A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is it Friday already?
This week or last?
It is always this week somewhere in the world
Any day can be a Friday if you’re a post-modernist.
Indeed, one could “identify” as “Friday” themself.
Now I’m retired everyday feels like a Sunday
My wife and I retired from farming in 2007. We bought 100 acres near the coast and built a house. We took a few trips. Five years ago my daughter died and left us with a little grandson to care for. My wife now has dementia and is in care. I have a 7 yo to care for. Not complaining at all but retirement can mean many things and the one lesson I have learnt is to not plan too far ahead. My only advice is to make the most of every day, take the trips you were going to take, do the things you want to do because things can change unexpectedly and quickly.
That last bit can affect other aspects of life as well. I am sure the elites thought they had the game sewn up and then along came Putin with a dose of harsh reality. Next it will be Xi’s turn to startle the West and drive home the importance of a reliable and cheap power supply. If we really do want to defend ourselves we need smelters and they require copious electricity 24/7 not the drivel from wind and solar. Indeed if the world is not warming then CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature knob so all this foolishness to cut emissions is wasted effort and treasure. Time for some truth telling. Time for some payback and sackings. Time for the Coalition to dump Net Zero and time they put Bowen on the rack.
Well there was that Man
Could be, but Joëlle Gergis would know for sure.
Interesting origins of the word quiz.
It has a lot to do with asking ‘questions’ in so many Roman languages. Qui. Quid. Quo. Que. Querelous. I do not think it needs any origin because everyone asks who, what, when, why and how and that has been turned into a noun. How is the odd one out, comment in French. I note a similar fashion in language development today where nouns are becoming verbs. To golf, for example. To lunch. And to Quiz someone.
A very noticeable trend – to ‘summit’ a mountain, to ‘parent’ a child, etc., etc.
Didn’t you know that ‘How‘ is ‘Why‘ in Ross-Shire ! That’s the manner in which we work & speak here. Called getting the job done… until the amalgamation to become the”Highland Region” whereby we lost our local identity in just about every way possible: Local Postcodes are IV…. ( Inverness), many Phone codes are Inverness ( 01463 ..) Car Registration plates lost the ‘JS’ to a pooled system and then to a cleverly stupid ‘SY..’ sytem, where you can understand the logic but have NO IDEA what the current ( or last year’s registrations) are But for a fuller insite to the loss of LOCAL ID, compare results here: 1. with 2. .
Just goes to show that you CANNOT TRUST even web search engines nor their results. – How history gets Re-written.
From Wiki: JS = Ross and Cromarty (1903–74) [at Dingwalll & maybe TAIN] ; Stornoway (1974–80) [Stornoway is a town On / in the Western Isles]; Inverness (for Stornoway) (from 1980) :- could Stornoway NOT do their own admin? – but at least we on the mainland could more easily get one again ( for a while) and from Inverness Town..
Am off out again to check progress on Potato harvest to provide food ‘ for the useless masses’ SORREE ! – I’ve just stumbled over another topic
Looking at the old registration letters was a trip down memory lane! I used to know many of them by heart as they were available in the back pages of the AA handbook. Now it’s hard to tell and there are a lot of hire and lease vehicles on the road.
The old Reading trolleybuses used to have VRD numbers iirc.
I enjoyed your links; memory lane and all that. Longer comment snaffled by the sin bin. Maybe upset it by quoting a registration number!
As a fan of one Detective Rebus as he climbed through the ranks I know a little of Edinburgh and surrounds. It would take a DI Rebus to unravel the web you just wove.
My pet hate is ‘to eventuate’. How about ‘take place’, ‘happen’ or’come about’? All of those have fewer syllables!
When did people stop saying ‘lie down’ and start saying ‘lay down’?
When did so many start saying ‘I was sat there’ instead of ‘I was sitting there’. To say the former implies being passive and being placed wherever ‘there’ is!
Present day young journalists are particularly bad offenders in their use of the language.
Present day
youngjournalists are particularly bad offenders in their use of the language. and those “scientists” and “educated” Jourknows who use the term ‘ kill-ometers’ instead of KILO meters, – they OBVIOUSLY have no connection with simple maths , etc. Ever bought kill-ograms of anything ? Huh and as for the Americans with the ir hundreds or thousands and MEALYONS of pounds weight ….. Mann! get a grip – call it tons. ( but not olumpic sized swimming pools. )Another wee story
Just found a new tv channel in uk called earthx tv …. from Tex-ass 🙂 green rubbish + green good or at least interesting info. XCEPT : they told us in ‘did you know’ regarding drinking water pollution, that 1 gal of oil spillt in 1 Million gallons drinking water pollution….. work out – we did. say 5 Litres in 5000,000 Litres = 5,000 Plastic Cubes covers an area of 70 x 71 cubes laid out in the field….. you could hardly make them WET with the 5 litres. … talk about scaremongering ! If a Cow Phishes on the grass, or an ELephant ( g. forbid ) wow! better get rid of all big animals.
After the “Horizon” oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico the enviros pedicted enormous damage and the MSM beat it up to the point where much of the coast would be uninhabitable. It turns out that there is a lot of natural seepage of oil in the Gulf and that some microbes are adapted to convert it into something else which is not pollution. The catastrophe was averted by something extremely small and unknown by the experts. Goes to show that nature is much smarter than left wing scientists and journos. Then again most people are smarter than journos..
Indeed, and / but ‘ most people are smarter than journos’ implies then that journos are not part of the sect of people …… um… maybe ‘right enough’ certainly seem to be a group apart from us.
There are huge amounts of money to be made from the anthropogenic global warming fraud, including in research grants.
President Eisenhower famously warned about government (i.e. taxpayer) funded science.
Eisenhower’s Less Famous Warning: Government-Controlled Science
Ernest Lawrence, whose name is now on both Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Lawrence Livermore National Lab, ushered in the era of academic Big Science. He found that if you did what government wanted, they would throw money at you. And then you could use some of that money to do what you wanted.
Most famous of the concerned about this new control of basic research by the government was President Dwight David Eisenhower – “Ike.” Ike was someone so concerned about keeping politics out of strategic resources he refused to vote while he was a military officer. To him, it was a conflict of interest because he was paid by the government. His concern only grew while he was president during the bulk of the 1950s and government took more and more control of science funding. As politicians funded more of it, he believed, academia was going to self-select for those who also believed in big government and it would no longer be non-partisan. And corporations were going to control academic science by controlling politicians. Academics who “play the game” were going to get more funding and head up grant committees and panels. (4)
Another thing about climate “research” is you get to travel to interesting and exotic places like tropical islands and Antarctica and the Arctic, you get to fly around on small planes doing aerial “surveys” (and sightseeing and building up hours you don’t have to pay for if a private pilot) and you get to travel on private jets and meet rich and famous people and do fine dining at Klimate Krisis Konferences.
In addition, you can be certain that any “research” results you produce won’t be subject to any proper scrutiny, you can produce any unscientific garbage that takes your fancy and it will be accepted and you will be rewarded with even more taxpayer money.
It’s bordering on suspicious just how well you understand junketing. (So I read, in a book)
President Biden appears to have threatened supporters of his party’s political rivals with military force during his “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” speech.
The optics supported that interpretation. The president stood in front of marines at a blood-red lit Independence Hall.
The Biden way to “unify, not divide” the Nation- by military conquest if necessary.
The Democrat playbook is to claim there opponent is doing whatever they are doing themselves.
Inoculates them against criticism.
Besides every dictator needs a Pretorian Guard, the marines will do!
He has the FBI.
And the IRS.
Angry old man behaviour.
Primary Cause Of Global Warming Found To Be Massive Dumpster Fire Burning At 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC
Sep 1, 2022 ·
They’re ramping it up. He basically classified anyone who supports Trump as enemies of the state.
My guess is Trump will be arrested soon, by the “independent” FBI.
Listen to Paul Ramsey’s prediction about what the speech will be about, he got it perfectly.
President Biden’s address was clearly hate speech. It will be interesting to watch the response of the “great” proponents of hate speech regulation.
Biden used the Nazi Nuremberg rally approach, but while poor old Joe shares many of Adolf’s values, he is yet to master the delivery style and charisma.
Joe was preaching to the choir, the welded on liberals just had another pass of the rod, but did he convert any independents? I doubt it.
I’ve never been to America and I don’t meet many in the provinces but surely they can’t be so ignorant as a nation NOT to be disturbed by that.
As a black hole increases in mass, so does the diameter of its event horizon.
It so happens that a black hole with the mass of the observable universe has an event horizon diameter – the size of the observable universe.
It is postulated that we may be living in a black hole.
The “interior” of a black the size of the universe would not be a singularity as in lower mass black holes.
This is a serious cosmological theory.
It is discussed in this video, sadly ruined at the end by some ignorant climate catastrophe comments.
Black holes are caused by CO2. Hmm.
Yes, a dark place into which thousands of billions of dollars vanish, never to be seen again.
Take away the O2 what’s left is black.
BrianTheEnginner … “Black holes are caused by CO2. Hmm.”
That is so last century.
That is why we can only be saved by DECARBONIZATION.
If it weren’t for carbon there’d be nobody around to figure out the problem is carbon.
Ergo no problems.
By getting to ZERO CARBON via enlightened inclusive (except CARBON, which is the same as MAGA Republicans) government policy … we can return the entire Universe to its’ pure state.
Ending Climate Change.
We can no longer allow carbon to bond with anything for the sake of the planet, the Universe, and the viability of the US Democratic party.
Carbon bonding threatens Democracy.
The effect of Black Holes is hardest on poor and minority communities of color.
That’s colour if you’re British.
Engineers … your little complaints and negativity about math, base load, megawatts, and such, are the reason our dream of Renewable Energy is having problems.
Engineers are carbon.
✔️ Comment of the week, Honk. Cheers for the chuckle, toot!
I skimmed a bit of this, and went to the last 7 or 8 minutes.
I got the impression of being lectured by someone with obvious underlying intelligence, but also bordering on mania, and his reference to “…as the oceans burn, and the global temperature rises, and as literal fascists have returned to our politics…” well, what can you say.
And those literal fascists? I’m willing to bet he was not referring to Schwab, Biden, Mann, Hansen, et al.
In conclusion, a performance piece by a professional with an unnecessary ‘noir’ alarmist ending, as demonstrated in his unscientific conclusions about societal blackholes.
Follow the money…
You clearly need to rethink this living in a black hole concept. Remember, a black hole’s event horizon is the theoretical surface at which all matter outside of the EH can escape at the speed of light, the further away from the EH, (outside the the BH), the lower the escape velocity required.
Inside the EH the escape velocity, required to get back to the EH and ultimately escape, continues to increases as the distance from the centre of the BH reduces. It is NOT possible for light within a blackhole to reach a higher radius from the centre. Looking inward, from the inside of a blackhole, is ALWAYS going to be black.
By definition, light travels at the speed of light. So in this reality, if you can see forward and backward, then clearly the light entering your eyes has escaped from the object in those directions and found your retina, similar for looking up and down and left and right. Since I can see in all directions, light has therefore escaped from the object in that direction and arrived at my retina. So I cannot be within a blackhole.
Inside a BH, (excluding for a small cone of light reaching down from the EH above you), you will die in darkness. Now that sounds like a plan from our Minister of Blackouts.
Can any Cosmological Theory be taken seriously, including the “Big Bang”?
This would be testable by observation, in as much as if you believe that mass/energy cannot be created or destroyed … then expansion of our universe would therefore require new material falling in at the edges past our conceptual “event horizon”.
Such blow-in material should be detectable … although Lorentz contraction implies that anything falling in would be blue shifted (you are inside looking out and it is falling towards you) but strangely also red shifted (the edge of the universe is expanding). Someone would need to calculate the nett effect … it’s unintuitive.
Hang on while I get another wine.
The last open thread had some discussion on LNP and nuclear power.
I got an email from my local member to ask if I would like to do a survey on nuclear power. Anyone can do the survey but it does ask if you are in his electorate:
It was slow to respond after I got the email yesterday but today I could access it.
There is an opportunity to comment. I stated that the only Federal Member who understands the incompetence of climate modellers appeared to be Malcolm Roberts.
Roberts is fighting hard to get the senate to reject the revised RETs. He has called for all subsidies to be rescinded.
Completed but not a constituent.
If so, what’s the likelihood that we’re living in a black hole, in a black hole, in a black hole, …
Ask someone from California…😄
[SNIP] actually
[Please!] ED
Sorry Leo, but it’s turtles all the way down.
We are certainly building a Black Hole with our homes in it.
Boris tells the masses to buy new appliances to cope with astronomical energy costs
Detached from reality fat cat pollies..
Must think we are all on a level of pay he is on. Dumkopf.
He does what Carrie says. And it has cost him his career.
There must be a payoff in that arrangement or he would have left already. Now that Boris does not wield any direct power will Carrie stay? That is the question.
The appliances might carry a UK or Euro label but guaranteed all or most of it was manufactured in China.
Most of the money going into saving the planet ends up in China. That means Australia can go along without great penalty providing China continues to pay for Australian natural resources.
60% of all LED lights are made in China.
It is inevitable that every time a western government ups their climate targets, China has to increase their production capacity. Climate targets in developed countries will only be achieved if China can keep its industry supplied with the coal to maintain output.
Anyhow, USA is lifting its game in keeping China supplied with coal. Exports to China hit 15Mt in 2021. Still a tiny proportion but up 5-fold on 2020.
I bought an Iron about 10 years ago. still going strong – made in France. Washing machine, also made in France. Actually I was surprised by variety of things available with the “made in France” label. Probably not all good quality – as with anything, but still, they haven’t completely killed off manufacturing just yet.
Under Hollande, they had a minister for re-industrialisation. and Macron has a “Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty” who is supposed to aim for the same thing. I’ll believe it when I see it, though they have made some large tax related incentives, and have government procurement prioritising French based, or French made things even if they are not the cheapest available.
For a smart man, Boris can be a real flog sometimes.
It will be interesting to observe and listen to furious EV drivers when the recharging restrictions other countries are imposing as electricity grids fail when the situation reaches Australia.
I have the beer and the popcorn at the ready Dennis.
Not to mention the taxes they will no doubt slap on electric vehicles to make up for the fuel excise tax, making owners of same get all upset because they seem to think their “virtue” should be immune to taxation.
I will enjoy this as much as I enjoy seeing people with solar panels and batteries get upset because the largesse they receive at the expense of the taxpayer is being removed.
I suppose that is why the Teals drive SUVs. Waiting in line to recharge is so like the masses.
All “Bivalent Boosted” Mice Got Covid When Challenged
All ten mice, vaccinated with Moderna Ba.5 booster, became infected with Covid when challenged with Ba.5 variant virus after receiving their Ba.5-based bivalent boosters!
But humans will be OK.
Roll up, roll up for the safe & effective shot, now available from Dr Fauci’s travelling medicine show…
Fauci ?????
Faustus !!!!!
Red Energy have announced by letter to customers that electricity price is about to rise.
Small energy retailer Elysian has collapsed. Article stated most customers in Victoria.
For goodness sakes I just joined them a month or so ago when my last retailer’s prices went up 3x. NOw I have to move again?
Customers remotely locked out of their home HVACs
DENVER — During the dog days of summer, it’s important to keep your home cool. But when thousands of Xcel customers in Colorado tried adjusting their thermostats Tuesday, they learned they had no control over the temperatures in their own homes.
Temperatures climbed into the 90s Tuesday, which is why Tony Talarico tried to crank up the air conditioning in his partner’s Arvada home.
“I mean, it was 90 out, and it was right during the peak period,” Talarico said. “It was hot.”
That’s when he saw a message on the thermostat stating the temperature was locked due to an “energy emergency.”
“Normally, when we see a message like that, we’re able to override it,” Talarico said. “In this case, we weren’t. So, our thermostat was locked in at 78 or 79.”
On social media, dozens of Xcel customers complained of similar experiences — some reporting home temperatures as high as 88 degrees.
Have you been good sheeple and met your WEF climate footprint quota?
Oh, ok then, we’ll let you have adjust your thermostat until we say you can’t…
Texas Teacher Says ‘Don’t Judge MAPs Just Because They Want to Have Sex With 5 Year Olds’
According to the teacher, students should not use the word “pedophile” to describe adults who are sexually attracted to children because it’s an offensive term that could hurt their feelings. “We’re going to call them MAPs – minor-attracted persons,” the teacher said, obviously irritated.
Twitter users were furious over the video. Pro-family activist group, the Texas Family Project, called the video “pure evil.”
Interesting that recently a “gays against groomers” Twitter channel was shut down.(they have their own website too)
Even gays don’t support the global effort to normalise and decriminalise paedophilia.
“Hurt their feelings” – any comment by me would get modded at this point. 😎
German Foreign Minister Says Support For Ukraine Will Continue “No Matter What Voters Think”
Despite soaring energy prices that threaten the stability of the country, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said she would continue to support Ukraine “no matter what German voters think.”
Baerbock made the remarkable comments during an event in Prague yesterday organized by the NGO Forum 2000.
“If I give the promise to people in Ukraine – ‘We stand with you, as long as you need us’ – then I want to deliver. No matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver to the people of Ukraine,” she said.
The German official said that such an approach would not change even if large numbers of people were out in the streets protesting against crippling energy bills.
“We are facing now wintertime, when we will be challenged as democratic politicians. People will go in the street and say ‘We cannot pay our energy prices’. And I will say ‘Yes I know, so we help you with social measures.’ But I don’t want to say ‘Ok then we stop the sanctions against Russia.’ We will stand with Ukraine, and this means the sanctions will stay also in wintertime, even if it gets really tough for politicians,” said Baerbock.
Surely by now anyone with a functioning brain can see the reality of the Ukraine situation.
Declare Zelensky and cohorts war criminals and place an international bounty on them, let Russia have their territory back, free the Ukrainian people and end this nonsense.
Obviously you brain functions differently to most Ukraine citizens !
Zelensky is a democratically elected leader, doing what his citizens want him to do..
Anyone who believes Putin has some moral right to invade an independent country, has some serious reality issues !
Ukraine independent ?
Zelensky was voted in, mostly by the Russian speaking population in the East … because Zelensky grew up as a Russia speaker and promised them he would negotiate with Russia, bring an end to forced Ukrainian language laws, and fight against corruption.
Once elected he did nothing like he promised … turned out he was only a joker!
More recently the largest Ukrainian opposition party had been banned and it is now effectively a one party state. So much for the voters.
Interesting derogatory gesture while the sentence about “her voters” is said.
“Anyone with a functioning brain” would have observed that the majority of Ukrainians don’t want to be made part of Russia by force. Maybe it has something to do with the Holodomor.
“Anyone with a functioning brain” understands that defending your own country is not a war crime, but invading another country without due cause, is.
“Due cause” means that the war solves or prevents a situation that is more damaging than the war itself. So-far we have estimated casualty numbers in excess of 300,000 killed or wounded. What can you nominate that justifies that level of suffering?
“What can you nominate that justifies that level of suffering?”
The ongoing war by America to destroy Russia, 140million people…
If the Yanks hadn’t overthrown the democratically elected Govt of Ukraine to start with we wouldn’t have this problem.
If they hadn’t pushed NATO’s boundaries right up to Russia, if they hadn’t trained all those strange guys in Ukraine that are covered in NAZI tattoos overseas in their own armies, if they hadn’t turned Ukraine into the most corrupt cesspool of cash for the Bidens and their ilk…
Chad, you’re either paid by the Yanks to troll the web or you need to read more!
“Anyone who believes Putin has some moral right to invade an independent country” …like America who has invaded country after country since WW2?? Setting an example for the rest of us?
So how much are we now paying here in Aus per kw/hr ?
Has it reached 30 cents yet ?
Short answer is yes it is close to that plus or minus with geographic variation.
At the time of response, 4 green thumbs for close to 30 cents.
Really?? We live to the east of Loy Yang in Vic; on a clear day can see the steam rising from the cooling towers. AS an aside, have spoken to “old-timers” who think that the local weather patterns have changed as a consequence of it’s existence; the air currents moving mostly from west to east.
Some comparative analysis for here – supplier – Energy Aust., comparative checks have them as good as any alternative.
2014 cost/kwh peak .3271 off peak .1888 Supply $1.06 day
2018 . .436 .234 1.28
2022 .550 .301 1.63
So Australia has been reduced to only four states? Where did the other states go?
WA has its own supply, plenty of available gas at a stable price (iirc), un-linked to the NEM.
NT is also not linked, being a series of small, mainly gas, electrical plants at the major, but small cities.
Solar works ok up there during the day.. probably not that well in monsoon season 😉
I wonder what warmists consider an acceptable price?
Most of them couldn’t care less because they are wealthy Elites, utterly disconnected from regular people and, indeed, reality itself.
Reluctant kudos to Plukka Chook. She toes the party line that coal is bad but she knows coal/gas royalties are all that stand between her and disaster. NSW is a willing buyer of our black electricity and the income generated out of the south seems to help keep electricity below 30c.
Well past… 35.346c/kWh in this part of NSW. Up 10%
Night rate up 50% to 21c
Service cost up 17% to $1.83/day
Lets see the next bill…
California to Cover Canals With Toxic Solar Panels
Essay by Eric Worrall
Kalifornia can not be fixed, because “you can’t fix stupid.”
Ah- I watched “Idiocracy” last night, after running across it in some comments.. Not the greatest film, but it was made to point out the problems we are creating by paying the lower rungs of the IQ ladder to out-breed the top half. You definitely can’t fix stupid!
There was some research I saw last year that showed IQ is dropping generation by generation, so we will become too stupid to sustain this level of civilisation soon enough. However there will be no shortage of political science graduates, lawyers, social scientists or telephone cleaners..
BREAKING! New Fatal Respiratory Disease That Causes Bilateral Pneumonia Detected In Argentina Amidst Speculations A New Recombinant Virus Has Emerged!
Dr. Vanden Bossche, who to date has a perfect predictive track record, warned at the onset of the slow kill bioweapon injection campaign the following:
“Mass Vaccination” in the middle of a pandemic with a vaccine that is “leaky” (not fit for purpose) will inevitably put “evolutionary pressure” on the virus and thus select for variants, potentially one that is more lethal than that which you intend to control.
Well…like I’ve warned for a while, the disease cycle is ramping up massively and we’re NOW entering a REAL threat phase, not some pussy coronavirus.
Almost time to drop off the grid. 😉
New strain of monkeypox found in the UK
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said that a person who had recently been to West Africa had contracted a genetically distinct variant of the virus to the one driving the UK outbreak.
The individual was moved to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, which is designated as a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) facility.
It remains unknown if the new imported case from West Africa is the first instance of someone on British soil having the more deadly version of the disease.
MP lockdowns coming?
Brazil: Domestic puppy in Minas Gerais contracts monkeypox, Lived with confirmed human case
The Ministry of Health has been notified of the first confirmed case of monkeypox, also known as monkeypox, in a domestic animal. The case took place in Juiz de Fora/MG. The confirmation was made by the Ezequiel Dias Foundation (FUNED), which notified the Center for Strategic Information on Health Surveillance of Minas Gerais (CIEVS Minas).
I don’t think the dog was gay..
So last thread.
I am waiting for his Lordship to confirm but by my calculation the new Monkton Pause is 8 years and 2 months.
That’s 5 months longer than it was last month. The slope is 0.0044411877 which I assume his Lord Monkton will round down to 0.00
The latest UAH is up and the pause continues.
The way I interpret that graph of Dr Roy’s is the pause ended around 2015. As Roy calculates, a trend of 0.13 deg C per decade, or is it 0.14 now? Who cares? As Roy says, to what significance ? I don’t deny the world is warming ever so slightly, it has been since coming out of the little ice age. What do you expect?
Children are shown that other graph with the temp rising rapidly since 79 and told this is from NASA, very smart scientists who would never lie or twist anything. They are sold on that science immediately. Very convincing stuff. How do you argue against that to a child ? Remember, you have only 5 seconds before the attention span ends. I say yes we are coming out of a little ice age. I’m not sure it works.
‘How do you argue against that to a child ?’
The graph illustrates quite clearly that carbon dioxide doesn’t cause global warming, otherwise we would see a hockey stick.
There is a hockey stick on the NASA graph.
This is the graph in question, the link between CO2 and temperature is dubious because of the pause.
That is when we can discuss how the planet is greening because of the extra CO2 in the atmosphere.
Hi Philip
After the July UAH data the slope (rates of increase) was 0.0133753219 or 0.13 deg C per decade.
After the August UAH data the slope was 0.013391228 or 0.13 deg C per decade.
Yes. We are emerging from the little ice age.
BTW. Those rates of increase are calculated from the UAH data. They have increased from
0.13375 to 0.13391
Is that significant?
No it isn’t.
I think you will find that the division of NASA involved in CC is only a small division, mainly based in the Columbia Uni.
I’m always peeved when presented with the “warmer than otherwise” argument that CO2 emissions cause rises. The logic against the pause is then it would be cooling if emissions, or total CO2 were lower.
Anyone have goid responses?
There is no critical evidence to support the theory that CO2 causes warming, so we have to convince ourselves that natural variables rule.
Total solar irradiance has been increasing over the past few decades, which may explain the gradual warming of the planet, but that is too simplistic. Nevertheless there is strong evidence to show that the sun is the main driver of climate change.
For temps to drop below the line a few oceanic oscillations have to fall into sync.
Actually the UAH temp is down slightly from last month.
Did you mean “up” as in just posted?
Just posted, hot off the press.
So Malcolm Turnbull’s pandering to the left did him no favours as crazy spoiled children at Sydney Uni attacked him. Climate Change and gay topics I think were among their cries of pain. You have to laugh.
But the message is clear, there is little point in trying to appease these people. Not that Turnbull was, I think he genuinely is a central leftist, certainly a green.
Blocking high pressure over UK causes wind drought.
An excellent talk by Katie Hopkins on the topic, including how ensuring dependency on the state for warmth controls the masses.
Biden’s speech. What a joke.
Predictably, he got it back to front. It’s the loony left Democrats destroying everyone’s futures, including their own…
Just as a point of logic, and not intending to make a point …
How long does someone label you an enemy before believing them becomes a matter of self preservation?
But then again, it’s just joking.
G’day H R,
I suggest a working answer is 2 milli seconds, at least to start to assess the risk.
Dave B
Breaking: Taiwan has SHOT DOWN a Chinese military drone
The Taiwan Defense Force has shot down a China military drone over a small islet only 4km off the coast of mainland China.
The shoot down came after Taiwan forces fired two warning shots at the drone. Despite those shots being fired, China failed to remove the drone from Taiwan air space.
Insiders now say “the next 24 hours are critical. If China intends to use the shoot down as a provocation, and excuse to invade, it will likely begin with 24 hours.”
Things could get interesting anytime now…
September 🙄
Amateurs talk about provocation, professionals talk about conditions and results.
The Chinese don’t care about a drone. They care about getting what they want at an acceptable cost
If they think that those conditions are fulfilled, they don’t need “provocation”….. although they are willing and able to invent one for propaganda purposes.
For practical purposes, Taiwanese independence is all the provocation they need.
A quick search shows this is one of the main news stories at this time.
August UAH satellite temperatures are out. Australia lower troposphere, version 6.0 with anomalies above/below 1991-2020 average is MINUS 0.01 Deg C.
No Aussie warming for 10 years and 1 month. Spread the news around. Watch the jaws drop.
Tell your school teachers not to tell puplis they have felt global warming temperatures if they are younger than 10.
Geoff S
Great graph. Whats the problem with the climate they speak of ?
Is comparing it to the most recent 20 year average a weakness ?
I went to the top of Mt Stirling in Vicdanistan yesterday. I walked from Telephone Box Junction to the summit, about 6.5km each way.
At the top there were numerous insects sitting on the snow and ice.
Theg looked dead but if you touched them they would move.
I saw the same insects about six years ago in the same place.
I doubt they were blown in by accident because they would likely have been on the snow elsewhere but they weren’t.
Any idea what they might be? They looked somewhat like giant mosquitoes.
Insects do live in the snow in other countries. E.g. see this list of North American insects active in the snow.
Ever heard of “aerial plankton”? It is mentioned in the above link.
I was sailing across Lake Alexandrina (in South Australia) back in my youth, and experienced a lot of very small spiders falling from the sky. Not what I expected in the middle of a what is a very large lake…
The insect I saw looks remarkably similar to the winter crane fly on this US site.
We have winter crane flies in Australia as well..
Could be a Fungus Gnat, common especially in New Zealand but found in Australia too.
Can survive very cold icy conditions.
They have anti freeze in them.
Can’t tell you the species but they do look like mosquitoes.
ABS Has Released Mortality Data Up to 29 May 2022; 10,535 (16.8%) Excess Deaths Concentrated In Older Australians, Particularly Men!
Only the 0-44 Age Group had typical overall mortality, though spikes of excess deaths belie normality. Men aged 75 and older had 26% excess, while women had 18 – 19.5%.
The latest release from Australian Bureau of Statistics on 26th August 2022, covering the first 21 weeks of 2022 up to 29 May shows continued excess mortality (Excess Mortality = Deaths – Expected “Normal” Deaths). That is now 8 months straight of excess mortality! October 2021 through to May 2022!
In the first 21 weeks of 2022, there were 73,545 deaths. This was 10,535 or 16.7% above expected levels. This gives an average excess deaths of 72 per day above the expected daily 429 deaths. Any excess deaths above 10% are considered unprecedented and catastrophic! Worthy of detailed enquiry for cause and corrective action? Apparently not!
Should we mention that most people die around 5 months after the second shot?
In a total unsurprise, the ABC’s coverage of Albanese’s ‘Jobs Summit’ is devoid of analysis or critique, as would of course be the principal aim had such a farce been organised by the Libs. Instead, Their ABC’ simply reports what was said and by whom, and there seems to be no drawbacks, argument or opposite views to the proposals agreed upon. It all went swimmingly, apparently. The future looks bright.
How refreshing, after years of Liberal government where literally everything either went wrong, was misconceived, a waste of taxpayers’ money, evidence of corruption, designed to oppress minorities, racist, homophobic, sexist, fascistic or most likely … all of the above.
All I noticed at the jobs summit was people who would never have struggled for employment one day in their wealthy lives. What was the outcome? Let me guess, more immigration ?
That’s a bit like resolving an overborrowing problem with inflation.
Age Pension Changes Allow Older Australians To Work Longer Hours –
Looks just like a Trial Run to me………………..
That’s fantastic. Your retirement reward for a lifetime working is … you get to work some more.
Quite happy to work a bit more, as I already put in the occasional week upskilling tradies. Allows me to fly business class when I travel overseas. In between, I also work as a volunteer at a local museum, assisting them with their technical issues. Need to keep busy in retirement, and it’s lots of fun.
I highly recommend this article. I hope it’s OK if link it.
If true….. wow
I was listening to the radio today.
A restaurantor from Redfern, Sydney Australia was spruiking sustainable foods.
Many claims were made. When I heard of the names of the investors involved, my interest was piqued.
So I decided to investigate.
The company “Impossible Foods” was named.
Ok, whom is behind the company? Who Invests in it?
Stated from their website:
Based in California’s Silicon Valley, Impossible Foods makes delicious, nutritious meat and dairy products from plants — with a much smaller environmental footprint than meat from animals.
The privately held company was founded in 2011 by Patrick O. Brown, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus of biochemistry at
Stanford University and a former Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.
Investors include Khosla Ventures, Bill Gates, Google Ventures, Horizons Ventures, UBS, Viking Global Investors, Temasek, Sailing
Capital and Open Philanthropy Project.”
End Quote.
What is Impossible Food’s Mission?
Again quoted from their company website, here are two.
1st Quote:
“The team behind Impossible Foods is made up of scientists and social media experts, industry veterans and interns, micro and macro thinkers, steadfast vegans and meat-loving omnivores. Despite many differences, we share common ground: kindness, curiosity, and a deep motivation to save the best known planet in our universe.”
End quote.
Second Quote:
What’s the most effective way to reduce your environmental footprint? We’ll give you a hint: It starts with your plate.
That’s right — adjusting your diet can be better than getting solar panels, driving an electric car, or avoiding plastic straws.
That’s where Impossible Foods comes in. We make delicious meat, fish, and dairy products, from plants, so you can eat what you love, and save the planet that you love.
Small actions lead to big change. Learn more about why we do what we do, and how you can take a bite out of it.”
End Quote.
My comment:
So are they telling me that changing my diet is better than owning solar panels and an EV? Seems strange to me.
I can’t afford solar panels or an EV, so they tell me I can change the planets temperature by buying their faux food. Hmm… sounds great so far.
End comment.
From a website “Vegconomist”.
“Impossible Foods’ chief financial officer David Lee stated at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas that Impossible Foods is looking at expanding its newly debuted Impossible Pork product to Australia, as part of its strategy to target Asia as part of its mission to replace animal products in the food chain.”
End quote.
My comment.
Hmm.. Did I read this right?… A silicon valley company based in California, with global investors, has a statement from their CFO that their mission is to replace animal products in the food chain?
If I was the CFO I would concentrate on marketing and selling quality vegan food to the vegans. If its good, let the meat eaters decide for themselves.
End comment.
Ahh the website contines to give gold comment.
“This year, we worked with Quantis to perform a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on the new recipe of Impossible™ Burger. The study compares Impossible™ meat from plants to conventionally-produced ground beef from cattle. The findings show that choosing Impossible Burger over ground beef from cows uses 96% less land, generates 89% less of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, and uses 87% less water that’s better left to nature and people. Additionally, the Impossible Burger has a 92% efficiency advantage over beef’s contribution to aquatic pollution through nutrient runoff.”
End quote.
Ahh, what can I say?….
Get ready my friends! An amazing future is here for us in a few years time!
You will drive your mandated EV thru you local mandated “Green hydrogen” powered burger restaurant. Park next to the mandated slow chargers and whilst waiting, you will be able to eat your mandated plant meat burger.
You can drink a mandated bug based health juice, make the investors richer and sit back in comfort, knowing that you have saved the planet for your childr3n.
“Hard to believe this isn’t faked – Team Biden chose this Dr Evil set & colours for today’s ‘Unifying the Nation’ speech”
“The Optics Created by Joe Biden Communication Team for a National Address Were Off the Charts Creepy
September 1, 2022 | Sundance | 627 Comments
I usually prefer to stay away from the ancillary stuff, but the remarks by Joe Biden today were not normal, not even close.”
That background behind Biden is seriously creepy.
It has to be deliberate, it couldn’t possibly be an accident to make something that creepy.
“I Never Thought….
[Comments enabled]
…. I would see The Gates of Hell behind the President of the United States, complete with a couple of gargoyles.”
“This “speech” wasn’t awful — it was an unmitigated disaster.”
I thought Biden’s speech was well delivered, only one fluff. I did note with interest that they played the British Royal Anthem as he walked off. Strange.
Now Mississippi residents are urged to shower with their MOUTHS CLOSED: 150,000 in Jackson are warned to only use brown water to bathe in as officials rush to fix the busted treatment plant.
The water situation in Jackson, Mississippi has become so desperate residents have been told to shower with their mouths shut.
The bizarre recommendations came Wednesday from Mississippi Department of Health official Jim Craig.
Since July, Jackson’s residents have been boiling their water after cloudy water was spotted close to the main treatment plant in the city, O.B. Curtis. Shortly after that, the plant’s pumps failed forcing O.B. Curtis to use back-up pumps.
After the nearby Pearl River flooded, the plant had to be shut down.
On Wednesday, Craig told the public to not ‘open your mouth while you’re in the shower.’ Additionally, Craig also said that animals should kept away from water that has not been boiled for at least a minute.
The city, with its population of 150,000, is the largest city in Mississippi.
In addition to technical problems, the city’s water treatment facilities are also undergoing a staff shortage.
Blame Trump. 😄
An alleged leak from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) that occurred 18 months ago. This is a link to a video produce by a person who claims to have received leaked documents from the EMA.
Someone at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) apparently leaked their copy of the Pfizer test data, leaked the EMA Pfizer test data concerning a fundamental problem which has not been made public, and leaked the correspondence concerning the discussion of the fundamental problem with mRNA vaccines in general.
The leak apparently includes tests and discussions concerning the mRNA vaccine susceptibility to damage when moved. The damage to the mRNA vaccine, before injection into patients, can change the shape of the covid spike causing unknown, dangerous side effects when the vaccine is used. The issue is how dangerous the covid spike is, if its shape is changed. Damage to the mRNA vaccine before injection into patients could explain the dangerous side effects that occurs in some people.
The EMA found the integrity of their mRNA vaccine samples, varied from 86% to 55%. The FDA tests found that their mRNA vaccines samples had a 75% integrity and did not vary.
Canada was concerned that there would be mRNA vaccine variation and that Canada would receive substandard mRNA vaccine. There was also a concern that the mRNA vaccine used for the Pfizer tests was of higher integrity than the mRNA vaccine that would be used for the general public.
Today, being September the 3rd, is the Anniversary of the start of WW2 in Europe in 1939.
Maybe there is a Big War brewing there again right now. Who knows and I sincerely hope not.
Wars are not very good for your Wealth or your Health unless of course you are an Arms Manufacturer………………..
Willis E goes exploring
“Greenhouse Efficiency”
“Conclusions: We have observational evidence that the temperature increase from 2000-2021 was not due to an increase in greenhouse gases, or any increase in the efficiency of the greenhouse effect from any cause. The efficiency has been very stable over the period, with a standard deviation of 0.2% and no significant trend.
On the other hand, the change in incoming solar energy is both adequate to explain the increase in warming, and has the same shape as the change in surface radiation (blue LOWESS smooths in both panels in Figure 3). While there are undoubtedly other factors in play, the main cause of the warming is clearly the increase in the amount of solar energy after reflections from the clouds and the surface.
And once again, the clouds rule … go figure … “
And viola,
NIH has added Ivermectin to its’ list of COVID drugs.
So, I guess it was never proven ineffective after all.
What Chiefio found behind that curtain
from your link;
The sections on Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine and/or Azithromycin, Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Other HIV Protease Inhibitors, and Nitazoxanide have been archived. The Panel will no longer be updating the information on these therapies. The Panel recommends against using these agents to treat COVID-19.
So not going to look at the fact that they work, just going to keep on recommending the newest Drug Company Patent Products…
I think it’s pretty clear that the FDA / CDC et. al. are now just Drug Company Profit Shills and no longer practicing medicine for improving health. Nice to know… “for planning purposes only”… “
“And Now Europe Shall Freeze”
“Oh well.
The last turbine on NordStream I, which was shut down for maintenance for a few days, has an oil leak and cannot be restarted safely. It therefore will not be restarted. As a result there will be no gas through it. It was running at 20% of capacity (because the other four compressors are also tied up by sanctions), now its zero.
There are no spares as a direct consequence of the sanctions, thus no way for Russia to fix it.
Europe is boned.
By the own hand.”
Birdsville races cancelled due to rain
Surely that’s an unprecedented climate event…
Did all the extra CO2 needed cause the beer to go flat as well?
Dave B
They didn’t mention the blocking high in the Bight.,-23.37,763/loc=136.629,-29.428
“The CDC has proven time and time again that it is not a science organization. Forcing masks on peoples faces despite the fact that they have shown zero percent efficacy at preventing disease spread. I’ve read many dozens of papers on masks and concluded long ago that they do nothing to prevent infection from a virus. It’s interesting because there are no papers that show disease spread was slightly reduced by mask usage, and there are NO exceptions. There are also papers which test the ability of a mask to filter water droplets and 100 percent of those papers show efficacy.
Masks do not help fight the spread of disease.
The disease does not spread significantly by water droplets.”
More at
Tests have also demonstrated that the concentration of virions in droplets, even in worst case infections, is too low to be an important mode of infection.
German study into the phenomenon of excess deaths
CO2 hypothesis is up against the solar hypothesis, all should be clear in a few years.
el gordo
A couple from Willis E
“Greenhouse Efficiency”
“The Multiplier”
“The Summer of 2022”
“It’s been a summer of record breaking hype, if little else.
We have been hearing for weeks that this summer has been unprecedented, how it “proves” global warming, and how it is a template for the future.
It turns out after all that it was none of these things, and was in fact no hotter than 1976:”
More at
We created ten thousand million jobs
No doubt she’s a graduate of the insane common core maths system.