Don’t wait for your government Newspeak channel to tell you
On Twitter #Netherlands, massive protests are underway. Farmers have been told to shut farms to reduce nitrogen emissions and they’ve taken to the streets. (It’s not clear if this is purely about fertilizer runoff, or climate change as well.) The word is that supermarket shelves are emptying fast, roads are blocked, but that 75% of the public generally support the farmers and are joining in on foot in some places. Farmers are dumping hay bales in the streets and spraying manure on government offices. There are claims (with footage) that the Dutch government has brought in armored vehicles and is using tear gas. Some video allegedly shows masked police zero in on single peaceful protestors and pull them out.
Now ANOTHER crisis hits EU! Hundreds of tractors block the German/Netherlands border
FARMERS in the Netherlands have staged a huge protest with thousands of tractors lining up to block the German/Netherlands border in campaign against the government’s controversial nitrogen policy.
Protestors demonstrated in front of several public buildings with manure and slurry after politicians voted on proposals to slash emissions of damaging pollutants, a plan which could force farmers to cut their livestock herds or stop working altogether. Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Government says the emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia, which livestock produce, must be drastically cut back close to nature areas, which are part of a network of protected habitats for endangered plants and wildlife stretching across the EU.
Dutch farmers turned out in their thousands to speak out against the World Economic Forum (WEF) climate change policies of their government.
There’s a food crisis brewing, but you wouldn’t know it with the way the European bureaucracy is behaving.
Dutch farmers – who sit as the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world and largest meat exporter in Europe – have brought the Netherlands to a standstill, protesting against Climate Change regulations.
The newly elected government has set up a 55-60 per cent emissions goal by 2030, 70 per cent by 2035, and 80 per cent at 2040. To meet these arbitrary climate targets, they have created a self-inflicted disaster that will see the government drag its agricultural sector up the temple stairs, tear it to bits, and let whatever bloody stumps are left to tumble down the steps for the pleasure of the United Nations climate gods.
Farms which have been feeding the world for hundreds of years are going to be unceremoniously shut and their owners ruined because a couple of bureaucrats decided they didn’t like the nitrogen and ammonia emissions produced by growing food.
The press have attempted to demonise farmers for defying the EU’s virtuous green push – but the Dutch people aren’t listening, with support for farmers still over 75 per cent.

Dutch #Farmers have completely disrupted the food distribution in the #Netherlands in just a couple hours, to stop the crazy strict climate change policies of the Dutch government.
They are ready to keep the blockade for days! #boereninopstand #boerenprotest #FarmerProtests— FBE Capital (@FinanceBanking9) July 4, 2022
Popular support in the #Netherlands for the Dutch farmers.
The People of Eindhoven have joined the protest.#boerenprotest #Boerenopstand
— The International Minimal State (@theIntlMS) July 3, 2022
The Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to “save the planet.” You have to see this:— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) July 2, 2022
h/t Tonyb, another Ian.
Here is Tony Heller’s take on this subject: The Creed Of Slaves
I don’t think this is about nitrous oxide but nitrates accumulating in the soil. In intensive agriculture this can be a problem. That been said is only part of the greater politics behind it.
There is definitely “something in the water”!
Have none of these government psychotics ever heard of legumes?
Ya’ know; plants that extract NITROGEN from the atmosphere and “fix” it in nodules for later use in plant growth.
Is NOBODY else aware that this process is harnessed by farmers by ploughing in mature legume crops before planting a different crop.
And how do these loonies cope with the simple fact that Nitrogen GAS makes up almost EIGHTY percent of the Earth’s atmosphere?
Who owns the soil? I don’t remember the land being sold to the EU.
RicDre (and many others). The belief / assertion that ‘most of the public are duped’ is the weak link in all these kinda worries. It’s almost entirely based on believing what govt tells us: what the rump-media tells us….etc etc….and it should not be accepted at face value…ever.
OK, so IF the public is actually in line with govt BS, then there would be no need for the endless 24/7 lying the govt employs to “get us / keep us on side”. IF the public actually believed govt BS there would not be a mass exodus of premiers and ministers and health officials as the threat of investigations into Covid19 lies looms. IF 90-95% of the citizenry were actually mRNA gene-jabbed (for example) the Comm Govt would not have neede3d 51 million doses of Novavax to “overcome vax hesistancy” (their actual words) since the alleged 5% holding out (say 1 million) would require 2-3 million doses, NOT seventeen times that number.
As for “Climate Change” I see practically NO electric vehicles. I see airports jammed with holiday-makers. I see cruise ships re-appearing from every corner. I see HUGE DEMAND for fossil-fuels of every kind. And then I read that ‘we” believe in the climate crisis on our doorstep. WHAT?
Nope. The citizenry are way smarter than the govt and press present them to be. stop denigrating the average joe when that is exactly what the fascist “divide and conquer” ruse is all about!
BTW: Tony Heller’s site Real Climate Science is generally excellent.
And yet, we keep voting the warmenists in. So, maybe not all THAT smart?
[…] Dutch Farmers mass protest with tractors against regulations that will reduce farms and food […]
Sire! The peasants are revolting!
You said it, they stink on ice.
Is there any way of shutting off food supplies to members of the WEF?
They always seem to live “high on the hog” and it might do them some good to see the consequences of the policies that they are pushing forward.
Hogs will soon be off everyone’s menu!
This destruction of farming has been happening quietly in the UK for several years, with farmers getting paid to not produce food, since wild flowers are so much more important. You might think that there would be regrets from those who opted for the re-wilding payments, after recent food price increases, but food prices are kept in check by supermarkets, whereas the costs of fertilizer and diesel for tractors have gone through the roof. Bans on pesticides have forced seeds to be sown at depth, which has increased the need for tractors.
The current Dutch situation appears to be about an EU one-size-fits-none limit on nitrogen “pollution” of land deemed to be nature reserves, but it all comes back to the Green blob stranglehold on farming and on the media.
Let them eat organic cake.
Famine seems like something that happens in far away places or a long time ago, but it is a very real threat. It is a far greater threat than some fancifal-imaginary effects from 1/2 degree of warming a hundred years from now. The anti agriculture and anti fossil fuels policies of the greens, which is a religion being forced on the people, can end up killing millions. And it can hapen fast.
When I was a starving university student I got a job driving a tractor for a farmer. The tractor pulled a large plow preparing land to be planted. It consumed about 100 gal of diesel per hour. The tractor operated 24/7 during the planting season, and then it would operate 24/7 during the harvest season. When I finished my shift, another tractor driver fueled up the tractor and climbed aboard. There is no way that W&S can provide that amount of energy. The density just isn’t there. The cost of off road diesel back then was about 88 cents per gal. Modern agriculture depends on fossil fuels. The high productivity and efficiency of modern agriculture would not be possible without relatively cheap fossil fuels. A war on fossil fuels is a war on agriculture, which is a war on humanity, and that my friends in grossly immoral.
The result of green policies against fossil fuels driving up the price of diesel and fertilizers could be disasterious. Farmers can not afford to fertilize this year. Fertlizing is not something you can do part way. If you don’t use enough to have enough nitrogen and phos, and so forth, available to the plants you might as well not fertilize at all. It’s an all or nothing proposition. The amount of land planted in N America farm land is down as much as 20% this year.
Things could get bad.
They’re thirsty, but not that thirsty.
10 gallons/hour would be closer to the mark for 250 horsepower.
btw, I misread the first sentence as “Farming seems like something that happens in far away places or a long time ago”
Sri Lankan government is currently back pedalling on its ban on fertilisers.
Meantime closer to your home which you may have heard about Bill Gates.
Do you want water with your life?
When the yields drop in the near future it will be blamed on climate change. Just like the electricity crisis is blamed on coal power!
So why does the Gov. policy continue to be tolerated? This tells us that democracy is not alive and well.
Most Western countries are not democracies or even representative democracies. They are minocracies. Here is the definition from Urban Dictionary.
Is a system of social imbalance where a minority (or many minority groups) dictate and set the rules for the majority to follow.
[…] facing a genuine existential threat, push back. And the public is on side while the government shows its ugly […]
“In a short video released today, the farmers caught Dutch police units disguising themselves as farmers and infiltrating the protest. According to independent journalists who were recording the events, the plain clothes units were agitating for violence, a tactic to initiate a heavy-handed government response.”
“Undercover police tried to infiltrate the Dutch farmers protest but they got caught”
Shades of Vicpol pepper spraying old ladies.
Shades of FBI and Jan 6th at the Capitol building
The Reagan deal with Russia which brought down the wall was that Russia would not be surrounded by enemies, especially NATO. Every country in Europe invaded or fought Russia for the previous 200 years.
And it was the particular threat for Ukraine to join NATO which has been a major motivator in the modern intervention. Now Finland and Sweden are joining NATO. Nigel Farage is warning of the potential dire consequences not least for world peace. And the US is supplying major weapons. Even Australia is taking sides in a war in which it has no interest. We just pledged another $100Million and to stay the course. Why?
The picture painted by the press is that the only problem is Russian aggression when this major civil war has been going on for a decade, Russian on Russian. And the Biden family are in this.
However the implications for food are profound. The #1 exporter of wheat in the world is Russia. The #3 exporter of wheat is Ukraine.
Now the EU decides to confront their own farmers. Why? Is this accidental? Lack of gas means lack of fertilizer anyway, made from Russian gas. It’s a very bad time to pick a fight with your own farmers, so why now in the middle of a world food shortage caused by the war in Ukraine?
None of this is accidental. Attacking the nuclear armed neighbour who supplies your heating, your energy and even your food has consequences.
And for the EU to attack their own farmers in mid summer in a short single growing season is calculated, not accidental.
Not everyone wants peace. And the timing is suspicious. The real threat to an EU world government run by Germany and France (remember them?) is Russia. And they are forcing Russia into an open alliance with China, which is extremely dangerous. This is all too much.
Maybe the popular revolt by Dutch farmers will stop the insanity. I doubt it. Sure Climate Change is drivel, but it gives the EU the official excuse to create mayhem. These pan national would be global Governments of the EU/UN/China and the US are at war again, a cold war or a war about cold makes no difference. And a war not only with Russia, but on their own people. Bureaucrats in Brussels, Stuttgart, Paris and Berlin plotting world conquest, as always. And we have been there before in 1812, 1855, 1870, 1914, 1939 and Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan and Syria and now Ukraine.
This is not about Climate Change any more than the Crimean war was about the keys to the Holy City of Jerusalem. These are the excuses used by warmongers, the backroom plotters and the politicians. And the Biden family have been up to their necks in the mess in Ukraine for the last decade.
Well worth the read!
Your first paragraph. You are aware of Peter the greats expansion and that st Petersburg was once in Sweden?
That they had a pact with hitle* and carved up parts of Europe at that time, then after the war forcibly held eastern europe in its grasp and to this day has an enclave carved out of Prussia adjoining Poland. Russia has certainly not been angels and many countries in Europe justifiably went to war with Russia to curb its territorial ambitions. Russia then has had three goes at Ukraine in 2914 and carved up Georgia whilst imposing its system on Belarus.
Another interesting perspective. It seems that things are rarely simple.
Siberia was also not Russian territory. Look at native Siberians, they are Asiatics not Slavs. Russian hunters and traders in search of highly profitable furs moved eastward into Siberia and annexed it. Russia has always been expansionist. Interestingly a standalone Siberia would be the largest country in the world by land area. Moscow will allow no autonomy there. Putin personally selects the governors of all Russian provinces. What is the Kremlin so fearful of?
And you’re aware the sun never set on the British Empire? Or that all of Africa bar Ethiopia was colonized by Europeans? Or that Opium was used to subjugate China?
Look too at native Americans and Australians. Why do they speak English, French, Spanish and Portuguese?
Yes, thank you. I have traveled around Russia and Ukraine and more and well versed in the history. There is so much more. The Times History Maps of the last 1,000 years are amazing, even if they are now out of print. Countries all grow and shrink and even move. And there were so many players. But the Great Powers in the West have always schemed to undermine the empires and they succeeded in destroying the Ottoman empire, the Mughal empire and steamrolled the South Americans and Africans. Russia has been a problem though and Germany’s master stroke after WW1 was to send Lenin back to Petrograd and started the disastrous civil war, about which few people know much. And out of that came Trotsky and Stalin.
Our new Prime Minister is an avowed communist “Trot” since early days and cannot believe he is on the big stage with Russia, Germany, France and Britain. Who needs to worry about the floods. He is solving world problems. And when Morrison took a holiday during the last floods, he was pilloried. Albanese has barely had his feet on the ground from Indonesia to Ukraine and Fiji next week. I hope he received his travelling pyjamas. As foreign minister, Bob Carr hit the roof when Qantas ran out of first class pyjamas.
But the extreme left are using the press to create these fake crises and the Ukraine is anything but fake even if we are not told the real story. BLM, Defund the Police, Racial Equity, Gender, Climate Change. All fake. And Biden is using the war to distract from the escalating conflict with China and still doing everything possible to skewer Trump. Are we up to impeachment #3? Even after Trump has left office? As I have written before, the one who should be impeached is the feckless geriatric sock puppet Biden.
And Global Cooling is underway, not Global Warming. Is there nothing 0.04% CO2 cannot do?
The human origin percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.0012%
Nature is 0.0388%
I regret to say this, but we are insignificant.
PM Anthony Over-Seazy?
“Even Australia is taking sides in a war in which it has no interest. We just pledged another $100Million and to stay the course. Why?”
Even our moron in chief had to have a squiz there, why, it’s got nothing to do with us except for a handful of Ukraine immigrants living here.
Just stay the hell out of it.
At least our MIC had the good sense to keep his suit on, unlike the host in his camo T shirt.
With short sleeves.
It is sickening to watch the actor, Wvlyodomire, strutting the world stage begging for international “assistance” while at home his countrymen are being mashed; he’s using their plight as a tool, and that’s what he is.
Perhaps one single fact sums up the current Ukraine situation; the ruling elite were partners with the O’Bidens.
No Ruling Elites were damaged in this war; only the innocent have been sacrificed.
Excessive nitrates in water supplies are a huge problem for the Netherlands. It causes toxic algal blooms, blue baby syndrome, and there is evidence of increased cancer risk. The only practical solution is reduced stocking levels.
And they will probably cause things like the dams never filling again?
I saw two blue babies last week being pushed around by their father. Must have been twins.
Bloody nitrogen again.
Not sure whether the link will work but try it.
And please, could you inform A Schwab of this development.
Yeah, take draconian steps that result in mass farmer protest.
Co-operative and inclusive
You forgot to blame Trump.
Reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution.
Central committee dictates to the farmer peasants that actually know how things work.
Unsurprised you approve.
You have to remember Simon, that degradation of the environment is fine if it keeps costs down. That is one of the main tenants of this blog.
[One day Peter, we’d like just like it if you read my blog. Then you’d know what you were talking about. – Jo]
That’s a green tick for Jo’s comment, BTW.
I doubt Peter Fitzroy has the ability to comprehend anything – and that extends to the mindless tripe he regurgitates here. To him it’s a religion. Faith based delusion.
I’ve must done the same.
Cheers Jo,
Dave B
Perhaps you meant TENETS and not TENANTS. I don’t pay rent to this site.
He can’t comprehend the difference.
It’s not about nitrogenous run-off Simon.
The claim is that “nitrogen” is a “greenhouse gas”.
Even though your comrades are scientifically illiterate and they mean nitrous oxide, they are still wrong.
Simon, did you know that nitrogen compromises 78% of the atmosphere by volume? You can impress your Leftoid comrades with that little factoid.
Silly strawman argument. N2 is not a greenhouse gas. CH4 and NO2 are.
You forgot water vapour, by far the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.
Simon, not a strawman argument at all.
Your side are now fighting against nitrogen.
If they weren’t scientifically illiterate they would say what they meant.
No one I know calls any oxide of nitrogen, “nitrogen”. To do so would mean they are scientifically illiterate.
I believe they were told to say nitrous oxide, N2O is a greenhouse gas. BTW, are you now also claiming NO2 is a “greenhouse gas”? Or did you mean N2O?
And why do your kind call carbon dioxide, carbon?
No one I know calls any oxide of carbon, “carbon”. To do so would mean they are scientifically illiterate.
The anti-energy Left are clueless and scientifically illiterate and have no idea, whatsoever, about what they are talking about.
The BBC is/was spruiking a “breakthrough” in storage for renewables.
sand battery in Finland with 100 tons of (builder’s) sand in a silo, presumably insulated because they claim it stores clean green electicity as heat at 500℃.
Do check out the gushing responses by the Green minded (like Simon & Peter F) and a few from those who know something.
My goodness!
The sand is heated electrically!
The round trip efficiency must be appalling!
The BBC jourmalist says”Can it store electricity as well as heat?”
In theory yes, but with only 500℃ maximum to play with, it would be less efficient than standard coal plants, let alone newer ones.
The trick is “storage for renewables” which triggers certain people into happiness, usually those with no knowledge of reality.
“Excessive nitrates in water supplies are a huge problem for the Netherlands. It causes toxic algal blooms, blue baby syndrome.”
Does it cause them to become Smurfs.?
And the solution is to starve people. Yes, that sounds like a reasonable response Simon.
The Netherlands has an ongoing project managing nitrogen and nitrates which reports to the EU parliament every four years
The top conclusions in last year’s report:-
A problem, but not a huge problem.
The justification for the Netherland Government extreme actions against farmers is unclear.
Decades of leftist activism and media hype mean the entire West is Rutte’d.
The new skill of “verbalism” is now at peak efficiency. Almost any situation can be verbalised to infer the opposite of the truth.
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Trump is responsible for all the Nitrogen problems and that this was further confirmed when a “swabb” of his hands proved positive for Nitrogen.
We live, or survive, in dangerous times.
It is the nature of evil to state the opposite of the truth as the truth:
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who say of the evil that it is good and of the good that it is evil; who present darkness as light and light as darkness, who present bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter.
Isaiah 5:21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and in their own estimation, of profound understanding.
No doubt that exactly the same nonsense will kick off in Australia within a couple of weeks.
WEF indoctrinated MPs are rife in the Liberal Party, which means there are twice as many committed WEF 5th columnists in the Labor Party.
They’ll be targeting the cattle & sheep farmers as usual & now the targets will include all agriculture.
Time for eradication of WEF.
“Time for eradication of WEF.”
Could they be ploughed in; there would be the side benefit of so many fertilising agents to enhance the next crop.
Anyone calculated the CO2 emissions from Davos ??
I think their emissions are more poisonous than that.
Dave B
Already started. The shire that I live in has a “Climate Change” policy and the biggest emmiters are the farmers. As stated in their own documents “we are looking at ways that these emissions can be controlled”. And of course our own dear leader Dick Tator Dan has just met with that renowned agronomist Jacinda Ardern. She has explained to dear leader her plans for curtailing Aotearoas farming emmissions with a carbon tax. That will work every time.
Farming and tourism are the only industries NZ has aside from exporting people to Australia and the UK. Not a smart idea to hamstring both by increasing their cost structure. But then, Ardern was President of the Young International Socialists. Who are really Communists in a not very effective disguise. None of these wannabe commissars could run a corner bakery, but that doesn’t stop them thinking they can run the world. Heil Schwab-ler!
Dutch Farmers lead the way back to REALITY! No Government finger will plug this dyke. This is a self-inflicted wound in an egregious effort to appease the UN/WEF climate change, Gods!
“It’s Happening! The NETHERLANDS”
Very good and short video.
I can’t wait for the first Leftoid to proclaim:
“Where’s your tin foil hat?”
Tony Heller comments about this.
Just like how most ignorant Leftists refer to carbon dioxide as “carbon” (sic), they refer to nitrous oxide as “nitrogen” (sic).
They are so profoundly scientifically illiterate that they don’t even know what they seek to ban.
Expect to see other governments follow. Especially Australia’s. We take the stupid ideas of others and make them even more stupid. Under Madam Comrade Jacinda, NZ is in the process of shutting down its meat industry.
It’s ultimately all about the war against meat. They want us non-Elites to eat insects but are first conditioning us with synthetic “meat”. And guess who’s invested on that? Tony Heller explains.
Remember the movie Soylent Green?
As I have previously mentioned, McDonald’s already has a “McPlant” burger made with synthetic “meat”.
This is part of the conditioning process away from real meat.
Because real meat is for the Elites.
There is more profit in fake meat.
This might win the prize for ‘Stupid Question of the Day’ but – why are food shortages being deliberately caused?
My first guess is “Because farming bad!”. But the civil unrest would be massive, however, massive civil unrest is also just the reason Governments need to suspend democracy and use martial law for ‘your own good and to restore order’ but of course, democracy would never return. Is the reason to make meat ludicrously expensive and thus force people to eat bugs as the only source of protein? Or are food shortages more about reducing populations in 3rd world nations?
Oh – and Foot and Mouth disease has suddenly been found in Indonesia. If it gets to Australia, all cattle anywhere within a fairly wide radius will have to be slaughtered. Hmmmmm…
Canada has already established a manufacturing plant for insects for human consumption.
And Canada is possibly even more Leftist than Australia and Europe.
Trudeau is a card-carrying globalist stooge.
David >…most ignorant Leftists refer to carbon dioxide as “carbon”
The Liberal Left Radio NZ (RNZ) briefly mentioned “commercial carbon dioxide” in an article today. Strictly limited to one sentence though without elaboration as to why and how it is used so widely in NZ and what implications a shortage has for food production:
An inconvenient truth:
Awkward for the anti-“carbon” clique.
A look to our future.
Video clip. 28 sec.
Mixed up in this most likely
“A message from a man who thinks he’s the boss of the world.”
“Video Resurfaces of Dutch Secret Police Caught Pretending to Be Farmers, Flee to Nearby Police Van as Farmers Chase
July 5, 2022 | Sundance | 138 Comments”
Hi Dave in the states
This old miner has operated D9 dozers, excavators etc and used less than 250l of diesel in an 8 hr day even when ripping caprock. Maybe we aussies are a gentler mob?
Dave in Aussie
The Aztecs sacrificed children to the weather gods now we sacrifice industry to the climate gods.
Just shows how far the human race has progressed.
It’s completely consistent with the pagan idolatrous views of much of the Left. But ultimately children are still being sacrificed due to planned energy poverty and deliberate destruction of the food supply etc..
The Dutch prime minister is a WEF stooge. A cookie cutter globalist.
Perhaps in Australia we should revert to traditional “superior” indigenous farming practices of “firestick farming”?
Just devastate an area with fire, destroy all the non-fire resistant species, move on and repeat.
Should be good for supporting a few hundred thousand people. The rest just die of starvation.
Actually, “fire-stick farming” doesn’t destroy non-fire-resistant species, or rather, that’s not its main effect. It favours grasses over gum trees, and provides much more open and less fire-prone areas. The gum forests are way thicker now that we have stopped the fire-sticks, and our fire hazard level is consequently way higher. I think we could learn a lot if we looked at past practices with an open mind not with the ubiquitous ideological mind.
The non-fire resistant species are already long extinct because of this practice. That’s why Australia has relatively few species of trees apart from eucalyptus.
My understanding is that in Australia non-fire-resistant trees were mostly wiped out by eucalypts, using fire. Not by fire-sticks which came much later. The process is on-going in Tasmania now, where the eucalypts are gradually swallowing up the Tarkine rainforest, again using fire.
“Australia has a tree flora dominated by a single genus, Eucalyptus, and related Myrtaceae. A unique mechanism in Myrtaceae for enduring and recovering from fire damage likely resulted in this dominance.”
I should have included the next sentences in the quote:
“Here, we find a conserved phylogenetic relationship between post-fire resprouting (epicormic) anatomy and biome evolution, dating from 60 to 62 Ma, in the earliest Palaeogene. Thus, fire-dependent communities likely existed 50 million years earlier than previously thought.”.
This fits around this area (IMO)
“You’re Not Going To Like This….”
Very good.
A partial counter:
Well, that failed. Again:
Alas, Luddites ‘R Us.
You vill eat ze bugs! It all ties in with the war on meat. Organic eye fillet $75 a kilo at the local IGA, sorry, Supa IGA. It doesn’t exactly fly off the shelves.
The Globalists are now engaged in a war to preclude non-Elites access to:
1) Energy
2) Food
3) Freedom via covid restrictions and dictatorial laws put in place but never removed plus the move to fully digital currency so everyone can be traced and tracked and rationing enforced.
4) Health via compulsion to use possibly dangerous, expensive and ineffective Big Pharma drugs to the exclusion of safe, effective and inexpensive ones. Your body is under control of the State, not you. No bodily integrity for free thinkers. (Mutilating transgender surgeries of children are OK by the Elites however.)
Another example: The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
“It’s not clear if this is purely about fertilizer runoff, or climate change as well.”
I am from the Netherlands. Let me try to clarify a few things.
Of course, it is not about nitrogen. The air we breathe contains about 80% nitrogen. Adding a bit extra N2 via whatever way will not change munch. It is about a few nitrogen compounds; in particular NH3 and NOx.
NH3 is produced by farm animals. It is also a fertilizer. If there is too much NH3 (indeed what is too much?), some plants (e.g. poison ivy) will grow much faster than others (e.g. nice flowers). It can have a big impact on the growth of other plants. It could negatively impact biodiversity.
The farmers are angry for various reasons:
– for years the EU has set limits on NH3 (and NOx). The Dutch farmers for the past 6 years have been complying with the NH3 rules. However, the Dutch government has made the rules 40x tighter than the EU rules. Neighboring Germany which has not tightened the rules, does not have an NH3 issue. No other EU country is. No other country in the world complains about NH3.
– the Dutch government has made a so-called ‘color map’ of the Netherlands which says how much NH3 farmers should reduce in which area. Some areas have to reduce their NH3 emission by 90%, which means that some farmers need to give up their work.
– This map has been made by modeling. No soil measurements have been done to determine how ‘bad’ the situation is. Modeling…. climate change and corona are too examples of how good governments are with modeling.
– On this color-map, if the area is close to a ‘nature area’, the deduction percentage is high. For the map, see this article:, or download this government document (in Dutch) and look at page 23:
– the Dutch government and the EU have been posing stricter rules on farmers for many years. They had to comply with rules related to emission, smell, sound, animal welfare, waste (water), hygiene. Farmers have been investing to comply each time. They are now the ‘cleanest’ farmers in Europe.
– Yes. Farmers know that their animals emit NH3. However, the Dutch government also wants to reduce NOx, which is emitted by a.o. airplanes and cars. The government has set NO strict(er) rules for reducing NOx. The farmers feel it is unfair that only they have to reduce drastically.
This policy has nothing to do with climate change. It is about “nitrogen” and ‘protecting’ nature.
Some people hope that this will indirectly lead to achieving “climate goals”; less meat and cow farts. Some people think that the government wants to create some space to build more homes. Some people think it is part of the WEF. Some people think the Dutch government lost its marbles.
Of course, it is not about nitrogen. It’s about marbles.
Why, what happened to your balls?
From a comment on this at New Cat
Re “It doesn’t explain why they want to cut the country’s livestock by a third.
Slurry runoff.”
Ireland about 1988 and each head undercover for the winter produced about 1000 gallons of slurry. For which there were draconian EU penalties for having wash off.
The slurry was applied to slots in the pasture somewhat like a sod seeder.
So, if there was a solution in 1988, why the need for draconian measures now?
So, the EEU Ruled, and still rules Ireland?
So much for democracy.
That was a good read Peter, thank you.
What is the main environmental problem the government identifies as damaging ? Run off and leaching or soil imbalance ?
I am trying to understand the Dutch government document. It is about the emission from farms via NH3 gases. These gases are deposited somewhere via amongst other rain. Close to a source will be more deposits.
Dutch farms produce roughly 120 kilo ton NH3 per year. It has to be reduced by 39kton.
Please note that the emmission NH3 was 300 kton in the early 90’s, 2.5times higher than it is now.
Again, urban committee politicos micromanaging farming.
The Great Leap Forward Redux.
We know how GLF I ended.
A few people, that weren’t born yesterday, at least.
In addition, this is some info that is circulating. It is a comparison of the situation in the Netherlands between 1950 and now:
– number of inhabitations: 10 million -> 17.4 million
– number of cows: 1.57 million -> 1.6 million
– number of farms: 410,000 -> 53,000
– NH3 emission: 333 kton -> 110kton
– number of cars: 140,000 -> 8.9 million
– passengers at Schiphol airport: 350,000 -> 58 million
And the government is only blaming the farmers for this “nitrogen crisis”.
Well put Peter.
Some further eplanation at an interview by Tucker Carlson:
Best regards from the Netherlands,
“Protestors demonstrated in front of several public buildings with manure and slurry after politicians voted on proposals to slash emissions of damaging pollutants, a plan which could force farmers to cut their livestock herds or stop working altogether. Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Government says the emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia, which livestock produce, must be drastically cut back close to nature areas, which are part of a network of protected habitats for endangered plants and wildlife stretching across the EU.”
It has started, how long before the WEF shut down our farms here in OZ, creating a worldwide food shortage.
Daniel Andrews loves shutting down anything he can get his paws on.
Including the entire state.
For 12 cases total in the whole state.
Then, re-open once there’s 1000+ daily.
It was not about health.
Know you know why the UN ordered”Little Johnny Howard”to take away our guns.It was NEVER about protecting us from a MASS SHOOTING.We had NEVER had one until Tasmania.Funny that Huh?
‘Minister for Nitrogen and Nature”, WTF ??
Looks like he getting a top up of nitrogen. LOL
Seriously? They have a minister for each periodic table element in the EU now?? 😄 Clown World™️ indeedus.
I wonder which of the elements will turn out to have been colonialists and former slave owners.
And which are the indigenous elements.
I don’t look forward to learning the periodic pronouns.
We also have to determine which ones bond with Trump.
The ones that bond with Trudeau will be allowed to continue in a fully inclusive New World Chemistry.
The Binary elements can bond with Jacinda.
Or vice versa.
Why am I reminded of ….. Atlas ….. Shrugged!
That’s why the Left want to ban Ayn Rand books.
Google “should ayn rand books be banned” without quote marks and you might be shocked at the results.
Is this the start of Boer War 3?
Third Farmers War.
Remember that the struggle of the Cape Dutch Boers in moving inland in their ox wagons was called the “Groot Trek”. The origins of the word Trek which is in common use these days to describe a difficult and arduous journey.
So if the modern Dutch are anything like their ancestors then they will be pretty tough.
Also a link to the British concentration camps in South Africa in the South African War.
Or more from a New Zealand source.,as%20servants%20for%20the%20Boers.
And why did the Dutch leave Holland and migrate in such large numbers?
Intolerance in Holland?
Winston Churchill was captured by the boers and was a POW until he escaped.
He tied up later with a boer general General Jan Smuts had interrogated Winston and who became, according to a docco on Churchill, his friend and most trusted advisor during WW2.
The serfs of NZ are now being conditioned to eat insects instead of delicious and healthy meat.
This is what the Elites intend for all of us in the West.
“A majority of New Zealanders would be happy to try eating an insect even if they have never tasted one before, preliminary findings from a new study show.”
I wouldn’t mind getting they made up the results.
“Insect protein a climate friendly alternative to meat, researchers say”
“New Zealand’s first and largest Edible Insect & Cricket flour manufacturer and supplier, founded in 2013. We are committed to bringing you the highest quality and environmentally sustainable insect based food products.”
I would have to be held down and flogged before I ate that crap.
Yeah, and like insects aren’t essential to ‘nature’.
Baby cows and baby pigs are cute.
Baby lambs, how can you eat those?!
Certainly not the bunnies.
Where I once had my business, a couple of Volvo driving suburban women (sorry, persons) moved in next to me.
There was frantic knocking on my door.
One of the women panicked, “There are 100s of roaches in the hallway!”.
Being a strong Cis identifying male and fearless bug fighter, I went into immediate action.
They were stink bugs.
I guess the woman had never seen a roach.
French yellow vests , Canadian truckies and Dutch farmers are now our freedom fighters. In all those stances the media are the first to denigrate. The mainstream and parts of social media are now becoming more of the enemy to the public. Whereas once they may have been he first to call our government overreach.
“Showing Up To Riot”
“Dutch farmers have purchased a tank to use to block distribution centres”
The PM of Austria is a WEF “graduate” and tried to put in place much stronger mandates than Andrews did in Victoria. Not sure how they lasted but they are all gone in Austria now and the country is not much different to most others in Europe.
I think the WEF Dutch PM will end up back tracking in a similar manner.
Look at the UK now –BoJo is really under the pump with two more senior Cabinet Ministers resigning. I realise the Conservative Party rules say there cannot be another formal leadership challenge for another 12 (?) months but I cannot see Johnson lasting much longer.
Totally disagree; The public (ie the average joe) are responsible for their respective governments here in Australia. How else did they get elected but by the public? How else have we here in Australia been lumbered with another green man-made climate change government in Canberra as well as right across the States? Please don’t tell me the ‘citizenry is way smarter than the government’ because it is simply not true. They are a bunch of sheep with no cohesive sense of diection and we are headed down the gurgler . .
Less that 50% of the populace are responsible for their govt, in current labors case 35%.
Wrong. There is unanimity across all parties. In truth something like seventy percent (add the numbers) a priori agrees with this climate shtick.
What I want to know is how many abstained from voting altogether which I suppose to stem from the vacuous uniformity of the policies on offer.
As I said – ONLY when reality impacts the masses is when they wake up to reality.
We see it here, we see it there.
Only on the brink will they start to care.
Next comes the dragging of politicians out of offices and off to those wooden structures.😆
You are an optimist.
If they are not awake by now I hold little hope.
If you’re not Dutch you ain’t much. Macht aan de boeren!
This looks like a rerun of that stupidity in Sri Lanka.
They are already looking at Sri Lanka as a source of insects to feed the non-Elites of the world.
Sorry to keep bringing it up but the Elites want us to eat insects.
Most Sri Lankans are Hindu or Buddhist (except for the Vedda tribal people) and won’t kill insects or other animals for food.
It’s not stupidity. Possibly in Sri Lanka but it may have been the trial run. It’s The Plan elsewhere.
Martin A just posted this:
We are completing the end of the BIG ONE. I think a lot of people are starting to see this too.
The End of the World is by no means the END. It is just the point in history where it all begins again. We can see that Biden is probably the instrument of death, or should I say those who write his executive orders and cheat sheets. They are obsessed with climate change and are deliberately trying to destroy our capacity to produce and use fossil fuels.
Globalization will come to an end and we’re already witnessing this with the Biden sanctions on Russia that have caused inflation and divided the world economy in two. We will witness a return to make the manufacture of various goods locally for each division as well as growing their own food. Energy may revert back to wood and oil for there will be no major power grids as they become localized.
Our population models suggest up to a 50% reduction perhaps as soon as 2040. The population is already shrinking and aging in all the major industrialized nations.
The collapse of the west is following the collapse of Rome for the same reasons.
The “elite” are those mixing the red and black ants in a jar and shaking it.
They have sown the seeds of our demise along with their own. That’s just how it is, as history has shown over and over.
Protests are now pointless. You have to REMOVE the problem not wave flags at it.
Old codgers like myself are grateful we’re in the later stages of life and probably won’t be here for the great collapse.
Gen y and z have no idea what awaits them…
Thanks for posting John.
Most people don’t understand or care.
The typical response is (thanks for Grogery for posting):
Or this is most people:
I hope that in the unlikely event that there is a great awakening the scrouge of the Left and Marxism will be permanently eliminated.
“You’re Not Going To Like This….”
Miscalculations by “the powers that be” – like
“I’ve pointed out several times that this isn’t the 1500s anymore. All those people “at the top” (pick one) are utterly reliant on the entire interconnected world we live in for their lifestyle, and in fact they’re more-reliant on it than you or I. Not one of those expensive beer cans they fly around in will travel a single mile without all of the infrastructure that pumps oil out of the ground and refines it into what is basically kerosene. Al Gore, one of the “architects” of the climate screaming scam, years ago had a 40′ diesel-powered boat (no idea if he still does) that guzzled dead dinosaurs at a ridiculous rate. I know how ridiculous too because I owned a 45′ Hatteras with two 500HP Detroit 6v92TTAs in the engine room that also guzzled dead dinosaurs. I sold it when fuel prices started to go nuts prior to the ’08 crash; while I like to fish, I didn’t like it THAT much.”
More at
I’ve wondered at times – are we just COF’s (crusty old farts – an American term, sorry) who are too resistant to change, who want what we’ve always had? Is this the new world and there’s nothing that will stop it?
If you watch old movies like Logan’s Run or Soylent Green, most of the people seem quite happy except for the dissatisfied old codgers who long for things like justice and fairness and individuality . . .
There cannot be many of you in that demographic. In just about all western countries the COFs make up the largest part of the population but it doesn’t translate into sensible voting stats unfortunately, which tells us most of your generation seem fine with what’s going on, or are so dependent on government hand-outs that they rather feed the beast then take it to task.
We shouldn’t be surprised at the Netherlands joining in the deliberate creation of food shortages. Rutte is as much a WEF puppet as Trudeau. And we know the globalists want to reduce travel, so have engineered airports reducing flights. The two countries are trialling KTDI – the Known Traveller Digital Identity – as a way, they say, to solve the chaos at airports. How convenient. If you believe that you’ll believe anything. In reality yet another foothold, coiling tentacle, for the Digital Surveillance state.
The war against energy has transformed into a war against food.
And it isn’t “misguided” it is evil b@stardry.
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action.
“Are shippers making a fortune out of the supply chain crunch?”
Looks like a strong possibility that “Yes” is the answer
Why do you think Gates is the largest farmland owner in the United States?
It’s certainly not to grow food. He has no interest in farming. He wouldn’t know one end of a tractor from the other.
He is against meat and is a major investor, along with Bezos, in artificial “meat”.
I suspect his objective is to withdraw the farmland from productive use
Climate changing – apparently women can’t cope.
Isn’t it curious how progressive governments, barely a year ago, were disparaging police.
And just like that, those same police become enforcers for draconian government edicts.
Just like the American National Football League.
One year they’re rolling out full field sized American flags, and singing the National Anthem as fighter jets fly over.
The next year, they’re taking a knee, ’cause America bad.
I can’t guess the next sequence.
I cannot believe that extreme Green governments which forced everyone to buy nitrous oxide belching diesel cars are now trying to ban nitrous oxide!
This was the same in France with the Gilet Jaunes who found that the government banned the cars and fined people who drove them after mandating them.
And the problem with Nitrous Oxide is not as a Greenhouse gas. It converts instantly with water to form nitric acid which falls as acid rain, eating everything. So they blame the animals for poo.
Besides the government could just ban all manure. And banned in government first, starting with the Dutch Prime Minister.
First they came for the electricity, then the cars and the manufacturing and now the animals and farmers. No problems keeping the airports open then? The inner city rich need their summer holidays.
No, the Govt here won’t worry about nitrogen for the farmers, they have foot&mouth virus just over the water in Indonesia. Once that arrives there will be mass culling of farm animals all over Australia. Ask a bee-keeper.
There is no way in hell that Indonesia will eliminate it, so now its just a matter of time. Some tourist returning.. a boat-bourne refugee.. one of the indigenous fishermen in the Straits..
No matter what you do it’s never enough! Now nitrogen oxide is naughty and must be stopped…..except in China of course.
This is what happens when voters are gullible. Voters regret doesn’t help when your stuck with these loonies . Three or four years can see a lot of damage before you get another chance to throw them out.
We are a divided world. Left vs Right, White vs Black, Black vs Brown…on and on and on. We cannot find many things to agree on or that bring us together. However, there is one subject/need that will unite everyone across every country in a very short time. HUNGER! When world elites being to stop food production, for any reason much less contrived climate change, they have gone a bridge too far. It will come back on them hard.
“Steve Bannon Interviews Michael Yon from The Netherlands as Protesting Dutch Farmers Surround Police Station Demanding Release of Farm Teen Who Was Shot at by Police
July 6, 2022 | sundance | 69 Comments”
“Dutch Willing to Seize Farmland”
Links and bulk comments
Note the reporting on this by “progressive” outlets like AFP. It is so sanitised to suggest the farmers are the bad guys without actually stating it and the populace just lap it up.
“No National Politician Will Go There – However, at Least Tucker Carlson Does
July 6, 2022 | sundance | 2 Comments”
“Sky News Rowan Dean Draws the Connection Between Justin Trudeau, Mark Rutte, Dutch Farm Protests and World Economic Forum Global Food Program
July 6, 2022 | sundance | 10 Comments”
The headline says it all. The ‘crisis’ is not the farmers blocking the border (that’s just a consequence, along with food shortages) but the insane – although they know exactly what they are doing – policy of the Dutch government. But to be fair it is hard to find a government anywhere in the Western world that is not pushing at least three insane policies at once: Net zero, toxic jabs and the proxy war in Ukraine.
[…] Read the Full Article […]
More interviews by Facts matter:
Best regards from the NL
“They [farmers] have livestock and they produce beef. And what’s interesting to know is that the Dutch minister who has pushed this Nitrogen law has a brother-in-law who is the owner of the Dutch online supermarket called Picnic. Guess who invested $600 million in Picnic last year? Right Bill Gates, the man who wants you to eat fake meat.”
Is it about the farmers land?
Just a coincidence?
A BG foundation PICNIC supermarket goes in flames