Who knew? A study came out way back in 2016 showing that most people still had antibodies against tetanus, or “Lockjaw” even 60 years after their last vaccination. It’s a reminder of what successful vaccination can look like. It also shows the extraordinary ability of the human immune system to acquire lifelong protection — that doesn’t happen with all diseases, but it does with things like influenza, polio, measles, and mumps, and possibly tetanus and diphtheria.
The study tested the blood of 546 people. Given the striking results the authors suggest that the need for a ten year booster should be reassessed, but six years after the study came out the CDC and the Australian government are still saying we need “ten year boosters”. Is anyone even looking at this data?
Notably, shifting to a 30 year schedule could save the US government US$280 million each year. But Big-Pharma won’t be too happy about that. It may also prevent “80–160 cases of brachial plexus neuritis” — a rare side effect.
New Study Suggests We Don’t Actually Need a Tetanus Booster Every 10 Years
by Fiona Macdonald, April 2016
We’ve all grown up knowing that we need to get a tetanus booster at least once a decade in order to be protected from the potentially fatal disease.
That strategy has been incredibly safe and successful, with these days only around 31 cases of the disease being reported annually in the US. But a new study suggests that although there’s nothing wrong with being overly cautious, we could still be protected from the disease by getting just one booster every 30 years – and save a whole lot of money in the process.
… the new research looked into how long 546 adults were actually protected against diphtheria and tetanus, and found that they contained antibodies against the diseases for up to 30 years after receiving their last booster – way longer than previously assumed.
Here’s the astonishing graph of antibody titres in people after vaccination against tetanus (below). Note the scale on the x-axis, that’s a “y”. This is not days after vaccination — it’s years! Scores above −2 log10 IU/mL are considered “protected” against tetanus (marked with a dashed line). That’s nearly everyone who was studied — all 546 people involved.
The fatality rate for real tetanus is a rather nasty 13%. But tetanus itself is so rare, that only 3 people a year die of it in the United States. However anaphylaxis rates with the vaccine are 1.6 per million, so the practice of boosting every ten years “should be reexamined” (see that discussion below).
From the caption: “95% of the population will remain protected against tetanus for 64 years after vaccination.”

Humoral immunity to tetanus as a function of age and time after vaccination. Tetanus-specific serum antibody responses were measured in adult subjects and plotted versus age (A) or time after vaccination (B). Dotted line in each panel represents level of antibody required for protection, equivalent to 0.01 IU/mL. B, Solid blue line is the fitted regression line representing the antibody half-life decay rate, and the shaded blue region represents the upper and lower bound of 95% confidence interval (CI) for the cross-sectional antibody half-life estimation. Dashed blue line represents a 1-sided lower bound 95% CI based on a 14-year half-life and indicates when tetanus-specific antibody titers would decline to 95% seroprotection by crossing the protective threshold of 0.01 IU/mL (ie, −2 log10 IU/mL) at 72 years after vaccination. Dashed green line is based on an estimated 11-year half-life [7] and indicates that 95% of the population will remain protected against tetanus for 64 years after vaccination.
Protection against Diptheria is likewise “not too shabby”:
“…95% of the population will remain protected against diphtheria for 30 years after vaccination.”
Nearly all those samples were still above the “line of protection” even a lifetime later.

Humoral immunity to diphtheria as a function of age and time after vaccination. Diphtheria-specific serum antibody responses were measured in adult subjects and plotted versus age (A) or time after vaccination (B). Dotted line in each panel represents level of antibody required for protection, equivalent to 0.01 IU/mL. B, Solid blue line is the fitted regression line representing the antibody half-life decay rate, and the shaded blue region represents the upper and lower bound of 95% confidence interval (CI) for the antibody half-life estimation. Dashed blue line represents a 1-sided lower bound 95% CI based on a 27-year half-life and indicates when diphtheria-specific antibody titers would decline to 95% seroprotection by crossing the protective threshold of 0.01 IU/mL (ie, −2 log10 IU/mL) at 42 years after vaccination. Dashed green line is based on an estimated 19-year half-life [7] and indicates that 95% of the population will remain protected against diphtheria for 30 years after vaccination.
Tetanus is rare in the United States, with approximately 27 cases reported annually from 2008 to 2012 [29]. Although tetanus is highly lethal in unvaccinated patients, disease severity is sharply reduced in fully vaccinated individuals [2, 30–33]. Of 124 cases of tetanus, all 14 deaths occurred in patients who had received <3 doses of vaccine or had unknown vaccination status, whereas all 110 patients (100%) who received ≥3 doses of vaccine survived [31, 32]. From 2001 to 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 233 tetanus cases (29 cases per year) for an annual incidence of 0.1 case per 1 million persons [33]. The overall case-fatality rate among the vaccinated, the unvaccinated, and those with unknown vaccination history was estimated at 13.2%. This indicates that tetanus is exceedingly rare, with a mortality rate of approximately 3 deaths per year among a population of >300 million.
Diphtheria is nearly nonexistent in the United States, with no cases reported from 2008 to 2012 [29]. This indicates that it is less common than other rare reportable bacterial diseases, including tularemia, plague, cholera, or anthrax [29]. Serious adverse events after vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria are uncommon, but anaphylaxis is estimated at 1.6 cases per million doses, and brachial plexus neuropathy may occur at a rate of 5–10 cases per million doses [3]. When multiplied by an estimated 16 million doses of tetanus and diphtheria (Td) vaccine administered annually in the United States [32], severe adverse events include approximately 25 severe allergic events and 80–160 cases of brachial plexus neuritis. Because overimmunization provides a negligible increase in protection [32], this suggests that the risk-benefit ratio of a decennial adult booster vaccination schedule should be reexamined.
Food for thought. I’ve heard there may be other side effects too, and I wish I had confidence the Department of Health was collecting that data diligently.
Informed consent…
Hammarlund, E. et al (2016) Durability of Vaccine-Induced Immunity Against Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxins: A Cross-sectional Analysis, Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2016 July 01; 63(1): 150.
An indirect – but unacceptable – attack on the Pfizer vaccine. Get boosted every three months!
[Typo fixed, but please post carefully at #1, the first 6 comments responding about typos are now deleted. – Jo]
[snip typo discussion]
Why? It doesn’t work any better than basic hygiene protocols. Tetanus vaccine IS A VACCINE! What you could not call the mRNA shots is a vaccine.
“We’ve all grown up knowing that we need to get a tetanus booster at least once a decade”.
I didn’t. I’m 78.
When I was in primary school a 3rd class girl died of tetanus. I am not aware that the tetanus vaccine was available at that time. Distant memory tells me that tetanus was the third vaccine in the tripe antigen protocol, and it came in in my time.
The eldest of five kids, and with my mother a nurse, I was well acquainted with vaccination. My father used to tell the story of a local family who, a generation before, had lost four kids in a week in a diptheria epidemic.
I would be pretty sure that when I had my first tetanus shot the vaccine was fairly new. And the protocol was similar to the other shots. I thought that that should last for life. However I had at least two subsequent shots when I had penetrative injuries. The last time about thirty years ago, I was told that that should be enough for life.
So I was surprised lately at the medical centre to be offered a tetanus shot. I declined.
Tripe antigen? Try triple.
I have a foggy memory of villagers bringing a little girl with diptheria into the clinic (in Orissa in about 1955). On the porch under a pressure lamp, my dad did a trachiotomy and left my mother breathing into a tube while he drove 20 miles to get a respirator from the government hospital. I went to bed before it arrived. The girl survived. It’s one of the reasons my kids all got the regular vaccines.
We are being bluffed the pipeline for blockbuster drugs has stopped flowing.Back to that old cash cow, vaccination. McGowan has just had a blatant lesson about pushing vaccination on children and isolating with family members.
McClown’s “fully vaccinated” child has thankfully now been discharged from hospital but that won’t stop McClown from requiring compulsory injection of a large number of occupations.
Reference: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/document-collections/covid-19-coronavirus-mandatory-vaccination
Also see false claim from Federal Department of Health:
David. that last one, from the Comm Govt, is the ultimate mendacious nastiness, eh what? They KNOW there are / were mandates galore in the various saates…and that the states ARE in Australia. F’ing liars from the very get-go! Do what WE tell you to, peasants and slaves!
Always reminds me of that fine movie Cool Hand Luke….Failure To Communicate…It’s For Your Your Own Good…https://youtu.be/_WUyZXhLHMk.
Thee closing scene in the movie is the classic- “What we have here is a failure to communicate”
Well, sure, they’re great, but they’re real vaccines. 😉
It doesnt seem to cross the indoctrinated mind that they arent queing up every few months for other real vaccinations.
I mentioned this the other day and got blank looks. To them its the new normal and is “keeping them safe”
Same in my little town. All the other oldies I know have trundled along for their fourth jab so happily. If they choose to use up all the already purchased jabs, that is OK with me. Less pressure on everyone else.
Keep the sheep in the pen until we get around to drenching them. It is my assessment that 90percent of people will do whatever they are told – without question. Experts or false prophets. Your choice carbon unit no. 32453487-6.
One wonders whether, like the tetanus vaccine, if other properly researched vaccines also require boosters?
In the case of the experimental covid “vaccines” don’t forget the Federal Government under Klaus Schwab student, “Health” Minister Greg Hunt, purchased enough doses of vaccine (for a strain that is no longer dominant) for ten doses for every Australian aged zero plus. So two primary doses and eight “boosters”.
David. maybe you’ve forgotten when I did the maths on the Novovax, so one more time…
Govt claims there are about 5% un-mRNA-jabbed Aussies (about 1-2 million). then it approved the Novovax, which it EXPLICITLY stated would encourage the unjabbed to go get it.
Then it bought 51 million doses, for the ALLEGED 1-2 million unvaxed. That’s either 25-50 doses per un-jabbed Aussie, or else the 5% claim is the purest BS.
More like 50% un-jabbed, maybe? Anyone got the answer?
BTW: please don’t defend the liars on the basis that the 51 million doses were pre-ordered. When it comes to cancelling $100 Billion dollars worth of French submarines cancellations can be very easily done!
Interesting point…what are they really up to, and I have often wondered about the REAL amount of unjabbed people out there.
Get the feeling they BS to the max to get us to ‘go with the crowd’, it worked by the looks.
The Govt announced the order for Novavax way back but it took so long for Novavax to overcome some technical issues and get their approvals, which was why it was so late compared to the others.
And yet, the Adelaide Petrovsky team predicted the exact troubles that Novavax would have, and deleted two parts of the spike to make their own production lines faster than Novavax. Despite that, Australians still can’t get the Australian protein vax.
The mass orders for Novavax and others are like extortion payments. Perhaps only “extortion” in the sense that Morrison appears terrified he will be politically targeted for skimping on vaccines. (But not for ignoring the Australian vaccines, which says a lot about who he fears.)
Perhaps the Aus government is donating some of the vaccines to the poor in other countries?
You seem to infer all the current vaxes use mRNA delivery.
No “seeming” necessary. AstraZeneca is DNA. DNA is two strands of RNA: Ribonucleic acid vs Deoxy-Ribonucleic acid.
What is there to “imply”?
BTW: A single overhead cam engine and a double overhead cam engine are both overhead cam engines. No implications here either!
“DNA is two strands of RNA:” – Mantaray
That’s incorrect. DNA is not double stranded RNA, and they have chemical differences, as described here.
“ DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. The sugar portion of DNA is 2-Deoxyribose.
RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid. The sugar portion of RNA is Ribose.”
“The bases present in DNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.
The bases present in RNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil.“
Aside from those, more differences are listed there.
Influenza mutates far too rapidly. There is roughly a 50% chance of contracting a new strain even with annual vaccinations.
Yes. But immunity is maintained for the strains that were vaccinated for. It’s the ever-evolving new strains that require new vaccinations.
Vaccinated people get infected with strains that the vaccine was not designed for.
It isn’t worth getting flu shots, especially after all the covid vaccine shenanigans – you can imagine how they will be using the same dodgy technology on flu vaccines! Read ‘Flubar – when the CDC meets the flu’ by John Howard Roark. Read past the amusing alpaca and chicken house themes!
They are talking about combining covid and flu vaccines into one shot in future.
Most people find flu vaccines properly researched and acceptable. Not so with covid vaccines which most thinking people have concerns with.
So, in future, the only way to get a flu shot might be to take it with an unwanted covid shot.
One way or another, they are determined to get the “juice” into you.
Since the postmodern medical establishment is fine with mass experimental drug trials, what would stop them from beginning the flu/Covid mix experiment without telling us?
I am now done with all jabs, thanks to their new evil ways.
Yes, by piggy-backing the covid vaccines with the much safer and trusted flu vax, they get a double benefit. They can increase the Flu vaccines (everyone will need to get them) and they can pretend the Covid vaccines are “like the flu vax”.
It also reduces the choices people have. Just ask if you can get the Pertussis injection without the Tetanus and Diptheria injections. You can’t. They come as DTP or nothing. Like MMR (measles mumps rubella). Soon, those who want the flu vax won’t have the choice to get only the flu vax…. See how this works?
It’s my understanding that they intend to do away with all old style vaccines (including the ones that work)* and replace them with mRNA “equivalents,” or what they tell us are equivalents.
*pls note that i’m not including flu shots among those that “work,” because I am not at all convinced that they do. But when they start making the mRNA doppelgängers for all previously reliable shots, I am convinced that few if any who take them on a regular basis will be left with a functional immune system. It may take a few years to a decade, but however long it takes, it’s a recipe for disaster.
PS – And even if they do keep some old tried and true vaccines, but piggy back them with the mRNA trash, that is truly terrifying!
Exactly Mark.
I became even more suspicious of the Flu VaXXine after some serious VAERs reported a few years ago.
Nevertheless I stupidly had one two years ago and wound up in hospital for three days with severe clotting on both lungs.
My young brother, and mother, were victims of thalidomide and decades ago my daughter had a vax that our docter later had doubts about.
No trust governments or big Pharma.
Simon. Which shows the absurdity of the entire exercise….
Imagine say, the cops or the military issuing bullet-proof vests, or helmets….of which only 50% were somehow effective. And then having to reissue the whole 100% every 12 months since the entire run had such a ridiculous “Use-By” date of a year.
Total waste of money….and time! Take prudent precautions instead, and tell the govt to STOP kow-towing to their Pharma Masters!!
That would be silly, like building electricity generation plant that only lasts 20 years. Oh wait ….
No idea what this comparison is about sinc3 th3 flu vaxes are NOT 20 year deals.
Also hope the following helps….
“The average lifespan of a coal-powered plant is 29 years although some power stations are designed to last between 40 and 50 years, according to Energy Networks Australia.” or
“As the average age of American reactors approaches 40 years old, experts say there are no technical limits to these units churning out clean and reliable energy for an additional 40 years or longer.” or
“The oldest operating hydropower systems are over 100 years old, including some utility-scale systems up in Scotland. Hydro turbines by their nature are relatively low-stressed pieces of machinery and operate under very steady loading conditions with no sudden load changes”
Geez, Yarpos. Thinking is generally better (ie more accurate) than just reacting.
“The average lifespan of a coal-powered plant is 29 years although some power stations are designed to last between 40 and 50 years, according to Energy Networks Australia.”
Or until fashion changes dictate otherwise, like what’s happening now, perfectly good machinery deemed obsolete by untrained social commentators.
I’m nearly 70 years old and haven’t carried a handkerchief for over 25 years. Why? Because I seem to never get sick. I maybe get the ‘flu about once in ten years, and almost never catch a cold.
So, what does that tell you about natural immunity? Another thing… I have never known anyone who died of ‘flu, nor have I ever known anyone who knows anyone who died of ‘flu, so what does that tell you about the dangers of ‘flu, and the necessity of ‘flu vaccination? (I’ve never been ‘flu vaxxed, either)
Almost no one dies of flu, but they get a flu and it turns into pneumonia and they’re gone within a week. They used to call pneumonia the ‘old man’s friend’.
Tetanus is a bacteria, Clostridium tetani, Covid is a virus. Bacteria are alive, while that can not be said for viruses. Treatment modes are therefore different, and should not be compared
Ivermectin is an antibacterial, so it could protect against tetanus (according to nature)
[Wee edit. LVA]
Ivermectin was developed as an anti parasite drug (scabies worms etc). Hydroxychloroquine also anti parasite (malaria).
An unanticipated benefit was that both drugs seem to have antiviral properties.
Does Ivermectin work on Tetanus? It would be good to have something that worked straight away on my calves (as a preventive for the 10 days it take for the vac to get full effect)
A google search for the use of ivermectin against tetanus = no useful results.
Waste of time getting the flu jab, last one I got was 10% effective and I couldn’t get one until winter was nearly over.
Our top health official used to go on our local talk show and tell everyone to get the flu shot because it was 95% effective, and he would say the previous years flu shot was only 20% effective. He said the same thing every year, it was like clockwork and the talk show host never called him out on it year after year.
I went on the talk show’s comment blog and called him out on it, and I was immediately banned for life. Neat huh?
A while ago I must have scratched by hand in a dirty garage. One week later I noticed my hand was sore and angry ‘red’. Went to the doctors and got a Tetanus vaccine. So I must be good for another 20 years.
I will take another Tetanus injection without hesitation but I will not take under any circumstances take a Covid vaccine period.
Maybe as an alternative to 30 years how about (10yrs + 30yrs)/2 = 20yrs for a Tetanus booster!
Nice article
Climate Heretic
The covid ‘vaccine’ can’t hold a candle to these results.
That’s because it is not a vaccine like the one for tetanus and many, many others.
Does tetanus even exist? Who has met a person who has caught tetanus? Yet if you tell a doctor that you scratched yourself they immediately want to jab you.
The daughter of a bloke I went to school with got tetanus. She had not been vaccinated. She survived but only just. A long time in hospital.
37 years in medicine and I have seen 1 case of tetanus. That was in an older woman who had never been vaccinated.
Almost nobody, in my experience, has regular 10 year boosters.
I have never seen diphtheria (or polio, or smallpox) though have seen a few cases of pertussis, mainly in infants too young to be immunised.
About 20 years ago every time I had to get stiches (farmer so at least every second) Doctor “When did you have your last tetanus shop” Me trying to remember “Aaah” Doctor Jab! :). I’m older now so less rough and tumble, but no one seems to worry as much any more.
Yes, 40 years ago the recommendation was 5-yearly tetanus boosters for the general population and 2-yearly boosters if you worked around horses.
Clostridium tetani is a common constituent of the gut fauna of horses where it aids in the break-down of plant matter and they excrete it constantly, yet if the bacterium gets into the horse’s bloodstream it is curtains for the horse. The treatment is mostly a bullet.
Horses live surrounded by tetanus yet are THE animal most susceptible to tetanus. Chickens for instance are 300,000 times less susceptible by weight than a horse. Dogs and cats are also more resistant too. You can diagnose a horse with moderately advanced tetanus from 50 yards away just by its splay-legged stance as its muscles contract under the effect of the toxin.
Thank you Beowulf. The ag science evidence is interesting and useful.
Otherwise, I fear we as a generation are in danger of forgetting history. For almost all of the 100,000 years of humanity, mortal diseases touched the lives of everyone on Earth. Let us not get so comfortable and closeted that we forget that nature can be diabolically cruel. Visit some older cemeteries and see the effects of typhoid and diptheria sometimes written on the stones. Read about 1665 London, or early attempts to vaccinate against smallpox.
Nicolas Carno, the “father of thermodynamics” was about 36 when he died from Cholera in 1832. He stayed in Paris during an outbreak because he wanted to document the spread of the disease. Who knows what else he may have come up with, had he lived. Humans are inquisitive, often to their own detriment, but I don’t think we would be where we are today without such traits.
When my mum went to medical school during WWII, the memory of the last smallpox epidemic in Toronto was still alive. Some of those who had been vaccinated >30 years before did catch the disease. However, none of these died, while 30% of the unvaccinated died.
I have seen a number of anecdotal reports of people who live on the street who are not vaccinated for covid also not getting covid.
Husband & I (unvaccinated) thought we may have contracted it from family after Easter. Had most of symptoms – but mild. Family had already had Covid & believed new symptoms were the so called “Long Covid”. I understood Long Covid was not transmissible.
RATs were negative, but we went to drive-in PCR test to be sure. Both Negative. Turns out there is a regular respiratory virus across Sydney at the moment. People have forgotten about the ordinary cold – just a regular cornona virus.
But very interesting that a friend with actual Covid was prescribed a steroid inhaler by her GP. Yet the official medical technocrats employed at great expense by the government are still saying go home & take paracetamol! BTW friend, who had a very troubling congestion, improved rapidly with the steroid inhaler!
My X3 jabbed sister contracted COVID about a month ago and her GP prescribed prednisolone , “ to help with COVID”. So, some doctors do appear to be treating COVID and associated symptoms.
Ross, Prednisone is a steroid that depress the immune system in some ways. I read in a medical journal that prednisone is one of the first treatment drugs for covid along with aspirin (to limit or stop blood clotting). Prednisone acts to stop the immune system from going wild and attacking lungs & liver etc. I has was taking a small dose of prednisone for my impaired immune system affecting muscles for the double vaxes and for the first booster -no problems but I had stopped the prednisone for 2nd booster which actually gave me covid. I have started the prednisone again and mt health improved immediately.
That is good to hear. Very likely many GPs are doing this. It is just not discussed – for obvious reasons.
Well I dunno about living on the street, in the common sense meaning of that phrase, But I live in the fields and am still going strong . we know several others too who have had to pass thru infectious territory and jump thru hoops of quarantine, etc but have still survived unscathed. Yet even there, some work colleagues working in isolation in remote places have managed to pick up the virus. Did the virus fly in on the last Hurricane or other storm ?
Covid ? Disease of the mind affecting thawts IMO. No disrespect towards those who have passed on with that label, just frustration that we daren’t question the fact.
David there are 4 of us ‘unvaccinated’ at my workplace, never had a covid vax never will, while everyone around us has had covid or had to isolate due to a family member being vaccinated getting covid we 4 have not had so much as a sniffle.
We go everywhere everyone else does from work to shopping, socializing even large protests, the only thing that is common with us is we haven’t had a covid vaccine and we all take Dr Zelenko protocols or similar to help protect us from any respiratory illness that might be around.
The freedom groups I’m heavily involved with also take similar protocols and natural remedies with the same results NO covid cases even those that’ve had to isolate with other vaccinated people having covid don’t contract it.
None of us have had any ‘vaccine side effects’ others at work or outside it have had such as, heart problems, slight paralysis, loss of vision, immune compromised systems or death which all of us have known of at least one of these happening to someone we know.
Take from this anecdotal reply what you will and anyone interested in boosting their health immunity here’s Dr Zelenko’s link https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/
Ditto, Yonniestone – although I hate to tempt fate by saying it. We, too, basically follow the Zelenko protocol.
Yes Yonnie, I have a similar experience. I dont know of any unvaxxed person who has caught covid, but most people I know who are vaxxed also caught covid. I think the unvaxxed I know are probably far more cautious though, taking precautions like Zelenko’s protocol.
April is always high flu season every year here in Canada. There are 4 adults in my house, I’m the only one not jabbed and I’m also the only one not currently suffering from flu symptoms.
They have all tested positive with the home PCR covid test, so you’d think they are sick with Covid.
But my understanding is the PCR tests for the presence of C-19 particles only, it does not test for the presence of Rhinovirus or Influenza viruses. The probe could be loaded with influenza particles but if a few C-19 are present you get a positive covid test. You could be mislead to believe that you are sick with c-19 when you actually have the flu.
Is this correct?
Yes. That’s possible. It’s possible you could have a dual infection and one where either both viruses were clinically important or only one was, or I suppose, neither.
Because PCR can pick up traces of RNA long after infection it may detect the virus during extended recovery periods, while someone is really sick with something else entirely.
There are specific PCR tests for different influenza strains, RSV, parainfluenza, metapneumovirus, etc etc. Often Docs use a panel of 8 likely candidates and that would detect a duel infection (if both viruses were in the panel).
How would they know if they got it or not, given mild to symptomless versions are a thing?
Because this was reported even before the current mild Omicron strain was widespread when Delta was dominant and which can be severe, especially if comorbities are present such as diabetes, obesity, vitamin D and zinc deficiency or lack of access to Ivermectin etc..
David. The Delta was alleged to be a very severe thing…which was also highly transmissible…Hmmm….
A Brisbane sheila with Delta, who went to Magnetic Island and T’ville was found to have had 950 contacts…for ZERO transmissions. Then a Cairns cabbie with Delta had 600 contacts for ZERO transmissions. Then three tourists in Byron Shire for two weeks all with Delta and ZERO transmissions. The five positives also had no idea they were SUPERSPREADERS either.
I’m calling BS on the whole narrative. We’ve been had!
BTW: These three non-event examples were all used as pretexts for lock-downs…OF COURSE.
Consider the Ruby Princess debacle where hundreds of passengers from a covid infected ship were essentially let loose in the very center of Sydney, back then no vaccinations and no major outbreaks of the then stronger Delta Varient.
I’m not sure why people get themselves tested if they are asymptomatic. Tested for being weak in the head!
Geez GAJ….
I get a pregnancy test three times a week despite being a man. You can never be too cautious i tell’s ya.
BTW: My mate who’s a doctor, and my other mate running a pharmacy. and my other other mate at the pathology lab ALL appreciate the business. Gotta help ya mates!
Asymptomatic tests are doing all the time — mandatory RAT tests for certain jobs, flights etc.
Husband and I also had RAT test every time we travelled to Sydney last year to visit grandson with double broken jaw. He was in a terrible state & wanted to see us – but we always took repeated tests, even without current symptoms.
As I have said above – we are still unvaccinated – but we both recently contracted a mild respiratory virus (negative to Covid in both RATs and PCRs) despite 2 years of careful diet, exercise & Zelensky protocol. Our immune systems are in good shape – but no one is invincible & we are very aware of that. I suspect that this current widespread respiratory virus is potent because a) the vaccinated may very well have more vulnerable immune responses b) the unvaccinated and vaccinated have had less than normal contact with the usual viruses circulating in the community as a result of the lockdowns and social distancing.
David we have a workforce of 23. The only 3 people who haven’t got it are me ( 2 jabs AZ against my will), my wife ( no jabs) and workshop foreman ( no jab)
I was unlucky enough as a child to be vaccinated with the tetanus vaccine developed from horse serum. As a result some weeks later I suffered a frightening reaction, waking up with a swollen face, swelling tongue & general rashes on my body. That vaccine , of course, is no longer used & a safe vaccine has replaced it.
Had no health probems under comparable conditions, only that I got 3 jabs with sera from 3 animals,if I remember well, horse, pig and sheep. Was around 1958…
Question is, did you start trotting around on all fours, find you wanted to eat hay, or start making “neighing” sounds !
Or did you just walk around with a long face 🙂
Quite likely true enough, then. I’m out an about and although I’d rather work with oil n grease than soil n Blood n gore, I do get my share of cuts when working in the soil. Injections ? Och it’s never bothered any of us. Just as we get gutters splattered in the face and so on. We’re still here decades on writing nonsense, Eh?
What are the fertility rates after the Tetanus vaccine?
Doctors allied to the Catholic Church in Kenya are now warning women of reproductive age against taking the vaccine saying it could render them sterile.
To clarify, they are talking about the tetanus vaccine, not covid vaccine.
Unlike the covid vaccine, the tetanus vaccine is effective and properly researched.
Claims of tetanus vaccine causing sterility date back to 1995:
Poland declines to take or pay for more COVID-19 vaccines for now
WARSAW, April 19 (Reuters) – Poland will not take or pay for more doses of COVID-19 vaccine under the European Union’s supply contract, its health minister said on Tuesday, setting the stage for a legal battle with manufacturers.
Poland, along with other EU members, has been receiving COVID-19 vaccines during the coronavirus pandemic under supply contracts agreed between the European Commission and vaccine makers such as BioNTech SE (22UAy.DE) and Pfizer (PFE.N) or Moderna (MRNA.O).
Poland’s biggest supplier is Pfizer. However, the country has seen lower vaccine uptake than most of the European Union and has surplus vaccine stock, part of which it has sold or donated to other countries. read more
“At the end of last week, we used the force majeure clause and informed both the European Commission and the main vaccine producer that we are refusing to take these vaccines at the moment and we are also refusing to pay,” health minister Adam Niedzielski told private broadcaster TVN24.
Poland reneges on coronavirus vaccine contracts
The move was prompted by the improving pandemic situation, as well as the costs linked to the Ukrainian refugee crisis, says health minister.
Had a tetanus jab aged 6 and my arm swelled up. Doctor said I likely had good natural immunity prior to the vaccination and would likely have life long immunity. The doctor was correct, 50+ years later my anti-tetanus titre remains high and have never had another tetanus vaccination.
What prompted you to have the anti-tetanus titre?
Great Article. And as an example of another vaccine. I was given the Polio jab at school when I was around 8 years old in 1960. I have never contracted Polio and have never had a booster jab (there probably wasn’t one in any case). Now, that seems to me to be a proper vaccine doing it’s job.
Until claims that people could be reinfected multiple times with covid-19 appeared, it was generally assumed that immunity conferred by prior infection or proper vaccines was at least several decades to life in duration.
There were rare cases of “immunological amnesia” however, whereby certain infections like measles were able to “reset” the immune system to forget about prior immunity for all prior pathogens, not just measles (a scary thought). (See https://asm.org/Articles/2019/May/Measles-and-Immune-Amnesia .)
I think this doesn’t apply to covid-19 however, it was just a cover-up for defective vaccines.
It’s been assumed that vaccines were “for life” but actually many vaccines struggle to replicate a natural infection. Our bodies are, not surprisingly, quite good at knowing the difference between something inert and something that replicates.
There are many questions now about how long the Mumps vax lasts. https://www.consumerreports.org/mumps/should-you-get-a-mumps-booster/
Sooner or later the truth is going to come out, on a widespread basis, about covid vaccines or the general mismanagement of covid, including denial of the use of certain antivirals, taken according to published protocols.
It’s important for thinking people not to let ANY of the present supporters, promoters or liars to deny their involvement or support or to claim “we didn’t know” or “we were using the best available advice”.
At some point, people must be punished for their involvement in this wicked scam.
History will tell if the authorities over reacted on Covid and their total defence of vaccines. How many Australians would have died by the end of the second wave without vaccines?
That sort of talk is bad for business.
The real question is how do people build up health fitness and Immune system with out artificial drugs?
We all have different wonders.
I wonder how many died as result of lockdowns, ham fisted panicked medical treatment, banning of safe possibly helpful drugs (because Trump uttered their names), and adverse vax reactions by forced injection of something that’s not even a vaccine.
I do know this …
there is a powerful international political and corporate complex that wants the V and the Vax to be.
An unbiased review of history and reality have to fight for existence.*
And will not survive if Googlyit and Wikipropapedia have anything to do with it.
*(This point is the very reason I follow this blog. Don’t know about you.)
Kee-rist Almighty, the nature of the totalitarian nightmare that may very well result from this truly hysterical cultural phenomenon will make Orwell and Huxley shudder in their graves.
I just watched 20 somethings in my neighborhood walking alone in beautiful sunny 75 degree weather wearing masks, some two.
It’s like watching religious zealots in a Monty Python movie slamming themselves in the head with boards.
There have been a number of “Great Plagues” in which many lives were lost.
COVID19 is not one of them.
There have been a number of very effective and useful vaccines but the current CV19 Thing is not one of them.
The poor/incompetent/deliberate assembly of “data” related to CV19 to justify the Vaxxines is breathtaking in its contempt for truth and human life.
We live in an ugly world.
To e_g @ #18.1
The cynic in me suggests that their reason for injecting everybody is to ensure that your question cannot be determined.
I honestly can’t see another logical explanation.
David wrote “people must be punished”
This won’t happen. Health researchers will continue to study what went wrong and what failed, but the politicians will move on.
Good research is a slow process.
Politicians can pivot on a ha’penny.
Right now most of our health researchers are either captives or deregistered. Truth doesn’t stand a chance.
Unless! Not the same issue, but of comparable import.
We have a federal election coming up on May 21.
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott was member for the electorate of Warringah. The Forces of Evil succeeded first in getting him sacked as Prime Minister, then voted out in the next election, replaced by an “independent”, a famous athlete who had been a world champion skier. Her primary qualification was that she was an anti Abbott lawyer.
Three years on Prime Minister Scott Morrison succeeded in getting his nominee, Katherine Deves, pre selected as the Liberal Party candidate for Warringah.
Katherine Deves made a statement which included a couple of bald facts about transgenderism in sport. Nothing offensive, just lamentable facts. And there’s Hell to pay.
Katherine Deves was not seen for a couple of days. Then the news was that her family has gone into hiding because death threats have been made against them.
There are 26 days to go. I hope Katherine Deves can stand the pressure, but this will be an election like no other. The first where a Prime Minister has stood up to the Politically Correct Brigade in all its ugliness.
Win or lose, all the world will surely be watching. Surely PC will get a hiding!
Ooops wrong thread – Grovelling Apologies
So what is the immune system doing that it only needs a Tetanus booster in 60 years?
Pity whatever it is can’t be applied to the C19 Vax.
My wife (an RN) is suprised at those booster recommendations
From https://immunisationhandbook.health.gov.au/vaccine-preventable-diseases/tetanus
on Tetanus
Adults aged ≥50 years are recommended to receive a booster dose of tetanus-containing vaccine if their last dose was more than 10 years ago
Adults aged ≥65 years are recommended to receive a booster dose of dTpa if their last dose was more than 10 years ago”
Boosters are recommended with tetanus-prone wounds
Ot all vaccines were created equal . . .
Stabell-Benn has a longer podcast on Sebastien Rushworth’s site – very interesting. The bottom line is that whole organism vaccines reduce mortality from lots of other organisms: Subunit vaccines are mildly detrimental on all cause mortality. She has also recently reported that the AZ vaccine functions as other whole organism vaccines to reduce all cause mortality in a preprint.
She recommends changing the pediatric vaccine schedule so that the last one is a whole organism one.
Thanks much, Fran!
I presume you mean this one?
Looking forward to listening to it.
That bit about the AZ version is surprising. Great news if it holds up.
The film Trace Amounts is about a life that was ruined by a tetanus shot.
Most people think tetanus is related to rust. It comes from the feces of large animals. And like many diseases, there is actually no good test for it—I just found out—according to this paper:
“Tetanus, a clinical diagnosis, has no particular laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis.”
(If you want to research ‘asymptomatic illness’ and you look up Typhoid Mary and typhoid fever, you’ll find people bemoaning the lack of a decent test to diagnose it.)
And here’s from a text on Rabies:
1% soap solution and 5 – 7% iodine solutions kill the rabies virus within one minute… [Washing of the wound] is perhaps the single most important procedure in preventing infection.
(From Laboratory Techniques in Rabies, 4th edition, page 5. https://foxrabiesblueprint.org/IMG/pdf/pdf_130_lab_techs_in_rabies.pdf
This document has Hilary Koprowski’s name on it.)
So, learn how to wash a wound properly!
I’m pretty sure there’s no good test for Rabies either, unless the patient/victim is dead.
Pretty amazing that we can have a ton of vaccines without any real useful or meaningful diagnostic tests.
Washing with soap and iodine damages the tissues in the wound. Flushing with normal saline (.9% tastes like the saltiness of chicken soup) produces the minimum damage. Where rabies is suspected, I would go to the hospital because once symptoms start, mortality is essentially 100%.
“‘Tetanus, a clinical diagnosis, has no particular laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis’.” – Quote from your reference?
When i was a kid i learned, from my dad I think, that if bitten by an animal, the only way to determine if the bite was from a rabid animal was to kill the animal and autopsy it. That was because there was, as your quote says, no lab test to confirm it. The treatment, at least as I was told back then (~65 years ago), was itself so painful that you didn’t want to go through it unless the docs were sure you were or they were unable to show you weren’t infected.
I was once bitten by a mouse I saved from our cat (there’s gratitude for ya). My dad took me to the doctor, and much to our relief (especially since the mouse got away) the doc told us that mice aren’t carriers of rabies.
Most vaccines actually produce no immune response. A toxin, called an adjuvant, is added to the vaccine to provoke an immune response.
I think the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have actually destroyed the case for ANY vaccines. They have made clear to the entire world what has been known for decades in immunology—antibodies are a double-edged sword. An antibody response can be helpful or entirely out of whack and destructive to the person having the response.
Worth watching or reading (transcript below video):
I think poking the immune system incessantly is akin to the U.S. being in Ukraine and poking Putin in the eye since 2014. Eventually, things will turn ugly.
Another jab I wish I hadn’t had. I had the end of a a clean wire stick in my leg a long time ago, and my employer insisted that I get a tetanus jab. The next day I couldn’t put any weight on my leg, and for years now and then my leg would give way on me. Ever since the jab I’ve had soreness in the area around the jab site. The tetanus shot showed up in biofeedback testing from two different machines as putting stress on my body.
In our area tetanus was endemic, i.e. the bug was about. But in my time I doubt that I saw much above a dozen cases in the livestock. Running up to 1,000 cattle or 5,000 sheep. The incidence declined in modern times, probably because more people were vaccinating their livestock.
In the USA, the Tetanus Toxin (TT) vaccine is included in the Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) injection. I must now have 6 of these, with another due in 2 years under the current protocol. My last nail encounter was in August 2021, so I looked on the medical records portal and did not find TT — a conversation with the nurse cleared up the issue. Other countries may have different ways.
– – – – –
Have a look here at a more recent article:
“Review of >11 billion person-years of incidence data revealed no benefit associated with performing adult booster vaccinations against tetanus or diphtheria.”
>11B beats 546
Thanks, Jo — Maybe I should buy some chocolates. Well, I do but I eat them.
I understand that the UK uses 15 or 20 year interval.
Beware however that some people are at high risk.
Tetanus comes from soil, especially in certain climates.
Thus the popular idea it comes from metal cuts – broken metal is often in the ground for a long time.
Animals are a source, as they roll in dirt.
Anthrax also comes from soil, IIRC from decaying leaves.
So persons working hands-on with animals in climates conducive to development of the organisms should be vaccinated more often than other people, to ensure continued protection. (Worse than hands is breathing – sheep-shearers in northern Australia wear dust masks?)
As for 30 year interval between vaccinations, note you write that research shows antibodies ‘up to’ 30 years, thus recommendation of 30 year interval is not scientific, not responsible.
As for INFLUENZA that someone popped in an _anecdote_ about, note that vaccines are not universally effective, each year a cocktail is established a long time in advance, based on which strains are expected to be prevalent, during which the virus continues to mutate and be transmitted between areas.
As for pregnancy tests someone veered into, note that they are not reliable well into the pregnancy. A woman from Canada learned that, got tested before flying to Hawaii, gave birth there to her shock and expense. Apparently some people do not feel/look large (perhaps their baby is small). Many cases documented, tense time for a woman who gave birth on a flight into a Muslim country as she was not married.