Quick, save the world now! Create nice weather and peace on Earth with coercive bargaining, threats and deprivation.
The PETA-FemoNazi recipe to stop floods and hot weekends is to demand men give up meat or live without sex. There’s no more persuasion for civilization — according to PETA it’s their way or the highway, and most men must be too stupid to realize the PETA powers of climate prophesy are unquestionable. After all, there’s no chance that animal activists could be fooled by emotional soppy propaganda pushed by Global bankers, billionaires and UN industrial cartels, right? PETA can tell those moist adiabatic lapse rates from the missing tropospheric hot spots. If only men could too!
PETA strays so far out their lane they end up in orbit. They alternately blame bad weather on meat-eating, then on men, on toxic masculinity and then they blame the babies too. It’s breathtaking in grandiose, overbearing, imperious intolerance. Apparently omnivorous men don’t deserve to have babies. A ban on procreation for meat-eating-men would be… purposeful. They actually say that. Your value to the world is measured in tons of carbon. A bit like a farm animal really? Except PETA select for small and obedient.
Bottom line: It’s noble to treat your significant other as a cheap political toy, but remember, be nice to animals. That’s ethics the PETA way.
Ban meat-eating men from sex, animal rights group urges
David Crossland, The Australian
Men who eat meat should be banned from having sex, the animal rights group PETA has demanded, claiming that devouring sausages and schnitzel is a symptom of “toxic masculinity” which is killing the planet.
PETA’s German operation cited research from the scientific journal PLOS One, which showed that men caused 41 per cent more greenhouse gas emissions than women largely because they consumed more meat.
PETA demanded a “sex ban for all meat-eating men” and called on women to “go on sex strike to save the world”.
It’s just class war and PETA are the elitist snobs:
“We all know them, the suburban fathers with beer bottles and barbecue tongs, sizzling 70c sausages on their €700 grill. The zucchini added by the visitor is eyed with suspicion and only reluctantly tolerated,” Daniel Cox, campaigns team leader for PETA Germany, said.
PETA have found the Toxic Masculinity climate-forcing-factor that even the IPCC has missed. Proof, I tell you!
“Now there is scientific proof that toxic masculinity also harms the climate. Therefore, a hefty meat tax of 41 per cent for men would be appropriate. A ban on sex or procreation for all meat-eating men would also be purposeful in this context.”
Blame the babies:
It said every child not born saved the equivalent of 58.6 tonnes of CO2 a year. “For all the still meat-grilling dads who still want children with a liveable future on a liveable planet, we recommend changing your lifestyle by joining our free Veganstart program,” PETA said.
If PETA has any effect on fertility, it won’t be the suburban men who don’t pass on their genes — it’ll be the intolerant man-hating vegans. Who would want to pair up with someone with such poor relationship skills?
PETA are supposedly the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, but if Zoos treated fauna with so little respect PETA would protest. Does evolution mean nothing? Do men have a right to think, to speak, and to pursue happiness?
It’s free speech for sheep but not for men, unless they’re a meat-eating Global Banker, then PETA is here to help them get rich.
If women boycott providing sex, perhaps men should boycott providing food and shelter.
Within a week, a new crop of urban campers would appear using sheets as tents and attempting to steal from those who also don’t have food. I don’t think that any of them would survive on the bugs they could catch.
A feminist is a woman living in a society made safe, comfortable and prosperous by the blood, sweat and inspiration of men….. while whining about “male privilege “.
So PETA women have decided not to have sex with me. Phew, that was a narrow escape!
PETA is shorter to say than Lysistrata and I say to PETA, ‘Don’t be so daft’!
We plan to eat some good beef tomorrow and have just enjoyed some delicious haddock and chips tonight; the latter tasting of beef dripping. It’s proper Friday evening food.
This woman is actually more of a carnivore than her husband. I love meat, fish and poultry and have no wish to emulate the scrawny pale beings who self-righteously demand that I deprive myself of a proper varied diet.
Yoh !
I should have said ‘even more’ of a carnivore. We both love and enjoy life as omnivores. We are both grateful for the wonderful food produced by our hard-working farmers and those who bring the food to us, the truckies and shops and all the staff there who continued working hard during the ridiculous lockdowns. Thank you.
As a meat eating man nowadays deprived of sex PETA have little hold over me so they can go get whatever. The pathetic males they do attract will hardly improve the gene pool.
Apparently there are not enough vegan men for all the vegan women.
Or they can’t find real men that want vegan women…
… oh wait.. how do they know if they are women ??
Careful, munn! WHO / what is the ‘they’ you refer to? Och I spoke to a bloke form Caithness today, ( bit of sarc. in case not realised, and I was amused by his comment) working down here: told me his other half ( 0.5 to others ) was into watching Yer Tube videos etc about all that Woke stuff. . … Ach he says, I’m too busy and living to remote from these City fowk to be bothered with them – Canna change them anyways …. so Life as Normal Call a P oof what it is etc .
As Jules from Pulp Fiction says, ” my girlfriend’s a vegetarian which pretty much makes me a vegetarian.”
Not many men are true vegans. Besides, what makes them think men actually want to have sex with them?
As in what does brocolli and pub ic hair have in common…
I’m not gonna lie, I actually don’t mind broccoli.
What makes them think vegan men can have sex?
ever seen a vegan sausage? Oh bu*ger!
Being possibly the most sanctimonious virtue signaling equality spouting group out there, with this activist idea they have effectively treated everyone like a piece of meat.
I viewed a debate between the PETA leader and an Australian Federal Cabinet Minister a long time ago about Sheep with the UK born PETA leader critical of mulesing (cutting skin around the rear end to stop wool growing and catching droppings that encourage flies).
She didn’t have a clue that becoming fly blown resulted in far more pain and general discomfort leading to death if not dealt with.
Oh wait, misread something —- Meat and 2 or even 3, Veg is the modern way !
This reminds me of the internet images of the incredibly fat, purple-haired, tattooed, slovenly screaming protester with the sign telling me that her body is not for me.
She is safe, as are they. The old rule (to paraphrase for civility) has always been “never boink crazy.” It is a good rule.
I can’t imagine any self-respecting real man would fancy such?
I think that now is the time to invest in “the worlds oldest profession”.
That way we can all have our cake-(sex) and eat it-(meat) too.
Maybe I should ask my super fund to invest in this proposal?
These people are off their rockers.
Could we call it carbon offsetting ?
…. off-putting !
Usually a strike is the withholding of services that the striker considers their most valuable contribution.
Perhaps there is a higher level of self awareness on display than we realize.
I agree, they may well have nothing else to offer which puts them in a predicament as most men aint buying what they’re selling.
In the interests of equality lady carnivores should note sausage is now off the menu.
… these probably prefer the synthetic kind !
PHD Proper Human Diet
The meat based cartoon is brilliant Jo.
Now, to read the text.
There is also a Leftist objective to de-masulinise, feminise, demonise and neuter men.
This is the wurst climate policy so far!
Alles ist Wuscht ! I think they say.
The Left promote the phyto-estrogen containing substance soy as a substitute for real meat.
Paul Joseph Watson discusses “soy boys”.
I’m a member of the other group, People Eating Tasty Animals, as is my delightful wife.
I have a feeling this article will spawn a lot of hilarious comments.
Here’s a video debunking the myth that raising livestock is harmful for the environment.
It is not perfect because the author still believes in the anthropogenic global warming fraud but it is still worthwhile to watch.
They’re deliberately lying but I’ve never been 100% why. I think it’s just a case of ‘whatever it takes’ to win the ‘Currently fashionable’ argument.
And of course we all know that meat is absolutely CARBON NEUTRAL.
Chemistry does not allow them to “create” carbon, so, in the end, they give out no more carbon than the take in.
INdeed, and why o why is this fact never made more public ? What REALLY, I mean Really really annoys me is when ( in UK ) the NFU and other Farming media ( forget the beeb) don’t bang this drum, preferring to go the other way.
Haha, a tongue in cheek appeal from PETA sends everyone into a tizzy of pearl-clutching. Still, the science is on their side given that livestock farming does indeed contribute to GHG emissions, is a leading cause of deforestation and is overwhelmingly bad for the animals. PETA is encouraging us to greatly reduce meat consumption which – of course – would be good for all of us in the West. Especially the animals.
Its ok Graeme,
I will eat twice as much just for you.
More CO2 means more vegetation and crops. Sounds good to me.
Poor Graeme, stopped eating meat but his wife didn’t keep her part of the bargain.
Go easy, its a known fact that women give up sex at the drop of a hat.
Yeah, yeah….. Animals eating grass is really sending the planet to hell. Exactly how long has this been happening?
Good thing we got rid of the bison herds and decimated the elephants. ….
Must have been tough before our ancestors ate all the megafauna.
Oh…. and to what “science” are you referring?
The “science” which conveniently forgot that methane is a short-lived gas that does not accumulate in the atmosphere?
Vegan brain-shrinkage is manifesting…
It’s OK Graeme, the post above you at #15 explains that animal farming is Carbon Dioxide neutral. Animals cannot create any more.CO2 than they take in.
Hmmm… looks like you blokes don’t know what you are talking about!
If deforestation is such an issue for meat production, why is it OK for so called green energy, bio fuel; oils and wood chip, industrial complexes; solar, windmills and hydro. On a VAST scale?
Deforestation for meat production would hardly even happen if people like PETA weren’t making a hostile environment for meat production in the UK, USA, Europe, NZ etc. and driving it out to places like Brazil.
Look in your mirror.
I’ve been farming livestock for forty years, and there are now more trees on my property than when I started. The biodiversity is so high that it is included in a study by biologists from the Fenner School, ANU, into what makes farms wildlife friendly. It’s not livestock that reduces forests and biodiversity, but the industrial monocultures that are required to produce grains and vegetable crops on a large scale.
Vegan propagandists love to claim that clearing takes place to grow soy for livestock. The truth is that the most valuable part of soy is the oil, which is used for synthetics and for human consumption. Don’t kid yoyrself that farmers are stupid enough to lose money by treating it as stockfeed. What we feed to animals is the BYPRODUCT, protein meal left over after the oil has been extracted..
Modern agriculture and fossil fuels are the reason that there are now more trees in the northern hemisphere than there were is 1900. [wee edit]AD
Educate yourself…
1. Crops for biofuels consume more usable land that “meat farming” does.
2. Cattle farming is best done on marginal lands, that gives the best meat.
3. Cattle emit no more “carbon” than the take in.. they are part of the natural carbon cycle.
4. These cattle would not even be born if it weren’t for meat production. They get to live, in luxury, pampered.
5. The best treated animals give the best meat, so it would be stupid for the farmer to mistreat his cattle. Farmers are not stupid.
5. Meat is a necessary and standard part of the human diet.
6. The so-called science is NOT on their side.
The Left are promoting insect eating for non-Elites as an “environmentally friendly” option to “save the planet”.
In fact insects are served in 1000 Aussie schools (see reference below) because the Australian Government and many of the Sheeple are fanatical followers of UN decrees.
Note that the feed conversion ratio of feed into protein is about the same for crickets (being served in Aussie schools) (fcr of 1.6) as for chickens (for 1.5).
So even if there were a problem to solve, which of course there isn’t, chicken would be a suitable alternative to ruminant livestock.
But the Left want non-Elites to eat poverty food, insects. There is nothing desirable about eating things that crawl on or in the earth whatsoever. People in the Third World eat them because they lack advanced, capitalistic agricultural systems and that produce delicious meat, not because they want to and certainly not to “save the planet”.
Incidentally, schools are absolutely paranoid about kids bringing traditional allergens to schools such as peanuts. Well, insects contain tropomyosin and arginine kinase which trigger allergies from crustacean and dust mites as well (see ref.).
Ref: https://spectator.com.au/2022/09/1000-australian-schools-are-fed-insects/
Ref: https://allergenbureau.net/emerging-food-allergy-edible-insects/
“canteens in 1,000 Australian schools have started selling cricket chips produced by the company Circle Harvest. Students are being encouraged to eat these chips, which are laced with cricket protein, and are told by teachers that they are healthy. ”
I wonder what the labeling says on the packet?? ‘Contains insects (Crickets) May give you tapeworms.’ Somehow I doubt it, or even if the Govt has decided on how to label insects in food. How about it becomes the GM of the 2020s, ‘equivalent, so does not need to be labelled’.
Going to be interesting to see what happens.
The more they drive up the cost of inputs like fertiliser, the higher the cost of grain will get. That will drive more farmers to finish livestock on grass, but what will the insect farmers feed their critters on? Good luck tuening a bunch of crickets out into a grass paddock and then trying to get them back.
Bought a new BBQ plate yesterday.. Will christen it this evening with some rump steak and spicy calabrese pork sausages.
My lawn needs mowing if anyone is hungry ?
PETA are even opposed to insect farming.
I am obviously against entomophagy as well but not for the same reason as PETA!
Obviously, they have not stopped to consider what happens to vegan food when we stop poisoning the insects tgat try to eat it.
A classic from AwakenWithJP.
Highly recommended if you haven’t seen it before. (3 mins)
“If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans”
Does that mean a business opportunity for pin-up photos of good steaks etc?
People Eating Tasty Animals.
Historical reminder …
there are no cave paintings of salads.
Excellent observation, Honk.
No depictions of fruit, berries or vegetables.
Even the depiction of trees was extremely rare.
And there is a depiction of a hallucinogenic plant from just 400 years ago by native Americans (modern times essentially).
Obviously MEAT was the preferred food, even after the end of the paleolithic period.
On an all-meat diet, you don’t need to eat fruits or vegies, even to get vitamin C. That is a fallacy.
E.g. see https://www.doctorkiltz.com/vitamin-c-on-carnivore-diet/
Some very interesting research been done into the health of those living on an ancestral all-meat diet, too.
Cancer, diabetes and heart-conditions almost non-existent.
The word vegan is ancient tribal language I understand, meaning incompetent hunter.
Flavor Sensing in Utero and Emerging Discriminative Behaviors in the Human Fetus
Don’t miss the pictures of the fetal faces
Why didn’t they test the reaction to meat?
Whether the 41% is due to meat eating would have to be proven because men are larger than women with a higher proportion of energy consuming muscles and a much higher metabolic rate, as if no one has ever noticed. So PETA think it’s due to planet killing toxic masculinity? Of course. Science never touches extremists.
And what’s next, if larger people generate more CO2, as you would expect, then we have to introduce planet saving size taxation and discrimination. Let’s follow the Goodies and call it “Apartheight”.
In this new non racial penalty system, based on size discrimination the Black people would be at the top, the white people next and the Asians at the bottom. The consequences of the denial of the Christian concept that all people are created equal, under the law, is endless.
I find it amazing that in the name of anti Racism, we are getting racism. In the name of Anti Fascism, we are seeing Fascism. And in the name of Freedom of speech, we are seeing the banning of free speech. And in the name of sexual equality, we are hearing that men should be punished, simply for being men. And all women must be believed like the convicted rapists in womens’ prison who claim they are women. Which is prima facie absurd.
What is the opposite of toxic masculinity… non-toxic lesbianism?
Because I am just not willing to make that kind of change.
Looking at a lot of these Women, I would not wish to have sex with them anyway. At my age, a ‘five knuckle shuffle’ keeps me in good spirits along with plenty of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and booze.
I support this….. as a way to stop stupid-genes from being passed on.
We have enough stupid people now, without breeding more.
Stupid is unavoidable, part of the richness of the gene pool. Luckily for them, affirmative action gives them jobs as Green politicians.
There is one born every minute. The trouble is they live……………………..
There must be an evolutionary niche for stupid people otherwise they wouldn’t exist.
However, today that niche might be an artificial construct because in modern Western welfare states it’s unnecessary to work. The smart people work, produce and pay taxes and the stupid ones live off them.
“The stupid people work, produce and pay taxes and the smart ones live off them.”
You had a typo…
Actually that makes the stupid people clever.
Or more likely the sign of a caring society.
Nope…. just the majority.
It’s the same story with respect to blaming farm animals for creating CO2, rather than just recycling it as part of the carbon cycle. What these people, and so many like them, do not understand is that all life forms on this planet are part of the carbon cycle and ALL the CO2 released by man and beast comes from CO2 in the atmosphere in the first place – we are just recycling it .
The scientific ignorance is profound, and worse, extremely dangerous.
OK, I’ll do it seeing as nobody else has:
If God didn’t want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?
Time for men to go on strike. Wealthy women with comfortable lives wouldn’t last a month.
Of course, it will come as no surprise that the preferred “pure” diet of the National Socialists was vegetarian. Even their leader was a vegetarian at various times and toward the end. So were many senior officials as well as heroes of the regime such as Wagner. (All to varying degrees.)
Of course, the National Socialists were the first to advocate “green” policies in everything as well, as documented in Rupert Darwall “Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex”.
Advice to young men … if a woman is giving out crazy vibes and refuses to have sex until you validate her whacky ideas … do not ignore the warning signs! It’s never worth it!!
“if a woman is giving out crazy vibes and refuses to have sex until you validate her whacky ideas”
‘I got a little change in my pocket going jing-a-ling-a-ling,
Wants to call you on the telephone baby, give you a ring…’
Ever since the de-emphasis of meat and animal fats and the promotion of more carbs starting in the early 1980’s people have got sicker and fatter.
Go keto!
Plants are trying to kill you, go carnivore…
Of course they are. Animals can run away. Plants can only grow thorns or go toxic.
We live in strange times indeed. Don’t forget that twelve months ago our Aussie chief health officer couldn’t even describe what a woman was, but his much later description wasn’t clear either.
But now we have the silly PETA lefties telling us that men are terrible and women should not surrender to their desires.
At least we now have proof that even silly lefties actually understand that men and women are different, although we can still strongly disagree about the food we select and enjoy.
That’s the problem of being largely ignored by the everyday Joe Blow and the media – they have to become so outrageous in their claims they finally get some air time. Poor dears!
How about eating fish. Can I still have sex and my fish and chips? And have my cake and eat it too………………….
I can see this lasting 5 minutes, the ladies have needs too.
First thing that came to my mind was no sex = no kids.
So half those likely girls = less PETA members down the line.
Bred themselves into extinction. Eventually only members would be boys/men, yes?
No one said their ideas have to be rational or sane – it is just a media grab
Hiden Biden Democraps and Intellectually suspect, linguistically incontinent, and verbally incoherent VP Heels Up Harris supporting PETA
No more steak. Ordering out less. Here’s how inflation is squeezing American diets.
John Harriger loves a good steak, but these days it’s an expense he can no longer afford.
The 66-year-old Virginian has been living off Social Security since a work-related back injury in 1994. That’s $1,800 a month total for Harriger and his wife.
With grocery prices up 13.5% over the past 12 months and gas prices above $3.39 a gallon, Harriger has had to make cuts. He’s down to two meals a day instead of three – typically a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and trout for dinner if a friend had a good day fishing.
Inflation is hurting food budgets
With inflation rates hovering near 40-year highs, Americans are feeling squeezed.
August’s inflation levels were up 8.3% from a year ago. Meanwhile, the inflation-adjusted median U.S. household income was essentially unchanged from 2020 to 2021.
Consumers are paying 11% more for overall food items than they did a year ago, according to the monthly Consumer Price Index report, released Sept. 13.
But the prices of many staples rose much higher than that, particularly for items that used to be cheaper options for families looking to save.
A sample of price increases from August 2021 to August 2022:
Dairy and related products: 16.2%
Cereals and bakery: 16.4%%.
Eggs: 39.8%.
Flour: 23.3%.
Butter and margarine: 29.3%.
And it will probably get worse before it gets better, the report said. Americans can expect to continue paying more for almost all food items, according to the USDA’s Food Prices Outlook for 2022, whether you cook meals at home, dine out or buy food elsewhere.
Veganism significantly reduces your IQ, which explains why the woke climate alarmists are always talking nonsense, but it’s also likely that they want to convert the rest of society into brainless zombies like themselves by mandating the diet.
Time to throw another 400g rib eye onto the 5 burner grill to ensure the survival of the race
PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
After sleeping only with vegan men for a while, they will cheat and sleep with meat eating men. It’s all in the virtue signalling, isn’t it?
The Left also want population reduction.
The production of fewer babies suits the agenda.
Especially as this nonsense is primarily going to affect heterosexual white males, an endangered species deeply hated by the Left.
Some thoughts…
What is that word for women that consider sex to be a job?
A bit of a self-solving problem isn’t it? Rabid vego’s denying sex to beta-soys? No one else is going there. We should expect less of these throwbacks in subsequent generations. Our gene pool will begin to repair and life will go on without them – as it should.
Any beta-soy bringing a Zucchini to a bbq is not a visitor. They’re a trespasser. Be gone…
No doubt they’ll also be bringing a banana to the gunfight they’ll be having to see their fantasy-world enforced on others.
And while we’re at it, why not a ‘wasting our time’ tax: 99%, and a ‘smug vego’ tax: 99.9% (the same as the claimed consensus of Climate Change™ non-scientists)
Tolerance is wonderful to a point, and that point is where their uninvited hubris intrudes into your life.
Civil society used to greet such unwelcome assaults with a trip out back and a piece of 4 x 2.
We would do well to keep a few pieces handy, by the bbq.
You would think the PETA gals would be the ones hoarding the zucchinis in the event of a sex strike.
You know, in case they get hungry. What did you think I meant?
On the positive side, it appears PETA are implying that there are only two genders.
It might well be argued that men engage in 41% more physically demanding work and therefore are entitled to their diet in sustenance of their efforts and production.
Just a thought.
AH was a vegetarian.
Yes most modern nat soc followers are environmentalists. They believe climate change and the sixth mass extinction are at the door.
Maybe we could take these people more seriously if they also called for a ban on the 4 or 5 billion pet dogs that exist on our planet. Pet dogs are mainly carnivores, rather than the omnivores we humans are, so there’s a lot of meat harvesting brought on by our obsession with pet dogs.
And cats. And what a wonderful obsession it is. Humans, dogs and cats are one, like the bee and the flower. Particularly western people, especially British.
The world is so polluted by junk science now that useful idiots just point to another article of a once reputable journal and claim the climate moral high ground is theirs. Even the truly stupid, gluing themselves to roads after taking a pied piper jaunt around major cities with woke ‘journalists’ in toe, are given credibility and an over inflated serious consideration.
History will judge the Peta, Extinction Rebellion lunatics as they should be. It will judge those who have allowed their toxicity to permeate education and politics much harsher.
That day can’t come soon enough!
If my food eats their food, what they are trying to do is to eliminate the completion. Them globalists have no shame.
On the side note, I don’t eat greens because they don’t shave.
Ahhh..the PETA hypocrisy. Just like AGW/Trans/illegal immigration et al.
Don’t forget too that PETA want to ban private pet ownership as it’s cruel (in some way or other) but of course those high up at PETA are allowed to keep pets because those people are better than the masses. Sounds familiar…
Nay, let us not forget that PETA killed 1,700 cats & dogs in 2021 alone, a 76% euthanasia rate for its “shelters”.
Reminds me of “Planned Parenthood” in the USA which is anything but!
Yep. Like other commenters, I do believe this demands a nice bbq with gourmet meats and the obligatory “bbq smoke to make the neighbours salivate” as my usual middle finger salute to meat haters everywhere.
I always thought that they were into banning Private Jet Ownership and NOT Private Pet Ownership. Oh well, I got that one wrong………………………..
Goes back a few years but I have it somewhere. They’ve reworded it now to be more palatable (as below).
“In a perfect world, all animals would be free from human interference and free to live their lives the way nature intended. They would be part of the ecological web of life, as they were before humans domesticated them. But the world that we live in is far from perfect, and domestic cats and dogs are not capable of surviving on their own, so it is our responsibility to take the best possible care of these animals. Please be assured that PETA does not oppose kind people who share their lives and homes with animal companions whom they love, treat well, and care for properly.”
The 1st & 2nd sentences summarise their real desire. The rest is PR.
The true food nature of mankind is encapsulated in the one of the five tastes, Umami.
PETA donations are mainly from the self appointed elite, notably movie stars.
What happens when you cross a braindead mask wearer with a dog owner?
**Content warning**
They walk among us…
You get a lot of these funny fake videos. Everyone’s trying to get fame from a viral video.
You can tell it’s fake as the camera operator zooms in to show the mask being put on. As if they knew it was going to happen, which was supposed to be the surprise.
All this over carbon dioxide. CO2 is in equilibrium with the oceans. No one denies that, including the IPCC. And 98% of CO2 is dissolved in the oceans. So 98% of human made CO2 is going to end up in the ocean. That is universally agreed. Then long term there is no man made increase, so no problem.
The question is how fast. The IPCC state this takes 80 years(the half life). In fact we have know since 1958 that it takes only 5 years. (the half life). The IPCC use 80 years as their standard even claim it takes ‘thousands of years’, even though it is 30x more soluble than oxygen on which all life in the oceans depends. And most of the oxygen is in the air.
But the ‘Science is in’. Because they say so. And the planet is going to fry. Even though no warming has occurred for the last 10 years.
Why would women deny themselves their greatest pleasure in a normal healthy life.
Look generally at all life. Do dogs,sheep,cattle, horses, bees, birds or humans not know that sex is pleasureable and females initiate mating. Bitches, cows, horses don’t have sex crimes.
The advertisements for sex medication focus on satisfing HER.
A man’s aim is to make HER feel great. If that’s not what PETA women experience they have a more serious problem than meat. The whole attitude that men are sex crazy is nonsense. Studies have found that women’s belief of what men prioitize is totally wrong. They are projecting their thoughts into men. Men don’t wear lipstick and rouge or dress to show cleavage.
I love meat and as a faithful husband to a gourgeous wife for over 60 years laugh with my wife telling her what women have said to me when I was alone with them.
There is no way healthy women would ban their sexual pleasure!
Looks like it’s time for PETA’s distemper boostie and a packet of chews to stop them eating themselves up over people enjoying life.
People Eating Tasty Animals!
Whatever happened to Andy Warhol’s claim about everybody’s “fifteen minutes of fame”?
The degenerates are bending the game. And that is just the churnalists.
Were some innocent to start an organization titled something like; “Real People for Liberty and Justice”, they would be pillowed in an instant.
RPLJ… not sure that has much zing to it. Like the idea though.
Sex Appeal
Please give generously.
Seems they have been defunded.
These types of idiotic minds have always been around. Difference today is they’re listened to and taken seriously.
What do vegans do about oral sex?
This has just been posted at WUWT..
I’m sure their will be some nice meaty/juicy comments over there.
Come back, Aristophanes. Time for a rewrite.
Lizzie and her unfortunate husband Mr Strata, you mean?
But despite the obvious points of ridicule, this PETA line does have a point. People disrespect meat, where it comes from, what is involved in it. We have been desensitized to it.
About once a month I take a load of cows to the abattoir in a truck, I physically deliver them. It reminds me these animals have their lives taken for us. I make a point of always giving thanks to them, offering respect as I open the gate. I console myself knowing these cows had the best life possible (one that I envy anyway), and they shall not grow old, and that nature is a cruel beast that creates extraordinary beauty that cannot be explained.
In my mind, society should have statues to cows (and all meat animals) and the abattoir worker in every town center (alongside the diesel engine) and you should have to pay respect to them as you pass (or be put in stocks and humiliated).
Abattoir workers should be payed very well, pay no tax and be respected like doctors are. They should also be offered free counseling, with generous holidays. It is a job so horrid that most of us would be vegetarian if we had to kill our own meat. They do such a vital job to save us all the horror. I do chew a bone of contention with the ignorant fat thankless consumer.
Very well said. And needed to be said.
Graziers often kill and eat from their farm stock.
It is now conditional on inspectors confirming, I suppose jokingly, that the beast would not be dead if you hadn’t killed it.
The farmers around where I boarded all ate from their own herd and I found the meat to be tasty, tender and much better than I have ever bought.
The last farm I lived on did take the beast to Mansfield to be slaughtered and returned professionally butchered for a fee.
Grazing is a great life.
More recently I have hosted a farmer and his family who had brought the meat that they were rightly proud to have produced and butchered.
As I load my sheep onto the truck, I congratulate them on winning a free mystery tour via the saleyards.
Sheep are not into metaphysics or contemplation of abstract matters like future death.
Their concerns are food, water, shelter, sex, and the absence of predators and painful diseases.
I spend my time ensuring that they have food and water, and that diseases and predators are kept under control.
Reality is that sheep on my farm live (on average) longer and more comfortable lives than their wild relatives.
If you don’t trust my ethics, trust my self-interest, because there is no profit in sick and suffering animals.
I make no more apology for eating them than any other predator does. Nor is the process of turning them into mutton any more disgusting or traumatic than dealing with human anatomy is for medical staff.
Excellent set of comments.
A belated comment, but No….. PETA do NOT have a point.
We do not “respect” animals – or those who work with them – by making up precious stories about them, their lives, or what it takes to provide us with food.
They are not humans in fur coats. Life does not have “meaning” to them, the way that it does to us. There is zero evidence that nature offers that kind of respect or consideration. Animals kill, injure and hurt each other all the damned time. They die, all-the-damned-time in ways that we see us prosecuted if we applied them to our livestock.
Genuine respect means accepting animals for what they are. In this case, they are prey species whose lives have been made artificially secure and comfortable up to the point that we decide to eat them. Anything else is us telling ourselves fairy-stories. We can do that, but demanding that others pretend that our fairy-stories are real, is just another example of superstitious compulsion.
How many even suburban homes have chooks?
The owners often deny them a rooster and then take the chook’s eggs.
When she stops laying they chop the hen’s head off and often eat her body.
Should we build statues to chooks?
X,Y,Z generations will be stupid enough to do this and then wonder why their men go elsewhere. However one good outcome would be less children born to these idiots.
As Einstein said “there is no cure for stupidity”. Brilliant observation.
X Gen? Excuse me. You’re kidding right? The X Gen are the parents of the Z gen that are being taken away.
Even the Y gen are too old for this.
X,Y,Z…? Arrgh, my head hurts! Now what, they were so smart with their X generation and then promptly ran out of letters in another two.
I really wonder who makes this stuff up.
Real women like meat too. This won’t fly too far.
Too right!
JP Morgan CEO telling the woke to naff off
[…] by Jo Nova […]
Is such a vegan woman a ‘petaine’? And do they get their vitamin B12 injections on time?
From the PETA article:
“It said every child not born saved the equivalent of 58.6 tonnes of CO2 a year.”
I was immediately reminded of the BCC short series – UTOPIA (S2-Ep6):
Interesting – carbon based life form cycles 58.6 tonnes of CO2 through the ecosystem every year.
UTOPIA was a profound BBC conspiracy thriller.
This short clip was taken from (S1-Ep5):
Of course, we can all now see the unsettling Covid Parallels.
Wikipedia – Utopia (British TV series)
According to the BBC series, the agent to curtail over-population was designed to be delivered via a flu vaccine.
Kinda self selects for anti-vaxxers, and those too poor (broadest sense of the word) to afford a vaccine, to become the future of humanity…
That said, given the use of different vaccines, i.e. China, Russia, etc all had one or move vaccines other than Pfizer for Covid. Any real attempt to do a global approach to population control via vaccination is really only targeting the Anglo-West within the modern world as everyone else went their own route.
China is facing something of a population crisis because the lack of children has resulted in the next generation being too small to support the current on as it enters retirement.
I pondered at one stage that a disease which predominantly kills off the old and the sick might be very useful to a sufficiently ruthless leader….
But they seem to be trying just a little too hard to suppress the Wu-Flu for that to be the case. (Emphasis on “seem”)
I want some stats.
How many women joined the sex strike?
How long did they last before they gave in?
How many men became vegan for sex due to this strike?
Asking for a friend…
According to this meta analysis, those on vegetarian diets are more prone to depression.