A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Another UN report of Global Warming death and disaster, heat armageddon
“High temperatures have hit Europe hard during recent heatwave events, with 2020’s high summer temperatures contributing to 2,556 deaths in England.”
“Current estimates based on government policies suggest the world is on track for warming of around 2.7C by 2100.”
So you can just see Scotland sweltering with that extra 1.5C by 2100. And there has been no warming at all for the last decade, but computer projections are never wrong so the IPCC are sticking to them.
And it’s fun to see the claims of the hottest few years in the last decade, a statement which basically means it is not getting warmer but twisted to imply steady warming.
I challenge anyone to increase their room temperature by 1.5C and be able to tell the difference. But then there’s that sea rise so you might be very comfortable but you will drown and you have only 80 years to prepare.
What Briton would not be thrilled to get a 1.5C increase in temperature in winter? Even in the peak of summer. It might get as warm as a cold day in Perth, WA.
And the world’s most populous regions are far hotter, so what is the problem?
Why does the UN/IPCC keep telling us millions will die from the heat? Or do we know that answer?
It’s the cold which kills, especially with the vastly inflated cost of heating because of the desperate international attempts by governments to change world climates and prevent an increase of 1.2C in summer. Where’s the logic?
And now the English are being told to abandon the river side because of rising river levels. No one points out that is an intentional published policy of the UK government to allow the canals to clog up and so flood the lower reaches to reestablish sanctuaries for water fowl.
If there is a climate disaster in the UK, it’s the government. People are freezing to death while the government spends all the money on preventing a tiny amount of potential warming. King Cnut would be appalled.
Of course a few extra wildfowl are so very much more important than the poor human serfs that are forced to fund all the government’s profligate spending on woke political utter nonsense.
I remember being in southern Scotland in early October 1977 (south of Ayr) and being so warm I took off my coat. Lovely walking weather. It was the warmest I ever was in (off and on) 7 months in the UK. I didn’t realise it was the start of “Global Warming”.
On 3 subsequent trips to England I’ve never felt so warm despite the humidity.
“No one points out that is an intentional published policy of the UK government to allow the canals to clog up and so flood the lower reaches to reestablish sanctuaries for water fowl.”
Thanks. I was’t aware of that. I thought it was just callous malfeasance in neglect of their constituents.
Aside – How long have water fowl been allowed to vote?
It was actually a policy of the EU who in turn were responding to the provisions of the Kyoto treaty. This has subsequently been replaced by other guidance but essentially the Environment Agency in the UK are obliged to put a priority on wildlife especially species that are endangered. That most commonly manifests itself by not dredging rivers and not using the dredged soil to build up the banks as happened in previous decades. Not helped by the building of houses on flood plains
Incidentally around 30000 people a year die in in winter in the UIK through the cold.
2018 was a hot year but 2020 was nothing exceptional. Once again m tomatoes failed to grow which i always take as the gauge for our weather.
Temperatures in the UK have been on a very slight decline since 2005 if you look at CET.
Ahh yes, the EU – governance without representation. Always a recipe for failure. That does let UK aithorities off the hook for pre-Brexit. What’s their excise now, I wonder?
Since I’m not in the UK I tend to not be constantly aware of how pervasive the EU’s reach was. Thx for reminding me.
It has been a hot dry summer in the north, maybe one or two days under 30° the rest to 35° but if you ring a builder you aren’t told ring again when it’s cooler you will be told he is already flat out.
My son is currently around Newman. The first weeks it was close to 50° and seldom under 40° since. But the mine will be built.
Living in heat is a learned art, it should not be feared. Having sweat drip off the end of your nose isn’t the end of the world.
And it’s uncomfortable, not lethal. Many more people die from cold than hot and the people who write such stories know that well. If you really cared about people’s survival, you would choose the massive 1.5C increase. As if it matters.
I just cannot believe anyone portrays +1.5C as a life and death change. That’s the difference from one side of a room to the other.
I have a temperature sensor in my front garden and my courtyard. At this time of year 1.5C is a very common differential. In summer it could be up to 4degreres.
But H, when I was at school that drip of sweat off the end of the nose ALWAYS made the ink run, another reason to report that “his work is messy, needs to take more care”
And there were three types of burrs in the playground. One was like wheat, on a seed head. Ton of fun throwing it so it stuck to your mate’s back. Best not to be visible when he turned around.
Human kind evolved in Africa and it’s plenty hot there, that’s why they’re black.
Maybe they fear a new wave of Viking incursions when they were able to make their way up the Humber estuary almost to York. Earlier, the Saxons and other Germanic seafarers did the same on the rivers of Southern England in the early 5th century.
small ships still go as far as selby in yorkshire, the rivers have always been navigable close to York plus a couple of canals were built and are still used.
Meanwhile – Victoria’s Solar Homes Program Expands: Higher Battery Rebate and ‘Guaranteed Benefits’
Solar battery storage just became even more attractive for Victorian households, with the state government announcing an expansion of its Solar Homes program into the world of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs)
Households who install a battery and sign up to one of six different VPP pilots before July 2022 will receive a higher rebate at a fixed rate of $4,174 (as opposed to a maximum $3,500 for non-VPP rebates). In addition to the higher rebate, these VPPs will offer ‘guaranteed benefits’ and extra protections for consumers, such as discounts on hardware, reduced energy bills or regular compensation for taking part.
The government-backed program is capped at 2000 rebates and is limited to five approved battery providers; Tesla, Mondo, Reposit, Sonnen and Arcstream.
The pilot is set to run until 31 December 2024.
What is a Virtual Power Plant (VPP)?
A VPP works by connecting batteries (or other distributed energy resources) from multiple households into what is called a ‘Virtual Battery’. This Virtual Battery can then be can be coordinated like a pop-up power plant, trading in the electricity market and providing power to the grid when it’s needed.
This could include times when there’s an unexpected surge in demand, taking the stress off to create a more reliable network. For example, if everyone watching the Boxing Day Test were to turn on their air conditioners at once, the grid might be unable to cope – but a VPP could help out by drawing power from batteries connected to the grid.
Participating in a program means that your battery is always available to the grid when needed, but you can also still use it for your own needs – like evening out your electricity bill, blackout protection, charging an electric car or running appliances during off-peak hours.
For the six VPPs participating in Victoria’s Solar Homes program, each has its own specific deals with a range of benefits and program structures, so it’s important to do your research and find the one that best suits you.
Click here for a list of approved VPP programs.
Click here to learn how to apply for a VPP program.
There’s one sentence in all of what OldOzzie writes you just have to love eh! (my bolding and capitalisation here)
Sort of like (yet again) showing that the average punter (and in fact, the person writing the blurb in the first place) has absolutely no ides about power generation and power consumption.
The WHOLE intention of having the d@mned battery in the first place was to ….. ease the huge consumption FROM the grid, so that homes with rooftop panels could go off grid and generate their own power.
Now, suddenly the idea becomes one of it’s ….. YOUR battery, but we reserve the right to use it whenever we want to. It’s YOUR battery, which we will then discharge when we use it and ….. YOU will then have to charge it up again, FROM the grid most likely, as those peak times will be non daylight hours. It’s YOUR battery but you know, just in case, and for the sake of security, you should still stay connected to the grid. (UMM, so we can use it whenever we want to, eh!)
Oh dear, please don’t try and tell me that access to electrical power, once considered a staple of life, now becomes a personal choice, but only if you’re rich enough to have poorer consumes subsidise your battery for you. (oh, and the grid too)
POST SCRIPT – I’m still in Moderation (three hours now) down Thread here at March 1 2022 at 10.47 am
Hey Tony,
You may even be able to attend some of the public meetings for this Forrest Fan Farrago:-
It may be just out the back.
How many people would it take to fill the Pilbeam Theatre?
I think if you did they, could scalp tickets & sell CD movies afterwards.
I should have added there would likely be the odd miner & power station worker to cheer you on too.
I couldn’t find the definition I was looking for for “virtual,” but this item from the Cambridge Dictionary will do just fine.
“almost a particular thing or quality:
Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country’s economy.
Whoever thought that one up may have hit the nail virtually on the head.
The UN Report is utter rubbish. More people die from the cold than the heat. And as for rising sea levels, the water level measurement readings from Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour show a minimal increase in sea level over a period of over 100 years. Alarmist clap trap coming out just as the Virus Crisis has been found out and is waning. Just scaremongering trying to keep the money gravy train continuing on. The simple and lest costly solution to any Climate Change is to adapt which is just what Mother Nature does………………………….
It hit a record 38.7 when heat from North Africa came in. I don’t know what the relative humidity was but I suspect well below 100%.
Humidity and how you deal with it make a huge difference, but people put up with worse. Reggane in Algeria is a city of 20 000. Its daily mean is 103 and 101 F in Jul and August. Monthly average maxima are 116 and 114 F (average lows being 91 and 90F).
Just to clarify … is that died FROM warmth, or died WITH warmth?
These details might turn out to be important you know.
As Billy Connolly said, there are only two seasons in Scotland. August and winter. What’s 1.5C to a Scot?
As for the very deadly farce at the Wivenhoe dam, consider that Brisbane flooded often without a flood mitigation dam. And a dam can only contain so much water. The water in the dam tripled in 3 days, from 58% to 182%. Another 18% and its goodbye Brisbane. And with steady output they are down to 172% of full. A sudden heavy rain and it’s all over.
And it’s not that anyone was surprised. They had plenty of warning and are now blaming the rule book.
The reason the dam can overfill 100% was because 100% can happen in a single night. And did.
And the problem with that is that the dam cannot empty as fast as it can be filled. This was always the worry.
Four Sydney harbours of water could come crashing down the river valley in the greatest natural disaster in human history. We can only hope. Again.
To see the rate of filling, look at the graph. Now select Dam Storage and choose Wivenhoe. Gasp. No one saw it coming? The flood gates should have been open for a week or even two.
From New Catallaxy Blog
While punters are getting plucked from the water, is it too soon to raise poor water management as an issue?
Hmmmm…about that line of questioning.
From the Paywallian:
Hurricane Hedley Thomas descends on Palaszczuk
By Stephen Lunn
Annastacia Palaszczuk could be forgiven for doing a Laurel and Hardy-esque double take at her flood emergency press conference on Sunday.
Flanked by a phalanx of weather experts, emergency service heads and water boffins, the Queensland Premier would have felt well-prepared with the stats and data around the extent of the unfolding catastrophe and confident she could handle the usual press gallery pack.
That is until she saw the imposing presence of our own Hedley Thomas, multi-award winning investigative journalist and podcaster, in the room.
Thomas, with a deep history reporting on bureaucratic stuff-ups with Queensland dam releases and the terrible downstream flood impacts, wanted to know why – with such grave forecasts of extreme rainfall – the operators didn’t do a pre-flood release of dam water to give themselves more capacity for the incoming flood.
Thomas peppered Palaszczuk with questions about the limitations of the dam’s new operations manual, brought in after the 2011 man-made Brisbane flood disaster, which deems BOM weather forecasts insufficient information for dam operators to justify pre-emptive releases. Normally very happy to hold court, the Premier was quick to take a step back and to the side and put SEQWater’s Mike Foster in the Thomas firing line.
Hurricane Hedley continued the interrogation, breezily brushing aside attempts by Palaszczuk’s spinner Chris “Cobbie” O’Brien to wind up his line of questioning, with Foster eventually admitting his organisation’s hands were tied by the manual.
Imagine that, not being able to rely on extreme weather forecasts to mitigate a flood event. That’s fundamentally stupid, says Thomas.
There should never have been any lawfare over the management of Wivenhoe Dam after the 2011 flood. The dam was well managed under the circumstances.
This time it seems to me to be remarkably similar, with the rule book rewritten to cover the lawyers first, the engineers second.
It reminds me of Sydney’s Warragamba Dam in the 1960s, soon after it was completed. There were a couple of very big floods, which required that water be discharged from the dam, which is much bigger than Wivenhoe. When the dam overflows, it doesn’t flow over the gates, they raise the gates and let the water run underneath, by which they can regulate the flow.
Thus, instead of getting a gradual rise as the flood rises, when they raise the gates there is a sudden rise to the new level downstream. There was uproar downstream as people blamed the dam for the new flood level. No thought for what the flood might have been if the dam had not held back that water.
And that is the question that Brisbane should be asking today. What would the flood have been without the dams?
“And that is the question that Brisbane should be asking today. What would the flood have been without the dams?”
The answer to that is 1974.
Former Premier Anna Bligh back after the millenium droughts was told to build a new dam up stream, with 3x the capacity of Wivenhoe (and 9x the flood capactiy). It would have saved Brisbane and Ipswich from both the 2011 and 2022 floods, not to mention securing a water source for SE QLD for probably a century of growth.
Of course she never built the dam. She didn’t want to have to deal with the bad publicity from the greens and forcing people out of their homes. Instead she was so piss weak she never built any of the top 13 options for Dams. Instead just building a few tiny dams which have almost insignificant flood or water retainment.
Instead she spent *more* than the Dam would have cost on the mega De-sal plant, and joining the Dams together with an absurd pipeline network so the QLD government can pump water between the Dams to scrap for slim pickings when drought occurs. The De-sal plant can provide at best – 3% of the daily water usage. So in an extreme drought it will be able to make about 5L per person per day under an insane water ration scenario.
Not only that but… She paid for it by increasing the price of bulk water. She locked in a 500% increase in the price of water that slowly goes up every year, and still is yet to reach its high point, which will happen in 2024.
So we not only cop the floods, but the price of water which was $0.9/kL when she started her madness is now over $4/kL and we still have to increase it.
Everyone involved in the project told the QLD government that the catchment basin randomly takes massive hits every 10 to 20 years (and if you believe the IPCC and global warming – its rain fall and magnitude of falls is meant to increase in the future).
All of this was ignored. Its the biggest scam in the history of Australia. No one wants to admit the dam should have been built so after the 2011 floods (and after these 2022 floods) no one will ever mention the dam at all.
If the liberals weren’t piss weak in QLD they would be campaigning for mega dams for Brisbane, Ipswich and Logan.
That’s a neat summary.
The engineering problem is that there is not sufficient capacity in the flood compartment to handle the flood waters (as you note about the recommended new dam which was never built).
And once the flood compartment fills it needs to be emptied by releasing water for safety. The consequence of releasing water when there is no more capacity is that the flood waters arriving PLUS the safety releases flow downstream. And that will cause floods worse than if no flood compartment is there at all.
Of course if at any time you’ve got insufficient capacity AND the dam can’t release water as fast as the flood waters arrive you’ve got real problems on you hands in the form of a broken dam. Only sheer dumb luck prevented that last time and only sheer dumb luck will prevent it this time.
There is no backup plan. If the dam washes away and its very close, everyone dies. That’s the backup plan?
A bigger dam upstream, more dams in general in a cascade. Or preferably replace Wivenhoe with a real concrete dam which cannot wash away. Or replace the entire of Brisbane and a million people.
Quite so. To give some comfort to Brisbanites who don’t know, Wivenhoe is in fact designed to collapse in stages rather than all at once. It got very close to the first stage collapse last time.
And if it does not go according to plan and fractures, cracks to the bottom with 6 atmospheres of high pressure rather than a controlled 60 metre high cascading waterfall, the dam will cease to exist in minutes not hours. And we will have all learned a lesson in dam design. Textbooks will be written. I have little faith in controlled catastrophe. Things tend to go wrong and even when they go according to plan, it makes little difference. Currently four Sydney harbours are ready to go down the Brisbane river valley.
A real concrete and steel dam must be built behind the Wivenhoe dam!
The current dam is a pile of dirt, a farm dam, a concrete faced 4,000,000 cubic metre pile of dirt 2.3km long.
The concrete for a real dam a $250 per cubic metre a real concrete dam is $1Bn and another $1Bn to build it. Sydney spent more on an opera house in real terms.
Consider the latest random Federal gift to ‘save’ Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef, with no real idea of what to do. If they want to actually save the Capital of Queensland and a million real lives, build a real dam which will not collapse when not if it fills.
The politicians of Queensland are managing a death trap, not a flood mitigation dam. This is their second chance to destroy Brisbane. Unbelievable.
Let’s talk about the fantasies of Global Warming causing floods and nett zero and the fate of the GBR. Not what should be done.
Sounds like too much influence from the greens. Better to get sound engineering advice and be prepared to spend big. Only way to secure the future.
You are not spending big when you build a dam which lasts hundreds of years and costs less than a power station and billions are given away aimlessly on vacuous Green ideas. Climate Change. Forget about trying to stop it, what is it?
And $6 Billion a year stolen from our electricity bills to pay others to have their own publicly funded windmills and solar panels would have built a lot of dams! Now that’s spending big. And what do we have to show for it? How much cheaper and more reliable is the power after all those billions?
As I understand it Wivenhoe was built with a 100% excess capacity as a buffer against flooding. The problem last time (2011) was that the Bureaucrats were in terror of running out of water à la Flannery and let the level get too high before suddenly dumping the excess in a panic. This time they panicked about releasing water lest they be blamed for “causing a flood”. The inhabitants downstream has better pray for dry weather real soon.
The nett result is that whenever there is lots of rain near Brisbane (as in 1950, 1955, 1976?, 2011 and 2022) is that Brisbane will get flooded.
It’s far worse. Wivenhoe is a pile of dirt with a concrete facing. Think of the money they saved! If the water goes over the top, it washes away, collapses. And sooner or later that will happen in an area where the dam can go from 58% full to 182% full in three days. 4 days and everyone in Brisbane is washed away in a gigantic tsunami, not flooded.
The dams are not an issue, they will never fill up because Tim said they wouldnt, as he is so influential and telling the truth from you know the science, they believed that rain would never be an issue in QLD or NSW. Perhaps someone who has been flooded out of their home should sue Timmy for what he said and his influence causing the lack of action
And it’s a mud wall Dam and not made of concrete which it should be……………..The QLD Government has had plenty of time since the last Disaster in 2011 to fix this………….
A member of the Ukraine Parliament admits that they are fighting not only for their nation but “for the new world order.” (See 1.47 mark)
But here’s the problem, luvvie, many of us think the West’s self-hating NWO (NewWoke Order) stinks.
Also, if you march in support for Ukraine and the NWO in Canada, the police will leave you and your right to protest completely alone
Only those who demonstrate on behalf on the values that once belonged the the “Free World” will be attacked and financially crippled.
Agreed Mark.
Alexander Soros has tweeted – “We are all Ukrainian today”
In company with ALL the Western anti-citizen governments like our own.
All those those governments that used to be part of the “Free World” but now want Global totalitarianism.
I think people are being triggered by the “new world order” phrase. I’m not saying it’s nothing, but I think a bit of objectivity is needed.
astrologic chart for dawn 2-24-2022, Kiev time
Further to that, the upper middle class and millennial students will show Putin the door much earlier than 2025.
“Even the rains which fall will not fill the dams” Tim Flannery’s prophetic statement based on his career as a Science Fiction writer with his undergraduate degree in English, not science. Chief Climate Commissioner for Australia. Because Climate is not weather, so why hire a top qualified meteorologist? What would they know about the Climate? Unfortunately there are people who think he had a clue. Which is why Wivenhoe has only just started dumping water, very cautiously to avoid a political problem.
And from a logical point of view, a flood mitigation dam is a great thing. Most times it prevents floods and you can even build on the old flood plain. Free water side real estate.
But what if the amount of rain which falls exceeds the rate at which water can be released from the earthenworks dam? Then a disastrous flood is turned into a catacylsm by the same dam. But that would only happen once in a hundred years, surely?
Unlike last century and the one before, we can see the rain coming. We know the danger and can preempt. And a major flood is preferable to a gigantic tsunami which fills the Brisbane river valley and travelling at freeway speed. But the politicians are concerned about their image as custodians. So they tell the engineers to do the minimum.
The engineers tell us that their models allow them to gradually lower the level with minimal flooding. A very dangerous ballet. Sure, but if a dam can triple in 3 days as just happened, one day is enough to overflow and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Dump water now, as fast as you can. Tell people to evacuate. Now. They can come back. Take the political route and there may be nothing left.
There appears to be a catchment rainfall event threshold for poorly designed flood mitigation systems above which flood mitigation switches to flood amplification.
Such a defective system might for example transform a one-in-twenty-year rainfall event into a flood non-event, but a one-in-twentyone-year rainfall into a one-in-a-hundred-year flood.
Wivenhoe was built to supply Brisbane and Ipswich and opened in 1984, since when the relevant population has doubled, hence it’s importance as a water supply and the government’s reluctance to let water out of the thing. In essence, the problem is only partly due to mismanagement, but mostly because governments aren’t building new dams to keep up with population growth.
And in the Australian, another anti Putin piece with a Jewish survivor from Ukraine ridiculing Putin’s claim of extremist Ukranian Fascists. It is amazing to me that people are comfortable calling Putin a liar on everything he says. It blinds you.
The idea that Fascism is an exclusively NAZI idea is a real problem. Or that extreme Nationalism belongs only to the extreme right. Or that Fascism itself is extreme right, not extreme left socialism and Nationalism in partnership with Capitalism. It was first introduced by Mussolini, socialism funded by industry and so the enemy of Communism.
A lot of the atrocities in Eastern Europe where the Jewish population could reach 40%, not the 3% of Germany, were committed by allies of the Germans, like the Romanians. This was the case in Kiev and the mass grave for 35,000 Jews at Babi Yar is in the centre of the modern city. But WW2 was not just about Jews. Another 100,000 at Babi Yar. And Odessa. And thousands of villages. It was a war of extermination of the Untermenschen and the creation of Liebesraum, living space. 20 million Russians died. They are forgotten. And we are still given stories about the behaviour of Russian soldiers, not German, Hungarian, Romanian, and Ukranian simply described as collaborators.
If Putin says there is a dangerous Nationalist extremist fascist group in the Ukraine, it would pay us to listen. Negotiations are underway right now to end this war. To go into these without trying to understand the other side is to fail. And the West keeps calling Putin a total liar, a power mad old man. And the journalists in the West and frothing and cannot see a good thing he has done or could do. For his part, Putin now calls the West an Empire of Lies. He has a point.
‘If Putin says there is a dangerous Nationalist extremist fascist group in the Ukraine, it would pay us to listen.’
He is telling fibs, propaganda of Orwellian proportions. For many years this is what they have been telling their own people as a pretext to invasion.
How do you know that?
I thought you might have a direct source of information or personal experience, friends or independent information.
It’s a very big problem with extreme left US universities. Conservatives are not welcome, certainly not on staff. And George Washington University is in the heart of Washington DC where 98% of people voted for Hillary Clinton. And impeached Donald Trump for doing in Ukraine what actually Biden did.
You would not want to be a conservative at this university
From a student dialog from a conservative student wondering if they should go
“It is so very liberal. If you are even leaning moderately I would think twice about this school. Actually, it is so leftist Communism, Socialism, and even Anarchism are taught and praised in many of its classes.
You only want to come to GW if you want to learn how to control government, economics, and people. ”
And in communist circles Russia is the biggest disappointment in a lifetime. Putin is hated. New Liberal as in Malcolm Turnbull, Boris Johnson sense is not conservative. But they say they are Liberal, but it is a false flag. They are closer to fascist than socialist. Big money and big government.
Russia and China were once Communists, but no longer because they embraced the Western model of capitalism. Putin is a dysfunctional megalomaniac with strong fascist tendencies.
Take the time to see what he says to his own people during these turbulent times, the MSM is probably saying its not a war.
I could agree with Russia. I have found no evidence of communist life. They even ridicule the CCCP. I have the shirt. And the matrioshka with Putin. The police are not the enemy. Gangs exist but they do in every country but they are not the police or the KGB.
China however is absolutely textbook communist, perhaps more than Russia ever was. Even the richest have no rights. Alibaba founder and owner Jack Ma disappeared and reappeared, on a leash. China does not allow Oligarchs or any independents. Half the richest people of the last 20 years are in jail.
And to be in business, you have to be a communist first. It is ruled by the Chinese Communist party from top to bottom, totally controls the internet, spies on its own people and controls all money in and out of the country. Australia has displeased Xi, so we are being punished because Xi can order it. As good communists, they have taken over every committee in the UN, which is why we had to pay $1Bn to pretend to save the GBR which UNESCO pretends is in danger.
Unfortunately a rigid communist, like a rigid muslim, Xi believes in his right and duty to conquer the world. An Russia is the country most threatened, having the longest border to the area richest in gold, oil and diamonds. So they pretend to be friends.
Russia communist? No, but they have really changed the game with universities and Marxists who see the modern Russians as capitalist traitors. Nothing bad is allowed to be said about the Chinese Communist party however as they invade more countries.
Sounds like Trudeau.
China is not Communist, they have four economic classes just like the West. Beijing found that the free enterprise model works best, but Plutocrats are embarrassing and obscene and need to be restrained.
‘Russia’s communications regulator has ordered media outlets in the country to remove reports describing the continuing attack on Ukraine as an “assault, invasion, or declaration of war” – or face being blocked and fined.
‘In a statement on Saturday, Roskomnadzor accused several independent media outlets of spreading “unreliable socially significant untrue information” about the shelling of Ukrainian cities by the Russian army and civilian deaths.’ (Aljazeera)
In April 2003 The United States invaded Iraq under false pretenses.
As I remember Baghdad was bombarded continuously, night and day for I think (3) days before ground forces moved in for the ‘final kill’.
Many 1000’s of people including soldiers and civilians died. The infrastructure of the city was completely destroyed, including ancient monuments, all services roads, bridges, water, power, sewerage utilities, and much more . .
Shamefull act of war in my opinion. But even worse than I have described.
An interesting comparison with Kiev today. What do you think ?
Now, now, Geoffrey, they weren’t false pretenses, the were ‘fortified’.
It’s like Trump, he didn’t actually ‘collude’ with the evil Ruskies, but he would’ve.
Saddam didn’t actually have WMD, but he could’ve.
We’re not seeing the seeing the ‘warming’ predicted by the models, but we could.
What do you not understand about unknown unknowns?
As an American, I wouldn’t have given you a green thumb (#8), but I could’ve.
Funny (actually not), that just like Gulf I & II (what’s a Kurd?), the brilliant graduates of Georgetown and Ha-vad fail to consider the centuries long Shia/Sunni misunderstanding, just like like the centuries long ethnic divide in Ukraine.
Have I restated my contempt for ‘elites’ lately?
‘What do you think?’
Totally agree with your comment. The invasion of Ukraine and Iraq are wars of adventurism, its what we have come to expect from western imperialism.
The media and other influential groups have blanketed the issue. All we get is hate and marginalized outcomes and no balance; everything is pulling in one direction. This is not the Nazi invasion of Poland.
The neo-nazis are mainly in the west of the country, The problem is they are state sponsored.
You are aware that Ukraine has a democratically elected Jewish President? Extreme fascists do not represent a significant proportion of the population.
And to what degree is the President actually in control? There is a whole violent criminal enterprise underneath. And it is not the people. It is the enemy of the people. The Ukranian government is perhaps the most corrupt in the world and while everyone knows that, it is considered not newsworthy. And the people get nothing. Even Stalin appealed to the Church and Mother Russia when he was losing, after executing and starving millions. And amazingly the people responded. But these people are largely Russians, not Ukranians. And the Jewish President has Russian as his first language.
Why the upper case J and upper case P?
In this case, it means Joke. an ex-comedian, a joke on those whose prejudice against Russia overwhelms fact and judgement.
Ah, so those Ukrainian militia with swastika flags are just the propaganda units.. well, that’s OK then. These guys-
As I understand it, Communist Govts control the means of production directly, Fascist Govts control the companies who control the means of production, and the West has been moving that way all my life. Owning, say, land is worthless if the Govt controls what you can do with it. So they pretend its a democracy and you have a choice, but really you can only do what you are told.
Not quite. The Fascist governments are funded by the big companies. It’s an unholy alliance, a partnership between absolute big government and big business.
Hitler’s greatest sponsor was the Krupp steel works in Essen, then the largest company in the world. He was a favorite of Mrs Krupp. And the Fascist leaders leave these huge companies alone. Business prospers under fascists. There were real engineering competitions to design better death trucks, death chambers and ovens which were sustainably powered by the burning bodies. Very green.
It solves the fundamental problem of socialism and communism, the source of capital. Leaders like Hitler and Stalin and Mao Tse Tung were in effect billionaires. Hitler even changed the laws so that as President, he would not have to pay profits on millions of deutschmarks Mein Kampf profits. Underneath it all, crooks.
Out in the West (WA) there was a big propaganda movement back about 1990 calling for Public Private Partnerships, exactly that.
John Ward of The Slog:-
” made overt reference to the ‘Davos/Green/Military Intelligence/Media/Diplomacy/Banking/Neocon’s emergence as a globally dystopian alliance’. Although at first sight that reads like an injudicious mixture of paranoia, oil and water, recent events – especially those pertaining to the Russian occupation of Ukraine – show this loose NWO group very obviously acting in unison.
In reality, the axis acts on the much more simple basis of senior movers and shakers feeding poppycock to useful idiots – that’s to say, banking, intelligence and the media preaching a consistently mendacious sermon to Greens, diplomats, Davos Schwabites, globalist business….and in so doing, influencing soft and hard Leftist chimps ranging from Antifa to the UK Labour Party.
You will note the omission of Big Pharma from the alliance. Although many people disagree with me, I do not include global pharmaceutical concerns in the NWO axis. The Modernas, Sanofis, Pfizers and GSKs of this world have simply been co-opted – ‘temporarily recruited’ if you like – as a means to an end: they have a long track record of despicable psychopathy and profiteering dishonesty, they have their tentacles into the “good guys” of medical research bureaucracy, plus – when they get it right – they sell stuff that improves quality of life and stops folks dying young”
How US government was bought for $14.4bn
Crazy money is now spent at US elections by corporate America. Little wonder the two main parties are so unpopular
But yes, our politicians are more bought-off than ever before. A new analysis from Americans For Tax Fairness found that total billionaire contributions have soared over the past few years. The cycle before the Citizens United decision only saw $16 million worth of donations from billionaires to campaigns. This past cycle saw $2.6 billion worth of donations.
And how does that much money impact our elections? Well, the candidate who spends the most wins in the Senate around 80% of the time and wins in the House close to 90% of the time. But the reality is actually worse than those two numbers illustrate, because they don’t cover the fact that the two parties who spend the most money win 100% of the time – a third-party (non-corporate) candidate basically wins 0% of the time. Only the puppets of corporate America get to fill the Senate chambers with their endangered species ragout spittle and high-end beer farts.
But I’m sure it’s just as bad in other countries, right? Some things are universal, like existential angst, or the awkwardness when your barber starts telling you about his botched prostate exam. But the multibillion-dollar purchasing of elections, it turns out, is not a global phenomenon.
In Britain, as the BBC reported, “In the 2017 general election, 75 parties and 18 campaign groups reported spending more than £41.6mn between them.” That’s roughly $54 million American dollars at the time.
Meanwhile, as OpenSecrets has noted, just two people – the late Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam Adelson – “set a new record for donations from individuals in a single election cycle [2020], giving $172.7 million.”
Just two casino magnates spent three times as much as all of Britain on their elections. (Sheldon Adelson is now dead. We don’t yet know if he was able to bring the politicians he purchased with him.)
Well, what about France? In France, “… the amount of money a presidential contestant is allowed to spend during the campaign for the first round is limited to 16.8 million euros. The limit is raised by an extra 5 million euros for the two finalists competing in the second round.”
So basically, French presidential candidates spend less on their entire campaigns than Bill Gates spent on the Mylar happy birthday balloons he bought for Jeffrey Epstein in 2016. Ironically, the balloons spelled out, “You’re not old. It’s just that everyone around you is underage!” (It was funny at the time, I’m sure.)
How about Germany? Do their oligarchs own the system as much as in the US? Deutsche Welle reported, “In 2017 … parties spent €92 million ($109.6 million) combined on their election campaigns, according to the Federal Statistical Office.” Only $109 million spent on their elections, and yet still a Zungenwurst with a bow tie won a seat in the Bundestag. (Zungenwurst is a form of tongue sausage, but arguably several tongue sausages also won US Senate seats during the last cycle.)
So, all of this begs the question: How much did the US spend? The 2020 election cost $14.4 billion. That’s more than the gross domestic product of Mozambique! And they have Makonde masks that help with fertility – so you know they’re bringing in some cash. (If I had wanted to go for the pun, I would’ve said “you know they’re movin’ some units.” But I would never do that.)
Puppeteers and Puppets: America’s Dark Money Masquerade and Other Questionable Conduct
Are union moguls, puppeteers, power-players and profiteers assaulting the Constitution and US election laws?
“Dark money groups,” according to Open Secrets, a nonprofit that tracks political campaign financing and lobbying, “spends millions to shape our elections without revealing where their money comes from.”
About lobbying, they wrote, “Companies, labor unions, trade associations and other influential organizations spend billions of dollars each year to lobby Congress and federal agencies. Some special interests retain lobbying firms, many of them located along Washington’s legendary K Street; others have lobbyists working in-house.”
The freedom to give unlimited amounts to elections began with the Supreme Court in 2010, with the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The justices decided that, according to the First Amendment, political spending is an extension of free speech, and that corporations and unions could therefore give unlimited amounts to political campaigns.
Regrettably, nine years later, the Brennan Center for Justice wrote:
“The justices who voted with the majority assumed that independent spending cannot be corrupt and that the spending would be transparent, but both assumptions have proven to be incorrect.
“A Brennan Center report by Daniel I. Weiner pointed out that a very small group of Americans now wield ‘more power than at any time since Watergate, while many of the rest seem to be disengaging from politics…. the decision has helped reinforce the growing sense that our democracy primarily serves the interests of the wealthy few, and that democratic participation for the vast majority of citizens is of relatively little value.’
“An election system that is skewed heavily toward wealthy donors also sustains racial bias and reinforces the racial wealth gap. Citizens United also unleashed political spending from special interest groups.”
Questions pile up. Are there currently reported “money-laundering” operations that do not disclose who the donors are — and that then fund not-for-profit organizations to operate different aspects of election campaigns? Could these include, for instance, television and newspaper ads posing as straight news or launching attacks on judicial candidates?
According to Bloomberg News, “‘Dark money’ helped pave the way for the Biden campaign” – to the tune of $145 million.
France has very strict media rules for elections too. each organisation has to ensure candidates get equal talking time, and it is monitored closely. If they interview one candidate, they have to do them all. this can also lead to ridiculous situations where some candidates are just talking to fill in the time. I think, last election, one presidential candidate started talking about how they would set up a base on the moon, or something equally out of context.
Now, with media becoming “decentralised” via the internet, this may be slightly less relevant than it once was, and I doubt French laws have kept up.
There is some pushback to the “dark” money:
Biden’s CIA Director Doesn’t Believe Biden’s Story about Ukraine
If you’ve followed the diplomacy over Ukraine closely, you may have noticed that the Biden administration has relied heavily on CIA Director William J. (Bill) Burns. In November it dispatched him to Moscow where, according to CNN, he served as a “key intermediary” between the US and Vladimir Putin. In January he flew to Germany to discuss Ukraine with the new government in Berlin. This all makes sense. Burns is the Biden administration’s highest-ranking Russia expert. He’s a fluent Russian speaker who has served twice in the US embassy in Moscow, the second time as ambassador. Which makes it all the more striking that Burns, in his memoir, flatly contradicts the Biden administration’s narrative about how this crisis came to be. Remarkably, one of the most trenchant critics of official US discourse on Russia and Ukraine is the sitting director of the CIA.
Just how dumb are you?
Apparently if you’re a New Zealander – very!
NZ Ministry of health to block retail sale of thermometers.
Flushed with success from restricting the distribution of Rapid Antigen Tests, the Ministry of Health is considering regulating other ‘at home’ medical testing devices.
“ was more important that the Ministry was able to supervise tests than have them freely available in the hands of untrained consumers.”
“..The same logic applies to other devices like thermometers. Anyone can make a mistake using a thermometer.”
Well there you go – you’re too stupid to put a thermometer under your tongue until the thermometer beeps. “Untrained consumers” – try reading the instructions 😅
We can see where this is going – prohibiting self treatment and self medication, so bye-bye supplements, vitamins etc. Your doctor and big pharma know best.
Given how many people do the white coat thing when the doc takes blood pressure, taking away the home BP machines will increase the number who need antihypertensive meds. All good for pharma.
Yet the official advice to those in NZ testing + for covid is :-
1. a couple of days bed rest (remembering to turn over occasionally)
2. paracetamol as needed (for pain/fever)
3. stay hydrated
4. lozenges if sore throat
5. decongestant if blocked up.
That’s it ; that’s the full treatment programme. From the Ministry of Health, no less.
Sure sounds like a serious illness. LOL
Even a 95yr old monarch recovered from it. Cheered me no end to know my old-lady status is not such a risk after all.
Farmerbraun we have had it since Sunday , as soon as symptoms started I took one antihistamine and keep fluids up via liquid amber . Symptoms are almost completely zero due to heavy intake of alcohol and some legally prescribed Targin, Hippy heroin and Clonozepam. Flu what flu !
LOL……..And I can place the palm of my hand on my forehead and easily tell whether I have a temperature or not. Also, having read the simple instructions, I can even take my own blood pressure using the OMRON device…………
Like a puppet on a string…
WATCH: Enjoy the gripping trailer for Drive To Survive Season 4
Still on NZ.
Health Data suggests the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; & the M.o.H is trying to hide it
If the fully vaccinated population continues to degrade at the same rate, then they could have developed full blow AIDS by the middle of March 2022.
A good war in Europe will cover that up completely.
Given the history of vaccine attempts for the whole group of RNA viruses (Zika, Dengue, Corona, etc), I still find it hard to believe anyone thought a Covid vaccine would be a good thing. Just because it used a new technology doesn’t mean that all the previous findings of antibody dependent enhancement would not apply.
Reviewed in
It appears that the idea in the Covid vaccines is to use only a small part of the organism that is supposed to limit the type of antibody produced. However, subunit vaccines seem to have negative non-specific effects in general. This applies to childhood vaccines, which the WHO wants transition into all subunit vaccines. This podcast with Christine Stabell Benn on non-specific vaccine effects is fascinating.
Complete and utter nonsense. Under 12’s are eligible for vaccination and many have been.
If you do the maths correctly, you will find the rate of hospital admissions is 1 in 15 cases for unvaccinated people compared to 1 in 128 for the double-vaccinated and 1 in 213 for those with boosters.
That is hilariously stupid.
By their dumb logic the vaccinated are going to have aids by mid march, while the unvaccinated are going to have aids by april. Lol
East coast low becomes a rain bomb.
Or a river of rain
‘We found while atmospheric rivers bring much-needed rainfall to the agriculturally significant Murray-Darling Basin, their potential to bring devastating floods will become more likely in a warmer world under climate change.’
That is wrong, the coming decade will be cool and wet, with the MDB in good working without the need for allocation. Looking for an historical similarity, the 1950s is a good comparison.
Floods and Droughts are caused by climate change ElGordo , everything in between is also caused by climate change as well including volcanic eruptions and the eclipse of the sun. – it’s science . (Sarc off).
Everything is caused by climate change, including increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere! 🙂
Except that !
CO2 is a benign trace gas which doesn’t make the world warmer.
There are geologists who believe sub oceanic geothermal activity also causes climatic conditions.
I’d believe that before I’ll believe CO2 is wot dunnit.
“I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains
Of ragged mountain ranges
Of droughts and flooding rains”
These evocative words are from one of Australia’s most quoted poems. They are from the second verse of My country written by a homesick young Australian, Dorothea Mackellar (1885-1968) in about 1904.
Written after the Federation Drought
The Federation Drought from 1895 to 1903 was the worst in Australia’s history, if measured by the enormous stock losses it caused.
Who are these people who think that droughts and floods are new? One example please.
But there is an expectation that floods and droughts will become more pronounced under the AGW regime. Here is more on the ECL, note the low pressure is widespread, is this a global cooling signal?
True, but OO and others keep smugly bringing up an old poem as though it has some sort of relevance in the context of claims that things will get worse. As though people making those claims have some sort of rosy idea of the past that the poem disproves.
He wont find an example. Not one.
‘ … an old poem as though it has some sort of relevance in the context of claims that things will get worse.’
Its the only defence that our side has, nothing is new under the sun.
If you can prove ECLs are becoming more severe and are happening more often, then you have a case.
The UN for one………..
With all the reports/rumours of hacking government web sites and banks, it boggles the mind that the Canadian and other governments are still insisting on a “universal” digital ID. It also boggles the mind that some people consider QR codes and using their phones for banking a “convenience”.
Another dimension to the hacking issue is the sort of data which is accessible from the internet. I would have thought that organisations and governments would be very careful about what data a hacked internet server can expose and skilful in data security.
There used to be a concept called a firewall to prevent sensitive data from ever being exposed. Much seems to have been unlearned in the last 20 years or so.
Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?
No, not the Babylon Bee but should be.
There you have it. So if we gather up all the brain-dead useless pollies, health experts, Greta fans, greenies, vegans 😅, NWO believers etc and put them in a remote region and give Moscow the coords then we can save the planet.
I nominate Vladimir Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize having ended Covid-19 in 2 weeks.
I think you mean Nobel prize for medicine.
Correct but I think you missed the witticism.
Hint: Obama got one for being responsible for starting wars.
So witty.
Not only that JCII but Obama received the award ahead of time anticipating what he would do.
Ok, that’s the funniest exchange I’ve ever seen on this blog.
I tried to contact Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith with my Ouija board for comment on Obama’s peace efforts, but they ignored me.
The dang board just kept spelling T-R-U-M-P.
Don’t feed the trolls.
“It also boggles the mind that some people consider QR codes and using their phones for banking a “convenience”.”
The reality is that many people consider QR codes etc a convenience. Perhaps you could try it and make your own assessment
The news used to tell you what happened and then YOU had to decide what you thought about it.
Now the news tells you what to think about something and you have to decide if it even happened.
As the saying goes, ” You can’t even believe half the lies they tell you”
How do these fake news garbage rags stay in business?
Australian Courier-Mail, One of Australia’s Worst, a Murdoch Paper, Runs Fake Images of a Gas Explosion in 2018 on Its Front Page To Fool Aussies It’s From Russia’s Bombings
The fake mainstream media treats its readers as complete imbeciles and so stupid they can dish any fake news and images to desperately distort the truth.
With so many clear examples of media lies re these photos “from the Ukraine”, why would ANYONE believe one word of the MSM reports/
“Australian Courier-Mail, One of Australia’s Worst, a Murdoch Paper, Runs Fake Images of a Gas Explosion in 2018 on Its Front Page To Fool Aussies It’s From Russia’s Bombings”
The fake mainstream media treats its readers as complete imbeciles and so stupid they can dish any fake news and images to desperately distort the truth
Most of the Murdoch papers, particularly its masthead The Australian, routinely treats its readers as imbeciles safe in the knowledge they are pandering to the right wing conservatives who care not about the truth but just the Leftists to be shown as anti-Australian. Look at writers like Kenny and Albrechtsen and Henderson and Oriel and Sloan and Creighton all right wing fanatics. They clearly recognise their Conservative readers as complete imbeciles and write accordingly. They are a disgrace to journalism.
I see you triggered a troll JCII. That suggests you are pretty close to the target.
It’s an open thread ratbag
“It’s an open thread ratbag”
Indeed it is Gee Aye but FG won’ t understand the significance of your comment as he doesn’t know what defines a troll is.
You really are a fool FG. Can you not see that I am in agreement with JCII’s comment that News Corps media is part of “the fake MSM that treats its readers as imbeciles”? As you state he is”pretty near the mark” you too are are agreeing with him and, by extension, me?
And I’ve triggered two trolls. Anybody for three?
Well seeing as you agreed with me @17.3, obviously you ought to be the third troll but as your IQ ain’t up to troll standards you aren’t acceptable
Troll IQ? Really?
But Forrest Gump would be.
‘Anybody for three?’
You are talking through your hat, a troll is someone who speaks off subject. Mind how you go.
Not so Gordo but best wishes to you as well.
FEMA: In Case Of Nuclear Explosion, Maintain Social Distancing And Wear A Mask
At least the mindless masses have been well trained in those regards.
Maybe that was the idea all along.
And remember how Covid went to zero as soon as everyone masked up & distanced so we know the science is valid.
Will a mask stop you from being vaporised by the blast? Health experts advise yes.
How interesting. And there was me thinking duck and cover was the state of the art advice.
For readers who want to be horrified take a look at Wierd Al Yankovich’s Christmas at ground zero
Yes, the US government really did tell children to hide under their desks if there was a nuclear attack.
They might as well have given the safety briefing I gave friends in my flying days. Put your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye. Brought many a sideways glance I can tell you.
Fire, covidiot pestilence and now floods. Where’s Tim Flannery to enlighten us as to global warming being the cause?
(Please tell me I’m wrong about this last bit)
Yeah look, the flood seems to be passing here in South East Queensland as the clean up begins.
Here in Beenleigh (and where I live, here) we have the Albert River just to the South of here, It meanders around this locale and the closest we are to it is around a mile and a half or so. Then we have the Logan River just North of us. Both Rivers are at major flood levels. The Albert is the one which affects us the most. We live on the third floor of an apartment building on high ground, so we’re okay. We have a ‘natural’ drain (I suppose it could be called that) with a bit of low ground about 250 metres from us. We also have the main rail link, Brisbane to Gold Coast also around 200 metres away, so we are close to Beenleigh Railway Station. At the back of our Apartment complex, there are two parking lots for the railway station, and they slope down away from the back of our building, a gentle slope, and each lot measures around 100 metres by 60 metres, the slope down the 60 metre side. That drain I mentioned flows into the Albert near here, and at the worst of the flood, it was backed up to the major flood level of the Albert, So the car parks and the area around that drain were covered with what looked like a lake. At the low point it was around four metres under water I suppose, but the edge of the water was still ten fifteen metres on the slope from the back of our apartment building, and there’s no way it’ll come up any further, so that’s the extent of flooding in my area, hardly anything. We look out over the balcony and it looks like a lake. This morning, that has gone down by around a 2 metres, and I gauged that from where the water level was at the worst yesterday on a sloping fence line, where the limit of the water was up to. So it’s going down reasonably rapidly.
So, I was looking at the ABC news site this morning, and they are running a ‘live blog’ of the flood. One of the questions asked was if the M1 was still open, and that’s the main Motorway link from Brisbane to The Gold Coast. So, here’s that actual question as it was actually posted on the ABC website:
Can I travel on the M1? What is the current travel advice from authorities?
I tried every connotation of adding to that word with the asterisks, and the only thing I can come up with is the word ….. ‘about’.
It might seem that the auto mod at the ABC site captured the text, and then, so they can post the question at their site, they have just added asterisks for the supposedly offending word here, and umm, you work out what it is, eh!
It indicates two things to me, and the first of them is occasionally what happens here at Joanne’s site, how some combinations of letters making up another completely different word altogether are deemed questionable enough to place the whole text into moderation.
The second is that surely ‘sensitivities’ at the ABC are wound so tight that now they are looking for offense in words that have ZERO to do with offense.
Sometimes you just have to shake your head.
Post script – We live ‘underneath the radar’. (say, wasn’t that a song from that Pommy band Underworld back in 1988) The BOM weather radar at Mt. Stapylton (at this link) that covers South East Queensland is direct line of sight from our balcony, around 3Km as the crow flies. It’s the big white ‘golf ball’ on the hill. At the link, the cross hairs in the middle are the radar and, as you can see, Beenleigh is almost right on those cross hairs. Our apartment building is between Beenleigh and the cross hairs.
Now on the radar site, you’ll see the ‘rainfall’ tab immediately above the rolling radar images for the 64Km default radar loops, so, now, click on the ’24 Hour’ tab. That’s where I kept a ‘handle’ on how much rain we had (directly) where we live. I could watch the current rainfall on the ‘since 9AM’ tab, and at 9AM each morning, it would be updated across to the next one along, the ’24 Hour’ total. So each day, I could work out how much actual rain we had where I live. In those six days of this rain event, we had just on 20 Inches of rain (in the old measurement) and the day of most rain was 7 inches, worked out via the colour coded ‘rainfall mm’ bar under the image itself. (25mm multiplied by four is the numbers of ‘points of rain’ in the really old rainfall measurement, and 100 points is an inch, so 25mm equals one inch) That’s the most rain I have ever been in on a constant basis.
Say, and I know this is probably my wicked sense of humour here, but I keep hoping that one day ‘God’ will stand astride that hill nearby and ‘whack’ that golf ball with a One Wood. (link to image of radar)
Back to Defcon 3.
Yesterday it was 2. Today it’s 3.
Linear progression says 4. Geometric progression says 4.5. Government propaganda says it could be anything.
Wonder who the Al Haig of the Biden administration is?
Mr. Smith: She’s not officially on the admin’s payroll, but your question caused Hillary to raise her hand and volunteer.
In the previous thread the following claim was made about nuclear plant.
Here are facts from an official US Government source (and this statement is under the auspices of the Green-Marxist Biden maladministration):
And there is no technical problem safely disposing of nuclear waste either.
Although, it is tragic that nuclear waste from the civilian nuclear fuel cycle is buried with 99% of its original energy intact. It should be run through a breeder reactor to release all the energy and so produce a much less radioactive waste product.
Compare the false claim of a nuclear reactor having to be decommissioned at 30 years. In reality it’s is 40 plus years and it could be indefinite.
QUESTION: What is the average age of decommissioning wind and solar subsidy farms?
Less than twenty years.
The uranium mined is close to the surface and detectable with a geiger counter.
Disposed of deep in old mines it would be better than ever.
I believe several of the USA reactors have had their operating permits extended from 40 years to 60 years..
Unfortunately, some of the other reactors, ( San Onofre ) have major technical issues that have dictated they be shut down early simply because it is too risky and expensive to re engineer them.
Our farmers have had the best year on record and is about 81 billion $ and that is about 12 billion $ higher than the previous year.
But isn’t “climate change” causing an “existential crisis”, LoL? Shouldn’t we (non-Elites) all be starving now?
Here we go. From that organ of truth, The Guardian. They know the reason for our catastrophic floods:
PS the Guardian is paywalled. Pressreader isn’t. How long before we hear the same tripe from Tim Flannery?
Ukrainian vs Russian belligerants.
As it stands now anyway.
Amazing how these liars and con merchants have no shame at all.
Dr Rosling using their UN DATA shows that today Humans are healthier and wealthier than at any time in history and improving every decade.
Our poorest continent Africa population in 1970 just 363 mil and today 1400 million or nearly 4 times 1970 and their life expectancy today ( 64 years) is higher than GLOBAL life exp was ( 56.5 yrs) in 1970. True just look up the data for yourselves.
And Africa also had to fight the HIV/AIDs disaster over the last 50 years as well. AGAIN look up the data yourselves and wake up.
Today deaths from extreme weather events have dropped by 95% + over the last 100 years. Pop then just 1.7 bn and today 7.8 bn. When will they wake up?
IOW the climate today is as good as it gets, so why do they still persist with their lies and distortions?
BOMBSHELL: Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers
From the labs Fauci knows nothing about no doubt.
Confidential Pentagon papers have been leaked, revealing that the United states government has been operating top-secret biolabs in Ukraine and conducting biological experiments on Ukrainian soldiers while receiving complete legal indemnification for fatalities and injuries.
Complete indemnification..sounds familiar..
I always believe obscure articles with “bombshell” in their title.
Yes, painful, goes with “Shocking” and “Must see”….
So, its all about the Yanks doing quite normal testing of soldier’s blood samples in Ukraine & Georgia to see what diseases they have been exposed to. Its a baseline so they can go back later and re-check to see how many have caught some disease that went through that area. The usual bio-laboratory leak that accidently contaminates an army on exercises…
I hope the Russians give every piece of paper and all emails from the labs to Edward Snowden, then put him on Joe Rogan’s show in 3 months to tell us what he found.
Yesterday I relived a childhood memory of a visit to Warragamba Dam, near Sydney. It is a relic from the long-gone days when Australia was enthusiastic to progress and was willing and able to do big projects to develop the country. This dam was built between 1953 and 1960. Three million tonnes of concrete were used in its construction.
It also was installed with a 50MW hydroelectric plant however this is disconnected from the grid now, and never used.
There is a proposal to raise the dam wall 17m to allow about 50% more storage plus save the lives and property of about 134,000 people in the floodplain area in the event of an extreme flood event but the opposition from Australia’s Lib/Labs and Greens is very powerful and it will probably never happen.
I was very disappointed that the visitor centre is closed indefinitely due to the terror of covid. The public serpents employed there are probably having a marvelous time at home getting paid to do nothing.
Of many items of engineering interest, one on display was an outdoor display of a giant Larner-Johnson needle valve.
Yes David – extraordinary that they have been frightened out of raising the dam wall by environmentalists and indigenous groups who threaten action. Yet they are willing to risk lives and property should we have an extraordinary rain event as is happening in NE NSW at the moment.
How do we replace these time servers by people who have a genuine concept of “public service”??????
The NSW Coalition Government has plans to raise the height of Warragambah Dam but cannot proceed because of Environmental Court delaying tactics by the Greens and UN world heritage opposition claiming the extra capacity would damage the environment.
Same UN opponents and local Greens wanting to dictate to airport authorities on future flight paths for aircraft using the under construction Badgerys Creek International Airport in Western Sydney.
Nobody ever holds the green lobby responsible for humanitarian disasters that occur because of their policies.
I wonder if Hillary called out Hanoi Jane back in the day?
It’s all part of the desperate attempt to blame it all on Trump.
I must do a quick scan of Orwell’s 1984 to see whether Emmanuel Goldstein had any known supporters.
Goldstein was an imaginary enemy, just like “climate change” and a vast majority of the covid narrative.
Also, it’s thought that Orwell chose a stereotypical Jewish name Goldstein (and the first name Emmanuel means God in Hebrew) as the fictional enemy because Jews were persecuted by both the National Socialists and the International Socialists and also because the Jews had a conscience and morality bought to Western Civilisation via the Hebrew Bible (“Old Testament”). This conscience and morality was lacking in Big Brother.
Yes David, but even imaginary enemies of the state can attract supporters.
Clinton posted her remarks on Twitter and from there, things did not go well.
Hillary Clinton@HillaryClinton
We have to make sure that within our own country, we are calling out people giving aid and comfort to Putin and siding with autocrats against the global cause of democracy.
Replying to
Well, OK: You secretly created and funded the Russia collusion hoax, using an agent of a Russian oligarch, damaging our republic and national security and helping a foreign policy that has put us in a dangerous position Putin is taking advantage of. Consider yourself called out.
Sean Davis
Your campaign hired a foreign agent of a sanctioned Russian oligarch to spread lies to delegitimize American democracy, all because you couldn’t find Wisconsin on a map. Sit this one out, Gammy.
Yet, Hillary Clinton resurfaced from her darkened lair to address the GOP directly, calling on the party to stand up to Russia and stop those from giving “aid and comfort” to Vladimir Putin. Here’s where the hits of the crack pipe come into play. When did the Democratic Party become tough on Russia? The Russian collusion hoax was not that—that’s long ventured into the realm of psychosis. It wasn’t that long ago that we learned that Hillary Clinton pretty much gave the Russians ownership of our uranium mines in the United States. Remember the Uranium One deal. Remember the $500,000 check the Clintons received from a Russian bank selling Uranium One futures. And this woman has the stones to lecture about being tough with Moscow. Please.
Kyle Becker, a former Fox News producer and promoter of Becker News, had a mega-thread that gutted this narrative with a hot knife. I mean, he charts it from Ted Kennedy’s collusion with the Russians during the Reagan administration to the Obama administration’s pervasive fecklessness when it came to our Eurasian adversary.
George Soros and Hillary Clinton Want Increased U.S. Support for Zelenskyy and Their Ukraine
Perhaps people will pause and recognize that just about every totalitarian leftist and globalist in the world is on the side of U.S. increased intervention in Ukraine. Then again, given the scale of the war propaganda playing out, maybe not.
The New York Times Hasn’t Always Cared About Ukrainians
At his CPAC speech on Saturday, former President Donald Trump could not have been clearer in his denunciation of Vladimir Putin. “The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling,” said Trump. “it’s an outrage and an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur.”
Yet the fact that Trump called Putin “smart” and “savvy” is, for the New York Times, prima facie evidence of his affection for Mother Russia. Indeed, the Times had the nerve to run a delusional op-ed on Sunday headlined, “How the American Right Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Russia.”
Earth to the New York Times: No one on the right is pulling for Putin. The Times is pushing this Russia-love narrative both to salvage some political gain from Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy and to cover for its own historic indifference to the Ukrainian people.
The truth is that British and American conservatives have long cared about Ukraine. Most still do. The international left, the New York Times, in particular, cared more about the success of Josef Stalin’s lethal policies than it did the millions of Ukrainians those policies killed.
The New York Times Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, admitted to being “pleased as punch” when Stalin announced his Five-Year Plan in the fall of 1928. Stalin, as Duranty observed in his well-titled book, I Write as I Please, was the world’s “greatest living statesman.” A pioneer in the art of fake news, Duranty saw signs of greatness in Stalin’s plan “to socialize, virtually overnight, a hundred million of the stubbornest and most ignorant peasants in the world.”
Most of these “ignorant peasants” were small Ukrainian farmers or “kulaks” as they soon came to be known. Duranty was impressed that Stalin could turn these independent souls into cogs in a vast collective despite a creaky transportation system, a dwindling food supply, and a psychotic drive to maintain existing production levels. “When all these factors are considered,” wrote Duranty, “it is a little short of a miracle that the plan was carried through.”
With the opening of the Soviet archives, scholars now know how Stalin did carry his plan through, During the years of the plan, 1928-1933, as many as five million Ukrainians and three million others died to show just how well communism worked.
“The New York Times Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, admitted to being “pleased as punch” when Stalin announced his Five-Year Plan in the fall of 1928. Stalin, as Duranty observed in his well-titled book, I Write as I Please, was the world’s “greatest living statesman.” A pioneer in the art of fake news, Duranty saw signs of greatness in Stalin’s plan “to socialize, virtually overnight, a hundred million of the stubbornest and most ignorant peasants in the world.”
This film titled “Mr Jones” shows the struggle that a South Wales (UK) reporter had to get the truth out about “Holodomor”
Another film worth watching is this :-
Ukraine On Fire 2016 Oliver Stone also on
That film gives me a much clearer picture of the sad problem of Ukraine.
Bill Gates’ Favorite Toilet
Competitive Toilets
Since adopting the sanitation cause, the Gates Foundation has sponsored contests with prize money and development grants for the winners. In 2012, the winners of a “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” displayed prototypes that met the contest criteria: capture and process human waste without piped water, sewer, or electrical connections, and transform human waste into useful resources, such as energy and water, at an affordable price.
Most recently, the Gates Foundation co-hosted a Toilet Expo in Beijing. The 2018 Expo displayed 20 toilet and small-scale waste treatment plant designs that Gates described as the first scalable, “business-ready” off-grid toilet systems.
Real-World Use
More than 4,000 Tiger Toilets have been deployed in rural areas of India since 2015. Similar in design to a traditional pit toilet, they cost about $350 to install. The difference is that their pit contains tiger worms (Eisenia fetida), a species that feeds on mammalian waste.
The worm castings are 99 percent pathogen-free, which is better than a septic tank, and weigh only 15 percent as much as the original waste. The castings are usable as fertilizer. Or they will be, when the tank is eventually cleaned out. The first Tiger Toilets are approaching five years old, and have not required maintenance yet.
Bill Gates’ Favorite Toilet
The Tiger Toilet’s extreme simplicity and low maintenance make it a winner for community toilets in rural areas. But there is no room for a pit toilet in urban areas. That’s part of the reason that the toilet on display at the Gates Foundation Discovery Center in Seattle is the waterless Nano Membrane toilet developed by Cranfield University in England.
The Nano Membrane uses a fine filter to separate liquids into nonpotable water. The toilet incinerates solids in a small combustion chamber, generating pathogen-free ash and enough energy to charge a cell phone.
See how the Nano Membrane toilet works in this video.
Back in the 1950’s my father developed the Barpali latrine. It was a concrete water-seal latrine put over a pit. It flushed with 1 litre of water. He went on to make it a bit more attractive. It was taken up by the Ghandian development agency and appears, unattributed, in the UN development literature. I gather they are still made and do not cost USD 350.
Dominic Perrottet says the northern NSW flood is one in a thousand years. That would be the Medieval Warm Period.
So in no way unprecedented?
That’s got to hurt.
How the fark would he know? Who was around taking the measurements for any floods a thousand years ago?…….lol
I have no idea what DP said or where he got the information (hey Sheldrick – maybe he was quoting and didn’t come up with the number himself lol) but from what you said, “one in a thousand years”, does not mean the last one was a thousand years ago.
It is just stats with the likelihood (not the frequency)of an event like that happening only once in 1000 years. It could still happen 5 years apart without this statement being incorrect (even though I suspect it is).
el gordo is a literalist, much to my pleasure
Yes and I understand that. I was just taking the “urine” out of him as these “Pollies” just come out with so much BS. I bet that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever for his statement………………….
they are only ever stats based estimates, that will be about all the evidence you will get
Just about all data is an estimate.
‘ … It could still happen 5 years apart …’
True, but most unlikely.
So now you understand.
Australia, the land of droughts and flooding rains …..
As Peta Credlin is just reminding us.
your point being?
“In an effort to kick Republican candidates off the ballot for the crime of supporting Donald Trump, Democrats are reaching back more than 150 years to a rarely invoked constitutional provision designed to prevent Confederates from serving in Congress.
Democrats and a handful of Trump Derangement Syndrome-suffering Republicans claim the disturbance on January 6, 2021, that delayed formal congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election results for several hours, was an insurrection or rebellion aimed at overthrowing the United States government.”
More at
Just imagine if all the money wasted on windmills and solar panels in Australia was instead spent on something useful….like….drought proofing or flood proofing….
How true David. South Eastern Queensland has effectively stopped.
Where I live north of Brisbane, we have had no mail, the petrol station I went to yesterday for fuel for the mower had most pumps ” not in use ” ( no fuel deliveries ) and I did not bother going shopping, as no deliveries presumably since last week. Local roads are all flooded and this has only been going on for 28 years that I have lived here every time it floods. I assume that the politicians are waiting to see some sort of pattern happening before acting.
You would think roads and rail would be considered essential infrastructure and flood proofed.
Some friends of ours moved to Tin Can Bay (near Maryborough) many years ago. They see floods and being cut off as part of the rhythm of life and dont imagine it will ever be “fixed”
The road/rail to The Isa is tenuous. It hasn’t flooded for a few years so it has been forgotten.
There isn’t even a high capacity HV line into NW Aus. It’s a vast area with low consumption but there is no way a fleet of EVs could be charged. They are largely dependent on OC gas/liquid fuel.
The Road Houses would be unimpressed if EV drivers turned up regularly wanting to recharge their EV battery packs, scheduling fuel tanker deliveries to maintain diesel fuel for the diesel generators and desalination plants for bore water supply plus diesel and petrol supplies for refuelling ICEV customers is already a logistics issue.
I hate how so many websites now require you to accept cookies. If they do, I just go elsewhere unless I really have to go to that website. I think a lot of it is to do with some European law that was introduced.
Also, I don’t care about them giving me “a better user experience” as they claim. If they want me to have a better experience, then ditch the cookies!
Maybe the websites want to know if the person who logged on is a smart cookie?
Cookies I can ignore, or just hit “Reject all”, but self-playing videos or most Youtube stuff is a quick reason to close the site.
The net has certainly evolved, its seems like it was only a decade ago it started, and it was a completely different creature.
Some websites can’t be entered if you reject all cookies.
Yes, cookies is a sort of software mugging; good luck later identifying let alone interpreting the cookie components that have been foisted on you.
Blessedly, after the last coal fired power station has been dynamited cookies will be a thing of the past.
Depending on the browser you can use private mode (Brave) and any cookies collected in that session get dumped on exit, if there is something you want to see beyond the cookie gate.
There will, of course, be more pandemics.
It’s extremely worrying that Government, Big Pharma, and the Left have now decreed that any medical treatment is “their way or the highway”.
Recall that possible treatments for covid were banned even though the proposed drugs were safe and even before “vaccines” were available.
It used to be standard medical practice that if you had an untreatable disease, doctors would try everything in their power and all available suitable and safe drugs in the pharmocopia, especially if people were dying, in order to find a treatment or cure. Such traditional practice is now banned.
It doesn’t bode well for the management of the inevitable next pandemic, which could actually be a seriously lethal one, e.g. a viral hemorrhagic fever, of natural origin or more than likely a “gift” of the Chicomms.
Administration should stay with elected officials and not be outsourced to the health department officials. Ron DeSantis spoke on exactly this issue at CPAC.
There should be a Royal Commission launched on how Covid was handled, what lessons have been learnt, which government controls worked and which were abused, what a minimum level of public health preparedness looks like and if the current State rights aspects of the constitution need changing or enforcing.
I’m guessing they will be too busy patting each other on the back, and giving out awards and promotions to consider such things.
So, Biden’s handlers gave Afghanistan to the Taliban, Russia invades Ukraine, China will likely soon invade Tawain and Iran will soon have a nuclear weapon.
What else could possibly go wrong?
Well the solar kids are predicting global cooling…..
I’m sure there are still lots of things to go wrong.
Will the Yanks give up their free ride on the rest of the world as countries start to get out of the $US? So far they’ve gone to war with everyone who has tried, but Russia might get pushed to China and they start some new financial system outside the greenback.
Japan and South Korea have been very compliant Asian Tigers up to now, what will happen when they decide to go their own ways? Followed by the up and comers right down through SE Asia…
India is more understandable, the British Empire influence has been excellent for us (The West), Pakistan though..
Spanish South America.. luckily not involved in world affairs as the Yanks get in there also and get rid of rulers that don’t toe the line. Which leaves Africa, still so poor to not be a threat.
Nah, more Covid games to come, the elites have found a new way to rape the taxpayers through their bought ‘n paid-for rulers.
Compulsory taxation, guaranteed to bring you misery as millions of little monies accumulate to a pile so big a thousand things can be paid for that no-one ever knows about!
US Truckers update
“Day Five Update, Oklahoma, The People’s Convoy Crosses America
February 28, 2022 | Sundance | 51 Comments
Friend of the Treehouse, John Spiropolous is traveling with The People’s Convoy and sharing ground reports along the route.”
Approx 20 miles of trucks, bulk supporters
Here is an interesting video of the complete set of the original Batman TV Series wall climbing cameos.
See how many of the celebrities you can name. Someone also put a list in the comments in case you get stuck.
ABC TV cynically stating NSw/Qld floods are caused by climate change. Evidence? None, of course.
By virtue of what the IPCC are spouting , 2 years ago the IPCC were saying the east coast was going to get drier .
Anyone want a long term sure thing investment buy the Russian Rouble right now .
A week ago I would have agreed.
Only worth one cent now and has to go back up at some stage , even if it only goes back up to 2 cents you’d do alright .
Somehow brings to mind Robert Louis Stevenson’s book The Bottle Imp about a useful cruel demon lived in a bottle which could only be onsold cheaper than it was purchased.
Buying the dips always works, until it doesn’t.
“So They DO Run The World”
Australia will ramp up its spending on a surge in weapons being shipped to Ukraine The $105 million Australian pledge was far greater than the “non-lethal” military equipment promised earlier, which was tipped to cost only $3 million.
“Comrade, move the targeting for missiles #1976 to 1978 to Canberra..”
So, we’ve taken a side and declared war on Russia.
If “the World” can save Ukraine, or at least make it ridiculously expensive for Russia to conquer them, then maybe they would be emboldened to do the same with China hegemony.
Until now I have felt vulnerable, like a shag on a rock.
Hanrahan, the time to do something about China is now, not like Ukraine handing out AK47s after they’ve been invaded!
Burn the gun laws, make markmanship a high-school sport, encourage everyone to form a local militia and map out what you would do if invaded.
Having Govts register weapons and confiscate most of them just suits the enemy fine. Having an armed populace that is prepared to fight invasion is a great deterrent.
But first, you have to have a Govt that has the support of the people, one that is not shit-scared because they KNOW they’re reaming the citizens and there is no way in hell they will let them be armed!
…and the most efficient way to stop the Chinese is to trade with them, mix with them and incorporate them into you culture as much as possible. You don’t bitch at them about the Uyghurs when you slaughtered the aborigines to form Australia, and if you’re the Nanny chastising them all the time you won’t get to be friends, the same as if you’re the loud drunk uncle telling everyone what to do as per USA.
Diplomacy?? Seriously?? Who’d leave it all in the hands of the most despised people in the country, the Canberra Mafia!
would be more damaging to take out some coal/iron ore/LNG loaders
This is very much a “Did you hear about?” story but my son is surprisingly early and accurate with news.
Seems a Ukrainian engineer on a Russian oligarch’s [what does that mean?] mega-yacht pulled the circuit breakers on the pumps and opened the sea-c0cks, left it floundering off Spain. He was arrested, released and deported without supervision.
Even magistrates in [I assume] smaller communities are with letting Ukrainians return home to fight.
Scotty! Scotty! Answer the phone.
Jordan Peterson: Frederick Kagan: Russia, Ukraine, and the West
A long vid for sure but highly recommended. Ignore the red thumb.
I sorta think the best of people and considered Putin intelligent and sane, ergo unlikely to go to war.
Well I was wrong. I now know just how wrong I was.
They were a bit slow finding out David, that was obvious at the time. Yet another ‘colour revolution’ to install an American patsy as president. Once they had control of the country the Bidens moved in and made billions, which is why Hunter Biden’s laptop has been buried.
The locals who hated Russia started their little war with the Russian’s who lived there and we had Donbass.
The main game was to get nuclear missiles in there without having to let Ukraine into NATO, as then the Euros would have to defend it. Never mind the biolab business, Putin said he wouldn’t stand for American missiles right next door, and what we have is the result.
I hope he wins, I’d rather have the Yanks kicked out of Ukraine and a pro-Russian Govt again than have the nuclear war that would probably be the option. That still might occur mind you, the Americans will not stand to be challenged by anyone else to be world power, and Russia said “What is the use of the world if Russia isn’t in it”
In a world where China, not Russia has opened war with a deadly military developed virus which has so far cost over 5 million lives, why is Russia the evil empire? What have they done to be vilified? Why is Putin always branded a liar? And not a bad word about China. Because everyone is either bought off or afraid to say anything.
What about the intentional m*rder of 5 million people? Supported by WHO and the UN who declared the virus was ‘not infectious, human to human’. Unbelievable. And everyone knew it was a Chinese virus. The Chinese knew. Fauci knew. The CIA knew. The French who built the lab knew. And Fauci funded even it and the gain of function research. Now they are finding unique patented sections in the virus. Everyone knew all along but they said nothing. And they are still saying nothing. Russia is just distraction politics.
And what about outrage about Hong Kong or the Uighurs or even the war with India or the daily threats to Taiwan? No, it’s all righteous indignation. Even Prince Charles is saying Russian conduct is unconscionable. And not a word about China.
No matter what Russia does, it is not going to allowed to mix with the likes of the Germans, the French or the British or the Americans. Why? Does any really think NATO is going to be allowed put missiles in Ukraine? Ukraine is a mess. And the sooner people stop picturing as happy, vibrant paradise the better. It is a violent criminal state and the poorest place in Europe and no one cares.
The peace talks have collapsed. The level of support given is enough to encourage Zelesky to chance his luck. What a terrible outcome for both sides. This is not a football match and the Russians will soon stop fighting with one hand behind their backs. And you can blame all the cheering from the Western media and politicians. After all, it’s not their problem.
I wonder what Whoopi Goldberg thinks about Russia? Or is it just more white on white stuff?
And it is possible that the Ukranian military are not happy. It’s one thing sending in civilians with guns and criminals released from jail and given weapons, but the military know that’s not war. And Putin may be using back channels to get a military coup, which would end the conflict without massive casualties.
Kiev is just too important a city and historically significant to both sides to put it at risk in all out conflict. There will be no winners from this, only losers.
If only the West would stop loudly cheering for the underdog from a very safe distance. And then what? Is NATO going to send in troops? No. This is bear baiting at its worst, a gruesome public spectacle for entertainment. And ultimately the parties will be back at the table anyway. If the US would not accept missiles in Cuba, Russia will not accept NATO in Ukraine. That’s it.
And you will be relieved to know “Prince Charles has promised solidarity with all those ‘resisting brutal aggression'”. So there.
I’ll see your solidarity and raise you hopes and prayers, with a good measure of blue and yellow coloured lights!
In all honesty, does anyone with a brain actually care what WG thinks about Russia?
A valid point, but looking a bit deeper it turns out that the virus was invented and made with US money provided by Fauci. Fauci and mates, probably the WEF gang, gave the instructions. All went to plan.
The role of China was to provide the secure facility, manufacturing expertise, and deniability.
The pandemic measures are to be declared globally binding
While you were worrying about non-event Ukraine…
On the 1st. Negotiations on an international agreement to prevent and combat pandemics begin in Geneva in March. The basis of the agreement is Art. 19 of the WHO Constitution , according to which the WHO General Assembly can conclude binding agreements for all member states by a two-thirds majority. The article has been used in 74 years of history.
The Australian Government, as a fanatic follower of the UN and globalism, will no doubt be an eager supporter.
They had the First World under their thumb this time, even without that agreement. Next time they won’t have to spend time on propaganda to demonise alternative medicines, it will be law to take your medicine!
Of course, no-one is going to actually ask the people who will have to roll their sleeves up for whatever their Govts have signed up for!
Gastroenteritis outbreaks in Victorian childcare centres spark urgent warning from Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton
Victorians should turn to soap and water rather than hand sanitiser to combat a growing number of gastro outbreaks in childcare centres.
With around 70% of the human immune system being based in the gut you might want to actually let it do its damn job!
Constant anti-bacterial/viral sanitisers are weakening your immune system more than anything, turning what should be a finely tuned athlete into a couch-potato Dr Phil watching pudgesaurus.
If your immune system never gets a chance to do something then it will at best, be inefficient or more likely over-react when any threat presents.
Modern medicine and theory is in reality pretty much the exact opposite of what you should do!
Suffering from pain ? Take a pain killer! Does it TREAT the problem or MASK the symptom.
Ditto cold/flu medicines.
The list goes on.
Post-Covid/vax I’d say that ANY otherwise mid-level health issue will probably be the end of you.
You want 500 million sheep on the planet? 10 years from now you’ll probably have that.
I won’t be here to see it but it would be interesting.
This video on the flora and fauna that live on human skin shows how gloves and sanitized skin protect enteric (gastrointestinal) pathogens from our natural defences. On the other hand, the pathogens that attack tissues like staph are not killed by our skin.
I have avoided hand sanitizer for the last 2 years and have been watching for outbreaks of GI illness.
And given this is an open thread, I would like to talk about ‘Nett Zero’. This is one of those seemingly simple concepts, humans control CO2, so do not increase the amount of CO2 in the air.
To do this, consume only as much as you output or sequester the excess. Generate energy without output of CO2 at all. And find alternatives for concrete, steel making, fertilizer, cows, trucks, ships, aircraft and just about everything else good from the industrial revolution which lifted the world out of abject poverty. And get rid of the extra 6 billion people on the planet, kangaroos, cows, termites, mining, fishing and agriculture. I doubt that’s even the start of the list.
So if you burn a tree, you have to grow another tree. If you want to reduce CO2, grow more trees. Simple. If everyone grew trees, world CO2 would go down.
Anyway, it’s based on the core idea that CO2 stays in the air forever in human terms. This is a statement of IPCC which give a half life of 80 years. In other places I have read thousands of years. And the 80 years is the standard refernce figure for greenhouse gases. In short, the IPCC says CO2 is insoluble in a human lifetime.
Except that’s ridiculous. We know CO2 is very soluble where normal air (O2 22%, N2 78% and Ar 1%) is not. So if you want a fizzy drink, lemonade, soda, champagne, beer, you use CO2. My Lite’n’Easy comes packed with frozen CO2. CO2 is used extensively in agriculture and in preserving food. There was a major meat shortage in England in 2021 because CO2 production had stopped and on one thought of the consequences.
Secondly oxygen. Fish breathe. Where do they get their oxygen? From the air of course. And how do they get it? Easy, O2 dissolves in water, especially when the wind blows. And if O2 dissolves and CO2 is 30x more soluble, surely all the CO2 goes into the water rapidly? Can the fish hold their breath for a day or two? Can you?
Nothing the IPCC says about CO2 is true. It’s not trapped in the atmosphere. So how is the amount of CO2 in the air determined? Equilibrium on a massive rapid scale involving the whole planet and the oceans which are 340x bigger than the air and stuffed with CO2, contain 99.95% of all the heat and really control our climates, not the air.
It is agreed that 98% of all CO2 gas is in the oceans. And how much is in the air is set by Henry’s law. Heat the water surface and it comes out. Cool the water and it goes in. We do not control either of these two things.
So the reason CO2 has gone up is that the water surface is slightly warmer. Doesn’t that explain everyting?
Warming increases CO2. Or you can believe a long fairly tale about CO2 reflecting Infra Red and trapping heat like a hot house and then heating the water. Really? How well does a hot house work with no walls and no roof?
As for the nutty Nett Zero idea. Who came up with that? Consider CO2 has gone up about 15% since 1988 when Satellite surveys started. According to NASA and even the CSIRO, the planet has about 15% more greenery, trees and bushes than in 1988.
NASA says CO2 goes up and the number of trees also goes UP by the same amount? Again, the number of trees goes up a whopping 15% and CO2 does not go down. How does nett zero explain that?
So the evidence around us is that the idea of human controlled CO2 in a delicate ecological ballet is nonsense. There is a huge CO2 system in rapid equilibrium and human CO2 is of no consequence at all. It gets soaked up immediately.
Water surface warms, CO2 goes up, the number of trees go up. Isn’t the opposite of Nett zero? Isn’t CO2 supposd to go down because of the additional trees?
And where did the trees get the extra CO2? Not from the ‘biosphere’ which is now 15% bigger. The real story is that all the CO2 in the vast deep oceans is in play. So only do we humans have no effect on CO2 levels. Even the trees do not.
Nett zero is a nonsense idea, based on a closed biosphere of constant insoluble CO2 and it only goes up because of human activity. So stop it.
However everyone knows CO2 is obviously highly soluble. And warm beer goes flat.
The Global Warming idea that humans produce insoluble CO2 which heats the air which then heats the water which then damages the Great Barrier reef is torturous and illogical. Climates can change but humans are very close to irrelevant.
And in 34 years of alleged rapid sea level rise and rapid warming where are they? And what otherwise is the downside of more CO2? More trees? What we actually get according to NASA are more crops, more trees. And of course New York is not going to be under water any time soon. Or any other city.
So can we please build more dams? Preferably good ones which do not wash away. Can we start fracking? Can we use the free coal and the free gas and the free uranium and the free oil?
And can we please not shut down perfectly functional, potentially very long lived coal power stations? And can the government stop (illegally) stealing our money to pay for the Green agenda of the woke swamp people in Canberra for their Clean Energy nonsense. Carbon is not dirty. Diamonds are pure carbon. You and all life on earth are made from compounds of carbon dioxide and water produced by plants and known as carbohydrates. We humans need more CO2 and fossil fuels are just old plants from a time of a lot more CO2.
Where are the universities and the CSIRO and BOM on this? Why are they saying nothing? And why is anyone who speaks out like Prof Ridd then cancelled, prosecuted and hounded and doxed and all his savings stolen in court? And why fight for the people in Ukraine and not fight for our own freedom and quality of life? Our government is also out of control. And Nett Zero is voodoo science.
The Strategic Threat from Net-zero Emissions
If the British Prime Minister’s crazed plan to ban real autos in just eight years’ time were to come to pass, the UK alone would consume almost all of the world’s current supplies of lithium carbonate, as well as half the global annual output of copper and twice the global output of cobalt. Worse still, as the price of electrical power continues to rise as coal-fired stations are needlessly shut down, not only the capital cost but also the running cost of electric buggies will put personal transport – one of the greatest freedoms the West has given to the world – far beyond the reach of the ordinary motorist.
In the real world no longer inhabited by Western politicians, net-zero carbon dioxide emissions are not in practice achievable. As if the scarcity and soaring prices of rare-earth and other essential minerals as artificially increased demand driven by net-zero foolery rapidly outstrips supply were not bad enough, a net-zero electricity grid is simply unattainable. The reason is that once the installed capacity of unreliables (wind and sun) becomes equal to mean hourly demand, as it very nearly does in the US and in the UK, adding more unreliables cannot reduce total grid emissions.
In any event, the requirement to back up unreliables with spinning reserve power from gas-fired power stations wipes out any theoretically obtainable reduction in emissions. Analysis of published grid data in the US shows that, notwithstanding close to 10% of capacity contributed by unreliables, only 0.3% of total grid emissions is being abated. By the time emissions from construction and cabling are taken into account, that 0.3% becomes a net-zero cut in emissions. Forgive the pun.
In any event, net-zero emissions are unnecessary. Climatologists perpetrated a grave error of physics in 1984 when they borrowed feedback method from control theory in engineering physics without understanding it. They forgot the Sun was shining. They added the large solar feedback response to, and miscounted it as part of, the actually minuscule feedback response to the small direct warming by greenhouse gases. Thus, they overstated CO2-driven warming fourfold. After correction, global warming will continue to be, as it has long been, small, slow, harmless, and net-beneficial. Not a cent need or should be spent on attempts – futile in any event – to abate it.
Had it not been for the West’s capitulation to Communist propagandists paid by Russia and China to peddle the official global warming narrative and profiteering by the ineffable strategic immaturity, scientific illiteracy and economic innumeracy of our current generation of politicians, trembling in fear of being unpersoned, the West would never have given Putin the means to rebuild his forces. But it is we who elect the politicians. Irresponsibly, we chose a close-to-Communist administration led by a fumbling geriatric in the United States and an etiolated, clapped-out, effete, no-longer-Conservative administration led by a notorious and all-too-exploitable sexual incontinent in Britain.
Long and Fascinating Historical perspective by – Christopher Monckton is the third Viscount Monkton of Brenchley
” put personal transport – one of the greatest freedoms the West has given to the world – far beyond the reach of the ordinary motorist.”
Er, is that not exactly the plan?
What am I missing here?
You are not missing anything. That IS the plan. It’s one of the objectives of the Great Reset. I am still wondering how bad things have to get before enough people wake up and stop voting for the clowns.
“Where are the universities and the CSIRO and BOM on this? Why are they saying nothing? And why is anyone who speaks out like Prof Ridd then cancelled, prosecuted and hounded and doxed and all his savings stolen in court?”
I suspect TdeF that you know the answers to those questions only too well, and that your questioning was purely rhetorical.
Yes. And what an utter disgrace. Cowards, opportunists, charlatans. Invertebrates.
Where are they? On the same side as the clowns in power. They help each other to carry out the destruction of the West as we know it. I am still wondering how bad things have to get before enough people wake up and stop voting for the clowns. Probably not until it’s too late.
The BOM are an organisation of liars (remember ACORN 1 and ACORN 2). Universities, ditto. Unfortunately, the ordinary Australian will pay in the near future for these shutdowns and their replacement by so-called “renewable energy”. When our intellectually challenged NSW Environment Minister (Kean) doesn’t even know what a battery does, we have a BIG problem.
is that why they made him Treasurer?
Before and after pictures of an inundated McDonald’s store prove extraordinary extent of the ‘one-in-a-THOUSAND-year’ Lismore flood
A flock of cattle ; that’s new.
Some of these building sites seem ill-advised , to say the least. It reminds me off the story of the Three Little Pigs .
I farm in a flood plain , but I don’t build houses there.
My parents had friends that lived in Lismore from the late 40’s to the 60’s. These people after being flooded out 4 times eventually sold up and literally moved to higher ground. The new house never flooded but the next complaint was the driveway was to steep to walk up as they got older, still they never moved back down hill.
A staggering photo of a quad bike hanging from power lines shows how high floodwaters rose in Queensland as authorities warn the danger is not over.
The crash of the US Dollar is not a disappointment in our politicians running around like chickens with their heads cut off as it’s going to crash the Western Nations banking system everywhere.
Billionaires wealth evaporated to zero in US Dollars as it can only stay in their country.
Overindebted countries freaking what to do, what to do.
The countries of China and Russia have a 30 year trade agreements in EURO’S.
Making buying any goods from these countries must be converted to EURO’S like the US Dollar used to have.
Bet you Billionaires and Bankers are pissed.
The US Dollar just died.
European lessors race to recover $6.8b of planes from Russia
Russian aviation is a key target of the sanctions imposed by the European Commission. The measures prohibit the sale, transfer, supply or export of aircraft or any components. Leased aircraft are included as they fall under “supply”, three people briefed on the situation confirmed. As such, no new contracts can be entered into and existing ones have to be terminated within 30 days.
“The 30 days is going to be really difficult for lessors to figure out how to terminate [contracts],” said one person in the industry who asked not to be named. “The bigger issue is how do you repossess that many aircraft in that time?”
Leasing contracts include provisions that allow the lessor to recover its planes in case of sanctions. However, the rapidly evolving situation, including growing restrictions on Russian airlines being able to use European airspace, means groups face a tough task to recover the planes, according to one of the people.
“All aircraft must be removed from Russia by the end of March. Whether the airlines will comply or not, no-one knows,” the person said.
The Russian aircraft market is dominated by lessors, including Russian state-backed banks and foreign companies. Non-Russian lessors have 515 planes in Russia, with a combined market value of close to $US10 billion, according to data from Cirium, the aviation consultancy. One industry executive estimated European lessors account for up to $US5 billion of this.
Among Western lessors, those based in Ireland are the most exposed. The Irish government on Sunday confirmed the March 28 deadline for terminating Russian aircraft leases as part of EU sanctions. It also said it would close its airspace to Russian planes.
There are 238 commercial aircraft, with a market value of $US4.1 billion, leased to customers in Russia from 10 Irish-domiciled operating lessors, according to Cirium.
AerCap, the world’s biggest lessor, has 154 planes leased to Russian customers, with an estimated value of $US2.2 billion, 5 per cent of the value of its global fleet.
SMBC Aviation Capital is the next most exposed in Ireland, with planes valued at an estimated $US1.3 billion leased. Avolon has planes with an estimated value of $US266 million leased, according to Cirium, 1.6 per cent of the value of its fleet.
Western Sanctions Bite Russian Economy, But Pose Unpredictable Risks
Despite short-term recession and long-term harm, Russia’s behavior may not change, and Western governments face complex potential repercussions
And yet as with actual war, all-out economic war has repercussions that the U.S. and its allies may not yet see. It is not at all clear that sanctions will change Mr. Putin’s behavior, and they may cause far-reaching disruption for the West.
Since 2014, when Russia was hit with targeted sanctions for annexing Crimea, Mr. Putin has worked to reduce the rest of the world’s leverage on Russia. It has a current account and fiscal surpluses, meaning no net need to borrow from foreign or domestic lenders, low foreign debt, diversified foreign exchange reserves of $630 billion, a floating currency and a mostly autonomous central bank that targets inflation of 4%. It had thus eliminated most of the vulnerabilities that typically brought on crises, including Russia’s in 1998.
Russia is still cushioned by its hefty exports of oil and gas, which are largely exempted by sanctions. That cushion has limits, though: Russian oil is now selling at a sizable discount, and global prices, now more than $90 per barrel, are at risk if the world economy slumps. “There are massive risks when you have a hard stop on financing and are exposed to the volatility of oil prices,” Ms. Ribakova said. Russia already spends more of its gross domestic product on the military than the U.S. and a sustained insurgency in Ukraine will increase that burden.
While sanctions are proving more devastating than anyone thought likely before this week, their full consequences may not be apparent. Kicking such a large economy out of the financial system so abruptly could trigger unforeseen dynamics. There may be “financial linkages we have very little idea about,” Ms. Ribakova said. Russia’s central bank is “an important player in global markets. We don’t know how the positions will unwind.”
The war and accompanying sanctions are already threatening another supply shock that slows growth and raises inflation in Europe and the U.S. which a cutoff of Russian oil or natural gas exports would dramatically exacerbate. As the effects filter down to the public, the remarkable unity of Western governments against Russia will be tested.
In the end, a Russia kicked out of the global economy is also a Russia beyond the reach of economic leverage. China is likely to respond by stepping up its own efforts to decouple from the West; it is already developing alternatives to the dollar-based payment systems, domestic sources of key technology through President Xi Jinping’s “dual circulation” policy, and its own economic sphere of influence through the Belt and Road Initiative.
War in Ukraine Disrupts Ships Around the Globe
Maersk and MSC, the world’s biggest container ship operators, suspend cargo services to Russian ports
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing major disruptions for the global shipping industry, with hundreds of vessels trapped at ports, cargo being derailed and freight rates surging.
The impact is most severe in the Black Sea where some commercial ships are being fired upon or detained, but it is also being felt far from the conflict zone, according to shipping executives and brokers. The disruptions are adding strains to a global supply chain already stressed from two years of pandemic imbalances.
Although the sanctions so far haven’t targeted Russian exports of oil and gas, the U.S. last week banned American companies from dealing with the long-term debt or buying new shares of 13 Russian entities including state-controlled Sovcomflot, which operates a fleet of 108 crude carriers and 14 natural-gas movers.
“Tanker owners are facing a very uncertain situation and are reluctant to charter ships to buyers of Russian crude,” said Peter Sand, chief analyst at Xeneta, a transport analytics market platform. “Very few ships are picking up Russian crude, and that has significantly pushed up freight rates.”
Daily rates for smaller-size Aframax tankers, which are key for regional oil trading in the Black Sea, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean, jumped to an average $68,000 last week from $11,000 the week before. Daily rates for medium-size Suezmaxes surged to $41,000 from around $4,000. The rates are the highest since the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Plus, which includes Russia, cut oil production in June 2020.
Shipments of foodstuff are also being disrupted. Within hours of U.K. measures against Russia being announced, London lawyer Nigel Kushner said he received a panicked call from a British trader: A massive cargo of Russian foodstuff was now stranded as the buyer couldn’t pay to a now-sanctioned Russian bank. The London trader is now “trying an alternative payment route to a different Russian bank,” he said.
“With Russian fertility being so low for so long, the people of Russia will not bear many sons lost.“
Is this the worst sentence constructed on Joanne’s blog ever?
I doubt it. While sub optimal , I think everyone new what they meant quite easily.
Not all contributors have English as a first language either.
Germany’s Climate Left Gets Serious
Greens in Berlin start to make responsible energy trade-offs. Is President Biden listening?
By The WSJ Editorial Board
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday made energy a central plank in his overhaul of his country’s foreign policy. In response, leaders of the Green Party in his coalition government have offered the political left around the world a lesson in how to translate lofty ideals into responsible governance.
Germany’s overreliance on Russian oil and natural gas has long been a dangerous vulnerability, which Berlin can no longer ignore after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Mr. Scholz nodded to Berlin’s longstanding aim to shift entirely to renewable power sources by 2045, but he also promised to stockpile coal and gas reserves and build two new terminals to import liquefied natural gas from countries other than Russia.
As political fate would have it, implementing this turn to fossil fuels falls to the Green Party, whose former co-leader Robert Habeck is minister for the economy and climate in Mr. Scholz’s government. The hours after Mr. Scholz’s Sunday speech revealed the Greens understand the stakes in Ukraine and the energy-policy sacrifices they must make for their pro-democracy and human-rights principles.
Mr. Habeck had agreed to the LNG terminals before Mr. Scholz announced it. That required political courage for the leader of a party whose name reveals its environmentalist bent. It would have been easier to insist only on some pablum about accelerating renewables, a la the U.S. climate left.
The Greens in Berlin are showing they can adapt to a changed world and are prepared to grapple honestly with its challenges even at the expense of their climate concerns. It’s a lesson the British and North American left could stand to learn.
Ironically, this could pave the way for the ALP+Greens to gazump the LNP and relax their anti-fossil fuel stance before the LNP does, perhaps even going soft on nuclear. I thought this might happen for some years. PM Morrison better wake up!
It’s Time For Biden To Have a Cognitive Assessment
An American psychiartrist calls out Biden’s obvious deficiencies and recommends he address them now.
Let me explain what I have observed as symptoms of your encroaching dementia. Your memory lapses have become more frequent and more serious—such as forgetting Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s name and calling him “the guy who runs that outfit over there.” When you realize you forget something, you often try to hide it by making something up or distracting your audience. This is called confabulation. Your sentences have become “word salad”
Of course, I understand that you don’t want to risk looking foolish or failing the test. And you like being president and living in the White House. But Putin isn’t going to come down to the basement to talk to you and you can’t get away with calling them “gaffes” anymore.
Some have even called what is happening “elder abuse,” in reference to the people behind you who are just propping you up to keep you as president so that they can get their agendas passed. As a woman, I’m especially shocked that your wife, Jill Biden, hasn’t asked you to resign for the good of the country, to stop you from continuing to make a fool out of yourself, and most importantly to take you to a neurologist to do a workup for dementia. Dementia isn’t curable, but there are medications and treatments for it. And the sooner one gets started on them, the better the prognosis.
President Biden during the State-of-the-Union address:
Implication: Joe believes that he is using mass illegal immigration to “immunise” America against White Supremacism. Americans who prefer secure borders are equivalent to anti-vaxxers.
Send Trump to Moscow to make a peace deal with Putin
These developments, assuming they’re really happening, must also have sent a chill down Chairman Xi’s spine. The Red Chinese plans to take Taiwan — the Republic of China (ROC) — were often said to be similar to what Putin has tried in Ukraine, using much of the same arsenal of missiles and airplanes, their war machines being inferior copies of Russian designs. They would want to use a barrage of short-range missiles to soften up the ROC army, then land airborne troops, to get a toehold for a months-long amphibious invasion.
Given the well armed and trained land, sea, and air forces of the ROC, and a million-man reserve, such an operation now looks like a suicide mission.
But Ukraine’s troubles are only beginning. The Ukrainians can fight off the Russians trying to enter their big cities, but they are surrounded. Another week, and the food shortages will be severe. Lack of medicines will see older people dying of chronic diseases and worse.
Somebody has to go to Moscow and talk to Putin, to at least get a ceasefire in place and allow humanitarian supplies to come in. There are only two people who have ever impressed Putin on the world stage enough to pull this off: Xi Jinping and Donald Trump.
On Taiwan: Now is the time to arm Taiwan. Every household should have at least one assault rifle, a sniper rifle, plenty of ammo, and other weapons, and training, starting now. Training in communications without electronic network devices needs to be started. More fighter pilots need to be trained. Secure, fossil fuel reserves need to be built up. AA systems need to be built up. A deterrence too late is no deterrence at all.
Well anything along the lines that you suggest will certainly force China’s hand.
Is that a really good idea?
I don’t know, but just waiting for the inevitable is not a good idea either.
I not saying a no fly zone over Ukraine is a good idea but the refusal to impose one set a precedent and I’m sure Communist China took notice.
China has its own agenda and they have no intention of invading Taiwan.
I agree . they already have Taiwan , and Hong Kong , exactly where they want them.
In that case they would not care if Taiwan better armed themselves.
I don’t see how it will help. Unlike the way Russia is invading Ukraine, if China wants to invade Taiwan, the will do it will all gloves off. They have far less regard, if any to human casualties than Russia does.
China will not trash Taiwan as they will want those semi-conductor manufacturing plants to remain intact……………
Ouch – That’s Expensive – EV’s Strike again
Felicity Ace Sinks in Atlantic Ocean
The Felicity Ace car carrier has sunk in the Atlantic Ocean.
The ship’s manager, MOL Ship Management (Singapore), confirmed that the vessel sank around 9 a.m. local time on Tuesday approximately 220 nautical miles off the Azores Islands, citing initial reports from the on-site salvage team.
Salvage vessels will remain in the area to monitor the situation.
The sinking of the Felicity Ace comes nearly two weeks after a fire broke out in the ship’s cargo area.
Reporting has indicated Felicity Ace was carrying around 4,000 vehicles, including some luxury brands like Porsches, Bentleys, and Lamborghinis, along with VW and Audis. The value of the cargo has been estimated to be over $400 million.
Before today, the last photos released of the vessel, published way back on February 18th, showed burn scars from bow to stern, indicating the fire had likely engulfed the entire garage area. The lead photo up top, released today, confirms that the fire did even more damage.
Some of the cars on board were reportedly electric vehicles with lithium-ion batteries that complicated firefighting efforts. Unfortunately with the ship now at the bottom of the ocean, we may never know what caused the initial fire or contributed to its spread.
Salvage crews and the Portuguese navy had said that the intensity of the fire might be explained by a large number of electric vehicles on board.
Some batteries are known to be flammable and burn at high temperature when they combust, making such a blaze hard to extinguish.
The Felicity Ace fire is one of the first on board a major vehicle carrier loaded with a substantial cargo of electric vehicles. The incident has sparked debate among insurers and regulators about how to safely transport such vehicles, a question that will gain urgency as EVs become more widespread.
While the cause of the fire on the Felicity Ace might never be known because the ship is lying at the bottom of the ocean, experts say there is a danger that batteries in electric cars can short circuit and catch fire. That could mean that precautions not relevant for conventional vehicles might have to be taken into account during transport, regulators said.
Claim: Electric Vehicles are being Shipped in Fire Retardant Bags
h/t observa; Orbital space vehicle re-entry grade fireproofing technology is being deployed to prevent Electric Vehicle batteries from creating another Felicity Ace disaster. My question – when are fire blankets going to be provided to EV owners?
I have to admit I made a mistake in previous articles. I thought electric vehicle fires burned at around 2700F (1500C), but if this article is correct, the actual temperature is more like 4900F (2700C).
What house building material can withstand large fire emitting heat of that magnitude? Just looking at a fire that hot can injure your eyes, let alone trying to fight it.
There have been 5 ships catch fire carrying electric cars, and some marine insurance council issued a bulletin about it in about 2017, so they were alarmed then. None were as bad as the Felicity Ace, although at least one other sank.
If a horse at the southern border of the US scares an illegal immigrant, it’s 24/7 news story on MSM about intimidation and excess force. If Canadian mounted police run over peaceful protestors, MSM doesn’t care. The hypocrisy is insane.
In light of the recent heavy rain event, it would be pertinent for “Genuine Scientists” as well as alarmist activists to study the effects on the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef of rainwater, river outflows of freshwater and sediment on the inshore reefs. PH, salinity, water clarity, and a variety of other changes could affect Corals and their environment temporarily. Die off from these changes could be quantified and recovery times and effects noted – INSTEAD OF SUFFERING THE ALARMIST CLAPTRAP THAT WILL INEVITABLY SURFACE….
They are. Monitoring is continual. Do you need links?
Sounds like work; can’t see it being done by whingers.
Can’t or wont? Try a scholar search about run off and coastal water.
Leaf is right: Monitoring water quality is SOP.
The GBR does not extend south of Rocky. The Mary R. mouth is 150km from the nearest reef.
This site may be of interest to you H. It has interesting water quality insights. Of course there are also reef research stations based at Heron & One Tree islands in the Bunker Group of coral cays. They extend to the latitude of Lady Elliot island more or less due east of Round Hill Head – and well south of Rocky! Check out the MPZ17 GBRMA zoning map. Still a good place to fish and snorkel on the southern GBR.
Leaf is correct, a decade ago they tracked the process and are doing the same now.
… and through coral cores they can look back in time. Since the 19th century sedimentation has been increasing.
Inside the most insane, extravagant converted Boeing 747 planes around the world
see also –
There you have it. Ukraine and those who back it (West) are fighting for the NWO, well one sort anyway. Russia along with China, North Korea and possibly India (odd that – see last link below) of course is fighting for their NWO.
Lawmaker Says Ukraine is Fighting for ‘This New World Order’
So, which NWO will win I wonder. I believe both in effect – they will merge into one eventually.
India sticks with Russia after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
I wonder if that’s because of the way the West had dealt with the pandemic where Big Pharma tried to influence India to act against the wishes of the Indian officials.
While everyone is obsessing over the dinosaur media fake news “invasion”, don’t forget the next dump of Pfizer data is due right about now…
While we’re at it:
The most recent figures showing the fully vaccinated accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past month; and the triple vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 of them.
What will happen when the light finally turns on for the masses?
Strike 2.
Toyota To Halt All Japan Plants As Supplier Hit With Cyberattack
Nikkei reports on Monday that Toyota Motor Corp. will suspend operations at all of its Japanese factories on Tuesday after one of its top suppliers was hit by a “suspected cyberattack.”
I see toilet paper panic buying on again.
Better stock up on chips too 😆
Yes, it’s becoming clearer we are entering a very dangerous period, helped (again) by the MSM hysteria.
Martin Armstrong highlights a few truths not many in the West want to hear let alone are even given the chance to hear, again thanks to the MSM. As to who is the real bad guy; as I stated before both are. It’s just that things have been let to go thus far through shear arrogance and stupidity of so called leaders like Biden with all other Western leaders following him even to the demise of their economies just to prove the point they think they knwo best when in fact they know s…., thinking that Putin will back down but will not given his arrogance (but has little or no stupidity in him compared to Western leaders).
The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss
Peter S,
thanks for that excellent article by Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics
The press is either totally incompetent at the journalistic level, while the management above is all for the revival of Communism. The press is so left they could never walk a straight line in a DUI test. Even the London Financial Times has turned against the very financial system. They support the overthrow of capitalism and select stories to try to convince capitalists to surrender all their wealth for the good of Schwab’s agenda. We have lost independent news.
All I can say is always look deeper. Those in power ALWAYS want more power. Every way is propaganda. There are two sides to everything and it is about time we STOP killing each other and turn around and just look at those ordering us to fight to the death so they gain more power and wealth. Follow the MONEY!
Yes always look deeper but the problem it gets so dark the deeper one goes it becomes too complex to see what is really happening. For example, if the West is supposed to be so much against Russia then how come they are still buying lots of oil and gas from them, especially since the West have ejected Russia from the SWIFT system? Some are claiming it’s only symbolic. Symbolic?! Then what’s the point? I smell a rat. There are many other questions. I’m starting to think we are being told utter lies yet again by our leaders. Perhaps it’s all a staged act and as I suspected some time ago, the NWO might already be in place and both sides are just pretending it’s not so until they are ready to pronounce the bad news to us all at a later time to prevent us from doing anything about it, which could still be years away by which time they have implemented enough draconian measures. Time will tell as more pieces fall into place. The dominoes are falling – just need a few more to shed some light at the deeper levels. Of course don’t believe what the MSM are telling us; they have been proven to be telling nothing but lies so one would have to be a fool to start trusting them now.
What are thermobaric weapons and how do they work?
The ‘vacuum bomb’, which Ukraine says the Russians have used in the invasion, ignites a fireball that sucks in all surrounding oxygen
How do they work?
The thermobaric weapon, also known as an aerosol bomb or fuel air explosive, is a two-stage munition.
The first-stage charge distributes an aerosol made up of very fine material – from a carbon-based fuel to tiny metal particles. A second charge ignites that cloud, creating a fireball, a huge shock wave, and a vacuum as it sucks up all surrounding oxygen.
The blast wave can last for significantly longer than a conventional explosive and is capable of vaporising human bodies.
Such weapons are used for a variety of purposes and come in a range of sizes. Hellyer says what we may see in Ukraine is Russia using them in a “bunker-buster” role to destroy defensive positions. Extremely large, air-launched versions are designed to destroy caves and tunnel complexes.
Where have they been used?
The bombs have been used by Russian and western forces since the 1960s. The US relied on them in its attempts to eliminate al-Qaida in the mountains in Afghanistan. Hellyer said Russia had a longer track record with them than the west. “Russia has systems right across the spectrum … from quite small tactical weapons, to huge, air-launched bombs.
“The separatists that Russia was supporting in the Donbas region, they have been using them for a number of years now.”
In 2000, Human Rights Watch condemned Russia’s reported used of the weapons a year earlier in Chechnya as “a dangerous escalation” with “important humanitarian implications”.
How dangerous are they?
Hellyer said thermobaric weapons were effective at their “specific purpose” of “primarily destroying defensive positions”. While they would not be used to penetrate a tank, they could be a ““very destructive weapon” against an apartment complex or other building.
“They are not illegal even though their effects can be pretty horrific, because of that effect of creating a vacuum and sucking the air out of the lungs of defenders,” he said.
The USA has been using them all over the place … those “Hellfire” missiles with the Metal Augmented Charge (MAC) designation are thermobaric weapons.
These are the standard ammunition on US drones.
China (of course) already has a knock-off copy of the same.
..and banned as they are, thermobaric bombs are the ideal weapon for destroying those pesky biolabs.
Did I post those pics of (then Senator) Obama in Ukraine inspecting deactivated bioweapons?
Don’t think I did..
Too much filling the old brain…too much.
It seems that everything everywhere is snowballing, everything spiralling out of control culminating in most likely an unimagineable societal collapse and likely nuclear war, this time for real not just Alex Jones style doomsday predictions which never materialise.
I see too much and know too much that I wish I didn’t but can’t forget.
I know the vast majority if my data is accurate and sources trustworthy which just makes it worse. Imagine if I posted the other 80% of things I see…
It takes a huge burden on the mind.
But if I (or you) could swap places with the typical msm lies-fed ignorant-of-everything sheeple would I (or you)?
Despite the mental stress I’d say no.
Oh well..back to the grind.
Reckless Neocons Want Escalation With Russia In Order To Regain Control Of The GOP
When you heard neocons calling for no-fly zones in Ukraine, know that part of their motivation is to regain relevance in their own party.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought Republican neocons out of the woodwork, agitating for escalation and U.S. military involvement. The same people who brought us the Iraq War and a 20-year occupation of Afghanistan that ended last year in an ignominious and chaotic U.S. withdrawal would now like us to go to war with Russia, a nuclear power, over Ukraine.
Why? Partly because they’re reacting emotionally to the war, which is understandable up to a point. But mostly they would like to leverage a military conflict with Russia to regain control of the Republican Party, whose voters have become deeply disillusioned with foreign interventions — and with the neocons who peddled them to the American people.
Just consider who’s calling for escalation with Russia. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., a NeverTrump hack who has spent the last few days posting misinformation about the war on Twitter, over the weekend called for the United States to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
But now the neocons are back, if only for a moment, and they’d like you to consider the idea that we shoot down some Russian warplanes, or annex Ukraine into NATO, or do any number of other reckless and provocative things to get us into a war with Russia. Also, they would like to be the ones to lead this effort.
Understand that these aren’t just stupid ideas from small-minded people, it’s part of a larger, desperate bid for relevance, a last-ditch attempt to regain influence in the GOP — influence that these people long ago squandered, and should never get back.
You know the crisis is real when they start dancing.
Volodymyr Zelensky dancing for weapons on the front line.
Breaking: Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws
That’s one of the many troubling findings in the report submitted Tuesday by a state-appointed special counsel to the Wisconsin Assembly.
Nearly $9 million in Zuckerberg grant funds directed solely to five Democratic strongholds in Wisconsin violated the state’s election code’s prohibition on bribery. That conclusion represents but one of the many troubling findings detailed in the report submitted today by a state-appointed special counsel to the Wisconsin Assembly.
Last August, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos authorized the Office of Special Counsel, headed by retired state Supreme Court justice Michael Gableman, to investigate concerns about election integrity and the 2020 election. Gableman delivered an interim report to the state assembly on November 10, 2021. Earlier today, the special counsel provided a second interim report to the state legislative body, noting the report “is final in the sense that it provides a list of recommendations with time for the Legislature to act before the close of its session in March.”
While the special counsel’s nearly 150-page report closed with recommendations for the state’s legislative body, Gableman stressed from the get-go that the report did not seek to re-analyze the re-count that occurred in late 2020. Nor was the report’s purpose to challenge certification of the presidential election. Rather, the report represented a small step toward fulfilling “the duty of all citizens of our State and our nation to work hard to secure our democracy for this generation and the next,” the special counsel explained.
From the details exposed in Monday’s special counsel report, the state legislature has much work to do to address “the numerous questionable and unlawful actions of various actors in the 2020 election.” The first unlawful action, according to the report, concerned the payment of grant funds to five Wisconsin counties that were used to facilitate voting. That arrangement, Gableman wrote, violated Wis. Stat. § 12.11, which prohibits election bribery by providing it is illegal to offer anything of value to or for any person in order to induce any elector to go to the polls or vote.
According to the report, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg providing financing that allowed the Center for Tech and Civic Life to offer nearly $9 million in “Zuck Bucks” to Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay counties. In exchange, the “Zuckerberg 5,” as the report called the counties, in effect, operated Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts. Those grant funds then paid for illegal drop boxes to be placed in Democratic voting strongholds.
One Nation cartoon series with a humorous explanation of Aus politics and some of the key players.
Episode 1
16 episodes circa 1.5 to 2 mins long each. Successive episodes should auto follow or auto prompt in youtube.
Or view here
“Nothing Says “Safe and Effective” Like 9 Pages of Side Effects”
Next Pfizer document drop of 10,000 pages – those we weren’t supposed to see till 2097
Roundabouts explained
Roundabouts can make your head spin. Here’s a breakdown of how to navigate a roundabout legally and safely.
My Golden Rule – “If there is a Gap, Go For It”, unless you are driving a DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission)
Haha! Yes, if there’s a guy leaving, that’s a big enough gap to get on.
“Enter the roundabout when there is a safe gap in the traffic.” Sounds good to me!
I thought they were pushing some stupidity that you had to indicate ‘turning right’ as you entered, even if you were going straight ahead. That seems to have vanished, thankfully. The indicate ‘left’ when leaving gives the next guy a chance to get moving.
They are so much better than traffic lights.
“Look, kids! Big Ben! Parliament!”
“Look, kids! Big Ben! Parliament!”
“Look, kids! Big Ben! Parliament!”
Brilliant – Australia is run by Cretins
Paracetamol, panadol may reduce vaccine effectiveness: study
New research that looked at the impact of taking pain medication like Pandaol after getting vaccinated has made an unexpected finding.
Taking paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin straight after getting jabbed may reduce the body’s immune response to vaccinations, including for Covid-19, significant new research suggests.
The University of Sydney study found that taking these common pain medications immediately before or after getting vaccinated could reduce their effectiveness.
Timing is everything: Local news has the perfect lead-in to President Biden’s SOTU address
This is just something you have to watch — over and over. A local newscast out of Pittsburgh pulled up a graphic of President Joe Biden at just the right moment. Sometimes something just rings true, and this is better than Biden’s story about kids playing with his leg hair in the pool.
13 secs
From the Comments
– Just like that, I finally believe the media
– Some may call this a glitch; I call it the truth.
– The truth on mainstream TV. For once.
– That was hilarious. Truth though.
Easy mistake. The graphics person was probably told it was time to put up the pic of the sleazy old guy.
Gee Aye will be excited
Coles unveils its next-level drone delivery service
Coles has just taken its delivery service to a whole new level with the supermarket giant revealing how customers can nab groceries in “minutes”. can reveal shoppers can order more than 250 of Coles’ most popular groceries via its new hi-tech service which comes with a zero dollar delivery fee.
However, only those living in Canberra will be the first Aussies to pilot the new tech with a bunch of items available to purchase, such as bread, fresh produce, snacks, convenience meals, health care items, kitchen essentials and even toilet paper.
There is also no minimum spend.
Coles has partnered with global on-demand drone delivery service, Wing, to bring the new service to life
That’s right — you can now get your groceries delivered by a drone, straight to your house — and within “minutes”. can reveal shoppers can order more than 250 of Coles’ most popular groceries via its new hi-tech service which comes with a zero dollar delivery fee.
So, how does it work?
Customers simply order via the Wing app and upon arrival, the drone hovers in the air and slowly lowers the package to the ground at the customer’s delivery location for a contactless delivery.
Most deliveries typically take about 10 minutes or less, but delivery times may vary.
“Whether you’ve run out of milk and eggs for breakfast, forgotten to pick up a loaf of bread for school lunches, or are just after a fresh ‘grab and go’ snack, customers in our delivery service area in Canberra can now get those urgent items they need in a hurry, delivered by drone,” Simon Rossi, general manager, Wing, Australia, said.
I’m not all that excited. It looks like I am not in the fly zone even if I have a need for “urgent items” like a snack.
Be interesting to see if it can work on any sort of level that people will want to use more broadly.
I should share some details – the News report lacked the detail that a local needs.
I know some people from those suburbs. I wonder if I can get the drone to egg them?
That’s quite a few deliveries
Wing made more than 100,000 deliveries in Australia [in Canberra and Logan City] in 2021, and strong demand for drone delivery has continued in 2022. Wing has already made more than 30,000 deliveries in Australia this year.”
Mr Rossi said complaints appeared to have petered out and the customer feedback showed that they see Wing as a valuable service.
“I think in particular there is an area in Giralang where there are no local shops, and having drone delivery to that area we hope won’t replace the need for residents to do their weekly shop, but we hope in some small way it’ll make things easier for those residents,” he said.
I was surprised when bypassing ACT via Old Cooma Road when NSW was banned from ACT, how big was the housing development Googong
Pepper spray and pitchforks as NZ police battle COVID mandate protesters
Wellington: Wearing riot gear and using pepper spray, New Zealand police on Wednesday moved in on the hundreds of protesters who have been camped outside the nation’s Parliament for more than three weeks.
It was the most significant use of force yet by authorities against the protesters, who oppose coronavirus vaccine mandates.“They (the police) have been pretty brutal. They don’t talk, they ask us to move on,” she said.
“They came in about 6 in the morning and started pulling up the tents in the church (grounds) that has women and children in it and just started coming through with their riot gear,” she said.
if you slide using mouse along the bottom from Wednesday, in Sydney we are in for some heavy raid from midnight tonight till 2pm tomorrow – heavy rain comes back again Sunday for Sydney
Mar 1, 2022 – Institute for the Study of War
Immediate items to watch
. Russian forces maneuvering to the west and southwest of Kyiv to envelop and then encircle it
. Russian forces securing the crossings over the Desna near Chernihiv and/or linking up with forces advancing from the Sumy axis to open a new front against Kyiv from the east
. Belarusian ground forces beginning active participation in the Russian offensive campaign
. Russian ground forces launching an offensive against Kharkiv following the air/missile/artillery attacks
. Russian forces around Kherson resuming their advance toward Mykolayiv and Odesa
. Russian and proxy forces commencing an offensive to take Mariupol
Latest update :- from Boris Rozin
1. Mariupol. The city is blocked. Fighting on the outskirts. There is no direct assault yet. They are still trying to negotiate the exit of civilians, but the Nazis will not refuse a human shield. There will be an assault one way or another.
2. Volnovakha. Surrounded. The stripping process is not fully captured yet. The enemy has very heavy losses,
3. Near Donetsk positionka. The APU attack (sortie) on Gorlovka did not yield results, both sides suffered losses. The shelling of the territory of the DPR continues.
4. The liberation of the republic continues in the LPR. Svatovo and Novoaydar were liberated. The enemy retreats, throwing equipment. It will hold only in Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, but they have already started processing it there.
5. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have occupied Balakleya and are moving towards Raisins. And there Slavyansk is not far away. It is very likely that in the coming days, part of the AFU forces remaining in the northern regions of the LPR and not having time to retreat will be surrounded and liquidated.
6. Kharkiv. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are already being held in semi-custody. Fighting on the outskirts. In the city – the methodical destruction of the enemy’s manpower and its organizational and command structure. Along the way, they continue to finish off the remaining military facilities.
7. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation approached the Brovars. There is no direct assault yet. Fighting near Chernihiv, measures to establish full control over Konotop. Trostyanets is fully occupied. Sumy and Akhtyrka are still not fully controlled.
8. Positional battles to the west of Kiev — the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are pulling up additional forces. There are losses in equipment on both sides.
9. Zaporozhye direction. Battles near Vasilevka. APU is constantly being poured over the village. Energodar has not yet been cleaned up.
10. Kherson. The city was occupied at night by the troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The local authorities eventually agreed to an agreement. The city is relatively quiet.
11. In the area of Nikolaev, fighting continues with the aim of blocking the city, which has not yet been achieved. The situation in the area of the Nikolaev – Krivoy Rog highway is unclear. Helicopter landing near Nikolaev. In the Voznesensk area, one of the bridges was blown up.
12. No one landed in Odessa as usual. In the morning, Russian ships appeared on the horizon, then departed. Then something was smoking over the horizon. Perhaps there was another naval battle with the remaining boats of the Ukrainian Navy, which, after the battle at Zmeiny, went to Odessa. (later it turned out that a foreign cargo ship was smoking, perhaps something had arrived) There are no details yet. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine asks Zelensky to achieve a pause in hostilities, since the city is not covered from the land direction and is not ready to repel the attack of Russian columns bypassing Nikolaev from the north.
“Six scientists call out overcooked claims in Lancet study”
““Very odd things are going on” with one of the world’s major scientific references for health and disease risk, a team of six scientists has found, after its authors failed to produce the data required to defend claims villifying red meat.”
A response from Chiefio
“IF red meat were really harmful, the USA would never have expanded beyond Plymouth Rock and 10,000 years of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Expansion would never have marched off the Asian Steppes and across North Africa, Europe, and over the the Americas.
Texas would not exist…
Oh, and the Plains Indians (who existed largely on Buffalo meat) would have all died off…
FWIW, I’ve been a big meat eater for 1/2 dozen decades and I’m healthier than those around me who eat stuff like “processed packaged foods” and “Soy-whatever” stuff.
Claims that Red Meat is harmful are one of my indicators of a Bogus Source, as it is patently false just from looking at history. (Not to mention physiology: Gut Length tells you if an animal is evolved to be vegetarian, carnivore, or omnivore. Gorilla & Chimps have a much longer gut length as they eat a lot of plants & leaves. We have a much shorter gut length as we are evolved to be omnivores. We are humans BECAUSE we eat meat. Otherwise we would be a kind of chimp…
What do you universally find in paleolithic human habitation sites? Animal bones with meat processing marks (burned, scraped, chewed…). What you do not find is a lot of grains. The shift to a high grain high starch diet started with the ancient Egyptians and what we find is that they are a LOT sicker than their non-grain oriented neighbors eating red meat… (It’s in their bones and teeth – the evidence).
We have a few million years of evolution to eat meat. Only about 10,000 or less experience with grains as a major diet item. Less than 200 with highly processed and “refined” foods. Under 50 or so for most of the chemical crap being put in “modern foods”… I’ll take the meat, thanks.”
Of course , if red meat doesn’t suit , there’s always white meat – chicken , veal and lamb.
And if you’re still not happy there’s a huge selection of fish , and shellfish.
But the way to avoid “lifestyle ” diseases is to avoid bread , rice , pasta and potatoes.
But critical is to always eat the fat, preferably more of the good fats.
John Ward of The Slog :-
” made overt reference to the ‘Davos/Green/Military Intelligence/Media/Diplomacy/Banking/Neocon’s emergence as a globally dystopian alliance’. Although at first sight that reads like an injudicious mixture of paranoia, oil and water, recent events – especially those pertaining to the Russian occupation of Ukraine – show this loose NWO group very obviously acting in unison.
In reality, the axis acts on the much more simple basis of senior movers and shakers feeding poppycock to useful idiots – that’s to say, banking, intelligence and the media preaching a consistently mendacious sermon to Greens, diplomats, Davos Schwabites, globalist business….and in so doing, influencing soft and hard Leftist chimps ranging from Antifa to the UK Labour Party.
You will note the omission of Big Pharma from the alliance. Although many people disagree with me, I do not include global pharmaceutical concerns in the NWO axis. The Modernas, Sanofis, Pfizers and GSKs of this world have simply been co-opted – ‘temporarily recruited’ if you like – as a means to an end: they have a long track record of despicable psychopathy and profiteering dishonesty, they have their tentacles into the “good guys” of medical research bureaucracy, plus – when they get it right – they sell stuff that improves quality of life and stops folks dying young”
Here is why Russia has now guaranteed the safety of Zelensky, so that he can be brought to trial :-
And something for the eternal optimists among us :-
“. Once fingered, Pharma will blow the gaff rather than go to jail. If the sanctions against Russia drag on, the bourse valuations will collapse before the transhumanists are “ready”, and the banking firms will kick up against central banking. If the astronomical inflation in energy prices is neglected for much longer, not only will electorates have second thoughts about who their governments really work for: globalist fat cats are unlikely to simply sit there in contented silence….least of all the Texas oil barons.”
So folks , remember to “keep a smile on your lips , and a song in your hearts “.
This is an excellent diagrammatical/picture explanation of key findings and implications of peer reviewed paper, published paper that found that the Pfizer Vaccine is in-vitro modifying human liver cells at a DNA level. This is the type of presentation which could be presented in court to stop mandatory vaccination. The paper provides an explanation as to why the first release RNA vaccines are so dangerous.
I was surprised at the number of studies which support biochemically, the authors study’s assertion. From the standpoint of patients being informed and consenting to accept outrageous risk of complex future health damage.
The covid first release covid vaccine tests were inadequate.
The study result’s conclusions is: It is possible and likely some people will have and get autoimmune system damage, neurological, and/or cancer because of being vaccinated with the first release covid vaccines.
This (RNA vaccine causing DNA changes in a human) is exactly what we were promised would not happen. The RNA vaccines cannot modify our DNA we were told. It appears the RNA first release covid vaccines can and do modify our DNA.
Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells. (In-vitro Swedish Study)
Drbeen Medical Lectures