A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Chine Banking Crisis and the Unsuspecting World
“While authorities have accused a private financial group of misleading members of the public with promises of high-return wealth management products, what is not being said publicly is the fact that the rise in the dollar is a significant factor undermining emerging markets in which China participated. The Chinese government warned the provinces and private companies NOT to borrow dollars. Despite the fact that the Chinese government is portrayed as COMMUNIST still in the West, there would be no banking crisis if they were. The people and institutions were FREE to do as they pleased.”
Socialism – Communism, Fascism, Wokism – is just feudalism reinvented – part of the fight back against The Enlightenment. Russia and China (increasingly so) are just naked brutal feudalist. Xi is trying to reintroduce Communist orthodoxy however he needs strong feudal control. It’s the corruption that is causing all the problems and destroying massive amounts of wealth – tofu buildings, Ponzi schemes etc. No checks and balances that you get in democracies. The lesson of history is: “If people can’t have any food on their plates they will have the elite’s heads on their plates”. That’s what the leaders ultimately and massively fear.
‘Xi is trying to reintroduce Communist orthodoxy … ‘
China has embraced the capitalist system and Xi has no intention of bringing back Communism.
Fascism it is then.
Fascism with Chinese characteristics.
” You need to understand China…”
Sarc. Two guys on YouTube by the nom de plumes of Serpentza and Laowhy86 do good commentary on all matters China on their eponymous channels and on ADVChina and the recently renamed video podcast The China Show.
Fascism with Chinese characteristics is appropriate and they are Australia’s biggest trading partner.
We have to work with them.
I’ll throw this in for good measure, Climate Change is the big lie.
‘The big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth, used especially as a propaganda technique. The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, to describe the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” (wiki)
It is one of many big lies.
The John Brewer Reef on the Great Barrier Reef is back to Beige (Good Health)-
Yes, according to recent dives by Jennifer, assisted by Peter Ridd and others, the Reef is in the best condition now that is has been for ages, with more than 100% cover on many reefs. The GBMA method of flying over the reef at 150m just does not give a true representation of what is under the surface and, clearly, they do not want it to be known as funding would stop.
Has NZ shut down the country again as covid spreads?
Don’t give Jacinda any fresh ideas :).
Airlines are chaotic and the Chunnel traffic likewise.
No better ways to make angry those not flying in a private jet.
China should rule the world says EU ambassador
Presumably OZ has an EU ambassador? a bit strange in itself as they always claim to be merely a trading bloc and not any sort of sovereign entity. Anyway, does the EU ambassador urge closer cooperation between China and Australia? Or are the state PM’s still encouraging closer ties? Are the masses of Chinese students back at OZ universities yet?
The EU is an irrelevance. Unfortunately, China knows this, and takes advantage of it.
China and the EU are trading partners, the bloc doesn’t like China’s position on a number of issues but they are still talking.
Italy is in trouble again, financially and politically deficit.
I note that the various wildfires in the UK this hot week have been blamed on Arson or more specifically disposable BBQ’s and to a lesser extent glass bottles reflecting the strong sun. That is in addition to deliberate arsonists as opposed to these inadvertent stupid ones.
I read a report recently that said well over 90% of the wildfires in the South of France were also caused by arsonists and I seem to remember reading here that a hug percentage of the Australian wildfires last year were also arsonists
I’d love some links on that. I searched two days ago and only found one in France.
“The question is, will they buy carbon offsets?
On Monday, Dutch reforestation company Land Life started what has become a 35,000 acre forest fire in Spain. ”
More at
Recognizing that the South of France is not the USA, I still offer the following as informative:
The above deals with ignition. 84% anthropomorphic.
Arsonists often set fires repeatedly and can be identified. In a case near me air-photos were used to spot a car in frames where a fire stated.
Other factors include fire suppression (allowing fuels and ladder fuels to build), invasive grass (brome, cheatgrass), and more people out and about.
I live in what is called the Wildland-Urban-Interface (Woo-E).
Oops! This is the 2nd link:
Also wondering if said arsonists have any links to Green movements, anti capitalist organisations & all the usual suspects. More importantly do arsonists charged ever face any penalties? Why are cases, trials, & outcomes never made public. Arsonists working for green activists & climate change probably have immunity from prosecution because of mental health issues as do Marxist Antifa/BLM organisations?
If you have information on prosecution of arsonists, outcomes of trials & penalties please share the details! Not holding my breath!
Graham, a lot of arsonists are teenagers usually still students and mostly boys. Summer school holidays are a deadly time for fires. Because of their age, they don’t get named or shamed or locked in prison. Other arsonists are volunteer fire fighters, they join the Bush Fire Brigade to put out the very fires they lit. They are usually caught and charged . Then of course there are the mad, bad and dangerous and the stupid and careless. In our area few years ago, a police officer did some welding in the open air on a trailer, this is verboten on days of ‘total fire ban ‘ ; he was responsible for burning down 70 homes.
I do remember BLM protests suddenly died down in the NW of USA about 7 of September, with departments offering spare officers to other cities, and most of those fires starting on the 7th and 8th. I’m struggling to find the references, though. I’ll keep looking.
TonyB, the reason Australia has days of “Total Fire Bans “ with big fines etc is because a large proportion of fires were (and still are) started by human action. Sadly, a lot are deliberately lit. We call them fire bugs. If you were remembering the large NSW fires from a few years ago, then yes, a lot were started by arsonists. But , those NSW fires were by no means extraordinary.
Bushfires end of 2019- early 2020 and on the NSW Mid Coast North near Taree a group of trail motor bike riders were observed and chased by the police after starting a fire, as the youths escaped one shouted that it’s “our country” and that “we” can burn it.
Years ago a person I knew well was burnt to death in his car in the Hunter Valley NSW attempting to drive along a sealed road following other vehicles with fire on both sides, his petrol engine car apparently suffered engine failure and caught fire. The fire was started by a couple of young people and also caused extensive damage to properties.
However, the lack of management to reduce fire hazards is a major issue and especially following a long dry drought period, local councils are too often reluctant to issue permits for burning off and other clearing activities. And I wonder how many arsonists are making a pathetic political statement?
You should never rule out plain old stupidity and incompetence
Until 10 years ago the maintenance of power lines and clearing vegetation around them was haphazard. The design of some also left them prone to starting fires. Given distances in Australia dollars are thinly spread and have to be sent well. Things have improved greatly, whether that can be maintained over the years with passing waves of genius cost saving managers is another thing.
Hi there from cloudy cool Cumbria.
We finally made it to visit my nearly 100 year old mother. I’d feared I would never see her again in this life. She is very frail indeed now so we are very relieved that it became possible, just in time.
We had a hike today around the Northern Lakes area and ended up with a nice meal at one of our favourite hostelries, with a good local beer.
Wonderful news which is made even more amazing when you consider that I can’t even go to visit family in New Zealand.
Glad you made it over at last. I think stopping people travelling to see very old or sick relatives in another country was cruel. Unfortunately Oz was not alone in this
Having read the first four comments on top of the Sth African post I fear for the future.
Totally nuts, Government corruption at record levels and our National Sovereignty apparently sold down the gurgler several decades ago.
Just devastating.
I’ve been trying to get an answer to this question on WUWT:
It’s simple arithmetic, on a daily basis solar generated electricity can never fulfill peak demand. Peak demand occurs ~5-6PM. Even on the longest sunlight day, solar generated electricity has well started on the down production slope. Every day before and after solar generated output is further down that slope. Worse, many, many days sunset arrives before peak demand occurs providing zero or near zero electricity to fulfill peak demand.
We also know that wind power, on an annual basis, usually is diminished during Summer’s peak demand.
This knowledge raises many questions, especially about why…?
The destruction of the formerly thriving western democracies and subsequent enslavement of populations must be top of the list.
A few days ago someone wrote about original sin, now I understand.
It seems that we must constantly face and fight back against evil; or we go Under.
I did a full days study of solar power output recently. In the Uk It has 3 hours peak with shoulder hours at some 60% of peak hours that diminishes sharply the further away from the 3 peak hours you get. The slightest cloud or haze significantly diminished output. Ironically, very bright hot sun diminishes output but is made up for as the days are longer. I was astonished at the huge difference that orientation and angle made. If you have fixed panels there are very long periods when the panels are not directly facing the sun.
Ideally solar panels should be electrically tracking the sun as it rises and moves across the sky and that will change as the seasons progress. As you will know, at least here in the UK, solar panels operate at 12% efficiency and zero at night. Quite what people expect to do for electricity during short sunless days and long nights I don’t know as these conditions are often accompanied by no wind. We are in one of the sunniest places in the UK and expect to get some 1750 hours of sun annually. In Oz that would be significantly increased of course
If one of the sunniest places in the UK gets only 1750 hours of sun annually, then what does the UK plan to do for the remaining 7010 sunless hours? 80% of the time, there is no sunlight. That ought explain a few things about any practical reliance upon solar power.
Regarding sun rays, location, and tracking . . .
I read, years ago, that tracking added complexity that added to initial cost and maintenance. A Northern Hemisphere free-standing hexagonal array would work — getting light on 5 of the six directions, through the daylight hours.
A grid-scale facility could be located where the above could work but a normal building would usually not be able to accomplish this.
Hours and directions of sun’s rays can be found here:
This is for London, choose your town if Latitude is different.
Graph should show for the current day.
For 23 July, the sun will rise at 5:11 am (55°NE; N=0°), it will south at 1:06pm, and set at 9:02pm (304°NW). Sunlight is decreasing at 2m 40s, at an increasing rate. This will reach 3m 54 s in October and then reverse.
You can see Australia’s load curves and generator supply by type at and OpenNEM.
Solar does nothing to supply the morning and evening peak demands, it simply forces a curtailment in the output of coal generators.
I hoped we could get some one who might attempt a rebuttal, but to date no one has even made a reasonable counter argument.
Does any one know of a solar site upon which to pose the question?
There’s something in all of this that people have no understanding of, and no one in any position of responsibility for it is willing to explain, and it has to do with batteries. That’s not the fault of the ordinary people. The understanding (electrical power generation) is something they were never taught ….. (naturally) so all they CAN believe is what they are being told, and no one has even begun to even mention the most basic part of it that could be understood.
There is still a quite prevalent thinking that batteries are ….. a form of generator. In other words, Batteries add to the Nameplate for power generation.
They DON’T, as batteries are nett power consumers.
Also, the same thinking is that these batteries will be charged from renewable sources, and again there is a critical error in this as well.
People seem to think that you can consume power ….. AND charge the batteries, all at the same time. You can do one OR do the other, consume the electricity as it is being generated or use that generated electricity to charge the battery. You cannot do both.
So, if you do want to do both, then you have to overbuild the charging source by a factor of two. That’s not Nameplate by two, and that’s another thing that has not been explained.
500MW power plant (let’s say wind plant here) and a 200MW Battery, and as big (in fact huge in reality) a battery as that sounds (or is made to sound) it’s power in the range of blink and it’s gone. The current thought is that you can use the 500MW as it is being generated, and charge the battery so that when the wind falls, then you can use the battery, till the wind comes back. However, the wind plant (with Capacity Factor taken into account) only generates on average 150MW. You would need half of that to charge the battery and than all you have for consumption is 75MW, and you have to wait for any more until the battery is charged, knowing that what the battery can deliver will be gone ….. in a very short time.
People think they have endless supply of 500MW from the wind plant and 200MW when they need it from the battery.
All you really get is 75MW from the wind plant, and (blink and its’ gone) 200MW from the battery.
Now can you see what is ACTUALLY required in the build plans for renewables ….. AND batteries.
NONE of that, and let me repeat that, NONE of that is being explained to the ordinary people.
PostScript – I show people this image of power generation (shown at this link) and I have tried to keep it simple, and people scoff and say that I just made it up. It’s ingrained now as people believe only what they want to believe going on what they have been told, so anything outside of that, umm, the actual truth, is now somehow faked.
So imagine a hypothetical grid, that uses a constant 1GW day and night, totaling 24 GWh per day. Assume there is only solar, and enough to provide 24 GWh. This will all be produced during the day, and for simplified purposes, assume the solar produces 3GW for 8 hours to meet the daily 24 GWh demand. This means during those 8 hours, the grid will consume 1 GW, and the remaining 2GW will be stored in batteries. Hence there will need to be 16 GWh of battery capacity to store the excess solar during the day, to be used for the other 16 hours. This is a highly simplified scenario.
If the real grid were to be powered from 100% wind + solar (averaged over one year), batteries will needed to “smooth” the highly erratic wind + solar generation curve into the demand curve. This is done by storing electricity in batteries when wind and solar are in surplus (windy periods and sunny periods), and discharging the batteries when wind + solar are in deficit (night time, low wind).
This is a monumental and impossible task. The problem here is that even though wind and solar produce 100% of the grid in the year, they won’t produce 100% of the grid every day. In fact there might by only 1 or 2 days in the year where wind + solar produce exactly 100%. In winter there might be a string of 30 or 40 days where generation is at 60% or 70%, and in summer there might be a string of 30 or 40 days when generation is 130% or 140%. So annually, the average is 100%.
So the batteries will need to not only store the deficit for a day or night, but they will need enough capacity to store enough cumulative surplus from many days in summer to provide enough to meet cumulative defecits in winter.
This will need several thousand GigaWatt hours of battery storage. Even if half were to be pumped hydro (I’m being super generous here), this would require several thousand batteries the same size as the one on Victoria or South Australia. Simply Impossible.
When something doesn’t work when you ignore losses, and there are lots of losses, it probably doesn’t work.
But right now the world doesn’t want to hear that. Its pretty clear that at least in Australia, the answer to almost every problem is now more wind and solar energy. Game over with one more enthusiastic coal plant closure.
Thomas Sowell had a good one liner about why. Something along the lines of “In recent decades we have seen the replacement of what works with what looks good”
That plus follow the money in the whole new “industry” that has been created.
Great quote from Da Man.
What looks good can also be translated to “what is fashionable”. You can buy fashionable clothing and stuff, but to generate power to large societies in a ‘cool’ way is madness. Hah!
NASCAR launching electric racing series in 2023
My favorite part of the article: … efforts are being made to add an entertaining sound to the otherwise near-silent electric drive.
Cards in the spokes like we used to do with our bicycles when we were kids?
Does the EV mileage decrease if the average speed is 180?
The Daytona 200?
A coal power plant in the pit area?
This should be as fun as ESemis.
I think Nascar fans will boo this idiocy out of the park, they aren’t limp wristed ‘progressives’, by all accounts.
Be fun to watch!
That’ll settle the BS about a Tesla doing it in three seconds!
0-100kph is where an EV is at its best. Try 100-200kph and get caned by a 6L LS2 V8 in a Holden ute.
I expect these special EV races will be as popular as the special olympics.
Should mean Expensive Vehicle
No roar of the engines. Just a HiFi with fake sounds. Won’t fly.
Seen a YouTube vid of some drag race in Perth (?) between two motor bikes , when the light went green both motor bikes hit max revs and stalled . One made it about 15 feet the other maybe half that and with no way to restart the bikes one of them realised hey I’m in front so he got off and started pushing the quarter mile strip . The other racer quickly seen what was going on and jumped off to push his also hefty bike the quarter mile . The ensuing race was hilarious to watch and maybe precursor for the future .
I’ve watched the Formula-E races a couple of times, it seems the most excitement is right at the end seeing who will run out of charge and who will squeak over the line, the rest of the race sound like a bunch of battery drills working.
I was wondering what NASCAR could do to further screw up their events. It look like it has arrived.
The howl of a large field of these cars circulating at constant high RPM is something to be experienced. TV cannot convey it in any way.
All spectators have to show proof of jabs.
It appears the EU has started censoring Blogs in the EU, that provide links to info that is critical of the RNA vaccinations.
The censored blog returns a reply that the person is not authorized to read the blog that is censored.
Can anyone connect to Motls’ blog?
This blog is open to invited readers only
It doesn’t look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation
Here in Aus
You are missing the problem. You connected to Motls’ Blog’s… …. Blog platform with a generic internet address. To stop ‘conspiracy’ theories about the RNA vaccines and other stuff. The EU have recently created laws to enable censorship of blog sites that are in the EU … to stop ‘miss’ information… Like negative comments about the RNA vaccines or uprising talk. I believe that the EU are forcing the Blog platform… to block Motls site from viewers.
You connected to a generic link to Motls’ blog site. The Blog platform replied to you….. MP on your computer… with the response… you are not ‘invited’ to look at Motis’ blog.
Blocking of access to Motls blog… is censorship for everyone… Not just for William and MP.
The Blog is stopping anyone from viewing the Motls blog in compliance of EU regulations. The Blog platform issues a fake message all viewers… to hide the fact that the Blog platform is blocking everyone from viewing the blog.
Motis likes viewers of his blog. He might block comments from someone. He would not block viewers of his site.
I clicked on your link, that is what appeared. Apart from that I have never heard of the blog.
According to his facebook page, he got fed up with the constant barrage of censorship attempts.
Overhead footage of the raging fires in the UK.
Those houses look like they had been empty.
G’day MP,
Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer in 1714 (and 1724) according to my quick search, but not 100 or more years earlier, so any “hottest evah” claim is restricted somewhat. Do you know when they were established widely as a geographical instrument in UK? I’d need to check, but I think the Stevenson screen was only implemented in the early 1900s.
Your link’s reference to the Great Stink is instructive.
Dave B
No. The Royal Society issued the instruction (1661?) that thermometers had to be calibrated against Robert Hooke’s one.
The Stevenson screen was invented by the Scottish civil engineer Thomas Stevenson (1818–87), the father of Robert Louis Stevenson, the author. It came into use in the late 1860s? but it seems may have been in use before that as Sydney & Melbourne had one each around 1858. There is a reference on Warwick Hughes to the Melbourne one being moved in the late 1860’s.
UK’s hottest EVER … heat island effect:
3.5 min video clip.
More on Wind versus Whales:
Things are getting strange. Hidden data?
What is arguably just as strange are some of the comments to your article. The Karen disguised as some sort of “smart lady” being the prize exhibit.
We are currently going through the 2nd Reformation and there are many parallels with the 1st Reformation. However there is one crucial difference. During the 1st there was a movement of getting back to the basics of Christianity. A standing up against the feudalism and corruption. Carbon credits are modern day indulgences. However these days instead of being liberated and spawning The Enlightenment many people embrace the feudal warmism religion. The basic human reactions – the mechanics – are the same just that there are some fundamental circumstances that are a bit different. People need religion and they cling on to it in changing times. When the economy is unstable, when empires are shifting etc they cling onto it even more.
Climate jihadis are certainly on a crusade against civilization. They seek to destroy the West in order to save it.
Here in America we’re having the 1/6 Inquisition at this very moment.
Martin Trump nailed some tweets on their derrieres and they are hopping mad.
And yet the Diet of Worms is being pushed by Martin’s enemies such as the WEF and the UN, not Martin himself.
Sad news from LG, who make one of the better solar panels:
It appears they will concentrate on batteries and attendant electronics. If LG is having supply chain issues, then the others may be in a similar position. This would be sad news for farmers looking to provide their sheep with summer shade.
To borrow from SDA – “Mischief is important”
“Breaking: just handed the Victorian governor the signed resignation of one Daniel Andrews as Premier of Victoria”
More at
[Great parody! – Jo]
But when it is in response to a fake to an established fake signature by a senior Victorian public servant on a $30 million contract as laid out in the MSN item wouldn’t that be fair enough?
More covid
“Cardiometabolic outcomes up to 12 months after COVID-19 infection.”
Positive news of a sort but as per the comments on that site the skeptics among us are still waiting to see how quickly if ever the adverse affects of the injections are removed from the body.
So we will burn coal to make hydrogen to export to Japan to replace the coal we export them now?
“Spruiking green hydrogen is a key focus of Perrottet’s trade mission, on which he will also visit South Korea and India. He released the NSW Hydrogen Investment Prospectus on Friday, which identifies the state as the leading destination for hydrogen investment.”
“Perrottet said NSW was “uniquely placed” to secure investment in green hydrogen thanks to … “an abundance of renewable energy and space”.”
Last I saw the ruinables weren’t able to help national demand very much at all!
“Perrottet said he expected hydrogen would eventually replace coal as Australia’s biggest export to Japan.”
Of course the average Joe will get screwed to pay for this-
“NSW says it will lead the country in providing up to $3 billion in grants and waiving fees and charges for producers, making the state one of the cheapest regions to produce green hydrogen in the world.”
…and for the return on that $3000 million we taxpayers put up we get-
“grow the NSW economy by more than $600 million by 2030.”
The NSW premier proves he is as clueless as he looks. Word is the Parrothead exchanges text messages a lot with a certain Dan Andrews, and that is NOT a good indicator.
Do we have a State that isnt going to become a dynamic hydrogen superhub of the future? are the Taswegians still sane?
Hydrogen dirigible airships will make a comeback to the delight of steampunk fans. They will probably replace Boeings and Airbuses.
Have you noticed how the Covid health ” emergency ” keeps getting extended by politicians across the world, including here in Dictator Dan-land? That is to keep the Covid ” vaccines ” free from liability under the Emergency Use Authorization. After all, none of these experimental ” therapeutics ” have completed the 10 years or so of rigorous safety trials normally required for such products. No, the healthcare industry is merrily injecting billions of people with unknown, untried substances because of, you know, the pandemic. Big Pharma keeps making billions of dollars, is absolved of any liability whatsoever for vaccine injuries, and everything is 100% hunky dory in Pharma World.
The BBC site today has a big hit piece on anti-climate change PR and references a fossil fuel lobby group meeting which is claimed to have taken place 30 years ago.
Oh no! Conspiracies! Big Oil!
Obviously companies and industry bodies do meet to discuss their business outlooks and strategies. In a free society that should be their right.
It really is sickening how this state propaganda organ distorts reality and pushes an agenda not backed by any true science.
Dr Goebbels would have been proud to work for such an organisation.
Shame, BBC. You are not worth a farthing.
Unleaded back under two bucks! $1.959 at the local Ampol. Noice.
Why celebrate ?
You have been conditioned to fake high prices , such that a slight reduction seems a big deal !
Hold the party until it gets back to the $1.00 level !
Wife and daughter went to town (regional VIC) yesterday and went to the hardware store (big Bunnings barn style place) and everyone including staff were in masks. They thought they had missed some mask mandate announcement, but no, it seems all the MSM hysteria lately has scared many back into masks.
They drove back through town and it looked like 50% in masks which was a big uptick from recent weeks, when they had seemed to drop back to 10% or so.
Interesting how quick people react. I expect we will see a fall off in car club run attendances again now for a few months.
US cases of child hepatitis reach 11 with global toll hitting 169, including one death and 17 needing liver transplants: Doctor fears mysterious spike of acute cases could be COVID-linked
The United States has now recorded 11 cases of unexplained hepatitis in children, as the global toll hits 169 and the first death is registered — with some doctors warning Covid infections could be behind the illnesses.
North Carolina has detected two cases in school-age children, on top of the nine spotted among children under six in Alabama since October. Health officials say both have recovered, and did not need liver transplants.
In Britain — which was first to detect the outbreak — another two children have transplants, health officials revealed today, bringing the country’s total to 10. It has spotted 114 children with the peculiar disease, with experts warning the case count could be just the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
“Tip of the iceberg” – is that a global cooling reference? 😉
These Hepatatis cases are as mysterious as the “Monkeypox” outbreak. 😉
An Entire Legion of People Neurologically Devastated: Shocking Numbers from Scandinavia. Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Peter McCullough: “7750 People have had intracranial hemorrhage or stroke just in three small Scandinavian countries. Three countries: 7700 disastrous neurologic events within 28 days of receiving the vaccine.”
More neurological “events”.
Looks like Harris is about to take over from out-of-sight-out-of (his)-mind Biden too…
Italian Court Rules ‘Dangerous’ COVID Jabs ‘Infiltrate and Alter DNA’
“After the experience of Nazi-Fascism,” one cannot “sacrifice the single individual for the collective interest.” – Judge Susanna Zanda
The Judge of the second section of the Civil Court of Florence, Susanna Zanda, signed an emergency decree on July 6th ordering the reinstatement of a psychologist who was suspended by the state board for not being “vaccinated.”
In her decision, Judge Zanda criticized the efficacy and safety of the “experimental” vaccine, stating that their possible harmful effects are not fully known. In addition, the Judge mentioned evidence that the injections are “so invasive that they infiltrate and change the cellular DNA of people who have been “vaccinated.” Judge Zanda cited article 32 of the Constitution that “after the experience of Nazi-Fascism,” one cannot “sacrifice a single individual for the collective interest.” Furthermore, it does it allow an individual “to be subjected to invasive medical trials without free, informed consent.”
German government admits to severe side effects following mRNA vaccine.
This morning, the German Federal Ministry of Health posted a stunning tweet, admitting that 1 out of every 5,000 Covid jabs cause “serious side effects.”
This figure is likely a sharp underestimate, given the fact that side effect reporting systems for drugs and vaccines are largely voluntary.
Nonetheless, it implies that almost 300,000 Americans and Europeans have suffered severe side effects after receiving mRNA shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. (It is unclear whether the German side effect estimate applied to Covid vaccines from India and China, which use older technologies and are largely unused in wealthier countries, aside from China.)
…emails to state health experts and TGA…
Trump rally about to start live in Prescott, Arizona:-–president-donald-trump-rally-live-in-prescott-city-az-71622.html
Criminal COVER UP: US Government removes/reclassifies 52,000 death records. Alberta removes the “Vaccine Outcomes” tab from the official website
After the so-called system “upgrade” the CDC comes out and tells people that 51,910 death records just magically disappeared. 75% – SADS/Non-Covid/Cerebral and Cancer
7/13 Death records inserted back in 21,710 Inserted records with new category 6,571
30.3% of recovered records have been given a new ICD-10 UCoD
Too late. The change has been recorded…
Trump rally about to start in Prescott, Arizona.
Oh no. Not another mask thread!. Science included!
NZ Professor Baker has likened the unmasked to “murderers” and “drunk drivers” (???). Prime Minister Ardern is being widely rebuked for a photo op at the Beehive of a very large unmasked group. Her excuse: “the photographer made me do it”.
A Japanese report published by Nature on July 18 2022 entitled “Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic” should raise eyebrows and lower face masks further.
Note the pathogenicity column. These are dangerous for humans. The authors say:
“Since masks can be a direct source of infection to the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and skin, it is crucial to maintain their hygiene to prevent bacterial and fungal infections that can exacerbate COVID-19.”
The study link with sciency stuff:
…emails to The Greens and all government health experts…
Two Democrat Judges Strip Alex Jones of His First Amendment Rights: “You Have NO Right to Free Speech”
You have been denied your fundamental, constitutional due process right to present a defense in Texas or Connecticut. Both Judge Guerra Gamble (D) (Texas) and Judge Barbara Bellis have stripped you of your First Amendment rights for allegedly failing to provide enough discovery. Neither judge can deny that you responded to discovery, they just ruled that it was insufficient. The effect of these rulings, incredibly, is that you have been found guilty by two judges who never even held trials or heard any evidence.
I’m no lover of Alex Jones but this should set alarm bells ringing.
The US needs Alex Jones and his ilk. So many others are cowed by the left and this judgement shows they have a right to feel intimidated.
Canadian company is selling junk food made from crickets
Entomo Farms, a company based in Canada, is selling junk food made from crickets in stores across the country under their “Actually Foods” brand.
“Actually Foods is on a mission to renew Canadians’ relationship with “healthy” food,” copy on the company’s website reads.
“We’ve ditched so-called “natural” ingredients that are actually not as clean as they claim. Instead, we’re making something you can feel good about, using unexpected ingredients that, although surprising, actually boast the health benefits you’re looking for: like high-protein cricket powders, fava beans, and more.”
Included in Actually Foods’ Cheddar Jalapeno Puffs are the following ingredients: Puff (Organic Corn Meal Flour, Lentil Flour, Fava Bean Flour, Rice Flour, Organic Cricket Flour), Seasoning (Buttermilk Powder, Modified Milk Ingredients, Salt, Dehydrated Vegetables (Jalapeno, Onion, Garlic, Green Bell Pepper), Yeast Extract, Natural Cheddar Cheese Flavoured Powder, Herbs, Spices, Citric Acid), Sunflower Oil.
Well at least the crickets are “organic” 😅
Will people mysteriously start chirping in the night soon?
Vote with your wallets.
But even if you don’t plan to buy edible insects soon, you may already be eating them. They can inadvertently find their way into their food, either by being caught up in fresh produce we eat or accidentally mixed into products such as pasta, cakes and bread. The Food and Drug Administration in the US even has tolerances for how much insect contamination it will allow in food before it has to be withdrawn. A 100g (3.6oz) bar of chocolate, for example, can contain up to 60 insect fragments (parts of insects rather than a whole body) before the FDA takes regulatory action. Wheat flour can have up to 75 insect parts in every 50g (1.8oz), while macaroni and noodles can have up to 225 insect parts for every 225g (8oz).
“It is just not worth the energy to remove every fragment of insect when harvesting crops,” says Philp.
…and from Bayourenaissanceman:
Well, I’ve has fried grasshoppers for bar-snacks in Bangkok and “pickled” damsel fiies for breakfast up near Dien Bien Phu in Viet Nam, but I’m not keen to repeat the experiences.
Witchety grubs / caterpillars are not too bad, lightly toasted, as are the interesting giant borers (foot-long oysters), sometimes found in Mangroves, but I’d prefer some Kangaroo fillet, cooked low and slow.
However, the whole ‘Soylent Green” caper being lined up by the sociopaths, is deliberate provocation; a preamble to what the degenerates REALLY want to do to REAL PEOPLE and with utter impunity.
Warm up the log chippers.
The WEF may get their wish soon.
Jane Goodall says global issues ‘Wouldn’t Be A Problem’ if human population was 94% lower, at World Economic Forum.
Primatologist Jane Goodall’s remarks before the World Economic Forum in January 2020 are resurfacing online. In the video, she explains that the world would not be facing current issues if over 90% of the human population did not exist.
In a series of remarks made before the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January 2020, primatologist Jane Goodall explained how she thinks human population growth is becoming a problem.
If the asleep don’t wake up VERY soon, the WEF may well get their wish.
Maybe if the MSM woke up to the fact that they’re expendable too…
Many industries can exist only with a large population base. The airline industry being a prime example. Likewise the semiconductor industry to a big extent.
??.. and that is a reason to increase population ??
Logic says we could not have an infinite large population,..and likewise there is a minimum needed for a sustainable society.
Somewhere in the middle is the optimum population level……
…..i suspect we have exceeded that in many parts of the world.
So, it’s either the “population bomb” or the DEpopulation “bomb”?
Sounds like someone has yet another (final) solution in search of a “problem”.
Hot weather in Europe causes ozone pollution to harmful levels.
Europe’s atmospheric monitoring agency (Copernicus) warned on July 19 that the continent’s heat was polluting the ozone layer so much that it was harmful to humans, adding that large areas Western Europe is also facing a very high risk of forest fires.
According to Copernicus, this heat wave also caused the ground ozone index to rise. Unlike ozone in the middle layer of the atmosphere, which has a protective effect on the Earth, ground-level ozone is a major greenhouse gas and is a component in urban smog, which is harmful to human health. It also makes plants unable to photosynthesize.
Copernicus senior scientist Mark Parrington said: ‘The potential impacts of high levels of ozone pollution on human health could be enormous, causing respiratory and cardiovascular disease. According to him, a high ground level of ozone can cause sore throats, coughs, headaches and increase the risk of asthma.
Copernicus said total CO2 emissions from forest fires in Spain in July were at their highest level since 2003. For its part, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) estimates ozone pollution. causes about 1 million deaths each year.
Besides, ozone also poses a major concern for agricultural regions and food security. In January 2022, researchers estimated that persistently high levels of ozone pollution in Asia cost China, Japan, and South Korea about $63 billion a year in lost crops of rice, wheat, and rice. Corn.
..and in breaking news, experts say Ozone is causing sudden heart attacks. Won’t be long…
Andrew Bolt tries to warn us of the escalation of the Labor loonies new so called environment report.
Plibersek is trying to make herself relevant but I’m sure this fra-dulent nonsense will soak up and waste endless more billions of $ and the con merchants and lefties will be whooping for joy.
Of course just more excuses to lock up more of our country and encourage more feral pigs, goats, camels etc, plus a massive new fire risk and disastrous environmental damage for the rest of the century.
Please watch this if you have the time and I’m sure the Sky News Outsiders program will try and warn us of this nonsense as well.
Soon after the Abbott Coalition Government defeated Rudd 02 Labor in September 2013 PM Abbott was asked when the government he led would establish more National Parks. To begin, most National Parks are created from State public lands (or Commonwealth-Territory lands) and National Parks & Wildlife are States based.
PM Abbott replied that Australia already had more National Park land than was affordable and could be properly managed, and that there were no plans to add more.
Now Minister Plibersek has latched onto a report the previous Federal Government obviously realised was a political activist statement, as Andrew Bolt revealed, and did not get involved. Plibersek criticised them for ignoring the report. She has displayed a lack of common sense and knowledge. As for committing the Albanese Government to actioning the report, I doubt that the PM and Treasurer will be supportive.
Activist organisations seem to believe that Australia has a bottomless pit full of money to squander.
‘Hoaxed’: State of the Environment report relies on ‘New Age Aboriginal spirituality’
July 21, 2022 – 10:00PM
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australians were “hoaxed” this week by Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek when she handed down the State of the Environment report on Tuesday.
Mr Bolt said the report is not the work of more than 30 independent scientists, as reported by the ABC.
“Many of the authors are actually activists, in fact aboriginal activists, or storytellers, or curators, or culture warriors,” he said.
“And the authors who are scientists are for the most part not independent. Many are warmists of long standing, almost all working for government or government agencies. Not a single sceptical scientist was chosen to contribute to this project.”
Mr Bolt said when looking at who was chosen, it is understood a lot of the report is “not science at all” but a “new green religion, with New Age Aboriginal spirituality”.
Vets For Climate Change – see website, support the report Andrew Bolt has exposed;
State of Environment report reveals ‘extra damage’ due to climate change
37 minutes ago
Veterinarian and epidemiologist Dr Helen Scott-Orr says one of the standouts of the State of the Environment report is “the amount of extra damage that’s being sectored on the environment due to climate change”.
“The other thing is the likelihood of more diseases that can spread,” she told Sky News Australia.
“Insect-borne diseases particularly can spread through increased heat and wind and rainfall.”
“Vets For Climate Change”
I prefer “Minnesotans for Global Warming”
Another hydrogen transport powder emerges, promising double the density.
(Hydrogen haters gonna hate part 2.)
Stir this silicon-based powder into water, and hydrogen will bubble out, ready for immediate use. Hong Kong company EPRO Advance Technology (EAT) says its Si+ powder offers an instant end to the difficulties of shipping and storing green energy.
This is the second powdered hydrogen advance we’ve learned about this week, designed to solve the same problems: transporting hydrogen is difficult, dangerous and expensive, whether the costs are for cryogenic cooling in a liquid hydrogen system, or for compression to around 700 times the normal sea-level air pressure.
But where Deakin University’s mechanochemical storage process takes hydrogen gas and traps it in a powder for easy, stable transport, releasing it only once the recyclable powder is heated, EAT’s silicon-based powder doesn’t require you to start off with any hydrogen at all – and getting the hydrogen back out is even easier.
Meanwhile, EAT says it’s already got its system in front of the Hong Kong Airport Authority, which is evaluating it as a way to fuel a clean replacement to its backup gensets. The company says it’s got a pilot production line online, and it’s ready to scale up and fully commercialize the innovation once the right partnerships are in place.
Can’t wait for HGH part 3. 🙃
Not sure where you get the hydrogen haters gonna hate stuff from. All I have seen here is people pointing out the current state of technology capability against what promoters claim will work at the consumer commercial. If technology changes then great.
Its the same in the so called “renewables” world. The current technology set cant do the job. If capacity factors and energy density went up a few 100% and we had an actual widely deployable storage solution, then sure we may have something. There have been enough of these breakthrough, imminent, just around the corner /over the horizon developments touted for so long that it all starts to blur. Just show me something working commercially with the ability to scale, then I can get excited. If not its at least 10 years away.
I do like the logo for their company, balloon’s, actually has Hot Air written on it.
hot air
idiom informal
If something that someone says is hot air, it is not sincere and will have no practical results:
His promises turned out to be a lot of hot air.
Well he convinced me!
If these ne hydrogen technologies have any legs,.. i would have expected a much bigger noise about it from the energy industries already… i call BS on them.
Also, if it were real , it would destroy all the international efforts on. “green hydrogen”. fron RE energy…
….but again ,..crickets !
New Maglight Mini 8-in-1 torch
Weighs 43g, 800 Lumens, 3.5 hours runtime.
WOW!!! That’s just incredible.
Oooohhh…I WANT ONE! (probably more..)
I need a bright keychain torch. My solar one is now about as bright as Biden.
I could replace those bulkier 1400 Lumen Li-ion “panel” units I have.
These will obviously be a fantastic emergency light source…
Re. a certain 2020 election.
Joseph R Biden made history when he received the most total votes in any US election but won the least amount of counties of any presidential candidate ever.
This despite spending most of the campaign hiding in his basement.
A conundrum indeed. But I am sure there is a good reason for it. There always is.
Donald Trump won 2588 counties. Biden won only 551.
That’s quite some difference.
US counties do vary widely in populousness, it is true. The largest by number of inhabitants is Los Angeles County at almost 10 million souls. One of the smallest is quaintly named Loving County in Texas with only 169 persons.
Biden voters seem to be clustered tightly geographically.
Political analysts seem comfortable with the discrepancy. They all seem to be, well, ridin’ with Biden.
I wonder what the midterms will bring.
Jeepers. I made a throwaway comment about hydrogen airships and now I read Sergey Brin (worth $86 billion) is funding a secretive California hydrogen airship transport startup!
Hopefully they will take all the H2 the clowns manage to make.
What could possibly go wrong.
Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce water and electricity, but are traditionally heavy and complex. Putting one in an aircraft adds extra complications such as safely transporting the liquid hydrogen in fuel tanks, storing the water produced and dealing with a lot of waste heat. So will this airship have to carry liquid oxygen as well?
LTA’s first fuel cell will be a 0.75 MW system, built by a third party and retrofitted into one of its existing prototypes, according to the job listing. That is unlikely to happen this year,
There was a plan (later abandoned) to feed hydrogen into the diesel motors on the R101. I wouldn’t book on the first flight of this one, but at least he’s spending his own money.
The only reason commercial aircraft can fly Sydney to London direct is because of the massive thrust to weight of the jet engines, the high energy density of liquid fuel and the fuel tanks do not need heavy engineering.
This means that the plane can take off grossly over max landing weight. A quick search shows that a B 777 can carry 45,000 gals* of jet fuel. A fuel-cell aircraft could never carry that much energy on top of the pressure tanks for fuel and heavy engines.
* 777–200LR, 777–300ER, 777-F: 145,538kg
Bizarre pink light fills sky in Australia, leaving residents ‘buzzing’ with theories.
MILDURA, Australia — Residents in an Australian town wondered if Stranger Things had become real when they saw a mysterious pink light consume the night sky on Wednesday.
The unusual sight was captured on camera by Tammy Szumowski, a resident of Mildura in northern Victoria. Posting her pictures online, Tammy, 42, wrote: “Just took these photo’s at Merbein south!! Any Ideas what it is people? Aliens?? ‘Stranger Things’?”
Fellow local Amy Jones commented: “I was hanging the washing out and thought it was the sun setting.”
Another person added: ”Crazy crazy!!! Maybe the aliens are already here. Or radiation beam designed to start neutralizing the effects of Covid.”
Oh well…maybe it’ll be aliens next time. 😁
Hydrogen fuel cell for propulsion, no mention of buoyancy gas, likely to be helium.
Well that is a fail then….. very limited helium available on earth ,.insufficient for any mass transport use.
Critical Vulnerabilities Discovered in Popular Automotive GPS Tracking Device (MiCODUS MV720)
BitSight has discovered six severe vulnerabilities in a popular vehicle GPS tracker (MiCODUS MV720) potentially allowing hackers to track individuals, remotely disable fleets of corporate supply and emergency vehicles, abruptly stop civilian vehicles on dangerous highways, and more.
There are believed to be 1.5 million MiCODUS devices, across 169 countries, in use today by individual consumers, government agencies, militaries, law enforcement, and corporations.
Given the popularity of vehicle GPS tracking and global distribution (inc Oz) of this particular product, anyone having one had best reassess its worth.
The capacity of attackers to shut down fleet/govt/military vehicles on the spot is the obvious concern.
Or just to block roads and create chaos?
Is it possible for an individual to have that tracker unknowingly?
If you have a mobile phone you are being tracked. If you connect your phone to your in car sterio, your whole car is hackable.
Facial recognition is in most majors along with tracking. Those discount cards, frequent shopper rewards are not for your benifit, paying by card, scanning your phone, everywhere you go everything you buy, every gram of food is logged to your account.
We know with the covid scam people will give up all there freedoms for the promise of security, we know and they knew. There is no limit to what people will give away for a convience.
Do not carry your phone and pay with cash.
Customers were informed that if they wanted to opt out of the monitoring, they would need to turn off their Wi-Fi or turn their phone onto flight mode while in the store.
If you have a mobile phone you are being tracked. If you connect your phone to your in car stereo, your whole car is hackable.
Facial recognition is in most majors along with tracking. Those discount cards, frequent shopper rewards are not for your benefit, paying by card, scanning your phone, everywhere you go everything you buy, every gram of food is logged to your account.
We know with the covid scam people will give up all there freedoms for the promise of security, we know and they knew. There is no limit to what people will give away for a convenience.
Do not carry your phone and pay with cash
Customers were informed that if they wanted to opt out of the monitoring, they would need to turn off their Wi-Fi or turn their phone onto flight mode while in the store.
David I’ve just found out my hearing aids contain a GPS , tiny as they are if you lose one it’s actually quite easy to find it . Could that system be used to track where I go ? Absolutely yes .
You don’t a GPS running to be tracked. A mobile phone can be tracked by monitoring the received signal strengths of nearby Wi-Fi sites and using these signal strengths to fairly accurately determine the phone’s location. I believe this is already being done.
A synchronized criminal attack from abroad hit Albania over the weekend, all Albanian government systems shut down following the cyberattack.
July 18 – Albania was hit by a massive cyberattack over the weekend, the government confirmed on Monday. A synchronized criminal attack from abroad hit the servers of the National Agency for Information Society (AKSHI), which handles many government services.
“In order to withstand these unprecedented and dangerous strikes, we have been forced to close down government systems until the enemy attacks are neutralized,” the Albanian National Agency for the Information Society (AKSHI) said in a statement.
Government services were all down on Monday after the cyber attack.
A threat actor tracked as TA4563 is using EvilNum malware to target European financial and investment entities.
A threat actor, tracked as TA4563, leverages the EvilNum malware to target European financial and investment entities, Proofpoint reported. The group focuses on entities with operations supporting foreign exchanges, cryptocurrency, and decentralized finance (DeFi).
10,000 organisations targeted by phishing attack that bypasses multi-factor authentication
Microsoft has shared details of a widespread phishing campaign that not only attempted to steal the passwords of targeted organisations, but was also capable of circumventing multi-factor authentication (MFA) defences.
The attackers used AiTM (Attacker-in-The-Middle) reverse-proxy sites to pose as Office 365 login pages which requested MFA codes, and then use them to log into the genuine site.
According to Microsoft’s detailed report on the campaign, once hackers had broken into email inboxes via the use of stolen passwords and session cookies, they would exploit their access to launch Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks on other targets.
Keep up to date with system security, use stronger passwords, have cash on hand because attacks are ramping up globally..
Conrad Black writing in the Epoch Times about coming back to the US after months in Europe away from the daily US news cycle. Noticing the normalization of dysfunction.
“Returning last week from Europe, it was a tremendous shock to be reminded of the complete failure in every field of the Biden administration, of the inability of any authorized spokesperson for that administration to explain or justify any element of official policy, and particularly to see, all of a sudden—and not after a gradual buildup through the infelicities and press baiting sessions of the Trump administration—Biden’s ill-tempered and completely inadequate explanations to the generally fawning press of his conduct.”
Thought for the day
What do vegans and vegetarians feel when they accidentally bite their own tongues?
Mr. Connor: I’ll bite- the feeling of one hand clapping? OOOh, OOOH another- the feeling when a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to feel it?
Australian government through its Medicare Benefits Schedule links myocarditis to the Covid-19 vaccine
According to the Australian government’s Medicare Benefits Schedule which was updated on the 1st of April 2022, Australians have since the 1st of January 2022 been eligible to access the scheme for a health condition the government admits is associated with mRNA Covid-19 vaccination.
The page published by the Australian government titled Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination offers a new medical benefits scheme (MBS) item to ‘assist in diagnosing myocarditis associated with mRNA Covid-19 vaccination.’
Phew. Thankfully the TGA has decided they’re safe and effective because of “science”, just not the real science from Pfizer’s own document dumps.
How much longer…
Maybe Qld will crack first.
All Queensland police officers over 50 being forced to take a fourth “booster” or lose their jobs and pensions
You’re just expendable pawns. Wake up or soon your pronouns will be “was/were” 😈
Exercises in world population density
With a couple towards the end that might excite the WEF
Global warming has plateaued for close to a decade.
Insects in the diet and then
“That Escalated Quickly, New York Times Ponders if we are Ready Yet to Start Eating People
July 23, 2022 | sundance | 314 Comments”
“Treehouse Tips
July 23, 2022 | sundance | 608 Comments
My jaw came near the floor today when I opened this month’s electricity bill to find a notification of a 28% increase in electricity rates, effective immediately. An increase of 28%…. just like that.”
“In the past we have used CTH threads to spotlight the smart thinking and resourcefulness of Treepers from all walks of life. A discussion thread where people can share tips, things that can actually be done, to help offset the financial pressures during severe economic times. I think we may all benefit from starting a series of post like that again.
Let us share our wisdom and experience again. ”
More covid
“Gee, I wonder if there was a scientist out there who had predicted exactly how and why Covid is behaving in such an out of the ordinary manner as we see today? Could his name be Geert Vanden Bossche?”
Links to
“‘Never seen a virus that behaves this way’: Why COVID refuses to give us a break
‘The world is discovering SARS-CoV-2 isn’t behaving with neat, predictable, winter-bound waves like the flu, but with multiple rollers that are coming faster’ ”
Trial Site news is an industry site that reports on medical clinical trials. Apparently someone found some “interesting”findings in the non-clinical(lab rats studies for ex.) of the documents released by Moderna.”
More “medical” FWIW
“Potential massive fraud in Alzheimer’s research that may have derailed finding a therapeutic or cure by 16 years. ”
On covid and immunity
A bit salty
Thomas Sowell is everything Barack Hussein Obama is not.
Faster, cheaper… home broadband customers are deserting the clunky NBN and switching to 5G fixed wireless. Thank you, Labor, for that $57 billion turkey, the NBN. Money grows on the Magic Faraway Tree in Canberra, particularly when the ALP is in office. I did not know they were such Enid Blyton fans.
Some things never change.
And thank you Turnbull for keeping the NBN going. Now, it’s going nowhere but the scrap heap. Who would want to buy this lemon?
Climate Scientists have lost their Minds –
“The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been fussing around with the idea of placing ‘floating frozen bubbles in a thin film above Earth to reflect the sun’s rays’. This branch of science is called geoengineering – or solar geoengineering in this case – and it has been enjoying a lot of attention as the United Nations scrambles around for solutions to the apocalypse.
Space bubble technology boasts that it poses ‘no risk of interfering with the Earth’s biosphere’ because it’s ‘in space’.
‘Geoengineering might be our final and only option. Yet most geoengineering proposals are earth-bound, which poses tremendous risks to our living ecosystem. Space-based solutions would be safer – for instance, if we deflect 1.8 per cent of incident solar radiation before it hits our planet, we could fully reverse today’s global warming.’
I guess the sun doesn’t interfere with the Earth’s biosphere either, because it’s ‘in space’. Or the moon. Or the solar winds.
Putting a Brazil-sized sheet of bubbles in space to block out the sun is likely to have some unintended consequences. If it works (instead of falling into the sun, being blown away by a solar flare, or flying off into they abyss as another planet or asteroid interferes with the gravity balance), the most likely outcome is a catastrophic ice age.
Blocking out the sun, even by small amounts, could cause widespread devastation to Earth’s vegetation – which likes to be warm, wet, and saturated in carbon dioxide – not frosty. The one thing that we know for certain is that the colder it gets, the more green things die.”
The Royal Society also think the idea is credible.
In a few more years there will be red faces all round as world temperature falls.
Sunday Night At The Movies
Waiting or the F! to start I watched Cast a Giant Shadow, An epic that the opening blurb said were events that actually happened with no comment on how accurately they were portrayed.
I may have learned some history but I was entertained.