A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Auron MacIntyre on The Rise of the Midwits
From the Comments
Is a mid-wit somewhere between a wit and a dim-wit?
Reminded me of some friends of ours that get in arguments with lefty relatives. The constant retort is “did you fact check that” As if looking at someones opinion on Facebook is definitive vs thinking and doing your own research.
I’m actually practicing to be a wit. And my friends say I’m halfway there already!
Dozens of Babylon Bee Headlines Have Come True. Here’s the Complete List.
Obama Encourages Americans To Pause This Memorial Day To Remember The Sacrifice Of George Floyd
Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose.
I remember what a low life scumbag he was. Anything else I should be aware of ?
Probably that Floyd was one as well.
I’ll pay that one !
Turning all that on its head: does ANYBODY ever THINK about the PEOPLE who have to confront idiots ?
Whether it be the police,( who could run away) or the train DRIVER who is caught on the rails and cannot avoid the kamakazee candidate, Then there’s those who known vernaculary as sheeple, HAVE to do what the IDIOT ppoliticians tell them …. and so on. I’m only sowing ( broadcasting it, actually) the seed. I’m a farmer after all!
U.S. Drought Monitor
France has just had its driest start to the year since 2012. Between September 2021 and April 2022, France’s rainfall deficit was estimated to be 19%, while the water table deficit was at 20%, according to the ecological transition ministry.
France’s crop yields will be ‘very poor’ due to unprecedented drought
*Summer 2022 Update* Latest forecast confirms a searing season is ahead for the United States and Europe
Summer 2022 is approaching. It will be under the continued influence of the La Nina, which will create a hotter than normal and drier Summer for parts of the United States and Europe. The latest forecast cycle shows a strong La Nina signal in the weather patterns.
When trying to understand any weather season and the long-range forecasts, we must realize that there are many global drivers that define it. Global weather is a very complex system, with many large-scale and small-scale factors.
Seasonal forecasting focuses on large-scale pressure systems and the jet stream positioning with the weather pattern. Over the Northern Hemisphere, this upcoming Summer season will be under the influence of a now well-known Ocean anomaly.
Huh! Something else to blame Putin for.
Well I dunno, again! Back around February this year we thought the trees knew better and despite no ealy blossoming spring flowers at Christmas, the trees were about to break bud. But, Hey ho, all was put on hold for 8 wks or so, then some ventured forth and lost the lot – early blossom for the early bees, but no fruit set for us. Then the later fruit trees – and the Chills of winter returned Oh deary me. and now at end of MAY and into June, the daytime temps hovering around or below 10C, forecasted Air & Ground frosts possible overnight , this now, – Globall Warming ? NOw when we have 17-20C at Christmas via strong Southerly winds, it’s trumpeted as Global warming. but unseasonably Northerly winds from a melted, therefore warm, Arctic Ice Cap, ( ha ha) in Summer ( Temps of +2 to +10C only)….. not a peep ( or its Climate change.) Oh aye, Davos effect! chilling thought indeed.
I do my early morning walk aroound the field of weather webcams around the world…. Been very rainy in Africa – so much water and high river levels this past 6 months, much grass, and now FOG. FOG in Other parts of Europe I’ve never noticed before – and we used to get it around Nigg, way back long time ago – for a week or two – at the change of the real Seasons ( ie twice per year) so are things cooling down there now ? Remember the numerous Motorway accidents caused by FOG – not now. …..
AS for Summer 2022 update – a searing season ? … Oh it’s PARTs of Europe, oh well, we’ve exited europe now and flying their flag ( Blue windNills with RIng of Sparks ) won’t help. ( Sturgeon made some headlines aboout it some time ago and that’s aboout all she can do – Should have gone to Shipsavers)
Unprecedented since 2012 for France I guess that means.
Meet Marsha Gee, a former top ICU nurse at UCSD who is today one of the most COVID-vaccine-injured people on Earth
She was honored to be selected as one of the first people at UCSD to receive the COVID vaccine.
Big mistake. In less than an hour after her first Pfizer dose, her face was paralyzed.
That’s all it took to change her life forever: just one shot, Dec 16, 2020.
But that was just the beginning.
Today, Marsha is one of the most severely vaccine injured people on Earth. She has experienced 78 out of slightly over 100 symptoms that I had identified as commonly experienced by the vaccine injured.
Tell her how safe and effective it is…
Is she more vaccine injured than those who died from it?
A doctor recently told me he treats a lot of people with mRNA vaccine injuries now. He didn’t see any a year ago.
He has one patient who is badly vaccine injured, yet the patient plans to get the 4th shot as soon as it’s available. That’s how fearful some people have become about covid.
Klem. These people were f’wits long, long, long before Covid19 was invented. It is 100% certain that any kind of investigation of these types’ past “decisions” will show they’ve been losers right from the get-go….Why should this latest BS make them smarter?
OK, so I take someone’s advice to eat something “for my health”…maybe it will burn belly fat within a few hours?… and then break I out in a rash. I try it again, and the same thing happens…but worse. Why would anyone BUT an F-Wit keep at it?
They wouldn’t!
BTW: We already know the gene-jabs cause clotting (large or micro) of all organs, including the brain. Micro clotting of the brain = dementia…. so there is no hope of a genuinely gene-jabbed person EVER regaining their sanity!
Not far off it, judging by what I read earlier.
And of course:
“UCSD’s reaction was to gaslight her
UCSD’s response even to this day is that the vaccines are perfectly safe and either she is imagining all these symptoms or that they are unrelated and caused by something else.
In other words, if you are perfectly fine, get a new vaccine, less than an hour later you develop the start of a cascade of more than 78 rare symptoms that are disabling, it couldn’t have been the vaccine.”
After 7 Years of Research, Scientists Have Discovered a New Treatment for Devastating Brain Tumors.
Findings from a seven-year research project suggests that there could be a new approach to treating one of the most common and devasting forms of brain cancer in adults — Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM).
In a peer-reviewed study published in BMC Cancer, scientists from the University of Surrey demonstrate that a short chain of amino acids (the HTL-001 peptide) is effective in targeting and inhibiting the function of a family of genes responsible for Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) growth – Hox genes. The research was carried out in cell and animal models.
The HTL-001 peptide tested in the study has completed safety testing and is ready for patient trials. These trials are now being considered in GBM and other cancers.
Great to have some good news from “the Science”. GP husband of a friend died last year from this devastating disease.
Hopefully this treatment will be fast-tracked. There is nothing to lose for people who have this horrible disease.
HARSH BUT FAIR: Via a friend.
We overlook a significant factor in mass shootings: fatherlessness
“To ban guns because the criminals use them is to tell the law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless”
How true. Imagine if YOUR car was seized because an identical one ploughed through a shopping mall.
Or your kitchen knives were seized because if a mass stabbing like in Japan in 2016.
Laws passed by criminal politicians protected by small armies of armed guards, simultaneously starting wars and trafficking in weapons of war, preaching morality…
Trudeau has just announced the banning of buying, selling, transfer or importation of handguns.
Disarm the population to establish a dictatorship. Repeat history. Pay the price regardless.
you’re talking ROT ….. because you tell it as it is. such a warped society which is why I agree with you.
Very good quote John (first para).
“To ban guns because the criminals use them …”
It works in Australia, mostly gangsters killing each other.
And marijuana use. Seems to be a common factor in most lone wolf attacks, whatever the supposed motive.
Most of these dumbasses raised by a single parent have never heard the word ‘NO’ until some copper says it, that’s why they don’t react well.
As I have stated before: temperature change precedes CO2 change so it is IMPOSSIBLE for the later CO2 change to cause the earlier temperature change.
Analysis of the Mauna Loa Observatory CO2 data through to September 2021 clearly shows that CO2 has not caused warming in the Tropics but that the temperature determines the rate of generation of atmospheric CO2. The effect is so definite that even the fall in temperature due to the Moon passing between the Sun and the Earth is reflected in the rate of generation of CO2. My mathematical analysis may be seen on my web site at:
CO2 has not caused global warming or climate change. It is a response to the climate change.
The naive population is being lied to by the rich and powerful in order for them to become slaves to the elite.
The annual CO2 variations are related to biological respiration and photosynthesis, not from outgassing.
*seasonal is a better term than annual.
Annual seems appropriate simply because the Northern Hemisphere is so dominant in the seasonal cycles.
The single biggest source of that photosynthesis is the top couple of feet of the world’s oceans. Calling the Amazon Basin the “lungs of the Earth” is straight-up fraud.
Now, tell us all about hemisphereic variances.
Finally, are you aware that the “observatories” on Mauna Loa are built on a ACTIVE volcano, which vents a vast amount of CO2 and water vapour, SO2, radon, argon etc, DAILY.
Been there, seen that, flown over it.
What’s your story?
Read up about the observatory and you’ll learn something. Your story is unattributed talking points.
As for CO2 sources and sinks, what is your point? You brought up rain forests not me.
Your comment is devoid of science, yet again
Bruce there are other observatories.
They get a result very close to that from ML, after smoothing. Both rates of change (from months of consecutive years or difference of consecutive months after 12 month adjacent averaging) follow very closely the NH SST as if measured to 0.1 ppm. The monthly measurements from the two differ orders of magnitude more than that.
It’s sad joke but it’ll never come out because the clowns who started it are now the biggest sceptics.
“not from outgassing.”
WRONG… outgassing plays a major part.
Please view my web page at:
It shows that the amplitude of the seasonal variation in CO2 increases in going from the South Pole to Alert, the northern-most observatory, roughly in phase with the increase in land area relative to ocean area at the different latitudes. My conclusion is that the out-gassing from the oceans is not significant relative to the seasonal photosynthesis that takes place along the shallow water shore lines and across the land masses.
Corrections, criticism or comments welcome but not the lies that the public has been getting from climate scientists and others for the past forty odd years.
you’d be correct. The hemisphere with the least ocean is the one producing the most CO2. The shift in isotope ratios accords with activity in C3 and C4 plants and not with changes in outgassing.
There is a massive diurnal shift in CO2 exchange between ocean and atmosphere. Most of the ocean outgassing will involve CO2 that was recently absorbed from the atmosphere. That is why the atmospheric half life of CO2 molecules appears only to be several years (measured with regard to isotopes), the notional atmospheric half-life of anthropogenic CO2 is in the order of 25 years, and the half-life of atmospheric CO2 overall is tens of centuries.
goodo. Nice facts.
Rubbish Gee Eye
Send link of evidence of this including distribution of C3 & C4 crops in the NH compared to the SH.
Certainly the expanded biosphere due to the beneficial warming will also make a very good contribution to the overall CO2 rise.
I wonder… More CO2, more plants, been happening. However more plants = more herbivores, and then more carnivores, more scavengers and finally more worms, bacteria and fungi. Warming would do the same, faster chemical reactions in plants = faster growth and less energy spent staying at a constant temp for us mammals.
Seems all life on earth benefits from more CO2, someone should tell the Gaia people…
The Southern Hemisphere ocean covers an area 33% than it’s Northern Hemisphere counterpart.
The net exchange of CO2 between ocean and atmosphere by hemisphere (ie North or South) by time of year differs not just on account of the respective differences in the temperature of the ocean’s well-mixed layer by season, but also on account of the corresponding area difference.
Accordingly, part of the annual global variation in atmospheric CO2 is due to the variation in outgassing.
The outgassing theory has credibility, but CO2 is not what the game is all about.
Key words, Length of Day (LOD), I just discovered that ‘decreasing zonal circulation correlate with a deceleration of the Earth.’ Do you think it might have something to do with our solar system barycentre?
el+gordo – New to me, where is the data?
I’m going on this.
Thank You el+gordo, something for me to keep in mind when I am doing my data analysis.
On the out gassing question, storms and wind create upwelling in the Southern Ocean and CO2 from the deep is liberated.
Easily And Rapidly Remove Arterial Plaque And End Most Heart Disease. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling –Vit C And Lysine Dissolves Plaque
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling states that cardiovascular disease is mainly caused by a deficiency of vitamin c and lysine. Also states that the natural removal of artery plaque can easily and rapidly be done by taking vitamin c and lysine at proper levels. Something of the order of two level teaspoons of vit c (that’s about 8 grams) and maybe one level teaspoon of lysine (that’s 4 grams).
No doubt they’ll seek to ban vit c supplements like NAC & Glutathione…
“No doubt they’ll seek to ban vit c supplements like NAC & Glutathione…”
Absolutely, do you know how much money is made off heart problems, billions of dollars, jeez, we can’t jeopardize this money spinner.
I do not trust Linus Pauling. An idiot could find the solution to this problem. 80% to 90% of the US population has early onset atherosclerosis by their early 30s.
Statins do not work to ‘cure’ atherosclerosis. Statins cause dementia, cause liver damage/failure, and cause type 2 diabetes (see lawsuits). There is an epidemic of osteoporosis, dementia, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (complex organ failure) in the US. There is also no solution to the osteoporosis problem. (See paper below for solution to the Calcium paradox.)
It appears atherosclerosis is caused by the build up of calcium in our blood vessels and organs. Doctor Campbell noted that all of the UK elderly people have severe calcium build up in their blood vessels based on the x-rays he has seen. The arteries look like hollow tubes because of the calcium buildup. My friend had an MRI and found his kidney and all of his blood vessels are lined with calcium. The MRI technician said everyone who is in their sixties has the same problem.
The calcium paradox is that it is not safe to take calcium supplements. The calcium supplements cause heart attacks and strokes and there is no increase in bone mass. Logically it should be safe for calcium deficient people to take calcium supplements.
The solution to the puzzle is the cells when they have adequate Vit D produce a protein MGP that removes the calcium. The problem almost everyone is severely Vit D deficient and MGP needs Vit K2 to be activated. Tests show that only 70% of the MGP (produced by Vit D deficient people) is activated. Mice were genetically modified so they cannot produce MGP. Those mice looked normal at birth and then died at 2 months of age, from severe atherosclerosis, largely from aortic rupture.
Mice were also genetically modified so they did not have the receptors for Vit D activation of genes. Those mice could not produce MGP and the other old age protecting chemicals. They lost all of their hair and died. There is a picture of the genetically modified mice at two months compared to normal mice, in the paper. Those mice would also have severe calcium build up in all of their blood vessels. That is likely the reason they lost almost all of their hair. The small blood vessels can no long provide nutrients to the skin and hair. The skin looks as if it is dying. Same as old people.
Vitamin D, nervous system and aging
The research estimated daily dosage of Vit K2 to reach saturation is 1 mg/day = 1000 mcg/day. There is no known toxicity for Vit K2. This is 8 times greater than the US NIH recommended maximum Vit K2 supplement for adult males, 130 mcg. Odd the recommendations are a factor of 8 too low for Vit K2 and Vit D. Instead of solving the problem the system came up with Statins.
Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health
In particular, Vit K2 deficiency seems to be responsible of the so-called “calcium paradox” phenomenon, characterized by low calcium deposition in the bone and its accumulation in the vessel wall.”
“Osteocalcin, matrix Gla protein (MGP), and possibly Gla-rich protein are all inhibitors of soft-tissue calcification and need vitamin K–dependent carboxylation for activity. …
…A common characteristic is their low molecular weight, and it has been postulated that their small size is essential for calcification inhibition within tissues. MGP is synthesized by vascular smooth muscle cell and is the most important inhibitor of arterial mineralization currently known.”
“Remarkably, the extrahepatic Gla proteins mentioned are only partly carboxylated (William: 70% of the Gla proteins produced by Vit D deficient people in the general population) in the healthy (William: The general population is deficient and not healthy) adult population, suggesting vitamin K insufficiency.”
When Vit D is not limiting, smooth muscle cells in our blood vessels produces more MGP proteins which requires roughly 1000 mcg/day of Vit K2 to activate based on laboratory tests. The protein MGP is not active (cannot remove the calcium) without Vit K2. Unfortunately, the Vitamin K2 is not available from our diet and must be taken as a supplement.
“Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Heidelberg) with 23 980 participants concluded that participants regularly taking a calcium supplement had a risk for heart attack that was 86% higher than that for participants not taking a supplement. 5 The effect was even more pronounced when no supplements other than calcium were taken; the risk of heart attack more than doubled in those cases.”
“Osteoblasts produce osteocalcin, which helps take calcium from the blood circulation and bind it to the bone matrix. In part, osteocalcin influences bone mineralization through its ability to bind to the mineral component of bone, hydroxyapatite, 14 which in turn makes the skeleton stronger and less susceptible to fracture. The newly made osteocalcin, however, is inactive, and it needs vitamin K2 to become fully activated and bind calcium.15
“The function of MGP was dramatically revealed by gene deletion experiments in mice which showed that it inhibits calcification in cartilage and, unexpectedly, in arteries. Mice lacking MGP are normal at birth but develop severe arterial calcification and die at 2 months of age, largely from aortic rupture. Abnormal calcification in cartilage, leading to osteopenia and fractures, is also observed [81].”
The physiology of vitamin K nutriture and vitamin K-dependent protein function in atherosclerosis
“Recent studies show that a much higher phylloquinone (William: chemical name for Vit K2. K2 is MK-7 and is produce by fermenting nano beans.) intake, i.e. 1 mg day, is required to achieve full carboxylation [121]. It is important to note that the assays are performed on circulating osteocalcin, and whether the carboxylation status of this fraction accurately reflects that of osteocalcin in the extracellular matrix of bone is an open issue.”
“Matrix Gla protein (MGP) is also found in extracellular bone matrix. However, unlike osteocalcin, MGP is also synthesized in many soft tissues, with the highest levels of expression in heart, lung, kidney and cartilage [80].”
“The function of MGP was dramatically revealed by gene deletion experiments in mice which showed that it inhibits calcification in cartilage and, unexpectedly, in arteries. Mice lacking MGP are normal at birth but develop severe arterial calcification and die at 2 months of age, largely from aortic rupture. Abnormal calcification in cartilage, leading to osteopenia and fractures, is also observed [81].”
Truckies warn of empty shelves and ‘imminent’ supply chain collapse due to ‘disastrous’ tax cut that was supposed to help Aussies
uckies are warning of an ‘imminent collapse’ to the nation’s supply chain, claiming the fuel excise cut, that was supposed to ease the cost of living for Aussies, will force them off the road.
Former prime minister Scott Morrison made the decision to halve Australia’s fuel excise tax back in March after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced petrol prices through the roof.
While the tax cut was good for Aussies filling up at the pump, it’s been ‘disastrous’ for truck companies, who were forced to shoulder most of the cost and saw their petrol discount taken away.
Well here’s an idea no-one’s mentioned – stock up and have cash on hand 😉
sounds like deliberate sabotage.
It is mentioned below but you don’t need to be paranoid to have EXTRA toilet paper and paper towels in stock.
Hang on, why did they ever get a discount?
Fuel tax is supposed to fund the roads, and trucks do more damage to those roads than any other vehicle.
The Shameful Six: Never listen to these people again
By Post Editorial Board
This list could be far longer: there’s no shortage of targets. But make no mistake. Government officials and media mandarins are all to willing to brandish “expert” status as they’re selling you a load of bull.
ONLY six????
Entirely new kind of ‘highly reactive’ chemical is found in Earth’s atmosphere – and it could be triggering respiratory and heart diseases and contributing to global warming, scientists claim
Scientists have detected a new type of extremely reactive substance in the Earth’s atmosphere that could pose a threat to human health, as well as the global climate.
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have demonstrated that trioxides – chemical compounds with three oxygen atoms attached to each other – are formed under atmospheric conditions.
Trioxides are even more reactive than peroxides – which have two oxygen atoms attached to each other, making them highly reactive and often flammable and explosive.
Peroxides are known to exist in the air surrounding us, and it was predicted that trioxides were probably in the atmosphere as well, but until now it has never been unequivocally proven.
‘This is what we have now accomplished,’ says Professor Henrik Grum Kjærgaard, at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Chemistry.
Heart & respiratory disease you say 😅😆
“France’s unprecedented drought shows climate change is ‘spiralling out of control’”
Oh, must be the first and only drought France has ever had. LOL
You’ve shown us an unattributed and out of context quote and concluded a truly bizarre interpretation of what someone somewhere was thinking. No wonder you laughed at yourself.
Shows gee has absolutely nothing worthwhile to say. No wonder we all laugh at him/her.
But Leaf, you never give supporting links. I only have to go a few posts up where you said: The annual CO2 variations are related to biological respiration and photosynthesis, not from outgassing.
If you mean the NH fall where leaves fall and decompose, that is true, it gives a sawtooth on the CO2 chart, but the smoothed chart is inexorably up which your “seasonal” excuse doesn’t cover. To make a simple statement with no explanation is not in the tradition of this blog.
DYOR. Start with the scientific literature.
You haven’t. You stop before you get there.
Yes… the up is fossil fuel burning. Source: every scientific paper that looks at atmospheric isotopes.
Humans are responsible for some 10-15% of the highly beneficial rise in atmospheric CO2
Plenty of papers that show that.
Also, as you keep showing us all.. there is no evidence that the highly beneficial rise in atmospheric CO2 has caused any of the highly beneficial warming since the LIA.
Exactly the opposite.. The rise in temperature helps cause the rise in atmospheric CO2.
Ocean out-gassing
Opening up of frozen tundra
Enhancement of the global carbon cycle hence life.
Bull5hit. !
Show the scientific proof from any one of those “papers”
you have a refutation of them?
You haven’t posted any of them to refute.
All you have done is yap.
‘From 1850 to 1910 and 1944 to 1976 temperatures fall, but CO2 increases. From 1910 to 1944 temperatures rise much faster than can be explained by changes in the CO2 concentration. These anomalies suggest other forces are at work that are as strong as CO2-based warming.’ (Andy May)
You know very well that atmospheric particulates and aerosols play a role.
We know that is the excuse offered.
But no science.
‘ … atmospheric particulates and aerosols …’
It may have some effect locally but not worldwide, there are larger forces at work.
Really ?
someone is probably trying to sell them a desalination plant as we speak.
Link for “the leafy one”
France has plenty of rain forecast in the next 2 weeks. Nature will catch up and harvest will be as good as ever, that’s my prediction.
England had a very dry start with farmers predicting doom, long forgotten a couple off weeks later.
Apart from 1078 A.D. [In France] in 1078, the year was marked by drought and heat. The summer of 1078 in France was very hot and very dry.
The summer of 1112 was very dry in southern France
In 1131, there was so great a drought in France that all the lakes, rivers, springs and wells dried up.
The extreme drought of 1134 in northern France caused the failure of oats, barley and vegetables.79
1135 A.D. In France and England, there was a great drought.
[In Europe], the summer of 1137 was very hot and dry. The navigable rivers were so dry that they were crossed on foot in some places. The drought of 1137 in France broke out in March and lasted until September. The drought caused well, springs and rivers to dry up.
1183 A.D. In 1183 in France, an unusual drought was accompanied by great heat. It withered away in many places the rivers, springs and wells.79
The heat and drought of 1188 in France completely dried up rivers, springs and wells. 9
From late January to May 1204 in France, the heat and drought were unusual.79 Hot weather followed three months of drought.79
The extreme drought in the year 1226 brought about the ruin of almost all the summer crops. The fall of
[In France] the summer of 1240 was dry and burning hot.
1305 A.D. In the summers of 1305 and 1306 in France, the weather was very dry and hot. In 1306 in France, an extreme drought ruled the spring and summer.
In 1325 in France, there was excessive heat with a severe drought, but no lightning or thunderstorms.
They were followed by an extraordinary drought in 1331. The grapes harvested in 1331 were in small quantities and the wine was detestable.79
1334 A.D. The summer of 1334 in France produced a drought.
The summer of 1348 in southern France was remarkably hot producing a drought.
1353 A.D. This year was remarkable for scarcity of grain and provisions in England and France, occasioned by a great drought.
The summer of 1361 in southern France was remarkably hot
1364 A.D. The summer of 1364 in southern France was remarkable due to excessive heat
The summer of 1390 in southern France was remarkably hot.
The persistent drought in the summer of 1392 dried up water sources and prevented the largest rivers in France from being navigable.
1393 A.D. In France, the heat is so strong that the earth is burned and the rivers are dry.
The summer of 1473 was very hot in France. The heat lasted from June until December 1. There was neither cold nor frost before Candlemas [2 February 1474].
The summer of 1581 was hot in southern France.79
Jean-Dominique Cassini ranked the year 1684 among the warmest in an array spanning 82 years of great heat in Paris, France. Cassini developed a Fahrenheit thermometer, which he placed against the window of the tower northeast of the Observatory. He took his measurements between noon and three o’clock each day. The summer of 1684 produced sixty-eight days of a temperature of 77° F (25° C), sixteen days of a temperature of 87.8° F (31° C), and three days of a temperature of 95° F (35° C).79
Excessive heat reigned again in July 1697 in northern France.7
Of course these were all when CO2 was at a safe level during the Medieval Warm Time (which couldn’t have happened when CO2 was at such a “safe level” or in The Little Ice Age (which we know couldn’t have happened because the CO2 level was still “safe”0.
Jesse Watters and Rand Paul on the WEF:
(8.5 min video)
Pakistan On The Verge Of Inflationary Collapse – Pleads For Larger IMF Bailout
Pakistan, a nuclear power with at least 165 warheads from short range to medium range, is facing potential economic collapse according to the country’s Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail.
With an official inflation rate of over 13.37% (double the official CPI to get a more accurate picture of true price inflation), the 2nd fastest rising rate in Asia, Pakistan has sought relief from foreign debt obligations and an IMF bailout deal. Initial arrangements for a three year deal with the IMF began in 2019, but Pakistan says that deal, originally for $6 billion USD, is ‘outdated’ due to the covid pandemic and new global financial pressures. The nation now says it is in ‘dire need’ of at least $36 billion in order to stay afloat.
Ask Schwab for it.
Too many bailouts and way too much debt, all causing the great reset.
It may sound hard but collapse as a consequence of your bad choices, incompetence and corruption is what they deserve – that goes for companies and countries.
Peter Dutton has apparently appologised to Pacific Island nations for a comment that he made a decade ago about rising sea levels lapping at the door steps of dwelling on the islands.
Given that this has been brought back up at this time suggests a need to quickly embarrass the new Liberal leader. The fact that he has apologised rather than take on the complainants and simply ask “where” sea level rise has threatened anything in the islands does not bode well for him being a strong leader with firm convictions.
I hope I’m wrong but it appears he may be just as non commital as his predesesor.
“rising sea levels lapping at the door steps of dwelling on the islands”
Well yes.. he was obviously incorrect.
He should now turn around and say that it obviously isn’t happening.
because climate change is not a joke 🤣
of course he will be weak like the others. They have to be now
If the sea levels appeared to be rising around small islands built on coral, but not around larger land masses built on rock, I’d say the islands are simply sinking. But so far none of that is actually happening at rates predicted. Is my thinking correct?
IMF and 10 countries simulated cyberattack on global financial system
The simulated “war game”, as Israel’s Finance Ministry called it and planned over the past year, evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web. The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks.
The simulation — likely caused by what officials called “sophisticated” players — featured several types of attacks that impacted global foreign exchange and bond markets, liquidity, integrity of data and transactions between importers and exporters.
Guess what’s coming up…
every ‘simulation’ predicts an event.
Predicting a Monkeypoxalypse?
All the best fears seem to be unpronounceable.
New map-based Monkeypox tracker available
P.S. The “k” in Monkeypox is silent 😉
Is this government intervention.
‘Gas markets capped after cold snap sparks price jump.
‘The energy regulator has capped gas markets in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane for the first time in a decade after the cold weather sent prices soaring. (Oz)
AER is an “independent” body that, I think, sits under the Treasury umbrella with ACCC.
I expect the emerging issue is that some generators are making windfall gains while retailers without generation assets are highly exposed. For this cap to work, the exposed retailers will need protection from liquidity crunch – read government bailout.
So government has to be involved in this decision otherwise it guarantees that some retailers will go to the wall – like the UK. I think 28 energy retailers in the UK have gone belly up in the last year but the biggest one has been thrown a GDP1.7bn lifeline.
Kerry Schott forecast that electricity infrastructure costs will need to be socialised before leaving the ESB. The increase in fuel costs is putting pressure on socialising costs now. Now inevitable for some retailers if they do not go bust.
It is looking like the Albo administration will challenge the Whitlam era for inflation. Whitlan did not last a term. Albo is facing a perfect storm of spiralling costs.
If only the wind would blow steadily and the sun sit overhead 24 hours a day! Then the current 26.6GW of installed W&S would keep the grid going rather than the miserable 0.98GW currently being generated from all this useless investment.
Thanks for all that, Albo has received a poison chalice.
Last week he was saying “All my life people have underestimated me” so I’m relaxed waiting on the unexpected and hoping he’s quite the jack-in-a-box fraught times demand.
, “xyz”,
What do you think of Albo’s Republican push?
He should wait until Liz goes.. Nobody would want the next in line!
A junior ministry is testing the water.
It is not going to happen in this parliament but this might hint that they are attempting to see if it is worth formulating a policy for next election, “If you elect us, we will have a referendum on Australia becoming a republic within 2 years from now”
Its unseemly just before the Jubilee, but apart from that, he’ll go to the next election with it nailed to the masthead. Only If polling indicates its a safe bet.
Toilet paper shelves 90% empty at the local Woolies this morning. And the stuff never goes on special anymore. I think Fauci and Bill Gates have cornered the supply in advance of their next plandemic. 😀
TP has been around 50% for 6 months at Woolies here. Same at Coles.
Wait until the food runs start 😨
I bought some IGA home-brand TP. Will try not to repeat that mistake.
Rough but strong ?
Reminds me of the joke about the Indian who goes to the General store for toilet paper but had no money so the shopkeeper gave him a sample of what he said was a new toilet paper that had no name . Two days later the Indian was back in the store and the shopkeeper asked him if he had a name for the toilet paper .
The Indian replied “John Wayne” , when pressed for an explanation the Indian said it’s rough , it’s tough and it don’t take shite from no Indian.
Oh sh 🙂 t.
WOW It looks a bit stormy down south.
At what wind speed do windmills feather their blades?
The unreliable, intermittent supply, weather reliant wind turbines.
Depends on the system. Broadly speaking, from what I have read) 20-25 metres per second seesm to be the area where it gets interesting (70-90km/hr or 40-50 knots)
If it’s any help, I’ve seen the Flinders Island windmills still generating at 28-28 meters second.
Breitbart today has a headline:
NY Times: Fewer Illegal Farmworkers Encourages Innovation, Higher Productivity in Agriculture
This must be a truism. The Romans were great engineers but having a virtually endless supply of slaves they never really innovated. I think this is true of China today. They are intelligent and well educated but with so much cheap/slave labor there is no incentive to be cutting edge.
IIRC the push in California for unionised farm labour pushed the mechanisation of small crop harvesting
“The media is comprehensively ignoring this subject, but even a cursory examination of the stats released by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC reveals that over 30 per cent of registered voters boycotted the 2022 federal election.”
They probably decided there was nobody worth voting for. 😃
Prof Ian Plimer on Outsider’s saying Australia should be demanding money off the UN for being Net Zero for a long time now.
Here’s his article from The Spectator.
Yes, we had this yesterday,…and a few times before …!
I dont know why he has made this claim , because he is not using the IPCC definition of “Net Zero),…which compares only human related CO2 emissions, and sinks.
Plimer included Natural sinks and ignored Natural emissions
But, he knows also that CO2 is not a problem anyway.
Wasn’t all that keen on Barnaby, but I think they’ve made a huge mistake with Littleproud.
Same here and I’m told Littleproud is heavily invested in the fossil fuel industry go figure.
My ISP must realise how useless the politician-designed NBN is so they are offering to put me onto 5G free of charge, including the modem…
5G will be 3x faster with less latency.
No wonder the government passed legislation for a 5G tax in case too many people migrate from NBN to 5G.
Very good video, 12 mins.
The end of the West?
Jim’s mowing founder takes Victoriastan Government to Supreme Court over unfair lockdown laws.
3.5 min
Famous M87 black hole image is wrong?
16 min
I never really thought M87, and the newer Sag A* “images” were 100% representative, given how little resolution they have. The concept – multiple teams doing their own interpretation, then combining the results, is not terrible, but if they all start with the same assumptions, then they can potentially all be wrong. Are they right, or wrong, I don’t know…
To me at least, these “images” are just models, so should be treated as such.
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen talks about the Great Reset.
11 min
Drinking a 159 yr old wine.
Excellent 24 min video about the climate change fraud.
Who is behind it? Who are the useful idiots?
Russell B on “Leaked Information”
“So It’s Just Bullsh*t Then”
“You Gotta Be Shittin Me”
I’m canvasing views from “rural Oz”
Who is the downvoter?
It happens for every thread. Someone (or more than one) downvotes perfectly harmless inoffensive comments made by people.
I suspect a lurking troll or 2 😉
This sums it up:
Downvote me for this. I don’t care 😅😅😅
I think there was a Leftoid invasion yesterday giving a large number of red thumbs.
But note that not one of them had anything relevant to say, whatsoever.
Blank minds, blank comments. 🙂
David, it is really good that you have so many reading your posts, and being totally incapable of responding in any way except with red thumbs. 🙂
Means you are getting to them 🙂
Feed it back to them
Use the “Andy scoring rule” –
1 red is worth 10 green
I’m the GOAT then
PS I am not a systematic down or up voter though I can’t directly prove this.
“Downvote me for this. I don’t care”
Definitely deserves an up-vote ! 🙂
In theory, it’s not hard to build a simple bot to go through and dislike (or indeed, like) each comment. It could be done with Python and Selenium, for example.
I haven’t tried it, and probably wont because I don’t want to break anything…
Daniel Andrews has really turned the thermostat down in Victoria today. The man is a fiend.
REVEALED: Fauci’s Recent, $10M Monkeypox Grant.
Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research to identify treatments for monkeypox shortly before the virus began spreading in a global outbreak.
Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has previously come under scrutiny for funding bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many public health experts and intelligence officials believe to be the source of COVID-19.
NIAID has also funded research into potential cures for monkeypox, shortly before the viral disease began spreading in a global outbreak. The curious timing of the NIAID grant comes amidst pharmaceutical giants including Pfizer and Johson & Johnson making record-level profits due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grant supports a “randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the safety and efficacy of tecovirimat for the treatment of patients with monkeypox virus disease.”
“The funding supports a clinical trial to identify effective treatments for monkeypox virus disease,” explains a summary of the research, which, despite beginning in September 2020, has not generated any publicly available studies, papers, or patents.
Nothing suspicious. Move along.
Canada Ordered 500,000 Smallpox Vaccines Just Weeks Ahead Of Monkeypox Outbreak
Weeks before of the first moneypox monkepox case was reported, Public Services and Procurement Canada issued a tender for 500,000 smallpox vaccine doses…. which can also be used against monkeypox.
500,000 doses of Imvamune, a “third generation” smallpox vaccine, were ordered “on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)” on April 21, according to a report from Public Services and Procurement Canada, weeks before the first cases of monkeypox were reported to the World Health Organization on May 13.
“Although smallpox disease is currently considered to be eradicated, PHAC is procuring a stockpile of the vaccine to immunize Canadians against smallpox disease should a risk ever arise where smallpox is intentionally or unintentionally released,” the April 21 tender reads.
Anyone who doesn’t think this is another orchestrated event probably believes in the Easter bunny.
The problem is for the Covid vaxxed taking a Smallpox vax as mentioned before.
Move along to the phylogenic examination of the Canary Islands Monkeypox outbreak just published by the Portuguese NIH. The virus appears to be a genetically-engineered variant from a 2018-2019 taxonomic clade of West African monkeypox viruses.
Now this Event-201 deja-vu
Plan B from March 2021:
” three billion cases and 270 million fatalities globally.”
Well, Gosh! There’s lots of diseases with those case/fatality rates I’m sure, so its a very realistic scenario to be gaming….
Seriously, its just another way to pull money out of Govts for no useful result at all! Global warming research all over again. Unless of course, someone knows that certain labs are making monkeypox far more contagious and far far more lethal than it is, so they are just getting ready.
Human Urine More Effective And Sustainable Alternative To Chemical Fertilizers For Plants
According to a new study, human urine could be the answer to replacing chemical fertilizers in agriculture and residential gardens because it is safer for the environment.
Plants require nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are consumed through the food we eat and then ‘excreted, mostly through urine,’ according to Engineer Fabien Esculier of the OCAPI research program in France.
Gives new meaning to “taking the pizz” 😅
Good luck collecting and distributing that and tolerating the smell. Also, there won’t be enough of it to achieve present levels of agricultural productivity but I guess that’s what the Elites want. Depopulation is definitely on their agenda.
If you have the time you could make your own saltpetre, great for curing meat when the power goes off. Also handy for making the odd batch of gunpowder to defend yourself,once again , after the power goes out.
It is asparagus season, so ours has a special smell.
There is the Spike Milligan “War History” view of North Africa –
The smell of a 1000 years of urine
That is how we “water” our lemon trees .
The movie The World’s Fastest Indian [recommended] has a reference to that, but lawns can be burnt. As a boy we had a b!tch dog who would leave halos of green around a dead centre.
There was that book title of old called “Spot on the Lawn” written by “I.P. Daily”
“Human Urine More Effective And Sustainable Alternative To Chemical Fertilizers For Plants”
Love this type of statement by an alleged expert.”Plants require nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are consumed through the food we eat and then ‘excreted, mostly through urine,’ according to Engineer Fabien Esculier of the OCAPI research program in France.” Aren’t these “nutrients” the very CHEMICALS that make up fertiliser? Isn’t the only difference between allegedly “chemical fertiliser” and “natural or organic” products the concentration level. Isn’t the reason “artificial ” fertilizers work is because the nutients are there in greater quantities? Like every living organism the more you feed it the bigger, better, faster it grows.
OK, the claim appears to be that human urea is a better fertiliser than chemically identical urea synthesised from carbon dioxide and byproducts (ammonia) from natural gas or coal use.
Synthetic urea has been widely used as a fertiliser since about 1920. Present global annual production- about 200 million tonnes.
The more honest distinction is between politically-correct “green” human fertiliser and fossil fuel fertiliser.
‘Very High Likelihood’ It Causes Infertility: If They Jab Most Children, That Might Be the End of the Human Race – Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Paul Thomas: “If they get this COVID jab into every child or most children that might be close to the end of the human race, because we don’t know what it’s doing to fertility, but it does not look good. It’s looking like it concentrates spike protein in the gonads, meaning your ovaries, your testes, and [there’s a] very high likelihood you would be infertile. And so you’re not having kids, which, by the way, is one of the hidden agendas of some of those at the World Economic Forum … We certainly don’t want one-percenters, millionaires, and billionaires telling us whether or not we can have children.”
That is the objective after all. You are the carbon they want to reduce.
Bugger! I’m too old to hire out as a stud. The tadpoles can’t swim, they are prolly in wheelchairs.
A quote from somewhere –
“Vaccine free sperm – the new Bitcoin”
The pure bloods are out there and will come to the fore, five and sex (many are kiwis) when needed.
Back on a serious note, the Christian/Evangelical centre in the US will regain dominance if the left continues with self-genocide. [Did I just coin a term?]
[Did I just coin a term?] – sounds more like an oxymoron to me. Love your work.
As Big as It Gets: Massive Hunga Volcano Eruption Comparable to Krakatoa
New research by an international team of scientists from 17 countries including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist Keehoon Kim demonstrates that, based on atmospheric pressure waves recorded by global barometers, the Hunga explosion was comparable to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption in size. The research was published earlier this month in the journal Science.
The new study indicates that the Hunga volcano produced an explosion in the atmosphere of a size that has not been documented in the modern geophysical record. The event generated a broad range of atmospheric waves observed globally by various ground-based and spaceborne instrumentation networks. The eruption from a submerged vent delivered volcanic ash and gas primarily into the stratosphere. An umbrella cloud developed at approximately 30 kilometers (~19 miles) above sea level, with a central transient overshoot much higher.
2022 ain’t over yet 😉
On Tuesday New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) published an open letter on the need to investigate deaths following vaccination, of which “an unredacted version is being prepared for the Police.”
“We appeal AGAIN to the Police, headed by Andrew Coster, and our MPs, to intervene to protect the People,” NZDSOS states in their letter titled ‘Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination’.
Health Forum New Zealand, a community group of volunteers, has been maintaining a database of deaths and injuries following Covid injections, ‘The Citizen’s Database: Deaths & Injuries’ (“Citizen’s Database”). The database has been built mainly from notifications by relatives, friends and health workers of people who have died following the Covid injections.
The Health Forum volunteers have backgrounds in healthcare, science and information technology, and have received training and support from epidemiology and database professionals. “The volunteers who collate the reports work hard to verify their accuracy, and it is often months for the complete or important details to be obtained,” NZDSOS’s letter states.
At the time of writing, the Citizen’s Database had recorded nearly 500 deaths post-Covid injections. At the end of their open letter, NZDSOS lists about a third of these deaths. “Note just how many dead people are young, children even, and suffer sudden, unexpected deaths, typically from blood clots affecting brain or heart,” writes NZDSOS.
I spoke to my real estate agent today. Landlords can take up Dan’s offer of $1000 of your fellow taxpayer dollars toward new heating. Guess what? (No surprise here.) They are charging about $500 extra for the installation so the true saving is only about $500…
Subsidies drive up prices? wow, that’s never happened before…
I meant it was the installers charging the extra $500.
could never have happened with the “Pink Batts”
There is a big difference between “Government Wisdom” and “Government Enthusiasms”
Do they come with a renewable energy only tag and renewable energy identification meter system?
Major New Zealand salmon producer shuts farms as warming waters cause mass die-offs – “We thought we had more time”
New Zealand’s biggest king salmon farmer says it is shutting some of its farms after warming seas prompted mass die-offs of fish, warning that it is a “canary in the coalmine” for climate change.
New Zealand is the world’s largest producer of king, or “chinook” salmon, a highly valued breed which fetches a premium on the world market. The country’s farms account for about 85% of global supply, New Zealand King Salmon chief executive Grant Rosewarne said.
Now, increasingly warm summer seas mean the fish at some sites are dying en masse before they can reach maturity, leaving farmers dumping thousands of tonnes of dead fish into local landfills.
“There should be alarm bells,” Rosewarne said. “When I joined this company, I never heard of the term ‘marine heatwave’…. Recently, there’s been three of them.
“We thought we had more time,” Rosewarne said. “Climate change is a slow process but faster than many people think – certain industries are … canaries in the coalmine.”
Really? Or yet another human food supply being shut down as part of the WEF agenda?
Diseases affecting global beef, chicken, pork, eggs and now they go after fish.
Climate Activist Smashes Cake Into Mona Lisa At Louvre
I am sure that will garner excellent support for the anthropogenic global warming fraud he is promoting…
Even most warmists are not (yet) destroying great artworks to promote their point. But I suppose they are destroying statues.
The Louvre is so big, even on busy days there are galleries where only the occasional security guard is present. Everyone queues up for ages to see the Mona Lisa, but just don’t seem to care about all the other amazing things on display.
It’s interesting that the redevelopment of the Louvre in the 1980s (when they built the glass pyramids, and added more entrances) was strongly opposed by the usual suspects who didn’t want filthy peasants and tourist riffraff to have easy access to it.
One of the museums I like is the Musée Nissim de Camondo, though, it has a somewhat tragic story associated with it.
UK gov has responded to WHO treaty worries with their usual mix of dismissal, sanctimony, and 1984 style slogans – no one is safe until we are all safe!
Edible insects: Scientists plan to feed primary school children locusts and mealworms to make the UK greener
Children are to be fed bugs as part of a plan to get a new generation to switch from meat to insects – and persuade their parents to follow their lead.
Pupils at four primary schools in Wales are to be offered insects to eat as part of a project to gauge children’s appetite for “alternative protein” such as crickets, grasshoppers, silkworms, locusts and mealworms.
Researchers hope their findings will give clues as to how best educate children on the environmental and nutritional benefits of edible insects across the UK, and potentially overseas – and, in turn, their parents, as the world looks to help the environment by cutting meat consumption.
I do believe it’s time for a post exposing the anti-meat agenda lies…
Saturday open thread 😀
Eating insects to save the planet is yet another giant con. What are these isects composed of? Well at a guess carbon compounds a few trace elements and water, exactly the same stuff as cows, blue whales and people.
I will bet that if a kilo of meal worms are analysed and compared to a kilo of beef the results will be remarkably similar.
The change of diet just another load of BS to pretend that something is being done, you know, for your own good.
You really think a human being eating that trash can survive long term?
Has anyone data on what the energy/protein density of a roach is? I’d be surprised if we had the enzymes to digest the shell and there sure as ‘ell ain’t much else.
Even chocolate coated [which defeats the purpose of the exercise] I just can’t imagine a litre of them for breakfast. Oh! they must be eaten with soy milk so our boys will have manboobs at 10 and the girls menstruating.
Transgender teachers’ heaven I guess.
If insects were any nutritional use there should have been no locust-induced famines then?
been done
North Korea reports 3.4 million COVID-19 cases in a month, Fatality rate of 0.002%
In a follow-up on the COVID-19 epidemic in North Korea, state media (KCNA) reports the following today:
According to the notification of the National Emergency Management Command, from 18:00 on May 27th to 18:00 on the 28th, there were 89,500 new cases (an increase of 980 from the previous day) nationwide, and 106,390 people (more than 10,000 from the previous day). 2,230 people decreased) were fully recovered.
From the end of April to May 28, at 18:00, the total number of sick people nationwide was 3,444,880.
The total number of deaths as of Friday is 69, and the fatality rate is 0.002%.
Really? A CFR of 0.002% for a starving NK?
Maybe the very low body fat saved them…
Or, maybe they are actually treating people with VitaminD and ivermectin etc and of course as they did not force vaccinate the people their immune systems are still intact
“Really? A CFR of 0.002% for a starving NK?”
Within voting tolerance?
“Surprise: Queensland’s Green Left Government is On Track to MISS Their Climate Targets”
Hopefully it stays like that
The private western hospital in Adelaide has recently opened its new cardio vascular hybrid theatre and as such are now running radio ads to drum bussiness to pay for it. The ad was pretty standard warning old people to get a heart check, also people who are high risk and also be sure YOUNG PEOPLE are dying unexpectedly they should get a heart check as well.
I suppose when Australia is currently experiencing a massive increase in all cause mortality this is to be expected?
Commencing January of this year there was a new Medicare Benefits Schedule item for myocarditis MRI scans post Pfizer and Moderna shots.
Wonder why that became necessary all of a sudden? Safe and effective!
Do you have a source for the massive increase in all cause mortality? I was looking for info a couple of months ago when US insurance companies started to talk about marked excess deaths in working age Americans. All the info here that I could find pointed to a slow decline 2010 > 2020.
Election wash up, the female vote is telling.
Remember the female vote when Bob Hawke was running for PM in the ‘Drovers dog” election, they made a lot of fuss about voting for Bob because ‘he had charisma’,
then fast forward to 2022 when women voted for the Teal ladies, because they were so nice and the how to vote lady was just so sweet when she talked to me.
My assessment of the US political climate.
(With caveat, I am poor, politically inactive, and in my last, hopefully years, fingers crossed, of material existence.)
The current POTUS is cognitively impaired.
An unknown, unelected cadre is running the show, likely with extra-national input.
The impaired one lies regularly with impunity … ex. he recently claimed police officers were attacked and killed Jan.6 by Trump supporters.
Our alleged ‘free press’ functions as a PR firm for the Democrats.
Which are in fact unreported political contributions.
(New born kittens envy the tongue bath the establishment press gives to Joe Biden.)
The last POTUS was impeached on false allegations of Russian ‘collusion’ that were falsified and paid for by the the Hillary Clinton campaign, with her approval.
These allegations were known to be false by both Republican and Democrat high ranking members of Congress, including the Speaker of the House, (I’m jealous, I’m a good ways from 80 and I can’t drink and eat ice cream like her and her hubby) before the proceedings began.
These known false allegations were foisted on the public by powerful unelected leaders of the FBI and DHS. Putting these leaders loyalty to the Constitution and the American people in question. There is also evidence of international ‘collusion’ in the production of this false narrative.*
*This is the greatest political scandal in American history, and it is doubtful that anyone will be held to account.
It is also possible that the perpetrators, with their Tech co-conspirators, may be able to erase these events from the public record.
We will endure a summer election spectacle where Democrats will …
demand restrictions on the 1st and 2nd Amendments …
while demanding a woman’s or birthing person’s ‘right’ to terminate her fully gestated fetus, (and in some Blue states a period of time after birth) for any reason …
whilst claiming that a ‘woman’ can’t be defined and ‘men’ can get pregnant.
Does a man have a right to an aborti … I mean reproductive choice?
They will also advocate for children to be given puberty blocking drugs without parental notification.
Meanwhile, pink haired PETA members will protest the killing of chickens and the domestication of cows.
Primarily due to Green energy policy, inflation is out of control.
A large percentage of the population doubts the integrity of elections and are labeled ‘insurrectionists’ for their opinions. Voting in my state is literally pointless.
In fact, the Democrats use the term ‘patriot’ as a slur implying Blanco Supremeisto, the actual term only they have license to utter in public.
(In my neighborhood an American flag brands you as a Trump supporter, and by implication a Blanco Supremeisto, and is imprudent to display.)
The Democrats will use racial divisiveness as a political strategy.
Even with a Republican takeover in the mid-terms, I doubt we can pull out of the nose dive.
Partly because the Republicans aren’t really an opposition party.
On a positive note, the Kardashians seem to have fallen out of favor.
It helps slightly to vent.
Up is the new down.
Hard to adjust.
And at the close of this Memorial Day, I would like to acknowledge my father, who sacrificed a professional Baseball career, a game for which he had great love and talent, to fight for me and my generation to be free while it lasted.
He lived in pain and nearly died from his combat wounds in his sixties.
A comprehensive rundown on the U.S. and we aren’t much different.
What’s this?’ … “New born kittens envy” 🙂
I just heard this on the world news service..
EU agree on sanctions against Russia..
* Ban on oil shipments (by sea), to commence BY THE END OF THE YEAR !
* NO ban on oil by pipeline ??
* NO ban on gas
So, basicly NOTHING for at least 6 months.
I get the feeling they are not really trying…..all talk, action !
Sounds like praying for a cease fire?
The EU is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century (” Peace in our time??”). Vlad the Impaler must be laughing his head off.
‘Mariupol Repeat’: Russian Forces Capture Most Of Last Major Holdout City In Luhansk
Russian forces have reportedly seized most of Severodnetsk city in eastern Ukraine, which represents the last Ukrainian stronghold and major city of the Luhansk region. Less than 24 hours ago, multiple international outlets reported Russian forces had gained half the city.
But on a strategic level, Severodnetsk is even more important that Mariupol. Sky News reports, referencing Russian President Vladimir Putin, “If his forces capture Severodonetsk, it would give Moscow control of the whole of Luhansk – and would be his biggest victory in the invasion so far.”
Sky News details Tuesday based on local sources:
Hi Chris,
I laugh regularly at much that is happening. It is the only way to maintain a semblance of sanity in an insane world.
As far as the EU, I’ve not a clue what to think. I think they may be seeking suicide.
I also believe that we have no idea (underneath, that is) what is happening in Ukraine, Russia, and the whole thing. What I do think I understand is that there are those who have commented here that the Ukraine government is one of the most corrupt in the world.
Let us assume that this is a true statement. If it is, then I do not see what the big issue is. The current government in power in the United States likely took lessons on corruption from Zelenskyy and the boys … … …
My best to you and yours,
“I’ve given up trying to detect any sense in American foreign policy these days.
Saudis joint venture with China to build $10 billion oil refinery and petro chemical plant in China. Saudis to supply most of feedstock , with other reports saying Russia will pipeline in the rest. Not a USD to be seen apart from the medias way of valuing it.
Part of Chinas Nett Zero plan , or something
“The Misguided Meat Vortex”
“It has recently offer an essay by Alex Smith, Breakthrough’s Food and Agriculture Analyst, titled “The Coming ’Meat Vortex’”. While Smith writes well and clearly, and has a good grasp of the problems and impediments to forming sensible public policy, he gets almost everything else wrong because he starts off on wrong -footed assumptions:”
More at
Sussman Trial – Jury of His (Political) Peers
Tale of Two Trials: How Sussmann is Receiving Every Consideration Denied to Flynn
Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks
Below is my column in The Hill on the Sussmann trial and the striking comparisons with prior prosecutions of Trump officials like Michael Flynn. The court has limited the evidence available to the prosecution, the scope of questioning, and cleared a jury that includes three Clinton campaign donors. A jury of your peers is not supposed to literal with an array of fellow Clinton supporters. Those negative rulings continued during the trial, including a refusal to dismiss a juror whose daughter is playing on the same team with Sussmann’s daughter. For John Durham, it may seem that the only person missing from the jury at this point is Chelsea Clinton.
Here is the column:
The stench from the Sussmann verdict
There was a partisan political element at the very heart of the case
Democracies cannot survive without public trust. Citizens must be confident that their elected officials represent their interests, at least in broad terms, and are not corrupt, self-dealing con men. They must believe the courts dispense justice fairly and equally, that there’s not one set of rules for insiders and another for everyone else. They understand that complex societies require bureaucracies and that bureaucracies are inherently non-democratic, but they want the bureaucracies’ rules and procedures to be subject to laws, passed by elected officials, overseen by them, and applied evenly. For transparency, they depend on newspapers and television and, in recent years, on websites and social media.
These essential elements of stable democracy are encompassed by two words: “trust” and “fairness.” For democracies to thrive, citizens must trust the four core elements of their government: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and the bureaucracies which pass and implement most of the day-to-day rules. A crucial element of that trust is the belief that each individual gets a fair shake.
That means he won’t be arrested or fined because of the color of his skin or his religion. If he has to go to court, it means he’ll get a fair trial, with an even-handed judge and a jury of his peers. He won’t be pilloried by a biased judge who doesn’t like his politics. His case will be decided by a jury that weighs the evidence without prejudice. The public also has a right to see that trials are handled fairly, without bias.
Every one of those basic tenets was violated in Michael Sussmann’s trial for lying to the FBI. We know now that a Washington, DC jury has found him not guilty, though it is still unclear whether they believed he didn’t lie, or the government didn’t prove it, or it didn’t matter to a politically biased FBI, which was determined to investigate anything connected to Donald Trump. We also know something more: the whole case is drenched in the sulfurous smell of the Washington Swamp.
The stench from the Sussmann verdict
That media silence is an outrage all its own. Durham’s team presented evidence of a massive, well-coordinated, and illegal dirty trick, concocted by the Clinton campaign, fed into the FBI, and promulgated by a credulous, partisan media, eager to report that the FBI was “investigating the Trump-Russian connection.” Actually, there were at least two prongs to Hillary’s dirty tricks.
The second was the Steele Dossier. As false as the Alfa-Bank story, it, too, was pitched to the FBI, Department of Justice, State Department and, of course, the friendly media. The goal was to smear Trump before the 2016 election and, after his unexpected victory, to prevent him from governing.
Despite Sussmann’s not-guilty verdict, his trial revealed the rank odor of Washington politics. It suffuses our courts, our law enforcement bureaucracy, and the mainstream media. It reeks of insider dealing and extreme partisan bias. That stench should alarm anyone concerned about America’s ability to govern itself democratically. That governance requires trust in our institutions, including confidence our courts can resolve legal issues with fairness and integrity. Who could look at the Sussmann Affair and retain that confidence?
LOOSE ENDS (170) – The stench from the Sussmann verdict
• I think we can inaugurate a new catchphrase today for corruption and stupidity: “All the rectitude of a DC jury.”
. Or, move over “faster-than-a-speeding-bullet” Superman: “Faster than a DC jury acquitting a Clinton crony.”
areff says:
June 1, 2022 at 11:33 am
Having declined to cover any and all the damning evidence and testimony in the Sussmann case — not a word during the entire course of the trial — the ABC now announces the not-guilty verdict, page topped by a pic of Hillary wearing an angelic smile.
Top Ender
June 1, 2022 at 3:12 am
And in a piece of brilliant governing:
Just seven people are isolating at Queensland’s 1000-bed Covid quarantine facility, which is costing taxpayers close to $4m each week.
Wellcamp has housed only 652 people since it opened in February – an average of 41 guests each week – but those numbers have dwindled since mandatory quarantine was scrapped for unvaccinated international arrivals last month.
Details of the project have been shrouded in secrecy, with the Palaszczuk government repeatedly refusing to reveal how much it has spent on Wellcamp, privately owned by the Toowoomba-based Wagner Corporation. The government has not disputed reports the total cost of Wellcamp is at least $190m in its first year of operation, including the state’s leasing of the facility.
Oz link
The good news is, Wagners are doing well.
Elbow on Climate
Tom says:
June 1, 2022 at 4:06 am
Bob Moran — simply titled “modern art”.
Thanks Tom – Democrat Pelosi Power
UK Cabinet discussing Climate Change
A Brief History of Transportation
Sydney gets a taste of global cooling.
Stonehenge: Real or Fake? How much of a faked existence are we living in?
Kim … thanks
We visited Stonehenge once and entered trailing a primary school group. One of the kids asked why they built it so close to the motorway (an A Road actually in pommie speak)
I suspect most everyone here will spot the fallacy in this offering:
Kamala reacts to Mr.Pelosi news.×624.jpeg
I think “Heels Up Harris” misinterpreted the Question
Ya think?
natural immunity outperforms vaccinated AND vaccinated and recovered
el gato malo May 31
now published in NEJM, and the data has almost certainly gotten worse from here
times are changing.
when this study (now published in new england journal of medicine (NEJM)) came out as a preprint it was fascinating but many argued that no one would really publish it.
now, it seems, even top journals are letting truth leak out.
despite a number of shabby graphical tricks played to make it look less damning to vaccinated immunity, the data from this large (5.7 million people) study in the the israeli data (some of, if not the highest quality society scale data on extant) was extremely clear: those who were unvaxxed and recovered had far better immunity than the vaccinated.
this was my take in dec 2021.
How the COVID Vaccines Kill
With each passing day, the news connected to the COVID shots grows worse. That the injections don’t prevent COVID — or even its spread — has been known for months, and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong with a body.
“Not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed” after one of these shots, said Arne Burkhardt, a professor of forensics at Reutlingen’s Pathological Institute.
So little has been written about why “side effects” such as myocarditis have popped up that one can’t help but wonder: Does anybody understand how these shots work?
In the space below, let’s pick three of the harshest complications and explore how COVID shots could be driving the mechanics of each.
1 – Myocarditis
2 – Vascular Damage and Heart Attack Risk
3 – Neurodegenerative Disease
Long-term outlook
Messenger RNA technology has been around for over 20 years, and multiple vaccines have been attempted. Each failed because the experimental animals failed to thrive.
Last February, spike protein was found to inhibit type 1 interferon, the powerful regulator of the immune system. Hindering type 1 interferon reduces the body’s ability to defend against:
(1) malignancies
(2) autoimmune diseases
(3) viral infections
Over the next year, we will continue to observe how impaired interferon affects the great COVID shot experiment. But while we study the pathology, let us further develop the mechanisms associated with mRNA injections, so that new approaches to the injuries they inflict may be devised.
Joseph Shepherd is a physician in Birmingham, Alabama.
Albanese’s ministers – Veterans Affairs pushed out of cabinet
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
I remember during bayonet practice, the Platoon Sergeant telling us that in WW2, an Australian Soldier bayonetted an Italian soldier in the buttocks and he screamed so much the whole trench surrended. May be pay back from Albo to what happened to his relatives?
Ukraine’s Parliament Dismisses Human-Rights Chief
“Lawmaker Pavlo Frolov said Ms. Denisova was also accused of making insensitive and unverifiable statements about alleged Russian s@x crimes and spending too much time in Western Europe during the invasion,” the report added.
As has been the pattern in prior wars, whether in Syria or Libya, the media claims got more and more sensational and over-the-top as the conflict intensified, and as Western powers became more deeply involved, yet with no concrete or definitive proof.
But one consistent detail in the majority of the stories is that the aforementioned Ukraine human rights ombudsman, Lyudmyla Denisova, is often the central figure feeding Western correspondents the shocking r@pe stories.
And now on Tuesday, Interfax, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, and others are reporting that Lyudmyla Denisova has been fired – precisely for floating and perpetuating fantastical claims of mass r@pe but without providing evidence…
“Gee Whiz! Residents Do Not Like Wind Turbines (E&E News report)”
Jeremy Clarkson’s the Greatest Raid of All
Raid on St. Nazaire
Using VLC media player to download YouTube videos…
Annuder one. Deplorables Trump, Brexit and the Demonised Masses
46 Shot During Memorial Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago
Forty-six people were shot, ten of them fatally, during Memorial Day weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.
Breitbart News noted at least 21 people were shot Friday into Sunday morning alone on Memorial Weekend, and four of those shooting victims succumbed to their wounds.
ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times reports the number of shooting victims rose to 46 by Monday evening, with six of those victims dying from their injuries.
Among the shooting deaths Sunday and Monday was 33-year-old Jeremy Benson, who was fatally shot while driving. He was driving “in the 4400-block of West Madison Street” and he crashed after being shot.
A 24-year-old man was also shot and killed early Sunday while attending a birthday party “in the 5700-block of South Carpenter Street.”
The 46 Memorial Day weekend shooting victims in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago represent a increase over the number of shooting victims during the same weekend in 2021.
Breitbart News noted at least 33 people were shot, three of them fatally, in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago during Memorial Weekend 2021.
This isnt unusual, the real carnage comes when the hot weather. Each year they run about 600 dead and 2500 wounded and the MSM says nothing but wails about “mass shootings” The big problem is that most (90%+) of this mayhem is black on black violence and it all gets too awkward to cover.
Keep in mind the area this is all happening in a city about the size of Melbourne. The greater Chicagoland area as they call it is much bigger , but the the mayhem is mainly in the inner south and west suburbs of the city.
If you have the stomach for it her is a web site tracks what’s happening
Figures for May 57 dead , 293 wounded. It actually was an interesting city at one stage, it doesn’t seem salvageable.
WEEKEND OF CARNAGE: Liberal Cities See Massive Spike In Murder, Violent Crime Over Holiday Weekend
Violent crime surged across liberal cities during Memorial Day weekend, leaving more than 30 people dead and approximately one hundred injured, according to multiple police departments.
Major cities including Philadelphia, Chicago and New York saw dozens of fatal shootings over the holiday weekend, multiple police departments told The Daily Caller News Foundation, with victims including women and children.
In Philadelphia, fifteen people were killed during the weekend violence, police told The DCNF.
A 9-year-old boy and his father as they came home from a cookout were among those killed in Philadelphia, CBS-3 reported. Gerald Parks and his son Jamal were sprayed with bullets and killed in their car.
In another incident, three masked men opened fire on a group of people, killing a 56-year-old man, according to NBC Philadelphia. A 33-year-old woman was shot seven times but survived.
The Chicago Police Department told TheDCNF that nine people were killed and 47 people were injured over the weekend. (RELATED: Chicago Crime Spike Forces Rich People To Hire Private Police)
There were 19 shootings in New York City, leaving at least five dead and 18 injured, a spokesperson for the New York Police Department told TheDCNF. Two shootings in Brooklyn killed two people, the New York Post reported.
Baltimore police told TheDCNF there were five killings and four injuries during the weekend violence. One instance of a double shooting killed a 17-year-old boy and left another 17-year-old girl hospitalized in serious but stable condition, The Baltimore Sun reported.
This will be interesting once other law enforcement agencies (outside the discredited US ones) start their own investigations.
Police Charge European Big Pharma Boss with Falsifying His Covid Vaccination Status
From an email
“How many AR 15’s did Jesus own?”
“Not enough to prevent being murdered by his government”
(yearly means)
linear trend: 0.0074 °C/yr±0.011 °C/yr (130 yr/°C)
LOD and ENSO closely linked.
Australia to become a Republic.
Australians rejected that proposal at the Referendum less than twenty years ago, meaning the vast majority in every State voted NO after the Federal Government spent many millions of taxpayer’s dollars preparing for that Referendum.
And the most obvious question remains: what would we the people gain from the change from Commonwealth of Australia to Republic of Australia, our sovereign nation is self governing and the Monarch is a constitutional figurehead when visiting and at all other times the Governor General is our permanent Head of State with limited powers according to the Constitution.
It has been written and stated on many subjects: If it isn’t broken why try to fix it?
The push for a republic has been pursued by a minority ever since the British Colonial Governments here agreed to Federation of States forming the Commonwealth of Australia, the far left leaning mostly former UK unionists opposed to the Monarchy were behind the push for a republic, and still are today, PM Albo the now claims to be a former “Trot” (Trotskyite) would obviously be in favour of the change for party political reasons and purposes, as compared to what difference it would make for the rest of us.
Its the vibe. Its the type of small pointless “win” that will attract Labor like a moth to a flame. No content but lots of PR. Something that even Elbow might be able to achieve.
Sorry EG, missed this post. Consider my post at #80 a reply.
“BREAKING, The FBI Maintains a Workspace, Including Computer Portal, Inside the Law Firm of Perkins Coie – The Ramifications are Significant
May 31, 2022 | Sundance | 290 Comments”
South Australia the state that’s just called a climate emergency is currently powering its state from 98% fossil fuel , oh what a laughing stock they suddenly became .
Even worse, in Adelaide my local Woolies has just put up a sign saying that from July they will be 100% powered by green energy.
Now 100% fossil fuel powering South Australia .
Nobody will even notice in the general community. They will remain “RE” leaders with all that entails.
Nearly 2 hours later still 100% fossil fuel .
“NIH, Wuhan were working on monkeypox”
Dr John C
What’s the chance the Republic referendum will get up next time?
I see Buckleys and none. Presidents have hardly covered themselves in glory since our last one, especially in the US.
As I see it we will not vote for a President with political power, we already have too many politicians, but the great unwashed will not vote for an “appointed” Prez a la the GG. Never the twain shall meet.
I personally would vote for a Prez with the title “Defender Of The People” who has no role in formulating laws but has the power and the budget to defend gov. overreach in the courts with limited power delay new acts until cleared as being constitutional. Currently unconstitutional laws are put in place and only if and when an aggrieved individual has the funds will it be tested in court. Around the “free” world governments pay lip service only to the constitution.
Yeah, I know: I’m dreamin’.
Nice dream though! A conversation with my son this evening & he remarked that America is the only country where you are born with rights ahead of the Govt, while in every other place you have no rights until the Govt give them to you.
Ya kiddin’ me!
Yanks have no more right to refuse the jab than I have.
Maybe, eventually, in the fullness of time the US courts may declare mandates unconstitutional. Don’t hold your breath.
That indeed was the theory behind the Declaration, and then eventually, the Constitution. The individual was the final authority, as we have been, ” … endowed by our Creator … ” with natural rights, which could not be denied by anyone, including, and especially, a government. A government was established to govern, not to rule. Men (and women) were to establish a just government to have power by the ‘Rule of Law’, and not the rule of men. Government was to jealously protect individual rights, not trample on them. It is often said that if the Founders of the U.S. Constitution came back and saw the society we have today, they would be shocked beyond belief.
Hence the Second Amendment. Since the Founders knew that all governments, regardless of their form and function, would always seek to expand and usurp power, so the safeguard was the armed populace, which could, if need be, take back what had been taken from them.
Whether that would work in the 21st Century is anyone’s guess. I cannot speak for the rank-and-file enlistee, but it is pretty clear that the very top leadership within the military is fully on-board with, ‘ … the people and their freedoms be damned … ‘.
I know I’ve mentioned the results of the November mid-term elections; any suspicion that the shenanigans of 2020 show up, then I feel that something will begin to take shape, whether that is open conflict of some sort, or if the murmurings of secession become more blatant. While neither is attractive, the latter is likely preferable to the former, though the former is the more likely outcome.
I welcome your thoughts,
I’m more interested in the economic collapse of America, their world power will go with it.
All they’ve done since WW2 is print US dollars and sell them to the rest of the world for goods and services. The gold disaster should have finished them, but they rode that out and everyone started buying paper and locking it away. More recently we have countries asking for their gold back and being told ‘No’, or the US invades some country and immediately flies the gold out, and the latest is stealing Russia’s reserves.
How trustworthy is that country? Not very, as there is a definite movement to bypass the dollar in trade now, something that got a string of countries invaded and leaders killed. This is the base of their society and they know it. China, India and Russia are too big to force to stay, and it looks like them plus Iran will ditch the dollar. Brazil is likely to follow, maybe South Africa and then it will gain steam in the non-aligned world.
Britain has become the most recent Spain or Portugal, a has-been world power, and I expect the USA will become the next. Pull their free ride from under them and let them work for a living to see just how strong their economy is.
The danger is the military, but without people to accept their printed money they will find their arms are too expensive for themselves. Russia may re-shape Europe and warfare in the next 6months, and hopefully their oil and gas adventures show people how stupid renewables are. Europe may not turn their back on the USA, just stop listening to them. America is unlikely to ever be invaded, we just have to stop them creating trouble everywhere else. Moldova is their next target.
“That evil arrived on May 22 in the form of Gregory Meeks, who chairs the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs. With the US constitution long ago discarded as a public policy priority and the American public along with it, Meeks came to Chisinau with the promise of the only gifts American hegemony has at its disposal: Weapons. Said Meeks, in English, not Russian:
“My position is that we need to talk to the government of Moldova. We’ve got to make sure that we are in agreement upon [sic] what needs to take place….The US will stand with Moldova.”
This was no more than a veiled threat against Moldovan neutrality, peace and the Moldovan people. Moldova does not need Meeks, nor his weapons.
NATO, however, needs Moldova. Not Culturally or economically, but..for war!
So does US concubine Britain which echoed Meeks’ duplicitous lies just two days before his arrival. On May 20, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss revealed that London was also in talks with its warmongering allies and attempting to have Moldova “equipped to [a] NATO standard.” Any reader knows well that Truss utterly lied as she provided the NATO big lie of this war: assuring the politically ignorant British that Moldova could become, as she stated, a victim of Vladimir Putin’s “ambitions to create a greater Russia.”
However, tiny Moldova with a very poorly trained army of 5000 that acts more as a police force has no reason whatsoever to participate in this war.”
Hello Vlad
Thanks for your reply. I also get giddy when I think of what’s happening in our good ole world. Keep rockin’ on!!