A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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From Old Ozzie on Another Blog –
Iranian Drones being used by Russia in the War with Ukraine –
So now we’re putting Iranian drones up against Ukraine’s Turkish drones, and about to be delivered, the latest American drones… I expect DARPA is trying out the Big Dog as well, the Yanks keep having continual wars to test their new toys.
With a bit of luck we can have a war without having to kill people, just robot against robot.
That’s called the Dalek/Terminator solution . It’s closer than you think – killer robots are already being perfected , and they are way better at killing than soldiers . No conscience to get in the way and they never disobey any order . No court marshal if they kill the wrong person or group of people – just look at current drone strike casualties . No one will be safe .
Yes drones are the way of the future . .
Yep, plenty of drones in my neighbourhood, the walking kind.
Yea! America told Putin to start the war.
Your hatred will eat you up.
Hanrahan, old buddy, what hatred? I love ya man.
FWIW on that
Social Media Weaponised for Political Propaganda
From Martin Armstrong –
“It is no coincidence that every social media data leak seems to target conservatives. Snap (formerly Snapchat), an app known for short videos, recently admitted that they leaked Republican voter data to the Democrats. In turn, Snap showed these mostly young voters a barrage of ads in an attempt to change their political stance prior to the midterms.
These ads quickly appear in between videos, and many users may not notice the subconscious level of propaganda they’ve received. The groups TargetSmart and i360 both used the leaked data to their advantage. Ads from the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial campaign were sent to Republican users of the platform, as first reported by Axios. Snap claims that this was a glitch in the system, but that seems utterly impossible.
“Unfortunately, due to an internal mistake, we didn’t follow this usual process — which resulted in these two companies’ services being used by advertisers outside of the process, impacting a small number of ads,” a Snap spokesperson told Axios. Both i360 and TargetSmart deny any involvement as well.
If Republicans did this to the Democrats, they would declare it a national emergency and an attack on democracy. YouTube consistently removes any video that goes against the Democrat’s agenda, and Twitter has no problem banning accounts. Facebook’s Zuckerberg admitted that the FBI tipped them off and asked them to hide the Hunter Biden laptop leak before the 2020 US Presidential Election. All of the main social media platforms are now far-left propaganda tools, and freedom of speech does not exist on the main social networks.”
“Social Media”?
Anti-social, by al appearances.
I Know people who run their business “presence” on Farcebook. One of them showed me what was entailed and the “interesting” possibilities.
Farcebook has all the hallmarks of being the greatest personal and financial data-mining operation in history. The stuff people post is Hum-Int GOLD in some cases. It is like a planetary open confessional.
Twitter? For Twits, generally. How to expose yourself to ridicule or recruitment in a few syllables.
French ‘Spider-Man’ scales skyscraper aged 60
A climber known as France’s “Spider-Man” has marked his 60th birthday by scaling a 48-storey skyscraper in Paris without any safety gear.
Alain Robert climbed the TotalEnergies Tower in the Défense business district using no ropes or harness.
“I want to send people the message that being 60 years old is nothing. You can still do sport, be active, do fabulous things,” he told Reuters news agency.
After reaching the top of the tower he was reportedly arrested.
Mr Robert has climbed the TotalEnergies Tower numerous times before. This time, it took him just 60 minutes to reach the top, news site Defense 92 reports.
“I promised myself several years ago that when I would reach 60, I would climb that tower again because 60 symbolises retirement age in France and I thought that was a nice touch,” he said after the climb.
He added that the aim of the climb was also to raise awareness of global warming, according to Reuters.
Mr Robert is known for climbing tall buildings worldwide. His daring feats include reaching the top of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building.
It was all good until it got to the part where he said he did it to raise awareness of “global warmibg”.
I would have thought producing some irrefutable evidence that a) there is any global warming happening c) co2 is to blame and c) man’s minuscule contribution of co2 is having any effect whatsoever, would be far more beneficial for raising awareness of globull warming but instead all we get is polar bear scare campaigns and old blokes climbing buildings…
La Defense was a smart move, though probably not for the former residents. Keep all the high-rises out of central Paris, and redevelop a slum area.
Like a lot of business districts, it’s like a ghost town on weekends and out of business hours, aside from the massive shopping mall, and the plaza around le Grande Arche. Some interesting architecture to be seen in the high-rises though.
Not sure if I would want to see said architecture whilst free-climbing it…
“Plant-based foods get a drubbing from researchers”
“Financially and nutritionally less than sound, say pair of studies.”
And comments there
You think the elite actually want the remaining population well fed with high nutrient value food?
They might become mentally & physically fit and rebellious! 😉
J-u-s-t enough food to live is all the masses will get.
As I posted yesterday, there is no valid reason to demonise meat and the sooner cattle farmers get on board with the solution, the better.
There’s a lot at steak.
Thats a well done medium to rare statement coming from you. lol.
They are trying to normalise Australians to eat insects.
Reminder – WEF BBQ
When I was young I was only aware of two kinds of weevil that we had to worry about with stored grain.
Now I think we have all the world’s pests.
In the meantime I saw insect pests in foreign packaged food on the shelf in Woolworths.
The UK has dreadful biosecurity and we suffer the consequences. Years of unfettered trade with EU plant nurseries really stuffed us.
It’s a bonus for climate alarmists as they can just blame climate change every time a new pest or disease runs amok.
They seem to be doing their darnedest to get foot and mouth disease into Australia from Indonesia by offering almost no measures at airports. Once it ‘accidentally’ starts infecting local cattle they’ll have the excuse needed to shoot them all.
Australia should be working with Indonesia to try to beat the disease there instead of waiting for it to get here. They probably are already.
I recall in a documentary years ago they were washing vehicles with washing soda. I don’t know if the washing soda killed the bug or just improved soil removal.
Australian military vehicles that were used in the East Timor operation had to be extremely thoroughly washed at huge expense before being bought back. For some vehicles it was too expensive or not possible and they were left there.
Australia was more careful about biosecurity then. Now elements of the Left WANT foot and mouth disease to come here so they have an excuse to wipe out the meat industry and make non-Elites eat insects.
Is Germany heading for even further self inflicted energy problems…?!
A good place to not be this NH winter.
And how many other NH countries will suffer wide-spread blackouts as well ?
And when they occur… will we hear about them on the ABC and MSM !!
It will lead every news bulletin and they will blame Putin.
They can blame Putin all they like but it does not change the reality. The tide has gone out (expedited by Putin) and Germany is shown to be naked,
Putin did not make Germany close all its power stations. Angela Merckel did,
I expect there will be a big tourism / backpacker rebound this SH summer.
Depends if they are more scared of the cold or the much publicized Covid Police State mentality in OZ. Andrews is doing his best to dissuade them, with a new round of control freakery about what people can or cant do in State Parks.
control freakery about what people can or cant do in State Parks.
All for our own good of course, or more likely easier to give control to some people after a treaty is signed.
Yes. Will be interesting to see if the proposed laws preventing people stepping off a designate trail will apply to all citizens equally.
At least there will be job opportunities for 1000s of Rangers to enforce all this nonsense that appears to make sense in Spring St.
It is not legally possible for a State Guv’ment to sign a Treaty with anyone. That is for the Federal Guv’ment to do. And it is only possible for the Federal Guv’ment to sign a Treaty with another Sovereign Nation. The situation in NZ was quite different and a Treaty was signed.
And the UK is paying extortionist prices to keep the lights on. !
Its already part of the collective unconscious.
‘Whilst backbenchers are told to keep citing Russia and Ukraine as the reason for this very avoidable energy crunch, the real story is much more damning, concerning and home-grown.’
Tony Lodge has made one error there, when he says “Ministers are desperately trying to keep remaining 50-year-old coal power plants running, at huge cost,”
50-year-old coal fired power plants come at no capital cost. They have long since paid for themselves and produce the cheapest power of all.
Maintenance due would be their biggest cost, especially if they had been listed for closure.
The big issue here is the in ability to pass on the costs to consumers. No one would be using power at 50x it’s base price.
Britain is going to economically collapse, the government will go brooke paying for power.
Via Chiefio
““Tom Kerridge, the celebrity chef, revealed that the annual energy bill at his pub has soared from £60,000 to £420,000 and warned that ‘ludicrous’ price rises left the hospitality sector facing a ‘terrifying landscape’,” “
Congressman Clay Higgins takes on unhinged climate activist
Just love his closing comment.
Ain’t it the truth. 😆😅
“The fossil fuel industry which owns your state is destroying the world and that is a fact, sir.”
Is it?
Where are these ‘facts?’.
I have not in the last three decades read a single credible piece of science which shows
that the world gives a damn about people. We control nothing.
Certainly not the weather or its long term result, the climate.
Seas go up and down. Temperature goes up and down. The only thing which is out of control is the arrogance and ignorance of a new generation of activists who see man as the enemy of the planet.
What side are they on? Get rid of people, animals, insects, fish, starfish to save the planet? For what reason?
I don’t think they even know whose side they are on. And nothing they say is true. But in a post modernist world, facts don’t matter and truth does not exist. And the battles they are fighting are the result of total self indulgence and amazing ignorance of human history, also an aspect of post modernism.
What you have is emotive response based on the notion that humans are evil ( white humans mainly) and and not natural. They have been brainwashed by enviro-socialist ideas and are not responsive to logic.
Temperature and sea level rise mostly go up:
Rubbish. Can you explain how a satellite, whizzing around the earth 1300 kms up, can measure sea levels across oceans to millimetre accuracy. At least the manufacturers of the satellites don’t make these spurious claims.
A technology you may have heard of, it’s called radar.
And its not accurate enough to measure the highly variable sea surface to closer than 2 or more cm.
And at times the level of the ocean in the Panama gulf is a metre higher than that in the Caribbean.
(And as I know you have problems with arithmetic that’s a 1,000 m.m.)
La Niña also raises sea levels in the western tropical Pacific and during El Nino it falls, causing coral bleaching.
Anomalies are the change in mean differences. Pressure and tidal differences average out over the course of a year.
More unproven wishful thinking, based on a lack of scientific and mathematical comprehension.
Error is still 2cm or more, way more than the thing they are pretending they can measure.
It can’t measure with that kind of accuracy. It gives a measure of deviation of return radar signals to a notional geo-ellipsoid model surface with a very large ERMS error for each measurement, but which is averaged over the track of the signal, adjusted by tidal models and estimated wave heights and calibrated to agree with tide gauge data.
First graph is the much manipulated and fabricated so-called surface temperature.. which bares no relationship to 90% of actual measurements
Only the most urban effected temperature look anything like that. (and of course the “adjustments” form exactly the same pattern)
It is manufactured from massively tainted, sparse surface stations, of which even in the USA, some 90% are totally unfit for long term “climate” measurements.
Furthermore, before the 1970s there were basically no worthwhile or meaningful measurements for basically the whole of the oceans..
And before ARGO in 2005, the covarage of the oceans was only a tiny % and value most just made up… Even CRU admits that.
It is totally FAKE.
So FAKE in fact that they show 2020 far higher than 1998, when in reality it was actually slightly cooler.
The only accurate temperature data , verified by balloon and radiosonde data as well as by the only pristine surface data set in the word, also shows temperatures now as being similar to 2010
Real measured data for anywhere in the the Northern Hemisphere also shows that around 1940 being warmer or the same as now.
Furthermore, before the 1970s there were basically no worthwhile or meaningful measurements for basically the whole of the oceans.. Even CRU admits that.
The second link splices heavily adjusted satellite data onto steady state less than 2mm/year tide data.. so the black part is also scientific nonsense
Does 2mm/year really scare the AGW cultists?
No-one who has lived near the coast in Australia will have noticed any meaningful sea level rise in their whole lives. !
It just isn’t happening.
You can’t go around calling every fact that you don’t like FAKE. Anthropogenic climate change is really happening. Trump did not win the 2020 election. Vaccines confer resistance. There really really isn’t a socialist / oligarch / scientific / liberal conspiracy.
Simon, if only you had made the comment earlier in the thread I would have forecast 52 red thumbs. As a new thread will be along soon. I doubt if there will be time for any more than 10
It is well known and PROVABLE that the GISS et al temperature series is NOT based on stable measurements.
Its totally a fabrication based on sparse, totally unreliable measurement sites, compounded by whim based infilling and manifest adjustments of the actual measurements.
It bears no resemblance to reality. ! It is the antithesis of FACT !
If you are unaware of that FACT, then you need to go back and actually do some research, rather than just “believing”
And why remain willfully blind to what your masters in the WEF etc are actually saying and doing ?
Do you work for them ?
[wee edit – LVA]
If it is indeed ‘well-known’ you will be able to cite a peer-reviewed scientific paper asserting this ‘FACT’.
Again showing you are clueless about what “peer review” for journals is all about.
The “adjustments” are there for anyone to see.
You only have to look at raw vs faked data to know that.
But real data never was part of the AGW religion, was it.
AGW only really exists in models and faked data.
As you continue to show, there is no scientific evidence that AGW via human released CO2 even exists in reality.
Correct. The adjustments and homogenisation methodology are in the public domain.
All of the surface temperature time series (GISS, HadCRUT4, NOAA, BEST, ERA5, JMA) are in strong agreement.
Yes and those “adjustments” always cause warming
Its the only way they can manufacture the fake data.
They are all in agreement because the choose to be, and use the same “adjusted” data.
They are not real, as proven against the only verified temperature series.
Now… scientific evidence of CO2 causing the highly beneficial warming, please.
Still waiting !
So you agree that the surface data is based on heavily tainted urban data.
Further “adjusted” to enhance the urban warming…
… and totally UNFIT for scientific “climate” purposes. (great for propaganda, though 😉 )
Thanks for that ! 🙂
Your temperature graph is alarming, this is closer to reality.
No, It is based on unreliable data, and pure guesswork for most of the planet before about 1970.
The raw data that does exist shows 1940s similar to the the early 2000’s,
Also, the 2015 and 1998 peaks should be about the same. (about 0.08ºC difference.)
That is what the only reliable global data shows.
How is it that even with a quiet sun the pause in temperature remains on a high plateau?
You really expect the huge H₂O heat sink to give its energy up quickly !?
“Anthropogenic climate change is really happening”
You have shown many times that there is absolutely no scientific evidence for that fantasy. !
The only anthropogenic change is LOCALISED land use, in particularly urban expansion.
That is that urban expansion that shows up in GISS et all temperature fabrication.
But it is NOT global.
Urban areas are a very small part of the globe, but contribute nearly all the fabricated surface data, which is then “adjusted” even more introducing fantasy-warming… to support their religion.
“Vaccines confer resistance.”
For a very short time… while destroying the immune system.
I hope you have taken all your prescribed jabs, as ordered, and that myocarditis or something worse doesn’t hit you too hard.
DON’T expect those jabs to act like a vaccine..
They will not protect you from catching Covid.
And yes, there has been some slight warming since the LIA.. Thank goodness !
Probably only about half of what your fake graph shows.
What would you expect when the sun does this (30 year trailing average TSI)
Certainly, there is no scientific evidence that it has been anything to do with human CO2.
The TSI graph is an excellent way to explain why temperatures remain relatively high.
Any global temperature chart that goes back further than the 1970s based on supposed measured land and ocean surface temperatures is fake, the ocean temperature data simply doesn’t exist. That we have usable ocean temperatures since 1850 or earlier, is one of the biggest scientific frauds in history.
Regardless, tide gauge data does provide a very consistent and reliable measure of sea level rise over an extensive period of time. Despite a lot of short term variability the slow long term rising trend was established long before man’s influence could have been a factor, only natural climate warming, and there is no indication of acceleration that you would expect if the world was heating at an increasing rate.
For the past 20,000 years or so, sea levels and temperatures rose, as did civilization. Sea level was more than 100m lower about 12,000 years ago. The average rise of about 10 mm/year since then had nothing to do with civilization’s use of fossil energy.
Coastal geomorphology informs us that some 2000-3000 years ago, the sea level on the Australian east coast was some 1.5-2.5m higher than it is now.
Ocean levels topped out after the big melt which began about 20,000 years back.
That melt created a total rise of about 135 metres with the peak about 7,000 years ago.
Since then sea levels have been taken down by 4.2 metres around Australia and much of the world: in some spots the drop has been up to 7 metres.
The puny “little ice age” a couple of hundred years ago was just a small blip on the overall trend of downward temperature, it went down a bit too fast and pulled back up to realign with the trend which shows no sign of “heating”.
It’s a big turbulent world and micro management of the weather is a very useful weapon for those who are manipulating us.
Been a thing for 1000s of years since the Ice Age that ended a while ago, or have you conveniaently disremembered that?
In recent decades not a lot has been happening if you look at the complete story, not just what suits your spin.
I suggest you check the official sea level graph for Honolulu at: and note the polarity of the acceleration.
An acceleration of zero still means that sea levels are rising at that one location. As we all know, sea level change is non-linear, and there is strong statistical evidence of acceleration at a global level.
There is no acceleration in any tide data, anywhere.
The only way they can “create” acceleration is by splicing adjusted satellite data onto tide data.
This is scientific and mathematical malfeasance.
The AGW way.
Less than 2mm/year, NOT accelerating,. for over 100 years..
An obvious reason to PANIC !! 😉
Looks pretty linear to me.
No sign of any acceleration anywhere. A slight rise in 2016 from the El Nino.
ps.. you do know that only a couple of thousand years ago, sea level was some 2m-3m higher than now, don’t you ?
Update: US’s educational standards decline.
13 Years Into Gates & Obama’s Common Core, 72% of Students Fail To Meet Math Standards.
Thirteen years after Bill Gates and Barack Obama began forcing schools around the country to adopt Common Core, students are recording results lower than previously thought possible, with staggering declines in average math and reading scores.
The district’s preliminary results show that only about 42 percent of students met English standards, while only 28 percent met those for mathematics, according to data released by the district Sept. 9. The California Department of Education’s “Smarter Balanced Assessments” test students in grades 3–8 and 11.
Educators have been coming forward with results for years to prove the controversial teaching method is a failure, and significantly less effective than traditional teaching methods.
An international study by the Pioneer Institute backs them up.
Just how crazy is it?
My head hurts…
Is Quantitative Easing the greatest scheme ever devised, for transferring ownership of assets into the hands of the super rich?
Can you think of any occasion when a billionaire has complained “I don’t like all this money printing; it has to stop!” ?
Borrow and spend by governments –> print more money (by Central Banks / Fed Reserve) –> borrow and spend by the super rich.
And their share of the assets in existence goes up exponentially …
Meanwhile, if you’ve got any money in the bank, and you can’t just pop out and buy an office building, or some farmland, or a corporation .. you get to watch your savings get devalued by Inflation.
Do you feel like we’re being shafted?
Nobody prevents you from buying stocks and shares.
Just pick a few good ones and you’re on your way.
Like: Terracom TER) on the ASX, a coal stock up from 20 cents to $1.05 in 12 months; or,
Whitehaven (WHC) on the ASX, another coal stock up from $2.30 to $9.00 in less than 12 months and paying dividends tp boot; or,
Yancoal (YAN) on the ASX, yet another coal stock up from $2.00 to $9.00 in a bit over 12 months; or,
New Hope Corp (NHC) on the ASX, up from $1.00 to %.50 in 18 months.
There are many more. Just ignore the green disinfo and go with what works.
NHC $1.00 to $5.50.
(I got a bit excited there). %-)
January is a particularly bad month to invest in the Stock Market. Along with February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
– Mark Twain (allegedly)
While I agree with you in principle , I know the stock market is largely controlled by hedge funds now. Its easy to manipulate if you control large parts of it . You drop a stock price by selling and when it drops enough you buy it back – a lot of transactions are automatic now , done by programs that have parameters for buy and sell transactions and triggering them can massively affect stock prices . Climate change is another manipulation tool (as you pointed out). The massive money creation scam will ultimately crash values of every company as stocks are valued in currency . The stocks that will lose the least and recover quickest produce things that everybody needs on a regular basis .
Catastrophe however is the great leveller and being rich won’t save you from a mob who have nothing (and nothing to lose)
And as Chiefio points out most trading is now done by programmed computers
Stocks and shares are used by the manipulators to fleece investors regularly: “Very fast trading” is a minute by minute government endorsed ripoff of Australian investors and super contributors.
The decadal share market “crashes” are the big payoffs for the elites, but not for us.
Remember 1987 and the 2007/2008 surprise crashes: they appreciated your contributions.
Nobody above can be trusted.
If you have significant funds in a bank then you must want lower risk and liquidity (although neither is fully guaranteed)
Lower risk has a cost.
Sam & Yarpos,
I agree that investing in shares is a good hedge against inflation.
But are you using your holdings as LEVERAGE so you can be a FIRST spender of the ‘newly printed Money’, using it to buy more shares?
… ‘cos if you’re NOT doing that you’re kind of treading water, which is okay — you’re not going backwards — but do you think the Big Players are going to tread water in today’s environment of easy, cheap credit? .. No, they’re not .. they’re going to gobble up another chunk of the economy.
Think about who really benefits from Q.E. … are all levels of society benefiting, equally?
I would say ‘No’ .. the lower levels are disadvantaged.
Custer, the cost of credit is increasing rapidly. See what the Fed does next month. The USA is already in recession. They just won’t admit it before the mid-terms.
Those who have taken excessive amounts of easy and cheap credit run the increasing risk of taking a severe haircut or going belly up. Fortunately, these days the Wall Street windows are hermetically sealed, so the bird-men spectacle will have to move higher to an easier take-off point.
Second point, yes injustice abounds – but so do opportunities. Equality of outcome is not the same of equality of opportunity. The socialists love the former and do whatever they can to inhibit those who prefer the latter. The smart money will be on a bigger correction than we’ve already seen. Anybody can buy a put. That’s opportunity.
I never promoted shares, I just pointed out the cost of a percieved safe haven. There is a world of investment choice between banks and the share market.
One of the guys in our car club bought a couple of classic cars because of poor bank rates (so he said) I think he was just rationalizing what he wanted to do anyway. Outside of banks there are myriad choices before you are at classic cars 🙂
Inflation is theft by stealth, always a lot better to be in debt and have that being stolen from you than savings in the bank, which loses its buying power.
Have learnt that lesson and run on the limit of borrowings, much as governments manage to inflate away their accumulated debts. Just be ready for a move to protect the currency by inflating interest rates a la 1980s.
Study Finds Organ Recipients Rejecting Transplant After Getting COVID Jab
Acute corneal allografts are being rejected by vaccinated patients who have had the treatment, according to a recent study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. According to researchers, the root of the problem may be a systemic inflammatory reaction brought on by the post-jab injection.
Data from 23 studies was collected by Japanese researchers. A total of 23 eyes were evaluated from 21 patients who had received corneal graft surgeries. Graft rejection developed somewhere from one day to six weeks after vaccination in all patients, even several who had the operation done twenty years prior.
.. and bugs after that month? 😉
Yes. A month of chocolate should get anyone back running laps of the anterior cingulate circuit.
You will need prunes.
Chocolate is good for controlling blood pressure, and arterial stiffness, though.
So eat your chocolate-guilt free.
Google, Microsoft can get your passwords via web browser’s spellcheck
Extended spellcheck features in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers transmit form data, including personally identifiable information (PII) and in some cases, passwords, to Google and Microsoft respectively.
While this may be a known and intended feature of these web browsers, it does raise concerns about what happens to the data after transmission and how safe the practice might be, particularly when it comes to password fields.
Both Chrome and Edge ship with basic spellcheckers enabled. But, features like Chrome’s Enhanced Spellcheck or Microsoft Editor when manually enabled by the user, exhibit this potential privacy risk.
Depending on the website you visit, the form data may itself include PII—including but not limited to Social Security Numbers (SSNs)/Social Insurance Numbers (SINs), name, address, email, date of birth (DOB), contact information, bank and payment information, and so on.
Another Australian company sold to Chinese interests for between $550 and $700 million.
Foreign investors snap up Four’N Twenty, Lean Cuisine in mega deal
Some of Australia’s best-known freezer brands have been sold to foreign ownership in a deal worth as much as $700 million.
Asian private equity firm PAG has snapped up Patties Foods, the owner of leading brands such as Four’N Twenty, Patties, Herbert Adams, and ready-meal manufacturer Vesco Foods.
Well…that makes 3 major earthquakes north of Oz in the past week!
Some 50 active land volcanoes active.
Some serious activity seems to be brewing…
A minor earthquake in Frankston.
‘Officials say there is no tsunami threat after an earthquake was recorded in Melbourne early this morning.
‘The 2.4 magnitude tremor was recorded at 5.40am on Sunday, near Frankston in the city’s south-east.’ (9News)
Franston was “calibration collateral” damage as a result of a junior Chinese weather controller setting their earthquake machine just a tad off of the real target – Taiwan.
Breaking: Taiwan rocked by monster 7.2 magnitude earthquake – devastating tremors felt by 33 million
SOUTHERN Taiwan has been rocked by a massive earthquake that was felt by 33 million people.
The 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Taitung City in the afternoon, according to local reports.
Tremors were felt over a distance of 700km.
EMSC, an independent scientific organisation, wrote on its Twitter page: “Today an earthquake hit Taitung City (Chinese Taipei) at 14:44:17 local time (UTC 06:44:17).
“Shaking was felt over 700km by approximately 33M people in Taiwan, Province of China and Taiwan.”
They added: “Aftershocks may occur in the next hours/days. Unless it is necessary, stay away from damaged areas for your safety.
JC II calls it again…
Narrow escape for these motorcycle riders.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation is a non-fiction book:
I like cooking dogs and kids.
The number of times I have seen signwriters use apostrophes incorrectly. “Pizza’s” is a typical one.
Should we even mention choice of font and kerning disasters.
Or Spoonerisms, Malapropisms or Mondegreens…
Bank West.
When it comes to the correct use of English, that famous linguistic duo ‘The Two Ronnies’ can’t be faulted.
Mondegreen – misheard word or phrase from a song.
In my case ‘ Going back up to Africa Benny’.
There’s a bathroom on the right!
Leads to a performance of
“My job is to clean an army latrine”
We had a little fun book mocking our sloppy diction titled “Let stalk Strine”.
The author was Professor Afferbeck Lauder.
I doubt we still have it. Not everybody thought it as funny as I did.
Still have a copy somewhere, courtesy of my parents.
Now I guess it would be deemed inappropriate in a lot of ways – none of which would make sense, or be reasonable.
The same with Aunty Jack.
Careful James or she’ll be around to “rip yer bloody arms orf”.
For the reference the Canadian equivalent is “Canajan, eh!”
“Aunty Jack.” was one of Australia’s first trans feminists !
Then of course…. there was Dame Edna Everage.. 😉
Shouldn’t the second word be “Roots” ? 😉
Not the poor old wombat, surely.
I’m not depressed, only occasionally melancholic.
A good article e+g.
I enjoyed it. Thank you for referencing it.
Scientists want to spray sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere to refreeze the poles
Scientists presented a controversial plan whereby high-flying jets similar to a modified American KC-135R could spray microscopic aerosol particles into the atmosphere to refreeze the North and South Poles. The recently published research in IOP’s Environmental Research Communications suggests that the method would be feasible and fairly cheap.
The plan, which falls under a controversial climate intervention technology called Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), would target only subpolar regions- instead of having a global intervention that most other SIA operations assume, highlights the paper.
So…the Arctic is gigatons over average and it needs more ice? 😆
So after decades of the fight to prevent acid rain, so called scientists want to spray sulphuric acid into the atmosphere?
And why the Southern Hemisphere? Only 2% of people live South of the Tropic of Capricorn. The bottom third of the world has no problem at all. And it is a lot colder, so they want to freeze it with sulphuric acid?
Australia has endured so many utterly misguided ecological interventions including rabbits, foxes, myxamatosis, prickly pear, cane toads but the plan to freeze the place is beyond insane. Even robotic swimming drones to inject starfish with cyanide.
Would these bien pensant mad ‘scientists’ please not destroy the place. Again. Every time they save us in Australia, life gets harder.
I do believe that deserves a prize!
But that’s just the scientists. Here in the real world we have gone back from plastic to paper bags!!
Who refroze the Arctic the last time it was unfrozen in the 1950s?
Who imagined at the point where history and facts are literally at the finger tips of almost the entire population of the planet, anywhere, anytime …
that history and facts would become of so little consequence?
The 17th century brought Rational Science, especially with my hero, Rene Descartes. Cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am.
And remembered in Cartesian coordinates. His algebra and equations and insistence on building all science from absolute truth laid the ground work for everything we know today.
And the 21st century invented Irrational Science, based on the works of other French philosophers who could not compete with science, so they decry facts, history, logic. And they are taught at every university, not history or science. Consensus science, opinion is as good as fact, nothing matters except power. The most destructive of these is Climate Scientology but BLM, AntiFA, CRT come close to reintroducing racism, fascism, atheism and elitism to what were the most fair and democratic societies in history. And if you dare disagree, you will be hunted down and silenced.
My religious (political etc.) views or lack of are not introduced or supported by that 3-letter acronym list.
Germany to experience blackouts this winter.
Eric Worrall crunches the numbers for a nuclear outcome.
I’m still hoping that we will see an about turn before the 2025 election.
The Old Dart should by then be showing the way, while we should hit the wall before then.
Maybe next year when they try to shut Liddell.
They are saying Liddell would be a great place to build a nuclear power plant.
See Pielke R.Jr, in re C2N – coal to nuclear, < USA DOE
Thanks John, worth consideration, small reactors maybe the future.
On second thought SMRs are probably not the way ahead for Australia.
Nuclear energy makes sense for us as we have plenty of uranium . There are plenty of reactor designs out there that are “relatively” safe and will provide base load power . They may have substantial costs to build but if you build quality , you generally get safety and a long service life. In the long term can we afford not to ?
Its banned in every state and Territory, so that has to be overturned to even get a start. It won’t get up in a hurry. then it will take a decade to construct and cost billions of dollars.
Besides uranium we also have huge amounts of coal and gas at our disposal, best to focus on them.
I think I mentioned in a previous thread, that according to a friend who works at Bayswater, Liddell is operating on a wing and a prayer.
Apparently the high pressure pipes are rather worn out and desperately need replacing.
A whole rebuild would be needed to keep her going much longer.
Which of course is what should have happened ages ago.
Build the new Bayswater 2 to stem the loss of dispatchable electricity from the grid, then re-build Liddell to the highest possible modern standard to ensure stable supply into the future.
That is rational, but we both know that cannot happen until we prove CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
One Nation want a mix of public and private monies to fund this politically incorrect answer to our problem. What we need is a very rich entrepreneur who is prepared to foot the bill, or perhaps a Hong Kong shelf company could offer to build Bayswater 2 with no cost to government.
Bayswater has a major design fault in its cooling towers. That’s why Mt Piper has bigger towers and could be upgraded.
Bayswater’s towers are the same as the tower at Wallerawang, which was intended to service two 500mw generators. When brought into use it delivered only two thirds of its design capacity, necessitating the construction of the lowline coolers that were demolished as soon as the station closed.
The contracts had already been let for constructing Bayswater’s towers, so, instead of having the intended 50% spare cooling capacity it has no spare capacity.
Mt Piper is going to value add.
Yes and it will be very interesting as to how Elbow and Turtle Head Bowen handle things from April 2023 onwards. Extra candles anyone?
Why bother with nuclear? We already have hundreds of years of coal and gas. As do the UK and Germany and Canada. Fracking is almost a miracle for many countries, so it is illegal for no good reason.
The people in real trouble this year are the desperately poor Ukranians, Moldavans plus the Hungarians, Bulgarians.
The gas actually comes from Russia (at present via Germany) and all the Ukranian coal is in the Russian held Donbas.
If it is a cold winter for Germany, it will be a disastrous winter for the Ukranians where temperatures go to -40C and a people who cannot afford coal and now they have nothing. Bombs and missiles cannot be used for heating. But who really cares about the Ukranians? Not Biden and son. At least people in the country can chop wood, but cities like Kiev need gas. Death and starvation awaits millions. For what?
Nuclear make sense because we have so many other uses for fossil fuels that cannot be replaced easily . Most of our civilisation is built on products made from fossil fuels and we should try to use the resource practically . Ukraine is a dumpster fire that everyone is pouring fuel on and its burning all of them.
Medical mistake leaves infant lifeless in Houston
Here’s an idea. Let’s lower medical school entrance standards even more for wokeism…
Could have been caused by the wrong medication or dose prescribed or the wrong medication or dose delivered.
These days nurses have much less knowledge of medications and the prescription limits and accepted doses and also don’t understand their accountability when giving medication.
More medication errors are occurring each year. Years ago only senior nurses or students under close supervision of a senior nurse would give out medication. University education of nurses has been great for universities.
Thor: love and thunder.
What a joke. Did Pedowood use a 10 year old scriptwriter for this?
Cheesy acting at best. The prequels were way better.
At least we can be sure The Grand Tour-a Scandi Flick, just released, will be entertaining. .
Push comes to shove.
Recent times, politicians caved in ten metres before the first hurdle , just after lifting out of the blocks, to those green urgers, as they gave them everything they wanted.
Those green urgers ….. look at me, look at me, I can get whatever I want.
Scroll forwards to right now, as the worm looks to have turned, and the realisation that oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear power, are all positively ESSENTIAL, and green $h1t is shown for the flop that it really has been all along, and is not getting any better, despite countless promises that ….. it’s just within our grasp.
Now the coming realisation.
Green urgers ….. but but but!
Go play with your Lego.
They don’t have a fraction of the power they thought they might have.
Double entendre in that last line, Mr. Tony.
Along the same lines as. ” you can’t even believe half the lies the politicians tell you”
I still think a majority of the Sheeple and politicians believe it can work. And any decision makers or people of influence who have bothered to do their research and know the truth are terrified of speaking out lest they’ll be cancelled…
even I thought that until recently.
Now I’m beginning to get a ‘sense’ of desperation in what they are saying.
The thought of what might happen if things ‘go black’.
Not just political fallout, but actual very angry people coming for you.
I think we actually need a major crisis to prove the insanity of unreliables, otherwise we’ll be stuck forever in the ridiculous half-in, half-out situation we have now.
It’s going to be more difficult than ever, to blame Trump.
I strongly suspect that Germany and the UK will get a taste of significant “shortfall of electricity supply” within a few months.
If not well controlled, these “shortfalls” could take their whole grid down.. for a few days.. or even longer.
Won’t that be “fun” for them !
Of course none of them can account for the belief; they have faith in the people who, in all likelihood unwittingly, lied to them.
Let’s see what happens once Liddell is subtracted from the grid next year; the Just Stop It resistance group of believers will be agitating for dynamiting it as soon as possible in case the predictable rolling blackouts cause the decision to be reversed.
Big Pharma EVISCERATED By Member Of European Parliament
If a person is coerced into getting an injection, then the person who gives the injection can be prosecuted.
Whilst they knew you were mourning the Queen’s death, the UK Gov. quietly published reports confirming the Triple Vaccinated account for 91% of COVID Deaths throughout 2022 & there have been over 24k “unexplained” Excess Deaths since April
On the 13th of September, the Office for National Statistics published a bulletin on deaths registered weekly in England and Wales in the week ending 2nd September 2022.
The most recent week shows that there were 8,868 deaths in England and Wales, equating to 675 excess deaths against the five-year average. Of the 8,868 deaths, 314 were attributed to Covid-19, equating to 3.5% of all deaths.
However, the 675 excess deaths during week 35 of 2022 are not an anomaly, and they are actually part of a trend that has been occurring week on week since around the end of April 2022
NEJM study confirms COVID Vaccination causes new form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome & takes 5 months to kill
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has concluded that the mRNA Covid-19 injections destroy the natural immune system.
The study backs up months of work conducted by the team here at The Expose analysing official Government data in which we uncovered severe immune system degradation among the vaccinated population that worsens by the week, suggesting the vaccinated are developing some new form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
It also supports further analysis of official Government data that suggests Covid-19 vaccination takes approximately 5 months to kill.
Read the study. It did not say that.
A total of 15 hospitalizations and no known deaths were noted among the 273,157 vaccinated children (Table S1).
No know deaths.
Living up to your name there Sam
That’s skeptacular!
Deep sea mining is back on the agenda. You’d think this would upset a lot more “environmentalists” than it seems to, given that it is essentially strip mining in a very low energy environment.
bit of a dearth of fluffy emotive creatures to tug at the heartstrings
maybe if they can link it to whales and polar bears?
Russian owned oil refineries seized by Germany.
Supplies 90% of Berlin’s fuel.
And the raw material comes from ???
Germany has deep sea ports. The feedstock can come from anywhere.
They may need some modification, Ru oil is crap.
How they handled that problem in the Canadian oil patch
The European Physical Journal Plus
published a paper, Jan 13 2022, by 4 scientists titled:
“A critical assessment of extreme events trends in times
of global warming”.
(springer is the journal publisher).
A quote from the abstract:
“In conclusion on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing
today, is not evident yet.”
End quote.
Re Droughts they find:
“In conclusion, we believe that there is no evidence that the areas affected by the different
types of drought are increasing.
Re floods they find:
“About floods it can be said that although evidence of an increase in total annual precipitation is observed on a global level, corresponding evidence for increases in flooding remains elusive and a long list of studies shows little or no evidence of increased flood magnitudes.”
Re Hurricane/Cyclones they find:
“To date, global observations do not show any significant trends in both the number and
the energy accumulated by hurricanes, as shown in Fig. 1 and as claimed in several specific
papers [13] for the USA, which report the trend dating back to over 160 years ago, or for
other regions of the globe [14, 15].”
Re Tornados they find:
“strong to violent tornadoes (categories
EF-3 to EF-5 on the advanced Fujita scale), likely reported also before the Doppler radar era,
show no increase over time.”
Re Global greening and crop production they find:
“The global relevance of global greening was shown by the simulation carried out by an
Australian research group [72] with the model CABLE (Community Atmosphere Biosphere
Land Exchange) which illustrates the global trend of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) from
1900 to 2020 as the result of (a) physiological effect of leaf level changes directly stimulated
by carbon dioxide, (b) effect linked to the overall increase in leaf mass and c) effect of climate
change. Overall, the increase in GPP from 1900 to 2020 is estimated to be 30% while it is
estimated that it will reach 47% would CO2 double (560 ppmv).”
Re Natural disasters:
“Looking at natural disasters since 1900 shown in Fig. 8, a very small number can be
observed since the middle of the last century, when a sudden growth begins which stops
towards the end of the twentieth century to give way to a trend marked by a slight decrease.”
“In our opinion, this confirms that the main reason of the increase in the second half of the
twentieth century is the growing reporting capacity of individual states and that since this
capacity has stabilized on a reliable level, the number of disasters has become stationary or has
even gone down.”
My Comment:
Well it seems everything is good, the planet isn’t about to end and the sky wont fall on me.
So I might as well relax and have a round of Golf tomorrow.
Wear your mask, just to be sure. 🙂
I’m interested in the arc of events that has brought us to a frightening, at least to my small mind, place in history.
I can’t quite figure out how the Age of Flight/Science/Space, and creation of the great academies eroded into the Age of ‘Scientism’.
I suppose after the end of the Cold war, new village threatening dragons had to be created.
And viola Global Warming appeared.
The academies, the governments, the media, and the most successful classes, seem to be completely captive to not only special financial interests, but to an odd cultural impenetrable, over arching, quasi religion.
Where heresy is quickly and harshly dealt with.
Just harshly so far, but I can see heresy enforcement easily taking the next step.
After all, the Consensus has already determined that heretics are a threat to both the Planet and Democracy.
The academies may have rotted beyond reform a this point.
Bret Weinstein likened it to the beloved family dog contracting rabies, tragic but there is only one option.
From The triumph of rationality and the Industrial Age, to Global Warming, to Consensus Science, to Scientism and the deification of an autistic teenage girl.
It’s almost like the girl had a vision, became a celebrated mystic, and there was an out of luck dauphin that saw an opportunity. Hope this mystical girl has better luck in the end.
It came about as we passed peak oil/capita and the politicians needed to cut back our energy usage without telling us an unpalatable truth..
The global warming hoax is the best way to disguise it, but either way it will all end in tears. War an the collapse of this civilisation seems to be our future.
Undertakers kept busy with abnormally high numbers of Aussies dying – and it’s not just from Covid
Strange how he cannot see the obvious!
To be fair it would be bad for business if he pointed to the cause that cannot be mentioned.
Probably wouldn’t matter now, as so many are already so far down the vaccine rabbit hole that elevated excess deaths will be baked in for a few years. Safe and effective.
Logically, there is a scientific reason for the excess deaths worldwide. For 2022, there has been record excess deaths (roughly 3% of the excess deaths is due to covid) in Europe (every country)
European Union, Excess mortality hits +16%, highest 2022 value so far.
The largest increase in excess deaths is for heart failure/attacks and aggressive cancer which is now occurring in younger people, in addition to older people.
People dying suddenly on camera.
There is evidence that repeat exposure of the patient’s cells to the Wuhan-1 covid spike (which the RNA vaccines, including the new bivalent RNA vaccines which oddly/unexplainably, still force the body to produce), causes damage to the patient’s immune system which in turn causes heart attacks, cancer, and strokes.
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs
“We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis.”
“Neil Oliver Notes the Appearance of the Silent Majority Paying Respect to Queen Elizabeth II and the Traditions of Great Britain
September 18, 2022 | Sundance | 55 Comments”
Link in there
News for Canberra
“Soft landings my ar**”
More “Safe and Effective®”
“First child myocarditis ad I’ve ever seen”
(Note – #89 in the series)
Another Dr Campbell mentioned in comments there
I think this is due to incompetence rather than a fanatical commitment to unreliables, of which they have very little.
Zimbabwe Intensifies Nationwide Power Cuts on Supply Shortage
Zimbabwe’s state-owned electricity distributor intensified power cuts across the country because of a shortage of supply.
Woke reaches (twin) peak insanity. Trans teacher wears outsize sagging breasts to express femininity.
Probably be hard to find a photo now of traditional things in New Guinea but that would go well with a piglet being supplementary fed
The Left are trying to normalise insect eating among Aussie kids by having them eat crickets in 1000 “schools” as per my post above.
Isn’t it amazing that school authorities are absolutely paranoid about not bringing allergens such as peanuts to school, lest they trigger anaphylaxis and yet are apparently unconcerned that invertebrates such as crickets contain another major allergen in the form of tropomyosin, in common with crustaceans (and other allergens as well)?
E.g. see
“Allergens from Edible Insects: Cross-reactivity and Effects of Processing”
“1,000 Australian schools are fed insects
Are you keen to chow down on micro livestock?”
“Litigious Climate Scientist on the Hook for Legal Fees”
“Cost Of the Green Energy Transition: Who You Gonna Believe, Some Research Assistants from Oxford or Your Lyin’ Eyes?”
“Over in Europe, and particularly in those countries in the vanguard of the green energy transition, the enormous costs of this folly have begun to hit home. In the UK, average annual consumer energy bills were scheduled to rise as of October 1 to £3549/year, from only £1138/year just a year ago. (The figure may now get reduced somewhat by means of massive government subsidies, which only conceal, but do not obviate, the disastrous cost increases.) Germany’s regulated consumer gas bills are scheduled for an average annual increase on October 1 of about 480 euros, about 13%, from an already high 3568 euros.
Anyone with a pair of eyes can see what has happened. They thought they could get rid of fossil fuels just by building lots of wind turbines and solar panels, which don’t work most of the time. Then they suppressed fossil fuel production, because that is the virtuous thing to do. Somehow they lost track of the fact that they needed full backup for the wind and sun, and have no alternative to the suppressed fossil fuels. With supply of fossil fuels intentionally and artificially constrained, prices spiked.”
More at
for discussion of the paper
IIRC it was proven conclusively that flight by craft heavier than air was impossible – and then came the Wright Brothers and others
And IIRC there was similar about whether a slingshot dragster could exceed 1g in acceleration
“One Party System or Renewable Energy Still Does Not Exist”
Australians are being introduced to mass consumption of insects but no one has noticed or cares!
Western political leaders are pretending this is not a collective intention.
Scroll down to the Image Build Back Better – sums up the above perfectly
I would like to see a comprehensive list of all those Australian politicians who have been trained by the WEF, apart from Greg Hunt. There are a number of them, although some we might never know about.
I think you might be surprised with that list. A little while ago someone had noted that Scott Morrison and even Tony Abbott were members. But makes you wonder- were they fully fledged members attending events or did they just join up for interest sake? You know, everybody else was doing it!!
Well one way or another you’re supposed to keep an eye on what might be the enemy.
Hopefully without capture – mental or physical.
Since Australia is probably one of the most fanatical adopters of the anthropogenic global warming fraud, I think it will be the first to start heavily pushing insect consumption as has already started to happen.
And wait until foot and mouth disease is “accidentally” introduced into Australia and the meat industry is destroyed.
Insect eating will be marketed as an “Australian” thing to do (for non-Elites) because the original Australian hunter-gatherers ate them.
If F & M does get in the pasture resource will still be there and the livestock will have to be vaccinated which will wreck access to markets which currently ban imports from affected countries. But IIRC some places can export from areas tested clean – Brasil being one IIRC. That will take time to get in place – and organisation.
The livestock will still be here though prices will likely go to hell in a handbasket. Ironically likely making a plentiful meat supply available at reduced prices – what not to like as a consumer?
Why IS the wife of Australia’s premier royal hater going to the Queen’s funeral? TV insiders ‘stunned by irony’ of Lisa Wilkinson being flown to UK to front The Project’s coverage – despite being married to republican firebrand Peter FitzSimons
I’m not keeping up my TFH.
Turns out Igor Danchenko, the main source of the infamous faux Steele Dossier, which was the basis of the Trump Russia ‘collusion’ lie, was …
an FBI informant with leaks to Russian intelligence.
Well, scratch my britches.
leaks … geez … meant ties to Russian intelligence
It looks as if the ambulance services in the eastern states are all overwhelmed, Vic and NSW making the news lately.
But here in Qld I’ve been waiting for four hours with no end promised. Mrs H had a fall y’day and is in too much pain to get her into the car, so we just wait. At times like this I appreciate my lefty son. 🙂
Are stats on how many calls being published? I suspect that is the problem that no one wants to admit. Safe and effective my ar$e.
It still might end up being quicker than getting a taxi in Townsville lately.
And, from experience with the BTEC clean-up eradication wouldn’t be cheap or quick.
New Zealand experience with total eradication of introduced animals on off shore islands produced the rule of thumb that the last 1% will take as long and cost as much as the first 99%.
And do you think there are enough helicopters in Oz? Then think about the wild pig problem.
Aside on that subject there has been a bit of a kerfuffle about helicopters, brumbys and Kosciusko National Park lately.
So I asked a bloke familiar with current rules and approvals. One first shot, usually fatal. And then a follow back down the flight line for a second shot in case. So those 11 horses should only have taken 22 shots total.
Goes with #43.1
EV Scooter fire claims 8 yr old. This is why one cannot charge them inside a building.
Central Bank Digital Currency. Understand clearly that such a thing means the utter End of any, and all, liberty.
If such a thing is allowed, everyone will be a prisoner of the politicians.
No Digital Currency.
Gold Standard Essential to contain corrupt government and exploitation.
“Biden-Speak to English: A New SDA Service”
“We fed it through the SDA Biden2English™ Translator and this is what came out:
“It was no longer politically expedient for us to milk the pandemic with all of the fear mongering that worked so successfully with Democrat voters in 2020 & 2021 so we decided to drop the Covid theatre entirely.” “
“Good News: 2022 Hurricane Season Mild. Bad News: Pressure Pattern Threatens Europe with Hell Winter”
The Russians seem to be doing better with projecting future global temperatures. Are they ahead on weather as well?
Well, then. An education on Energy and Food is forthcoming, eh?
Recent paper: tracking weather events: no discernable trends, therefore, no climate emergency. Send it to your MP.