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Climate-vandals are coming to let down your SUV tyres — if only they had evidence to persuade you instead

Tyre Extinguishers are vandals who skulk around at night and poke lentils in tyre valves to flatten tyres of evil SUV’s. It’s a new fashion in “climate activism” and it makes sense in a narcissistic pagan-religion kind of way. Those who do it are convinced they are smarter than everyone else, and their latest “plan” is to show you what nice, caring people they are by wasting your time and generally being thoughtless badgering bullies.

Naturally the cowards are anonymous, though they have a twitter account @T_Extinguishers.

Imagine the stress on the disabled, the sick, the missed medical appointments, children late for critical final year exams, and doctors who can’t get to work. Then there’s the damaged tyres that need replacing.


‘We will make it impossible to own an SUV in the world’s urban areas’

Eco-nuts used lentils to let down the tyres of Chelsea tractors because ‘air pollution is RACIST’

Tom Rawstorne for the DailyMail

And so it was that on Monday night a new front on the eco-war opened as a group calling themselves the Tyre Extinguishers launched a co-ordinated effort to deflate the tyres of as many SUVs as they could.

Seemingly unconcerned that their actions might stop a doctor or nurse getting to work or the danger that an unnoticed flat tyre might pose to the driver and other road users, the activists warn that this is just the start of it.

‘We are prepared to risk our life and liberty to protect people from climate change, air pollution and unnecessary death on our roads,’ a spokesperson told the Daily Mail. ‘We will make it impossible to own an SUV in the world’s urban areas.’

Precisely who is behind the new shadowy group, which claims to be leaderless, remains unclear.

But their decision to take direct action that affects the lives of ordinary members of the public mimics the tactics of Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Insulate Britain, whose protests have gridlocked cities and roads in recent years.

The Useful Idiots are helping Big Bankers and the WEF — make sure you tell them “Klaus Schwab thanks you”.

Climate activists have already let down the tyres of a Hybrid Petrol-Electric SUV. I bet that green driver was understanding. And that’s the funny thing about this protest, if they target the most expensive flashy SUV’s in wealthy suburbs, they’ll be harrassing a lot of Green voters.

Smug. The note they put on targeted cars:

Tyre Extinguishers flatten tyres


Don’t forget to buy some anti-theft valve locks now before they sell out.  It will slow them down.

h.t To Tom Nelson and Willie Soon.

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