A new study in the Lancet shows that people don’t get more amiable when temperatures are 42 to 45°C. Apparently hate tweets were lowest at 12 to 21°C but reached a “prevalence of 22%” at the highest temperatures. Lo, verily and ka-ching, it follows that climate change will cause nastier tweets. If we pull on this logic-string, your car exhaust is making people mean, your beef steak causes political polarisation, and if everyone owned an EV, there would be no more wars.
Obviously believers will argue that we should solve our social media angst with subsidies for solar panels and cricket-chips. But skeptics will say we just need lots of reverse cycle heat pumps at 10 cents a kilowatt-hour. Burn oil and calm the world…
Airconditioners save 20,000 lives in USA each year and reduces indoor air pollution as well.
Oh the dilemma — to stop snarky tweets on hot days, we could spend $100 trillion dollars to try to change the climate and wait for next century, or we could just go back to what we had 20 years ago — the miracle of cheap air conditioning?
Bad climate policies breed hate and discontent. In Spain people are banned from setting their air conditioner below 27 degrees, and in the UK and Germany many people can’t afford to turn them on. That would make anyone angry.
Speaking of Spain, air conditioning has already saved thousands of Spaniards.
Bloomberg News: “Climate change is making us angrier online. A lot angrier.
Hateful comments spike on social media when temperatures rise above 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research have found. … “It’s an indicator of how well people can adapt to high temperatures,” said Annika Stechemesser, lead author of the study published in The Lancet Planetary Health earlier this month. “If temperatures go too hot or too cold, we found that there’s an increase in online hate speech, no matter the socioeconomic differences, religion or political beliefs.”
“Our results show that if September is particularly hot, we can expect to see more hate on Twitter,” said Stechemesser.

…. The Guardian
The raw data consisted of more than 4 billion tweets, spanning a timeframe from May 1, 2014 to May 1, 2020. Tweets were sampled from the 1% Twitter stream using a bounding box around the USA to extract geolocated tweets in the country.
The truth was that people weren’t a lot happier at minus 3 – 6C either, and they might have been just as grumpy at minus 15 as they were at 45C, but it wasn’t part of the study. Cheap energy solves all these problems and climate fantasies solve none of them.
h/t to Marc Morano at Climate Depot
Photo: Ildar Sagdejev (Specious)
Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA, The Lancet, | VOLUME 6, ISSUE 9, E714-E725, SEPTEMBER 01, 2022
What a shame that science has fallen to such poor levels. Now that makes me cranky!
It’s Not Science – It’s Subsidies summed up in One Cartoon
It increases my temperature, my blood pressure, it shortens my temper control & gives me eczema in my fingers.
It’s not science that is failing, but morality, or lack thereof.
It’s not uncomfortable weather that causes incivility, but the attitude that “somebody else” can be blamed for our discomfort.
I choose my location.
I choose my lifestyle.
I choose my education, occupation and hence, income.
I choose whether I endure mild discomfort without complaining, or to be a victim incapable of looking after myself.
“Science” can give us options. It cannot give us courage and wisdom.
It can make us able to attack our neighbour, but it does not tell us why that is a lousy idea.,
The air conditioning installation in that picture won’t help. Each one is blowing hot condenser air on the one in front reducing capacity and efficiency.
Not that I dispute the conclusion! How many of those 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA were bots?
Perhaps Potsdam Institute anger sensing botometers are more anger-sensitive with warmer weather.
Probably but still angry BOTS
Maybe changes in temperature change what the virtue seeking social just worriers class as hate speech.?
Virtue signallers are praising the August winds, this is advertorial.
And what would the nameplate capacity be for all those wind turbines.
The article itself is an admission that wind power is unpredictable and unreliable. The authors are so biased that they just can’t see it.
The wind generation in September is also a record – but still miserable when compared to the overall grid power need.
An update on September wind power generation at peak usage periods can be found here. The graphs put the problem in true perspective:
September Week 1 : Wind generated an average of 11.3% (range 5.2%-18.8%) to AM/PM peak generation needs
September Week 2 : Wind generated an average of 14.3% (range 7.5%-21.8%) to AM/PM peak generation needs
Meanwhile, fossil-fueled sources contributed a consistent 65%-75% of peak needs, topped up by hydro when the wind runs out of puff.
Thousands more towers needed to get anywhere near making a difference.
King Island is in a prime location for wind , the Roaring Forties, and solar so it has a hybrid power generation system Currently 22 kW from wind %8 kw from solar and 1.388 Megawatts from the trusty diesel. I hope Bowen has talked his ALP mates into ordering more diesel as he shuts down coal and gas.
58 kW from solar.
It is a pity they don’t have a comment page because the question I have is what powers the grid when it is not windy.
It may have been a “record” but in NSW and QLD, both of which I checked regularly, wind power ranged from close to zero up to a maximum of about 20% of demand with most days, and nights, below 10% of demand. Bowen can triple wind turbines if he wants, it still will not meet demand.
The number of people with air conditioners in the UK is vanishingly small therefore cost of energy is unlikely to be a key factor
I know air conditioners are vanishingly rare in the UK, but I thought heat pumps were (a stupid) “government policy”.
Probably the the most insightful words ever spoken, (or written actually) ever made with respect to the climate change nonsense.
I knew there was a reason I keep smashing the radio against the wall and putting my foot through the TV.
and to think I had been blaming that on my choosing to barrack for Essendon.
(little Australian Rules football joke there folks. Except it’s true 🙁 )
I share your pain. And now the return of Jimmy.
Oh no, not another Study and published in The Lancet of all places. I thought that The Lancet had already lost all credibility. And if you want to get rid of ‘harmful’ tweets, just get rid of Twitter itself.
Leftists do not lose credibility no matter how wrong they are or how often. Just look at Tim Flannery, Al Gore and prof Viner all of whom were monumentally wrong but are still “experts” to run to for comment. The left have no shame and no self awareness.
And to help out that Poster who never seems to know what day it is, well today is a Thursday.
I’m sure that I will become more snarky as Melbourne’s average high temperatures in January/February increase from 26.0 to 26.5C, and especially on that one day when temperatures rocket to above 40C (highest ever 46.4C on Feb 7, 2009).
And I will still be snarky in July as average low temperatures rise from 6.0 to 6.5C.
Well.. seems that they have determined that the optimum anti-hate speech temperature is about 20ºC
The planet is current an average somewhere around 15ºC..
So we need to raise the global temp by 5ºC to minimise hate speech.
I call bollocks – the graph is making a big smiley face. Two can play at this game of climate doomsdayer graph interpretation.
More laughable lunacy from the true BELIEVERS again.
Perhaps we should go back to 1800 when over 90% of the global population worked on farms just to grow enough food for the 1 billion Humans to barely survive.
But there’ve been terrible famines throughout history and yet today we’re much healthier and have much more food to share around the world. Poor Africa’s population has increased by over 1 billion people since 1970 and they now enjoy a much higher life expectancy and increased urbanisation to add to the paradox.
Today very few rural workers ( OECD countries about 1.5% to 2.5% of pop) produce enough food and fibre to feed and clothe 7.9 billion people. Yet we are regularly told we are facing an EXISTENTIAL THREAT and we must TAKE ACTION on CLIMATE CHANGE?
Does anyone really BELIEVE their idiocy anymore?
The use of fossil fuels over the last 200 + years has been the greatest benefit in Human history and yet they want us to ignore the real world DATA and BELIEVE in their fantasy world.
Here’s a long list of some of the worst famines in history.
As to the low quality of “science” this represents, it is right down there with the “University” of Sydney “study” that says that Vitamin D tests contribute to “climate change”.
This sort of nonsense is not science but political propaganda.
This garbage is causing irreparable damage to science.
Almost all of the hate tweets come from the angry lefty climate activists, who go quiet when it’s cold and feel empowered on hot days, for obvious reasons.
Good observation.
Most sane non-leftists don’t do twitter anyway !
Luckily for the planet Earth … most of the angry lefty climate activists obediently got jabbed four times (and will probably obediently get the “new improved safe & effective” bi-valent jab) .
[wee edit. – LVA]
Does four jabs increase their chance of getting the stringy clots? One hopes so.
This story might have been contributed by Marc Morano who has always done good climate reality journalism, but really? I don’t think you should ever use Twitter as some indicator of public discourse. As the famous quote goes, a billion Tweets later and still no one has changed their mind.
Actually Elon Musk did change his mind when he couldn’t find out where the Tweets came from.
Just to be fair here’s a link to the graph from the huge 2015 Lancet study showing deaths from MODERATE COLD and severe cold and ditto MODERATE warming etc.
Moderate COLD around the world is the big killer and the vertical bar graphs for 13 selected countries tells us the true story.
But will we ever WAKE UP and stop wasting endless TRILLIONS $ for a GUARANTEED ZERO return?
Sorry just go down to FIG 2 at the study link to find the country graphs I described.
I selected just the graphs but it didn’t work. GRRRRR.
Possible bias in this – people are more likely to be inside when it is hot/cold.
A Publish or Perish paper, they have to meet the quota regardless of the content.
I bet they also get extra publishing credits if they fulfil quotas for race, gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, star sign etc..
It’s a good thing there wasn’t social media in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Through that period Melbourne averaged 51 days a year above 30 deg. Through 2009-2019 Melbourne averaged 33 days per year above 30 deg.
I find people leaving the cool of winter in Southern Australia and going to Bali become more relaxed in the 30+ degrees.
But then again, the middle east has long been an area of agitation and the temperatures can be high.
People tend to drink a lot more alcohol in hot weather too. Certainly mood-effecting.
That is why I’m happier when it’s hot Gary S , I get away with drinking more ! Actually I’m much happier in the heat of summer than the miserable conditions of winter and I’m sure there was a study somewhere that proved that fact .
Ditto robert.
‘Twas the reason I moved from (now) victoriastan in the 1980’s to North Queensland.
That would be enough to make anyone happy ! Funny how there are more moving North than South and those moving North are happy .
I am just saying the following as a matter of interest, not in support of this nonsense study but weather was unusually cold in WW1 and WW2. There was a lot of anger then.
Also, it was extremely cold weather in WW2, even by Russian standards, that stopped the National Socialists taking Moscow, which could have taken the Russians out of the war leading to a win by the National Socialists. We might all be speaking German now.
However, they did win in a way, in any case. The Green policies of the National Socialists have been fully implemented by the Left.
See: Rupert Darwall, Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex
Here’s OWI DATA link to the world’s population increase over the last 12,000 years.
They follow Dr Rosling and start the first 1 billion at 1810, but that massive climb to a near full vertical graph after 1800 is amazing.
What could produce such an immediate result, perhaps it’s just a sprinkling of fairy tale dust and Unicorn poo?
Sorry you’ll have to scroll down again to find the graph I tried to link to above.
I try but I’m afraid my computer skills are SFA, but the vertical graph also marks off each 1 billion increase up to 7.9 billion in 2022.
The next graph down at the link shows the world population growth rate and agrees with Macrotrends site that the rate has been falling since 1963.
They project their blue line out to 2100 and all data are from the World bank, UN, CIA etc.
Swiss startup Essento is tackling climate change by offering CO2-neutral insect burgers in Swiss supermarkets. These are made from Bio Suisse insects. High protein mealworms to be exact. The future is now! 😄
No one is concerned that the study was based on a Billion Geolocated tweets? And TikTok was censured here just a few posts ago?
Oh dear, you really do choose to deliberately miss the point, don’t you.
… we are all laughing at it.. not the least concerned.!
I see, harvesting data without consent is Ok if the company is American.
Its in the public domain.. the people typing it have given consent for other to read it.
Geolocation? that is the point here. did they give permission to have their location published? a billion tweets all agreeing to share that data?
Would you be happy if that geolocation data was published from this site without your consent?
Locate one single person, by name, from their data I bet you ccan’t
They didn’t do that., just a vague this many from here, this many from there.
Don’t think anyone would care if Jo said “X” many from Australia, “Y” many from USA etc.
Back off your tin foil SJW hat !
Next you will be complaining about population statistics collected from the census. ! 😉
Peter, sure Geolocation without permission is wrong, but check the Twitter fine print. Every user probably agreed to be data-mined in the fine print.
when you complain about Twitter censoring the views of 74 million Americans we’ll know you actually care about the ethics of Twitter.
We don’t take this “study” seriously at all. It wasn’t even worthy of analysis.
so it is exactly like tiktok, where you sign away your data for any use. As to censorship, that is also in the fine print. you are the commodity, your are being sold, that is the business.
Yes. I assume so. Does this surprise you?
Have you ever wondered about the financial model of Twitter — if they were driven by Ad dollars they wouldn’t be silencing people with the biggest accounts would they? But if it was used to gather data, or as a political tool, or as a profit making propaganda outfit to prop up some investments, then Twitter might censor people that threaten the stocks controlled by the owners of Twitter.
The point is that they are not collating individual geolocation but “general area”
Just like the Australian census does.
I grew up in the 1950’s in Texas. We did not have AC. No body had AC. Thirty to six days in a row above 100 F, 95% humidity. The school had no AC. Glad I won’t be around all that much longer, the whining is going to be deafening. (Still don’t have AC at 72.) How mankind made it this far without AC is a mystery only to the younger generations.
Air conditioning used to be not standard in Australian schools either.
Nowadays, if the a/c in a class room isn’t working due to a fault, it’s considered a major crisis.
Back in the day, they didn’t have rubberised playgrounds either. If you fell, it hurt, but you rapidly learned not to fall or if you did, to get over it.
They also used to teach useful things like reading, writing and arithmetic (math as you’d call it).
W M I grew up in the hot north Mallee in Vic Australia and ditto very high temps in summer but mostly low humidity, so evaporative cooling works well.
My Dad bought his first swampy AC in 1970 and he and Mum enjoyed a more pleasant lifestyle for the rest of their lives.
But my sister and Mum still had to twist Dad’s arm to include an air con in a new car he purchased in the late 1970s.
Thereafter Dad would claim it was always his idea.
It’s just a new religion.
Everything is caused by one thing.
So more people tweet when they’re indoors … send them outside.
Last night Andrew Bolt explored the greatest load of nonsense from the so called “Conversation” BS and FRA-D site.
Start the audio at 30 seconds and try to understand the idiocy we have to put up with from these fools.
https://www.skynews.com.au/lput up withisten/the-bolt-report-podcast
Junk pretend “science” likes this produces the wrong impression of what real science is about for young people who might be interested in pursuing a scientific career.
Instead of being influenced by the works of great scientists like Einstein, Newton, Curie, Darwin, Tesla, Galileo, Ada Lovelace, Pythagoras, Linnaeus, and the unrecognised Rosalind Franklin (and many others), they are influenced by non-descript nobodies pretending to do science which is just thinly disguised political propaganda.
Interesting article on mood and weather , seems to infer each one of us is different as to what we prefer – be it hot or cold .
Utter garbage. How do they know what the temp at the tweeter’s location was when the tweet was composed? Was the person indoors, outdoors, cooking, sunbathing; was the tweet during the day, night? etc.
Indur, and they tried partially to control for fact that the demographics in different US locations are vastly unhomogenious. But I suspect all they may have discovered (if anything) was that people with less emotional discipline are more likely to live in hot climates.
Ms. Nova: Speaking for the Irish, it takes a great deal of effort to be a people with “less emotional discipline” (a lovely way of putting it, Jo!) in a cold, damp climate. Dunno how twitter missed it!
As our magnetic continues to collapse pay no attention to that bright object in the sky
“Long-term galactic cosmic ray exposure leads to dementia-like cognitive impairments”
..but holding a phone against your head for hours every day is fine… Less energetic true, but we never evolved to handle either.
Whatever happened to that Lizard (or some animal) that was made officially made extinct because of climate change?
And by the way, how is the world worse for it? Biodoversity is the second most overrated concept in the world.
Biodiverity equates to an excess of species. Can anyone name one extinction that has caused any real ecological problem. There are probably one or two examples. But given we lose 200 species per day, it amazes me no one thinks, well it doesn’t really seem to matter.
This is back to front.
People are getting angrier – thank everything associated with Covid for that.
No job, relationships destroyed, the world’s gone crazy, can’t afford real food or power, grim outlook.
What’s to be happy about? (Unless you own a dog 😊)
Climate change is the predictable excuse for it all.
So…let’s destroy it!
Climate Emergency Not Supported by Data, Say Four Leading Italian Scientists
Four leading Italian scientists have undertaken a major review of historical climate trends and concluded that a ‘climate emergency’ is not supported by the data. Reviewing data from a wide range of weather phenomena, they say the climate crisis that many say we are currently experiencing “is not evident yet”.
During the course of their recent work, the scientists found that rainfall intensity and frequency was stationary in many parts of the world. Tropical hurricanes and cyclones showed little change over the long term, and the same is true of U.S. tornadoes. Other meteorological categories including natural disasters, floods, droughts and ecosystem productivity showed no “clear positive trend of extreme events”. Regarding ecosystems, the scientists noted a considerable “greening” of global plant biomass in recent decades caused by higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Satellite data show “greening” trends over most of the planet, increasing food yields and pushing back of deserts.
The anger is due to the fact that the Union super and public service in general are all in with climate change.. Their investment in terms of job security and super savings is large enough now to guarantee that they will do everything to ensure power prices will NEVER go down. Since they occupy so much of our economy they have the power to do so.. A lower power price is a threat to their wealth. Therefore everything they tell us about power costs is a lie. In WA where there is coal, gas, sun and wind the price is still going up by 3%, the govt makes so much money from power they can give us a $400 credit to offset the daily hookup for power. They tell us they intend spending billions to install more renewables (increasing our electricity cost and unreliability in the process whilst ensuring their union re-election donors get a handsome return on investment).. Talk about a conflict of interest!
The private sector taxes are the revenue governments spend, public service employees including elected members of parliaments receive their remuneration from the private sector tax revenue, so what they pay in taxes is not new revenue, just a return of part of what they were paid.
In other words the no longer fashionable term public servant was the correct description, no contribution to the expenses.
Thought for today (and possibly for a few more):
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution”.
Christiana Figueres; Executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Worked it out, yet??
And, while we are at it:
“We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination…So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts…Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest”.
Prof. Stephen Schneider; Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports, in an interview for “Discover” magazine, Oct 1989
I’m still waiting for one of these modern environmentalists to hug a polar bear they so claim to want to save.
More like FEED a polar bear
Giving people actual issues about which they can disagree and call their antagonists evil is one great way to impose tribalism on a society and keep your voters enthused with hatred.
That’s why it never matters if you’re pushing global warming, or cooling, or irradiating, or acidification, or whatever. You just need to keep your own people hating the Others. And then you get their votes and money.
Option 2 If its cold you stay inside and go online if its too hot you stay inside go online being online makes you angry because of all the climate crazy crap and the commie crap there explained it