As a director of The Australian Environment Foundation I am delighted we were able to bring Benny Peiser out from the UK.
Bookings need to be done in the next few days!
Australian Environment Foundation
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the London based The Global Warming Policy Foundation, is visiting Australia and speaking at three major events in Sydney 26 April, Brisbane 27 April and Melbourne 28 April.

Benny Peiser
Dr Peiser has written extensively on domestic and international climate policy and has appeared on numerous media outlets to contest global warming alarmism and demonstrate the cost of policies being proposed to address it.
His visit is especially timely given the European – indeed global – energy crisis and the key issues of energy and the environment that are prominent in the Australian federal election campaign.
Sydney – 26 April 2022 Northern Sydney Conservative Forum – “The Energy Crisis’ – Moderator Rowan Dean – Tuesday 26 April

The Sydney Event includes Rowan Dean and Ian Plimer as well.
The event includes a two course meal and wine. Tickets are $110
Brisbane – Wednesday 27 April 2022
What can the UK tell us about renewable electricity? Benny Peiser points the way ahead on renewables based on the UK and world experience. He is a climate change expert and a complete Renaissance Man who brings a contemporary and historical social perspective to the issue, as well as deep knowledge of the science and policy solutions.
As an example of his breadth of interests his name is literally written in the sky with a minor planet bearing his name, in honour of his work on “near earth objects and impact hazzards”. He is a former member of the German Greens, holds a PhD in Cultural Studies for a thesis examining the history, archaeology and natural history of Greek problems at the time of the ancient Olympic Games.
Nigel Lawson, Margaret Thatcher’s Chancellor of the Exchequer founded the GWPF in 2009, and under Peiser’s direction it has become a major source of climate realist policy in the UK.
The event includes lunch and drinks so prices vary from $135 ($100 for students) or more. See the link for options. Book a table of ten and get a discount!
Melbourne – Thursday 28 April
AEF Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture – 28 April
The AEF has invited Benny Peiser to visit Australia to deliver the Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture for 2022. Dr Peiser will speak on “The Global Energy Crisis, Net Zero Emission Targets and the War in Ukraine” at the Hawthorn Arts Centre, starting at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $27 ($20 for AEF Members)
Sadly, not for Western Australians, Tasmanians, the NT, South Australia or New Zealand this time. Perhaps it’s time to arrange some other events for skeptics?
Would like to see them, but I am not allowed to travel to foreign countries i.e. anywhere outside SA. (Nor would I be allowed back in if I did).
One of the things I find VERY interesting…
You guys just hosted a Formula 1 race last weekend (BTW, I’ve been a huge fan for well over 25 years). Stands were packed. Parenthetically, I didn’t see one mask.
The blatant, $$$ induced hypocrisy is just too delicious.
That is a poor situation if I could put it lightly. That is a draconian situation you have.
WA= chopped liver
Pay close attention to Joe Hockey’s postscript as he rose from his interview on SkyNews….His expression of deep concern for the turmoil that will ensue in the famine that will probably occur if the Ukrainian and Russian wheat crops fail to be planted, harvested and transported as a result of the war in Ukraine.
It’s timely to remark here that our commentariat failed to notice that the Soeharto dictatorship in Indonesia was overthrown not because of corruption but because of high food prices resulting from a terrible drought. During that drought the Australian military was delivering food to starving New Guinea highlanders. Their staple root crops had been wiped out.
Joe mentioned that The Arab Spring was driven by high food prices, inferring that such turmoil may be expected on a far wider scale.
Joe Hockey is a graduate of Klaus Schwab.
I notice Sri Lanka is in dire straits with a collapsing economy, shortages of the necessities of life, also something I noticed this morning, I was looking at the power generation figures for QLD and noticed a solar farm at Warwick, so I looked on google maps and here it is beside the Cunningham Highway just before the Ampol servo as you get close to Warwick going west, it is covering a large paddock of beautiful dark soil, that is only any good now for running sheep or goats. What a waste.
and I happen to know that a wind farm is on its way for that area.
Sri Lanka was the first country to go full organic farming. It lasted 6 months before unravelling:
It would be the same for Australia to ban exports of coal because it is used create a dangerous pollutant that is also happens to be the foundation of life on Earth.
The President has singlehandedly trashed the country.
I doubt it was his idea. There will be a team of bureaucrats and academics behind the idea and applauding him on.
There’s a lot of this going around.
I think it’s called ‘reset’.
For building back better.
I am originally from up that way, and I visit regularly (except when Palaszczuk banned me from my home state. The Darling Downs and the adjacent Lockyer Valley is the food basket for Australia. That we are misusing valuable land is appalling.
I also get angry driving to Canberra and having to look at the largely useless Capital Windfarm ruining the view over Lake George (which I have been told has returned).
Even if he were to speak in Perth, I would not be allowed to attend……unvaxxed have no rights to attend venues.
Albo summed up by Spooner Cartoon
Sydney’s Weather summed up by Warren Brown in one Cartoon
Climate Anorexia
A ‘Dead’ Sunspot Just Exploded, Launching a Plasma Ball Toward Earth
The “corpse” of a sunspot exploded Monday (April 11), triggering a mass ejection of solar material that is headed in Earth’s direction.
The explosion comes courtesy of a dead sunspot called AR2987, according to The sunspot explosion released loads of energy in the form of radiation, which also led to a coronal mass ejection (CME) – explosive balls of solar material – both of which could spur more intense northern lights in Earth’s upper atmosphere. The material in that CME is likely to impact Earth on April 14, according to SpaceWeather.
Sunspots are dark regions on the surface of the Sun. They are caused by intense magnetic flux from the Sun’s interior, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center. These spots are temporary and can last anywhere from hours to months.
The idea of a “dead” sunspot is more poetic than scientific, said Philip Judge, a solar physicist at the High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), but the convection of the Sun breaks these spots apart, leaving in their wake magnetically-disturbed bits of quiet solar surface.
“Occasionally,” Judge wrote Live Science in an email, “sunspots can ‘restart,’ with more magnetism appearing later (days, weeks) at the same region, as if a weakness was made in the convection zone, or as if there is an unstable region under the surface that is particularly good at generating magnetic fields beneath.”
The CME released Monday might yield a minor (G1) geomagnetic storm on April 14, meaning that there could be minor impacts on satellite operations and weak fluctuations in the power grid, according to SpaceWeather. The aurora may become visible at lower latitudes than usual, as far south as northern Michigan and Maine.
A challenge to the Warmies: Create a town that is 100% fully off grid – off grid electricity generation via solar and wind, all electric vehicles, no external power, off grid water, off grid sewerage and off grid rubbish disposal. Completely self contained. Complying 100% with your ‘renewable’ and ‘sustainable’ criteria. Implement it and let’s have it running with plenty of publicity – let’s see how it goes.
If you want to check on Flinders Island , pop 1010 in 2019, it’s similar to a small country town with no connection to an outside grid. They have various wind, solar, battery, flywheel and diesel generation, when the wind blows it’s all good but recently it’s been calm and the diesel has been on more than off.
Flinders Island – diesel 84% wind 16% solar off
King Island – diesel 60% wind 19% solar 1%
At time of posting
Could the British be staving to death in 2024?
It looks like Carrie Antoinette will be fined for organising and saying “Let Boris eat Cake”.
Deliver Britain from Carrie: The British Prime Ministers wife is thought to be behind the rewilding of farm land. The green lunacy virus was introduced into the head and loins of Boris Johnson by metropolitan Empress, Carrie Antoinette. The Tory Prime Ministers wife comes from a family that set up the left-wing Independent newspaper. Her friends installed in No 10 come from the left-wing BBC. This left-wing rewilding cult has its roots in the upper crust Tory chumocracy. Carrie, Zac and Ben Goldsmith and Stanley Johnson are all high priests of this crazy threat to UK food security. Ever since we joined the EC and abandoned the commonwealth and our self-sufficiency in food, so that France could use us as a captive market, farming has been treated with disdain, notably by Defra which has fought tooth and nail on behalf of EU producers and fishermen against the interests of the UK industry and UK consumers. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is making plans to pay farmers not to farm but to allow vast areas to go fallow and become ‘wild’. Defra is inverting its mission to foster farming and food production and stop it at taxpayers expense. Tory & Labour voters who voted Tory to “Get Brexit done” find themselves run by an upper class Green Party. Carry on Carrie is destroying the Tory party from within No 10, leading us to perdition.
It seems this fanatical national masochism can be stopped only by mass protest of the ordinary voter, and possibly Farage, the one politician the Tories really do fear, rejoining the scrum. The Brexit Party almost destroyed the Tory Party, but Boris Johnson got Brexit done to save it. But it has turned out that the genuine & principled Brexiteers are still on the Tory backbenchers, while the Tory party is run by a bunch of opportunist Brexiteers from an upper-class version of the Green Party. The Brexit Party became Reform UK. Reform UK came fourth in the last by-election. Its leader Richard Tice was cancelled for calling for a referendum on net zero:
She is master of the squirrel grip.
Having a department with responsibility for both the environment and food production would seem to create a massive internal conflict of interest.
Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago
On the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the world was warned that billions would die soon because of a disastrous ice age. The Earth had been cooling for thirty years, and it was about to get much worse. Crops would not survive the ice age, so the people couldn’t be fed. The Earth was cooling even though CO2, the population, and fossil fuel consumption were rising rapidly, which we are told causes warming.
The complicit media dutifully repeated these warnings to scare the public with no questions and no research. The warnings were 100% wrong because they were WAGS (wild-a– guesses) instead of based on scientific data.
In 1922, this was in the Washington Post to scare the public. Again, there was no research or questions or scientific data before they published this piece.
The Arctic Ocean is warming, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen and seal hunters all point to a change in climate conditions (global warming) and unheard of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stone, while at many points, wel- known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
In 1989, the U.N. essentially gave the same warnings as in 1922 and again the sycophant media reported it to scare the public with no questions asked because they don’t care when they are campaigning for a leftist agenda to destroy America.
The predictions in 1922 and 1989 were 100% wrong, just like the predictions on the first Earth Day, because they were also WAGS. It is scientifically impossible for fossil fuel consumption and rising CO2 to cause both cooling and warming. That is not a hard concept.
Despite all the false predictions, the indoctrination never stops. The U.N. is doubling down in 2022 with the same predictions from 1922 and 1989, and again, we have only a few years left. Again, the compliant, worthless media just repeat the scare predictions with no questions asked because facts haven’t mattered for a long time, only power for Democrats.
Ah, earth day, must get all my high wattage light bulbs out and get ready to light the joint up to celebrate coal power.
The NT has a lot of desert going to waste, this is where solar makes economic sense, turning hot air into cash.
‘The Desert Bloom Hydrogen project, backed by Singapore-based Sanguine Impact Investment Group, will use a unique technology to suck water out of the air and solar power to split the water to make green hydrogen in the Northern Territory’s desert.’ (Reuter)
Osaka Gas joined the consortium yesterday and there are plenty more waiting in the wings.
Water out of the air? The current humidity in Alice Springs is 19%. I don’t think the locals will appreciate Singaporeans sucking it drier than that. Lovely name hiding a suspicious idea.
Apparently, this process requires little water to produce hydrogen.
‘When compared to other projections for the water demand of hydrogen production, the freshwater requirements above are quite low. This is due to our assumption that all hydrogen in the future will be produced using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, which have little to no water consumption. When fossil fuels are used for primary energy production and power generation, the water requirement is quite significant.’ (ACS Energy Letters)
Condensing water vapour out of desert air takes a lot of energy, as does splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen.
If they think they can make money put of this good luck to them but just make sure zero taxpayer dollars go into this and there is no forced purchase of the product.
YouTuber Thunderf00t has at least twice debunked water from air schemes. Why do they keep coming up?
In the following video Thunderf00t debunks one of the elements of this project, getting large amounts of water from air.
It doesn’t discuss this project but another water-from-air project. Same problems however, not to mention many others to do with hydrogen production.
It is possible, but on a large scale it will cause storms.
Flooding Lake Eyre will be cheaper, still astronomic $.
A way to turn 10,000 watts of electrical power into 10 watts of hydrogen.
Here is the Northern Territory “Renewable Hydrogen Master Plan”.
All hype. Obviously not written by real scientists, engineers or economists…
LOL, is it April 1.
“Osaka Gas joined the consortium yesterday and there are plenty more suckers waiting in the wings.”
There, fixed it for you.
Osaka Gas is primarily involved with shipping transport.
So, they’ll transport the gas, but presumably only if someone wants to buy it.
Fertiliser is always in demand.
Hydrogen is also used to launch space rockets.
I thought that lack of water in the air was the cause of desertification in the first place
Sanguine would appear to be an appropriate name for the group behind this madcap scheme – water from desert air might be a more difficult proposition than blood from a stone.
Apols for this off-topic post but the clock is ticking on submissions (12 hours left as of right now), so I wanted to share here as I know many commenters here have strong opinions on what the WHO has been doing.
The WHO is creating a global pandemic strategy treaty that will affect the autonomy of independent nations in the future – it won’t be advice we get, but instructions. They have called for submissions with hardly any notice or fanfare about this. The ‘World Council for Health’ is fighting this and has a link to the WHO submssion site.
Global Warming Policy Foundation
Is there ‘global warming’ other than the geological and orbital cycles we have no power to control?
And shouldn’t if we could.
Shouldn’t it be the ‘AGW is BS so P… Off Foundation’.
How can we win the debate if we start by accepting their premise?
Oh wait … they’ll call us the D word, and we won’t be invited to Prom.
Nice zhims/zhers finish last.
The GWPF have hosted some great debates on many aspects including the role of the Sun. They’ve achieved a lot in the UK, and are quite the powerhouse. I would love to see Benny again, but alas, yes, I wouldn’t be allowed back home if I did. So no flights for me yet.
Jo, please forgive I’m a bit slow.
Covid restrictions?
You still can’t travel within Australia?
An AGW believing family member will lock you out?
Medical heresy?
We can leave Western Australia but unless you are triple vaxxed you are denied re-entry.
I’m sorry.
Hell of a situation to be put in.
That clueless fool Bandt had his chance at the Press club today and Andrew Bolt called his address “barking mad”.
Have a look yourselves, but I can’t believe that anyone could be so stupid and that up to 10% of Aussies would want to support these dopey morons.
There will be tea and crumpets.
There will be a polite audience, likely most over 60, with more than average knowledge of physics and engineering.
There may also be a few young ‘journalists’ that flee to iPhones to file breathless reports of the appalling event.
As Australia, the US, and Europe cluelessly accelerate the runaway green train to ruin.
Well said.
Incidentally, I think the profession of “journalist” attracts among the most amoral of individuals (with a handfull of exceptions) who are equivalent in low status to people such as drug dealers, most lawyers, most politicians, most real estate agents and leaders of anything to do with the “green” movement.
We argue science and engineering.
They answer with Extinction Rebellion and Greta.
The whole global,warming, climate change, renewable energy and assorted leftist memes have one large intended effect – it is to destroy western democracies as we know them. Read the Ten Steps to Totalitarianism at American Thinker and realise that it’s not just the USA that’s well along that path.
It looks like India and China will need another 50 trillion $ to accomplish their transition to the net zero BS and con trick.
Yet we’re living in the very best of times for Humans for 200 K years, or for the last 200 years or 100 years or even the last 20 years.
When will they look up the data and THINK? IOW save the 50 trillion $ and just spent a few minutes online and forget about their FANTASY world.
The closing down of coal, gas and oil production by western countries, which started in Europe and is now ramping up in the USA under Biden, and exacerbated by the Ukraine war,is now biting hard. Sri Lanka seems to be the first country to fall, but that’s partly due to their own green decision to move to sustainable organic farming last year, causing a huge food crisis and now a debt crisis. What lies ahead could be the largest event of mass deaths in human history and it will occur if we can’t produce enough fertiliser, which requires gas. But, all FF sources will be part of the equation and the decision to phase out coal is also driving more use of gas for electricity generation, leaving less for fertiliser and driving up the price even further.
To solve this problem in the short term you can only do one thing, produce more coal, oil and gas to drive down energy prices and simultaneously increase fertiliser production. Alternatively, if you want to induce “mass deaths” on a scale never before seen and create the next world war, you would continue shutting down FF production. Unfortunately, it’s looks like many western leaders are choosing the latter 🙁
Sri Lanka looks like a failed state, but Beijing has given them a couple of billion to see them through. Nobody else was offering.
The brothers in power only floated to the top through the country’s long civil war and they should go. The fertiliser debacle was poor politics, they have since removed restrictions.
‘if we can’t produce enough fertiliser …’ No worries, green hydrogen to the rescue.
[…] Don’t miss Benny Peiser speaking in Australia: The Energy Crisis […]