Death by committee has a whole new meaning.
Australians believe that their doctors are independent, because we have public and private medical systems and lots of “competition” between medical groups that appear to be run like businesses. What they don’t realize is that the bureaucrats entirely own the profession and it’s a monopoly from end to end. There is the illusion of freedom, but AHPRA suspends anyone who “holds the wrong views”. Once suspended a doctor is not permitted to practice, to write scripts, sometimes they are not even allowed to contact their patients.
AHPRA is not sacking doctors for bad patient outcomes, patient complaints, fraud or high risk medicine. For all the world it appears that the worst thing a doctor can do is suggest cheap solutions that get in the way of Medical Profits.
The government forcibly takes the money to fund Medicare from Australians but doesn’t let them have any choice about using those funds to talk to the doctor they prefer — only approved clone doctors. It’s communist medicine.
If there was a free market, Australians could opt out of Medicare and fund their own doctors.
The AHPRA Inquisition Against Australian Health Professionals
Caldron Pool
Who, or what, is AHPRA? Dr Jereth Kok was interviewed this week on the Caldron Pool show, and he explained that it is a “monstrous bureaucracy” in Canberra that rules over all Australian health professionals: doctors, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, paramedics, osteopaths, pharmacists.
…AHPRA has become a Stasi-like enforcement arm of the Australian Government. It has devoted itself to purging every health practitioner in the country who dares to take a stance that is at odds with the decrees of the Covid bureaucracy.
Some examples are well known. Much adored Melbourne GP, Dr Mark Hobart, was purged by AHPRA in late 2021 for issuing exemptions to patients who were experiencing mental distress as a result of Victoria’s tyrannical mandatory vaccination regime. A few weeks later he was joined in forced exile by Dr Denes Borsos, who having lived through Eastern European Communism, has now been given a taste of Australian Communism.
The Covid Medical Network (CMN) are a group of senior doctors in Australia. They are having such an impact that even membership of the group is enough for immediate dismissal.
The most chilling part of the reasons given to Dr Brennan is this paragraph.
“It is not our role to evaluate the scientific validity of the letter. Our concern is that the letter strongly argued a highly polarised position, contrary to the public health order.”
In other words, the position argued by Dr Brennan and the CMN might be scientifically correct, and the position of the Australian Government scientifically incorrect. But as far as AHPRA is concerned, the crime lies in contradicting the Government’s position. The science is irrelevant.
Dr Paul Oosterhuis is one of the doctors suspended in Australia and he writes that the “bureaucrats are demanding” public renouncements of the forbidden groups “to the satisfaction” of the medical board — see the one below. Doctors must not disagree with them in public. Read and weep. They have no freedom of association for doctors in Australia and no free speech.

It is understood that the Western Australian doctor in question was threatened with suspension, and allowed to retain her licence subject to the conditions listed on the AHPRA website. Not only is she gagged from speaking publicly about any medical topic and forced to toe the “party line” on Covid; she is expected to demonstrate her loyalty to the regime by formally denouncing the heretical organisation CMN. With wording that is to the “satisfaction” of AHPRA.
Hands up who thinks your GP will tell you what they really think?
h/t David E
The Australian Medical Authorities are sounding more and more like the Spanish Inquisition………..Time to fight back with common sense…………………
When Government controls Health Care, it ought be obvious that “Health Care” is a Political extension of those in power.
It is self evident that Doctors fear loss of License to Practice, and more, from Political authorities.
If anything, the recent Covid disaster is a testament to politically controlled “Health Care”, Censorship of opposing ideas, Jackbooted authoritarian treatment of Citizens, Officially sanctioned destruction of Education, Businesses, Private Lives, Doctors and Scientists.
How does Anyone think that your Health is best served at the end of a Politician’s Leash?
This is ALL about getting the next booster. The fourth shot.
And the damn QR code/vaccine pass.
Jackboot medicine.
If by telling them to take a hike, you are banned from places requiring the “n*zi-pass” to prove your submission to the inept medical Stasi class, so be it.
But my line of thinking that it’s quite clear, the “vaccine” carries a substantial danger-to-life risk, so if the price of health is effectively being kicked out of society by a thug-like bureaucracy, then it’s a bigger concern people have rolled over to make tyranny go away.
You can’t comply your way out of tyranny.
And airlines in America are hiring backed previously sacked vaccine refusers ( could it be too many jabbed employers are nowtoo damaged to work?)
“WASHINGTON, March 10 (Reuters) – United Airlines said Thursday it will allow unvaccinated employees to return to their jobs starting March 28 and asked a federal appeals court to dismiss a legal challenge to the COVID-19 mandate as moot.
“The Chicago-based U.S. carrier said in a memo about 2,200 employees had received vaccine-related reasonable accommodations after it had become the first major U.S. airline to mandate employee vaccines.
A long career in medicine has taught me that the power of critical thought has never been valued, and that “flow chart” medicine is coercively encouraged. Since the introduction of Medicare by Labor, and more recently the addition of AHPRA, also a Labor initiative (Nicola Roxon), the ability to “shape” medical practice by bureaucratic behemoths has steadily led to a compliant medical workforce.
Only the brave or foolhardy dare to stand out from the crowd. I am aware of very few doctors these days with a free thinking and open minded approach to medicine.
[Always good to hear from doctors. Please check your email. – Jo]
The demonistion of Ivermectin and HCQ despite successful use in a number of not-so-rich countries told the tale, as did the inappropriate enforcement of masking, movement and experimental “vaccinations” with the real threat to the public of heavy fines. The use of police enforcers was shocking, revealing that what we suspected about politicians (a) being largely ignorant, and (b) having a power mentality, was true.
When I last spoke with my GP it was obvious that he was in thrall of the health bureaucrats. My questions and suggestions were met with the misinformation and conspiracy theories trip. Institutionalized came to mind. Obey or die!
Thanks David E and Jo,
Wow that is stunning, I was surprised when my Dr. dismissed my query about Ivermectin last year and couldn’t be bothered to even spend time to discuss it, maybe there was more to it than I understood and this may be a big part of it.
Sorry for the thumbs down ColA. Meant to give you an up. As with you, when l told my doctor I wouldn’t have an mRNA booster because it doesn’t work he just made it obvious he didn’t want to discuss it and moved on. I was surprised too
Because it takes 2 weeks to get an appointment with my regular GP I saw a young doctor about a simple medical procedure. I told him i was taking a chloroquine tablet weekly with zinc and daily vitamin D for coronavirus prophylaxis and would use a Ziverdo Kit if I contracted the virus. He had no idea what I was talking about and his reaction was to order a blood test with clinical note – Taking Chloroquine.
The medical profession appear to be brainwashed into ignoring any possible treatment that could eliminate the virus!
I was wondering what the outcome of that 52 page letter expressing serious concerns about the ” vaccines ” was going to be. It appears that suspension from being able to pracise medicine is the answer. The 52 page letter that the Doctors of the Covid Medical Network sent to the TGA, APHRA, the Government and various other hangers on pointed out serious shortcomings and concerns re the treatment of Covid 19.
And the Governments answer to that letter…suspension apparently. Yes…welcome to Communist medicine. We will tell the Doctors what to think and say.
I honestly doubt if that 52 page letter will even be read or even if there is anyone with a sufficient mental capacity at the TGA, AHPRA or the Government or Minister’s office to understand it.
At some stage soon a Royal Commission on the whole Covid disaster will have to be done.
In the mean time I would love someone the issue the TGA, AHPRA and CMO’s with a FOIA requesting all contact between them and Big Pharma on the subject of Prophylaxis and Early Treatments with particular reference to Ivermectin, Vitamin D3, etc. etc.
Who would order a Royal Commission? Both Labor and Libs will lose big time. So will the mainstream media, and so will all the medical boards / TGA / etc. The problem is that so many institutions failed us and all of them will want to cover up their failure, not investigate it.
So unless they can blame a scapegoat and absolve themselves, none of the groups above will want to push for a Royal Commission unless it is “to cover their a***”.
the only way around that deep state reluctance to investigate, is to get a independent Judicial Review completed.
There are so many lines of attack, not the least of which is the so called ‘informed consent forms’ and the related contempt they ‘triggered’ in the health bureaucracy and the health ministers office.
If there are any independent legal minds left in the Judiciary, willing to take on the task, it would be a ground breaking and eye opening anti-narrative.
Judicial review may help, but I would always prefer a trial in the court of public opinion. I don’t want to farm out decisions to any appointed select committees. But the court of public opinion has been largely controlled and sabotaged by those with the funds to afford the megaphones. Which townhall space is free of Big-Gov and Big-Pharma and Big-Banker censorship?
They repeat: “to the satisfaction of the medical board” .
It is for sure and certain that some of those medical board members are “well heeled”.
It is equally sure and certain that some of those medical board members hold shares in “Big Pharma” companies.
It is equally sure and certain that various medical “boards” have been acting to impact the market in favour of those companies.
It”s time to demand that every medical board member table a record of his/her stockholdings and other interests which may bear on board rulings.
Essentially the same argument used in support of the anthropogenic global warming fraud, i.e. “The science is settled”.
Absolutely correct.
The option of getting a second opinion about a medical condition/treatment is now verbotten!
This is absolute stupidity, head in the sand stuff.
“Our concern” and “Our role” are not the same thing.
The assertion quoted at #5 is just plain disingenuous.
As has been too much of the comment emanating from our health authorities.
I questioned my Doctor re Ivermectin and her answer, “I wish”!
Whatever you do, don’t publish her name with those comments on any forum anywhere.
I posted this link at the end of the open thread.
Free speech and expression as we have known it, will be gone within a generation.
Significant numbers of Yale law students, i.e. future members of courts and law faculties, no longer support free thought and discussion.(Besides being wacked.)
Generations have been turned.
The faculty member that admonished the students to ‘grow up’, will likely be gone by the end of the week.
As AHPRA is a government bureau hence staffed by “public servants” it will be difficult to discipline or sack those who’ve confused themselves with Stalin or Hitler (or Goebbels) and impossible with either of our current “leaders” and their parties. What could be done about moving them sideways to a Department of Waste of Money or some other more catchy title?
Who is actually on this AHPRA board?
Is any of them a working doctor?
Scott Morrison’s brother Alan is head of the Paramedicine side.
What….work with the sick? I’d be surprised if any are hands on.
Medical Board of Australia Members
AHPRA. I haven’t checked it yet, but it starts out queer.
Does AHPRA front Senate Committees? If so, this may be a course of action. I would like to hear how AHPRA was required to be bound by a Public Health Order.
I heard yesterday from the father of severely myocarditis damaged women, that her unvaxxed Phamacist had refused to vaccinate children and as a result of being a NZ pharmacist was deported. When she arrived in NZ she was quarantined for 2 months and caught Ciovid in quaranteen. Susequently NZ cancelled her pharmacist licence and negated her qualifications. She can return to pharmacy if she re attends university to requalify and has the vaccination. She declined and is currently fruit picking and has plans for another career.. I know I’m not going to vote for any major Australian political party again. What are you going to do?
The only options outside the Lib/Labs and Greens (which aren’t really options) are Pauline Hanson One Nation, Liberal Democrats and the United Australia Party.
You are not wasting a vote for voting for a non mainstream party because the mainstream parties are useless anyway and the Liberals are only slightly less incompetent and dangerous than Labor.
CLARIFICATION: I meant that the Lib/Labs and Greens weren’t options, not the other parties I mentioned which are genuine options. I realised my statement could be interpreted in a different way.
John and David.
Could I suggest my call at #4.1.2 to demand that all medical board members table a record of their personal and associative investments which may be impacted by board decisions.
I think people with the appropriate computer skills could readily mount a useful search on the internet.
Liberal Democrats have been renamed the Liberty and Democratic party because the Liberal Party complained to the Electoral Commission and said they had exclusive rights to the name Liberal.
It does not matter which order you place the Freedom Friendly Minor Parties (PHON, L and D or UAP) so long as you place them 1,2 and 3.
With our preferential voting system your vote will end up with whichever of the parties remains after the first two are eliminated.
Topher Field explains it in a recent YouTube video.
Never forget what Stalin had to say about such matters. Along the lines of
“It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes”.
And if you think our electoral system is totally squeaky-clean, There is some fine architecture and civil engineering available just for you
I suppose I will find out.
I am likely to be a scrutineer at the next election for the UAP.
Good for you Peter. We need more people being scrutineers. The little party and independent votes could disappear and who would care?
Only the #1 on your voting prefs list gets the funding yes? So the #1 position still matters.
Also a vote for a minor party means that the major parties don’t get the money (that they voted for themselves) for each first preference vote, and the minor party gets a bit more funding.
If either major was to get a million less votes the back office would force their leader out.
As a life long LNP voter…I’m never going to go near them again. UAP or One Nation
I suspect their will be a large number of ex-LNP voters thinking that way !
“I suspect their? will be a large number of ex-LNP voters thinking that way !
Hopefully you will be proven correct as the more Conservative ex-LNP voters there are the more the better as this will impact heavily on the LNP but make little difference to the chances of PHON and UAP.
However Shooters Fishers and Farmers and the Lib-Dems might benefit as they will attract votes from the Nationals
If Labor and Green voters had even a slight modicum of self decency and respect, they would also be voting UP.
The only party standing up for personal freedoms.
By Lab and greens are all too busy trying to tell everyone else what they should be doing, while not doing it themselves.
Is the UAP hiding an Al Gore Green policy?
A comment or quote or post I saw from the IMOP people indicate that they may be on board with the green/global arming/renewables rubbish.
I haven’t checked out their website for definitive policy, but I was very concerned about what I read in the comment by one fo their people.
We need to do our homework on ALL independents and minor parties. The covid thing is just one of the dangers we face. The same framework used against us for covid can as easily be used against us for any other reason.
Stay away from IMOP, they are closet greens. I have had personal experience with their leadership, they are not whom they make out to be.
Palmer is involved with The Club of Rome off chute, Club of Madrid
Palmer was/is President of the World Economic Council and yes that is part of the WEF.
“Members of the World Leadership Alliance include, among many others, William J Clinton, President of the USA (1993-2001); Aung San Suu Kyi – Opposition Leader, Burma; Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations (1977-2007); Jimmy Carter, President of the USA (1977-1981); and Jacques Delors, President of the EU Commission (1985-1995), as Honorary Members; Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil (1995-2000) and Ricardo Lagos, President of Chile (2000-2006); who preceded Kok as Presidents of the Club de Madrid; Tuto Quiroga, President of Bolivia (2001-2002) and Jennifer Shipley, PM of New Zealand (1997-1999).”
I can’t imagine that Craig Kelly would have gone to UAP if they were going to go down that path.
“I can’t imagine that Craig Kelly would have gone to UAP if they were going to go down that path.”
Can’t you indeed. Kelly ain’t got many places to go to so any port in a storm for him.
A far better man that you will ever be.
“A far better man that you will ever be.”
Fair enough but as I despise your’s and Kelly’s views your insults are of no consequence
I don’t despise your far leftist/marxist totalitarian views.
I just think they are hilariously anti-human and irrational. 🙂
I’ll leave all the “despising” up to you… you are so full of it.
You really can’t abide anyone that follows their own morality, can you.!
“You really can’t abide anyone that follows their own morality, can you.!”
Definitely not if it is the minuscule morality of the Conservatives for whom I have nothing but contempt
As oppose to the negative morality of marxists… which you adore and worship.
“As oppose to the negative morality of marxists… which you adore and worship.”
That should read “opposed” not “oppose”.
I do not adore or worship any political party or any political philosophy but I loathe the smug, sanctimonious, selfish and self -centered Conservatives that blame the poor for being poor and oppose welfare programs. I empathise with those who are less fortunate than I am and recognise that government assistance is essential. Conservatives hate government assistance except tax cuts and franking credits. As I wrote earlier I despise them for their selfish attitude and hope they are removed from the political spectrum,
“the smug, sanctimonious, selfish and self -centered”
People like yourself, you mean !
There is nothing so smug, sanctimonious and self-centred as a leftist shill.
If you really want to see “smug, sanctimonious and self-centred”, and add hypocritical..
.. talk to an inner city greenie.. Adam Bandt being a classic example.
Or you could just go back and read some of your own posts.
Glen, don’t leave out the Liberal Democrats. It is worth reading their ‘Freedom Manifesto’ at I used to vote Liberal but no longer. The LibDems (who incidentally wont be forced to change their name until after the Federal Election) have policies espoused in their Freedom Manifesto which come fairly close to the old fashioned Liberal party.
I asked my doctor about vaccination for Covid & he must have decided I was SAFE to talk to. He said he could not recommend a course of action for me, BUT, he & his mother had the first shot, then stopped. His wife & kids are not vaccinated at all. At the same time he did recommend the annual flue injection.
Later when I told him I had acquired Ivermectin from India he wanted the information of where, who from & how, so he could advise some other like minded patients, for whom he can not prescribe the stuff.
At no point did he express an opinion no the subject directly, he didn’t really have to.
If going down this route do be careful with your money. My card was hacked the first time. I established a separate isolated card for the second purchase from a different supplier. The bank advised they has stopped that account due to what they perceived as unauthorised activity on it.
A bit of a nuisance, but I have my medical supplies.
The British do this with a bit more subtlety. Dr Malcolm Kendrick describes how the official line was that doctors can say what they want, but they may be put under supervision of another doctor who will evaluate their “fitness to practise”.
Australians more or less demand “free” medical care. This is the price they pay, denial of access to possible covid treatments, even before the poorly effective covid vaccines were available.
There is no such thing as a free lunch or interference-free medical practice under socialism.
Similarly to how the mouse doesn’t understand why the cheese in the mousetrap is free, Australians, a vast majority of whom are profoundly ignorant of the affairs of the world, don’t understand the terrible price paid for socialised medicine.
Before socialised medicine doctors always devoted a proportion of their time to treat patients for free who couldn’t afford their services. Medical care was not inaccessible to people who couldn’t afford private medical insurance (which was available at a reasonable cost before socialised medicine).
Also, under a socialised and highly controlled medical regime, the Government in collaboration with medical groups decide on how many doctors and specialists are trained. This restricts supply and ensures prices for medical services are kept artifially high and waiting times, especially for specialists, kept long.
In addition, if “The government” (i.e. the taxpayer) is paying for a treatment they will decide what treatments are acceptable. That will be determined by possibly corrupt processes and improper influence by interest groups such as Big Pharma and the useful idiots of the Left.
Free stuff always comes with a ‘hook’, just like a mouse trap or a fish hook.
And remember: It’s the SECOND mouse that gets the cheese”.
Our Medical care is not free. Taxpayers pay for it.
Recommended watching IMO
From Thursday Open
“John Connor II
March 17, 2022 at 3:39 pm · Reply
The curtain close on Covid theater
Get it before it goes…”
In listening – if it disappears from U-tube it will migrate
Relevant IMO
“How the whole nightmare began.”
This is SO sinister and EVIL it smacks of pure communism writ large.
If the coalition had a clue about the upcoming election and are thinking they can squeeze in by a few votes and fall over the line – boy, are they delusional. (Excluding any voter FRAUD that is) 🙁
Be VERY wary of who you vote for and research where their preferences go before you vote unless you want to live in a totalitarian society – but by the look of the above threatening letter I think we already do.
Set your own preferences. You don’t need to follow a Party ‘how to vote card’. I prepare my own ‘card’ before going to vote.
We should publish a few “how to vote” suggestions on this site, and well in advance. It will save people time. So if you have time to research candidates I’m interested to hear. Obviously the ABC won’t be interviewing any of the people we are likely to want to vote for, so those true independents need all the help they can get.
ALWAYS allocate your own preferences your own way!
It’s your vote, make the most of it and express your own opinion and preferences, every time. What any particular party wants, what backroom deals it might have done, is not necessarily what you might want.
I always vote from the bottom up.
i.e. The candidate you hate most to the candidate you hate least most.
Me too. I start with the Greens and the Nazis (if they are standing) or others such as the Animal Rights (who support Do Pi Dan, the China Man).
O/T but speaking of The Greens I was discussing the coming State election with one I know (believes in AGW, in renewables and hydrogen, grows own vegetables, recycles, uses public transport to the City) and he was adamantly that he wouldn’t want the Green standing in his electorate to win. This surprised me, although from the times I had something to do with said Green candidate I wouldn’t ever vote for him either, but his objection to the Canidate was based on having ‘worked’ with him for some years. I can’t repeat his language here but it seemed he did the work while said candidate drank coffee or sat at his desk doing nothing useful.
Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the …
civil conscription of medical services (compulsion to provide a service)
is supposed to be unconstitutional.
Not when the “government” does it or deliberately turns a blind eye.
Then, it’s “Business as Usual”.
Doesn’t play for me.
Wrong position, and wrong statement. Sorry for both.
My comment was meant as a reply to another ian above at #12.
And I’ve now established that what I was experiencing was a very slow download, not a lockout.
Haven’t watched it yet.
Dave B
It is long but worth it IMO
A minor annoyance of socialised medicine is also the renaming of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging machines to remove the word “nuclear” because that would terrify the masses. One couldn’t have the Sheeple exposed to some scary “nuclear” process in a big, scary, noisy machine that the dumbed-down masses had no clue as to how it worked.
“Magnetic resonance” by itself is an essentially meaningless term. It must be associated with the absorption and then re-emission of RF energy from the evolving spin polarisation of nuclei in a powerful magnetic field.
Just remember, every hierarchy of every ‘profession’ including politics, operates on the Peter Principle whilst also subjecting members to this sort of group think. At the top of two such hierarchies in Australia, Minister Greg Hunt commanded and set the Group think tone. 1) Climate and 2) Health. Hunt is a protege of Claus Schwab.
I suspect a judicial review of Hunt’s specific decisions and the basis of same, is about the only way we’ll get to the bottom of it. Of course, he believes he’ll be long gone by then, safely embedded with the Darvos crowd hierarchy.
Yes. Hunt has nothing to lose. He’ll soon be retiring on a generous taxpayer-funded pension and will no doubt secure a highly overpaid position working as a “consultant” for Big Pharma.
If Vitamin D and zinc supplements, known to reduce the severity of covid in deficient people, were prescription drugs, I bet they would have been banned for COVID treatment as well.
Frankly, I am surprised there wasn’t government warnings about the “dangers” of these, but that’s probably because no information about their usefulness was propagated in the popular media.
“no information about their [Vitamin D and zinc supplements] usefulness was propagated in the popular media”.
You are so right there. How can anyone not be appalled at the arrogant mushroom treatment given to the general public over the whole of the pandemic.
If only the Health ministers had said, right from the start of the pandemic:” We the governments, and you the public, are in this together. Working together, we can get through it. We are setting up a national testing scheme, in which all suggestions from the medical profession and from the public will be assessed based on the single criterion of safety. They will then go into a database of possible courses for prevention or treatment, and you the public will each decide which ones you want to test. If you want to try a cat hairball treatment for example or a headlice remover, you can do so, provided it has been approved for safety. You will need to work with your doctor as they will need to record the treatment you are taking and the results. Your doctor can advise you, but as always the final decision is always yours. There will be a government website which will report all the treatments tested and all the results, and will give the government’s views on which courses appear to be working or not working, but the data will also be open to all interested organisations for analysis. We expect that we will all make mistakes along the way, but with goodwill and working together …….”
I was reported by a DVA advocate that I had never met, who was working with one of my patients, for prescribing narcotics to that patient. The patient had been prescribed narcotics for 2 decades. I hade been the sole prescriber for 8 years.
He was fired from his advocate role at the RSL due to numerous reports of abuse and extortion against DVA people he was working for including my patient and he even had my patient involuntarily assessed in the local mental health unit and when the patient was in there, tried to get them to sign over power of attorney for financial matters as my patient had a $250,000+ payout by DVA.
2 years of investigation by AHPRA to give me 6 hours of face to face education and a listing against my name in my online AHPRA details for the 9 months it took them to validate that I had done the education at a cost of $4500 to do the education.
Then AHPRA stuffed my registration last year and I could not work for 2 weeks as they had not updated my registration despite payments and submission of documents and information months in advance.
EVERY doctor who has had anything to do with AHPRA or their state medical board despises them.
Also go to the Medical board websites and dig through the people on the boards.
Academics, professional medical beuracrats who have been on the boards for >10 years and lawyers. Completely unrepresentative of the medical profession.
And look at the AHPRA Google rating, 1.8 out of 5 stars (see link at bottom):
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)
“All our offices are temporarily closed to the public.”
They have been closed to the public for 2 years, and they do not answer phones or reply to emails for at least 2 days.
The only way I have been able to communicate with them in a timely manner is to ring the complaints telephone number, and then ask to be redirected to the person I need.
The medical board for Queensland is completely uncontactable, even by AHPRA mid level management in my dealings with them.
Yet it seems AHPRA can do things quickly if they choose Clinton. Robert Brennan interviewed Mark Hobart on his TNT Podcast recently. Mark Hobart says he received an email @3pm on a Thursday demanding he prepare and submit a statement by 8.30am the next morning for an emergency meeting they suddenly decided to have that day. That’s fast.
“All our offices are temporarily closed to the public.”
They are hiding.
Sadly this is not so. The Medical Board has practicing doctors on it.
I think they do represent prevailing attitudes amongst the profession, even though this amounts to totalitarian control.
Those last two words suggest they *dictate* attitudes, not that they represent them. And the fact that the Medical Board is mostly made up of doctors doesn’t make them representative of all doctors any more than the ALP, being mostly made up of Australians, is representative of all Australians.
What is your point?
That your case that they “represent prevailing attitudes” is weak. Take away the whip and the chair and the lions might show a different attitude to their tamer.
My view of the prevailing attitudes of my colleagues is based on my own limited conversations with them.
I hope you are correct.
AMA and Doctors federation are unwilling to oppose the AHPRA coercion.
Double check the practitioner details for the Australian Medical Board, only the central Australian doctor has less than 10 years on medical boards and even he is a medical director of services. They are all upper management bureaucrats/ academics.
The Australia Board that you linked to lays out the rules and regulations, they are a benign entity that no regular doctor interacts with except a pointless monthly email updating us of what they are doing.
It is the lower level state and territory boards that are the problem. They are the ones who institute cruel and unusual punishment for anything.
they have to validate their position, so if you get to a state board meeting, you are stuffed and will be hit with punishment no matter what you have done.
I currently have over 1400 patients that I have seen in the last year. I have been a nurse and doctor for 25 years. The complaint against me is still the only complaint ever lodged. The QLD board didn’t care.
Another doctor in my town was investigated for 2 years and had restrictions for 6 months for telling a family that their relative (in palliative care) was going to die within the next week (the patient died 3 days later). They complained because ‘He did not tell us in a calming manner’…
Another fun read (well, if you like dystopian stuff):
It explains a lot, though.
More on censorship:
Many of us have discovered that this has been happening to GPs who are suspected to be opposed to TGA policies, or who have been willing to prescribe Ivermectin.
“They are watching me,” one said.
Talk about the Stasi!!!!
Yes, they are indeed watching them but also the rest of us. Dare I say we are even being monitored here on Jo’s blog? No doubt internet censorship and filtering is on the rise. There are no limits to how far they will go with their surveillance.
In addition, it was the first complaint made against me in 22 years of nursing and medical practice.
But it was guilty until proven innocent.
Still spectacularly enraged by AHPRA.
Dr Peter Brown, my GP in Surry Hills was kicked from his practice because he provided low-cost medical services to hundreds of Sydney’s poor. He had no receptionist, took no cash payments and met patients on a first come basis. He saved my friends life and I am truly sorry that this man was treated so horribly.
I’m surprised that 2GB has anyone left who speaks the truth. The last time I listened to them many months ago they were preaching the virtues of the vaccines and denigrated anyone who dared mentioned anything about alternative treatments on their talk-back shows. Has 2GB seen the light or something?
I stopped listening when Ray Hadley was on, he sounded like a spruiker for the Pfizers with his constant selling of the jab.
Quote from Nineteen Eighty Four, “You’re a thought criminal”. Five seconds.
We are pretty much already there. It’s just that most people don’t know it yet.
Yes, our establishment is shutting down anyone who dares speak out the truth. As I reported earlier, Tucker Carlson is under attack and people are seriously calling him to be arrested and charged with treason for speaking out the truth. I hate to say it but it’s going to get a lot worse because the establishment now smells blood, and governments either don’t give a damn or are colluding with those groups who are shutting down people.
For those who don’t know, the establishment by definition is a term used to describe a dominant group or elite that controls a polity or an organisation. It may comprise a closed social group that selects its own members, or entrenched elite structures in specific institutions.
I’m guessing that you will be all looking to emigrate, or form lobby group, or do absolutely nothing. Me, on the other hand, I am fine with this – logical and scientific as it is.
Is it ? NO !
You are able to spell “logical” and “scientific”, but have no clue about the meaning !
so which is it for you? leave, fight, do nothing
So you admit to the fact that you don’t have the vaguest clue what either word means. OK. !
Dont know if you notice, but it is New “World” Order. Where is there to go. I have been pondering that. Got relatives who have gone to Lombok for that reason and friend of a fried who took their family from Oz to Mexico. Lombok is no good, full of CV19 BS. Going to try Flores in the hope of avoiding “Them” for longer. Cash economy, village food, hardly any mobiles. OK so now we come to “Do Something” in Oz. What are we going to DO. Stand in front of a tank? Do “They” care = No. I remember when Peter Spenser nearly starved himself to death up a pole, then took it to the High Court. What did They do? Generally keep it out the media. These days there would be no mention at all. We can give our life to efforts for change here and “They” the establishment, care as much as the PRC establishment does. Classic narcissistic trick, blame the victim – I hat the idea “Its YOUR fault because if you dont like some evil thing done by the government – Why dont YOU fix it, and its the fault of the electorate if the politicians are treasonous and corrupt”. So Peter, apart from chucking out our mobile phones, using cash, trashing face masks, not getting wacced and keeping ourselves healthy with animal medications from the feed store, What can we DO?
The CWN spreads dangerous misinformation.
Any support should be dealt with.
What misinformation is that?
Can you provide a link to “The CWN” so I can decide for myself?
Information dangerous to the Pfizer et al. vaxxine income. !
One of my brothers golfing buddies, a GP said they were issued with a letter early on in the faux vaxx rollout…Basically speak a word against the vaxx and you will be dragged before the board and suspended. My GP said he is seeing many problems with the vaxx but cant speak out for fear of being sacked. This is sick. Are we in a western democracy or a communist dictatorship? I can’t tell. Interesting that many of these maniac state premiers had close ties with the ccp…as far as I can tell, they were given instruction manuals on how to ‘deal with dissidents’.
Welcome to the NWO before the NWO.
Ando, you’re pitching your anecdotal poll of 2 against the global stats, in scientific terms it means SFA. The evidence against these treatments is overwhelming, please stick to the facts.
When you get evidence from people you know and trust it far out ways evidence from people you don’t know and can’t trust.
Great, subjective trust trumps science. You should put that in a paper and wait for your prize.
When you see there is almost a total lack of science, and what there is, is deliberately hidden for 75 year….
That is BS. There is no evidence against them. The IVM review had a conclusion that was at odds with the facts and the HCQ trial was designed to fail. If you have any scientific education search out both and see for yourself.
Yawn…… the science says otherwise, as with climate fraud ‘evidence’, the burden of proof lies with you, all you have has been debunked . Go see for yourself.
Risible adolescent tosh. MMGW is a theory, hence it has an implicit burden of proof. If only there was any objective evidence of said warming and the role of CO2 hey?
Lucky for you there is !, just look at any scientific body , eg CSIRO, NASA, etc , or are they too left for you?.
You have quite a burden there.
Btw, should you guys have a brown finger option ?.
“just look at any scientific body , eg CSIRO, NASA, “
None of which can provide anyone with real scientific evidence of CO2 warming.
Link to the evidence if you think they do.
Take you finger out of your nose, you know where else its been.
“Lucky for you there is !, just look at any scientific body , eg CSIRO, NASA, etc”
Hsha! You should have put the BOM in there!
If they were all being paid to find global cooling we would have it within 6months!
Dave doesn’t understand “science”. Its just a word he heard bandied about somewhere.
Still evidence free on both accounts, hey Dave.
We are waiting.. and will be forever.. because you ain’t got any.
One of my close and elderly relatives had a reaction to the Pfizer “vaccine”, and their GP offered to report it, or would leave it to my relative to do it. The GP did report it, and whoever they reported it to, followed up with my relative with a phone call to check on the condition, as did the GP. It was not a serious or permanent reaction, but enough to warrant a visit to a GP by someone who is not visiting doctors for fun.
Me, I have avoided the “vaccine” so far, but if I want to travel internationally, I do not think I will be able to escape it. I’ve had numerous vaccines for many things, but these covid medical trials still ring some alarm bells.
‘Me, on the other hand, I am fine with this – logical and scientific as it is.
Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells.
LoL. 🤣🤣🤣
Not a fan of logic and science?
Peter. We had notice you are not a fan of either, or that you even know what they are.
LIVE: Censorship of Science, with Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Scott Atlas, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Live discussion on now
Don’t know if this is being recorded and available for viewing later
Science censoring science. Much like a snake eating itself. In fact much of what passes for science in the public arena, such as climate science and COVID-19 vaccine medicine can be symbolised by the ouroboros, an an ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail. The problem though it’s also devouring lots of people along the way.
Available here [by DDG]
If some of the practitioners of medicine along the way hadn’t kicked over the traces of accepted at the time then medicine wouldn’t have got to leaches yet
Covid and the Phenomenon of Mass Formation
17th March 2022 – Wanda Skowronska
Desmet looked at the times in both a psychological and historical perspective. He said he came to recognise that what was facing us was what psychologists term “mass formation”, that is, a phenomenon that affects groups, societies and even countries. This term arose out of the study of social psychology in the past century, where entire nations and groups of nations bought into a single narrative at the same time. For this process of mass formation to happen, Desmet said there had to be four conditions:
♦ Widespread social problems and social alienation. Depression was the primary disorder affecting the West—according to the World Health Organisation—and this was evident before Covid hit.
♦ A lack of meaning-making. With the loss of religious or culturally shared stories, people look elsewhere for meaning, or stay in a generally unhappy state when they have lost a sense of meaning.
♦ Arising from the previous two points, there is a free-floating anxiety, a sense of unease without any awareness of its cause. If you see a lion coming at you, you get a specific fear. But fear arising out of the sense of lack of meaning and social disconnectedness remains diffuse, unfocused, ever-present, without any specific representation. It is, Desmet says, an extremely distressing state, and sufferers look for something to connect their anxiety to.
♦ Free-floating frustration and discontent arising from the previous three points. There is widespread unease and nowhere to direct it.
Suddenly, Desmet explains, a new narrative is given on all the media platforms of the world—we are told that a very dangerous virus can threaten our lives—and we are galvanised with fear. Suddenly the free-floating anxiety finds a clear representation of its fear, which it could not find before, in the alienated, angst-filled state of existence. There is also a global invitation to come together to fight it and this creates social bonds, gives meaning to daily life. There is a high level of connectedness, in the sense of fighting a heroic battle against the object of anxiety. New rituals arise—for rituals create a sense of unity. Desmet says that no matter how absurd the ritual, people are only too willing to participate in it to show how much they belong to a group.
Sounds like the pandemic was designed to make sure as many people are willing participants of their grand scheme eventually to turn us into something not much better than automatons.
Just from my tiny mud puddle, my memory of the Great Pandemic, will have little or nothing to do with Covid 19.
My experience so far, for this two years, is being a witness to mass hysteria.
I know OF two that died WITH SARS, both over 85.
I know folk that were allegedly positive, but no serious illness.
My main experience is damage to personal relationships. (Not to mention the slow destruction of my business.)
This divide can be observed simply by the masks on faces.
It has a truly Medieval character.
Like the doctors in the post, the biggest life changer is being branded a heretic.
Years out, this will be viewed not as medical event, but a psychological one.
Do they wear matching green fatigues and wave little red books full of Fauci quotes?
I’m yet to see in NZ the widespread vax adverse events documented elsewhere and have no idea the situation in OZ but have been reading everything that turns up in anticipation of what might happen given a 4 month vax lag NZ vs NH.
The most harrowing so far was this from Mar 6 in the US:
‘Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across’
A Midwestern Doctor
The adverse events are broken into the following sections:
Strokes, likely Strokes and Blood Clots
Heart Conditions
Sudden Death (unknown cause)
Anaphylaxis and Allergies
Other Neurological Conditions
Autoimmunity and Chronic Fatigue
Immune Suppression and Cancer
Menstrual Irregularities and Miscarriages
Birth Defects
Followed by a Conclusion.
I’ve made through to Heart Conditions and working up the fortitude to carry on with Sudden Death e.g.
Compelling except doesn’t mean a lot unless the event is tied to a vax batch number because …. (random article):
‘100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data’
I’m beginning to think NZ got lucky with the Pfizer batches but a much smaller population to obtain anecdotes than US obviously – that’s if word gets around AHPRA-style suppression if there is any in NZ, haven’t heard of any yet.
Richard, I know of some suspicious deaths, but suspect that our later roll out and lack of free-flowing covid meant that things weren’t as bad here. It may be that the worst outcomes occurred when people caught Covid just before or after being vaccinated. That would increase the dose of the spike protein. Covid itself damages the surface of capillaries and heightens the immune response. It — at least til Omicron turned up — caused clotting, strokes and heart attacks.
I can partially vouch for that experience with my wife. She had her 3rd AZ on a Friday in early February. On the Thursday I noticed she had the spicy cough, but I didn’t say anything re COVID, but had my suspicions. Anyway, late Friday she was advised a close contact had COVID. On the Saturday she was bed ridden with terrible muscle soreness. On the Monday she RAT +ve, but I suspect she was infected a couple of days before the vaccination. Maybe AZ is worse than the mRNA vaxes. Something, of course, which the vax companies should have tested for.
I think Robert Malone mentioned in his Joe Rogan interview that he was vaccinated in a period close to having had covid and that it exacerbated the effects on him.
Since he release/discovery of the batch numbers, Malone had identified his (as I recall) 2nd injection as from a batch that had a high number of adverse effects.
Unknown batches with high adverse effects,
Sort of like Russian Roulette !
(Probably not the right time to say that !)
Mother in Law tested negative with PCR 3 days before Jab.
Jabbed and then that afternoon called by a nurse at the aged care facility as the Lady was ‘Not herself’.
Slurred speech, unsteady, unable to stand up and dead in a week.
Cause of death on death certificate, metastatic ovarian cancer.
The Doctor said everyone knows stroke is not a adverse effect associated with the vaccine.
I call it a ‘worst outcome’ as we were enjoying her company and she had been spending time with her Grand Children and enjoying activities with her neighbours. So many healthy people have chosen to have the Jab in the hope that they would be free to resume a normal life, some with worse outcomes then death.
The only problem with that statement Jo is that plenty of people tested positive with Covid19 in 2020 and those who died were elderly and/or with signifcant other co-morbities. So maybe it does but it did not appear to have an effect on all cause mortality during that period.
Covid certainly did have an effect on all-cause mortality, not in Australia because we barely had any cases. But in the US the peaks of covid line up regionally with unusual peaks in excess deaths. It may not be obvious when spread across the whole continent because different areas had surges at different times. It’s also obvious in the EU and UK.
Many people blur excess death data “over a whole year” or a whole continent. With better resolution data, probably the true covid death toll is about 15% higher than the tested official one.
The trouble is none of those conditions are unique to the covid vaccines, so any of them is easily waved away by “it happens, definitely not the vaccine”…
The trouble is, no-one in Govt, or in medical bureacracy, or in vaccine research has any incentive to find out if the vaccines cause illness, they are all bound to the mainstream propaganda. Without an incentive, nothing happens.. None of them could give a shit about us, the public.
Anyway.. ooh! look over there, a distraction, WAR! The terrible Russians and Putin/Hitler.. join in and scream!! Paint yourself blue and yellow! Forget about covid…
apparently AFL Solicitors of Sydney have sent a letter to AHPRA on 2nd March this year to cease and desist the suspension of practitioners. AHPRA according to AFL are under the misapprehension that they are not subject to various federal and state laws. It will be interesting to see how AHPRA will respond to the letter. AFL has stated that if the present suspension regime for wrong think continues, they will take action against AHPRA and the employees who initiated any action against health practitioners.
Yes it is interesting that AHPRA appear to have no actual powers but are just a “lobby-group” who influence the official 15 Boards who do have the actual powers. So I guess they are a sort of fact-checker for these Boards who have outsourced their responsibilities to them. They do seem to have limited medical qualifications and are simply there to discover cases and highlight them to the appropriate medical Board. Hard to see a direct agency-government linkage. Wonder how they get access to the doctor or patient information – maybe as a “partner”. Do patients and doctors knowingly give that permission? Can you explicitly ask your doctor to not provide information to them (like Medicare)? Legal C&D may be successful. Sounds a bit like 3rd Party forcing?
Let’s hope that elicits a response from the muppets.
New Hampshire House Passes Bill Allowing Pharmacists to Dispense Ivermectin Without a Prescription
By Debra Heine March 17, 2022
New Hampshire may become the first state to allow the antiparasitic drug ivermectin to be obtained without a prescription. A Republican-sponsored ivermectin bill (HB 1022) passed in the N.H. State House Wednesday on a vote of 183-159 and has been sent to the State Senate for review.
“Ivermectin is available over the counter in 79 countries,” State Representative Jim Kofalt, R-Hillsborough noted during a legislative hearing in January. “And it has a good safety profile.”
Republicans argue that granting easy access to ivermectin will allow individuals to make medical choices that are prohibited by the medical establishment.
“We still have patients who don’t know how to find the doctors who will write prescriptions for ivermectin,” said Rep. Leah Cushman, who is also a nurse. “It’s safer than having to go to the farm store.”
On Monday, the Republican-led committee voted on several other bills related to the pandemic, including a bill barring the state from enforcing any federal vaccine mandate, which passed on partisan lines.
The committee also rejected a Democrat bid to undo a law passed last year that enshrined medical freedom regarding vaccine mandates.
N.H. lawmakers unanimously rejected a bill to add the COVID vaccine to the list required to attend public schools.
The Portsmouth Herald made its disapproval of Ivermectin clear in its report on the bill’s passage, describing promoters of the potentially life-saving drug as “anti-vaccine activists,” and claiming that there is “no evidence to support” that it can treat the coronavirus.
“During the pandemic, COVID-19 vaccine skeptics and anti-vaccine activists have latched onto ivermectin, though it has not been approved by the FDA as a treatment for COVID-19, nor is there evidence to support that it can treat the virus,” wrote Herald reporter Josh Rogers in the paper’s website
In truth, there have been numerous studies that show evidence of large reductions of mortality in COVID patients treated with ivermectin.
Jo if you have not watched James Lindsay’s New Discourses episode ” The Dawn of Medical Lysenkoism’ then I recommend you do so . That is what the AHPRA witch-hunt is – medical Lysenkoism. So is the climate emergency obsession among medical associations ..
Is it “arguing a highly polarized position” to encourage your followers on Twitter to ‘enrol to vote , enrol to vote while plastering your post with advertisements for The Greens or another Tweet comparing Captain Cooks landing to the coronavirus pandemic ? Or are they exempt from censure ?
Got to be contra to sectio 51 23a of the commonwealth constitution.
Constitutions are museum exhibits now.
If only Dr Google could write scripts!!
This is a problem that the public at large must solve. Doctors cannot.
The entirety of the medical boards in Australia must be expunged and new members appointed ONLY from the ranks of those Drs who spoke out publicly.
The Boards must learn that they serve the public and not the Govt. And they must learn that lesson brutally and with finality.
I know some the past members and believe you me, their character is NOT beyond reproach.
Indeed, but I think the whole problem is that we as citizens have no choice. One government committee makes all our decisions, and THAT’S The real problem. Any committee with that much power needs to be accountable and it isn’t. The committee itself should be permanently disbanded, not just members replaced.
In the end all powerful committees will be captured by the vested interests. Pfizer makes billions in profits, is that enough to pay / reward / coerce and capture a few committee members? They’d be crazy if they didn’t…
If the media was reporting how dangerous these committees are, that might stop the capture. But the MSM media are part of the bureaucracy aren’t they?
I see you have little faith in democracy.
Un-elected committees captured by vested interests.
I see you don’t understand what democracy is.
Are you from China or from North Korea?
Shocking revelations about corrupt vested interests, from the Daily Mail, on March 17: (Page 28 “on this DAY”) Happy Birthday to Sir Patrick Vallance. The British Governments chief scientific adviser. Sir Patrick has been described as the wealthiest civil servant in the history of Whitehall, having earned £4.4 million at GlaxoSmithKline in 2017 and, in 2020, he held shares worth about £600,000.
I commend the legal process of holding these people personally responsible e.g. did they do their due diligence before the prioritising of certain vaccines?
If a doctor isn’t free to prescribe,
The healthiest dose to imbibe,
Why ever go back,
To a disheartened quack,
Whose interests are not on your side.
New Hampshire house passes bill to allow over the counter sales of Ivermectin, Prevents NH medical licensing boards from disciplining doctors for prescribing the drug
woops – already posted earlier by OldOzzie. May delete.
In effect, all through COVID, the best people to have assisted the general population regarding the disease were sidelined. Both from diagnosing/testing and to some extent even seeing sick patients. GP’s should have been in the front line of soothing peoples concerns, informing them. Particularly the greater part of the population without any decent science knowledge. But no, we had the ridiculous policy of ” go home if you are sick, go to hospital if you are really sick”. We had government spin doctors not actually medically qualified doctors forming COVID policy. It certainly looks like AHPRA had a big role in forcing that separation of patients from doctors.
Hands up who think your GP will tell you what they really think
Well, I wouldn’t even ask. But if I did they may tell me what they really think, which may not be much.
In regards to covid I saw a GP who was establishment line and I judge he thoroughly believed it, but hadn’t thought about it that much, it was glossy brochure information that he offered. Then he said any questions so I just replied no, I read Jonova (just joking, I just said no).
How Wokeism Could Become a Requirement to Be a Doctor
Exclusive: Association of American Medical Colleges to Propose DEI Curriculum Standards
In October 2021, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the American Medical Association jointly released its 54-page Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narratives and Concepts, which received widespread criticism for its ideologically-charged language and recommendations. The guide suggested physicians update their language using “equity-focused alternatives,” trading terms such as “vulnerable” for “oppressed” and “disadvantaged” for “historically and intentionally excluded.”
The AAMC now plans to release “diversity, equity, and inclusion competencies.” The National Association of Scholars has acquired the pre-publication version of these competencies (see below). Drawing from Advancing Health Equity, these competencies encode the watchwords of identity politics as official standards, for both students and medical professors. If medical schools adopt these competencies, they will establish social justice activism, along with a controversial set of political beliefs, as de facto professional requirements for students and faculty.
Under development for more than a year, the competencies take the form of educational standards, different skill benchmarks for distinct stages of a physician’s education, designed to facilitate “curricular and professional development” and “formative performance assessment.” They come at an opportune moment, as medical schools around the country have promised extensive training and curricula in diversity, equity, inclusion, and “anti-racism.”
Here is a selection of the competencies, which I have organized into categories.
– Diversity and Intersectionality
– Oppression and Disruption
– Activism and Institutional Change
While they might satisfy accreditors, these competencies will deal a blow to medical education. They will force students and physicians to embrace social justice activism, prompt schools to evaluate students and faculty based on their adherence to a controversial set of beliefs, and ensure the violation of academic freedom.
Investigative Issues: Feds Funded Pro-Vaccine Media Blitz Left Undisclosed by Outlets
By Chris Pandolfo, TheBlaze
In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that were nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.
Hundreds of news organizations were paid by the federal government to advertise for the vaccines as part of a “comprehensive media campaign,” according to documents TheBlaze obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services. The Biden administration purchased ads on TV, radio, in print, and on social media to build vaccine confidence, timing this effort with the increasing availability of the vaccines. The government also relied on earned media featuring “influencers” from “communities hit hard by COVID-19” and “experts” like White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and other academics to be interviewed and promote vaccination in the news.
Though virtually all of these newsrooms produced stories covering the COVID-19 vaccines, the taxpayer dollars flowing to their companies were not disclosed to audiences in news reports, since common practice dictates that editorial teams operate independently of media advertising departments and news teams felt no need to make the disclosure, as some publications reached for comment explained.
So, now Japanese Encephalitis is in Australia and is incurable and has a high death rate of 0.3% to 60%, will Ivermectin be allowed to be used as a possible treatment?
Or will people be made to die because doctors won’t be allowed to prescribe Ivermectin as happened with covid?
Japanese Encephalitis is caused by a flavivirus.
Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug
Mastrangelo, Eloise ; Pezzullo, Margherita ; De Burghgraeve, Tine ; Kaptein, Suzanne ; Pastorino, Boris ; Dallmeier, Kai ; de Lamballerie, Xavier ; Neyts, Johan ; Hanson, Alicia M ; Frick, David N ; Bolognesi, Martino ; Milani, Mario
Oxford University Press
The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy; 2012; Vol. 67; iss. 8; pp. 1884 – 94
It’s already way past the point where doctors can be held account for not following their oath to save people’s lives and instead letting them to die, in some cases right before their very eyes in hospitals. I suppose though they can plead innocence by declaring “I was only following orders”. We heard that before after the second world war but that didn’t prevent some of them being hung or put in prison. Doctors allowing patients to die needlessly is premeditated murder in anyone’s language.
If there is a really expensive treatment for Japanese Encephalitis or a chance the R&D pharmaceutical companies can make profits from it – then IVM use is probably cactus.
The modus op now well established will take some drastic action to check I fear.
I have just been reading Bill Bryson’s “The Body” (2019) and Big Pharma isn’t batting too well there
If you want a great expose of the pharmaceutical industry that is dramatised but incredibly close to the truth watch a series called “Dopesick”. I watched it on Disney, but you might be able to get it somewhere else or even DVD. Its about oxycontin and Purdue Pharmaceutical.
Saw this research, David, isn’t it fantastic? As a farmer it is also encouraging for me to use Ivermectin against mozzie carrying viruses such as Bovine Ephemeral Fever.
For some reason or other the term “wrongthink” triggered memories of another human catastrophe; the Lindy and Michael Chamberlain tragedy.
Wrongthink, groupthink, politically convenient think.
There was a strong suspicion that Lindy was thrown under the bus to keep the NT tourism industry alive.
Some things never change.
One might even mention “The Dreyfus Affair” as salutary reading for the modern “churnalist”
But comprehension would be required
We can learn a lot from that.
What about starting a Federal petition against AHPRA? plus State ones if there are associated State agencies.
I think there has been enough coverage online, if not in the MSM, to show that there was huge support for doctors who actually wanted to TREAT Covid, so I have little sympathy for those who now hide behind supposed threats to their positions. My own health centre has plenty of Audis and BMWs in the carpark – and it’s a bulk billing practice – so it’s clear to me that these lily-livered ‘saints’ put their comfortable lifestyles ahead of public health even when, to me at least, it wouldn’t have taken much to ignite a mass movement of resistance among doctors. Why didn’t they organise? They’re eager enough when the subject matter is the inadequacy of Medicare payments.
Instead, they chose to pay their prestige car loans instead of honouring the supposedly sacred Hippocratic Oath. I won’t be calling health workers ‘heroes’ ever again.
Statistical analysis of the past 12 months daily data shows a six day lag of daily vaxs after cases,ie people get advised of a positive PCR test and go off and get vaxed.
Then daily hospital admissions follow four days after the daily vax. Then follows daily icu numbers seven days after vax, ie three days after hospital admission. Then follows daily Covid deaths eight days after daily vax.
That seems to me to imply that both the virus and the vax are the cause of the Covid deaths, which is reasonable given that the disease is the spike protein damage throughout the body acquired from the virus or made in the body via the mRNA gene therapy.
Bevan, I would be interested in sources, but count me skeptical that any doc would recommend a vax after catching covid. Since the vax takes two weeks to do much, it’s far too late. I would not be surprised if people rush off to get vaxxed after they hear a friend got Covid, but really don’t think many people would get a vax after a positive test themselves.
Thank you Jo,
Herewith sources for the data that I used:
This has given me clear evidence that the jab causes the disease. A plot of the daily numbers of jabs and one of the daily numbers of Covid deaths for the same 360 day period shows that the deaths rise dramatically in the weeks and months following the rises in numbers of jabs. It looks as though the surges due to ‘variants’ are due to surges in our Governments’ propaganda, coercion and mandates for vaccination.
Jo, an afterthought,
I can send a copy of my data file to you if you so wish. It took me weeks of work to go through all of the pages on the Government’s site in order to get each individual day’s numbers.
Wishing You Well, Bevan
You could link to your WordPress pages where you have the charts stored for display or download; then we could all look.
Jo, it did surprise me to learn that Dr. Robert Malone had his first Moderna shot in early 2020 because he had contracted Covid & was suffering from Long Covid subsequently. He made a serious mistake, which he acknowledges, in thinking that Moderna would alleviate the condition. Of course, with subsequent knowledge of the behaviour of the spike protein in the body, he regrets it.
“people get advised of a positive PCR test and go off and get vaxed”
Do people really do that ??
If you already have CV, the very last thing you should do is add more spike protein into your system! Recipe for disaster.
On Australia Day one nurse told me if I don’t get vaxxed I will die. I told her it was Bull sh!t. That night in another town I was in a discussion with another nurse about the vaxxes. I told it was all Bull Sh!t. She dropped an F bomb and went home. The next day I was having blood samples taken by a different nurse who told me I would die if I didn’t have the vaxxes. I told her it was Bullsh!t as well.
Can I just suggest we all share the original letter and the government response with as many friends/colleagues/families as possible as well as many of your local/state/federal members as well. They need to get the message that LOTS of people know what is happening and are sharing the information. We need as many scrutineers as possible for the next election to hopefully minimise the chance of fraud and aim for a hung parliament.
AHPRA is a lefty swamp. Never wrong, never to be questioned or else. Layers and layers of paper-pushers and little departments devoted to the usual lefty causes. You should see some of their rulings on clinical malpractice – get whitey. Shut it down, sack them all.
The Long Slow March …
That is why the judicial process of discovery is so important.
Live Not By Lies
On 12 February 1974, the great Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was arrested, next day deported from the Soviet Union and exiled to Frankfurt, West Germany.
On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of an essay, “Live Not by Lies.”
Edward E. Ericson, Jr. and Daniel J. Mahoney, in “The Solzhenitsyn Reader” wrote:
Solzhenitsyn equated “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be reshaped to predetermined specifications.
And his last word before leaving his homeland urged Soviet citizens as individuals to refrain from cooperating with the regime’s lies.
Even the most timid can take this least demanding step toward spiritual independence.
If many march together on this path of passive resistance, the whole inhuman system will totter and collapse…”
The full essay can be found here:
After reading your article it is now blatantly obvious that situation has now arisen in the Western World.
Very early on in the government mandated stabbing of citizens my wife was asked by her GP of 30 years about being vaxxed, to which my wife said she isn’t vaxxed. Her GP’s response was; ‘Oh, you do know you won’t be able to go anywhere?’ My wife was gobsmacked and asked ‘So what will the vaccine protect me against?’ Her GP since she was an early teen said ‘I can’t answer that’.
Needless to say a massive amount of respect was lost that day and a hunt for a new GP began!
Still unsure if she couldn’t or wouldn’t say, but she didn’t work for 6 months and has never been on that Practices list of doctors giving vaccines.
I had my own debate with the controlling GP partner of that Practice which I’ve noted here before, I think!
All of which goes to a massive loss of integrity for the professionals we were most expected to rely on in being honest and taking into account our individual health needs.
The only way that can be repaired is for ALL medical professionals to distance themselves and call out the controlling bureaucracy within AHPRA and ATAGI and completely shun the woke cancel culture of the AMA!
And yet more censorship:
Soon, we’ll be reduced to telling jokes by number like in the old Soviet Union.
“You didn’t laugh. That is a very funny joke!”
“But you didn’t tell it right…”
More censorship;
Hunter Biden’s laptop is a scream!