It’s summer and yet some parts of Germany are already dimming lights and reducing the temperature, restricting shower times or even closing swimming pools. Meanwhile in the UK, energy prices are up four fold compared to a couple of years ago. Both nations are bringing back coal power, which is unthinkable enough on its own (in a 2021 climate-religion kind of way) yet even that isn’t enough. Winter is coming…
Germany dims the lights to cope with Russia gas supply crunch
Financial Times, 8 July 2022
Germany is rationing hot water, dimming its street lights and shutting down swimming pools as the impact of its energy crunch begins to spread from industry to offices, leisure centres and homes.
A huge increase in gas prices triggered by Russia’s move last month to sharply reduce supplies to Germany has plunged Europe’s biggest economy into its worst energy crisis since the oil price shock of 1973.
Gas importers and utilities are fighting for survival while consumer bills are going through the roof, with some warning of rising friction.
“The situation is more than dramatic,” said Axel Gedaschko, head of the federation of German housing enterprises GdW. “Germany’s social peace is in great danger.”
As tensions over Russia’s war in Ukraine escalate, officials fear the situation could get worse. On Monday, Russia is shutting down its main pipeline to Germany, Nord Stream 1, for 10 days of scheduled maintenance. Many in Berlin fear it will never reopen.
Energy prices are expected to rise by up to €3,800 for four people, compared with 2021 levels. Wow.
Britain faces ‘cataclysmic’ energy crisis this winter with £3000 bills, Martin Lewis warns
Coventry Telegraph, 8 July 2022
‘We are talking about millions, if not 10 million people moving into real poverty this winter, the worst winter we have seen’. Martin Lewis today warned that the UK is facing a ‘cataclysmic’ energy crisis this winter as the price cap is set to reach £3,000.
Speaking on Good Morning Britain, the Money Saving Expert founder has said that we are heading for a ‘bleak winter’ with millions, if not 10 million people moving into real poverty. He says that it will be the worst winter we’ve seen since the 1970s or earlier in terms of finances.
h/t NetZeroWatch and ClimateDepot
How can this be? Surely renewable energy is far cheaper than fossil fuels? Power prices should be going down, not up.
Absolutely none of this is unexpected. Donald Trump warned Germany strongly about Nordstream and protecting themselves, but they knew better. Not only that but after 34 years, every prediction of the UN’s ridiculous Climate Change is so obviously wrong and still no one questions it. Holland abandoned windmills when coal arrived. Now the place is covered with the awful things and the North Sea.
The only Climate Refugees will be people escaping from the freezing weather and the reality that the world is rapidly cooling, as predicted by real scientists.
The absurd demands that the most oppressed and needy people in society are Transgender and drag queens, uncontrolled mass migration of incompatible societies is highly desirable and that manufacturing can live without cheap energy and that agriculture can live without fertilizers is coming home to roost.
And it is midsummer peak heat with millions trying to party as if there is no problem. If there is a problem it is that the rich inner city types like Johnson and Trudeau and Macron, Hollywood and Silicon Valley and the hundreds of thousands of EU/UN and Washington elite can afford the rocketing electricity prices and gas prices and really do not care if manufacturing and agriculture die. Only the slave classes will suffer. Private jet and yacht sales are booming.
And can no one see that getting Ukraine, Finland and Sweden into NATO is close to a declaration of war on Russia? Erdogan of Turkey can see it. So can Nigel Farage. What happened to detente?
This total disconnect happened before the French and Russian revolutions. “Let them eat cake” was not a good idea. And Joe Biden is still on permanent holiday, away with the pixies and ex PM Johnson was still taking instructions from his dippy Green wife.
The Woke are sound asleep at the wheel.
Bearing in mind Nordstream 2 only needed a few technical inspections before it opened for business, that it is surprising Russia didn’t wait a few months for Germany and others to become so hopelessly addicted to their gas that no one would have dared to compain at the invasion of Ukraine
Tonyb. How long before a few non-WEF-conforming “leaders” get Abe-ed, “pour encourager les autres” (to deter the others)? Gerhardt Schroeder not caring to be next in line, maybe?
BTW: With excess mortality rates now running 20% higher (worldwide) than is explainable (AND rising)…since the gene-jabs were introduced…..what’s a few excess pollies added to the mix, eh what?
Are we allowed to nominate which “pollies” are excess to requirements??
Are we limited to any particular number?
My list grows!
They are all excess to requirements. Especially as ‘Net Zero’ really means the average IQ of all Australian ‘Pollies’.
Are we allowed to nominate which “pollies” are excess to requirements??
A.F.Branco gives you one
Fill ‘Er Up
America’s a nation that can be defined in a single word and 16 secs … Joe Biden
Such a shame that hanging the perpetrators of this “crisis” by their heels and flailing them with leather straps has gone out of fashion.
Pour dissuader les autres, I think you mean?
Nope –
“The Woke are sound asleep at the wheel.”
“The Woke are wide awake and steering the West precisely where they want it to go”
It is winter down under. High summer in Europe.
Not geriatric joe. He’s on permanent holiday. And his bike riding stunt to show a fit young man could ride a bike up to the cameras at the beach did not go well. He really needed Dr Jill at the front on a tandem. What were his nurses thinking?
Just proves what I have known for a decade – the woke are communists. Some know they are, others are just the useful, or should that be the useless?, idiots. Bowen is probably the latter as I doubt he has any working brain cells. The more I see of him the more I think the Labor Party has given him this portfolio and when it descends into darkness he will become the sacrificial dupe.
Peak Woke?
The ultra-progressive mindset maintains its grip on institutional power, but in terms of what people actually believe, it’s on the downswing.
America’s Great Awokening produced cottage industries and small fortunes. Consultants and trainers peddled odd academic theories to multinational corporations, earning millions; authors such as Ibram X. Kendi won massive grants and intellectual prizes. On the other side, public intellectuals like Jordan Peterson emerged in part as theorists of what was wrong about woke culture; conservatives like Ben Shapiro and liberals like Dave Rubin grew their audiences with an anti-woke message.
A central type of evidence that we’ve hit peak woke comes from exhaustion with its mandates within its ostensible political home, progressive activism. This has been brewing for a while, but it was given convincing expression in Ryan Grim’s recent Intercept article, “Elephant in the Zoom: Meltdowns Have Brought Progressive Advocacy Groups to a Standstill at a Critical Moment in World History.” This piece simply demonstrates what anyone regularly talking to veterans in Washington, D.C., Democratic Party politics knows, which is that wokeness frustrates leaders in otherwise influential progressive nonprofit organizations.
It’s important to note that wokeness has had this effect in the progressive world for precisely the same reason that it has exasperated people in academia, journalism, and business. It tears institutions apart from the inside by encouraging people to see minor interactions as conflictual and victimizing, to respond catastrophically to events toward which they should show resilience, and to set up massive bureaucracies to deal with these sorts of disputes.
Wokeness presented itself as revolutionary, but usually it was tedious, bureaucratic, punitive, and obtuse. Those very features will make it hard to dislodge institutionally, even as awareness of them becomes widespread. So while we may have hit peak woke in terms of what people actually believe, the mindset will live on for some time to come—as policy.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
July 9, 2022 at 8:15 am
One for Cat farmers. Looks like the green wokerati have colonized John Deere.
John Deere Engineers Really Aiming To Build Battery-Powered Harvesters? (8 Jul)
As Pierre says: it’s hard to believe this is true, but then a lot of other insane stuff has been happening lately.
Knuckle Dragger says:
July 9, 2022 at 9:04 am
Valid questions from the corn cocky, in BoN’s link:
He said: “Ok, I have some questions. How do I charge these combines when they are 3 counties away from the shop in the middle of a cornfield, in the middle of nowhere?”
“How do I run them 24 hours a day for 10 or 12 days straight when the harvest is ready, and the weather is coming in?”
“How do I get a 50,000+ lb. combine that takes up the width of an entire road back to the shop 20 miles away when the battery goes dead?”
There was dead silence on the other end of the phone.
The piece doesn’t mention what style of ponytail the JD salesman had.
You will own nothing and be happy. Maybe Klaus meant that the elites who don’t get lynched will be happy that they are still alive? Has he suckered in the biggest bunch of narcissistic, callous, useful idiots ever assembled?
You will own nothing and be happy
In the days of the DDR the Stasi boasted that it had West German politics completely infiltrated. In the mid-80s reading the tea leaves about the imminent demise of Soviet influence in eastern Europe, the Stasi transferred all its German ” assets ” in spook-speak over to the KGB. A certain then unknown KGB colonel stationed in Dresden by the name of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin may well have been involved in this operation. This is why Germany dances to the Kremlin’s tune on gas pipelines and other issues. Obviously the CIA briefing Trump will be well aware of it. The German economy is far too important to Russia to leave its direction to the caprice of voters. So you get ex-German chancellors on lucrative retainers from Gazprom. You get an east German, Merkel, running the country for 20 years and destroying the culture.
You get many things when Moscow covertly controls you. Why do you think Putin always has a funny smirk on his face at G20 gabfests?
Zane, your suspicion on brainwashed Comrade Merkel is spot-on.
It’s the only explanation that makes any sense.
I’ve suspected it for years. Glad to see somebody else has also.
Wouldn’t it have been good to see some of the western MSM types do a bit of digging.
Merkel spoke rather good Russian, didn’t she?
Ja, aber mit tief ostdeutschem Akzent.
• One last data dump before hiatus gets rolling.
Amidst the faceplant of “green energy” in the face of the reality brought forth by the Ukraine War, it is fun to see nuclear power getting some better press, though there are some interesting asymmetries when it comes to who is most supportive of nukes. No surprise here:
As folks have already advised, the EIA and IEA data is wrong. For a start, the U.S. wind CF is around 30%, not 35%. And I believe the U.S. solar CF is also wrong. Regarding the IEA data, the cost comparisons would be based on the short RE lifetimes. When re-calculated across the longer lifetimes of coal, gas and nuclear, the graph changes entirely.
Also when looking at the land area required, the CF comparisons should be taken into account. For example, a solar farm requires 17 sq km for every 1GW of installed capacity. But if you want compare land sizes for the different energy sources, then including the CF in the calculations mean that you need to use 51 sq km for 1GW.
Things will get so desperate they will no longer demonise coal by calling it fossil fuel. It will be rebadged as organic fuel and become respectable again. After all it is stored sunshine.
Biden Sold a Million Barrels From US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China-Owned Gas Giant
The Biden administration sold roughly one million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese state-controlled gas giant that continues to purchase Russian oil, a move the Energy Department said would “support American consumers” and combat “Putin’s price hike.”
The EU and the UK are facing natural gas prices of US $50/MMBtu for this summer and winter, as compared to the current price for natural gas of US $6/MMBtu, for Canada and the US. There is no ‘technical’ solution to this problem.
Regardless of the price paid for natural gas there will be natural gas rationing in Europe and in the UK this winter, if the ‘politics’ does not change.
The EU/UK/German politicians and the general public are clueless as to the short and long term consequences of shutting down/bankrupting the German chemical industry. The German chemical industry produces $200 billion/year of specialty chemicals which are used by more than a thousand German/European specialty companies to produce materials for European industries, particularly the automobile industry. There is no alternative supplier of speciality chemicals, if the German chemical industry must shutdown due to rationing and super high prices.
Logically the solution, to avoid the collapse of European industries, is to negotiate with the Russians.
German chemical industry fears shutdown for months without gas
BERLIN, March 30 (Reuters) – Germany’s VCI chemical industry association said on Wednesday if gas is rationed ….production facilities would have to shut down, possibly for months, causing a domino effect in other industries.
“If our plants stand still, a little later the assembly lines in the automotive industry, in mechanical engineering and in many other industries also stand still. There would be a huge domino effect through almost all industries – one after the other would topple.”
Fortunately with catastrophic climate change we are bound to have a very mild, indeed hot, winter in europe and equally fortunately, as we have so many weather dependent renewables we shall probably have to close some of them down so they don’t overload the grid.
It goes without saying that this vast surfeit of energy, brilliantly brought about by our elite, will be so cheap that it probably won’t be worth power companies charging for it.
I envisage an enormous mass of nuclear power driven fans supplying wind to the windmills when required. Or in the depths of Norwegian winter where no one seriously believes solar power works, especially when the sun could be blocked by a mouse on a rooftop.
Better still, add floodlights powered by nuclear energy to all the solar farms, so that they can produce “green” energy at night.
I seem to remember that a Spanish power company did just that, using diesel generators, in order to get the high rates at night from solar that were well in excess of the diesel costs.
Even the Spanish wouldnt be that stupid !
Graeme#4, that’s far too efficient a use of nuclear power.
Better to use those lights to grow trees. Cut them down. Chip them. Feed them into a wood-fired electricity generation plants, use that electricity to charge batteries and pump water uphill.
Renewable all the way. Green energy at night. Every night. Forever.
Excellent. I think you have just invented a closed system of perpetual climate carbon credits>! Completely carbon neutral power generation.
wood->electricity->batteries->water uphill->lights->wood
Never do anything with the power and the money will flow like a river and the electricity will power nothing.
And you can cash in the carbon credits and Green subsidies at every stage. The impossible, a perpetual money machine. Money races in and nothing out, no visible benefit to anyone.
You might even employ a few people to make it look like you are doing something. Green jobs.
Last time I tried to patent my open system perpetual motion machine, they wouldn’t even look at the working model.
The only thing that’s changed in the system is their closed minds.
Talking about stationary wind turbines- Coles supermarket in Australia have recently returned their “ towards Net Zero” TV ads mostly during sport broadcasting. The ads feature wind turbines with blades totally still. Just hilarious. In the old ad they also displayed solar panels in the dark. Maybe it’s all a pisstake?
Australia is drifting towards the rocks too. It was totally predictable but the combined agitprop of activists, media and pusillanimous politicians has twisted the conversation so far that recovery is now a major effort. Demonising all three possible reliable energy sources (gas extraction, coal and nuclear) and ensuring that new dams can’t be built to do new hydro has knobbled us bigly.
It has of course been a leftist plot to ruin the USA and the rest of the West, and it has mostly done just that.
And dams are just part of the business of managing water and as useful in winter to prevent flooding as they are in summer. No big dams have been built in Australia for half a century. And those that were built, like Wivenhoe, need rebuilding as what was then a cheap earthworks dam solution is risky beyond belief.
There is absolutely no thought being given to harvesting water in one of the world’s driest countries, apart from the usual bun fights over the Murray Darling basin which are more about who gets what than solving any problem like evaporation or predictable droughts.
The series of 26 locks down the Murray river built in the 1930s saved the country in the Millenium drought, which according to our totally unqualified Chief Climate Commissioner and the BOM was never going to end. And those locks would not have been permitted today. Water and fish and frogs have rights you know and they supercede ours. In the late 20th and now 21st century, the new field of Ecology has become a giant Green monster, an oppressor of humans who are the problem. But the idea that humans actually control the planet’s temperature is beyond science and beyond belief and costing $1.5Trillion a year. For nothing.
TdeF. All the more reason to develop the vast potential of the North. Twice the water North of Capricorn as South of it. We hear of the tired soils but a visit to Kunnanurra would dispel that idea and one of the most productive lands on earth is Israel which is mostly desert. Many city politicians hate the idea of developing the regions because it would cause a population shift and upset the imbalance of power enjoyed by the cities.
Not too long after her re-establishment in 1948, Israel had constructed a reliable water supply and irrigated much of the desert despite having minimal available water. It did this via efficient water utilisation, reprocessing of waste water, drip feed irrigation, greenhouses and in newer buildings, utilisation of “grey” water for flushing toilets and watering gardens. It also collects and treats stormwater run off from some roads rather than discharging it into the sea. Much of the water infrastructure is built and maintained by a private, non-profit organisation, the JNF and work is ongoing and continuous to irrigate more areas and expand the water supply even further,
Water equipment and expertise is also a multi-billion dollar export industry for Israel.
In the last 234 years, Australia has done very little by way of irrigation, except for the Ord River Scheme and irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Australia should long ago have utilised the vast water resources of the north to irrigate desert areas. Instead, the Green government is trying to shut down farms.
Australia has wasted and continues to waste huge opportunities, and even worse, is actively engaged in self-destruction.
And, as I keep warning about, the next big push from the Left, already started, is a war against meat and the promotion of insect consumption for the non-Elites.
The renewables crowd are behaving a bit like of slot machine (or poker machine here down under) addicts. They think that they can recover their losses by pouring more money into them. Sad really.
The problem is that energy realists have to suffer the consequences of the renewbies self-inflicted behaviour in the form of expensive everything – that’s if you can get it.
If you give the slot machine addict an unlimited supply of tax money then heck yeah they will pour it in!
And appreciated by the owner of the slot machine
What is now happening is what many of us here have been saying “things will have to get very bad before the masses begin to wake up” however I cannot imagine
even now what the sheeple can do.From where I see it if you have no money or power then you just have to sit where you are and cop it.These days useless ruinable energy
is just a economic new market ploy to channel money away from useful fossil fuel energy .Hey and its all working out for the likes of Blackrock,Vangard ,the Gates foundation
and the WEF including the WHO and every compliant western government politicians whether conservative or liberal. So even if you’ve been dumb enough to have been “conned” by all this greed then yeh you will wake up alright but it will be into this highly planned and orchestrated inevitable “nightmare”
Cheers Mike Reed
The deposed PRESIDENT TRUMP warned Europe about a dependence on a hostile Russia for their energy supply and he offered them an alternative supply of US gas, and perhaps oil as the US was exporting oil under his administration.
President Trump also set an example to the world of withdrawing from the fraudulent and economy-destroying Paris Accords and that decision was reversed after the coup d’état against him.
Europe’s “freezing in the dark” is a deliberate plan of Europe’s leaders and is a direct consequence of the stupid, ignorant people who voted for them. And those people are also responsible for their ignorance because, even with a censored Leftist media, there is no excuse to be ignorant, it has to be a wilful choice.
Agreed but it’s not just ignorance. Its the Green religion. As David Flint wrote in the Spectator this week, when people lose their religion, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in everything. Even if their own eyes tell them something else. It’s a fundamental human emotional need to believe in something, which is why so many religions exist.
I think Green believers would be really shocked if the IPCC admitted the planet was cooling, which is far worse then warming. But the IPCC would also blame the cooling on Carbon dioxide. Something like carbon dioxide causes Climate Change which changes the pattern of winds so that the super cold arctic air now invades the northern part of the world where 60% of planet lives. So carbon dioxide causes warming which so damages the planet that cooling follows.
And true Green/Teal believers would suddenly believe exactly the reverse of what they believed before. And build more windmills and put a total ban on fossil fuels, agriculture, cars, planes, ships, cows, horses and nett zero would not be enough. Termites would have be exterminated, which would be a boon for fungi.
We would have to reduce CO2,cooling it to solid at -78C and shipping it to be buried in steel containers on the central Antarctica plateau at 4,000 metres. It would cost hundreds of trillions, but the taxpayer can afford it. There is no sacrifice too great to save the planet.
You cannot be serious. Despite audits in swing states as yet there has been no evidence provided to substantiate Trump’s claims of fraud. Do you have reliable evidence that there was fraud?
It’s been documented by Dinesh D’Souza in the documentary and soon book “2000 Mules”.
And sadly, in the US, many of the “judges” are little more than Democrat activists, hence them refusing to hear most cases.
The Swamp runs deep as President Trump tragically discovered.
“It’s been documented by Dinesh D’Souza in the documentary and soon book “2000 Mules”.”
Dear God is this your evidence? Gullible doesn’t even begin to describe those who believe anything Dinesh D’Souza writes or says.
On second thoughts however Far Right Wing Republicans in America and Far Right Wing Conservatives in Australia does describe perfectly those who believe such material.
“And sadly, in the US, many of the “judges” are little more than Democrat activists, hence them refusing to hear most cases.”
Others disagree with that statement.
At least 86 judges — from state courts to the U.S. Supreme Court — have rejected at least one post-election lawsuit filed by Trump or his supporters, according to a review of court filings by the Washington Post, published Dec. 12. Around that time, more than 50 cases had failed or been tossed out of court, the Post found.
The Post analysis found that 38 judges appointed by Republicans were among the 86 judges who had rejected lawsuits. The U.S. Supreme Court, which includes three Trump-appointed justices, rejected Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s challenge to election results in four states.
Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, said in dismissing one Pennsylvania challenge: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”
You cannot just call others gullible. It reflects badly.
And it is only six years since the Democrats claimed foul when Donald Trump won.
The outstanding statistic which says the people in power engineered a Biden win was the 98% of Washington DC voted for Hillary Clinton. Plus the entire media and Hollywood and Silicon valley who poured billions. And it all changed suddenly at 4am when vote counting was stopped, exactly as Trump predicted on the night. That was either prescience or he knew.
Still US elections can be like that. Remember when they were deciding on hanging chads in punch cards in Florida which put Bush in front of Gore.
This November, the result of Biden Presidency will be a record wipeout for the Democrats. Even the Latinos and black community have had enough of racism and violence and AntiFA and BLM and mass murder and mass looting in Democrat cities and an open border policy with Mexico pouring guns and drugs and fentanyl into the US. 100,000 people are dying each year as a consequence. And with the appalling and utterly unnecessary military and humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan (which is hardly mentioned), it is obvious a geriatric sock puppet hiding in his beach house is not good enough for a nuclear armed country. On the bright side, China dares not make a move because the Commander in Chief is completely unpredictable where Trump was rational if scary.
But there were enough serious questions in the few states which decided the election after 4am to question the result. And that will be done after November in four months. This time there will be a serious investigation of the new voting machines, Joe and Hunter Biden’s connection to the Ukraine kleptocracy and the CCP China through his son who travelled 24 times on Air Force One to do his business in which his father allegedly had no interest. For example, it has to be explained why Hunter’s CCP partners just bought one million barrels of oil his father the President released from the Trump’s strategic US reserve. Why is the US selling their strategic reserve directly to China? According to the White House, this oil was supposed to be lowering prices in the US?
A lot of merde is going to hit the windmills when Congress and the Senate flip to Republican. And Biden will hide in the old people’s home. Meanwhile his son will go straight to jail without passing GO. Nixon was caught in plausible denial. Biden is caught up in criminal conduct for decades. How else does a mere congressman on a salary of $140,000 a year get to be so rich, along with all his family?
If anyone should be modelling orange jumpsuits, it’s the creepy Hunter Biden.
“Gullible doesn’t even begin to describe.…. those who genuinely believe Biden fairly won the last election.
But we have seen many time just how gullible and non-thinking Ian is.
The word you seek is “COMPLICIT”.
Election are about the winner proving they couldn’t possibly have cheated.
That’s the way they have been run for centuries.
Notice how Ian switches the topic from ENERGY SHORTAGES in the EU.. to try to argue a pointless point.
Could not argue with the fact that President Trump was CORRECT in all his prediction of issues with EU energy supplies.
Ian is so steeped in the greenie religion, any petty distraction from its COMPLETE FAILURE is worth a try !
“Despite audits in swing states as yet there has been no evidence provided to substantiate Trump’s claims of fraud.”
No evidence?
I’d accept “no proof”, but “no evidence” is clearly wrong.
High Court in Pennsylvania (State court) has ruled the vote-by-mail laws were unconstitutional.
Michigan has a similar situation, as does Wisconsin.
Arizona is being stifled by a Democrat Governor from doing what they need to do.
You can disparage the “2000 Mules” data if you like, but considering that the US Courts have ruled that the same tracking data is “equivalent to an ankle bracelet” and the US military uses it for targeted assassinations, it seems reliable enough. And given the classification used (go to 10 drop boxes, AND go to left-leaning “election support” offices in between AND taking photos that don’t have their faces in them [so not a “I voted selfie”] AND wearing thin gloves only after people got caught by the FBI based on fingerprints on ballot envelopes), to say there is “no evidence” is disingenuous at best and willfully ignorant at worst. If there is tracking data showing you turned up at several banks as they were robbed, and we had video at the matching time for one showing it was you who robbed the place, that would be “evidence” that you robbed all of the places – not proof, but certainly evidence, and indicative that further investigation is warranted.
There is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation into the 2020 US election, but no-one cares to do it. Hopefully that will change in 2023 (election in 2022, control in 2023) if, as and when Republicans win back the US house of Reps – based on historical data, it looks like they might get a landslide of unprecedented proportions. But prior to 2025 (2024 election), the DoJ (and hence the FBI) will be dominated by a Democrat President and his lackeys, so other than exposing it to the public, nothing much will happen. Much will hinge on not only the primaries now happening, but also on whether or not those Repubs as are elected will follow through and actually do an investigation.\
Interesting times.
Sanity was never going to be restored without a crisis, so the sooner the better. The people are not going to let themselves be ruled by politicians who maintain green energy policies once they realise what it means.
There might be bloody encounters between groups of greens who genuinely believe the propaganda and groups of the freezing poor. Governments will have to take quite drastic action to guard fracking wells from the former.
An even larger problem is that the German economy subsidises the Mediterranean countries in the Euro currency scheme. When Germany ceases to be able to do that, what happens?
Hate to say, I doubt we’ll see sanity for a while.
It’s Reformation 2.0.
Don’t think I’ll see it.
Keith Richards might.
The Greens and all their government faithful, are the Medieval Church.
People like us have been reading climate science and talking politics in our own language, and they are really mad.
I think November here the US could be a critical point.
Trump put them to the mattresses.
They’re not gonna little things like elections and whiny, freezing, starving peasants stop them.
God will know zher own.
Not sure about that. In the Australian fiefdom of Vicdanistan, the premier, Comrade Dear Leader Dictator Dan was re-elected once and will almost certainly be re-elected a second time.
The Liberals, pretend conservative party, in that fiefdom feel that Dictator Dan is not doing enough about “climate change” and want to do far more. That view was espoused by Deputy Liberal “leader” David Southwick.
The Victorian State Opposition don’t even state that they are opposed to the Government positions that matter.
I stand by that statement. When electricity and petrol become unaffordable and ther are regular power cuts, people will resort to civil disobedience. I recommend Gene Sharp’s short book “From dictatorship to democracy” which he wrote as a how-to manual distilled from an academic study he made of nonviolent resistance movements that achieved their ends. It can still be downloaded for free today, although I suspect not for much longer:
Elon Musk is withdrawing from his purchase of Twitter because Twitter wouldn’t provide him requested information about fake accounts.
So, the Far Leftist-oriented propaganda and anti-free speech platform won’t be transformed into a free speech platform any time soon.
They will continue to promote and support the Leftist agenda such as the deliberate energy starvation policies currently affecting Europe.
Official notification of Elon Musk’s withdrawal from the Twitter deal.
Bumped from Unthreaded
Now read this
“And Here We Go (Musk)”
“Needless to say I’m reasonably-sure this won’t be an uncontested divorce, particularly given the presence of a very large break fee in the agreement.
Oh, and the really nasty part of it? In a lawsuit you get to take depositions and subpoena documents which will include the material that Twitter does not want to disclose.
And you thought fireworks were a 4th of July thing eh?”
And more here
“Elon Musk Terminates Twitter Purchase Deal, Citing Material Breach of Agreement by Company Refusing to Provide Access to Data
July 8, 2022 | sundance | 220 Comments”
Assume he had an idea what was under the rug.
Wonder if they will just let him walk away.
Thinking of the old Mad magazine toon ‘Spy vs. Spy’.
Updated to ‘Spy vs. Billionaire’.
What … me worry?
By far the most interesting part of the Twitter adventure has been that, with the company i play and
Musk wavering…and the stock price “tanking” (seeking an appropriate valuation, perhaps) not a single entity
has indicated a flicker of interest; not one of the hedge funds or smaller silicone valley players has said boo.
Even when Elon invited partners….crickets. None of this is to say that The Little Bird has no value, for it clearly
does connect a large number of influential people. What this does suggest is the there is some nasty stuff under the hood
that may be hard to eradicate, may not look good on disclosure, and might result an a new owner truly purging staff….
and the problems in monetizing the platform and getting the techies on board to run it like a business may be perceived
as a bridge too far by some with inside info. Twitter taking the deal to court sure looks like a drowning man swimming in
the cold north sea for a life raft being blown from them….and by the time the proceedings are done they may grasp gleefully
at 50cents on the dollar because the exposures during dealmaking have left them very exposed in the marketplace. Once the public is convinced they are bot-cloaning left-wing liars, another platform can displace them with blazing speed, requiring only the quiet acquiescence of one
of the cloud giants to quietly (and profitably) provide bandwidth. My highly skewed personal view of reality is that the midterm elections coming up nt he US are so important that an open platform can make or remake its chops starting about Aug30; if Musk and the Blubirds can’t agree (and be reformed) by then, and Google seeks dumping GOP fundraisings, something else will fill the void. The key element to appearing to make this work was/is the image of Musk as an honest broker, a wealthy iconoclast who can criticize both sides. There are few others who can appear to stand in the middle who have expressed support for free speech and are not running for office. Many of the Bird’s employees would stand on the principle of ‘enlightened censorship’ and go down with the ship, we’ll see soon how the shareholders, who have had a difficult ride, feel.
This is Australia’s energy poverty future under Chris ” if we can store water in dams, we can store electricity ” Bowen. Time to hook up a generator to your home power board asap.
This is where Bowen is off his rocker. You cannot just store electricity like you can do with water in a Dam. And this is where the ‘Pollies’ are dangerous as they are way out of their depth when it comes to running an Electricity Power Supply Grid. For goodness sake, bring back the Electrical Engineers to run the Grid. Otherwise, it’s ‘Crash and Burn’ before anyone in Government wakes up and by then it’s just too late.
With the way that the World price of coal is going, it is probably now economic to mine all of the underground coal that the UK is built on. The trouble is that the lead times for reopening and getting the equipment ready (and the labour) to mine the coal is not going to help in the current crisis. In the short to medium term, the coal will have to be imported from somewhere else. Maybe Australia for the UK with Germany getting its coal from Poland.
The entire world is about to get a severe dose of reality . Not the reality of reality TV but the real thing . Cognitive dissonance will now be difficult (and probably painful). The longer it takes for the crash , the worse it will be . Survival will require skill sets that are largely lost – being able to work with basic tools (repair stuff), grow food (feed yourself) and co-operate with everyone (non woke).
I for one cannot wait for the great reset, that is the one away from the green dream toward what actually works. Maybe it is time to start shorting the energy companies.
We have been busy replacing stuff that works with stuff that seems like a good idea.
It wouldn’t even “seem like a good idea” if a proper engineering and economic analysis were done.
There is no objective analysis that could possibly conclude solar and wind are a good idea to replace coal, gas, nuclear or real hydro power stations.
A friend’s description of “things that happen under the affluence of incohol” was
“That it seemed a good idea at the time”
A glimmer of hope for the UK!
Suella Braverman, one of the candidates to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister, has said it!
“In order to deal with the energy crisis we need to suspend the all-consuming desire to achieve net zero by 2050. If we keep it up, especially before businesses and families can adjust, our economy will end up with net zero growth. We don’t want to end up like the Germans, going cap in hand to Putin for heating and power.”
And the MP, Steve Baker, is backing her:
A true conservative, I like her.
“If I get trolled and I provoke a bad response on Twitter I know I’m doing the right thing. Twitter is a sewer of left-wing bile. The extreme left pile on is often a consequence of sound conservative values,” she previously told The Times.
It is already a serious basket case. It will be worse than zero growth. UK is primed for recession and probably already experiencing that. What foreigner wants to hold UK gilts when UK produces nothing of value other than its history. The purchasing power of gilts is declining much faster than the 2.3% yield on offer.
She seems to think that businesses can adjust to this net zero nonsense. This is giving her an out to pursue this pipe dream. What she has to do is kill this rubbish stone dead. It’s not hard. Just make the obvious decision and get rid of the entire government apparatus that has been driving it. That will establish her credentials. Is it likely?
Just wondering… how do they dim streetlights.
how do they dim streetlights.
What Streetlights? – You must live in Luxury
turn off every second one
Will Suela Braverman get the gig as UK PM, should be interesting.
If I was in UK now, I would be heading to Heathrow on my way to any country that was not try to extract real energy from wind.
GDP has collapsed against Russia’s energy backed RUB. GDP1 would buy you RUB179 back in March, It now gets you just RUB75.
India …Vietnam ….both lovely places ….if I was single and had no kids and grand kids….I go to one of those places…
UK is a basket case now. The Q1 2020 current account was down by 18.3% of GDP:
The country cannot sustain this. UK is large enough globally to matter.
The UK is in for more than upper lip stiffening to get through the coming winter.
USA Q12022 was down by 7% of GDP. Only sustainable by the fact that they create the global currency; a unique privilege. However it is highly inflationary on a global scale.
This is the outcome of wasting massive resources on stuff that has no economic merit.
I think we are getting close to the point where necessity will trump stupidity and CO2 will be viewed for what it is and is not. It is the basis of most life on Earth. It is not involved directly in Earth’s energy balance.
“UK is large enough globally to matter.”
What do they do for the globe?? They don’t make anything that other countries buy, they don’t have a unique product other people need… The idea of being a financial center is of no use to the productive of the world, in fact if they collapsed it might not make any difference at all.
We need Russia & China more than the UK & America!
UK has history that makes it popular for tourists and the wealthy Middle East to acquire.
Financial and other business services are important to the world economy. Not quite in the middle of things since UK left the EU but still important. London is still the leading financial centre in the world. If you have a big project that needs money, you go to London.
Their green gilts have been oversubscribed:
So the rest of the investment world is paying the UK to waste more resources on their energy fantasy. People buy brands. Why do people buy BMW cars when they are the most expensive to own – the brand. UK is branding itself as GREEN and that attracts investors in this woke world.
How about Rolls Royce motor cars? Aston Martins? Lots of military weapons and military stuff. The Scots make a nice Whisky or two or three or………..Rolls Royce Aero Engines, Pharmaceuticals, R & D exports, the wings for Airbus Aircraft, many types of Mechanical and Electrical Machinery, Medical equipment, Precious Stones……………..
Here is a link to the Top 10 Exports of the UK –
I suggest that you do some homework first before making statements such as “They don’t make anything that other countries buy”.
its an easy slur, i’ve seen people use it talking about Australia (rings truer I think, we are just lucky to be a quarry) and also Russia which is sort of funny at the moment given how much life in the EU seems to depend on Russia.
Forget Russia, those fascists must be stopped, but we can work with Beijing because they think a hot war is a waste of resources.
What is your suggested method of stopping fascists?
I think a good talking to will work.
(Has Vlad’s Twitter account been suspended?)
As long as everyone’s personhood is respected.
Perhaps mandated lockdown.
I also get confused over which are the fascists these days.
Your comment reminds me of a scene from ‘Cabaret’.
Obviously dealing with the Russian fascists there is little the West can do but stand and fight, while avoiding nuclear conflagration.
Beijing comes with bags of money and the promise of prosperity, Fascism with Chinese characteristics is neo capitalism.
The problem of inexpensive and on-demand energy was solved by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 with the first commercially successful steam engine which was further improved and patented by James Watt in 1769.
These inventions enabled the constant progress and improvement of mankind for the last several centuries and liberated mankind from drudgery and misery caused by energy poverty.
This ongoing progress of humanity was a problem for the Regressive Left so they had to put a stop to it but they were powerless for most of that time.
Then, German Communist Rudi Dutschke conceived his 1967 plan of “the long march through the institutions” to embed Leftists in all Western institutions, starting with the education system. This enabled the general dumbing down of the population plus further embedment of the Left.
Then, several decades ago, the Left had the power they wanted. Knowing that there is a direct correlation between standard of living and energy consumption and availability they set about destroying the legacy of Newcomen and Watt by inventing the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
This started the West’s path to economic ruin and a return to the energy poverty prior to the steam engine, ongoing to this day at a rapidly accelerating pace now that the Left have got themselves into government in all Western countries, either legally or by a coup d’état as in the United States.
It won’t end well. We are heading toward the dystopian Leftist nightmare, already imagined or even prophesied by writers.
If it is not stopped the future will be a horrible combination of Nineteen Eighty Four, Animal Farm and The Time Machine with the Morlocks (Elites) and the Eloi (ignorant Sheeple).
Watt would have understood why the Earth’s oceans cannot exceed 30C. He understood the value of using a cold end condenser. The only difference with the atmospheres cold end is that is both condenses and solidifies. The solid is highly reflective and governs the energy input to the hot end so 30C is all it gets.
sorry, you are incorrect ->
That map is rubbish
here is reality
Max is just over 32.
Two tiny spots over 30C close to Kalimantan. They are fleeting and will not persist for more than a few weeks. Have a in a month and they will be gone.
The highest temperature over an annual cycles 31.3C that occurs in the Bismark Sea. Less than 2% of the ocean surface exceeds 30.5C over an annual cycle and it is all in nooks and crannies around PNG, Indonesia and Malaysia. The scale is also highly contrived. It steps up in 3C intervals then jumps to 35C. There is only one region of what is considered connected ocean, the Persian Gulf, that gets to 35C. But only for August.
Right now the spots showing 35C in your link are actually 30.9C – nothing like the 35C that is implied by the scale. A lot closer to 30C than 35C – your leg is being pulled.,13.75,841/loc=114.591,5.672
Even you are now saying that oceans can exceed 30C as is b.nice.
Your statement ‘ the Earth’s oceans cannot exceed 30C. ’ has been falsified
You don’t understand averages and tiny occurrences, do you, PF.
Temperatures over 30C are like saying SA has 100% renewables….. they happen once in blue moon.
Your ignorance is yet again exposed for all to see.
Please stop, you are an embarrassment to yourself.
According to BoM: ‘Open ocean surface temperature is observed to limit below 32C and annual average for the warmest open ocean water is 30C.’
Rick is obsessed with ocean temps, while oceanic oscillations are given short shrift.
the black and white liberal mindset, my way or the highway
having lost on so many issues based on “the feels” he lurches towards arguing about trivia with meaningless orders of accuracy
Notice also that the warmest 32C temperatures are not in the oceans per-say, but in “captive” waters, along coasts etc
.. and mostly, notice that the warm temperatures are totally due to SOLAR energy, not related in any way to CO2.
Rick has also shown a graph of the zero trend in tropical ocean temperatures against the JUNK MODEL predictions.
This clearly shows that the modellers are absolutely clueless about atmospheric actions in the tropics.
During the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) the world was 5 to 8 degrees Celsius hotter than now and the oceans didn’t boil.
I went to school back in the day when they taught genuine knowledge, not nonsense like the number of supposed genders, 57 or more now?
Anyway, in Grade 5 or 6 we learned about steam engines and I remember doing a project converting my billy cart into a push-along model of Richard Trevithick’s 1802 steam powered locomotive.
This was also the time when real climate scientists were actually predicting, most likely correctly global cooling within 50 or so years.
When I was in junior high school, I bought my first soldering iron and that enable me to move from electric powered stuff to diesel/steam by building boilers from tinned steel cans, strengthened with copper wire to take reasonable pressure. I used simple reaction turbine with brass tubing that had matched ID to OD for a range of sizes from about 1mm to 8mm ID. With high gearing from clock carcases, I could make these things into a hill climbing buggy weighing about 2kg.
One exciting experience was to convert from diesel to petrol. I dripped petrol from the small reservoir onto a cloth as a wick similar to what I did with diesel. It started off OK but the boiler was soon superheated and the solder started to melt. I ended up with a fireball rocket ship as the boiler let go and petrol got whirled around. Fortunately I did this test outdoors rather than under the house. This was not in any way close to the most dangerous things I did with my experiments.
I actually made a steam turbine from tin plated discs cut into a series of small fan blades. Something like 6 rotating and 5 fixed. The casing was aluminium foil rolled up with Araldite on one side to make a strong casing that matched to and sealed to the fixed blades. It was a lot more powerful than the reaction turbine but a lot more effort to make.
There’s a scene in the film “The Martian”with Matt Damon. He’s marooned on mars and attempts to make water via a flame oxidative process using bottled gas. The first time he attempts it he blows himself up. Your experience sounds a bit like that. Mark Watney ( Damon) blames his inaccurate calculations for the mishap.
While there are energy crises in the USA and Europe, we in Australia are blindly committed to following these lemmings over the cliff and delusional statements yesterday from dopey Albo proves this is the case.
He stated AGAIN that we must pursue a 43% co2 emissions reduction by 2030 and AGAIN ignored the fact that the entire SH is already a NET SINK for co2. AGAIN see CSIRO statement at their Cape Grim Tassie site.
Do these delusional donkeys not understand the global co2 emissions data since 1970 or 1990 and if not why not?
And where are our so called scientists + MSM reminding them of these very simple facts and their so called science?
Never forget that Dr Finkel agreed during a Senate hearing ( under oath) that Aussies couldn’t make a difference, even if we stopped all of our Human co2 emissions today. Here AGAIN is Senator MacDonald asking Chief scientist Dr Finkel and his ACCURATE and SCIENTIFIC answer is “virtually NOTHING”. AGAIN thanks to Andrew Bolt over the decades and his pursuit of these delusional con merchants and fra-dsters.
AGAIN here’s the CSIRO Cape Grim site and NOTE under seasonal variation this quote—
“Seasonal variation”
“Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink).
The Cape Grim baseline carbon dioxide data displayed show both the annual cycle and the long-term trend”.
Take a geographic map of the earth, calculate the following percentages
Humans in the northern hemisphere
Ocean extent in the Southern Hemisphere
Refresh your knowledge on how CO2 is absorbed in sea water
Report your findings on the next available unthreaded
Because PF is totally incapable of doing so himself. !
“Refresh your knowledge on how CO2 is absorbed in sea water”
CO2 comes out of seawater when it warms.
Seems that PF thinks the oceans are cooling. !
Start getting some basic knowledge, PF.. you have none at the moment.
The Peru Current begins in the Southern Ocean deep, upwelling nutrient rich cold water is overloaded with CO2, which is liberated as it gets closer to the equator. Its a biological pump.
On the next open thread we can discuss this further.
AGAIN here’s global Human co2 emissions since 1970 or 1990.
AGAIN NOTE SOARING co2 emissions from China, India and other “DEVELOPING countries” over the last 50 years and 30 years.
There’s going to be some lies told soon by the ALP. That 43% target is a target after all, so nothing set in stone. Then it will probably become an “aspirational “ target. They should probably blame Putin for at least a year and then they could always blame the LNP for the next 4 years anyway. Some serious spinning is about to take place and Bowen will be the lead clown communicator.
QLD, cheapest power on the NEM, SA, the dearest this morning.
Socialist paradises all look the same from satellite at night.
I was surprised to see Havana well lit at night.
Socialism: always one execution away from nirvana.
In Europe they have companies that directly remove CO2 from the air in the pursuit of green nirvana. Leading the charge is Swiss corporate Climeworks AG based in Zurich. Climeworks has raised nearly a billion dollars from private equity investors. Look on Utube for how they develop ” negative emission ” power plants. I think they try to sell the CO2 they remove to soft drink bottlers and the like. Save the world by drinking Coca Cola, is that the climate warriors new mantra?
I can see how Wall Street might like it.
Where do they think this captured CO2 goes after its done its job in Coca Cola?
There is good money going into this seriously bad joke. It is a shameful waste of resources.
The demonising of CO2 will eventually be seen as a criminal conspiracy. It is worse than anything occurring in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s because it is impacting across the entire globe and far more people are negatively impacted. The entire world is suffering from this disturbing fairy tale.
The Swiss built a nation on managing, manipulating, hiding and probably laundering other peoples money. This is just another angle on the same theme. Swiss interest rates are still negative as they safe haven so much money.
Perhaps our clueless climate extremists would’ve liked to live 35 K years ago during the last full glaciation?
Modern Humans had just become the only people in Europe because the Neanderthals had recently died out.
Of course Human population was very small and you’d have to fight off a bear etc to survive in a precious cave during those very cold times.
It seems the Neanderthals haven’t completely died out , some of them are running things in Europe.
“It seems the Neanderthals haven’t completely died out , some of them are running things in Europe.”
They’re the few smart ones then?
Neanderthals weren’t necessarily stupid, they had larger brains than modern humans. It’s thought that perhaps they lacked suitable social skills or culture and thus could not survive in large groups.
Thus, the initially small numbers of Homo sapiens sapiens with superior social and organisational skills for surviving in large groups dispaced Homo neanderthalensis although clearly some interbreeding occurred as Caucasian and East Asians carry about 2-3% Neanderthal DNA.
There is also a hypothesis that a higher proportion of Neanderthal women died in childbirth.
“International scientists analysed the blood types of some ancient human ancestors, the Denisovans and the Neanderthals, by looking at their DNA, and say their genes for blood type suggest both groups originated in Africa. They also found a distinct genetic link between the Neanderthal blood types and those of an Aboriginal Australian and an indigenous Papuan, suggesting modern humans mated with Neanderthals before they migrated to Southeast Asia. In addition, they found Neanderthals had blood type genetics associated with diseases that affect newborns and fetuses, and low genetic diversity for blood type genes, compared with modern humans. This fits with other evidence suggesting a small gene pool and reproductive problems contributed to their eventual demise, the authors say.”
Since modern humans are thought to have moved out of Africa around 72-75,000 years ago (after the Lake Toba eruption) that limits the length of time that they could have been in Australia.
You could look at the difference between the two species in another way . The Neanderthals survived ice ages (and we superior H. sap. think a change of 1.5C will produce extinction of our species) and lasted over 300000 years.
If they did so in small family centred groups ,yet survived so long, and if large groups are considered essential for survival, then the conclusion must be that they had superior skills to survive for so long, not inferior. (or the theory that large groups are overwhelmingly advantageous is incorrect)
But they are gone you say. true , maybe there is an inherent, but long term , problem with small groups, inbreeding and the genetic faults that this eventually produces.
The inhabitants of today’s Arctic regions certainly possess superior survival skills and despite living in relatively small groups, they could perhaps survive forever due to their adaptation to extreme conditions.
Despite asking many times, I am still waiting to hear from anti-energy Leftists, how, without affordable and reliable coal, gas, nuclear and real hydro power, poor and middle class people are meant to keep warm in their homes using only or mostly expensive unreliables like solar and wind.
What are they meant to do?
buy another jumper, pure wool of course
I wonder where they think THEY are going to find heat, food, nappies, new roofs – when all us stupid proles are dead/starving/ burning their mansions down.
Our clueless PM Albo “blackouts coming” Albanese saying recently that the floods in Australia are because of the lack of worldwide climate action. Delusional.
yes that is the going thing now, all bad weather is because of climate change. It’s what people are believing now so he’d actually be more stupid to not say it. Of course he is so stupid he would believe it himself.
Those idiot Greens in Germany are now embracing coal and confirming that they will shut the 3 remaining nuclear plants. The SDP-Green coalition has won a vote in the Bundestag just this week allowing both things to happen. Wouldn’t it be better to maybe delay shutting nuclear? They sound as insane as our Greens. Remember how they refused to back K Rudds climate policies because they didn’t go far enough? They don’t even have any political smarts.
So the Greens in Germany are now proposing brown and black coal. What happens when you mix green, brown and black colors. You get a dirty grey or dark brown type color, not really distinct. Maybe a rename of their party is needed? They should call themselves the dirty sh.ts perhaps?
The German Greens have have been a prominent force in German politics for longer than ours and to a much greater extent.
Several years ago The Australian newspaper reported an interview with former Howard Government Treasurer Costello who had just returned from an overseas trip where he met a former German Government senior cabinet minister who is a Green. Peter Costello would not repeat most of what they had discussed in private but did say that his Green friend had described Australian Greens as being on the left of International Green politics.
He didn’t use this often used here description: The watermelons – green outside and red on the inside.
Did you see President Imposter Biden’s latest gaffe?
He read from the teleprompter “end of quote” and “repeat the line”.
It’s a triumph to be able to read the teleprompter. Where’s Dr. Jill?
They will have to change the system.
He cannot talk and think at the same time, because he has no idea what he is saying
until after he has said it.
This is grade 3 primary school reading level. Keep the words short.
And if they want him to repeat the line, just copy and paste. Anything else will be read.
If you put in the word STOP, he will just say STOP. I would not let him drive.
By the time he read stop, he would be in the intersection.
I suspect President Joe Biden will be in the old people’s home before the next election. One day he will get up
and not know where he is. They will have to keep him off the road. Literally. He is even a danger to himself and others
on a bicycle path.
Just in. Talking about abortion Joe Biden says that a ten year old girl had to ‘terminate the presidency‘. They should not use long words on those teleprompter. It’s not just his brain which is failing, at the very least it’s his eyesight.
Perhaps he was thinking of retiring? Or heard his handlers talking around the water cooler?
Which begs the question why those words are on his autocue.
I guess the old adage applies. If you make something idiot proof a whole new class of idiots will rise to the challenge.
They go with what works until they bump into another step down in his deterioration, and then adjust. Cant help thinking we are approaching the end game with Biden, the charade is well over and he is openly criticized and ridiculed even in his own party and the lapdog MSM. I be surprised if he makes it another year and just hope he doesn’t start WW3 in the meantime.
I don’t believe Biden is capable of starting anything. His controllers on the other hand have shown no sense of decency or restraint at any stage.
Bugger. I have kicked the tripwire again. I invite suggestions as to the particular thoughtcrime I’ve committed.
Agree but in reality saying “Biden” is just a euphemism for whoever actually controls that administration.
Yes I know I am being pedantic. Then again you could just say doofus and we’d know who you meant.
Bloomberg – The US Industrial Complex Is Starting to Buckle From High Power Costs
Surging bills are forcing companies to scale back industrial operations, threatening a greater drag on the economy.
It was only a matter of time, really.
Europe’s fertilizer plants, steel mills, and chemical manufacturers were the first to succumb. Massive paper mills, soybean processors, and electronics factories in Asia went dark.
Now soaring natural gas and electricity prices are starting to hit the US industrial complex.
On June 22, 600 workers at the second-largest aluminum mill in America, accounting for 20% of US supply, learned they were losing their jobs because the plant can’t afford an electricity tab that’s tripled in a matter of months. Century Aluminum Co. says it’ll idle the Hawesville, Kentucky, mill for as long as a year, taking out the biggest of its three US sites. A shutdown like this can take a month as workers carefully swirl the molten metal into storage so it doesn’t solidify in pipes and vessels and turn the entire facility into a useless brick. Restarting takes another six to nine months. For this reason, owners don’t halt operations unless they’ve exhausted all other options.
It’s the most poignant signal yet of what’s to come—but not the only one.
Alcoa in Victoria is trying to get out. I suspect no one would buy in. They came under Henry Bolte to some of the cheapest electricity in the world.
Now they Alcoa are not welcome to make the most recycled product in the world. Aluminium/Aluminum is 90% energy in cost.
My idea was to build an entire electricity system on aluminum, smelting it in mini smelters and using it to generate electricity to run electric cars on aluminum metal. No need for transmission lines at all. And far safer than oil to store and of course, infinite. Potential very low energy loss and totally portable and safe and recyclable pure aluminium oxide. But now, Dr. Andrew Forrest wants to thrown away 2/3 of all fossil fuels making hydrogen, which is extremely dangerous, very expensive and a total waste of money and you still have the alleged problem of CO2.
Why are real scientists being ignored in the business of energy. It is left to the UN/EU/politicans (most of whom are lawyers) to decide on matters of science and energy. You may as well ask the Pope about space flight.
The Pope should ask Cardinal Pell.
And yet the Bloomberg article still says adding more solar and wind will somehow help…
Is this the problem: ” rise by up to €3,800 ”
Or is it that there isn’t going to be enough energy?
Households will have to double up! Don’t forget the cat.
Seal off half of every building in every city and share workspace.
The solution differs depending on the problem. Folks should not confuse the issues.
Surely this will be the jolt, the wake up call that the public needs to sway it back to common sense. Nothing like cold and hunger to drop an ideology. Let’s see.
Will the propaganda machine for our side kick in to take advantage of this (do we have one) or will the crisis result in the Aussie like doubling down on more windmills and hope for storage to come along ?
Well, the first move was to double down.
Now for the next move.
Double down again?
Hopefully it does for UK and EU, and that certainly seems to be the case with recent energy moves there.
Doesnt mean much for us though as Australia doesnt seem to learn much from overseas experience and our political class just carries on in their fantasy “RE” bubble as though its working well everywhere else and we are just catching up. I guess we are catching up, but not in a good way.
In case you missed it above, here’s mentally fit Joe Biden talking about abortion. And of course he has issued a Presidential order to ring fence abortion drugs like RU48, the $6Billion industry which has employed Blaisey Ford of Palo Alto University for decades, the accuser of Judge Kavanagh. Believe all women?
And to her credit, Kamala Harris reacts and freezes her face. Anyone else would crack a smile, but she knows not to react to anything he says and just opens her mouth and closes it again. For an habitual cackler, that was a supreme effort. The man on the other side just looks at him and looks away. Tough job when the Commander in Chief has no idea what he is saying while misreading the teleprompter.
Sorry it’s off topic but while Trump was pilloried for making the US energy self sufficient and simultaneously building up the US strategic reserve of oil, the man who cannot read a teleprompter has been responsible directly or indirectly for selling a cheap million barrels of US reserve directly to China and a company associated with his son Hunter. This emergency release of the US Strategic Reserve was to lower US domestic oil prices only! We do not know who is writing the President’s words, but we do know Hunter’s deals have not stopped. You wonder if the big man still gets half. He cannot believe no one in the mainstream media says anything, except extreme right wing ultra nationalists.
Selling a million barrels of strategic reserves to China for a profit must be an impeachable offence, even treason for the Commander in Chief and his son. How can the media ignore this? It was supposed to reduce pump prices, not make profits for friends of Hunter in China.
It’s one thing to openly and deliberately destroy energy self sufficiency for your country and plead with your enemies for more oil and far worse to sell your strategic reserves overseas and to your greatest rival and the source of the man made Flu which killed a million Americans and the Fentanyl which is killing another 100,000 young people a year. This will bring Biden undone. The media cannot ignore this. The outrage will be measured on the Richter scale.
And we will see the first female Indian President in US history. There will be so much cackling. If Biden was Obama’s lame duck, the new President will be the lame duck of a lame duck. Waddle the White House do next? Declare war on Mexico?
Hillary C arranged for the USA to sell around 20% of US Uranium holdings to Russia. No investigation really ensued. These so called elites get away with it all the time.
I just noted that Tucker Carlson is also talking impeachment with Biden’s incredible sale of US Strategic Reserve oil to China and others and through a company connected to Hunter Biden. Here’s Biden’s apologist at 14:13. She knew nothing about it, supposedly. It’s indefensible. Joe Biden’s White House is waging war on America. And while Trump was argued to be behaving criminally somehow in potentially threatening to do what Biden has actually done in Ukraine, what Biden is doing today is openly treasonous.
I have absolutely no doubt that the mainstream media can ignore this. I am pretty sure the majority of Americans have never even heard of this transaction.
The story got a mention on Reuters a couple of days ago.
The new wave of cyber security threats facing critical national infrastructure (CNI)
CNI is increasingly becoming a viable target, thanks to a litany of new malware strains, with cyber attacks threatening to have serious consequences.
In April, US government agencies issued a joint statement, saying hackers are making custom tools targeting the industrial control systems (ICS) underpinning CNI to gain “full system access”. The agencies urged critical infrastructure organisations to shore up cyber security immediately to protect systems from attack.
In the UK, regulations including the Network and Infrastructure Security Regulations (NIS) and roadmaps such as the National Cyber Strategy 2022 aim to ensure CNI is as secure as possible from a cyber attack. It’s especially important as the risk grows from aggressive nation state powers such as Russia. Indeed, Ukraine says Russia has been targeting its CNI since the conflict began.
The realities of the US’s proxy war with Russia are mounting by the day…
In a REAL war they’ll target the power grids first which is why people should be more focussed on being independent of the grid as much as possible as the grid could go down for weeks if not months.
The added benefit is one of cost savings.
If the west keeps poking the bear they’ll be looking down the barrel of consequences far worse than power costs and rationing.
Recently there was an item on the potential of hijacking ships whose command structure was via internet
Chiefio’s question was “Who in right mind put that there?”
Yes. Much has been unlearned since the early days of the internet.
Australians should never complain when the grid goes dark because we have two experiments already running to prove solar and wind don’t work, even under circumstances that perhaps a rational thinker might think they would.
King Island and Flinders Island.
To paraphrase, Melbourne is going to need a bigger diesel generator.
Paul Joseph Watson takes a look at Boris Johnson and his possible replacement.
That was an excellent and appalling run down of the possible candidates. OMG.
We are endlessly told by the anti-energy lobby how solar and wind are incredibly cheap.
And yet the obvious reality is that the more solar and wind installed the higher the consumer electricity price. Every. Single. Time.
Exactly what will it take for the Sheeple to wake up?
It’s far worse than that. The RET laws in Australia and the UK mean that everytime fossil fuels are used, as much money goes in cash to the windmills and solar people. That means they are paid twice and of course electricity prices double. Worse, retailers go to wind and solar if they are available as they stay slightly cheaper and you do not have to buy certificates. That wrecks the fossil fuel people who cannot cycle up and down randomly.
So the fossil fuel suppliers shut shop because their payments are as intermittent as solar and wind but they cannot profitably run baseload supplies on erratic demand at half the income. Or putting it another way, wind and solar get paid even when they supply nothing but coal and oil are paid half for a lot of the time. So they shut down, which was the whole idea. And the promoters of wind and solar say they just cannot match the low prices while pocketing half the cash as windfall income. And they do not have to even sell their electricity at peak periods to earn certificates. Pumping out unsold electricity is just as profitable as selling it. Intermittent power with solid stable income. Cheaper? No. Twice the price.
The reactive strategy adopted by the owners of Pelican Point gas in South Australia was to close down and force a desperate government to subsidize them for opening. Then the public pays triple for what used to cost single. And everything is intermittent and unstable. So we will end up paying for fossil fuel suppliers to stay on line even if no one wants the output just as we pay homeowners for lunchtime solar which is not used. And people ask why energy costs have rocketed? Really?
But of course Dr. Andrew Forrest uses his skills as a newly minted Marine biologist to argue that throwing away 60% of the energy of gas or coal will solve the problem and Australia will be an ‘energy superpower’. Of course he wants the Government to pay for his ideas. That’s us folks.
Labour Federal Governments are always banging on about Reform whenever they get into power. So, here’s one for them. How about reform of the Electricity Power Generation pricing mechanism and get some proper market pricing into it. I have never seen such a convoluted pricing system anywhere before in my lifetime.
Using the current electricity pricing system for water would see the price go up and down like a yo-yo
Quiet John. Don’t give the powers that be ideas about water pricing.
I think that the situation, present and future, in all Western countries is far worse th an any of the Sheeple could imagine, assuming they were interested, which they are not.
This is the point at which the Elites such as Herr Schwab pounce and take full control, having done all the preparatory work and installed the leaders that are necessary to fulfill the plan.
Yes David, but take control of what? The world will be a smoking ruins before the elites take full control.
Russia, China and Iran conduct joint military operations in and with Venezuela:
I’m just waiting for the liars at the BOM to state that every year is warmer than the last. If we believe this, then by 2100 the Earth will be a wasteland.
yes , and the indoctrinated believe exactly that, and support mindless “climate action” in its many and various pointless forms.
This may be a bit off the subject. (What was the subject?) But here is condensation of a longer bit picked up from John O’Sullivan’s page:
Lawrence Summers, former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and past President of Harvard University, once said “Anything that calls itself a science isn’t.”
Science is by definition about facts and their observed interrelationships. By contrast, fake science excludes inconvenient facts to protect dogmas supporting conjecture. Science requires that facts challenge theories and ideas, as well as dogma. To put empirical evidence above even reasoned understanding, a scientist needs deep respect for facts, complete openness to possible error, and readiness to change when facts overthrow understanding.
In fake science – typically technology perceived as science – people mistake computer models for science. Models are “black boxes” that compound errors based on assumptions and serve as “crystal balls.” They are highly effective for deceiving people and misguiding policy.
Time and again models have been proven wrong or inaccurate. Since they deal only in hermetic spheres of compounded errors, however, they need neither depend on reality nor accurately depict it. Their sole purpose is to preserve the illusion of computer “science.”
Fake science needs to be better recognized as such. Or Lord Rutherford’s “All science is either physics or stamp collecting” must change to prevent global collapse from reality encrusted in sham science.
[…] the folder below the fold, so, check out Jo Nova, with a post on the European energy […]
Saudi Arabia’s strategic oil reserves are running out: importing large quantities of Russian Oil via Egypt
In the shock revelation that Saudi Arabia’s strategic oil reserves are running out, and the “source” is drying up, international analysts proceed, noting that the Kingdom now imports large quantities of Russian oil with Egypt as an intermediate country.
This means that Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves and strategic reserves are running out, bringing energy Armageddon even closer.
We had reported in a previous article that there are signs that “the US is gradually losing Saudi Arabia” but no one had imagined until now that the Kingdom is now largely dependent on Moscow.
The sudden increase in Egyptian oil inflows and outflows has mobilized many analysts around the world to investigate what exactly is going on. As it turns out, the largest amount of fuel of Russian origin goes to Saudi Arabia.
“It appears that increasing volumes of Russian oil are heading to Saudi Arabia via Egypt ,” said Jonathan Leitch, oil market analyst at Turner, Mason & Co.
The Russian cargoes are headed to Egypt’s Ain Sukhna terminal on the Red Sea where Aramco Trading Co has storage space. From there, the oil is transported by sea to several ports in western Saudi Arabia.
Well now…isn’t that interesting.
Maybe a journo can ask Biden why the US is exporting oil in a fuel price crisis…
“Twilight in the desert” becoming a reality (at last)
Over in collapsed Sri Lanka the masses are now chasing and killing the rich due to food and energy shortages. Police using live ammo. Over 200 dead so far.
“No man can tell what he’ll do when driven by hunger”
– the cannibal convict Alexander Pearce before his execution in 1826
Social Peace Is In Great Danger”: Germany Is Quietly Shutting Down As Energy Crunch Paralyzes Economy
Earlier today we wrote that Germany’s largest landlord, Vonovia, had taken the unprecedented step of restrictring heating at night, a terrifying preview of what lies in stock for the “most advanced” European nation this winter. Alas, it’s going to get worse, much worse.
According to the FT, Germany is now rationing hot water, dimming its street lights and shutting down swimming pools as the impact of its energy crunch begins to spread like the proverbial Ice-Nine wave, from industry to offices, leisure centers and residential homes.
How long before they welcome Russia back with open arms?
No bids in Pakistan LNG’s tender for ten spot cargoes
State-owned Pakistan LNG said it has received no bids for its latest tender seeking spot LNG cargoes for delivery in July-September.
The firm launched the tender last week inviting firms to submit bids for a total of ten cargoes.
The delivery windows included July 25-26, July 30-31, August 4-5, August 10-11, August 15-16, August 20-21, August 30-31, September 9-10, September 14-15, and September 19-20.
This means that Pakistan did not manage to secure much-needed LNG supplies to fuel its power plants in the four last tenders.
10M in the UK moving into real poverty… Will that wake them up though to vote wiser?