By Jo Nova

Itajai,SC. Brazil | Eduardo Marquetti
A new study of 8,300 people shows that taking ivermectin regularly before catching Covid halved the odds of catching it, and reduced mortality by a seismic 92%*. It reduced hospitalization by 98%, and in a dose dependent manner. If unvaccinated people were threatening our hospital system, it was only ever because they were denied ivermectin, something that appears to have increased their odds of dying by 12.5 fold. And as we all know now, the Emergency Use Authorization for the new, barely tested, radically different vaccines depended on there being no safe cheap alternative, which clearly there was. This study took place from July 2020 — Dec 2020. So here we are two years after it started. So many people died who didn’t need to.

Itajai is in Santa Catarina. Google Maps
This study follows up on the large trial in Itajai, Brazil to see if regular use of ivermectin would work better than the bizarrely low doses which still cut hospitalization in half, and reduced deaths by 70%. In that study, people were asked to take the 0.2mg/kg/day dose two days in a row but only once every two weeks. Since the half-life of ivermectin in humans is only 12–36 hours, those taking it in the study were effectively left unprotected at least half the time. It still seems strange, but even the regular users in this study were only taking ivermectin for two consecutive days every two weeks.
In the new study 8,300 people took ivermectin regularly, and they were compared to 45,700 people who didn’t and 33,000 irregular users. It’s not a randomized trial, so it’s quite possible that regular users were smarter, more conscientious and took more care to avoid catching Covid. Countering that, it turns out that those at known higher risk were also more motivated to use ivermectin regularly — they were older and more likely to be diabetic (type 2) or suffering from high blood pressure. Thus they should have been more likely to die, but ivermectin saved them.
Even irregular use of ivermectin was still a lot better than none at all, but — and it’s hardly surprising — regular use of ivermectin preemptively was the best.
*In a propensity matched sub-group comparing 283 non-users with 283 matched regular users.
h/t Charles.
UPDATED: The wonder drug that disappeared
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being actively surpressed– because it threatens the Emergency Use Authorisations for all experimental vaccines, an industry worth around $100 billion. The Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed. Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.
In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin and saved her.
Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school children to treat lice in Canberra. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases. In vitro, Ivermectin reduces viral loads 5000 fold in 48 hours. There are no less than 73 studies involving 56,000 people that show improvements in over 80% when used prophylactically, 67% when used early and even as many as 40% with late-started treatment. There are 20 known mechanisms of action: IVM binds to ACE2, the spike, and TMPSSR2, it is a zinc ionophore, it binds to a protease the virus needs, prevents key viral proteins getting into the cell nucleus which would normally allow the virus to shut down interferon signalling to warn neighboring cells. It’s anti-inflammatory, it blocks the NF-κB pathway, which will reduce Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP). It’s impossible for Covid to mutate around all these mechanisms at once. No leaky vaccine should be given without an anti-viral because it risks the mutation of a nastier virus that escapes our immunity. Read the horror of Marek’s disease in chickens. 50 years of leaky vaccines created a disease worse than Ebola. It’s 100% fatal in ten days for unvaccinated chickens.
The FDA and others will say that Ivermectin was no help in the TOGETHER trial, but that trial was designed to fail. People were given low doses on an empty stomach when it wouldn’t be absorbed. And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial and iffy results? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. By July 2021 there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK “Principle” trial was also designed to fail from the start — signing up people up to 15 days after they tested positive.
Why are all the vaccine contracts secret? Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?
Kerr L, Baldi F, Lobo R, et al. (August 31, 2022) Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects. Cureus 14(8): e28624. doi:10.7759/cureus.28624
Did The NIH Just Admit Ivermectin Treats COVID-19?
In the report that I saw the NIH is still trying very hard to shut it out. “Recommended only for (barricaded?) trials”.
But at least they acknowledged that it existed.
Taking Ivermectin as per the FLCCC protocol in the form of horse dewormer shut down my Covid symptoms inside 24 hours so I know it works.
Brand? We’re in the UK and I suspect our local Mole Valley Farmers store will stock such
Any veterinary supplies store. It comes for oral administration or as a “pour on” or “backliner” preparation which goes in through the skin. the oral preparation would be easy to work out the dose, the pouron not good. The oral that we use for sheep dose is 1 millilitre per 5 kg body weight. I don’t recall the strength of the product.
More birthdays bring more health problems.
Fifteen years ago my wife had a mastectomy. They took all the lymph nodes in that area, and she now has a lymphoedema problem. Her arm is swollen to maybe double its weight, with the constant fear that with a scratch or a mosquito bite this could suddenly get worse.
She was diagnosed with “lupus”, which seems to me to be a bit amorphous, having a by no means certain understanding of it. Then about a year ago she started to get a rash, red spots under the skin which grew and spread slowly and relentlessly. Like a grass fire when there is no wind. Suggestive that there might have been an organism burrowing away there under the skin. Over a period of several months and visits to doctors it had me fearing that it was going to go all over her, and get painful. I think this rash may have been called Lichen Planus.
Eventually a specialist prescribed HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. The rash stopped advancing, and slowly disappeared.
Had it been myself I would have tried a dab of the Cydectin cattle pour on that our daughter had in the cupboard on one of the spots, but I didn’t dare recommend it for somebody else in case it caused the rash to become painful.
BTW. The livestock seem to relish the taste of the oral drench. They don’t spit it out.
AFIK – The oral dose is the same per kg body weight as for its intended recipients. The TGA sure didn’t read the MDS for the likes of Ivomec Oral Sheep Drench as to risks.
And I note that the container label for the straight ivermectin products the warning is “Caution” whereas for other products it is “Poison”.
And you’ll be very lucky to find ivermectin products in a vet supplies store in Oz now. I found an on-line one that had it – but the only freight rates were to USA.
Livestock sure like it a lot more than they did the old bluestone/arsenic or bluestone/nicotine.
Chiefio has been using a pour on formulation for a couple of years now -no side effects, no Peking Pox. His research found that the filler is mostly isopropyl alcohol so not for internal use. YMMV
Ted1, the Professor Thomas Borody protocol was to use IVOMEC injection 1% sterile for cattle and swine to be taken orally with water. We have been treating our working dogs orally with this product since the early 1980s and bet our lives on it during the pandemic, along with D3,zinc Quercetin ect.
Still available at most rural supplies.
I basically follow the FLCCC protocol but using “pour on” cattle version.
Note that the FLCCC had a 90-something percent success rate with once every two week dosing, but moved to once per week and got 100% success at prevention.
Being about 100 kg, with the Cattle Pour On I use, it is 10 ml of a blue liquid that is almost entirely rubbing alcohol (isopropanol). This is just rubbed on whatever skin you like (avoid mucus membranes or ‘the boys’ as isopropanol feels hot on them… don’t ask… it was a very long time ago, like decades)
I’ve been doing this for almost 3 years now, as has the spouse, with zero side effects and with zero sickness. Not even the common cold or seasonal flu. Certainly no Wuhan Covid.
I can’t say what it will do for anyone else, nor recommend anything medical as I’m not an M.D. All I can do is report my lived experience.
BTW, I’ve not bothered with masking for about 2+ years now, happily go out to bars with friends, have been in a gathering about 100,000+ of my “closest strangers”, and I basically live life normally without fear or any “protective” measures other than the Ivermectin. For me, the “Pandemic” ended over 2 years ago…
Just sayin’…
BTW, the “Horse Paste: is apple flavored, but with ZERO sweetener in it. That results in a rather yucky flavor. While I’ve not used it to self treat, I had a tube (used to treat bunny rabbits with a different problem) so tried a small taste. That was when I decided to go to the “pour on”…
I know of several other folks using the same method (FLCCC dose of cattle pour on) with very similar results. Including a couple of young adults who like to party and just graduated college, again with zero issues. Oh, and their mom.
Basically, every Sunday I just pour 10 ml on some bare skin and rub it in. Just don’t go take a shower afterwards. It takes about 12 hours to soak in after the alcohol evaporates. Best to do it after a shower or just a couple of hours before bed, so you don’t tend to wash it off or sweat it off…
Finally, be aware that there’s a “common language” issue with veterinary jargon. In Anglo Sheep Farming regions, “Drench” means something you pour into a sheep’s mouth. In USA common speech, to “drench” is to pour something over the outside (as in “I was drenched by the rain”). While I’ve gone out of my way to call this “cattle pour on”, it is sometimes called ‘cattle drench’ in the USA. Watch out for that as it is NOT the “Oral sheep drench” poured into sheep mouths… Cattle Pour On smells very strongly of Rubbing Alcohol and the data sheet confirms it. Rub on the outside only.
Once in a rush I grabbed a bottle and drenched (i.e. oral) a mob of sheep before noticing that I had used the cattle pour on stuff instead of sheep oral. The bottles are similar.
Nothing died. I expect the worms probably still did.
I’d be wary of setting the dosage by the pour on stuff, because I always wondered how they allowed for how much is lost in the hair, which surely would vary greatly.
Hydrochloroquine is listed in the Merck index for treatment of Lupus itself. Possibly it has some benefit against autoimmune disease, and perhaps all it does is tame the immune system a bit. The immune system dysfunction is part of the problem with SARS-COV-2, isn’t it?
The state in which I live got darned busy in April 2020. The state medical board warned doctors that if they prescribed medicines for off label uses (meaning hydrochloroquine and ivermectin) they could be disciplined by loss of license. Then they voted to give a pediatrician who held no license to practice an unrestructed license and make her state epidemiologist. I would love to have details about what the discussion was like at this meeting. Yet, what seems apparent is that before anyone knew much about COVID-19 these folks were busy setting rules in stone and making poor choices.
I bought 6mg divisible tablets from ‘Ziverdo Kit Store’, which is based in India, so ordered online. I believe there is at least one Ivermectin manufacturing facility in India.
Unlike the human version, doesn’t the horse version come in some nice flavours like apple?
Also if in desperation you are using the horse variety, make sure to adjust the dose. You are not a 300-1000kg horse.
misses and I unvaxxed … been chomping on the horse pellets for past 2 years …surrounded by covid victims and not a sniffle ….although a few whinnies and seem to be more excited about the spring racing carnival than previously.
“horse dewormer”
My horses are gone but I have two packages in the ‘fridge. It is a bit of measurement problem to scale down an amount for a large horse to a person-size dose.
I think the use for head lice might be a better argument. It has been used both as oral and topical treatment.
So perhaps we should categorize COVID19 as a form of head lice! Why not, when so many cannot define what a woman is, or have pronoun problems? It makes more sense!
As a medical practitioner, I was threatened with deregistration, possibly gaol ( depending on the state), for prescribing a proven safe drug, with an extensive research base suggesting good efficacy as a repurposed treatment for Covid.
Theses decisions came from the TGA (principally funded by Big Pharma), CMO’s (career bureaucrats) Health Ministers ( not one of whom has any medical knowledge) and State Premiers (Machiavellian authoritarians) and allowed no dissent.
I remain unable to comprehend what became of my country, and the world in general.
New and old studies show benefits from vitamin D supplementation also. Here is the U.S., there were no public service announcements to promote its use, nor to improve one’s health in general, even though risk factors like obesity were known very early.
There are even campaigns to limit availability of over the counter supplements.
It’s almost like they wanted people to be sick. Wonder why…
When I got Covid-19 and reported to NSW Health, I got a call from the Area Health Nurse in Lismore, she gave me the ‘stay at home, isolate, if you get too sick go to hospital’ after which the conversation went something like this
Me: Should take anything to help treat the symptoms?
N: There is no official advise what were you thinking of?
Me: Oh Vitamin D for a start
N: Yes that is a good idea, anything else?
Me: How about some Curcumin and Quercitrin to help absorb some Zinc and Budesonide if I get a cough?
N: Oh, someone has been doing homework! So why are you asking me?
Me: I just wanted to know if others had been doing homework as well!
N: Well, I can not say any of that is officially recommended but I have had very similar conversations with others about the same topic! It is good to see people are looking after themselves with informed decisions!
In Australia the ABC, government funded Far Left media propaganda outlet, promotes scary stories that Vitamin D is toxic, even though the person affected was taking an absurd massive overdose:
And that it is of no benefit.
It’s almost as if they were aiding and abetting Big Pharma….
The human deficiency scandal is the biggest scandal in human history. The entire population is severely Vit D deficient and severely Vit K2 deficient and is deficient in the essential elements. This is a video of a lecture given by a soft spoken, gentle, Vit D researcher, Dr Carol Wagner, concerning a North Carolina study that gave pregnant women 4000 IU/day in their second trimester. The study found that the majority of black women in the study were profoundly Vit D deficient. The lecture includes a slide that shows Vit D deficiency by country.
Vitamin D Requirements During Pregnancy, Lactation, & Early Infancy: A Moving Target?
The Vit D researchers were required to get an experimental drug IND for Vit D, just as if Vit D was a dangerous cancer drug or RNA vaccine. US FDA IND 66346 to enable US Vit D ‘studies’ of more than 1000 IU/day (Obtained in 2003) By Dr Bruce Hollis.
The North Carolina Vit D 4000 IU/day study found that those pregnant women who received 4000 IU/day, Vit D supplements, starting in the second trimester, had a 60% less ‘chance’ of preterm births, a 50% reduction in infections, and a follow-up study found that their infants had a 30% less ‘chance’ of having speech and language problems. This makes sense as Vit D enables the fetus brain to change to gain language skills. Vit D is used by the body to make changes to the body for evolutionary proposes, like preventing most cancers, stopping type 2 diabetes, removing anxiety from the body, helping people sleep, and so on. Big Pharma needs us to be severely Vit D deficient to enable them to sell drugs to us to treat chronic illnesses.
The North Carolina Vit D study ‘discovered’ why US black children do so poorly academically. Their dark skin mothers were profoundly Vit D deficient. There are 2600 genes that are activated by Vit D, including genes in brain cells, heart cells, prostate cells, breast cells, liver cells, skin cells, and so on. The NIH which is headed by Fauci payed for the North Carolina Vit D study and then ensured that the results were hidden and not acted on.
Vit K2 is required to enable the biochemicals the body produces to move and remove calcium. The average Vit K2 intact in humans is around 30 mcg/day or less. The amount to reach saturation is around 1500 mcg/day. There is no known toxicity to Vit D. 1500 mcg = 1.5 mg. The Vit K2 profound deficiency explains why it is not safe to take calcium supplements without first correcting the Vit D, Vit K2, and magnesium deficiencies. Magnesium is required by 800 systems in the body, including the system that is required to absorb calcium. Half of the essential elements has been lost from the agriculture soil due to modern farming techniques.
Hi William.
I was 100% behind you until you said ” has been lost from the agriculture soil due to modern farming techniques.”
Don’t go badmouthing modern farmers. Some of them actually know a thing or two.
I don’t know about farmers in other countries but in NZ farmers spend a lot of time and money on magnesium supplementation.
Here is a link to information by DairyNZ for use by modern farmers.
It is well known that people of African origin, physiologically adapted to the sun of the tropics, tend to be Vitamin D deficient when in temperate latitudes and above, if they don’t take supplements. This makes them more susceptible to covid. The Left blamed “racism” as always, but it was simply a failure to supplement with Vitamin D that explains the higher susceptiblity of that community to covid, apart from some other co-factors.
And here is one of the more bizarre stories of what passes for “scientific research” in “universities” today.
The claim that Vitamin D tests cause “climate change” due to excess production of CO2.
Can anyone who maintains the lists of things that are alleged to “cause climate” add this one?
The “research” also attempts to delegitimise Vitamin D tests as unnecessary.
You have to wonder with this stuff if it’s not just a case of people on somebody else’s money spending their time testing how gullible people are.
To minimise this problem the solution is to take away all government funding of tertiary education. Put it on the Free Market that they tell us we should ourselves.
And don’t feed them their “hits”.
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if there was a push from the Left to make Vitamin D a prescription-only drug.
I understand that the body can absorb Vitamin D from sunlight and eating spuds.
So, out in the sunshine I go for lunch eating a bag of hot chips. Hopefully, the seagulls, pigeons and Ibis give me a miss this time. Sunglasses and a good tough hat are essential clobber for this type of activity.
Vitamin D?
The Vitamin D that the human body itself “manufactures” in the SKIN during exposure to sunlight? “Toxic”? ANY bozo with BASIC brain function is very aware that DOSE RATE counts with both poisons and “cures”. Anyone familiar with cancer chemotherapy will be aware that these concoctions are close derivatives of some of the nastier brews concocted in furtherance of the “Final Solution”.
The Vitamin D that is vital to proper bone growth and repair? “Toxic”? Ask yourselves why elderly folk in “homes” where they do NOT receive much UV (or “supplements” seem to suffer fiercely from Osteoporosis.
Bone growth and repair that is essential to the production of fresh blood cells, at a rate of 200 million per day. Red, White and Platelets.
We are being led to the killing floor.
A lot of people die from an overdose of Dihydrogen monoxide. 😉
Deadly stuff… Wonder when it will be banned !
I never touch the stuff.
The chemotherapy drugs were “discovered” when research into WW1 poison gas was being conducted . Your comment about the killing floor is spot on as most of the worlds population are sheep – being fleeced or killed at will .
In the U. S. – – generally before chemicals can be promoted as being good for something, they have to be tested for that “specific” thing. Because Vitamin D3 is thought to be something that helps general health, it hasn’t been studied in the manner of, say, Lipitor, Coumadin, or Hydrochlorothiazide.
In March of 2020, on this site, the benefits were discussed. I talked to my doctor, she is a certified physician’s assistant (PA-C), who said “take some”.
She added – don’t go over 5,000 units a day without testing. [Sometimes, initial doses are much much higher.]
My doc told, he takes Vitamine D beside the fact he is vaxxed and tests weekly his antibodies.
IIRC in the 1970’s Vegemite got into a sale problem in USA because it had added thiamine and that was only legal in bread
I have the feeling that over the last two years the availability of vitamins in doses that do any good has gone down in supermarkets and chemists. I cant find vitamin D in chemists in anything more than 4000 IU and I think the shop assistant said that a prescription is needed for doses any higher than this. The other vitamins I was after like Magnesium and Zinc (yes I know they are elements) and a few others were all in such low doses it was not worth purchasing. Another way they are after us I suspect. Has anyone else noticed this?
Plain Jane I have for years now, been buying Vit D, Quercetin with Bromelain, Bromelain, NAC etc through iHerb
NOW Foods, Vitamin D-3, 125 mcg (5,000 IU), 240 Softgels NOW Foods, Vitamin D-3, 125 mcg (5,000 IU), 240 Softgels – AU$18.44
Link to the study Jo is referencing:
#Dr T.
So you are no doubt more aware than I of the NSW Medical Council’s suspension of Dr Paul Oosterhuis.
And of retired Dr Russell Blaylock’s call that this represents mass murder of 80% of the 800,000 American citizens who had died at the time of his writing.
And that Dr Blaylock’s call can be supported using Ivermectin, HCQ or Budesonide.
Methinks the NSW Medical Council should be calculating compensation payments for Dr Oosterhuis.
My very experienced GP fully agrees with you. He stocked up on IVM for himself and his family after reading several studies on it’s success. He was seeing many serious problems with the faux vaxx at the start of the roll out (especially pfizer) when I saw him last – god knows how bad it has gotten since then.
He refused to administer the faux vaxx to anyone that came to him under threat of job loss, only if they came of their own free will – didn’t want it on his conscience.
This state of affairs created by our uniparty government is absolutely disgusting and I hope they one day face criminal prosecutions.
Doctor T,
Thank you for your comment.
When are the medical professionals in what is left of Australia going to press charges against the TGA et al?
Surely there is adequate evidence by now of maladministration causing death.
One thing to talk about it, another to action it.
Geoff S
The vast majority are brain dead Geoff.
Essentially automatons the follow the flow chart approach to medicine.
As Jo noted in her article “the Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed”. The TGA subordinates its role of protecting consumers to a role of protecting the industry it regulates.
As a medical practitioner, I was threatened with deregistration, possibly gaol ( depending on the state), for prescribing a proven safe drug, with an extensive research base suggesting good efficacy as a repurposed treatment for Covid.
Theses decisions came from the TGA (principally funded by Big Pharma), CMO’s (career bureaucrats) Health Ministers ( not one of whom has any medical knowledge) and State Premiers (Machiavellian authoritarians) and allowed no dissent.
I remain unable to comprehend what became of my country, and the world in general.
Away from home at the moment, but at home I have an image of a document from 2005 in which Fauci is quite clear that Chloroqiunine is a safe and effective prophylactic against SARS
But that was 17 years ago, it was before the Left took control of virtually every Western government.
Whoever was responsible in various countries for keeping this drug away from the public deserve live drawing and quartering. They are personally responsible for millions of easily preventable deaths.
Here in Japan, Ivermectin has been legal to prescribe for covid, but most doctors swallowed the vaccine BS and either know nothing about it or have been threatened with deregistration for using it. Even though it’s legal to use it for covid. My wife and I,and my in-laws, haven’t taken any of the jabs and have not knowingly caught the virus, whereas most of those we know who’ve been jabbed have caught it with symptoms to some level. A couple have taken Ivermectin and got over it fully in a couple of days without any lingering symptoms.
“Whoever is responsible .. .”
Like the “Climate Change” scam they seem to have done a successful job.
[…] By Jo Nova […]
* Ivermectin Situation Report from Canada *
Last April, I had a phone consultation with my family doctor. He was forbidden to see me in person by his clinic, because I am « fully non vaccinated ».
– I told him I was taking 4000 IU of Vitamin D a day as Covid prevention. He replied that I was in danger of hypervitaminosis.
– Il asked him about Ivermectin, and he was only vaguely aware of its existence, mostly because of « horse paste » references seen on CNN. It’s not even on his radar to consider prescribing Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment.
– He was already aware of rebound effects of Paxlovid.
– He told me that with his colleagues, they are making jokes about people like me who independently search for medical information, by calling us « Facebook University Graduates ».
So basically, I have to take care of myself by myself.
Might be time to look for a new family doctor, though admittedly it could be hard to find one in Canada who knows – or will admit to being skeptical – about what’s going on.
Bernard, time to fire your “doctor”.
Find one that has a clue.
And if I want a change of doctor, i have to provide a reason. I guess that his following of the Covid instructions from the Canadian Medical Association won’t get me much mileage.
After I successfully renounce my doctor, I would simply be joining an endless waiting list of people waiting for a family doctor.
Meanwhile our National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) is now advocating a COVID-19 booster every 90 days:
Still no end in sight here for the vaccine delirium.
Don’t you have the free choice of your doctor ?
If I have a problem with my doctor, it’s my free choice to look for an other.
In our current system, my choice is to stay with my doctor or go on the years-long waiting list for another.
That’s a really bad system,sorry.
If I have a sudden health problem and my usual doc is in holydays, I just turn around some corners and go to the next one. I have no problems to choose a specialist directly in the case I know what the problem is, f.e. ENT doctor.
Oh, the joys of socialised medicine.
Man that is a Crap System
Australia’s works well and I am a living testament to a Superb NSW Public Health System – RNSH and St Vincent’s, GPs, Specialists, Nurses, Home Nursing Wound Care etc
You have Hobson’s Choice.
Do you know any honest large animal Vets?
As I have said on several occasions:
Socialism is a DEATH CULT.
See me at #3.1.3 above.
I wonder why some doctors think that non medical people are unable to read medical research papers.
Just recently had a fight with my doctor because I suggested that a recent medical study I read suggests that most aural (with aura) are neurological in nature, not vascular. He replied that his 40 years of medical treatment can’t compete with Google. He misses the point, it was a peer reviewed research paper that I was directed to from the Mayo clinic.
So I must be too stupid to understand it. That is the only conclusion I could come to.
It wa about migraines. Left out the most important word.
Intended as sarcasm, but is it? Might be a case of sad but true. Google is a tool (not always a good one), not an information source.
Maybe it is better at gathering and organising information than he is.
His attitude is a bit like offering a book review based on you finding it in the local library and not purchasing it from his very expensive and exclusive book boutique.
Everyone knows the latter is just better, simply look at the price tag. This would be true even if you ripped all the pages from his copy.
in and of itself is rather meaningless as a measure of expertise (perceived or real). What if you’ve just been doing it wrong for a really long time under the protection of a broken system?
Even academically superior individuals can suffer from arrogance, ignorance, and hubris (who knew?). In some, the “Dr” tag exacerbates these foibles.
Finding (and keeping) a good Doctor seems to be getting ever more difficult.
We have known the efficiency of Ivermectin for 2 years. In the early days of Covid there were virologists speaking of it. Of course the powers that now exist don’t want cures they wanted control. Not one western country even bothered with the simple treatment yet a highly developed country like Japan did. Begs the question “How did our mob get away with it?”
A thought of the other day.
To get the experimental release ticket in USA there had to be no approved treatment available.
Now imagine the awkward questions that would arise if the likes of ivermectin were approved treatments in other countries.
Hence the need for world wide bludgeoning
I get very angry when I hear Leftists laughingly mock Ivermectin, as they typically do, by referring to it as a “horse dewormer”.
What more powerful statement could a person make to demonstrate their profound ignorance? Such statements were and are made by politicians and even “health” officials.
I get even angrier when I think of all the lives that were lost because of lack of access to this drug, apart from the lack of promotion of simple supplements such as Vitamin D to reduce one’s susceptiblity to or severity of covid. How many victims in nursing homes do you think had adequate Vitamin D levels?
Incidentally the standard dose of Ivermectin for parasitic infections is 3mg but I believe it is 12mg for covid treatments (based on 70kg/154lbs person). Check dosing before you take it, if you can get it and you don’t live in an extreme Nanny State like Australia.
Penicillin too is very good horse medicine.
The point has been made that they give IVM to horses worth millions and thus the grade in those products is likely to be at least as good as in the human use products.
They don’t want you to be well, they want your arm full of junk.
They want
yourour money.130
“they” want us DEAD or ENSLAVED (until dead).
Horse dewormer is at least easy to get so long as you know which brand has Ivermectin only in it. And it is easy to take and doesnt cost much and doesnt taste that bad. And is available in most towns everywhere.
Ivermectin is readily available from India, as are their Ziverdo kits, used by a couple of their provinces to wipe Covid out in populations exceeding 200 million.
Just be careful of your credit details as some problems exist there.
The problem with Vitamin D is that testing for it causes climate change:
Stop Medical Testing to Stop Climate Change
Cutting down vitamin D tests could help lower carbon cost of healthcare
From The National Tribune
By the same logic, water should be banned. It is horse rehydration fluid don’t you know…
…AND it kills people too. Far more deaths caused by water than Ivermectin (which is zero for IVM in Australia).
We cannot possibly expect citizens to be allowed to administer their own baths – so dangerous without expert
supervisioncontrol.Just stop struggling and accept your future. You will be filthy (and dehydrated) and you will be happy. You WILL be happy, damn it!
You aren’t going to drink the same chemical that is used for cleaning stables are you?
completely faked photo
The trio of weapons being used by the Left to destroy our freedoms and our Western Civilisation are:
1) Engineered energy shortage via the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
2) Deliberate mismanagement of covid and deaths caused by denial of safe antivirals like IVM. Used as an excuse to remove numerous freedoms in most Western countries.
3) An engineered food shortage, a work in progress, because apart from “carbon” (sic) the Left are now at war against “nitrogen” (sic) in the form of bans or restrictions on nitrogenous fertilisers; and also methane burps from ruminant animals. Note increasing attempts to normalise and promote the eating of insects as “alternative protein”.
The “Left” is at war with humanity. CO2 and N are just in the way.
Not ‘In the way’, they are the ‘way’……….
Who will replace Fauci when he “retires”?
Has he groomed a suitable successor / puppet to continue with his policies?
When this story gets legs he might jump out of a 40th story window.
Yes, Voluntary Assisted Jumping.
Note that as per published protocols, Ivermectin should always be used with zinc supplementation for covid treatment or prophylaxis, it is a zinc ionophore after all, that is one of its mechanisms of action.
I was disappointed in a study recently discussed by MedCram in which no zinc supplementation was used. What a waste of an otherwise excellent study funded by a worthy foundation, the Parsemus Foundation (check them out).
In the excellent thread on Ivermectin on this site about a year ago, (thank you Jo) the many modes of attack on the wuhu virus by Ivermectin were listed.
It is HCQ which does require the presence of zinc for effectiveness as an antiviral.
The quoted NEJM paper does not mention if in the trial the Ivermectin was administered with food, this is crucial.
“Ivermectin reduces deaths by 92% for 10 cents a week”
Words Big Pharma hoped they’d never hear. !
The TGA is corrupt
There needs to be a panel of seven independent medical experts to approve all new vaccines and drugs in Australia and not just one public servant who has no medical qualifications
What makes you think such a panel might not also be corrupted?
Far better to ensure medical fascism cannot be implemented and let the smart people make their own choices.
Any panel, “independent” or otherwise, that cannot or will not show their homework on how they came to any decision, must be disbelieved as the default position.
They must prove their case and be prepared for the (serious and heavy) consequences of their errors, should they convey without doubt that any treatment carries no risk (is safe) and works (is effective).
Expert panels are not just corruptible but are essentially biased in favor of the power structure in the profession.
There should be no experts on such panels.
Our legal system realized this centuries ago in having trial by jury for serious cases.
Ivermectin is the wonder drug that disappeared before we had time to assess its effectiveness. In most cases, governments even prohibited its use under pain of professional death for doctors and pharmacists. If ever a Royal Commission was required it is covid. Sadly, however, because our two main political parties conspired to the malicious retribution on the medical fraternity and, at the same time, protected “Big Pharma” from any form of censure an RC is unlikely to happen. An even bigger crime was the economic damage inflicted on Australia by Premiers appointing “noddy” Health Officers whose only task was to agree with their leader and cite medical emergencies as essential to life. Police were tasked with totalitarian enforcement. Just 10 cents a week per person could have saved 92% of deaths and all the upset to peoples lives!
That ’10c per person’ is exactly the reason we were banned from using it.
Pretty soon they will be banning Glyphosate for the same reason.
And even fewer lives lost if Vit D supplementation had also been publicised.
It is mentioned in Kennedy’s book about Fauci that the efficacy of Vit D for covid resistance or improved outcome was suppressed.
In addition, in Canada, one of the medical boards threatened doctors with registration if they even suggested that Vit D would improve covid outcomes.
Deregistration, not registration, an unauthorised change by spell checker.
This is one of the questions that needs to be explored through a Royal Commission into the Government/s response to the Covid “pandemic”.
Thanks Jo. From personal experience of my wife and I, and other friends who have used it, all of our covid infections were very mild and over quickly.
We have our gutless and reckless “leaders” still promoting vaxxes that just kill and promote infection. Have our politicians or media noticed the excess mortality – oh, nothing to see here.
As I have said before, when the historians look back at this period people will be astonished at the utter lies that were told and promoted, incessantly. But even more so, that the Australian populace for the most part, did not bother at all to do any of their research or even wonder at the attack dog mentality on anybody who questioned lockdowns, deadly vaxxes or ridiculous masking.
We have a very severe problem in this country that was exposed by this manufactured crisis, and still continues. Far too many simply do not care about facts, truth and integrity. And are happy to outsource any thinking to completely incompetent “experts” and useless politicians.
But will the truth ever get out?
A vast majority of the population are completely dumbed down and we have social(ist) media, legacy media and numerous medical and “research” establishments censoring, or even worse, not even knowing the truth.
This video summarizes the media and CDC/FDA dis-information campaign about the drug Ivermectin. Pfizer was granted emergency use for the experimental RNA vaccine because there was no approved alternative to the first release RNA vaccines. Ivermectin is more effective than the RNA vaccines and it is much safer and it is not experimental. Medically and logically, if the people were aware of the basic facts concerning this issue, no one would have taken the RNA vaccines.
Ivermectin is safe and effective in stopping covid. Pfizer and the US government cannot politically allow the fact, that they hid the effectiveness of Ivermectin to enable Pfizer to make more than $100 billion dollars on RNA vaccines, to become know to the public. This could be a interesting issue in the next US presidential election. This is definitely a swamp problem that needs a solution.
Pfizer spends more money on ‘Marketing’ drugs than they spend to develop their drugs. The ‘Marketing’ money (brought to by Pfizer) is to control the media and to control the key government officials and media company officials involved in RNA vaccine communication. This includes health care officials and government employees. 40% of the FDA budget is provided by the Pharmaceutical companies. 40% of the FDA researchers and senior staff leave the FDA to work for ‘industry’.
It is interesting the all of the major media companies and all of the countries, were forced to sign a secret (cannot disclose what is in the agreement to the public) agreements with Pfizer. The secret contracts required media companies to push vaccination with the RNA vaccines and to not provide any airtime for critics of the covid paradigm.
See #9.1
It appears that not even Ivermectin is a viable treatment for the latest COVID-19 variant:
CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms
HEALTH · Sep 5, 2022 ·
A stealth vaccine would be perfect for that.
Wait, we already have one.
I remember a few people I know during the peak hysteria that were convinced they had COVID, even they had no symptoms and tested negative.
The lag time between satire an its’ manifestation in reality grows shorter by the day.
Remember Victor Borge’s uncle – the one who invented the cure for which there was no disease?
Apart from protecting the interests of Big Pharma, Big, Leftist Governments thrive on generating permanent states of chaos and ongoing “problems” to “solve” as it is an excuse for more government spending and control and further removal of individual rights.
Hence the banning of effective treatments such as HCQ, IVM (according to published protocols) and lack of promotion of Vitamin D and other supplementation (not yet banned).
I did like the tables where they cross indexed results on age, ethnicity, dose etc. It provides a very powerful case for the use of this drug as a preventative.
What it does not show is the relative effectiveness for the antivirals, which would clearly show which was the better treatment
This is just a reworking of the same data from their January paper. The data collection is roundly criticised such as here and if you like youtube videos here
Funnily the earlier paper (which analyses exactly the same data) states that they do not recommend substituting ivermectin for vaccination.
The BMJ also notes that the study is a violation of medical ethics. Nice
Healthfeedback is backed by the same people as Climatefeedback.
They are both totally unreliable for anything except propaganda.
Just for laughs, some of the names associated with Climatefeedback
The AGW priesthood.. the top of the charlatans.. !
Pitman, Dessler, Trenberth, Schmidt, Rahmstorf, Mann, Mears, Gleick, Terry Hughes, Hausfather.
In case anyone else is confused by my post, note my use of the words “such” and “as”. This means what follows is an example and suggests that more examples exist.
Thanks, I had forgotten the earlier paper
So, 6 million people died because IVM wasn’t allowed by Govts and Pharma.
And your claim is that “antivirals” would have made a difference. Exactly which antivirals? At what cost?
Get real. Govt/Pharma lied, people died, by the millions.
Probably means the anti-virals may have killed more people from kidney and liver issues, than they save !
That’s a sobering number isn’t it.
Never Again! We should make sure this never happens again…until the next, of course.
“Reduces deaths by 92%”
So now we know why there was such an intense campaign against it.
Based on 18.7g/kg IVM as the only active ingredient, it works out at 0.8g for 80kg or 0.5g/50kg.
To be accurate with that small weight you’ll need a small digital balance like a jewelers balance or a pocket balance. These are available, fairly cheaply, online at jewellery supply stores.
The above figures represent the dose of IVM that our family will take if necessary as an anti-viral. But do your own calculations based on the product you can get and have verified as containing IVM as the only active iongredient.
Are you sure you’ve got the units right there?
Ivomec oral sheep drench is 0.2 mg/kg
I have been studies like this to and she finally got mad and said she wanted to “divorce me” on her podcast.
For some reason when new studies like this come out a doctor that claims to be scientific on her podcast and even likes the alternative ways to treat symptoms seems to have a really big blind spot on treatment alternatives for Covid.
To me it is just sad how doctors that seem to hate big pharma seem to be in bed with them when it comes to covid.
The lockdown jig is up
Rishi Sunak regrets what they did, but did Albo get the memo?
Gary Scarrabelotti
In the UK, Rishi Sunak, whose resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer precipitated the final collapse of Boris Johnson’s hold on the Tory leadership, has come clean about Britain’s lockdown strategy.
In sum, what the Brits were told was good for them in the Covid fight, was cooked up in secret meetings by scientific advisers who, far from being masters of ‘the science’ and confident in their judgments, were often divided and ultimately reversed key positions, as time went by, on what ‘the science’ was supposed be.
The Sunak confession was made to Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator, who wrote up his interview with Sunak.
Canada Govt DELETES 1,973 Adverse Events Of Special Interest: Myocarditis, Paralysis & More
If they’d used Iver from day 1 they wouldn’t have to cover up the deaths and injuries…
NSWRFS brigade meeting last night.
Unvaccinated or “status undetermined” volunteers are not “permitted” to attend fires.
Brigades not reporting are being threatened with shutdown.
No alternative treatments. No assessments of immune-status. No assessment of high-risk health-conditions.
It’s not about volunteer or community safety. It’s all about politics.
To hell with them and the horse they rode in on.
I am going to help my neighbours, with my own equipment, and I’m not asking any shiny-arsed office-dweller’s permission to do so.
I’m awaiting something like that in Qld.
I just went to an event where the top of our regional fire hierarchy were present and I’d guess that yours would all be about two axe handles across too
Try posting the summary of this on LinkedIn…. I did and it got pulled…..
Thanks for trying and thanks for letting us know.
I have given up on LinkedIn. After posting scientific papers and govt data last year, particularly on the vaxxes I was banned. Govt data, scientific papers – whats the issue?
There is no issue except that they were counter to the utterly wrong (then and now) narrative. Good luck with our future with such a luddite trend…
Keep putting things up, while you can!
I have no plans to return to LinkedIn.
Linkedin is now owned by Microsof ie Bill Gates
Whatever trust existed with respect to the Citizenry vs. Covid, has been thoroughly destroyed by Govt, Pharma, and law enforcement.
There is no reason to entrust any of them, ever, because of what they have done to society.
Time to change the players, as they’ve no right to govern. By their own actions.
The First responsibility of any Government is to protect the citizenry. They didn’t do that. They empowered themselves, enriched pharma, and denuded the citizens, all by trickery. They deserve to be made common.
I’ve mentioned before that, in a book on agricultural aid to third world countries there was a mention of economists and that some were useful.
With a reminder that (IIRC) about 1500 doctors also came in by the tradesman’s entrance.
Seems to me that the medical profession is working hard to regain that status
“Ivermectin reduces deaths by 92% for 10 cents a week”
And that’s exactly what’s wrong with it!
How can those poor, hard-working, souls at Pfizer, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca, etc., make a few billion from that?
The way Jo writes, it sounds as though she doesn’t want them to be filthy, stinking, rich. Is she some kind of communist or something?
Before the total shutdown of access in Australia, 12 mg of stromectol was at least $25 at the chemist when presenting a script.
No PBS allowed.
Might find some on my next trip outside of Australia. Perhaps should take my “unfilled” script with me?
In an earlier article on anti-virals, Jo pointed out that we are surrounded by possible COVID anti-virals. Just go to, and see the incredible range of possible candidates which includes IVM and HCQ. All mostly incredibly cheap, with excellent toxicity profiles and efficacy data to support.
Has anyone told the CCP?
In case this hasn’t already been mentioned in the extensive and refreshingly uncensored comments above: On this topic, everyone interested in the Truth of the scam dimension perpetrated during the Covid pandemic should read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent extensively documented book: “The Real Anthony Fauci” wherein he cites some politically-suppressed medical experts who estimate that around half a million American covid deaths were due to Fauci’s ferocious suppression of Ivermectin in favor of the hugely-profitable Big Pharma anti-viral vaccines that were “coming real soon” during the early year of the pandemic. Kennedy documents that in the earliest months of the pandemic a number of international studies were increasingly confirming the safety, the effectiveness, and the potential mass availability of inexpensive Ivermectin. Studies demonstrated the evidence of that effectiveness when Ivermectin was therapeutically used during the early weeks after confirmed onset of Covid.
Look into or buy “The Real Anthony Fauci” book here.
Nothing shows more the murderous collusion of mega-corporate fakenews/fakesocial media with the fascist political elite than this covid-scam episode in our very sick political culture.
Whatever your political inclinations coming into this era of the political elite having been forced–somewhat incidentally by the Trump presidency–to expose more than ever their vast federal-level corruption, wake up and vote the Democrats out of power. They and their party have been hijacked by vicious anti-liberty pro-fascist fanatics. Fascism is just another variant of socialism. The Republicans have their weak points of course. But, for the time being, they are an order of magnitude better than what the Democrats now bring. The Democrats and their “woke” accomplices have brought us numerous toxic scams (Climatescam, Covidscam, RussiaCollusionScam, and the Votescam of rigged elections). This is coming from me, an Independent voter who didn’t vote Republican before 2020 but got deeply “red-pilled” during the murderous riots of 2020 which were perpetrated nationwide by such communist revolutionary front groups as BLM and Antifa. Please just grit your teeth and do it: Vote Republican in 2022 and 2024…
BTW, don’t believe the 2020 presidential election was a paid-for, rigged scam in our “modern” times? See this: 2000 Mules documentary.
When discussing Vitamin D can writersw make the distinction between D2 and D3?
By the way I see the Wikipedia article on Ivermectin is still heavily biased against use in humans.
I shared this JoNova article on a ‘private’ Facebook group with my family and got ‘fact checked’. I expected the fact check to have no substance but I think it makes a fair point about confirmation bias. The fact check cites an article by which says …
“Because of the way that the authors defined regular users (those who took a total of 180 mg or more of ivermectin by the end of the program), people who stopped taking ivermectin after developing COVID-19 during the study were very likely excluded from the group of regular users—even if they had been regularly taking ivermectin up until that point—and placed in the group of irregular users or the group of intermediate users (people who took between 60 to 180 mg of ivermectin by the end of the program) instead.”
After reading the study I was still not very clear on the methodology but it does state … “Ivermectin was then optionally prescribed in a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day for two consecutive days, every 15 days to participants who presented without symptoms of COVID-19 or any contradictions to ivermectin.” (suggesting the point made by the fact checkers has some merit)
The author was asked about this confirmation bias in comments below the study and responded …
Dear Prof. Torphy,
Your point is quite reasonable and deserves an answer.
1. For hospitalization and mortality rates:
a. The baseline population from which these rates were calculated were subjects with COVID-19 infection. COVID-19 infections, COVID-19 hospitalizations, and COVID-19 deaths were mandatorily registered.
b. Hence, absolutely all subjects that had COVID-19 during July 7 and December 2, 2020, among participants and non-participants included in the analysis were considered for these 02 hard outcomes, with inherently no ‘drop-out’.
c. Even if the person was infected early in the program, for the analysis, this person used a small accumulated dose of ivermectin, which was adequately included in the group of ‘low-dose’ or ‘irregular’ user. By the way, even if the person was using ivermectin ‘regularly’, but used for 2 cycles only, this cannot be considered as ‘regular’ since the person did not reach a minimum number of cycles using ir regularly.
d. For those infected after 4 weeks (25-30% of the period of the program, not in the end of it), doses lower than 30mg, the person did not use ivermectin regularly at all. It may have used it irregularly throughout the period, or used ‘regularly’ but discontinued much before it was infected by COVID-19. Anyway, we evaluated the effect of either using ivermectin irregularly or having using it previously, but not by the time of the infection.
In conclusion, the survival bias is absolutely absent in these outcomes, and the interpretation is precise, despite inherent limitations of grouping in observational studies.
2. For infection rates:
a. To be considered a ‘regular user’, considering cases where the body weight is low, 8 to 10 weeks were more than enought to reach the ‘regular use’ status, which represents less than 50% of the period of the program. People with higher body weight reached it before this period. Hence, we are not seeing only those infected in ‘the very end’ of the program.
b. For this reason, as you can see in the article, we provided the calculation of the infection rates for the first half and for the second half of the program. While the first half may be truly more biased regarding your point, the second half of the program represents only those tryly using ivermectin regularly, or irregularly (or previously), or that did not use. Of course that this is not perfect (‘perfect’ observational studies should always be questioned whether they were truly observational or they were intended to be study with an intervention), but by sub-analysis in two halfs reduced the risk of survivor bias to almost nothing, in particular in the second half.
c. The viral mutation is inherent to any study on COVID-19 and I rarely see adaptations according to ‘periods’. In the present case, no relevant viral mutations that changed its pathophysiology or pathogenicity throughout the period of the program.
d. While the ‘survivor bias’ was brought to this article, our first article analyzed the overall period of 150 days, compared users versus non-users, had already shown an efficacy even with the conservative bias of including irregular or ex ivermectin users among ‘users’ for analysis purposes’ and the additional bias of ‘ivermectin non-users’ that were actually using ivermectin from other sources. This first article basically responds to the ‘survivor bias’ question, and allowed us to perform the present analysis knowing that remaining ‘survivor bias’ (that was not the case for hospitalization and mortality rates, and was basically mitigated with the sub-division in halfs for infection rate analysis) wouldn’t be considerable.
e. To address in an even more detailed fashion, we should publish when ready the analysis adjusted per period of 15-day cycle, which vanishes any doubt regarding remaning questions on this bias.
I may not have made myself crystal clear or logical and there still are remaining points. However, 1. Limitations became relatively minor compared to the size of the study and its complexity; and 2. Its large effect size is unlikely to be explained by these limitations, instead of the true drug efficacy as prophylaxis for COVID-19 in the first year before vaccination.
Best regards,
Flavio Cadegiani
I don’t find the response very comforting. Basically he admits the problem but says it is reduced in the analysis of the second half of the study period (which btw when viewed in isolation does not seem to support his conclusion about dose related efficacy)
Anyway just wanted to point this out so that people are aware of the criticism.
None of this changes my view that the suppression of ivermecton is a crime against humanity that has cost possibly millions of lives.