A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The US Puppet-in-Chief is saved by the Easter Bunny: (1 min)
Some people have speculated the bunny moved in to stop him talking about Afghanistan. But given the distance the bunny approached from it seems unlikely the bunny knew what he was talking about. Unless Biden has a mic and the bunny an ear piece.
Others have said there was some race or egg hunt that Biden was meant to start and the kids were waiting for him. So the bunny stepped in to say time to start the race.
Not sure this one is such a big deal. There’s plenty of other vision of his “senior” moments.
My bet would be on the bunny being an SS agent miked and armed, not someone from the actors’ guild.
The things you do for a pay check.
The bunny was apparently one of the White House press officials.
This way Joe! Easter bunny runs over to wave and interrupt Biden as he takes selfies with kids and starts discussing Afghanistan with crowd at the White House roll
. A Biden press aide posted a picture of the Easter Bunny sitting at her desk on Monday morning, fueling speculation that she was wearing the suit
. In a video the president can be heard mentioning Pakistan and Afghanistan when the Easter Bunny hopped — literally — into the middle of his conversation
. GOP operatives mocked the moment on Twitter after the video was posted
Biden was filmed speaking with reporters and guests at the cheerful holiday event when he began discussing Afghanistan, eight months after he presided over the US military’s chaotic withdrawal from Kabul that ended 20 years of American boots on the ground there.
The president, 79, appears to begin talking about Pakistan and Afghanistan when a person dressed as the Easter Bunny hops — literally — into his conversation.
Biden looks confused at first and then walks away as the Bunny waves at him enthusiastically, in a video captured by journalist Thomas C. Dillon.
From another angle filmed further away, the person in the holiday suit is seen guiding the commander-in-chief to another location, breaking up the conversation.
It’s not certain who the mysterious Bunny was, but White House deputy press secretary Angela Perez posted an image of the costume-clad person sitting at her desk on Monday morning.
Republican operatives on Twitter mocked the silly moment.
‘How bad does the White House staff have to think Biden is to calculate that sending in the EASTER BUNNY to interrupt a gaggle is better optics than whatever he was about to say on Afghanistan?’ former Orrin Hatch aide Matt Whitlock said.
Doesn’t take too much to work out which of the two is the real ‘bunny’.
Bunnies don’t last long in this world, there are plenty of pitfalls for both specimens.
Each day I say to myself: Please Jill, don’t allow this farce to continue, allow the man to go out with a shred of respect.
But every day he shames himself. He may as well poop his pants publicly [OK, I know history], but power-mongers couldn’t care less.
Have you ever had a friend with a partner with obvious dementia ask you around for drinks? No? The pain is too personal, the interaction too stilted to be worth the strain.
Marked with McGowan’s Stamp – Vax Checked.
Frøm the Comments
JS said…
They should give you a number like they did in German controlled areas in 1930s and 1940s.
My son is doing a contract in the Kimberley, started in Dec, two weeks ago was his first trip East.
It is now Fly In Don’t Fly Out.
Working Christmas and Easter and [hopefully] a completion bonus he may be well compensated at least. Bluddy ‘ell, it was hot.
Good on you Jacinta, me too.
OldOzzie said…
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 19, 2022 at 10:21 am
The problem is she’s apologised and deleted the material
Under pressure of disendorsement. This is not being mealy-mouthed, but she wants the position to actually do something about women’s sport.
I would like to see Zali Stegall explain how she would have received her sporting medals if she was up against a top male skier who had suddenly discovered his feminine side. Someone should ask her.
As I am in Warringah – if UAP or PHON – No 1 Vote, then Katherine Deves No 2 – Zali Steggall Last after the Greens and Labor
Zali Steggall is blasted over ‘disgraceful slur’ after saying ANY criticism of trans women playing sport is ‘transph@bic’
. Radio presenter Ben Fordham lashes out at comments made by Zali Steggall
. Independent MP said parents concerns about trans athletes are ‘transphobic’
. It comes as Liberal Party stoush erupts over Katherine Deves’ candidacy
Fordham said those Liberals wanting her disendorsed are ‘bedwetters’
Zali Steggle is the disgraceful slur. A woman that hates women.
Warringah wasted a big opportunity when they very stupidly elected her, a basic non-entity except in a minor sport, over a solid Australia-loving conservative.
Those Liberals calling for her to be disendorsed, are the reason that Liberal will probably not win the next election.
Who in their right mind wants to vote for that sort of slithering, bed-wetting, virtue-seeking, anti-gender person, that doesn’t believe in the rights of women.
They are driving once-Liberal voter away in droves!
Separate women’s sport were created so that women didn’t have to compete against men…. period. !
If the “transgender” want to compete, let them compete against other “transgender”.
With so much “noise”, there must surely be enough of them to form their own competitions.. right ? !
We have special “para-Olympic” sports, after all.
The election is there to WIN for the Liberal Party, so long as they don’t go far-left woke green like obnoxious individuals like Kean have.!
It is important to know that both sides have factions, Labor range from centre left to far left and in more recent decades their far left dominates, Albanese is one.
The Liberals have fewer factions ranging from centre right (there are no far right MPs on any side) to centre left, the latter often called Liberals In Name Only (LINO left).
Leader of the LINO faction is or was Malcolm Turnbull who referred to the Coalition when he was PM from 2015-2018 as “The Turnbull Party” which tells me that he was not a strong supporter of the Liberals or the Coalition of Liberal and National.
In recent years the LINO who dominate the NSW Liberals but not so much in other State Executives have been losing power and infuence to the centre right real Liberals, and recently with PM Morrrison’s support the Federal Executive has confronted the NSW Executive to get the party back on track and that has resulted in LINO power in decline.
Former Labor Opposition Leader Mark Latham has several times described Labor factional wars, factional friendships and factional enemies, he wrote a very interesting article in The Australia Financial Review about the insider perspective he has not long after he left Labor.
Former Liberal PM John Howard once described the Liberal Party as “a broad church” meaning factions.
The would be election wreckers are LINO left remnants and should be ignored.
How did you come to invent factions, from broard church. It means different beliefs. From some internet dictionary, “A widescope of philosophies and ideas.”
Can’t just make s#it Dennis.
Can’t just make s#it up Dennis.
How broad must a broad church be?
If all factions are BOUND to toe the official line lest heavy sanctions be applied, is that “broad”? If individuals are allowed to disagree with policy with sometimes ugly/embarrassing consequences it may still be called factions but the breadth cannot be denied.
Once I saw Kevin ’07 I vowed NEVER to vote labor again*, so you know where I come from.
* That vow includes independents of dubious origins. Katter is Katter but he will never go green. I will trust Pauline to stay on the right side so she will get part of my vote in the senate.
‘ … independents of dubious origins.’
Mostly independent women fearful of a harmless trace gas. The feminists are seizing the opportunity and may hold the balance of power in this coming election.
Not this little black duck.I have a very good memory and am sick and tired of the lib/nats and leibor/greens constantly telling us one thing and doing the exact opposite.ScoMo used the state premiers to do his dirty work during this”Plandemic”just like he used them to further this global warming(climate change)BS.
Hey Dennis from marketing. Heard Smirko saying last night, they will not be preferencing minor parties, which means they will be preferencing Labour/Greens. Won’t be the first time though will it.
Apparently if a minor party got in it would be chaos and Slomo dreads the thought of somebody actually doing something and making him look bad.
So again Dennis, who are they preferencing, seems they have now told us who they will not be preferencing.
Have you found his personal wealth yet, probably in the second draw down on the right.
I watched a replay of a Senate Committee conducted recently with Federal Department of Health officers present, not one of them would describe a women, Liberal Senator Alex Antic repeated his question over and over and even the Chief Medical Officer avoided a direct reply and description.
That should worry all of us that political correctness has reached the point where public service employees are avoiding the truth in case they are targeted for stepping out of group politics.
We are born male or female, it is ridiculous that in women’s sport females are forced to compete against males, in my opinion that is like permitting performance enhancing drugs in sport.
Labor’s sacred SOGI doctrine stands behind the reluctance of top ranked public servants to venture a definition of woman in what is perceived as a minefield strewn with the corpses of opinion givers.
What a soggy lot.
“We are born male or female, ”
Unless of course we are not. Our sex is defined by our gametes a cell with either an X or a Y karyotype , which normally has 23 chromosomes (n=23). A diploid human nucleus, a somatic cell, usually has a karyotype of 23 pairs of chromosomes (2n=46). A karyotype is the complete set of chromosomes of an individual.
The six biological karyotype sexes that do not result in death to the fetus are:
X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s Syndrome)
XX – Most common form of female
XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter’s Syndrme)
XY – Most common form of male
XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
When you consider that there are 7,000,000,000 alive on the planet, there are almost assuredly tens of millions of people who are not male or female. Many times, these people are unaware of their true sex. It’s interesting to note that everyone assumes that they, personally, are XY or XX. One study in Great Britain showed that 97 out of 100 people who were XYY had no idea. They thought they were a traditional male and had few signs otherwise.
Even today, we irrationally, and rather stupidly, think of someone as a “man” if they look masculine and as a “woman” if they look feminine. It’s entirely arbitrary and can lead to some significant misunderstandings of how the world actually works.
What makes it even more complicated is that you cannot rely on karyotype alone to determine biological sex. A few years ago, there was a story about a teenage boy who was, in all regards, perfectly normal. He looked male, he acted male, he had a fully functional male reproductive system. He suddenly became extremely sick. He was growing sicker and could have died when it was discovered that he also had a female reproductive system internally. When he menstruated once a month, the excess blood had nowhere to go since there was no available external exit, causing it to be reabsorbed into his body. This boy was male. However, he was also female. It is a gross simplification to act as if he were just a boy. He was more.
Even rarer are the cases of chimeras such as Lydia Fairchild, who have multiple sets of DNA in their body so that they are not the biological parents of their own children, even when conceived through regular reproduction and birthed entirely naturally.
Good science Ian, can be out by hundreds of percent and still be right.
Ian… Karyotypes are just the physical appearance of a chromosome. The male determining gene (SRY), can be translocated onto X chromosomes making any of the karyotypes, including XX, male.
PS… undergrads don’t karyotype themselves in practical classes for this reason.
PPS – Y chromosomes exist that are missing SRY
As someone who once researched Y chromosome probes, Gee Aye is correct. The Y chromosome is incredibly small, and has very few genes on it, but one gene matters a lot and men have it and women don’t.
As with everything in biology, there are always exceptions. There would even be a tiny proportion of Y Chromosomes which have the SRY gene but which have a faulty copy. Those would be XY women. Incidence somewhere between 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 80,000.
That said, treating all children who even wonder about transitioning as automatic heroes and lauding them is a high risk, coercive and dangerous practice.
I notice none of those pushing children to make permanent life-changing decisions seem to ever suggest they get a genetic test first. If the details of X’s and Y’s are used to justify gender diversity, why aren’t we testing the at risk children before we do anything else? It would surely improve the odds of avoiding transitions which are later regretted. “Informed consent”?
The other major piece of science that the XX=female XY=male people are ignoring is gene expression. This is, in part, what Keith keeps banging on about (although his comments are limited to a particular cause). The genome (the genetic background) is part of the environment surrounding SRY as is the actual environment – both of which influence the growth and development of the person. The expression and penetration of gene expression (ie how well does the expressed gene affect the targets of its action) are affected by the environment in a large number of ways and this is well researched – although much is not known. XX and XY are just players in a continuum.
What this has to do with an election in Australia or even women’s sport?
An interesting outline, and then there’s the other perspective to add to that on which I’ve written a number of times.
The damage to the growing/developing foetus during the nine months in the womb is additional to the basic genetic variability described above.
The last twenty five years has seen the clearer picture developed and anyone who is aware of this can appreciate the dangers of getting into gender reassignment through surgery or hormonal intervention.
From 2020
“Even today, we irrationally, and rather stupidly, think of someone as a “man” if they look masculine and as a “woman” if they look feminine.” oh lordy yes! how irrational and stupid.
Then followed by by a lecture about how the “world actually works,
Pure gold.
“think of someone as a “man” if they look masculine and as a “woman” if they look feminine.” oh lordy yes! how irrational and stupid.”
I see them also as Soy boys and Dikes, cause I’m inclusive.
The other perspective;
July 7, 2020 at 9:50 pm
71? and counting.
It’s more like an infinite continuum of brain/body mix.
The two “normal sexes are:
Female, with a female brain and female form/body.
Male, with male brain in a male body/form.
If during pregnancy there’s a stressor that interrupts the development of the foetus at a critical point then critical transition points can be missed or only partly enacted.
in the very early stages immediately after conception, we all begin life as female.
Should the ultimate destination for the egg be female the process moves through setting up the female form and female brain.
For the male there are two, among many, critical points where the existing female brain and female form must be switched to produce the required male items.
There are many transition points and should these be stopped there are consequences.
The easiest way is to describe the ultimate gender dysphoria ie. The perfect gender mix up.
In these cases the person will have either;
A male brain in a female body. Originally conceived as male where the transition of the body to male was stopped but the brain change was O.K.
Second is a female brain in a male body . In this case the body change was OK but the brain switch was stopped.
These are the perfect cases and because the transitions and time taken to form the body and brain there can be disruption at many lower level critical points and this can lead to a great range of brain and form mixing.
Then if some of these people can reproduce there’s a whole world of mixups possible.
LGBTQIR and terms like this are a sad indictment of the modern world because they signal the fact that the truth is not important. The important thing is to have a cause which can be used to focus activists venom against the world at large.
Any pregnant woman can suffer serious disruption to foetal development if stressors occur. No arguing, no drinking alcohol etc.
Men can help in pregnancy by acknowledging the potential for women to need help and a calm environment.
Thanks to all the mothers.
This link goes to an interview with a twenty three year old woman who was put through the wringer by the system.
Scroll down a bit to the item.
‘Women’s sport has been thrown under the bus’
Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies on why male-bodied athletes should not compete in women’s sports.
Jacinta Price should be declared a National Treasure, Australian first and foremost, a patriotic Australian, she cares a lot about Indigenous issues and problems and stands up for those people, but she is dismissive of activist mischief makers.
I really don’t care what people do in private as long as it’s legal and not harmful to others, and it does not concern me if a male or female prefers to appear in public dressed as the opposite sex, live and let live.
But women’s sport must be for females only, performance enhancing drugs are banned because they give individuals an advantage and the same must apply to not permitting males to compete against females.
Notorious Porsche driver once dubbed ‘Australia’s most hated man’ appears in court wearing pigtails as he transitions to a woman – as he compares himself to hero Zelensky: ‘Freedom must be armed no worse than tyranny’
You wrote Tyranny, did you mean to put the y after the T.
Shields Up! nobody can criticise me now or send me to a male prison.
A Simple Explanation of the Two-Party-Preferred Vote
Australia’s system of preferential voting gives rise to the concept of the two-party-preferred vote.
The two-party-preferred vote is the total number of votes received by the Australian Labor Party (ALP) versus the Coalition (Liberal & National Parties) after all preferences have been distributed.
These totals are a combination of the primary votes (also known as “first preference” votes) and the preferences distributed from other candidates.
For example, suppose there are 3 candidates standing for election to a seat in the House of Representatives. They receive the following first preference votes:
Smith 45
Jones 45
Brown 10
Total 100
Taking these figures, we say that Smith and Jones each received 45% of the primary vote.
An absolute majority (50% + 1) of votes is required to win under preferential voting. No candidate has secured that number, so the candidate with the least votes, Brown, is eliminated and the second preferences of Brown’s 10 primary votes are allocated between Smith and Jones.
Suppose 6 of those votes went to Smith and 4 went to Jones. The new tally would be:
Smith 51
Jones 49
Total 100
Smith would now be declared the winner with 51% of the two-party-preferred vote. The 51 votes comprise 45 primary votes and 6 preference votes.
Preference Allocation in Denison 2010 – follow this link for an illustrated example of preferential voting in action in the 2010 election in the House of Representatives electorate of Denison.
Historically, the two-party-preferred statistics are always calculated between the ALP and the Coalition because the overwhelming number of seats in the House of Representatives are won by those two groups. Sometimes the calculation may be between the ALP vs Greens, ALP vs Independent, Coalition vs Independent, Liberal vs National, etc.
The two-party-preferred figures are the only valid way to compare electorates and the swing required for them to be won or lost. For this reason, the Australian Electoral Commission calculates the two-party-preferred result in all electorates, even those where a candidate secured an absolute majority of the primary vote.
In the above example, Smith holds the seat with a margin of 1%.
The two-party-preferred statistics are also used to show the overall level of support for each of the main political groups.
Two-party-preferred statistics for all federal elections since 1949
The statistics show that it is possible for a party to win government without winning a majority of the two-party-preferred vote. This occurred in 1998, 1990, 1969, 1961 and 1954. The reason for this is that voter support is unevenly distributed amongst the House of Representatives electorates. The major parties can build up large majorities in individual seats which increases their overall vote but doesn’t win them extra seats.
Dennis, that is the simple Kumbaya explanation of Australia’s system of preferential voting gives rise to the concept of the two-party-preferred vote
and again I must offer to fix the explanation as this system gives rise to the concept of the two-party-preferred pre-selected candidate vote
In this system there is little chance that a decent local representative will make it to an elected position without the approval of the ‘Swamp’ as they may be spending time being strip searched in prison as was Pauline Hanson & Monica Smit, busy with tax audits like the Tea Party Movement, enjoy the company of a Getup contingent if they have any Conservative leanings. They certainly will not be receiving any positive oxygen from the media and will be busy fishing their coreflutes out of the local creeks.
Meanwhile the approved pre-selected candidate will be in tax-payer funded transport, supported by a team enjoying funding from electoral allowances and based in a tax-payer funded office after having spent the entire Parliamentary period attending local schools and functions, reciting talking points and smiling. Any other appearance that occurs in the electorate will be frowned upon and deemed an unnecessary risk by the minders.
So the system is ‘Approved Pre-Selected One Party Preferred Candidate System’. The system you refer to will only be restored when the ‘Great Great Reset’ occurs and representatives are compensated not remunerated to perform the simple task of attending Parliaments to tweek a law when necessary. There should be non-compulsory voting by pencil & paper and a limit of two two year terms. Representation was always a community service that required less time then running the local football club. The Hee-Hawing at question time with the ridiculous shenanigans you expect from the inbred party faithful is the example of how the perfect system you describe has failed. Democracy is not a science and can not and should not be perfected.
I can’t find an online reference but I heard a statement on the radio news (3MP Melbourne) this morning that parents are urged to get their children vaccinated for influenza because: “their immune systems have been weakened due to the lockdowns”. I assume they mean that because of lack of interaction with other humans outside their family their immune systems were not sufficiently challenged and did not develop sufficient immune responses.
I found this article from a year ago. There is nothing surprising about this, of course. This was fully predictable.
This push also helps normalise unquestioned lifelong vaccination for anything and everything based on the “latest” bureaucratic health advice.
I’m no anti-vaxxer but we need to get back to the benefits greatly out-weighing any risk. Flu shots for healthy kids? Covid shots for healthy kids? Is it possible to find any untainted* (see note) GP’s or medical “experts” that could discuss this matter rationally? I doubt it.
Untainted: Not benefitting directly or indirectly from big pharma in any way, shape or form.
Fits our beloved pollies basic mode of operation, where they create a problem and then want to be seen to be riding to the rescue to fix it.
Western ‘economic blitzkrieg’ has failed – Putin
Overall, he noted that sanctions have failed to break the country’s economy:
“The goal [of sanctions] was to quickly undermine the financial and economic situation in our country, provoke a panic in the markets, trigger a collapse of the banking system and a large-scale shortage of goods in stores. But this policy has failed – the economic blitzkrieg has run aground.”
Meanwhile, according to Putin, the sanctions have backfired on the countries that introduced them, namely the US and the EU, leading to a spike in inflation and unemployment in these countries, a worsening of the standard of living of its citizens, and devaluation of their savings.
Putin acknowledged that Russians have also felt the impact of the sanctions on their family budgets, as prices in the country over the past month and a half have jumped by 9.4%, and annual inflation surged to 17.5% as of April 8. The president noted, however, that prices are now showing signs of stabilizing, and he vowed to introduce further measures to help the population.
Opinion: Inflation inequality is hitting the working class harder than at any other time on record
The working classes are a volcano waiting to erupt
Workers across the world are being squeezed from all sides. They won’t put up with it forever.
Are the “men who want to be left alone”being forced to react so that they,”The men who want to be Left Alone”,can be demonised as the the root cause of any violent reaction? The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.” – Author Unkown
And then there’s the women that see their children damaged (or worse) by a government mandated, marginally effective, medical treatment.
Do you have grizzly bears in Australia?
I did not mean to imply that only cis binary female grizzly bears can produce children.
No we are not a bearlike country.
Australians will. We have not progressed from the forelock-tugging convicts. Even our immigrants were so thankful to be out of Europe they assimilated rather than tell us what they left.
I guess they didn’t want to called whingers. 🙂
Inflation exposes the arrogance of the Biden Democrats
by Hugo Gurdon, Editor-in-Chief
Of all the Democrats’ gestures of contemptuous indifference toward ordinary people, President Joe Biden’s 8.5% inflation rate is the most provocatively insouciant. Bidenflation, more than any of his many other culpable failures, will prompt voters to respond in November with a gut punch to the party’s solar plexus.
One should not minimize the impact of other blows to public morale from outrages such as the cultural revolution against every traditional norm, the disgrace of U.S. capitulation to a ragtag army of medieval Afghan farmers, Biden’s abandonment of national sovereignty at the Mexican border, or the performative diktats of his tinpot COVID bureaucrats. All these contribute to our sour national mood.
But although the federal government has flicked its middle finger repeatedly at Joe and Jane Sixpack since early 2021, it has not done so in any case where the causal link between its policy folly and calamity for everyone else is so clear as it is on prices. Biden’s decision to print money, enthusiastically backed by congressional Democrats, has produced the sharpest inflation spike in four decades. This was entirely predictable and frequently predicted. And it is being felt not just by the Sixpacks but also by Mr. and Mrs. Middlebrew, whose pain will surely swing Congress decisively to the Republicans.
Biden and the Democrats have their agenda, and they’re sticking to it, even though it doesn’t work and the public doesn’t want it. This refusal to adjust democratically to the fiscal agony of the people they were elected to serve is the arrogant folly of a political class whose deepest belief is that their members are better and cleverer than you.
Let them eat cake and drive EVs
Inside The Ukraine-Induced Defense Contractor ‘Gold Rush’ At The Pentagon
Even before hostilities broke out, the CEOs of major weapons firms were talking about how tensions in Europe could pad their profits. In a January 2022 call with his company’s investors, Raytheon Technologies CEO Greg Hayes typically bragged that the prospect of conflict in Eastern Europe and other global hot spots would be good for business, adding that “we are seeing, I would say, opportunities for international sales… [T]he tensions in Eastern Europe, the tensions in the South China Sea, all of those things are putting pressure on some of the defense spending over there. So I fully expect we’re going to see some benefit from it.”
In late March, in an interview with the Harvard Business Review after the war in Ukraine had begun, Hayes defended the way his company would profit from that conflict:
“So I make no apology for that. I think again recognizing we are there to defend democracy and the fact is eventually we will see some benefit in the business over time. Everything that’s being shipped into Ukraine today, of course, is coming out of stockpiles, either at DoD [the Department of Defense] or from our NATO allies, and that’s all great news. Eventually we’ll have to replenish it and we will see a benefit to the business over the next coming years.”
Funny. Their ABC says the opposite
‘Fit as a fiddle’ ex-Australian cricketer, 50, has a heart attack and is placed in an induced coma after collapsing in front of his children at a playground – following shock death of teammate Shane Warne
They’re dropping like flies.
Woke Investors Threaten the West’s Security
In an era of rising geopolitical tensions, it is folly to let Wall Street determine the nation’s energy policy.
Since Russia attacked Ukraine two months ago, Western governments have been learning the hard way about the critical importance of energy to their national security. Germany’s 20-year, trillion-dollar “Energiewende” (Energy Transformation) has made its economy totally dependent on supplies of Russian natural gas and paralyzed its response to Russian aggression. French president Emmanuel Macron faces a tougher re-election fight this month thanks to soaring energy prices and failure to replace the nation’s aging fleet of nuclear power stations. The Biden administration is tapping America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an effort to tamp down energy costs as inflation heads toward double digits.
As the West grapples with the energy implications of a hostile Sino-Russian alliance, the steering group of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, whose members manage over $10.4 trillion of assets, issued a statement urging Western governments not to sacrifice climate goals for energy security. “The world is still heading for an excess of fossil fuel-based energy use that will vastly exceed the carbon budget needed to meet the 1.5° Celsius Paris agreement goal. This trend must be halted,” the United Nations-backed alliance said in its April 8 statement, arguing that “the national security argument for accelerating the net-zero transition has strengthened considerably.”
What, one might ask, is the standing of asset managers to opine on national security matters? They have no expertise in this domain. It turns out that their understanding of the economics of energy policy is defective, too.
This Canadian River Just Became a Legal Person
A landmark for Canada, and part of a growing trend
What does it mean to be a person? That’s a question that’s haunted philosophers and science fiction authors alike across the years, and one that can have very different answers depending on who you ask and in what context you ask it. When it comes to personhood in the legal sense, for instance, the definition is a bit broader than you might expect.
Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute defines a legal person as “a human or non-human entity that is treated as a person for limited legal purposes.” A recent article in The New Yorker explored the growing movement to give certain animals legal personhood, and both corporations and bodies of water have also been considered people from a legal perspective.
The latest example of a non-human person attaining legal personhood comes from Canada, where the Magpie River (also known as Mutuhekau Shipu) recently attained that status.
Can’t wait to see what the pronouns be.
“Wet” and “dry”.
“Deaths in NZ”
Premiered Jan 19, 2022
VIDEO DESCRIPTION (not my words):
New Zealand is a fascinating real-world experiment on vaccine safety. After locking themselves out from the rest of the world and thereby strictly eliminating Covid as a variable, they went about with a mass vaccination campaign. What did we learn?
Well, not very unexpectedly they had a surge in all-cause mortality in the 60+ cohort that almost perfectly correlates with vaccine delivery intensity. More jabs = more deaths and fewer jabs = fewer deaths. It deserves to be looked into more carefully, but responses from New Zealand’s health authorities indicates that maybe they don’t have any such interest. No surprise there.
Further, we’re being “trickle truthed” as the world comes to the realization that not only don’t two jabs work very well against omicron, but neither do three jabs and now four jabs.
While the U.S. mainstream media still hews to a stale campaign of trying to whip up more concern and fear over omicron, even the CDC has had to admit that omicron is a lot less deadly and far milder than delta.
The narrative is now fully shredded, but the agenda marches on. But for how much longer? People are waking up and the first large demonstration in the U.S. is planned for Jan 23 from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln memorial. Begins at 11:30 a.m. EST.
More from NZ . Medical care for the vax injured. The brain washing is thorough in NZ
boosters are the answer 😉 trust me
Where I live more people have died from Omicron over the past 4 months than died over the entire two year pandemic. And 75% of the victims were fully jabbed.
Our journalists say nothing about this and our citizens can’t wait to test positive. I live in a lunatic asylum.
Shanghai on the Edge of Madness
In a leaked phone conversation, an official from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention stated frankly that asymptomatic or mild cases would be better off staying at home, and that Zero COVID is driven by politics rather than public health concerns. The phone call is now being investigated by authorities, but the official was right. At this stage, the policy has become entangled with Xi’s credibility, which is why he has been unwilling to let it go. He may have no choice in the end. Mao’s catastrophic Great Leap Forward was abandoned in 1961, leaving the Chairman’s authority severely undermined. Perhaps we are about to see something similar. In Shanghai’s case, officials announced on April 11th that neighbourhoods with no positive cases for two weeks would now be classified as “low-risk” and eligible for “appropriate activity.”
Victoria applied severe restrictions in the aim of eliminating delta strain that did not achieve the desired outcome. Omicron is even harder to contain.
If China persists with its covid elimination objective then the world may yet learn how dependent we have become on Chinese manufacturing.
Australia is highly dependent on Chinese trade for export income. If that tanks then Australia will be in strife economically.
The Covid mortality rate in China is a meaningless number. There have been 2 deaths reported in the last month.
China’s Governance Implosion
Anne Stevenson-Yang Contributor
China is facing what is arguably the worst crisis in governance since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976. Even the 1989 Tiananmen uprising did not affect as many people as the Covid lockdowns.
Previous crises were political and social. This one is political and biological, easily visible, and not hidden behind towering red doors. The open defiance of government policy, thuggish enforcement of intolerable rules by “white coat” health workers (who dress in head-to-toe white bunny suits), and utter collapse of infrastructure to support the basics of survival in China’s more international and prosperous city: all of this is an unprecedented disaster. Venerable as they may be, the “theories” of General Secretary Xi do not cure COVID.
Unfortunately, rather than forcing the government to make the most obvious adjustment to the visible realities of the situation, the backlash is more likely to reinforce the Party’s sense of being under siege.
The world has been aghast at images being streamed by the connected and sophisticated people of Shanghai: people leaping from high-rises to their deaths in order to escape the lockdown. Babies separated from their parents and carted around quarantine centers in huge shopping carts. Parents beaten by the health police in front of their children. People opening their windows to scream in unison: “We’re hungry!” Who imagined that this could happen in Shanghai, one of the wealthiest cities in the world? Certainly not Shanghai people. It has been some 60 years since any but a handful of people went hungry in Shanghai.
With the lockdowns, self-obsessed and self-deifying leader-for-life Xi Jinping is clearly reaching for the control over COVID he claimed in 2020.
History repeating. China has a long established habit of shooting itself in the foot.
Dems Explain They Don’t Want Billionaires Controlling Our Media Unless They’re Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bloomberg, Buffett, Or Soros
April 18th, 2022 –
Due To Inflation, Cost Of Free Speech Rises Sharply To $43 Billion
April 18th, 2022 –
Trying to purchase – Stihl GTA 26 10.8V 100mm Cordless Garden Pruner Saw Kit $279.00
Thank you for your message.
Due to STIHL policy, they do not allow their items to be delivered. If you wish to purchase any STIHL items this will need to be organised via click and collect from your local STIHL dealership.
In response sent
Has to be a Role Model in how not to do business in the Modern Age – Stihl Dumb and possibly in contradiction of
Anti-competitive conduct
Section 45 of the Competition and Consumer Act prohibits contracts, arrangements, understandings or concerted practices that have the purpose, effect or likely effect of substantially lessening competition in a market, even if that conduct does not meet the stricter definitions of other anti-competitive conduct such as cartels.
Again thanks for responding and explaining the situation
My son is a builder, he recently told me that concrete saw suppliers were invited to demonstrate their concert saws on one of the building project sites, one battery powered electric and the other with a 4-stroke petrol engine.
The electric saw performance was unacceptable, it cut through the concrete slab but quickly discharged the battery. It was decided that 12 batteries and a a few chargers would be needed to operate the saw 10 hours a day. The cost was several times more than for the petrol model which was by far the winner for not needing recharging breaks.
meh you could say the same about Ryobi and Bunnings or most car dealerships really.
The verdict is in: The Trump slandering is a pack of lies
By Post Editorial Board
In case you need more proof that the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump that obsessed the press and congressional Democrats for four years was made up by Hillary Clinton and her campaign, here comes another piece of evidence: John Durham reveals that the “A secret Trump server is communicating with a Russian bank” claim is bunk.
In a new filing, Durham reveals that the CIA concluded that cellphone data and Internet traffic provided by Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann was “not technically plausible” and “user created.” Just like the Christopher Steele dossier, they made it all up. Wish the CIA could have told us that.
Robert Mueller said as much, yet many on the left continued to ignore his absolution, just as they will likely ignore or paper over the special counsel’s conclusions. Clinton’s team invented a story, forged evidence, and then presented it to the FBI and CIA as if it was something worth pursuing, derailing a presidency for years.
Let’s review:
Why the confusion, or is it in many instances deliberate deception?
I am referring the the areas of responsibility and powers of the three levels of government: Local Councils, State Governments and Federal Government. The Commonwealth of Australia is of course a Federation of States, it was formed by the original British Colonial Governments here as part of the British Empire, now Commonwealth of Nations. At the time of Federation of States the Federal Government was established to handle specific areas of common interest like Defence, Foreign Affairs, National Tax collection (State taxes collected by each State apart from GST which is collected by the ATO and distributed to a formula agreed between the States. Federal Health has no public hospitals, Federal Education has no public schools, natural disasters like floods and bushfires are State responsibility and State services, Federal has no Emergency Service or Rural Fire Service, etc.
Local councils are not Government, we had a referendum and rejected the third tier of government. Not that anyone in government does the peoples will.
Memory failed me so I looked it up; it was 1988:
It was also attempted in 1974, but the people rejected the idea, so as this is bipartisan they decided to educate school children on the issue.
Works pretty well in Switzerland with their Commune > Canton > Federal system giving them much more of a voice in local affairs than we seem to have.
Neither the Federal, State or even the councils listen now. They do not want to introduce it for our benefit, that’s the only sure thing.
Who would of thought to fix the problems created by government, requires more government.
Well..the avian flu is going crazy in the USA. FAR worse than the UK/EU.
Free range eggs in the UK are illegal now, along with major shortages and price hikes as I predicted months ago.
I would say the USA has 2 months max before supply is virtually gone.
To anyone in the USA – Enjoy your KFC now.
My (very good) data however says that the CDC is totally wrong on bird flu being the source of the next pandemic.
Human transmission worldwide for all avian flu types this year can be counted on the fingers of one hand so I’m calling “total BS” on their claims unless of course it is a lab-orchestrated event like the big-C.
If anything I’d suggest they’ll create a false flag to shutdown poultry to push the fake meat agenda.
China interestingly, is a clean slate apart from Covid.
No signs of avian flu in Oz or moving this way yet.
Loads of other events happening but nothing significant for Oz.
German media suggests showering less
“Skip a shower, improve your skin microbiome,” – that is the takeaway of the latest article published by Germany’s Bild newspaper on Saturday. The piece promoting the supposed health benefits of less showering comes at a time when the possibility of a total embargo on all Russian energy imports is being discussed in the country.
Titled ‘It’s enough to wash THESE four body parts – Why the skin cleans itself if you let it,’ the article starts off by citing the recent advice by Germany’s economy minister, Robert Habeck, who called on his fellow countrymen and women to cut back on their heating, sauna visits, and showers to help the country reduce its dependence on Russian energy. These hygiene-related sacrifices can not only make life harder for the Kremlin, but also improve people’s skin, Bild claims.
To build the case for less showering, the journalists consulted dermatologist Yael Adler.
The article explains that there are certain bacteria strains inhabiting the skin, which, while beneficial, are typically present in small quantities. However, if a person were to give those microorganisms the “chance to propagate” by forgoing their regular shower, the good bacteria would protect their host from eczema and, moreover, consume the substances responsible for body odor, Bild says. “This way, it [skin] cleans itself.”
The article comes hard on the heels of a statement by Klaus Mueller, the head of Germany’s Federal Network Agency overseeing electricity, gas, telecommunications, post, and railway markets. In a TV interview, he urged Germans to ask themselves “whether you really need to take a hot shower seven days a week – with gas heating.”
Abstract of thesis – 231 pages
‘Where does an Englishman hide his money?’
‘I don’t know. Where does an Englishman hide his money?’
‘Under the soap’.
Eliminate the water heating and that will save water as well as gas.
Pioneering Trans Psychologist Says Too Many Teens Are Taking Hormones “Because It’s Trendy”
As the debate over transgender athletes competing in women’s athletics continues to rage in the US, one transgender psychologist who has helped hundreds of teens transition has spoken out to declare that the push to allow teens and preteens to transition has gone “too far” – putting her entire livelihood at risk.
The big problem, as Anderson sees it, is that many teens and preteens seek to transition hoping that it will help with depression or other mental issues. Then, once the process is in motion, they become even more depressed when it doesn’t.
Hmmm.. pretty much what I said before 😉
When the damage is done you’re stuck with it.
On a sidenote it’s interesting how 2 women at New Jersey’s all woman prison got pregnant from a “trans” inmate recently.
Ah biology – gotta love it.
It’s like being a Goth or a Punk but with extra Big Pharma steps
Gotta love Neo-Liberals
How do you make a hormone?
Don’t pay her.
Thanks, I’m here all week. Tip your hostess.
I did not mean to imply that only cis binary females can be hormones.
(High quality humor is really difficult these days.)
U.S. Department Of Defense Awarded A Contract For ‘Covid-19 Research’ In Ukraine 3 Months Before Covid Was Known To Even Exist
The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19. So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?
CMN opposes Australian children being vaccinated against C19
Minister Hunt, please help us understand what your reasons are for going against the Doherty Institutes 2021 report (a government commissioned report) when it comes to children and C19 vaccinations?
Yes, tell us all…
A Public Health Emergency in Canada: The Rate of Change in Excess Millennial Deaths Can’t Be Explained by a Sudden Rush of Suicides, Overdoses, Cancers
After a bombshell report by Edward Dowd revealed an 84% increase in millennial age group excess mortality, Kelly Brown published the Canadian data analysis
Trying to make a claim that vaccinations resulted in excess deaths is not supported by their own data. So-called low vax states peaked at 107% excess deaths while so-called high vax states peaked at 55%:
Australia is more vaccinated than any US State and excess deaths in Australia has been negative throughout the Covid years compared with previous years.
As we were warned in the very early stateless of the pandemic, beware long Covid. This is a novel virus and the long-term impacts are unknown.
Did you even read what you posted/linked?
There is a clear 107% rise into fall mandates for low vaccinated states vs a still terrible 53% rise in high ones. The less prounouced rise in low Vax states is likely due to the fall mandates affecting fewer still unvaccinated individuals being forced to comply to keep their job.
For those who think Delta was responsible here are 2 more charts👇…it’s not Delta The charts show a limited and sustained rise in mortality among high vax states, while unvaccinated in low vax states suffered elevated mortality between August to October of last year (and since it fell as quickly as it rose, it cannot be COVID). Comparing mortality spikes by age, we can see that the fall mortality spike was 6x greater for the voung – proving this is from mandates, not COVID
JC spoke of Canada.
You did not even read his link
I remember the call out, RickWill email coming, after that you went full troppo.
Expert at everything
“This is a novel virus and the long-term impacts are unknown.”
Novel … yes.
That plot was well scripted before publishing.
Impacts unknown … no.
The worldwide loss of individual human autonomy and self determination.
Interesting how the 20th century definition evolves to the 21st century definition.
Not sure if someone has covered this but it seems there is a mystery disease affecting children now known in three countries and first reported in January .
I wonder why people thought they would be completely safe if they took the vaccines
COVID vaccines are not meant to prevent all infections, experts say. Americans need to reset their expectations.
Adrianna Rodriguez, USA TODAY
Denny Mitchell couldn’t believe he tested positive for the coronavirus in January.
The 45-year-old from Houston never left the house without his mask, he avoided indoor dining at all costs, and most important, he was fully vaccinated. But he still got sick.
“I was surprised because I was taking so many precautions,” he said.
Could it be that Fauci, the CDC, and others told them that if they took the vaccines, wore masks, were socially distanced, and quarantined, they would be safe and that people who didn’t take the vaccine wanted people to get sick and deserved to get fired?
Claiming that the “vaccines” were safe – given that there are NO LONG TERM STUDIES – was a LIE from the start.
As soon as I heard this absurd claim I knew the whole thing was a con.
Safe and effective were the words chanted ceaselessly by the happy clappers. It shouldn’t be too hard for a moderately skilled journalist to dig up those exact words and ask the speaker about their statements.
But of course the definitions for safe, effective and journalist have all been changed by the happy clappers and journalists.
AIDS-Like “Chronic Covid” is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ
The Boosted Cannot Clear Covid Easily and Keep Getting Reinfected
Chronic Covid is a situation where the vaccinated cannot develop natural immunity, cannot quickly clear infections, and remain ill and infectious for extended period of time. Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all. That would lead to people being chronically infected, infecting others, and overwhelmed with toxic Covid viral proteins, while remaining immunosuppressed.
High rate of BA.1, BA.1.1 and BA.2 infection in triple vaccinated
Conclusion We report high incidence of omicron infections despite recent booster vaccination in triple vaccinated individuals. Vaccine-induced antibody titres seem to play a limited role in risk of omicron infection. High viral load and secretion of live virus for up to nine days may increase transmission in a triple vaccinated population.
Where is the under the table sales of ivermectin when it is really needed?
Be safe. Take as part of a medical study.
Mom of J6 Political Prisoner: ‘We Are Half Alive’
In its myopic mission to punish political dissidents, the Justice Department and D.C courts are destroying the basic tenets of American jurisprudence and liberty.
Ethan Nordean is entering his 13th month of captivity as a political prisoner in the United States of America.
Arrested in his home state of Washington last February on nonviolent charges related to the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, Nordean, 31, has spent the past year in jail, mostly in solitary confinement. He hasn’t held his young daughter or hugged his wife and parents for months.
In the eyes of the Biden regime—on a destructive crusade to exact revenge against supporters of Donald Trump—Nordean is a threat to the country, an alleged “domestic violent extremist,” i.e., terrorist, as a member of the Proud Boys. That, of course, is not the group that burned, looted, and actually terrorized thousands of American communities throughout 2020, responsible for at least two dozen deaths and $2 billion in property damages.
Nordean’s real crime in Joe Biden’s America was to support Donald Trump in the 2020 election. During an exchange last year at a congressional hearing between FBI Director Christopher Wray and Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Wray suggested Nordean was among the “most dangerous, most serious” January 6 criminal cases.
So, what exactly did Nordean do that so alarmed Wray? Like hundreds of thousands of Americans, he made plans to travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in a political protest—something that was not considered a crime before January 6, 2021. Nordean and other members of the Proud Boys peacefully assembled near the Washington Monument in the morning and then walked toward Capitol Hill.
When some members of the Proud Boys and at least two FBI informants with the group physically breached a police line around 1 p.m. on January 6, Nordean was not among them.
Surveillance video released in his case by court order—and over the Justice Department’s strenuous objections—shows Nordean walking through an open door on the west side of the building as Capitol police stood by. He neither carried a weapon nor assaulted police officers; the most serious charges against him are conspiracy and obstruction of an official proceeding, two nonviolent felonies.
Yet Ethan Nordean, a man with no criminal record who is not accused of committing any violence on January 6, has been incarcerated since April 2021.
Judge Sets $25k Bail for South Carolina Mall Shooting Suspect and Lets Him Go Back to Work
We are letting out dangerous criminals in ever-increasing numbers, and in almost every awful case we’ve read about recently, the perp is a recently-released or paroled career criminal with a long, violent rap sheet. The Waukesha Christmas parade massacre. Last week’s mass casualty shooting on a Brooklyn subway train. The woman who was shoved to her death beneath an oncoming subway car. The unprovoked fatal beating of a Los Angeles nurse at a bus stop. The home invasion murder of LA philanthropist Jacqueline Avant. The senseless fatal stabbing of a 24-year-old woman working alone in a store in the trendy Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.
The list goes on. And on. What are the similarities between every one of these heinous crimes? One, they were all fairly recent, within the last year or so. Two, in each instance, the perpetrator was found to be on parole, released early from prison or jail, had a lengthy criminal history, and/or had an active arrest warrant out for them. In other words, none of these criminals should have been out on the streets.
We don’t know much yet about the criminal histories of the shooters in the weekend’s two mass shootings in South Carolina. But with the judge releasing the suspect on only $25,000 and sentencing him to mere house arrest, it’s certainly hard not to come to the conclusion that our justice system is broken.
Where is Gonzalo Lira?
if you haven’t seen his reporting here is an interview he did with Scott Ritter on the battle of the Donbas
Neo Liberal Twitter war pigs got him killed on purpose
Positive SAM sees a continuation of flooding rains.
All that rain falling in the Coral Sea will be real handy here on DRY land.
Only two weeks before the end of the wet season.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is trying to remove term limits to become president for life this fall. Unfortunately, Xi is making an irrational blunder and has managed to lose the support of everyday Chinese who must work to get money to buy food. There are a number of senior CCP members who do no support changing term limits. Omicron may have given them an opportunity to make a change.
Due to Xi’s policies and the reality of Omicron, there are now hundreds of millions of angry, hungry, Chinese who have had too much time to think about freedom/fresh food and to complain about an irrational policy that is being forced on the Chinese people.
“The line is rendered with several variations in English such as, “Arise, you who refuse to be slaves!”
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s image ……Hunkering down in Beijing for more than 700 days… ….will be resolutely investigated and punished.” On this front, Xi promised “no mercy” for CCP officials who put themselves before party unity. (William: Those CCP members who oppose ending term limits.)
…Xi avoided any mention of the reforms institutionalized by China’s other great revolutionary leader, Deng Xiaoping. ….Deng’s opposition to the cult of personality and his abolition of lifetime political appointments. Such omissions were almost certainly not lost on CCP elites long suspicious of Xi’s hasty and often messy consolidation of power
Top Endersays:
April 19, 2022 at 8:45 pm
Meanwhile in one of the loonier governments of the country:
NORTHERN Territory teachers could soon be told not to call students “boys and girls” to avoid offending children who might be questioning their gender.
Schools would also be encouraged to organise “non-gendered” sporting teams, physical education activities and sports days, under the plan being developed by the NT Education Department.
And children attending school camps would be able to use the toilets, showers and sleeping quarters of their “affirmed gender”.
The directions are included in draft guidelines on diverse sex, sexuality and gender identity in schools that have been sent out for consultation by the NT education department.
Click on link for Whole Article
SOGI again ties Labor’s hands so that it cannot oppose this sabotage of civil behaviour.
Everyone vaxxed is gonna die of cancer but not before going senile and sterile first. FYI.
From the journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology, “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs”
BTW, the BRCA1 is a gene that provides instructions for making a protein that acts as a tumor suppressor.
Now the horror show…
[] is where I cropped some stuff.
“Everyone” was vaxed with mRNA based products
unvaxxed, but what Cancer would you like – I’ve got loads – a testament to Great Australian Health and Hospital Systems – somehow still bouncing along enjoying life whilst, (at the moment) looking like Papa Smurf – little grey cells still working, and 9 Grandkids beat the sterility
From NewCatallaxy Blog – Surely the leaders of the American left do not believe the things they say they believe
My Comment – Just read today’s SMH to see how blinded Australians are – especially the comments
eg – Megaphone
When Perrottet says that “…Morrison’s approach was backed by a majority of Australians…” Where in his heaven does he get this information? His God or Sky after Dark straw polls perhaps? From memory ~78% of the Australian population were in favor of Gay Marriage whilst different in this context goes to the heart of acceptance and tolerance of LGBQTIA Australians by the majority of us. Vote LNP and it’s the ongoing spiral into extreme repressiveness.
– Zimmerman ‘angry, disappointed’ by Deves but won’t say she should go
– PM ‘won’t let Deves be silenced’ as fears grow for nearby seats
– Anti-trans rhetoric is nothing but a shameless grab for relevance
– Majority of female athletes support the inclusion of transgender women
– Dominic Perrottet tells colleagues he did not leak Katherine Deves text to Scott Morrison
EDITORIAL – Candidate’s distasteful comments are a stain on the Liberal Party
Waking up the Woke
Tom says:
April 20, 2022 at 8:15 am
As Rowan Dean says, Morrison is on a winner out in the suburbs in standing up for women’s sport against the lobby and rats in the ranks like Matt Kean:
No-one’s worth voting for.
This year, like all that went before it, is the same old slag-off-the-opposition, promise endless goodies under the xmas tree but only if you vote for party X, detached from reality garbage.
Good old uncle Clive offering to cancel student debt. Groan…move to the USA and be a democrat. No – they keep their debt and learn about the consequences of their actions.
No doubt their degrees in Mayan History or Gender Studies will help them no end in what is coming in the next 2 years. NOT!
Vote Green because…you have no idea of science in any form or of history.
People will vote for their usual party not because their party has viable plans but because they don’t want the opposing parties to win.
Destroy the economy for 2 years then offer taxpayer funded magical solutions.
How many candidates have trading desk experience? Experience in capital flow management? Understand the business cycle?(Or even heard of it)? TRULY understand cycles like climate, disease & war?
Stick to feeble publicity shots holding babies for the fawning media. Aww…
Tony Abbott was the best PM I’ve known but nobody bothered to protect him. The libs turned on him because he recommended the Knighthood of Charles, forgetting that he stopped the boats and axed the tax.
Tossing the “good” seeking “perfection” never works.
trading desk experience, seriously? thats a benchmark? they are a pretty narrowly focussed often ego centric bunch
“LGBQTIA” make up a tiny proportion of Australians.
Women makeup approximately half of all Austrlians
Yet the LGBQTIA have more rights than women do. !
Let them form their own separate “gender unspecified” sporting groups if they really want to compete, and stop using their ex-male status as a method of beating the fairer sex in a vain attempt to make themselves “feel” that they are relevant.
Restrooms for “men”, “women” & “transformers”.😆
Sports for men, women and trans.
Not a difficult concept I would think.
Riddle me this:
If gender is a social construct then why do you need surgery?
Elbow on Track – Well that’s the end of Week One
Grilled Elbow
Albanese grilled over claims he will turn back boats despite influx of thousands of illegal immigrants when he was deputy PM
Don’t they call them Knuckles on pigs, grilled knuckles, yum.
Panicky moment ‘each-way Albo’ REFUSES to let his deputies comment on whether trans women should play sport against females – as Labor leader tries to avoid ANOTHER press conference catastrophe
– The issue has dominated the past week of the federal election campaign
– Mr Albanese would not let two Labor shadow ministers answer a question
– Liberal candidate trolled by vile activists who sent r@pe and d#ath threats
“– The issue has dominated the past week of the federal election campaign”
It is a typical leftist beat-up just like the same-sex marriage lark that helped get rid of Tony Abbott.
Morrison needs to stand his ground against the raucous and obnoxious bellowing of leftist sycophants. !
The Most Popular President in US History Speaks to Paltry Crowd in New Hampshire (VIDEO)
More strange events: athletes dropping, hepatitis in kids, severe dengue in Brazil: is it the vax?
The obvious question is, “why are there 8 cases a year before the COVID vaccines (across all 70 vaccines combined), and now 304 cases in 2021 associated with the COVID vaccine?”
As an engineer, it looks to me like the COVID vaccine causes susceptibility to liver damage.
As for Brazil, I’m well aware of the Dengue issue. It’s not just there – India (😉), Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines, Fiji. Brazil is by far the worst though.
I generally don’t report events unless I see a potential risk here in Oz.
As for the vax being the cause – despite their high vax rate I’d say no and ascribe it to weather instead. Global increases in flooding correlating nicely to mozzie population explosions.
We’ll be praying for global warming before long.
Maybe global increases in flooding? But they are pretty localised. I guess certain types of mossis carry certain diseases, but mossis are extremely adapted. The most devastating malarial outbreak was in the Russian arctic, early last century? A couple of million people died. The tundra is hell because of mossis.
Yes I know!
And people think it’s only a tropical disease.
The seasonality of solar per OpenNEM.
Last June solar delivered 1216 GWhr. In Dec 3314 GWhr.
In March this year 2498 GWhr and prorated Apr 1972 GWhr.
Wonder what will keep the heaters on this winter?
Hydro 😆
Netflix shares down 23%. Looking to lose 2 million subscribers in current quarter.
I’m about to dump ’em too.
Not enough content…
Need to bring back the old shows and films that were actually worth watching instead of this modern plodding melodrama that everything seems to be.
Golly, where have we seen this before? This was the situation when S Africa’s east coast was hit again. Worse than the hit in January. Maybe someone can explain the system? I don’t think ocean or air temps are hugely relevant without that massive easterly wind push, and the low pressure popping up, causing the moist air to rise. It’s not very low, but obviously enough (it did get down to 1000 as it moved away) The question is why was the Southern Hemisphere so banded, allowing those massive easterly wind flows to be slamming into continental east coasts? Mechanism anyone?
ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) – “vaccines may also be administered opportunistically while patients are indergoing sedation for unrelated procedures”
Consent having been obtained first eh.
Top Doctor Blows the Whistle: ‘mRNA Jabs Causing Cancers, Clots, Heart Inflammations’
A top U.S. doctor has warned that mRNA jabs produce a persisting spike protein that causes clotting, heart inflammation, and cancer.
Cole warned that mRNA is a message that tells your cell to produce a certain protein for different body reactions.
“But when you put this synthetic pseudouridine [in your body],” Cole said.
“The body doesn’t know what to do with it, and it looks at it and says, ‘Hmm, I don’t know what to do. So I’m not going to break it down.’ And so it evades that breakdown process, and it also evades an immune response. But it also turns down our immune system, which is not a good thing because other things—cancers, viruses—get to wake up.”
Cole’s view aligns with Dr. Robert Malone, a key contributor to mRNA vaccine technology. Malone, in an article published by The Epoch Times on April 11, said the “mRNA” from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is not really mRNA. “These molecules have genetic elements similar to those of natural mRNA, but they are clearly far more resistant to the enzymes which normally degrade natural mRNA, seem to be capable of producing high levels of protein for extended periods, and seem to evade normal immunologic mechanisms for eliminating cells which produce foreign proteins which are not normally observed in the body,” said Malone.
Facts Matter (April 19): Study Shows Heart Issues in 69% of Children Detected Months After Vaccination
I’m sure it’s all due to climate change or referee whistles..
P.S. Anyone know who the best lawyers in Australia are?
Asking for pollies and health experts. 😅😅😅
Three sailors die on the USS George Washington within a week.
The only thing we know of for sure they have in common is that they would be “up to date”
Tree ring experiment discovered that the scientists brought subjectivity into the reconstruction process.
Via Martin A.
Oil currently at $130…
Our models on Crude showed that the volatility would start here in 2022 and continue into 2029. There is clearly a risk that we will see a burst of geopolitical events in 2023 and once Crude gets through the standard Upotrend Channel, we could see even $230 as soon as 2023. The Panic Cycle in 2025 aligns with global war and the volatility trend rises sharply into the Agenda 2030 promoted by Klaus Schwab who history will probably remember alongside Karl Marx.
Now on ZH:
EU To Impose Full Embargo On Russian Oil Next Week, Will Send Price Above $185 According To JPMorgan
Then there’s China’s ban on the west.
Jump on the lemming bandwagon, buy real estate and have kids while totally oblivious to what’s happening and coming.
There’s an awful lot of pain coming for the wilfully ignorant starting real soon.
They just have no idea of anything…
The price of oil is coming down and they don’t expect a blowout in the near future.
7 Ways To Cope Now That You Can’t Force People Around You To Wear Masks
Second-Grade Class Held On Airplane So Kids Won’t Have To Wear Masks
New ‘electric’ chopsticks make food taste saltier
Tokyo | Japanese scientists have put the flavour back into a low-sodium diet by developing electrically charged chopsticks that fool a diner’s taste buds into believing their meal has been liberally sprinkled with salt.
Scientists at Meiji University have teamed up with Kirin Holdings Company, one of Japan’s largest drinks makers, to transform traditional chopsticks into a state-of-the-art solution to high blood pressure, strokes and other illnesses associated with a high salt intake.
The chopsticks are attached to a mini computer that is worn on a diner’s wrist and transmits a weak electrical current into the utensils. The electrical stimulation transmits sodium ions that are present in the food into the mouth to enhance the sensation of saltiness.
On the Meiji University website, Professor Homei Miyashita said tests have demonstrated that his “electric taste chopsticks” have proved popular with dozens of people, aged between 40 and 65, who have been advised by their doctors to reduce their salt consumption for health reasons.
Test subjects were given food containing varying levels of salt. Professor Miyashita’s team concluded that the chopsticks allowed them to reduce the salt content by 30 per cent without compromising the flavour of the food.
“In an experiment using low-salt miso soup, we were able to confirm that the salty flavour was enhanced and test subjects even expressed the opinion that the richness, umami, and overall taste were improved,” Professor Miyashita said.
View from the Other Side – Renewable Energy Matters
AGL suffers outage at Loy Yang as coal worries grow
AGL Energy has suffered an electrical fault at its large Loy Yang A coal power station, which supplies about 30 per cent of Victoria’s electricity, threatening to keep one-quarter of its capacity offline until the start of August, late in the winter peak demand period.
The major electricity supplier, the country’s biggest coal power generator, said it is assessing the length of the potential outage at Unit 2 at the 2210-megawatt plant, the largest in Victoria, “as well as measures that may be taken to mitigate the impact of the outage”.
It has advised the Australian Energy Market Operator that the outage at the circa 550MW unit may last until August 1, while noting the estimate is “highly preliminary and subject to change”.
The outage at the generator in the Latrobe Valley comes amid growing concerns about unscheduled breakdowns at Australia’s coal power generators and the possibility that such incidents at units nearing the end of their life could lead to them not being restarted. Loy Yang A is however due to generate until into the 2040s.
Power providers struggle with coal closure plan
Large electricity generators are trying to come up with a plan to manage the shutdown of the country’s remaining coal-fired power stations to present to the next federal government after the election but are struggling to find consensus.
Well-placed sources say the proposal was aired recently among electricity generators by the Australian Energy Council in what would be a major step-up in industry lobbying for a long-term plan for the phase-out of coal power along the lines of policies in place in countries such as Germany.
Origin Energy’s Frank Calabria has also warned of the harmful consequences of a “messy” transition as a result of unexpected breakdowns of ageing coal generators, which still meet more than 60 per cent of demand in the National Electricity Market.
This year, Origin brought forward the likely closure of its huge Eraring coal power station in NSW, the country’s largest, to as early as 2025. AGL has meanwhile cut several years off the remaining lifespan of its Bayswater coal plant in NSW and its Loy Yang A generator in Victoria, and shut down the first of four units at its Liddell plant in NSW at the end of March.
Locked into unviable assets
The early closure plans have unsettled the government, with Mr Taylor earlier this month putting forward a proposal to lengthen the required notice period for a coal unit closure to five years from three to give the market more time to adjust ahead of the removal of chunks of generation capacity.
Wonderful response. Don’t actually do anything about the problem, just insist on more notice of coming disaster (so pollies can make sure they’re not around when the proverbial hits the fan).
That would have to be a clockwork fan.
Piss poor response. They have known for a decade that this was the plan.
How is it that when Enron restricted supply it was deemed illegal. Here the gov says “Yes Sir!”.
Explains the jump in prices of late , and right now .
Get ready for Australian Private Hospital care prices to go up
Ramsay confirms $20b takeover offer
A consortium led by global private equity giant KKR has lobbed a $20 billion-plus offer for the nation’s largest private hospital operator, Ramsay Health Care, the ASX-listed company confirmed on Wednesday morning.
Given the size of the equity cheque, the group also includes offshore sovereign wealth funds looking to take advantage of the attractive and growing healthcare space.
The KKR-led consortium has been in Ramsay’s data room for two weeks conducting due diligence on a non-exclusive basis, and appointed UBS and Herbert Smith Freehills as its advisers. Barrenjoey Capital Partners and Credit Suisse are advising KKR.
Europe stake included
Any binding offer would also include Ramsay’s 52.79 per cent in the French operations, Ramsay Sante, which is the second largest private care provider in Europe. Ramsay owns the stake in the French subsidiary through its UK business.
Confront financially out-of-control NDIS or pay higher taxes
No one questions the need to support those with disabilities, but the present gigantic welfare scheme has expanded far beyond the original bipartisan intent.
Whoever wins the federal election must confront the financially out-of-control National Disability Insurance Scheme, and an honest and empathetic conversation with the public and disability sector is required.
Providing a proper safety net for people with serious disabilities – and relieving their under-pressure family carers – should be one of the primary roles of government.
But the NDIS has become a gigantic welfare scheme and has expanded far beyond the original bipartisan intent.
The NDIS is now the desired social security program for participants, more than 18,000 service providers and consultants.
A decade ago, when the NDIS was conceived by the Gillard government and then implemented by the Abbott government in 2013, the Productivity Commission estimated it would cover 411,000 participants and cost $13.6 billion at maturity.
As of December 31 last year, there was 502,413 active participants, equal to about 2 per cent of Australia’s population. The Australian Government Actuary estimates there will be 859,328 participants by 2030 – double the original estimate. Total participant costs are estimated to be $29.2 billion in 2021-22, growing to $41.4 billion in 2024-25 and $59.3 billion in 2029-30.
It is not surprising that a free public good with largely uncapped assistance is being over-consumed.
Real cost blowouts
The arbitrage opportunity defies the principle of equity and fairness in government support payments. Moreover, there is no check and balance on medical professionals diagnosing people to be eligible for the NDIS.
And who can blame them? The incentive for doctors and psychologists is to over-diagnose the seriousness of problems to secure the best financial support for their patients.
“Doctor shopping” is more common among people from affluent backgrounds. The Coalition government tried to introduce independent assessments to get a second opinion on people’s eligibility. But Labor and the states ran an almighty scare campaign about the Liberals trying to take money off people with a disability.
Open to interpretation
Children experiencing mild developmental delays, such as being a year behind on talking or reading, are also being classified as disabled. Mild autism can also qualify.
Parents of young people are cottoning on. Of the 20,384 new participants with an approved plan in the December quarter, 38 per cent were aged younger than seven years. Overall, 41 per cent of total participants are aged 14 and under.
The Commonwealth and states originally agreed to split the NDIS costs 50-50. But the Commonwealth is now on the hook for about 65 per cent of the cost. Under the intergovernmental agreements, the states pay fixed dollar amounts.
The Commonwealth wears the upside risks of cost escalation. Whoever in the federal government signed off on this cost-shifting mechanism should be embarrassed. There is no incentive for the states to reduce cost overruns.
There will likely be interest in the wreck of the Moskva.
Not only is there concern of nuclear weapons on board, Glen Beck says there is a claim that a part of the original cross that Jesus was crucified on was on board.
At 2,000 meters deep it will not be a trivial search.
Even a small splinter should have had a forcefield to reduce the likelihood of attack, but apparently it failed on this occasion.
I doubt that claim, it never worked the first time.
bwahahahaha. Oh you’re serious.
Beck is the REPORTER. He didn’t make the claim.
He chose to pass it on. Reporters have a role other than just passing on what someone said or did. You know the old addage-
One person tells a reporter it is raining and another says it is sunny. It is not the reporters role to report both. It is their role to find out which one is correct.
Yes Gee, religious people make lots of ludicrous claims.. look at the AGW religion for example.
Yet you “believe” in that !
The rains a comin.
Now I looked into that company, not much around that’s not self promotion.
Another Col. MacGregor on Ukraine
The axe cometh?
“Warner Bros. Discovery has suspended all external marketing spend for CNN+ and has laid off CNN’s longtime chief financial officer as it weighs what to do with the subscription streaming service moving forward, five sources tell Axios.”
On the Mark Steyn show there was a segment about micro plastic inhalation due to masks. Interesting.
Talk about zeroing in with a microscope.
last week I thought micro-plastics were killing the oceans. Now it’s us. The worm turns.
CO2 starvation at the LGM.
Further tp that …
‘Schmittner and his colleagues estimate that colder ocean temperatures would account for about half of the decrease in CO2 during the last glacial maximum – or height of the last ice age. Another third or so, they say, was likely caused by an increase in iron-laden dust coming off the continents and “fertilizing” the surface of the Southern Ocean. An increase in iron would boost phytoplankton production, absorbing more carbon and depositing it deep in the ocean.’ (Oregon State University)
I don’t recall China taking over (as good as) the Solomon Islands getting any mention? I would have thought it would have.
Can’t get behind the paywall, what does it say?
‘ … since the climate crisis doesn’t exist …’ (Greta)