A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My one and only hope is that this election will be a true reflection of the will of the Australian voters and in no way resemble what happened in the last Presidential Election in the USA.
Yes, in some sense, I hope you’re right, even if the real lunatics will run the place now. I strongly disagree with the apparent direction, but if the majority of voters get what they want, then at least some part of the system still works.
Of course for that, one would have to believe that politicians will suddenly start honouring promises and not lying as much as they do…
People in wealthy inner city suburbs have been told that they are supposed to want “action on climate”.
Whatever the **** that means. !
I don’t think they have a clue what it even means… and certainly not what the consequences of whatever “action” was taken, would be.
Its a vote for a virtue-seeking meme. Bizarre !
What do we want? Unicorns!
When do we want them? Now!
But the only way you could know the true will of the Australian voters would be by…erm… running an election all over again.
And if you knew a better way to run an election, why wouldn’t you just change the official elections to run that way permanently, and is there a good reason nobody in 120 years has made that change already?
It’s just a polite way of saying I’d be happy with an election that was free from corruption, vote rigging etc.
So it seems Morrison has lost. Our headlines in the UK are that although no one campaigned at ALL on the issue, that climate change was the big factor in votes. If so, I guess that would be the super woke parts of Sydney/Melbourne who will likely gain a few independent seats and hold everyone to ransom with ultra green demands
The Holmes-a-court Teals in upper class Sydney, took 3 or 4 seats from the Liberals.
We all know which suburbs should be the first targeted for “load shedding”
Looking forward to wind turbines in Wentworth, Warringah and other Teal seats….. as if !!
Hopefully Labor will pick up enough seats to form government without the Greens and Teals.
Not all that long ago Morrison referred to those of us who live in WA as cave dwellers, a refrain taken up by those who live in the Eastern States particularly those who live in NSW. Morrison lost four seats in WA which provided very nearly half of the total of 9 seats lost so far by the LNP. Revenge is sweet
BTW how did Craig Kelly pull up? Yesterday you wrote how you rejected a how to vote slip from Labor and turned to the UAP to obtain one. He who laughs last etc.
Yeah sure and unless something has changed WA people refer to most of Australia as Eastern Staters just as you did here.
Try taking a course in cause and effect. It’s unlikely but you may just learn something.
“Try taking a course in cause and effect. It’s unlikely but you may just learn something.”
Why not send your little homily to Scott Morrison so that he can read, mark and inwardly digest it? Had he not called us “cave dwellers” he may not have lost 4+seats in WA a loss that has cost him dearly.
And why the angst about WA people referring to “most of Australia as the Eastern States. We do that because Qld, NSW and Victoria are Australia’s Eastern States
Oh dear. First I am talking to you not Morrison. Second see above. Just keep reading it over and over until you get a clue.
Oh dear. First I am talking to you not Morrison. Second see above.
At least WA won’t suffer too much from the destruction of the East coast electricity grid.
They will, however, have to put up with a huge influx of boats from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and where-ever else decides they want to move here.
You were right, though.
We did end up electing the mental equivalent of a sausage sanga.
No, it is a reflection of the fickle manipulated by a partisan media. I think the only electioneering should be on a candidates’ personal webpage and printed flyers distributed to letter boxes and pasted on public walls at railway stations.
Australia is DOOMED.
Great to read such incisive political analysis
That may prompt Hanrahan to warn us we’ll all be rooned.
Oh and always remember none of us are getting out of life alive.
So many people willingly surrendered their country, their vote, to puppets controlled by unelected millionaires and activist groups.
Will any of these people realise what damage they have done?
The relevant rule of thumb is that it is much easier to fool people than it is to get them to realise they have been fooled.
The short answer therefore is NO.
At least Labor looks likely to govern in their own right. Slightly better than if they were beholden to the Teal/Greens.
Yes, slightly better, like being in the last bit of a ship disappearing below the waves instead of the first…
In my electorate in suburban Melbourne the Greens are going gangbusters. Labor comes out an easy winner but Greens and Liberals are neck and neck for second place.
It seems that the Libs have lost votes to the Greens, which seems bizarre. How does one explain that?
In some ways the Libs deserve it. They have done nothing to counter the Global warming/Climate change narrative. Now the notion of impending catastrophic climate change has become so endemic that it seems that nothing can stop it. Consequently the impending economic disaster that must surely follow is now inevitable.
Easy. Morrison has supported the view that climate change is a real threat (rather than countering the argument). So he shouldn’t be surprised when the electorate votes for candidates who say they will do more about climate change than he will.
the Greens are still the “protest vote” party. for some reason voters think they are harmless compared to others. anything even vaguely “right wing” has been very successfully labeled as dangerous and fascist. I think also, the funnelling of preferences to the greens from the Teal puppets has had an impact.
The final result is some way off but it seems unlikely that the current government can survive .
So now we wait to see electricity prices double .
Then the lights go out ( with a green/left “Liberal ” energy minister in NSW state government ) and a Labor/Teal coalition in federal government those 2 coal power stations will not be saved .
With NSW having to consistently import hundreds of MW of power from interstate , loosing nearly 4000 MW of generation can’t be imported from interstate . And when there is no wind and it is night time then the grid will not have the capacity to supply the load .
The first boatload of illegal immigrants has already arrived ( The people smugglers correctly predicted the election result ).
What is left of manufacturing will be decimated .
Our sovereignty will be signed over to the UN .
The Chinese dictator will be salivating .
The Liberal party needs to learn a lesson that if you abandon your base and by lurching to the left to try to appease people who will never vote for you and offer nothing to conservatives then votes will go elsewhere . The NSW Liberal party needs to understand that if Matt Green ( Keen ) is still there at the next election they are toast !
How long do you give them to destroy Australia’s electricity supply completely?
And how long before the boat people started flooding in and/or drowning on the way here?
Until a minor bug causes the WHO to lock the whole country down?
Re electricity prices doubling – did you miss this
or do you mean another doubling from that?
That was part of what was driving my thinking but there are other ingredients that tell me that there is worse to come .
I remember a time when coal was delivering the bulk of the power for $25 / MWh and the retail price was 6.25 cents / KWh .
Then politicians decided to interfere .
For a while the wholesale price was floating around $50 to $80 MWh .
Retail prices hovering around 30 cents KWh .
Now the wholsale price is struggling to get below $300 / MWh .
But worse is to come with the impending closure of 2 major power stations in NSW .
Watch the disaster unfold in real time here :
Apart from the economy destroying high prices I can’t see any way of avoiding rolling blackouts ( load shedding ) or if they try too hard to avoid load shedding then one day some incident on the grid will trigger an all black event .
ScoMo has conceded. Entirely predictable but they think they know best. Apparently the Libs who are surviving are the Conservative Libs. That says it all.
If so that would be something to celebrate. Good riddance to the LINO’s and Turnbullites!
I might rejoin the Liberal Party in the hope that something can be saved from it. There Principles are sound.
“Apparently the Libs who are surviving are the Conservative Libs. That says it all.|
If that is true I think you will regret that the”Libs surviving are the Conservative Libs”
Here’s a comment from Allegra Spender who ousted Dave Sharma from Wentworth
“Ms Spender said she thought the Liberals had alienated traditional supporters by shifting to the right on social issues such as same sex marriage and climate change policy.”
As one of those traditional supporters who has been alienated, she has nailed it. Let the conservatives go to PHON or UAP where they can fester in the background as neither of those two parties are ever going to be anywhere near forming government. And how did the Liberal-Democrats fare? Weren’t they supposed to be the saviours of the Conservatives?
MS Spender had a real big spender backing her as part of the Teal Party. (not independent by any means)
And if you really think Libs lost votes for not being “woke” enough… (you gotta be like us.. BS)
… you really are even more of a fool that I thought you were.
No way Libs could out-woke the Teals, and they really shouldn’t have tried to.. that has been their downfall for a long time. !
You write
And if you really think Libs lost votes for not being “woke” enough… (you gotta be like us.. BS)
… you really are even more of a fool that I thought you were.
And you display the fact that you are unable to distinguish who said what
I didn’t say anything at all about why the libs lost votes that was Ms Spender. Write to her why don’t you instead blaming me for your misunderstandings.
There goes that infamous ego and lack of comprehension…. and leftist victim seeking.
Why post nonsense from a political puppet, if you don’t want it quoted back at you.
You really are a hoot, Ian. !
Teal candidate backed by Climate 200 claims Libs lost “climate change”. Pavlov’s dog hears the magic two words and immediately agrees.
Holy heckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…….
Scott Morrison gets what he deserves, for pandering to woke liberal lunacies. Unfortunately the only reason Labour are in is because nobody would mount a genuine conservative alternative, so they are just the baton handover for the continuation of impoverishing policies. How bad does it have to get before somebody puts their hand up and says “Enough of this BS !” ?
“because nobody would mount a genuine conservative alternative”.
Bernardi tried, as has to some degree, Pauline and Clive. The Christian lobby pushed hard for electors to Vote for Life. It appears as though “a genuine conservative alternative” is only attainable by narrowing Howard’s broad church. One can only hope the this election result will bring it on.
“because nobody would mount a genuine conservative alternative””
And the reason for that? At a guess the reason is “a genuine conservative alternative” has very little appeal for many Australians.
How would anyone know ? Last conservative PM won a 13 seat majority !
And this election, it was most of the non-conservative woke Libs that got removed.
Certainly, as long as the Libs go down the woke, greenie, virtue-seeking path, they will not be able to compete with the Teals and Labor.. No-one can out woke the Teals. !.
It does resemble the US election, in that the Libs have lost the uni educated white collar voters. Golly, I wonder how that happened? And they haven’t picked up on, or focused on the working class. And I guess the meaning of term ‘working class’ has changed, in that it now should represent the people who are ACTUALLY WORKING, not the welfare dependant, or the paper shuffling, white collar minions. Hats off, pants off, congratulations to the Long March through the Institutions, giving us two generations of ideological warriors, to now run everything from child care to the big banks.
It had to happen. Three more years of bile and white-anting, would have been unbearable. Bring on the chaos. The sooner the boil can be bought to a head, and erupts the better. Gonna be messy though.
The game was lost when Turnbull and his associates assassinated Tony Abbott and did not have the wits or the will to contest the green narrative and make the case for sensible climate and energy policies.
Plus the cumulative effect of three decades of serious green indoctrination in the schools resulting in a growing number of young people who are predominantly Green, Labour or pink/green Liberal voters.
You hit the nail one the head !!!
The absurdity of the situation can be described by the difference between the two climate policies, which is about 1/1000th of a degree C. Even the greens versus the LNP is only around 2/1000th degree C. To those indoctrinated, this tiny temperature difference is apparently what will save the reef, stop heatwaves, droughts, floods and bush fires, and that’s despite China and the developing world pushing up the temperature by another 0.5 degrees C whilst we make our tiny reductions.
CO2 has no influence on world temperature.
“CO2 has no influence on world temperature.”
I certainly has had an influence on the political temperature in Australia.
Which just shows the abysmal ignorance of the standard voter.
They have had this crap rammed down their throats for so long, that they actually think its real
Even an pseudo-intellectual drone like you should have realised by now, that it isn’t.
The whole Teal thing was a plea to anti-science virtue-seeking… and it worked because most people are as ignorant as you are when it comes to climate and science.
So what is the LNP going to do now? Continue going more to the left? We could hope instead they wake up and stop pretending to be conservatives or right of centre and become real ones once again but I won’t hold my breath.
Fortunately Frydenburg looks like going the way of other LINOs, meaning Dutton is the natural leader. He could be the guy to lead the necessary policy shift, and could be pretty effective when the blackouts start and the boats return.
Let’s hope so but I fear that’s just wishful thinking. Still I would love to see it happen just to see the reaction of the voters at the next election. It will be the real test of the intelligence of voters in general. If true conservatives are no longer viable enough to win an election then we would know for sure this nation as a whole is stuffed.
The only consolation is Labor will win with its own majority, so won’t need to continuously negotiate ridiculous policy wanks with Greens and Teals.
Based on Primary Votes, there are now three entities in Australian politics… The Coalition (35%), the ALP (32%) and what has been labelled “The Third Force” (Green/Independent), (33%). This proves that the 2 major parties have not been listening to mainstream Australia, and that inner-city Wokeism is in the ascendant.
The electricity blackouts were coming anyway. We’ll just get there a little faster under Labor. Hopefully the Nats will grow some gonads, cut ties with the Libs, merge with a few more conservative groups, then lay out a strategy for infrastructure, resource use, cutting red tape, and providing services to encourage the country to grow and expand.
I wished the Nats did that a long time ago. Never too late though. However, many in the Nats are “lefties” too so there will only be a handful left. What we really need is a few years under ALP+Greens to expose them for what they really are. Then perhaps the LNP will wake up and run away from the left as if a raging bushfire was after them, which in effect is what the ALP+Greens will do to the nation in due course. Otherwise, if the LNP doesn’t wake up then we can hope they too are consumed by the raging fire and two or more new major parties rise up from the ashes.
It used to be that the Nats were only part of a coalition when in government. I would encourage them to seek a more inependent role in opposition.
Simon Birmingham has also said as much. Given his position (as Senator) for South Australia and fresh from the electoral disaster that the Liberals inflicted on themselves by pushing conservatives out, and in which he had a big role, it would seem he is be ironic or stupid.
Going WOKE doesn’t work. Mayo used to be the strongest/safest Liberal seat in the country but it has been won by an independent (although she calls herself Centre Alliance) with about twice the votes for The Liberal candidate, who had Bluckley’s chances.
At least from a very selfish point of view ALP policies and associated policy failures will cause interest rates to rocket upwards giving me a decent return on my term deposits. However foreclosures are going to be a real problem quite quickly.
Dunno. I don’t think the Australian government has any more say in Australian interest rates than a cork has a say in sea level.
Well, I am comforted that even though Labor have the House of Reps, according to Mark Riley, it looks like the Liberals will control the Senate.
Wow, I hope that’s correct
Having checked their ABC results page projections for the new senate are 30 for the coalition, 25 for labor and 12 for the greens.
There seems no chance at all that the new government will face a hostile senate.
The numbers you give total 67 senators but the total should be 76-12 for each state and 2 for each Territory. Is that because the counting for the missing nine senators is not yet complete?
If correct then there is hope the Australian people haven’t completely lost the plot. Nearly but not completely.
Driving to the polling place I noticed a mere 8 political signs on fences in the whole street. Every 2nd house had a sign for the last election.
I guess people are just dead sick of politics and politicians.
I hear there was a quite large informal vote. Would be interesting to confirm.
How some in the USA see this ….
From that link…
“The COVID dictator is out, and the Climate-Change dictator is now installed. Good luck Australia.”
Not looking good from here, not that we’re any better off.