The Witches and Warlocks of The Australian Academy of Science are worried. Even though the evidence is overwhelming and settled, climate denialism is spreading. This is particularly perplexing because climate believers have unlimited access and free advertising in the media, and millions of dollars in government support. Despite all that, Australians must be too stupid and badly educated to recognise the True Weather Prophets that live at the Martian Embassy in Canberra and so they have given up trying to persuade the idiot voters. The new genius plan is to get the tech Tyrants like Twitter and TikTok to shut down Australians who ask impertinent questions or talk about the solar wind, the 1809 Windsor Flood or the 1852 Fires and other blasphemies!
Thou Shalt Not Question the Sacred Guild of Science Heads!
I thought they might want a new logo to reflect their true heritage:
Thanks to Tony Thomas for putting on the Hazmat suit and wading through the brew of petty namecalling and mangled English of what once was a society of great scientists.
Shut Them Up, Argues the Academy of Science
Tony Thomas, Quadrant Magazine
In a move unprecedented in the democratic world, the Australian Academy of Science is lobbying the tech giants Meta (Facebook), Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and TikTok to censor and harass any Australians who circulate what the Academy insultingly labels “climate denialism misinformation”.[1]
Get ready to be inoculated…
It wants the Big Tech giants to “inoculate” Australians against critics of alarmism by “actively promoting reliable, peer-reviewed and appropriately labelled material from trusted sources,” presumably the Academy and its followers. “These positive measures should be in addition to measures to reduce the spread of disinformation.”
The Orwellian agenda is in the Academy’s public submission to the tech giants’ 2022 review of the Australian Code of Practice on Misinformation and Disinformation.
The Code currently excludes professional news content that is published under a publicly available editorial code, except where a platform determines that specific instances fall within the scope of disinformation. However, some Australian news outlets are havens for climate science misinformation (Lowe, 2018) – so this exclusion undermines the ability of the Code to guard against such denialism.
This exclusion allows climate science denialism and other misinformation to flourish….
Which exclusion? That would be “Professional News Content”. The AAS wants to stop the free press from assailing its members with questions that make them look like pork chops. Won’t every industry want that? Coming soon, don’t question the PM?
And how do we determine what is professional news and what is climate denialism? Easy, the magic industrial filter of peer review. To get someone banned, all we need is for a left wing extremist academic to published a paper exposing some dark “haven” (their word, not mine). Then voila, the journalists in the haven can be declared an enemy of the clouds, or a threat to the pigeon-toed frog, and must be thrown in the dungeon. See how this works? We might as well throw people in a pond and see if they float? It’s quicker.
Once-upon a time the AAS had esteemed scientists. If there are any left they had better speak up while they still can. The Great Garth Paltridge has:
“I just cannot understand how any science academy that is supposed to operate through rational debate can behave like this – that is, to use pure political brute force to prevent one side of the argument from putting its case.”
SkyNews is clearly the main target now, but Tony Thomas presumes they have plenty of targets:
It’s curious that Rita Panahi is the only ornery Australian individual actually named in the Academies’ submission and citations. The major damage to the Academies’ catastrophism is being done by Andrew Bolt on Sky, Chris Kenny in The Australian, the Spectator (Australia), Joanne Nova’s world-ranked sceptic blog, the Institute of Public Affairs’ bulletins and speakers, Tim Blair’s blog for the Daily Telegraph (sadly, paywalled), Senators Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson, the Nationals’ ex-Minister Matt Canavan and ex-PM Tony Abbott, famed for calling climate science “absolute crap” and likening climate scientists – presciently – as “thought police”.
All this sceptic output is re-cited and re-published on social media. Clearly the Academies would be delighted to see the media giants slapping “Misinformation!” and “Code Violation!” labels on it, cancelling accounts, as LinkedIn has being doing to US sceptics, and down-ranking the material to oblivion on search engines.
I defy the Academy of Witches and Warlocks of Science to define “climate denialism” in meaningful english — because it won’t turn out to be people who deny we have a climate will it? We all know that “climate deniers” are really the people that deny that a foreign UN committee, or a computer model has a hotline to God.
The head of The Science Academy is Anna-Maria Arabia, who spent five years advising Labor politicians, and has been calling for legislation to silence climate skeptics since 2011, so it’s not like she is a political animal with a bias dropped in to milk a brandname built over the last seven decades.
Dear 589 Fellows of the AAS: If it means anything to have a Fellowship, if you care about science at all, it’s time to find a backbone. Ms Arabia is using your work to push her own agenda.
h/t Old Ozzie, Johnny Rotten
If it can’t be questioned then it’s not science.
Science means knowledge, not ideology.
A reminder for the fellows of the AAS about the Scientific Method (quoted from PragerU).
I’d love to see the Australian Academy of Science and Ms. Anna-Maria Arabia define the falsification criteria for man made climate change in testable statements of measurable physical phenomena.
And then stick to it.
Along the lines of, if man made climate change is true, then CO2 concentration in the atmosphere can’t rise by 60+ ppm over a thirty year period without satellite measured lower atmospheric temperature also rising by 0.2+ degrees Celsius.
If a 30 year period occurs with substantial rising CO2 without an appreciable temp rise, then the hypothesis of man made climate change is false.
As one example,
There are many ways to falsify the hypothesis, just none accepted by the ‘climate authorities.’
To falsify a theory or hypothesis, it needs to be clearly articulated.
The main problem I have with the climate change “theory” (by whatever name) is the assertion that the temperature of the atmosphere is highly sensitive to small changes in the concentration of atmospheric gases like carbon dioxide, but without a consistent explanation in terms of statistical mechanics.
Proponents often first tell me that the mechanism relates to a rule called “equipartition of energy”. When I have argued that would make carbon dioxide a net emitter at the nominated absorption/emission bands rather than a net absorber, the explanation changes.
It’s then argued that the mechanism is a reduction of the mean free path length of IR photons in those bands between successive interactions with carbon dioxide molecules. But this argument implies a critical band of concentration of the “greenhouse” gas, approximately the same concentration for all such gases, below which there is little no effect and above which there is maximum effect.
At that point my questions generally get the “climate denier” cold shoulder.
like, e.g. “there will be a hotspot”
no hotspot found.
therefore hypothesis debunked.
The only problem with that falsification test is that the numbers and durations selected are purely subjective and have been changed on numerous occasions. Remember when it was global warming that caused droughts, now it’s climate change that can cause floods, rain, ice, fire, drought, famine, refugees, fuel wars, etc.
I’d propose that a test for failure of the model is easier to find by analysing data from the moon, if the sun is shown to be producing an irregular output AND this is not included in the models, then models are clearly wrong as they have excluded variability in the dominant driver/energy provider in the system.
It”s a charlatan who keeps moving the goalposts.
Hence the need ‘to stick to it.’
Changing falsification test criteria to avoid fit with the data is a fail.
If their hypothesis’ could hold up to scrutiny, then they would not need to silence contrary voices.
Congrats Jo – Joanne Nova’s world-ranked sceptic blog,
It’s curious that Rita Panahi is the only ornery Australian individual actually named in the Academies’ submission and citations. The major damage to the Academies’ catastrophism is being done by Andrew Bolt on Sky, Chris Kenny in The Australian, the Spectator (Australia), Joanne Nova’s world-ranked sceptic blog, the Institute of Public Affairs’ bulletins and speakers, Tim Blair’s blog for the Daily Telegraph (sadly, paywalled), Senators Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson, the Nationals’ ex-Minister Matt Canavan and ex-PM Tony Abbott, famed for calling climate science “absolute crap” and likening climate scientists – presciently – as “thought police”.
Joanne consider these examples of egregious “climate science misinformation ” courtesy of the disgraced Australian Academy of Science bulletin ” 5 : How are extreme events changing ” Someone should alert Rita Panahi Andrew Bolt Chris Kenny Tim Blair and others to this Lysenkoist nonsense
“For other extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones , there are not yet sufficient good quality observational data to make conclusive statements about past long term trends”
I will submit that statement is not so much ‘misinformation’ as a shameful blatant lie . Of course there is “good quality observational data ” The Bureau of Meteorology’s Australian cyclone time series has catalogued cyclones for the past 50 years and the trendline is conclusive and unequivocal : a decrease in severe and non severe cyclones regardless of the caveats [ Its the same trendline whether one starts the time series at 1970 or 1979/80 ] The AAoS it would seem , dishonestly denied the existence of the BoM Australian cyclone series because it conflicted with the Academy’s climate catastrophism ideology ..Then there is former NOAA director Ryan Maue’s global cyclone chronology that has shown cyclone frequency worldwide is presently the lowest since 1987 and 1980/81.
Another item of deceitful misinformation in that article : ” Since records began ,the frequency duration and intensity of heatwaves have increased over large parts of Australia with trends accelerating since 1970 ” ..
The duration and intensity of the October – January 1895 -96 and 1939 heatwaves have not been matched let alone surpassed since 1970. Despite BoM data tampering the 1923/24 consecutive day Pilbara heatwave is still a record ..And it must be said 1970 is an arbitrary truncation ruse as the 1970’s were a decade of cooler temperatures ….
Anna Maria Arabia you and your Australian Academy of “Sciences ” are an absolute disgrace and I for one hope the Australian public realize it . I can see why she is clamouring for legislation to silence climate skeptics since 2011 ..If there was a national Trofim Lysenko award for disservice to science I have a fair idea who would be in the running for it
[Stuart, Can we do something about the punctuation? – Jo]
1. The BoM have changed the category definition for tropical cyclones. Cat 1 were originally 90kmph -120km – now Cat 1 starts at 63kmph. So more cyclones are now predicted.
2. Originally a heatwave was defined as 5 days of +5C above average. Now it’s 3 days but doesn’t real give a figure of how much higher than average – includes min temp as well.
3. Once every site’s temp was based on its total average temp. Now it’s based on a 1961-1990 average to calculate average means (not sure whether ACORN only sites are used to calculate average means).
4. I’m not sure how the BoM calculate the average means but if you are interested, check Aust August’s max and mean anomalies. The maps show that min means are far lower than max means. But BoM have calculated that the min temps are higher than the max. I also noticed that they brought out the max temps well before the min temps.
Time series
Isn’t that like the changing in definition of what a vaccine is?
“One definition tom rule them all”?
I can break the posts up if you prefer Jo and will pay more attention to punctuation ….It is not “word salad ” …Just food for thought ….You can be guaranteed .they hate this sort of exposure and embarrassment . They deserve it ….
..Did you actually send those emails I was informed could not be traced to you Jo or was it some other “moderator ” ?
A new addition to the Scientific Method:
6. Once the theory is accepted by other experts, contrary views may not be published.
A wider application of this?
Still in the shadow ban phase
Ironically under an article titled ” Shut Them Up Argues the Australian Academy of Science ”
You can always watch James LindsayS New Discourses Podcast “The Dawn of Medical Lysenkoism ” if you wish to assist in the moderation…..I imagine Australias loathed chief health officers and Anna Maria Arabia would struggle with it
Do you notice any breaches of the Medical Board of Australia’s ethical guidelines ? .I still remain impressed by a piece on your blog titled ” We Need to Save Our Health System From Climate Change Doctors “….
As true as it ever was .Still on guard against that vulnerability ?
Jo I am not accusing you of conducting “shadow banning “. or censorship of any kind .
I live in that medical Stalinist police state that is Daniel Andrews Victoria ..When I proceeded to criticize Brett Sutton and the Victorian Department of Health weeks ago my internet was disconnected for days ..If you want to understand what a sleazy cesspit of corruption the Victorian Department of Health is just research the “Slug-gate saga , The Quadrant article ” Eichmann in Ballarat ” and the Daily Mail report ” Inside Daniel Andrews new Big Brother style data agency he tried to keep secret….”
Thank you for the assiduous explanation “volunteer moderator”
Here is another gem from the Quadrant archives Jo :
” Trofim Lysenko Looks Down and Smiles ”
Its interesting your comments magically “appeared ‘ just as I typed in another post …I encounter that a lot online these days
” Yes you could technically game our requests ”
It was not my intention to post ” 1000 words sequential comments ” ….Only the limitations you outlined : 400 – 500 words ….So aside from that misrepresentation how is that adaptation a ‘breach of the spirit of the conversation ” ? Furthermore I was not aware of any guidelines stipulating a comments section on a blog is a “conversation ” or analogous to a book club
Its the embarrassing content isn’t it ?. Not the punctuation, grammar or syntax .My questioning is now ‘moderated ” which is the giveaway
Have the criteria you enumerate been applied to the proposition that burning of fossil fuels by humans does not affect the climate?
and there you go reversing the onus of proof.
as a matter of logic, the onus of proof lies on those making a claim.
that is, it is up to alarmists to prove that “burning of fossil fuels by humans” “affect[s] the climate [alarmingly]”.
“as a matter of logic, the onus of proof lies on those making a claim.”
But surely climate sceptics are making the claim that burning fossil fuels has no effect on the climate? So why is there no onus of proof required?
I argue that there is no proof that it does have effect.
And you and others keep proving me correct.. Thanks
One does not have to prove a fantasy (CO2 forced climate change), which has basically no scientific basis to support it, is anything but a fantasy !
Do you have any proof at all that Goldilocks didn’t exist ?
Does that mean you “believe” Goldilocks existed, because you have no evidence that she didn’t exist ??
Oh, and there is plenty of measured evidence that CO2 DOES NOT have any measurable affect on the climate.
Plenty of evidence that it DOES NOT trap heat or energy.
Plenty of evidence that it is highly beneficial to all the planet life forms because it provide for plant growth, hence feeds the whole world.
The science isn’t settled, neither side has the critical evidence to bring the climate wars to a close.
From where I’m standing it appears increasing TSI may account for global warming, as opposed to the burning of fossil fuel.
How very pleasant and very unusual it is to have a sensible comment that considers both sides.
I have asked many time, and done a lot of searching through scientific literature.
The climate alarmists have NO CASE.. PERIOD.
the null hypothesis is no effect/change.
the alternative hypothesis is co2 “affect[s] the climate [alarmingly]”.
if someone proposes a hypothesis, it is up to them to prove it: “Burden of proof (also known as onus probandi in Latin) is the obligation on somebody presenting a new idea (a claim) to provide evidence to support its truth (a warrant)” link
Hypothesis testing provides a method to reject a null hypothesis within a certain confidence level.
If you can reject the null hypothesis, it provides support for the alternative hypothesis.
Null hypothesis testing is the basis of the principle of falsification in science.
The Null hypothesis for CO2 warming has never been rejected or debunked.
There is still no scientific evidence that CO2 has caused the atmospheric warming since the LIA.
Your understanding of actual science and the scientific method, really is very poor. !
Ian, you can argue your version of the science until you are blue in the face, but until your side come up with serious ways to reduce emissions without deindustrializing the western world and empowering communist China you are never going to win hearts and minds. Net zero is a pathetic joke whilst they allowed China to build as many more coal fired power stations as they please until 2030. You are simply not serious about your assumed problem.
“Ian, you can argue your version of the science ”
It isn’t my version as I’m not a climate scientist and unlike many here, I don’t profess to know what the true story is. China gets exemption till 2w30 based on the average wage in China
““Ian, you can argue your version of the science ””
No, he has proven time and time again, that he is incapable of rational scientific argument to support his version of science.
“But surely climate sceptics are making the claim that burning of fossil fuels has no effect on the climate ” ?
Notice how generalised and unequivocal Ians absurd straw man question is. There is considerable variation of opinion as to anthropogenic influence among climate skeptics and he knows it
Wrong Ian.
Climate realists do not maintain that burning FF have no effect, but that it is not a primary driver of climate change. that is: ‘it has little effect’.
Many papers have been written showing that burning FFs have little effect on climate. No-one has yet found actual evidence that burning FFs have a measurable effect on climate. Thus until hard evidence is found then burning FFs stand judged as having little effect.
Do you have ANY scientific proof whatsoever that burning fossil fuels affects the global climate?
Without fossil fuels, modern civilisation wouldn’t exist.
You/we rely on them almost completely for our very existence.
Do you have any proof at all that Goldilocks didn’t exist ?
and what about santa claus and the easter bunny.
nobody has given me any evidence they don’t exist!
and to put it in historical context:
“At EIKE distinguished German physicist and climate expert Prof. Dr. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke writes how we are witnessing a notable paradigm shift in climate research today: the resurrection of medieval scholasticism. In plain language: the science of the Dark Ages.
Scholasticism dominated medieval western Europe and was based on the writings of the Church Fathers, with strict adherence to traditional doctrines. To say the least, it was effective in stifling enlightenment.
The breakthrough from this crusty, dogmatic approach, Lüdecke writes, came with Galileo, who gave highest priority to systematic and numerical measurement, which today remains the standard method of science. With Galileo’s approach hypotheses or theories that are not confirmed by measurements get discarded and are no longer pursued. The method led to giant leaps and bounds in technology, medicine and science, from which today humanity is benefitting immensely.
Richard Richard Feynman summarized Galileo’s approach beautifully, saying that if a hypothesis disagrees with observations, then it’s wrong.
This fundamental approach, the Lüdecke writes, is no longer in use in climate science and, what is worse, the old medieval scholastic method is even now dangerously invading other fields of science.”
The historical context for Galileo’s clash with traditional doctrines was that the Pope and Jesuits supported Galileo’s enlightened approach against religious dogmatism and encouraged him to publish- but cautioned him to be circumspect in discussing heliocentrism.
Galileo’s publication ridiculed the Pope and the Jesuits who had been his supporters.
The Pope was already facing serious political divisions from the War of Mantuan Succession and decided that it was not expedient to protect Galileo from inquisitors.
My definition of the term “climate denialism” is “scientists who deny the existence of the climate”? But this means the Australian Academy of Science is trying to censor scientists on a misunderstanding that they are denying the climate, not that they are saying that there is no evidence that carbon dioxide causes the climate to change, or providing evidence from Venus that molar mass not radiative forcing of carbon dioxide causes the warming on Venus.
With man-made carbon dioxide in the Earth’s Atmosphere being less than four percent of the carbon dioxide content. That’s 16 parts per million or 0.0016 percent of the Atmosphere. So if 0.0016 percent is supposed to cause the climate to change on the Earth, then what do you think the Australian Academy of Science think the 96.5 percent carbon dioxide atmosphere of Venus has on temperatures. Venus should be the ideal way to prove whether or not the man made carbon dioxide dogma was true or not. But instead Venus has helped to prove the Unified Theory of Climate is correct, as have other planets. Even before the Unified Theory of Climate it was known that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface is 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus. For me its not denying the climate, its finding out what causes the temperatures of the climates of the Earth & Venus. The simplest way of proving that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
This is not denial on my part, but ignorance on the part of the Australian Academy of Science, and the Royal Society.
“Nullius in verba” “never to give their opinion as a body upon any subject” not even the ignorant & idiotic opinion that the body should censor those who they claim “deny the climate” but do not deny the climate, just think the evidence points to it not being caused by man.
Pray tell
“sage scientists”witch doctors, how many virgins must we sacrifice to the volcano for the crops to grow?370
Don’t give them any ideas….
Where will you find one anyway.
There are volcanoes all over the Pacific Rim. If you meant virgins, not so simple.
There is a description of the supposed pristine areas of our mulga lands as “being about as pristine as a recycled virginity”.
Might alleviate that supply problem?
Well, they are already sacrificing people by the method of Energy Starvation.
Even the Loony Left Guardian admits this.
Freezing people to death to save them from ‘climate change™’.
Much like a surgeon blowing a patient’s head off with a shotgun to save them from a non-existent tumour.
The insanity is real.
The misinformation promoted by the NewsCorp media empire, controlled by Murdoch and Saudi oil barons, is astonishing. Far worse is legislation against teaching facts like that proposed in by deSantis in Florida.
What facts is DeSantis proposing to ban the teaching of?
Don’t encourage the idiot.
With respect, I disagree fundamentally. Engage with these fools/bots. It usually only takes a few exchanges using facts – as distinct from Unicorn floss – to demonstrate the blithering idiocy of their various semantic or philosophical positions, if one can use such grandiose terms in their cases. In addition humour can be added – sarcasm, irony, whatever, all to the good. Laughter and/or ridicule are arguably the most effective weapons one can wage against pompous fools.
Yet when you follow that information, you invariably find it is closer to the REAL facts and truth than anything from the far leftist Guardian, SMH etc etc
The masses of misinformation and deliberate lies used to support the fake climate agenda would give a heap as high as Mt Everest.
De Santis is doing exactly what should be done.. REMOVE ALL THE CLIMATE MISINFORMATION AND PROPAGANDA from the school education system…
… you know.. actually teach REAL science.
Not to worry Simon, the “facts” you seek will always be available to you.
True. Google Scholar is useful:
Congrats. That is a particularly lazy troll. Have the talking points from head office not arrived this morning?
You have to acknowledge someone that’s clearly given up but still shows up anyway to go through the motions (a bit like a zombie wandering the countryside in search of a brain).
Maybe grab a double-shot at smoko and have another go. Kick it around the tea room. Consult the comrades. Do better.
Strong evidence is required for strong accusations. I would hope that your verification doesn’t involve another media empire, else your argument would break down to he said she said and you would just be perceived as the fly on the wall.
Note I said wall, flies love being on walls.
Simon its about the interwebs, forget the Murdocracy, this is the crux of the matter.
“actively promoting reliable, peer-reviewed and appropriately labelled material from trusted sources,”
The dogma will be posted and labelled as scientifically sound for students to read, but its doomed to fail, creating an even larger schism.
Simon, you were very early with your hand grenade this morning. Or are you just in another time zone?
A hand grenade what went off like a soggy cabbage leaf. !
Once again Ross , like Woody Harrelson’s unfortunate character in Terence Mallicks ‘The Thin Red Line ” Simon lobbed the clip and held the grenade in the comments section
Remember that IRA hand grenade joke and what happened at the count of five?
It always amuses me how Simon lobs in an easily disproved claim but rarely comes back to respond to any refutations!
Simon and his conspiracies.
Far more “astonishing” is your increasingly frail grip on reality. Notwithstanding quantum mechanics and the importance of the observer, there remains in ordinary exchanges the concept of objective truth. Look it up some time, you will find it both novel and instructive.
why would anybody use the Murdoch Media when we have established science behind us.
Remember that the Left are destroying Enlightenment values such as 1) the pursuit of knowledge based on reason and evidence, 2) individual liberty, 3) freedom of thought, 4) freedom of expression, 5) a laws-based society, 5) separation of religion and state, 6) ongoing scientific and other progress, 7) toleration of alternative ideas.
Witch doctors and human sacrifice are fully within the realm of the pre-Enlightenment society the Left are trying to revert us to.
Also, a lot of the Left are doing it for Gaia, their earth goddess, also a feminist icon, BTW.
Well done Tony Thomas, Sky News and many others for speaking without “Fear or Favour”.
Who needs these Social Media Censors anyway. They are not very Social and it is not Media. Just gossip really and that’s all.
Like Dr. Fauci, they cannot be criticised because they “are science”.
Yes. We must protect the dogma at all costs.
“I’d rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned”
– Richard P. Feynman, Physicist
Richard Feynman refused to join NAS, our American equivalent of the AAS, because he explained what was the point of joining a society the purpose of which was to simply find others august enough to join. By gawd these societies now have a second purpose — destroying science.
It seems the Academy of Science has become the Academy of Silence.
This is the key point “They need to clarify and define what ‘climate denialism’ is. Maybe Tim Flannery “We will never see good rainfall in Sydney again, the dams will never fill, etc. Fast forward to 2022 – 2,159.8mm of rain in Sydney so far.
My biggest dam is overflowing for the first time in about 8 years.
Dave B
The Australian Academy of “Science”.
Another institution marched through by the communist Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions” (der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen).
This ought to be lesson for conservatives and fellow rational thinkers that NO institution is safe from the Left. It’s the plan of Rudi Dutschke’s (see my comment above).
Surely the old saying “repeat a lie often enough it become truth” must be their mantra. So much great and truthful anti climate change information is available if you know where to look. The phrase ‘climate change’ is really a joke as weather changes every day and every season, always has, always will.
Surely the old saying “repeat a lie often enough it become truth” must be their mantra.
Like the Old Salesman’s Pitch
– Tell the What you are going to Tell Them
– Tell Them
– Tell Them What you Told Them
Always was their mantra.
Need to give this as much publicity as possible.
Numerous [un-social] media (arms of the octopus) were orchestrated in a widespread release of ‘publicity’ yesterday regarding this nonsense non-science even here in lil ol’ New Zealand: we’re simply a sub-branch of big brother Australia next-door.
Corporate re-education ‘learnings’ for the masses?
Total Spectrum Dominance or what.
I’m sorry, NZ you say.. where the Maoris are demanding that Western science give way to Maori science?? ..or was that just Maori mathematics they wanted given prominence?
Australians really need to watch what is happening over there much more closely. It is coming here soon!
With a bit of luck ‘Govt-approved’ science in all its forms will suffer the same distrust as medical science after Covid, the peasants will become cynical of anything said by an approved ‘expert’ or ‘scientist’, and what is shown to be true locally will be accepted.
Maybe we should start a petition to defund the Academy. Since they don’t do science why should they be funded?
The Academy building could be repurposed for a building dedicated to …..Science….
Who does fund them? Presume government grants of some sort? Let’s follow that string…
It’s not that hard.
Follow the links here to financial reports.
Government rant income is the biggest source.
Or Grant even.
So I was right. Thank you.
This is genius. “Government rant income “
Take away those protections against big government and big business? Obviously this is a lesson that hasn’t been learnt yet. More to come I’m sad to say.
I am sorry to say that all of this Albanese government stuff just makes me ashamed of my country.
Simple as that . .
Albanese Labor Government. In a nutshell, an impenetrable wall of ignorance & stupity.
The standard mark of socialism & inevitable regression.
..don’t be, all the West is being stupidified at the same rate, we retain our place amongst the important countries…
Thou Shalt Not Question the Sacred Guild of Science Heads!
The sun is setting on the climate change cult and they don’t like the resultant kickback by Joe Public. Just like Ardern in NZ We must only take Government sources as Ministries of Truth.
The only denial going on is the Academys denial of the scientific method, denial of the past climate record and denial of the solar cycles which are rapidly cooling our planet at present.
This is just sickening. But its all part of the thin skinned Leftist “science” playbook, where ideology is the driver, not the scientific method, and silencing rather than discussion and debate is the new methodology.
The UK Royal Society’s motto is “Nullius in verbe” which loosely translates to “on the word of no one”. Science is all about debate and questioning the status quo. The climate alarmists would have done a great deal more convincing if they actually would have debates with the other competent people who disagree with them and win those debates. They tried this early on and found their arguments were not convincing. So they refused to debate and now that it’s clear preaching the climate gospel doesn’t convince people either. They just want those who disagree to simply shut up.
I wonder how much of the move to silence critics is driven by fear? The “Net-Zero” policy chickens are coming home to roost whenever energy bills are delivered. All the censorship in the world won’t stop people’s anger when they can’t afford to put food on the table or pay their fuel and energy bills.
Totally agree Sean. There were two famous debates, one in the US and the other in the UK. Climate scepticism increased among listeners after each debate so there were no more dabates!
Despite Scotland supplying much of the UK’s gas, islanders must earn a salary of £104,000 to avoid slipping into fuel poverty, according to the Leader of Shetland Islands Council.
The estimated average energy cost on the Shetland Islands will rise to £10,300 per household by next April, with the vast majority of residents spending 10% of their income on energy bills.
They will have to g back to burning peat, except that is rationed. And it would be banned because it is a smokey fire.
I think the Royal Society abandoned that…my family have adopted it, though.
In my opinion one of the better things some of the latter days presidents of The Royal Society have done is to highlight that that motto also applies to Royal Societies
Did you look through the list. They are all climate zealots. All locked into the academic gravy train.
The only thing wrong with all this is the name – Australian Academy of Science. It would more appropriately be named Australian Academics of Climatology. It would be impossible for an non academic to be awarded a fellowship.
Malcolm Roberts is fighting hard to kill the climate change legislation. His press release here should be shoved into the face of every member of the senate:
He is probably the only informed voice in the senate not constrained by his party politics on the issue. The last paragraph can only be described as hopeful:
The forces against him are far more powerful. Climatology has been a huge money spinner for academia.
After 14 years studying and investigating climate science, along with in-depth research into the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and profound cross-examining of CSIRO and BOM, we know there is no empirical scientific data as evidence proving that carbon dioxide from human activity has changed or will change temperature or any climate or weather factor.
Importantly, the effect, if any, of carbon dioxide from human activity on any climate or weather variable has never been quantified.
In its presentations to my team and I, the CSIRO stated that there is no danger from carbon dioxide from human activity and that there is nothing unprecedented about our planet’s temperature. Therefore, there is no scientific justification for any government to introduce policies designed to reduce carbon dioxide from human activity.
We are calling for all climate-based policies and subsidies for renewable energy to be rescinded. The consequences of climate alarmism cost the Australian economy in productivity and growth, and in our ability to compete in the highly competitive international arena.
Clearly, it is time to change our approach to climate change. These Bills must be rejected.
Yours sincerely,
Malcolm Roberts
Enclosures: Attachments 1 through 9
Attachment 1 – Political Basis Driving Climate and Related Energy Policies
Attachment 2 – Cross-examining Government Science Agencies
Attachment 3 – Other Agencies, Institutions and Universities Fail to Prove Causality
Attachment 4 – Natural Global Experiments Confirm Carbon Dioxide’s Innocence
Attachment 5 – The Basis for Honest Policy and Legislation
Attachment 6 – The Savage Economic Burden of Policies Contradicting the Science
Attachment 7 – Restoring Scientific Integrity
Attachment 8 – Scientific and Statistical Analysis of CSIRO’s Presentations
Attachment 9 – The Hidden cost of Climate Policies and Renewables
One can only contemplate the possible motivations of AAS Fellows in taking this stance.
As I stated in the Quadrant piece, “Jordan Peterson has said he never attributes to malice what can be ascribed to stupidity.
Given that the AAS comprises supposedly educated individuals, the former must be suspected, though given the standard of contemporary university education, the latter is quite possible”.
Removing climate alarmism eliminates the easy money. Science is no longer about outcome. It has created a virtuous circle where ever more alarming predictions get political favour that provides the money for ever more alarming predictions – so-called scientific papers are full of nasty possibilities rather than definite outcomes. They are seeded with words like “could”, “may”, “likely”. They are speculation rather than scientific discovery.
If I started a list today of everything that Climate Change will make worse I would never end because the list is growing faster than my ability to find and record the dire predictions.
As happened with John Brignell’s list
“Footnote (September 2015) Why the list stopped growing.
The time it takes to process a new entry increases approximately with the square of the list length, after checking for duplications, spoofs etc. Starting it was based on the naïve assumption that the rate of appearances would decline as opposing evidence accumulated, but the reverse happened. That’s the difference between science and religion. It was taking over my life, which I did not want to end as a garbage collector. There have since been hundreds more claims of an increasingly ludicrous nature.”
‘Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite and I’m not so sure about the former’,
Albert Einstein.
Regrettably, all the evidence points squarely at malice not ignorance.I think that ignorance, though extremely difficult to overcome, would still be way easier to overcome than malice.
Where They are Steering Us
Keep Calm & Eat Your Bugs
Trust Me. These beans are going to drastically reduce our Gas Bills this Winter
The beans may drastically decrease our gas bills and may also drastically increase our gas.
Where is Tim Flannery in this report?. The man responsible for the greatest misinformation campaign in recent history, resulting in the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars on desalination plants that sit idle, as our dams and rivers overflow. You could also include David Jones from the BOM, who also claimed the climate had shifted to permanent drought back in January 2008. We also have the reports on the GBR dying, only to now find the reef it’s at a maximum extent and never been better.
What we do need to do is to make people and institutions accountable for their false climate claims and predictions. If they suffered economic loss or lose of their scientific credentials, then they would think twice before making these absurd false alarmist claims.
One such example is below. If you look at the long term trend of southern Australia rainfall, it’s increasing by 2.47mm per decade as shown in the BOM’s data and yet we get told we’re in a drying trend. This is blatant misinformation.
He is a Fellow of the Academy.
And the rot is far deeper outside Australia. Last year Suki Manabe was awarded the Nobel Prize in phiisics for his work producing the first computer models that connected CO2 to warming. Science has been hijacked by politics.
Awarding the Nobel Prize to Manabe trashes the whole concept. The Nobel Peace Prize was always political nonsense but it is truly sad to see Manabe getting recognised for unscientific tripe.
I’m not sure how you make these institutions accountable as they are either government or quasi- government. It’s the public service, you cant get the sack! Unlike, if you worked for a company and made a wrong decision on product development, sales/ marketing etc you were shown the door very swiftly. But, even in private enterprise the hire and fire type attitude is less and less. It’s why car companies like Tesla have a very healthy US government subsidy income stream to bolster income. The BOM, CSIRO, AAS can make bold predictions on climate 20,30 years hence, but of course the predictors of most of this nonsense will be long retired once those dates come around.
Even the word “science” has now lost all its meaning. I suspect very soon , as what happened to the definition of a “vaccine”, that science will be defined to mean something else completely.
Just Days After Phasing Out New Gas Cars, California Says “Avoid Charging EVs” Amid Grid Emergency
Shortly after 1800ET, just as Californians begin to head home for the day, the California Independent System Operator issued a level-1 energy emergency alert shortly after tapping all its available power supplies.
Despite earlier warnings to reduce usage, Californians – in all their self-righteous virtue – decided to charge their EV anyway, pushing demand above capacity
Bear in mind that it is not even in the scheduled Flex Alert period (from 4pm to 9pm PST) yet.
“It’s pretty clear Mother Nature has outrun us,” California Governor Gavin Newsom, who issued an executive order Wednesday to free up emergency power supplies, said during a news conference.
“The reality is we’re living in an age of extremes — extreme heat, extreme drought.”
. and extreme lack of grid preparedness for your state’s virtue-signaling.
Update (1600ET): As the day went on, California warmed up more than expected and that has prompted California’s grid operator to issue a specific warning of the potential for power shortfalls that could lead to blackouts on Wednesday night.
Officials asked residents to cut back on power use Wednesday between 4 and 9 p.m. as temperatures soar above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
“This is a manifestation of what CAISO warned folks about back in May, that unless they see voluntary curtailments the grid could become unstable during certain periods of high demand,” said Gary Cunningham, director of market research at risk management firm Tradition Energy.
“In this case it is extreme heat that is causing it, but overall weakness in the supply picture are adding to the issue.”
The heat poses the biggest test to the grid since the summer of 2020, when rolling outages engulfed portions of the state.
Norwegian Tesla Owners Go On Hunger Strike Over Company’s Poor Customer Service And Build Quality
The owners are taking exception with “poor customer service” and being “ignored by the automaker” as phone calls go unanswered.
According to the report, the list of issues with their vehicles includes “poor paint quality, rust, inability to meet claimed battery life, failing heat pumps, stuck door handles in the cold, and yellowing infotainment screens (that Tesla told the NHTSA were only meant to last “5-6 years” anyway).”
Some have also suffered “issues with the car’s lights, bubbling seats, water collecting in the trunk, loose trim pieces, and reduced power”, while others are simply complaining that “autopilot does not work properly”.
Tell us something we don’t know…
Regardless, owners felt like they had to escalate the issue because the company’s customer service is awful. They complain about spending “an inordinate amount of time waiting on hold to actually speak with someone from Tesla” and not having their calls returned. The Drive even commented that they have heard “similar complaints” from U.S. owners.
Oh dear, my heart absolutely bleeds for these fine folk.
I have a Ford F150 pickup. Last week the seat belt would not latch.
I stopped by the dealer and a “parts guy” came out to the street and fixed it.
It was an easy fix. Paper had gotten into the mechanism. That was my fault, but he didn’t call me a dunce or anything. We had a nice chat while he worked. No charge.
[There are just under 3,000 Ford dealerships in the USA.]
“The reality is we’re living in an age of extremes — extreme heat, extreme drought.”
He forgot the real extreme causing California’s problems, extreme stupidity of which he is a major source.
‘California Says “Avoid Charging EVs” Amid Grid Emergency’
Time for those people to change the EV for a proper ICE vehicle and move to another US State like Texas, Arizona or Florida.
Only if they are not woke though. Those other States don’t do woke.
Do you really think those entitled twats who make an art form of virtue signalling, will actually refrain from loading up the grid.
CA gets some electricity from facilities in WA/OR/ID via a connection that starts at this location: 45.596854, -121.114307
Search-up Pacific DC Intertie
Wind died Sunday morning and has just now — Wed afternoon — returned. Operators can be seen here:
Sick of asking for refutations of Dr. John Nicol’s analysis of the behaviour of CO2 in our atmosphere. Have to assume that something other than science is driving this response. Perhaps funding for pet research projects comes from sources making money out of “net zero”?
California Will Now Punish Doctors For Refusing To Comply With The Establishment COVID Narrative
In January of this year the California state government formed the “Vaccine Work Group” which was tasked to construct a series of draconian bills designed to silence the large percentage of the population that refuses to comply with covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Most of these bills have since been attempted and have failed to pass or have been shelved. They included:
Only one bill put together by the Vaccine Work Group has been passed by the state senate, and it is being sent for approval by Governor Gavin Newsom this week. Doctors and other medical professionals accused of spreading “disinformation” and “misinformation” can now have their state license suspended or revoked by the Medical Board or Osteopathic Medical Board of California for “unprofessional, conduct.”
The bill defines “misinformation” as: False information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.
Note that it does not define misinformation as info that is contrary to scientific facts and evidence. Rather, it defines it as something that runs contrary to “consensus” and “standards of care.” The state government gets to dictate what the consensus is, and what the standard of care is. Meaning, any doctor that contradicts the STATE is subject to punishment. Science has nothing to do with it.
In a lawsuit against California’s Medical Board, Physicians for Informed Consent called the bill an attempt to “unconstitutionally target dissenting physicians, including by attempting to intimidate by investigation, censor and sanction physicians who publicly disagree with the government’s ever-evolving, erratic, and contradictory public health Covid-19 edicts.”
Climate lies/politicisation/group (non)think thread OldOzzie
JC II – Disagree
Shut Them Up, Argues the Academy of Science
Thou Shalt Not Question the Sacred Guild of Science Heads!
In a move unprecedented in the democratic world, the Australian Academy of Science is lobbying the tech giants Meta (Facebook), Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe and TikTok to censor and harass any Australians who circulate what the Academy insultingly labels “climate denialism misinformation”.
is basically the aimed end result if you don’t agree as
Note that it does not define misinformation as info that is contrary to scientific facts and evidence. Rather, it defines it as something that runs contrary to “consensus” and “standards of care.” The state government gets to dictate what the consensus is, and what the standard of care is. Meaning, any doctor that contradicts the STATE is subject to punishment. Science has nothing to do with it.
In a lawsuit against California’s Medical Board, Physicians for Informed Consent called the bill an attempt to “unconstitutionally target dissenting physicians, including by attempting to intimidate by investigation, censor and sanction physicians who publicly disagree with the government’s ever-evolving, erratic, and contradictory public health Covid-19 edicts.”
therefore – Correct to appear here – Climate lies/politicisation/group (non)think thread OldOzzie
Remember CEAUSESCU of Romania? He controlled the official temperature, it was never allowed to go below 10%C.
He came to a sticky end!!!!
Option + K on a Mac keyboard = ˚, or the celsius symbol. On an iPhone, keep your finger on the 0 (zero) and you will get “˚” as a choice. Probably similar on those yucky Android/Windows thingy computers.
… degrees symbol. ( not celsius symbol)
“Character Map” actually has a single character for “degrees Celsius” ℃, and degrees Fahrenheit ℉ .
Or go to “Windows Accessories” and find an app called “Character Map” select “Times new roman”
Many weird and strange things which are part of font sets, that you can cut-paste.
Here’s just a tiny example
Thank you Ross! For years I have never been able to properly describe temperature when using my iPad. Now I can. What a neat little feature that I never new existed. Here are a few ° ° °!!
It’s about time we cancelled them and the tech giants as well.
In March this year AGL directors firmly rejected a $8.25 a share takeover bid from Canadian investment giant Brookfield Asset Management ($725 billion in AUM) and local tech tycoon Mike Cannon-Brookes’ corporate vehicle Grok Ventures. After declaring a fairly nasty 2022 result, reduced profits, and further reducing its dividend, AGL shares today sit at $7.68. AGL’s CEO has resigned and the market may well be losing patience with the company.
The time might soon be ripe for Brookfield and Grok to launch another takeover offer. Which could well succeed. AGL is on the ropes and vulnerable to a knockout blow.
Green crusader Cannon-Brookes has drunk the climate Koolaid by the gallon. He believes in renewables and that Greta Thunberg is a prophet second only to Moses. He wants AGL to borrow and spend up to $20 billion on renewable energy and storage.
It sounds like a recipe for financial disaster, and it would certainly seem better if he and the Canadians lost their money chasing a nebulous green rainbow. Sadly Australian banks, super funds, and government entities will no doubt be eager to provide much of the financing for the green dream. That’s how they roll.
This madness has a long way to go. Consumer electricity rates could easily double, if not more. The new paradigm will be normalized. We need to do our share to save the planet, the story will go. People will believe it. Because they hear the climate propaganda fifty times a day. They voted for Climate Action, and they will get climate action!
You better believe it!
I was hoping for AGL to split into Renewables and Doomed to End coal-fired so I could have the latter shares.
Unfortunately I hear that the enthusiasm by shareholders (except loose-Cannon) was all for them too.
The real question is “How long can they keep the nebulous green rainbow going”?
The chaos coming in Germany (+Austria, Denmark+Spain) and in Italy and The UK cannot be covered up when so many here have relatives there.
And California is on the verge of ‘brownouts’ again. All of them were so keen on running with wind turbines, solar panels, but shutting down coal (& nuclear) plants that it only took one black swan events to crash. Once the electricity bills start rising (again & again) there will be a big backlash.
I will add AGL to my list of prospective shorting opportunities. Never let a crisis go to waste…plenty of money to be made here…
I used to know, many years back, the CEO of AGL – he was a good friend of my parents. He passed away some time back – he was a very honest forthright gent and would be spinning in his grave if he saw the complete madness that has taken over.
Judging by the share price resilience the market would appear to be anticipating another bid for AGL from Brookfield. No doubt they have done plenty of due diligence and know the operating metrics back to front. Their first bid was at a tiny premium to the then share price and I doubt the Canadians have developed much generosity since. They will probably bid eight bucks and loose change, and, since nobody else seems to want the company, the bid might gain the approval of the Board this time.
“This madness has a long way to go. ”
Wait until people go to collect their pensions in a decade.. They find the fund is broke after ethically investing all their money in green ventures that were just show-ponies for the woke and had no long-term value at all.
The only safe money is under your mattress, the rest is the property or control of someone else.
Science is about questioning using The Scientific Method as a rationale. If that is not happening then Science has become conjecture.
You can see where this is heading – science will be redefined as meaning of a consensus of ideas or evidence. Then, once that consensus is reached, it cannot be challenged. In fact, it has already started with a number of “Science” bodies. The word “consensus’ is favoured because Barack Obama used that term in one of his speeches. Everyone knows if BO says something, then it MUST be the truth. (sic)
To me, ‘climate denier’ is on a par with ‘ carbon pollution’, it is a poor descriptor and demonstrates a lack of scientific rigor.
I still want to what I/we “deny” that they can provide solid real science for as proof.
I can never get an answer !!
Its like saying I deny the existence of the Big Bad Wolf, Snow White, the Easter Bunny.
error. my eyes are laying something fierce
I still want to know what…..
It would appear that the AAS has been asleep for the last 15 years or so as to what the planet’s weather has been doing – next to no rise in temperatures.
Senator Roberts’ Submission to the Senate on Climate should be read by all, especially warmists, and all MPs
Anna-Maria Arabia, “She is a strategic and dispassionate advocate for science, social justice, diversity and inclusion.” And Climate Change. Clearly her opinions are those of the Academy of Science, not the other way round. It’s the problem with all such groups.
Where was dispassionate scientist and her Australian Academy of Science when Dr. Peter Ridd was hung, drawn and quartered for telling the absolute truth? And what is happening to the billions of Australian taxes budgeted to fix a non existent problem?
Even the American Institute of Physics was hijacked a decade ago and many resigned. Like the IPCC. Cui Bono. And real scientists like Dr. Peter Ridd demonstrate what happens if you say there is no problem. Hounded, threatened, fired, stripped of your rights and millions spent to shut you up. No wonder no one speaks out. Politics rots from the top down.
And the latest move by the political extremists is to control the media, stop freedom of speech as disinformation and so silence dissenting voices. Because Science no longer exists. Facts no longer exist. Consensus science is controlled by the few in power who decide the consensus. And truth itself has ceased to exist. Fascist Physics is now the norm, government dictated. And this is Trot Albanese at work, a chameleon like Biden, claiming National Unity while behind the scenes rapidly undermining democracy.
As 99% of all Australian scientists are public servants, it is all you can expect. No one dares say a thing. And besides, why should they?
Anna-Maria Arabia
Prophet of the new religion.
Longtime handmaiden of former Trotsky Communist and now allegedly Democratic PM Tony Albanese
It is however rewarding that merely by commenting here, we are on a watch list of science dissidents spreading untruths about the terrible Climate disaster of the last 34 years, the rapid sea rises, the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef, the world success of windmills in reducing CO2 and the perfectly accidental creation and release of a world killing virus from the Military Virus laboratory in Wuhan.
And of course pointing out the the Climate Change which has created both floods and droughts in Europe and the UK has again created floods. It’s amazing how the climate changes each summer and winter.
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” – Carl Sagan
“The real deniers are people who think our climate was and should remain static and unchanging.” – Paul Driessen and Chris Skates
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” – Eric Hoffer
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H.L. Mencken (1918)
Why should we NOT just blindly trust science?
Alchemy, for one.
Phlogiston Chemistry, for another.
Prior to the 14th Century Astronomers thought the Earth was the center of the universe, because, well, that’s what the church wanted, and spent hundreds of years of scientific research on the theory of Epicycles, trying to reconcile the Earth centered model with the observed motions of the planets. Epicycles hold the record for longest running scientific goof in history!
17th Century doctors thought rubbing chicken dung into your scalp would cure baldness! They also thought leeches sucked disease out of patients.
18th Century Geologists thought the Earth was 6000 years old, because, well, that’s what the church wanted!
Prior to the 1950s, scientists thought proteins carried our heredity.
Until the 19th Century, doctors thought infection was caused by bad air, from which we get the term “Malaria.”
Scientists claimed cigarettes were good for you up until the 1950s. They even had a machine to pump tobacco smoke into your anus. The origin of the phrase “blowing smoke up your ass!”
In 1948, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine went to the discovery of DDT. A few years later it had almost collapsed the food chain.
In 1949, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine went to the discovery of the “therapeutic value” of lobotomy!
Until 2005, doctors thought ulcers were caused by stress.
National Geographic ran an article in 2015 whining why people don’t believe science. But science is not about belief but about facts! Remember the 1999 “Piltdown Chicken” scandal?
Science is not perfect. Science does make mistakes. The beauty of science is supposed to be that they admit it, not use the label of “science” like a modern religious icon to push agendas onto people! Anyone who says the “Science is settled” is not being scientific, they are being propagandistic!
Now then – climate alarmism/lies…
Be ready for more of this. They are boldly coming out of the woodwork now that “their” people are in government. The fun is about to start in earnest…
They are acting like a bunch of kids let loose in a lolly shop.
The AAS is nearing irrelevance. If the AAS makes its decisions and policies by silencing its critics, then it is nothing less than a totalitarian, despotic, group think, failure.
That “Arabia” person is incompetent to have a voice in these matters. She’s well read into the Politics, but useless as begets experience or knowledge of Science.
If AU wants to become the Poster Child for Academic Malfeasance and Fraud, then go ye forth with Academic Censorship.
“If AU wants to become the Poster Child for Academic Malfeasance and Fraud,”
They have been working on it for a while.. Long way to catch up with some from JCU , though. !
For so many of us who hold science as a life work and can recognise immutable truth in the areas we specialise in, we must acknowledge that a turning point has been reached.
The global warming and death by incineration due to CO2 levels concept is totally and absolutely unsupportable in true science.
It is therefore Time to move to the next appropriate stage and expose the criminality behind this UNIPCCC money/control vehicle and begin proceedings against those driving it.
We no longer need to discuss whether CAGW is real or not; to many of us the real issue is now two pronged, deconstructing the monster and punishing the users of the brand.
TdeF made this observation;
Let’s move forward.
I think it’s a move of desperation.
They are not protecting themselves from debate, they’re hoping to fend off the looming anger and criticism from their self inflicted trashing of the public’s confidence and now dissipating respect.
I’m embarrassed for them.
Just kidding.
They are incapable of embarrassment.
Local free paper on page 5 advises thusly:-
” An advisory committee representing the LGBTQIA+ community has been established by the City of Greater Geelong. Despite increased acceptance and visibility, the region’s proud and vibrant rainbow community still faces disadvantage and discrimination…”
Oh dear. Best throw a few million taxpayer dollars at it then.
Thank you, Jo, this is a very important post.
Congratulations to those who comment here, but a suggestion.
You need to have your comments read by the people to whose articles you react.
Here we have a classic case of the Australian Academy of Sciences writing material to which many of you react on this blog.
WELL, WRITE and TELL THE AUTHORS ! (And their bosses).
Here is how you can do it.
In mid-2021, this Academy issued a report. It was not externally reviewed by peers, only its mates, and it does not get a mention from a search in Google Scholar.
This was a horrible report, so I wrote to them and asked for it to be retracted. There was no answer. I thought that the cancel culture was restricted to pimply teens on social media, but no, even the highest of the high scientists at the Academy did not deign to answer.
Here is a link to my objections to the poor science in their report.
It is plausible that they might have retracted their report if there were enough complaints. Some of their Fellows at the Academy might notice a riot and say “Enough is Enough from the Climate Change chappies and chappettes amongst us.”
Geoff S
The wishy washy climate warfare that has bubbled along over the last few decades is now taking on a sinister and dangerous twist. “Climate change” critics are getting shut down at an alarming rate and bad climate policies are being forced through across the world. There needs to be a bigger unified platform to expose misleading and fallacious climate fascism, without the major media/social media getting control of the narrative and this needs to happen urgently. There are some excellent blogs, websites etc around the world doing a great job but the climate cabal is still stomping all over the silent majority. The barn door is open and the horse is ready to bolt.
All these papers are pointing to the sun and planetary forcing as the cause of climate change, should it be placed on the banned list?
As discussed, the people at the Academy of Science who are calling for social media bans are not all scientists. And they are not business people either. Social media don’t make money from the contributors and viewers, they make their money from advertising and the potential for users to see and act on the advertising, so if bans such as those suggested result in fewer users and viewers, advertisements also have fewer viewers so the advertisers are less interested in paying for advertising.
The last line of Anna Maria’s LinkedIn (or whatever that site is)
“She is a strategic and dispassionate advocate for science, social justice, diversity and inclusion.”
Guarantees you a Govt job where you don’t have to do anything meaningful, just talk baffling babble that everyone nods their heads wisely to and agrees with you… Run away from any person thus described!
Perhaps if the ASS (or was it AAS) was funded by voluntary contributions from all those with science degrees we would see changes. As it is, its a just another rubbish Govt Dept for keeping bums on seats and getting paid.
Well she is not “dispassionate ” thats for sure …..An advocate for social justice diversity and inclusion is a Woke ideologue
Is there any true science debate out there? Or is it all just “Science” now?
I don’t have time to read through all the informed comments above, but I hold to the radical view that more global warming would be bloody good for life on this planet. Unfortunately it’s been only a piddling 1.5 degrees Celsius since the mid-19th Century. We are coming out of an Ice Age. Ices Ages are terrible, not only for humans, but for all life. We are also emerging from one of the lowest levels of CO2 on the secular record. This low level was perilous for all life, since at a slightly lower level (about 180 ppm), which it skated towards a couple of centuries back, it would have wiped out all plant life, and hence all animal life. Phew! Now, back to temperature: During the Jurassic and Triassic periods, I’m given to learn, the average temperature was about 25 degrees C, as opposed to today’s av temp of about 14 degrees. The planet was TEEMING with life. Even today, one can see at a glance that the regions teeming with life are in the hottest part of the planet – ie, between about 40 degrees latitude either side of the Equator. Not towards the poles where it’s a little cooler. Does the AAoS acknowledge this, or am I guilty of misinformation?
I believe we should dig up our coal, frack away at a cracking pace, get our abundant Uranium and Thorium going in power plants, and, inter alia, generate AS MUCH CO2 as possible. We are only a little nation. But we can make a contribution. Someone said it above. The opposite view is Lysenkoism.
[…] against misinformation. Platforms should be “held accountable” and liable for content. According to the Australian climate writer Jo Nova, the head of the AAS is Anna-Maria Arabia, who is said to […]