A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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What’s the difference between California and the Titanic…………… at least the Titanic went down with all lights blazing.
What’s the diffeence between Chinese and Australian diets ?
Not a lot now 1,000 Aussie schools are feeding kids Crickets ……..
You have to ask yourself why we are being forced to eat insects.
Chickens have about the same feed conversion efficiency (1.6) as crickets (1.5) even if there was a real problem to solve, which of course there isn’t.
Ask yourself, will they be serving insects or ribeye steaks at the next WEF meeting or climate crisis meeting banquet?
And will they be going there by public transport or private jets or helicopters?
Peter Ridd’s James Cook University “Dramatic Drop in Student Enrolment”
Essay by Eric Worrall
“Vice Chancellor Simon Biggs ….. said the job cuts would allow the university to claw back $11 million in salary costs annually.”
More like clutch than claw.
G’day Ric,
The ABC can, even fairly, claim they have reported on this:
That there is a difference should not be a surprise perhaps, but that the exclusion is any reference to the way JCU treated Professor Ridd suggests a low level of investigative skill by ABC.
Or perhaps words like “cover up” or “obfuscation” should be applied.
Dave B
A few of the job cuts should be the duffuses that harassed Dr. Ridd.
I think the spelling is “doofus”. More importantly, given the ending looks Latin, are you sure the plural isn’t “doofi”?
There’s a whole Pacific Ocean between here and there Robert.
My guess is that the work and money that JCU put into fighting Dr Ridd was taken from Promotion.
Serves them right.
Get woke, go broke!
A degree from JCU isn’t worth the parchment it is printed on. As an employer I wouldn’t employ any graduate as the standards are obviously so low, the students will be useless.
Who would have thought that sunlight and surface temperature are highly correlated.
This looks at 4 regions across the globe correlating sunlight with surface temperature:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhG4gM4gmzW9MS07d
The only place where the correlation is poor is the tropics. There the temperature leads the sunlight. Not implying the temperature controls the sun but the temperature controls a very powerful negative feedback – clouds. But also very noticeable in the tropics is the solar cycles with a 31 month lag between sunspot and temperature peaks.
Remember when the MSM cried climate change over a massive dieback of NT mangroves
Never Mind … as it was the M.O.O.N and that spells Moon.
Doesn’t matter. The claim of CC at the time makes the required impact.
It is why when all their dire CC predictions fail, they just make new ones. Works like a treat. I notice all predictions now are 2100, so few people alive today will ever get to see them fail.
Don’t you love the amazingly profound wisdom “Mangroves thrive when tides are high — but not too high.”
What about “coral thrives when tides are low – but not too low”? No, coral bleaching is caused by Climate Change, end of the world, doomed. Caused by farmers who should stop farming and feeding people.
It’s not science if you just make it up. Which is what Dr. Peter Ridd said. Which is why he was driven from the Garden of Eden.
And you can be sure real scientists will be fired first.
Now where are the Turnbull’s and their $444 Million? Or is that a silly question?
Very good! He will be extremely unpopular in the global warmist’s camp!
Of course the ABC rushed off to find some ‘scientists’ to say climate change was greater and more important than the moon.. obviously no fishermen amongst them!
“And unlike lunar cycles, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) pattern is affected by climate change, ”
WTF! How can any scientist say that! I suppose the escape clause is that he never said “Man-made climate change”
A fine piece of science journalism from Genelle Weule.
Strikes in the Prior: “when your meaning’s plain
It does not say to folk–remember matins,
Or, mind you fast next Friday!” Why, for this
What need of art at all? A skull and bones,
Two bits of stick nailed crosswise, or, what’s best,
A bell to chime the hour with, does as well.
An easy way to know is that yesterday was Thursday.
Also, if you take the same day as yesterday but in last week then add a day, it’s the same day – Friday! Just amazing!
In honour of Gee Aye
I’m honoured but I got in first.
Only because of that annoying server lag.
[Irony , both comments #5 and #6 were caught by the auto filter for whatever reason but I approved your comment first John so it was visible on the thread maybe 5 minutes before comment #5 . Technically that makes you first John but Gee Aye did beat you by mere seconds so when his was approved it grabbed first spot .]AD
Even better for all the Workers, it is most probably a HAPPY FRIDAY as tomorrow is POETS Day…………
Isn’t Friday Poet’s Day? Tomorrow’s Saturday.
Correct and my slip up there…………….
Believe in Q or don’t believe it does not matter, I feel something very big is about to go down
Much bigger is Ryan Taylor’s FREE energy book
I don’t know who that is and what’s more I don’t care as it bears no relationship to the original comment I made
One of the commenters thinks all the democratic leaders are being faked as they have already been tried and put to death.
I guess it could be true…
The simpler explanation is that the democrat leaders were always fake.
That’s very similar to climate change predictions: somewhere, something bad will happen to someone.
We have a drought … yes, that’s what I predicted!!
Oh sorry actually it was a flood … exactly what I was expecting!!!
Completely rubbish comnent
Heart attack symptoms as more younger women are experiencing medical emergency.
Heart attacks are becoming increasingly more common in women under 50 and medical experts can’t figure out why.
John Hopkins Medicine reports that while rates of the condition has fallen among older adults, researchers were shocked to find they have risen among those aged 35-54, especially women.
As older age is a contributing factor to heart disease, health providers may miss heart attacks in younger women, even if all symptoms are observed.
Maybe these medical “experts” should for once consider the one thing they’re not allowed to consider lest they suffer the same fate as the masses causing yet other experts to be baffled. This is getting confusing!

The plan is of course to wipe out the independent middle class, and that’s well on track. The poor/lower class will do what they’re told or their “daddy” (govt) stops the handouts…
The rich on the other hand, like those over at Marthas Vineyard are just calling the re-funded police to report that there hispanics in the streets NOT using leaf blowers.
Should be ” that there are hispanics”
The New Normal: Kids Myocarditis Awareness Commercial Running in New York State
It has been reported that the state of New York is now airing a commercial to raise awareness about myocarditis among children.
Is this the new normal?
The public voiced their disapproval of the video in several comments.
One commented, “this makes me sad and angry.”
Another user said, “Absolutely disgusting.”
“Geez and now they are making it sound “Oh! It’s normal and you’ll be fine!” another user commented.
Like so many dystopian-future films it’s shaping up to be real for all of us.
The majority of humans wiped out, women (real ones) incapable of birthing, children sickened, genetic damage inherited.
The problem for the brain-dead elite is that they too will go down with the ship.
Who will fix anything or even be remotely capable in 20 years? The skilled will be gone and you won’t be able to pull them out of retirement as was done for the y2k bug.
Who will treat the sick elite?
A woke-assigned racial-equal with adjusted grades to pass? The medical industry is already a leading cause of death.
Who will fix any modern car that has 100 separate control modules, all interacting in complex ways?
The “engineer” who studied common core maths?
Who will fix the machinery powering society?
Who will deal with real pandemics and hyper-virulent emerging viruses?
How will the crybaby generation deal with natural disasters? Crying booths and pink handbags for the men are on standby.
Are we even able to stop this future at this stage or is the damage done?
If you destroy the next generation and normalise equality, you are guaranteeing the next dark ages. An Eloi/Morlocks scenario perhaps?
Worse still – what’s REALLY happening in China? Covid? HA!
A 17 year old collapsed after a cross country run suffering from chest pains and SOB.
The hospital put in two stents to keep him alive and then pulled two large blood clots from his heart……17…..blood clots in his heart……who wants a booster?
Is there a correlation with Covid vaccination? Is anyone allowed to look for one?
UK – 97% Want Green Levies To Be Scrapped
Liz Truss urged to scrap green levies in staggering new poll – YOU VOTED
A poll of readers shows that 97 percent are in favour of suspending green levies to save on energy bills.
The Government is expected to borrow £100billion to pay for the scheme.
Ms Truss has previously pledged to reduce energy bills further by suspending the green energy levy.
Green levies are an environmental charge which is used to fund green energy policies, improvements to energy efficiency and long-term energy security.
The charge makes up around eight percent of the average energy bills and scrapping it could save households £150 a year.
Just shows the predictably bleeding obvious that the masses are all in favour of vacuous virtue signalling green policies UNTIL same negatively impacts THEIR lives.
How bad is life there when a few pounds a week or so becomes critical?
Stuff the planet and nature, for the cost of a micro cheeseburger a week.
And to add insult to injury for the voters, Truss tweeted that she misses her old friend Jimmy Saville at their local pizza place. Pizza…uh huh…
And the remaining 3% really read the Guardian so they voted NO…………..
A quick question, Is the Lithium in used batteries recyclable?
Appreciate the responses as I was under the impression it was not or so limited to be useless.
Yes but very expensive and highly toxic operation to recycle
Lithium batteries are recyclable. However there is no present recycling stream that is ready to cater for the batteries.
Partially dead lithium batteries are a serious fire risk. The rate of energy decay is also very slow. Even after a cell has sat around for years, it can still fe a fire hazard. Short circuit the cell and it could start a fire. Rupture the cell and it could start a fire. Submerge a cell in water. and it could start a fire. And no battery fire is going to be pleasant.
Lithium batteries are now being blamed for recycling fires.
The LiPoly cells are the worst. Once the soft cells start to expand you know they have a problem so that is the time to get rid of them. You should completely discharge them before disposing of them and they should not be placed in normal waste stream. Some places have banned them from normal waste disposal.
There are e-waste recyclers in Australia and the Coles/Bunnings business has cell collection boxes. As far as I know none of those boxes have experienced fires.
There is a rapidly growing need for people to be informed of the risk caused by indiscriminate disposal of lithium batteries into waste streams.
RW, I am employed by FRNSW. I agree and concur with your post above.
The following may be of interest.
My experience.
Re normal waste disposal via landfill:
Extinguishing a fire in landfill is the most difficult.
The fire can burn underground for weeks and months.
No matter how compacted the waste is below, there will be voids.
If we attempt to flood the buried waste, it will allow an increased transmission of toxins.
There will be an increase in the leaching of same into surrounds and the sub base below.
Lithium batteries should NOT be disposed of in gerneral waste. EVER.
If any readers are interested for further info,
Here is a link to the United States EPA’s report, titled:
“An Analysis of Lithium-ion Battery Fires in
Waste Management and Recycling.”
Like many products, batteries can be recycled. However, currently I believe that this is not commercially viable. So unless a company is receiving substantial govt subsidies, why would a company attempt recycling?
Article in today’s “The Australian” (page 21 – Crustaceans are powering EV batteries) ends with the following two paragraphs, Scott:
It’s estimated that at least 2,619,000 metric tons of lithium-ion batteries will need to be recycled by 2030. A Melbourne facility that recovers about 95 per cent of the materials from an exhausted battery will process at least 250 tonnes of lithium-ion batteries over the next year.
The facility is run by Envirostream, a subsidiary of Lithium Australia, which is undertaking the large-scale recycling after a deal was struck with LG Energy Solution, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of EV batteries and South Korea’s second most valuable firm, worth an estimated $143bn.
The extent to which Envirostream is on the public drip feed is unknown by me, and the article doesn’t say – after aa it’s a puff piece in conjunction with an EV car maker. Nevertheless, they seem to think money is there to be made – taxpayers’ or not – the the green blob doesn’t usually care.
When I last looked at their website, there was NO indication that they were recovering the lithium. AFAIK, nobody yet recovers the lithium. I believe the main reason is that it’s much cheaper to mine new lithium.
A more sceptical view is that while the lithium is not recycled the energy cost of recycling isn’t included in the embedded cost of lithium battery use.
I recall the last time I looked the cost of recycling a solar PV panel was about $10 while the value of the material recovered was about $2.
I suspect it’s the same with batteries.
But don’t worry, the public drip feed is there to keep the greenie investors in the style to which they’ve become accustomed.
Thank you for the replies,
it will be interesting to see how it goes as we will need something to counter the waste that will be generated.
Scott there is a process to recycle lithium batteries that requires very high temps and ironically CO2 , from memory it’s done under pressure but I’ll see if I can find the link . And yes like the next big thing in batteries it was ten years away from commercial use .
Would be interested for further info on this process Robert. Thanks.
Not sure if this was the one I was thinking of but mentions using CO2 in the recovery process , also found an interesting factoid saying that each KWh of lithium battery takes 73kg of CO2 to produce .
Food Stamps for US Soldiers
From Martin Armstrong –
“Washington acts perplexed as to why recruitment is nearing a record low. Food inflation is on the rise across the world, increasing 10.9% in the US over the last year. This marks the largest 12-month spike in food prices since 1979. The food at home index spiked 15.8%, cereals and bakery goods rose 15%, and dairy products rose 14.9% in the past year alone. Service members who rely on government pay, not adjusted for inflation, are struggling.
This may come as a surprise – the Pentagon believes 24% of enlisted personnel are food insecure. How on Earth could the US expect to maintain a strong military when nearly a quarter of members cannot provide their families with food? The military budget is certainly not hurting for funds.
The US Army is now recommending that service members apply for food stamps. So, instead of using the funds from the military budget, the government wants to take those funds from a program designed for low-income individuals.
“With inflation affecting everything from gas prices to groceries to rent, some Soldiers and their families are finding it harder to get by on the budgets they’ve set and used before,” the guidance written by Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston reads. “Soldiers of all ranks can seek guidance, assistance, and advice through the Army’s Financial Readiness Program.”
Grinston goes on to recommend resources for managing debt, spending, and taxes. Soldiers can request to receive a 6% interest rate cap on debts incurred prior to serving. This includes credit cards, loans, and mortgages. Take advantage of this service and any military benefits if you have the opportunity.
It is a shame that the men and women fighting for our country are surviving on food stamps. Maybe instead of paying off military contractors, sending endless funds to foreign nations, and “10% to the big guy,” the US government can help those who risk their lives to serve and protect our diminishing freedoms.”
Most people don’t realise that the Australian defence force is currently being decimated, many military are leaving due to poor pay.
In addition the publicservice get paid even less so they are also leaving in droves.
You get this when successive woke governments pander to the minority groups by dropping money from helicopters during pandemics and paying for it all by not paying the military and APS.
You reap what you sow
As the old joke goes:-
How many people work in the public service?
A: about half.
Quite likely an overestimate…
There are many different areas of the APS, some play a pivitol role in the defence of Australia most don’t, it’s lazy to lump them all in together.
Texas sends migrants to Vice-President’s Washington Residence</strong
Yes and strong borders do work…………lol
Florida is on to it as well, Ron sent busloads north to sanctuary cities.
Martha’s vineyard to be precise
And another 100 on the doorstep of the VP’s residence.
Florida and Texas should be back-charging the destination States for the transport of the new immigrants. Here are your new residents but we want compensation for transporting them to you.
Doug Casey On Class Warfare, ‘Eat The Rich’ Sentiment, & What Happens Next
What’s going on is the institutionalization of envy, a terrible vice. It’s different from jealousy.
Jealousy says, “You have something that I want. I want one too. Give it to me.”
Envy says, “You have something that I want. If I can’t have it, I’ll destroy it, so you can’t have it either.” Envy is the moral flaw that underlies all socialist economic theories. Socialist feelings and morality underly the economic lies, race hatred, class hatred, s@x antagonism, and political polarization tearing the US and the West apart. Envy and socialism have become secular religions. The country has been divided into two different and mutually antagonistic worldviews.
The Left is proposing all manner of outrageous, destructive, and genuinely stupid ideas.
Free stuff for everybody. Not just food, shelter, schooling, and medical care provided at the expense of producers—which they’ve basically achieved. But now a guaranteed annual income. Everybody is supposed to get a thousand dollars a month, according to the silly twit and wannabe US president Andrew Yang. They won’t have to do anything, just exist, presumably hanging out at Starbucks playing with their iPhones all day.
International Man: What do you make of the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents in the context of this trend?
Doug Casey: Those people aren’t being recruited just to collect taxes, although that’s absolutely one of the things that they will do. They will amount to a national police force, one that has a different mandate than the FBI, the ATF, the DEA, or other Praetorian agencies. The tax authorities have a right to look at any economic activity everywhere and anywhere.
As a moral issue, they’ll try to turn nonpayment of tax on the part of producers into a crime against society. I shudder to think of the type of amoral creatures being recruited—at fat salaries and with immense powers—to investigate the lives of their countrymen. They’ll be exactly analogous to Germany’s G@stapo or St@si.
These new IRS agents are a direct attack on the middle class. The elite hate the middle class and what they stand for—independence, stability, and traditional values. The fact that they’re doubling the size of the tax police is truly extraordinary. As the economy continues to decline, you can expect class warfare—along with race and s@x warfare—to increase.
Doug Casey: The speech Biden gave on September 1 was intended to be shocking and disturbing. It mimicked a scene out of V for Vendetta or 1984. They went out of their way to have Biden deliver it in Philadelphia, where the US was founded, and use red lighting against a dark background to fan emotions. These people are serious. Biden’s words were full of hate and venom, calling out half the country as the enemy—the speech was unprecedented. It was a warning and an overt threat.
Look at the scene. The red background was over the top. Placing a couple of Marines in the background said, “I have power, and I’ll use it against the enemy.” Theatrics such as these are unprecedented. It amounted to a declaration of civil war. It was followed up by the outrageous raid on Trump’s home and the FBI perp-walking about 50 of his prominent supporters, with dawn raids, in subsequent days.
These people truly want to overturn society. They’re actually a reincarnation of the Jacobins and could turn out to be just as violent and dangerous.
They’re working to create an active environment of class warfare in the US. They’ve succeeded in fomenting race hatred,
There’s not much you can do when actual forces of evil are in control. There’s very little that you can do except get out of Dodge.
Here in the US, we still have a large middle class. Many are fat, dumb, indoctrinated, or addicted to Prozac and Zoloft. But millions of others are, to coin a phrase, mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. The things we’ve been talking about could turn into a genuine civil war.
I’m in favour of universal free health care for non elites, who have the option for private medical attention. This also includes large swathes of the middle class.
The idea of a universal basic wage is an interesting idea and worth exploring further.
‘The Green Party of the United States since its 2010 platform advocates for a universal basic income to “every adult regardless of health, employment, or marital status, in order to minimize government bureaucracy and intrusiveness into people’s lives.” (wiki)
Here ya go:
No. The elites and high income earners should have to have the same shitty healthcare and waiting lists the plebs do.
They can drive there in a fancier car, but they get the same surgeon. Make all hospitals private and pay themselves from a publicly audited and scheduled fund filled from a percentage of income, or even better institute a .01% tax on all transactions. Problem solved.
The creation of unfunctional populations is well underway.
Here in the US people are mysteriously dropping out of the work force.
Lockdowns likely introduced many to new ways of existing and maintaining outside of traditional work.
‘Marginalized’ status has become status.
‘Normal’ people are perpetrators of the unfairness that causes marginalization.
You are normal and functional only because of the historical system of Functional/Normative Supremacy.
A normal, functional, mentally stable, binary kid at any college now has structural and social disadvantages.
Incentivizing anti-normative behavior.
Now it is a true minority that is not part of some recognized minority group.
So why plant the food, or drive the truck that delivers it?
The perfect model citizen is that one owed recompense for historical oppression.
Until the whole thing collapses for obvious reasons.
Obvious only to oppressors obviously.
A universal basic income probably won’t come about until robots take over human duties.
What is your opinion on universal health care?
He who pays the pays the piper always calls the tune.
If someone else is paying for your free healthcare, then you are not the customer … you are the specimen.
Even if you are paying something, they might still be using you as an experiment, which is why trust is such a difficult thing. As with any “universal free” thing, at the end of the day someone pays for it and someone controls it … meaning it probably isn’t as free as it looks.
I would like to believe in universal healthcare.
But for me, COVID has exposed the scary ugly face of Public Health.
It might be a bit like renewable energy, I the thought the idea was use it where appropriate.
So much for faith.
So I’m left with the opinion that universal healthcare would be anything but.
Obama Care had three main features:
1 It was a boon to established insurance companies, because it eliminated the need to compete in the market place. No worries about competitors providing a better product and a lower price. Prices were bound to go way up and they did.
2 It was boon to big pharma.
3 It was designed to not work very well, so that there would be a future clamor for single payer.
One of the side effects was that it put a lot of small business out of business.
The end result was:
Those who could not afford health insurance before still can’t. Especially those in the gig economy. Many were forced into the gig ecomony by the small business’ they worked for going out of business. The gig economy might be what the 87K new IRS agents are all about.
Some of those who could afford health insurance before can’t now.
Those who are able to afford health insurance are now paying a lot more.
Many were forced to buy supplimental health insurance in addition to primary care plans.
Mid level plans provide less coverage.
You were not allowed to keep your chosen doctor.
Doctors have less automony.
The Australian system works well.
China has a better health system than the US?
Secret Service Agents Protect Kamala’s Home from the Illegal Aliens – Tell People to Keep Away From HER FENCE (VIDEO)
Meanwhile having proclaimed VP Harris: ‘The Border Is Secure,’ Our Immigration System Is Broken
Standing in front VP Heels Up Harris’s house
RNC Research
Reporter: “Harris said that the border is closed. Is the border closed?”
Illegal Immigrant: “The border is open…everybody believes that the border is open. It’s open because we enter. We come in, free, no problem…We came illegally.”
The Cost Of Illegal Immigration In The USA
From Martin Armstrong –
“Former President Trump requested $15 billion to build a wall between the US and Mexico. Everyone called him a crazy racist and dismissed his pleas. The truth of the matter is that the wall would have paid for itself in a year. American taxpayers have been paying around $20 billion annually since Biden took office to support the massive influx of illegal immigrants.
The study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) conducted an analysis and found that each illegal immigrant costs taxpayers $9,232 per year to support. The actual number of people crossing the border is unknown, and the 1.3 to 2 million estimated illegal immigrants this fiscal year alone is understated.
FAIR noted that money spent annually to support illegal aliens would amount to providing every homeless veteran with $50,000 a year, for a decade. The funds could be used to hire an additional 330,000 teachers across the nation to help the shortage. These taxpayer funds should be invested in America.
Useless Vice President Kamala Harris insists the border is “secure,” despite tons of counties declaring an invasion and begging Washington for help. “The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed,” Harris said. This is truly laughable as one of Trump’s main qualms was securing the border.
Southern states have begun to send immigrants to “shelter cities” where they claim they will open their arms and wallets to all illegals. They have been terribly equipped to handle the massive influx of buses arriving in their cities, and the Democrats are crying that the Republicans are playing a dirty game. The truth of the matter is that these politicians do not see the true impact of the border crisis. Until buses of undocumented people arrive at their doorstep and they have to figure out how to help them, they are ignorant to the issue. Even Harris failed to visit the border after first being appointed as the border czar. The truth of the matter is that the Biden Administration has zero plans to fix the invasion crisis because they are hoping those who make it over will vote blue to stay in the US.”
When will Australia’s politicians in governments begin to panic and what will they do as the closure date approaches for the next coal fired power stations scheduled to be shut down?
Nothing will happen until news of the blackouts get out.
And then the public will be told they are selfish and irresponsible for using too much energy.
Blackouts? But will there then be electricity to run the TV news and/or internet? Or print the newspapers?
Who cares, we’ll know about it well before the news tells us.
Uncensored: Australia’s blueprint for the next planned 5 global global pandemics
Maria Zeee discusses Australia’s new “Global Pandemic Centre”, breaking down a newly released document that not only reveals the next 5 pandemics the globalists are planning to unleash, but also seeks to implement national legislation to legalize extreme, regular monitoring of all citizens, and potentially legalize Gain of Function research.
The test run of Covid is over, assessing responses of the masses to totalitarian control measures. The data will be used in formulating improved “control measures” for coming manufactured crises.
Don’t forget the nationwide protest day tomorrow…
Nurses for freedom NZ – vaccinations still required for public health workers
“Despite the removal of all vaccine mandates from the 26th September 2022, public healthcare workers are still subject to Covid-19 vaccination requirements and may not be allowed to work in public healthcare settings despite systemic understaffing, gaps in access to timely services and the continued risk to the public that this brings” says Deborah Cunliffe, Spokesperson for Nurses for Freedom NZ and the NZ Nurses Collective.
Te Whatu Ora Capital Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa amongst others, have been quick to confirm that all new contracts will require two primary doses of the Covid vaccine and at least one booster, citing health and safety legislation. Health NZ is currently working on a draft national policy expected to be completed by the 26th September to coincide with the end of the mandates.
2 shots+1 booster=game over.
Start the countdown clock…
Covid-19 Pandemic is Ending, not through the actions pushed by Teodros and His WHO & UN Cronies, but by an Avalanche of Incriminating Evidence of Harm that is Too Big to be Overlooked!!
The Covid-19 Pandemic was engineered to bring in the mRNA vaccines (modify the codes of life), social controls, wealth transfer, and population controls, among others. Surely by now those who are aware can see that the C19 and the vaccines are part of a larger plan to collapse and reset the entire world!
If the safe and effective fails will the rest of the plan fail?
Australia has 86.5% of their population injected to date (225 doses/ 100 people); data from NSW which has a population of 8 million, 1/3 of Australia’s population, shows deaths and hospitalizations predominate in the vaccinated, the more doses the worse the outcome.
Hong Kong, a bastion of obsessive masking, testing, isolation, and repressive C-19 safety measures, had effectively no C-19 cases, convincing most of the population that all the sacrifices, lockdowns and draconian border controls were somehow worth it (They still have mandatory, self-paid hotel quarantine for all returning residents and visitors)! When they hit 67% of their population vaccinated (160 doses/100 persons including 17.8/100 persons boosted) cases and deaths firestorm exploded.
As of 10th September 2022, they are up to 92% of their population jabbed and 73% boosted; expatriates have left, residents are fleeing in droves to other countries, they have a huge labor shortage, and no more tourism; no-one goes to the once proud vibrant Hong Kong anymore! Currently they have nearly 10,000 cases a day and deaths are rising again! The vaccines are clearly working, how they work!! Hong Kong is a shell of herself!
Reaping what the government has sown I see…
The US Centres for Disease Control, CDC, have just published that 44% of hospital admissions for Vivid, in the first coue of months of 2022, were vaccinated either 3 or 4 times. Yet CDC advocate more vaccinations.
It seems that the more it mutates, the less useful the vaccine.
I feel that there will be enormous social and financial legal consequences of the rush to vaccinate and the withholding of information of public interest like side effects, efficacy, makers profits, alternatives like hydroxychloroquine etc.
The countdown has started. Geoff S
The Courage to Face COVID-19. Dr. Peter McCullough
John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large
What we’ve seen during these COVID years is a reversion back to a pre-scientific era of immutable orthodoxy, much like the counter reformation in Europe during the Inquisition in the late 1500s and early 1600s. There was no due process then and there’s no due process now.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention need to be held to account for their reckless public health decisions, but the real power base behind these COVID crimes, which must also be held to account, is the medical industrial complex — a conglomerate of international foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the World Economic Forum
In order for there to be a reckoning, a sufficiently large portion of the population must demand accountability, stay on-task, and not allow themselves to be distracted by the latest “emergency,” whether real or fabricated
The countdown clock is well and truly ticking.
The emergency sure is real, just not what you think…
Covid-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: A risk-benefit assessment and five ethical arguments against mandates at universities – 90 Page PDF
7. Conclusion
Based on public data provided by the CDC, we estimate that approximately 22,000 to 30,000 previous uninfected young adults ages 18–29 years must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one Covid-19 hospitalisation.
Given the fact that this estimate does not take into account the protection conferred by prior infection nor a risk-adjustment for comorbidity status, this should be considered a conservative and optimistic assessment of benefit. Our estimate shows that university Covid-19 vaccine mandates are likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults – between 18 and 98 serious adverse events requiring hospitalisation and 1373 to 3234 disruptions of daily activities — that is not outweighed by a proportionate public health benefit.
Serious Covid-19 vaccine-associated harms are not adequately compensated for by current US vaccine injury systems.
As such, these severe infringements of individual liberty are ethically unjustifiable.
Sydney residents in cultural evolution war with bin-raiding cockatoos
Sulphur-crested cockatoos are defying human efforts to keep them out of bins by copying each other’s tricks, but more effective strategies to thwart them are passed on between humans too – 1 Min 17 Secs of Cockatoo Ingenuity
Residents of Sydney, Australia, are caught in a battle of wits with cockatoos, as they try to stop the crafty birds raiding their rubbish bins for food.
As fast as they come up with new ways to stop the sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) from opening the bins, the birds are working out ways to defeat them. It is a classic example of an arms race in cultural evolution, says Barbara Klump at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Radolfzell, Germany.
The saga began when cockatoos discovered that people’s bins often contain food, with bread and fruit being particular favourites. The lids are heavy, but a few birds found they could pry them open at the front, grip the lid in their beak while walking around the rim towards the hinge, and flip the lid over.
The trick was seen in only three suburbs of Sydney in 2018, but by 2019 it had spread to 44 suburbs as cockatoos learned the trick by copying each other, Klump’s team reported previously. The behaviour is a nuisance for residents since the birds often toss rubbish over their front yards and streets.
The team has continued studying this culture war – this time focusing on the human side of the conflict.
The researchers observed the protection strategies being used on 3283 bins in four suburbs where bin-raiding by cockatoos had been reported, and gathered responses from 1134 residents in an online survey.
Some residents started putting bricks and other items on top of their bin lids, but some of the hungry birds figured out they could nudge the bricks off with their heads.
They’re smarter than the average polly, or should that be pollie?
I have a bird problem too. The “do it” bird as I call it as that’s what it’s call sounds like.
The little @#$%^& is driving me spare!
I’m getting a “hawk bird scarer” shortly.
They scare off every bird except sparrows…
Is that the Common Koel? Migratory bird that comes through in spring. Has a repetitive call that can drive you barmy.
The crappy lids are so light now that a breeze can lift them, no problem for a hungry cocky.
Caused by climate change. Nature is out of balance.
The Left are attacking Western Civilisation along numerous facets such as the energy supply, food supply, right of bodily integrity by prohibiting certain proven medical treatments while enforcing poorly tested ones; and also attacks on gender identity.
Despite what Leftists pretend to believe about flexibility of gender roles, they are extremely strict, the most strict of all, in enforcing traditional gender “stereotypes”.
So extreme is the enforcement of these gender stereotypes by the Left, that any slight deviation of a child from what they regard as the “correct” stereotypical behaviour, will result in the child being declared “transgender” followed by moments of pride by woke Leftist parents and then social, hormonal and then surgical “transition” resulting in permanent mutilating and sterilising changes to the child’s body.
It is the most extreme form of child abuse imaginable and has no scientific basis whatsoever.
Here is an excellent and powerful “rant” against the child transgenderism mania, and it includes comments about “doctors” who are involved.
Deep Sea Shark With Bulging Eyes And Bizarre Teeth Caught By Fisherman In Australia
An Australian fisherman recently left social media users baffled by his unlikely catch of a mysterious deep-sea shark with protruding teeth and large eyes. Taking to Facebook, Trapman Bermagui, a Sydney-based fisherman, posted a photo of the face of the deep sea shark caught at a depth of 650 meters underwater.
Looks like it’s on holidays from the UK.
If you haven’t seen it, do a search for the fish with a transparent head – that really is weird.
I have been wondering what will present the ideal opportunity for China to reunify Taiwan under the CCP.
Would the funeral of QE2 present such an opportunity.
There are the words of China’s ambasador to Australia:
So 70 years is a long time to wait. The sales pitch is stated here:
The promise with the two systems is that dissenters will be jailed. So come along on separate paths to ultimately the same place but those who resist will be locked up.
Taiwan hasn’t been part of China since 1894. Actually, an argument can be made that it has never been part of a unified China, because China was never a chohesive nation state before 1949. It was a collection of vassals paying tribute to a monarchy for the better part of the last two millenia. Or a collection of regional warlords in a constant state of tension. Furthmore, it can be argued that the Island of Formosa is part of the Ru Kyu Islands.
The term reunification is nonsense.
Penn State Puts Out Some Hard Facts About So-Called ‘Green’ Energy!
In a letter to the editor published in the student-run Penn State Daily Collegian, Johns points out that when considering the intense mining operations needed to harvest materials used in solar and wind technology, and the shipping associated with those materials, etc., solar and wind actually have a bigger ‘carbon dioxide footprint’ than does using natural gas.
In other words, natural gas is greener than wind and solar!
“In other words, natural gas is greener than wind and solar!”
So is COAL.. its main by-product makes all plant-life grow better and in more abundance… and hence makes the world GREENER.
Wind and solar contribute absolutely nothing to the planet.
Gosh, from the home of Michael Mann. Surprised such heresy isn’t censured.
It still operates on the premise that “Carbon Footprint” is something to be concerned about and needs to be mitigated…. sigh.
How on earth they found this woman guilty on circumstantial evidence, but that Teacher’s Pet fellow walked free for 40 years is beyond me.
I would hate to go before a jury. Not a system I have absolute faith in. I’ve never done jury duty but my wife has several times and she says it is scary how dumb some people in that jury are.
I’ve been on a few juries and you wouldn’t want to be putting your life in their hands, I’d need a bit more evidence before I’d say ‘guilty’ to a few high profile cases.
You need at least one of about 7 things to convict IE, a body , murder weapon, eye witness, motive, opportunity, confession, good reliable DNA.
Chamberlain case had none.
Another one bites the dust. Just up and died. Amazing how many people are just dropping off. I swear those headlines weren’t as common before covid and the vaccine.
They’re running regular shingles awareness ads in the UK, never noticed this before. I see articles claim covid infection and vax don’t cause it. But they may cause reactivation of the virus – eh, that’s what shingles is – obviously the vax doesn’t actually infect you with VZV!
One of my friends (vaccinated) has noticed the association of the Covid vaccine (or booster) and Shingles.
Lay people can e see it but medical authorities still in denial?
Wonder what the cure for shingles is? Would it be worth trying that Japanese stuff?
Dave B
There is a vax, that may give you an attack!
And there are some recommended antiviral drugs that can hasten recovery if taken soon enough.
I mentioned this ages ago. TV ads etc, normalising shingles (amongst other things) – all after the covid injections began. I won’t name names but I do know a few older people that “got” shingles after they received their “safe and effective” shot.
I have never seen a shingles ad before that.
Wakey wakey everybody.
“Guardian: Why did Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral Receive More Coverage than the Climate Crisis?”
Why do they even ask!
Yes, I read that too. Repercussions from some of the masses ? Och it’s just protocols, get over it. Queenie wanted it that way… so we were told this morning – had it all planned. Mmm even who was wearing what ? No, that was Cherlie-boy. Huh, it keeps the tourists rolling in – all that CO2 production – not an EV IN SITE. and all those Phones – don’t run on fresh air or foodbank offerings.
Gymns will have to close down through Power costs…. to run on the spot or lift weights? Ever heard of dynamos? could all be self-powering and excess to the grid for good causes.
Euan Ritchie is obsessed.
Single photo exposes the major issue with electric cars amid fears they could become a ‘lawyer’s picnic’
. Footage from Sydney street shows bizarre charging set-up for an electric car
. Raised issue about dangers which could cause dilemma for neighbourhoods
. Some streets don’t have garages while councils want to get rid of driveways
. Ben Fordham says authorities need to work out how electric cars will be charged
Astonishing footage has put a spotlight on the potential dangers of electric vehicles amid fears they could become ‘a lawyer’s picnic’.
An electric car parked on a street in Manly, on Sydney’s northern beaches, was spotted being charged by a lengthy trail of power cord.
The cable loops over the front fence, which snakes from the road up a driveway and into a nearby home.
The owner even kindly installed a hazard cover over the section of the cord running across the public footpath so locals don’t trip over the cord while walking past.
I know extension leads on many electric motors are not recommended, so not sure how that applies for batteries
Yep, pointed out years ago, could turn every street into an assault course.
Also lots of valuable metal for thieves.
Also a magnet for mindless vandalism.
Especially the last one
They’ll be great for the homeless to plug in their electric blanket ‘overcoats’ while they sleep in their cardboard house on the footpath, after they’ve cooked their dinner in the electric frypan.
I’d be tempted to take the end of the lead inside my house and run my heater for a few hours…. all the fun of “the Commons”..
US Democrat Senator speaking of SCOTUS abortion decision says on Senate floor …
“This is a, literally, call to arms in our country.”
A literally impactful statement by a fine Statesperson.
Whew, I’m literally glad that Trump, or some other MAGA Democracy Destroyer didn’t literally say such a thing.
Literally, we all know that when a Democrat uses words like ‘fight’ or ‘arms’ they are literally speaking metaphorically.
(Like, the vaccine is not literally a vaccine.)
There is certainly literally no reason for the FBI to confiscate her cell phone.
I thought the world was becoming more drought affected with this totally man made catastrophic global warming and end of world AGW.
Lake’s rising waters brings crocodiles and hippos closer to residents, threatening life, limb and livelihoods.
Whatever happens it is always man made global warming/climate change that is the problem.
Lunchtime viewing here already, today! look at this: from Twitter to be shared, about EVs ‘The numbers behind EV batteries are impossible to defend’ In general that is my sentiment as well. Exact / correct figures, I dunno but a good starting point and easy to commit to memory to confront the blob.
COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at Universities
All said !
Why do both of the bivalent RNA covid boosters create first generation spikes in the patients? What is the medical/scientific/logical reason to create a first generation covid spike in any human? The dominate strain of covid, is Omicron BA.4/BA.5. Omicron first release had 32 mutations on the covid spike and hence is much less deadly than the Wuhan first release covid.
The first release covid spike has the biochemical apparatus to hurt us at a cellular level. It is a fact that each successive jab which creates more first release covid spikes in the patient; causes more damage to the patient.
There is no immune system reason to create first release spike in any human. The first release covid spike is a bioweapon. We are not debating a new novel drug. We are stopping an evil thing.
Biomarker tests have proven that the first release RNA vaccines (which create first release covid spikes) cause heart damage and immune system damage.
Logically and ethically, for a dozen different logically reasons, there should be an immediate stop in the production and use of any ‘vaccine’ that creates first generation spikes in the ‘patient’.
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations
“In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.
…We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage.
We show evidence from adverse event reports in the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
What’s happening under the equatorial Pacific?