern Highlands and elsewhere must have been my imagination.
“There are unverified claims that the internet and cell phone coverage are down in all major cities where there are protests.”
Shouldn’t be a problem, all the trucks have CB radios, don’t they.
and or Sat phones
Breaker one nine! Eivel Kneivel taking your picture,
Ten four buddy.
It could be a huge problem for Ottawa citizens. Landlines are not common in Canada anymore. If true that will not be a popular move.
The cops are moving in.
Qantas CEO likens McClowns WA to ‘North Korea’, says you can fly to London but not Perth.
But didnt one airline CEO propose making vaccines mandatory in order to be able to fly?
Much of all this is theatre….
That’s strange because Joyce was a huge advocate for compulsory vaccination of people on his flights or using his facilities such as the Qantas Club.
Many pilots and flight crew have resigned as a result.
Now he can’t fly to Perth.
He has no right to complain about North Korea. That’s exactly what the woke want.
Get woke, go broke!
DM – Re “Get woke, go broke!”
Another candidate?
He is as woke as they get, just losing money probably.
From one clown to another McClown!
We are in BIG trouble!!!! Trudeau is turning the protest into a mindless attack on the state. This would give Trudeaus the right to pass emergency legislation to stop/censor/shutdown all internet discussion that is not approved by government experts to stop an attack on the government. Do not underestimate how dangerous that would be.
We want the people to look at the video by the Canadian alliance (group of doctors and thinkers) that critiques the Pfizer vaccine tests and think about the FDA, our governments, rather than talk about trying to over through a government.
The so called Trucker protestor spokesperson. ‘Tom Marrazo’… is not our spokesperson. The ‘spokesperson’ for the ‘Truckers’ appears to be mental ill and looks ill.
It is suggested our strategy should be to concentrate on getting an opening to keep the internet open.
Logically the dangers/ineffectiveness/limitations of first RNA release covid vaccines, the internet coverup of the dangers of the first release vaccines, and forced mandated is a nice package to start off with.
Safety of the people and ourselves in our countries and the vaccine mandates is something every person would be interested in. The first release vaccine dangers, the first release vaccine limitations, and the fact that Omicron is now endemic, as dangerous as the flu, and will be the dominate covid virus.
“trucker spokesman Tom Marrazo reiterated that the protesters want to overthrow the government. Marrazo said he is willing to meet with the opposition parties and the nation’s governor general, the representative of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.”
Trudeau and the Canadian liberal party are using the Teamster president to attack the protest.
“François Laporte, the president of Teamsters Canada, which represents over 55,000 drivers, including 15,000 long-haul truck drivers, said the protests do not represent the industry in which 90% of drivers are vaccinated.
The Freedom Convoy “and the despicable display of hate lead by the political Right and shamefully encouraged by elected conservative politicians does not reflect the values of Teamsters Canada, nor the vast majority of our members”
We want the people to look at the video by the Canadian alliance (group of doctors and thinkers) that critiques the Pfizer vaccine tests and think about the FDA, our governments, rather than talk about trying to over through a government.
FDA Duplicity on Covid-19 Vaccines
Perhaps the most important long-term fallout of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic has been the exposure of the venality and politicization within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as other federal health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Nothing personifies this corruption more than the FDA’s absurdly close ties to the pharmaceutical companies. Thus, their refusal to recognize proven inexpensive therapeutics and their unorthodox approach in licensing certain Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 — vaccines that are not offered for sale in the United States.
In August of 2021, the FDA, to great media fanfare, granted permanent approval for a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. The catch: it was for a vaccine that was not available to Americans. What the FDA approved and licensed is Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, not the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that has been continuously in use under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) since December of 2020. Manufacturers of medicines sold under an EUA are immunized from legal liability.
The FDA decreed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should remain unlicensed and under the EUA but can be used interchangeably with the licensed Comirnaty vaccine. More importantly, the FDA stated that the Comirnaty vaccine and the existing vaccine are “legally distinct” and that there are slight differences in the vaccines, though their differences “do not impact safety or effectiveness.”
EUA products are considered experimental under U.S. law. Federal regulations provide that no one can force a person to participate in being jabbed with an experimental vaccine— 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A) “Authorization For Medical Products For Use In Emergencies.” Potential recipients have an absolute right to refuse EUA vaccines nor can they be denied a job or an education because they refuse to be vaccinated. However, U.S. law permits employers, schools, and government agencies to require employees and students to take licensed vaccines.
What better way to coerce the populace into acquiescing to mandates and societal pressure than to play the shell game of obfuscating the licensing of the covid vaccines?
It is little wonder that both the pharmaceutical companies and the government bureaucracies are focused on liability and not the efficacy or the hazards associated with these vaccines. They are caught up in a web of deception, venality, and potential legal exposure, therefore they can never admit to their mistakes. Thus, they continue to promote mass vaccinations and by necessity denigrate therapeutics such as Ivermectin.
The FDA and CDC as presently constituted must be abolished and reconstituted as they are joined at the hip with the pharmaceutical industry.
To sum up with an earlier Quote from Jo’s Blog
If contraceptives had similar efficacy to Covid ‘vaccines’ they would have been withdrawn at warp-speed.
Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business
Two weeks ago, the FDA begged a Texas judge to delay production on the first monthly batch of 55,000 pages of Covid-19 vaccine data submitted to the agency by Pfizer. Originally, the agency was set to produce just 500 pages-per-month.
Now, Pfizer – which just forecast $54 billion in Covid-related sales in 2022, appears to be anticipating some bad news, as evidenced by several redline changes in their Q4 earnings releases.
As Rubicon Capital’s Kelly Brown notes on Twitter, the changes center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data.
For example, in Q4 they added: “or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection.”
More from Brown, who notes that Pfizer is now highlighting “concerns about clinical data integrity…”
The company also notes that Covid-19 may “diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely.”
What’s behind the curtain, Pfizer?
Vaccine Pusher Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Daughter-In-Law Is Top Lobbyist for Big Pharma
As blue-state governors across the fruited plain read the tea leaves that point to devastating losses in the midterms for Democrats and drop the insane mask mandates for school children, New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul is doubling down on tyranny. Hochul the Horrible—as she is known locally—has not only refused to end the mandate for schools but is set to extend it until March while ending it for businesses and everyone else as early as tomorrow.
This has set off a state-wide scream from frustrated parents that can almost be heard over the sounds of the moving trucks headed toward Florida.
Hochul has also said that she wants to see more vaccination in children before lifting the mask ban, holding it like a carrot in front of exhausted parents who are suffering with children who now have speech delays and anxiety and depression brought on by masking for eight hours a day with no breaks.
But why is Hochul doing that? Why is she the only governor who wants to see more children vaccinated before the mandate can go away? Maybe it’s because her own family has a major stake in Big Pharma, and she has an interest in catering to that constituency. CNBC reported that Christina Hochul, the unelected governor’s daughter-in-law, is a top lobbyist for Biogen. This is actually a little comedic. Biogen doesn’t make COVID vaccines, but it is credited for being responsible for one of the first super-spreader events of the pandemic.
Biogen has also had serious issues with its drug that it claims helps Alzheimer’s patients: it doesn’t.
The fact that Hochul has a member of her own family drawing a big paycheck from Big Pharma for lobbying lawmakers in New York in order to approve (and often mandate) their products on the populace should be a big problem for everyone. Biogen’s headquarters is actually located just a few minutes away from Moderna’s headquarters in Massachusetts. Moderna is one of the major manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine. How many Moderna lobbyists has Christina Hochul introduced to her mother-in-law, I wonder? Does anyone else wonder that? Is anyone in the press curious at all about these cozy ties between Big Pharma and government during a time when billions of dollars are flowing back and forth from the government to pharmaceutical companies and back again?
Trudeau Demands Protesters Stop Shutting Down City So That He Can Shut Down City
February 8th, 2022 –
You linked to a site that is sarcastic. This is not a joke. We are losing. We are going down in flames.
The ‘Trucker’ protest is an attack on Canadian democracy.
“Such blockades will have serious implications on our economy and our supply chain,” Canadian Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said in Ottawa, the capital. “I’ve already heard from automakers and food grocers. This is really a serious cause for concern.”
Speaking in an emergency debate late Monday in Parliament, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the protesters are “trying to blockade our economy, our democracy,” and it has to stop.
We are losing. We are going down in flames.
Please define “we” so I can work out if you are a jerk or sarcastic.
“Canadian Transport Minister Omar Alghabra”
Omar Alghabra, really !!!
“Omar Alghabra, really !!!”
Your comment speaks volumes.
Looks as if any comment on Ronin’s comment is to be moderated
three of my comments all hidden as is so often the case
Oh dear, a leftist is monitored. Sacré bleu!
I’m not surprised that the arthurites are at a complete loss as to what to do.
Protests are normally the stuff of juvenile rabble. This is the first time they have had to deal with a protest by actual adults.
It’s a sign of the time that the adults are protesting and the juvenile rabble is in charge.
The terrifying part of all of this to those in power is that it is pretty much unspinnable.
Yes they are tone deaf and live in a bubble; but even the most committed have to understand that
they did not enforce the law when their minions looted and burned in the name of liberal causes
in “mostly peaceful” demonstrations, and have continued a moderate level of civil disorder, again
without enforcement, on a continuing basis, to great liberal empathy, in many of our cities.
No matter what names they give these truckers; and they are good at reciting their propagandist appellations,
we can all see the difference between a group shoplifting a a store after driving a car through the show window,
and another sponsoring a bounce house and a soup kitchen.
By retreating to ideological rigidity and authoritarian blabbering as the default response, they have caused a demonstration
that they could have legitimately compromised with and found a face saving way for all of us out of our COVID dilemma to
metastasize into a serous grass roots opposition they can’t cope with at all that has exposed their clay feet.
Self inflicted wounds hurt the most and are the hardest to recover from; maskless photos are no more just humorous hypocrisies,
they are positive feedback to the rebellion.
We’re at, and maybe passed, the tipping point. We have moved from the “words” to the “deeds” stage; and the folks who have nothing in their life but words are in trouble.
From “The War of the Running Dogs” by Noel Barber on the Malayan emergency
“The answer lies not in pouring more troops into the jungle but in the hearts and minds of the people” General Temple3r, Malaya 1952.
Trudeau and Co sure didn’t read that.
We Canadians are split.
Those who get their information from national media like the CBC, CTV, the Globe & Mail newspaper and the like have been fed a two year diet of Covid fear and vaccine dependency using weapons-grade persuasion techniques. There is no hook in their minds upon which to hang an explanation or justification for this protest. So when their government tells them it’s a racist lunatic fringe movement that could explode into violence at any time, they believe it.
Those who don’t watch the legacy media at all, or who learn from sites like JoNova that we’re living through a pandemic of misrepresentation, are supporting the truckers with donations, prayers and countless acts of support. They see that a big chunk of their countrymen lost their minds a couple of years ago and can’t be counted on. No problem, we can get this done without them.
Some who have been asleep may even wake up and thank us, eventually.
But no one gives up power voluntarily, and no politician will admit he was wrong on a subject this important. I think the heat will have to be turned up higher, while preserving a face-saving exit for the politicians.
Kudos to the truckers’ organizers…they seem to have thought of this already. I can’t wait to see what comes next!
It must be quite obvious to most Canadians that the vaccines are not very effective in reducing the spread of omicron and omicron is a relatively mild virus compared with earlier strains. The question has to come to mind -“what is the point of vaccine mandates”. There is no longer any need to reduce the load on the hospitals.
Covid 19 is now done. The virus has mutated to a less harmful variant and a large proportion of the population has now had the virus. The number of cases globally is in rapid decline:
The daily death rate globally will peak within a week. Covid hospitalisation in Australia, dropped 25% last week. Canada has delayed the omicron surge a little but is not far off the peak of hospitalisations.
If covid was a serious health risk, the government would only need to sit back and watch the truckers die off. That will not happen with omicron.
Rick, your last sentence says it all. The Truckers are all unmasked and many unjabbed, yet there is no massive outbreak of sickness and death.
The same is true of the protests in Australia and all over the world. I have attended many with 10,000s of people, majority unjabbed like myself, and none have resulted in mass infection (despite the fervent prayers of the Establishment Misleadia).
The protests show people firsthand that they are not a fringe minority and that there is no “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.
The unspoken and larger issue isn’t about the virus, but should government force people to do things without due process and legislation, with no course to appeal, with no flexibility, and beyond what is spelled out in constitutions. The implications are that governments won’t be able to force people to do things which infringe on individual liberties. There’s a whole host of lefty agenda items which are unpopular, such as converting to EVs and buying things that can’t compete in a free market, heavy taxes, gun control, free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion infringed, not having their votes cancelled, and climate action, and most of the Great Reset which they want to start implementing right away.
So it is all about power and control after all. It’s hardly about science. Any reasonable leader would simply say, as stated above, that the vaccinations are voluntary. It’s an easy out. Just refer to all the observations about how ineffective the vaccines are. But that would empower the people and set a precedent that policy in a democracy is negotiable and open to debate. Imagine that?
The same applies to global warming and energy policies.
In Australia it can’t be honestly claimed that vaccination is voluntary even though some, including the PM claim it is.
Vaccination is compulsory if you want to work, trade, travel, attend public events or institutions etc.. You cannot lead a full, productive life if you are unvaxxed, especially if you can’t work at home (which is the one type of wprk currently exempt from vaccination)
In Victoria, possibly the most woke and dictatorial state in Australia, the unvaxxed cannot get a haircut or visit a beauty parlour, which is particularly difficult for women even though the woke far Left government claims to support women’s rights.
The Federal Government supplies free funerals if you die from covid vaccination. It’s the least they could do for making vaccination compulsory and covid vaccine manufacturers exempt from liability for any harm their products may do.
At least guys can give themselves a buzz cut if they have to, but that’s not the go-to look for the ladies (well it is for some but they are few).
But women can do a lot with hair clips, scarves, elastic bands, styling goo, and those fancy combs holding a bun … I think the madness has to end soon, the key is to hold on til mandates are dropped.
Hair dressers have been known to make “home visits”. And probably charge less than at the “store”?
“So when their government tells them it’s a racist lunatic fringe movement that could explode into violence at any time, they believe it.”
And, they’ll do what exactly? Hide under their beds with a mask?
More people are curious and wanting to see for themselves. And what they are are seeing completely contradicts the gov/media line.
All Trudeau has to do is declare vaccination is voluntary
For truckers or for all Canadians? How high do the truckers want to raise the stakes…?
Meanwhile omicron is on the truckers’ side as it is bringing this pandemic to an end week by week. That’s omicron doing that, not the vaccines.
Carney is as bad as Trudeau. He spent much of his time (mis)running the Bank of England agitating for climate change regulation in ther UK at the behest of his environmental activist wife.
Doesn’t passivity raise the trucker’s stakes enormously….
to the sound of knashing of teeth.
The truckers wave flags, sing, play ball hockey, and don’t deliver stuff.
Atlas Shrugged. Stuff starts to run out. Now you are pleading with these “racist threats to democracy”
to get back in their rigs and go back to work, or ordering them to. Hmmm?
I and a couple of other PhD’s I know can drive a big rig and a fork lift, but it was an accident of history not liklely
in the background of many of the complaining left.
Order up the Guard…Oh wait, that would be the same truckers who would have to leave their rigs, report to their units, and drive
much less capable army rigs instead…..that wouldn’t look good.
Throw the truckers in jail????; bet you supply chain issues get real bad real fast cause the sympathy among their peers, who do know what the truth is, would be massive.
And Trudeau keep digging the hole he’s in. An ineffective policy to fight a problem that’s fading on a playing field where he’s already lost. And our Canadian News Network, CNN is egging him on the all 23 of their viewers.
Trucker Protest in Canberra
Still going apparently. A big march to Parliament is planned for Saturday.
I am planning to drive up from Melbourne on Friday and stay a few nights.
Meantime I have been told that Dr Bruce Pais was arrested at Canberra airport for a minor traffic infringement. He refused the bail conditions and is currently in jail!
Who? reference please.
Deference please.
Seriously. Who is this person and what relevance is he. Presumably if in jail it was not a minor offense
Dr Paix… was reckless and is martyring himself. What a hero.
Good on him.
Australia needs heroes.
Freedom is worth fighting for, and sometimes has to be died for.
Dr Bruce Paix probably would have been given bail.
However he withdrew his bail application. It will be embarrassing for the Government if he spends 6-8 weeks in jail for driving around a road block ( max fine about $200),
In what way is enforcing the law embarrassing? He was offered bail and he refused for some reason. Maybe he thinks he has a right to drive dangerously without recourse?
Not all laws need to be or should be blindly and automatically obeyed.
Immoral laws are an example.
The National Socialists were very careful to make sure everything they did was legal according to the laws they passed but obeying their human rights violating laws was still immoral and merely following “the law” didn’t exempt people from liability for the crimes committed under the auspices of those laws.
Yes, various Australian Governments should be embarrassed by their recent laws which have massively reduced the individual rights and freedoms which Australia’s once enjoyed and are unlikely to be returned any time soon.
I know it’s difficult for the Left to understand concepts of rights and freedoms.
I agree?
You think the police should have ignored his driving, which by the way, you didn’t witness so have no real idea of what he did?
you don’t have the right or freedom to endanger someone else. They have the right to be able to live their day to day life in safety.
I think the Australian Government(s), both Federal and State, are beyond being embarrassed about any of their numerous human rights violations. They simply don’t care what the minority of Australians left who understand what’s going on, or the international community think.
you’ll be pleased to know that you are protected by a bill of rights in the ACT. The commissioner basically determined that, apart from in circumstances where it could be justified such as aged care, the government could not legislate to discriminate against unvacced. Further it was adjudged that it was impinging on the rights of business owners to expect them to deny them trade and expect them to police such a rule.
Careful you don’t run over any local numpties. Maybe GI could show you some hospitality.
Yeah… come on over to the western suburbs
Lived in Kambah worked in Belconnen for 3 years , the boss lived in the Western Suburbs but can’t remember the suburb . Lot of rich people with big houses though.
I hope to get there on Friday.
I would like to catch up with you in Canberra.
Suggest a time and place if you can think of one.
Otherwise Jo might help share email address
[I forwarded your email to Peter :- ) Always glad to see readers connect up! – Jo]
Keith knows his way around too. Dickson has changed a bit in the last few years though
Would you like to join us?
Utopia or Au Lac?
I’m not into vegan but Au Lac is interesting.
They are both vegan but surrounded by a bunch of very meaty Korean places.
Once upon a time I knew the Dickson Woolies, the Bike shop, Korean food, on Wooley st all too well. Sorry I can’t come for coffee…
Dickson Woolies is the busiest in Australia (and it is a horrible experience and best avoided) and now Dickson is getting a make-over so that it has carparks covered by a construction site. Woolies will soon have supermarket competition.
Anyway, if, as I suspect, Dickson is a bit of a nightmare with a few thousand extra people visiting from nearby EPIC,I’d head north to Gunghalin for provisions.
Hi Peter, was thinking the same.
Have asked Jo if she could help us swap emails to start with.
Honk!!! Freedom!!!
The truckers are only the fringe,
We hear Justin Trudeau whinge,
Who could end the blockade,
If he feels so dismayed,
By ending the mandate syringe.
February 1-8, the daily numbers in hospital (nationwide) are:
8, 6, 13, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 14.
(the Seven Day Rolling Average of community cases is: 183).
But the key detail: they reported at most one Unjabbed COVID patient in hospital, on any day in February … so nothing to suggest a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated …. unless they’re hiding numbers which they won’t be doing for the Unvaccinated.
Slight caveat — the cases broken down by Vax status, never add up to the total in hospital.
They use excuses like:
(a) only reporting Northern Ward hospitals (why?), when at least four other regions have had a COVID patient; or
(b) [the much abused] “privacy reasons” because case numbers are “below 5” (they used that one on a day there were 9 cases in hospital! ); or
(c) “Excluding cases recorded in Emergency departments.” ?!?
Ardern’s ‘bought and paid for’ local media used to revel in reporting the high proportion of Unvaccinated in the Hospital system, now they never mention any ratio … how strange…
Looks like reporting the truth hurts, when you’re deeply invested in one narrative.
The protest seems to have finally hit some of our Aussie MSM as being something reportable I did see articles in The Age, The Australian and our dear ABC. Of course the ABC noted the numbers of protesters protesting were dropping and some remarks about some of the protesters carrying the Nazi and Confederate flags.
Judge orders return of confiscated trucker fuel in Ottawa. Which I guess means that the police can’t confiscate any more.
More details at #52 on “Tuesday Open”
Without fossil fuels to keep warm, the freedom protestors could have died from the cold, which I guess is what Trudeau had hoped for.
Refreshing to see a judge that recognised this.
“Judge orders return of confiscated trucker fuel in Ottawa”
I have seen the video with that title posted in several different places but I can’t find a news article that confirms this.
Judge orders police to return fuel to truckers. Police shenanigans with fuel:
I’ve had this question in my mind for some time now. What can one do when the police are performing an act on oneself that’s clearly illegal? Sure one can put in a complaint later but I wonder of one can call the police on the spot to arrest the police for breaking the law?! Might sound silly but why not? Aren’t they under the same laws as the rest of us?
I guess it’s theoretically possible to perform a citizen’s arrest on a police officer if they are doing something that is clearly illegal.
But you would be up against a mob mentality, they all protect each other even when they know they are acting illegally and beyond the bounds of behaviour traditionally considered acceptable policing in Australia. With the current state of policing, with the extraordinary powers given to them due to covid, you may very well get yourself killed. And unless somebody videos the murder, they will probably get away with it.
The police who watched George Floyd’s death have been charged for not stepping in:
So if you qualify under the banner BLM then you could probably get other police to act against someone treating you badly just by saying Remember George Floyd. If you do not qualify then could be find it more difficult. Maybe just identify as falling under the BLM banner.
Covid fines in Victoria remain largely unpaid – about 20% have been paid. I wonder if anyone will actually bother to follow these up.
G’day Ian,
Just found this. 2 mins 40.
Dave B
Thanks for that. I was pretty sure it had to be right by the number of jerry cans being carried with no police action – in comparison to yesterday.
According to sources, Trudeau is expected to stay in hiding until the Geese migrate north in the spring.
The problem with ridiculous stories on Babylon Bee involving Leftists, is that sometimes they are so ridiculous they could be true.
For example, similarly to rounding up all the geese as satirically (?) stated about Trudeau, his mentor Chairman Mao really did try to round up and kill all the sparrows.
His Dad (Fidel) sure killed a lot of chicks
Though off topic, the video attached to that Babylon Bee article is also funny:
Joe Rogan fan fruitlessly tries to get Alexa to play the Joe Rogan Experience
Excellent, but I wonder how many would get the reference to “Dave”?
“the reference to “Dave”?”
Dave’s not here man .
It could be a huge problem for Ottawa citizens. Landlines are not common in Canada anymore. If true that will not be a popular move.
Sorry that as meant as a reply to another post
Leaders, such as Trudeau, Biden, Boris Johnson, our state leaders and PM don’t yet realise they are playing with fire. Martin Armstrong explains reasonably well what’s happening; public confidence in governments is collapsing in more ways than one.
Vaccines Contributing to the Collapse in Confidence of Government
What happens after that is not so clear. He has the view according other articles it will be a man-made change for the better. I have my doubts as this current push by our despot leaders can have a lot more to go before it’s all over, by which time the only person who can save us from a total catastrophe is Jesus Himself. If not this time around then perhaps the next one, in which case Martin Armstrong will be right this time around. Only time will tell.
“public confidence in governments is collapsing in more ways than one.”
One can only hope so! Its not something the unvaxxed can say to the vaxxed, they instantly become defensive and aggressive, but hopefully they will all question Govt advice & mandates a lot more in the future. If only it spreads to global warming…
A quarter of asked people in Germany fear a fall back to dictatorship forced by Corona restrictions.
Many thanks, Merkel !!!
A win on the scoreboard for the freedom fighters….
Canadian Province of Alberta Ends Vaccine Passport Program After Sustained Trucker Resistance
Alberta, Canada, to End Vaccine Passport by Midnight
As Baxter Black said “The big print giveth, the small print taketh away”
“Jason Kenny Releases “Plan” ”
Tweet says “I think I just heard every pice of agricultural machinery in Alberta start at the same time”
“Jason Kenney gotta Kenney so the honking will continue.
Carrot: Masks off.
Stick: Infinite annual “booster” jabs, threat of re-defining “fully” vaccinated, allowing private businesses to impose their own vaccine passports, keeping the disgusting QR codes for human beings “to help” the federal government with travel restrictions, and basing freedom (allegedly) on the mismanagement of the provincial health care system.
Also, I didn’t hear anything about the province of Alberta ceasing their Covidjihad against Christian pastors. What is so difficult, Premier Jason Kenney, about keeping yours and your army of repulsive AHS bureaucrats grubby, disgusting tyrannical hands off of Christian pastors?
He thinks we are all stupid. He’s laughing at all of us. Well, we’ll see who laugh lasts. My shekels are on the truckers.”
See the “geese shove” at #30
Mass arrests of truckers imminent.
We should forget that Communists do NOT negotiate.
Remember a place called Gdansk?
It’s clear to me that Turdeau’s strategy is to goad, insult and harass the truckers until one or more of them rises to the bait, giving him an opportunity to dress it up as violent insurrection. Once he has accomplished that, no matter that it was an obvious charade, he will have an excuse to come down hard.
You know, to keep Canadians safe.
He might find that these days there is more in getting and holding a trucker’s license than there is for being a Prime Minister
Sayonara to global elites like Justin Trudeau:
Here’s a well written, punchy article by Rob Jenkins.
After you’ve digested that here’s an excellent animated drawing video called “A Killing Of The Mind” about the mass psychosis of how our global elite political leaders use the techniques of PSYOPS to push us around.
Best protest I have ever seen.
Leftists simply can not tolerate people disagreeing with them and not doing what they are telling them to do. IT was the first thing I noticed about the left that made me reconsider my youthful political ignorance. Trudeau is the perfect example. What a repulsive person he is.
The ABC does a good job of not covering Canada, and then publishes this, which is definitely biased, but not as biased as I expected. They managed to shoehorn in Trump, just to set off the people still upset by his existence.
The use of the word “sympathisers” instead of “supporters” is telling.
I’d certainly vote for Candice Bergen instead of Fidelito!
“Mischief is important…. I love the Babylon Bee.
Trudeau Demands Protesters Stop Shutting Down City So That He Can Shut Down City
Fund raising via SDA
Goal $16 million
Raised $7.1 million so far
Why do the need, how can they spend that money?
Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022
It’s quite telling that a Canadian (me) has to go to an Australian bloggers site to get basic reporting (facts with basic context) on what’s happening in my own country. Where are the media’s “mostly peaceful protests” taglines here where it’s actually true?
The “lets storm parliament” line, if indeed truly from a ‘fed’, was downright hilarious. I had visions of a Naked Gun movie franchise scene with Leslie Neilson when I pictured them planning that one out. I love my country, and we have some real accomplishments in peace keeping, contributions to world wars, etc. but we’re really not the same level of operators as CIA, MI6, Mossad, etc.
Video for MJB:
The Great Canadian Freedom Convoy:
Looks like Dr. I Am the Science, has pivoted again, declaring the Great Demic almost over.
Poor Justin is going to be left on the dock waving frantically, as the angry semis approaches, ’cause it sure looks like the Covid ship has sailed.
There are going to be questions.
Ottawa Tow Companies Unwilling to Remove Freedom Convoy
Bold is mine for those who want to pick on me for making the false accusation that I’m doing nothing.
Malcolm Roberts takes up the batton for the Freedom Movement in a Senate Speach
I wonder if this will be good or bad for the freedom fighters.
BLM to Support Truckers for Freedom
BLM supporting peaceful protesting?! I never thought the heat-death of the universe would be upon us so soon …
Never, ever trust the Left!
They will have an ulterior motive such as to weaken and divide the truckers, which is what the Left always do.
And never forget, nothing is free, especially from the Left. They don’t give away anythibg with a good heart. They ALWAYS have an agenda. They will want their “pound of flesh” for their support. They may even have been set up to do this by “black face” Trudeau.
The Truckers should reject the offer. They already have all the support they need. In fact, seeing a violent group like BLM involved, the peaceful supporters of the truckers may withdraw their support. That might be the true agenda.
In summary, BLM will be looking for an excuse to do the only thing they know.
I will be very disappointed if the freedom fighters accept “support” from a Leftist, totalitarian, racist, violent organisation like BLM.
Since the truckers can’t use GoFundMe, BLM could set up a joint account for them.
(Freedom convoy compilation video).
I like this one as it shows the mass support on the drive to Ottawa.
Trudeau asserts that those people who are opposed to the vaccine mandates and think the first release RNA vaccines are dangerous …. …are ‘Nazis’ and they have expressed ‘hateful rhetoric’. Trudeau states he does and will not talk to ‘Nazis’ or any people who he says have expressed ‘hateful rhetoric’.
““I have attended protests and rallies in the past when I agree with the goals, [and] when I supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues. Black Lives Matter is an excellent example of that,” Trudeau told reporters. “But I have also chosen to not go anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens.””
Trudeau will not listen to or acknowledge or discuss… … any scientific facts, data, questions, or issues the protestors or the Canadian opposition party have against current Canadian government vaccine mandates and/or first release vaccine safety. The door is closed to discuss the so called ‘science’.
“The next day, he once again faced calls to meet with opposition leaders and bring an end to the onerous mandate regime currently in place. ….
“Canadians are too tired. ……will the prime minister follow the science follow the evidence, end the restrictions, end the mandates?””
…..Trudeau did not answer the question, instead asserting, amid heckling and jeers, “we’re going to continue to follow the science, we’re going to continue to have Canadians’ backs, we’re going to continue to protect people’s lives.”…
More Live Streams from Ottawa:
“Viral Video, Freedom Will Win if Canadians Stand Together
February 9, 2022 | Sundance | 116 Comments
The message here is right over the target. {Direct Rumble Link} Make it viral.”
And heavy equipment arriving at roadblock
The vaccine myocarditis isn’t auto-immune, that occurs when T-cells target self proteins.
This is essentially infection mediated myocarditis. The T-cells recognise and destroy cells displaying viral epitopes on their MHC class 1 receptors.
It’s actually quite common in some viral infections, and can cause myocarditis in a few percent of infected.
So ignore the myocarditis death rates that are autoimmune disease.
Not that it cannot produce long term heart damage like arrhythmias, just that the myocarditis does not produce progressive disease.