A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Annual Financial Post Junk Science week.
Junk Science Week: Net-Zero Edition — Ross McKitrick: Junk science has led to junk policies
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This is one of those ” dumb things governments do” categories. Or how the politicians and public servants waste taxpayers money. The Victorian Energy Upgrade scheme had as one of its projects the supply of “climate friendly” fridges to Victorian businesses. A grandiose scheme to reduce carbon emissions from fridges in places like restaurants and cafes. Those of a more cynical mind ( ie. me) could see that this was a bribe to cafes etc who suffered during COVID lockdowns. Anyway, these businesses literally had fridges delivered that they didn’t actually need. David Maddison first mentioned it a few weeks ago. So, during my travels around rural Victoria I would comment to the cafe, mixed business owners regarding these fridges. Mostly, I got eye rolls from the owners. Many of these fridges didn’t actually work! Most shopowners had plugged them in, but generally there was nothing in them. Seriously funny. Anyway, today the proverbial poop has bit the revolving blade. Our illustrious Minister for Energy ( Lily D’ Ambrosio). has ended the scheme. Apparently the firms contracted to supply these fridges realised very quickly that they could make more money from the green certificates associated with the fridges than actually selling them to businesses. So much so, that in most cases they actually just supplied them for free. The more fridges they delivered the more money they made.
Thsnks for the mention, Ross.
It’s even worse than I imagined it was.
The same harvesting of the green certificate goes on with other of Andrews “green” schemes such as LED lighting upgrades, new heating, new a/c, new hot water systems etc..
The amount of money and waste involved is staggering.
No worries DM.
Why HUNDREDS of fridges are showing up on the doorsteps of Australian businesses: ‘They just kept turning up’
– Melbourne businesses are receiving dozens of new fridges they didn’t ask for
– Energy program replaces ageing appliances with more cost-effectives ones
– Contractors are able to make profitable carbon credits by delivering appliances
– Business owners have complained of being stuck with dozens of refrigerator
Of course no prosecutions will follow from these obvious rorts. It will all just disappear. Dear Leader may offer some words of absolutely no consequence to some how “explain” how this happened but will be fixed and look over there a unicorn!
Who buys those certificates?
Another back-door government subsidy I presume.
The meaning of cold war is plain for all to see.
and if you prefer your war hot:
And there we are at NATO, a non NATO member. Wonder if they are trying to get Non NATO parties (little brother) in first?
Albo thinks he is Curtin, a war time footing, then NATO pokes Beijing in the eye with a burnt stick.
Heaven forbid.
They are now poking the bear.
China was able to momentarily separate itself from Australian coal imports and a few other more trivial commodities but it cannot find another supplier of top quality iron ore. That puts Australia first on China’s shopping list while it is stacking its pantry with low cost nations in the Pacific and Africa.
They are looking for fresh cannon fodder.
All the eggs at the supermarket are gone save for a few broken ones.
what next, the Chicken?
Do we find out which goes first instead of which came first?
Meridian wind farm at Ben Lomond near Guyra NSW is cancelled. Great fight by landowners to resist these monsters. Can’t find a link to it.
180 Here it is, cheers
Oops that article is only about the fight to stop the things being built in 2021.
Great to see RESISTANCE to them, hope they have the CAPACITY to take the fight to them.
We are being conditioned to think of electricity as a scarce and luxury commodity and will be thought of as being “selfish” for demanding it.
Next on the agenda, as I keep warning about but no one seems to believe me, will be a war against meat and the heavy promotion of insect consumption for non-Elites.
And expect those “non-meat meat products” aisles to expand aggressively in Supermarkets. The meat industry better step in fast and trademark their brand (meat) to stop these scumbags from using it.
The MLA (Meat and Livestock Australia) was lost long ago, it’s been preparing the grave for the industry. Its compulsory funded by the industry it is destroying.
But we did this to ourselves, farmers scrambled on the free cash green handouts. Seems to be a reoccurring theme.
What is not having enough attention paid to it is the Veroa Mite introduction in Newcastle (thanks KK)
The implications of this is so massive, its the entire food chain. This mite has been in every other country in the world including NZ since they introduced the Europian honey bee, they very succesefully cope with it. The problem seems to be spreading a little to quickly for bee movement, the response is again eradication at all costs, they are killing all the bee’s, burning the hives, including queen bee breeders. Same people. Its a mite 2mm in size not a virus.
They are going to spray wild hives as well
Bee’s polinate most or our crops, these people who are having their hives destroyed run polination services, folow the crops flowering. There is a state wide ban on movement in NSW.
There are treatments available, that don’t harm the Bee’s.
This should be top of the news, this is next years food. This is our energy grid.
Highlighted and then hit comment instead of copying to spellcheck.
The MLA (Meat and Livestock Australia) was lost long ago, it’s been preparing the grave for the industry. Its compulsory funded by the industry it is destroying.
But we did this to ourselves, farmers scrambled on the free cash green handouts. Seems to be a reoccurring theme.
What is not having enough attention paid to it is the Varroa Mite introduction in Newcastle (thanks KK)
The implications of this is so massive, it’s the entire food chain. This mite has been in every other country in the world including NZ since they introduced the European honey bee, they very successfully cope with it. The problem seems to be spreading a little too quickly for bee movement, the response is again eradication at all costs, they are killing all the bee’s, burning the hives, including queen bee breeders. Same people. It’s a mite 2mm in size not a virus.
They are going to spray wild hives as well
Bee’s pollinate most or our crops, these people who are having their hives destroyed run pollination services, follow the crops flowering. There is a state wide ban on movement in NSW.
There are treatments available, that don’t harm the Bee’s.
This should be top of the news, this is next year’s food. This is our energy grid
The food chain is definitely under attack.
In the US there have been a large number of mysterious fires and other incidents at important food processing plants that have put them out of action.
The Leftist “fact checkers” loudly proclaim “nothing to see here” which makes it even more worrisome that it is probably true that something is indeed going on.
This post at Zero Hedge has a list of what you are referring to.
Is it getting a little help maybe, did it come over the wharf in a container marked CCP.
Bugger – Varroa mite is BAD. Let’s hope the NSW authorities can limit its spread. But it was only a matter of time before it found its way to Australia. There are certainly cultural and chemical treatments ( soft and hard) but they add costs to production. Hence, expect the price of honey to increase if there is further outbreaks in this country. But, it shouldn’t be a big surprise to our apiarists. Cross fingers.
This is a weird statement in that link,
Varroa destructor is a distinctive-looking small mite, around 1mm in diameter, and is a parasite of the European honey bee (Apis mellifera) and the Asian honey bee (Apis cerana). Mites are easily identifiable to the naked eye and are a reddish-brown colour. European honey bees infested with varroa are likely to die within 3 to 4 years if left untreated.
Working Bee’s live for 40 to 60 days, they work themselves to death. The Queen can live for 5 years, but if she gets lazy the workers will bump her off and replace her, there is only one queen per hive and bee keepers keep a close eye on her. If the queen dies the hive dies, they have two days to change the gender of an egg to a queen.
Amazing critters bee’s, working with them opens your eyes to nature and what is happening around you.
Ronin, they own that port don’t they?
“The Invisible Rainbow” has chapter on it- Varroa gets blamed for dying colonies as it is the only mite visible to the naked eye. Bees have lived with the mite for hundreds of years, it “shortens their life slightly but causes no obvious sickness.”.
It started with the “Isle of Wight Disease” in the early 1900s when Marconi built his first radio transmitters on the island and the bees began to vanish. Healthy bees imported from the mainland began dying within weeks of arrival. It spread around the world alongside radio transmitters, and several diseases have been put forward and eventually rejected.
In the 1990s it erupted as mobile phone transmitters spread, but plenty of the widespread hive losses showed no signs of any infestations. By ’06-’07 it was a panic worldwide as we introduced G3, or was it G4 then..
Studies have shown that a mobile phone beside a hive will wipe it out, even if only for two 15min periods per day.
So, I’m dying to see if the varroa mite makes any difference to the hive numbers, apart from the obvious fact the DPI will wipe out thousands of hives trying to eradicate it, and then the same again when the next ship comes in..
Maybee the bees should brush with fluoride?
People have been conditioned to voluntary self imprisonment.
Living in the dark and eating bugs probably won’t be a stretch.
Just push the Overton window to ‘self termination is for the common good’ and Decarbonized Utopia is achievable.
There’s Star Trek episode … ‘A Taste of Armageddon’.
The Terminally Civilized Citizen.
The true great achievement of the Reset.
Australia among western nations with highest number of covid cases
Australia has been labelled a “complete flop” for wasting two years on lockdowns only to lead the western world in Covid-19 cases.
An analysis of daily new confirmed cases of coronavirus shows that as of this week Australia’s seven-day rolling average is 1,100 cases per million people.
That is higher than the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Italy, as well as dozens of other western nations.
The European average is just 398 cases per million people.
It is not just the number of cases where Australia is struggling.
Pandemic babies’ with no immunity are ending up in intensive care across Australia with respiratory illnesses
Rising number of ‘pandemic babies’ with no immunity admitted to intensive care
Children presenting with ‘co-infections’ with Covid and other respiratory illness
RSV – respiratory syncytial virus – kills 120,000 young children each year globally
NSW cases have exploded from 355 a week just three weeks ago to 3775 a week
There is no vaccine for RSV but it has almost identical symptoms to flu and Covid
A concerning number of ‘pandemic babies’ with no immunity to respiratory viruses are ending up seriously ill in ICU.
Doctors have revealed children born during the Covid-19 pandemic are requiring intensive care ‘from encountering viruses they haven’t come across before’, such as influenza, RSV and Covid.
The children had been born and raised when there were virtually no other viruses circulating in Australia, other than Covid-19.
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead infectious diseases paediatrician Dr Philip Britton said an analysis of ICU admissions across shows babies are testing positive for influenza and Covid at the same time.
‘Over the last month or so, we have seen four times the admissions to hospital for flu in children as for Covid,’ Dr Britton told The Daily Telegraph.
38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Mass Funeral for Children Who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Held in Switzerland
The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 38,983 fatalities, and 3,530,362 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.
From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,672,872 ) are serious injuries.
Then there’s Germany – spot the vaxxed crowd:
Germany & the BA.5 & COVID injection uptake; it shows systematic demographic differences between East & West Germans
as to COVID injection uptake and now the threatening roar of infectious BA.5 Omicron clade; the map is of triple vaccination rates across GERMANY, the old DDR borders are also evident
What does the future of mankind look like…Schwab et al ruling an empty world?
Fantastic post John.
Just to re-emphasise, here is the original link showing that gullible West Germans are more likely to get covid than sceptical East Germans:
with a further follow up showing the spread of covid with time:
Covid death rate in Australia is roughly 1/8th the death rate in USA, UK and many other developed nations:
Maybe Australians are just stronger stock.
Sunshine -> Vitamin D -> stronger immune system
Cases, you know the thing you have when you haven’t got symptoms.
and maybe there is no uniformity or consistency of accounting for deaths and their assignment to Covid, and comparisons are a nonsense
Based on the official stats, almost every country in our part of the world did better than almost every country in Europe and the Americas. When compared with near neighbours, Australia is not particularly exceptional. These are deaths per million numbers taken from which in turn are mostly just W.H.O. numbers.
174 – Bangladesh
207 – Solomon Islands
237 – Singapore
248 – Japan
262 – Taiwan
371 – Australia
373 – India
396 – Nepal
435 – Vietnam
477 – South Korea
538 – Philippines
561 – Indonesia
1077 – Malaysia
Perhaps there’s room to argue the “official stats” are not 100% accurate, and fair enough there were differences in terms of test availability and ways to ascertain cause of death. There are also differences in population demographics … Japan has more old people, for example. It’s also worth noting that Australia isn’t done yet … we still face approx 60 deaths per day and no signs of that turning around soon. We might finish up down below India and Nepal.
The really bad deaths per million numbers were coming from the Eastern part of the EU. Using Sweden as a reference, because it’s the nearest thing to a control group … you can see the appalling stats coming out of those Baltic and Slavic countries.
1864 – Sweden
3174 – Latvia
3197 – Slovenia
3375 – San Marino
3462 – Romania
3463 – Lithuania
3686 – Slovakia
3751 – Czech Republic
3958 – Croatia
4237 – Georgia
4336 – Montenegro
4475 – North Macedonia
4851 – Hungary
4876 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
5441 – Bulgaria
It’s going to be difficult to blame that outcome on either Trump or Biden, but it does happen to strongly correlate with one particular geographic of the world.
The sicklyness of babies may not be just not enough exposure to bugs. My twin grandsons, now 2, are having multiple colds and fluey bugs that go on for weeks at a time. I worry that their immune systems were damaged when my daughter was vaccinated while breast feeding.
Needless to say, I do not bring this up with my daughter who was sucked in to the scam because she has adrenal insufficiency, a serious life-threatening condition.
Climate Scientist Says Humans Cause Less Than 0.05°C of Global Warming and Warns of “Anarchy” From “Delusional” Net Zero Policies
With Germany scouring the world for supplies of oil and gas and firing up dormant coal power stations, one of its most distinguished atmospheric scientists, Professor Hermann Harde, has castigated politicians for reacting to increasingly shrill climate horror stories and “believing they can save the world”. Many of the research studies and “horror scenarios” are not based on a secure physical foundation, he says, “but rather represent computer games that reflect what was fed in”. The idea that humans can control the climate with their CO2 emissions is said to be an “absolute delusion”.
The tide against all forms of modern lunacy is turning but it will happen soon enough?
(Short answer: no)
“The tide against all forms of modern lunacy is turning but it will happen soon enough?
(Short answer: no)”
It takes a while to turn the Titanic.
Scientists Target a Human Protein To Squash COVID-19 and Other Viruses
In research published today (June 29, 2022) in the journal ACS Infectious Diseases, scientists report that apratoxin S4, an anticancer drug candidate that targets a human protein, can interfere with the replication of many viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A, offering a possible pan-viral therapy.
n the search for new ways to treat COVID-19, various research teams have revisited drugs that are already known to fight other diseases, a strategy called “repurposing.” One such preclinical stage compound is apratoxin S4 (Apra S4), which is a molecule based on a natural product that has anti-cancer activity. Previous studies have shown that apratoxins can target a human protein called Sec61, which ensures that certain proteins are properly glycosylated and folded correctly. Since viruses don’t have their own machinery to do this, they hijack the process and force human cells to make functional viral proteins. Sec61 is essential for the influenza A, HIV and dengue viruses to cause infection, so Hendrik Luesch and colleagues wondered if apratoxins could be a broadly effective, pan-viral medication that could also combat SARS-CoV-2.
And what happens when your own proteins are not folded correctly? Anticancer drugs tend to be toxic.
It is sure to still be under patent protection if it is being pushed.
Scientists discover new potentially dangerous fever strain in Russia’s south
“A new strain of the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) has been discovered in the south of Russia,” the report said.
The study was conducted by the staff of the Sechenov University, the Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute, the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this virus is transmitted to humans mainly by ticks and livestock. It can be transmitted from person to person by contact with blood, secretions or other bodily fluids.
The Sechenov University noted that the main and most dangerous symptom of the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever is internal bleeding, also known as internal hemorrhaging. “The disease itself develops rapidly; in severe cases, sudden liver or lung failure can occur after five days of the illness. Death occurs in about 30% of cases, as early as in the second week of the illness. Different versions of the virus cause various severities of the disease,” the press service added.
I spoke too soon
The shower habits thread
Following on from the other day I dug up some info on the topic.
Quite interesting from both hygiene and energy/environmental perspectives.
Interestingly a lot of people don’t have military-style 3 min showers!
A 5 minute shower consumes the same power as a 60W light globe does in a whole day.
People could potentially save a fair bit but changing their habits. Shower intervals, duration, temperature, water pressure all play a part.
Similarly for kitchen water usage.
I assume the greenies/climate alarmist squad will all only wash once a week to save the planet.

With my dog-like sense of smell I can detect a greenie 100m away
That’s a broad assumption. The water going into my heater would need far less heating than for someone in the deep south and I use a lesser ratio hot/cold.
My 15 minute shower consumes no power at all.
Well obviously it depends on a range of factors but I’d say it’s close to right.
If you want to run a better analysis based on your specific situation then try here (and post your results..):
“A 5 minute shower consumes the same power as a 60W light globe does in a whole day.”
Well, energy anyway!
“With my dog-like sense of smell I can detect a greenie 100m away”
You don’t need a dog like sense of smell. Greenies have a dog like scent!
A Green local council is currently in the process of destroying my suburb in Melbournistan, putting bicycle lanes everywhere and making the streets virtually unnavigable.
I think the West is soon to face its darkest days yet, possibly even worse than WW1 or WW2.
There is a perfect storm of:
-a vast slave army of useful non-thinking idiots of the Left to implement policies of the Elites
-a lack of education of most people about most matters and especially history and science
-a mass belief in the fraud of anthropogenic global warming
-a lack of critical thinking skills
-people having short attention spans
-an acceptance of extreme totalitarian actions by Government as shown during the pandemic
I got to here “-a lack of critical thinking skills” then I drifted off.
Hilarious, you didn’t reach the short attention spans line.
The short attention span thing interested me. I cannot get my young adult grandsons to sit and listen to my explanations of the fallacy of AGW. They are constantly glancing at their phones as I talk and clearly are not absorbing a thing. When I ask them a question after I finish, they cannot recall what I said in any detail. Sad.
Try this PP. Take you grandsons out on a walk where you can see a big proportion of the sky. If you are mathematically minded you can divide the bit of sky into 100 squares. Point straight up and divide the distance to the horizon into 5 equal bits. Do the same the other way and diagonally. So you get an imaginary 10 x 10 quadrat. Each square = 1% of the the sky. Imagine one of those squares and do the same process for that square. Each one of those even smaller squares is now 0.01%. Three ( 3) of those squares is 0.03% or the level of CO2 in the atmosphere pre-industrialisation. Add one (1) more of those itty bitty squares and you have the increase in CO2 since pre- industrialisation. Then ask those sons to look at what other elements in the sky could be contributing to the warming of the atmosphere. Hopefully, they will see sun and clouds. Then compare that little 0.04% allocation to the area of the sun ( dont look at it) and the clouds. I have done that process with high school students – it gets them thinking.
more than mathematically minded I think to achieve this feat
Way beyond your capability, ga, that is for sure.
Increase from just over 3c in $100, to just over 4c in $100..
… in 60 or so years
Way below inflation !
No – from 0.03¢ to 0.04¢ in 60 years, but even lower than inflation!!
I think it’s better that way as a proportion of $1, rather than $100.
Great ideas, everybody above. I will try that (I do like the sky one and my No1 grandson loves going out to Anvil Rock – in the Blue Mountains – where there is a 360 deg view and it would work well there).
The perfect storm has been brewing since China emerged. They are consuming coal at 4bn tonnes per year now and still growing. I expect they will be forecasting resource depletion in China by the end of this decade. still 20 to 30 years to go but it will be harder to get. The other major coal resource countries are Indonesia, USA, Australia and some African nations. China already has solid footing in Africa. Indonesia will happily trade coal. USA and Australia is aiming to lock known resources where they are.
Then there is iron ore. Australia supplies half the world feed to smelters; mostly in China. Australia would be a great prize for China.
So we have the Russian-China nexus wanting stuff Australia has in abundance but making it harder to get. Australia has numpties like NATO who will be struggling to keep people from dying of cold this boreal winter. Their chance of mounting support for anything but nuclear attack on China is negligible. Australia is shaping up to be China’s Ukraine.
Like WW2, the next war be be about access to resources.
“Australia is shaping up to be China’s Ukraine.”
We’ve been America’s Ukraine for the last 70years, taking a lower standard of living while they ride the hog’s back on us, so being China’s poodle wont make any difference.
Why would China want to invade us when its so cheap to buy politicians? For them its even cheap to buy the mines, and you don’t want a trouble-some population in your occupied country that is constantly causing trouble. Just having a giant military base in Darwin and another in Canberra should do it.
At least if China ran this place we would have reliable 24/7 coal-fired electricity and not be worrying about clowns in AEMO and their $12billion power lines!
Hmmmm…….”vassal state” would be probably more to their liking. But even with complicit politicians, they would probably still want to populate with CCP immigrants.
Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Coronavirus for Second Time After Experiencing Paxlovid ‘Rebound’
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, has tested positive for coronavirus two weeks after initially testing positive and getting treatment with Pfizer’s antiviral drug Paxlovid.
The 81-year-old Fauci first caught coronavirus two weeks ago, on June 15. After that, Fauci’s doctors prescribed him Pfizer’s antiviral drug Paxlovid due to age putting him at risk of developing complications.
After finishing his five-day treatment of Paxlovid, Fauci tested negative for coronavirus for three days in a row, but on the fourth day, he again tested positive.
“After I finished the five days of Paxlovid, I reverted to negative on an antigen test for three days in a row,” Fauci said on Tuesday. “And then on the fourth day, just to be absolutely certain, I tested myself again. I reverted back to positive.”
The CDC reportedly told health officials across the country to watch out for the “seemingly rare, but increasingly reported phenomenon” called the Paxlovid rebound last month.
“It was sort of what people are referring to as a Paxlovid rebound,” Fauci added.
I can recommend a better early anti- viral. In fact, one the little imp said was “both a treatment and preventative” way back in the early 2000’s.
Actually, no I have a better idea. Give him a dose of remdesivir. You know, that dud and dangerous drug he approved for use way back in 2020.
He is an Elite so I am a little surprised he didn’t do the usual hypocritical double standard thing and use the effective and safe drugs he banned, e.g. IVM and HCQ according to their proper protocols.
However, I recommend for him molnupiravir which he approved for the rest of us.
Husband was prescribed Paxlovid after contracting very mild Covid (3 days of being “off colour” & negative by Day6) by new young GP. Knowing what was already being reported about Paxlovid, he refused to take it.
GP asked what, if anything, he was taking. Husband proceeded to get him a long list of vitamins & supplements, as well as Aspirin, anti-histamine & his asthma steroid inhaler.
Maybe young fellow learned something. But I doubt it.
I notice the price of olive oil has jumped significantly recently. Seems to be up by 50% or so. Ukraine sunflower oil shortage spillover?
Cant comment, we squeeze our own. Cost $280 dollars for a yield of 72 litres this year so $3.89 a litre. Labour for picking is supplied by family paid for by divying up the oil.
but you did comment in a most self aggrandizing and irrelevant way
“self aggrandizing and irrelevant”
Must be trying to emulate your comments, hey ga.
Sambar’s comment actually had some content, though.
“Self aggrandizing and irrelevant” Seriously?! Really GA.
I think Sambar’s comment most interesting and it reminded me of Cypriot friends who had to book a turn on the village oil press to produce their olive oil. We were taken to see both the traditional and modern presses. I found the smell of the olive oil pretty sickly in such quantities.
These friends also grew the most amazing large black figs on tall-stemmed trees. The figs were the best flavour ever and much appreciated by this ‘fig pig’ and her father. The friends had grubbed out their vineyard in order to plant the figs.
“self aggrandizing” ??
I do have to wonder why ga thinks someone saying they squeeze their own olive oil is “self aggrandizing”.
I guess that ga doesn’t understand the idea of someone actually “doing” something.
Or perhaps she thinks olive oil grows on shelves in supermarkets?
Ukraine sunflower oil shortage spillover?
Cant comment,…
I expected that, and I invested in Cobram Olives about a year ago … they are in every supermarket.
Sadly the share price right now is not looking good, even though they do have a good product and as you say prices are rising. Markets can be irrational at times, that’s for sure … but who gets to define what is rational anyhow?
BP Statistical Review of World Energy
The challenges and uncertainties facing the global energy system are at their greatest for almost 50 years. bp’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2022 reveals that the growing shortages and increasing prices highlight the continuing importance of energy ‘security’ and ‘affordability’ alongside ‘lower carbon’ when addressing the energy trilemma
Energy developments
. Primary energy demand increased by 5.8% in 2021, exceeding 2019 levels by 1.3%.
. Between 2019 and 2021, renewable energy increased by over 8EJ. Consumption of fossil fuels was broadly unchanged.
. Fossil fuels accounted for 82% of primary energy use last year, down from 83% in 2019 and 85% five years ago.
INTERACTIVE CHART The increase in carbon emissions in 2021 was driven by the rebound in economic growth
. Coal prices rose dramatically in 2021, with European prices averaging $121/tonne and the Asian marker price averaging $145/t, its highest since 2008.
. Coal consumption grew over 6% in 2021 to 160 EJ, slightly above 2019 levels and its highest level since 2014.
. China and India accounted for over 70% of the growth in coal demand in 2021, increasing by 3.7 and 2.7 EJ, respectively.
. Global production matched consumption with an increase in supply of 440mt. China and India accounted for much of the increase in production, which was largely consumed domestically, as well as Indonesia, supporting higher exports.
. Notably, both Europe and North America showed an increase in coal consumption in 2021 after nearly 10 years of back-to-back declines.
Renewables, hydro and nuclear energy
Biden’s Energy Crisis
The ongoing world energy crisis… seems to have proven for once and all that energy independence is a matter of national security.
To transition to renewable energy, America would have to transform its energy infrastructure and invest heavily in wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars, all of which require rare earth materials as central components. A single industrial-size wind turbine, for instance, requires about one ton of four different kinds of rare earth materials.
Guess who mines more than 70 % of the world’s rare earth materials, and holds at least 85% of the world’s capacity to process them into materials that manufacturers can use? China. Who produces more than 60% of the world’s solar panels, and 45% of the global supply of solar-grade polysilicon, the base material used in solar cells? China. Moreover, rare earths is not a market that outsiders can simply enter. According to the Danish Institute for International Studies: “China today has the expertise, IP rights and production facilities, as well as its own REE- [rare earth elements] consuming industries. China also manufactures a significant and growing share of goods containing REEs, making it practically impossible for competing companies outside China to get a foothold.”
With China having cornered the markets for rare earth materials and renewable energy, the only way left forward is for the US to edge back from the all-encompassing focus on climate change, and acknowledge that the time is not quite ripe for a transition to renewables.
Instead, the US will have to prioritize energy security and energy independence over environmental concerns as high priority issues of national security. While that limitation may be difficult to accept, the reality, whether one likes it or not, is that doubling down on domestic US production of fossil fuels is the only policy change that will lead the way out of the current energy crisis, while guaranteeing Americans not only affordable energy, but even more importantly, national security.
It’s been on here before, always good to have a refresher.
BlackRock and Aladdin, everyone’s favorite AI.
Caron credits again in the news, keep on producing emissions but buy carbon credits and all is good.
Please explain the purpose other than effectively emissions trading for profit?
Just reported on the 4.00 pm news
Albo has declared that Australia will fill the gap left by Ukraine in the world food and ENERGY suppy chain. He has reportedly said that Australia will “step up” and cover all the short falls and can provide the world with EXTRA energy.
Will this be electrons from windmills? Not bloody likely it will be COAL AND GAS, you know the stuff we aren’t allowed to use because that will destroy the planet.
Broad-acre farming needs a LOT of diesel and urea. Does he know that?
He has been and will be told again but whether he knows it would be questionable
Maybe the new urea/ammonia process with “green” hydrogen will result in some new Australian fertilizer plants
The standalone complex
The Standalone Complex is a phenomenon where unrelated individuals act in a similar manner which creates an appearance of a concerted effort.
As in someone mentions something or does something that attracts the attention of others.
Without communicating specifically with each other, they each act in a manner consistent with that of the original suggestion or action.
This creates the appearance of a concerted effort even though the individuals are unrelated, there is no leader as such and no overall plan.
The so-called hacking group “Anonymous” is an example.
There is NO one group called Anonymous despite popular opinion.
Anonymous describes both individuals AND groups with the same general core activity BUT who wish to remain unknown (anonymous).
The complex covers quite a few “causes” in reality.
Been looking at how Earth’s ocean surface responds to Solar EMR at top of the atmosphere.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhFejQ3jIkeTj5TRb
It is quite evident there is a well defined ocean surface temperature range from -1.8C to 30C.
Rather than Greenhouse Effect I am labelling this the Double Igloo Effect (DIE); Sea ice on water prevens heat loss so average water surface temperature much higher for about 17% of oceans that it would be without sea ice. The atmospheric igloo forms at 30C and prevents further sunlight getting to the surface to drive deep convection.
DIE destines GHE to the rubbish bin of crazy theories and CO2 does zip.
just adding some root words (thus includes suffixes) that you’ve forgotten to use so far.
*got one mention but that is way down on the usual count
“marx, woke, refugee, leftist”
Self-description, ga ?
Spotted another EV parked beside the road today, a Holden Volt. Hadn’t seen an example of this vehicle before. It is not a particularly good-looking jalopy and actually is just a rebadged Chevy Volt from the US. GM no longer make this car.
So they can park these things now can they? EVs are amazing.
Yes, the Volt was so amazing GM stopped manufacturing it.
And a car company stops making a model that isn’t selling? That is an incredible and unique innovation brought in by EVs.
BTW the GM Volt was a hybrid sedan. It gave way to the all electric Volt, so really they stopped making it because they had placed their bets on all electric.
* all electric Bolt
Sounds like you are confusing your bolts with your volts. Hey, it happens.
“So they can park these things now can they”
Just don’t plug them into anything.. Might end up as a charred mess.
The Chevy Volt is not really an EV, it’s a hybrid but you can use it for short trips running on plug-in charge from overnight. As a commuter vehicle in heavy traffic it makes sense, especially if you don’t live too far from the office and if you are also allowed to plug in and charge during the day.
This was all a copy of the Toyota Prius of course, and Toyota was onto that idea several years ahead of GM.
Toyota have expanded their plugable hybrids to include the ever popular Corolla and surprisingly the hybrid versions are not much more expensive than the regular Corolla. I would guess that Toyota are willing to lose some profits short term, and catch it back on selling replacement batteries later on … also they want to ensure they are stay the market leader in hybrids and keep Corolla as a massively popular brand.
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (2021) Australian Energy Statistics show that renewables were producing, nationally, less than 10 percent of the nations’ requirements. It would have been lower, but for the Tasmania’s contribution of almost half from renewables, almost all of which was hydro. But 11-12 years hence, ie, by 2030, we are asked to believe that our new government will achieve a reduction of 43 percent in our carbon dioxide production compared to our 2005 statistics.
So somehow, by 2030, we have to increase our reliance on renewables from less than 10 percent in 2020-21 to 57 percent. Of course, if we allow our aging coal-fired power stations to be abolished, as a result of not replacing them with high-efficiency low-emissions (HELE) installations, the excuse being that they are at the end of their productive lives, the goal will be more-easily achieved, at least in the eyes of the devotees of renewables. However, some of the current non-hydro renewables will by 2030 reach the end of their useful lives. And the more renewables we install going forward, the greater the effect of their withdrawal 20 years downstream as they, in turn, just like coal-fired powerplants, reach the end of their productive lives. The difference is that a coal-fired powerplant has a life two-to-three times that of a solar panel or wind turbine farm.
Additionally, there is the productivity of the non-hydro renewables versus coal or gas energy generators. Can anyone show us any non-hydro renewable powerplant installation that nears its nameplate output over the long-term? Next, there’s the vast real estate necessary to accommodate non-hydro renewables, and their denial of productivity for agriculture and food production. And we’ll also festoon the landscape with further transmission lines to get the energy from the renewables to where it is needed.
Further, there is the major problem of the disposal of non-biodegradable solar panels, batteries and wind turbines.
Finally, and very importantly, we don’t seem to consider that, with all our energy wealth (coal, gas and uranium), we prefer to send our money overseas to purchase solar panels and wind turbines, money which I believe could be better spent at home to our distinct advantage. But hey, we’re saving the planet by reducing our miniscule CO2 generation, while many inhabitants of the same planet generate far greater amounts of CO2 than we do, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future!
It’s much worse than the picture you paint – the 43% reduction in emissions is not only from power generation – it’s the whole box and dice. Here is a repeat of one of my earlier posts to reinforce the task.
Since coming to office, our Government has committed Australia to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 43% from 2005 levels. The following national emissions data is taken from the website:
End March 2005 : 616.6 MtCO2e
End March 2021 : 494.2 MtCO2e
New target 2030 : 351.5 MtCO2e (43% reduction from 2005 levels)
Therefore, a further 142.7 MtCO2e reduction is needed to achieve that target. Emissions in MtCO2e from the main sources for 2021 are summarised below:
Electricity 160.1
Stationary 99.8
Transport 89.5
Agriculture 75.1
Fugitive 48.4
Industrial 32.1
Waste 13.8
LULUCF? -24.7
If they rely entirely on cutting power generation emissions to cover their aim, then goodbye 90% of FF generation and welcome blackouts. Otherwise, they will have to bite seriously into stationary emissions (like natural gas for domestic heating and industry, transport and agriculture to get anywhere near their dream
Nett Zero. What an appalling non science concept, if only in effect.
Australia’s total CO2 output is 3% of the world total of fossil fuel CO2.
Then world fossil fuel CO2 is a tiny 0.83% of the total natural CO2 cycle every year, 6GT out of 720GT
And this 720 Gigatons is still only 0.2% of the total 37,400Gt dissolved under pressure in the vast oceans.
So even if we halve CO2 we are reducing world CO2 by 0.5 of 3% of 0.8% of 0.2% or 0.00002%
And for this State Premiers are blowing up power stations, we are being robbed of $7Bn a year in subsidies
for near useless solar panels and windmills and we are being told to eat insects. Culpa Mea, Culpa Mea, Culpa Maxima Mea.
We cannot apologize enough for our thoughtless and wilful 0.00002% annual alleged increase in free CO2.
Nett zero will save us. Who ever thought a whole planet was so fragile that a 0.00002% change in CO2 is a serious threat?
And as total CO2 has gone up 14% since 1990, total Green cover has also gone up the same 14%, the size of Brazil. So why hasn’t total CO2 gone down?
Isn’t that how Nett Zero works, plant more trees and CO2 goes down? How can CO2 and trees go up simultaenously and by the same amount?
And why do the facts continually contradict the Nett zero theory. The trees are planting themselves furiously, deserts are shrinking and crops are soaring. Clearly the planet must be grateful for our sacrifice of 0.00002%.
The fantasy Green idea of CO2 equilibrium is that the world is so fragile that if you output CO2, you have to pay, grow a tree or sequester the same amount of CO2 or the CO2 will go up. Except that planting trees makes no difference. Therefore the ‘biosphere’ is irrelevant, as if there is a critical shortage of CO2 and also that no matter how many trees you plant CO2 does not go down. Rather more CO2, more trees.
What this means is that CO2 levels have nothing to do with the entire biosphere which is 120x bigger than our tiny 0.83% human contribution. The true source of CO2 must be gigantic. Now could that possibly be the 37,400 gigatons of CO2 freely dissolved in the world’s oceans? And that if temperature goes up, CO2 comes out, as you would expect with soda water? The odd thing is that this seems to be the case, warming the water increases CO2. How unexpected. And trees have absolutely nothing to do with controlling CO2 levels. More CO2 means precisely more trees. If they could, the trees would applaud.
Nett zero. A crazy idea based on non science and raw UN/EU/Chinese opportunism, an idea which breaks all the laws of physical chemistry. But how many politicans have any science at all? Try none.
And why do all the government scientists stay silent? Specifically the CSIRO and NASA who have enthusiastically documented the sensational and massive greening of the whole planet are saying nothing about the obvious implications, so I thought I would mention them. No one else dares.
More windmills anyone?
Recently, i have been hearing the panic on the MSM over future food shortages resulting from climate change/global warming making many current crops unviable or with dramically reduced yeild caused by the higher temperature.
But its odd that modern intensive growers of much of our commercial fruit and veg, employ Heated GREENHOUSES With VERY HIGH LEVELS OF CO2. To boost crop yeilds ?
Isnt that what the warmists are telling us AGW is going to do ?…increase CO2 and temperatures ?
Self defeating argument if ever i have heard one !
“The trees are planting themselves furiously, ”
The missing link in the Qld woodland management policy
I’ve noticed that it is getting harder to get spare parts these days. For instance I can buy the ‘skin’ for a battery powered tool but not the Li-ion battery power source or the spare part for the tractor , lawn mower, car or kitchen appliance. The regular lament of the retailer is that the part has been on order since last year but due to Covid or whatever supply chain hold-up, the part is either unavailable or stuck on some foreign or domestic dock. As to my tractor I was told that the part “could be ordered from the European supplier but forget it because you might not get till next year sometime”. Out of necessity, to keep my tractor functioning, against all odds, I re-enginered and refurbished the part which now works well. But all that aside. The big question: is Australia fast becoming the new Cuba?
I think this is true across many supply chains and I’ve noticed this for things I purchase at home or in the workplace (scientific equipment and reagents). Stock of parts is not being replaced at the rate of demand.
RCMP admits they hack Canadians’ devices to spy on them
In a breathtaking admission, the RCMP say they’ve secretly used spyware on Canadians’ devices to get audio and visual recordings of Canadians without their knowledge.
According to Politico, the RCMP claim they only use such spyware in the most “serious cases,” such as when there are national security concerns. However, this is the first time the RCMP has openly admitted that they infiltrate mobile devices to collect data, despite having access to the technology for years.
Their admission came after a Conservative MP questioned what government programs are used to gather data on Canadians last week.
“This is a kind of capability that they have done everything possible to keep incredibly quiet,” said UofT senior research associate Christopher Parsons.
“This is a remarkable finding and, for the first time, publicly reveals that the RCMP is using spyware to infiltrate mobile devices, as well as the broad capabilities of their spyware.” Parsons continues, saying that many security experts have been aware of these capabilities but that this is the first time the RCMP has admitted it. He added that this “is the cleanest, most straightforward explanation of what they’re capable of doing that I’m aware of.”
Bet one of the people they are monitoring is Tamara Lich.
“According to Politico, the RCMP claim they only use such spyware in the most “serious cases,” ”
With the current Canadian government what odds do you reckon that Tamara Lich was on that list?
But they’re just following the example next door (/s)
“Tucker Carlson Walks Through a List of Political Dissidents the Biden Administration Has Targeted in the Last 18 Months
June 29, 2022 | Sundance | 288 Comments”
This is not new. The system is called “Stingray” and it runs a fake mobile phone base station, which then entices local mobile devices in the general area to jump onto that cell. It’s been used by various Australian police departments since at least 2014. Do not treat any mobile phone as secure.
In a nutshell, the people who enforce the law are somewhat borderline when it comes to obeying the same laws themselves. Call it blue privilege, I guess. However, mobile phones also get hacked by various other non-police entities as well … this sort of stuff goes on.
The Australian media has failed to cover vax death compensation payouts in the UK. A woman has been compensated $120 000 after her husband died from the jab. The death certificate says it was the vax. It’s there for all to see. The BBC covered the story. Surely there is a public interest case for this being covered here.
It looks like only vaccine deaths mentioned on the Mark Stein Show on GB News get the money. Mark was about to invite a vaccine injured Canadian comedian onto the show. BUT HE DIED. Regular Australian guest Alexandra Marshall talked about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in Australia.
RE “sudden adult death syndrome”
What does the obvious sneaky sudden criminal propagandization with their “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” trickery (just like their prior “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” fabrication), in conjunction with TONS of similar obvious evidence, mean really? What does it squarely point to — once again? What is the [snip] implication of all that?
Here’s the answer, here’s what that means…
It means that a mafia network of manipulating psychopaths are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (and that Covid is a major planned crime against humanity), the evidence is overwhelming — The Two Married Pink Elephants in the room
Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the depth of the rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant and play victim like a little child?
Only psychopaths can come up with such immoral criminal fabrications AND implement such unethical atrocities to cover up the massive harm done by Covid “vaccines”!!!
And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath is (see cited source above).
But global rulership by psychopaths is only one part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains because there are two pink elephants in the room… and they’re married (see cited source above).
If you are in the United States and your employer has mandated the toxic/lethal Covid jabs, you can register to receive a free Medical Exemption Certificate
[Zanid, new here? please use CAPS sparingly. Most CAPS words are redundant (try it, you can delete 70% of them without losing content, as I did here). And when it comes to powerful terms like “psychopath” — in calm clinical language, the word speaks for itself. You can bold or italics select words for emphasis. Thanks. -Jo]
Lots of cases pending.
Passing interest at best. Is it significant to Australians in some way?
Oh ok. Is it because it is England?
Significant to anywhere that got conned into taking multiple pseudo-vax jabs.
I did see a brief reference to compensation cases in Australia in response to vaccine injuries, I recall it was on a commercial TV news item, but don’t recall the details – although it did surprise me at the time.
Reality check on ‘renewables’, from Prager U:
~7.5 min video
Sadly, I think it is impossible to align a believer in unreliables with reality.
The Green who blocked the Sydney Harbor Tunnel complained she was given a cheese rather than vegan sandwich while in police custody.
Poor diddums; what did she expect, 4-star hotel service?
We the taxpayers are going to fund renewable energy for Pacific Island neighbours because they cannot afford it, PM Albo has promised during his impress the leaders world tour.
I’d be wanting to see the receipts.
What do you make of this?
Opinions please.
Yes, but every time the vaccinated get sick, they thank the vaccine for not dying.
Exactly the response I had from a family member re. my mother who had a nasty dose recently (nearly 100 and quadruple vaxxed). My mother is now very frail.
Geert Vanden Bossche consistently assures the unvaccinated that they should not worry about these new waves of Covid and the new variants as their immune response should be strong and protective. Although I don’t quite understand the rationale.
Vicki, if you are healthy with your immune system intact and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine you should not worry about any variants of covid. The injections are destroying people’s immune response, and are aiding and abetting the virus. The more injections the less your immune system is able to get on top of the virus. The virus has mutated so much the injection which was developed for the Wuhan strain is now not fit for purpose.
You may have already come into contact with Covid and had two or three days of just feeling off or tired, you wouldn’t know without a test.
Australia now has all these Covid cases AFTER everyone was double vaxxed. My triple vaxxed midwife daughter came down with Covid, she was bedridden for five weeks and the sickest she had been in her life. It was three months before she was strong enough to go back to work. Her response was ‘good thing I was vaxxed or I might have died’. – she nearly did.
Reply to Turtle at post #29 above.
Here is a link about the compensation payout for the vaccine related death in the UK.
The first of many?
I just happened to see a video clip of Gillard referring to Tony Abbott as a misogynist.
Tony Abbott clearly wasn’t, but what a horrible, nasty misandrist Gillard was.
Its things like Gillard that make “woman” hard to define !
Harridan, harpie, virago, termagant.
All those; she sure never spoke for me.
US Supreme Court curbs EPA authority over CO2 emissions.
“Agencies have only those powers given to them by Congress,” Roberts wrote. “The agency … must point to ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the power it claims.”
“Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible ‘solution to the crisis of the day,’” Roberts wrote, “But it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme.”
As the RET says, there are ‘approved’ sources of power and ‘not approved’. Those not approved produce CO2, so gas, oil, diesel, petrol, wood, biomass, everything really other than nuclear which has no ’emissions’ at all!
So the entire focus of the massive UN led attack on Western democracies is (black) coal and oil but they will be coming for gas soon enough. And then that other ‘greenhouse’ gas, methane. So goodbye cows, horses, pigs, camels, elephants, rhinoceri, kangaroos. Then cellulose eating insects which process wood, especially termites. And Australia is a terrible offender.
China however gets a free hand in all this because it is a backward, struggling, developing country, barely able to put a lander on the far side of the moon. A Climate victim in fact, receiving carbon cash. And Australia under world leader Albanese will help power and feed the entire world, while getting rid of oil, coal, gas, cows and termites. They just have to go. Australia will thrive on wind and hot air from Canberra.
And according to billionaire Andrew Forrest who made his fortune in the CO2 producing industry, we will throw away half the energy of natural gas and hide the CO2 somehow in a new world of hydrogen at -253C, just 20C above absolute zero. Should be cheap enough.
Fertilizer made from gas though will have to go, as demonstrated by starving but organic Sri Lanka.
This modern world where governments enforce National self harm is making totalitarianism look preferable, but perhaps that’s the idea?
It’s certainly the effective result of Turnbull/Teal progressive Liberalism and Trotsky extremism. Albanese’s pronouncements are as profound as his humility as leader of the free world. How many weeks has he been in the job? And when is he coming home?
Brilliant comment TdeF, worthy of being framed!
And when is he coming home?”
I was going to say, I hope never, but then every day he remains over there and tempted to give away our nation’s wealth to freeloaders is another billion deeper in debt to Chyna.
This a big deal. It is Uuge! Not only concerning climate/energy policy, but it imasculates the Administrative State, or The Swamp, across the board. Even if Trump does not return from exile he still did great good by re-anchoring SCOTUS to Constitution.
Scotus just, and correctly, cut the legs out from under the the new green deal, Paris, and the endangerment finding.
As Scott Adams pointed out, Trump is having a great second term.
Add that to this list
“Scott Adams
So far, Trump’s second term has been a huge success. He has several major SCOTUS victories, looks better than ever compared to Biden, and the Jan6 theater just went full Jussie. You can’t win harder than that.”
From the string here
US Supreme Court clipped the wings of the EPA not letting they regulate coal and gas towards net zero.
They said that must be done legislatively. However, 3 on the court dissenting quota the greens talking points and even referenced the consensus and UN. Assessment #6.
Do you know about a potentislly huge fraud lawsuit against Pfizer over their covid vaccine?
It’s mostly suppressed in the Lamestream media and censored on social(ist) media. (11 mins)
Dr. Vladimir ‘Zev’ Zelenko passes away, 30 June 2022.
Terrible tragedy.
Very sad to hear that. Thankyou Dr ‘Zev’ Zelenko for what you did for us all. RIP.
It’s no good complaining now, Australia, we voted for it. We knew full well that regardless of the political colour “carbon neutrality” was our future and we did this with the full knowledge that both Europe and the USA were in a climate crisis because of inane renewable energy policies! As far as “what if the enemy attacks at night” worry no more the enemy has already arrived in the shape of solar panels and windmills from China!
Some figures from another site
A US coal plant 3800 psi steam, 3600 MW output
“When they have us slow down it is like running your lawnmower with the choke on. Things don’t run well.”
I’ll add this as it appears to relate.
‘US Supreme Court rules government can’t unilaterally force power plants to cut their carbon dioxide emissions, defanging the Environmental Protection Agency.’ (OZ)
“Far too much smoke for there not to be a fire”
More at
Sums up every Public Service in Australia at Federal/State/Territory/Local Government
As of June 2021, NZTA employed about 2,081 staff. That figure was 1,372 only four years earlier.
Staff growth at NZTA did not mainly take place on the frontline. HR workers went from 57 to 122 full-time equivalents; managers from 214 to 456; accountants from 44 to 66; admin staff from 307 to 485; and communications officers from 32 to 88. None of those mentioned above will ever install a bollard, put up a road sign, or fix a pothole.
NZTA is symptomatic of a much wider problem in New Zealand, even though it is only a small puzzle piece. Faced with a serious problem, the government sets an ambitious long-term goal. It then launches massive public relations campaigns. Following that, it blows up the bureaucracy but fails on deliverables.
It is the same story in practically every major policy area.
“Expensive stationary objects”
And the original Parkinson’s Law
Dr Zelenco died today. A true hero – RIP.
Right now wind and solar is accounting for a massive 13% of the NEM , why that’s practically powering the whole country . (Sarc if needed).
“And The Winner Is, Germany!”
The first to hit “The Power Wall”
Great result in the USA courts
“Kerry the Climate Czar?”