A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A brilliant video: Swiss Jet maneuvers synchronized with Jazz Guitar (Marc Antoine).
by Hamish McQueen.
There is only the roar of jet engines, but it is spectacular!
that was good too. Some good low level flying there.
Wow they were really moving .
My favourite from years ago was the blue angels with the Van Halen song dreams .
I like Trumps NEW paint job better!! 🙂
Did the painter-body repairer need much filler?
Donald ‘My other plane is Airforce One’ Trump.
The Mach loop in Wales is not too shabby either.
Very good and I never knew that the Swiss had a Navy with an Aircraft Carrier………….lol
That was good. I wish more video clips of music were like that. Wow, those jets, flying one of those things would bean exhilarating rush. I sat in the cockpit of the Mirage bomber at the Albion Park Air Museum and it was a freaky feeling, quite cramped sitting on this huge rocket with gauges that look like they wont work in front of you. Man has made some astonishing achievements.
a couple of years ago, a chap was given a “joy ride” in a Rafale fighter as a present for his hard work. He panicked just as the plane was taking off, or just after take-off, and pulled the ejection handle. The report into the event indicated that he was not briefed properly, not secured properly, and didn’t really want to do it anyway. thankfully no one was seriously injured.
I still think it’d be amazing to get to ride in something like that! It’s already a lot of fun being in the co-pilots seat in a propellor driven plane, and in small choppers with no doors.
That was a while ago but iirc the ejection sequencing should have banged the pilot out as well but fortunately it was not so.
Ejection sequencing on two seater jets matter. On the F4 Phantom, if the pilot initiated the ejection the REO would always go first, a fraction of a sec before the pilot. You don’t want the two tangling up. The REO could initiate the ejection alone but could select “Both” if he thought the pilot was incapacitated.
A lot had to happen correctly after that if the two were to survive though. That for another day.
Music and Aircraft?
Thy this classic from Robbie Coltrane, starting at about the eight minute mark:
Second Movement of Beethoven’s 7th.
All-round good vibes!
Perth’s aviation museum in Bull Creek has setup their Macchi with virtual reality goggles hooked up to the controls. Did a session in the cockpit, “flying” around Perth. A lot better than 737 sims.
the French armed forces are practicing for the 14 July celebrations, and I live on the flight path as they cruise over the arc de triomphe and over Paris. they also fly in a lot of military hardware to show it off to the public near Ecole Militaire, so there is a stream of all kinds of helicopters arriving in the morning, and departing in the evening of the 14th.
I do feel slightly sorry for the people marching this year, as they tend to march relatively slowly (especially the foreign legion in their ceremonial gear), and the Champs Elysees will be like an oven if the forecast is even remotely correct – above 30deg, no shade, and no real breeze. Though probably better off marching than standing still waiting to march.
I thought the Foreign Legion was used to marching in hot weather, Beau Geste and all that. /s
In these parades, they are the intimidating bunch with large beards, shiny axes and large leather aprons – not my idea of fun in the sun, but I was never in the military, so I guess I miss the point.
I thought the Champs Elysees was tree lined so the Germans could march in the shade.
Sorry! I’ll give myself an uppercut.
the trees keep the newly conquered citizens shaded! The hun…in the sun….
Sorry, I’ll see myself out….
The US DoJ wants illegal immigrants to vote (for Biden?)……………………….
Albo wants New Zealanders to vote (for Albo)…
In case you missed it 🙂
How ocean surface temperature responds to solar forcing and why:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhF-huKqOojvwFtXa
In light of that revelation you might like to give us a SST snapshot for the year 2030.
‘Solar Cycle 25 appears to be intensifying more rapidly than initially forecast. Based on this early stage of solar cycle 25 observations, the solar peak projected for mid-decade is likely much stronger than previously forecast.
‘There is potential for a historic solar maximum if the current rate of strengthening continues. Despite the potential for an exceptionally strong solar maximum, the correlation to larger than normal geomagnetic storms are not necessarily expected.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Compared to 2021, 2030 in the SH will have more sunshine but under 0.01W/m^2 more at 55S dropping to zero at 18S. The NH will all have less sunlight reducing by 0.025W/m^2 at the North Pole.
There is a big jump from 2030 to 2031 with the latter similar to 2020. 2031 more sunlight in all latitudes than 2030. Peak of 0.051W/m^2 at 13N. This will shift the temperature needle up a smidgen.
Have a look at the middle chart in this lot.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhFzCATi2JCEkwR8t
This is actual OST measured in the Nino34 region. Jupiter’s beat of 11.8 years is very visible in this record. Whether that it is due to Jupiter shifting the sun relative to Earth or less direct through sunspots, it is clearly evident.
I would need to automate my orbital model for just this region to see if it is purely orbit over the 40 years or if there is other factors. ENSO adds noise to this measurement but the beat rally stands out.
Here is another one that I recently realised. The reason UAH readings are about a month behind the surface readings is related to the response of the atmosphere to surface temperature:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhGBuVPsKFeVfI4J4
This is measure of surface sunlight at two moored buoys. The best correlation for the 5-day averages in the Pacific was to bring the sunlight ahead in time by 25 days. For the Atlantic 1 day average, the best correlation was a 5 day shift. Notice the average temperature at the Atlantic buoy is roughly 28C while the Pacific is close to 30C. There would be about 18mm difference in average water column between these two temperatures and it would take about 20 days to pump up the atmosphere from 28C to 30C with the available energy of less than 20W/m^2/C – some has to go into warming the water until it hits the 30C limit..
ENSO is more than noise, the IPO sets the tone.
‘The IPO index compares well with observations during the instrumental period and with paleo-proxy assimilated datasets throughout the entire record, which indicates a robust and temporally stationary IPO signal for the last ;550 years. Paleoclimate reconstructions from the tropical Pacific region vary greatly during the Little Ice Age (LIA), although the reconstructed IPO index in this study suggests that the LIA was primarily defined by a weak, negative IPO phase and hence more La Niña–like conditions.’ (Porter et al 2021)
The oceanic oscillations are a driving force in climate, here you see phase changes in the AMO from positive to negative.
I think that the solar experts are having just as hard a time predicting what the solar cycle is going to do as the climate modelers with planetary heating/cooling. Cycle 25 may be intensifying more rapidly than some predicted, but the potential for a strong solar maximum would indeed be a surprise. If you have a look at the progression of previous cycle 24 here, you can see that it also got off to a quick start but then ran out of breath, peaked again momentarily and then fizzled.
The May monthly count was 96.5, falling to 70.5 in June – maybe the sun has an equivalent to el Niño/la Niña cycles as well.
Another double-peaker for cycle 25 is on the cards.
A Bill Gates supermarket in the Netherlands that focusses on “new-age” foods like plant protein has caught fire in the middle of the night
No surprises there 😅
The World Economic Forum vows to buy up Dutch Farmers’ lands
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed plans to buy up land left by Dutch farmers who are being put out of business by the global elite. reports: The elite “see a future for us where we are completely dependent on the State, eat bugs, they own your land, you own nothing and you’ll be happy is what they say.”
Possible conflicts of interest and back-room deals being uncovered between Dutch Ministers in conjunction with Bill Gates / Bill & Melinda Foundation, and their €600m stake in delivery service Picnic.
This is nothing to do with Nitrogen, it’s purely about acquiring the land.
Documents reveal Dutch Government is working with World Economic Forum to implement ‘The Great Reset’
Documents released in response to an FOI request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives show that the Dutch Government is colluding with the World Economic Forum to implement The Great Reset.
The Netherlands is the proud host of the Global Co-ordination Secretariat (“GCS”) for the worldwide network of Food Innovation Hubs’, wrote Foodvalley; the leading European innovation hub in this network.
“It was great to have support for the initiative by Foodvalley members Mengniu Dairy, DSM and Unilever this week at the online WEF Davos panel session on the transformation of food systems,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on 26 January.
Foodvalley’s article continued: “More than 20 organisations are already working together as Food Innovation Hubs in Colombia, India, Europe, South-East Asia and several countries in Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has provided multi-year support for the development of a Food Innovation Hub in India and several public and private sector partners have committed in-kind resources to support the development of hubs in various regions.”
What Foodvalley did not mention is that the Netherlands was host to the GCS because the Dutch government was planning to fund it.
Foodvalley also avoids pointing out that the initiative has “special attention for development and implementation of key enabling technologies e.g., Digitalisation Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, biotechnology and micro and nanotechnology in the Agri-Food sector.”
Apparently. the local Fire Chief has blamed the cause of the fire on too many ‘glow worms’ confined to too small a shelf space.
The hot chili peppers were in the incubator next door, chilling out under the nightshade.
They said it wasn’t them according to their hydro-feed.
The plot thickens, the Gates funded supermarket is called ‘Picnic’, and
‘Political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek pointed out the brother of the Dutch Minister who pushed for nitrogen control laws actually owns Picnic, adding the company also markets plant-based meats.’
Politicians are bought by the WEF and NWO
it’s a very incendiary topic…
Inflammatory non the less.
Must be one of those mostly peaceful protests we hear so much about.
After the covi jabs and boosties we had to have produced the pandemic of the vaxxed we didn’t want, Pfizer offers to patch the problem for ‘high risk’ people with their anti-viral coctail, Paxlovid. At around $1000 per reduced to under $10 on the PBS scheme, courtesy of the taxpayer, Pfizer makes yet more hideous profits as a result of an insidious wealth transfer scheme where we use our hard earned tax dollars to fund the WEF and globalist elites.
Oh … so it’ called ‘transfer’ nowadays?
I guess the second wave of ‘transfer ‘was required because there was money left in pockets after the first wave of lockdown and ‘vaccine’ transfer.
And an ‘anti-viral’ is needed after one’s ‘vaccination’ and ‘boosting’ that were supposed to be anti-viral.
As a peasant I realize my ability to handle money and comprehend virology and words is limited.
Just have to remember to correct my colloquialisms …
“Jesse James was a bank tranferer.”
“The prices they’re charging are highway transfer.”
“Thank you for transfering me of my dignity.”
I think I’m getting the hang of the language of the Liberal World Order.
Is that the drug which during development had the code name I can’t believe it’s not ivermectin?
I don’t think so because IVM will probably work.
pfizzer are more likely to produce something that “keeps on keeping on”.
Covid-19 shots cause myocarditis and pericarditis. The authors of a paper are more academically restrained:
“There are several factors that support the hypothesis of a causal relationship between exposure to mRNA vaccines and the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. First, the associations remained strong, even after adjusting for a history of these conditions or recent SARS-CoV-2 infection, and in a period during which most common respiratory viruses were not widely circulating.”
Macron ordered to RESIGN as French President faces urgent probe after ‘betraying France’
EMMANUEL MACRON is facing furious resignation calls after an investigation revealed he signed a “secret deal” to advance a US company in France.
Les Patriotes leader Florian Philippot said: “Macron must resign! He betrays France, its companies, the State, justice, the people! Out!”
He added: “If after the #UberFiles the oppositions don’t vote ‘no confidence’ today, I don’t know what they need!
“Be responsible and vote it! Put the Macronie down!”
Echoing his comments, National Rally MEP Jordan Bardella said: “It was common knowledge, the #UberFiles demonstrate it once again.
“Despite the permanent ‘at the same time’, Emmanuel Macron’s career has a consistency, a common thread: to serve private interests, often foreign, before national interests.”
Anyone seeing a pattern?
First Boris now Macron.
Zero-tolerance-for-failure Schwab giving them the boot?
Hopefully a few more like Turdeau, Ardern, Biden etc…
“Hopefully a few more like Turdeau, Ardern, Biden etc…”
Wait until you see their replacements. Better the devil you know…
in the earlier Thread, cadger in Ontario linked to an interactive map of electrical power consumption, and some other commenters then checked it out, as I did also, and on first look, it does what it is supposed to do, provide a really good site for people to see collected data at, and for people who have just a relatively basic understanding of power generation, it looks so real ….. but is it really what you see there? And this is not my disparaging all you people who find these links (thank you very much) but there’s so much more to it that a basic knowledge and understanding may not be aware of.
Here’s the link, and just cruise around and have a look for yourself, depending on which (Australia) State you live in. Just click on your State and read the text block, and hover your mouse over the sources inside that text block.
There’s so much about that map and its text that is questionable really, and it’s indicative of the people who compile the site, and think that they’re doing it for all the right ….. ‘GREEN’ reasons, in a manner exactly the same as the RenewEnergy and OpenNEM sites as well. Someone trained in electrical power and looking at those sites sees the truth of it all, and not just what the greens want to highlight. (but I digress)
At that new link after cruising, just scroll out and then have a look at the data for China. Umm, there is none, and again, that leads me to question it all, because if there is any data that is so readily available and in fact, more up to date (almost real time in fact) than ANY other Country on the Planet, then it’s China.
However, (and again, this is what leads me to question the site) they have included their own little ‘bullet point’, that ….. carbon intensity.
And it’s frightfully wrong really. When you hover over the carbon intensity for coal fired power, check the black coal and brown coal intensities, gee, both the same eh, who would have thought.
And the average intensities per State. The transfer of power from Queensland to NSW, lower than for coal fired power, when ALL the exported power from Queensland is basically 100% coal fired power.
And even the intensities are wrong themselves, marked as way too high, as you might expect, to make their green point.
And if they are that high as the site compilers would naturally insist, then it’s pretty darned obvious why they were so lazy as to not include any data from China, so readily findable.
And do you know why?
The intensity they have for coal fired power at that site, oh, anywhere is around 820 grams per KiloWattHour.
Huh! The intensity (the average mind you) of all coal fired power in China, old plants as well as the newer tech USC plants is ….. 303.7 grams per KWH, not much more than a third of what this site marks as intensity for coal fired power.
Believe what you want to believe when you look at sites like this, but be aware that there is an underlying agenda, and not all the information is as kosher as it looks on your screen.
Think I see what you mean, Yes indeed. … even Carbon intensity for Nuclear Power …. is/ was that the C input of building the plant ? Steel WindNills and ‘plastics’ Solar panels …. Huh and then O/T ( yours ) what about Water footprints, Labour foot prints, any other metrics ? Surprised there’s actually something from Russia …and Germanski is so high too. ( all from a UK perspective.)
Forgot to put milk over the cornflakes, through reading this – hence small flakes over the keyboard ….. See our Orkney Islands – and Shetland….. eh? really? Oh but look into all further down, yes… rubbish indeed that’s right, HIDE the detail at the bottom or on links. … Thanks for all this.
I’m not stupid I posted the links in the context of the thread.
Production/consumption not bogus “carbon intensity”.
Have a look at Canada.
The other links seem to source from IPCC 2014?
Blood clots: The nation’s favourite drink could make your blood sticky – increasing risk
Speaking exclusively to, Professor Mark Whiteley – a leading consultant venous surgeon – cautioned that caffeine could lead to “sticky blood”, thereby increasing your risk of a blood clot. “Dehydration affects the constituents of the blood, making blood thicker and more ‘sticky’,” Professor Whiteley pointed out. “Blood flows at a slower rate in veins than in arteries. Therefore, being dehydrated can increase the chances of developing a blood clot in the veins.”
Tea and coffee are the cause of mystery heart attacks. I knew it 😅😅
We used to have pensioners picking the grapes when I was young. Plenty of water provided but also a few tea breaks a day even high 30s. No health issues.
Immuno-epidemiologic ramifications of the C-19 mass vaccination experiment: Individual and global health consequences. Geert Vanden Bossche
“The mass vaccination program has driven natural selection and adaptation of more infectious SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2) variants that have now evolved to causing enhanced susceptibility of vaccinees to infection (due to antibody-dependent enhancement of infection; ADEI). The resulting recurrence of infectious episodes leads to hyperactivation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells that are directed at a universal (i.e., MHC-unrestricted) T cell epitope comprised within the SC-2 spike (S) protein. As these cytotoxic CD8+ T cells enable prompt abrogation of productive infection and as this epitope is shared amongst some other glycosylated viruses causing acute self-limiting infection or disease, more and more cases of asymptomatic infections are to be expected in vaccinees, especially in those endowed with a mature and fully functional innate immune system. These asymptomatic infections are not limited to more infectious and antigenically shifted SC-2 variants but also include other infections that use the same cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) to abrogate productive infection (e.g., influenza virus, poxvirus, respiratory syncytial virus [RSV]). However, as prevention of disease in vaccines is, therefore, no longer based on prevention of infection by neutralizing antibodies, asymptomatic vaccinees abundantly spread highly infectious SC-2 immune escape variants as well as other highly infectious, immunogenically related viruses to other parts of the population. Consequently, in a highly vaccinated, well-mixed population, vaccinees with a mature and healthy innate immune system are now to be considered an asymptomatic reservoir for transmission of new, highly infectious SC-2 immune escape variants and other highly infectious diseases to the remainder of the population. The resulting enhanced viral transmission rate is likely to ignite new pandemics (see fig. 1), not only of new, highly infectious, and antigenically shifted SC-2 variants (typically labeled as ‘variants of concern’) but also of avian influenza virusand monkeypox virus. Elderly vaccinees could serve as an asymptomatic reservoir for less infectious immunogenetically related viruses such as RSV or common influenza strains. Transmission of RSV or influenza virus from asymptomatic vaccinated elderly to young children could disconnect the occurrence of these diseases from seasonality and hence, lead to a ‘childhood’ pandemic of RSV and influenza (currently already causing hospitalizations of children).
Note the sentence I highlighted…
Pipe Dreaming
‘Australia is on track to generate half its electricity needs from renewable sources within three years, according to a report highlighting the extraordinary pace of change underway in the country’s energy system.’ (ABC)
Not even if the sales and marketing contractors for the renewables industry used nameplate and claimed continuous operation.
What tosh.
If you cannot afford it you will reduce your usage thereby reducing energy needs.simples!!!!!!
Yes but at times the grid will need to make 100% of its electricity without wind and solar, without doubt, this will happen, 100% certainty. So how is it going to do it ? Everything else is irrelevant, it just means more expensive and more unreliable electricity.
There are 2 main ways to achieve this magical goal, the easiest seems to be to make it unprofitable and untenable for large power consumers to continue to do business in Australia.
What the ABC means is that Australia is on track to shut down a large percentage of reliable power. It’s pretty simple. If you close down the reliable power stations all of a sudden renewables make up a bigger percentage of what’s left.
A reasonable prediction. One windy day half of Australia’s energy will be produced by intermittent energy sources. Then the sun will set and that will be the end of that.
Unless of course lots more solar panels are installed.
“Unless of course lots more solar panels are installed.”
Working on moonlight?
What’s that? You mean solar panels need sunlight to work?
Hells bells. Don’t tell the teals.
I am confident that a daily record of AEMO for a state or for Australia, published on the 6pm news, showing fuel mix, would have a very strong effect on the population. It has no need for editorials, it’s just plain facts that speak for themselves.
Or a daily spot on an early page in the Telegraph and Herald Sun ….
Can it happen?..
The End of Medical Free Speech in Queensland
New legislation introduced in Queensland, the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, will greatly enhance the government regulator’s powers for censoring doctors in Queensland.
The Bill grants APHRA new and unprecedented powers for coercively silencing doctors who stray from the officially mandated ‘narrative’ and will prevent vital information ever reaching the ears of the Queensland public.
The new bill overturns centuries of medical ethics by replacing the principle that a doctor’s loyalty must, first and foremost, be to the well-being of their patient, and replacing it with a new principle, that of upholding and safeguarding ‘public trust’ and ‘confidence’ in public health authorities.
The Explanatory Notes say the regulatory body will be free to take action against a doctor in any way it deems “necessary or convenient” to ‘safeguard’ public confidence and safety.
The Bill also gives APHRA the power to publicly ‘name and shame’ doctors before they have even been found guilty of anything.
This robs Qld doctors of their rights as citizens to the ‘presumption of innocence’, ‘natural justice’ and ‘due process’.
This spells the end of doctor-patient confidentiality and trust, the end of real medical ethics and the death of medical truth.
I know a few medical practices that closed down as the doctors actually had ethics and refused to promote the narrative.
Congrats to them and a look of disdain to the rest.
C’mon Elon – buy a country instead. I’ll emigrate!
‘This might be among the greatest scandals in Australian history’ – Senator Alex Antic finally receives response to Senate’s Estimates question raised three months ago.
Three months ago, Senator Antic asked the Australian Government Department of Health’s Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, to provide answers ‘regarding the effect that the mRNA injections have on reducing transmission of the virus,’ in particular, relative to ‘Travel restrictions around the Biosecurity Act.’
Yesterday, however, Senator Antic advised he’d finally received an answer to his questions taken ‘on notice,’ and posted the development on Facebook.
Antic’s post headed ‘Breaking! Mandate madness Exposed’ supplied evidence of a response conceding that “the effect injections have on transmission is ‘modest.’”
Modest… we can all put a real world number on that now can’t we…
42 yo British-Nigerian MP Kemi Badenoch is launching a bid for the Prime Ministership of the UK. She is currently, I kid you not, the minister of state for Levelling Up Communities and also concurrent minister for Equalities.
She must be a busy woman.
How any political party can create these types of ministerial portfolios with a straight face I know not.
Virtue signaling on steroids. We Care! Don’t vote for the other lot! The climate will thank you. The transgender lesbian poetry collective meets next week. See you there!
..also Shadow Minister for Funny Walks..
Over in Canada 93% of “Covid” deaths are in the vaxxed with 50% being quad vaxxed.
82% of ICU patients in Germany are fully vaxxed.
Babies and toddlers hallucinating and having seizures after the shots in the EU.
Bulk orders for child coffins in the USA.
Australia – hospitals admissions spike even as most aussies fully vaxxed.
When will it stop…
When people MAKE it stop!!
You meant to say: Australia – hospitals admissions spike
even asbecause most aussies fully vaxxed.190
Jabbing toddlers is pure evil.
a little known FACT : most of the Living admitted patients are ALIVE. People die now who never used to die..
Interesting that used to give percentages of injected victims admitted to hospital.
Then they stopped.
Now the figures which were there seem to have disappeared.
You might be interested in this. It is specific to NSW, but worth a look. Scroll down to the table for 4 June 2022.
The article is mainly about the dodgy statistical manipulation evident in the official numbers.
I have been advocating for a pay increase for the ‘Spin Doctors’ given the job of reporting this data in NSW for some time. They have been set an impossible task against insurmountable odds when other States have shied away from weekly reporting.
These poor buggers have had to come up with ‘no effective dose’ category to replace unvaccinated. This had the effect of placing those hospitalised or dying shortly after the ‘clotshot’ in a cohort with the evil un-vaccinated.
When those dying after having an effective dose then started overwhelming that category the tune was changed to reporting a percentage of those who ‘unfortunately’ had not received a third shot.
Even this was getting out of hand so the whole bundle was submerged into a weekly respiratory illness report.
There is a current questioning of the findings of the Milgram Experiment. A study of these obedient servants incapable of presenting a data table that has details of patient, treatment and duration and outcomes from the beginning of this health emergency, in my opinion, would throw the doubter’s objections to the Milgram findings out the window.
Top climate scientists slam global warming “so-called evidence” as “misrepresentation, exaggeration & outright lying”
Two top-level American atmospheric scientists have dismissed the peer review system of current climate science literature as “a joke”. According to Emeritus Professors William Happer and Richard Lindzen, “it is pal review, not peer review”. The two men have had long distinguished careers in physics and atmospheric science. “Climate science is awash with manipulated data, which provides no reliable scientific evidence,” they state.
No reliable scientific evidence can be provided either by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), they say, which is “government-controlled and only issues government dictated findings”. The two academics draw attention to an IPCC rule that states all summaries for policymakers are approved by governments. In their opinion, these summaries are “merely government opinions”. They refer to the recent comments on climate models by the atmospheric science professor John Christy from the University of Alabama, who says that, in his view, recent climate model predictions “fail miserably to predict reality”, making them “inappropriate” to use in predicting future climate changes.
Gee, everything is getting modded today 😲
Panic and war
My concern is that 2023 is a turning point on our war model. You can see the large spike in 2023 and we have a Panic Cycle in 2026. We are already witnessing a sharp rise in civil unrest and uprisings to assassinations here in 2022 and next year is likely to be worse. The Democrats are desperate to allow aliens to vote to justify confiscating assets from real Americans. The Democrats have lost all sense of being American and this is all about them holding power and pushing the country into this Great Reset handing power to the United Nations. I cannot imagine a better scenario for serious violence to appear in 2023 if the Democrats rig the 2022 election again.
via Martin A.
What can the loony dems do?
Have an honest election?
This will play out the only way it can.
The Great Reset: “You will own nothing and you will be happy” – that’s serfdom – back 1000 years to prior to the Magna Carta – prior to property rights.
Were serfs allowed self defense before 1215?
A 61 year old bodega clerk in NYC was a attacked by a women with a knife after her EBT card purchase failed.
She summoned her 35 year old parolee boyfriend who forced his way behind the counter to assault the clerk again.
The 61 year clerk, considerably smaller and twice the age of the assailant, defended himself with a knife.
Resulting in the tragic death of the assailant.
The clerk was arrested, charged with murder and placed on $500,000 bond.
GoFundMe cancelled the attempt to raise money for his defense.
bail was reduced to $50k as it deemed to be an amount that was more reasonable, and I read somewhere that it was paid eventually.
In principle, the loss of any human life is a sad thing, but I feel far more sympathy for the person who has to live with stabbing someone to death, than I do for the dead guy.
Sad for all.
However, the more serious issue is the lying by omission of the MSM described in the vid.
They appear to be actively and purposely promoting social division.
Brazil: 122K chikungunya cases reported through June
The Brazil Ministry of Health reported in it’s June 2022 Epidemiology Bulletin that there were 122,075 probable cases of chikungunya through mid-June this year.
This is a 94 percent increase compared to the same period in 2021.
The Brazil Ministry of Health reported in it’s June 2022 Epidemiology Bulletin that there were 122,075 probable cases of chikungunya through mid-June this year.
Mozzie borne diseases spiking globally now…
We won’t escape this much longer…
Researchers Have Found a Way To “Turn Off” Peanut Allergies
The potential of new, more focused allergy treatments is now possible thanks to the identification of the key immunological changes that allow the remission of peanut allergy in children.
For the first time, researchers discovered that particular gene networks are rewired to drive the transition from peanut allergy to clinical remission after combination treatment of a probiotic and peanut oral immunotherapy.
The research, led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) and the Telethon Kids Institute, discovered that network reprogramming effectively shuts down the allergic immune response that causes a food allergy. The study was published in the journal Allergy.
Murdoch Children’s Professor Mimi Tang, who led the study, said it was the first to identify the complex gene-to-gene communication and connectivity underlying clinical remission of peanut allergy.
Interesting though that it’s only really the west that suffers from peanut allergies..
With regard to UK politics, I have a sense that the Bilderbergers and the deep-state globalists have decided that it is time the UK had a Labour government again. Their next general election is scheduled for early 2025 although I think they can call one sooner. They may well be angling towards such a scenario. The idea is to replace Boris now with someone fairly unlikeable or utterly hopeless (which shouldn’t be too difficult given the material the Tories have to work with) so that on cue the British voters gladly ” elect ” a preselected Labour puppet.
The public will believe ” democracy ” is working as intended while the real decision makers high-five each other over bottles of Krug and smoked salmon and caviar canapes.
Expect then a new lite Brexit renegotiation that gets the EU and the money men in the City of London a deal they like and even more woke virtue-signalling, climate pledges, and empty but nice-sounding platitudes from the politicos.
Business as usual, in other words.
I expect UK to struggle through this coming winter. It will need US or Russian money to buy energy to stay warm. The rest of Europe will also be looking for money.
I cannot see Russia open to accepting UK paper for rubles so the UK can buy Russian gas. That leaves USA. There could be enough woke investors in th US to want a slice of the action in UK issued green gilts. So maybe that way. At least while gas exporting countries accept USD. Russia will not accept USD in the present circumstances.
If people die of cold, that will change the course of history and get energy supplies back on track. It does not matter where people die, most likely UK or Germany, but it will cause a reset toward reality.
People will want to be warm tomorrow. They will be dead in days if there is no energy to keep houses warm. The next COP will fade into insignificance.
I have the solution available for anyone who really wants to learn – no open ocean surface can sustain more than 30C. Dial that hard limit into any climate model and nothing bad happens. Lets get back to fossil fuels until economic alternatives are available.
The City of London has no problem attracting money. It’s the world’s preeminent magnet for offshore finance.
Of course that doesn’t mean a Tesco shelf stacker living in a bedsit in Croydon can afford to adequately heat his abode.
Leaked Video: Hypocritical Zuckerberg Caught Blasting ‘Experimental’ Covid Jabs To Inner Circle
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been caught blasting the Covid-19 vaccines to his inner circle, describing the jabs as “experimental” and warning his staff to be very cautious about the unproven “gene technology.”
“I just want to make sure that I show some caution on this, because we just don’t know the long-term side-effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and rNA,” Zuckerberg said in the leaked footage from an internal Facebook meeting.
Sing along:
“We’re all in this together…” 😅
For once, he is most probably correct. These so called vaccines are experimental and only have emergency approval. The humans that have been ‘jabbed’ and ‘boosterised’ are part of the ongoing ‘human trials’. Guinea Pigs no less.
Old mate Mark Z is part of the government complex. Facebook is always the first social media to censor discussion on anything controversial. The Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is really an offshoot of the Pentagon or US military. They’e the guys who initially invented the first internet way back in the late 1960’s. The one that was only used by the military before it greatly expanded in the 1990’s. They also invented software looking suspiciously like Facebook. It was meant as data mining tool and called “LifeLog” and developed by boffins at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). But it copped a lot of criticism in the early 2000’s. They shut it down in early 2004. In February 2004, just by coincidence Facebook was started by Zuckerberg. I don’t believe in coincidences.
“…part of the DEEP-STATE complex…”
There, fixed it for you!
UK Government’s New Education Minister Gave Middle Finger To Crowd Outside Downing Street
The UK Government’s new education minister Andrea Jenkyns says she stuck her middle finger up to a crowd she described as a “baying mob“, because she had reached the end of her tether.
Education minister setting the standard, I see…
Giant sunspot threatens Earth as solar flare may cause blackouts
“There is an incredible-looking sunspot crossing the center of the solar disk and a new large dark core has just appeared on the limb,” astronomer Apollo Lasky said in a Monday statement published on
And it’s almost directly facing the Earth, which poses a threat to our way of life.
Researchers aren’t sure whether AR3055 grew to its current size from an existing, smaller spot, or rapidly developed on its own over the weekend, according to, which also shared moving images of the spot, which boasts more than a dozen, swirling cores of magnetic energy.
Might pay to check your backup systems 😉
See the post I just put up on the 1962 Nuclear bomb in space…
Coincidentally, is it possible that Starfish Prime had an impact on earth.
‘The winter of 1962–1963, known as the Big Freeze of 1963, was one of the coldest winters on record in the United Kingdom. Temperatures plummeted and lakes and rivers began to freeze over.’ (wiki)
Sri Lanka’s Economy has completely collapsed –
“Protestors swarmed President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s palace in Sri Lanka, forcing him to flee and step down. The entire government in Sri Lanka will be restructured. When the people are hungry, no amount of rules and restrictions will prevent them from protesting. Sri Lanka ran out of food and ran out of fuel to cook whatever happened to be available.
The country’s foreign reserves were depleted. The government began to cut the power grids daily for increasingly longer periods. There was not enough fuel to power generators. Inflation soared to 45.3% in May, with food costs rising 58%. The United Nations estimated that 22% of the entire population had become food insecure and 86% of families “are resorting to at least one coping mechanism, including eating less, eating less nutritious food and even skipping meals altogether.”
Fact Check-A remembrance page in a magazine for pilots does not reveal skyrocketing airline deaths in 2021
In the Oct-Nov edition, social media users noted that the page had listed 111 names for 2021, while six names were listed for 2020. One name was listed under 2019.
They need to ease off the tea and coffee 😉
The pilot’s assn has skin in the game, I don’t so won’t say they’re wrong.
I do believe that, if the FAA is doing its job, they will some day mandate a “cleanskin” or “not jabbed for at least 6 mths” on the flightdeck with a vaxxed/boosted one.
It’s all about safety and “If it saves just one life ……”
Wind Turbine Fail: Texas Grid Operator Begs Texans to Turn Off Appliances During Peak Hours to Avoid Rolling Blackouts Amid Heat Wave and Very Low Winds
Texas grid operator ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) issued a conservation alert on Monday.
ERCOT manages electric power to more than 26 million Texas customers and represents 90% of the state’s electric load, according to the company.
ERCOT asked customers to voluntarily raise thermostats a degree or two, turn off lights, avoid using ovens, washing machines and dryers, and unplug appliances if possible during the hours of 2-8 pm.
According to ERCOT, a heatwave along with very low winds is causing the latest conservation alert.
“Wind generation is currently generating significantly less than what it historically generated in this time period,” ERCOT said in a press release. “Current projections show wind generation coming in less than 10 percent of its capacity.”
Can you power a civilisation on 10% capacity? 😅😅
Or this:
Energy crisis hitting US industrial complex – Bloomberg
Operational challenges arising from soaring energy bills have put the entire US industrial complex at risk of partial shutdown, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.
The country’s second-biggest aluminum mill, which accounts for 20% of the national supply, reportedly laid off 600 workers in late June after its electricity bill tripled. Century Aluminum announced plans to leave its Hawesville mill idle for as long as a year, taking out the biggest of its three sites in the US. Meanwhile, the country’s largest aluminum producer Alcoa said it was cutting its production by a third at a mill in Indiana.
At least two steel mills have started to halt some operations in a bid to minimize energy costs, an unnamed industry executive told the agency. In May, a group of factories across the US Midwest warned the country’s energy regulators that some enterprises were on the brink of shutdown for the summer months or longer due to “unjust and unreasonable” electricity costs.
The solution is clear – they need MOAR solar and wind power! 😅
Fancy that: Heat and low winds. Bet that’s never happened before.
One of the contenders for the Tory leadership in the UK is Kemi Badenoch, a 42 yo British-Nigerian woman ” of colour ” who is currently, I kid you not, the Minister of State for Levelling Up Communities and also the Minister of State for Equalities.
It says a lot about the current state of woke madness that portfolios such as these need to exist.
I understand how levelling works, it requires a big diesel powered Caterpillar grader, but levelling something UP would seem to be somewhat of a contradiction in terms.
Or this:
Energy crisis hitting US industrial complex – Bloomberg
Operational challenges arising from soaring energy bills have put the entire US industrial complex at risk of partial shutdown, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.
The country’s second-biggest aluminum mill, which accounts for 20% of the national supply, reportedly laid off 600 workers in late June after its electricity bill tripled. Century Aluminum announced plans to leave its Hawesville mill idle for as long as a year, taking out the biggest of its three sites in the US. Meanwhile, the country’s largest aluminum producer Alcoa said it was cutting its production by a third at a mill in Indiana.
At least two steel mills have started to halt some operations in a bid to minimize energy costs, an unnamed industry executive told the agency. In May, a group of factories across the US Midwest warned the country’s energy regulators that some enterprises were on the brink of shutdown for the summer months or longer due to “unjust and unreasonable” electricity costs.
The solution is clear – they need MOAR solar and wind power! 😅
Double post due to site response error…
It is bizarre that they are forging ahead with “green hydrogen” without any specific plan of how they might use it.
Besides, it’s a nightmare to use. Liquid hydrogen is at a temperature of -253C and it leaks through just about everything, including solid metal. Metal hydrides are also heavy and problematic.
Only NASA uses it and few other rocket operations.
The only purpose of “green hydrogen”, as with solar and wind, is to harvest subsidies at taxpayer expense.
NSW has $3 billion of taxpayer money ready to be harvested by the subsidy harvesters.
It is already being dosed into natural gas distribution in parts of South Australia and NSW. QLD and WA have projects under way. I know SA have 5% dosing. No idea od the others.
I think it is AGL with the advertising campaign that shows how the green hydrogen mixes with yellow natural gas to produce a lovely soft green flame. All the molecules dance around in wonderful precision and the green ones dominate – BEAUTIFUL. Who would not want a green future after seeing this ad. Just remember, If AGL is your energy provider, you are feeding this nonsense.
I think you have to be watching a commercial channel to see this magic in action but it could end up being a serious science expose on their ABC. How Australia is converting to green hydrogen or something similar.
Natural Hydrogen is another one of those mysteries. A geochemist colleague of some repute in oil & gas has managed to attend a couple of conferences and publish a few papers on the subject of natural hydrogen without anything real to base it on. Various companies think they can extract natural hydrogen profitably in such places as Mali.
“Natural” hydrogen exploration is also happening in Australia, though as far as I know, only one company has actually put some money on the table, excluding Buru Energy who drilled some wells primarily for hydrocarbons, but also to evaluate “natural” H2.
There are geochemical reactions that produce “natural hydrogen” but I would be very surprised if they ever find significant reserves in the manner of natural gas deposits.
No doubt “research” on the matter will harvest some good taxpayer subsidies, however.
Most Hydrogen stored and used is not liquified, but pressurised. 350-700 Bar.
Whilst it is true thatit is difficult to prevent leakage and metal imbrittalment, that has not hindered its use in industry for decades and more recently in fuel cell vehicles.
The technology exists for production storage and use of H2 in many applications, …
….. however, the financial justification is much less apparent !
Yes David.
They have a special team out there thinking up new
ways to take our money from us.
“Painlessly”, of course.
““Painlessly”, of course.”
That’s what Govts are for…
I must have been asleep for the last two years! Where did this drive to reduce “nitrogen” come from which has devastated agriculture in Sri Lanka and is about to do the same in Holland and the rest of Europe.
I am assuming that by nitrogen they are referring to N2O, a very minor greenhouse gas that has its wavebands totally swamped by water vapour.
Can someone on this excellent site of Jo’s provide some more information about this issue, as it seems to have exploded from nowhere.
Peter, without reading more about the rubbish, like “Carbon” they probably refer to Nitrates & Nitrites – usually from fertilisers. – of any kind, ….As dutch farmer said yesterday: they cannot use any technical means to help reduce the effect – ie ZERO tolerance of application – cowpoop on the pasture is not allowable – like with our ‘highland spring’ pure water. – but Deer and rabbit poop adds to the flavour. hope this helps.
In S L, the ban was on imported Amonia based (NH3 ?) fetilisers, which are produced from hydrocarbon (Gas) rediction.
It was a mad gesture to reduce their carbon “footprint” green terms.
..Dumb idea,…bad outcome !
Look into ESG (enviromental sustainability goals)
Move over CO2, we have a new player in town!
“Altogether, humans are producing a cocktail of reactive nitrogen that threatens health, climate and ecosystems, making nitrogen one of the most important pollution issues facing humanity,” the 2018-2019 Frontiers report warns. “Yet the scale of the problem remains largely unknown and unacknowledged outside scientific circles.”
I tried watching this, but I was having dinner its in the link above, 9 mins of absolute drivel.
The best I can understand is, Alge farts, all farts are bad?
Run-off caused by rainfall washing fertilizer from agricultural land can end up polluting lakes and causing algal blooms which emit greenhouse gases.
But wait there’s more, look at what they are going after. PIF
Fertilizers in agriculture: In order to feed the world’s population approximately 2% of the global
energy production is used in the production of reactive nitrogen, mainly for inclusion in
fertilizer. Since the 1960s the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer (through the Haber Bosch
process) has increased more than nine times.. The efficiency in the use of Nr is low with less than
25% incorporated into crops and the remaining over 75% being lost to the global environment.
Manures in agriculture: Most Nr inputs to agriculture go to feed livestock (100 Mt/yr), with only
a small fraction used for direct plant food consumption by humans (22 Mt/yr). Waste from
livestock is often used ineffectively, contributing to substantial losses from agriculture of Nr to
both water and atmosphere.
JUST IN – People under COVID quarantine will have to wear electronic bracelets in order to prevent them from leaving home, Honk Kong’s new health minister announces.
1984 needs to be rewritten…
I bet Australia soon follows.
It was discussed here a few days ago but the July archive only appears to go back to the 7th. I can’t see how to find a link for earlier.
That was a reply to PeterPetrum.
Security tool will help protect against ‘quantum’ hackers
A security tool picked up by the US Government is based on Auckland University research and will help protect against cyber attacks from “quantum” hackers.
Crystals-Dilithium is the name of one of four “quantum-resistant encryption systems” approved for use by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology last week.
“Quantum-resistant encryption” refers to security systems that can withstand attacks by quantum computers – a new generation of computers, hundreds of million times more powerful than the most advanced supercomputers today.
In 2019, an algorithm expected to take IBM’s supercomputer Summit 10,000 years to compute was completed in a mere 200 seconds by Google’s quantum computer.
“A hacker with a quantum computer could decrypt a lot of sensitive information, including health records and national security information. They could also do industrial espionage by getting access to the intellectual property of companies,” Galbraith said.
Given the governments of the world drive for digital currencies and digital everything (purportedly to stop organised crime and money laundering, but we all know that’s a total lie…) this just goes to show incredibly vulnerable EVERYTHING will be in a purely digital world…
I’ve been reading too much non-fiction lately, so decided to look at some fantasy for a bit of light relief. I chose the Australian Green Party “Powering Past Coal and Gas“. This document makes Scotty from marketing (as some referred to our former Prime Minister Scott Morrison) look like a rank amateur. Adam from advertising (Adam Bandt – Australian Greens leader) and his crew have produced a masterpiece.
Political realism at its best:
They now demonstrate a full grasp of renewable energy technology and availability:
I’m not sure what you would call the Greens version of pork-barrelling, but this is a good example:
A very entertaining read, compiled by a group who knew they would never have to enact it.
Australia at 1.1% global emissions and falling being characterised as a climate saboteur – really?
I must have been asleep for the last two years! Where did this drive to reduce “nitrogen” come from which has devastated agriculture in Sri Lanka and is about to do the same in Holland and the rest of Europe.
I am assuming that by nitrogen they are referring to N2O, a very minor greenhouse gas that has its wavebands totally swamped by water vapour.
Can someone on this excellent site of Jo’s provide some more information about this issue, as it seems to have exploded from nowhere. I had never heard of “nitrogen” being an issue until the Dutch farmer story.
Sorry, Jo, I had a hiatus on my internet and did not realise that my first comment had posted ok.
THis in my Post today….
It’s a war on meat. There is more profit for the big boys in soya and bug farming.
Yes, the Elites want we non-Elites to eat insects.
We are seeing more and more instances of attempted normalisation of insect eating.
They don’t call them insects or bugs however, they call it “alternative protein”.
Look at the website of the once-reputable CSIRO.
Australia’s Protein Roadmap
This Roadmap provides a strategic overview of Australia’s potential to help meet growing global protein demand by producing a wider variety of protein foods and ingredients and reaching new markets.
Get in early!! Become the first five-star bug/”alternative protein” restaurateur! Be careful not to be trampled in the rush!
In Holland it is more basic. There is more power in urbanisation and housing for millions of dependent “asylum seekers”.
See my reply #20.
Low Poll Joe –
“US President Joe Biden’s approval rating is at its lowest level – 29%. A majority of Americans, 58%, flat out disapprove of Biden’s work. Unsurprisingly, only 2% of Republicans approve of Joe, with 97% stating disapproval. Only 19% of Independent voters approve, while 68% do not. Democrats are still trying to justify their vote as 64% still support Joe.”
That’s quite an achievement for the man that was scoring almost 100% of the votes when the postals were being tallied.
Our media, except Sky, keep it well hidden.
Nothing about his son’s laptop either.
I think in basic numbers: There are two parties with abt 40% rusted on for each and elections are about swinging the other 20%.
This is breaking down in these chaotic times but surely there is still 30% “rusted on” for the major parties? That 30% is a concrete floor and if Biden has fallen through it the dems are facing a Reaganesque destruction. They cannot recover until/unless they have a massive housecleaning of radical, out of touch, candidates.
Nature abhors a vacuum [sorry for the hackneyed phrase] so will there be a split in the GOP with Trumpists through the right door and RINOs to the left joining the Clinton democrats? That WAS the unaparty a couple of decades ago after all.
Woke socialism has peaked and is crashing.
I can dream can’t I?
So the Vic state government will no longer require gas connections in new estates. So just how do they plan to supply that new fanged renewable hydrogen gas to these homes?
Here’s a testable prophecy for you:
“Green hydrogen” will never be widely used in homes or cars. It will only ever be seen in a couple of highly controlled and highly promoted demonstrations, and then forgotten about.
It will however enable the Elites to harvest generous taxpayer subsidies. In the case of NSW alone, there is $3 billion up for grabs.
Over the years I’ve heard the ABC promoting new designs of Aussie houses that are “cooled naturally by using clever architecture”. It is claimed by the eager reporter that you’d swear it was air conditioned as it is so much cooler than outside. Given the cost of electricity I’m sure all new houses would be built this way if it worked, but I’ve heard nothing of them. I live in a 1950’s built double brick-n-tile solid castle. On the first suddenly stinking hot day, it stays cool of course but I’d hardly claim it was a permanent solution!
My house is different and in a different climate. It is in the style of an “Old Queenslander” ie timber framed with iron, overhanging roof, patios, elevated from the ground etc but WH&S [working 2m off the ground] and the prohibitive price of timber would put it out of my price range should I wish to build it today.
I think my insurance co twigged and quoted >30% increase this year. My house would ride above any flood that the insurance co could not and the combination of being built to strict wind codes and being tucked under Mt Stewart and well away from the beach I am now self insured.
It’s in the Ether, my boy, it’s in the Ether.
Yes and I’ve had a copy of recent Pneumatics Engineering Mag to read – about efficient use ( reduce losses) in AIR systems …… FFS if we can’t even get that right, what hope have we for Hydrogen in vehicles …. Air Con still working – or is that a “con” as well ?
They already pipe hydrogen into just about every home in Vic. – problem is it has a pesky oxygen attached to it. I guess it will be up to the householder to detach the oxygen so they can use the released hydrogen!
Yes – they could use the explosive power of hydrogen and oxygen gases to power a generator which could provide the electric power to split water into these gases and then the condensed water could be fed back in! Brilliant.
My company floats on the Sri Lankan stock exchange next Monday. Get in quick before the police turn up.
My response to the energy crisis we never had to have, has been to buy a brand new 250cc motorbike to use for all my short distance driving. It cost me 4K drive away and does about 30km/L apparently. It’s false economy really, I will never make that back. It is like the elites saying just buy an electric car. But it is a kick running around with a fuel tank like the magic pudding, good economy cheap motoring, even today.
But my point is, it is amazing how greens rarely ride motorcycles for the environment. The tech has been around for years and is actually cheap, a reality, viable, nor is it a secret, yet they don’t seem to take it on.
They do however, demand the creation of very expensive battery cars they can’t afford. I’m not sure they have thought it through. Most hippy youth around here drive vans and have their beds in them. A van with a bed is a really cool thing, a fossil fueled house on wheels, they love it.
The greens have their battery-powered scooters – seen plenty of them littering the sides of the roads in the Canberra bubble when they run flat.
I love the way they just discard them where ever they stop. Wheeling them 2 meters out the way is too much for those too busy saving the planet.
I’m surprised that more people aren’t suggesting the use of electric bicycles.
Back in the 60s we cycled everywhere at Cambridge, although the pull up Castle Hill on the way to the University farm was a bit of a drag.
Young legs coped, but the help from an electric motor occasionally would be welcomed by older legs.
Coppers don’t like electric bikes: Too hard to police speed on footpaths and the 0.05 BAC.
And they are too easy to steal.
Interesting background to the key policians involved in the Dutch farmer’s dispute
Where does yoghurt come from?
The loony left 😁😁😁
I do believe that it was a joke, but still loved the reply.
Once, I would have read such a response and been pretty certain it’s a joke, now though… not so much, unfortunately.
YMMV these days
These days of things like
Happy botulism any one?
Predicted 45C in parts of EU next week!?
Toasty!! 🤪
UK Met Office is calling a heatwave emergency coz of 32C.
Yet Millions of people from Britain spend good money to go to much hotter countries on holiday. Its often the South East of England that gets the hot weather as they get the continents climate. Here in the South West its been around 24C and most people seem to be sitting in the Sun rather than the shade. The sun is VERY strong at this time of the year where it will be over 40C. So many people do seem to like the Hot weather and will not be fazed by 32C
Flew via Bali & Egypt (mid-30C) 1989, arrived in the UK to a chilly 27C ‘heatwave’ – people were dying and office workers were stripping down to basic necessities in Hyde Park. Bought a warm jacket and headed up to Scotland… sure enough, it snowed: summer. Can understand why my ancestors left 150 years ago.
That was the year of Mad Cow Disease – and the beginning of AGW/CCC/Nitrogen. Still can’t give blood because I ate a steak or two while there. How did the English ever create their ’empire’!
My ideal temperature would be 21C or lower. Preferably with cloud as the sun is very strong in the summer and ramps the temperature up, leaving me looking for pools of shade.
We can adapt to wherever necessity takes us.
I admire the Italians, not giants among men, who came to hand cut sugar cane, harvested Jul/Dec. They worked hard and thrived.
That is uncommonly brave with analysis of results the week after!
Arctic temperatures below normal this Summer.
Arctic temperatures below normal this Summer.
I have seen this add for tourism Tasmania pop up on my YT, what the hell is this advertising?
6 seconds
Billion dollar thermal solar plant was an epic failure:-
Solar schmolar.
Solar power is like communism: Of course it’s good idea, it’s just that no one has done it right yet.
When will Chris Bowen explain his plan for the disposal of his time-expired solar panels, wind turbines and their batteries? How much of their materials will be buried in his electorate?
A plan for disposal? Nice one centurion.
“Political Corruption in The Netherlands and How the Dutch Farmer Protest Connects to the Burning of The Picnic Grocery Distribution Center
July 12, 2022 | Sundance | 28 Comments”
(My bold)
Link is
What a sad picture for wind:,140.242,5,i:pressure
Oh, and the globalists and the UN are deadly serious about rewilding and taking land off of farmers and back to public ownership or even better supranational control by a UN-approved body like a transnational NGO or Trust. You won’t even be allowed to go hiking or fishing there. All part of the war on humans.
A business opportunity there!
Start breeding lurcher dogs for the upcoming explosion in poaching
“Sighthound”. What an interesting concept. I realised years ago that dogs remembered smells longer than visuals. When I take my dog for a walk on a lightly trafficked beach it is a smellathon, his nose is down and his leg is up.
I had no idea that greyhounds and, I assume whippets, used sight.
Our local wild dog expert says that they can detect scent on a “peeing post” for at least 18 months.
Also I have been taught by ours that they have a sight picture of their local area and anything that changes it – even a fallen branch – causes a warning reaction
Looking into the nitrogen issue I came across this. click on download full report
Science has lost the plot, have a read it is 100 pages long. Lots on CRISPR and Gene drive’s, De-extinction.
Page 18 the Burkina Faso experiment.
The nitrogen bit starts at page 52
These people are out of control
Thank you MP for doing this indepth reading so I don’t have to. I’m too old for that chit.
I can talk about steam driven electronics, but that is a lonely place now. I’s all on a chip today so no has any idea what’s inside it.
The strategy of the anti-energy, anti-progress Left is as follows:
They wear rational thinkers down with more and more new bizarre ideas to “solve” problems that don’t exist.
Firstly it was solar and wind. We spend time, effort and often money challenging that.
Then it’s Big Batteries.
Then it’s the mismanagement of covid.
Then it’s “green hydrogen”.
Now it’s what they ignorantly call “nitrogen”, because they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Evidently they mean various oxides of nitrogen. In relation to that there is the war against agricultural production, and especially meat. And the promotion of insect consumption for non-Elites.
It’s a scattergun approach to wear us down.
The BS just never ends and there is a never ending supply of “useful idiots” being churned out by the “education” system.
Why not go through the entire Periodic Table? Once the Left runs out of elements to support (or rail against), there is not much room for movement.
“Neil Oliver Analyzes the Global Uprisings that are Rejecting the Build Back Better Agenda
July 12, 2022 | Sundance | 144 Comments”
Links to video
“I wouldn’t put this past the CDC at all!
The CDC and Anthony Fauci have a major new concern. No it is not a Zombie Apocalypse. It is that Americans might no longer be afraid of COVID-19/Coronavirus. As a result something new had to happen. So together using the partnership with CNN and the rest of the Main Stream Media they plan to start by pushing new diseases with cool names.
Currently Planned Diseases”
Listed here
“The demise of journalism has not been greatly exaggerated. Covid has finally and irrevocably done it in”
Is Sri Lanka what we have to look forward to?
“Eva Vlaardingerbroek Summarizes all the Merging Food, Energy and Farming Issues with Stark Advice to Americans
July 12, 2022 | Sundance | 177 Comments”
Some people I know came back into Oz through Perth in the last couple of days. Nary a whisper about foot and mouth.
A fine example of the truth in “Renewable Energy” – you get to replace everything about every 15 – 20 years u c k-nation/its-not-working/
(Edit the spaces to link)
“Tucker Carlson Outlines How Joe Biden is Implementing the Green New Deal Energy Program and Killing the U.S. Economy, and Standard of Living, in The Process
July 13, 2022 | Sundance | 13 Comments”
Where you find that Sri Lanka isn’t the only example
And this is in the same vein
Just seen the Sky news frost risk map for Saturday and think maybe they mixed it up with rainfall , according to the map there was a better chance of frost in north east Queensland than in the whole of Tasmania .