A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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To start the Tuesday Thread on a Happy Note – A bit of Joy in today’s misery – Grease Flash Dance Antwerp
Notice how slim people are – could be Northern Beaches
and for a bit more beat
Sweet Charity Adaptation – Ike and Tina Turner – Nutbush City Limits (1973)
adapted from
Sweet Charity 1969: The Aloof, The Heavyweight, The Big Finish (HQ) Bob Fosse
Turn the Music Up and Relax and Enjoy
The Antwerp one would have been a lot more uplifting if it was dated 2022. As it is, it’s a bittersweet reminder of how happy people could be in 2016.
Thanks very muchness – after so much doom and gloom I actually teared up a bit watching humans having a good time.
How sad has our world got that something so (used-to-be) normal can bring tears?
I added these to your Sunday post:
RAVEL’S BOLERO is perfect for a flash mob, starting as it does with a single drum and building to a crescendo.
AND THIS is an old favourite.
Enjoyed Bolero, thanks Hanrahan.
I so enjoy this flash mob performance, Hanrahan- the build up of instruments and crescendo of voices,
and the audience reactions, … the old woman and the actions of the child up the lamp-post.
This was Moscow in February 2012.
Putin on the Ritz.
How everything has changed in 10 years!
Every one of these “spontaneous” events is an example of mass-formation psychosis. That so many people can be enthralled by such confected and manipulative “happenings” tells you all you need to know about how easily “entranced“, distracted etc they are.
It is only sad that it can be used for bad.
Florida Makes a Move on COVID-19 Vaccination That Is Going to Set Hair on Fire
Sometimes doing what’s right isn’t necessarily what’s easy, but it is right nonetheless. That’s the lesson being provided out of Florida after a major announcement on COVID-19 vaccinations.
When it comes to vaccinating children, few Republicans of note have had the guts to stand up and speak clearly on the matter. No doubt, a lot of peer pressure exists to go along with the “Vaccinate everything that moves” narrative being pushed by the federal government. Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo have taken a different approach, though.
At a round table today, Ladapo let it be known that his state would be recommending against giving the COVID-19 vaccines for children, making Florida the first state in the nation to do so.
By the numbers, this is absolutely the right move. Less than 1,000 children have died from COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic. There are 75 million children aged 0-18 in the United States. Further, when you drill down, almost all the children that have died from COVID-19 also had pre-existing conditions. Given that, why would the government not take a more targeted approach in vaccinating children from the coronavirus, only giving it to those who are significantly immunocompromised?
Yet, the vaccination of children has become another crutch for triple-vaxxed hypochondriacs who believe schools are a vector for transmission to adults. There’s simply no data to back that up, and even if there were, we should not be using children to placate the irrational concerns of adults. Florida’s move to recommend against that is the right one. Yes, hair will be set on fire as a result, and DeSantis will once again be called “anti-vax.” Doing the right thing overrides public relations concerns, though.
Big Pharma paid (bribed?) doctors to lie about Ivermectin so they could sell vaccines and sell less effective, more dangerous drugs.
Here is a short video, about Dr. Tess Lawrie quizzing Dr. Andrew Hill about why he reversed his position on Ivermectin.
Another factor is the Bill Gates donated $40million (I think that was the amount) to establish a new faculty at Hill’s university, namely Liverpool. It is no secret that Gates has made millions from the vaccines.
That is patently wrong and opinion only. He was ONE high profile source that was targeted. You extrapolate that to all doctors and that is wrong
The non-use of those drugs in Oz was based upon the TGA edicts and bureaucratic enforcement plus their MSM puppets such as Hill
“Bribery” or in actual fact, “blackmail”, could only have worked at those levels and it was political not financial often.
For those on the front line, it was deregistration and its subsequent removal of all income sources from that doctor that did that really did it and probably so for 99.9%. How would you cope with a 2-5k/week overhead, and no income? Would you mortgage your house to fight it in court? When it comes to not paying the bills and not feeding the family, very few stand up and that includes both you and I.
Big Pharma works with doctors through its representatives, and you have to be naive, stupid or greedy to listen to what they say and to believe it all and especially so if they try to tell you such patent rubbish.
So many Grand Juries that will never happen. Too many politicians and bureaucrats that might end up permanently in striped uniforms and leg irons.
Russian Collusion,
Anthropogenic Global Warming and political manipulation under the guise of ‘the science’.
COVID-19 medical treatments and ‘vaccines’ that are not and are harmful to many. Ditto the science.
The Refusal to Reopen US Energy Industry in the face of the Ukraine War and associated huge price increases depressing the US economy and destroying the economic welfare of middle American families.
What may be a War Crime whereby current governments of America and Europe not only refuse to cut off buying Russian oil and gas but, in buying, greatly increase Putin’s finances and ability to continue to wage that war.
The corruption is widespread.
Dr. John Campbell presents two published studies, one which shows that Covid-19 patients treated with Ivermectin have 70% fewer deaths compared to those treated with the official U.S. recommended drug. The other shows that minimal, periodic doses of Ivermectin reduce infection, hospitalization and deaths.
Did the Director of the CDC Admit She Gets Her Science From CNN?
At this point, taking the scientific establishment seriously has become a difficult thing to do. It’s clear that many of them have been co-opted by people more interested in pushing a political perspective through the veneer of science than actually following it. It only makes one want to further distance oneself from these institutions when calling them wrong about something very obvious is labeled as “misinformation” and used to censor and silence you.
But moreover, the people in charge of “the science” are increasingly proven to be corrupt and/or wildly incompetent. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky certainly isn’t doing herself any favors.
The CDC is known for its ability to flip-flop on things based on how much pushback it’s getting from leftists on Twitter. The unofficial CDC motto seems to be “politics first, science maybe.” The inconsistency shows that the CDC is being run by anything but actual science and that its marching orders are coming from outside, moreover, it further reinforced the idea that they were just making this stuff up as they went along.
Fast forward to last Sunday when Walensky was having a live-streamed sit-down where she effectively admitted that she was getting her data from the one place you should never get your data from. The long and short of it is that Walensky was creating CDC guidance after watching reports on CNN.
“When the CNN feed came that it was 95% effective, the vaccine, so many of us wanted it to be helpful, so many of us wanted to say, ‘Ok this is our ticket out.’”
Mr. Ozzie: Based on Ms. Walensky’s performance, she bases science on hope. When hope wanes, she tries tears.
Walensky stated that masks were 85% effective against the virus. More complete scientific rubbish could scarcely be found. 85% effective would suggest better than a vaccine (which is what Robert Redfield claimed BTW), and at such effectiveness masks alone would have stopped the pandemic in its tracks.
Walensky claimed that COVID was a terrible disease for children. More rubbish supported only by someone completely unfamiliar with the data from as long ago as April 2020.
The woman is a dope. Read Scott Atlas’s book and what you will learn is what everyone here probably suspected. The “top doctors” at the NIH, CDC, etc. are no longer doctors at all, but rather evolved into bureaucrats skilled at scurrying around to meetings, holding chairs to the floor, groupthink, and undermining better advice and strategies through the media.
The CDC ruined its reputation in the 1976 flu scare, then in the HIV controversy, and they have done it once again. Every twenty years or so.
In a way, I am grateful for the reduction in Covid-related ‘news’, but I feel like a soldier in the trenches during a lull in artillery bombardment. Is it OK to stick my head out, or will the shelling recommence?
But over the top of that, I have a growing fear that, even while restrictions are eased, those applying to the unvaccinated are just being ignored and so may remain for quite some time, perhaps even forever. Even the minor political parties such as Palmer’s so called ‘freedom’ movement seem to have moved on, now totally focused on the elections. The plight of the unvaccinated appears to be low on the priority list. Sure they mumble the odd half-hearted protest but, as we saw with Trudeau’s opposition, words got them nowhere. Only action will change things.
Meanwhile, here in Annastazi’s Empire, I am not even welcome to volunteer for the Mud Army, such is the mortal danger I represent. Good luck finding any credible scientific evidence to show I am more likely to pass on the currently benign version of WuFlu, but nevertheless I am shunned and shamed.
I must say, given 7% of QLD eschewing the Devil’s snake bite, my estimation of banana benders has soared!
According to the data available today, no more than 50% of Queenslanders could possibly be vaccinated. The government’s own website states that 3,711,318 doses have been administered, among a total population of 5,252,954. Allowing just two shots per person (even though some have had more) that’s a maximum of 1,855,659 people ‘fully vaccinated’, i.e. 35%. Even if we say no children have had the shots, despite the government advocating it, we’re looking at no more than 50% vaccinated.
I always though they were ” cooking the books “…after all, it is a Labor Government. Well, I’m also one of those refusing to play along, and I expect that the restrictions are in for the long haul, but I could care less. I’ll never forget mind you, and my opinion of politicians, bureaucrats and the medical profession has taken a considerable dive.
Do not forget the Police “service”. Seems they only “serve” one master.
Little different now from what we see in Russia.
Breathless report on Red Radio NZ today:
“Thirteen per cent of hospitalised cases not vaccinated!”
For those of us old enough to be able to count in our heads, the young churnalista should have reported:
87% of hospital cases are [jabbed, shot, whacked] ‘immunised’.
Of the five deaths yesterday, ALL were in hospital for other medical reasons; they just happened to be C-19 ‘positive’ once post-mortem tests were done. Righto, off for a swim in the ocean to cleanse myself of Newspeak™ b.s.
Absolutely amazing – and they bank on the stupidity of the common populace not to be able to “count in their heads” that they can actually pump out that numbers and no-one will question it.
What data source is that?
This says >10 million and it sources from the govt.
Big Oops there, GA.
Read his comment carefully and completely.
Greg in NZ is most likely in NZ which I know is not in Australia.
If you want his data look in the .nz domain. It’s most definitely not from the .au domain. Heh heh.
nope. I think you are a victim of misreading nesting.
He says 3.7million doses but the government data say >10million.
Gee Aye. Always a major mistake to believe what govt says/writes when you can observe their behaviour to get at the truth…
The “pandemic” is over. The claim is that nearly everyone in Qld is jabbed. AND yet the Qld govt is totally panicked over the allegedly tiny number of unjabbed?
Now why would that be? Haven’t fulfilled the orders from their puppet masters, maybe?
BTW: Anastasia’s dad Henry….”serves as chairman of the Gene Technology Alliance Foundation…..the Singapore based, China-connected GTA..Henry Palaszczuk fronted for Coinvoice on GTA gene chain, which “quickly integrates individual users, gene sequencing companies, medical, pharmaceutical, health services and other data application institutions into one platform”. Chinese virus…gene-dad….Chinese company…gene-jab daughter. No motivation to fudge the figures there AT ALL, eh?
and yet I was correcting someone who claimed they were using government figures and misreported them. Who to believe?
Disagree, but I can’t be bothered fighting over it.
OK… but not sure why you mentioned NZ when Steve was talking about QLD.
You are not being punished for being a health risk, you are being punished for refusing to bend to the will of the authorities.
Mark. Depends how we define “being punished”.
Fair enough that the Govt thinks they are punishing the pure-bloods, and that this “punishment” will bring them to heel, but it’s kinda like, say, being banned from visiting Ukraine….
Just as most non-Ukrainians are quite happy to avoid the joint, pure-bloods have little desire to hang out with the contaminated…..
BTW: My dear old Beagle (now 18!) who was a working sniffer dog for 13 years, goes crazy when he encounters the jabbed. Whereas you and I might show restraint, The Inspector still reacts to (walking) cadavers with the same RELISH, he always has!
You are not alone Steve of Cornubia.
Me and the other half have rejected the coercion and as a result are banished from places we used to frequent.
She is copping plenty of pressure from work, while I am fortunate in that regard. Either way, we won’t be changing our minds.
Our political leaders are imbeciles. Imagine that (because you refused an experimental injection that doesn’t work anyway) you can not dine in at a pub in the Gold Coast, but you can wander down the street to Tweed Heads and you can. Bizarre.
While it is frustrating, I truly believe they will eventually have to lift restrictions from the unvaxxed, although the time frame is the question.
I think once more and more evidence regarding the poor efficacy of the so-called vaccines comes to light – as well as the unnecessary banning of harmless drugs such as Ivermectin – the MSM and social media will no longer be able to suppress the information. It may make no difference to some sheep, but I reckon a lot of people will be angry, and human rights and discrimination court cases may begin (hopefully).
I never dreamed our wonderful country could go down the drain so quickly, but that’s another story, it’s been slowly happening since the end of WW2.
If you do some digging, and assuming its not been completely fabricated, there have been videos surfacing of embalmers in the USA pulling long rubbery tree-like clots out of deceased peoples major veins during the embalming process. \
Watch and decide for yourself. Link below – 2 videos and article.
“Hirschman and a colleague have pulled numerous fibrous strings from bodies — a phenomenon that he hasn’t seen before in his 20-plus year career. He described them as resembling worms while a colleague said, “It looks like heartworms for people.” However, these are not worms or parasites. As Hirschman said, he never saw one move. In a commentary, Dr. Robert Jay Rowen explained:8
““I watched this video and it is frightening. This undertaker could not withdraw blood from leg veins to inject formaldehyde to preserve the body. He explored and not only found clots, which can be natural, but at the end of the clot he found dense white stringy material he described as shaped like a worm, but I don’t want you to be misled that there could be a parasite.
“His colleagues are reporting similar findings to him since COVID vaccine advent.”
Steve. Why give a damn about what the vaxed think of the unvaxed? The vaxed are the ones dying en masse: the vaxed are the health damaged…AND it’s them who are being vascularly demented even as we type! It’s as if the poor doomed guys from the Chernobyl disaster were telling the non-radiated that THEY have a problem. WTF?
BTW: Was forced to watch the ABC “news” at mid-day today, and on comes some paid stooge to tell us that Dementia is gonna be a really big problem “due to the ever-ageing population”. If THAT isn’t enough to tell you that the gene-jabs ARE dementia (CIA calls this style of obfuscation “plausible denial”) I don’t know what is!
New York will drop vaccine mandates on 7 March. Other jurisdictions will inevitably follow.
Putin has displaced Covid and energy poverty is displacing Climate Change. There are darker monsters now than those refusing vaccines.
The dark monster of Victoriastan said he was intent on keeping the unvaxxed segregated all year iirc.
Even in Vic? We were threatened with being treated as lepers for the rest of this year iirc!
Do you know about the Monty Hall problem in probability?
It had virtually all the experts in the world state the wrong answer and the only person in the world who got it right was Marilyn vos Savant who had the highest IQ in the world and who received huge numbers of angry letters from the “experts” about her supposedly wrong answer. Eventually she was proven correct.
Science and maths is not about “consensus”.
Video at
My worry about vaccine-induced deaths grew somewhat when I became more aware of the intersection of causality of damage between SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination.
Finding out the pioneer of the experimental gene therapy technology behind two of the vaccines regretting getting vaccinated moved me beyond “we should be more cautious, and focus on early treatment therapies,” to “Wow, this really isn’t going well.” Finding out that there are moratoriums on autopsies in many medical systems that prevent us from seeing this and this worried me more.
As evidenced by our email exchanges with the FDA and CDC, they’re clearly unconcerned with the 12,000+ deaths reported in VAERS and seem to be taking no steps at all, like population sampling, to find out what true numbers actually look like.
So, I went about finding ways to answer the question myself. A twitter follower pointed me in an interesting direction. He pointed out that the spot case fatality rate (CFR) jumped immediately upon the outset of the vaccination program in the UK.
Since the vaccination programs targeted those at highest risk of COVID first (and VAERS and similar databases show similar age demographic skews in mortality reports), it makes sense that we would see a substantial and measurable proportion of vaccine-induced deaths early on during vaccination programs.
Now, do I believe that the vaccine kill 1 out of every thousand recipients? No. I suspect that this is a ceiling for the actual impact. It makes sense that the first 30 days of mass vaccination skewed toward high risk groups. While I have not yet done enough research to crunch the relative risks among those vaccinated during the first 30 days of vaccine rollouts compared to the general population, my eyeballing of VAERS data progressions makes me think the 1,018 deaths per million is likely overstated by a factor of 2 to 5.
Look at excess death data for NZ and Australia in 2020 and 2021 on our world in data
NZ and Aus both had large reductions in excess mortality through May-October 2020 (1500 in NZ’s case 7500 for Australia), due to absence of respiratory viruses that year (as an aside an interesting baseline for normal respiratory deaths, amounting to 2-3x the deaths from omicron in each country, and showing the stupidity of the massive over-reaction). But in 2021 with similar absence of viruses 2000/10000 more people died than in 2020. The only difference was the vaccination program underway, and a reasonable thesis is that it is down to vaccination caused deaths in over 60’s (very strong temporal correlation), amounting to about 0.2% mortality in vaccinated over 60’s, mostly from cardiac linked deaths – that are not obviously linked until you look at large numbers of deaths in a big population.
The original pfizer trials had 9 cardiac deaths in vaccinated, vs 5 in the non-vaccinated, but only 600 over 75 and 3400 65-74 in trial groups. If the vaccine was causing heart related deaths in older people it would not have shown up in a noticeable way in this trial, only in lorger populations – like NZ or Australia without confounding factors of other viruses or covid.
If I understand you correctly, you are asserting that the minority opinion has a good possibility of being correct?
However, you do not factor repetition, measurement, and verification into your assertion, which is exactly what is seen in the IPCC reports or the vaccine science
Did you watch the video?
Brilliants is an online interactive learning platform?
you are suggesting that chance plays a part, in climate change or vaccines it does not
You missed the entire point and I said nothing whatsoever about vaccines or climate change.
1) The Monty Hall problem is interesting in its own right.
2) One person got the answer right and was a lone voice among all the “experts” who said she was wrong.
Not at all, David, I understand the Monty Hall problem, and the logic behind the answer. But it is applicable only in a very narrow set of conditions, making it a curiosity
PF says If I understand you correctly, you are asserting that the minority opinion has a good possibility of being correct?
Of course he is. Otherwise you don’t win a Nobel prize for demonstrating ulcers are caused by Helicobacter Pylorii
Or the book authored by 100 Scientists “proving” Einstein was wrong…( FYI he STILL isn’t)
Science is NOT a Consensus.. Or a majority opinion…(same thing)
(Nor is it a Secret, as is the B.O.M. ACORN-SAT adjustments, anything by Prof M.Mann, Climate Model runs…)
Sounds like a bloke called Einstein.
More evidence that Ivermectin works. Dr John Campbell presents:
Ivermectin better than remdesivir.
When are people going to start getting prosecuted for making its use illegal in Australia and thus being responsible for killing people?
We’re Comparatively the Planet’s Cleanest Country – Why the Bipartisan Push to Tax Our Carbon?
The US has the world’s largest economy — which requires the world’s largest energy supply. But by rate of energy use versus output of pollution, the United States is undoubtedly the cleanest country on the planet.
US Greenhouse Gas Emissions Drop Under Trump, but Climate Experts Aren’t Celebrating
Of course they aren’t. Because a cleaner planet isn’t their objective. A planet wiped clean of the US is.
China is #2 in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Think they’re running clean?
China: World’s Biggest Polluter … and Climate Activist?:
“Its greenhouse gas emissions are more than the US and EU combined, but China has big ambitions for carbon neutrality.”
No: China SAYS they have “big ambitions for carbon neutrality.” If you believe them, you haven’t been paying very close attention.
Is the aforementioned Russia cleaning up its act? Heavens no. In 2020, they broke a 16-year-old air pollution record. And I’m sure things have only gotten cleaner since they invaded Ukraine.
India’s economy is rapidly expanding. But unlike the US, it ain’t getting cleaner. Au contraire….
Oops – supposed to be reply to TedM N0 9
Brain Freeze – wrong again – 6.1 was supposed to be posted under TedM 9 – nothing to do with 8
Thanks for adding some of the content OO. If I had been switched on when I provided the link I would have done it.
Pollution has been redefined. CO2 is pollution according to the vast majority of journalists. If you do not believe me, do a search on “greenhouse gas pollution”.
Obama enshrined the idea of carbon pollution:
Estimating Vaccine-Induced Mortality, Part I
UK deaths cf vaccination status. courtesy Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.
G’day Ted M,
Your second link doesn’t work. I removed “Links” from your link to get success…
Dave B
The Climate Council has put out a video by a woman who bought a property on the Tweed flood plain, 6 months ago, and is now blaming her situation on Climate Change. My comment on the video is still up, but the interesting part of it to me was when she said, climate change is happening more and more, and will they have another flood in 5 years or 2 years? So this is someone who believes the experts telling her they know what will happen in 50 and 100 years,( who unfortunately, 1 day before the deluge, didn’t predict a record flood.) If she had faith in them, she should be avidly asking for their predictions for the near future?
Also I’d heard stories of old Aborigines telling the settlers they were crazy building Lismore on the flood plain, and they had stories of floods topping Cathedral Hill. That hasn’t happened in 200 years of settlement;’til now! Unprecedented? So who should we believe? The pundits or Aborigines?
And droughts will become more frequent too. And longer.
Why doesn’t anyone ask Tim Flannery? Surely Australia’s first and only Chief Climate Commissioner and science expert should be consulted.
Personally I blame excessive numbers of windmills disturbing air flow made worse by the reflection from solar panels and light coloured rooftops. No one listens the The Science. The hydrogen economy cannot come fast enough.
Personally I blame excessive numbers of windmills disturbing air flow made worse by the reflection from solar panels and light coloured rooftops
Could Try Vortex Cannons?
I love the last comment. It’s hard to prove they don’t work. Like Voodoo.
Mr. Ozzie: Would those cannons be solar powered or wind powered?
And it’s great to see Wivenhoe back at 89.9% from last week’s growth from 58% to 182% in just three days!
Now the operators are starting to understand the flood mitigation reserve is not to be used for permanent storage. I blame Climate panic merchants and climatebaggers for the lack of understanding that even 58% full posed a real risk at this time of the year when dams can half fill in a single night, despite Flim Flannery’s make believe science.
The only solution to the real danger posed by a giant earthworks dam in a semi tropical region is that it needs to be replaced by a real dam, not a cheap dam. With the $6Billion a year in stolen electricity bills to pay for useless windmills, Australia needs real dams not toys. And there is no point trying to save water in the middle of a flood season and blaming Climate Change for normal variation.
That’s actually a Flannery comment. Plus his view that rain simply interrupts a drought.
Dorothy mackellar said that over 100 years ago
Nothing original from flannerry, just stating the bleeding obvious.
Flood Plain!? Perhaps that should have been a warning in a land known for its droughts and floods. Can’t fix stupid. And, unfortunately it’s hard to stop large numbers of them.
If you beleive all that BS , why would you;
a) buy on a flood plain
b) buy anywhere near the coast
c) buy in a warm weather zone?
The woman has made a dumb choice and is just to externalise and make it somebody or something elses fault.
Commentators in The Australian are also claiming that floods are occurring more frequently. I point out that based on data from here, there were far more major floods in Brisbane between 1800 to 1900 than the last decade.
l cannot take Ukraine president Zelensky seriously after watching this
That is exactly the sort of gender bending freak show the Left love.
Now you know why the West support him.
Having said that, I guess Ukraine has a right to border integrity and to not be invaded.
But all this is happening in the first place because the West is now weak and leaderless, ever since the coup d’état against President Trump.
“But all this is happening in the first place because the West is now weak and leaderless, ever since the coup d’état against President Trump.”
What coup d’état was that?
I wish you hadn’t gone there. You can’t uncook a brain.
Thanks for the warning GA. I hadn’t been inclined to look at it anyway!
The one that failed, firstly by using a concocted accusation of Russian collusion for which most of the Democrat leading politicians maybe could have been imprisoned for the rest of their lives -if the US Legal and Security services and FISA Court (the former seem reticent about examining Hunter’s laptop too closely)had done their jobs over the years of the Trump Presidency. Of course the Dems are still at Trump in fear of his return (and retribution by him should he succeed), this time having the NYC legal service investigate his personal finances.
Trump must be the cleanest skinned President the US has ever had. Every niche of his, and his family’s, existence has been pulled apart using a fine toothed comb and nothing to get rid of him has turned up.
It would seem that, in defence of the USA leadership and the safety of the USA nation, there must be a similar investigation into the affairs of all those Democrat leaders and their contributors to ensure there is and has been no hanky panky with Chinese and Russian businesses, oligarchs and CPP members ie make sure they are ethical enough to keep their jobs. Just start with the finances and then move into the families. Like the Jan 6th arrested demonstrators, one can always throw a few into a cell for a year without charges and threaten to ruin them and take their houses and jobs if they don’t turn evidence against those one wants to be rid of – permanently. Will never happen of course because only one side of politics find that sort of injustice stimulating.
An example of trying to undermine the election of Trump by Clinton based on mining of anything that could be construed as a Russian plot.
And the fact that Biden managed to get 80 Million votes, previous highest 68 million, when rules that stopped voter fraud were relaxed. Needless to say, those that thought it legitimate see no evidence that it occurred and are stoked that Biden won. Pure coincidence.
‘But all this is happening in the first place because …’ all the nuclear armed states signed a document a few months ago saying they would not be the first to use nuclear weapons.
Vlad the impaler saw this as a green light to act impulsively.
I have little confidence that the huge mismanagement of covid, and the possibility of effective treatments being widely and cheaply available, even before the “vaccines” were released, will ever be revealed to the general public.
The narrative is too heavily controlled by the legacy media, Big Pharma and their army of useful idiots, The Left.
That censorship will continue for a long time is my guess. I subscribe to the Australian newspaper and occasionally catch up on MSM news. If you provide a comment to The Oz and you state that “Covid escaped from a lab” or similar the comment will be rejected. So who is the arbitrator of the correct information? It’s not going to be the WHO, because they have been compromised by China and the CCP. It’s not going to be the US CDC (or equivalent ) because of their involvement in GOF studies at the Wuhan lab. Same probably applies to Uk and EU. It’s not going to be any authority in Australia, because they just follow all those previously mentioned authorities blindly. So forever, COVID will be seen as being started by someone eating a bat soup.
Max Planck “science advances one funeral at a time”. “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”
I’ve seen it numerous times in my life – that a bad deed done by a large bureaucracy will never be acknowledged until those responsible are retired or dead. That’s a lot of the reason why so much secret infor generated within govt that has lost any real importance or danger if released within a few years is nonetheless sealed for generations – to protect the careers of those responsible.
See #3.2.1 above
l find this more disturbing than the Ukraine president dancing in heels
In Ukraine, the far-right Azov militia is fighting on the frontline – and running a summer camp for children. The Guardian visited the camp and followed 16-year-old Anton through his experiences. Is Azov really a modern Hitler Youth organisation, or is it trying to prepare young Ukrainians for the tough reality that awaits them?
The Left and the legacy media usually deny it but Azov Special Operations Detachment certainly is associated with National Socialist ideology and symbology.
And Trump called it with Canada. Leftist Nazis. The myth that NAZIs were right wing extremists is nonsense. And both extremes of politics use extreme nationalism, as with Stalin and his Great Patriotic War.
As a matter of interest, the German Fascists hated the name NAZIs based on their party name, National Socialists. The joke has been lost to time and who ever heard of a German joke? It was an insult coined by the opposition and exiles which played on the story of the ignorant German Catholic farm worker often called Ignatius. NAZIs never called themselves NAZIs. Hitler and Goebbels never used the word. And they would shoot you if you did. It filtered back to Germany only after the war.
And the idea that only the Right wing extremists were anti Semitic, tell that to the left wing extremists and communists, including Stalin.
“The myth that NAZIs were right wing extremists is nonsense.”
It seems to be quite widespread nonsense.
There is a plethora of articles categorically denouncing the argument that the Nazis were left wing. These articles indisputably show, by reference to the contemporaneous history of the Nazi Party, that it was a far right wing fascist party.
“For several years, the right wing has been equating nazism, the left, and socialism. This is standard propaganda for Fox News and the Tea Party.
The conflation of nazism and socialism has gone largely unchallenged by the media, and through repetition it is becoming almost “common knowledge” in the US, so I feel compelled to speak against it. I hope that others, especially professors who have occasion to talk about it in and out of class, will also speak against this vile propaganda.
The basis of the conflation of nazism and socialism is the term “National Socialism,” a self description of the Nazis. “National Socialism” includes the word “socialism”, but it is just a word. Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for “illegal socialist activity” in 1936.”
“Were the Nazis socialists? No, not in any meaningful way, and certainly not after 1934. But to address this canard fully, one must begin with the birth of the party.
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party—also known as the Nazi Party—was the far-right racist and antisemitic political party led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazi Party came to power in Germany in 1933. It controlled all aspects of German life and persecuted German Jews. Its power only ended when Germany lost World War II.
Yes, it is embarassing for the Socialists that the NAZIs were soclialists, so they are rewriting history.
Consider the statements in Britannica no less
1 “The National Socialist German Workers’ Party—also known as the Nazi Party—was the far-right racist and antisemitic political party led by Adolf Hitler.
2 The Nazi Party came to power in Germany in 1933.”
It was NEVER called the NAZI party. The word NAZI was never used once by Hitler or Himmler. The origin of the NAZI word is well known.
And the idea that it is far right absurd, as if all violence is far right, all antisemitism is far right, all extreme nationalism is far right.
Fascists and communists were very similar extremely violent, murderous, anti semitic, racist and extreme Nationalists. They were the National Socialist Workers Party, the NSDAP and only their enemies called them NAZIs.
And while the alleged far right extremists were in Toronto with families and bouncing castles protesting Trudeau’s Left wing fascism, Truedeau’s gangs were attacking pipelines and people with axes.
As Himmler knew, it is essential to have the press on your side. Especially when those violent Poles attack your country at a border crossing and with your righteous indignation you are obliged to devastate and exterminate them with an army of millions.
Justice is how the press define it. And in every conflict there is only one villain, the other side.
“It was NEVER called the NAZI party. The word NAZI was never used once by Hitler or Himmler.
You yourself did use it in the opening sentence of 13.1.1
But it is at least partially true as Hitler and Himmler did not use that term.
However Party members attempted to reclaim the nickname for their own purposes. Joseph Goebbels, a Nazi propagandist, wrote a pamphlet called Der Nazi-Sozi in 1926 to reclaim the nickname. Leopold von Mildenstein did the same in Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina in 1934.
“Yes, it is embarassing for the Socialists that the NAZIs were soclialists, so they are rewriting history.”
I deliberately used the term contemporaneous to show that the “re-writing of history” began a very long time ago as is shown by the following extract from Britannica.
“By the late 1920s, however, with the German economy in free fall, Hitler had enlisted support from wealthy industrialists who sought to pursue avowedly anti-socialist policies. Otto Strasser soon recognized that the Nazis were neither a party of socialists nor a party of workers, and in 1930 he broke away to form the anti-capitalist Schwarze Front (Black Front). Gregor remained the head of the left wing of the Nazi Party, but the lot for the ideological soul of the party had been cast.
Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s Third Reich had been born, and it was entirely fascist in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. Lest there be any remaining questions about the political character of the Nazi revolution, Hitler ordered the murder of Gregor Strasser, an act that was carried out on June 30, 1934, during the Night of the Long Knives. Any remaining traces of socialist thought in the Nazi Party had been extinguished.’
That, I think, shows the National Socialist Party was definitely not Left Wing.
But Ian. It has socialist in the name, so it is.
The fact that Hitler never once called it the NAZI party is my entire point. For a movement so rich in iconography, where is the big sign which says NAZI?
And Der Feuhrer called his party the Socialist Party. What more is needed? Surely what Hitler said means more than what anyone else says, then or now. It was a one man party. How clear can it be?
And the fascists were socialists with a new concept adopted by Mussolini and copied by Hitler, of partnering with the rich. And their enemies were the communists and the Jewish bolsheviks. Mussolini was a socialist. His father was a socialist. And Hitler was a socialist. They said so at the time. Anything else is rewriting the facts, trying to distance themselves from Hitler.
So the left is trying to paint the German Socialist Workers Party as evil NAZIS, not socialists at all. That is a perversion of the facts, a blatant lie to suit a terrible deceit, that Socialism is pure and harmless, not violent and not antiSemitic and nothing like Hitlers’ socialists. And certainly not extreme anti Semites like Jeremy Corbyn’s Labor party for example. And most of the press.
“That, I think, shows the National Socialist Party was definitely not Left Wing”
What Hitler despised more than anything else were the international Socialists – the Marxists. And he sent them to concentration camps. German socialism, said Hitler, was for the German people alone. But National Socialism is still SOCIALISM.
Anyway, hear this from the man himself, and tell me if these sound like the words of a “right-winger.”
“All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community. ”
– Speech for the Heroes’ Memorial Day (21 March 1943)
Plaid Cyrmu
Sinn Fein
Scottish National Party
all very socialist
all very nationalist
National Socialism can be a very left wing thing
A very modern interpretation of what happened. Surely the more brighter of you children can see that a far-right party has no leftwing?
Lloyd George’s bromance with Hitler up to 1936 (first socialist PM of Britain). George Bernard Shaw, a founder of the Fabian Society, vegetarian, pro-women’s rights, pro-homosexual rights, praised Hitler and the Nazis as the best form of socialism. There is plenty to show that everybody considered the Nationalist Socialist Party as an example of socialism. Different to Communism but still an example of socialism, at least until the alliance with the Soviet Union failed in the early years of WWII. Yes, Russian was on the other side, initially.
Socialists are “far-right” ?
That really is a change in meaning isn’t it. !
The cognitive dissonance must be humming like a swarm of bees. !
Whatever you call yourself so you must be.
works for Bruce Pascoe
Facts mean nothing ?
Male or female..
Call yourself a toad, does that make you a toad?
Leftism, the supplanting of facts and scientific rigor… with fantasy imaginings and self-delusional twaddle.
“The socialists were far right as Hitler within two months achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.”
The saying actions speak louder than words is very apposite in this context for although Hitler called his party socialists his actions clearly showed he was fascist. He was rather like Humpty Dumpty in that respect
Can you get your head around the fact that the Nazi’s being socialists gets brought up by people wanting to point out that socialists aren’t really for the people?
“Its just what they called themselves” is not much of a rebuttal.
The philosopher of fascism was Giovanni Gentile and merged Marxism with corporatism as the most workable system of socialism.
Dinesh D’Souza explains:
Sounds very close to how the Democracies are running today.
Fortunately in these modern times we can sort the extremists by their vaccination status.
George Bernard Shaw was an anti-vaxxer.
I had not noticed before when looking into the Azov battalion, the flag in the photo linked below to the left of the Azov flag, is the NATO flag.
Blackwaters, (the USA contractor for all things war) Eric Prince was spending $ 10 Billion on creating and arming an army in Ukraine in July 2021.
The Azov flag itself has the NWO’s black sun symbol on it. The Azov flag itself has the NWO’s black sun symbol on it.
I got curious .. Well nothing to see here… they have not had time to run extensive toxicology so it implies they found a cause of death that they declare “Natural” which simply rules out an overt murder. Quite correctly, it really is a family matter but given the publicity if “Natural causes” was a Pulmonary Embolus from JabJabJab it should be disclosed – how else are the dangerous and ineffective FauXinnes going to be pulled- there is only so much Crimean distraction to cover the brutal “Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber” Blackrock/Vanguard gameplay. Shane’s histopathology would be very interesting.
“Natural causes” is a relatively uncommon cause of death in a 52 year old person of athletic persuasion.
If I was was SW’s family, I would ask for a second autopsy to be done here, Koh Samui is a known party island and is rife with dodgy drugs.
Many of us have passed through that era of 40’s and 50’s and the call ‘he was only 45’ is actually quite common. Those that have led a very energetic life of competitive sport and developed a belief of indestructibility due to their obsession for top line fitness, often dropping off and resuming, seem incapable of learning they are in a risky period of life regardless of how fit they think they are. Indeed, pushing the boundaries daily is a daily stress test with no backup if you ‘fail’.
One has offspring of this type and have repeatedly been given warnings to take care because it is actually not an uncommon occurrence to have heart attacks and dysrrhythmias in this age group. Warne, from what little one hears, appears to have actually had discomfort episodes around the time he went on holiday. Sometimes being unaware of risks or meeting such events with disbelief, or thinking ‘just lose weight as usual’ and take the holiday or go to THAT event before seeking high-end professional assessment is simply the wrong move. One has no idea if Shane did any of the above, but it is not uncommon to make the wrong move OR one gets no warning and simply has an end of life event.
Simply, do not underrate symptoms simply believing this age group is bullet-proof. As an example, a friend’s father dropped dead at the age of 51yo. Admittedly many years ago now, but the disease process hasn’t stopped in any of us.
Modern medicine may control the rate of progress and is good for getting second chances, but it can’t do anything if one is in denial and doesn’t seek investigation and help.
*** I am no longer a practitioner. The above is observational only without recommendation. (You know the drill…!)
If you have symptoms, seek medical advice asap.
In the absence of facts it’s unwise to leap into BS theories.
Science seems to of managed it for the last 30 years, they have a cult following now.
Wow… great counter argument.
Compared to yours?
G’day Simon,
I interpreted “natural causes” as meaning “not murder”, so no further police action was needed, and the earlier medical assessment of a probable heart attack was procedurally acceptable.
Dave B
Important interview with Edward Dowd, a former Blackrock portfolio manager, on vax fraud.
Starts at 6:03.
War is always a convenient distraction.
FYI, Naomi Wolfe is a ‘recovered’ liberal Democrat, or in other words, retains intellectual integrity.
Files deleted Friday were recovered after report that U.S. embassy ‘abruptly deleted all their bioweapon lab documents from the official website’ (News Punch photo)
As we reported, the U.S. Department of Defense has made no secret of its ill-advised bioweapon lab proliferation under the Obama/Biden Junta.
They even created an Orwellian style name for the project, “Defense Threat Reduction Agency.”
I’m still waiting for some Fauci type knucklehead to try and explain how building dangerous disease laboratories to store and/or make ever deadlier bioweapons in unstable places like Ukraine and Kazakhstan reduces any threat.
Offensive Threat Enhancement Agency would be a better name—and it seems the more we put the truth out there about what we’ve found in Ukraine, the less they want to talk about it or openly show what they’ve been up to.
Now, they’re scrambling to cover it all up as Russian forces take them over, lab by deadly lab.
These were recovered using the Wayback Machine:
Germany considers bringing back national service after Ukraine war demonstrated ‘peace is not a law of nature’
Proposal for compulsory military service is gaining support in parliament
. Politicians from all sides of the Bundestag have given backing to proposal
. It comes after Germany committed to spending £85bn to boost military
. Chancellor Olaf Scholz also announced an increase to Germany’s annual defence spending to above 2 percent of GDP in-line with NATO requirements
. Announcement came three days after Putin launched invasion of Ukraine
Hahaha! Wankers! None of the old male & stale are ever going to be called up and sent to the front lines, so of course they support anything that keeps them in power!!
Such disgusting hypocrites!
They will do what the Yanks tell them to do, they lost the war and they are still slaves.
Too little too late. That was Trump’s grievance for which the elites of the EU and USA left, with its msm and social media slaves and billionaires crucified him. As usual, he was years ahead of them and spot on.
Has anyone noticed that Putin is objecting to the unlikely NATO encroachment to his borders as one of several tries he has made to justify his war. He also claims Ukraine has always been Russian by history and geography. Ukraine in actual fact was being left out of NATO. That’s said to be the reason NATO is not active militarily in the conflict.
Ukraine is the buffer State between NATO countries and Russia. Putin prefers not to see it that way in his quest of ages to reconstruct the old USSR.
If Putin actually gets Ukraine as Russian in the finish, he will actually have been responsible himself for having NATO states all along the new borders. Should that happen, the question being asked is ‘Will he continue the war into those States using the same logic for Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Moldova?’ This is so worrisome to Finland and Sweden, on/near the border but not part of NATO that they are considering trying to join NATO.
Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia So We Can Start Drilling For Oil There Again
ANCHORAGE, AK—The deliberate and premeditated invasion of Ukraine by brutal dictator Vladimir Putin has forced the US to reassess the importance of energy independence. With this new resolve, the Biden Administration has taken its first step toward increasing oil production for Americans by selling Alaska back to Russia so we can start drilling for oil there again.
“Folks, nobody wants to ruin America’s beautiful Alaskan wilderness with oil trucks and drilling rigs, come on!” said President Biden in response to questions he thought were coming from a house plant in the West Wing. “But I’ve never had a problem getting oil from Russia, so there you go, go get him.”
Jen Psaki praised Biden’s brilliance in finding a solution that would prevent an energy crisis while also preventing new drilling on American land. She pointed out succinctly to journalists, “You see, it’s not American land anymore; it’s Russian land.”
Politicians on both sides of the political aisle criticized Biden for selling Alaska without giving them enough time to sneak friends and family onto the boards of newly-relevant Russian oil companies. They also voiced concern that the negotiator handling both the Alaska sale as well as managing drilling permits was Hunter Biden and not their own children.
Media Says Spike In Myocarditis May Be Linked To Ukraine Crisis
U.S.—Thousands of people across the US have been diagnosed with some form of myocarditis, a potentially deadly but rare inflammation of the heart muscle. Media reports say the dramatic spike in cases may be linked to the Ukraine crisis.
“Correlation does not equal causation,” said CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. “But this time it may. The nation is currently reeling from an uptick in myocarditis cases as Russia invades Ukraine. Honestly, we really can’t think of anything else in the world that could possibly be causing this.”
According to sources, Cooper had invited Dr. Fauci on the program but couldn’t get a hold of him because he’d also been diagnosed with myocarditis.
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC also noted the striking correlation. “As Ukrainians fight for their homeland, are they also suffering from myocarditis?” she said on her program. “It’s certainly the case with Americans. Are we, as a nation, so sympathetic for Ukraine’s cause that our hearts are literally breaking? This random nuclear scientist says ‘yes.'”
Ozzie: That is a find!! Laughed til it hurt.
My own take on this is, response to Vlad Putin threatening nuclear war by US gov’t medical advisors is to tell all to get vaxxed and masked to guard against fallout.
Wet and Miserable
Thousands of Sydneysiders are told NOT to go to work and evacuate now as floodwaters swallow homes after torrential rain lashed the city overnight – and it’s about to get even WORSE
. Catastrophic wet weather has been forecast for Tuesday across eastern NSW with conditions to get worse
. Residents in some parts of Camden were ordered to evacuate at 9pm or midnight or risk being cut-off
. Sydneysiders warned of life-threatening flash flooding, dangerous thunderstorms, winds and even landslides
. Warnings are currently in place in Central Coast, Illawarra, Blue Mountains, Hunter, South Coast and Sydney
. BOM said minor to major flooding is occurring from Queensland border all the way to the Victorian border
. Transport for NSW asked residents to avoid all non-essential travel, expect delays and avoid the rail network
Forecasters have warned of a tough 24 to 48 hours to come with incessant deluge due to stop on Thursday
Just keeps building on itself –
It could be a one in 200 year event. Which would predate the industrial revolution. But then there was no weather before the invention of steam engines.
We are being flooded despite being on side of hill – not seen coming through front gate since 2 x 100 year floods in 80s –
Physio table in front of Front Gate with brick front wall now stopping flow down eastern side – was bypassing house
Hopefully not as bad as 2nd 1 in 100 year flood in late 80s when went high enough to be thigh deep coming down western driveway., which also bypasses house
Pity poor houses below us from cliff face at rear boundary
I hope it eases for you.
I wonder what the risks of mud slides are in the various inundated areas as that could be disastrous even for people well above flood zones.
Thanks Gee Aye – off to hospital in about 40 mins and trying to work out which way to go
Looking at BOM Rain Radar Rotation still got some heavy rain coming through
Ok well Roseville Bridge flooded across road, and that rules out Spit
Daughter showed cars under water on Harbord Road outside Mackellar Girls High
Cars flooded with water on Roseville Bridge amid northern beaches deluge
Motorists are being warned to avoid the Roseville Bridge after two cars became stuck in floodwater amid a deluge in Sydney’s northern beaches.
“Only one eastbound lane is still closed across Roseville Bridge due to flooding,” Live Traffic Sydney advised.
“Take extreme care and avoid non-essential travel.”
Buses halted in Northern Beaches, Lower North Shore
As intense rain continues to hammer parts of Sydney, some bus services have been halted due to flooding and road closures.
Buses in the Northern Beaches and Lower North Shore are “ending their trips at their current locations”, Transport for NSW officials said just before 1pm. Services in other parts of the city are delayed and are often diverting from regular routes to avoid flooded roads.
Earlier, the transport agency had advised people to stay home if possible and avoid using Sydney’s public transport.
Hospital appt deferred till Thursday
Chilling footage shows water filling Sydney’s busiest tollway tunnel as two bodies are pulled from floodwaters – and tens of thousands are told to evacuate as unprecedented rain event floods the city and surrounds
Motorists have been warned not to attempt crossing the Roseville Bridge, which links the city’s north and the city, with reports of vehicles stranded on the bridge beginning to float
Central Avenue in Manly, in Sydney’s northern beaches, was flooded with ankle-deep water by Tuesday afternoon, with residents who parked their car in a nearby carpark unable to escape
Incredible vision from inside Sydney’s major M5 motorway saw cars driving through ankle-deep water, as floodwaters seeped in overnight and caused chaos for drivers (pictured)
“Ankle -deep”
That bad , huh?
We don’t usually worry until it’s over the tyres.
yes but they are city drivers so they could turn ankle deep into a breakdown quite easily
Brisbane floods in 1893 were more than double the 2022 height.
Yes, that’s more frequent and houses built on ancient flood plains have only temporary protection until dams overflow. The rains and flooding in very hilly Sydney are much closer to rare.
A video of the Roseville Bridge shows that badly engineered scuppers are not letting the water get away quickly enough. They should have been at least 500% larger.
We have a couple of new bridges near here, only a couple of hundred meters apart, one has 200mm square drains & is OK, the other has just 50mm round drains & is a death trap in really heavy rain, as it fills to kerb height causing aquaplaning. At least ours aren’t deep enough to float the cars away.
Sydney residents forced to evacuate as flood warnings stretch NSW coastline
Flood warnings stretched from Queensland to the Victoria border on Tuesday morning as residents in multiple suburbs in Sydney’s south-west were forced to evacuate their homes.
The ongoing flood emergency came as commuters were warned to avoid the public transport network as the city prepared for another day of intense rainfall.
In the 23 hours to 8am on Tuesday morning, Rose Bay in Sydney’s east had 111mm of rain, Marrickville Golf Course in the inner west recorded 142mm, Canterbury in the south-west had 115mm, and Bankstown, in the west, recorded 180mm.
Bucketing down here – heavy rain very close to hail
I don’t like the way my option to watch the RT News channel, has been snatched away from me. (Thanks ‘media oligarchs’ for protecting me from using my own judgement … /sarc)
I had to get a break from FOX News and these pundits:
• Hannity, wanting to bomb the stalled Russian convoy, via a covert operation led by the US;
• Nikki Haley claiming Putin wants to rebuild the USSR, like she knows that for a fact;
• Newt Gingrich doing a chest-thumping act (by the way, I normally respect his views);
• Miss Lindsey — sorry, can’t report what he said, I turn off when he appears.
… for a change I watched Al Jazeera, not a regular choice for me.
They were discussing an American diplomat (a real insider as you’ll see), who made these points in 2019:
• NATO’s expansion into ex-Warsaw Pact countries was “needlessly provocative”.
• Ukraine was the “brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite”. (And that view is held across the political spectrum in Russia — it’s not just Putin).
Where is he now? He’s Director of the CIA — William J Burns — nominated and confirmed by Biden’s lot some time last year. His book is “The Back Channel”.
Interesting isn’t it? There’s a guy near the top of America’s leadership, who knew a major conflict in Ukraine was brewing if the West maintained its course.
So when you’re told by the Western media that Russia’s attack was ‘unprovoked’, remember the CIA Director’s words: NATO was “needlessly provocative”.
PS. Tucker Carlson and Colonel MacGregor talk sense … more thoughtful and circumspect than the others.
I guess that means I agree with them….
Just updated RT News on my LG OLED and able to see news from RT America and works
Germany warns against sanctioning ‘essential’ Russian oil and gas
Chancellor Olaf Scholz says refusing to ban Russian energy imports is a “conscious decision”
Despite levying punishing economic sanctions on Russia, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Monday that Europe needs to keep importing Russian oil and gas, which he said are “essential” for the continent’s energy security.
“At the moment, Europe’s supply of energy for heat generation, mobility, power supply and industry cannot be secured in any other way,” than by importing from Russia, read an official statement from Scholz’ office. “It is therefore of essential importance for the provision of public services and the daily lives of our citizens.”
Germany relies on Russia for around 55% of its total gas supply, while the EU imports more than half of all its energy products. Of these imports, Russia supplies 41% of gas, 46% of coal, and 27% of oil.
The EU, therefore, has been reluctant to sanction Russian energy in response to the conflict in Ukraine, even while hitting Moscow with unprecedented restrictions, closing its airspace to Russian flights, banning Russian media, and supplying arms to Ukraine.
For Germany, ensuring the continued flow of oil and gas is even more critical. The country’s investment in wind power has failed to deliver enough energy to make up for coal plant closures, and its last three nuclear plants are slated to close by the end of this year. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was set to shore up Germany’s energy needs with cheap
Russia-China trade turnover up almost 40% in two months
It climbed over $26 billion in January-February 2022
Mutual trade between Russia and China in the first two months of 2022 increased by 38.5% year-on-year, according to statistics released on Monday by China’s customs administration.
Trade turnover in January-February reached $26.43 billion.
Russian exports to China jumped by 35.8% over the period to $13.8 billion, while Russia imported $12.6 billion worth of goods and services from China, an annual growth of 41.5%.
Interesting… I wonder why China had restrictions on Russian wheat imports, in the first place?
buried in a sub linked story there was mention of plant disease concerns
At least they’ve got the balls to admit it now! Its time Germany re-assessed it place in the world and its relationships with America and Russia. Simple people think the American troops in Germany are there to protect them from Russia, the Russians know the Yanks have troops there to make sure the Germans toe the American line.
It will be a tricky one for them to walk this razorblade.
Maybe Jo could do a weekly “happy thread”?
Only fun stuff and lots of dogs
I know I definitely have to balance what I see with that sort of material to stay sane.
BEAGLES ARE AWESOME ★ 17 FUNNY Beagles [Funny Pets]
With a Neurotic 11 Month Old Female Beagle in house – thinks she is a human
What I consider a very good assessment of the Ukranian situation (includes impact on the west) by Steve Cortesse on War Room.
Listen from 14 minutes 30 seconds in.
Here’s the link:
[Inclusion of original post. – LVA]
Latest in the Canadian Truckers saga
“Canadian Political Prisoner Released”
Several links including Viva Frei and comments
Well, it’s Tuesday and I don’t want to post anything because it’ll just verify everything I’ve been saying for months.
I’m getting very good at this prediction lark
I’ll reiterate – 3 months cash, food & supplies on hand sooner rather than later. Be as debt free as possible. Dump the fuel guzzling car unless you plan to live in it.
I’ve gained a new intel source which has taken #1 spot. A highly focussed but extremely important topic. #2 is a govt/military data portal and Martin A is now #3, down from #2. Sorry Marty
Plus around 8 other high quality sources.
In short, streets ahead of what most people see, so if I warn of something it’d pay to listen.
I’m not into post upvote ego boosting. I do this to help people.
It’s at the point where anything I post will just scare and panic people so I don’t know.
Do you want the truth naked & ungarnished or would you prefer to live in blissful ignorance of the nightmare ahead? (Credit to Red Dwarf for that one)
I’d say that while we don’t WANT to know, we HAVE to know in advance to have the best shot at making the other side.
Maybe Thursday…
Dish it up, you have some interesting links. What’s coming is coming.
September is the month.
I think he knows about the red roads.
The roads are black, the paint is red. But yeah, for a visual warning lets paint a stripe across the road, in the first colour that goes from the visual spectrum, can’t see at night or in the rain and while we are at it lets paint everything else white and yellow.
When do you think they will paint all the centre lines and edge lines red.
‘September is the month.’
Is this astrological?
Will there be a recession in 2022? The odds are rising amid soaring inflation, high energy prices
The U.S. economy is still climbing out of the COVID-19-induced downturn as a robust job market powers it to cruising speed.
So why is talk of recession in the air?
Some top economists are raising the odds of a slump within the next year or so amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, rising energy prices, historic inflation, the stock market sell-off and the prospect of aggressive Fed rate hikes.
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers puts the chance if a recession within the next 30 months at above 50%, according to Forbes magazine.
I had a $ 1 million and a half loan roll over today . I decided to fix for five years at 6.6% .
Did I do the right thing?
Does the team think?
“Maybe Thursday…”
So it’s nothing urgent then?
Gotta wait for the next dump from Q
” next dump from Q”
Every morning? Regular , like?
I dump from A
Gee, It appears here that you dump from a keyboard.
The only thing that I really don’t want to hear is that NZ , having closed its only refinery , will not be getting any diesel shipments for 6 months . That will make life very difficult , but not impossible.
The electric car is doing fine . Maybe self-feeding of silage to the herd is a possibility.
Plenty of fax paper if the net is down for months.
If the power goes down, then diesel for the gennies is the issue.
You sound like every Zero Hedge article for the last 15 years
Gold just popped $2000 USD a short time ago. FYI
I went shopping, spent a few hundred [filled the car] and came home richer than when I left.
I could do that again today.
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has repeatedly drawn attention to the biological programmes implemented by the Pentagon in the post-Soviet area.
Including the territory of Ukraine that has united a chain of more than 30 biological laboratories divided into those for scientific research and for sanitary-epidemiological investigations.
Those works have been ordered by the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). A firm affiliated to the defence department (Black and Veatch above all others) are involved in the implementation of the projects.
The works refer to three main branches. In the first place, it refers to the biological situation observation in the areas of possible deployment of the NATO military contingents, according to the Pentagon. In the second place, it is dedicated to collecting and transporting the strains of dangerous microorganisms. The third branch of activity refers to scientific investigations on potential biological weapons agents that are specific for that region, possessing natural focuses and able to be transmitted to humans.
For example, since 2021, the Pentagon has been carrying out the project called ‘Diagnosis, observation and prevention of zoonotic diseases in the Armed Forces of Ukraine’ funded with 11.8 million dollars.
In 2020-2021, the German Ministry of Defence examined the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, meningitis, hantaviruses
causative agents within the Ukrainian-German initiative for biological security on the external borders of the European Union.
Under the pretext of testing agents for the treatment and prevention of the coronavirus infection, a few thousand of serum samples taken from the infected individuals that refer to the Slavic ethnicity have been transported from Ukraine to Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
At the same time, the activity of the biological laboratories that, according to our data, has been intensified since 2014 and the so-called Ukrainian healthcare system ‘reforming’ programme implemented by the United States have led to an unmanageable increase of hazardous and economically important infections morbidity.
Thus there has been noted an increase of rubella, diphtheria and tuberculosis cases in Ukraine. The incidence of measles has increased more than 100 times. The World Health Organization has declared Ukraine a country with a high risk of the poliomyelitis outbreak.
The rest at-
Hmm… Wuhan and the Chinese to blame ??
I hear there is a B52 on the moon.
Well we have a crater named after us on the Moon
Not a B52, a Lancaster Bomber.
This is the claim:
Don’t believe a word of it, none of it is true or plausible and doesn’t even make sense.
No… it was a b52 when I looked. Someone switched it.
You are thinking of this:
Thats silly, how do you land any kind of bomber on green cheese?
Easily, the texture helps it to slow down rapidly…
Friends of science newsletter #364
Topics include.
Increasing Cold Extremes Worldwide: Is Global Cooling on the way?
Evaluation of the Homogenization Adjustments Applied to European Temperature Records
Hydrological Feedback from Projected Earth Greening in the 21st Century
Corals Thrive in Warm Climates and Growth Slows in Cooler Climates
Greenland’s Melting Ice Is No Cause for Panic – Steve Koonin
Carbon Capture and Storage
newsletter #363
Why Global Warming Is Good For Us
As threat of nuclear war looms, how Democrats spin a crisis
By Miranda Devine
As the world teeters on the edge of nuclear catastrophe, the Democrats are doing what they do best: projecting.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, opined Adam Schiff in Rolling Stone on Friday, “hammers home how despicable an act it was to treat Ukraine as a political plaything.”
Well, yes, but treating Ukraine as a political plaything has been a reckless Democratic obsession for a long time, not least when Schiff, as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, led the impeachment of Donald Trump over a phone call to President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The hypocrisy makes me faint!
Other Democrats were quoted peddling the same narrative.
“I sense the first impeachment sounded kinda obscure to some people,” said Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii. “But withholding lethal aid was both an actual crime and a moral crime.”
Except that Trump did send lethal aid to Ukraine, unlike the Obama-Biden administration, which sent blankets and goggles.
Mr. Ozzie: As the threat of nuclear war looms, the US CDC has issued guidelines for dealing with radiation poisoning. Director Rochelle Walensky advised all to get masked and for gosh sakes get vaxxed!! She conceded that the connection of vax and mask to radiation was “not tight”, but it will show the Ruskies that Americans do as they are told!
We are now the list of Russia’s enemies, thankyou Scotty for doing what your Boss told you to, so expect some disruption to trade-
Exports-live animals $100million, wheat products $17M, machinery $9M
Imports – Fertiliser $70M, Petroleum $60M, wood products $25M, minerals $17M
Services & education exports etc $$240M
Services etc imports $205M
..and we have $3billion invested in Russia which we can get back in Rubles, if Mr Putin is feeling nice.
Lets see what we lose for our holier-than-thou attitude..
That is actually not a lot of trade. They rank about 30th of exports behind super powers Bangladesh and Qatar (assumes no big changes in last 3 years).
“..and we have $3billion invested in Russia which we can get back in Rubles, if Mr Putin is feeling nice”
The rate Biden et al are going, Rubles may be a more secure option. !
Biden Shatters Israel’s Delusions
For decades, senior Israeli defense officials beat a path to the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council with briefcases full of documents providing conclusive proof that Iran’s nuclear program is a military program and that its purpose is to transform the Isl@mic Republic of Iran into a nuclear-armed state. The officers arrived in Washington convinced that the smoking gun they were providing the Americans would compel Washington to abandon its long-held delusion that there is a “grand bargain” to be had with the fanatical Isl@mist theocracy whose leaders believe that Iran’s rise will herald an era of unmitigated Shiite global domination.
All of the Israeli officers made their best cases to their American counterparts. Most believed the Americans were open to the information they provided, and left Washington convinced that the Americans finally recognized the danger and would act to block Iran from achieving its nefarious goal. On at least one occasion, their efforts were rewarded.
In 2018, after Israel’s Mossad spy agency spirited Iran’s nuclear archive out of a warehouse in Tehran and brought it to Israel, Israel’s spy chiefs flew to Washington to share the findings with the Trump administration. The documents provided incontrovertible proof of Israel’s long-standing contentions that Iran’s nuclear program was initiated, maintained and expanded throughout the years for the primary purpose of developing nuclear weapons. Then-President Donald Trump responded to Israel’s revelations by withdrawing the U.S from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—the nuclear deal the Obama administration had concluded with Iran.
Biden appointed Robert Malley, a former Obama administration nuclear negotiator who had developed strong ties with the Iranian regime during his tenure at the helm of the International Crisis Group, to serve as his envoy to renewed nuclear negotiations with Iran. Both before the talks were initiated in Vienna, and since the talks commenced, in the interests of convincing Iran to agree to a deal, Biden ended enforcement of the most significant sanctions Trump had placed on Iran’s nuclear operations. He delisted Iran’s Yemeni proxy, the Houthis, from the State Department’s formal list of foreign terrorist organizations. And Biden convinced U.S. allies to unfreeze Iranian funds held in their banks due to Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism, in the hopes of proving his benign intentions to the ayatollahs.
But then, last Wednesday, Gabriel Noronha, a former Iran specialist at the State Department, published details of the concessions Malley has already agreed to on his Twitter feed. Noronha wrote that he received the details of the U.S. concessions from his former colleagues at the State Department and National Security Council, as well as from the European Union delegations to the talks. Noronha wrote that his associates, all “career” officers rather than political appointees, “are so concerned with the concessions being made by Rob Malley in Vienna that they’ve allowed me to publish some details of the coming deal in the hopes that Congress will act to stop the capitulation.”
The contest between Iran and Israel pits a country of 90 million against a country of nine million; a theocratic regional hegemon with manifold foreign legions against a liberal democracy with no aspirations for territorial conquest. And under the Biden administration, the U.S. is standing with the Iranians.
In a report dated 5 March, the International Atomic Energy Agency states quite unambiguously that Iran is in breach of its Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA (in other words, Iran has definitely tried to defeat IAEA safeguards). That is a matter that would normally be referred to the Security Council, but, more importantly, surely it must make it quite impossible for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to be revived, with or without Malley’s concessions.
Oil Spiking Because No One Putting America First
Both Parties Will Face Consequences
Oil opened in Asian trading Sunday night up another shocking $10 a barrel, reaching $126 at one point—a 13-year high, up from just $65 in December. The Biden administration and its pro-embargo cheerleaders in both parties are to blame, not the Russians.
If the price of oil is sustained at this level for more than a short period of time, it will cause a global recession. Gas could reach $5 per gallon or more. It just crossed above an average of $4 per gallon across the USA on Sunday.
If you think truckers are mad now, just wait. Rising transportation costs will increase the price of everything from food to housing. Already-rampant inflation will be out of control.
Of the many Biden-inspired parts of the crisis, the most recent were dumb comments made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. On Sunday, he appeared to endorse the idea of banning Russian oil exports, caving in to anti-Russian hysteria in Washington and Europe. As Reuters reported:
The United States and European allies are exploring banning imports of Russian oil, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sunday, and the White House coordinated with key Congressional committees moving forward with their own ban.
This is the insane work of a bipartisan, globalist ruling class that does not understand economics or even simple math.
Total world petroleum production is about 95 million barrels per day, and supplies are tight with little extra capacity. Russia is the third-largest producer with 11% of the world total, just behind Saudi Arabia. By contrast, Iran, the largest producer previously to face extreme sanctions, accounts for just 3% of global production. We can isolate Iran, not Russia.
It is simply impossible to remove Russian oil from the world market without causing the runaway spike in prices we are now seeing. The White House knew this before it didn’t. Even as it sanctioned Russian banks just over a week ago, it said it intended to exempt trading in energy products.
Disingenuously, White House spokesman Jen Psaki said:
Wokeness on Energy Is Weakness
Biden’s energy policy is bankrupting the country and making us a paper tiger abroad.
As Joe Biden’s approval numbers sink further into the sewer, the only thing he’s building back better is 1970s-style inflation. Up until Biden, most polls usually named Jimmy Carter as one of the weakest and most inept presidents we’ve ever had. That was until Biden showed up and said, “Hold my beer!” Which you have to know has brought so much joy to Carter. Heck, he probably has a set of “Let’s go Brandon!” PJs that he wears every night as he thanks God for the gift of Biden.
Fact is, this country is now being “led” by a man who absolutely will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. In just over a year, Biden has brought inflation roaring back to levels not seen in 40 years, has destroyed our southern border as millions of illegal aliens, along with Chinese fentanyl, flood the country, and now we have been involved in two major international debacles with Afghanistan and Ukraine. The list could go on, but perhaps that’s too depressing.
Rest assured, however, it’s not going to get better. Biden is like the anti-Midas, turning everything he touches into cr@p.
With every opportunity to make the right decision, Biden and his administration choose the most asinine choice possible, leading one to ask, “Is this a clown show led by an imbecile? Or do you just completely hate this country?”
Answer: both.
Consider his actions on the energy front, which is part and parcel of the inflation disaster: they’re so committed to the hoax and woke religion of man made global warming and shutting down fossil fuels that they sacrificed our energy independence on its altar.
Crude oil more than doubled under Biden before war broke out in Ukraine, and natural gas had risen 74 percent before the Russians invaded. Now with the crisis in Ukraine we’re seeing oil approaching $120 per barrel. None of this had to happen, mind you, especially since under Donald Trump the United States had become a net exporter of energy.
But Biden wasted no time enacting his idiotic policies. On day one of his administration he shut down the Keystone pipeline, put thousands of people out of work, crippled our self-sufficient energy production, and made us reliant on purchasing absurd quantities of oil from countries that despise us.
The Little Red Lyin’ Twit Says Biden Will Try To Reduce Impact of Rising Oil Prices, but Won’t Unleash U.S. Energy Resources
White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki said today the Biden administration will try to reduce the impact of rising oil prices for American consumers but will not do anything to allow increased production of U.S. energy resources.
Oh, and it’s all Vladimir Putin’s fault, WATCH:
A U.S. president can and does control the price of gasoline. What can a U.S. President and administration specifically do? We have abundant U.S. energy resources. Quite literally the strongest in the entire world.
. Permit the use of preexisting approved leases in ANWAR (Alaska) to put more volume into the Alaskan oil pipeline that is severely underutilized.
. Finish the Dakota access pipeline.
. Re-approve the preexisting energy leases in New Mexico, Arizona, NE Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.
. Retract the stoppage of the Keystone pipeline to permit efficient oil transport shipments from Canada.
. Stop blocking the expansion of coastal oil refineries in Texas, Louisiana and Alabama (regulatory issue), as well as Northwest, Northeast and Southeast Seaboard.
. Continue to develop natural gas as a clean burning fuel.
. Drive Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an export.
Unfortunately, this would mean reversing the entire energy policy of the current administration. The existing energy inflation and high prices of oil, natural gas and gasoline are a direct and intentional part of Joe Biden’s policy. That policy is driven by the leftist demand for a “green new deal.”
None of the actions above require any approval from OPEC. Strategically, the ‘all of the above’ approach enhances U.S. national security and diminishes the influence of Russia, China and Iran. Within six months of the above, gasoline will plummet.
Impeach Biden
It wouldn’t be tit-for-tat. Republicans can justify an impeachment based on a host of this administration’s policies that cleary violate the Constitution.
Under the Constitution, impeachable offenses include treason, bribery, and “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The last phrase is generally thought to mean “an abuse of public trust” such as violating the Constitution and endangering our national security. As Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) points out, there are “multiple grounds” to impeach Biden. Here are a few:
– Refusing to enforce federal immigration laws.
“Probably the most compelling is the utter lawlessness [by] President Biden to enforce the border,” Cruz said recently. “His decision to just defy immigration laws. That’s probably the strongest grounds right now for impeachment.”
Refusing to enforce federal immigration law has allowed nearly 2 million people to enter the country, including terrorists and criminals, who are clearly a threat to the American people. This can certainly be defined as treason as such policies give aid and comfort to our enemies. It could also be defined as a “high crimes and misdemeanors” since allowing certain people to break laws and not others, violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
– Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan.
– Reentering the Iranian nuclear deal.
– Lying about Hunter Biden’s corrupt deals.
– Weaponizing and politicizing the COVID epidemic.
– Urging Big Tech to constrict freedom of speech.
– Weaponizing the FBI and the Justice Department against parents.
– Violating the rights of January 6 protestors.
The media would have a fit but they will have a hard time ignoring such testimony, especially since news organizations like Fox, Newsmax, and One America News would almost certainly cover the hearings live, gavel to gavel.
The first half of Biden’s term has done more damage to America than any administration in history and all Americans need to know how and why. The MAGA movement needs to grill every GOP congressional candidate this year as to whether they will support the impeachment of Joe Biden. If they won’t, then questions need to be raised about the suitability of the candidate.
Addict, Degenerate and Bagman of a Corrupt Family Enterprise Exposed
It is hard to find words to describe the debauched and sleazy satyr that is Hunter Biden and how he used his family name and his father’s status as an important American politician to become an extraordinary international grifter involved in multi-million dollar — sometimes billion dollar — deals with international entities that included corrupt criminal enterprises such as Burisma Holdings of Ukraine and the government- and military-controlled companies of Russia and China, international enemies of the United States.
His business activities and lifestyle were revealed on the laptop he left in a Wilmington, Delaware Mac computer repair shop owned by a Mr. Isaac, who took possession after Hunter failed to pick it up after 90 days. Mr. Isaac had already fixed the water damage and looked at the contents, found discussions about Burisma (the Ukrainian oil and gas company) so he arranged through his father, a retired Air Force Colonel, to turn the laptop over to the FBI in Arizona.
The plot thickened as the Post did its due diligence. A full-court press was initiated to suppress and censor the Post’s publication of the laptop materials in October of 2020, the run-up to the election and the interval in the debates being held between Trump and Biden.
Laptop from Hell puts on display the personal life of a sociopath — wh@ring, partying, blowing gigantic amounts of money on expensive hotels, toys, clothes, cars, homes — excesses that can only be marveled at along with mistreatment of friends, associates, family, involvement in criminal and immoral nihilistic behavior. Hunter is a monument to bad parenting — so he is Exhibit One for the case that Joe and Jill Biden are their own form of sociopath — sociopathic behavior runs in families for a reason.
When you read the book, a very good story of vile and vicious degeneracy and decadence for sure, consider this description from Psychology Today:
In history, sociopaths have played important destructive roles because they have no moral compass and no commitment to virtuous conduct. A republic cannot stand without a virtuous people.
The Kalamtie Harris clown show continues:
This following her trip to Poland where she legitimized the Putin’s narrative and rationales.
Kamala Harris say it is time to make a ‘transition’ to green energy as she pushes electric cars and ‘clean transit’ with Pete Buttigieg while Americans face record gas prices
Biden administration pushing transition to green energy and electric cars
‘We are all in the midst of a turning point. We have the technologies to transition to a zero emission fleet,’ Vice President Kamala Harris said
. Announcement comes as the average price of gas on Monday hit $4.10 a gallon, according to GasBuddy — the highest since 2008
. Republicans were critical of Harris and Buttigieg
‘Are you kidding me? The Biden Administration could not be more tone deaf,’ said Rep. Markwayne Mullin
. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Biden is doing ‘everything he can to reduce the impact’ of gas prices on the American people
. She blamed high prices on Putin and snapped at Fox News’ Peter Doocy for asking her why the federal government wasn’t doing more
Should be her remarks about her coming trip to Poland.
What Germany got for US$520 billion spent on “green” energy over the last ten years:
1) Zero emissions reductions.
2) 50% increase in electricity cost.
3) Electrcity twice as carbon intensive as France (not that it matters).
4) Electricity twice as expensive as France.
Sounds like a bargain!
Herr Klaus Schwabb would be most pleased with his student Fraulein Merkel under whom most of this happened.
and an unstable grid
Map of #Russia’s overall progress so far – 06.03 in #Ukraine
or this…
Most of the Ukie military is still in the East, so Russia has to move North and South behind them to cut them off. Those two purple fingers have to join.
I think Russia will bottle the Ukrainian army up in the big cities & the Donbass, ignore Western Ukraine completely, and see what happens.
From the stories promoted of the cease-fire escape routes, there is no truth from either side as they both blame the other for shooting civilians trying to escape. The Ukies blame the Russians because they’re Russians, the Russians blame the Ukies for keeping civilians in the cities as shields. “If you try to leave we will shoot you & blame the Russians..”
Colonel Douglas Macgregor Provides Updated Perspective on Ukraine Status
March 7, 2022 – Sundance
Col Douglas Macgregor is about the only person who has given an honest account of what is happening on the ground in Ukraine that actually makes sense with the known set of facts. Almost all other analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is fraught with NATO wishes and rainbow analysis to make things seem like Ukraine can win as an insurgent force.
A very pragmatic Macgregor notes the situation boils down to what kind of a nation state Vladimir Putin wants intact when his military operations are over. It’s a good review of the current state of affairs. {Direct Rumble Link} WATCH:
Sobering New Poll Reveals What Years of ‘Woke’ Anti-America Indoctrination Have Brought Us
Going back at least a couple of decades or so, the right has accused the left of hating America thanks to their support for things like burning the American flag, their loathing of displays of patriotism, their flagrant disregard for the Constitution, not believing in the concept of American exceptionalism, their fascination with socialism, and their desire to indoctrinate students starting at very young ages all the way through college into believing America was founded on the basis of wanting to preserve slavery.
Sobering new polling information released Monday on what people in this country would do should it face the same situation as Ukraine indicates that on this topic, the right has (unfortunately) been more right than wrong on this issue over the years.
In a Quinnipiac survey, people were asked “If you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, do you think that you would stay and fight or leave the country?” The results showed that an overwhelming majority of Republicans and a comfortable majority of independents say they would stay and fight. As for Democrats? 52% said they would leave the country:
The breakdown of the total numbers told even more of the story. As the age range went up, more said they’d be willing to stay and fight. Between 18-34: 45%. Between 35-49: 57%. Between 50-64: 66%. When it hit 65+ it dipped to 52%.
This is what years of anti-America indoctrination in the classroom and beyond has brought us, I’m sad to say. When you drill into people that there’s nothing about this country worth loving, and lie to them about “systemic racism” and the supposed prevalence of a “patriarchal system” in our society – and you do it consistently over a period of time, naturally these attitudes are going to take root and fester, especially in younger generations.
Anyone Else Starting to Get a Bad Feeling About All This Ukraine Worship?
Two things can be true at the same time: Ukraine is being mauled by vicious invaders, and globalists are laying the foundation to leverage this crisis that they’ve been building up for months. The alacrity with which the establishment has thrown its full weight behind the plucky Ukrainian rebels is setting off all my alarm bells.
At our sister site,, Kurt Schlichter wrote, “I don’t know if the Ukrainians are winning or losing, but I know that a lot of people in the media want them to win. So do I, but simply because I would prefer they send the Russkies packing does not mean that I am blind to what is an obvious and effective propaganda campaign designed to keep the West in Ukraine’s corner. And it has worked, with a few sketchy, wacky exceptions. I am impressed by the information operation designed to get resonant stories out there, like the defiant guardians of Snake Island, the ‘Ghost of Kyiv,’ or that Ukrainian marine who was forced to blow himself up to take out the bridge. It’s like they were designed to appeal to us.”
If you have never seen the brilliant film Wag the Dog, go do that right now before you do anything else. If you only have four minutes, watch this clip that shows how easily a narrative can be generated:
If you’re like me, YouTube made you watch a commercial about aiding Ukrainian youth before you could see the clip, and that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Big Global is pushing the pro-Ukrainian narrative so hard, the tingling of my spidey senses is becoming excruciating.
You get the idea. We are being manipulated to cheer, donate, and help out (and suck it up when we’re devastated by higher fuel prices and ensuing inflation) while globalists take all sorts of novel, hostile actions. Meanwhile, every single one of these weapons that Big Global is building to crush Putin can and will be used against other “enemies” in the future.
And as with every past panic, none of their thrilling new powers will ever go away once the “crisis” has passed. It’s a ratchet.
It’s a chilling reminder that the forces of evil have only just started. Still amazing how so few have learned anything over the past two years with so much on display. I suppose the MSM have a done a really good snow job over the public but the public need to have a large share of the blame for being so gullible and not doing their own research. There are no excuses.
Well , I admit to casting a glance askance at the request from The Clinton Foundation – for Ukraine something or other – before trashing it.
Tucker Carlson Outlines the DC Effort to Create a War Against Russia
During his lengthy opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlines the increased DC effort around Ukraine as we have witnessed in the past several days.
Using tape from the past several years of DC politicians, Tucker outlines how the DC system was continually trying to position the U.S. against Russia for a direct conflict. Why were they doing this? WATCH:
Frequent ads on tv last night from an investment company with the name VANGUARD touting for your money.Could be the same as the infamous Vanguard Holdings of international notoriety???? Moving on the assets of the “Mom and Pop” investors???? entreatments to log onto for the opportunity of a lifetime. I smells a very large and putrid rodent.
What a treat I’m lucky enough to be watching two old war birds having a pretend dogfight, one is an old Wirraway but not sure of the other one . Amazing sound and sight .
wirraway wirraway, and now we’re back…
To Punish Russia The ‘Liberal Order’ Attempts To Suicide Itself
Don’t get wrong. Putin is not Mr nice guy but he did what he did out of shear necessity and fear of the West, real or otherwise. So the responsibility mostly rests on the West for goading Russia into war. What we need desperately now is someone to offer an olive branch. Trump perhaps could be that person but of course that’s not possible given the hatred against him displayed by the MSM and Western governments.
Putin Offers Peace – Zelensky Declines
What’s also alarming is now we in Australia are being dragged into a potential war with China on another front. One has to ask the question why is the West so desperate in starting a war with Russia and China? They must have an ulterior and sinister motive to bring the world to the brink deliberately.
Finally thousands of ADF troops are being deployed to assist flood victims across eastern Australia. Locals are angry at them for not being deployed much earlier. I can understand their frustration but of course it’s not the fault of the troops. The fault is PM Morrison who has been caught asleep at the wheel (again).
I disagree. IIRC, the previously stated government position is that the ADF should not respond to natural disasters. To quote from the Royal Commission:
Copy some of their mechanised support from previous disasters (amphibious evacuation, airlifts, etc) and add that to civil agencies. Also community working bees like the Mud Army 2.0 seemed to go relatively well. Not sure why picking up trash and hosing off carpets requires jungle warfare training at Canungra, but maybe your carpets have a very thick shag pile?
There’s something in those carpets…
“community working bees like the Mud Army 2.0 seemed to go relatively well”
That’s ‘cos they’re all triple vaxxed..
I wonder how quick people imagine 1000’s of people can be mobilised, transit, set up, co-ordinate, and start doing useful work?
Keeping in mind once gathered and deployed they need to self sustain and assist not add to the burden on resources. I guess people are stressed and want to think things magically just happen.
The Australian DEFENSE Force is for national defense. The SES State Emergency service is for Emergencies. Its that simple. If the Defense force can assist fine but it is not their responsibility Simple Got It
The services have always done what they can.
At 0030 hrs on the 9th April 1955 a Lincoln with a crew of four, a civilian nursing sister,
and a two day old baby, departed on a mercy flight from RAAF Garbutt (Townsville) for
Eagle Farm, Brisbane.
They didn’t make it. A big bomber similar to a Lancaster was flying a mercy mission.
Nearly two decades later No 10 Sqn was still keeping a fully fuelled Neptune and an at call crew on standby 365 days for search and rescue.
It’s not that simple. As I hear it any request to deploy ADF civilly must go through channels to the GG.
It’s different in Qld where the Army has a seat on the disaster coordination committee [whatever it is called] and the ADF can be deployed by that Officer on an enduring GG authority. This is true for NQ. May not be so for the south.
Another issue, after Yasi I think, was that with the best of will and regardless of personal experience the soldiers were not allowed to use chain saws, for example. They handed the saws to the locals who chopped up the trees. Lavarack Brks now takes such cooperation V seriously and there are always guys with “tickets to operate” around.
If things are not so well organised in NSW, hop to it.
Given the assertion of State powers, closing borders etc over the last 2 years its a bit rich that people immediately point at the Feds when things go pear shaped on the natural disaster front.
They can be called in and have great skills and capability, but the States run the response.
Most people in the West are “protected” from the information on the “other side” so very few can make a well informed decision as to why Putin is doing what he is doing to Ukraine. Again, I make the point that Putin is not Mr nice guy but it would be nice if people were informed as to the facts before flying off the handle and blaming Putin for everything under the sun. Western leaders also have a lot to answer for.
3 Things Zelensky Did That Resulted In The Russian Invasion
What does this remind you about?
Sounds like a rant against the mRNA jabs doesn’t it? It wasn’t.
It’s in the introduction to a paper about the hassles of performing safety profile surveillance of all vaccines over the whole country, written in September 2018.
So people have been wanting to improve measures of vaccine efficacy and safety for quite a while already. Recently we’ve been seeing what happens when the existing system is scaled up rapidly.
Their solution (unsurprisingly) was a nationally cross-linked database of everyone’s health info. I don’t think this was sold on basis of precision as I don’t know how greater precision in post-market safety surveillance would substantially change the drug approval rationale. Let’s say (for safety, not efficacy) we demand approved drugs help 100x as many people as they hurt. A national data set would have about 4x as many people as the largest two single states would each have. Measuring a public benefit-to-cost ratio of a drug (medicine/vacc/etc) of somewhere (hypothetically) between 94x and 126x still corroborates the original approval just as well as measuring the ratio as being between 106x and 114x. The improved error is 1/4 of the imprecise estimate, but the greater precision doesn’t make a lot of difference when the required ratio is so large.
So the main reason, as they say in their conclusion, is faster turnaround time between vaccine deployment and measuring the result.
And that may not make much difference when there is lot of inertia behind deployment decisions already made. Does faster stats turnaround time require more nimble politicians?
To be honest, anyone who takes a vaccine of any kind without it being developed and tested thoroughly over a number of years and then have the results made fully public is not too smart.
Colonel MacGregor Discusses Biden
Bringing The US Into War With Russia
Really? Since when did any political leader of late tell the truth?
The Russians have now officially declared all the following countries as “hostile”. Thanks a lot Biden and the rest of the Western clowns.
All EU member States,
Czech Republic
Great Britain (including Jersey, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar)
New Zealand
Republic of Korea
San Marino
North Macedonia
Evidence here that both Democrats and Republicans wanted a war with Russia for a long time, and they are doing their best to have one today.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 3/7/22
Two videos give a military perspective on what’s happening in Ukraine
If you’re like me, you know with certainty that, when it comes to events in Ukraine, the media are telling you deliberate lies and that these lies are intermixed with huge dollops of ignorance. I don’t say this to challenge the dominant media narrative that a malevolent Putin has mounted a baseless attack against Ukraine to expand Russia’s borders to match those during Imperial Russia or the Soviet Union. I simply state this as a fact: our media are not informing us about the most important issue of the day. Thankfully, a friend pointed me to a couple of videos that rely on publicly available information (including Russian military communications) to give clear, military-based explanations about what’s happening in Ukraine.
Task & Purpose is a YouTube channel founded eight years ago as an information, entertainment, and advocacy site for “active-duty military, veterans, and their families.” If you go to their home page, you can see that they have videos about all things military: how military weapons, tactics, and technology have evolved; currently used weapons and equipment; military history; Medal of Honor heroes; and military humor. Chris Cappy, a former U.S. Army infantryman and Iraq veteran, is the main host.
Once Putin invaded Ukraine, Cappy started putting together videos about what’s happening on the ground from a military perspective. The videos are great: they’re filled with publicly available information (including communications among Russian forces on the ground in Ukraine) that journalists ignore. Cappy explains in clear language, with helpful graphics, what’s happening in terms of engagements won and lost, weapons in use, and strategy and tactics.
Wonder what people make of this ? ( No disrespect intended to the recently departed.)
A theory – was he haemorraghing blood into his lungs? ( reading between the lines )
Lungs filled with fluid could bring on a heart attack.
“However, a report according to The Bangkok Post revealed that blood stains were found on the floor of the room where Warne was staying and on the bath towels and pillows.
“Pol Maj Gen Satit Polpinit, commander of Surat Thani Provincial Police, told Thai newspaper Matichon the cricketer had “coughed up liquid and was bleeding” when CPR began.”
Hypothesis – How does a healthy 52yo elite sportsman wind up ( possibly ) drowning in his own liquid (blood?) filled lungs? ( if thats what truly happened? ) without any drugs involved? Can malaria medication do this?
Russia wants the West to supervise the humanitarian corridors..
“Meanwhile, Russia’s envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya on Monday said Russia is calling on the West to help to organize humanitarian corridors in Ukraine and convince the Ukrainian government to think about the safety of civilians that are being held by radicals.
“I would like to once again strongly urge our Western colleagues to convince the Ukrainian leadership to finally think about the safety of Ukrainian and foreign citizens held by radicals and get involved in the work to open and ensure the security of humanitarian corridors,” he said at a Security Council meeting. “Of course, that’s if you still have any leverage over the nationalists, which we increasingly doubt.”
That doesn’t sound like the Russians are shelling the civilians trying to escape.
COVID Vaccines – What Happened to ‘Safe and Effective’?
The mission of the FDA is to protect public health by, “ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices,” and vaccines certainly fall into this category. Many bemoan the process when it is slow. How often do patients suffering from currently untreatable or inadequately treatable diseases wish the approval process was faster, hoping they don’t die waiting for the next wonder drug to be approved?
How has this played out with the COVID vaccines? I must add the standard and necessary disclaimer that I am not anti-vaccine, having been personally fully vaccinated. Nor am I offering medical advice, only an analysis of where we are with COVID vaccines now two years into this current pandemic. Any vaccine decisions should be between you and your physician based on a thoughtful analysis of risks and benefits, as is standard for any medical intervention.
Several reports are worthy of analysis regarding the “safe and effective” assertions made by regulatory authorities and leaders. Start with safety.
Last week, as reported by Yahoo! Finance, the FDA released, under orders from a U.S. District Judge, 55,000 pages of clinical trial documents which Pfizer submitted to the FDA as part of the approval process. Originally the FDA wanted to suppress this data for 75 years as they had “limited resources” to prepare this data for release, yet they took approximately 75 days to review and analyze this same data before granting approval.
In the appendix is a “List of adverse events of special interest,” noting 1,291 different adverse events post-vaccination, running 9 pages. There is always the issue of association versus causation, but the fact that Pfizer submitted this data to the FDA and the FDA fought to prevent its release raises red flags.
Aside from the FDA submission, there is the VAERS database that specially tracks vaccine-related adverse effects. As Yahoo! Finance reported:
Then there is efficacy. British independent new site, The Expose, reported last week:
The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms deaths are rising dramatically among the triple vaccinated population whilst declining steadily among the not-vaccinated population in England.
With the most recent figures showing the fully vaccinated accounted for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past month; and the triple vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 of them.
This is just one bit of data and as the U.K. government points out, “This raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness.” But it’s also noteworthy, as are similar reports from other countries. NPR reported last summer, “Highly vaccinated Israel is seeing a dramatic surge in new COVID cases.”
These reports raise questions of both safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines. This does not require a knee-jerk response of no vaccines for anyone or the opposite of how-dare-you-question the vaccines. Instead, why not a middle ground of asking questions, analyzing, and honestly reporting the data?
Businesses and lives were ruined by COVID and the resulting restrictions and mandates. Given the world’s collective sacrifice, aren’t we entitled to honesty and transparency from those who create these rules and hold the fates of so many individuals in their hands? Or has everything about COVID been simply a means to an end, replacing freedom and liberty with top-down control?
Nope! Next question.
All one can say is ‘ you ain’t seen nutthin: yet!” The big insurance companies are only beginning to assess the evidence. How the global governments are going to suppress the information , I really don’t know.
Maybe the extraordinary global effects of the Ukraine crisis will overpower world attention.
“Meme of the Day #20”
Jennifer Morahasy nipping at Bom’s heels again .
Thanks robert, 1893 was extraordinary and pivotal.
“The reliable forecasting of exceptionally wet summers likely requires the monitoring of volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere, as well as accurate historic temperature and rainfall records.”
Firstly aerosols likely do not matter and certainly not CO2. And you cannot use statistics for prediction or you could make money at two up.
Don’t look up for the weather, look down.
The solar input from year to year hardly changes. The sun evaporates the water from the oceans which cover 70% of the planet and which then falls as rain. And this water is vast, averaging 3.4Km deep. Full of stored solar energy.
However water surface temperatures can change dramatically with heat distribution from gigantic currents which sweep vast amounts of energy from area to area, most notably the Gulf stream where solar energy from the Caribbean is reliably taken all the way to Europe. And with higher surface temperatures, you can get vastly more evaporation.
So I would expect real correlation with ocean currents. The oceans contain most of the heat and it does not radiate back into the night sky, so you have millions of years of solar input stored where land based heat can go from +40 to -20 in a single day in the desert.
And when some of this heat gathers, say with the warming around the Great Barrier Reef, the amount of evaporation can soar and it has to fall somewhere.
However it is natural to see the sky as the source of all weather as the sun and the rain and the wind come from the sky. However it is 1/350th of the mass and 1/1400th of the heat capacity of the oceans. So forget aerosols and CO2 and even clouds. If you want to know the weather, map the ocean currents and the heat they transport. Then you can explain the bleaching, the high sea levels, the monsoons, the massive rain dumps.
As long as we blame the sky for everything and even the tiny amount of largely invisible CO2, we are missing the point. The ocean currents explain everything. And they only get mentioned when every other prediction fails. It’s always then El Nino, La Nina, The Indian Dipole, the Gulf Stream, the Humboldt current and there are hundreds more. Tracking and modelling these and predicting water surface temperatures is the key to all weather. And it is not done.
Mapping ocean currents could give medium to long term climates. However for shorter term predictions, I would map only ocean surface temperatures and calculate evaporation. What goes up must come down. And that would give us warning. Air pressure gives the same thing because steam is less dense than air so low pressure means a lot of water, but that is often too late.
We have the historical satellite records for this massive rainfall and it would pay in hindsight to analyse sea surface temperatures, see where this water evaporated and develop an early warning system for such monsoonal activity. We cannot change the weather with windmills and solar panels, but we can predict massive rainfall much better than we do and much earlier. But that’s real science. Easier to build random windmills.
And the BOM could take some of that labor from fudging historic records and build computer models which work to save lives and property. There is enough historic data to develop and prove a system which fits the data and saves Australian lives. Or they can attend international Climate Change conferences.
And of course equally the lack of evaporation conditions could be used to predict drought, something we forget about in flood conditions.
Flooding in eastern Australia is strongly related to La Nina conditions in the Pacific.
Go through the linked table and where you see persistent “L”, meaning La Nina, over twelves months look at historical data on Australian east coast floods – for example:
I have a comment below on how salinity changes in the tropical Pacific are the likely switch that sets the bi-stable states of El Nino and La Nina.
According to the CSIRO climate model, there has never been the conditions for El Nino because their hind-casting of the Nino34 temperature never exceeds the 26C level to get of of the La Nina phase until we get to 2050. But then it goes to persistent El Nino phase.–120E_-5-5N_n_su_+++.png
Eventually it goes on to achieve the physically impossible of exceeding 30C by 2150. Climate Models are glorious joke on humankind. To think people actually place some creedence in this stinking manure they claim as science..
It is worth noting in that table of Nino34 temperatures that May 1854 was 27.9C while May 2021 was 27.48C. This is a region known to have significant influence on global weather and there has been some rigour in maintaining a reliable record. So close to 200 years and temperature was a bit more all those years ago.
The baseline for determining the ENSO anomaly is updated every five years and takes the previous 30 year average. The last update in 2021 lowered the baseline – so much for Global Warming – hence Climate Change.
Essentially we are a water world, but I’m unsure how ENSO is influenced by Sol.
Assuming solar cycle 25 is relatively weak, we should recognise that the earth is experiencing a modern Gleissberg Minimum.
Jennifer Marohasy gets a post at wuwt.
“No More Russian Dressing For You!
Whoever is behind “Joe Biden” has done all they can to derail American Life, and the feckless leadership of Euroland has also seemed avid to trash its future. There is a welling movement, in America, at least, to resist all that, to sweep these degenerates out of power….”
More at
Adjust the site to connect
And the first thread ATM above that
“Nowhere Left to Hide”
Particularly the punt at the end
Steyn and Tucker
Congrats Ozzies, your PM says you are free to make your own medical decisions.
You may loose your job, be resilienced, unable to buy food, and removed from society, but you are free.
Here in America, our Clown actually has a clown face.
Its worth noting that it appears many leaders ( and those who pretend to be so ) have attended the WEF “nursery” school that has since populated leaderships in canada, australia and NZ.
As such, it appears we have wolves guarding the hen house…..
One thing I know from experience, is that it is impossible to heat water from the surface quickly.
Ocean surfaces are coolest when the evaporation is at its maximum. Some parts of the ocean are nearly always evaporation zones and others are convergence zones that get high rainfall – up to 15mm per day. When ocean water evaporates, the water gets more saline. When rain falls on the oceans, it freshens the surface water and the more saline water goes deeper.
It struck me that evaporation and precipitation in combination with salinity could be a significant driver of the Pacific oscillation or ENSO. Seems I am not the only one to think about this:
The climate models cannot model convective instability in the way that it occurs so they will never be accurate until that is achieved. But knowing open ocean surfaces cannot exceed 30C because they become high convergence zones where saline water is forced deeper creates a limiting state that imbues the tropical Pacific with bi-stable states. Salinity changes may just be the switch that flips the state from El Nino to La Nina mode and back.
I expect the massive ocean currents do all the heating and cooling of oceans. Currents like the gulf stream carry vast amounts of energy. It may not seem like much when some water is only 1C warmer than other water, but the energy required to heat water of this quantity by 1C is massive.
As I have written with 1400x the heat capacity of the air and little chance of cooling by radiation, the sloshing, circulating, rising and falling ocean currents constitute a giant store of circulating energy. So well known oscillations like the PDO/ADO are likely the cause of the surface effects known as El Nino and La Nia and combined with known solar cycles correlate very well with world temperatures.
Those two cycles clearly predict we are currently in a time of rapidly falling world temperatures. It will be very hard to maintain Global Warming for much longer.
And that in turn may explain a substantial change in weather patterns over Australia, partly because Australia and South America are the most affected by the massive Pacific ocean which covers half the planet. El Nino and La Nina may be effect, not cause. The real cause is the pattern of energy exchange in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
To explain why the oceans are so important, consider that if the oceans suddenly released 1C of their stored heat, dropped a tiny -1C in temperature and transferred the heat to the air above, the atmosphere would heat by +1400C.
ABC are right onto the climate change angle of the floods .
‘Our research shows of all possible combinations of climate oscillations, a La Niña and a positive SAM phase occurring together has the biggest effect on eastern Australian rainfall.
‘That combination is happening right now.’
Then they go on to say that with global warming this combo will happen more often. Ironically, its what we should expect with global cooling.
Isn’t an increased frequency of high energy phenomena what you expect when there is more energy in the system?
*since we are making arm waving pronouncements.
‘ … there is more energy in the system?’
There is no evidence that the system is warming because of human intervention. AGW is a theoretical construct held in place by the precautionary principle.
I wrote energy.
The ABC has actually just re posted this article from “the conversation“
And the ABC are all over it because it’s got the magic “climate change” words and some conjecture or should I say conjuring of stats by washing them through a computer game to come up with a model .
that, and it’s cheap.
Not so cheap the money that’s wasted on climate change models , $Billion a year religion , Sorry research .
‘Under climate change, extreme La Niña and El Niño events, and weather systems like those causing the current floods, are expected to worsen. So reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial.’
How exactly does a warmer world create extreme ENSO events?
A simple question that would require a lot of research to discount or support. Possibly it is not relevant anyway one way or the other.
A simple way to test the hypothesis, the MWP was warmer by one degree C. I’ll have a closer look.
That’s no test, and whatever the estimate (not “was”) you come up with ought to have confidence and errors.
Goldman says that “Green is Dead” .
“The energy shock created by Russia will change energy policy and planning in coming years, in our view. The EU will soon announce its energy roadmap and has reportedly shifted its short-term focus from decarbonization to energy security, likely relying for now on more coal, more nuclear, and gas generation, and overall allowing for more carbon emissions [consistent with the sharp sell-off in European carbon prices over the past week of nearly 30%].”
Now there’s news you can use.
Energy security _ who’da thunk it?
Notice Green nutters calling loudly to “ignore the economics” in recent days ? It’s all over Linked In and Twitter .
I guess that sustainability was never really an issue for them . –
The three -legged sustainabilty stool – economic , environmental , social – who needs it?
Take out the economic leg and the social leg immediately snaps . . . and there goes your environment, as it’s every one for themselves , to the detriment of everything.
Just how stupid are the Greens?
(No need to reply).
And how will the Australian Government and “greens” react?
They will use it as an excuse for even more solar and wind subsidy farms plus the latest taxpayer and worker subsidy-harvesting opportunity/scam for the mega-rich is “green hydrogen”.
Twiggy Forrest and MCB are all over it like a seagull on a chip.
Here’s what your average Climate Degrowth Vegan “thinks” (I use the word loosely) :-
Climate | Degrowth | MMT | Vegan
I would go one step further & say we should ignore the economic system, but hey, that’s just me

“Cost-benefit analyses certainly make sense for some problems, but the climate crisis is not one of them. Climate change is a global, multi-generational threat featuring impacts that lie entirely outside anything that modern humanity has ever experienced. Solving it, to the extent that it can be solved, involves balancing the welfare of the rich world versus the poor, and today’s population versus that of future generations.
Cost-benefit analyses require economists to make judgements about what a “good” outcome looks like. For example, do we want to maximize wealth, or do we care about how the wealth is distributed? By carefully making these judgments, a motivated economist can reach any conclusion they want. During the Obama administration, the social cost of carbon (the damage from emitting a ton of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere) was estimated to be $35. The Trump administration altered some of the assumptions that led to his estimate, particularly how much they valued future generations versus ours, and how much they valued people outside the U.S. versus those who live in America. They estimated the social cost of carbon to be as low as $1.
To be clear: economists have no idea how bad five degrees Fahrenheit of global average warming in 2100 will be (that’s about where we’re headed now) or what that will do to our economy. For context, the global average temperature during the last ice age was about 10 degrees Fahrenheit colder than today, and it was a world that would be literally unrecognizable to people living now. This means that five degrees Fahrenheit of warming by 2100 is about half an ice age — an enormous amount of warming that will likely remake the world.”
I think the economic damage from the latest subsidy harvesting scam for the mega-rich, “green hydrogen” will be far greater than that of even wind or solar subsidy farming schemes.
Thankfully the Elites have the useful idiot army of Leftists to suppress debate and promote “the cause”.
Nope. Cancel that.
Apple launches a cheap new iPhone and a very expensive new Mac
Apple has announced a new, cheaper iPhone that will be as powerful as the latest iPhone 13 for many applications, but at little more than half the cost.
At an online-only product launch extravaganza overnight, the world’s most valuable technology company also said it had all-but completed its transition to its latest “M1” family of microprocessors.
It announced a version of the iPad Air that runs on the M1, and a supercharged version of the Mac mini, known as the Mac Studio, that runs a new, double-barrelled chip known as the M1 Ultra that’s fast enough to allow Apple’s most demanding customers to abandon high-end Intel chips and move across to the M1, too.
Apple also said it would be releasing a new screen, known as the Studio Display, that has an integrated sound and camera system that would allow Apple computers such as the Mac Studio and mini to work very much like Apple’s all-in-one computer, the iMac.
The new version of the iPhone, known as the iPhone SE, will work on the latest, 5G phone networks and will run the very same “A15 Bionic” processor as the iPhone 13, but will cost $719 in Australia when it comes out on March 18, compared with $1349 for the cheapest iPhone 13.
For that money, buyers will get a smaller display (4.7 inches, versus 6.1 inches on the iPhone 13) and fewer cameras (there’s just the one on the back, compared with two on the cheapest iPhone 13 and three on even more expensive models) but everything will work more or less the same on the cheaper model, Apple CEO Tim Cook said.
Much of the work of the camera on a phone is done in software anyway, Apple officials pointed out, and since the iPhone SE runs the same operating system (iOS 15) and the same chip as more expensive iPhone 13 models, photos should look much the same, they said.
The new iPad Air effectively brings down the cost of an iPad, too, since it means owners will now get the same processing speed that’s available to owners of the $1199 iPad Pro, but for prices starting at $929.
Moving to the M1 processor means the iPad Air is 60 per cent faster for compute performance and twice as fast for graphics performance than the previous iPad Air, Apple said.
For users needing something more powerful, Apple also announced the Mac Studio, a computer similar in appearance to the Mac mini, only triple the height. (It’s 9.4 cms tall, versus 3.6 cms for the mini, so it’s 2.6 times taller, to be precise.)
Much of that extra height is for a bigger fan, which is needed to cool either the M1 Max processor in the cheaper version of the Mac Studio which starts at $3099, or the new M1 Ultra chip in the pricier version, which starts at $6099.
Admitting that they’d more or less crammed as much technology into the M1 Max chip as they could, the M1 Ultra chip is essentially two M1 Max chips joined side-by-side in the one chip package, Apple officials said.
Heres the thing …listening to sppeches at the Mobile World congress on Barcelona this year…its all 5G hype. And wanting to “close the gap” for those who arent part of ” the grid” yet.
Why 5G? A real time control grid over humanity.No more,no less.
Cat videos on facebook dont need hyper connectivity. And also 5G need lots and lots and lots of small base stations everywhere….real time tracking via AI.
I work in IT. Im as deliberately disconnected from the coming Orwellian nightmare as I can be……
I use an Iphone SE….but it is the original “Mk 1” ( based on the Iphone 5 metal chassis) but with updated internals. It runs IOS 15++ so all the functionality and apps etc, of current iphones with the exception of 5G ( which is not available here anyway !)
They can still be bought for <$250 as “new refurbished” or “new old stock”
Great value if you need an Iphone but with a,.. “dont care if i lose it”. Cost.!
The woke military won’t work
Some British soldiers are demanding that their nation’s armed forces introduce vegan uniforms that comport with their beliefs and practices. According to online reports, a newly formed group in the British Army called “The Ministry of Defence Vegan and Vegetarian Network” has launched a campaign to empower vegans and vegetarians in the armed forces.
One of the policies proposed by the vegan group is for military personnel to have the option to wear vegetarian-approved footwear not made from real leather. Incredibly, the Royal Air Force has allegedly considered the notion. This despite the fact that “vegan leather” may well be worse for the environment than real leather due to its lack of biodegradability and its use of plastic polymers. Moreover, the non-animal-based synthetic materials are less durable than natural ones, such as the genuine leather used in standard military combat equipment. Furthermore, the vegan alternatives would be significantly more costly than current materiel — and simply unfeasible in some instances.
The move to make the military openly inclusive to every woke group, no matter how small, is part of a broader effort by proponents of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) to revamp military doctrine to reflect trends they say are “relevant to our soldiers in the 21st century.” Such as doing away with the recognition of sexual dimorphism and gearing up to fight white supremacy, Christianity, patriotism, “toxic masculinity,” and climate change?
What’s next — vegan missiles and tanks? Non-binary grenades? Microaggression-free battle tactic wording and strategy? “Inclusive” intelligence briefings?
Speaking of vegetables, President Biden has been responsible for the stunningly quick wokification of — and consequent diminution of respect for — America’s military.
The war in Ukraine should remind us all why this is so dangerous.
Suggest everyone read Martin A’s latest posts.
Sums up what’s happening and coming to a large extent.
The fact that Putin offered to cease all hostilities immediately if Zelensky stops his own little 8 year war proves this is not about empire building or such nonsense.
If Trump had done what Zelensky is doing the MSM would take the exact opposite view, ranting how crazy he is.
The MSM is a decrepit dinosaur, the equivalent of an 8 track cartridge player in a bluray world.
The Russian sanctions are entertaining.
The law of unintended consequence is kicking in with a dichotomous global economy taking shape.
If China invaded Taiwan would the world sanction China and stop buying their products? Heh..yeah..
Eying off India as a China alternative?
Bad idea. Quality is worse, ethics far worse, plus they’re not against Russia.
What a tangled web we weave. Probably the coffee
I thought that LaGarde signalled clearly some years ago that there was to be One Ring to rule them all .
All that is needed now is the complete collapse of the financial system , whereupon she will introduce the only cryptocurrency that is legal.
Nothing new here. It’s just that the time is now.
Tulsi : Biden Destroying The United States
Yes, a lot of people voted for Biden hoping to bring the nation further together, not split it apart. The same goes for our leaders of both major parties here in Australia. Continue to support them at your own peril.
That is an evergreen headline; here is today’s instance. The Environmental Protection Agency has banned the use of the herbicide Enlist Duo in six Minnesota farm counties. Why? The chemicals in Enlist Duo are apparently harmful to the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Only problem: there are no eastern massasauga rattlesnakes in those counties, and never have been. My colleague Tom Steward reports:
The Environmental Protection Agency’s latest overreach in enforcing the Endangered Species Act in six Minnesota counties “kinda makes you scratch your knot a little bit,” the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council’s David Kee says. The aggressive agency has prohibited soybean growers in some of the most productive regions of the state from using an herbicide that many rely on.
Moreover, the EPA declined to even identify the species that triggered the ban until the publication Agweek started asking questions.
When the EPA announced new restrictions on a herbicide in Minnesota in order to help protect an endangered species, it did not identify the species it is trying to protect.
It turns out, according to snake experts, it may be trying to protect a snake that has not lived in the state for at least 50 years. …
[A]ccording to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the endangered reptile — the eastern massasauga rattlesnake — exists in minute numbers, if that, on the other end of the state from the counties where the EPA banned the chemical (Clay, Marshall, Polk, Redwood, Renville, and Stearns counties).
For the eastern massasauga, “there is no evidence of established breeding populations on the Minnesota side of the Mississippi River,” the DNR says.
It can be found on the Wisconsin side of the river, and is native to several other states to the east and south of Minnesota.
Jeffrey Leclere with the Minnesota Herpetological Society said the massasauga “has never been documented in those counties,” and he said they don’t have the habitat the species would need.
The six somewhat scattered counties “are not even close to an area that used to have massagaugas.”
Apparently part of what is going on here is that the notoriously arrogant EPA refuses to listen to state environmental agencies that are closer to the areas in question, and have more expertise about them.
The message is clear ; soybeans not to be so prevalent in those areas i.e. less soybeans in total.
Now where are most soybeans destined for?
America’s largest customer is China. There was a clash between China and Trump and Chinese went off to buy soybeans from Brazil, however they are an inferior quality to the American soy beans. So China is buying US beans again.
In fact China is stock piling food partially grains and beans. I think they know something we can only guess at.
Science News: Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality as well as improved outcomes, more data on myocarditis after vaccination.
Not holding my breath for apologies from medical boards, legacy and social media
Robert W Malone MD, MS
3 hr ago
Treatment with Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality in COVID-19 Patients: Analysis of a National Federated Database
International Journal of Infectious Diseases Volume 116, Supplement, March 2022
Abstract Highlights:
. Comparing ivermectin versus remdesivir with an endpoint of reduced mortality, using a large national database.
. Patients groups were controlled for (matched) both comorbidities (unlike that NY Board of health pediatric vaccine study) as well as treatments that may affect COVID-19 survival outcomes: age, gender, race, ethnicity, nicotine use diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic lower respiratory disease, ischemic heart diseases, tocilizumab, glucocorticoids, or ventilator use.
. After using propensity score matching and adjusting for potential confounders, ivermectin was associated with reduced mortality vs remdesivir p<0.0001.
Ivermectin use was associated with decreased mortality in patients with COVID-19 compared to remdesivir. To our knowledge, this is the largest association study of patients with COVID-19, mortality and ivermectin. Further double-blinded placebo-controlled RCTs with large samples are required for definite conclusion. In the future, if more publications are published with the similar result to the current analyses, the certainty of evidence will increase.
Woman gets trapped in cruise ship waterslide suspended over the ocean
Her ship ’n‘ slide experience went straight to hell.
A female cruise ship passenger was left high but not dry after getting trapped on the attraction’s massive waterslide overlooking the ocean. A video of her unorthodox stranding at sea currently boasts over 15 million views on TikTok.
“WHEN THE LOOPING SLIDE FAILS!!” reads the caption to the clip, which was uploaded Saturday by travel agent @YMGTravels. The maritime mishap reportedly occurred on Norwegian’s Cruise Lines’ Ocean Loops slide, a closed-tube, double-loop ride that sends sliders plummeting from the top deck and shooting out over the sea before curving back to base like a watery roller coaster, the Independent reported.
The clip starts off innocuously enough with the unnamed female rider sliding down the first two portions and up to the final turn. Unfortunately, the slider doesn’t seem to gain enough momentum to go through the corkscrew and plunges backward, whereupon she gets trapped in a transparent section of the attraction, suspended terrifyingly over the sea.
I saw a silly bit of propaganda by David Koch on the Sunrise show this morning. He showed a plot of the cumulative rainfall in Sydney so far this year with the cumulative monthly means and cumulative 90 percentile values. He described the latter as the being the highest recorded, rather than the lower limit of the 10% highest monthly rainfalls.
Looking at BOM data, there aren’t many stations that are still open with a 100 year record, which I find strange. It means that any estimate for the Sydney area as a whole would have a large error. I just looked at Centennial Park to see how unprecedented this was.
It has been wet. Just under 850 mm so far in the past three months and the yearly mean is 1255 mm. Its well above the cumulative for 90 percentile for the first three months, but not unprecedented as they tried to make it appear.
There is still most of March to go but the first three months of 1956 had about 970 mm. February and March of that year had 890 mm, so another 40 mm to catch up with the two months in 1956.
Together with Nov and Dec of the previous year, 1955, it was 1320 mm. It needs another 150 mm this month to top that 5 month total starting in November.
Sep to Nov in 1975 had about 1350 mm for the three months. The 5 month total, starting in July, was 2168 mm. Sydney had over 3 m of rain that year.
The highest ever monthly total was 613 mm (and another 125 in March), for Feb in 1990. Next is 612 mm in Oct 1975.
This is just the one station in Sydney but its hard to see why there wouldn’t have been similar flooding around Sydney at least twice at this time of year in the past 100 years, if not as bad because of changes to the area that have nothing to do with climate.
We have a solid La Nina after a really strong El Nino.
What do people think is going to happen !
Its Australia.
Look at the geomorphology of the east coast… evidence of floods way bigger.
We have only been in this country for 113 years
‘We have only been in this country for 113 years.’ According to BoM.
In reality, there was a paleo flood around 1750 which was as wide as the Danube where the Darling meets the Murray river.
An article with the plot, for Sydney Observatory, used this morning.
Sydney Ob 1 was shut in 2003. Sydney Obs 2 should not differ much for rain measurements. A quick check and it doesn’t differ a lot from Centennial Park.
The Curious Case of Stefan Halper, Longtime ‘Zelig’ of American Scandals Who ‘Crossfired’ Trump
By Mark Hemingway, RealClearInvestigations
March 08, 2022
In the late summer of 2016 Stefan A. Halper met with at least three of Donald Trump’s associates in England and the United States, bragging about his friendship with Russian spies who “can be very helpful to us at this time.”
As they listened to his tales of foreign intrigue and promises of illegal foreign help, what George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and Sam Clovis did not know was that Halper was not who he said he was. He was, indeed, a spy, but his handler was not the Kremlin – it was the FBI. Armed with leading questions and on at least two occasions a hidden tape recorder, Halper had been tasked by the bureau with finding dirt on the Trump campaign.
Halper’s undercover operation, which was documented in a report by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, would prove largely a bust. Transcripts between Halper and Trump campaign officials would show that none of them took the bait, or appeared to otherwise be soliciting Russia’s help in the 2016 presidential campaign
Even now, it might seem odd that the FBI made Halper, then a septuagenarian Cambridge University professor, a linchpin of its top-secret counterintelligence probe codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane.” But a closer look at Halper’s life and work makes that decision seem inevitable. Stefan Halper is the Zelig of modern American political scandal – a chameleon-like, unusually ubiquitous figure who keeps appearing when mischief is afoot.
. A Wide Resume, and Questions About It
. Reinvention at the Center of History
. The Nixon Years
. The Ford Years
. Ronald Reagan and the ‘Debategate’ Scandal
. Stefan Halper, GOP Banker
. A Connection to Oliver North and Iran-Contra
. The Cambridge Years – and $1 Million-Plus in Dubious Pentagon ‘Research’
. The Matter of Michael Flynn and Svetlana Lokhova
Western Media, and first five pages of Google..
“Vasily Bykov sunk by brave Ukrainian Navy!! Revenge for brave Ukrainians of Snake Island who told it to F-off!” With a photo of a ship hull-down on the horizon with smoke rising from it.”
Voices of reason-
“Er, no, that ship has the superstructure at the stern, the Vasily had it in the mid-ships! That is the Estonian ship ‘Helt’ that struck a mine last week and sunk.”
Still, the voice of reason will never reach 90% of the peasants.
Farage Warned Everyone We Were Moving to War with Russia in 2014
His warnings were not taken seriously some 8 years ago. I suppose one could go as far to say he was an idealist like so many others. Reality bites.
Yes, he’s much to practical and outspoken to ever be allowed the reins of power. That would be the end of political correctness, global warming, Euro-anything, even the UN!
Such a shame..
The Western MSM really need to be exposed truly for what they are; warmongers of the worst kind. Indeed it’s refreshing to listen to a REAL journalist for once
If the NYT is fessing up must be serious?
Link at
“For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of a horse, the rider was lost.
For want of a rider, the battle was lost.
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.”
OK, a nursery rhyme [How did kids survive the AGGRESSION?] but I see a silver lining in Ukraine: Tin pot armies melt in the heat of real war, and the Russians are being shown as the rightful OWNERS of the tag “chokko*”. The conscripts are nearly hopeless.
The Russkies have 40 km of mechanised vehicles on the road to Kiev. Basically they are bogged down.
Tired vehicles [tyred?], it seams, have been sitting for “ages” on cheap Chinese tyres that are failing in wartime conditions.
Conscripts simply walk away from a vehicle [even tanks] when they stop, for whatever reason.
Any serious mechanised unit has recovery units. Tanks are too valuable to abandon. Some suffer little more than a track loss and can be recovered on the battle field. Others need serious repair, but a repaired tank is better than no tank. The Russians do not seem to have any organised recovery units.
Oh, my point! The PLA is probably even less competent than the Russians having never confronted anyone other than unarmed coolies. Surely Xi is smart enough to see that an attack over a line on a map is far easier than one across the equivalent of the English Channel.
What do they say about unintended consequences?
This is John Campbell’s review of the Pfizer vaccine test data and Pfizer vaccine adverse effects recorded by a number of countries during the first 3 months of the Pfizer RNA vaccinations.
A Texas judge forced the release of the Pfizer information.
This data and and the fact that Omicron roughly as dangerous as the flu, is likely the reason why many countries have stopped forcing their citizens to be vaccinated with the RNA covid vaccines.