A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The weather in Washington State is fantastic. Really!
Rain, snow, sun, & wind. Repeat.
Some places got lots of snow.
Where I am, at 2,240 feet, in the rain/snow shadow of the Cascade Mtns., it was a fun weather day. My snow didn’t stay but the hills (5,000 ft) north of me are white.
Wish you could have been here.
Me too. Canberra is really boring at the moment.
Always. !
Late tropical cyclone in the south west Pacific.
It’s still Cyclone Season (Nov-Apr) so bang-on time. QLD & NSW surfers will be happy, and so will we if it drifts the right way…
Apart from the rare, brief downpours we’ve had, summer 2022 has been like the good old days – sunny, warm, calm, dry – except Christchurch: beware the Ides of March. Bring on the troppo!
Roy Spencer’s UAH March numbers are out (0.15 C) so nothing ‘existential’ to worry about… apart from the IPCCC’s blathering ‘last chance’ nonsense drivel.
“Roy Spencer’s UAH March numbers are out (0.15 C) so nothing ‘existential’ to worry about… apart from the IPCCC’s blathering ‘last chance’ nonsense drivel.”
Clearly Mr Spencer doesn’t read here in Oz. They have the latest prediction that we have ONLY 3 ( yes three) years to make a difference or we’re doomed.
Coolest, wetest summer for years. No days above 38 degrees. I think one ( yes 1 ) total fire ban day. Fire restrictions came into force about the 14th of December and were lifted about the 14th of March shortest fire danger period in living memory, or maybe even unprecedented. This bloody global warming is playing with peoples heads
Ah, but think of the fire danger when the frosts kill off all that summer grass!
Its been flat, no doubt about it.
‘The new Pause has lengthened by another month. On the UAH satellite monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature dataset, seven and a half years have passed since there was any trend in global warming at all.
‘As always, if anyone has seen this surely not uninteresting fact mentioned in the Marxstream news media, let us know in comments. One of the best-kept secrets in what passes for “journalism” these days is that global temperature has not been rising steadily (or, since October 2014, at all).
‘ It has been rising in occasional spurts in response to natural events such as the great Pacific shift of 1976 and the subsequent strong el Niño events, rather than at the somewhat steadier rate that one might expect if our continuing – and continuous – sins of emission were the primary culprit.’ (Christopher Monckton of Brenchley)
IPCC have released another report
this is leading up to the 6th assessment report due in september
Somebody will shortly comment that IPCC reports are written by politicians and not scientists. This may be true of the Summary for Policymakers but if anything the summary understates the risks compared to the Technical Report, which is written by scientists. The Summary release was delayed today, reportedly because of objections from Saudi Arabia and India.
until the IPA, or Heartland issue some talking points, there won’t be much commentary on the report. Mind you, every page should have a trigger warning (right wing version aka ‘fake news’) because it will inflame that part of the spectrum
If they just renamed these reports ” Appendix to Grimms Fairy Tales ” we would know to avoid them.
“Appendix to Crims Fairy Tales” There, fixed.
🙂 🙂
I’d say more like “grimy”.
Exactly Peter. There is no independent analysis here, just parroting of lobbyists talking points. I’ve started reading and it is quite optimistic, the necessary changes are starting to happen. I’m not sure that many here yet appreciate how different energy generation will be a decade from now. There are more than a few Australian politicians with their head in the sand too.
Yep, that is all you have ever done, just parroting of lobbyists talking points.
Yes, the waste and instability brought about by the EU and UK renewables ios cause=ing some people to wake up to the AGW scam.
Australian politicians need to get their head out of the sand an wake to the fact that they have been conned by the biggest hoax ever perpetrated by the far-left marxists.
Unless nuclear makes a stand, then either Australia will have a more solid coal and gas infrastructure, or they will be in a situation of regular long term blackouts from grid collapse.
Wind and solar can never support Australian society, and any attempt to make it do so, will lead to the collapse of that society.
How would we know? Please correct me if I’m wrong, but we cannot see the original “Scientific” SPM before it becomes totally changed by the political folk. And looking at the list of political folk that generate the final SPM, very few have any scientific qualifications.
i posted the link
Yes, you posted the link.
But you don’t have a clue what it means.
So, you’ve just added one more link in the chain that the Elites have shackled us with.
then explain it
All the chapters are about mitigation of a minuscule trace gas, there is nothing on the science of climate change. Sorry comrade, its a fail.
el g – you want this report
the links are in the report I listed, which is about mitigation measures. but nice try to deflect. I advise that you wait for the talking points on Sky, or Fox
Thanks, got it. There is a lot to debate, we might as well start with this.
‘Observed warming is driven by emissions from human activities, with greenhouse gas warming partly masked by aerosol cooling.’
That is wrong, ENSO is the temperature control knob.
ENSO does not create heat, it can only redistribute between ocean and atmosphere. Global net change is incoming ultraviolet less outgoing infrared.
And humans cannot be the cause of that heat.
CO2 does not heat the oceans.
There is no real physical mechanism by which it can.
Nor does CO2 block infrared, actual measurements show that it just channels it through the atmospheric window.
It is actually conduit for cooling.
Peter obvious has not read any of that malevolent tome, otherwise he would be able to point to the actual science that proves warming by atmospheric CO2.
Just a nebulous reference, with zero understanding of what is, and isn’t, in it.
Simon, ” it can only redistribute between ocean and atmosphere.” If heat transfers to cool, how is your transfer possible, I thought the atmosphere was heating the oceans, unless….
LOL. That’s a new one on me. The mind boggles how CO2 channels IR. It sounds very new-agey…
“That’s a new one on me “
Basically any real science is going to be new to you !
Sorry you continue to remain blissfully and deliberately ignorant of radiative energy transfer.
Next you will be telling us more copper doesn’t conduct electricity better. !
“ENSO does not create heat”
Neither does CO2 !
“Global net change is incoming ultraviolet ….”
And during the last half of last century, that solar energy coming in has been described as a “grand solar maximum”
On top of that, there has been less cloud of the tropics, also leading to more incoming radiation.
Thanks for exposing the fact that CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with it.
El gordo, this might answer you initial question
There is absolutely nothing but conjecture in that link. It says basically nothing
Models again .. and even NOAA climate zealots are saying they haven’t got a clue about ENSO.
Chains are heavy.
‘ … your initial question.’
This caught my eye.
‘It’s changed!… kinda. (WITH LOTS OF NUANCE!) The amplitude (strength) of ENSO along with the frequency of high-magnitude events (aka the BIG ones) are higher since 1950 than from 1850-1950 to as far back at 1400-1950.’
Maybe, I’l follow that up. In the meantime you might like to consider that Sydney is experiencing a Gleissberg.
My usual observation is that before you even enter into the argument that CO2 heats the air let alone the oceans, you have to establish that the increase in CO2 is man made. That is not proven. And if CO2 levels are not our fault, what is this all about?
The only argument for CO2 driven warming is that recent very slight warming corresponds in timing with the industrial revolution. And correlation is assumed to be causation. Even if you ignore that the Little Ice age ended in 1870 and what caused that?
However by Occams’ razor, the argument is not that increased CO2 somehow causes warming but that warming causes CO2.
98% of all highly soluble CO2 is dissolved in the world’s oceans, so ocean warming produces CO2 is more likely true. And corresponds perfectly with the pub test. Warm beer goes flat.
So man made CO2 induced ocean warming is busted. Quite apart from being completely unexplained because hot air does not heat water. Try it. Get a hairdryer and blow it over a cup of water at 140C and see how long it takes to make hot tea.
Yes, we know you have none. !
Again, you show a complete lack of comprehension in basic science.
Who needs science?
When you propose without proof (and I have never seen any) that mankind alone has increased CO2 by 50%, that (without proof) this extra CO2 has heated the air and (without proof or even explanation) that this very slight increase in average air temperature has heated the water you are making a series of statements each more unlikely than the previous. And if anyone is wrong, the whole thing is wrong.
However without any science at all it should be obvious that heating the water releases CO2 which is a full explanation. And you should take the position that until proven otherwise to your satisfaction what you are being told is untrue. That’s how science really works.
And if you accept that there was a Little Ice age, a time when people skated on the Thames in London and held markets on the ice and that this ended in 1870, you also have to ask why the Little Ice Age occurred? And why whatever caused the little Ice Age was not the likely cause of the warming? What is certain is that what caused the Little Ice age was not CO2. What was it? That would be my first question. And the second one is if the world was really warmer before the Little Ice Age, where were the Climate disasters?
This is why Michael Mann had to hide the Roman warming with his ‘Hockey Stick’. He hid the Roman warming and the renaissance warming and the Little Ice Age, because a thinking person might ask what was responsible for the temperatures going up and down may be the culprit.
What was in common between the Roman period, the renaissance and the modern era? Warming and a massive increase in quality of life. The polar bears were fine in all three and no one drowned from rapid sea level rise. If anything most ports from Roman times are now well above water level.
A little arithmetic helps too. 98% of CO2 is in the water, 2% in the air. So how much of this CO2 has to come out of the water to increase aerial CO2 by 50%? About 1%. And would very slight warming of the ocean surface release 1% of the stored CO2? Easily.
The reason there is so much CO2 in the ocean is that CO2 is 30x more soluble than O2 and far more compressible and at one atmosphere per 10 metres, CO2 is very rapidly absorbed and compressed. Which is good as half the world’s oxygen is produced by phytoplankton, a sort of ocean sub surface plant which like all plants needs two chemicals it finds in abundance in the oceans, CO2 and H2O which it combines with sunlight and with photosynthesis produces hydrated Carbon dioxide which we know as carbohydrates.
CO2 is not only essential to all life on the surface, it is essential for all life in the oceans. Fish need oxygen as much as we do.
“A little arithmetic helps too.”
Thing is, TdeF. Simon and Peter have shown that they can’t manage even that little bit of arithmetic.
They are lost in a world where maths and science aren’t necessary.. just feelings and virtue-seeking.
‘This is why Michael Mann had to hide the Roman warming with his ‘Hockey Stick’.’ Well said, TdeF.
This was the first time that made me question the whole GW meme. And then when the tree rings showed a decline in temps after 1960 (divergence), he tacked on the thermometer record thus creating two proxies. Worse still, he didn’t state that he did so (‘Mike’s nature trick’, ‘hide the decline’, etc). Regardless of how alarmists spin it, Mc and Mc found Mann out. Mann-made warming indeed.
No PF, you posted a link to the initial WG1, NOT the actual initial SPM, produced by a smaller group of scientists than those involved in the production of the WG. The scientific SPM is then handed over to the politicians, who re-write the initial scientific SPM. Don’t you understand how the process works?
We NEVER see the actual scientific SPM that was generated, only the greatly modified final SPM.
Before you comment again, may I suggest that you do some more research on the actual SPM generation process.
To quote Donna Laframboise, when talking about the Final generation process for AR5: “A big IPCC meeting takes place. Attended by governments. Although some people in the room are scientists, the vast majority are diplomats, foreign affairs specialists, bureaucrats, and assorted other officials. These people then spend the next week re-writing the SPM authored by scientists”.
I’m not interested in the SPM – and the WG papers are the summaries, with links that are the science.
Why bring that up anyway
“with links that are the science.”
Not one of which you have read or understood, otherwise you would surely be able to present something to back up your anti-science ramblings.
The WGs are NOT the summary! You STILL don’t understand that there are TWO SPMs – the first technical one, the actual summary, which would be of great interest to everybody if we were permitted to see it, and the final political one which is useless, but which is referred to by everybody.
“IPCC reports are written by politicians and not scientists”
No, it is written by politicians and activists. !.. Science is not involved except as rudimentary and wrong level..
Many scientists who have been involved have quit because of the lies promulgated in the summaries.
There is absolutely nothing untoward happening with the weather or the climate.
That is what scientific data tells us. !
Where in the IPCC report is the science that proves, against all physics, that CO2 causes warming.
It doesn’t exist except in models.
then prove it
Its your fairy tale..
You are the one that says the science exists.. yet you constantly fail to produce any.
If basic understanding of the physics of energy transfer is beyond you, I suggest you go back to junior high and start again.
“If basic understanding of the physics of energy transfer is beyond you, I suggest you go back to junior high and start again.” And there he would be well schooled in gender blending and critical race theory, definitely prerequisites to becoming a climate scientist.
“There is absolutely nothing untoward happening with the weather or the climate.”
Balls in your court, Peter… data please not models.
And no, not sparse, highly mal-adjusted urban surface temperature data….. real data.
Easy to prove PF, the IPCC has clearly defined the actual process. Try doing some more research.
Re: Models
UAH, J Christy, 32 models vs Observations
Re: Failed Climate Predictions
Updated list of failed predictions:
Wrong Again, 50 Yrs of Failed Predictions:
Special note for Simon and PF:
“It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, and certainly not how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period.” ~ Richard P. Feynman
The models are actually performing quite well:
No Simon. Those are your words. And it tells readers that you are aware of the failings of what you seek to protect.
Oh goody another IPCC report. That will be as world changing as the rest of them and force yet more adjustments towards reality.
They’ve taken on a challenge
Years ago before wokeness it was reckoned that the weight of saved National Geographic magazines was holding the world down.
IPCC is working on providing the new counterbalance
(/s ought not be necessary but in case)
“released another report”
“GIVE US LOTS OF MONEY”.. so we can fix the imaginary problems we have dreamed up with the use of fake invalidated climate models.
I’ve only read a few chapters,and as I suspected , they are hedging everything with if and maybes and “models suggest” LOL
Not much science involved.
I’m guessing that many of the activists involved actually know that we are most likely heading into a cooling period.
This will be a loud shout to try to get their own way before their stories and fabrications are brought back to reality with a resounding crash.
But in the EU, UK they are already fighting a losing battle as the instability and lack of provision by wind and solar start to bite. These countries need their own reliable electricity supplies, not from countries that could withhold energy supplies at a whim.
How far away is a complete collapse that will bring those countries to their knees, and just maybe, wake people up to the stupidity of the anti-CO2 nonsense and make them realise that reliable, stable electricity is by far the most sustainable.
Not much science b.nice? Really? Does that suggest you found some actual science among what you read?
Do tell!
They mention the word “science”.. a bit like PF does. 😉
Since the first world climate conference was in 1979, 43 years ago. US carbon emissions are unchanged in 42 years, European Union emissions are lower now than in 1980. This is where the good news stops. China up by 384%, India up by 422%, other developing nations up by 66%. And who does the West blame, yep – Australia, with 1/25th of China’s emissions.
“This is where the good news stops.”
Lowering of CO2 emissions is not good news. The world’s atmosphere and all life in it, requires more CO2
It is one of the two basic building blocks of all life on Earth !
Melbourne’s had the best five or six weeks of fine weather in living memory. Tapering off this week.
In Time for F1 GP on Sunday
The world today generates over 80% of our total energy from fossil fuels and will do so for many decades into the future.
So why are Humans so wealthy and healthy today and why has our global population grown so rapidly since 1800?
In 1800 our pop reached 1 billion people, then 2 billion by 1927,then 3 billion by 1960. then 4 billion by 1974, then 5 billion by 1987, then 6 billion by 1999, then 7 billion by 2011 and today about 7.9 billion and soon 8 billion by 2023.
Yet the rate of global pop growth has DECLINED since about 1968, although a very young African pop ( about 19 years) has ensured a much more rapid growth in that continent since 1970.
But the Malthusian donkeys plus some of the kiddies etc all tell us we are living in the END times and we are facing a Climate CRISIS or EXISTENTIAL THREAT etc.
AOC and Biden, UN, UK, EU, plus Aussie donkeys etc think we only have a few years left before we face the apocalypse and we’ll all be punished for our sins.
So how come we now have a global life expectancy of about 73 today and increasing wealth and YET we’re supposed to fall over the precipice in just a few years time? Any ideas, anyone?
Today’s recommended reading is ‘Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed’ by Jared Diamond.
‘Tim Flannery gave Collapse the highest praise in Science, writing:
‘While he planned the book, Diamond at first thought that it would deal only with human impacts on the environment. Instead, what has emerged is arguably the most incisive study of senescing human civilizations ever written. … the fact that one of the world’s most original thinkers has chosen to pen this mammoth work when his career is at his apogee is itself a persuasive argument that Collapse must be taken seriously. It is probably the most important book you will ever read.’
I’ll pass.
I read the book several years ago. Some parts of it at least have not aged well;
For instance Diamond says that the Easter Islanders cut down all their trees to use as log rollers to shift their large stone statues (Moi), and thereby ruined their environment and reduced themselves to misery and starvation. More recently the log rolling theory has been abandoned. It seems the Islanders may have moved the statues by rocking them from side to side with ropes!
Yes they couldn’t continue to blame the Easter Island people of self destruction through environmental degradation (eco-cide), they were so close to nature after all. This new hypothesis of ‘rocking the statues’ takes the blame away from the Easter Islanders and places it squarely on the evil white man. What else is new?
Sounds so yesterday
Bill Bryson has been known to quote Flannery but not so much as to wreck his story line (IMO)
Societies collapse by choosing to take up leftist ideologies. !
Leftist ideology is destroying basically every facet of society, especially in places like the US, UK, Australia
Energy supplies, personal morality, families, development, industry, etc etc….
An incessant attack on the very fabric of civilisation.
The Left destroys everything it touches.
So how do we face Biden’s EXISTENTIAL threat? Here’s silly Joe telling us “we can feel it in our bones.”
So the first 1 billion Humans occurred in 1800 and had a life expectancy under 40 years, yet in just a couple of centuries we’ve added another 7 billion people and we now have a life expectancy of 73 years.
I can’t see an argument for an EXISTENTIAL threat at all. In fact the reverse is true and we’re definitely living in the very best of times and our climate today cannot be too dangerous either.Here’s Joe’s short video.
Great Kings of the past would never have imagined the comfort us humble citizens enjoy in our ordinary homes. Some people are never satisfied.
The existential threat is human stupidity. Mostly in the denial of reality.
Existential threat comes from the implementation of things like “Green New Deal”, “New World Order”
… and in fact basically anything implemented by the far left.
“Life expectancy of 40 years” is bunkum. I have no issue with your overall point, but so-called average life span takes into account infant mortality – which was bloody high until very recently. There is a reason the Bible blathers on about “three score and ten years” for the average life. You just had to get past the first few years.
Have to agree on that, Adellad. A tour of the many little cemeteries in country Victoria reveal numerous infant deaths and then many of ripe old age. The ‘middle ones in the cemeteries in my area tend to be accidents with people in their prime cut down by the necessities of life i.e. Killed while felling timber, thrown from horse, drowned while crossing flood waters etc. It seems that if you survived childhood you had a pretty good chance of a long life.
Dr. Jane Ruby on what is up with vaccines (video)
▪ 50
If Musk controls Twitter and makes it a free speech platform will anyone use it again?
They will turn out in droves. Why would you think otherwise?
For a start Trump and his 88 million former Twitter followers might put in an appearance since Trump’s own free speech platform is taking so long to appear.
I wouldn’t expect anything to change by the time of the Mid-Terms but by the time of the next Presidential race, having a free speech platform would come in very handy for a lot of people who have been silenced for so long.
If the Left loses control of Twitter you could expect more statutory controls to be imposed on what is allowed to be said online, which is already happening in a lot of places. The old “we’re the government and we’re here to protect you from misinformation” ploy.
Truth Social launch late February. From all reports those 88 million didn’t follow him
It’s good someone tried and fought for free speech and freedom in general and against tyranny, even if it is not yet a success.
As Churchill said:
Thanks GA. Wasn’t aware it had launched and was a shambles. I still think people will return to the platform they are familiar with if it is under new management.
Musk now owns 9%, twice the holding of Dorsey so a special GM could be called anytime.
4 times according to at least three sources: 9.2% Musk v. 2.25% for Dorsey. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has disclosed he holds a 9.2% stake, confirming that Musk bought 73,486,938 Twitter shares in March.
Twitter’s top five shareholders as of Q3 2021 were the big institutional investors: Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street Corp., and Lone Pine Capital, owning 30% collectively. Dorsey didn’t rate in the top 5.
Morgan Stanley had 9.2% which is coincidentally what Musk now has. It may be that parcel of shares he has acquired.
On March 24, Musk ran a poll asking whether or not the social media platform’s algorithm should be open source.
The billionaire later asked whether or not Twitter rigorously adheres to the principle of free speech.
After Musk conducted his Twitter poll in March and the majority replied ‘NO’ to the 2nd question, Musk asked whether a new networking site was needed, disclosing he was considering starting his own.
“Musk is known to be a strong proponent of free speech and this move seems hardly surprising.
His tweets about Tesla have landed him in a soup on many occasions, triggering investors as well as the US government.
The billionaire is currently trying to end the oversight of his tweets by the SEC, which he claims is trying to trample his free speech rights.”
So his actions are unsurprisingly not entirely altruistic Hanrahan, but useful to the plebs nevertheless if they result in free speech.
Check the upward spike in share price.
And the comment that he could short it and spike it as a factor in any “negotiations” he has with internal matters and the big board types
Shorting a stock doesn’t spike the price and he is now subject to strict conditions wrt trading the shares. He certainly could not get away with a pump ‘n dump.
Musk has now been appointed to the Twitter Board of Directors.
Official document:
There’s hope for liberals and crybabies yet 😅
Taking omega-3 supplements boosts cancer treatments’ ability to cure disease
Researchers found omega-3 supplements boost these drugs’ ability to attack tumors. In experiments with mice, the combination slashed cancer’s spread through the body by two-thirds.
Omega-6 has the opposite effect on cancer
Reminding you that grass fed beef and mutton/lamb is high in omega 3
57 people fall ill in Kinder Surprise ‘salmonella outbreak’ as popular eggs recalled
Parents have been urged not to give their children certain types of Kinder Surprise Eggs this Easter due to possible health and safety concerns.
Certain batches of the popular children’s chocolate have been recalled after 57 cases of people became ill, with most of them being children.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has said that the chocolate eggs have been linked to a “possible outbreak of salmonella”, with over a third of the cases being children aged five and under.
Granted this is in the UK but it’s an imported product so it’d pay to be cautious.
Bangladesh – Diarrhoea outbreak: 450,000 patients in three months
More than 450,000 people all over the country have been diagnosed with diarrhoea. Of them, more than 55,000 patients have been treated at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). Some 23 per cent of the patients admitted at the icddr,b have severe diarrhoea or cholera.
Part of the worsening trend I’m afraid.
It’s too bad that the trillions of dollars thrown away on wind and solar schemes wasn’t spent on toilets for the Third World instead.
Only about 50% of people in Bangladesh have access to their own toilet. The rest go anywhere they can.
Providing toilets is the most important hygiene measure that can be undertaken in those countries, apart from access to cheap and reliable fossil fuel energy.
A book was written about the provision of toilets in Third World countries and throughout the world, “The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters” by Rose George.
Forget the 3rd world, have a look at Baltimore’s water management woes and the city’s struggling 1855 sewerage system after 75 years of Democrat “governance.”
George Soros ‘Incandescent with Rage’ After His New-World-Order-Pushing Open Society Fails Overthrow In Hungary — Viktor Orban Wins by Massive Landslide
In the face of massive opposition from George Soros and the ‘New World Order’, Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz Party won the Hungarian national elections in a massive landslide.
Speaking in Budapest, Viktor Orbán declared, “We’ve won a victory so big that you can see it from the moon. You can certainly see it from Brussels. Don’t be afraid, hold on, the motherland is with you.”
Awww…ex N@zi Soros’ multi decade plans for a NWO not going to plan then? 😅
Leaked Pfizer Documents Show Vaccinated People Can Spread Deadly Effects To The Unvaccinated
new Pfizer documents reveal that both inhalation and skin contact with jabbed individuals will transfer whatever is in the vaccine to the unvaccinated.
Unvaxxed – good. Vaxxed – bad.
If an EV catches on fire and emits plumes of black smoke for 4 days before the chain reaction finally stops is it still considered a zero emissions car?
Asking for a friend. 😉
I think that at the point of combustion it would become an ICE
I think it would be more rightly determined an ECE (External Combustion Engine)
Here is an example of what the Leftist brainwashing and scaremongering doomsday cultists have done to our children. “In despair’: The dark thoughts stalking our kids
Victorian youth are expressing suicidal thoughts to doctors, as anxiety becomes the major reason for them visiting GPs. It comes as new mental health hubs are set up for kids aged zero to 11.”
Children really should not be presented with the depravity and anti-science nonsense that the left espouse and preach in schools.
It leads to people like ** who lack any sort of moral compass and swing wildly between manic virtue-seeking, and totalitarian derangement, lacking any sort of scientific or social awareness.
Its no wonder the shrinks are having a field day !
World GDP has increased by about 83 times since the start of the Industrial revolution and the graph plot actually shows an almost vertical rise since 1820.
This data is from the World Bank and is in 2011 dollars.
Okay, the other day there was the Rafe Post about wind droughts.
Yeah, and it’s a phrase, we now use, and most of us know the phrase, but not what it might look like.
So luckily, we had one of those days just yesterday, so I can actually SHOW you a wind drought.
Take this link to the Aneroid site showing power generation, and this is for yesterday 4April2022
When the link opens, you’ll see the power generation graph with the coloured generation sources shown, and the colours are explained in the text directly under that graph.
Now, firstly, tick the lower left box ….. Total.
Then, UNTICK every other box except the one headed ….. Wind.
All you have now is the black line total power consumed across the AEMO, and the green colour hovering along the bottom, and that’s the TOTAL for just wind power, yep, that’s all there was.
You can hover your mouse along the 24 hours over the graph and see just how much wind generation there was for the day.
Okay, now look at the right and a little lower than this graph, and you’ll see a Synoptic chart for Australia.
In the box at lower left of that chart, you’ll see the date and time etc, and note the time here, 10AM 4April2022.
You can see that large High Pressure weather system hovering almost directly over that area where two thirds of all wind plants are located.
Now, again hover your mouse over the graph at the time of the Synoptic chart, 10AM, (10:00)
1000MW generated power from wind and the total power consumption was 25,400MW, so wind was delivering 3.9% of all the generated power at a Capacity Factor of 11.6%.
The CF across the whole day for ALL wind for ALL Australia was around 13%.
For those two States where all those wind plants are located, at around 10AM, those two States were generating just 120MW at a CF of 2.3%
Okay, so the whole day was indeed the wind drought.
Again, note the power being consumed …..25400MW, and then what wind is delivering just 1000MW.
THAT is what a wind drought is.
I wonder how long before they start fabricating wind power figures to make it appear useful?
Thanks Tony. I look at this site almost every day since you first alerted us to it. I find it fascinating to look at the pattern of generation from all sources, but it is interesting to see, not just how unreliable wind is, but how disruptive solar, particularly rooftop solar, must be to those who have the responsibility of stabilising the grid. It is also easy to understand how coal generators, with the inherent inertia they have in ramping up and down, are at a practical and financial disadvantage when faced with such huge fluctuations.
We have the worlds longest interconnected grid, so much for the waffle that the wind always blows somewhere.
Yes, the wind either blows or not blows over continental size scales so even over a land mass the size of Australia the wind subsidy farms will either be all working or all not working at the same time.
I think they misheard “It’s always cocktail hour somewhere”.
Just recieved a letter from my electricity retailer advising that the cost of electricity will increase back dated from my last bill in January. I rang the company and had a discussion with a helpful chap, the gist of which was ” as every politician of every political party has said that renewables will result in reduced electricity bills, I will not accept a price increase and would appreciate seeing said promised reductions on my power bill back dated from my last bill ( January) Sales chap sort of had no where to go, had to agree with me and “will take it further” in the interim my power bill rate will not be increased until further notice. A tiny victory but hey, I’ll take it!
Wind droughts ….. (plural)
Sort of like coal droughts.
You know, like when the coal mine that your coal fired power plant is constructed on rings you up and says, ….. “Umm, sorry, mate, we haven’t got enough coal for you today” and you get that call three times a Month. (in a similar manner to those wind droughts)
Now you tell me which scenario is more likely.
A Unit at a coal fired power plant can generate 500MW+. (one Unit) If just one Unit goes off line for any reason at all, renewable power fanbois ‘rabbit’ on how unreliable they are.
The difference between the high and the low for Wind generation varies between 1000MW and 2000MW ….. on a daily basis.
Hey, look over there!
Just on the 6 oclock news was the story that coal prices had increased so much that they are driving the cost of electrity up. The usual suspects were blamed, the war in Ukraine, increased global demand etc. The one point not mentioned was here in Victoriastan the government had increased the cost of royalties that literaly made coal power uneconomical to continue. All by design of course, but lets not blame the Vic labour government, you know that great body that on their own admission and by a specific enquiry to find answers into 800 deaths, found no idividual in charge, decisions being made by a ” collective”
Pandemic Panic Theater Is Back, but at Least It’s Not Hemorrhagic Fever Yet
Both Dr. Li-Meng Yan and Lt. General Thomas McInerney warned Americans on my show about the prospects of a very different type of pandemic coming to the world, a pandemic that won’t have a 99.993% recovery rate for people under the age of 50.
As the early stages of the latest round of Pandemic Panic Theater rears its ugly head, it seems very likely that any future hemorrhagic fever has been put on hold temporarily.
Don’t even ask me about hemorrhagic fever or its ilk.
Just don’t…
Calici virus works on rabbits, surely just a tweak here or a spike there can allow this virus to jump to other mammals.
Tennis World Rocked as FIFTEEN “Fully Vaccinated” Players Unable to Finish Miami Open
What’s the lame excuse this time?
Allergic reactions to sweatbands?
What’s the global count for superfit highly trained young athletes with perfect health and perfect nutrition? About 900…
Yeah, this is nuts. I imagine a lot of them are quietly talking amongst themselves about how the exertion is hurting them. A million little blood clots would do that. Hence the increasing consensus to just say “stuff it, I’m out”.
I really really doubt Ash Barty planned to retire at 25 while number 1! She could have made tens of millions of dollars still. – But the prospect of death….
Winning at a much less strenuous sport now. 🙂 A walk in the park, one might say.
Looks like us filthy lepers in Qld might be allowed to rejoin society soon.
And yet the Feds still will not allow unvaxxed people to leave the country and there is no indication this punishment will be removed anytime soon. That’s about ten percent of the population that are forced to remain in the Gulag.
A person known to me has become an instance of the hapless conscientious objector to the experimental gene therapy stranded overseas unable to return from her tourist jaunt these last two years the rules having changed since her departure.
How can QLD have fewer test than new cases on the same day? Or are the tests on a different day to reported cases? It does not seem to add up.
I think that is tests carried out by analytical labs (many fewer of the tests will be positive). New cases would include diagnoses by rapid antigen tests done at home (with no data on how many of those are negative).
Those who seek the truth already know much of this but it is worth highlighting.
Dr. Robert Malone v WEF
Bucha – the False Flag to Cross the Rubicon
An interesting alternate view
The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered
“In war, truth is the first casualty.” This quote has been attributed to Aeschylus, a 6th BCE Greek tragedian noted for his “copious use of imagery, mythic allusion, grand language, wordplay and riddles.” It is only fitting, therefore, that the man who first gave word to the concept of modern-day war-time propaganda would see his quote come to life in the present-day Ukraine. The Kiev government and their Western information warfare advisers may have coopted all of Aeschylus’ playwright devices to craft a modern-day tragedy in the Ukrainian town of Bucha that exemplifies the notion of the lie as not just a byproduct, but also a weapon of war.
The main source of the Bucha tragedy reports is a videotape, taken by the Ukrainian National Police, of one of their convoys driving through a street in the town.
One of the first lessons of objectivity is to slow things down to make sure that fact is not obscured by emotion. The Bucha videotape is disturbing. The video has been released in its present form, it appears, with the express intent of producing a visceral “shock and awe” moment for the viewer. If this was indeed the case, then those who released it – the Ukrainian National Police – have succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. Or that of their advisors, as the case may be.
The chronology of the narrative produces the first red flag that the story being peddled by Ukraine, and echoed in the West, is not what it seems. It is established fact that Russian troops evacuated Bucha on March 30. Ukrainian National Police began entering Bucha on March 31, and that same day the mayor of Bucha announced that the town was fully under the control of Ukrainian officials. At no time was there any suggestion by the mayor or any other Ukrainian official of mass killings undertaken by Russia. The videotape in question was released by Ukrainian authorities on April 2; it is not certain if the video had been taken earlier, or on that day. What is certain is that the images shown in the video differed sharply from the narrative initially portrayed by the mayor.
Russia and Ukraine trade accusations over Bucha civilian deaths (TIMELINE)
April 2
Contravening evidence
One clip published and later deleted by Ukrainian military commander Sergey Korotkih showed Ukrainian troops in Bucha discussing engagement rules. Korotkih, formerly a citizen of Belarus, is an open neo-Nazi who went to Ukraine back in 2014 to fight in the ranks of the notorious Azov Battalion. In Russia, Korotkih is wanted on multiple murder charges.
One of the fighters can be heard asking if it was OK to shoot at “guys not wearing blue armbands” identifying Ukrainian soldiers. The response was an affirmative “you bet”.
Some of the civilians apparently killed in Bucha were wearing white armbands. Russian troops had reportedly asked all civilians to wear them to identify themselves as non-combatants.
April 3
Russia denies Ukrainian claims
The Russian defense ministry denied Kiev’s claims, citing the three days between the troops’ withdrawal and the emergence of the evidence as a suspicious sign.
Moscow said the accusations were “a provocation” and possibly evidence of crimes committed by Ukrainian troops after they entered the city. The statement pointed to the apparently fresh state of some of the bodies in the photos.
Russia then called an emergency session of the UN Security Council to discuss Bucha and what it claims to be an attempt to smear it.
Moscow claimed the attempt to meet on Monday was blocked by the UK, which is also a permanent member of the body. The British mission said the session will take place on Tuesday instead.
Maybe the threat of war crime investigations are making the Russians nervous?
Apparently a group of Australian investigators have joined others from around the world and are now in the Ukraine gathering evidence.
“Apparently a group of Australian investigators ”
Kangaroo Court..Guaranteed!
Instead of weapons maybe the West should have been sending observers.
We all know Russia will get blamed by the West, but most of the world’s population won’t care either way, its just whites fighting among themselves and they hope we all kill each other off.
The Russians have been the ones demanding an immediate review. They have asked twice already at the UN Security Council.
So far it was the UK delaying the investigation, although probably not for too long. How to find genuinely independent investigators and get them access to the physical evidence might be a different story.
The ICC already made an announcement a month ago about starting an investigation … which is interesting when they say on their hands for 8 years watching people in the Donbas getting blown up by paramilitary groups under control of Kyiv and could not see any war crimes then … but now they do see it!
They are planning to send their investigators back in time to check out where all this started … that could work.
BTW 21 November 2013 was “Euromaidan” when protests broke out immediately after Ukraine changed their mind about joining the EU and it rapidly escalated to violent street battles. It probably would be interesting to see a real investigation of that, especially Victoria Nuland’s involvement.
These days if any government type person has committed an atrocity or is planning to commit an atrocity you can bet your house that they will blame their opposition.
And then the professional liars will start work. If the media talking heads are unanimous then you can be sure the truth is the opposite of what they are saying.
Pushing The Destruction Of Western Civilization
Posted on April 5, 2022 by tonyheller
Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban criticises Ukraine’s President Zelensky as he wins a fourth term in landslide election victory despite concerns over close ties to Moscow
Vox Day says:
Seventy years ago Europeans told Polish jokes as we English derivatives told Irish jokes. Many of the same ones I assume.
Who has the last laugh? Poland is now an island of sanity in Europe.
And the stand out best pilots in the Battle Of Britain were the Poles of RAF 303 Sqn.
Poland ought be held in high esteem. And, they have great food.
Modern Europe only exists because of Polish King Jan III Sobieski. If not for Sobieski and his army, in joint command of Polish, Austrian and German troops, against the invading Turks under Kara Mustafa, at the Battle of Vienna 11-12 Sep 1683, Europe would have been subjugated by Islam. “The September 11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC were reportedly timed so as to coincide with the anniversary of the Battle of Vienna, thus symbolically avenging the Ottoman defeat in this battle.”
An analysis of how to waste money – Attrition: Deleting The Weakest Links
The army doesn’t have to worry about retiring anything because they tend to wear out equipment or lose it in combat. The air force and navy have lots of big-ticket items that often don’t work well enough to keep.
I figure he mis-wrote this.
“the Ukrainian experience shows that the A-10 could still be very useful in a situation where the control of the air was contested.”
Warthogs are only useful when there are no enemy fighters around, in un-contested airspace. I’ll bet the Russians wish they had a couple of squadrons of them.
Interesting article on how Govts waste money, we’ll see how it goes for the Yanks when they can’t rely on the dollar as a trading currency and actually have to earn their money. War budget this year up around $US850,000,000,000. Biden spends more money on making war than anything else in the country.
Study: .005% of America Will Use Biden’s Passport Provision to Be a Genderless Alien
According to Worldometers, the U.S. population is currently about 335,000,000. 16,700 out of that constitutes .005%.
Is our current panderous state such that federal policy is being crafted for .005% of the citizenry? It appears so.
As for genderless globetrotting, of course, not every country is as open-minded as ours. Many require that you be John or Jane.
Hence, the Biden administration may have set up those it’s trying so hard to impress to reach a border they cannot cross.
Optically, however, that may not matter. If an LGBTQIA+ member encounters difficulty entering a foreign land with “X” marking their spot, the story can simply be squashed as “malinformation” — information that is true but causes harm:
Meanwhile on Online Doctor Booking here in OZ
Birth Gender
– Female
– Male
– Unknown
– Other
Identify as
– Female
– Male
– Non Binary
– Gender Diverse
– Transgender
– Different Identity
The Exclusivity of Inclusivity
How often do you hear rainbow and unicorn terms ooze out of the left that signals some virtue for being equal, caring, and inclusive? The activists on the left want people to believe that their entire stance on the world is to welcome one and all no matter who they are, but their fierce love of all comes with an equal amount of fury for those who reject others.
It sounds counter-intuitive, and to be sure, it is, but what’s more, is that these folks don’t seem to know just how deep their exclusivity goes. They can decide what constitutes “non-inclusive” on a whim and they do with reckless abandon. If an idea becomes out of vogue for them, they will proceed to cast it and anyone who believes it, into some sort of societal exile.
So radical is their inclusivity that they become the most uninclusive group in society. They are now hyper-exclusive and, dare I say, intolerant.
What makes this really bad is the fact that these people control the major platforms, from Hollywood stage sets to social media websites. Meaning their message of intolerance and exclusivity is the prevailing narrative of the mainstream. You can see this play out quite a bit on social media where only the radical left’s narratives get to flourish while everyone else is punished for holding simple opinions such as “men can’t be women.”
You also see it in the productions that are coming out lately. Studios continue to pump out properties that co-opt popular franchises and timeless classics and make them into leftist message carriers, creating stories and situations that are completely divorced from the respective logics of their universe.
Woke culture, for instance, doesn’t tolerate anything that glorifies masculinity, especially white men. Let’s take the new Halo series from Paramount.
The Halo franchise is one of the most popular in video games history and, as is the trend, a studio wanted to make a live-action series or movie from it as an easy cash-grab. The only issue is that the Master Chief, the main protagonist of the series, is a white man. A series focusing on the Master Chief being a hero to all of mankind may drift a little too close to the woke culture’s no-go zone. So what’s the fix?
You make the Master Chief a sub-character in his own show and make the lead a strong female archetype. Even better, you fill the show with them until the strong female archetype is every other character. It’s a decision that makes many of the females either seem shoehorned into the plot instead of naturally occurring characters.
It’s tragic how so manu children and young adults are being encouraged to engage in sterilising and mutilating hormone treatment and surgery.
Why bring up the “vaccine” here?
I can hardly wait till the next census. So many options.
And so much fun could be had inventing a new one. 🙂
Went in for a small day procedure 10 days ago, private day hospital been going every two years for the last 40. This time, all of the above “new ” questions just incase I had changed over the decades. All good, next day the follow up phone call about were my “needs” met and catered for? Was the treatment up to expectations? were my emotional needs met? Well stuff me, the treatment has been the same for twenty times, my emotional needs were met by the Doc saying ” ALL GOOD” see you in two years. What the hell do people want, should I complain that the sandwich was not to my dietory needs? The coffee was awful, but the nurse was beautiful. The news was good, I, and my family required nothing more. What ever happened to people being resilient?
“What ever happened to people being resilient?”
Aren’t there special camps (centers) for that?
Someone asked what the term NWO meant.
During a keynote speech on Wednesday, the opening day of the World Government Summit (WGS2022) in Dubai, the WEF’s executive chairman Klaus Schwab called for world leaders to unite to address global issues such as climate change, trade, and economic disruption. He emphasized that this one-world government must form as soon as possible.
“The impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution accelerates global change in a much more comprehensive and faster way than previous industrial revolutions,” Schwab said to the assembled world leaders: “Despite all the challenges, we have to uphold the responsibility we have towards the next generation through collaborations on a national and a global level. Our futures are intrinsically connected and that requires collaborative responses.”
“The world has to overcome the damage done to our economies and societies by COVID-19. It also has to confront the repercussions of a dangerous clash between major global powers,” Schwab went on to say during the session.
Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, noted that it was not by chance that Schwab adopted the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the time for unifying the world governments and corporations.
Schwab has stated that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs). He argues that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance.”
From Wikipedia:
Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum’s 2010 “Global Redesign” report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs).[28]
He argues that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF’s vision includes a “public-private” UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint state and non-state governance systems.[29]
According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of “stakeholders” make decisions on behalf of the people.[30] The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are “a silent global coup d’état” to capture governance.[30]
Several years ago just before he retired from Parliament the Greens Australia founder and leader, Bob Brown, addressed the National Press Club and during that address he mentioned his “dream” for no international borders and for a “world parliament”. Much like the EU nations are controlled and managed now, which when it was formed many warned it was a prototype new world order one world government model.
Our Prime Minister Morrison during January 2022 addressed the WEF Davos, Switzerland Conference via video link, he told delegates that Australia would not adopt the WEF economic model, and made mildly sarcastic comments about it, and said that Australia will continue to support free enterprise (capitalism for leftists) and private sector businesses and employees aiming for a stronger economy and national prosperity.
“we have to uphold the responsibility we have towards the next generation “
Then why the heck is he and his cronies trying destroy everything that is good and workable in modern civilisation !
Wind and solar are going to lead to massive societal disruption, leading to the sort of totalitarian feudalism that he and his fellow WWII hang-overs have been planning all along.
Today’s children will end up with NOTHING ! and no , they won’t like it !
I don’t see how leaving our next 10 generations an Everest of debt is “doing the right thing”.
They are the people causing economic disruption. The less they do the better for everyone else.
Looks like we’ll get our freedom back only to lose it again.
I suppose I should again link to Dr Rosling’s 200 countries over 200 years to try to explain Human’s health and wealth 1810 to 2010.
Note in this BBC video he refers to life expectancy up to 1810 as UNDER 40 years and of course the AVERAGE life exp included many babies and children who died before they were 5 years old.
I’ve linked to the data from Our World in DATA many times and this is well understood today.
Yes some lucky people then ( in 1810) would’ve lived beyond 70 years, but not so many ( as a percentage) as we have today.
Here Rosling quotes the latest data up to 2010 and we’ve since seen an improvement over the last decade as well.
BTW global life expectancy in 2010 was about 70 years and today that has improved to about 73 years.
Not wishing to get into a hissing competition, my reading says that the US is flat lining or reducing with drugs: prescription, newly legal and illegal being a driver.
Trauma surgery has improved greatly, it is in the bone-cutters interest to do wondrous things, they get handsomely paid for their magic.
“The army doesn’t have to worry about retiring anything because they tend to wear out equipment or lose it in combat. ”
Or leaves it behind in Afghanistan for the enemy to use.
Ash Barty wins first title after retiring from tennis
Ash Barty has proved she’s a multitalented sporting freak with her first title since her shock retirement from tennis.
Ash Barty has won her first title since retiring from tennis, at a local golf tournament in Brisbane over the weekend.
On Saturday, Barty won the ladies competition at the Brookwater Golf and Country Club in Brisbane’s outskirts.
The Queenslander, who plays off a handicap of 4, finished first in a field of five women
And cricket
Thick as a Brick – This is probably Labor Australia’s Next Treasurer
Alternate Treasurer Labor’s Jim Chalmers thinks bigger is better – even for unemployment!
Tuesday, 05 April 2022
He’s deleted it after numerate sentient beings pointed out the subtle problem which eluded Jim!
From the Comments
– Please name the school from which Jim Chalmers failed from.
– Unemployment will ALWAYS be higher under an innumerate Labor(sic) Misgovernment, than under a competent Liberal Government – you have Jim Chalmers word of Honour on that!
– All the Libs will have to do to win the election is remind everyone, every single day of this tweet, how stupid can you get.
– Josh Frydenberg should print this up and distribute it all around the nation as a “Compare the Pair” expo on the two competing contenders for the Office of Federal Treasurer; one of whom can add up, and the other of whom is self-evidently a Labor(sic) Member.
And in Summation
he was Wayne Swans understudy that says it all.
Therapeutic Albanese forced to retract another of his impossible promises
UPDATE and thanks to the incomparable Jill Jacks for this insight into Therapeutic Albo et al – they’re only promises and numbers, it’s not like they mean anything!
Heaven help us if POS Labor wins because they will form a coalition with the damn Greens:
4th April:
Greens promise to legalise weed, ban petrol cars and wipe out student debts: Read the party’s VERY ambitious plan to change Australia
-The Greens are set to announce ambitious plans to take to May federal election
-Their policies include making all education free and scrapping student debt
-They will pay for their big spending with extra taxes on the rich and companies
The next month or so will be fascinating, various admittedly most likely to be Coalition supportive commentators have said that Albo’s hardest campaign journey lies ahead when he will be unable to hide as a small target, and this highlighted by his recent gaffes being unable or unwilling to provide straight answers to journalist’s questions, mission statement replies not accepted.
But I hope voters are cautious, at the 2019 Federal Election the Greens preferences delivered 15 seats to Labor.
Some blog commentators talk about the much more conservative small party options but the two most often mentioned are polling 3% and the Greens have just increased position from 7% to 10%. It should be obvious that voting for the minors is an exercise in futility despite good intentions, reasons and purposes of good people who are trying to achieve a result that is good for our nation. Under the circumstances prevailing, short list economic recovery being sustained, national security issues and defence increased threats.
And please people if in doubt check the areas of responsibility and powers, don’t mix State and Federal as I have listened to callers doing on local talkback radio.
Peta Credlin on Sky News tonight, 8.00 pm I think, a special programme on how election campaigns are managed.
Worth a watch. Last time I checked a long time ago she was in favour of manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines in Australia. Has she changed or is she still strongly pro-vax?
On the matter of preferences and how it works, including what happens with the majors last strategy: Learn about preferential voting in 78 seconds
It can work in our favour to stop the rot. However, I expect it could go the traditional way and too many people dissatisfied with the LNP will vote ALP instead. Stupid mistake!
Won’t the freeloading Uni bums love that.
He just got his portfolio mixed. He thought he was Shadow Minister For Unemployment.
“Labor” – an ironclad guarantee to take you out of work
Just thought I would mention a missing regular, WX Cycles. If anyone has his email pop him a check up call.
In October last year WX decided he would get the experimental trial chemical after 18 months of fear porn productions. He did not want the AZ as his mate in WA had developed sever effects from his.
WX pretty much stopped commenting after that, though he did write a 6 word comment in November then disappeared until January when he reappeared with a horror story of what was going on with him, a man with virtually no medical history, nothing wrong, except two doses of trade secret.
I called it a suicide note. The quacks conducted their tests and by the time they figured it out, it was February. Surgery was scheduled for February, but to get the damage from the first two rectified he was going to be “out of date” so had to get boosted and he was off to get “Boosted” just after the comment.
I do not recall seeing a comment from him since, he was a prolific commenter on climate change posts so it’s odd (well?).
I will be out on those months, just trying to show a sort of time line.
Welfare check
Not good, I hope WX or someone that knows him comments here, I’m seeing a lot of vax injuries occurring later on, God speed WX.
Good question MP. I’ll ask. Though for what it’s worth, doing a check on his last comments (Jan 12) I don’t see anything specifically concerning. It’s just been a while…
I wonder how our CHOs would go – and AHPARA
Alberta CHO in court
Gives a list of things in which she has had no training
Bill Gates is now doing ads on You Tube saying we have to give up fossil fuels for climate change reasons.
Him first ! 🙂
As if !
Who is this “we”?
Yeah, last “we” heard Bill wasn’t taking the clot shot himself because “other people” needed it more.
How much you wanna bet he’s on Ghislaine Maxwell’s retracted list?
Personally, I think he needs the clot shots more than anyone else.
The only thing I was waiting for in the WG111 report is: how Net Zero will cost. The answer is in Chap 15, page 10 :2,4 trillion $ US a year, i repeat a year, up to 2035 to get famous 1,5 °C upside limite. ‘C’est de la folie’, as we say in French.
Thank you Francois!
Montagne d’argent gaspillé
And that is not the Net Zero cost, as we only cut 45% by 2035. Net Zero is in 2050 or so. McKinsey says $9.2 trillion a year from now on according to this fine Virginia blog:
“McKinsey Global Institute, in collaboration with McKinsey Sustainability and the Global Energy & Materials and Advanced Industries practices released in January a massive study of the costs to get the planet to net zero emissions by 2050. The study is “The Net Zero Transition – What it would cost, what it could bring”. (Link in original.) McKinsey’s short answer to the question of cost is $275 trillion globally between now and 2050. $275 trillion is $9.2 trillion per year on average if the entire world participates.”
Link to study:
Impossible! (In French too, but pronounced differently.)
Got worried a few days ago because the site seemed to down/redirected.
Fortunately, he seems to have corrected whatever the glitch was, and is back up. The more scientifically literate, honest, outspoken Australians the better. Plus, he write well, and he’s funny.
This might warm things up
“Elon Musk appointed to the Twitter Board of Directors”
“Apparent Hackery — And You’re Not Going To Like It”
“If you use Amazon check your credit card billing records very carefully for any card you have stored there.”
John Durham, Michael Sussmann, and the Broader Clinton Conspiracy
Texts from Sussmann prove his lies
Techno Fog
“Daniel Andrews may be the most clueless political leader in Australian history”
So Victorians will probably re-elect him !
May they continue to get what they vote for. ! 🙂
The Latest Unredacted Document Released Proves How Pfizer & FDA Knew About Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
The FDA released the latest batch of internal Pfizer COVID-19 jab documents under court order.
And, as usually, the broader public hasn’t heard a peep from the mainstream media about the latest revelations from the unredacted documents.
The trove of 11,000+ pages of documents, released on April 1st, reveal Pfizer and the FDA knew about vaccine-induced ADE and colluded to cover it up by claiming “no new safety issues have been raised.”
Gee I wonder if doctors might start routinely testing patients now? 😆😆
“I Don’t Care What The Experts Tell You, Ontario”
Bye-bye Biden. If this doesn’t do it, nothing will
It’s Beyond ANY Shadow of a Doubt That the Vaccines Are Causing LARGE NUMBERS of Deaths”: Dr. Peter McCullough
McCullough, who’s also an epidemiologist, isn’t just spouting off wild baseless claims. He explained his reasoning behind his shocking conclusion by walking through the “Bradford Hill Tenets of Causality,” in order to demonstrate the link between the vaccines and the current wave of excess deaths.
“Tucker: Democrats have decided to replace Biden”
It’s absolutely appalling the way the Democrats have treated Biden. They have used him. It shows that Democrats are just in it for what they can get out of people.
“Safe and Effective”?
Great link wow!
How the voting went in Hungary
And in case anyone wants to claim a rigged election orange voted Orban
“Meet the Mennonites: Inside the Ultra-Conservative Community | ENDEVR Documentary”
From the “If brains were dynamite and all exploded at once it wouldn’t lift his hat” school –
What a pity he didn’t also have on that map the location of the illegal ones so we can get updates on how the knock off flow is going
Another one on the Ukraine linked here
Peter Zeihan: The World At War
In reply to: “And humans cannot be the cause of that heat. CO2 does not heat the oceans.”
I totally agree. The sun heats the oceans and the continents. The cyclic changes in climate, in the paleo record, are caused by changes in the sun. Solar cycle changes modulate the amount of cloud cover and the cloud properties. The warming that has occurred in the last 20 years has been high latitude warming. The recent warming has the same pattern of warming, as cyclic warming in the past.
We are living through a Dansgaard-Oeschger warming period. The cyclic D-O warming periods occur in both the glacial and interglacial period. This graph (temperature on the Greenland Ice sheet vs time) unequivocally illustrates, there have been 9 warming periods during this interglacial. The past warming periods were not caused by CO2 changes.
Global warming is over. The mechanism that produces sunspots has been interrupted. This is going to lead to a period of time when the sun does not produce sunspots. We are nearing the peak of solar cycle 25 and as you can see, the sunspots are disappearing.
Astronomers have been hiding a secret because it disproves the CO2 global warming theory. The sun has reached the age when it changes rotation and stops producing a strong magnetic field and sunspots.
Astronomers have been studying a group of solar like stars (stars which are the same size, composition, and age as the sun). The sun is the only sun like star, that has not stopped producing sunspots at this point in its life.
Magnetic fields implicated in the mysterious midlife crisis of stars
“…Using dynamo models of magnetic field generation in stars, the team show that at about the age of the Sun the magnetic field generation mechanism of stars suddenly becomes sub-critical or less efficient. This allows stars to exist in two distinct activity states — a low activity mode and an active mode. A middle aged star like the Sun can often switch to the low activity mode resulting in drastically reduced angular momentum losses by magnetized stellar winds.”
Magnetic Evolution and the Disappearance of Sun-like Activity Cycles
“…the Sun falls between the two stellar sequences (Bohm-Vitense, 2007). Recent work may have identified the reason why the solar activity cycle does not fit the pattern established by other stars: the Sun’s rotation rate and magnetic field may be in a transitional phase that occurs in all middle-aged stars (van Saders et al., 2016; Metcalfe, Egeland, and van Saders, 2016).”
France has had spring frost several times in the past 5 years. Unusually so. My neighbours lost their potato crop 2 consecutive years and that hadn’t happened in the 19 years I lived there.
Fortunately, i’m a brit so planted my potatoes deeper than the french. My survived, just.
I don’t get any results for a search but it seems Dr John Gerrard, Qld CHO in a brief PR on the 12 th March, 2022, revoked the prohibition of HCQ.
I don’t think there is any limit to access to HC.
Here’s another way we can show that their so called EXISTENTIAL THREAT from so called Climate change is just more BS and fra-d. In fact their so called EXISTENTIAL threat is BENIGN, just look up the DATA.
Africa increased their population since 1970 by over one billion (1000 million) people, but also had to suffer from the HIV/AIDs disaster and also endured over 90% of global Malaria deaths over the last 50 years. THINK ABOUT IT.
COVID Under Question: Mr Julian Gillespie.
Mr Julian Gillespie is a retired lawyer and former barrister who has come out of retirement to fight the legal battle against the COVID vaccination. He believes that the Australian people have not been given accurate information around COVID deaths, and deaths from the COVID vaccinations.
He is currently managing proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia related to “Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Incorporated v. Secretary, Department of Health.”
The Captain of an AA flight in the US dies at the controls. One assumes fully vaxxed,
Here’s the ATC traffic:
compilation: peer reviewed medical papers of covid vaccine injuries