A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Am I first.
Don’t forget the Freedom Marches at lunchtime today. For Sydney, meet at the Sydney Town Hall at 12 Noon.
White House buried over tweet claiming there was ‘no vaccine’ when Biden took office
it does show how dumb some people are to think its ok because its their truth LOL
l did also notice on that link that Bet Midler has given advise to mothers who cannot source baby formula
“just breastfeed” LOL this show keeps getting better and better in America, just follow the science LOL
sorry buts l am finding it so funny LOL
that’s a good point, if the disinformation board is to combat and call out disinformation will they call out the alarmist disinformation if we swamp them with examples?
Readers here may remember that a few months ago a new right wing tv station with Andrew Neil was launched in he uk. It went through some difficulties and boycotts by advertisers, incited by the left
It still exists and has settled down and is also available on radio as ‘ GB news radio’ so can presumably be googled and listened to in preference to being watched.
It has it’s rough edges and is not as slick as the BBC, but sometimes I am startled by what they say.
I suspect the best programmes are during UK peak times of around 8am to 9pm. Mark steyn is on mon to Thursday evening
‘ I didn’t know they were atill allowed to say that’ is often my reaction, so well worth a listen to hear right wing viewpoints for a change
Mr. b: Mark Steyn has a replay of his show on his website, anybody who wants to learn about 1) free speech; and 2) what happens when it’s heard, should watch Mr. Steyn any chance you get.
Paul, can you provide a link to that replay if possible. please.
thanks, I’ll watch some of them when I can find time 🙂
I like Neil Olivers GB News set pieces to camera on various topics. He has a way with words.
Yep Neil Oliver is a BOSS
this show is very informative communicating both sides of the story
sometimes very boisterously
Consider signing the World Climate Declaration
By David Wojick
Please share this call for action. Many commenters here clearly are qualified to sign.
The emergency is not “climate”…
Its the “climate agenda” and the actions they implement. Always has been.
It is starting to cause all sorts of problems around the world.
I had hoped that common sense and the realities of the need to maintain a functional society would get in their way much sooner than it has.
But it is finally starting to happen in some places.
Here is the WCD text on that issue:
“Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities
There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times.”
Thanks David,
Yes there a lot of readers here who could sign.
Please folks
Desperate would be Indian grandparents sue son in demand he provides them with one
I recently watched the two-part BBC program Dinosaur Apocalypse by David Attenborough which was recently broadcast on PBS here in the US. The program was interesting but there was something a little off with Mr. Attenborough’s presentation; it seemed like he thought he was doing an entertainment program instead of a science program. Also, he had to throw in his “Climate Change™” nonsense at the end of the program by comparing what happened to the dinosaurs to what is predicted will happen because of “Climate Change™”. The program would definitely have been improved if they had dumped Mr. Attenborough and gotten a more professional narrator to do the show.
He has been throwing “Climate Change nonsense” into shows for years, usually just before the end. I used to think he was merely reading the BBC script but now I realise that he has been brainwashed.
I have quite a collection of those BBC shows on DVD because the photography is superb, although I am wondering how the cameras were so ready for the catastrophes (walrus stampede over clift, mud wall collapse killing bird chicks etc) they depict. Fortunately it seems the BBC couldn’t get an asteroid for this program.
its been pointed out that David Attenborough has actually been the one brainwashing people Graeme
even Greta said in an interview that she turned into a climate change warrior after watching Attenborough’s videos that have been debunked many times. it was very disappointing to see that David Attenborough was a bare faced liar after watching him as a child and seeing him as a sort of nature hero but it was all just hollywood
l do agree that the photography is brilliant but now knowing its BS makes it lame now
I take the view that he may believe what he sprouts but he is just reading the BBC prepared script.
Yes, he is a confirmed Malthusian – which he probably picked up as a child in upper Middle class at an educational college when it was, along with Eugenics, popular – and I am sure that he likes animals but as a thinker NO.
he writes the scripts and produces the programs, most of the footage comes from independent filmmakers then he selects the “best” and jets off to do a piece to camera. Attenborough IS the problem.
Rabbitborough has been at it for years. His ploy of late has been to get at the younger members of the Royal Family, including Prince William, as he strolls around their gardens, hands clasped behind his back (Prince Phillip style) while exuding unctuous garbage.
I stopped watching Attenborough many years ago. His programs are all about cute little animals frolicking about in a garden of Eden and more more spectacular photography than anything vaguely associated with Biology. The programs are shallow bunny hugging junk and not worth watching.
One of Australia’s first solar farms has gone into administration and will be sold. And this farm is supposed to be profitable with long term contracts etc.
“And this farm is supposed to be profitable with long term contracts etc.”
Do you know why it is in administration and being sold?
The link has more, but it is a mystery
I don’t know which solar farm you are referring to, but I did find this article from 2020 that some reasons for solar farm failure are “because of fierce competition, cost over-runs, and disputes over damages due to delays and complications from new connection rules” so evidently solar farm failures are not a new phenomenon in Australia.
Another big solar project contractor hits the wall, administrators called in
Giles Parkinson 5 August 2020
According to RenewEconomy: Mugga Lane’s contract with the acT government was for a guaranteed price of $A178/MWh
What could possibly go wrong?
Ah so that’s how they get out of paying for remediating the toxic waste, go into administration (if they cant find an Aussie super fund stupid enough to buy them out)
Saw this on WUWT.. Thought it was quite funny
I’m sharing that with everyone I know. Most have seen 2000 Mules.
“Martin Armstrong’s Crystal Ball”
More economics
“I wish the resemblance weren’t so close…”,%201929%20and%202022.png
White House Press Corps Beginning To Suspect Psaki Isn’t Ever Going To Circle Back To Their Questions
May 13th, 2022 –
Plant based protein maker “Beyond Broke”
“They got millions worth of free product placement in the news cycle, and people still won’t eat the crap.”
I recall during Covid meat panic buying , seeing a well stocked section at the end of the display.
It was all the vegan stuff still sitting there. Even pandemic panic couldn’t make people buy it.
The great enthusiasm for all things vegan on exists in the minds of a tiny minority and the MSM. Never has something been so widely talked about and promoted and then totally ignored in real life.
On Friday, from a nameplate capacity of 8,500 MW across the entire AEMO grid, wind delivered just 1,300 MW.
All we need is 15 times as many windmills to keep the lights on.
While at the evening peak demand in SA, diesel was providing 230 MW, wind just 91 MW, with 563 MW coming from Vic.
And in Vic, wind provided less than 30 MW from a nameplate capacity of 3,100 MW.
Solar has also dropped generation due to some cloudy days, across the entire AEMO grid delivering a midday peak of just over 3,000 MW, compared to 7,000 MW earlier in the week.
But then, this morning in SA wind has been delivering 1,400 MW, that’s 125% of demand.
And across the entire AEMO grid, wind has been delivering 4,700 MW, 25% of demand.
Variable supply, hardly the answer to a reliable and cost effective grid.
Plenty of “free” wind about but the price is still well over $250. I dont know how much more “downward pressure on prices” we can afford.
“Paper straw in a plastic wrap: the green movement in a single photo”
Plastic has huge benefits for hygiene particularly in the food and medicine fields and saves lives.
Imagine modern medicine without disposable plastics, well it wouldn’t exist.
“That Sinking Feeling
What will avail in the face of these treacheries and hardships? Oppose. Refuse. Resist. This is getting personal….”
“ u c k-nation/that-sinking-feeling/ ”
(Take out the obvious spaces)
“Good evening, Vietnam”
And this sounds familiar –
“But, to Greek writers, Xerxes – in real life no worse than most despots and better than some – was one of the world’s greatest villains because he had attacked Greece. Hence the writers were eager to blame him for thye misdeeds that he committed but also for many that he did not commit.”
Latest Pointman
I’ll repost this from Thursday unthreaded:
Hanrahan must eat a little crow.
I have said often that iOS upgrades are seamless, that you never have to change the way you are used to doing things.
If you have a Mac, especially with the intel chipset, give Monterey a miss, at least for a while. I had trouble loading it [first time for that] and now if left to idle for a while it shuts down in an uncontrolled manner. I assume that means any changes are lost.
I did a search and there are many angry people.
Thanks for the tip. I’ve had trouble with Mac up-grades before (and had to pay for expert recovery on one occasion), so now I do a full backup before (and annoyingly haven’t had any trouble since) but I have hesitated to move to Monterey.
The best behaved machines at my place a Linux machines. They just sit there and hum.
Seems Apple has gone off piste a bit, they had a pretty good reputation in years past with updates, at least compared to MS.
Back in the CPM days I knew a little ’bout ‘puters but I’ve got older and they’ve gotten newer.
No 1 son will be home shortly and No 2 knows a bit if I can get him interested. Would linux install easily on my Mac with the M1 chipset?
No way am I going to attempt an install without partitioning my drive which may not be big enough anyway. I have about 150 G after emptying my trash.
Thanks in advance
Not sure. There are enthusiastic claims but…
That refers to operation from a USB memory stick.
There is reports that Asahi Linux may be another way.
Re space, you can use an external hard drive with your Mac, even boot up from one. Haven’t tried it nor how it works.
Run Linux in a virtual box (built in).
Asahi is still in development as at February.
If you want to just run Linux or MAC M1 ( either but not both at one time) then VMWare or Parallel Desktops could suffice.
Chiefio’s reply
Sounds like “Yes but” as of now.
Way back in CP/M. I started on an S100 system with 8″ floppy drives. Came with an Epsom dot matrix but it got wired to a typist’s Canon (IIRC) daisy wheel typewriter for quality print jobs.
CP/M was based on a DEC operating system so our local DEC guru was handy.
A US ABC report says:
“A growing proportion of COVID-19 deaths are occurring among the vaccinated, a new ABC News analysis of federal data shows.
In August of 2021, about 18.9% of COVID-19 deaths occurred among the vaccinated. Six months later, in February 2022, that proportional percent of deaths had increased to more than 40%.
More than 90% of seniors have been fully vaccinated, but a third of them have yet to receive their first booster shot. Even with overall high vaccination rates in older populations, in recent months, during the omicron surge, 73% of deaths have been among those 65 and older.”
“These data should not be interpreted as vaccines not working,” one expert said.”
I would say the “vaccines” are definitely “working”.
A British Doctor puts it more bluntly:
Farid Jalali MD
To borrow an infamous phrase:
I don’t know how to put this in a
half-acceptable way.
New Omicron variants are actively
killing vaccinated and recently
boosted 60-70 year-olds with very
average comorbidites, as we speak.
It’s a bog-standard medical reality in
our hospitals.
Reports this morning on our ABC radio tell of chaotic scenes in Perth hospitals, filled with Covid patients triple jabbed against Covid.
How long before everyone knows?
The bait has been taken and now the trap is closing.
VirusMania – The AIDS virus
continuing with some discussion of a book I am reading, coauthored by Dr Sam(antha) Bailey.
Sam Bailey is a proponent of the Terrain Theory of disease. Terrain Theory asserts that diseases are due to environmental factors such a nutrition, toxins etc and micro organisms are likely incidental to the disease.
The current chapter is about AIDS and the association, if any, with the HIV virus.
According to Sam the evidence for the HIV is poor to non existent. The virus has never been purified or characterised. None the less the presence of the virus is diagnosed by an antibody test, based on some DNA fragments and the disease is treated with highly toxic antiviral drugs.
Two anecdotes illustrate their argument:
Rock Hudson was the first celebrity to admit to an AIDS diagnosis. He was bisexual, drank and smoked an great deal and also used gay drugs (poppers). He took the HIV test before it was even approved and it came back positive. He then went to France to talke an untested drug called AD23, got sicker and sicker and eventually announced he had terminal liver cancer, of which he died. The authors contend that Rock Hudson did not die of AIDS and that his liver problems were caused initially by excessive alcohol which was then exacerbated by the very toxic therapy.
The second was Magicc Johnson. Johnson had a positive HIV antibody test and took a short course of an antiviral medicine AZT. This seems to have made him sick and he is thought to have gone off the drug. Subsequently his health improved and he continued to play basketball at a high level, winning a Gold medal at the Olympic Games. He is still alive to this day.
Their message is that AIDS is not due to a viral infection. It is caused by malnutrition or drug use. The antiviral this so toxic that it kills the patients that it is supposed to save.
The antiviral therapy is so toxic that it kills the patients that it is supposed to save.
Peter, you need to read Robert Kennedy’s book : ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’. He goes into great detail about the AIDS pandemic, the fraudulent science, the murder of thousands with ATZ and Fauci’s elevation to crime czar.
I will do that.
I very much doubt that Johnson is not on a triple anti-retroviral cocktail. It has changed AIDS from a fatal illness to a chronic one.
Magic Johnson was asked about his therapy but he did not respond. He is making money promoting anti HIV drugs.
Authors say he woluld be dead long ago if he had actually taken them himself.
Yay! Can’t miss this Special BBC TV production.
One of the now myriad Streaming Services, Britbox has released a brand new TV ‘Conspiracy Thriller’, and they called it The Trick.
Rather than rabbit on about it, I’ll just put up the ‘blurb’ that is being used to advertise it at the Britbox site
And one of the online sites also advertises it with this:
Hmm! Who would have thought the BBC would do something like this, and they even gave it a pretty unique title too.
Oh, and my opening sentence, well, that was satire, need I tell you!
Sounds like a perfect example of “re-invert to get the real story”
In Thursday’s Open Thread in reference to Tasmania and rainfall I mentioned that Hobart was the second most dry Aus state capital.
The following link was posted in response to try and illustrate that Hobart was third.
However, that BOM link is displaying monthly averages and the BOM has incorrectly added each months average to arrive at an annual average.
The annual average should be the average of total annual rainfall. By adding up each monthly average the BOM arrives at a false annual average.
Perhaps they didn’t intend the chart to be used for someone to check annual averages. But it’s careless of a supposed science organisation to display an annual total of averages that is misleading at best but, well, simply false.
Using Melbourne as the example.
Melbourne has an annual average rainfall of 648mm.
The chart in the link used to try and prove my Hobart ranking wrong suggests Melbourne has just 518mm annually.
Tassie has had significant rainfall and flooding recently. In fact the southern water restrictions over summer were due to sediment issues – there was no water shortage at all.
I’d watch Qld/NT for floods and maybe the odd tsunami 😉
The holy hand grenade of Antioch
And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, ‘O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.’ And the Lord did grin.
First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.’
Making history fun 😆
Mark Steyn on latest covid
“My bottom line is that the last two years must never happen again’ says Mark Steyn”
The breast milk issue
Biden admin supplying baby formula to Ukraine and illegal immigrants as supermarket shelves run dry.
Biden orders investigation into shortage and also launches website to help families find formula:
HHS launches website to help families find baby formula
The federal government launched a website Friday with resources for families struggling to find baby formula amid the national shortage.
The Department of Health and Human Services site features information including manufacturer hotlines, community resources and other guidance. It also has a link for WIC-eligible families to reach out to a local office for assistance.
President Joe Biden also announced Thursday his administration was stepping up its response to the shortage that has forced frenzied parents into online groups to swap and sell to each other to keep their babies fed
Well – don’t supply WEF puppet Zelensky (worth $850M+) and the most corrupt country on Earth, namely Ukraine, ahead of your own country!
Is that rocket science?
For Biden it probably is😈
This cartoon sums it up:
Meanwhile in Nigeria, a human slavery and breast milk porn ring gets busted (sorry 😉).
*Snowflake content warning*
There are also concerns about vaxx transmission via breast milk, hence the increased popularity of formula.
What will the breastfeeding men do? 😨
Yet another step in reducing child rearing and the population…
Why bother though – the next variant will be the equivalent of the black death, which Geert VDB alluded to.
Lawyers fight on behalf of elephant to make her a legal person
A New York elephant named Happy is getting her day in court, after activists filed to establish her as a legal person in the eyes of the law.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, lawyers from the Nonhuman Rights Project have filed a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of Happy to establish her legal personhood — and thusly free her from captivity at the Bronx Zoo, where she’s lived and been on display since 1977, where she was taken when she was just six years old.
..and why not..
Next she’ll be given the opportunity to choose a new gender no doubt.
Maybe a trans-dolphin 😅
Alarm after pro-Russian hackers attack Italian institutions
ROME, MAY 12 – There is alarm in Italy after the websites of the Senate, the defence ministry and other public institutions came under a cyber attack from pro-Russian hackers on Wednesday.
The ‘Killnet’ group, which experts say has links to Russia’s armed forces and has threatened further actions, claimed responsibility for the attacks via Telegram
Cyber-attack worries boost cash withdrawals
A recent survey shows almost half of Finns believe that any crisis will make it important to have cash on hand.
Yup. Just getting started.
Food Riots In Sri Lanka Turn Deadly As Protesters Beat Up Police, Burn Down Politicians’ Houses
..people have burned down homes belonging to 38 politicians and pushed their cars into rivers as the crisis-hit country plunged further into chaos, with the government ordering troops to “shoot on sight.”
That’s the way!!
Teach those pollies a lesson.😎
So Imran Khan snuck away just in time.
Sri Lanka?
Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi HI(M) PP (Urdu/Pashto: عمران احمد خان نیازی; born 5 October 1952) is a Pakistani politician and former cricketer who served as the 22nd prime minister of Pakistan from August 2018 until April 2022, when he was ousted through a no-confidence motion. He is the founder and chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), one of the largest political parties in the country.
Daily sweep time. What’s new…
Avian flu detected in 3 red fox kits, Michigan DNR reports
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced that highly pathogenic avian influenza has been confirmed in three red fox kits — reportedly the state’s first confirmation of the virus in wild mammals.
Avian flu moves to foxes now eh…
Major Cholera outbreak in Pakistan.
North Korea Omicron 1st case.
Brazil reports increase in mystery child hepatitis cases.
Dengue cases up by 350% – Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines..
As predicted..
No sign of superplague-Covid yet.
Probably around July/August.
Just after we elect a different virus.
Cancers Taking Off Like Wildfire & Vaccine Side Effects: Dr. Ryan Cole Sits Down With CHD.TV
“These Aren’t Normal Cancers” – Doctors All Over the World Are Noticing That “Something Is Wrong”
Florida physician: “I’ve seen five kidney cancers in young patients. I usually see one kidney cancer every decade of my practice.”
Chief of Oncology at a major hospital: “In young people, I’ll see maybe one astrocytoma brain cancer a year. I’ve seen five after the boosters rolled out in the last month.”
Don’t forget your booster shots.
To keep you safe from something or other.
My neighbour has just been diagnosed with a glioblastoma which is an aggressive form of astrocytoma. He’s probably got 6 – 12 months to live. There is a huge increase in cancers in my friends and acquaintances. It’s hard to say whether it’s just my age group or if there are more than usual.
I’m sure our health departments are doing their best to analyse the data and will let us know soon that the vaccine is safe. /sarc.
Not much he can do really.
Chemo is no good as it can’t cross the BBB.
Things like Turmeric & Cannabis Oil are showing benefits but no cure potential.
An interesting article if you’re interested:
Algae energy harvester powers electronics for a year on its own
Cambridge researchers have now demonstrated how an algae energy harvester can use sunlight to power a microprocessor for over a year without any human help.
Algae features heavily in green technologies of the future, in many different ways. It shows promise in producing hydrogen, purifying wastewater, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, forming the basis of biofuels, and generating electricity through photosynthesis.
Backlash After Calvin Klein Features Pregnant Transgender Man As Underwear Model
Please push the button and stop this garbage.
Men cannot have babies. Got it?
They could have just used Norm from “Life Be In It” with his big stomach bones.
That’s a blast from the past…
Or even the sumo guys from the old Mitsubishi Canter ads 😄
Vaccine Data: Highest Refusal Rate Ever!
It looks like Americans are not so dumb after all. Despite two years of continuous propaganda, and unprecedented threats of employment and educational loss if unvaccinated, Americans are saying, “Enough.” They have stopped queueing up at vaccine clinics, many of which are now closed.
Why Would They Do That?
It seems they have access to the alternate media. They have seen people get injured or die after receiving the shots. They have enough common sense to know it’s not right to get an injection every few months.
Information coming from the UK and other places that vaccination did not prevent deaths or hospitalizations, not to mention cases and spread, has gotten out via the bush telegraph. People were able to distinguish the truth from fake news.
But the damage is already done and the multi-vaxxed masses are CAUSING the next variant, the big one…
Breaking: India bans all wheat exports
India has prohibited wheat exports with immediate effect, the government said in a notification late on Friday.
So that’s the #1 and #2 producers.
I wouldn’t touch Indian produce with a 10m electrified cattle prod anyway as their farmlands are heavily polluted, just like China.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing aint it? I wonder how many of us given the available info of the day and real world pressures and responsibilities would have behaved differently?
Its one thing to talk about it and a very different thing when its real and its you. I used to participate in a sport where when things went bad , if you did the wrong thing you were dead. You can talk, you can train but until its real you just dont know how you will fare. I guess its the same for people first time in real war combat.
As quickly as you can Grasshopper, take the pebble from my hand.–OnTbuJ3I9lWsRlwAp4J3Uz8oOFOVq5XokquhcVrCtGXXZDneIsyH5x_qC_7-PlBkO5RTYBpIVJ3FZ71PRCI3z49ZGeFqvYm40rijYOEd5k4QFzAMN8bC4iSQ78WK_AA2xDbmREjZgAVrZiRZle0YUv/w225-h400/daily_gifdump_4039_14.gif
Or maybe this:
Molten metal, lets see him try that in a canister of CO2.
I’ve just been viewing Blood Bath at the House of Death just released on DVD (although from 1984).
NO, it isn’t about the election next Saturday, although judging by comments at the local country town Market it might be. No-one had a good word for Morrison and, it must be said, for the other bloke. It’s a spoof horror movie with Kenny Everett as the chief psychic investigator with Pamela Stephenson as his assistant scientist (you can tell she is one because she wears hornrim glasses (and in one scene not much more). Kenny Everett is a bit over the top even for him.
I think it might suit one of the TV stations to run late next Saturday night after counting for the election has finished.
The only good thing that will come out of the coming loss for the Liberals might be an excuse to dump ScoMo.
Kenny Everett…another blast from the past.
All the best shows are from the 70’s and 80’s.
As for elections the best thing that could happen is for everyone to refuse to vote for any party. None of the parties have a clue about the real world and they need to get that message.
United Australia would be the best of the bunch.
Comedy is dead, now swamped with queer filth.
But there is some light, here is a young Townsville fella trying his hand at good old fashioned Aussie filth, Garn is his name. If your easily offended by bad langue don’t click on the link.
He has a few in the series at his channel,
Can’t be that offensive, YT hasn’t banned it.
I’ve seen a few dozen Garn videos on useless tube.
He’s pretty good, and accurate!
Another Aussie and definitely not PC or for lefties or cupcakes is Isaac Butterfield.
NASA Mars rover spots a doorway.
Where’s Arnie?
Great work!
Any more good mars pics?
Just keeping on eye on the Arctic ice extent as it creeps towards the average mean. In Dec last year, when It passed the average. the DMI website went down. Went it reemerged a few days later, the graph had been altered to show it below the mean. Of course great explanations as to why – reassessing the way the AIE is measured.
Let’s see what happens.
According to NSIDC, its well above the 15 years mean.
Here Are Some Highlights Of Jen Psaki’s Career As The White House Press Secretary! | Jen “Circle Back” Psaki Ft. LIL’ KC REMIX – WTFBRAHH
“What Paris Agreement? Worker Shortage Impeding Global Coal Production Surge”
Israel: Chronic Covid Persists in Guts and Immune CD8 Cells, like AIDS
A new article from Israel discusses Covid variants in Israeli wastewater — and also shows that Israelis have chronic Covid, infecting their immune cells and persisting for lengths of time, similar to AIDS. Hat tip to Geert Vanden Bossche who mentions this article in his great post, where he argues that predicting the future on the basis of wastewater is futile.
The gut microbiome is really showing itself to be critical for a broad spectrum of health issues.
Maybe I’ll do a special “gut” post soon with a neurological focus…
..and another on the “anti-meat movement” lies and fraud too 😈
Investigation reveals nearly 3 million reports of problems with dental implants
A surge of reports of problems with dental implants may have remained almost impossible to find if it wasn’t for a former FDA data analyst. After leaving the FDA, Madris Kinard started Device Events. Her company specializes in searching through data in the FDA’s MAUDE database, which contains reports of the problems with medical devices reported to the FDA. MAUDE stands for Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience.
MAUDE can be cumbersome and difficult to search, producing only 500 reports at a time. Kinard’s software sorts through millions of reports in seconds, allowing her to compile data that may take other researchers weeks to gather. Searching MAUDE, Kinard discovered dental implants have nearly 3 million reports of problems, more than any other medical device.
Kinard says the public has not been provided enough information on risks associated with dental implants. “Anybody who had looked at adverse events or problem reports with the devices over the last 20 to 25 years would have thought that were almost no problem with dental implants,” she said.
Reports of problems flew under the radar for decades, partly due to the fact the FDA had two separate systems for reporting problems. From 1995 to 2018, the MAUDE database received more than 58,000 reports of problems with dental implants. Those reports were available to the public. The relatively small number of reports each year created the appearance problems were rare.
A second system called Alternative Summary Reporting existed for manufacturers to report problems. The information in the ASRs was not publicly available. During the same time frame from 1995 to 2018, manufacturers reported more than 2.1 million problems with dental implants that were kept hidden. In an effort to create more transparency, in 2018, the FDA ended the use of ASRs and released decades of data.
Video for the investigation:
At $5k per implant you’d want to ask your dentist or perio a mass of questions!
from the link “Mugga Lane’s contract was for a guaranteed price of $A178/MWh, which appears a huge number in the current environment where strike prices are expected to be less than one third of that.”
Clearly Giles doesnt look at the AEMO site that much. Lately its closer to $250-300.
Given the density and none specificity of the financial weasel words, I expect something has gone of the rails they would rather not speak about.
was supposed to be with #7
“The worst thing about owning an EV (electric car) | Auto Expert John Cadogan”
And the T shirt
He didn’t mean to but he reinforced my claim that an EV world would exclude country towns from our prosperity. If Canberra can’t charge an EV, how can Wop Wop?
Tucker on the US baby food problem
“Ingraham: The coming lockdown retribution”
You know all those “sanctions” on Russian oil..
In which case they have hit peak exports selling at a discount.
It will take years to build new pipelines to China [the only nation likely to sign agreements] and financiers/insurers will not facilitate seaborne trade. Meanwhile they have lost 500 tanks and crews.
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice they are not.
This is a good blog folks . . the CO2 debate is the core of the climate issue.
Unfortunately so many out there are completely missinformed and consequenty wrong.
Neil Oliver, GBNews, on the ‘pandemic treaty’:
I agree with him. Resist, become ungovernable, do not obey. This is the hill to die on!
There’ll be more hills irrespective of this one’s death toll; the proponents of these totalitarian schemes have only just begun.
The past month or so the retail electricity price been around the retail price. I’m sure the government ( us ) are paying somehow?
??…that does not read correctly,…..what did you mean ?
But on the topic of electricity prices…..
Currently we are seeing wholesale prices of $1000+ per MWh..
But who is actually paying these costs , and who recieves the money ?
Obviously the generator operator/owner theoretically recieves it, and presumeably the retailers are paying it
BUT.. what if the same company owns both the generation facility, AND the retail side….EG. AGL ? Etc. Are some companies simply paying themselves, and what are the tax implications ?
This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime, says Neil Oliver
The wash up from the pandemic has had a number of results :- 1) we have returned to the old normal – dumped the last 2 1/2 years and moved on, 2) we now know the lay of the land, 3) we greatly distrust government, will ignore them and will go our own way. Government has become much more irrelevant. We just get on with our own lives as we want and do that largely disengaged. The power of government, media and the institutions is greatly diminished.
Maybe in your country (you cant possibly be talking about Oz) here the bulk of people would just comply with whatever nonsense they dish up.
This is interesting news. There is a leak of an official EU document that outlines proposed EU policy to handle natural gas shortages this winter.
EU countries are likely to have natural gas shortages this winter. The EU proposal is that all EU countries should share their natural gas, in event of a Russian shutdown of natural gas to anyone EU country. The EU thinking is shortages of natural gas should affect all EU countries equally.
The EU thoughtfully suggests that EU industries should accept natural gas rationing/shutdowns, rather than rationing citizens.
The EU is the largest chemical producer in the world. Almost all chemicals require natural gas to produce.
The self-destruction of the EU continues.
If they had got out the way, and let Putin clean up the evil, putrid corruption that is Ukraine, none of this would have happened.
Update: mystery hepatitis in children
As of 13 May 2022, 232 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children aged 16 years or below have been reported, of which 229 were classified as probable and three as epidemiologically linked, by 14 countries (Belgium (12), Cyprus (two), Denmark (six), Greece (two), Ireland (six), Italy (24), the Netherlands (six), Norway (five), Poland (one), Serbia (one), Slovenia (one), Spain (26), Sweden (nine), and the United Kingdom (131)).
Of the 229 probable cases, 122 have recovered, while 18 remain under medical care.
The epicurve shows cases by the date of onset of first symptoms of disease. An increase in the number of cases has occurred from week 9. As severe hepatitis can take some time to develop after the onset of the first symptoms and as investigations take time, there may be a delay in the reporting of cases. The recent decrease in cases is therefore challenging to interpret.
The majority (75.9%) of cases are <5 years of age.
Of 143 cases with information, 22 (15.4%) were admitted to an intensive care unit. Of the 98 cases for which this information was available, six (6.1%) have received a liver transplant. There has been one death associated with this disease.
Overall, 151 cases were tested for adenovirus by any specimen type, of which 90 (59.6%) tested positive. The positivity rate was the highest in whole blood specimens (68.9%).
Of the 173 cases PCR tested for SARS-CoV-2, 20 (11.6%) tested positive. Serology results for SARS-CoV-2 were only available for 19 cases, of which 14 (73.7%) had a positive finding. Of the 56 cases with data on COVID-19 vaccination, 47 (83.9%) were unvaccinated.
The mystery goes on.
Update on update!
UK cases have now hit 176.
Based on that limited data it suggests covid infection is a more likely trigger. Thanks for the info. Oh for more data.
Interesting that it seems to primarily affect the very young…and hit the UK first and hard.
U.S. health officials cast doubt on Covid-19 as a potential cause of severe hepatitis that’s been seen in dozens of previously healthy children around the world, while adding weight to the possibility it’s caused by a more common virus linked to stomach ailments. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday released its most detailed report yet on nine cases of pediatric hepatitis in Alabama that have captured national attention. All the patients tested negative for Covid-19 at the hospital and had no documented history of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the report said.
There will be a report issued next week in Britain that may shed more light.
You’ll see it when I see it 😊
As I mentioned before, Australia is a “clean slate” compared to most countries as far as diseases go, at the moment.
If this hepatitis is due to Covid or vaxxes or lockdowns or stress then we should be seeing cases here too given what the past 2 years have been like but we aren’t.
I’m not seeing any correlations anywhere ( I did originally) so maybe it’s something new brewing.
Just trawling the news and found this.
First cases of acute hepatitis caused by new zoonotic virus detected in Spain
A study carried out by Spanish researchers has described the first cases in Europe of hepatitis caused by a new virus of zoonotic origin, called “orthohepevirus C”. The results were published in the Journal of Hepatology.
Their work warns that acute hepatitis associated with HEV-C (orthohepevirus) infection – also known as rat hepatitis E – could be an emerging infectious disease in humans. This belief is due to the prevalence detected among patients with acute hepatitis of an unknown origin.
“UN: “The World is Going to End” – Kink Analysis Says Otherwise”
Alarm About Dwindling Global Energy Capacity
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates warned earlier this week that their spare energy capacity is decreasing in all energy sectors as key producers reduce investment in fossil fuels, pushing oil, diesel, and natural gas to trade at near-record highs.
“The world needs to wake up to an existing reality. The world is running out of energy capacity at all levels,” said the Saudi minister.
He also told CNBC that the revival of a proposed bill in Washington could push oil prices by as much as 300 percent.
“as key producers reduce investment in fossil fuels”
I wonder when these very silly investment firms will realise that they need fossil fuels for anything else to function.
Without fossil fuels, everything else in western society collapses… that includes THEM.!!
Banning so-called fossil fuels doesn’t factor in the endless uses of oil in virtually everything in the modern world.
If oil becomes prohibitively expensive then there will be corresponding major hikes in the cost of everything made from oil.
Your EV has tyres, paint, plastics, cables, upholstery etc all made from oil too!
The green energy market is just a transient blip fallacy mistake in the energy evolution picture.
We’re still at level zero on the Kardashev scale…dark matter, dark energy, neutrino power all await.
I often wonder where they think the bitumen they drive on comes from?
I read somewhere, no link, that they think they can recycle batteries into road base. OK, if needed /sarc.
The Truth About Mortality Rates | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline
Tony Robbins interviews Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Laureate and Stanford Professor, about his extensive analysis of COVID-19 mortality rates – which have shown strict lockdowns to be an overreaction that have caused more harm than good.
This is one of the most important interviews Tony has ever conducted. It reminds us to stand guard at the door of our mind, practice discernment when determining trustworthy sources, and think critically in order to stay flexible and maintain the ability to pivot in light of new information – especially when lives depend on it.
18:41 – Update from Tony Robbins
Levitt, doesn’t really know what he’s doing. It would be better if he learnt basic microbiology and medicine before speaking out. He’s wrong about quite a lot. It’s far from the first disease diagnosed by DNA or RNA — go back at least 35 years. He suggests everyone caught the disease on the Diamond Princess, when the disease was only spreading for three weeks, and then quarantine stopped the spread largely. So the denominator is wrong. He calculates the fatality rate on the Diamond Princess erroneously. The original wu-flu was about ten times worse than normal influenza in feb 2020. It’s a pretty basic error in epidemiology.
Then he makes the classic Swedish mistake — they are the most socially isolated country on Earth – 50% live alone. And they fortify food with vitamin D. What worked for Sweden doesn’t work for London. Comparing countries — crude epidemiology — is the weakest of cause and effect evidence because there are too many confounding factors. And excess deaths are very important, but country by country analysis are frought. Best done on a regional and weekly basis. Higher resolution is the one that counts.
And “deaths” is not the only factor to consider — the virus was a bioweapon… we still don’t know the long term effects on IQ, fertility, mental health. Many of the worrying effects due to vaccine spikes also apply due to the original virus. It was the same spike. What if infections shorten telomeres, thus aging people, or damage cortical thickness (as a recent study shows) or mitochondria? It may seem like “a cold” but repeat waves might be affecting the West — even young healthy people in the long run. Perhaps all the bad stuff has evolved out of Covid, but evolution doesn’t work on the long term problems, usually, only on the short term effects.
As for “lockdowns” — We know long lockdowns with open borders fail hopelessly ( eg. UK, USA, NSW etc) but Short lockdowns with closed borders succeed, eg WA, NZ, NT, Tas, Taiwan etc). And if there were lockdowns with cheap antivirals they could work, perhaps maybe even with Omicron + ivermectin, but we’ll never find out. Lockdowns purely for the purpose of forcing a leaky vaccine on everyone are a crime. The corruption is disgusting. Lets focus on the big issues — borders and anti-virals — forced vaccination.
It’s tempting to grab the easy one-liner “lockdowns never work” but it isn’t true. The tedious reality of microbiology is that lockdowns are a multi-variable bell-curve with a percentage success rate that varies from 0 – 100% depending on 20 different things. Real science is complicated, but over-simplified political simplicity is a trap that serves no one. We wouldn’t accept that in the climate or energy debate.
Reducing microbiology to a one-nil political venture doesn’t help us. If we want to reach “the left” and “the medico’s” (and we do) — we need to get science right first. We need to talk their language and understand the data. Everytime people on the right — with the best of intentions — repeat a line which is obviously scientifically junk — the doctors that we need to reach write them off as idiots.
The scientists who do understand microbiology and medicine are the FLCCC guys, Paul Marik, Kory, Tess Lawrie. Plus Robert Malone. Plus Nikoli Petrovsky. Prof Clancy.
“The original wu-flu was about ten times worse than normal influenza in feb 2020.”
18:41 – Update from Tony Robbins: 99% of people that test positive have no symptoms?
A Fish market in China, China the most polluted country in the world selling fish from the most polluted rivers in the world, could there be a toxin in the fish, does any one do any safety checks?
A virus so deadly that can move through the entirety of society (99% of people have no symptoms or very minor) How do you transmit something with out symptoms?
The virus only kills 86 year olds on average that have 5 comorbidities and have about 2 years to live. How to really prove cause of death when your life expectancy is about 2 years and having 5 to 7 comorbidities?
A virus so deadly privately-run care homes account for about three quarters of covid deaths?
Elderly homes in Australia under fire after high COVID-19 deaths
Elderly people in privately-run care homes account for about three quarters of the country’s COVID-19 deaths.
81% of COVID-19 deaths in Canada from nursing homes
If we have a deadly virus moving through society why have the homeless been spared?
Former deputy chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatsworth says Omicron variant is ‘clearly not’ as threatening as influenza
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (187 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
If you’re new to the topic of “virus isolation/purification”, I strongly recommend that you begin by reading the Statement On Virus Isolation by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and
Sally Fallon Morell, MA:
or watch this 5 minute video from Dr. Cowan.
Way back in BC there was a saying “Think – it might be a new experience”.
Quite a list here that some higher pay grade people ought to read.
“Understand This About War…”
Former deputy chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatsworth says Omicron variant is ‘clearly not’ as threatening as influenza
Dr Nick Coatsworth believes influenza is far more threatening than the Omicron variant for healthy adults and children saying if he was forced to choose which vaccine to give his children he would pick the influenza vaccine “every time”.
“So why mandates if Omicron variant is ‘clearly not’ as threatening as influenza?”
Dr. Peter Breggin, the author of “Covid-19 and the Global Predators,” talks to host Steve Bannon about the U.S. plan to turn medical sovereignty over to the World Health Organization, which is controlled by ther Chinese Communist Party.
Thanks for those posts above Kevin.
It’s hard to avoid the idea that the “data” surrounding the Covid19 issue has been weaponised for some reason beyond
understanding and addressing the real problem.
One important point made by Dr. Levitt was that in New York CV19 was a disease of the unhealthy, and this type of overview is missing. He also mentioned the collateral damage from lockdowns which were ignored by the system.
It’s a strange and difficult world.
I personally suspect that diabetes 2 in the U.S. and New York is a much greater issue but is not spoken about, why?: because there is no VaXXine for it.
Back here Stockholm Syndrome is alive and well, notably in Victoria, where some people seem to hold their domineering President Staircase in high regard for having saved them.
A great video. Follow the money!
All ready for pandemic number “2”
Vote as hard as you can in a rigged system
And so to Australia, where in a week the nation will be forced to vote for the next round of WEF, IMF, WHO imposters to rule over them. Protests were held today in Australia under the audacious banner of ‘sack them all’. While I cannot find fault in the intent and in the truth of the message, the reality is that the election will go the way that the System wants it to go. How can the recent elections in France and the USA not demonstrate otherwise?
Keep in mind in Australia that you are forced to vote by law with increasing fines until you pay up; that those candidates that you are forced to vote for will receive money from the Australian Electoral Commission for every vote they receive; that the money they receive as a reward for getting your votes comes from the tax that you pay as one of the dwindling productive workers in a banking system that simply invents new funds by sticking another few decimal points on a computer screen.
Turn up and be checked off the list at least.
What you scribe on the ballot papers is another matter. 😈😉
Chiefio does a “Fine Sarcastic” here
“The Great Biden Baby Milk Shortage”
“ST. CLAIR: I tried to warn mothers about US formula in 2021 and Twitter ‘fact-checked’ it as ‘misleading’ ”
BOMBSHELL ADMISSION: “They never isolated the virus. That’s the issue” – Dr Wu Zunyou