A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My understanding of the World Econic Forum is that it was founded by Klaus Schwab, it is a for-profit company and he owns it outright. It is not part of the UN or any other global organization.
Klaus is the center of the business, he runs all aspects of it and it has made him rich.
If I didn’t know better, I’d say the WEF is a cult.
Klaus Schwab is the man behind this”Plandemic”
We are being hoodwinked by OUR betters.
This is really really concerning but explains what is going on right now in the world. And a lot of people still desperately want this to be only a conspiracy…
Interesting times…
PM Trudeau has authorized the mainstream media(CBC) to freeze Bank accounts on behalf of the government.
You better not have sent any negative comments or you too could have your accounts frozen.
Canada must choose between Trudeau and totalitarianism.
Hard for me to see compromise.
Sorrowful to say.
Trudeau is at least prettier than representative oppositional government.
I thought Trudeau was on the totalitarian side.
You’re right ; they both have to go.
David here’s Willis’ Real cost of S & W about 9 months ago.
I realise that this is using dispatchable backup like gas or coal etc,but across the globe S & W seem to have very low capacity factors of 14% and 26% and he shows the capacities link from OWI data site.
I just wish that everyone would understand the lunacy and true cost of stand alone S & W energy that you’ve tried to highlight.
Why would any govt try to run a country using parasitic, TOXIC energy sources like S & W?
And the useful lifespan of S & W is about 20 years.
..??….wrong thread topic ??
This is the WE Uthreaded Chad.
Yes, but it still has discrete “topics” .
Otherwise why bother with the numerical index for discussion Topics ?
Gosh Chad I’m posting in an unthreaded comment area, so what’s your point?
Topic #2 is refering to Trudeau/ Canada etc..
Throwing in a random comment about Solar Wind etc just seems a bit lazy and crude compared to simply making it a new topic.
If you were in a bar where a group is discussing the Canadian situation,..would you interupt the conversation with a random comment about solar power ?……maybe you would, but common curtesy would suggest not to.
This blog is bad enough with any, all topics being pushed randomly into threads with a specific topic heading, without further corruption of common posting protocols, even on a Unthreaded which still have discrete topics
I just thought you had made a simple mistake…but maybe it was deliberate ?
I think it’s because Neville was addressing David Wojick of CFact , which is all about the AGW scam.
Yeah geez, meant to say choose between Trudeau’s totalitarianism and representational government.
Caffeine had not kicked in yet.
Sarc, pretty boy tyrant.
It’s just the next phase on the pathway to cashless society. You can have your money back ; just not in cash.
Trudeau is gambling on keeping control of the MSM so that the majority of Canadians are kept ignorant of the nature of the protests. For sure CBC will be allowed to film heavily armed police arresting people. The fact that the whole demonstation was a carnival is being kept from the MSM.
Canadians might want to get information from other than CBC.
“Media were told to leave the enforcement zone to help hide the optics of heavily armed RCMP tactical units, and they began breaking the windows of the trucks and forcibly removing the truck drivers. For the same reason, popular social media YouTuber’s, who had been broadcasting livestreams, were arrested as the operation began.”
Lots of videos, livestreams, etc. Trudeau can’t hide everything….
So if those police break too many windows the trucks become useless and will not be able to return to work any time soon.
Trudeau zero
Truckers 100
Especially in such cold conditions. Do they ever think things through, these overwheening bullies?
Watch over your shoulder, Canada.
It doesn’t seem conceivable that JT and minions would expend so much effort to extend this protest unless they are trying to divert attention from something more damaging to them, or something sinister that they don’t want Canadians to discover.
Keep your powder dry.
A publication called Imprimis, published by Hillsdale College, in Hillsdale, Michigan [website], is a monthly speech digest. The College itself is a ‘small government, conservative’ (U.S. terminology) institution, and was regularly promoted by the late, great Rush Limbaugh.
The December issue of Imprimis features a speech by Michael Rectenwald, titled, ‘What is the Great Reset?’. It is probably the best summary of what the Great Manipulators of our time (WEF, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, … ) have in store for us all.
I do not know if the publication can be accessed on line or not (I receive a free hard copy in the mail each month), but if one can find it, it is worth the read.
Lest you doubt,
Excellent publication, article, and College. General web link is:
Hillsdale is a Private institution and takes neither funds nor influence from Government entities or actors. Very independent.
They strongly believe in the Traditional Classical Education, and in learning How to think instead of What to think.
What Is the Great Reset:
Hillsdale College has free courses online: as well as K-12 programs
Thanks Lance. I’ve often asked for the meaning of the term “great reset”. Having now read the Hillsdale article I now have some idea. Forced socialism for the great unwashed. Unlimited wealth and power for the few. Scraps falling from the table to motivate the wannabes.
I agree when the author of the article writes “Because the goals of the Great Reset depend on the obliteration not only of free markets, but of individual liberty and free will, it is, perhaps ironically, unsustainable.”
My question is how to throw sand into the gears of the machine.
When this virus struck, I was intrigued by the speed with which the response was established, notwithstanding that some of the information published was very suspect.
I thought they must have had a plan drawn up a century ago, adapted for modern use.
I had no idea that Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros had been running two simulations in the last couple of years, which were not completed when the virus appeared.
It now seems that it was the WEF plan that was instantly taken up by governments around the world, with elected governments handing control to supposed elites.
So, at what point did the mandating of vaccination with ‘vaccines” of limited effectiveness come in? This mandating defies ordinary logic. It invites suspicion of a downright evil conspiracy, led by the WEF.
“downright evil conspiracy”
So appropriate.
Check out The Jacinda Papers.
All will be revealed.
The GR cannot progress without stifling the voice of the people. Honest elections, free speech, and freedom of assembly ( incudes peaceful protest, and civil disobedience) cannot be tolerated. Isn’t that exactly what we are seeing?
Posted previously.
Interesting. Amazon has suspended the BLM account that had $60 million worth of donations.
I wonder if the scrutiny turned to them after complaints the truckers were being singled out as it seems a big coincidence this should come so soon after the gofund me debacle and that the BLM funding began nearly 2 years ago. Will be interesting to see if the police get involved with BLM as several of the organisers seem to have acquired wealth from somewhere
So totalitarians ending up turning on the very people that helped them get power?
Who knew?
“Who knew?”
Almost everybody except the useful idiots who were being used in this way.
So I guess everyone with a knowledge of the history of these “events” knew this was inevitable.
A very respected Maori former politician , Tariana Turia , drew attention to this very phenomenon just this week.
She pointed out how Maori were being used as useful idiots to advance the Agenda, creating division and (temporary) privilege.
Well, well, well.
Funnily enough I can’t give you the links , and one of the pages keeps disappearing off my screen – repeatedly.
Who’da thunk it.
Anyway as you would expect the MSM has piled into it with their distortion and lies.
If you want to check just search – Karen Hay Tariana Turia.
You’ll see that Dame Tariana and Sir Russell Coutts are not alone in calling out the attack on democracy.
Kiwiblog is also with the people.
“Temporary privilege”.
A very interesting way of getting into the problems of our current world and trying to see what went wrong.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, but try telling that to the voters who have been living off free lunches for decades; they can’t see the damage that’s been done..
accidental double post
Everyone gets to participate in the new digital currency Tony.
And I mean EVERYONE.
The police are moving in on the protest in Ottawa.
The House of Commons expected a rather spirited debate today on Trudeau’s Emergency Act. So, the powers-that-be shut down the House of Commons for the day.
“powers-that-be shut down the House of Commons for the day.”
Jacinda did the same thing, preventing the Opposition (had there been one) from operating.
How can one person , or group, “shut down”. The national forum for discussing such critical matters.. Constitutions should prevent such blatent dictatorship.
Easy , by declaring an emergency , even when none has emerged. Jacinda declared two emergencies.
And the “opposition” sided with her , boots and all , and continues to do so till this day.
Daniel Andrews did it all too easily in Victoristan with the hepl of the Treason party who now want to decriminalize hard drugs.
It’s easy when one’s Constitution is not written but only of tradition — as NZ’s is.
Even electoral retribution is no deterrent. Someone mooted a longer electoral term a few years ago and wondered why the NZ GU (Great Unwashed) wouldn’t wear it at all. Not hard to figure out why…
One more interesting point: The Emergency Act prohibits participating in a “public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace”.
But then it lists who is exempt from the law, and it appears that the law only applies to . . . well, you decide who they mean. Here’s the actual wording:
This is insane. If there is any doubt there is a polarisation on the mask issue then this video dispels such doubts. There are those in the public who feel so strongly that people must ware mask that anyone caught without one is to be attacked. Those who attacked this guy are on the side of evil whether they realise it or not.
Maskless Snowboarder Gets ATTACKED In Ontario
At the protest in Wellington , retailers are bleating that they are suffering financially because they refuse to serve the thousands of unmasked protestors.
Apparently their normal customers are too intimidated to turn up.
Get woke , go broke . LOL
Yes. The other dimension is that big business is thriving at the same time small business is being crushed.
“The Unmasking”
“”put the rest here”-nation/the-unmasking/
“The computer chip supply chain crunch as a security threat”
From Fox just now
“Trudeau – a haircut with an ego”
“Here is a short explanation of the invocation of the state of Emergency Act by a lawyer.”
And Rex Murphy
Trudeau exemplifies the idea that a weak man with excessive power is dangerous.
How about his nasty little Minister of Finance? I remember when she went to Washington DC for a meeting with Trump. She kept him waiting. Literally she had one job – get to the meeting. She and Trudeau have always been Trump haters (maybe that’s not a strong enough word).
For those who want to see part 2 of the Project Veritas exposure of the Big Pharma/FDA money flow, it is here on Project Veritas Site.
Research reveals scary new details about sub-variant dubbed ‘Son of Omicron’
Just as fears surrounding the Covid pandemic were beginning to ease, alarming new research has shed troubling light on a sub-variant.
The new Covid sub-variant – nicknamed the “Son of Omicron” – is spreading fast and could cause more serious illness than its predecessor.
Sort of like a, dare I say it, STAGE 2.
Geert vanden Bossche just posted his take on developments too:
Omicron a wolf in sheeps clothing
There can be no doubt that accelerated mass vaccination campaigns followed by booster shots at intervals as short as 4-5 months and complemented by C-19 vaccination of children will lead to a higher incidence of disease in the vaccinated population.
I don’t know what governments and the vaxxed are going to do at this point.
You’ve not so much shot yourselves in the foot as bazooka’d your legs off.
Things getting worse in the UK with an increase in human diseases.
Things hotting up in India as expected.
India is a real mixed bag but I keep an eye on it daily.
Here’s the money -quote :-
” Unless the above postulate is scientifically proven wrong or at least improbable, halting mass vaccination and instead implementing large scale antiviral chemoprophylaxis campaigns and raising global awareness about the vital importance of healthy food and a healthy lifestyle in order to dramatically reduce viral infection rates and strengthen people’s innate immunity, respectively, should be declared a health emergency of international concern.
On the other hand, no vaccine can contribute to controlling a pandemic of an acute self-limiting viral infection, and for that matter of SC-2, unless it induces sterilizing immunity.
And this explains why it is not a problem for the elites to scrap the mandates etc.
Because the job is already done if the above predictions should become manifest .
The now -completed mass vaccination campaign is now the weapon.
Thank you for the link. Geert vanden Bossche is excellent, if somewhat difficult so read. From that is a link to his substack and Gab. There is another paper from PeterMcCollough et al on innate immune suppression by Sars-CoV-2, also difficult to wade through. It is excellent and will take several readings. Nobody said it was going to be easy.
Just to break the monotony.
Surely not!!!
Again here’s the link to King Island’s hybrid energy system that still uses a dispatchable diesel engine as back up.
They claim that this system can run on S & W for about 60 % + of the time. Don’t forget that this serves a community of just 1585 people yet still requires diesel to avoid blackouts.
Obviously a stand alone S & W system would be incredibly expensive and probably impossible.
When reading propaganda always reverse the percentages. Can run on S&W 60% of the time reveals the truth that does run on diesel 40% of the time.
Q: What people used before candles?
A: Electricity
It seems nearly every time I look at the site, the diesel is running, Flinders Island is a fair bit better.
Nearly 70% of recent COVID deaths in Canada were ‘fully vaccinated’ citizens, gov’t data shows
Official Canadian government data reveal a different story to the much reported ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’
..except for illegals, immigrants & non-whites who don’t get vaxxed, just like the USA..
Yes. The propaganda has morphed.
Safe and effective now means statistically slightly less likely to die when statistics are adjusted to suit the political message of the day. After all 70% deaths is a lower percentage than 90% injected isn’t it?
The only question remaining for me is whether all of the harm done by the injections only strategy was for the almighty dollar or whether there was a more sinister motivation.
With the amount expended by government after government it cannot have been about good fiscal management. HCQ and IVM are dirt cheap.
Anything involving the WEF and Dr Bill Gates needs to be treated with great suspicion.
“End of restrictions exposes senseless Covid ‘scare-mongering’
The hysterical headlines have receded and all the catastrophic predictions were wrong. The results could not be any clearer.”
NZ: Up to 100% of Covid-19 hospitalisations are among the fully vaccinated
Official data hidden within News Reports published by the New Zealand Ministry of Health has revealed that the fully vaccinated population account for the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations in New Zealand, with some days seeing the triple/double jabbed account for 100% of people admitted to hospital.
Just wait until after winter in NZ & Oz..
They’ll have to call in the military to staff the hospitals.
So much for zero covid.
And my brothers wonder why I am not “vaccinated”?
Let’s be clear about this: I have not admitted the Pfizer leaky and dangerous “Experimental Medications” to my immune system and will not. So far, despite my residence in Auckland City, I am still free of Covid as I have been all this Epidemic. Long may this continue.
I take care of my own immunity.
Wow! Someone’s mentioning Blackrock!
When the “experts” were 100% wrong for two years, are they still experts?
More truckers are standing up for medical freedom than the doctors and nurses who swore an oath to protect it.
Freedom is not a reward for compliance. That’s how jails work.
Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.
Can you imagine the phone conversations between Turdeau, Schwab and Soros right now?
Get ready for their next move.
It’s hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.
Flannery has been wrong climate for a couple of decades and is still the go to guy on that topic for the ABC. You just know they are going back to the same doomster bad hair academic epidemiologists if anything come up.
Eunice batters Britain.
‘A storm earns a name when forecasters believe it will have a “substantial” impact on the UK or Ireland. Storm Eunice certainly meets that criteria, with snow in the north – especially in the Scottish highlands – and wild winds across the entire UK, strongest in the south.’ (Weatherzone)
That criterion or those criteria.
Criterion would have been a better fit and technically correct.
Slowly and imperceptibly we appear to be losing our language.
How does ‘Eunice’ compare with our 1987 hurricane? Where we lived in Hampshire had incredible wind coming from one side of the house, followed by a spooky stillness, followed by an incredible wind blasting the opposite side of the house. Trees down all over southern England; Sevenoaks became Oneoak; the rail line around Fleet was blocked (so I couldn’t get up to London to lodge our emigration application papers at Australia House!).
The 1987 winds were hurricane speed, 120 mph or thereabouts.
My home was in the peak of both storm areas, strongest gust yesterday was 71mph, in 1987 it was 115mph. Yesterday was still one of the top few storms I’ve seen, sea salt on my windows – probably only happens every 5-10 years.
They are claiming a new English low level record of 122mph at the Needles IOW, dodgy spot and not representative. Similarly exposed points nearby peaked at about 80/90mph.
And the Penlee lifeboat disaster in 1981, It would appear that “hurricane force ” winds are not all that uncommon around Blighty.
Hurricane wind speed at the Needles, probably not unprecedented but …
A couple of B52s landed in the midst of that.
Many years ago I was under one on finals doing a touch’n go. Not a big cross wind but the A/C was pointed right and the bogies were aligned with the centre line. Eerie!
heres a nice video of one doing that
Great Climate Backslide’ Takes Shape as Banks Pour Trillions Into Fossils
With Bloomberg News declaring that governments’ “Great Climate Backslide” has begun, recent reports show major banks pouring more than a trillion dollars into oil, gas, and coal, even as they scramble to burnish their green credentials.
Poor old Greta. Bwaa haa 😅
Maybe the excess-carbon neutralising vaccines will do the trick 😈
Death by vaccine “legally considered suicide”
Wonder how long before Aussie insurers copy France on this?
A good speech by J.P. Sears — of Awaken with JP video fame — at the freedom rally in Washington a couple of days back.
See also his latest Truth is Terrorism video. The US government is starting to sound like Jacinda the Tooth Fairy — everything they don’t like is dis-, mis- or mal- information. They will be your only source of “truth”.
Do we have a Ram among the Canadian tv media sheep?
Got to have an expert panel though.
If you tested positive to COVID and recovered, and if you fall off your bike and break your arm and are admitted to hospital within 28 days, you are classified as a covid admission.
The experts reviewed this absolute lie and changed it to, if you fall off your bike and break your arm and are admitted to hospital within 14 days, you are classified as a covid admission.
The experts reviewed this absolute lie and changed it to, It’s the length of the lie that makes it a lie?
The PM stating, 50% of all hospital covid admissions and ICU are admitted for other reasons, this would also include deaths.
Have face masks reduced covid cases?
As per usual — No.
In Scotland school students were required to wear masks; in England it was optional, but most kids had already ditched them before the edict came out.
In Scotland, with mask mandates in secondary schools, test positivity is more than twice as high (around 40%).
If masks and more restrictions reduce transmission, why did Scottish young people have greater increases in weekly cases and higher test positivity than English young people in autumn 2021?
Okay, how do I explain this?
This will be an ‘effort’ to try and explain what might happen when they close Eraring Power Station, and keep in mind that they are also planning to close Liddell Power Station at around the same time, and overall, that’s the loss of almost 5000MW (in Nameplate) but in probable reality, around 3000MW to 4500MW, depending on time of day, and Season of the Year.
Okay, so look very closely at this image at this link while I attempt to explain it.
Even though this shows the overall power generation for yesterday, It’s indicative of what is basically every day. It shows the overall power generation from every source in the vast AEMO coverage area. Look at the legend under the graph for each of the sources. As you can see, I have ‘unticked’ the box for rooftop solar power ONLY, and I have done that for a specific reason, to assist with the explanation, so the area on the graph which ‘was’ indicated by the yellow of rooftop solar power is now just left as white, that bulb in the middle of the graph.
Now here, keep in mind this EXCEEDINGLY important fact. That rooftop solar power is only supplying the homes with the panels and some other as excess in the sub station general ‘area’ where those homes with panels are located. Rooftop solar is NOT supplying power in the overall grid other than in that Residential Sector. And also keep in mind that the white area is ‘behind the meter’, so this power generation is a best case guess of what may be being generated.
Now, we all know (as explained to us by a couple of contributors to this site) that the pretty big white area, rooftop solar power, is what is being used to manipulate the cost of power generation during those daylight hours, (now see why I left that area as white) along with the red of Commercial Solar Plants and Wind Plants which CAN manipulate that market because they get huge extra money in the form of those Subsidies, as well as the money they receive for the power they generate. As is the case, what is happening now is that during those hours, coal fired power has to bid a negative price to remain on the grid as delivering power.
The IMPORTANT point here is that the power being generated by ALL of those coal fired plants ….. IS still being generated, and it also ….. IS still being consumed, in that huge area of consumption that is Industry, Commerce, Schools, Hospitals EVERY high rise building, the remainder of the Residential Sector, etc etc etc.
That coal fired power (NSW and QLD black coal) is the dark grey colour on the graph, the bottom one there, and the largest contributor across the day. Victoria is brown coal, and that is the dirty browny colour immediately on top of the grey colour.
Now, remove Eraring and Liddell, and just take that off the graph, coal fired power loses that 3000MW during the white coloured area time. However, it now loses around 4500MW at 6PM and it gradually drops to 3000MW at around 4AM.
No solar power at all during those hours.
Okay, because they have to bid negative during those daylight hours, that’s perhaps six hours when they’re not getting money for the power they generate. They still get paid the average for the other 16 hours a day but it’s less than what the highest Peak price is around 5PM to 10PM.
So, the Company is losing money, both of them, Eraring and Liddell owners, well perhaps not losing money, but not actually making any money for the power they still have to keep generating.
That’s why they are going to close. no other reason.
AND, the power that Eraring and Liddell deliver is still being generated and is still being consumed. Take it away, and in reality there is NOTHING to replace it with.
AND even though it shows here on the whole of AEMO grid, all of this will be in NSW. That’s taking away (probably even more than) 40% of ALL of NSW’s power.
Let me reiterate here that the power is still being generated and is still being consumed.
Take it away, and just even guess beyond your wildest dreams what might happen.
See now why selling those NSW power plants to private companies was a really really bad idea. There’s no altruism when it comes to losing big money like that. (negative power price) And now there’s nothing to replace the power which will be lost.
See also why Queensland (and that State still owns nearly all the power plants in that State) promised to go to 50% Renewables by 2030, (Huh! Good luck with that, as no matter what, without closing coal fired power, more than half of it, they won’t even get close) and one of the main findings from the Panel was that the State will NOT be closing ANY coal fired power plants by that time.
Take that coal fired power away, and NSW will just go black.
And you can perhaps figure out what sort of backlash there might be when that happens, eh.
Tony, here in Qld we have three wind farms. The one at Windy Hill is a toy but those at Coopers Gap and Mt Emerald are serious attempts with a name plate over 600 MW. Trouble is they seldom generate over 100 MW. It’s 76 MW now.
The south coast can get winds out of the stormy Antarctic but the prevailing SEaster doesn’t really cross our coast and we can’t go offshore in the GBR Marine Park. We will NEVER have useful wind generation.
This screen shot from windy shows what I mean:,153.022,5,i:pressure
Very true Tony…
It should be obvious to any thinking observer what the consequences of this decision are… crisis and blackouts with higher costs to the consumer.
AEMO are predicting part of the answer is a 1 GW average reduction in demand by 2026 together with “demand management” protocols and some magic new infrastructure upgrades (interconnectors ?)
Keen seems to be the main protagonist in this , he needs to pull his head in and let a real strategist take over.
The Fed Gov should take ownership of all critical services infrastructure again…..the “Market” experiment has failed due to greed and corruption.
Tony here’s the link to King Island’s hybrid energy system that still uses a dispatchable diesel engine as back up.
They claim that this system can run on S & W for about 60 % + of the time. Don’t forget that this serves a community of just 1585 people yet still requires diesel to avoid blackouts.
Obviously a stand alone S & W system would be incredibly expensive and probably impossible.
Any comments Tony on this tiny system and could it ever be a S & W stand alone system (without Diesel) and at what cost?
You have to read between the lines to learn the real lessons from KIREPs.
The average demand is 1.4 MW, with a peak of 2.5 MW..
To service that, they have 2.9 MW of Wind and Solar in addition to the 6MW diesel “back up” and 1.5 MWh battery
And RE still only supplies 65% of the demand !
……and that is in an optimal location for wind generation !
Scaling that up to to Australia Grid level …25GW average demand (18,000 times more !)..
…that would suggest 52 GW of wind and solar would be needed,..together with 27+ GWh of battery capacity,…. and still only expect 65% of demand to be filled !
…But , of course there would still need to be sufficient “back up” ( gas and coal) to cover that remaining 35%….and those windless periods !
And what is this installation on KI ?
Diesel powered UPS, providing renewable energy ?
Biggest battery in the world offline “again” for overheating problems .
100% agree Tony. This is a disaster playing out starting now, not in 2025. Amongst the many issues with the Eraring closure on top of Liddell, is that starting now every maintenance issue at Eraring, from now to closure, will be viewed from the perspective of why bother by the finance team at Origin. Whatever planned maintenance and capital requirements to keep them running between now and then will be scaled back even further than they have been, so the reliability of the units will fall further. As an example of the sorts of decisions that may be made before 2025, Liddell 3 has come off in the last week or so with a boiler tube leak. It is scheduled to shut down on March 31. i believe ti unlikely that they will repair and bring back on. Would you spend the money on fixing it just to shut it down in 4 weeks ?? Serious issues at Eraring will now be viewed in the same prism, and actually become more likely with reduced engineering, capital and maintenance between now and formal closure.
My advice to all – buy diesel gensets for home. You are almost certainly going to need them from 2025 on, and likely before.
And the only diesel set to get is a 1500 rpm watercooled engine with a 4 pole generator , an aircooled 3000rpm 2 pole is useless for any extended run.
and it will be used as evidence of “unreliable coal”
I can recommend this one … with small engines petrol runs a lot smoother than diesel.
It’s air cooled, very quiet, a bit stinky so you need it in a spot that has cover against the rain, but also very well ventilated to get rid of the exhaust. Needs an oil change every now and then, but no worse than your typical 4 stroke mower. Despite what the name suggests, it’s only 1800W continuous power, the 2200W is “peak” power which means it will handle the occasional surge.
It’s enough to tide you over, but still gives pretty decent fuel economy. Also easily luggable, no worse than a suitcase and fits in the back of a small car if you need power at a remote location.
Tony, no doubt you have your own sums done, but I submit here some comments on the Golden Plains windfarm announced recently. The bullet points were of course taken as gospel, and this is why RE is imagined by the general public as a viable replacement for fossil fuels. Nobody does the maths. Pertinent features from the report:
The Golden Plains Wind Farm has secured TagEnergy as an equity investor in the $3 billion project, while Vestas has been awarded the main engineering and construction contract….The massive project has been approved for 215 turbines…. At full capacity, it is estimated it would provide enough energy for more than 750,000 homes….. “With an installed capacity of more than 1,300MW, the Golden Plains Wind Farm’s 215 turbines will be capable of producing more than 4,500 GWh of energy annually, approximately 8 per cent of Victoria’s energy demand.”
Still with the technologically illiterate solutions to replacing coal and gas. Here are some major issues.
1. The turbines are predicted to be 40% efficient on average over a year (8760h a year, stated 4500GWh output, max output 1.3GW). That’s high, normally it’s 30-35%.
2. Power retailers can only bank on 500MW on average, not 1.3GW, so that’s only 3% of Victoria’s needs.
3. The output is randomly variable. The wind farm can only guarantee somewhere between 0 and 1.3GW of output next week or next month.
4. The 8% of Victoria’s power needs therefore needs to be backed up by anywhere from 0-8% at any time.
5. This means doubling up on the infrastructure needed to supply the power, with a backup supply that delivers around 800MW (the difference between average capacity and full capacity) on average throughout the year, at random times for random lengths of time.
6. In the end, this means that coal and gas backup of equal output (1.3GW in this case) are needed to match any installed wind capacity.
7. 3bn for 500MW average output is around 5-10x more expensive than a coal or gas plant that is continuous, dispatchable and predictable for energy retailers. Who says RE is cheap?
Predicted to be 40% efficient. How do they go on predicting the winner of the Melbourne Cup? Average efficiency across Australia is more like 30%.
“At full capacity it would provide enough energy for more than 750,000 homes” comes close to being false. Full capacity of 1,300MW would be attained (if it were in such a favourable place like the North Sea) is unlikely to be obtained even for 0.8% at 98% for 70 hours a year. In practice I wouldn’t expect it to ever reach full capacity.
“Power retailers can only bank on 500MW on average” that’s only 11.1% of capacity and even in the favourable North Sea only 86% of the time — and those figures were from before the last year in which output from the North Sea wind farms was over 20% LESS than expected, and for days was so close to nil that you needed a magnifying glass to read the meter.
Your points about the need for backup and the cost are quite true.
BTW Tony do you agree with David Wojick’s estimate of the true cost of a large stand alone system using S & W and batteries?
The cost would be horrendous and why would any new start up companies ever want to risk the full cost and unreliability of such a system?
I disagree with one of David’s statements, where he claims that cloudy days mean a drop of solar to 10% of max. My experience is that solar drops to 33% to 50% on cloudy days, but perhaps my “cloudy days” are not as cloudy as David’s. I have asked David where the 10% figure came from.
10% on cloudy days has been my experience .
Ok thanks Robert. Presume this is the change from a sunny day to a completely no-sun day, within the same timespan, say within a week or two?
From Friends of Science
Study can be viewed here
Strop thanks for the link and comments. Willis Eschenbach covered all of their claims about so called climate emergencies or existential threats etc and found that the data proved that their claims were false.
His many graphs are very easy to understand and cover long periods of time.
Update: The Felicity Ace, which caught fire near the coast of the Azores, will be towed to another European country or the Bahamas, the captain of the nearest port told Reuters on Friday.
Lithium-ion batteries in the electric cars on board have caught fire, and the blaze requires specialized equipment to extinguish, captain Joao Mendes Cabecas of the port of Hortas said. The source of the fire is still unknown.
“The ship is burning from one end to the other … everything is on fire about five meters above the water line,” Cabeças said.
Tow boats were en route from Gibraltar and the Netherlands, with three due to arrive by Wednesday, Cabecas said. He added the vessel could not be towed to the Azores because it was so big it would block trade at the port.
Not that the batteries in these electric cars ever spontaneously catch fire…. Even if they didn’t once a fire is burning I’m sure they go up quite spectacularly. Yet another unforeseen problem of hybrids & electrics, what will they do if one catches fire in the Suez or the Panama.
A green thumb for just your moniker.. 😀
Crisis Of the Vaccine Injured & Dying – COVID
I just came up with it. Sums it up well at this stage.
What are the ramifications of this?
A ship purpose built to transport motor vehicles has caught fire and has been abandoned in the Atlantic. It looks like 4000 high priced vehicles and the ship will be lost. The captain advises that the fire started in lithium batteries in electric vehicles.
This sort of ship would be required to have top of the line fire suppression capability yet here it has a fire so catastrophic that the ship has been abandoned. They were unable to stop the lithium fire.
This sort of situation has become more and more frequent. Land based vehicle carriers have also caught fire with lithium batteries becoming unstable with the constant up and down movement of the cars on the road. The same level of movement would also apply with sea transport probably even more so.
There have been increasing numbers of house and car fires attributed to lithium battery failures. This is going to have serious implications for insurance of these assets. Unless suppliers and manufactures can solve this issue the use of lithium batteries for domestic power storage and electric vehicles will no longer be viable.
This castrophe will have an insurance loss of around $400 million (4000 x $100,000) plus the loss of the ship. I have no idea what the repair or replacement of the ship would be but probably at least the cost of the vehicle loss.
Anyone who thinks the status quo can be maintained after this disaster is kidding themselves.
Quote from WUWT …
“We may never know if an EV started the fire, ”…
So , a lot of speculation and finger pointing without firm evidence!
The Captain believed it started from a Lithium battery
“Believed” ..being the key word.!
I doubt he..nor any of the crew actually witnessed the initial fire…..more likely allerted by a fire detection system.
So the captain would be relying on some third party guess work.
That is why we have to wait for a formal Maritme investigation.
In a major incident like this,.. It would be very advantageous to the Captain, crew , Ship owners, insurance companies, etc ….to be able to point the finger at someone else !
…Just saying !
Clearly he should have checked with you before making his statement. His bad.
regardless of the source , once started , the fire suppression systems they had were not effective. This is not new news, the would have known this risk when they loaded and chose to accept it.
Truly amazing work there Chad; that’s the prize winner for 2022 so far.
Hey look over there. It’s a squirrel.
I would have said that there is clear evidence that once the batteries catch fire the cause of the ignition was pretty irrelevant because the fire will spread and cannot be contained.
Waddayareckon Chad?
I Reckon that we dont know the “cause” of the initial fire.
…or how many EVs were on board
..or why there was no effective fire containment system .
Too many unknowns at this stage.
We might not know the cause of the fire, but we sure do know the outcome.
do you know of an effective fire containment system for a lithium battery fire?
not sure that even exists , let alone retrofittable to a bulk transporter
He suppression system at the worlds biggest battery seems to have worked .
I would never go within ten kilometers of that.
I hate poisons.
Yes !….and i have used it .
Its called WATER…lots of it
Immersion is best, but heavy flooding quantities will work by soaking away the heat that sustains and spreads the fire, allowing the fire to e contained.
And water should not be a problem on an ocean freighter !
When ships get too much water on board, they sink.
Have you ever seen a LiPo brought into contact with water?
Thats what bilge pumps are for !
Are you having problems reading KK ?
What do the words. “yes..and i have used it” Suggest to you ?
Would the ownership of an EV and the act of charging it thereby causing a fire, be contributary to arson, after all, the risk is well known.
Weird weather.
Giant ice balls form in a frozen lake in northern China. Some were measured at 600mm diameter.
Wonder what the physics behind this is?
The USA lakes get them also
Oh ye of little faith, it must be due to Climate Change.
Some ramifications of that EV/ship fire here
And some other points on ships and fores and – –
Have you heard if the fire at the Victorian country race meeting last month was caused by EVs? The media has been very quiet about this incident.
Hadn’t heard about that one. This one and a bit bigger occurred in Geelong in Sept 21. It took out to Tesla Megapacks.
Was widely covered but not follow ups (as you would expect for something at a country race meeting) Suspect was a hot cat convertor over straw covered ground.
With Rob Malone.
Well that explains a lot…
There are already claims out there that this is not true. Seems like somethign that ought to be verifiable, if there were journalists….
A bit like the situation in Donbass this morning, following the “car bombing” last night.
Biden is absolutely certain that Putin will “invade ” now.
Jo , sorry i can’t give you the scoop on this , but it is probably worthy of a page or two.
Just search The Jacinda Papers , or try this
I like this bit from the above papers :-
“It further reports that a process for monitoring mis- and dis-information, and conspiracy narratives has been established, and describes public access to social media platforms as a problem that needs to be addressed.”
I’ve been puzzled by my permanent ban from commenting at the BFD. I don’t think that I am the most objectionable commenter around ; could be wrong.
Perhaps I have been “addressed”.
Maybe not.
PfizerGate Scandal: The Worldwide Cover-up of Data to disguise the fact Covid-19 Vaccines cause VAIDS
Health authorities around the world are manipulating figures in an attempt to hide from the general public that the Covid-19 injections are causing the fully vaccinated to develop Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; and we can prove it…
Look at the Aussie data (graph)….
COVID NARRATIVE COLLAPSING: ABS admits most deaths with Covid were elderly, with co-morbidities
More than 91 per cent of COVID-19 deaths recorded in Australia have occurred in people who had one or more other health issues, new data has revealed.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released information on the 2639 COVID-19 deaths that were recorded in Australia up until January 31, 2022….
Only 220 of the 2556 deaths caused by COVID-19 had just the virus listed on the death certificate.
Most deaths due to COVID-19 – 91.4 per cent – had other conditions listed, with the average person who died having 2.7 other diseases and conditions certified alongside the virus.
Facial recognition firm Clearview AI says it will soon have 100 BILLION photos in its database to ensure ‘almost everyone in the world will be identifiable’ and wants to expand beyond law enforcement
A controversial AI company has announced it aims to put an image of nearly every human face in its facial recognition database, making it possible for ‘almost everyone in the world [to] be identifiable.’
In its latest report in December, facial recognition firm Clearview AI told investors that the company is currently collecting 100 billion photos of human faces for the unprecedented campaign, which will be stored in its dedicated database.
The collection of images – approximately 14 photos for each of the 7 billion people on the entire planet, scraped from social media and other sources – would extensively bolster the company’s extensive surveillance system, already the most elaborate of its kind.
Blockbuster! A video summary of all the COVID vaccination lies in 60 seconds, featuring Anthony Fauci as lead actor playing himself. Coming soon to a (hospital) theatre near you!
Senator Alex Antic has questioned the federal police on their use of the LRAD devices and cell phone blackout at the protest for pro choice at Parliment house . Seems there were many such devices deployed but they couldn’t answer the question of were they used on a peacefull crowd . They claim they were only used as loudspeakers but complaints about the effects have been made .
The struggle in The NSW Health Covid narrative.
You have to feel sorry for the PR team!
Go to Table 6 Page 10
The no effective dose has now been gobbled up by those dying with less than two effective doses and excludes the three effective dose category. A very exclusive club indeed!
I wonder how many deaths were in those that had not been dosed?
So basically if you die of anything other than trauma for a period after a jab, there is a high chance your death will be recorded as Covid and not the jab. Appendix B page 26
What is not vaccinated?
This is like an electricity bill, you really can not rationalize the current bill to information in any previous billing.
Well done team! You are brave souls, Most States do not even attempt the mental gymnastics.
‘Tis Saturday night and unthreaded. Maybe we need a distraction:–eKU
Here’s one:
There’s a luxury car freighter (new cars only) with some biiiiig problems in the Atlantic!
Some Electric car’s batteries have caught fire and now they’re all burning
… must have been the Bentleys, no … the Porsches, … no … umm.
So if your ordered car hasn’t arrived yet, here’s where it might be:
Whosoever is carrying the insurance is in for a big bill …
Thanks H, stolen and forwarded to all those I know who can still laugh at everything irreverent
Thank you Hanrahan , that is hilarious.
An interesting article on modern political leadership. Its discussing Trudeau but if you inserted Andrews it would read true.
So much gloom and misery about, so may I offer (with Jo’s indulgence) a poetic diversion.
I have to confess to a wicked crime – I continue to love (and will to the end) the arts of our Western culture which have grown and evolved from its origins in Ancient Greece some 3000 years ago.
A central element of Western art has been poetry, indeed one might argue that Western literature is in a strong sense “footnotes to Homer”, as some have argued.
Homer’s verse was a metrical verse of dactylic hexameters, and most of Western poetry was composed in some form of metered verse, up until the 20th C.
Few poets today, of course, write in metered forms, since we are in full retreat from our traditions.
But it’s too late for me, I will persist in my doomed “craft or sullen art” to the end.
The following piece is a homage to the more than 700 species of Eucalypt found in Australia – I have always been fasciated by many of the name – I couldn’t fit them all in, but here are a few.
The metrical form here is an accentual tetrameter in rhymed couplets.
Black Gum, White Gum, Orange Gum, Blue,
Snap and Rattle and the old Wandoo;
Warted Yate, Soak Yate, Mootwingie Mallee,
Gully Ash, Mountain Ash, Scaly Butt, and Mealy;
Stringybark, Bogong, Yertchuk, and Fuzzy,
Coffin Bay, Brown, Badgerabbie, and the Monkey.
Sometimes alone, but often they mingle
Like an Alpine Cider with a Yellow Tingle.
Powder-Barked, Silver-Leaved, Large-Fruited Grey,
Twin-Leaved, Jarrah, and the Mallee Mount Day;
Bell-Fruited, Pear-Fruited, Apple-Topped Box
Feeding possums and the fruit-bat flocks;
Cabbage Gum, Apple Gum, Pumpkin Bark Gum,
Sugar Gum, Peppermint, yum yum yum!
Some good for building, some not so good,
And some refuse, like the Bastard Bloodwood.
Spearwood, Tallow Wood, Goodwood, Spinning,
Shining, Glistening, Dropping, Weeping;
Fluted Horn, Silver Mallet, Alpine Ash,
Are pulping-gums for dunny-paper cash;
Diehard Stringybark, Silver-topped Gimlet,
Bimble Box, Red Box, Rosebud, Goblet.
Search for the Manna and build a bush-hut
But never try to undercut a Tenterfield Woolybutt.
You must have options for a few more verses in you Mark ?
The CSIRO state there are 934 species of Eucalypts in Autralia. !
Good for you Mark. I too retain a liking for actual metered poetry when I get round to reading it. A lot of the offerings in The Spectator leave me stone cold and thinking ‘what?’.
Having said that, I confess I’ve long been a lover of utter doggerel, especially that with a good fast galloping rhyme. I still cherish a copy of ‘Verse and Worse’, loved the efforts of Paul Jennings who wrote ‘The Jenguin Pennings’ (not the PJ who wrote children’s books more recently but the one who produced articles in UK papers) and some of the amazing stuff produced by Tom Lehrer with his incredible use of the English language.
My mother and her friend, (subsequently my aunt as my mother married her friend’s brother!) wrote a lot of poetry while at school; they also wrote doggerel.
Perth temps not yet unprecedented.
‘Perth is now just two 35 degree days away from eclipsing a record that has stood for over three decades. Based on current forecasts, this could happen as early as Monday.
‘On Saturday, the mercury at Perth soared to a sweaty 38.8 degrees. This marked the 30th day in excess of 35 degrees so far this summer. The highest on record is 31 days, which was recorded in the summer of 1977/78. The forecast is for Sunday to reach 36 degrees, and Monday 35 degrees. Should both these forecast eventuate it would equal, then surpass, the 31-day record.’ (Weatherzone)
Absolutely correct. I can recall one sustained very hot period in Perth, I think 1972, when the hot weather continued right through into May. And a few years later, another very hot period that lasted well over three weeks. In the days when most of us didn’t have air conditioning, these sustained hot periods were noticeable. I note that the mid-70s were a time when we also had strong La Ninas.
I find it difficult to convince folks that WA, particularly the lower half, experiences these sustained hot periods during strong La Ninas.
It was the time of the great climate shift, when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation became positive.
There might be a climate pattern, but it ain’t clear.
There is an obvious pattern over the last 100 years , highly variable !
This story has just been published in The Australian. It is headlined
AGL Energy has received a takeover bid from Mike Cannon-Brookes, Brookfield
“AGL Energy has received a joint takeover bid from billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes and Canadian asset management giant Brookfield, pledging to shut the power giant’s coal plants even earlier than planned as part of efforts to slash its emissions.”
It is fascinating to read the comments on this article from the Conservative readers of The Australian many of whom have rapidly discarded their mantra “free markets good nationalisation bad” and are urging the government to nationalise power generation. A perfect example of how rapidly one’s self interest overcomes one’s principles
Apart from the nonsense of allegedly knowing the principles of commenters on a distant blog , it could just be they are thinking of what’s best for Australia rather than pushing mindless dogma of any kind.
I have said previously that it would be best that we get RE good and hard as soon as possible so the carnage can be seen and we can move on to something that makes sense.
This move from Cannon Brookes and co (a perfect example of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs) may be just the thing to catalyse RE stupidity into its terminal phase.
“Apart from the nonsense of allegedly knowing the principles of commenters on a distant blog ,”
What on earth has distance to do with blogs? Blogs from all over the world are readily and ra[dly accessible via internet search engines. Your comment on “distant blogs” is a nothing but a furphy.
And as for the “nonsense of allegedly knowing the principles of commenters” it seems you may not read the comments made by readers of The Australian. These comments often give a clear indication of the commenter’s view on a particular topic and as said articles cover a wide range of topics the range of the principles held by commenters is equally wide
Distance , remoteness, disconnectedness , total unawareness of the people you pontificate on about knowing their principles. But then you knew what I meant its just convenient to hide behind pedantry when it suits.
Interesting that you say people wanting coal plants kept open is their self interest speaking. Is that you admitting that coal does produce cheaper reliable power? Because unless they’re invested in coal sales the only self interest is cheap reliable power.
Anyway, I wouldn’t classify wanting a government to step in when the market fails to deliver an essential service as going against the concept of free markets. Given government anti free market subsidy interference in the creation of unreliable green energy has created the situation.
AGL have rejected the proposal .
The FEDERAL govmt should dictate the shutdown dates of all the key coal generators,..with the proviso that any that fail to meet pre agreed targets for performance or shutdown timing,…will be seized as critical National Assets.
How about loss of subsidies for two years and $100k to every consumer who is disconnected due to lack of supply !
I should have added that here in WA we were smart enough in 1979 to reach an agreement with gas mining companies that 15% of gas go to the state energy system. The recently approved Scarborough project will provide more than enough domestic gas for the foreseeable future. Fortunately WA is rich in natural resources not only iron ore and gas but also in rare earth minerals that are critical components of electronic devices, and vital for many green technologies; they’re in magnets for wind power turbines and in batteries for hybrid-electric vehicles.
Additionally at some stage the government will approve nuclear powered generation of electricity and again WA is sitting in the very fortunate position of having considerable reserves of uranium
There is still a concern that the WA state govt is letting the coal power stations run down. These are supplying over 40% of the power to the SW grid.
“There is still a concern that the WA state govt is letting the coal power stations run down. ”
I think that concern may be a bit overdone as the energy minister Bill Johnston has stated “no one doubted renewable energy would become the mainstay of the grid, but he argued it was vital the switch away from traditional sources did not compromise the security of the system.”
IFrom this it seems fossil fuels including coal, will have a place in WA’s power generation for quite a few years
Hoping, wishing and seeming don’t have much place in keeping the lights on.
The move to shut down Eraring and replace it with a battery has been described as “delusional”
I don’t disagree with that description, but who are you quoting?
Well it wasn’t Matt Keen, chief “Liberal” renewables booster in the NSW Government.
He think that a 700MW battery and some more wind turbines will replace a 2880MW FULL TIME coal fired power station. (To be fair he also has delusions about pumped storage without defining where (or when with the Greenies objecting) and a visit by the Fairy Godmother or perhaps the Easter Bunny or other fantasies).
The only good side is that when he gets to replace the Premier he will inherit the mess he was so enthusiastic about, and he will be abruptly dumped from office.
Similar to Energy Minister Keane.
Here’s another way to try and understand the total GLOBAL energy required today and by 2050 etc.
Read carefully and you’ll understand that our favoured S & W TOXIC, idiocy + bio fuels ( DUH) supplied about 0.03 of 1 CMO in 2008.
A: “Currently, the global annual consumption of oil stands at 1 cubic mile. Additionally, the world uses 0.8 CMO of energy from coal, 0.6 from natural gas, roughly 0.2 from each of hydro, nuclear, and wood for a grand total of 3 CMO. Solar, wind, and biofuels barely register on this scale; combined they produced a total of 0.03 CMO in 2008. The consumption of energy is by no means uniform around the globe; per capita consumptions vary enormously. Whereas CMO is a useful unit to describe global energy consumption, it is not convenient for talking about per capita consumption. We have chosen to describe per capita consumptions in gallons of oil equivalent, or GO units. in North America annual consumption of primary energy is about 2,000 GO; it is about half that in Europe and Japan; and the global average is less than 500 GO. In Asia, the per capita annual consumption is only 250 GO.
The challenge of supplying energy to the world’s population is really overwhelming. Even at a modest growth rate of 2%/year (corresponding to a doubling very 36 years), the world’s energy demand by 2050 will be over 7 CMO. The cumulative energy consumed in the first half of this century (2000 to 2050) is projected between 160 and 270 CMO. When we look at what it takes to develop an infrastructure capable of producing even 1 CMO of energy, we realize that here are no easy solutions, and it will take an enormous effort sustained over many decades.
The CMO unit allows us to dispense with those exponential modifiers, compare the different sources directly, and make meaningful choices. We also wanted to use a unit that could be appreciated by the public at large. A volumetric unit allows us to form a mental image, even though we may not quite get our arms around a CMO”. End of Quote.
Most predictions for world population in 2050, seem to be at 9.9 bn ..
That is about 25% increase on today.
With all the incentives and efforts to reduce energy use, it is hard to understand how the Energy consumption would be more than double that of today for just a 25% population increase ?
oh the horror! I wonder if PF was their protesting a council focussing on being a council
Gold Yarpos what a find .
Oh dear, all the hippies will be so distraught.
Won’t somebody please think of the Koala’s?