The pattern is the same in the UK, in Germany and in the US, yet the media can’t seem to figure it out
New Scientist:Just 22,500 people who we didn’t expect to lose. It’s ten times worse than the UK national road toll.
It was particularly deadly last summer in the US especially for 35-45 year olds
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Report released a few weeks ago shows that people in that age group were twice as likely to die as normal in the third quarter last year. The odds were bad across the whole 25 to 54 age range. Deaths were 80% higher than normal.
If there is any good news in a chart of unexpected young deaths — its that whatever it was, the effect is waning. The bad news is that people in the prime of their life were still 30% more likely to die in Quarter 1 this year.
It’s a very big deal. Mortality rates in adults have been constant for decades (see figure 1 in this report). A 200% increase is a red flag flapping there. Something was going very wrong for some young working age adults. The Delta wave was hitting the US in Q3 but why would it hit the younger age groups so much more than the older ones? The data here are not specific enough to draw conclusions, but we have the more detailed resolution from the UK and Germany already. We know another piece of genetic code was also circulating then, not self-replicating but factory-made.
As Mark Steyn said, there’s Nothing to See Here because that’s all he’s allowed to say. As Jo Nova says, where were the US Ministries of Health, the CDC and the NIH? They have all this data already. They didn’t need to wait 10 months to read it in an actuarial report. Lives are at stake. Children are losing their mothers and fathers. Where were the press releases, the studies, and the informed consent? If the 30-somethings were dying because they were unvaccinated and out partying while the older folk were protected with injections — we surely would never have heard the end of it. Yet here we are a year after this 200% spike hit and New Scientist still doesn’t know, and can’t seem to find any expert that does.
Edward Dowd, former BlackRock executive, points at UK data that shows a similar pattern:
The arrows mark the week that the vaccination schedule started for each age group. The change in the curve is evident.

The arrows mark the week that the vaccination schedule started for each age group. The 1-14 age includes babies and children who were not eligible or unlikely to get vaccinated. | Click to enlarge and read the long caption.
Excess deaths are still climbing in 2022 and notably in all ages
Note the scale below is different to the graph above. Despite the way it appears, excess deaths are not rising in 2022 as fast as they were in 2021 in the first quarter, except — Lord no — for the children…
This is an awful graph.
Past posts on excess deaths:
- The strange pattern of deaths in the UK — where “unvaccinated” age-groups are more likely to die a few weeks after vaccinations peak in their age group. (Dec 2021)
- Mysterious excess deaths 40% above historical norms in 18 – 64 year olds: Life insurance companies paying out 160% more in 2021 (Jan 2021)
- The new killer called “Unknown Causes”in Alberta Canada
- Excess deaths rise in Germany too, peaking in the same months medical experiments peak
Society of Actuaries, Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report, SOA Research Institute, page 23
As Worldometer shows, Q3 was one of the four waves of Covid deaths in the USA in Quarter 3.
I note the vaccine rollout in Canada for 30 – 50 year olds was mostly a June to October 2021 event, i.e Quarter 3. Was it the same in the US?
Dumb and gutless are the words that spring to mind. I’m totally disgusted with the Australian Medical fraternity and will henceforth be suspicious of relying on their advice.
Listen to this interview with Dr Sam White. I know that it is from the UK but it will give you an idea of how Drs who do not toe the narrative line are treated. It is happening around the Anglosphere.
Here it is –
A Reminder of how the General Population were taken for Fools by the Health System
CDC Emails: Our Definition of Vaccine is “Problematic”
CDC: Problematic Vaccine? No, Problematic Definition of Vaccine.
The CDC caused an uproar in early September 2021, after it changed its definitions of “vaccination” and “vaccine.” For years, the CDC had set definitions for vaccination/vaccine that discussed immunity. This all changed on September 1, 2021.
The prior CDC Definitions of Vaccine and Vaccination (August 26, 2021):
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
The CDC Definitions of Vaccine and Vaccination since September 1, 2021:
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
People noticed. Representative Thomas Massie was among the first to discuss the change, noting the definition went from “immunity” to “protection”.
WATCH: State Senators And Frontline Doctor Have All The EVIDENCE TO INDICT CDC Officals For VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW And File Unprecedented GRAND JURY PETITION — Here’s What The CDC Is Doing To Get Away With Mass Murder
No apologies from COVID-19 vaccine pushers
New boosters conflate the testing of mice and men
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times
Mistakes aplenty have occurred in the unprecedented battle against COVID-19, but governing in the modern era apparently means never having to explain. As the war against the pandemic dwindles toward the close of its third year, Americans are still pondering the wisdom of shortcuts taken by Washington’s apothecaries in creating their novel vaccines — and whether apologies are appropriate.
With pharmaceutical firms, Pfizer and Moderna receiving approval for their new boosters, the issue of full disclosure as the basis for informed consent returned to the front burner. “We are launching a new vaccine – our first in almost two years – with a new approach. For most Americans, that means one COVID-19 shot, once a year, each fall,” President Joe Biden said Tuesday in a statement.
The apothecary-in-chief did not mention the fresh vaxxes, reformulated to combat the original virus as well as the more recent BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron variants, have not been put through human trials. Rather, the formulas have been tested on intrepid mice.
This nugget of information may be disturbing, but mostly only to individuals who somehow overlooked the fact that customarily performed human trials of the original messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccines were cut short and in 2021, the drugs were granted “emergency use authorization.” Manufacturers argued that injecting vulnerable patients with a placebo rather than their experimental virus-fighting drug could result in their deaths, violating the paramount medical principle: “First, do no harm.”
To be sure, speed versus safety in drug development is a gut-wrenching ethical balancing act when people are suffering. The decision to err on the side of haste, though, has carried a cost: The COVID-19 vaccines have since been associated with more than 900,000 adverse events — 56% of all ill reactions reported for nearly 100 U.S.-licensed vaccines of all sorts since 1990, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The most adverse event of all, of course, is death, and the COVID-19 vaxxes have been associated with more than 17,000.
Reasonable Americans may question the wisdom of presenting their arms for new versions of drugs that have proved life-saving for most, but life-threatening for too many. Rep. Thomas Massie, Kentucky Republican, summarized the unwelcome choice in a recent tweet: “Some are saying there are no human trials for the newest COVID-19 boosters being administered this fall. I beg to differ. If you take this booster, you are the human trial.” It’s a jarring – but not untrue — way of putting it.
Americans one and all are relieved that the pandemic is on the ebb. At the same time, they have learned not to put all their trust in the efficacy of medical remedies that conflate the testing of mice and men. After all, despite 84% of the U.S. population having received at least one vaccine dose, more than 70% have nevertheless caught COVID-19, according to the CDC.
Since garnering praise for success is more gratifying, Americans aren’t likely to receive apologies from Washington’s apothecaries for shortcuts that result in shortcomings among their experimental vaccines
Masking now a symbol of COVID-19 pandemic’s mental health toll
Millions may never recover from a virus that won’t ever threaten their lives
Linus had his security blanket. My son had his stuffed puppy dog. Now, for millions of Americans, they have their masks. A salve for the COVID-19 crippled, masks have become a present reminder of the damage the pandemic has done emotionally and psychologically to millions of Americans.
America’s struggle with mental health has been exacerbated by what researchers and the NIH now call Coronaphobia, severe anxiety associated with the pandemic.
A lot of Americans, myself included, find themselves struggling with how to handle and what to think about those mask-clingers in this post-pandemic environment. We look at them and wonder why they hang on to some thin piece of fabric or odd masking practices that run counter to science and common sense. I recoil from watching parents mask their children, who are statistically not at risk from the virus.
We’ve all seen these folks. A woman on a plane wearing a see-through mesh mask. Another who keeps the mask on in the air but takes it off after landing. A child is masked in a pool. The parent who makes their otherwise healthy kid wear a mask but won’t herself. A jogger masked outside in the summer heat. The person driving masked in the car alone.
In just the last month I’ve seen them all and many more. It’s increasingly frustrating and I feel bad about such a visceral reaction.
After more than two years of shifting government mandates and misinformation from politicians, the media, the medical community and Big Pharma, the mask is now an outward symbol of the paranoia many Americans have been conditioned to feel.
The mask didn’t make America sicker, but it has become a symbol of how so sick many have become.
The mandated use of masks in public places was always based on fake science. It was based on a false assumption that the normal mode of infection involved expiration of virions in droplets from recently-infected people who may not have been aware of the infection.
Researchers always knew this was a false assumption, that the concentration of virions in droplets was extremely low- even in worst case infections) and that the true mode involved exhalation of free virions in vast numbers and an accumulating dose of those virions in the airways of other people exposed by close contact with the infected.
The estimates of the threshold doses was done using animal and tissue studies with a typical threshold dose estimated early in the pandemic at about 500,000 virions in airway tissues at surface concentrations of about 40,000 per square centimetre.
“Labor Day is in the rearview mirror and the long, sickening slide into we-know-not-what (but it can’t-be-good) commences! Well, there are a few things we know, but only in the shaggy outlines because the folks who are supposed to inform us — the news media, the public health gang — like to keep the real action behind a scrim of unicorns cavorting through a rainbow-lit candyland. Of course, we are not all the idiots they want us to be.
Here’s one thing we sort of know: you-all vaxx-happy Wokesters are about to have a new BA-5 bivalent booster laid on you. The Darwin Award season has been extended at least another six months! You’ll be glad to hear it’s been tested in a trial involving eight lab mice, and quickly approved by our FDA. The bad news is that all eight mice got Covid. The worse news is that the booster was wildly inconsistent in producing antibodies among the eight identical mice, meaning the ultimate effect on their immune systems is a crap-shoot — but, hey, they’re only mice.
Thus, some more good news: humans were so far spared any testing for this new miracle treatment. Pfizer and Moderna didn’t hurt anyone in any cobb-job trials, like they did the first time around (hiding the results). The not-so-good news is: nobody, especially no one in the FDA, has any idea what effect the new booster will have on humans. The best news is that our beneficent government will only make the new vax available to people who are already vaxxed. You have to be “eligible,” in the club, so to speak. Aren’t you special! I never joined that club, so it works for me.”
(My bold)
More at*-nation/here-it-comes/
Ironic, I suggest, that Big Pharma now works by humanising mice, but dehumanising us.
Way back when the ad for one brand of APC headache powder here was
“You can take Vincent’s with confidence”
One modified version was
“She took Vincent’s with confidence and now she’s after Vincent”.
Which is about where the “Trust Us” factor of Big Pharma is at the moment
Thanks OO,
That news about the Grand Jury is fantastic. I’ve often heard mention of them, but never understood their power or the fact that they were devised by the US founding fathers to give a way for the people to address malfeasance in high places.
May this use be effective, and timely.
(I’ll have to read up about them.)
Dave B
Moving the goalposts is the mark of the charlatan.
Doing it once must be called into question.
Doing it more than once should be condemned.
I guess you are not alone when replacing Australia with other country names.
I have similar feelings towards the medical fraternity of my country.
I believe in following the science…
This means that the Darwinian concept “survival of the fittest (to survive)” is generally correct = those who allowed themselves and their kids etc to be gene-jabbed, without a serious fight, are / were not fit to survive.
In PT Barnum’s opinion, there was / is one of these dunderheads born every minute. These days, many more than one.
Whatever could it be?
Climate change?
The graphs of CO2 output and rising early deaths correlate almost exactly! The science is settled then. NO more debate.
Certainly does seem to be a mystery, but give them time and I’m sure that “Climate Change” will be blamed. SARC.
I mean isn’t it blamed for everything else, with ZERO data and evidence?
I think it’s safe to say you can remove the sarc tag. I’ll wager climate change does get the blame at some point.
Well, they now claim that Vitamin D tests contribute to “climate change”…
Do we need a new rooftop solar scheme to reduce consumption of coalecalciferol?
Whether it’s Climate Change, Russia, or MAGA Republican Destroyers of Democracy (try to stay up to date folks) …
It is historically marginalized populations of color that are the hardest hit.
And I would like to acknowledge and apologize to the indigenous peoples of this blog whose sacred pixels we now use to desecrate the narrative.
Besides, even though Settled Science is Divine, it will take decades of careful peer reviewed theological research and contemplation to discover the mysterious cause of this possibly perfectly natural rise in global tem … I mean deaths.
A mostly unvaccinated UK population was exposed to a novel coronavirus. The test would be to compare with (say) Australian data where a primarily vaccinated population was exposed to later COVID-19 variants.
Even if assumptions are valid; studiously ignoring information from around the world. A great example of the core problem of refusing to look at the unfolding reality.
Keep toeing the party line Simon. There’s a good boy. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
As Jo stated…
If only we had an inquisitive media, (I know I’m dreaming), or a questioning, ethical body of health experts, (again I’m dreaming), maybe the public would have been made aware of the rise in unexplained deaths.
As Penguinite has stated, dumb and gutless are just 2 of the words that come to mind.
I would also add morally and ethically bankrupt.
Actually the better test is Taiwan where vaccinations and covid cases are well separated and covid cases lag the vaccination program by some months. Australia had covid cases before during and after vaccination. Taiwan was essentially covid free while vaccinating.
Don’t forget that there’s a standing $1M offer for anyone who can PROVE the vaxxes are safe & effective.
Easy money if the alleged claim was valid.
No-one has taken it yet…
Why queue for no real chance of a $million when $billions are being made through merely claiming the vaxxes are safe and effective.
February 2020
Australian Bureau of Statistics Latest release
Provisional Mortality Statistics
Provisional deaths data for measuring changes in patterns of mortality
Reference period Jan – May 2022
Key statistics
In 2022, there were 75,593 deaths that occurred by 31 May and were registered by 31 July, which is 10,757 (16.6%) more than the historical average.
In May there were 16,124 deaths, 1,922 (13.5%) above the historical average.
Deaths due to COVID-19 increased in May when compared with March and April (see article).
Baseline comparisons
Throughout this report, counts of deaths are compared to an average number of deaths for previous years. In this report, data for 2021 is compared to an average number of deaths recorded over the 5 years from 2015-2019 as was the case in previous publications. Data for 2022 is compared to a baseline comprising the years 2017-2019 and 2021. 2020 is not included in the baseline for 2022 data because it included periods where numbers of deaths were significantly lower than expected. Counts of deaths for 2015-2021 are included in the baseline datacubes of the data downloads section of this report.
These average or baseline counts serve as a proxy for the expected number of deaths, so comparisons against baseline counts can provide an indication of whether mortality is higher or lower than expected in a given year. The minimum and maximum counts are also included to provide an indication of the range of previous counts. Minimums and maximums for any given week can be from any of the years included in the baseline.
While this publication can provide an indication of where counts of deaths are above or below expectations, it does not provide official estimates of excess mortality. Using the number of deaths from the previous years as the predictor for the expected number of deaths does not take into account changes in population size and age-structures of that population, as well as expected improvements in mortality rates over time. Age-standardised death rates can be accessed via the data downloads tab in this publication.
Australian Bureau of Statistics Latest release
Provisional Mortality Statistics methodology
Reference period
Jan – May 2022
URGENT: Deaths are soaring in one of the world’s most highly mRNA vaccinated areas
Alex Berenson Sep 9
Deaths in the Australian state of Victoria, where 95 percent of adults have received Covid vaccines and most are boosted with mRNA shots, soared to their highest level in at least 13 years in August – far above the five-year average.
Victoria offers almost unique data: near-real-time reporting on death trends in millions of people who are heavily vaccinated but had little exposure to Covid before being jabbed.
The picture is increasingly grim.
Victoria registered 4,896 deaths from all causes in August, 27 percent above the monthly average of the previous five Augusts.
Mortality in Australia typically peaks June through August, the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, but the figure is only the latest in a disturbing trend.
So far in 2022, Victoria has registered 32,533 deaths, 20 percent above its average for the same eight-month period from 2017 through 2021. Victoria has had more than 4000 deaths in five months since February; it crossed that threshold only in seven months in the previous 12 years.
In general, deaths in Victoria have typically fallen in a very narrow band. In each year from 2017 to 2021, the state reported between 26,350 and 27,800 deaths for the eight months from January to August.
Not anymore.
If Victoria’s death trends are any different to other states, then the reason is very simple. Extended harsh COVID lockdowns has probably lead to all sorts of undiagnosed illnesses and disorders. What we might be seeing is the delay effect. Somewhere in the “soup” of data there may also be a signal regarding vaccines. A 20% increase above the average certainly seems significant, even in the normal period of high death. Now all you have to do is find a government health official to acknowledge it, and then admit their guilt. Look, over there- a flying pig.
Be a bit wary of the Berenson claims on Victoria in August. Notice that July is so low in comparison? It could be just that the lag in reporting deaths meant that some July deaths were accidentally put into the August bucket.
No actuary would analyze deaths a mere ten days after the end of a month anyhow, because the lag to reporting deaths can be weeks, and sometimes a few corrections are made months later. He published too soon.
There is something bad going on in excess deaths in Australia but it’s not 27%. The data series is too short as well. There are almost no normal years to compare with. Oh for good data! They have it. If only they were honest about it!
Deaths are up in Australia this year compared to past two years — even though Omicron is less deadly than Delta was — but this year the case numbers are just so much larger thanks to border control mostly keeping out the earlier nastier variants. What would be significant are excess deaths in WA or SA, NT, Tas last year — when there was ZeroCovid. If there was an excess in those states then, when a certain medical program was rolled out, we would know it wasn’t due to covid at all. If anyone can find that data I’m very interested.
The death rate to Covid in Australia per million is still one sixth of overall pandemic death rates to Covid in the UK and US.
See how the waves of covid in 2021 were almost nothing compared to caseloads of omicron.? By Jan 1 2022 Australia had only had 460,000 cases in total. This year officially nearly 10 million people have caught covid (and the rest who couldn’t be bothered getting tested). Obviously, it goes without saying that the vaccines have been useless in stopping the spread. They have a short honeymoon period where they reduce severe disease like from week 2 to 16. What we really need to know now are the long term side effects when the short honeymoon wears off. And we want to know how long the side effects last for.
Going by the graph you have published it is very obvious the jabs have caused all the cases to spread.
Statistics can be deceptive – the climate change lobby cherry picks extensively and the BOM fudges the data . Excess deaths alone don’t paint the whole picture – we need to subtract actual Covid deaths from this figure and also look at the longer term for delayed issues . Then we need to breakdown cause of death and also look at injuries such as stroke , cardiac issues and cancer rates . As we all know Covid deaths became inflated by treatment options being denied and some treatment options being harmful . Vaccinations for children in my opinion is criminal , the risk of harm from the vaccine far outweighs the risk for the virus .
Indeed Old Goat. So true. We want data ideally that is week by week, high resolution, and with ages split into decades. The UK data is the best I have seen. I still prefer the study by Fenton and Neil in Dec 2021.
In Australia I would love that data on a state by state basis. We also need to allow for demographic changes as the population ages, and it’s worth noting that there was a lack of death in the winter of 2020 in Australia when influenza essentially disappeared due to Covid restrictions. The older folk who didn’t die in the winter of 2020 got some extra time, but we would expect some catch-up bounce in deaths in 2021 as that high risk group succumbed to other things.
Jo, this is a link to a Tasmanian funeral director
it has come out many times how the data is fudged and cannot be used or believed by any critical thinker
anyone trying to make something from data controlled by a narrative will always have misleading results
What is really needed is all cause mortality morbidity studies, like demographics, jabbed to unjabbed, especially for the top ten VAERS reported injuries and deaths. This information is available, just not reported. That plus proper autopsies on the VAERS deaths, and the shots will be condemned or vindicated.
The powers that be here seemed to think that there would be no way to figure out if the virus or the vaccines caused increased mortality. They forget that different populations around the world had different exposures to both at different times. It will be hard to argue that the vaccines were safe and effective if there is excess mortality in a population that had low Covid infection rates prior to mass vaccination. Long term complications and mortality from Covid remain to be studied.
Taiwan is one such example. It remained covid free until May this year. There were excess deaths a few months after vaccinations were ramping up, reaching 15% last November then dropping to 4% in early 22. Since covid arrive, excess deaths have hit 55%.
More details at this link:
Clearly the way we are measuring things has suddenly become wrong and substantial adjustments will be required.
I suggest we call in experts from the BOM to consult on this matter and get these numbers back on track.
Yes, definitely a homogenisation of data is required. We should pool all Australian data with the rest of the Southern Hemisphere. I’m sure that’s what the BOM would do.
YES, Heard Island and Pitcairn Island would fit the usual BOM method.
The data requires TOI adjustment … Time of Indoctrination Bias.
The “science” has spoken.
Fauci: ‘We Don’t Have Time’ to Run Clinical Trials for Updated Boosters’
That’s right, no time to do any trials even as the “trials” of the originals are incomplete, contaminated, manipulated and adverse data hidden. Why waste time just get on with the gaslighting!
There is a rather large elephant in the room, isn’t there?
Elephant, what elephant?.. Hey look over there, a squirrel!
Squirrels used in testing covid free then?
Bonita Johnson at the CDC picked up the phone today
She got an earful from me. They are now on record as being offered the Israeli safety data. They cannot now claim that they never got my email or voicemails. Now what will they do?
Steve Kirsch
Executive summary
As of Sep 9, 2022, the CDC can no longer claim, “Nobody knew.”
I made contact with someone who works directly with Tom Shimabukuro who is one of the top scientists on vaccine safety at the CDC.
Now what will they do?
I can’t seem to ever get in touch with Tom Shimabukuro directly. I leave him emails and voicemails and he just never responds for some reason. I just can’t figure it out.
But I’ve emailed Tom in the past (in this case on the VAERS under-reporting factor which is a huge safety topic which Tom and John Su consistently and deliberately ignore when they report to the outside committees) and received this auto-responder:
So, since I haven’t heard from anyone at the CDC on the safety data from Israel that I offered to nearly 300 people at the CDC, I reached and called Bonita and let her know I have the safety data. Here is the recording of that phone call posted in full public view.
Of course, they will never call me back, but now there is a public record that they were notified of the problem on September 9, 2022.
Bonita, Tom, and John
I have no issues with Bonita at all. I applaud her for her courage in taking the call. It was the right thing to do. She may end up being the hero in all of this.
However, Tom Shimabukuro and John Su… well, that’s another story entirely. These guys are smart and they know what is going on and they play the cover up game. They consistently cover up the VAERS URF. They never mention it at all at the meeting. They won’t make an estimate of what it is. And they can’t spot a safety signal to save their life.
Tom was also the lead author of this paper on COVID vaccines and pregnancy. This is a very famous paper. The big problem with this paper is that Tom never told us how it ended. Did all those pregnancies go well? If not, why aren’t you telling anyone?
Naturally, The New York Times, 60 Minutes, and the rest of the mainstream media do not want to know how it went. They don’t want to know if the vaccines they told people to get were safe for pregnant women.
And if I ever got Tom on the phone, he’s smart enough to know I’d ask him. And then it would be all over. That’s why Tom never picks up the phone when I call, and that’s why he never answers my emails. It’s called lack of accountability.
If they think they can just duck and pretend this call never happened, that will not work
Why doctors aren’t speaking out
Written by a doctor. Everyone should read this. We are headed for a perfect storm with escalating health needs and a shortage of doctors because of how we treat them.
Steve Kirsch
Dear Steve,
You ask why doctors are silent. The electronic medical records (EMRs) are a ball and chain to physicians. We are tracked through them. When I wrote a prescription for Ivermectin for a patient, with informed consent (she was vaccinated), I received 5 letters threatening my medical license, my hospital privileges, and my insurance contracts. I would not have received 5 letters if I killed someone in negligence or malpractice. If I have my license pulled, I will no longer be able to help my patients.
I speak to patients on a one-on-one basis, but speaking out would destroy my family. I have children. Quite frankly, I have seen that patients want me to risk myself for them, but are wholly unwilling to support their physician. The population is lazy.
I am attaching the latest California bill to throttle physicians. I hear no outcry. I told patients over a year ago that the vax would not prevent them from getting COVID. It was never studied to do so. I actually read the studies. This of course was disinformation, but has now been proven to be true.
Who will be the truth czar for healthcare? How am I to keep up? I am left to assume that the population wants the government to guide their healthcare. That is, in fact, the plan. The healthcare system will be socialized within the next 5 years I predict. And the population will be shocked. No one is paying attention.
I am attaching the latest California bill to throttle physicians.
California Approves Bill to Punish Doctors Who Spread False Information
Weighing into the fierce national debate over Covid-19 prevention and treatments, the state would be the first to try a legal remedy for vaccine disinformation.
Trying to strike a balance between free speech and public health, California’s Legislature on Monday approved a bill that would allow regulators to punish doctors for spreading false information about Covid-19 vaccinations and treatments.
The legislation, if signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, would make the state the first to try to legislate a remedy to a problem that the American Medical Association, among other medical groups and experts, says has worsened the impact of the pandemic, resulting in thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths.
The law would designate spreading false or misleading medical information to patients as “unprofessional conduct,” subject to punishment by the agency that licenses doctors, the Medical Board of California. That could include suspending or revoking a doctor’s license to practice medicine in the state.
While the legislation has raised concerns over freedom of speech, the bill’s sponsors said the extensive harm caused by false information required holding incompetent or ill-intentioned doctors accountable.
“In order for a patient to give informed consent, they have to be well informed,” said State Senator Richard Pan, a Democrat from Sacramento and a co-author of the bill. A pediatrician himself and a prominent proponent of stronger vaccination requirements, he said the law was intended to address “the most egregious cases” of deliberately misleading patients.
How similar is that legislation to Qld’s go at changing the focus of healthcare as per your prior thread I wonder?
Can you please send all of this to she might believe it if somone else sends it to her.
She is a California doctor that has a podcast and once likes science except for anything to do with Covid.
Thanks for all of the great information.
Meanwhile for the Next Health Emergency America is in the Very Best of Hands
‘We’ll Steal Your Soul’ – Biden’s Monkeypox Spox Has a Penchant for Pentagrams, Occultism, and S@tanism.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On August 2nd, President Biden appointed Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, as the White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator. Also the CDC’s Division Director for HIV Prevention, he previously served in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration in the New York City Health Department
Daskalakis’s social media presence is disturbing, to say the least.
Read the Article and Weep as to what Medicine & the CDC has become in America
I would be interested in seeing the breakdown of “cause of death” as that would be a “smoking gun” if people are dying of vaccine side effects . The medical industry is aware but very , very afraid . I am surprised the legal industry is slow to waking up to the tsunami of claims that would come from this even with the waivers that big pharma made their victims sign . Food for thought : What is the punishment for mass murder ?
Maybe even the ambulance chasing lawyers think Big Pharma can’t be sued due to emergency use authorisation given by government.
I would like to see them go after a few selected politicians, senior public serpents and members of the media for wilfully spreading false information resulting in death such as the vaccines were safe or HCQ and IVM were dangerous.
It might be legally questionable if a politician or public serpent could be sued when they were “just following orders” but there is legal precedent for this. Members of the media would be much easier because it is their job to tell the truth and it was easy to find out and they still lied
Phew Scientist is not exactly the most reliable of sources.
The problem for those running the show is that not everyone is a member of the loony left club that believes every absurd word they print or utter. The reality is “we do know why” and we now want answers and accountability.
Taiwan remained Covid free throughout their vaccination period that reached 68% by the end of 2021. Excess deaths hit 15% in Nov21 then dropped to 4% in April 22 before the first Covid wave hit in May 22. Excess deaths hit 55% in June 22 as the Covid cases ramped up.
There were likely deaths caused through vaccinations in Taiwan in late 2021 and early 2022. The vaccinations have not been 100% effective in preventing deaths from Covid.
In all other countries, you would need to analyse excess death among vaccinated and unvaccinated and those who had Covid or never had Covid in order to isolate the relative impact of long Covid and vaccination on excess death.
From a public health perspective, Taiwan remains the poster child of how to manage – now with 43/100k deaths. Australia not much worse at 56/100k. The Swedish response was much less effective with 193/100k and USA was shambolic at 318/100k.
Taiwan is experiencing much higher excess death following covid outbreak than they did following covid vaccination.
Nice try. It’s the excess deaths in the 30s and 40s that is of interest. Unlikely to be due directly to the virus, particularly omicron. Have a read of antibody dependent enhancement, too.
Well said. I agree. Though it is also true Petros says.
And yes, Taiwan are the masters of virus management. Pays to be on an island with border control. The USA was the worst, which was easily predictable. Their habits based on individuality was always going to see them ignore any health advice and continue on their everyday activities.
Not that I was a huge fan of lockdowns but I was certainly a fan of strict border control and staying away from people in the early stages. If Americans faced the black plague or some equivalent truly lethal pestilence, they would still refuse to alter their habits of pool parties and hair metal reunion concerts.
“Excess deaths hit 55% in June 22 as the Covid cases ramped up.”
Show your work and what percentage of 55% excess deaths was due to Covid. And then explain why they are not following the Utar Pradesh India plan of Ivermectin Vitamin D zinc and contact treatment that broke the Covid RO and banished the disease. And show proof that long Covid symptoms are not also long vaccine symptoms.
So glad that I am no longer in my 30s and 40s and never got jabbed with the ‘drug thingy’. I may well make it 70 years after all.
Imagine how bad the problem really is if even far Left “New Scientist” admits there is a problem.
As OldOzzie mentioned above, we’re facing a perfect storm health crisis.
Medical professionals (and admins too for that matter) are all multi-vaxxed to keep their jobs. Those with integrity (unvaxxed) have left their jobs, increasing the stress and workload on those left as we’ve seen.
So the sick and dying medicos are powering a corrupt, collapsing, overburdened “health system” now. What happens when the vaxxed start clogging the system en-masse when the time-delay vaxx injuries really kick in?
How about the EU? They’re in a controlled economic meltdown and effectively in a wartime economy state. How can you run a hospital that way? Surgery by candlelight?
Remember the laughable 2 weeks to flatten the curve to take the stress off hospitals?
They’re looking at total system collapse now. Good work idiots (government)!
When the treasonous pollies get sick and seek help, there’s not going to be any.
Map, please!
There is a quote (or mis-quote) by one Pauline Kael referring to George McGovern’s loss to Richard Nixon in the USA’s 1972 presidential election. “How could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him.”
The current question reminds me of this woman. She was looking under the wrong rock.
I’d like to see a map of deaths along with other variables. Are the deaths evenly distributed spatially, related to economics, population density, education level, or any of a dozen other things.
If it is Covid related – do those not vaccinated but have had a natural infection died more or less than those having a certain type of vaccine?
Have the dead had 1, 2, or 3 shots?
I’ll stay contrarian until a connection to something is demonstrated.
Seems to me John, that most people here agree with you, but are asking why it is that your questions haven’t already been asked, and in fact answered by our revered “experts”.
And worse, we think we know the answers, which are not attractive.
Dave B
You are right on all points.
It is frustrating.
I posted the following in The Australian this morning, only to have it rejected. Has our media been bought by big pharma?
In written advice to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, Sutton says that without mandatory isolation and other remaining measures “there would be a substantial and sustained increase in cases, hospitalisations and deaths in Victoria from current and future waves”.
This is an interesting comment from Sutton, considering that the excess deaths in Victoria this year are highly concerning. A recent report states the following-
“Deaths in the Australian state of Victoria, where 95 percent of adults have received Covid vaccines and most are boosted with mRNA shots, soared to their highest level in at least 13 years in August – far above the five-year average.”
“Victoria registered 4,896 deaths from all causes in August, 27 percent above the monthly average of the previous five Augusts.”
These are not deaths from Covid but other causes. The reason for the excess numbers are “not known”.
Yes. “Unknown” cause of death, What a joke. And I refer you to a previous Post that Jo put up here on this Blog about a similar situation in Canada. In Alberta I do believe.
You need to be more subtle PP. I posted a successful comment regarding Victorian excess deaths , but did it in a more sneaky way. Also, whatever you do, don’t mention Mass Psychosis Formation- that’s an instant fail.
Ahhh Sooo. I must use ancient Chinese double speak. Oh wait…… isn’t that how it all started in the first place?
The Australian doesn’t normally censor comments, except when it comes to Covid. Any comment questioning the government line is censored, no matter how innocuous.
Let everyone who trusts their government and health agencies go ahead and get jabbed for as many times as they think necessary.
I don’t, haven’t, won’t and never will. Health, energy, economies, food, have all been compromised for political reasons.
Go ahead. Darwin Awards are available for all who want them.
Govts have been so very accurate in predicting global pandemics, economies, energy generation/usage/costs/supplies/backup/infrastructure/impacts, food supplies, weather, climate, sea levels, ice packs, etc. / Sarc
I’m rather done with the experts, pollies, and prognosticators. The lot of them have a batting average of Zero for Decades.
My guess is that Govts, experts, NGOs, etc have done/will do/always do/ rather well in spite of all pains and perils to the proles.
One may ignore Reality, but one may Not ignore the Consequences of ignoring Reality. Reality Laughs Last.
It’s because of Man Made Global Warming! Must be. What else could it be?
(Well, some Russian plot, maybe.)
1264 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 859 Dead, After COVID Injection
It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.
The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)
A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training.
The above shows that in prior years, there were 66 deaths per year, but there have been 87 reported in January 2022, so far.
A lengthy article on SADS for those interested:
I’m still waiting for a single “expert” to provide PROOF the sheepleshot isn’t the cause.
We need independent autopsies performed by those skilled enough to know the clinically obvious…
See my comment at 20 above. There appears to be a definite policy of concealing a rise in unexplained deaths over the last two years. Clearly, we non experts cannot say with any authority that these deaths are caused by the mRNA Covid injections, but one day the truth will be out. I am glad that I refused my fourth injection, at least.
Exhaustive study of German mortality data finds excess deaths tightly correlated with mass vaccination
Excess mortality in Germany 2020–2022 is a preprint by Christof Kuhbandner (a psychologist at Regensburg) and Matthias Reitzner (a statistician at Osnabrück) that applies sophisticated actuarial analysis to the publicly available all-cause mortality data provided by the German government. It turns out that when you account for historical mortality trends, the virus no longer looks so dangerous, and the vaccines no longer look so great.
From the abstract:
In 2020, the observed number of deaths was close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation. By contrast, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was two empirical standard deviations above the expected number. The high excess mortality in 2021 was almost entirely due to an increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79 and started to accumulate only from April 2021 onwards. A similar mortality pattern was observed for stillbirths with an increase of about 11 percent in the second quarter of the year 2021.
Something must have happened in April 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality in the age groups below 80 years, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the COVID-19 pandemic so far.
What happened in April 2021 was the beginning of mass vaccination across Germany.
How much blood on doctors hands will it take before they say “NO!”?
I posted on that study already — linked under “Germany” in the post above.
@ 2:10 Has not been proven in a clinical trial? says Fauci.
Safe and effective, How?
Australian insurance watch causes of death
Will be interesting to watch the obvious trend grow and grow…
Strange statistic – 25 to 44 y.olds, 11.6% of deaths due to accidental poisoning?
Accidental poisoning with covid vaccine?
David Maddison
September 10, 2022 at 4:58 pm
“Accidental poisoning with covid vaccine?”
Well, sure.
Climate Change caused a nurse to feel giddy, stumble out of a clinic and accidentally impale a passer-by with a WuFlu ‘Vaccine’, and they die.
Climate weirding [see how I could keep up], uh [Ooops: – Climate Devilment ….] is Omnipotent, obviously.
Do I really and truly need a /Sarc tag ……
I subscribed to New Scientist (and Scientific American) for many years but eventually ended my subscription to both when they became unbearably dumbed-down plus Leftist oriented rather than being impartial.
If they’re worried it must be seriously serious then
The once great New Scientist and Sci-Am were bought and ‘reformed’ by the Hearst Corp as part of the post-911 program of control of the public narrative by the deep state. The visible effect was those magazines’ content became dumbed-down Leftist, but the underlying cause was tight content control by the usual suspects, with Leftist narative being their default tool. They don’t actually believe it themselves, it’s just the belief system they desire to impose. Since it cripples public ability to respond rationally and that suits them fine. I too ended my subscriptions, very sad.
What we’re seeing from them now on COVID related topics is not ‘them worrying’, it is their awareness that the public are beginning to grasp that something evil is afoot. And so media must publish limited hangout articles like this, for fear of being outed as part of the coordinated pro-vax propaganda campaign being run by the Globalists; an element of the global Great Reset population cull. The MSM are scrambling to preserve their fading power over the public mind.
The sole true information we can glean from such articles, is that the Elites are afraid. Very afraid. They know we (the public) are beginning to see them for what they are. And there is an increasing risk the public may act directlly.
Stats are wonderful things. I did a few levels of it in two years of university, but it was noise amongst the wider program.
I caught up with a guy I went to school with after 20 years and he turned out to have been at Oxford where he got a PhD in stats. I used to eat him up in maths at school. I was amazed at his predicament and said how much I liked stats at uni. He said well I’d take you on to do a PhD if you want. I gave some doubt as to my abilities and he assured me I’d do fine. I thought it was all too late at that stage to embark on such a quest, I was 34. Quite foolish, I would have finished it a long time ago by now. And there’s a lot of work to do.
Hey, Jo looks like the US has latched on to some forgotten Laws that protect citizens against Government malfeasance similar to your post of Sept. 7th
We can but hope!
Hope is not an option. 🙁
What I just read is, that vitamine D3, beside K2, needs Mg (Magnesium) and is better taken together with some fat or oil because of a better solubility.
Mg is a sort of transportation medium for vitamine D3.
35 Senior Trump Allies RAIDED By The FBI
Should the header be:
People in their 30s and 40s more likely to die in the prime of their lives, and no one
knows whygives a rat’s bum.20
I read a study not long ago on the presence of Vax spike proteins in heart tissue samples, but I cannot locate it. German study IIRC.
I did find this I had also read while searching for the other. Take it as you will relating to this post.
A doctor who specializes in the cellular examination of cancer and pathology, has tragically found, coinciding with the start of first release RNA vaccination and continuing to the present; that her patients now commonly have: 1) cancer in multiple organs, 2) have multiple tumours in the same organ, 3) have much larger tumours, 4) have cancer at a much younger age, and 5) have more aggressive cancers.
The theory to explain her findings is the first release RNA vaccines cause DNA damage in the body causing cancerous cells and interferes with the immune system that normally kills cancerous cells.
“Dr. Kruger initially thought that these turbo cancers, as she calls them, were due to delayed doctor appointments from Covid lockdowns, but that period is long over, and the tumors are still growing aggressively, and in younger patients. She reported some of these cases to the FDA, and while some higher-ups initially agreed to meet with her, they canceled the meeting with no explanation the next day and sent a phone agent to take her report instead.”
“Six months ago Dr. Kruger appeared at a panel in Germany to present her theory that vaccination is causing aggressive tumors, and she asked for help from the doctors at that summit in collecting data. Unfortunately, few of them have been willing to collect that data and share it with her.”
“Dr. Kruger stated that she sees vaccination as a trigger for fast-growing tumors and autoimmune diseases. She’s seeing a lot of inflammation alongside tumors, and of course, it’s not only breast cancer. Many other pathologists have reported to Dr. Kruger that they’re seeing an elevation in cancers, cancers in multiple organs, and rare cancers.”
She ended off by saying “I studied medicine because I wanted to help people. But now it feels like I’m watching people being killed and there’s nothing I can do”.
The vaccinated tend to be the ones that catch Covid, but nobody knows why.
As the graph Jo posted above cases were going nowhere when majority unjabbed. In South Oz when a clusters would develop back in 2021, would barely spread past 30 people, and this included a positive case/cluster celebrating a 40th birthday dinner bash at a winery where the closest associates didn’t catch it. Fast forward to late 2021 when NSW and Vic were now rolling out the jab to tens of thousands every day and the case loads start to sky rocket. Children in school seemed to be completely immune to catching it in 2020 and 2021, teachers too, with barely any cases. Fast forward to February 2022 and caseloads in schools were off the charts, coincidently timing seems to be related to kids being given permission to get jabbed.