A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is there a way to retrieve previous open threads for reference once they “drop off” the recent threads listings ,?
IE, such as last wednesdays open thread which had a long discussion on the CO2 measurement methodology .
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Lady Gaga forced to stop show amid lightning storm.
There are consequences to burning Carbon based fuels.
This would not have happened if we had stuck with whale oil and water wheels.
Were the Blues Brothers there?
No, but they dug up Bob Marley especially for the event. He did a great rendition of his sleeper hit “Reggae Mortis”.
ohhh dear!
The gods have spoken!
Poor Lady G …
Lady Gaga forced to stop show amid lightning storm.
No. She was opening for Spinal Tap who were warming-up backstage.
You are my Monday (you are my Monday)
You’re the best day of the week (best day of the week)
So underrated (so underrated) and a brand-new start (brand-new start)
Don’t care what all the kids say (never care)
You’ve got the key to my heart, ooh
I’d be happy if we just stuck to coal . .
But I get your point.
Tony from Oz did comment a few years ago about NSW Electricity Commission plans before privatisation of the assets to upgrade and provide additional generating capacity at various coal fired power stations.
Maybe those plans could be dusted off, revised-upgraded and actioned now before it’s too late?
‘Coal to nuclear’ C2N
E.g. recent USA Dept of Energy report
Winter is coming to Europe. It may be too late for them to start using previously shuttered coal plants.
As far as I’ve read – the UK didn’t just ‘shutter’ the coal plants, they SHATTERED them! I believe it’s called “hubris”. (Or is that DEBris?)
Six a clock already and I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissing Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can’t be late cause then I guess I just won’t get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made
It’s just another manic Monday
Now I need something different for next week
I didn’t see this posted here over the last few days:
Climate Emergency Not Supported by Data, Say Four Leading Italian Scientists
I posted it days ago 😉
These Italian Scientists published it years ago.
The quest for knowledge follows fairly basic rules the Climate charlatans are not so keen on.
What Climate Emergency?
AN international study of heat, floods, drought, hurricanes and tornadoes has found no evidence of a “climate emergency”.
Don’t expect that to make any difference to our suicidal net zero emissions fetish though. The climate emergency has never been about empirical evidence.
The study, reported Friday in The Australian, provided a long-term analysis of weather and major weather events It found no positive trend of extreme events.
Daffy provided a link in the Sunday thread
“What Climate Emergency?”
The one that only exists in [snip] …In faked data and un-validated models.
There is no indicator anywhere in real life of anything remotely resembling a “climate emergency”
I thought I heard a new class, ‘climate emitter’, on NPR, last week.
A search proved me late to the ball: May 2021 might be its first show.
The real trend has been of “extremist events” with overwhelming evidence of a “climate hysteria emergency”.
The definition of ’emergency’ has been changed.
Like violence used be a physical act taking place in material reality.
Previously required a fist, stick or rock, but now it’s words, impulse triggering of an eardrum resulting in impressions in a mind, which could be argued is the only true reality.
Or vacc … never mind.
It is the same mechanism that makes burning and looting peaceful protest.
Think of all the possible genders.
It is also super progressive ’cause you can just make it up as you go.
So, if one, particularly a western urban progressive NGO professional, or a University student, perceives inconvenience from bad weather …
that is an ’emergency’.
Caused by a meat eating Cis Binary MAGA extremist in a big truck.
We have successfully eliminated so many material dangers, it is imaginary dangers from which must be protected.
The FBI is on the job as we speak.
Reverse ruby slippers, just click your heels and you’re not in Kansas anymore.
Wait, I thought we had already passed from ‘Climate Emergency’ to ‘Climate Catastrophe’?
And it got there at Ludicrous speed !
The Linguistic Termites Are Everywhere
From The Quadrant Online –
“There is a dialectical relationship between human reality and the language in which we describe it, which is why semantic shifts are so important and often contested. Some such shifts are spontaneous and some directed as if by a central committee—the important words here being as if. Nothing is easier than to plunge into the murky waters of conspiracy theory, albeit that conspiracies do occur. The problem is that the strength of a belief in a conspiracy is usually inversely proportional to the evidence in favour of its existence.
One of the shifts that I have noticed is in the use of the word depressed for unhappy. No one is unhappy any more, everyone is depressed. It is as if being unhappy were a moral fault, while being depressed is not merely to be ill, but to be laudably sensitive. How can any decent person be happy when there is so much suffering in the world? The news brings us evidence of fresh catastrophes every day: to be happy is to be complacent, and to be complacent is to be callous. To be miserable, therefore, is the only decent stance towards the world.
How did the shift come about? I do not think that anyone decreed or directed it, though no doubt it was convenient for some, for example the drug companies that were able as a result to sell their doubtfully useful wares to millions, even to tens of millions, of people. About a sixth of the Western world’s adult population now takes them, suggesting either the looseness of the diagnosis or the misery of modern life despite its material advantages.
Although there is no central direction that decrees a semantic shift, this does not mean that it is not directional. I am reminded of ants that have a nest under a stone. When the stone is lifted, the ants react in a co-ordinated way though, as far as I know, there is no central committee of ants decreeing where they should take the eggs that are about to hatch. The thing is achieved without such central co-ordination, and I suspect that semantic shift is achieved in an analogous way.
This is not to say, however, that it is entirely spontaneous. The mills of monomania grind extremely small, and it is the very miniature scale of some of the changes that is sinister, because you would have to be obsessional to enforce them.”
The Linguistic Termites Are Everywhere
Introduced to Upstart Crow by Daughter and Grandkids in Melbourne
Upstart Crow by Ben Elton BlackAdder fame
Comedy about William Shakespeare as he starts to make a name for himself in London, while also trying to be a good husband and father for his family in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Showing 10 year old (soon to be 11 Grandson) S1E1 last night re why saying in one word what you can in 7 is what Shakespeare did best
I’ve sent word to the Theatre that “The Two Tunnels which lie beneath the Bridge be Blocked”
Nose my Love – why not just say Nose
Upstart Crow S01 E01 –
Solar Cycle 25 is beyond expectation.
Would appreciate some more detail for your comment.
I think it would be useful if that graph gave a historic average curve as well as the predicted.
This graph is a couple of data points more up to date than the wiki page. Also it is a bit fancier.
That is better, the punters are still on a hiding to nothing.
Like all sprinters, Cycle 25 will run out of puff and end up looking like #24, in my citizens’ opinion (did I get the apostrophe in the correct place?).
Did your citizens all have that same opinion?
Everyone in my study at the time…
Not bad too
Not ‘Great Expectations’!
In keeping with the Shakespearean theme of this thread and those weather patterns, I believe thou has spoken too soon.
Titania – II i 81
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Australia even has its own lobby group for insect “farmers”.
The Insect Protein Association of Australia.
“Working with insects.’ Presumably the insects will need to wear hi-vis jackets otherwise their work mates might accidentally step on their insect colleagues.
Well, I did suggest the brits move elsewhere…
Whooaaaa!! 😨😨
Yes, and cap that one please Liz Truss……………..
Soon be a line outside Downing St… with cap in hand !
That is obviously a mistake. Prices will be around 60% higher than last year and almost everyone has already received cash in addition to help pay for it. Our own fuel bill will be the same as last year what with the various grants. Some of those on benefits have received a lot more, others will receive less.
It doesn’t get away from the fact that as winter approaches solar will become almost i8seless whilst wind will frequently be too high or too low to generate power.
Curious, is that not an actual communication from the energy provider?
Is high anxiety being triggered so the actual reality is more palatable?
It’s like your doctor informing you that your terminal diagnosis was wrong, and he/she/they/it just made a little mistake.
Good news, but you still get a welt.
Nobody will see an increase of that magnitude unless their circumstances have utterly changed
“That is obviously a mistake. Prices will be around 60% higher than last year and almost everyone has already received cash in addition to help pay for it”
WHAT? I’m a pensioner with the state pension and a tiny private one. State has given us £150 so far, and what others have received would pay maybe on week of that bill. No-one we know has received any sum of significance in comparison with their massively increased bills. Oil (we have no gas) now x5 what it was last year – no cap, no subsidies, and some 5 million of us rely on oil for heating.
Utter nonsense.
You will have had £400 paid via your council tax plus £150 plus the enhanced winter fuel payment of at least 250.The overwhelming majority of households do not use oil. I am sorry that you do, but think something is in the pipeline. The overwhelming majority of people will not face an uplift of 10 times which was the original point of this thread,
I note there are some 1.5 million households in the UK that use oil out of a total of 28.5 million. So the vast majority are getting financial help and lets hope that is extended to oil users.
Rising energy crisis affecting daily life in Europe
German forest companies have started to use GPS trackers to prevent wood theft as the energy crisis is deepening in the country.
Nearly 70% of pubs in the UK may face closure, due to skyrocketing energy bills if the government fails to provide an urgent relief package soon.
Rising energy costs also risk the future of the Italian football league Serie C, Italian media reported.
‘Europeans are increasingly buying Chinese-made electric blankets and heaters’
Meanwhile, Europeans are increasingly buying Chinese-made electric blankets and heaters, according to the data by China’s Electrical Appliance Manufacturers Association.
Exports of electric blankets to European countries jumped by 97% and electric heater exports by 23% between January and July when compared to the same period of the previous year, the data showed.
“Exports of electric blankets to European countries jumped by 97% and electric heater exports by 23% between January and July when compared to the same period of the previous year, the data showed.”
The only problem there David is an electric blanket or heater is only as good as the electricity supply. No electricity and what you have is just a blanket and not a very thick one at that and of course the family sitting around a brand new heater that doesn’t produce heat because, well, no electricity.
If only I could draw cartoons, there is certainly an endless amount of funny pictures that would provide a steady flow of laughter for those of us who have a dark sense of humour.
Damn its started. I’ll try and draw the mind picture.
A group of people in lederhosen are standing in the snow round a large pile of electric heaters, one person is trying to light the pile with a match and another comments
” Hans, do you think they will burn better with the electric blankets on the top or the bottom”
It’s almost impossible to believe that Australia is proceeding to ruin its economy, industry and our economic future based on the nonsense that man-made atmospheric carbon dioxide controls the Earth’s temperature and ultimately our climate. Let’s look at the evidence.
200 odd years ago, around 1800, the Earth’s atmosphere comprised 78% Nitrogen, 21 % Oxygen, 0.9% Argon and 0.1% all other gases which includes the “demonic” carbon dioxide at a tiny almost unmeasurable 0.03%.
In 2022 Earth’s atmosphere is essentially unchanged except for carbon dioxide which increased from 0.03% to 0.04%. Of that 0.01% increase in 200 years the only part that Albo and Bowen can change is the man-made component as most (95%) of the increase is from natural sources.
So how much influence on Australia’s temperature/climate can Albo’s 43 % cut deliver. 200 year increase of 0.01% X 0.05% man-made x Albo’ s 0.43% cut = an almost unmeasurable 0.000215%, thus proving Australia’s Chief Scientist m. correct.
In 2422 Earths atmosphere will be essentially today’s but Australia will have spent billions maybe trillions on absolute political nonsense and achieved NOTHING.
By 2422, Earth’s Atmosphere will be finally rid of the radioactive fallout from previous Nuclear Warfare and the Meek (The Animals, etc.) will have inherited the Earth……………..No Humans though. All gone up in smoke.
Terence, as I write so often, you can actually measure fossil fuel CO2 (no C14) against recent CO2 (C14) and it is under 3%. That’s a simple fact, known since 1958 when it was measured at 2.03%+/-0.15%. It is still under 3%. And for those who don’t understand, that is not yearly figure, it’s for all time. And the natural source are provably the huge oceans which contain almost all gaseous CO2, or 98% of it. Heat the ocean surface even slightly and CO2 comes out. That’s such simple obvious science.
So it’s all made up. Nett Zero is nonsense. Sequestration makes no sense. The world is really self cleaning and total human output is barely detectable in an already tiny but essential gas. And most importantly, the extra CO2 is producing massive greening of the planet. Try to explain that with Nett Zero or carbon taxes. As most of the world goes into deep winter, the idea that people will suffer, starve and die from lack of food and heat damns the UN and EU forever. Callous b*stards.
The residence time of an individual CO2 atom can be anywhere between 5 – 200 years. The anthropogenic fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere is 30%. The perturbation response time of the carbon cycle can vary from decades to thousands of years. Human emissions contributed 100% to the CO2 increase since the Industrial Era.
Total rubbish.
Accept that.
You can’t be more wrong.
“Human emissions contributed 100% to the CO2 increase since the Industrial Era.”
This is arrant nonsense.
It is based on other nonsense that human CO2 is not part of the overall Carbon Cycle.
Real scientific calculations show it is some 15% of the highly beneficial increase.
Anyway, it matter not, because we know that warming by atmospheric CO2 is a fantasy.
We also know that the increase in atmospheric CO2 has been totally beneficial to all life on Earth…
… because it increases the carbon exchange within the CIRCLE OF LIFE.. ie the Carbon Cycle
Nothing is ever 100%. You are totally ignoring other possible sources of increased CO2 emissions, such as the warming oceans. And you have absolutely NO proof to support your statement.
“Human emissions contributed 100% to the CO2 increase since the Industrial Era.”
The 3% or so of human CO2 released pa compared to 97% natural CO2 emissions, means that basically ALL human CO2 is absorbed back into the increasing carbon cycle very rapidly.
Nature does not know the difference…. Human CO2 is a mere pittance, but it does add a small amount to the natural carbon cycle. A good thing !
The rise in atmospheric CO2 has started to restore some much needed plant life food.
Why do greenies/ AGW cultists want plants to starve ???
They pretend to be “environmentalists”, but hate the very essence of the world environment .. bizarre !
And let’s not forget all the CO2 “they” tell us is coming from melting permafrost, warming oceans etc.
You can’t have it both ways, you know.
Hahahahah, hilarious.
Thank you Simon, I needed a good laugh.
CO2 is not an atom. It is a molecule.
Then all we need to do is find those CO2 molecules that want to stay around for 100 years and lock them up. Problem solved.
And where on earth (or some other planet) did you get those figures? I doubt even The Guardian would be that stupid, as even they know that more CO2 increases plant growth, hence increased sequestation rate.
And – just to muddy the waters – there are some coals and natural gas sources that contain (very minor) amounts of C14.
So, what is this magical concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere that causes our planet to go into the mythical ‘runaway greenhouse effect’?
Third time the question has been posed; so far, we’ve heard only crickets from you, Simon.
Either supply the information, or admit that Earth cannot go ‘runaway greenhouse effect’.
The Quantitative aspects of the CO2 Global Warming hoax are overlooked by many “scientists” but in terms of what can happenthey are very illuminating.
As my Great Grandmother wrote some time ago:
October 24, 2011 at 9:10 am
Every “Climate Scientists” presentation I have seen tells lies by omission.
For example we are told that “Carbon Dioxide will blah, blah, blah ….. and if CO2 doubles then … blah, blah, blah ”.
They will Never separate out the Human effect of CO2 from the Total CO2 effect.
They will never acknowledge the presence of water vapour in the air because as a Green House Gas it wipes the floor with CO2.
So, as a last post, I felt it important to give examples of how the CO2 we produce really influences the climate and will use a very concrete example of a real measured period from our recent past.
With apologies to Rudyard Kipling.
Active Carbon Dioxide Distribution is:
a. 98% of Earths ( active ) CO2 is dissolved in the oceans.
b. 2% of Earths ( active ) CO2 is in the atmosphere.
c. 97% of atmospheric CO2 is of Natural Origin.
d. 3% of atmospheric CO2 is Human attributable.
e. Atmospheric H2O is about 95% of the total greenhouse effect.
It would seem then that if we want to control CO2 levels we need to control three items:
1. The oceans and 2. Water vapour 3. Natural CO2 emissions.
Logically the Atmospheric CO2 and Ocean origin CO2 interaction needs serious study and Human CO2 emissions are rendered insignificant by the shear weight of the Water GHG effect.
So the Total GHG effect is
1. Water about 95%
2. Total CO2 about 4% of GHG effect
3. Human proportion of CO2 is 3% of the above 4% or 0.12 % of all CO2 effect.
If world atmospheric temperature rose by 0.6 C degrees over the last 150 years from 1860 (maybe).
And if Greenhouse gases are the only cause of this rise (very debateable).
And if human origin CO2 is to be taken into account.
Our part of the world’s green house gas effect is 0.0009 C degrees of the temperature rise of 0.6 C degrees. (calculated as a max).
The rest is nature.
Likewise we are responsible for 0.0045 mm of the annual 3mm ocean increase.
Over 100 years we would cause 0.45 mm sea rise.
Holy Crap Batman.
We’ve been had by the IPCC, WWF and many politicians.
The “revelation” above is simply confirmation of the real science.
When you quantify the “Green House” ( if I can use that term) effects:
• we have a major winner in Water
• followed by Natural produced CO2
• and way behind both in magnitude, Human Related CO2 struggling to make any visible impression on the system.
So CCS and Carbon Abatement, Carbon Footprint, Responsible Energy and other catchphrases of the Church of AGW may now be consigned to the sin bin where they belong.
… If you don’t count the other atmospheric gases.
By the way, CO2 is not usually referred to as an atom, and residence time is a statistical expected time.
The residence time of a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere is about 5 years. The notional residence time of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere is about 25 years.
I was going to say the same thing. The moment I saw a co2 molecule referred to as an atom. I knew it was pseudo science.
In science, details matter. If you want credibility or accurate, reproducible results, it pays to understand the fundamentals. Without being able to reproduce the results, it’s not science. It speculation at best.
As a wise King said some 1000 years ago,
And we can say that about our Government and the IPCC.
I wonder what people here think about that Alex Belfield case in the UK?
If you don’t know, it’s a right wing Youtuber ex BBC (c 2011), who has been gaoled for five years six months for harassment (stalking) of several individuals, mostly BBC. There was no physical stalking, all online, email and telephone.
The political right is outraged. It is an attack on free speech and intolerance of hurt feelings. I take a differing view. I read the judge’s findings and I think he went way beyond acceptable levels, which included calling one if his enemy’s elderly mother and brought her into it. It wasn’t just a matter of disagreement with his detractors. It went on for a very long time.
When I first heard of this case, I thought it was a catalyst that the left is coming to lock up all dissenters. I still do think that, and you had better watch yourself if you go to war with the woke. But it’s not as bad as it seems. Just do not endlessly attack someone, especially if they ask you to desist. Which is also worth keeping in mind should you be relentlessly attacked by a leftist and your feelings are hurt.
Not our country but a case worth having a read of. A copy of the Judge’s report.
Does mRNA in the covid “vaccine” change your DNA?
Fact checking the “fact checkers”.
John Connor II and all – anyone heard anything about this coming weekend? There seems to be a suggestion that in years to come people will look back and remember where they were and what they were doing when this event happened a la Lady Di’s car crash, KFK assassination. One suggestion is a massive EMP. Had some solar flare activity back in July/August but quick search doesn’t highlight anything for remainder of September. Not looking to start anything just curious if any rabbit holes opening up. Cheers.
I trust that is rhetorical?
I’m well aware of it..
War? No.
Economic crash? No.
Solar storm? No.
EMP? No.
Terrorist attack? No.
WEF action? No.
NOTHING should concern you more than the 24th. 😉
Yes but also a source check. Cheers.
Here is a current space weather report.
Excellent. Thank you now an ongoing book mark. Cheers.
Still remember where I was for the first moon landing.
Glued to a snowy black and white TV!
And I wasn’t amazed that they could do it. It was only a glorified motor car that got them there. What really amazed me was that we could sit in our lounge rooms and watch them doing it.
Monday funny: how to tell if your dog wants a trampoline
Just w-a-y too cute.🥰
It’s usually a scam when someone profits from a misconception such as taking a photograph of someone might steal their soul. So you can make it up to them by paying after taking a photo off them.
A few years ago at a fauna reserve in the Gold Coast the Aboriginal folk getting v photos taken held up their right index finger and extended their right thumb when the photo was taken …apparently it did the trick.
Joe Bastardi forecasts a bitter winter in Europe.
“Look at what the surface maps are showing,” Bastardi says. “When you have high pressure over Greenland and Iceland, and low pressure over Spain like that, folks, that is an ugly looking situation for the winter. That is similar to 2010/11.”
How it goes
If “the pandemic is over” as Biden says, then all of the President’s emergency powers predicated on a pandemic, all COVID vax mandates, the emergency powers of every governor, Emergency Use Authorizations, and the PREP act should all be voided tomorrow.
-Rep Thomas Massie
Likelihood: 0.0
In fact it’s more likely than an AR-15 DOES have a muzzle velocity 5x that of any other (non military 😉😉) gun. 😆😆
“The Old South shall rise again”
“Wish You Weren’t Here”
WEF Encourages Eating Expired Food
From Martin Armstrong –
“Schwab is a rotten man. The World Economic Forum has convinced the UK to remove “best before” dates from food products in an effort to “conserve food waste.” In reality, these sick individuals do not care about human health and need a way to avert attention away from the coming food shortages brought on by their zero-emissions pipe dream.
The UK is set to remove “best before” and labels from around 500 products. When was the food shipped or packaged? It will be up to the consumer to use their best judgment. There are also plans to remove hundreds of “use by” dates on products. “Best buy” indicates the quality of the food, while “use by” indicates whether it is safe for consumption. The WEF insists that these dates are meaningless as it still may be safe to eat expired food. They even claim milk is the third most-wasted product in the UK, which is extremely dangerous to drink if expired.
Expiration dates first appeared in stores post-World War II as large consumer chain markets rose in popularity. Before then, you could talk to the sellers at mom-and-pop shops, and they tended to their products and clients. Perhaps you’d buy directly from the grower, depending on where you lived. You cannot ask an associate at Publix where, say, an apple came from and expect an accurate answer. Food arrives by truckloads now and often is imported from overseas.
So, the WEF would like us to eat bugs and expired foods. Rest assured that the elite will be eating the best, riding in their fossil-fueled powered and heated jets and yachts, and laughing as the rest of us suffer. Governments seem to be on board as they also do not want to admit failure via food shortages.”
A lot of the dating on foodstuff is not important for health. Rather it is for indemnity protection for “big food”. It also serves to increase waste if people actually believe it. For example, my neighbour’s daughter visited and threw out virtually all frozen food, most cans and condiments, flour and other stuff. Probably $1000 worth, and my neighbour is a pensioner. Got to say, ketchup and mustard do not go bad on the shelf, let alone in the fridge.
Most stuff that is bad to eat can be identified by smell and appearance. You can still do valid analysis of enzymes and proteins in biological samples kept for years at -20C. main thing is to prevent drying/freezer burn.
(Question: why was Pfizer’s “vaccine” required to be kept at -70. Must be something funny about lipid nanoparticls.).
Watching the queen’s funeral, may she rest in peace
I did too Crakar. I am still glued to the box as her coffin travels to Windsor Castle.
RIP HM Queen Elizabeth II.
At 18:30 hrs, the evening peak last Saturday, wind was generating 7.1 GW, or nearly 30% of peak dispatchable power.
At 18:50 hrs tonight, 2 days later, wind was generating 1.2 GW, or only 4.5% of peak dispathcable power.
That is a reduction of 5.9 GW or about 25% of peak demand – equivalent to all of the brown coal plants in Victoria (about 4 GW) as well as Bayswater Power Station in NSW going offline.
The grid was stabilised once again by Hydro (ramp up from 1.0 GW at 15:00 to 5.9 GW at 18:50) and natural gas (ramp up from 0.4 GW at 15:00 to 3.2 GW at 18:50) to keep the grid functioning.
Somebody somewhere recently posed a question wondering what Oliver Manuel’s take would be of the new information negating the Big Bang theory wondering where he might be now.
I remember he put a lot of effort into promoting Neutron Repulsion and the work of his mentor Professor Kuroda. About five? years ago he signed off here declaring that the future is in good hands. He was born in 1936 I see.
Here he is:
No one does ceremony like the British. The art of it is exemplary. As is the history.
Watched the whole thing from 10.45 this morning, so around 3 hours. Magnificent, moving and so well staged. They move off to Windsor now so no doubt we will tune in again in an hour or two.
Kick up the arse for the Republicans. Who would you prefer. a monarch who is a symbol and unites the nation, or a President who divides it in two? A thousand years of tradition went into what we witnessed today. Awe inspiring. And by God we’ll miss her. Charles show of petulance during the Accession ceremony – his mother would NEVER have done that.
So moving. Elizabeth 11. Stoical, dutiful and astute, was she the last of the great British queens?
Time will tell, who knows?
What is certain is that never in our lifetimes will we see such a moving, magnificent and dignified spectacle as the one we have just watched
That was something else. I’m so glad I saw it. Had a profound impact upon me.
spine tingling moment when the Orb, Sceptre and Crown were removed from the coffin. They will presumably be passed on to Charles at his coronation.
It certainly was; it was the moment it really came home that our Elizabethan Era was over.
“Fauci and Birx are liars”
Yes. But are they genocidal misanthropes?
Interests in Atlantic Canada heads-up.
Can the 🥕 be the cause of all the unexplained deaths of young people?