A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Russia-Ukraine conflict is only the latest example of “It all started when they fired back.” Too complicated for my small brain to be certain about the root causes, or to take sides. Send up a prayer for all involved, and carry on with life.
But the destruction of trust in the global financial system? That’s a lot easier to understand. It’s the equivalent of blowing up the bridges in your town because a hostile force is sweeping in. Yes, it will be a hindrance to the hostile force. But it will also destroy wealth and productivity until someone rebuilds or replaces those bridges.
Except of course that institutional trust is harder to rebuild than a bridge. Who is in charge? Can you be sure that they hold your interests paramount? Of course not. Your own opinions will be judged, and your worthiness to access your own assets will be conditional on someone else’s approval.
Gold and land are among the few assets we can hold without a corresponding liability. “Money in the bank” might not be there tomorrow morning. Choose this day whom you will serve.
‘Build Back Better’
Back? … After what?
That page appears intentionally left blank, like the ingredients and side effects inserts in the vaccine packages.
Double on tundra
I am repeating a comment I made on the other tread as it related directly to your comment about trust in the global financial system
I am always fascinated by the US debt clock-see how fast the numbers ratchet up. Scary
The indebtedness of all other nations can be reached from the same site.
America is bankrupt. Its standard of living is sustained by Debt. As the Worlds reserve currency they could get away with it. As the currency of a faltering debt laden nation who seems to have abandoned Pax Americana and its global role, it is a different proposition. As 2 million Known illegal migrants have poured over the border in the last 6 months it is becoming even more of a diluted nation state.
Under what circumstances will the dollar as a reserve currency blow apart? Can it be sustained bearing in mind the strains of huge debt and faltering ambition to remain top dog judging by the way Obama and Biden stepped away from being the global policeman? What are the consequences for the West?
America has a huge public debt, but governments cannot be bankrupt because they have no money and what they spend is from taxes which can be increased as required, but of course standard of living (banana republic example) could fall and many more citizens be below the poverty line.
On the other hand wealthy countries like the USA and Australia have substantial natural assets like minerals and energy in the ground to be exploited, both of our nations have either through parliaments stopped exploration and extraction or have cut back based on environmental excuses, that covers everything climate hoax global politics.
During the Howard Coalition Government terms Treasury sold a large amount of the gold bar reserve for a significant profit, but the Opposition was critical of the Government for selling gold held in reserve to support the currency, etc. Treasurer Costello responded by referring to Australia’s not yet mined but known gold reserves (and silver) when compared to the gold bar sales value that paled into insignificance. And then add all of Australia’s (and America) minerals and energy reserves.
As Donald Horne wrote about Australia, “The Lucky Country”, referring to it’s wealth despite the politicians and their often poor governance.
Tonyb asked:
The cracks are appearing. Utility underpins value. Food, water and energy are the fundamentals of life and of immense utility that increases with scarcity. Russia has grown its position in the world through energy and food exports. It is now demanding Germany pay for the gas it uses in Roubles. Other exports will need to be paid for in Roubles because the US has shut down Russian access to USD as a usable currency.
The US has harmed the USD by weaponising banks. Like Canada has done with its own population.
Some commodities are already priced in Chinese Yuan. Most notable is Lithium. But Australian miners are now accepting Chinese crypto Yuan for iron ore cargos. China has its own oil exchange.
The day will come when US coal and oil exporters (if they still exist) will be happy to take CYN because it is the currency of the biggest market place on the globe.
The US no longer recognises the priveledged position that the USD has held. It is taken for granted but some powerful nations resent that position and are actively working to change it. Germany wants Russian gas – Russia demands payment in Roubles or gas gets turned off and German industry shuts down and some people might die of the cold.
Sovereign government debt is not the problem of itself if denominated in its own currency. US is the only country where international debt is mostly in their own currency. Most other countries have debt or surplus denominated in USD. At some point, countries like Russia and China will be unwilling to accept US debt in exchange for things having utility. That point is getting closer – it appears Russia has reached it through necessity. China is playing a longer game that is underpinned by their huge economy.
The question remains – who owns all the debt?
I personally have a small surplus mostly denominated in AUD. My surplus is a minuscule portion of the Australian government debt. Anyone holding a surplus of AUDs adds to the Australian government debt. Most will be in Australia hands but some will be held by foreigners.
Does anyone know the answer to a 2 part related question?
firstly, does all the energy expended to make a solar panel produce a product that provides more power to the consumer than it cost in energy to produce? take into account, mining, processing, transportation of materials, manufacture of panel, its transport, packaging and installation. assume a life of 15 years that diminishes by 20% over that time. It doesn’t take into account disposal.
second part . this depends on the geography-Oz is fractionally sunnier (ha!) than the UK- but how many solar panels (total area) would each household need for their total energy needs including heating/aircon, car, lighting, cooking etc?
From my own experiments here in the UK output is hugely affected by the inclination of panel, time of day, time of year etc and obviously bright enough light. As panels don’t rotate to follow the sun they are ultimately in the UK operating at 11% efficiency-much of that delivered in the summer. To provide enough power to smooth out the peaks and troughs a large battery would be needed but that is another complicated calculation.
No idea. Solar panels are supposed to be 21% efficiency here – up from 17% a few years ago and doubtful in the case of cheap Chinese ones – but that is for correct orientation. And the system would require battery storage. Given that 3 days of overcast skies aren’t unusual you have a minimum storage need. The other problem is that you woud need to boost storage to supply increased demand in winter from excess in summer.
The only practical solution I’ve seen is solar + batteries + a diesel generator. About $37,000 (£21,000).
Answer 1:
Answer 2:,with%203%20to%204%20people.
Answer 3:
A search engine 😆
Don’t forget that solar panels lose 10% output permanently within the first few hours of use.
Also factor in the REAL climate change ie cooling, extreme weather etc.
ie buy more than you think you need, like 40% more.
I get high reliability from my off-grid system providing a daily demand that ranges from 2.5kWh to 3kWh using 3kW of solar panels and 5kWh of battery storage.
I live at 37S in Melbourne. My panels are not the most favourable for winter sunshine. They should be mounted at 70 degrees rather than the roof pitch of 30 degrees to maximise winter output. They battery has gone flat 5 times over ten years and always in May. So I should optimise for May sunlight and around 2kW of panels would support the demand if that was done.
My household demand is a miserly 7kWh. That excludes any heating or an electric car of course. I have mostly electric tools including a few chainsaws, three are battery powered and one mains, and a battery lawnmower.
If we both had electric cars then add another 7kWh per day. We are both retired and cars are used for social outings and shopping.
If we had electric cooktop rather than gas then add another 1kWh per day. Probably not every day but it would need to be supplied on demand.
If we had heat pump hot water rather than gas then add another 4kWh per day but 5kWh in Winter.
If we had heat pump household heating rather than woodturner then add another 2kWh per day in winter.
So total demand with all electric would be around 23kWh per day in winter. I would need 46kW of panels optimised for May and say 40kWh of battery assuming the cars are charged through daylight hours – which would be possible in our circumstances.
Panel area would be 300sq.m. Land area with 65 degree mounting would be 709sq.m because of the shadow cast. If one panel casts a shadow on the other then it can completely shutdown that panel. That is half the area of my residential block. It is substantially more than my roof area. I could get about 10kW of panels on the roof but mounting them favourable for collection would place high wind loads on the roof structure. I have room in the back yard but I would need to remove my wife from the story to cover that in panels.
Someone living in Adelaide or Perth could do it at lower cost. The east coast is probably worse than Melbourne because of persistent cloud during the tracking of rain depressions. The cities and east coast covers 90% of the population. Tasmania has hydro power and solar is near useless in winter months.
I can get 30% of my wood for heating off my block. Within an hour’s drive, I can get into State forests where fallen timber is readily available. I can fill the back of the car in about 30 minutes and half the charge of my big battery chainsaw. Three or four trips a year restocks my wood pile.
The trees on our block also make a dramatic improvement to liveability of the house. They moderate the local climate thereby reducing heating and cooling needs.
Australia just lets this most valuable resource literally go up in smoke every few years. The amount of fallen wood in forests is staggering. It costs a huge amount to undetake prescribed burns each year to reduce the fuel load and even more money in vain attempts to prevent wildfires. Australia should be smarter in how it uses this resource. I do not think many people realise trees now grow faster.
There is an error in my calculations, which is obvious if you check the maths.
I did the sums for Australia to take the NEM to solar and battery. It requires 750GWh of solar panels and 240GWh of battery. The panels would be located inland. The determination was based on actual output from the Broken Hill solar farm. The average demand is 23GW.
A lot of your calculations have errors.
Baseload for AEM is 18 GW x 24 hrs = 432 GWhr. Realistically with peaks, 600GWhr MINIMUM (Tony from Oz will have better numbers)
So triple your numbers for an even faintly realistic grid replacement estimate, which will still have WEEKS per year of essentially zero power to the grid.
Even your 750GW of panels needs about a quarter of a million square KILOMETRES of ground space!!
The numbers I gave were on actual demand by 5 minutes over a month.
Annual demand in the NEM is around 200TWh. That is 23GW averaged over the year.
We derive all the wood we need for our wood combustion heater from our 106 acre farm. And this is just from fallen timber. Nor is the place heavily wooded – to the contrary, it is grazing land with large, very old shade trees that are, very graciously, dropping old wood for us continously.
We also have a 10kw solar system that provides enough energy for our household & a modest return from the energy we sell back to the grid. My only gripe is that when they are working on the grid, they cut off our power for safety reasons. One day – when the batteries are cheaper and more efficient – we will purchase a battery & go completely off grid. Meanwhile we have to use a petrol driven generator when we have “blackouts”.
We are off grid with a 5kW system, multiple Pb batteries, and a backup generator that we haven’t needed in 9 years.
We have ample wood for heating on our 5 acres, and use a gas oven and gas Hot water.
We live in an area that had 8 snow days last winter, so cold is the main issue.
House orientation, optimum insulation, insulated western blinds all help, but everything works as intended.
Generally use 6-7 kWh daily between my wife and I.
Somewhat more when various offspring come home episodically.
Australia is a big place Tony, so you cant really have an Australia answer.
Its a bit like saying in Europe how many panels and how much battery capacity would you need. Where? in the Algarve or in Bremen?
A selective externality Energy Returned On Energy Invested (ERoEI).
Good luck with your quest. There’s a mountain of such studies in the scientific and industrial journals with ERoEI estimates ranging from less than 0.7 to more than 80, with the most optimistic usually being those that are more like a financial internal rate of return (greatly restricting or completely excluding externalities).
Thanks for the replies
I think the answer depends on what those asking the question want it to be. I bought a small solar generator (a battery basically) to provide lighting if there should be a power cut then I matched it with a 60W portable solar panel to top it up in the summer, but mainly to carry out real world experiments. I have always known the inefficiency of solar panels but I was surprised by my findings over the last few weeks as we have had increasing amounts of bright spring sunshine
Firstly, that power output varies by such a huge factor through the day, with max power for only 3 hours around the middle of the day. However the inclination of the panel made a huge difference as the sun rose and fell, as did its orientation. Being able to move the panel to follow the rise and fall of the sun and as it changed position was a bit of an eye opener . Leave it in the ‘fixed’ position like on roof tops and it was up to 70% less effective.
The slightest haze across the sky-let alone full blown clouds- also sharply reduced power. On a lightly cloudy day it registered 2w, on a bright sunny day facing exactly the right way it registered 44W, same day, but not moving the panel only 12W.
Australia obviously has brighter and more consistent sun .
However in Northern latitudes it is useless as a source of power for much of the day and of course more crucially, the night and in winter.
Batteries have their own problems, not the least, as with panels, the manner in which material is mined, processed then made into panels for that overwhelming majority that comes from China.
Panels as one of the means of providing grown up base load power is certainly a non starter over here, but there is a renewed push, as with wind, to ramp up supply from these sources. The headlines this morning are for 7000 new wind turbines to triple wind power. but 7000 times zero wind equals zero wind, unless our elite did different maths to me
For a “Australia” supply answer, as a rough estimate you could take an average of our current demand (23GW) across our population (25 million) …
..hence roughly 1GW per million population , or 1 KW per person ..??
..but that includes all utility usage, industry, public facilities,
So , say half of that is domestic use, a household of 2 people would use+- 24 kWh per day.
That is roughly in line with my personal situation. , and others experience.
PS, sorry , but those living with access to wood for heating etc , are a tiny minority , and do not represent a typical situation.
Tucker Carlson reports on how Nigel Farage gets it right again, this time on the Ukraine issue – 8 years ago!
Tucker: This is insulting
One comment on the video echoes a thought I had some time ago; “I wasn’t worried about nuclear war until Biden said not to worry about a nuclear war“.
Biden has declared war on fossil fuels and according to him it’s Putin’s fault so renewables are the way to go.
Biden’s April Fools Joke
Australian greens blow up idled coal plants – Germany blows up idled nuclear plants.
“There could not be a better symbolic image: the demolition of the Philippsburg nuclear power plant. No sooner had the last block of the fully functional power plant been shut down than the Socialist-Green Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, had the cooling towers blasted. The phase-out couldn’t happen fast enough for him.
“A visible sign of an ideology in which billions are destroyed without anyone in charge being particularly bothered. Minister President Kretschmann is responsible for turning the former electricity export state of Baden-Württemberg into a state that now has to import a third of its electricity.”
Tell us something new. We already know the Western cabal driven by the unelected globalists using our leaders as puppets, is out to create a totalitarian regime change by first convincing our puppet leaders to conduct a controlled demolishing job on our economy and our freedoms. What better way than to destroy our grid and engineer a pandemic to usher is draconian restrictions? They are now busy fabricating a war with Russia so as to get them out of the road to expand their empire of evil.
It’s going to take some time to adjust and become sure that whatever they’re doing to us is solely for our good but there’ll be a suite of handy pharmaceuticals to assist us so I remain optimistic.
There has to be a way to tell our elected officials that we don’t want the globalists deciding what we want or how we live. My vote is that Daniel Andrews followed by Jacinda Ardern get the lesson in the harshest manner. It might just give the others a moments pause.
The number of strikes in the USA doubled from 2020 to 2021 according to business insider
Now Amazon workers in New York are unionising
In Australia state government bans protests on major roads, even as latest freedom protest turns out to be fizzer
Signs of the times
The USA was obviously better under DJT then.
yep, if you believe that one one person has that much power, DJT is the man
The power is in making the right decisions.. not the left one. !
DJT is the oracle.
Contract bargaining in Australia has dudded the unions to a great degree, striking over pay and conditions is generally off the agenda. Our superannuation makes us all stakeholders in the scheme of things, so the working public are naturally miffed when they are late for work.
Jen Psaki Walks Back Claims That She Ever Worked For Biden Administration
April 1st, 2022 –
“[CO2] Emissions are at an All Time High”: UN Admits they are Losing
Essay by Eric Worrall
Emissions of glorious CO2 plant food have hit an all time high, according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Naturally his solution to this joyful milestone is to try to shut it down.
Yep, I don’t think we have to worry about too little in the way of global CO2 emissions for a very long time.
The world is in a good place in that regard.
Atmospheric CO2 is well above plant subsistence level for the first time in probably many thousands of year, and keeps climbing to even more beneficial levels. 🙂
Even if all this “net zero” society-destroying nonsense is implemented by stupid western countries, the developing countries will still do more than their share of provision for nature’s plant life.
Excerpt from Voyage Of The Beagle, Chap XIV, p.291, southern Chile:
“On the night of the 19th [Jan 1835] the volcano of Osorno was in action…
“I was surprised at hearing afterwards that Aconcagua, 480 miles northwards, was in action on the same night; and still more surprised to hear that the great eruption of Coseguina [Nicaragua], 2700 miles north of Aconcagua, accompanied by an earthquake felt over 1000 miles, also occurred within six hours of this same time.
“This coincidence is the more remarkable as Coseguina had been dormant for twenty-six years; and Aconcagua most rarely shows any signs of action.”
Apparently 1835 was a big year for volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami(s), droughts, floods, feasts and famines – what some misguided fools today would call ‘catastrophic man-made climate change’ or the old standard ‘global warming’. Thing is, BEST analysis showed Earth’s average land temperature DECREASED 0.75 degrees Celsius after Coseguina’s devastating Central American eruption. No man – nor volcano – is an island.
A punt on US food prices
“Report: Chicken, Pork and Beef Prices Likely to Skyrocket Due to Massive Increased in Feed Costs
April 1, 2022 | Sundance | 3 Comments
Hopefully this does not come as a surprise to readers here; however, according to analysis by industry insiders Chicken prices are likely to increase by 70% this year once the full price increases in grain, used as feed, start to take hold. Overall, we will likely see a leveling off in beef prices, but pork (due to soybeans) and chicken (due to grain) will increase significantly.”
Well – if people insist on eating feedlot beef cattle – what do you expect? Give me grass fed beef any day – more humane and tastier!
Trouble is – urbanites succumb to any fad the marketers seize upon. For example – the Angus fad. Prefer Hereford any day, but concede that Wagyu is excellent.
totally agree Vicki
l butcher beef, pigs and sheep for farmers occasionally, being paid in meat that keeps us and a few others going
grass fed beef is natural
a friend was shocked after he told me he had been buying organic lamb from a local butcher and l explained that that meant the sheep ate grass LOL the penny did drop
the price of cattle has been ridiculously high the last year or so, cattle that used to be worth $600-$800 are now fetching over 2k
what the WEF were advertising that we will eat rabbits, chicken and bugs for our protein needs, meat (rabbit and chicken) being a rare treat at about once a month but we will be happy, apparently
I bought a bunch of Bega Cheese shares around the $5 mark and it hasn’t exactly bounced yet.
If meat gets unaffordable then where’s your protein gonna come from? Either soy or cheese … and most people prefer cheese on the whole. I have been scratching my head over whether to buy shares in Ingham Chicken because that’s looking kind of low right now. Not sure if they become more profitable when their grain costs also rise, because there’s some profit squeeze happening but consumers have to eat something.
“More Scandals Envelop the Scandalous FBI”
More on “The Covid Trail”
Theme music
“Good Stuff – Lynyrd Skynyrd Lead Vocalist Records Tribute Song for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
April 1, 2022 | Sundance | 110 Comments”
“CBDC’s may allow Big Brother to control every cent you spend, and what you buy”
Russia went through their second revolution to get rid of their evil empire once they realised it was a terrible experiment that was doomed to fail anyway. It’s a shame the US didn’t do the same to realise that the neocon way is doomed to fail just as badly. We could have had a long standing period of world peace a long time ago that might have lasted for centuries. Instead we had nothing but wars and rumours of wars, with the threat of yet another major war to come.
China Stands Against Globohomo
Day three of Omicron. Got up feeling a bit like I have been through a meat tenderiser, but not all that bad considering. Made a cup of coffee, tasted like swamp water and threw half of it out. Tried a cup of tea, that wasn’t much better. I had a call from a younger friend yesterday (Early forties), he was isolating and was in his 6th day of infection. When I told him that I was in day two he replied “Oh you’ve got worse to come, but it starts to get better after day four”. I got the same story form a friends daughter who had just recovered. Both spoke of extreme lethargy, and I can vouch for that. I have occasional coughing fits, sometimes coughing up a bit of mucus, but not a lot. What is interesting is that when I take paracetamol and an anti-inflammatory, I don’t just get pain reduction but a lift in a general feeling of wellbeing.
I’m still un-jabbed but all my friends who have it or have had it, are triple jabbed, and are as sick as me, except for one. I’ll get an update when I call them later. I’m happy that I made the decision to stay un-jabbed, and will now have a broader immunity, although you can get Omicron a second time. I’m not sure that is the case if you are un-jabbed though. It is my understanding that the post infection un-jabbed have stronger immunity than post infection jabbed. I think I heard that from Dr Peter McCullough. Does anyone here have any information on that?
Pain in hips and knees. Deeper cough, moving more mucus now. We will see how the rest of the day pans out.
After drugging up on paracetamol and celaxib I’m feeling close to normal, apart from the occasional bouts of coughing.
Forgot to add, zero appetite. Can easily skip meals and not miss it.
Good to hear it is better than yesterday!
Thanks Jo.
“What is interesting is that when I take paracetamol and an anti-inflammatory, I don’t just get pain reduction but a lift in a general feeling of wellbeing.
Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is the first metabolite of phenacetin which was a popular analgesic in the first half of the 20thC. It was withdrawn in the 60’s due to renal damage associated with extreme addictive overuse. Phenacetin was seamlessly replaced by acetaminophen just before indomethacin, the first of the modern antiinflammatories was developed. All the subsequent research on antiinflammatory properties used aspirin as the control and acetaminophen was not investigated for antiinflammatory effects until the paper below: unlike what your doc tells you, it does reduce inflammation. It also has weak but definite reinforcing effects with a definite ceiling (ie, the rats went back to the environment paired with the drug indicating they remembered feeling “good”.)
For the history of over the counter analgesics up until the introduction of ibuprofen see:
I’d hate to burst your bubble but paracetamol and aspirin belong in the same class of drugs known as analgesic/antipyretic/anti inflammatory drugs. This has been known for a long time. Paracetamol has a weaker anti inflammatory effect than aspirin. Phenacetin causes renal damage but the addictive component you mention was due to the popular APCods (aspirin-phenacetin and codeine) that were on the market. I’m sure that you are aware of the addictive properties of codeine.
Aspirin, phenacetin, Caffeine.
Not sure why you write Codeine?? Apologies but I think I’ve missed your point
It is very effective for treatment of mild to moderate painkiller but is addictive as it is an opioid as is morphine
Reply vanished as often happens. Posting another usually bring back the original
Did you read either of the papers? Good to know you know everything without having to do any research.
“I’m happy that I made the decision to stay un-jabbed, and will now have a broader immunity,”
Watch Dr Fauci confirm that once you have had an infection there is absolutely no need for a vaccination – at least this was his long-held view until political requirements forced a revision of that position.
Yep, Ted – that is what I understand. Epidemiologist Geert VanDen Bossche is still insisting that the unvaccinated will be less affected even should they contract current (& future) variants- contrary to what the medical technocrats tell us.
We are still (& will remain) unvaccinated. But I have never believed we will not be infected at any stage. Nevertheless, we take the vitamin protocol suggested and live a healthy lifestyle. Although we do not invite situations of close contact, we are out and about in the community and have had teenagers staying with us at different times.
However, we do have antihistamines and steroid inhalers on hand (& have used them on occasions when we suspected symptoms), Betadine and also aspirin (which we think is superior to paracetamol in this case). We also have good old Bonningtons Irish Moss (which contains Carragheena) and Bisolvin.
BTW 19 year old grandson, who has recently recovered from mild Covid, regressed and became breathless two weeks later. A surprisingly well informed GP immediately prescribed Dymista – a combination antihistamine & steroid – which fixed him in 24 hours. She said that the 2 week appearance of these symptoms after recovery is a feature of the current variant. Interesting.
BTW we take an antihistamine most days – but then we live for a big part of our week on a farm – and are cutting very long grass at the moment!
Is your 19 year old grandson vaccinated, Vicki?
Our family is not vaccinated and caught Omicron over Xmas we reckon. Since then Omicron has ripped through our children’s schools in Sydney and many teachers are isolating (37 staff two weeks ago and substantially more last week we’re told at our youngest’s primary school). Two of my kids are in separate choir groups and Omicron has (and continues) to rip through those as well.
Occasionally we have to RAT test our kids but they are always negative. My 3 kids (11-14 yo) had a minor bout of tonsillitis 2 weeks ago at more or less the same time, day off school, and that’s been it.
Both my wife and I have had no symptoms whatsoever. We continue with our D3, Zinc and Vit.C supplements… it appears natural immunity is working well for our family.
Sorry to take so long to answer. Yes, unfortunately daughter & her family all chose, for various reasons, to be vaccinated although grandson refuses to accept a booster..
Dear TedM,
How do you know you had Omnicron?
Just curious as we used to call those symptoms Flu.
You ask a good question Broadie. I guess it’s an assumption based on what the Govt. says is the prevalent variant.
Op-Ed: The Rich Are Taking the Poor to the Cleaners on ‘Green’ Energy in Countries That Can Least Afford It
By Vijay Jayaraj – March 30, 2022
Morning all,
It came as a bit of a surprise to find a story about that Biden Laptop in SMH. But that surprise was tempered by the flavour of the article – anti Trump and insulting towards Guiliani – and its positioning at the bottom of page 38 of today’s paper.
There’s no mention of the recent tabling of the contents in US Congress.
This link is paywalled:
An extract:
” On the other hand, there were plenty of reasons to exercise caution. Giuliani – who gave the material to the New York Post – is hardly known for credibility.
The former New York City mayor had been waging a campaign against the Bidens for years.
US intelligence agencies had warned the White House that Giuliani was communicating with Russian assets, making him a potential conduit for disinformation. ”
Dave B
Remember in some circles SMH = “shaking my head”
Love it AI.
Not mine – found on a blog in USA
‘US intelligence agencies’. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more.
Tony Abbott finds a life.
‘I can’t think of a better time to launch the Centre for the Australian Way of Life and to announce that my next project will be a new history of Australia reflecting the pride I feel, and that more of us should feel, in our great national story.’ (Daily Tele)
A really interesting read in quadrant very well researched and eye opening.
It never ceases to amaze me that someone with less than 1/4 native heritage identifies as native.
Covid 4th wave: WHO warns about new mutant strain XE, hybrid of three variants
After fighting against the Omicron and Delta variant of Covid-19, we have to now prepare ourselves for another Covid-19 variant. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released a warning about the 2nd Covid mutant strain XE, which is a hybrid strain of two Omicron subvariants.
Early studies claim that the XE strain has a growth rate advantage of 10 per cent as compared to the BA.2 variant.
Here are the 3 newly identified recombinant strains
As of yet, three hybrid viruses have been detected by researchers. There include – XD, XE and XF. While the XD and XF variant are a combination of Delta and BA.1, the XE variant is a hybrid strain of two Omicron subvariants.
Let it run its course this time!!!!
Russia & China approve Pfizer pill to treat “COVID”
The Virus-fighting Big Pharma elixir is based on an HIV treatment.
According to gushing media reports, Paxlovid’s magic COVID-fighting properties can be attributed to one of the drug’s key ingredients, ritonavir, “a medication commonly used in combination treatments for HIV.”
(This makes perfect sense. After all, AIDS and COVID have a lot in common.)
Anyone surprised in the least?
Remember Fauci and HIV/AIDS back in the 80’s?
What good is greed if all your customers are dead?
They need you alive so they can get paid for all the jabs you’ll need for the next decade or two.
Mak Siccarsays:
April 2, 2022 at 6:21 am
Agree with CK’s article 99% . (1. These injections are not ‘vaccines’ as he calls them. 2. I’ve not seen any evidence that these injections actually reduce the risk of severe illness/death.)
Our cowardly response to Covid is a lasting disgrace
Chris Kenny Nails it – Our cowardly response to Covid is a lasting disgrace
Here, in the seat of government, 150 fully vaccinated people in a cavernous chamber duly donned their masks. Perhaps in years to come, some new technology will see through the masks in this photo so we can tell which politicians were smiling (the idiots) and which were grimacing (the smart, but foolishly compliant).
More than two years into this pandemic, with 95 per cent of the eligible population fully vaccinated, and almost 70 per cent having received booster shots, we need to procure a government permit, prove our vaccination status and submit to a Covid test in order to cross the state border into Western Australia. Masks are mandatory in airports and on planes, as well as in taxis and on public transport in most states.
In Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania, people must provide proof of vaccination to enter bars, restaurants and other venues.
In most states, teachers, police, transport workers and hospital workers cannot work unless they are fully vaccinated.
This despite all the medical and scientific evidence, along with our lived experience, demonstrating that vaccination, while protecting against serious illness, does not prevent contraction or transmission of the virus.
Vaccine mandates are less about pandemic control than they are about Covid theatre. This is as illiberal and odious as it is laughable. Police, nurses, teachers, bus drivers and others are kept from their livelihoods for no good reason. And we reject their service for the same.
In South Australia, under the threat of a legal challenge, vaccine mandates have been scrapped for police, teachers and transport workers. It is past time the other states followed suit.
We are entitled to ask what sort of a country we have become when we routinely see frightened people wearing masks outdoors in the sunshine, or others donning them theatrically, even on their social media profiles, as a virtue-signal about their faith in overbearing government.
Brazil- Dengue cases grow about 400% in Teresina, and Side is looking into genome mutation
The head of the Municipal Health Foundation (FMS), Doctor Gilberto Albuquerque, said on Monday (28) that the Ministry of Health is investigating whether there is any new type of dengue fever spreading across the country, due to the increase in cases of the disease. . In Teresina alone, an increase of about 400% was recorded.
This is a global growing trend and you guessed it, India (😉), is getting hit hard too, along with a raft of other countries.
Mosquitoes seem to be increasing significantly. Climate change global cooling and increased rain/flooding optimising breeding conditions perhaps?
I just saw this news story:
Insect-borne viruses like Zika and Dengue could be the cause of the next pandemic, world health chiefs warn.
Actually I’ve seen this developing for about 2 weeks now but it was too early to form an opinion as to trajectory.
Water contamination, mosquito populations exploding, diarrhea and Dengue fever have been the traits so far.
The new hot thing to watch…
Now would be a good time to invent an insecticide that wipes out mosquitoes.
DDT would be great if we hadn’t let the green blob remove it from our armory.
They need a good cheap insecticide like DDT. Hang on…….
Which Nations are on Russia’s ‘Unfriendly’ List?
Oh look…Australia.
Thank ScudMo for that one.
At least he sucked up to tshirt & jeans wearing Zelensky. How sloppy and unprofessional across the board that was!
I guess Russia will produce aluminium for EVs sourced from somewhere other than Oz now and that’s looking increasingly easy..
Don’t you EVER stop whinging about ScoMo?
“Don’t you EVER stop whinging about ScoMo?”
The problem with stopping is that there is always something new to whinge about.
“there is always something new to whinge about”
Odd, I would have referred to SoMo as a “non-doer” 😉
I’m more concerned about what the next labor gov. will DO, such as, let’s see: Open the borders, an inheritance tax, a “put the miners outta business tax”, a CO2 tax, a super tax. They are very inventive.
nah, they’ll just do exactly what the USA tells them to, same as the mob in there now.
KP you talk rubbish. But I’ve told you that before.
Please explain why you want a labor government. Nine years of conservative govs have NOT do[ne] exactly what the USA tells them to, same as the mob in there now.
You are entitled to post a correction.
I am not a Howard/Costello fan, they sold our gold at rock bottom prices to support the $US, but I didn’t vote for them either.
ARTICLES| VOLUME 399, ISSUE 10332, P1303-1312, APRIL 02, 2022
Comparative analysis of the risks of hospitalisation and death associated with SARS-CoV-2 omicron (B.1.1.529) and delta (B.1.617.2) variants in England: a cohort study
PDF [661 KB]
Report: ‘Cashless Society’ Would Leave Millions Struggling
Ultimately, one in five people reportedly said that they would struggle in a cashless society, with the researchers also saying that there is an urgent need for legislation ensuring people’s access to physical cash in the future.
“For millions of people, their relationship with cash is critical to the way they manage their weekly budget,” Mark Hall, who penned the paper, reportedly said. “Despite online banking and shopping becoming more common, our research shows the percentage of the population wholly reliant on cash is unchanged in the past three years.”
Can’t wait for the “Arthur Daley Institute for Convenient Findings” to report that no-one wants cash any more.
How convenient that covid came along just in time to assist the decline in cash usage.
Despite being very careful, I have had my details obtained by someone, & make unauthorised transactions on my debit card twice in 6 months now.
It can be very inconvenient when the bank stops your card, & it takes 8 days to have a new card & pin number. Just as well I keep a reasonable amount of cash on hand sufficient to buy food fuel etc.
It will take a great deal of fast talking to convince me that a cashless society is a good idea.
I think we have had CCs in Aus for 50 years. Yet to have an irregular payment.
I had my card cancelled a few years back by my bank as someone (they refused to identify the vendor) I bought from had their security compromised and thousands of customer card details were stolen.
I think most people would be horrified if they knew the lack of real security implemented by retailers.
CDC Warns About Mental Health Crisis That the CDC Created
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which mismanaged the COVID pandemic by using unproven methods, is now warning those methods created a mental health crisis for teens in America.
“These data echo a cry for help,” said Debra Houry, a deputy director at the CDC.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created traumatic stressors that have the potential to further erode students’ mental well-being,” she said, reported the Washington Post.
Simple solution – go buy a $1200 smartphone then squat alone in front of it for 18 hours a day 😈
Why they call BMW’s “Beamers”:
It’ll buff out 😅
Novavax – hope or hype?
Spoiler alert: it’s not what you were sold
As one of my correspondents put it, the Novavax vaccine is “being subtly pushed by doctors to get the people who for various reasons did not want the usual culprit vaccines [i.e. the mRNA and viral vector injections, which many resisted due to concerns about novel technologies and adverse reactions] but who may be persuaded that this one is different”.
It’s a strange state of affairs when a product’s marketing angle is “Not nearly as dangerous as its competitors!”… but here we are.
So just what is the Novavax shot, what technology is used to produce it, who is making it, what’s in it, is it safe, and is it effective at reducing the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 and the development of COVID-19?
– What is the Novavax injection?
– Who makes the Novavax vaccine?
– What’s in the Novavax vaccine?
– What did the studies on Nuvaxovid show?
– Clinical trials – Phase 1 & 2
– Clinical trials – Phase 3
– The TGA granted provisional approval to Nuvaxovid on these data????
– ATAGI’s advice contradicts the TGA
– Adverse event reports call for caution
H/T Steve Kates – Novavax In case you have been wondering about Novavax
Well it’s April 1st over here for a few more hours. However, we have decided to cancel April Fools Day because nobody can compete with Biden and the Democrats trying to be serious.
Auckland DAILY TELEGRAPH NEW ZEALAND Saturday, April 2, 2022
Amid its ongoing special operation in Ukraine, Russian forces discovered US-operated biolabs in the country carrying out dangerous pathogen research.
While Washington initially tried to deny their existence, they later confirmed it, but claimed the labs’ activities were unremarkable.The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed new documents on Thursday that had been seized by Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, including correspondences between American financier Hunter Biden – the son of US President Joe Biden – and figures involved in biological research in Ukraine, which an investment firm of his helped to bankroll.
The documents revealed an intent to create a “Central Depository of Especially Dangerous Microorganisms in Kiev,” according to Russian MoD spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, as well as ways to distribute biological agents via drone.
The emails revealed the names of several American figures central to the biological research projects from the firms Metabiota and Black & Veatch, as well as officials from the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
Those named include:
Another MSM Hoax Crumbles: Official Review of Trump Jan. 6 White House Records Reveals There Are No ‘Missing’ Pages
Another January 6th ‘Bombshell’ Conspiracy Crumbles
For days now, we’ve been hearing reports of an alleged 7-hour gap in President Trump’s phone logs from January 6, 2021, which were obtained by CBS News’s Robert Costa and Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward, suggesting a Nixonian cover-up.
Well, it turns out the accusations were completely bogus. It appears that CNN, obviously a network that isn’t friendly to Trump, looked into the allegations and found the accusations didn’t hold up.
“Official review of Trump phone logs from January 6 finds record is complete,” their headline reads in an article with a byline containing six names—suggesting they really had a lot of manpower going into this report.
“According to multiple sources familiar with Trump’s phone behavior and the White House switchboard records, the January 6 log reflects Trump’s typical phone habits,” their report explains. “He mainly placed calls through the switchboard when he was in the residence but rarely used it when he was in the Oval Office.”
“The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones,” the report continued. “Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.”
CNN thus deemed the switchboard logs for January 6, 2021, to be “complete based on an official review of White House records” and found “there are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones that do not go through the switchboard.”
CNN’s surprisingly honest investigation concluded that the discrepancy is indicative of the antiquated system of tracking a president’s communications—not a cover-up. That CNN was willing to actually investigate this and other media outlets weren’t has my head spinning.
Biden mocked back in 2014 for cognitive decline.
Time to end “fossil fools” 😅😅
Term limits for all politicians.
“Term limits for all politicians.”
And all government bureaucrats.
I would like to see a 5 year term sunset clause in all bureaucrat contracts, with a requirement they can not be reemployed by any government or government funded agency or organisation until they have a record of at least 3 years employment in private enterprise.
We then might get bureaucrats who have some idea of the real world most of us live in.
I do of course appreciate the anecdotal nature of the claim but I also know the standing CDC recommendation for HIV/AIDS testing of the population at large, the growing links between the vaxx and VAIDS, the looming release of an AIDS mRNA vaccines (for what?), the kickbacks doctors get and how these nasty little conspiracy theories end up being facts.
I guess we’ll see soon enough.
Given the current level of diesel prices around the country – this rig might be the solution to travel costs!
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BeTRITON (formerly known as Z-Triton) is an amphibious camper-trike that offers you the freedom to travel both over land and water. Perfect for either long-distance adventures or recreation – a weekend getaway deep in nature.
Seeing as the “Will Smith Episode” has resurfaced the word “alopecia” –
Many years ago in an Ariadne’s Column” at New Scientist it was mentioned that a small goat native to an island in Indonesia was threatened with extinction. Hairs from its beard were used in making fishing lures and. as it suffered from “facial alopecia” during mating its opportunities were being restricted.
Further musing mentioned that “facial alopecia” didn’t seem to be reported in humans but that it seemed “a likely answer to Sampson’s problems and his sudden weakness”. (IIRC)
Just released. The Planet Lockdown interviews.
Get ’em while you can.
Thanks to Martin A.
l’ve heard it said that the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is six months
A South Australian senator lifted the curtain on the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda during a recent parliament meeting, exposing it as a subversive communist ploy.
On Tuesday, Senator Alex Antic, a member of the Liberal Party of Australia, broke down how the WEF steers global politics by installing Young Global Leaders in positions of power across the world.
Is it down to six months already?!?
Sheesh, I’m so old I remember when it used to be at least five years.
The term “Conspiracy theory” was first coined by the CIA when their behaviour was being reported.
The UK Normalising Testing For Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Looks Suspicious
Dr Robert Malone.
The U.K. is now normalizing testing for “AIDS” saying that the population should get used to it. DOD data suggesting that the cancer risk signal is real. There is Increased excess mortality, increased reproductive risk, increased cardiovascular risks.
” “Regime change” doesn’t work you morons”
I saw recently where someone had got an admission out of a supporter of same that the only one that did work was Teddy Roosevelt’s way back in BC.
Pointman doing some plain speaking
A map to go with that
Watch out for our copy of this
Way back in BC it used to take about 5 years for the latest USA green craze around rangelands to migrate to Oz
This is really an imposition of a state religion.
WEF, UN… partners in crime
The Hunter Biden issues keeps getting rebooted a number of times but nothing is happening. The obvious reason is it’s a major cover up by the US administration and law enforcement agencies.
Hunter Biden laptop repairman reacts to latest developments
Bill Maher: The ‘left-wing media’ buried the Hunter Biden scandal because ‘it wasn’t part of their narrative’
Kamala Harris Is Everything The Media Warned Sarah Palin Would Be
Ron Johnson Is Asking All The Hunter Biden Questions The Media Should Be
Obviously never since the MSM are part of the evil Western cabal to destroy Western civilisation as we know it. Yet most people still listen to and trust the MSM for their source of all information. See the problem? If not then get a mirror.
An Autopsy: How the Organized Left Got Covid Wrong, Learned to Love Lockdowns and Lost its Mind
The truth comes out by an insider in an industry that promotes violence.
Al Pacino Calls Will Smith A “F*cking Psycho”
Yet another comedy phone call. It’s actually more real than the real Jo Biden. So funny.
Biden Calls For Jimmy’s Removal From Office
Dirigibles set to make a comeback with green hydrogen.
Day number four of covid infection: Tried to start the day with coffee and tea, swamp water hadn’t improved. The tea was particularly bad, really bitter. Some GI discomfort, no headache to day though, Throat still a bit sore, but it’s never been really bad since I got this thing. Not had any nausea either, unlike when I’ve had the flu in the past. No coughing this morning yet either. It’s the extreme lethargy, back pain (lumbar and low thoracic pain about 7 to 8 out of ten) and that’s still there, and total lack of any desire to eat. Just did another Rats test, result invalid, so that doesn’t help a lot. I am feeling more motivated so we will see how the rest of the day goes.
Putin strikes again.
I didn’t realise that Putin has already taken over the West 🙂
As per Vox Day; “Whatever could be the cause? We don’t KNOW it’s the vaxx… but it’s the vaxx.”
Mobile Coffee Van?
Why not mobile Data Sets? Double data with your expresso this week?
NSW Covid Weekly Report
Someone please tell me this will not double the hospitalizations and deaths ‘with Covid’. I would argue that this will be more accurate, but why not 21 days since diagnosis.
And we still have no idea as to what the actual data is for the un-vaccinated as it is still mixed with the no-effective dose and those ineligible for the ‘Jab’.
Hmmm …
‘Single biggest threat’: Push for inquiry into health impacts of climate change.
‘An Independent candidate for the federal seat of Mackellar has called for an inquiry into the health impacts of climate change.’ (SMH)
East Australian Current will supposedly strengthen under AGW.
‘In recent years, the EAC has been observed to flow stronger and further south. A stronger EAC is predicted by just about all climate models and the stronger current flow in recent years has been attributed to climate change. Many climate models predict the south east coast of Australia to be the most highly impacted area by climate change through a stronger EAC.’ (AFMA)
This is evil and any parent who goes along with it is evil too. There has been more than enough information pointing out the fallacies of vaccinating children for COVID-19.
Sydney Local Health District announces free Royal Easter Show tickets for children aged 5-11 who receive COVID-19 vaccine
How Oscars Producer Stopped Will Smith From Being Ejected
There one rule for them and another for us plebs.
What happened to you when you slapped someone at the oscars?
“A gold-backed Russian Ruble?”
“Trust the science!” Oh, sorry, what was that? I did not hear you.
WHO: COVID Vaccine Can Cause Hearing Loss
It is obvious now why the FDA and Pfizer were hiding the RNA covid vaccine test data. This is a brief discussion of the April 1, 2022 released, Pfizer RNA vaccine test data and analysis which the FDA had allowed Pfizer to hide. A US judge ordered Pfizer to release a portion of the covid RNA test data/analysis, the first of each month.
This test data dump included a Pfizer produced consent form for the recent RNA vaccine tests, on children. The Pfizer consent form, warned that the incidence of myocardia in young people caused by RNA vaccination, was 1 in 10,000.
Kim Iversen: Latest Pfizer VAX DATA DUMP Shows Natural Immunity WORKS. ADE, Fertility Unknown
The recent data and analysis, has confirmed that the RNA vaccines are causing death and serious long-term health issues in a portion of the population. What is new is the researchers have made great progress in working out how biochemically, the first release covid RNA vaccines, damage and kill people.
Why do people vaccinated against Corona get so sick?
It’s sickening to see that government sanctioned child sex abuse is becoming the norm.
DeSantis Defends Vulnerable Children – Groomers are Outraged
Dr. Richard M. Fleming MD: Sworn Testimony that COVID-19 is a Bio-Weapon
Not surprised but the real question is who authorised it? China? US? Both?
I always thought that Clint Eastwood wasn’t part of the Hollywood creepy set. I still enjoy him in the series of spaghetti Western movies. Like the music too.
Clint Eastwood Minces Words
Posted on April 4, 2022 by tonyheller
“I voted against Biden, that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron who spent eight years in the White House with Obama trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into a Muslim loving, socialist crap hole”
Worth a look…
Fantastic New News Site
Zelensky – The Madman of Ukraine
Although Putin is no saint Zelensky is far worse. The West is backing the wrong horse. Also, the truth is that Zelensky started it all 8 years ago when he tried to wishes of the two separatist areas in the east and south of Ukraine who speak mostly Russian by murdering men, women and children. That’s one reason why Putin decided enough is enough and is doing something about it. The West would have done the same thing if we were in their shoes. Of course, the MSM is spreading lies about the situation in accordance to their agenda, just like other major topic they touch, such as climate change and COVID-19 vaccines.
Zelensky did what 8 years ago? How did he manage this 4 years before becoming president?
PeterS has misquoted the source, what is said to be ‘8 years ago’ should be ‘from 2019’-
“.. his actions show a deep-seated hatred of the Russian people, especially those who live in the Donbas. He has made no effort to end the civil war since taking office in 2019. The West ignores Zelensky’s action outlawing the Russian language and his more recent attempt to outlaw the Russian Orthodox religion. ”
Thanks to PeterS for the link, a very good article.
Anything to shut them up:
Tennis anyone?