A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Does anyone know if there is a correlation between Vitamin D and vaccination side effects?
I know people who I suspect are deficient in Vitamin D who got quite sick for a day or so after their vaccination. My family, who have been badgered by me into taking Vit D, have not had those post vax reactions.
If you are vaccinated, and are supplementing with D, did you feel sick after getting jabbed?
I don’t know of a study but think it unlikely vaccine injury or side effects have much if anything to do with Vitamin D defficiency.
There is another study recently from Israel confirming importance of Vitamin D sufficiency for Covid19.
For vaccine caused illness or injury more specific advice should be sought.
There are different treatment protocols depending on the nature of the illness presenting.
I’m not meaning vaccine injury. Just when a person feels sick, usually the day after the vaccination. It usually only lasts for a day or so.
Since vitamin D is so important for the proper functioning of our immune system I am wondering if the post vaccination sickness is a symptom of an improperly functioning immune system struggling in it’s response to the vaccine.
John, headline on Rabid Red Radio NZ,
[C-19] booster shots in big demand:
‘People itching to get it’
Huh? In junkie-speak that’s known as ‘jonesing’, as in, ‘Man, I need another fix NOW, I’m jonesing for a hit’. NB. Never tried it, never will, just knew a few junkies in Australia and the USA – shudder.
Article was posted Fri night but was still there this morning, unless the F-CHEKA mob have re-written it.
From the linked article:
“Everyone is so conscious about Omicron so they want to be vaccinated and safe and secure,” he said.
They need to have a chat with Alex Berenson:
“Very concerning news for the vaccinated: Looks like the Omicron mRNA booster doesn’t work against Omicron.”
‘In animal tests, it actually produced FEWER antibodies to both Omicron and the original virus than a third shot of the original Moderna vaccine.’
“Rabid Red Radio”
I love it.
The name that is.
Not the radio..
When I had original vaccinations, there was very little covid in the community and I was not supplementing vitamin D. I am normally not deficient but it depends on the outdoor activities. In winter, when I had the first two shots I may have been slightly deficient but no blood test to confirm that. I had mild reactions to the first two jabs, slight dizziness when waking up the day after the first jab; feeling queasy about day 5 after the second jab.
By the time of the booster, I was taking Vitamin D as a precaution and had no reaction – It was also summer with plenty of sun exposure.
My son is a physician in various hospitals in Victoria usually working as a registrar. He has admitted a few patients with adverse reactions to vaccines and they all had other health issues – I have not talked to him about their vitamin D level. From his experience with covid patients, he said he considered those showing adverse reaction to the vaccine would likely experience difficult times with covid.
A neice in her early 40s fitting in the category of obese was admitted to hospital for observation after her first jab. She lives on the Gold Coast so plenty of sunshine but I have no idea about her Vitamin D levels.
That is interesting Rick.
It is very difficult to get serum vitamin D above 40ng/ml which is considered (“sufficient”) just from sunshine. Especially since we have become obsessed with sunblock and melanoma.
Obese people need to take in excess of 6000 IU per day (6 pills) or they will be deficient. Obese are doubly in trouble as they are in a permanent state of inflammation on top of low vitamin D.
You are the best advertisement for not getting a vaccine, ever.
According to the TGA, a sore arm is a reported adverse event!
You got the vaccine, Why?
Many studies have examined nutritional and other factors affecting the effectiveness of vaccination and adverse effects following vaccination, particularly to see if any factors are predictive.
I’ve heard that vitamin C status is important, as are psychological and behavioural factors, particularly sleep and physical activity in the days before and after vaccination.
But I expect prior exposure to the pathogen’s antigens might be the most important (secondary immune response can be unpleasant)
What if? What if the vaccine is intended to prepare the human immune system to be incapable of resisting the next man-made virus, which has already been developed? This current vaccine certainly does nothing to prevent getting Covid. But if might prevent your body from fighting off the next one.
What if it’s doing that anyway, regardless of intent or origin?
meet Olaf Scholtz
cracking the Klaus Schwab and company code
Thanks; nicely chosen picture of von der Leyen caught mid transformation from her resting demon state.
Biden Frantically Looking For 8,000 Troops To Deploy To Ukraine That Don’t Have Myocarditis
February 2nd, 2022 –
Interesting link. But why doesn’t Justin have a ‘Speedy Gonzales” accent like his dad from Havana did?
BTW: Toronto Sun reports: “A majority of Canadians now say it is time to end COVID restrictions, according to an Angus Reid poll, a sharp increase from when the same question was asked in early January…..
The latest poll, taken Jan. 27-28, found 54% want restrictions to be lifted compared to just 39% who wanted restrictions lifted when the same question was asked two weeks earlier.”
There is a wonderful summary of the Covid disaster in Real Clear Markets, which is well worth your time. Sample:
“Spectacular falsehoods, deep truths, and Canadian truckers are finally piercing the long-impervious Covid storyline.
“When a justice of the [U.S.] Supreme Court on January 7 asserted that 100,000 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 “in serious condition, and many on ventilators,” it reflected the ill-informed panic that’s driven policy the last two years. In fact, CDC data showed just around 3,200 children were hospitalized while Covid-positive, few were in serious condition, and almost none were on ventilators.
“The episode was just the latest false droplet in a flood of erroneous Covid-speak. We’ve known since near the beginning that young people are not at serious risk; lockdowns don’t halt the spread and do far more harm than good; and an array of cheap, safe, long-approved generic drugs often stop the virus dead in its tracks when taken early. Yet each of these central facts was suppressed by a sprawling array of old and new media, digital platforms, captured medical
journals, non-profit scolds, and public health spokespeople claiming omniscience.”
The Justice who made those claims is the same lagy who claimed she was the best for the job, when she was being confirmed for it… “I am bringing the insights of a wise Latina to the court”
Another full-of-it leftist ignoramous.
Surely a premise like that could on proof of the facts invalidate relevant court decisions.
New ICE design. Worth a look
astron aerospace omega one rotary engine
Definitely Interesting
I think the better analogy is to say that the Omega 1 is more like a gas turbine that’s been converted to internal combustion. Both are purely rotary in nature and incredibly simple in construction — i.e. it has none of the valves, springs, and camshafts that make the modern ICE so very complicated. The difference between the Brayton cycle — that’s me pretending to know how gas turbines work — and the Omega design is that a turbine is powered by continuous combustion, while the Omega spins its rotor with a single forceful explosion (per revolution) just like the piston engines we all know and love.
As for how it works — and this most basic of explanations is for all of those who didn’t experience divine understanding at that 6:20 mark — the power-generating portion of the Omega 1 incorporates two rotors, one directly above the other (two other rotors handle the intake and compression strokes). The lower rotor is round except for a distinct “hump” on its outer diameter. The upper rotor has a corresponding hole on its periphery as if someone took one bite out of a piece of a whole pie. I don’t think it should be much of surprise that as the rotors rotate, those two anomalies are perfectly co-ordinated, the hump fitting perfectly into the hole as they spin around in perfect synchronicity.
The Wankel and other rotary engines had the problem of too many wearing seals. Too much maintenance needed.
Modern materials technology surely could extend their working lives and reduce their pollution.
Whatever happened to Ralph Sarich’s Orbital engine? I never saw how it worked, except that it seemed to me that it would suffer from similar maintenance problems. The big difference there was that BHP saw fit to pour really big money into the idea.
I don’t think the Orbital Engine ever got off the ground, but on the side Ralph invented a new fuel injection system which was purchased by the Outboard Marine Corporation and presumably others.
I haven’t looked, but think the Orbital Engine company still is trading on the stock exchange.
It is, trading at $0.30, half of November’s price. Cap $17.75 M.
Same video referred to in the link above – go to 8:50 to see that there is a running version:
I suspect the 160HP is theoretical.
After the first million, you will know it has potential.
pfft.. Just propaganda trying to raise money for a dud. Why would you have a flashy animation turning around to music, when you’re trying to sell an idea to people who want to know how it works.
The motor-mouth writing the article was full of rubbish too, a hipster article full of slang and short of engineering detail.
Imagine Frank Whittle turning up to the DOD in London with a presentation like this on his jet engine!
Either way it will get crushed for 10years while the electric car industry bulldozers all ICE before it with Govt help, and then if we’re lucky someone like Musk will buy it and put some real engineering into it, rather than have it go the way of the Sarich Orbital motor and all the others that sunk without trace.
Thats quite a curmudgeonly piece of false equivalence, but yes its awful that things change.
Reposting link to Johns Hopkins study on lockdowns that all the media are talking about … just kidding.
Hint … two weeks to flatten the curve did mostly collateral flattening.
Dr Kevin Trenberth asks why climate change deniers also tend to be anti-vaxxers. Any ideas why?
Because both are able to critical thinking, one important property you are totally missing.
Jo Nova wonders why Simon resorts to namecalling in both science debates…
oh wait.
Why do the worst pandemic forecasters also tend to have been equally abysmal at climate forecasting?
Because…computer modelling
Because the science in both climate change and covid have been heavily politicised thanks to the UN
Basically politicians are elected administrators mostly to collect and distribute surplus wealth within their own country to benefit all, however stupefied with power they now follow group think international ideologies and policies that are not suited to the unique needs of their own country and people. Think of the $ billions spent on climate change and covid all in the name of settled science and consensus(two of the most ridicules’ debunked statements applied to science ) that could have been put back into low income welfare and households which in turn would flow on to the wider economy (think employment, wages ) The UN led politicians have NOT only shot themselves in the foot but have developed a bad case of festering gangrene.
The UN fingerprints are all over both.
Anyone who uses the term “climate change deniers” is not worth listening to as the people being referred to do not deny that the climate changes. Also, anyone that uses the term “anti-vaxxers” is not worth listening to as most of the people being referred to do not have a problem with vaccines in general.
It’s a simple bifurcation towards left or right sentiments.
Fear mongering and outrage drives it all
That Kevin Trenberth?
Simply Simon to answer your question you have to look at the veracity of the scientists presenting the questionable narrative. Their energies appear to be focused on producing Fear Porn statements then having to hide the data and discredit anyone who questions the narrative. This may in fact not be science and should be questioned and in the absence of a supporting argument “Denied”.
You need to ask the sinking ship Kevni II, having spent the last decade attempting to add context to his admissions in order to recover his position in the Temple. What does he believe may be the force driving freedom loving and thinking people to question these narratives from a strange group of people professing science while withholding data?
Easy. Trenberth can’t come up with a rational argument so he resorts to name-calling.
What is a “climate denier”?
… there are none on this forum that I know of, except you and your comrades.
Tell us something that we “deny” that you can provide real solid scientific evidence for.
And Trenberth.. seriously!.. he has made probably more idiotic and failed statements related to climate than almost any other person on the planet, except perhaps Mickey Mann.
You are being very fair, our own Tim Flannery would have to be in the top failed prediction people.
Oops… I forgot Flim-Flam existed…
He certainly ranks up there for idiotic, dumb statements.
Perhaps he would get somewhere if he understood basic physics
Where he says..
“The latter [CO2} interferes with the flow of infrared radiation back out to space from our planet and trap energy, creating heating of Earth and climate change.”
… he is demonstrably mal-informed.
Measurements show that OLR has increased as with the slight atmospheric temperature increase
Measurements also show that increased atmospheric CO2 absorption is thermalised to the atmosphere and leaves through an increased flow in the atmospheric window.
No energy is being “trapped”.. period.
Net energy transfer in the atmosphere is a function of thermal and pressure gradients… neither of which is effected in any way whatsoever by the atmospheric level of CO2.
Same reason most warmists are leftwing extremists.
By the way, it isn’t true for everybody, I know several people believing the COV-19 vaxx narrative, but not the one about CC.
One at least comments here.
A Venn diagram of CC believers, vax believers and “progressives” would be a near total eclipse.
Not so. There are plenty of readers who are vaccinated here — they might be in a very high risk category, or live with someone high risk, or they had to do it for their jobs or for travel, or they got vaccinated very early. Remember even Dr Malone got vaccinated. Those who are congratulating themselves would do well to remember that not everyone got the option to wait.
Please keep that in mind. Hyperbole is not helpful either for a science discussion or to make all voices welcome. Some, shall we say, more judgemental or smug comments will turn off vaccinated readers.
I want to hear from the vaccinated too. We need all voices in the battle for freedom.
I had the first jab and it nearly killed me. Just being jabbed doesn’t make you a believer.
triple vaxed but totally anti mandate/exclusion for the non vaxed
Btw what the hell is going on with deaths in Israel..skyrocketing?4th jab
‘I have been crucified on occasion at denier websites, but mostly I ignore them. I just wish more people would do the same.’ (Trenberth)
You can see his mind ticking over.
AD.. Sorry… I was referring to Trenberth.. If you read Simon’s link, you will see that is where the quote came from..
I will re-write to make clear what I intended.
Trenberth said ” I have been crucified on occasion at denier websites, but mostly I ignore them..”
This is why Trenberth will always remain abysmally unaware of reality.
He is incapable of allowing himself to learn the many errors of his non-science.
The funny thing about the science and academic class is their awfulness.
I live in a neighborhood with plumbers and college professors.
Guess which are more useful.
(The plumbers make more money, but just had poorer parents.)
There are many stories about archeologists/anthropologists, (can’t keep my ologists straight) that studied human migration to the Americas.
The ‘settled science’ of the Clovis barrier.
The Clovis barrier is now unsettled.
But the poor sods that found the first evidence of humans in the Americans prior to 15,000 years ago had their lives ruined by their own colleagues.
One guy I read about even had his dog poisoned.
Most of us remember Michael Mann calling Judith Curry a’denier’ in a congressional hearing and then minutes later ‘denying’ he said it.
I see them on my street driving alone in their Priuses double masked.
Awful people.
“Awful people.”
But hugely entertaining , don’t you think?
Well I had to smile as I was parked outside the local supermarket and this woman came out of the store with mask on until she was settled behind the wheel. She then picked up a bottle of sanitiser and tissues and “sterilised” the steering wheel.
I thought “she gets to vote in the State election next month” (and the Federal one later this year).
“The funny thing about the science and academic class is their awfulness.”
That’s a bit harsh.. I just happen to be one of them !
But I do know a lot of the type you are referring to.
“I see them on my street driving alone in their Priuses double masked.”
I drive a V8 or a large van, and I like to be able to breathe.
At least Trenberth tried to define what a “denier” is.
“climate change deniers, those who deny the existence of human-induced global warming”
Humans can affect their local regions, mostly through urban warming and other land use changes.
Because of the un-scientific nature of the surface data, this urban warming (about 1% of the Earth’s surface ) transfers through to make up some 80% of the so-called “global” warming calculated from surface data, after cooling the past and warming the future through statistical mal-nipulations.
Yes.. Most of the so-called “global warming” is “man-made”, from UHI effects and data adjustment and smearing over areas that urban temperature do not belong. But areas that are unaffected by UHI effects actually show very little warming, while GISS et al go manic on the adjustments in an attempt to get them to match the climate models.
The more they “adjust” the closer they get to a straight line warming trend to coincide with the natural rise of atmospheric CO2…. That is the very nature of continual mathematical averaging and “homogenisation”, all the real data gets destroyed.
CO2, despite Trenberth’s anti-science protestations, cannot and does not contribute to “global warming”
That’s a very important new way of describing the UNIPCCC’s activity; “MalNipulations”.
There could even be local variations like BomNipulations.
If that’s the level of his arguing I can see why he’s in the mentally deficient camp.
About 70% of the words he wrote were telling us how wonderful he is and how much he knows. Actually explaining why those who distrust Govts and ‘bought’ scientists in one field distrust them in other fields never entered his mind.
When a Govt has to FORCE you to do something “for your own good”, there is something wrong with it!
97% OF Climate Scientists agree that:
The other 3% are anti-vaxers?
I originally was sitting on the fence about this but given more and more doctors are coming out I’m now somewhat convinced it could be true. This is why vaccine companies must fully declare what is in the vaccines, and face prison terms if they tell lies. We need to know what’s in them. Otherwise, they must be rejected by government decree. Instead, we now have governments coercing these vaccines onto the population. If that’s not a possible crime against humanity then nothing is.
More Doctors Finding Nanotechnology in the Pfizer Vaccine
What the whole world needs. Steering away from renewable madness.
Thanks again for your efforts David and let’s hope the sane reformers have a big win.
But how can clueless,TOXIC S & W be called CLEAN GREEN energy?
These are environmental disasters both below and above the ground and the crazy DEMs actually endorse this idiocy?
“We’re Watching the End of Legacy Media in Real-Time”
A list of channels there on the Canadian truckers
An on the ground report
“A Night With The Untouchables
HAVE YOUR SAY: Answer our daily Toronto Sun poll question
Do you think trucker protests should continue indefinitely?
Yes 59.53% (253 votes)
No 40.47% (172 votes)
My husband surveyed a bunch of local papers around Canada. Most seem heavily pro-Trucker. The MSM is the odd man out, particularly CBC.
FIRST READING: Military tells Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers
The Liberals are trying to censor the internet again
Freedom Convoy is technically polling higher than the Liberal Party of Canada right now . A new Abacus Data poll found that 32 per cent of Canadians “have a lot in common with the protesters and how they see things.” That’s not a lot, but the latest Nanos poll had the Liberals polling at just 28.2 per cent if an election were to be held tomorrow. Another interesting takeaway from the Abacus Poll? Of Green Party supporters, 57 per cent are on board with the truckers.
Well worth watching, an interview with BJ Dichter, organiser of the Canadian Truck Convoy.
Seems like Victoria is still determined to control its population with huge fines still possible for covid infringements
I’m pleased to say that this week I went over the river into NSW again to where I can lawfully play golf on a golf course. I can’t think of a form of recreation which is much safer even if it can sometimes feel like a good walk spoiled.
“Golf is a good walk spoiled.” —Mark Twain
Funny Golf Quotes – “The most important shot in golf is the next one.” —Ben Hogan
“A major golf tournament is 40,000 sadists watching 144 masochists.”
‒ Thomas Boswell
IIRC, the Presbyterian Church ruled that golfing on the Sabbath was allowed because it was “chastisement” not “recreation” – Just sayin’.
Trust the Scots to impose golf on us, just like bagpipes and haggis.
Isn’t that also rendered; “golf is to sport as bagpipes are to music, and as haggis is to fine cuisine”!
Quite like bagpipes and haggis but draw the line at golf.
Haggis is Gods food and delicious
This is a big deal. The Republican national committee, the Democratic party, and the fake media have suddenly all woken up to the reality of the new paradigm.
Republican National Committee have censored Cheney and Kinzinger for a treasonous act (Sitting on the Dems fake Jan 6 committee). The Dem insiders and the fake media are no longer protecting Biden.
There is evidence to support the assertion, that the Democratic party has committed treason by cheating in the US 2020 election and then planning to make changes to allow the Dems to cheat in future elections, In their ‘Election Integrity Act’. Logically, Trump would run on cleaning up Washington and fixing the mess. He is an outsider, not a politician.
“Republican National Committee overwhelmingly votes to censure Cheney, Kinzinger for sitting on Jan. 6 committee’
Comment: The Jan 6 committee is a fake Dem committee that is trying to attack Trump. When the Dems lose control of congress in 2022, the Jan 6 committee will be replaced by the how to stop cheating in US elections committee.
Biden and family have accepted bribes from the Chinese. The FBI helped the Biden family hide evidence of criminal activity. FBI agents, the Dems, and the fake media fabricated the Trump Russian prostitute ‘story’ which the Dems used to try to impeach Trump.
The above is grounds for impeachment of Biden and then a purge of the US government.
Schweizer: NYT’s ‘Turn’ on Biden Family ‘an Important Development’
Calming down the discussion
B.C. woman finds naked man was living in trunk of her car for 3 days
It’s interesting to try to understand the HIV/AIDS epidemic over the last 50 years.
It started among chimps in Africa and spread quickly to Humans in other parts of Africa by 1970s and the rest of the world by 1980s.
Today most of the cases are still in Africa and most of the deaths still occur in Africa as well. Bad sexual practices and multiple partners seems to be the main problems.
Yet in the last 50+ years Africa has also seen life exp increase from 46 yrs to 64 years and pop increase of over 1 billion people.
So Africa has suffered more from AIDs than the entire world combined and yet have also increased their pop by 3.8 times since 1970.
How is this possible in our poorest continent when we’re supposed to be facing a climate crisis or EXISTENTIAL threat to add to their burden?
And why didn’t any so called scientist try to explain this DATA to the crazy, delusional crowd at Glasgow in NOV?
Here’s the HIV/AIDS link from Wiki and the African map easily shows the AIDs hot spots since 1970.
So AGAIN where is their climate crisis or EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ book has plenty on The AIDS crisis, and Africa’s place in it. The HIV/AIDS correlation looks about as accurate as CO2/climate! It’s amazing what can be done with/for billions of dollars.
How popular retailer Dan Murphy’s started 70 years ago
The Melbourne man who created the popular alcohol retailer played a huge part in how Aussies drink, but he almost became a priest instead.
The man behind the brand Daniel Francis Murphy was born into a family of liquor merchants, and after his early education, joined Penfolds Wines as a junior clerk, while studying winemaking.
But in 1936, he turned his back on booze and trained to be a priest.
Just a few years later, he made the decision to ditch religious life to pursue accountancy and commercial law at Melbourne University and also served in the Royal Australian Air Force in World War II.
But the then 34-year-old still had the business of booze in his blood. He chose to combine his passion for wine and business by opening Dan Murphy’s Cellar at 280 Chapel Street, Prahran, Melbourne in 1952.
It still remains today with Dan Murphy’s Prahran Cellar the retailer’s flagship store.
His cellar was located around the corner from his father’s liquor store, but Dan wanted to do things differently to his father and other merchants before him.
A content creator before his time
Tiktok and Instagram might be all the rage now but Dan has his eyes on creating content well before the internet.
He released Vintage Club News back in 1956, a newspaper which he distributed to his Dan Murphy’s club members.
The paper included wine recommendations and musings from Dan as well as information about upcoming exclusive tastings and events for club members.
He also shared the exclusive members-only prices, which was one of the popular sections.
Its been interesting that all through the lockdown insanity and retail closures, that bottle shops were always open. Keeping the masses pacified.
CNN – H/T Tom NewCatallaxy Blog
Thanks Tom and thanks rugbyskier – same for me – First time ever .. don’t get the point of Leak!
It’s about Aged Care (and Sports) Minister Senator Richard Colbeck going to the Ashes test match in Hobart instead of attending an inquiry into nursing homes.
Direct evidence emerges for the existence of two forms of liquid water
Thirty years ago, a team working at Boston University made the dramatic suggestion that there are not one but two forms of liquid water, which can interconvert at high pressure well below water’s normal freezing point.1 Researchers have been searching for this putative liquid–liquid phase transition ever since, and evidence has slowly accumulated that it really exists. New experiments now supply what seems to be a direct observation of such a transformation between liquid states of different density – not in pure water but in solutions of the sugar trehalose.2 Understanding how such supercold solutions behave could have implications for biology and cryopreservation – where damage to biological tissues by ice crystals must be avoided – as well as for the water-rich states that might exist in the atmospheres of gas giants.
Fun for your weekend:
Police interrupt church service in Glendalough, Perth, WA to check masks and vaccination status (even though the latter is not a matter of law for services with fewer than 500 people).
Could you please check this apparently genuine photo of a WA Police Officer checking Covid exemptions during a Catholic Mass.
How many times police have entered and interrupted Catholic Masses?
While you’re at it, could you give us the same info for Mosques?
Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 9.06.25 am
Might pay to lock the doors in future…
Having the Police pounding on the doors to be let in and then trying out their battering rams on a Church would generate some interesting publicity. Jesus wouldn’t have stood for it!
Not a religious person myself but this really does seem beyond the pale. I wonder who in WA police brains trust thought this was a good idea?
By Design, Biden’s Border Crisis Is Actually His Biggest Success
Millions of Americans consider this one of Biden’s biggest failures, surpassed only by his utterly calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, this fiasco is Biden’s finest hour.
After 11 months, Biden’s “border” remains wide open, if not functionally erased. Illegal aliens cascade across. Between Feb. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021, on Biden’s watch, Customs and Border Protection apprehended a record 1,956,596 illegal aliens on the southern “frontier,” versus 511,192 one year earlier, under then-President Donald Trump—up 283%.
Biden gives illegal immigrants free tickets to ride buses that whisk them deep into the U.S. interior. Illegal aliens in Brownsville, Texas, score free cab rides to the airport, whereupon they jet off to Atlanta, Houston, and other cities.
Still other illegal aliens—including single adult males—board clandestine night flights that land after closing time in New York’s Westchester Airport and other airfields. As if in a “Saturday Night Live” sketch, illegal aliens without papers may use their arrest warrants as IDs to board aircraft. Specifically, this is Immigration and Customs Enforcement Form I-200, Warrant for Arrest of Alien.
Injecting foreign substances into a body for political purposes… where have I heard that before?
Putin-Xi summit :-
“USA and NATO:
Russia and China oppose further expansion of NATO and call on the alliance to abandon Cold War approaches. Beijing “understands and supports” Russian proposals for the formation of long-term security guarantees in Europe.
They oppose the formation of” closed bloc structures and opposing camps “in the Asia-Pacific region and” remain highly vigilant about the negative impact on peace and stability ” of the Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States. In particular, both sides are seriously concerned about the creation of the AUKUS partnership between the US, UK and Australia.”
Argentina’s president offers Putin a ‘gateway to Latin America’
“I’m certain Argentina has to stop being so dependent on the Fund and the United States and has to open up to other places, and that is where it seems to me that Russia has a very important place,” Fernandez told Putin
According to a film clip, Klaus Schwab said over half of the Argentina cabinet are graduates of his Global Leaders programme.
This lecture by John Mearsheimer lays out the politics behind Russia’s intolerance for NATO expansion into Ukraine. He points out that there is a need for a buffer between NATO and Russia.
Yeah, that’ll work really well./s
Gee, aren’t the supply chains in Canada constricted enough already?
More live stream from Ottawa:
Look at the Ottawa CBD Google traffic map, it seems that the size of the road blockages has described, but this video clearly shows the centre of Ottawa still fully sealed off. The start of the video showed the Byward Markets, including the restaurant where I had the best scallop meal ever. Other parts shown are also familiar.
Yeah, look, I know it’s off topic, even for an Unthreaded, but sometimes you just get angry.
Over the Christmas period, I watched a movie, Don’t Look Up, two and a quarter hours of Dramedy, they call it now. After a very short time, I came to look on it as an insidious creeping sub plot.
This is supposedly what passes now for ….. good film making.
And surprise surprise, the main character Leonardo DiCaprio has been nominated for best actor honours, and might even get a nomination for an Oscar out of it.
While ostensibly about a Comet hitting the Earth in an extinction event, all sorts of really truly knowledgeable people have now come out and called the movie an allegory.
So then, what’s it an allegory of? Umm, let me guess now, hmm!
Let me quote here. (my bolding here)
Who would have guessed they would say that.
And hey, fancy Leo being part of it now, eh!
This is what now passes for good movie making.
Give me strength.
I know I could have just turned it off, but I wanted to see it through so I could be informed if anyone asked about it.
Huh! No one has, so I guess that indifference quote might just be correct.
Suggest The November Man (2014)
Released August 27th, 2014, ‘The November Man’ stars Pierce Brosnan, Luke Bracey, Olga Kurylenko, Bill Smitrovich The R movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 48 min, and received a user score of 61 (out of 100) on TMDb, which assembled reviews from 1,219 top users.
Want to know what the movie’s about? Here’s the plot: “An ex-CIA operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high level CIA officials and the Russian president-elect.”
My Wife and I watched it on Foxtel recently and thought it was better than the latest James Bond “No Time to Die”
OldOzzie. Already seen that one. A very fine movie which you and the Mrs might enjoy: The Foreigner: also Pierce Brosnan…and Jackie Chan!
Great political and personal intrigue, with just a dash of biffo!
Mantaray Yunupingu – very fine movie which you and the Mrs might enjoy: The Foreigner: also Pierce Brosnan…and Jackie Chan!
Thanks will try.
More an allegory for Covid I think. Denying the seriousness at first, ignoring advice of scientists and doctors not linked to big Pharma, not providing treatment and orchestrating an unfolding global vaccine disaster.
I just watched the movie at the weekend, I saw the allegory but I also saw them tie themselves in knots, they actually went on at shutting down science and scientists that didnt follow the narrative. Sure the government tried to ignore the issue by ignoring the science but that cuts both ways. They ignore the science that shows climate change theory is suspect and let bad science pass poor scrutiny. The scientist who told the truth was mocked as having “issues” (crazy lady) and even when it became apparently obvious the government continued to deny. The Bezos/job/zuckerberg character was creepy but believably controlling the narrative for his own ends. I notice that the reviews seem to be split 50-50 indicating that all sides can take something away from it. It was a B grade movie at best, it wasnt that thought provoking and certainly wasnt that entertaining.
Following links from the Vic Govt Dept of Health website, found Australian guidelines for Covid treatments:
Consider using inhaled budesonide within 14 days of symptom onset in adults with COVID-19 who do not require oxygen and have one or more risk factors for disease progression.
Consider using casirivimab plus imdevimab within 7 days of symptom onset in adults with COVID-19 who do not require oxygen and have one or more risk factors for disease progression.
Consider using molnupiravir within 5 days of symptom onset in unvaccinated* adults with COVID-19 who do not require oxygen and who have one or more risk factors for disease progression.
Use dexamethasone 6 mg daily intravenously or orally for up to 10 days (or acceptable alternative regimen) in adults with COVID-19 who are receiving oxygen.
Consider using baricitinib in adults hospitalised with COVID-19 who require supplemental oxygen.
Consider using sarilumab for the treatment of COVID-19 in adults who require high-flow oxygen, non-invasive ventilation or invasive mechanical ventilation.
Consider using remdesivir in adults with COVID-19 who require oxygen but do not require non-invasive or invasive ventilation.
Do not use aspirin for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
And the list continues.
Thanks Tony and although clueless Leonardo is a reasonable actor I don’t think I could stomach him anymore.
Similar to that idiot Tom Cruise and his involvement in the lunacy of Scientology and ditto John Travolta etc. Just not worth the effort.
BTW I just watched a doco drama of the Murder of Mary Phagan (1988) and great acting from Jack Lemmon, etc and this took place in 1913 in Atlanta Georgia amid problems of race and hard factory life for very young girls at that time.
Its very long and in 2 parts but well worth the time if you like period dramas about famous cases. The black actor playing the role of Jim Conley is very good and the real rapist/ murderer is exposed at the end of part 2.
Here’s the link to part 1 if anyone is interested.
Thanks Neville.
Our son used his facility of having two others linked to his Netflix account, and we started using it. Then I sort of found others, Amazon Prime, via my birthday present, an Amazon Firestick. Then I found Britbox, and then Stan, and then Binge, and I actually signed up to one of the most surprising of all, SBS On Demand.
Now the only free to air we watch is the News, and some sport. (Sport – cue grumbling good lady wife)
There’s now a literally infinite list of things to watch.
I’m no fan of that rabid lefty Ken Burns, but man, he has some wonderful documentaries. I watched his series on The Civil War back in the early 90s, and his series on National Parks in the early twenty teens, and a couple of others. I recently watched his series on one of the streaming services about the treatment of the US Indians, and was really shocked. I knew they had a bit of a raw deal, but nothing like this. That series is titled The West, and was just the EP on that Stephen Ives series, and I recommend it. History is just so amazing really.
Currently watching the new Reacher Series. At least they got someone closer to the size of Reacher, and not Tom Cruise.
Ken Burns doco on the Vietnam War was pretty good as well. It was pretty well balanced I thought and the coverage of the politics in Vietnam was interesting for me.
where is the Reacher series Tony?
Btw thanks for all you do on this siute you are a star in my eyes
Reacher just started last week on Amazon Prime.
Bluntly Criminal by our Health Departments – perhaps they should expand their knowledge and look at – Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19
Do not use aspirin for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
Do not use ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.
And the list continues.
Anyone hear about the thousands of Australians that have descended on Canberra? no thought not,
Was going to be there but family emergency stopped me, my friends are there and reporting huge numbers via Telegram, Old Parliament House (our true one) is the destination, they’re calling for the Governor General do dissolve parliament, place a caretaker administration in its place, and hold new fair elections.
Go Aussies GO!!!
Thanks LVA, sorry for firing up, can I get Telegram Links through?, There’s some great videos from today.
Last Monday, Jan 31, OpenNEM reports peak electricity demand at 4.30pm was 36.4 GW. Demand for the 24 hours was 676 GWh, compared to 600 GWh average for the last 30 days.
Generation at that time was provided by solar 23%, wind 3%, hydro 11%, gas 16%, coal 47% – 17.3 GW
And at 7pm, demand was still 32.3 GW, delivered by solar 2%, wind 4%, hydro 20%, gas 20%, coal 54% – 17.4 GW
Over the last month, solar provided 16% of demand, wind 11%, hydro 6%, gas 7%, coal 60%.
Still a long way to go to eliminate that coal and gas.
…i suspect that those % for “solar” includes Roof top solar ??
If so,.. That is very missleading as RT solar DOES NOT form part of the AEMO grid supply,…
…..and there is NO WAY of knowing what the RT solar generation actually is to any realistic degree of accuracy !
Via Martin Armstrong
The most tyrannical countries are those which take their marching orders from Schwab. People are starting to wake up and this Great Reset Agenda was orchestrated by Schwab to make his Marxist Wonderland come true. Consequently, there has been a change in direction.
Now, these tyrants NEED war as the next great distraction. The refusing to yield to any demands of Russia and then refusing to defend Ukraine is an invitation for Putin to invade. The new strategy is that a war will present the UN as the great peacemaker and validate its claim to rule the world. Russia could also move to establish bases in Cuba and Venezuela to increase the tensions now while they have a senile leader of the claimed free world whose administration is obsessed with climate change as self-evident by the collapse in the supply chain and the soaring inflation that they wanted to terminate fossil fuels without comprehending how much the economy relies upon that energy source.
While some think that Putin will allow Washington to save face in some meaningless way, all the real people behind the curtain know that Putin has won. There is no possible way that the US and NATO can prevail against China and Russia combined. Now is the time for both China and Russia to make their move. The West is impotent and this is the demise of Western power our computer has been forcasting.
NATO was created on April 4th, 1949. Cyclically, this is 72 years and this is the danger point. That is even the timing for Taiwan. But this 72-Year Revolution Cycle has appeared throughout history and this presents a serious crisis as we now head into March 14th. February is showing up around the world as an important turning point and it is a Panic Cycle in the Russian share index.
Interesting times imminent…
MIT scientists filed two patents on a new, 2D material that’s stronger than steel
It could strengthen smartphones, bridges, and more.
The new material was forged via a new polymerization process, and it allowed the MIT chemical engineers to avoid the pitfalls of other polymers, which typically form into one-dimensional, noodle-like chains. This represents a breakthrough in 2D polymer material that could serve as a lightweight and robust coat for automotive parts, smartphones, and even the construction material for bridges and other urban buildings, said Michael Strano, MIT’s Carbon P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical Engineering, who is senior author of the study, in a blog post on MIT’s official website.
“We don’t usually think of plastics as being something that you could use to support a building, but with this material, you can enable new things,” said Strano in the blog post. “It has very unusual properties and we’re very excited about that.” In the wake of creating this material, the researchers filed two patents on the process that enabled them to build the material. But what exactly is a two-dimensional polymer?
Irreversible synthesis of an ultrastrong two-dimensional polymeric material
“Keep you eye on the UK and nearby countries” part…what are we up to now?
Study finds virulent HIV variant unrecognized for years
Scientists have found a previously unrecognized variant of HIV that’s more virulent than others and has quietly circulated in the Netherlands for decades.
Then there’s this take:
Super-mutant HIV strain discovered in Europe
The new variant is said to be more transmissible and dangerous.
(goes without saying
The research revealed significant genome differences between the VB strain and other HIV variants.
“Individuals with the VB variant had a viral load (the level of the virus in the blood) between 3.5 and 5.5 times higher,” the scientists said. The results of their research have been published in the journal Science.
The rate of CD4 cell decline, which is the hallmark of immune system damage by HIV, “occurred twice as fast in individuals with the VB variant, placing them at risk of developing AIDS much more rapidly.”
Oh look…HIV AIDS v2..and coincides nicely, as expected, with VAIDS v1 from the baaxines. We can blame it all on AIDS which never really went away.
Convenient..just like normalising hundreds of heart attacks in superfit young athletes and the re-emergence of latent diseases like Shingles.
I might do some digging and see the prevalence of heart issues in young athletes pre-Covid. Should provide a damning comparative..
Crossing the ditch to the USA:
A mysterious coronavirus variant has been found in New York City wastewater — and no one knows where it came from
A team of researchers in New York City was searching for the coronavirus in the city’s wastewater when they discovered something surprising — viral fragments with a unique collection of mutations for a coronavirus variant that had been never been discovered.
Why this matters: This is a potential sign of a new undetected COVID-19 variant that hasn’t made its way through New York City or the country yet.
This Covid stuff is getting really boring now but like I’ve been saying for too long – it’s not Covid you have to worry about but what comes after it.
There’s a global rise in Salmonella cases from a range of produce from chickens to lettuce.
I’ve been watching this for a month mainly targetting North America & Canada but spreading with poisonings well into the thousands of people.
Aldi Ireland stopped selling chickens due to contamination risk.
UK Bedford pulls Sesame seeds due to contamination.
Netherlands beef recall due to contamination.
Salmonella is nothing new but it shouldn’t be as common as the data shows either.
Will keep monitoring.
In passing:
Drug resistant Shigella infections in MSM on the rise in the UK
UK health officials are reporting a rise in cases of extremely antibiotic-resistant Shigella sonnei infections, mainly in gay & bisexual men.
UK and nearby..again..nothing to do with the HIV AIDS v2..let’s blame it all on Covid and lockdowns
Can of worms opened.
GoFundMe has deleted Canada’s Freedom Convoy fundraiser for violating its terms, stating the “peaceful demonstration has become an occupation” now.
Start refunding that $10M…
UPDATE: GoFundMe Labels Ottawa Freedom Protest “Unlawful Occupation”, Will Not Release Funds Except to Divert to Authorized Charity Like Black Lives Matter
February 4, 2022 | Sundance | 447 Comments
Well, there goes the entire business model of the GoFundMe organization. ”
And comments there
…and Gofundme will be stuck with the fees after reversing tens of thousands of transactions. Ouch.
Pfizer documents: FDA must produce hundreds of thousands of pages over the next 6 months, judge rules in final court order.
Too late for the vaxxed by then.
No doubt the data will be damning.
There will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth and the sound of guillotines being tested.
Blocking high brings cooling winds up the eastern seaboard from deep in the Southern Ocean.
Southerly rain for most of the day so far here in the south west of the North Island :-;166;2&l=rain-3h
Gun manufacturers are the only industry in America exempt from being sued, and I find that outrageous
Outrageous eh…
Only industry eh…
Who’s going to tell the silly old twit?
Big Pharma?
Oh please more Covid craziness..
Make It Stop: Scientists Find Putting Pantyhose on Your Head Creates a Better Seal, Makes Masks Safer
A ‘peer-reviewed’ study from researchers at the University of Cambridge tested different mask ‘hacks’ to find the best way to create a good seal around the face.
The researchers taped the edges of the mask to the face, filled the sides of the mask with gauze, used a ‘mummy method’ with gauze, put a knot in the ear loops, used rubber bands around the front and wrapped pantyhose around the head.
Do you really want a link?
Remember the old days when if you entered a building wearing pantyhose or a mask on your face the cops would be called? Now the cops get called if you don’t cover your face.

I don’t understand how this can be “2D”. If its an atom thick that makes it “3D” . IIRC the same hoopla regarding carbon nanotubes . There may be some speciality applications but I doubt that it will live up to the hype.
Mark Zuckerberg loses another $2 billion in net worth and drops out of top 10 wealthiest list as Facebook stock continues to slide – while Jeff Bezos GAINS $13 billion after Amazon shares soared on blockbuster earnings
Facebook parent Meta’s stock fell another 1.5 percent in morning trading on Friday, extending the company’s losses after the company’s worst-ever session a day earlier.
Meta stock had plunged 26 percent on Thursday after the company reported its first ever decline in daily active users, wiping $237 billion from its market capitalization in the company’s biggest-ever single day loss.
Zuckerberg’s net worth has plunged some $31 billion since Facebook’s disastrous quarterly report on Wednesday, pushing him off the top-10 list of Forbes billionaires, which ranked him at No. 13 with $82.9 billion on Friday morning.
No f***s given for Zuckerberg from me.
Reap what you sow.
None of ir real until a transaction crystallizes it. I doubt he is feeling any pain.
She has a medical degree apparently…
This is a prime example of why they should stick to medicine not technology.
10% real science, 90% BS,just like Alex Jones, David Icke, Jon Rappoport etc.
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger explained how a zombie pandemic scenario, just like any other pandemic scenario, could be created through graphene and the technology that goes into vaccines.
Theoretically, it’s possible to make people dead alive just because of graphene, technologically. It’s crazy, but it’s possible, maybe.
Well I’m convinced !

Why don’t we do a simple test.
No doubt there’s a lot of vaxxed people here so here’s what you do.
Go by yourself (and your phone) to the middle of a football field, large paddock, deserted carpark or out on the water or similar so you’re say 200m away from anything or anyone and check your phone bluetooth status.
I’ll bet it doesn’t show any connections available.
Phd not that kind of doctor
University/WHO not necessarily well connected with reality
Proof the green agenda has gone too far.
Who the hell is going to buy these?
Sounds like a fun airline!
Flight Attendants Duct-Tape Woman To Seat After Nightmare Incident
“I guess it took all five flight attendants to subdue her and like literally take her down so,” she said, of the incident, which was first reported by TMZ. “They pretty much took her down, put her in the seat and duct taped her.”
“Although there was panic that the woman may have been able to open an emergency exit door midflight, scientists say this is an impossibility for several reasons, including automatic locks and the immense air pressure outside the plane physically preventing this from happening.”
Good old “scientists” describing the “immense air pressure” at 30,000 feet
“the immense air pressure outside the plane physically preventing this from happening.””
That really is terrible. Such an indictment of our modern education system! So, is it Carrie Dominic, the girl who wrote the article, or the “scientist” who told her what she wrote. I assume that would be the Professor of Aerospace Engineering.
“You see that great big handle on the door – that’s actually locked shut,” says Steve Wright, an associate professor of aerospace engineering at the University of the West of England.
It can’t even be a typo!
No mention that the interior is pressurised?
Usually only to about the equivalent of 5,000 ft or so from long memory.
The fast air flow over the door’s surface could perhaps produce a vacuum effect.
Even if intermittent care would be needed.
Air pressure decreases as the plane gains height. All the molecules like being closer to the ground, so at 30,000 feet its ‘thin air’.
The reporter must have got it wrong.
Trying to be kind. It could simply be an inside/outside usage mistake. I doubt many on this site would be overly critical of the odd use of the wrong word.
Then we get to “immense” a bit of hyperbole maybe, but relative to the strength of one human the force operating on the door seal in a pressurized cabin door is immense enough to not be overcome by one individual (or a few for that matter). The pressure on the door is pushing the seal together as the door sits in a well on the fuselage wall.
Probably bouncing back from very low numbers during Covid lockdowns. Not eating out saved a lot of people…
Also so many people have taken up chickens in the last couple of years. We’ve been breeding them for people in town here.
Poultry contact is a risk factor for zoonotic transmission of non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. … (they showed) a 25% decline in the number of Salmonella clinical isolates uploaded by state and local health departments. However, 1722 outbreak-associated Salmonella illnesses resulting from 12 Salmonella serotypes were linked to contact with privately owned poultry, an increase from all previous years. This report highlights the need for continued efforts to prevent backyard poultry-associated outbreaks of Salmonella as ownership increases in the United States.
Researchers have assessed the potential reasons behind a decrease in Salmonella infections in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study looked at the impact of coronavirus on salmonellosis from January 2020 to March 2021.
Incidence of Salmonella infections declined significantly after March 2020; in the second, third and fourth quarters of 2020, and in the first quarter of 2021, it decreased by 55 percent, 57 percent, 47 percent and 37 percent, respectively, compared to the same quarters of 2016 to 2019.
The Shigella is probably following the same path, low during lockdowns and expanding now as more people eat out & mix again. Unless the vaccine lowers people’s resistance to them…
Canadian truckers Rumble link
Worth a post in itself. Lockdowns toll, Inner dynamics of policy makers, vaccine’s etc.
Would you believe?
And the comments at the last!
I guess if you are green enough you can rationalise this.
This is the last thing Europe needs. Although the environment there can be nice to look at, after a while you start to notice the blandness and lack of natural plant and animal diversity we take for granted in Oz.
Its happened!! Everyone said they were going to!
Oh wait…
“Bloomberg News agency published a headline that read, ‘Live: Russia invades Ukraine’. It went up on its homepage around midnight Moscow time and stayed there for nearly half an hour, before it was removed and an apology for the mistake issued. The news agency admitted the blunder, saying that they “prepare headlines for many scenarios and the headline ‘Russia Invades Ukraine’ was inadvertently published around 4 p.m. ET today on our website.” “We deeply regret the error. The headline has been removed and we are investigating the cause,” Bloomberg added in its brief mea culpa, hidden behind a paywall.
So, its all organised and set to go! Like 911 was announced in NZ before it happened because of a dateline slip up.
Latest Pointman
Sunday Morning . . . (and she’s still) Coming Down.
We’re clocking up a solid 24 hrs of rain here . . . no flooding ; it’s nearly all going in.
Seems unlikely that this is a false break , with more rain forecast for later this coming week.
I know that some will insist that there is no such thing as a “false break” ; only a failure to take advantage of the available moisture.
We’ll see ; we could still get a dry three months following this break.
What’s unusual is that the rain is cold , coming from the S.E now , but the freshly -shorn ewes and lambs seem to be coping O.K.
A large 4th cut of lucerne is guaranteed in a couple of weeks; and if it warms up again , there could be a fifth cut. Or grazing anyway.
Barnaby Joyce apologising for calling Scoddee out ?
What the beep?
Woohoo! FB’S humble abode is currently enjoying the highest precipitation rate in Godzone , at 8 mm/hr .
Think I’ll go and move the sheep out of the creek paddock anyway.
The first guy hits the nail on the head on a number of serious issues.
Interviews from the Epic Day: Cafe Locked Out
Vandals plan to destroy pristine forrest in Germany for no real reason.
Carbon Capture and Storage – the mighty krill.
Warning: Propaganda Content.
Cant think of a bigger waste of money (except maybe the Climate Council) than icebreakers in a warming world. Somebody tell those crazy Russkis to just stop it.
J&J tried to worm its way out of paying $3.5B to victims of carcinogenic baby talc
Johnson & Johnson created a plan last year to limit the financial bleeding from billions of dollars in jury awards to plaintiffs who alleged the company’s Baby Powder and other talc products caused deadly cancers.
The healthcare and consumer-goods giant assigned more than 30 staffers to ‘Project Plato.’ In a memo on the project in July, a company lawyer warned the team: Tell no one, not even your spouse.
Safe & effective products, tested for efficacy by caring, loving people with your best interests at heart who would never ever engage in immoral, illegal or profit-driven conduct.
Phew…thank dawg for that eh
EU Wants To Keep Vaccine Passports In Place For Another ENTIRE YEAR
The unelected bureaucrat governors of the EU in the European Commission have proposed keeping the bloc’s COVID vaccine passport system in place for another entire year, despite the fact that many member countries are ramping down restrictions.
In a notice on its website, the Commission states “Today the European Commission is proposing to extend the EU Digital COVID Certificate by a year, until 30 June 2023.”
Well of course they do!
It’s the master plan after all.
By the end of 2023 everyone should be tagged like cattle.
Any place that has Wu Flu requirements – face nappies, internal passports etc. – is poxy. I don’t go to poxy places.
COVID Propaganda Roundup: How the Biomedical State Maintains the ‘All the Experts Agree’ False Consensus
The purpose is to create a mirage of consensus in order to discourage real journalists or normal people from looking into matters themselves. This tactic is pervasive, but nowhere has it been more widely employed than in the COVID era.
Because, if three key facts were permitted to infect the public consciousness, they would inevitably result in mass upheaval of the ruling class that perches on top of society, feeding on it like vultures.
Energy bill price rise may cause heart attacks and strokes, says TV GP
There could also be an increase in chest infections, mental health problems and ill-health in children
Good old UK…

Well I’m convinced!
Not sure what you think is so funny. The link between cold and heart attacks and strokes is long established. Coats, scarves, turned up collars, head covering is as much for survival as comfort.
Thomas Sowell: The Hidden History About Germany And The Holocaust