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Climate Change causes Frosts now: French Winegrowers lighting fires, candles to protect crops

As the grapevines bud for the season in France, a mild spring followed by a savage frost is bad news for farmers.

There have been three bad frosts in recent years. The young fashionable expert tells us that frost means it’s climate change. But people didn’t realize...” it’s a form of denial” she says with a straight face.

Thank goodness for fossil fuels:

Because global warming means you need more insurance against frost and “heating cables” to keep the plants warm:

The change in weather pattern is also pushing up his insurance coverage for loss of harvest, he added. In Yonne, two-thirds of the harvest was destroyed as a result of the frost last year, according to the farm ministry.

Winemakers were starting to join forces to invest in new tools, such as heating cables, to help mitigate the effects of such frosts, she said. However, many in the industry are still reluctant to face up to the fact that the impact of climate change could be long-lasting, Civet said.

Mass Psychosis?

Coldest night on a national scale since records began in France in 1947

Météo-France, the country’s meteorological service, said the night of April 3 was the coldest night on a national scale since the creation of the national thermal indicator in 1947, with an average temperature of 29.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees below zero Celsius). This indicator averages the temperature of weather observation sites across France.

The late winter snap also hit Germany with a new record low temperature of  minus 12.7 (9.1F) set at Bad Berleburg-Hemschlar.

hat tip to Dennis A

PS: Helicopters use less fuel apparently:


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