A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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More on the Vaneva COVID killed virus vaccine.
COVID-19 – VLA2001 – Valneva
More details from their R&D portion of the website.
From their brag sheet. . .
“Positive Phase 3 results of a randomized, observer-blind controlled immunogenicity trial Cov-Compare comparing the vaccine candidate VLA2001 to an active comparator vaccine (Press Release)
~3000 participants aged 30 and over
~1000 participants aged 18-29 years
Superior neutralizing antibody titer levels compared to the active comparator vaccine
Neutralizing antibody seroconversion rate above 95% (Non-inferiority compared to active comparator vaccine)
Generally well tolerated (significantly better tolerability profile than AZD1222)
Complete absence of severe COVID-19 cases despite circulating variants
VLA2001 induced broad T-cell responses against S, M, and N proteins”
“Cross-neutralization against Variants of Concern
Valneva has been evaluating sera from boosted participants for cross-neutralization against Variants of Concern, including Omicron. Laboratory studies demonstrated that serum antibodies induced by three doses of Valneva’s inactivated COVID-19 vaccine candidate, VLA2001, neutralize the initial SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as the Omicron and Delta variants (Press release).”
Note: This is their claims. No real data released.
“Everything Wrong With COVID “Science” Has Been Wrong With Global Warming “Science” Longer”
“With COVID, we got to see this kind of bogus science fail in real-time, but with global warming, we just get to see new predictions of doom fail every few years. Rather than hitting us with more PR campaigns featuring sad polar bears, maybe they should try getting back to real science. Start funding the skeptics. Open up scientific debate. Take politics out of the equation and allow people to go where their research leads them, not to predetermined answers. That’s what people who care about science would do.”
How much is a life worth?
Well the Australian government valued it at about A$4.2M, a few years ago, according to
But how much did the government spend saving lives from covid? Now that the pandemic is practically over, we can figure it out. According to the Guardian (I know, I know – if you have a better source please use it) about $311B was spent.
How many deaths were avoided by this expenditure? This we can estimate by comparing Sweden, (which had a negligible lockdown) to Australia, which basically locked out the virus. Swedish covid death rate is (according to worldometer) 1819 per million compared to Australia’s, of 258. So 25 * (1819 – 258) = 39000 lives saved by the Australian lockdown/lockout efforts. However, the average age of covid victims was about 79, and since a 79 year old could still expect to live another decade (life expectancy increases as you get older), it amounts to 390000 years of life saved. With a life expectancy at birth of about 83 years, we get 390000/83=4700 “full lives” saved at a cost of about A$311B or $66M per full life saved.
There you have it, $66M dollars!
Great. You’ve covered “income”. Now time to include “expenditure” (lives lost due to government policy/intervention) so we can determine “net profit” (hint: it’s a loss. A big one).
In any case, with an inflation crisis now “baked-into” our future, $AUD66M is likely to get you a half-tank of fuel, an hour’s worth of electricity rations (if the wind blows), or a dozen 1 Ply toilet rolls on the black market.
Hooray for big government! Protectors of the little people.
What would we do?Imagine what we could do without them.251
Here is the Total costing model as prepared by the ‘Club of Rome’ in 1973. To adjust for inflation you weight the costs against the price of a Gin & Tonic at Raffles in Singapore in ounces of gold.
I never knew that I was worth $A66m…………..Now, how to spend this in my retirement.
This is an effective presentation by a senior pathologist that presents MRI data which visually show the organ damage due to inflammation, which it is believed was caused by the first release RNA vaccines.
Omicron has 32 mutations on the covid spike as compared to the covid Delta variation. The Omicron spike mutations make Omicron significantly less dangerous, than Delta.
This explains why hospitalizations for Omicron are 60% less than Delta (A UK study found that more than 50% of their Omicron hospitalization are incidental, not caused by Omicron) and the death rate due to Omicron is only 12% (roughly ten times less deadly than Delta) of the death rate due to Delta.
Estimates of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Severity in Ontario, Canada
The sheer weight of evil behind the decades long descent into UNDemocracy needs to be acknowledged.
Evil 101.
The Global Warming and death by incineration due to human origin CO2 meme was fantastic; but the Elites successfully installed it as the world’s new and only religion to which we must tithe 69% of our efforts.
Evil 201.
Having corralled us they decided to show how stupid we are by sticking deadly needles in us and then claiming to have saved us from the most deadly virus ever to have inhabited our left nostrils.
I have watched in horror the rorting of human efforts by the Elites over the last fifty years and despair the we can ever bring them to justice with an “N” style inquisition.
Enough is enough; our heritage is to at least strive for Freedom and true Democracy and if we don’t act soon we are gone, done pinis.
We are On the Edge.
KK, there is only one way to change this and we, the world, has not yet reached that threshold. But as people are pushed further and further into a corner, we come closer to that threshold.
Good points. The only way we can stop the rot is to stop voting for the majors. It’s that simple but of course it’s not easy for people to change their voting habits or to wake them up to reality.
I have a “friend” that whinges endlessly about how bad the governments, of any persuasion, are. I suggested that he fill in every square on the ballot papers, that way he has control on where his preferences go. Well the answer was not unexpected and sadly, I’m sure, reflects many voters.” Oh I couldn’t be bothered, I just want to get in and out, vote above the line and go otherwise it takes to long.”
I give up on the general populace ever being concerned enough to do anything, no matter how small, to help them selves. Early voting, postal voting, gives you the opportunity to carefully select where you want each number to go. No, always to hard, have to watch some soap opera on the box.
I pointed out that in one recent election the Liberal party ( for a liberal voter he is ) preferenced the Greens over the Labour Party so that Labour did not win the seat.
His astonishment was palpable, his outrage, significant. His interest in doing the simpilest this to help fix the problem, ZERO.
I went into the local village hall armed with my already worked out list. It took me a while to fill the ballot paper which was as long as a hall rug. On exit, you should have seen the expressions on the faces of the assembled party supporters outside! I’m obviously some strange alien life for taking trouble over my vote!
That was at the 2019 general election. I’ll check again but notice we seem to have PHON and LibDems standing in Indi this year.
Last time the ‘Independent’ (yeah, right) got in because of preferences, the Liberal was actually FPTP.
FPTP = first past the post?
Yes David. Sorry, should have added that.
” ‘Independent’ (yeah, right)”
Like so many of the supposed Independents, the one in Indi is really a Green in disguise with little to really offer. Micro electricity grids seems to be the mainstay of her policies without any idea how they will work but hey, will probably get back in. Lots of orange posters in our area Annie.
Did you ever see the shire survey and fact sheet on climate change, if you would like a copy I can drop one off at your corner store addressed to “Annie”
Keep calm Keith. History shows that totalitarian movements to change the World (for the better) all breakdown eventually, although usually with disaster.
It seems to me that there is a central flaw in these New Order movements; if they gain power they swiftly become dictatorial with ever increasing concentration of power and ever increasing reluctance of the subjects to do more than the minimum adherance to the decrees from Central (at least until things become unbearable) and “work the system” through corruption. Ultimately the ‘system’ stagnates and collapses. eg the Anabaptist revolt in Münster 1534-35, the Jacobin rule of Robespiere, then the first French Republic, or the Agrarian Socialist terror by Pol Pot. Stalin lay dying because no-one dared check on him, and his successors reduced the USSR economy to near ruin despite claims for years of “the future of the world”.
It remains to be seen how long the present regime can last in China. Xi is struggling to enforce even more control, as more and more citizens try to get around the system. Perhaps they see what is happening in North Korea, where the regime is struggling to survive. Personal rule has been the quickest way for a country to collapse e.g. Louis 14 who left France bankrupt.
Fortunately for us the “Divine Right of Kings” ideas of James the second lead to him (and heirs) being replaced by parliament and elections. It mightn’t “keep the bastards honest” but it does keep them nervous.
During the last 50 years there have been 30 years of LNP government and 20 years of ALP government. It seems therefore that as the Conservative of politics has been in power for 60% of that period the woes you describe are primarily due to the Right rather than to the Left.
Or maybe that the left screw up faster than the right do?
Fair point
Paris Agreement commitments may yet restrict warming to less than 2 °C:
The Earth is Cooling, so IPCC wants to make sure they take credit for keeping things below 2C rise even if said rise never happens. ie, Find a Marching Band, get in front of it, and claim to be the Drum Major. /sarc off.
Poor Simon: the irony – it burns!
Joebama’s ‘climate czar’, John B.S. Kerry, and 50 plane-loads of two-faced crusaders (with support crew) are partying up in Palau this week to ‘save the oceans’ or sumpthink™.
For Gaia’s sake, leave the climate alone – it’s survived without us for over 4 billion years – another 2 degrees would be just fine & dandy by me.
I said this in November. Not that they can keep these impossible wish-promises.
The green activists can stop now. Job done (big sarc)
It appears that most of the commitments listed in those articles are examples of state level greenwashing Simon
Leopards do not change theirs spots
Making virtue-signalling noises to get the green meanie off their backs.
All they will do is destroy their own country’s futures, the future of their children and children’s children, while having zero effect on the climate.
Its rank stupidity.
Good point Peter. Obviously greenwashing is reprehensible and things like claiming burning wood chips is good for reducing CO2 emissions (when it actually increases them by 32%) or destroying 30% of Borneo’s native forests to boost palm oil production to make diesel fuel ‘greener’ are prime examples.
‘Leopards do not change theirs spots’
In that regard, ignore the politics and focus on the science, the Holocene Thermal Max was really hot. There is no way in the world we’ll ever get back to those good old days, its end game for the Holocene.
Leopards don’t change their spots and people such as Peter and Simon are hard wired to catastrophy and believing blindly in the opinions of those who don’t have their best wish3s at heart. You mob have had 40 plus years to demonstrate that the climate-change meme is true. A mild warming in the order of 1 degrees and now temperatures are on a downward trend.Thanks for the freak out.
I’m way more optimistic than I was a year ago. There has been a sea change in multinational corporates and the pension and investment funds that own them. Any entity that needs funding but is unwilling to reduce emissions will become an investment pariah. Governments are the laggards and the current Australian Government is one of the worst.
lol.. You really aren’t paying any attention, are you.
Every country that has even a modest infection of “renewables” is struggling big time to meet the energy needs of their country.
Is that what you think any rational government will let happen?
Do you really think the “net zero” virtue-seeking actually means anything?
Germany, starting up their old nuclears, starting to mine more coal.
UK, massive costs of gas on the many occasions that wind is a no-show.
Governments will turn away from the shear idiocy of wind and solar, just as soon as the people let them know that extreme energy costs and erratic non-availablity, a NOT on the civilised human agenda.
On top of that, the huge price hikes of all materials to proceed with net zero nonsense, and the horrendous pollution in manufacture, installation and end of short life, are going to make the whole farce null and void, like it should have been long ago.
Renewables are a fake fix for a fake problem.
And I suspect you know that all too well.
Also, you need to consider that any tiny decreases in CO2 emissions in countries stupid enough to go down the net-zero route, will be more than compensated by the extra emissions in India, China, Africa and the rest of the developing world.
World CO2 emissions will continue to climb for many years from now. Western virtue seeking will have absolutely zero effect.
All that will happen is that the once developed countries will become backward states, unable to meet their own energy , food, and many other needs.
That will be the end effect of all this anti-CO2 virtue seeking.
I suspect that is what the left actually wants to happen, even though they will bring themselves down with the rest of society.
They cannot, surely, be so unaware, and so stupid, as to not see the empty mess that will exist for future generations under a net-zero scenario.
The Paris agreement has had, and will have absolutely zero effect on global temperatures.
The worst that can happen, the Roman Warm Period was two degrees warmer than present.
The “worst” !
Pluck a random number out of the air, that will leave the world considerably colder than most of the last 10,000 years,
and pretend it actually means something. !
D’OH !!
The lack of any actual science getting into propaganda rags like and Nature is astounding.
These are low-end opinion pieces, worthy of places like Rolling Stone and Vogue, or Mad magazine, or Mills and Boon.
How much lower can and Nature sink.. only time will tell. !
BE NICE. You can choose whether you buy these publications.
Of course.
I have to thank the likes of PF for showing why I wouldn’t buy these even for shredding as kitty litter. !
We well know climate activists have control of said publications.
“The lack of any actual science getting into propaganda rags like and Nature is astounding.
These are low-end opinion pieces, worthy of places like Rolling Stone and Vogue, or Mad magazine, or Mills and Boon.”
I can’t comment on for as it is not a high ranking journal, I don’t often look at it but Nature, ranked 27 globally, is certainly not a propaganda rag
Nature is absolutely a propaganda rag for the AGW religion.
Only a deliberately blind leftist would not see this.
Some of the absolute junk that gets published in the name of AGW in that rag is really low-grade stuff.
Yes, the left rank Nature and all its odious propaganda, quite high.
ps, if the paper that Simon linked to is not anything but empty-of-science AGW propaganda, then what is it !.
Surely, not even you think it passes as real science. !
What Paris “agreement” will tell us now ?
Warming stopped, CO2 is still rising with minor human influence, so, if “we” are burning coal and oil or not doesn’t influence the temperatures, nor has it ’til, now nor it will in future. Come down from your “climate science cloud 7”, look at facts and reality and finally stop dreaming about green revolution in energy production.
Real data shows us that there never was any human caused real global warming. !
Warming during the satellite temperature era has come only at EL Nino events… no human cause.
Yes, warming in the surface temperature fabrication from before that, was caused by man… either by urban thermometers or by mal-adjustments.
Either way, it is not “global”, and mostly is not even real.
‘ … restrict warming to less than 2 °C’
Surely that is a crime against humanity, CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
‘In summary, the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today during summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In some locations, this could be true for winter as well.’ (NOAA)
Didn’t you recently post that science and scientists agree on global warming?
To refresh your memory here it is (April 14)
‘A 2019 review of scientific papers found the consensus on the cause of climate change to be at 100%, and a 2021 study concluded that over 99% of scientific papers agree on the human cause of climate change. Papers that disagreed with the consensus either cannot be replicated or contain errors.’
[The actual link is [conveniently] missing. I suppose I could take the time to find it. Really? what was I thinking.] ED
When a consensus is 100% they sacked everyone who disagrees. It aint science.
Three good quotes about Consensus, as it relates to science:
Albert Einstein: Genius abhors consensus because when consensus is reached, thinking stops.”
Michael Crichton: “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means the he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.”
Prof. James Lovelock: “The very word ‘consensus’ has no place in the lexicon of science; it is a good and useful word but it belongs to the world of politics and the courtroom, where reaching a consensus is a way of solving human differences. Scientists are concerned with probabilities, never with certainties or consensual agreement.”
Meanwhile CO2 steps up as it has since measured meaningfully, almost as if nothing has been done, which effectively is the case as we have so little influence. Hard the bleat on on hand and claim success on the other, although hypocrisy seems to be a core talent of alarmists.
There’s a chart somewhere that shows that the COP soirees have had absolutely zero effect on global CO2 emissions..
“although hypocrisy seems to be a core talent of alarmists.”
Like our local council who claim that they will only purchase electric vehicles in the future. ( These vehicles, of course will only be for the hierarchy as the workers need Utes and small trucks) The council suggests that residents can “do their bit” to reduce green house gases by cycling or walking. However, these suggestions are for the plebs, never lead by example.
Given that the shire is mainly agriculture based and distances between towns is significant I can just see all the geriatrics jumping on the treadly for the first time in 60 years, bound to work out well!
Especially lugging the food shopping, dog food, sheep pellets, etc. etc. on my non-battery assisted old bike at my rather senior age, up hill and down dale! I think not, somehow.
Making LCOE a legal issue. About time!
Virginia agency challenges Dominion’s offshore wind deception
By David Wojick
The beginning: “I earlier wrote about the deep deception in Dominion Energy’s proposal to build a huge 2,600 MW offshore wind (OSW) system in Virginia. With 175 massive 800 foot tall generators, it is by far the biggest OSW project ever attempted in America. A true monster. See my
Happily, the Virginia electric power regulator, the State Corporation Commission (SCC), has now expressed serious concerns with the project. Some of these concerns are along the lines of my article.
At issue is something called LCOE, which stands for “levelized cost of electricity.” At its simplest LCOE is the life cycle cost of a generator system divided by the amount of juice it will generate over that life. It is usually given in dollars per megawatt-hours (dollars/MWh). Note that the life cycle here runs from design, procurement and construction through O&M and repair, as well as the life ending decommissioning and disposal. For an unbuilt system this is clearly something of a guess, but as with most engineering cost estimates it is worth guessing.
As I pointed out in my prior article, Virginia law turns the LCOE for this monster wind project into an important legal threshold. If it is less that $125/MWh then the project is approved by law. If more, then it has to be approved by the SCC as in the public interest, especially that of the ratepayers who will have to pay the billions it will cost.
Dominion came in with a preposterously low LCOE. In response SCC staff have now filed a lengthy critique that questions Dominion’s estimate. They even say that the best guess (of course they do not call it that) might exceed the threshold value. This is a very big deal because the SCC might assert control over approving this ridiculous project or it might not. That is the next big issue, still to come. The three person SCC only has two members at this time and if they split they might not even be able to decide. The project approval wheel is definitely in spin.”
Lots more analysis in the article. Please share it.
Have a fun Easter.
This demonstrates the delusion runs deep.
LCOE for intermittent generators is a completely useless number. Intermittent generators impose huge costs on any network that are not included in the LCOE for the generator alone. We see this in Australia where the wholesale cost of electricity is declining but all the other costs like FCAS, additional transmission lines, directions payments and dispatchable capacity payments are all going north in leaps and bounds.
The concept of LCOE is not applicable to non-dispatchable generators. Literally no one is prepared to ONLY use power when the wind blows.
That is just what the agency staff critique says. They want the project LCOE to include the cost of intermittency. Batteries, backup, curtailing reliable generators to make room for wind juice, curtailing the wind when need is low, etc. it is a brilliant analysis.
This could be a great precedent, but the Commission has to accept the staff arguments for intermittent LCOE, at least some of them. They just might do that because the green law stripped them of approval power, which is their mission, if the LCOE is small. So they might want a big LCOE. The proper definition of LCOE for intermittent might even wind up in Court.
Exactly Rick. LCOE calculations for any electricity source must include all the costs required to deliver dispatchable power 24×7, including backup, transmission etc.
I do believe that “science” is behaving more like a sect leader everyday.
Defeat Putin by reducing amount of oil you burn by restricting car travel. Allowance being suggested in mainland Europe to curb travel and reduce temperature in home as a way of cutting down on Russian gas and oil and starving him of funds
The linked article is about a big warship sunk by missles. Analysts have been arguing for decades that missles make warships obsolete. Possibly attack aircraft as well. When the conflict started I read that the Ukraine had just 67 fighters to Russia’s 1600. But the U has lots of surface to air missles, which may even things out in the air.
Missiles made guns on fighters obsolete so the US sent the F4 to ‘Nam sans guns. They paid a high price for that and had to retro fit the cannon.
The missile[s] that sunk this cruiser were Harpoonskis, a copy of the 40 yr old Harpoon sub-sonic missile. No modern ship with a trained up crew should fall victim to such a weapon. A smart and determined enemy may, however, harass the target with Turkish drones to get it stern on where there is a radar shadow and is therefore vulnerable. Speculation of course.
This missile uses inertial guidance until it is close to the target when it uses its own radar for homing. But it is subsonic and a Nimitz class carrier will be at 40 knots if under threat. It would NOT still be where it was when targeted. Chinese artificial islands can’t travel that fast though. 🙂
The deadliest batches of Pfizer vaccine identied
The above article on their ABC has one picture of a person. A young blond white woman. Two other articles from the ABC, recommended by Google News, has have a cover picture of young blonde white women. Links to other stories have relevant pictures or irrelevant pictures of blonde white women modelling.
Looks like the ABC are happy to promote a racial ideal if it gets them readers, but commercial publishers must follow their diversity demands.
Video: Ben Shapiro looks at the corruption of the Biden family. (6 min 51 sec)
Video: After reading a speech from the teleprompter, Biden goes to shake hands with an invisible person, then turns and looks at the wall behind him, confused. (30 secs)
And no one approaches him to help him out …..people seem frightened of older demented folk …..that’s one reason a lot of them are locked away
Often for very good reason. Dementia wards make tough and dangerous work places.
And remember that Biden is the absolute vital cog in the use of nuclear weapons.
A demented old man up against madman Putin, hopefully their minders will keep them in check.
Rick, I would have said that Biden is not even vaguely personally relevant to anything.
The US nuclear protocol relies heavily with the US president. The President does not have the authority to use nuclear weapons offensively but the protocol places the President in the key position for defensive use. That relies on rapid identification of an imminent threat and clear thinking in that event.
I am confident that the current US nuclear protocol did not contemplate a demented President.
There are increasing calls for Biden to take the same cognisant test that Trump undertook:
There are numerous examples where Biden demonstrates he is cognitively impaired.
Agreed Gerry. I’m not entirely convinced that he was shaking an invisible hand but the absence of handlers moving in was the thing I noticed as well. The handlers not only did not move to help him, they didn’t even seem to give him any signals, and he did not seem to know which handler he should hear toward.
Has anyone seen the interview ‘Watch The Water’ from Stew Peters?, he talks to Dr Bryan Ardis who reveals an apparent link between covid 19 and snake venom, it has a lot of compelling parallels between the microbiological structure of the covid virus and two snake venoms with interesting links that tie the two scientifically and a business timeline.
Thought our host might have some insights into this.
Pure BS. “Poisoning the Well”
Did you watch it?, please elaborate on your insight.
Even without knowing the facts, any alignment between CV19 VaXXines and Snake Venom certainly shakes things up.
Yes KK there’s been many educated guesses at origins of covid 19 and what the vaccines contain with most using correlation as causation, this could be another case of that but its worth looking at anything to try and figure out this obvious huge push for global change.
There are 3 parts in a better interview with Mike Adams at Brighteon video. More comprehensive than the Stew Peters one but much longer.
I’m keeping an open mind.
A refutation from Dr Fleming, starts about 4min in.
A glaring new example of alarmist science education.’s-system-impact-our-communities-and
OpenSciEd Unit 7.6: How Do Changes in Earth’s System Impact Our Communities and What Can We Do About It?
“This unit on Earth’s resources and human impact begins with students observing news stories and headlines of drought and flood events across the United States. Students figure out that these drought and flood events are not normal and that both kinds of events seem to be related to rising temperatures.”
“Students figure out that the rising temperatures are caused by an imbalance in Earth’s carbon system, resulting in a variety of problems in different communities. The unit ends with students evaluating different kinds of solutions to these problems and how they are implemented in communities.”
It won a merit badge! Pure alarmist hype plus activism presented as science to children.
And, in non-Kovid news from India…..
This Indian study showed that for every extra 1ppm CO2, wheat yields increased by 370,000 tonnes.
The Left have opened up a new front on their war against civilisation. The war is on many fronts but I will specifically talk about energy.
Apart from the destruction of the energy supply through wind and solar subsidy-mining schemes, bans on oil and gas exploration, fracking and drilling, there is now “green” hydrogen to contend with.
There is a good reason why even spaceflight organisations avoid using hydrogen fuel. (It is and can be used but is troublesome, even for NASA.)
In Australia, there are a lot of subsidies to be harvested for “green hydrogen” with no confirmed use except for “green steel” which is also implausible and fuel cell public transport which has always been uneconomic in the past. The Left, of course, discourage private transport for the non-Elites.
Look out for the Buzz term “hydrogen hub”.
Examples of subsidies and grants:
“DuckDuckGo Search Engine CEO Announces Changes to Internet Search Algorithms to Promote Approved Content
April 15, 2022 | Sundance | 88 Comments”
“Twitter Responds to Elon Musk Proposal by Creating Poison Pill
April 15, 2022 | Sundance | 136 Comments”
“Musk v. Woke”
“Free speech on Twitter? Oh, noes! Catastrophe! Eleventy!!!”
Musk “pump and dump”. He will not own twitter, but will come out richer for the exercise.
Why not? The NYSE is a market place where everything is for sale at an agreed price. Musk’s offer is fair and only ideologues would refuse.
The Media:
The Sun is the center of our universe and being 1.3 million times larger than our spec of dust is the absolute main driver of our weather etc. No amount of Green Energy will alter the suns effects!
I think you mean center of the solar system.
The universe supposedly has no center.
At least according to the last settled science that I know of.
Ya’ have to think of green energy as aspirational.
Or like cultural anorexia.
You may die of starvation, but you will achieve your ideal weight.
Tell that to the people of Shanghai, must have something to do with extinction rebellion.
The Left are melting down over the possibility that Elon Musk (not a member of the Elites’ club) will turn Twitter into a free speech platform.
In response, the Twitter board implements a “poison pill” approach to stop a full takeover.
Tim Pool discusses:
Recall the recent release of the “TOGETHER trial” purporting to show that Ivermectin was ineffective against covid?
There are serious concerns with that trial which are discussed in the following video. It appears that it was another trial of a non-Big Pharma product and was designed to fail. (10 min 43 sec)
Unfortunately they don’t actually explain what was wrong with the paper except that the methods section was in some way obtuse.
The complaint is that the methodology is unclear and therefore the results are not reproducible.
It took them 10 minutes and 43 secs to say what you put in one sentence.
In what way was it unclear?
I expect that there is more too it, which we will find out eventually.
In the next Federal Election (Australia) the Gangrenes are targeting certain seats such as Macnamara (new name for Melbourne Ports) in Vicdanistan.
Macnamara has always been a strange seat with no obvious connection to geography or demographics. There is the Caulfield and St Kilda East part which is wealthy and conservative and then the Melbourne Ports area which is wealthy and full of Bollinger and soy latte, Tesla-driving, wealthy Green Labor types.
The current member is Josh Burns. I think a worthwhile strategy is to vote against incumbents. I therefore recommend putting Josh Burns last on the ballot.
Apart from that vote according to known information or failing that vote on a whim.
Still waiting for an explanation as to why “global warming” (even if it were happening) is a bad thing.
Natural periodic episodes of warming worked very well for the Minoans, Egyptians, Romans and Medieval civilisation.
Plants love warmth.
People love warmth.
Nobody or few (of a sound mind) seeks the extreme cold.
Its more to do with the ramifications, like sea level rise flooding cities.
If they used their supercomputers to analyse the RWP in detail then we would know exactly what to expect from their worst case scenario.
During the Roma era sea level was actually lower than it was today.
Good point, sea level rise is noticeable throughout the dark ages, so its most likely oceanic inertia creating a lag.
It would be useful to find locations somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere, as a fact check.
the sea level thing seems weird to me.
Where can one plant the measuring rod?
As non-aquatic creatures we have an illusion of ‘solid ground’.
I assume the the real estate fish are ok with it.
Plus, if anyone has a problem, we can just call the Dutch.
Isn’t sea level like temp?
Where is the 98.6 gonna be on the thermometer or the sea height stick.
In which planetary orifice will it be inserted?
Plus by the time Ostia becomes dysfunctional, everyone will have forgotten it was there.
Global warming leads to warming and cooling, floods and droughts, more wind and less wind, higher harvests and lower harvests, hell it will even fade the curtains and cause them not to fade. You name to it and global warming changes it.
And the fearful mind will tell you that as soon as you change anything it will be the end of the world as we know it.
More seriously the closest attempt at analogy is that taking out the top predator in a food chain will cause the food chain to collapse. And yes food chain collapse is a real thing.
15th April 2022
Why Elon Musk has rattled them
His attempted takeover of Twitter has revealed just how terrified the liberal elites are of freedom of speech.
We stand here on the edge of tyranny… Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter. That, roughly speaking, has been the commentariat reaction in recent days as the world’s richest man has launched a takeover attempt of the social-media giant, citing his concerns about its censorious policies as his main motivation.
My question is how twitter makes money, or if they are still burning case how it plans to make money in the future.
There is an interesting article at
The article has been updated to include the poison pill development. Originally it was about twitter being a bottomless pit of financial cost. Because every user is notified of updates about every post the cost of running the system grows out of proportion with the number of users. It’s a bit like the cost of showing the thumbs on this web site.
The conclusion of the article is that twitter’s costs are being subsidized. My recollection is that the article concluded that government infrastructure was being used on the quiet but the article don’t say that now.
Then again I can recall a book saying that the internet could not possibly keep growing because data switches could not possibly keep up. And so far we know how that turned out.
Correction to above: there were two related posts. The one which talked about the use of government infrastructure was
For those who think voting for a conservative independent instead of the profoundly disappointing Liberal Party (pretend conservative party) is a “waste of a vote”:
1) when filling out your preferential voting preferences you do not have to follow the party recommendation, make up your own
2) if you put as your last preferences, say Liberal, Labor, then Gangrene; if no one else is elected your vote will still go to the Libs so the vote is not “wasted” (in the sense it will go to the Libs who are slightly less bad than Labor or Greens).
There is also a secondary effect of giving the independent financial reward for getting a primary vote, and signalling “try harder” to the party that gets the preferential scrap.
Yes Simon,
The point of voting is to distribute the ‘loot’ away from the Labor, Liberal, Getup & Green candidates, the ‘One Party State’, representing the WEF. The last Forty years has seen the systematic raiding of the public coffers and any benevolent funds to accumulate War Chests. Such generous donations to the Clinton Aids Initiative to build Hospitals in Papua, Turnbull’s curious Reef bequest, Gillard’s raid on the Widows and Orphan’s Fund in WA. These War Chests are probably currently buying the loyalty of the useful idiots running the various circular firing squad scams. We are funding the destruction of our own Communication, Energy, Health, Transport, Manufacturing etc systems on the good advice of these highly paid ‘experts’.
So one small joy is to give the money the Swamp has generously arranged for its own collection after an election to Pauline, Malcom Roberts, the ‘Lair from Liverpool’ and any of the other of the Conservative Independents.
I am particularly looking forward to voting for Senator Rennick in the following election in order to piss off the swamp that is currently gossiping about placing him in an unwinnable position.
How do you imagine your vote will still go to the Libs if you put them near you last preference?
As I said “if no one else is elected your vote will still go to the Libs”. I.e. if none of the candidates above your preference secure enough votes it goes to the next one down the list. If they have insufficient votes as well, then the next one etc. until the first candidate with enough votes appears on the list. If the Libs get the most preference votes they will still be elected.
According to the Electoral act Part XVIII The scrutiny, Secs 268Aand 269 (Despite what you will be told at the polling pace) a vote in the senate is NOT INFORMAL if…..”.268A(b)if there are more than 6 squares printed on the ballot paper below the line -the voter has consecutively numbered any of those squares from 1 to 6 (whether or not the voter has also included one or more higher numbers in those squares)” AND “sec 269(1)(b) the voter has marked the number 1,or the number 1 and one or more higher numbers,in squares printed on the ballot paper above the line.”
Therapeutic Leak for Albo
April 16, 2022 at 7:54 am
Sharri Markson in The Australian has been digging into Albo’s attempts this week to lie about his past:
Anthony Albanese worked as an electorate officer – not a Canberra-based ministerial adviser – during the time his boss, hard-left Labor figure Tom Uren was a minister in the Hawke government.
After failing to nominate the cash or unemployment rate this week, Mr Albanese sought to re-establish his economic credentials by claiming he was an “economics adviser” to the legendary, reformist Hawke government.
But records obtained by The Weekend Australian, including ministerial directories from the 1980s, Parliamentary Questions on Notice in 1985, Mr Albanese’s biography and accounts from multiple Labor figures working in the Hawke government all indicate Mr Albanese’s job for Uren when he was local government minister was as an electorate officer based in Sydney, not a ministerial ¬adviser in Canberra.
Parliamentary Questions on Notice, dated May 31, 1985, list Mr Albanese as the most junior member on Mr Uren’s staff as “Electorate Officer 1”.
Ministerial directories for the years Uren was a minister from 1983 until 1987 do not list Mr Albanese as a ministerial staff member.
In his biography, Albanese: Telling it Straight, for which the Labor leader co-operated with ¬author Karen Middleton, his job title in the year 1987 is referenced as an “electorate officer”.
“In what might be described as a substantial case of bad luck, he would find himself in a second ¬accident five years later (in 1987) when he was travelling in the back of a Commonwealth hire car in Canberra, where he was then working as an electorate officer to Minister Tom Uren,” it states, ¬referring to a car accident Mr ¬Albanese was involved in after an earlier one in 1982.
While based in Sydney, Mr ¬Albanese would travel to Canberra with Uren on occasion. The first time was as a “note-taker”. On this trip, Mr Albanese described himself as “an excited kid”.
Born in 1963, Mr Albanese was 22 when he started working for Mr Uren in 1985. At the time, Mr Albanese was considered a Socialist Left militant warrior and he ¬engaged in factional Labor Party activities, primarily based in Uren’s electorate office in ¬Granville, Sydney.
Middleton also wrote about how Uren took on “the young protege with his militant reputation”.
Mn Uren’s autobiography, Straight Left, he said that in the first two years Mr Albanese worked for him – from 1985 to 87, the period when he was a minister – they barely spoke.
“Anthony was an activist in Young Labor and was one of the main organisers of the Left in NSW,” Uren wrote.
“For the first year or two I never really badgered him. I would have talk (sic) with him occasionally, and just observe him, but I watched him a lot more than he realised.
“I was a minister and was fairly busy, whilst he had his own jobs.”
A Labor source who was a staff member in the Hawke government told The Weekend Australian that Mr Albanese “was not on Tom Uren’s ministerial staff. He was not an assistant private secretary or private secretary – these were ‘adviser’ positions at the time.
“A research officer is an electorate staff appointment,” the source said.
Former Labor leader Mark Latham, now leader of One ¬Nation in NSW, said Mr Albanese’s “main activity wasn’t working as a policy adviser in Canberra, it was a young Labor organiser”.
“Albanese worked in his (Uren’s) electorate office, he was an electorate staffer,” he said.
“Albanese spent most of his time in Sydney organising Young Labor numbers in the inner city.”
During the 80s, Mr Latham worked for Gough Whitlam, the Labor Party head office and later for Bob Carr.
“I was making speeches on the other side of the debate from Albanese,” he said. “He was the standard bread-and-butter leftie opposing Keating’s reforms at every turn. The stereotypical leftie from central casting.”
A senior Labor figure, who declined to speak publicly, recalled Mr Albanese’s work at the time was heavily factional for the Left.
“Albo was one of the leaders in their hardline activities on policy and in stacking the branches and use of the union movement to ¬attack the government that then became the modus operandi federally,” he said.
“Albanese was a very minor figure and worked out of the Granville office for a lot of the time, organising. I always thought he was an electorate officer.”
The Labor figure said that at the time Uren “was a very minor figure of no consequence in Canberra and that was reflected in his frustrations and ongoing attacks on the Hawke-Keating governments.”
During his time working for Uren, Mr Albanese engaged in factional Labor Party activities and also conducted research for the minister on economic policies.
The Labor Left regarded itself equally opposed to the Hawke government’s policies as the conservative opposition parties.
Uren was not in cabinet and was one of the strongest opponents to the Hawke-Keating economic reforms of the period. His policy views were regarded as entirely irrelevant and a cause for ¬annoyance by the senior figures in the Hawke government, particularly treasurer Paul Keating.
Mr Keating was reportedly furious when Hawke ruled that he needed to win support from the full ministry, not just the cabinet, for tax reform in September 1985.
“He had to endure opposition from left-wing ministers Tom Uren and Arthur Gietzelt, amid a marathon debate,” author Troy Bramston wrote in the biography Paul Keating: The Big Picture Leader.
Mr Keating, Bramston wrote, “was turning away from redistributive economics, class warfare and an ‘us and them’ mentality”.
Mr Keating voiced his frustration with the Left faction’s views in an attack at state conference.
“The Balmain Lefties … were all in good restaurants quaffing wine till 3.30 in the afternoon. That’s what aways galled me,” Mr Keating said in his speech.
Mr Albanese did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
Must be tough for Albo..
… the only way he can get any credence at all, is by lying his **** off, and hoping the comments stick before the lies are exposed.
So you voted for the libs, congratulations
Wrong place. Sorry.
Does no party think it’s worth picking up a few million votes by abolishing exit visas for Australians?
🙂 🙂
I want out!
If you mean out of the current de facto government corporate system that was installed without a referendum by the people then I agree, a few of us are trying to turn things around through common law and using our original and still legal constitution and flag.
I will be undertaking an official caretaker role this election at a local voting location, there’s a very interesting story to this that I will divulge at a later date.
The government should be happy to get rid of political dissidents…
Bumped from late on Thursday open
“Prison Canuckistan”
Viva Frei – watch it all!
In comments from BARD “The Pandemic Worship”
Prison Australia anyone?
I doubt there are three million swinging voters in total. 80% of the electorate know how they will vote a year out.
The easiest way to deal with any climate change is to simply do what Mother Nature does and just adapt. Far cheaper in the long run. So, no need for any of this Climate Change madness and destruction of fossil fuel Energy systems.
John, it was never about wobal glorming, the object was control, domination and Money. 🙂
We are being drained; the picture of those African tribes getting breakfast by siphoning blood from the necks of their cattle is hard to shake.
The elites have no respect for us.
Adaptation is the key word.
What you say is true, but they have the ‘precautionary principle’ in their kit and honestly believe they are saving the planet.
Can’t quite wrap my head around this one. If true, then evil is at a whole other level. An hour of recommended watching. An interview between Dr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters. ToM
See my post at #14, yes its a doozy.
I only just realised that you had already posted this. Apologies. It is, indeed, a doozy. ToM
Friday Cartoon: Biden Was Shaking Hands With a Giant Rabbit Named ‘Harvey’
Smoking guns: Joe Biden referred business and mingled finances with son Hunter, messages show
Joe Biden asked son Hunter about “future earnings potential” in messages that conflict with Democrats’ earlier portrayals of first family’s financial affairs.
What Americans saw in North Carolina – What Joey Saw
Broke Back Voter
Alcoholics Anonymous
Fauci Speaks
Very interesting cartoon given the link to “Watch the Water” at Nos. 14 and 28. ToM
Missed the Snake Analogy
“Devils Snakebite” is a euphemism I have used to avoid the inference of jabs being any kind of vaccine.
Speaking with a forked tongue…
Is the Fauci-Mengele comparison out of bounds?
See also”
Animated documentary:
I think that’s actual dialogue from a British Labor Party convention.
No joke.
I recall seeing it on Lotus Eaters.
Nope its all your future leaders.
Here is a list I compiled of countries with restrictive exit visas for their own citizens. There may be others but I think this is most of them. Many countries that did have them like Cuba, Czech Republic and Russia abolished them in recent years.
North Korea
Qatar (for certain types of people)
Saudi Arabia
Great company huh?
I think that Canada was one which signed up to the WHO ‘treaty’ to prevent un’vaccinated’ travellers leaving the country. The UAE might have been too.
They both appear to have removed those restrictions now.
I suppose the time has come the walrus said when we must admit ours is among the world’s most repressive regimes; notwithstanding I’ve had more than a year to adjust to this reality from time to time I still shake my head and wonder what on earth happened.
US covid test positivity rates by vaccination status
yet another set of evidence that vaccines are not working to stop covid spread and that boosters wind up making you more likely to contract covid in the long run
it has been notably difficult to get covid data by vaxx status in the US. the epic records are a mess and deeply undercount the vaccinated and the health agencies have been playing all manner of games. however, it appears that private industry may be coming to the rescue here (and once more shedding doubt on why we need the CDC to aggregate anything). walgreens, who perform large amounts of both testing and vaccination are now publishing data conveniently assessable through a power BI interface. it’s got quite a lot of useful information. huzzah.
spoiler alert: it does not make the case for vaccines preventing infection.
it’s clearly associated with much higher infection rates and boosters are faring worst of all.
we start here:
More from Willis Eschenbach on their fake science, used for fake studies and hopefully to gain more MONEY to fund more BS studies in the future.
He saw the flaw immediately.
‘The study doesn’t provide any evidence at all, not one scrap. What it provides instead are the results of computer models using another computer model as input.’
Elon Musk’s battle to save the USA from absolute tyranny……………..
Pentagon gives unused stash of Russian helicopters to Ukraine, after fall of Afghanistan
The helicopters are part of a larger package of military equipment that is being expedited into Ukraine.
The U.S. government will give Ukraine a fleet of helicopters the Pentagon originally bought from Russia in order to bolster the Afghan National Army.
The Mi-17 “Hip” helicopters were built in Kazan, in the Republic of Tatarstan, and were sold to the U.S. via Russia’s military export agency, Rosoboronexport. The U.S. planned to send the helicopters to the Afghan National Security Forces, but they have been grounded since Kabul fell to the Taliban, according to the Army.
Now, the Pentagon says, the aircraft will go to Ukraine, where they will be used in the fight against Russian forces.
The U.S. will deliver 11 of the Mi-17s to Ukraine, to reinforce others that are already in-country.
“The helicopters will augment the five Mi-17 helicopters sent to Ukraine earlier this year,” the Pentagon said in a statement.
None were purchased specifically for Ukraine.
“These 11 Mi-17s had been earmarked for Afghanistan,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters at the Pentagon. “They are coming out of our stocks, our inventory, we have them, we didn’t obviously transfer them to Afghanistan. So, we’re now transferring them to Ukraine.”
From the Comments
– How did we get russian junk out but not American equipment?
– I’m sure the Ukraine’s could have used the billions of dollars of equipment dim wit Biden and the worthless Secretary of Defense, Austin left in Afghanistan. Leaving American citizens and our allies behind enemy lines is clearly grounds for impeachment, and a court martial trial for Austin. Where is the justice?
Women can be strip-searched by trans officers who were born male, say police
. Guidelines issued to forces urge chief officers ‘to recognise status of transgender colleagues from the moment they transition’
. The policy says it may be ‘advisable’ to replace officer carrying out search if detainee objects
. But if ‘the refusal is based on discriminatory views’ it could be ‘recorded as a non-hate crime incident’
. The guidance, quietly issued in December, was brought to light by retired Superintendent Cathy Larkman
It is another step in the complete breakdown of civilization in the English-speaking world (because we’re heading that way as well, here, in America).
The Daily Mail broke the story:
Does the “female” have to have had an orchiectomy and penectomy?
I mean, they surely need to show some genuine commitment if they wish to be called female and take advantage of preferential gender-based promotion and to force everyone to use different pronouns etc..
Are “pinadictomys” allowed?
I still think this global co2 emissions data is the most important graph over the last 50 years and it should always be front and centre in every debate about their so called EXISTENTIAL THREAT about their so called Climate change.
In fact the wealthy OECD countries’ emissions haven’t increased for the last 50 years. Combine EU + USA for yourselves.
But China, India and other “developing countries” co2 emissions have soared for decades and will continue to do so for decades into the future.
Of course I’m not sure this is a bad thing at all and certainly all countries are much wealthier and healthier since 1970 and 1990.
So can anyone tell us how we could get “the other countries” to reduce their co2 emissions by 2030 or 2050 or 2070 etc and what difference it could/would make?
Nice graph, China creates more industrial CO2 than the rest of the world combined. Clearly they have no faith in Christian millennialism or they would have put on sackcloth by now.
The Eternal Covid Emergency
Health and Human Services extends the crisis again so it can keep the extra welfare flowing.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
The Covid emergency is over thanks mainly to vaccines and therapies. Yet Health and Human Service s Secretary Xavier Becerra on Wednesday extended the national public-health emergency for another 90 days. Why? Because permanent crisis means more dependence on government.
The Trump Administration invoked the emergency under the Public Health Service Act on Jan. 31, 2020 to reduce red tape for healthcare providers. But then Congress linked an expansion of Medicaid and food stamps to the declaration. Now progressives don’t want the emergency to end.
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act of March 2020 suspended food-stamp work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents during the emergency. These individuals normally can’t receive benefits for more than three months over a three-year period unless they work or participate in a work-training program. Congress also boosted benefits, so the average monthly payment is now double ($240 per person) what it was in 2019.
Suspending work requirements was intended to help workers laid off during lockdowns when few jobs were available. But once lockdowns eased, businesses were desperate to hire. The sweetened food stamps and suspended work-requirement—on top of enhanced unemployment benefits and other transfer payments—reduced the incentive to return to work.
Now there are 1.8 job openings for every unemployed worker, and the unemployment rate has fallen to near pre-pandemic levels. Yet as of January there were nearly 2.5 million more households receiving food stamps than in 2019 and 500,000 more than in April 2020.
What’s wrong with this picture?
As I recall Trump was proud of his record of reducing the numbers on food stamps. Every good deed will be revenged.
In extraordinary bloodletting, Labor insiders have revealed morale within the Labor Party has “fallen apart”.
Daily Telegraph Saturday
Why do Australians vote for independent women?
Biden and Putin Are in Business Together, Thanks to the Iran Deal
The administration’s willing dependence on the Kremlin for its Iran policy sealed Ukraine’s fate
With President Joe Biden’s poll numbers at all-time lows and the midterm elections just around the corner, it should hardly come as any surprise that the Democratic Party will go back to its playbook and once again make Russian President Vladimir Putin the centerpiece of campaign season. But in order to blame Putin for Biden’s sinking presidency, the party and its media retinue are going to have to bury the fact that Biden and Putin are a team, tied together by the Iran deal.
In 2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign devised a plan to smear her rival and deflect attention away from her self-sabotaging use of a private email server—they got the press and FBI to say that Donald Trump had been compromised by Putin. In 2020, the media and former U.S. spy chiefs protected Biden’s campaign by loudly and falsely claiming that damning evidence of his family’s ties to corrupt foreign enterprises and officials found on Hunter Biden’s laptop was “disinformation” leaked by Putin’s spy services. Both attempts to blame Putin for the Democratic Party’s own messes were false.
And now the White House claims that the historic levels of inflation and surging food and energy prices that have turned voters against Biden are Putin’s fault. Never mind the insane amounts of money the U.S. government has been printing since the outbreak of COVID, or Biden’s decision to kill the Keystone pipeline on day one of his term and tell domestic energy producers to go jump off a bridge. These are Putin’s price hikes!
Up until now, the Democrats have been able to dine with Vladimir Putin and have their political cake, too. They blame Russia’s brutal despot for their domestic political screw-ups and then pay him off for doing their dirty work in the Middle East. Given that Putin couldn’t care less what lies Democrats tell on CNN, or how he is depicted by writers for The Atlantic, this arrangement has worked out just fine for all concerned—as long as campaign season bluster doesn’t affect a mutually profitable business relationship
And once the deal is struck, Putin and his oligarchs stand to profit handsomely. As Sen. Ted Cruz put it, Biden intends to subsidize Putin’s war with a cash windfall worth at least $10 billion that will offset any sanctions Biden has imposed for invading Ukraine.
Addicted to masks? Maskaholics can help
2 new Omicron sublineages found in South Africa
Johannesburg, Apr 14 (IANS): South Africa’s National Department of Health confirmed that Omicron sublineages BA.4 and BA.5 exist in the country.
“There are 5 sub-variants of Omicron being observed around the world. We are watching two — BA.4 and BA.5,” the Department’s spokesperson Foster Mohale told Xinhua.
Covid is almost too boring to bother with any more…
And I thought Ford was done, but we get the old XE model and SA get the more advanced BA model.
Bioweapon-Jabbed Commercial Airline Pilot’s Heart Stops In Cockpit Mere Minutes After Landing
DALLAS, TX – An American Airlines Pilot, Robert Snow, was in the cockpit of a plane that had just landed on Thursday when his heart stopped due to what was described as “severe post-vaccination cardiac arrest,” according to reports.
Snow was operating Airbus 321 and suffered the incident just six minutes after the plane touched down, narrowly avoiding a potential catastrophe that endangered his life as well as the 200 other people on board.
That’s why co-pilots are there…
“That’s why co-pilots are there…”
That would only work if the copilot had NOT had the jab.
I thought someone would say that 😅
What would the odds be though…
I assume it hasn’t changed but the pilots must not eat the same inflght meal.
Why not use the same logic, have one jabbed and one pureblood in the cockpit?
Cryptocurrency DeFi platforms are now more targeted than ever
Hackers are increasingly targeting DeFi (Decentralized Finance) cryptocurrency platforms, with Q1 2022 data showing that more platforms are being targeted than ever before.
In 2021 alone, about $3.2 billion worth of digital assets were stolen, which was already an explosion compared to previous years.
However, the trajectory for 2022 looks to be even more aggressive, with almost $1.3 billion already stolen during the Q1 alone.
…and das gubermint wants to eliminate cash and get the masses into “safe” crypto..
“…and it’s gone”
…and “another one bites the dust”
27-Year-Old Swimmer Dies of Heart Attack and Media Still Refuses to Wonder if the Jabs Had Something to Do With It
How many young and healthy athletes have to die before corporate media starts asking the right questions? Today, only independent media is even wondering what the jabs are doing.
Yes Australian media -how many before YOU do YOUR jobs?
Or do want to collapse like CNN is?
Maybe the shareholders care…
5 Fantastic Health Benefits From Regularly Eating Fish, According To Studies
Eating just two cans of sardines a week can help prevent Type 2 diabetes, according to scientists. A recent study concludes that consuming the oily fish is actually more effective than simply taking the same nutrients they provide in pill form.
Of course, the health benefits of eating oily fish are well known. That’s because they contain high quantities of nutrients such as taurine, omega 3, calcium and vitamin D. Their high level of unsaturated fat also helps balance cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease.
I love sardines. My pantry is stocked high with tins of ’em. Quick & easy, cheap, nutritious, tasty and easily stores for years.
You realise that grass fed beef, mutton and lamb are high in omega-3?
Yes, but don’t forget Omega 6 😉
Read the labels carefully. No point eating fish in canola oil.
And one of the surveyors on the “Gun Barrel Highway” project used them and kippers for his field lunches as they provided nice shiny sighting aids
People more willing to believe and spread lies if they think it’ll be true eventually
“Our findings are concerning, particularly given that we find that encouraging people to think carefully about the ethicality of statements was insufficient to reduce the effects of imagining a future where it might be true,” says study co-author Daniel Effron, PhD, a professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School. “This highlights the negative consequences of giving airtime to leaders in business and politics who spout falsehoods.”
Vote for us and we’ll save you.
Well paid secure jobs, ev’s, no CO2, wind & solar heaven, pink unicorns bounding happily in sunny fields.
The government will fund it. ie the taxpayer will.
Just BELIEVE (and don’t think too much, it’s bad for you and gives you Covid).
DuckDuckGo Search Engine CEO Announces Changes to Internet Search Algorithms to Promote Approved Content
DuckDuckGo used to be the preferred search engine for those who wanted privacy on-line and unfiltered, i.e. organic, search engine responses. Unfortunately, CEO Gabriel Weinberg is now stating he will change the algorithm to remove independent information and media outlets and will replace them with only approved MSM results.
DDG was good but I now use Yandex (has free email too) and back to good old Dogpile.
CO2 is good for the planet
Just found this site. Lots of interesting articles.
Kids in the U.S. and Europe Are Coming Down With Mysterious Liver Damage
A string of severe hepatitis cases in children has doctors across both sides of the pond spooked. Dozens of children in the UK and Europe, as well as some in the U.S., have come down with symptoms of hepatitis not currently explained by known causes. Theories for the outbreak include the resurgence of an existing but usually quieter germ, complications of covid-19, or even the arrival of a novel or mutated virus.
Hands up everyone who thinks AIH…
Monsoon lingers and a few April precipitation records have been dented.
Believe what you like. The wet season has been a fizzer in the east. Townsville will be pumping water from The Burdekin soon with massive associated electricity costs.
She Was Missing a Chunk of Her Brain. It Didn’t Matter
A woman grew up without her left temporal lobe, which highlights how amazingly plastic the brain is.
The brain is so interesting. I’ve seen numerous such cases and a few almost unbelievable in comparison.
The so-called “A.I.” systems (which aren’t even remotely close) have a l-o-n-g way to go to even approach the power of 1.5kg of watery fat!
The attending physician cut my daughter’s umbilical before she was breathing. I can assure you that that part of her brain that died is still dead and other parts have not cross trained.
I hear these stories, yet to experience though.
Miscarriages among vaccinated Women.
Who died from COVID-19 in Minnesota?
Only 291, or 2.67% of the 10,903 certificates we examined, were “COVID only” with no comorbidity listed.
..Our review of these death certificates also leads us to conclude that many, many of these deaths were not due to COVID-19. In many cases, other conditions were likely the primary cause of death.
Time to fess up Australia…
Would it be a big rewrite to have the preview of a post pass through the naughty word filter so you could see if you offended?
The Overlords have to keep the naughty word list secret.
If your know what’s naughty, it can only mean you ARE naughty.
So, they must constantly be adding to new secret naughty words so that you accept that you must be continually monitored.
For your protection from naughty words.
That you haven’t yet realized are naughty.
Be quiet and get your 4th booster.
chuckle…. I just posted a totally benign response.. and it went into mod–er–ation. 🙂
For anyone looking to go from DDG as a search engine some points here
and following comments
Look at the CEO Every Single Time. Why be surprised?
“Oh SNAP, CNN Reports Biden Polling the Worst Ever Recorded in Presidential Polling History, Even Lower Than Jimmy Carter in 1978
April 15, 2022 | Sundance | 313 Comments”
More on Vitamin I – Nature even
Via a comment at Chiefio