A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Nancy may be right, the CCP China is freer than the USA.
Blinkin is concerned that they are locking up the opposition in Congo. You couldn’t make this up.
Thought he might slip in a mention of his buddy Zelensky
Possible scenario:
Trump suspects a mole, installs a new safe and tells mole that he has stashed his contraband in it. He’s raided, the safe only has nude photos of Hillary and the mole is fired. The fact that the FBI is looking foolish and corrupt would not have crossed his mind.
If mole breaks his non disclosure clause he’s toast.
WOW. That is out of place. It was meant to be on another forum where this was posted.
Don’t care that it was out of place, I liked it.
Nude photos of Hillary? Years from now an old FBI officer will tell new recruits “You’re gunna see some pretty horrific things in this game.”
The battery that charges 70 times faster than lithium-ion
Brisbane-based Graphene Manufacturing Group believes it has found a solution to help replace lithium-ion batteries which charge 70 times faster, are longer-lasting and better for the environment.
Graphene powder straight from gas
Where GMG hopes to gain the advantage is its process for making graphene powder straight from gas, while competitors are still using the more costly process of making graphene from graphite – a process which takes a number of washing processes.
Another key advantage of aluminium-ion batteries is the increased density – you can fit three times the electrons than in a lithium battery – and they don’t overheat to create fire risks.
They are also safer too. A coin cell graphene aluminium-ion battery isn’t lethal if swallowed by a small child, but lithium-ion batteries can be.
Compared to lithium batteries, graphene aluminium batteries don’t need lithium, copper, cobalt, manganese or rare earth materials to be mined for their production. They are also rechargable and 100 per cent recyclable too.
“The opportunity for these batteries is limitless,” GMG general manager of batteries Mark Chan Yan said.
Although the application for graphene is wide, Mr Nicol said GMG decided to focus on three products, including the HVAC energy-saving coating which is already being deployed.
When coated on air-conditioning or refrigeration units, it can achieve heat savings of up to 50per cent. On diesel engine radiators it can improve performance by 20 per cent.
The potential energy savings are part of why Rio Tinto has signed a partnership with GMG. The global miner will be able to supply aluminium from its alumina factory in Gladstone.
For the moment, Mr Nicol said the graphene aluminum-ion batteries are likely to be used in heavy machinery, like mining, as well as in high-performance EVs.
“Higher power density is our real competitive advantage now. More power and for longer,” he said.
“The end game is we want to show we can make the best battery at the best price.”
This battery statement sounds like a cut and paste action designed to raise funds from early investors.
Can you investigate from a skeptic’s point of view and report on the issues keeping Aluminum-ion batteries from being the next big thing. Why is a main focus on air-conditioning coatings and not auto batteries?
I found this: “Graphene is the wonder material of the age. …Or at least, it would be the wonder material of the age if the so-called “graphene revolution” promised less and delivered more.
JH – I’d say your assessment of it being investment seeking hype is correct if you look at their (poorly designed) graphic bonanza
I suspect that the coating technology is more certain and closer to being an actual product than the big batteries.
Lithium is number three on the periodic table. It has three electrons, two in an inner shell, one in the second shell. When forming ions, (used to exchange electrons in batteries), the SINGLE electron in the outer most shell is used, it enables the lithium to offer one electron per atom.
Aluminium is the 13th element in the periodic table. It has two electrons in the inner shell, (full), 8 electrons in the next shell, (also full), and three electrons available for ion exchange in a battery.
So comparing the BASIC ASSUMPTIONS by weight, lithium has an atomic weight of nearly 7, aluminium nearly 27. So by weight, lithium provides 1 electron per 7 mass units, aluminium 1 by 9. IF you could make a pure metal battery, they would be similar mass vs charge, aluminium being a little heavier. NOTE, other elements are needed to receive the electron and must be added too before a final answer could be given.
So an aluminium ion battery is unlikely to be massively lighter per storage charge than lithium. Aluminium can still burn, remember thermite.
First thoughts…. This is a grab for investor cash and will end in tears.
If only they could do a beryllium battery, being 2 valence electrons and atomic mass of 9, (twice as good as aluminium), or boron, 3 valence electrons and mass under 11, (about 2.5 x better than aluminium).
Rio Tinto partnership
GMG, which is listed on the TSX Venture exchange in Canada with a market cap of about $300 million, is also using the graphene powder for spray paints for HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) products as well as automotive fluids.
The company has already signed an informal partnership with global miner Rio Tinto about integrating some energy-saving products into operations as well as supply aluminium for GMG’s commercial battery operations which could be based in the industrial city of Gladstone in Central Queensland.
On a tour of the company’s facilities in Richlands, in Brisbane’s western suburbs, scientists and engineers were testing the graphene powder for coin cell batteries as well as battery pouches which could be used from everything from mobile phones to utility-scale batteries.
Graphene powder – which is black and as light as a feather – is being tested under different climatic conditions and voltage settings ahead of the pilot plant being built at the facility.
Through a research agreement with the University of Queensland, GMG was granted exclusive licence of the patent-pending technology for battery cathodes – using nanotechnology to insert aluminium ions inside tiny perforations in GMG graphene platelets.
The end result allows GMG to increase the energy density of their cathodes which allows them to outperform lithium-ion batteries – at least in the laboratory.
Lithium-ion batteries are the dominant battery around the world, with China dominating about 90 per cent of materials required for production. They are cheap because they are produced at scale.
Great! All we need now is transformers and cables that can provide 70 times more current.
“as well as in high-performance EVs.”
Oh sure, lets hit the Ferrari market to get rich, while the Corolla market doesn’t have an EV worth talking about!
EVs will only take over when they sell a Camry-sized car that is dirt cheap to run with the most efficient electrical motor that can do 0-100kph in the same Camry time.. and sell for $25000.
Err ?…. That sound a lot like the Camry Hybrid ?
Good Interim – Corolla Ascent Sport Hatch Hybrid $31,635 Driveaway *
The Corolla Hybrid consumes 4.2L/100km, whereas the non-hybrid Corolla automatic uses 6.0L/100km.
Try before you Buy
Try the Corolla with KINTO
See how the Corolla fits your life with the KINTO app. Access a Corolla near you and take it for a spin. Simply pay for the time you book, the distance you travel and any extras.
Not lethal if swallowed? That’s a strange statement, as I believe that it’s the volts that do the damage, internally welding parts of the gut together, not whether the battery chemicals are poisonous or not.
My hunch is that the US deep state uniparty cabal is trying desperately to set up a false binary election in 2024 featuring a Gavin Newsom vs. Ron De Santis ” clash “. This will be as carefully choreographed and intrinsically fake as any World Championship Wrestling pay per view bout. Whoever actually wins is unimportant; either will be a malleable puppet to carry out the agenda of hidden big money interests. A planned return to business as usual in the White House, so to speak.
They will need to get DJT out of the way first.
Try this for size Zane: The Dems know they are on the nose with the electorate and they believe their own propaganda so much, they think Trump the only one Joe/Kamala/Hillary could beat. How better to ensure his nomination than to make him a martyr?
Remember, in ’16 MSM promoted The Don because he couldn’t possibly win. And they believe they can manage another 82 million votes again. Practice makes perfect.
It is hard to find good news today.
Although if you own US stocks, the market went up today.
Not a stock owner?
The moon will show its full face on the 11th.
Climate change? No news!
The heat is in the ocean.
So the oceans have become political too – the hot surface water does not want to mix with the cold surface water and has retreated into almost-red and blue camps. I see that the blues are trying to drive a wedge into the red camp, while the almost-reds are creating havoc in the northern hemisphere. It’s a good thing that the lower troposphere, according to UAH, has decided to mix and mingle above the chaos of surface earth. (/∞s)
A third La Nina is a certainty.
The Humboldt Current, with its deep upwelling, sends cold water to the Western Pacific Warm Pool and is stopped in its tracks.,-4.66,265
So that’s where all that melting sea ice and resulting cold water around Antarctica goes – it’s a huge cold-water pump:
17 million square kilometres of ice→cold water is a lot of olympic swimmimg pools. Link here.
Antarctic sea ice has been gradually increasing over the satellite era, which is a fair indication that AGW isn’t having an impact.
ENSO is of more interest, is there a solar connection?
Its quite clear that La Nina dominated the LIA with SAM modulating.
Great graph EG. But not what I wanted to hear – looks like another prolonged hot summer for folks in the west.
Its going to be another warm one for the WA sea huggers.
Wet in the east and dry in the west.
Socialism Violates The Ten Commandments –
“You shall not covet thy Neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your Neighbor’s wife, or manservant or maidservant, or ox or donkey or anything that belongs to your Neighbour.”
The Left covet everything that they don’t have and always want, more, more and even much more.
What about if they live a few streets away and aren’t technically your neighbour?
In which case, “Though shalt not steal.”…………lol
Will there be consequences for the Doctors and the Officials who mandated Vaccines on other people?
There might be if Dr William Bay gets his way.
In any case they have been warned.
Vaccine Mandates Illegal In Costa Rica –
More from Martin Armstrong –
Newly elected President Rodrigo Chaves has outlawed vaccine mandates. “Today vaccines are no longer mandatory and any action against someone who does not want to be vaccinated is a violation of the law,” the president stated. Although the president is vaccinated, he stated that was a health decision he personally made. It is now against the law in Costa Rica to force someone to be vaccinated against their will.
The president lifted numerous COVID restrictions when he came into power this May. He began by eliminating the mask mandate for everyone who does not work in healthcare. The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of Costa Rica, the Association of Pharmacists of Costa Rica, and the National Medical Union of Costa Rica spoke out against the president’s order to lift masks. He set out to lift the vaccine mandate in May too, but finally signed it into law this August.
This is another win for medical autonomy and a nation refusing to prolong the COVID fear-mongering propaganda that decimated the global economy.”
I have invented a new scale.
In view of the increasing number of fires in electric vehicles where they burn to the ground, a new metric is in order.
Global Rate at which Ev’s Turn to Ash, abbreviated to the GRETA scale.

Beautiful… and simple, just like Greta.
I can just see the headlines, ‘there has been another SEDS incident on the Greta scale of 10.’
This all coming down the pike.
Here is a reminder about what the objective of the Left’s war against agriculture is about. They want to restrict or ban traditional agriculture and the use of what they call “nitrogen” (meaning nitrogenous fertilisers, they also talk about “carbon” when they are confused with carbon dioxide). Naturally, insect eating will only be for we serfs, the Elites will continue to consume the finest beluga caviar and ribeye steak on their private jets flying to climate conferences, and beyond.
David, ..
The lefts campaign against Nitrogen fertiliser is directly a result of their campaign against fossil fuels.
Nitrogen fertiliser is predominantly an Ammonia product, which itself is produced from Hydrogen, …produced by( steam reforming of Natural gas ..
……with the consequent CO2 byproduct !
I have involuntarily eaten some insects and I was not impressed – there is not much nutrition in little bush flies. BTW, where have they gone? Are they also a victim of climate change? Well, hooray for that.
OTOH, are they already being harvested without our knowledge and packaged as “light and airy” meals? (/∞s).
Bushflies are seasonal.
Dont go outback March- july without suitable defences…(.fly nets, Bushmans, toothbrush ! ..etc)
Another SADS event.
NRL icon Paul Green had recent health checks before shock death at 49.
I like the pic here:
Paul Green was found dead in his garage just a day after his son’s ninth birthday, leaving his devastated family to mourn the loss of the beloved NRL figure.
The 49-year-old was found unresponsive at his home in Brisbane after 10am on Thursday. Queensland Police said the circumstances of his death were ‘not suspicious’ and a post-mortem will be carried out.
Green, who is understood to have taken his own life, leaves behind his wife Amanda and children Jed and Emerson.
That’s worse. Explains why, on TV tonight, a footy mate told of his troubles transitioning from the camaraderie of football to the harsh realities of life “outside”.
TV tonight was also speaking of suicide among ex servicemen who also have difficulty transitioning to the unforgiving world where you are on your own.
Are you concerned about DeSantis’ silence in regard to the Trump home invasion?
He was or is seen as a possible VP running mate with Trump if not a Presidential nominee himself.
and so on
Tweet from Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis did tweet and it was most probably not widely reported.
He is most probably weighing up his options as to what to do with the next load of DOJ/FBI creeps that turn up in Florida. Maybe he will arrange to have them all arrested under some Florida State Law or other. Two can play at this game and the US States have rights that cannot be negated by the US Federal Guv’ment.
I was responding to this article.
So that is looking like fake news.
What’s really happening and coming.
Pompeo, the former secretary of state under Trump, has publicly stated that the Biden Administration has politically weaponized the DOJ/FBI. Merrick Garland, the 86th United States attorney general, should now explain why 250 yrs of practice have been upended with this raid on Trump. Pompeo said: “I served on Benghazi Com where we proved Hilliary (sic) possessed classified info. We didn’t raid her home.”
This raid on Trump is the beginning of the end of civility in politics. The Democrats, from my sources, are on a war path to seize control at all costs. They are NOT about to allow the power to flip back to the other side. Pelosi going to Taiwan was part of a strategy to create war ahead of 2024 to provide the foundation to suspend elections, Sometime in the second half of 2022, China’s most senior leaders will assemble at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People for the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Pelosi’s trip and the attack on Trump could provide the excuse to rush the event as soon as the week of August 29th, 2022, or by the week of October 10th. This may be the very reason that General Secretary Xi Jinping gains complete control over civil and military issues. Pelosi has provided that potential now for Xi to remain in power for life.
This is the time now for Xi to demonstrate he is a national hero as even the movie about war with America, which was a smash hit has helped to turn the view of America into the same way America now views Russia. A Chinese action movie depicting the defeat of the US Army became the country’s highest-grossing film of all time. This was essential for building support for war with America just as Hillary blaming Putin for her loss resulted in n70% of Democrats looking at Russia as evil.
Xi has publicly said that the 20th CPC National Congress will be a very important event taking place at a crucial moment. He called for efforts to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and write a “brand new chapter” in building China. Indeed, our computer shows that the war with China is not one that the United States will win.
It gives me no pleasure to deliver such a forecast. I have worked hard my whole life trying to stop what this long-term forecast shows even though I know that was impossible. All I can hope is that post-2032, perhaps we will for once learn.
via Martin Armstrong
Part 2:
When Zelensky was elected, he promised peace. He has continued to wage war and has refused to accept peace bringing nothing but death and destruction.
Here in the United States, we face the very same problem. Where in Ukraine, they just hate Russian-speaking Ukrainians who have grown up in the East. In the United States, it is a brewing hatred between left and right. The division has deepened and there is now no turning back. The United States as we have known it will not exist after 2032. This Wokeness has divided the people even more and in the end, it has raised the hatred of groups that nobody really cared about much.
The ONLY way to prevent a bloody civil war is to end Federalism. The Federal Government must be confined to only federal issues of defense and import/export. Income Tax MUST be abolished for the Founding Fathers outlawed DIRECT taxation for that imposes a burden upon every citizen. All taxes should be indirect. There should not even be property taxes. Taxes must be restored to indirect – sales tax, which would be applied when also buying real estate.
Each State can then create its own law based on the culture of that region. This is the ONLY way to prevent a civil war. Unfortunately, the philosophical difference between the left and the right has been embodied even in the Ten Commandments showing that there has been this desire to oppress others for personal gain which today they call “equality” or “fairness” that destroys the very foundation of civilization.
Realistically, given the IRS new staffing levels, outlawing taxes is absolutely 100% not going to happen. The USA will crash and burn as will a lot of countries and the world is right now on the brink of major war. The EU, massively flawed experiment that it is, will go first.
This intel is posted to give the masses one last chance to wake up and prepare.
After this, don’t bother.
Stopping the insanity and coming war isn’t going to happen – you have to hope for the best but plan for the worst.
ie forget plans of a 20+ year mortgage on a new house. Those lemmings are toast now.
Look at Pakistan. A nuclear weapons country on the brink of economic ruin like Sri Lanka or Argentina.
This is going from bad to very bad very quickly. I think the US elections, rainbow flags and fake genders will be the very least of anyones worries from this moment on..
?? I dont know whos opinion that is, but it is TOTALLY OPPOSITE TO THE REALITY !
Whilst he is certainly continuing to resist militarily, ..Zelensky did not initiate the war, and his only option would be to abandon the wishes of the Ukranian population !
You cannot critise anyone for fighting for their country !…….the Invader is the villan in that game !
It may be the only hope that they have left. The alternative is unthinkable.
20 Things The Feds Probably Planted In The Boxes They Took From Trump’s House
We don’t know what the FBI found at Trump’s domicile, but here are 20 best guesses as to what they might have planted.
1. Cocaine from the Hunter Biden Evidence Shed
2. Glossy 8×10 of Vladimir Putin
3. Joe Biden Voodoo Doll
4. An Inscription in a 2021 Playboy Calendar
5. Magazine Clippings of Volodymyr Zelensky Photos Marred with Scribbled Devil Horns
6. A Handwritten Note
7. A Diary – From the entry on page one:
8. Official Typed and Notarized Memo to File
9. Crack from the Hunter Biden Evidence Shed
10. Dartboard with Nancy Pelosi’s Face on It
11. Flash Drive with BOMBSHELL Video of Trump Allegedly Cavorting with Underage Sex-Trafficking Victims
12. Meth from the Hunter Biden Evidence Shed
13. A Hideous Women’s Dress, Size 4
14. A ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Foam Finger
15. A Framed Transcript of Trump’s Charlottesville Remarks
16. Heroin from the Hunter Biden Evidence Shed
17. A VHS Copy of the Pee Tape
18. Photocopy of the FBI’s Plans To Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer
19. Body Paint
20. Professional-Grade Rhinoceros Tranquilizers from the Hunter Biden Evidence Shed
No explanation necessary.
Remember that incredible speech Boris Johnson made where he pontificated that ” we are building back better, building back greener, building back fairer, and in a more equal and gender-neutral way…” Further waffle about ” levelling up ” whatever that means. It was unbelievable to hear basically the World Economic Forum’s introductory manifesto tumbling out of his mouth at the G7. The entire political class are nothing more than globalist shills and enablers, puppets on a string.
Shameful stuff, but par for the course.
The next UK puppet PM will carry on the agenda.
All of them are in on it.
The first eruption of magma at Ioto volcano in 1,000 years, Japan
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reports that for the first time in 1 000 years, volcanic eruptions spewing magma are believed to have taken place just off the southern coast of Ioto volcano, also known as Iwoto, Iwojima and Iojima.
Small eruptions started on July 11, 2022, some 900 m (2 950 feet) away from the coast. From July 12 to 15, they occurred every 5 minutes, and continued through the rest of the month, creating water columns up to 30 m (98 feet) high.
Submarine volcano east of American Samoa setting off earthquake monitors past few days.
Vailulu’u seamount at the eastern end of the Samoan volcanic chain has reawakened.
Unprecedented – since the last time.
China: Dozens Infected With Potentially Fatal New Virus Transmitted From Animals
China has discovered a potentially deadly new virus that is believed to have been passed to humans by animals, particularly shrews according to reports.
There have been 35 confirmed human cases of The Langya henipavirus reported across two of China’s eastern provinces so far, Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said. They added that the virus was new and had not affected humans before.
Two species of the same category have been identified in the past – the Hendra and Nipah viruses, the Sun reports.
The two viruses are said to create horrific illnesses with no known cure, vaccine or treatment.
World Health Organisation data classes the viral family as biosafety Level 4 – meaning it has a high risk of aerosol-transmission and of causing life-threatening disease with no way of minimising its severity.
It has a case fatality rate of between 40 and 75 per cent.
The Chinese can now blame William Shakespeare as “The Taming of the Shrew” doesn’t seem to have worked.
And I thought that the Chinese were more shrewd than that. But then again, maybe not…………………….
We have to keep the fear alive and well JC11,. Just incase Victorians are getting a bit complacent we now have adds on TV about a phone app that measures “air quality” in your area because, you know, air borne contaminates cause serious illnesses, people must protect themselves. Do you have “Hemachromatosis” screams the adds, consult your doctor because this dangerous condition is easily treated. Stuff that was called “looking after yourself” is now so serious that individuals need government help to make it through the day. Trust us we are from the government and we are here to help.
Probably okay if you don’t have sexual relations with it.
Ask Bill Clinton what that really means.
Covid not manufactured in the Wuhan Lab, it jumped at the market. The CCP is innocent.
Was in Aldi this morning and two middle age fellows were having a long discussion on the climate “crap” that is going on. They really had little idea other than climate change is a constant and the climate models are useless at prediction – none of the predictions have turned out correct.
I pointed out that ocean surface temperature cannot exceed 30C. One considered 30C hot. The other said he had experienced warmer water swimming in the Persian Gulf so I had to point out that the 30C limit was for open ocean. The discussion on ocean surface temperature got on to the barrier reef and both of them knew about the guy who was shafted over pointing out the poor science going on with regard the GBR. They did not recall the name but both nodded when I said Peter Ridd.
These guys had no particular understanding of climate but had good BS meters and they were buzzing on the Climate Change topic.
First time ever that I have seen such a discussion in a super market.
The odds are strongly against two women speaking about climate change in any social setting.
Not quite right…
Ocean surface temperature observations show that less than 10% of open ocean surface water exceeds an annual average surface temperature of 30C. Also less than 1% of the ocean surface exceeds 32C for more than a few days. The thermostatic upper limit of 30C for ocean warm pools has been observed scientifically since at least the 1970s
You’re quoting RickWill back to himself; I’m sure he knew already since he wrote it.
Proof at least two people have read what I wrote and actually absorbed it.
What I failed to point out to the two guys was that no climate model limits to 30C. They all exceed this value and CSIRO model up to 40C by 2300 – beyond fantasy.
Potentially a bit longer than that – try 500 million years where the ocean temps always seemed to plateau at 90°F, or about 32°C. This is during the time that all land was just one southern blob and the north was open water. This plate tectonics animation by Christopher Scotese shows the evolution of water/oceans on the planet.
Roger Pielke, Jr has a short piece about research misconduct involving a University of Delaware woman who has been charged with inventing data to show that increased CO2 affected fish behavior. Her advisor, coauthor, was with James Cook University.
What a coincidence. James Cook fired a professor who claimed that the Great Barrier Reef was actually doing just fine – a claim that has recently been publicly confirmed.
How hackers are stealing credit cards from classifieds sites.
A new credit card stealing campaign is underway in Singapore, snatching the payment details of sellers on classifieds sites through an elaborate phishing trick.
The scammers also attempt to transfer the funds directly to their accounts using valid one-time passcodes (OTPs) on the bank’s actual platform.
Threat analysts at Group-IB, who detected this recent wave in March 2022, believe it’s part of a global operation called “Classicscam,” which they discovered in 2020.
Singapore is a new addition to the targeting scope of the criminal operation, which is a bad sign indicating that the scheme is still growing and its reach is expanding.
As per usual be extremely vigilant with online payment sites…
Carl Sagan saw it in 1995
I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…
The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
– The Demon-haunted world, 1995
Where I live, Second coming, this is exactly the economy envisaged. All reall industry is in the process of being closed down while “tourism and service”industries are pushed as the way of the future. Without a blink of reality entering any conversation, buzz words like ” sustainability, healing the environment and traditional wisdom” are thrown around like confetti, and yet if you ask the users of these words for a defiition of what they mean its like staring into a mirror with a blank face just staring back, sometimes with mouth agape. The local logging industry has operated for over 100 years, but its “not sustainable” yet if you visit a regenerated coup five years on the saplings are already 4 metres high and thriving. Farming has been around since the gold rush and is more productive than ever. I don’t know a single farmer who isn’t fanatical about “looking after” their land. The huge erosion gullys of my youth are filled in, regrassed, planted with trees. The products of these farms are truely world glass, but we have the “experts” tell us its not sustainable. Traditional wisdom, which only appears to be controlled burning, should be carried out with understanding and that truely traditional fire lighting device the Bic lighter. The original settlers moving stock to lower country just used to drop matches on the way down to the low country, and low and behold next spring was always lush green grasses for another summer grazing. Real industries that could survive economic down turns and actually generated wealth. When the pandemic hit all the service industries just stopped, no people travelling, no jobs in the accomadation or food industries,but guess what, all those “unsustainable industries” just kept going and employing people
The moral decadence continues.
Babies handing money to drag queens…
I feel sick…
Can it get any lower???
Sure it can, this is just the public face
Actually you’re right but the content would never be allowed here…
Karen isn’t happy…
I only know 3 people who continue to mask. I’m feeling defeated.
One of the comments:
“I not only continue to mask, I throw it in everybody else’s faces. As people stopped masking, I went from a cloth mask to surgical+cloth, to N95, and now I go out in a P100 elastomeric respirator, essentially a gas mask. And if people look disturbed by that, I think, “Good.””
He’ll probably catch Covid anyway…
People arent disturbed, they are just wondering how disturbed the dill in the respirator is and should I be in the same space. A numpty that sees himself as some kind of evangelist / hero. Sure wear a mask if you want to, but what a stupid attitude.
The IRS just pulled their jobs ad…
Who are we?
Criminal Investigation (CI) is the law enforcement branch of the IRS. Our mission is to serve the American public by investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code, and related financial crimes, in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law.
As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes. Special Agents are duly sworn law enforcement officers who are trained to “follow the money.” No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government.
“trained to “follow the money.” No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS”
HA!! Let’s see them go after Congress,the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens etc.
How about that “missing” $21 TRILLION?
Ask the military where it went…
They’d need to be armed…
Apparently Melbournistan CBD office occupancy is a mere 38%.
This is because there has been no countermanding of Dictator Dan’s original directive to work at home, not in the office.
As the Marxist he is, he is trying to do as much damage to business as possible.
Why would a Marxist choose to turn a vibrant city centre into a ghost town? What’s in it for “the cause”? I’m a long way away but that seems to be what’s happening.
As well as Dear Leader, there are probably a mix of reasons for the occupancy downturn. Some organizations have found distributed work from home works for them and don’t see the point of returning to the city. My son work in a small IT Security company that used to work in the city. Now they work from home and meet when they have to in serviced offices (again outside the city).
It not the first time CBDs have fallen out of favour. In the company I worked for closed down its CBD offices nationally and moved them out to co-locate with production and distribution centres in the burbs. They suddenly realised that their customers didn’t care about the glossy city offices they paid through the nose for. Now we are in a down cycle this isn’t changing anytime soon.
Covid Vaccine – Infertility Pandemic – Official staistics released in Germany show that the Birth rate dropped by 12% in the first 4 months of 2012.
Coincidentally (or not) this is 9 months after the major push to get young adults vaccinated ………
WHO Renews Push for Global Pandemic Treaty, as World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund for Vaccine Passports
The World Health Organization (WHO) is moving ahead with plans to enact a new or revised international pandemic preparedness treaty, despite encountering setbacks earlier this summer after dozens of countries, primarily outside the Western world, objected to the plan.
A majority of WHO member states on July 21, during a meeting of WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), agreed to pursue a legally binding pandemic instrument that will contain “both legally binding as well as non-legally binding elements.”
Germany plans China-style color code vaccine passport upgrade with multiple tiers of “rights”
German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced that the nation’s digital contact tracing and vaccine passport app, Corona-Warn-App (CWA), will start assigning different colors to citizens based on whether they received a COVID-19 vaccine within the last three months.
The CWA will assign one color to citizens who add proof that they received a vaccine within the last three months and a different color to citizens who add proof of vaccination that’s more than three months old. Only those with the color showing that they’re “freshly vaccinated” (have received a vaccine within the last three months) will be exempt from Germany’s mask requirement in public indoor spaces.
Other citizens, including those who received multiple vaccines but had their last vaccine more than three months ago, will have to show proof of recent recovery from COVID or a current negative test to get an exemption from this mask requirement.
Germany’s Berliner Zeitung noted that the colors codes in the vaccine passport app would “give different rights in the future” and said the system would put citizens who are already quadruple vaccinated on the same legal footing as those who are unvaccinated.
Welcome to China!!
but then…
413 German Medical Practioners Call For Immediate Vaccine Suspension… ‘Serious Side Effects… Consequential Damage’
Germany’s Hauke publishing house has published an open letter from 413 physicians, addressed to Thuringia’s Prime Minister, harshly criticizing the government’s Corona policy and call for the immediate suspension of Covid vaccinations due to “serious side effects and consequential damage”.
The signatories are all from one single German state, Thuringia, and were brought together by the fear of “the so-called facility-based mandatory vaccination” which they claim “has long been scientifically untenable, and thereby continue to bring suffering to those affected and their patients.”
The 413 physicians blast the government for ignoring the “growing number of studies critical of the measures or studies on side effects of the so-called vaccinations” and how “the so-called vaccinations continue to be touted as the only ‘panacea’ against the SARS-Cov2 virus.”
The group of physicians and health professionals also remind the government that they are “endangering the health of people” and doing so “to an unprecedented degree”. They expressed grave concerns over the safety of the COVID vaccines, stating that their harmful effects have now gone far beyond “suspicion” in terms of risk, and: “Colleagues from our group could tell you here about the growing number of patients with vaccine-related serious side effects and consequential damage.”
Denmark bans vaccine for youth under 18
Denmark has announced that people under the age of 18 are no longer allowed to get the COVID vaccine.
Those wanting their first shot were cut off after July 1, and no one in the age group — aside from those who are considered “high risk” and have a doctor’s note — will be allowed to get a second shot after September 1.
“Children and adolescents only very rarely become seriously ill from COVID-19 with the omicron variant. Therefore, from July 1, 2022, it will no longer be possible for children and adolescents under the age of 18 to get the 1st [shot], and from September 1, 2022, it will no longer be possible to get the 2nd [shot],” reads a government statement.
Vaccine Mandates Illegal in Costa Rica
Newly elected President Rodrigo Chaves has outlawed vaccine mandates. “Today vaccines are no longer mandatory and any action against someone who does not want to be vaccinated is a violation of the law,” the president stated. Although the president is vaccinated, he stated that was a health decision he personally made. It is now against the law in Costa Rica to force someone to be vaccinated against their will.
Videos of people “dying suddenly” in Thailand, India and Spain (and a different video of that Saudi man’s collapse in Cairo)
Still more evidence that people everywhere are REALLY dropping dead in public, just as we were TOLD was happening in China (but wasn’t) back in January, 2020
…and Spain should be releasing the court-ordered Pfizer contract any time now too…
Thought for the day
The older I get, the less “life in prison” is a deterrent
Yep. I’m at that point.

3 meals a day, a warm bed, free power and lighting, learn a trade, study, read, plenty of rest and relaxation and a chance at loving like you’ve probably never had before, or as often.
What more could you want?
If you are still keen to go, can we suggest some tasks that might secure you a long stay whilst achieving some common good us poor tax payers on the outside.
And time to study to become a lawyer?
Indeed John, that is my retirement plan. Three squares and a cot plus medical care. All that in a completely accessible building.
Resources Minister Madeline King says bring coal fired power stations back online.
Part of her blurb stated this –
“It wouldn’t matter how much money anyone put in right now, we just need the operators to get moving on fixing their plants right now.”
Don’t they need money to do this and why would they spend their money when the Crazy Australian Electricity Pricing System gives them no incentive whatsoever. They will follow the money and go with the Renewables along with the subsidies and let their ageing Coal Fired Plants run down. Money for jam and the Electricity Grid can go and get jammed.
Over to you ‘Albo’ and Bowen with your ‘magic wands’ that don’t work.
I’ve got time for Madeleine King, she ‘gets’ energy and is just about the only person in the Labor party who does.
The ABC article says “Labor has pinned the blame for the current crisis on the Coalition, accusing the former government of botching energy policy in failing to bolster investment over the course of nine years in office.“. That is almost correct. It would be more correct to say that the former government botched energy policy by investing in the things Labor and the Greens were pushing for instead of in reliable energy.
Labor is now reaping the result of their own stupidity (and of Scott Morrison’s abject weakness) and Madeleine King is probably the only one who can get them out of it.
Angus Taylor does ‘get’ energy too, but he is playing too much politics (out of habit from the Scott Moprrison days?). Instead of saying “We’ve seen record levels of investment [by the previous government] in household solar and renewables more generally — the highest levels of household solar in the world — one of the highest rates of investment per capita in renewables in the world.” he should be saying “We invested record levels in solar and renewables, and that was a mistake. We should have been investing in reliable energy like gas and coal. We will support Labor if they invest in gas and coal, but not if they invest any more in renewables.“. Pity that in politics that sort of statement seemingly can’t be made, even though there are vast numbers of votes just there for the taking.
An enduring politician will never utter such words. Boris provides an example. No longer a politician after making an apology for his bad decisions.
Boris should have taken lessons from Daniel Andrews.
Mike, it seems you (and almost everybody else too) have forgotten the association of Clive Palmer and Al Gore.
After Al came along the Palmer United Party in the senate thoroughly thwarted Abbott’s landslide mandate.
Not just on the carbon tax issue, they also prevented Abbott from cutting the Rudd/Gillard mad spending program.
That s why Abbott and Morrison looked weak. Al Gore had them hobbled.
It would be interesting to find out how Al Gore persuaded Clive Palmer to do this. It was one of the most momentous events in Australia’s political history, and nobody has yet noticed.
It was momentous and totally confusing for the MSM to understand, that is why they buried it.
Clive is a political opportunist and Gore was pushing his own barrow, enlightened self interest.
All of Clives’s “legal and financial problems disapeared shortly afterwards.
Their naming heatwaves in Spain, really? FFS.
‘Wally’ the one-day heatwave…
‘Wimp’ the 2-day ‘heatwave’…
‘Wuss’ the 3 — you get the picture. PANIC!
We’ve been naming them for a few years now here in Oz , “unprecedented” is the name that they use .
That’s strange – where I live in southern Victoria, I can’t recall the last real ‘heat wave’. Of course, definitions are extremely fluid nowadays.
Net zero is apparently Labor fulfilling the prediction of PM Keating that Australia could become a banana republic.
Net zero economy.
We are certainly on the way to a banana republic, if not already there, but bananas need a lot of nitrogenous fertilisers and the Left want to ban those as well.
Where America goes we follow.
Hard to accept at a defence focused time like now but the Federal Government has just announced that a new armoured military vehicle has been developed for the Australian Defence Force, it’s an electric vehicle.
Does the stupidity ever stop?
It will be useless in combat against an armed enemy in a foreign war or in a defensive war against invaders.
The only use I can think of is for urban warfare against Australians. It’s all part of the plan.
Victorian Dictator Dan Andrews has already employed military armoured personnel carriers, Lenco Bearcats, against Australian citizens. Don’t think it can’t happen here.
At this link you can see a picture of Victoria Police patrolling Melbourne streets in an armoured personnel carrier, just like they do in Third World dictatorships.
Indeed, my eldest son was under fire from these low grade human puppets during the protests by construction workers. Very dangerous forces are at work here, make no mistake.
New antibiotic molecule kills dozens of the toughest types of superbugs.
Bacteria are fast developing resistance to our best drugs, leaving us poised on the edge of a major health crisis. But a new antibiotic has shown promise against several key “superbugs,” while minimizing damage against good bacteria in the body.
Development progress on new antibiotics and other treatments has slowed right down. As such, we’re rapidly running out of effective antibiotics, which threatens to return us to a “dark age of medicine” where once-minor infections become lethal again.
One of the modified compounds in particular stood out. Named fabimycin, the drug candidate worked well against more than 200 clinically isolated colonies of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, comprising a total of 54 strains of bugs like E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii. In tests in mice, fabimycin was found to clear up drug-resistant cases of pneumonia or urinary tract infections, reducing the bacteria levels even lower than they were pre-infection.
Importantly, fabimycin was relatively selective in its attack, leaving some types of harmless bacteria intact. That’s an improvement over many existing antibiotics that are known to indiscriminately wipe out many beneficial bugs in the microbiome, leading to a range of adverse side effects.
“where once-minor infections become lethal again.”
How is your vaxxed immune system going to cope???
My mother was a nurse when Penicillin came in. She said: “All of a sudden our pneumonia [patients stopped dying.”
She told me in the 1950s that care needed to be taken with the use of antibiotics because unnecessary use would help the bacteria to develop a resistance to the antibiotics.
Then I watched as doctors prescribed antibiotics left right and centre for minor ailments, and bugs developed resistance.
A little story I read. A young girl had an ugly skin sore on her chest which wouldn’t go away, despite trying a number of antibiotics.
Her mother treated it with hydrogen peroxide. It did the trick.
“A Tragedy:” Brits Face Worsening Cost-Of-Living Crisis As Power Bills Expected To Top $5,000
As power bills are expected to jump to record highs this winter, UK households will struggle with a worsening cost-of-living crisis.
A new report via energy market intelligence firm Cornwall Insight Ltd. said the power bill price cap is set to rise to £4,266 ($5,168) per year in 1Q23, pilling even more financial pressures on consumers trying to survive the worst inflation storm in decades.
Cornwall Insight’s forecast comes as the price cap would breach the £4,000 for the first time, though the good news is energy costs in 2H23 should ease. Cornwall expects the price cap to remain over £3,700 through next year.
That’s around $7,000 AUD a year…
Couple that with proposed rolling blackouts…
Speaking to couple of people in Brisbane I know who have solar and no power bills , they have had to pay, one $50, the other $150, so costs are on the up, my bill comes in another 5 days so I’ll report .
If you were an Australian and wanted to do some volcano tourism, where would be a good place to visit?
I was thinking of Iceland as one option.
Italy, get some decent food and drink too.
Or Iceland, cold wet and lots of salt cured fish. And the place names not easy to read, not easy to say.
Iwojima? Lava flowing first time in 1,000 yrs.
There’s an active volcano on Tanna Island which is about 100mile south of Port Vila, I’ve been there and you can look into the guts of it while it spits and spews lava.
A 4wd can take you to a spot, then a 20 min climb to the rim.
So, we now have another zoonotic disease to worry about apart from covid-19 and monkey pox.
Langya virus. And like covid-19 it comes from China…
Skynews is reporting rainwater is now unsafe to drink because of PFAS contamination, me thinks researchers suggest have hit rock bottom and started to dig .
PFAS are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
In other words Teflon and Teflon-like substances.
Makes the water go down really smooth.
In the end we all drink rainwater. Its just that some of us are closer and more engaged with the gathering and storage and reticulation.
Sorry Yarpos, scrolling and accidentally hit red!
Two weeks
To Stop the spread or 2 weeks from now?

Google has a feature called Ngram where you can search for historic word or phrase usage in digitised books. I wanted to search for the term that replaced “Climate change” which is “Climate breakdown” but the search only goes to 2019. So here is a reach for climate change. Click on link to see result.
Here is a time line of sorts
Not a bad list if you don’t look at the other lists.
Polio now present in London – detected in sewerage triggering vaccination campaign for children.
Oh crap…..
May I humbly ask.
March 2022, the respective levels of N2O and Methane in the atmosphere were reported as 12 ppbv and 332 ppbv.
How does such an insignificant level of these trace gases help drive global warming?
Why is there so much media and Govt focus on condemning stock and fertilisers?
I understand that Co2 is released in the processing, yet if I try Dr G00gle for any answer, I find a never ending narrative of statements presented as “truth” with no empirical facts.
If I presented a report to the coroner, with vague or no supporting evidence and then signed off by saying its the vibe, my credibility as an forensic investigator would be gone.
My friends you have better minds than me.
Help me out, can you answer my 2 questions?
Yes, as you all can see. I am not infallible, I am self correcting at this moment. Replace methane with ammonia in my post above.
Methane was reported as 1909 ppbv March 2022.
My questions still stand.
Even though I have lost my credibility lol.
Take care all.
Well, I think a possible answer to your question is …
‘Climate Change’ is political product.
Science is just the sales pitch.
Most people will believe what a celebrity tells them about science and not bother to verify it for themselves.
It was concocted by the UN to establish supra-national legal frameworks to undermine nation state power and to create global governance.
I think maybe the market was fatiguing over carbon, and they needed new products that have scary chemical names ’cause we know chemicals are bad and not ‘natural’.
Just like humans are not ‘natural’.
The internet grew, and like the Gutenberg Press, people were able to start reading and interpreting science for the themselves.
Scaring the Church.
Dr. Google has no facts to show you.
Then this Trump guy came along.
Calling their bluff and forcing them to pull out all the stops.
You get a ‘pandemic’ which made a lot of headway.
They’re putting everything they’ve got into the final offensive on all fronts.
So, if you look at it from a science/fact/logic perspective you’ll be endlessly frustrated.
Control the atmosphere.
Create medical tyranny.
Control information by calling it disinformation.
Control farming.
And viola, the men in the high castles rule again.
FWIW – for the covid file
“he Daily Sceptic- How Many Lives Did the Vaccines Save and How Many Did They End?
Some of these estimates and assumptions may be a little off in either direction, so not too much weight should be put on the exact figures. The important point is that the number of lives estimated to be saved by the vaccines is around the same as the number estimated to be lost to them or slightly lower – a conclusion which is consistent with the findings of Professor Christine Stabell-Benn, who analysed the all-cause death data from the mRNA vaccine trials and found a similar number of deaths in the vaccine and control arms.”
Link and more at
Better have a look at this –
“The Queensland Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (Reference No. 2) intends to refocus the well established principle of patient-centred care to “public confidence in health services”.
This legislation will end the practice of medicine as we know it and will result in the death of informed consent, medical ethics, and the very lives of many Queenslanders and Australians.”
“Perfect Time to deepen the river?”
Rhine close to running dry in German energy nightmare
Rhine water levels at Kaub will soon make it impassable for barges carrying coal and gas imports
Germany’s Rhine river will become impassable for barges carrying coal, oil and gas later this week, in a devastating blow to factories upriver.
Levels at Kaub, a key point along the waterway west of Frankfurt, are predicted to fall to below 40cm on Friday, according to the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration.
At that chokepoint, the river becomes effectively impassable for many barges, which use the Rhine to move a range of goods including coal, oil and gas.
Water levels will then fall further to 37cm on Saturday, officials warned.
The river runs from Switzerland through France and Germany to the Netherlands, where it joins the North Sea.
Great Barrier Reef is in danger , send $49 or the reef gets it .
[Link trimmed]ED
Do we get a refund if a cyclone knocks it over?
‘The data collected by AIMS shows that the GBR is a robust system with rapidly fluctuating coral cover. We must expect that, sometime in the future, a sequence of events will cause the coral cover to halve, as it did in 2011. We must then remember that this is almost certainly natural, and not allow the merchants of doom to depress the children.’ (Peter Ridd / WUWT)
Population Reduction by big Pharma/WHO/WEF ?
For comparison
“‘Worst in the world’: Here are all the rankings in which Canada is now last”
From a comment at SDA
” If masks had ANY kind of Efficacy, they would have been Banned just like all the other CHEAP & EFFECTIVE treatments – YOU’VE Been Lied to”
“I drive a truck because i can never find a rick shaw when i need one.”
Both from that comparison thread. and in comments – seems the “compiler” is a green academic and the numbers are 2020 or before
“Why Red Meat Negative Health Claims are False”
“Red meat is not unhealthy. It is belief of deceptive statistical practices and false claims from academic food researchers that are unhealthy.”
More at
Denmark stops giving vaccine to those under 18 years of age.
Latest covid update
“CDC Says
It’s over. Get back to normal.”
More at
And in comments
“Ah, but the CDC is an American institution. In Canada, the plague is still raging as there are far too many people who still have some degree of individual freedom. Once that’s “properly” dealt with, it’ll be over here as well. Just wait, both Prinz Dummkopf and Dr. Stick Insect will tell us so.”
A loophole for Dan and others
Situation Update, Aug 11, 2022 – Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS
Nothing to see here. Safe and effective.
Is Tas dry? They have expensive w’sale electricity and are constantly importing from the North Is.
So much for the “battery of the country”.
Naah !
They are just soaking up the temporary surplus from Vic/SA Wind currently blowing !
Saving their Hydro water in the process !
..”Battery of the Nation” ,..and all,..remember ?
Solar variability linked to decade long La Nina conditions.
The Sun VS La Nina VS El Nino…a great Triple Threat match!!
The solar connection is important, digest this.
“We are not the first scientists to study how solar variability may drive changes to the Earth system,” Leamon said. “But we are the first to apply the 22-year solar clock. The result — five consecutive terminators lining up with a switch in the El Nino oscillation — is not likely to be a coincidence.”
The science is irrefutable, we only have to join the dots to slay the global warming dragon.
‘The effect of solar activity on the Earth rate of rotation has been discovered and reported multiple times over the past 60 years, and not a single one of them it has been shown incorrect.
‘There is only one interpretation for that evidence. Solar activity affects the balance between zonal and meridional atmospheric circulation. As that balance is hugely important in atmospheric circulation, that makes the solar effect hugely important.’ (Climate Etc)
There is talk that the US will be divided this winter.
“Depending on where you live, this will be the best of winters or memorable for all the wrong reasons,” reports Janice Stillman, editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
“One half of the U.S. will be dealing with bone-chilling cold and loads of snow, while the other half may feel like winter never really arrives.” (Old Farmer’s Almanac)
Just copied from Facebook .
For those of you that think electric vehicles are the answer- this is a true story from a farmer in the Midwest- and I’m reposting it-
A close friend farms over 10,000 acres of corn in the mid-west. The property is spread out over 3 counties. His operation is a “partnership farm” with John Deere. They use the larger farm operations as demonstration projects for promotion and development of new equipment.
He recently received a phone call from his John Deere representative, and they want the farm to go to electric tractors and combines in 2023. He currently has 5 diesel combines that cost $900,000 each that are traded in every 3 years. Also, over 10 really BIG tractors.
JD wants him to go all electric soon.
He said: “Ok, I have some questions. How do I charge these combines when they are 3 counties away from the shop in the middle of a cornfield, in the middle of nowhere?” “How do I run them 24 hours a day for 10 or 12 days straight when the harvest is ready, and the weather is coming in?” “How do I get a 50,000+ lb. combine that takes up the width of an entire road back to the shop 20 miles away when the battery goes dead?”
There was dead silence on the other end of the phone.
When the corn is ready to harvest, it has to have the proper sugar and moisture content. If it is too wet, it has to be put in giant dryers that burn natural or propane gas, and lots of it. Harvest time is critical because if it degrades in sugar content or quality, it can drop the value of his crop by half a million dollars or more. It is analyzed at time of sale. It is standard procedure to run these machines 10 to 12 days straight, 24 hours a day at peak harvest time. When they need fuel, a tanker truck delivers it, and the machines keep going.
John Deere’s only answer is “we’re working on it.” They are being pushed by the lefty Dems in the government to force these electric machines on the American farmer. These people are out of control. They are messing with the production of food crops that feed people and livestock… all in the name of their “green dream.”