A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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From the region of “up over”, greetings to those down under.
Slàinte Mhaith
John, just look at the globe.
As any fool kin plainly see (quoting the wonderful Li’l Abner) the northern hemisphere is the heavy side. Therefore gravity must take it to the bottom.
Which means that it is the people in the north, not the south, who are in danger of falling off.
But your Gaelic? has me beaten.
Here is the map that proves it:
People have clearly been looking at this the wrong way.
And apart from some windswept plains of Patagonia and Magellan’s Strait and Islas Malvinas, New Zealand reigns supreme at the top of the world – take that! N.B. Antarctica never made it into the models… similar to clouds really.
Hoges nailed it when he said all the land is in the northern hemisphere so Australia isn’t down under because the heavy bit is at the bottom, it’s up over.
Slainte Mhaith > Good Health (might be Mhaith or Mhath depending on whose Gaelic you are appropriating 🙂
Slainte by itself > Cheers
Thanks to both for that.
It is shameful that I didn’t know it.
Past noon and I’m still ashamed. I should have known that.
It’s only 184 years since Paddy left his country for his country’s good.
Gaelic: dare I ? ….. dare, aye! this may appeal to you as an example:
Och oor lo-kull Coonsil thocht they wid spend oor monay oan daft things lyke changin thae Road an’ Street signs, unlike as in Wales wher Welsh comes first, but gaelic comes 2nd. Hmm – a subliminal message when most o’ e Coonsil is inkummersh. Ach an wen yae tri tae reid fit it soys, ye’ar as well tae speke in AINGLISCH wi’ yer teeth clenched and speke throu’ yer nose.
Our Parents and Teachers who spoke the Queen’s English would tell us to not mumble. ON reflection, maybe the King is long overdue ( King singlish now ). and I’ll leave it at that!
Aye Gee.
As any fool kin plainly see (quoting the wonderful Li’l Abner) – Slainte Mhaith > Good Health – lol.
Gotta love this blog!
I am feeling beaten.
And the tipping point that made me so was Al Gore’s persuasion of Clive Palmer to thwart the Abbott government’s landslide mandate.
How did he do it?
For some reason Australia’s influence on world society has been greater than the numbers of its population. When the Abbott government was elected with a ‘landslide” majority the AGW scam was living in the balance. Had Tony Abbott been able to enact his election policies that would have set the AGW scam back on its heels around the world.
In that landslide, the Palmer United Party, campaigning as more conservative than the Abbott coalition, gained four seats in the senate, giving them the “Balance of power”.
Come the day that they took up their seats, Clive Palmer, standing with Al Gore on the steps of OUR parliament, announced virtually that the PUP would block the Abbott mandate by “protecting” the Renewable Energy Target.
This announcement would have immediately “protected” hundreds of millions of dollars in investments associated with Al Gore, as well as similar investments around the world.
This was one of the most significant events in Australia’s, indeed the world’s political history. And still nobody has noticed this .
Cam you explain a little more on the basics? What did Abbott want to do specifically? And what did Clive agree too and why?
I was too busy with business at that stage to watch politics closely, though I recall being confused at Clive’s stunt.
Abbott’s mandate was to 1. Keep the price of energy down, and 2. To cut the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government’s mad spending program.
The PUP won its seats campaigning as more conservative than the coalition. The people who voted for it would have thought they were ensuring Abbott’s policies got up emphatically. Instead the PUP supported the communists.
And how did Al Gore get involved? How did he get to be standing on the steps of OUR parliament on the day it opened while his proxy announced the thwarting of OUR government’s electoral mandate?
And why did nobody in the commentariat notice these things? Partly because Abbott didn’t immediately make an issue of it, maximising the efficiency of the parliamentary operations by withholding legislation which would not pass the senate, doubtless planning to introduce it in a double dissolution election campaign. That campaign was usurped by Turnbull.
Eight years on it still warrants a Royal Commission.
I remember it well. It was inexlicible, upsetting and craving an explanation.
Easiest to invoke rich people swapping Other Peoples’ Money?
Geoff S
Must’ve been some $$$$$ involved for Clive to capitulate, it’s all he worships.
I’m beginning to wonder now about AGL who own the Liddell Power Station, and also Origin Energy, who own The huge Eraring power Station.
They got in really early and said they were going to close the plants down.
I’m wondering now if that might be a ploy.
They know, absolutely, hand on heart, that removing that much power will turn NSW dark. You cannot remove that much power (Liddell maybe, at a pinch, but not even that really) and here, that’s reliable constant power, and even begin to think it can be replaced by any of the renewables, and also hand on heart, they know this as well.
Get in really early, and panicked Governments both State, and even Federal will have to react, knowing that it would be political $u1c1de to shut them down, and even contemplate small outages, let alone the whole State going down, and the probable flow ons to other States.
Once word begins to filter up of the consequences of what might happen, then Governments would consider throwing money at keeping those plants on line, and again, both those plants owners know that, and figure that public money is preferable to what might be thought of as shareholder money.
You can think whatever you want about how ‘supposedly’ ignorant these owners and politicians might be, but believe me on this ….. ‘they know’!
Right now, all they’re waiting for is the ‘right time’ to break it to the public.
Keep this at front of mind as well in all of this. It will take seven years from initial proposal to actual commissioning date and power delivery to the grid for power plants ….. any power plant at all, and that’s if all the ‘ducks line up in a row’.
Good point Tony however I don’t think you fully comprehend the amount of stoo pid involved here
I often wonder is it stupid or on purpose. I can’t work it out.
It is blackmail from foreign sources including UN organisations and officials, other globalists and even non-government World Economic Forum and fellow travellers with mixed agenda including political power and wealth creation opportunists.
Consider Great Barrier Reef, despite reports that it is healthy and mostly in very good condition the UN threatens to declare it in danger, that would impact adversely on tourism to Queensland and therefore impact on the national economy. So blackmail, cooperate or be punished via tourism and trade. Years ago when PM Abbott was our leader the EU threatened to charge Qantas to fly over EU nation’s air space unless Australia cooperated in climate hoax demands.
Multinational businesses also play the climate game of blackmail, refusing insurance to coal mines, no finance for new coal fired power stations, etc.
In other words the majority of our politicians, especially when in government, are ignoring we the people whop elected them as our representatives in our parliaments, do the bidding of the foreign influencers.
I have no doubt that there is blackmail (and money) involved, but what form does it take? Is it a threat to charge higher interest on a country’s loans thereby hobbling the economy. Or is it straight out bribery which might have an accompanying dark threat to their dearest and nearest? All the international bodies eg IMF, World Bank, EU, UN have been captured and those leading them are living lives of luxury and accumulating wealth. Just smile and toe the line.
What Tony says is true. But crakar might be right, too. There is a new factor involved here. Brand new money. Too easy money.
Easy come may be easy go. If this easy money was to go down, what might it take with it?
Meanwhile, it might be too late to save Liddell but we must ensure that Eraring is not immediately demolished on closure. If closed as we are told, it must be mothballed for insurance.
Totally agree Tony. I’m betting that both Origin and AGL are expecting a bailout by Government to the tune of lots of $$$$$$ to keep both plants operating for the foreseeable future, as there is no other alternative.
“never attribute malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
Hanlons razor
Ergo AGL have no idea what they are doing, there is no grand plan to screw the gov.for more money, you give these people too much credit.
So. Not a conspiracy then? Are you sure you’re in the right place?
A group of Lemurs is called a “conspiracy”.
That’s because they live in cooperative communities and conspire to outsmart predators..
Even cooperative communities have outsiders.😁
disagree; AGL and Co know exactly what they are doing and seek to lock in the future revenue stream with no real investment on their part. State and Fed governments is where the deep well of cluelessness and delusion resides.
With Mike C-B hovering, how could AGL and Origin know what they are doing? This is a new world, and it doesn’t look good.
What was done to relieve the power crisis when the generator shut down at Liddell? Besides cutting Tomago’s hours?
I could only imagine that some back pocket politicking was involved. Somebody has been persuaded to supply power at a loss in return for what?
Problem is Tony, you are trying to obtain a sane, logical conclusion. Unfortunately, governments and many businesses don’t make sane, logical conclusions that often.
Tony, Another part of their strategy is likely to be reducing maintenance of those coal plants so that they become more unreliable, causing more brownouts and higher prices.
If you look at Eraring this month, every day production must be cut by 50% as solar takes over, but then it must peak for morning and evening demand. What a cash flow loss that must be as midday prices drop to zero.
Liddell really needs a full new fitout … it’s 50 years old.
We can argue about who should pay for that, and why, but there’s only so many Band-Aids you can stick over old pipes. Remember, the average windmill survives 15 to 20 years, and very few nuclear reactors have done 50 years straight service. If the engineers can squeeze another 5 years out of the same coal fired steam turbines, that would be an impressive effort compared to the alternative technology.
Of course they are! They wouldn’t be businessmen if they weren’t there to screw the taxpayer at every chance, it is what Capitalism has become once Govt power was mixed with it!
You don’t make widgets to sell these days, you set out to harvest Govt subsidies! The best way it to hold a Govt to ransom, so they will be copying Russia’s tactics with Europe.
I recon it’s just plain old greed. They only have to reduce the reliable generation enough to permanently require a much much higher cost generator to be required to meet demand and the ridiculous bid in system does the rest to make the remaining cheap/all generation assets mega profitable. Sure some have to sacrifice a reliable cheap generation asset but in the long run the remainder of their and others assets will earn then much much more. More than even government $$$ to keep the old asset ticking along.
It is the users that will be paying top $ for unreliable electricity.
I reckon they are expecting a huge ‘payday’ from the govt when they realize the lights might go off.
Car companies Tony. Remember, they stayed on in Australia as long as possible to bleed every last subsidy they could find from the Federal government. Then as soon as Abbott stopped the subsidies, they couldn’t pack up quick enough. Maybe exception being Toyota, who seemed to want to stay? I think you are correct, it’s going to be a case of who blinks first. My bet the government, probably at state levels, will be the primary blinker.
I think the grid should be allowed to collapse.
We shouldn’t fight it.
It’s the only way the uselessness of wind, solar and Big Batteries can be demonstrated.
The Chinese know this which is why they have only token virtue signaling installations of W&S built for the benefit of the ignorant fools of the West.
And China is a space faring, nuclear armed, nuclear powered country. They are not poor and shouldn’t be allowed to be exempt from the Energy Starvation policies that are destroying the West.
China is empowered by the destruction of the West through Energy Starvation.
Everyone should be exempt from Enery Starvation.
While the Chinese have now dropped subsidies for wind and solar, there was a benefit in that those industries had a huge local market,so economy of scale, leading to reduced prices they could charge in Europe and Australia etc. and reduced competition in those countries as the local manufacturers went bankrupt.
Nope – the place will have to go dark to get any attention.
Australia is rich in natural resources spread across a tiny population and has to work hard at stewpud to avoid being wealthy.
The Climate Council of Australia is now the watchdog on climate action to revised legislated targets:
You will once again see that not one of these persons has any idea how power gets stuffed into a power socket. They only know how it comes out when they operate the switch. There is no way that Labor will support funding coal generation.
The Electricity Security Board July recommendations are dead. This was supposed to be implemented by 2025 and would have already got investors interested in dispatchable capacity. That is not going to happen now. It will be more batteries, solar panels and wind turbines.
Snowy 2 might be in operation by 2030. Snowy CEO, Paul Broad, has fallen on his sword after realising that the lunar ticks are REALLY in charge now.
The only option that is left for dispatchable power is to get a deal done with China to give Australia priority for battery production.
Just make sure you can make your own power when you need it. And solar panels without a battery are useless when the grid goes dead.
And batteries are useless for our power needs.
Yes, the conflicts here have been obvious for some years. Even Kean (NSW Treasurer and full-time greenie) was discombobulated when Origin brought forward the closure date for Eraring.
But the “black swan” event for AGL is Cannon-Brookes. He is deliberately using his immense wealth to try and force AGL to close all coal-fired generators early.
Life is tough as a man. Woman Who Pretended To Be A Man Dies By Assisted Suicide Years After Realizing How Difficult It Was To Be One
53-year-old journalist Norah Vincent opted for assisted suicide on July 6, 2022, years after experiencing what it was like to live as a man.
Journalist Norah Vincent and author of Self-Made Man wanted to experience life as the opposite gender so she could write about it. She was a lesbian, not transgender, but her inquisitive nature made her curious about gender and identity. In 2003, she hired a makeup artist to help her paint stubble on her face to match her short, dark hair. She worked out to build the muscles on her back, wore rectangular-framed glasses, and strapped her breasts against her chest. And with the help of a Julliard vocal coach, she was even able to train her voice to sound more manly. Norah Vincent was determined. There was no stopping her from switching genders. But what she found in living life as the opposite sex wasn’t “male privilege” — instead, Vincent learned what it was like to be at an incredible disadvantage.
While all of us in the post-feminist movement are convinced that women have always had it worse and men have always had it better, it took me stepping into their shoes to realize that that’s not true at all.”
Male privilege in the modern era is a myth. In 2020, it was found that 70% of homeless individuals were men. Men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women. Men make up 80% of all murder victims worldwide. Men make up just over half of the workforce, and yet they make up 90% of all workplace fatalities.
It’s tough being a guy; a mentally and physically strong alpha. All the time. Never showing weakness or crying. Being the breadwinner and protector. Pretending things don’t hurt.
Bottling up your emotions for your whole life. It eats you up inside.
But what’s worst of all is man flu. That’s insufferable.😅😉
Why do you find the Wright Brothers insufferable?
Amen, brother.
Reply to J C II, not Addelad.
Why didn’t she just revert to being a woman? There was no surgery from what I glean. Doesn’t add up. I’d say there was mental illness from the start.
But her and your observations are correct. Though I refute one thing. Bottling up your emotions is the very essence of being a man. A man is perfectly happy going to work and to make sacrifice. But living in a post-feminist world men live under derision and loss of opportunity, which confuses everything. The world their biological instincts know, no longer exists.
The going advice to cope with this is for men to be more feminine, cry more and talk about their feelings. That will never be a cure for a man because this is how women behave. Being told to be someone else, will never succeed.
Root Cause Medicine is a reaction, a response to an unprecedented tsunami of lifestyle disease washing over the planet. Today, it is ‘normal’ to accumulate a growing list of chronic medical conditions, treated with an ever-growing list of life-long pill prescriptions.
Never before have type II diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, psychiatric disease, autism, dementia and infertility been so widespread. Something happened in the early 1970s — a small wave has now become a tsunami.
Modern medical advancements have enabled the treatment of more manifestations of late-stage chronic disease but have done nothing to reduce the accelerating growth rate of new illness.
In fact, such a poor state of global health has arisen despite the freest access to abundant food, pharmaceuticals and medical intervention in the history of the human species. Too few are asking the important questions.
. What are the fundamental root causes of chronic disease?
. Why is the prevalence of obesity and chronic disease continuing to rise?
. Why is the age of onset of illness decreasing?
. What happened in the early 1970s to trigger an acceleration of the chronic disease epidemic?
These are the questions that Root Cause Medicine seeks to answer.
– Genetics and Environment
– Environmental and Evolutionary Mismatch
– Loss of Ancestral Dietary Wisdom
– Corruption of the Human Diet
. The Seventh Day Adventists
. The Invention of Crisco
. The Diet-Heart Hypothesis
. The Closing of the Gold Window
. The American Dietary Guidelines
. Big Pharma and Statins
. The Propaganda of Big Food
. RoundUp, Glyphosate and Monsanto
. The ‘Carcinogeneity’ of Red Meat
. The WEF’s Great Reset
– The Medical-Pharma-Agricultural-Complex
– The Root Causes of Disease
To summarize:
. environmental mismatch is the root cause of chronic lifestyle diseases and the so-called diseases of modernity
. one of the most important mismatches is diet, namely replacing the ancestral diet rich in animal meat, fat and organs with highly processed products of industrial mono-cropped agriculture: refined grains, sugar and seed oils.
. dietary dictates of the past century overwhelmingly reflect the corporate interests of the Pharmaceutical industry, the Food industry and the religious doctrine of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
In the meantime, think hard about the food you buy, cook and serve to your family. If your ancestors didn’t eat it, you probably shouldn’t eat it.
A bit late. We’ll all be on KFC Cricket burgers with maggot sauce before too long.
Short of owning your own farm, REAL food is becoming a dream for most, as data is now showing.
Control the food and you control the people. (Those left after the vaxx cull anyway…)
Interestingly, they say if you have high levels of glysophate (round up) in your system the greater the mRNA take-up in your cells, greater mRNA take-up greater adverse reactions.
Food for thought…..sorry that was awful
Sorry Crakar but glyposate does not build up in your system. It is water soluable. It isn’t toxic even if you drink it.
The worst thing about glyphosate is that it is out of patent. If it gets banned, who makes a lot of money?
But the continued use of glyphosate to “enhance” harvesting yields of grains in the USA means very low levels of it are re-introduced into the human food chain.
The real meaning of that has not been found/proven but it looks “suspicious”.
Fortunately this harvesting practice seems to have not found any support in Australia
I learnt a good while ago re the packaged food that most people buy, especially microwave food.
If your grandmother can’t or wouldn’t have been able to understand what the ingredients are from what is written on the label then you shouldn’t buy and eat it.
I always look at the ingredients with fake meat being the worst but then why would I buy fake meat, in fact fake anything.
Remember when it was Federal law in the USA to use hydrolysed vegetable oils to cook. A most egregious case of health overreach. Some companies like McDonalds dragged their feet. Then the news came in that the trans fats they contained were extremely carcinogenic and McDonalds were heroes. It was an immense scandal by regulation of the food industry. A world wide experiment on humans which exposed the danger in hydrolysed fats.
So how sure are the pushers of this new ‘meat’ that history is not repeating itself. But who would label their food as containing ‘unnatural man made ingredients’ created in a laboratory and consume ‘at your own risk’. And it’s all about reducing CO2 which is essential for life. Science is being perverted in the name of the UN’s Frankenstine child, Climate Science.
I think you meant hydrogenated oils, which are saturated and supposedly less affected by high temperatures (think Lard).
Hydrolysed fats would normally be called soaps.
There are trans fats in butter (minor) and a higher level in grape seed oil. And I am not aware of any chemical reason for them to be broken down differently in the body.
If you are worried try olive oil or peanut oil. Both are unsaturated and are supposed to be good for you.
Sorry, hydrogenated.
“Never before have type II diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, psychiatric disease, autism, dementia and infertility been so widespread. Something happened in the early 1970s — a small wave has now become a tsunami.”
Obviously the mobile phone radiation that soaks every one of your cells every day all day… Upsets the mitochondria, unscrews your DNA, dams the protein channels in the cell…
Both equally as likely, but we will not find out in our lifetimes.
There is no need to blame mobile phones.
We started eating more, exercising less. How many people can run 4oo metres without walking? We drink too much. We got used to processed food instead of cooking from scratch.
Some still smoke tobacco and many now smoke weed.
We don’t even get enough vitamin d these days because we’re frightened of skin cancer, so we never get enough sun. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher rates of cancer, heart disease, auto immune disease like MS and of course, covid19.
We have got fat, lazy and stupid. No need for another explanation.
Ain’t politics grand.
.”What happened in the early 1970s to trigger an acceleration of the chronic disease epidemic?”
When did microwave ovens come on the market. ??
The dole was heightened as a vote getting tool to the point that for the first time in Australia’s history it became a real alternative to going out to work every day.
A sudden shift to low activity lifestyle without a commensurate reduction in calorie intake leads to diabetes.
Politicians are dangerous to your health.
Raytheon produced the first in 1946. Of course, acceptance was slow at first.
” What are the fundamental root causes of chronic disease?”
#1. Not dying.
Top Geophysicist & Gov’t Doctor Accuse Global Geoengineering Program Of Intentionally Collapsing Earth’s Biosphere
A pair of men named James Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside published a paper in the “Advances In Social Sciences Research Journal” last month accusing the United Nations of engaging in a conspiracy to destroy the Earth’s environment.
Herndon has a BA degree in physics from the University of California, San Diego and a Ph.D. degree in nuclear chemistry from Texas A&M University and Dr. Whiteside has a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Miami and has been the Medical Director of the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County since 2008.
Titled, “Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason,” the authors write, “Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly ultraviolet radiation.”
“We present further evidence that coal fly ash, utilized in tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, is the primary cause of stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbons, as ‘decreed’ by the Montreal Protocol. The misdiagnosis was a potentially fatal mistake by mankind,” the pair writes in the paper’s abstract.
Elaborating, the paper states, “Coal fly ash particles, uplifted to the stratosphere, are collected and trapped by polar stratospheric clouds. In springtime, as these clouds begin to melt/evaporate, multiple coal fly ash compounds and elements are released to react with and consume stratospheric ozone. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, the stratospheric ozone layer has already been badly damaged and now increasingly deadly ultraviolet radiation, UV-B and UV-C, penetrates to Earth’s surface.”
This comes under the 80% of topics I don’t post on usually but I am seeing increasing evidence of just this happening so it merits more attention.
You don’t need to spray coal fly ash from jet airliners to do this, the trace elements in crude oil will build up with the thousands of airlines continually flying.
Its a big conspiracy to contaminate jet fuel and not have anyone talk about it, the more people who know about something the less likely it is to remain secret. Even the guy who drives the truck with 30tons of fly ash from the power station to the Shell refinery and dumps it on a giant heap might think there’s something wrong.
Are you saying it is not a conspiracy? You guys are starting to make sense.
I can live with the idea of a nasty NWO cabal, but why would they destroy the stratosphere, kill off much of the planet’s flora & fauna and make Earth inhospitable for all humans? Have they a Plan B – otherwise it seems more than a bit dumb?
I have this distinct feeling that the “Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal” may be out of their depth. Fly ash from a power station is full of very fine silica particles – not very kind to moving metal bits spinning at high RPM. The real culprit may be dihydrogen monoxide being increasingly added to the stratosphere by rocket launches and the odd volcanic eruption.
According to NASA here:
The Japanese add fly ash to their concrete mixes – a much better solution to its disposal.
Fly ash is a common ingredient in concrete to improve strength a durability. It has a long history as a concrete additive.
The first German district blackout simulation: 400 dead in 96 hours
Germany’s municipalities are getting serious and preparing for the concrete consequences of a widespread power blackout. The Hessian Rheingau-Taunus district is the first of 401 German districts and urban districts to have a specialist company in Berlin examine and simulate what threatens in the event of a blackout in order to be prepared for the increasingly likely eventuality.
According to this, 400 deaths could be expected within 96 hours. After 24 hours, livestock would die, substations would fail, and water tanks would run dry. Then there would be looting, fires and economic damage in the hundreds of millions.
If Germany collapses, the EU follows.
The EU’s utterly braindead sanctions against Russia have CAUSED this, but the agenda is the agenda…
All brought to you by the UN.
‘UN’ is such a negative, non, un-thing. Shudder…
What about paddling in sewage when the pit pumps fail.
Neil Ferguson did the modelling, by the sound of it.
I am amazed at the incredible saturation of public discourse by the IPCC/UN and their fearmongering of carbon dioxide.
So I read of people, companies, manfucturers, everyone being concerned about their ‘carbon footprint‘. It’s pervasive.
Certainly we need to stop the pollutants of old. Asbestos, lead, cadmium, benzene, cyanide, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide and heavy metals and compounds of phosphorous say but not not carbon dioxide, surely.
You can tell if an organism is alive by measuring carbon dioxide. Even trees and grass at night generate lots of carbon dioxide. That’s how you can tell they are living organisms, powered by sunlight and carbon dioxide now stored as forms from carbohydrate or hydrated carbon dioxide. H2O and CO2. From which all life is made.
Now carbon dixoide is bad, dangerous, evil. And anyone found producing carbon dioxide or methane (farts) is a menace and should be punished. So goodbye manufacturers and farmers and farm animals and humans and ants and termites and microbes and bacteria and all life on earth including fish, whales, coral polyps, octopuses. All evil.
What a success story for the UN! Taxing the air we breathe, trillions a year and hundreds of billions flowing the UN and their tens of thousands of world dominating bureaucrats. What a brilliant concept, to use the weather to terrify everyone.
And the reality the carbon dioxide, the most soluble of gases, the basis of cheese and beer and sparkling wine, the essential gas without which life on earth would stop, the source of our oxygen, is now a prohibited pollutant is just amazing. Soon you will be taxed directly on your carbon footprint, which will be tracked by world governments.
So the next time you worry about your carbon footprint, ask yourself why? And be concerned that your social responsibility index will make you a pariah is you buy firewood or briquettes or fill your car with anything but approved electricity.
And after 150 years of terrible Global Warming of 1.5C, ask if you really are hotter or worse off.
What we do know, confirmed by NASA and the CSIRO, is that crops are at record levels, the world has more trees in an area bigger than the Brazilian rainforest and the glaciers have retreated slightly, uncovering areas of Iceland which have been uninhabitable for 1,000 years. And when Greenland used to be Green. And Romans grew grapes in Scotland at 55 North.
So shut down those power stations. Turn off the nuclear. And pray for tiny warming to stop and carbon dioxide to go down. What I want to know is why? And how did we get to the point where we are not only afraid of our own shadows, but taxed on them.
And I need an answer to a simple question. Where would we get more oxygen if we didn’t have carbon dioxide?
After all, if all life consumes oxygen and outputs carbon dioxide, why don’t we run out of oxygen? If we removed all the carbon dioxide, all life on earth would die. And without photosynthesis generating more oxygen, where would we get it?
Access to carbon dioxide is essential for oxygen generation. In fact humans would stop breathing automatically if there was no carbon dioxide in the air.
Luckily we have vast reserves of CO2 in the world’s oceans and we cannot run out. So what do our climate scientists want to do?
Bury all the carbon dioxide. It’s really science gone mad, but don’t tell Twiggy Forrest. He believes the world can run on hydrogen.
because the spot numbers are small and the biomass of the earth is pretty constant.
Also, and incidentally as the biomass thing was the end of the argument, you breath out most of the oxygen you breath in. Plus, as an added bonus, a high proportion of the oxygen bound to carbon in CO2 is released during photosynthesis. Hydrocarbon life has much less than 1C:2O contained within it.
Actually the biomass is increasing with the higher CO2 levels. But back in the Carboniferous Period there was lots of biomass because the previous periods had very high levels (3,000 or more). Plants got bigger and more numerous, and in the absence of large herbivores** they pumped out lots of oxygen to above 30% while the CO2 level dropped. Eventually the CO2 got down to 350-400 p.p.m. and a series of Ice Ages reduced vegetation and got things back in balance.
** Although there were some bigger insects e.g. a 3 Metre Millipede.
Which is why it was the carboniferous period. A time of incredibly luxuriant growth, far more lush than today’s barren largely cold landscapes.
Biomass has barely moved and certainly is not sucking the oxygen out of the atmosphere.
No, I wrote of another Brazilian rainforest in just 30 years. A 14% increase in biomass. Exactly the same as the increase in CO2 in the same period. According to the absurd model of tight balance this is not possible.
CO2 has gone up and biomass has gone up as well. Biomass was supposed to be in counter balance with CO2. Trees go up, so CO2 goes down. It is the entire basis of ridiculous carbon credits! But it is nonsense science and transparently not true. I note that NASA avoid that conclusion.
And you breathe out most of the O2 sure, most of the time. Anything from 4% to an high activity 14% CO2 as well (and as O2 is 22%, from 18% to a mere 8% O2) With every single breath. Which is why you run out of air very quickly in a tight space, especially if you exercise. And you move plants out of hospital rooms at night because they output CO2 as they also respire. Now multiply by 8 billion people and many more animals and everything from whales to bacteria, all running on oxygen and generating CO2 24/7/365 with every breath.
And it proves that CO2 levels are completely independent of biomass. CO2 goes up by Henry’s law where a tiny amount of the 98% of CO2 dissolved in the oceans comes out with an increase in ocean surface temperature. And because there is more CO2 in the air, you get more trees. Trees are only made from two things H2O and CO2. So more CO2 means more trees if you have enough water. It’s all so simple. Except the IPCC insists that you grow trees and CO2 goes down. That is not true. Obviously.
NASA have observed this massive growth in the biosphere for 30 years, but do not make the connection with increased CO2. Nor do they point out that it has had no effect such as decreasing CO2. I am making these very simple science observations because no one else does. Certainly not in the press.
And other dead obvious point is that if correlation was causation and CO2 was connected with warming, the far more obvious and simple explanation is that ocean warming causes increased CO2. That’s really obvious. However NASA goes as far as to say the air has not warmed because the oceans ‘stole‘ the heat.
How ridiculous can you get? The oceans stopped the air from getting hotter. How then was the heat moved from the air to the water if the air did not get hotter?
Trees are life and they do the opposite.
Yes, TREES ARE LIFE.. and for optimum growth they need far higher levels of CO2 that there are at the moment.
Why is it that some people don’t seem to have even the remotest understanding of the carbon cycle! ?
No, they capture solar energy as carbohydrate but at night they get their energy as we do. They have no choice. A tree keeps working at night, moving water and energy around, keeping everything alive. Or the plant dies. Plants work hard day and night and that takes energy.
My expectation is that it is highly reactive oxygen which is the chemical oddity. It exists because carbohydrates exist. And carbohydrates exist because plants exist. I believe that our atmosphere was mainly passive, useless, dead, non reactive nitrogen and CO2. This is my belief.
Somehow, randomly, a simple catalyst converted CO2 and sunlight to carbohydrate, stored energy. This is the miracle of all life. The current belief is that this was close to Vitamin A, a precursor of chlorophyll.This reaction created carbohydrates as a solar energy store and released oxygen and was the key to the first life on the planet which was plant life.
And these hungry, hungry plants ate all the CO2 leaving their byproduct which is now 22% oxygen with a tiny 0.04% CO2. So when aerial CO2 goes up, as currently, plant life on land explodes in direct proportion. We live in a carbon dioxide starved land biosphere.
Tiny sea animals came first phytoplankton, part plant, part animal, then krill, then fish. Land animals came later after plants had left the oceans, so there was food on the land. Then it was simple deal. Animals eat the plants and burn oxygen for near instant energy. It’s what you do every day. And release CO2. It’s a wonderful deal with the land plants which cannot get enough CO2.
This was surprisingly confirmed by the satellite observations of NASA. When I say surprisingly, it is because NASA scientists are not biologists and did not expect it. NASA follows the fashionable Climate science view that CO2 is unnecessary and dangerous.
But it should have been expected because it makes perfect sense in the cycle of life on earth. CO2 is the life giver for plants and O2 is their byproduct. On our own we humans would run out of O2, but as long as we have plenty of plants and sunshine we live in symbiosis with plants and oxygen on which we are totally dependent. And they in turn are dependent on CO2 and sunlight. Luckily there is a lot more CO2 in the ocean, about 50x as much and as the surface warms, more comes out and we get more trees, more crops to eat because we cannot eat trees or rocks. But in a cool period like now (not according to the IPCC), there is precious little CO2 in the atmosphere. At 0.02% all life stops. But wacky Climate Scientists consider increased CO2 as evil, the curse of the planet.
Consider a geologically recent time when 80 ton plant eating monsters walked through forests of giant tall ferns in a hot humid world and our tiny ancestors scurried about on the jungle floor. It was also a time which left us this huge bounty of free carbon based rotted plant matter now as gas and coal and oil, oceans and mountains of the stuff which we now want to refuse. It has lifted us from a million years of energy poverty once we discovered we could grow plants ourselves, just 10,000 years ago. We even discovered CO2 existed and found that if we feed it to plants in hothouses, they grow bigger and faster. That should not be surprising.
I would paint modern humans as ungrateful as they are mad and ignorant. Climate Science is the maddest science of the lot, a denial of the obvious, of our history and our ancient heritage, the symbiosis with plants and ignorance of chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, biology and science. And it is all so wrong. More CO2 means more life. And there is no warming atmosphere, as if warming was a problem which it isn’t. The fact is that we need more CO2. But CO2 will somehow be blamed for what is coming, global cooling which has already started.
According to this fantasy Climate Science you must reduce your carbon footprint. Soon by law. It will be recorded when you buy something with your credit card and you will lose social credit. Because governments demand that you not create more CO2 for the hungry plants. But the only way you can reduce CO2 is to bury it or stop breathing. Both appeal to the UN/EU and WEF and Club of Rome who see humans as the problem. The plants see it differently.
It is a relentless, organized, propaganda campaign. It reaches from the public sphere into the private sphere. It reaches from the international, to the national, and then to the local spheres. It is built in to all communication technologies. It has replaced science education in the schools. It is so pervasive that politicians, public persons, media people, and bussiness, feel obligated to pay lip service to it, even if they disagree or have no opinion on it. Any information which questions it is labeled as disinformation, or misinformation. It is a war, but a different kind of war.
I like your laast sentence at #8.
What I want to know is why? And how did we get to the point where we are not only afraid of our own shadows, but taxed on them..
The “died suddenly” epidemic keeps getting bigger and bigger
How does one more death constitute an “epidemic” ??
I saw an ad on TV yesterday about the dangers of blood clots and how it’s a new epidemic. Is it the disease or the vax which doesn’t prevent the disease? Or both? Or something else? No mention of the possible causes in the ad. It’s just a mystery.
The add implored people if they have any BC symptoms to treat it as an emergency. But these things often have no warning. A good friend and former athlete started suffering strokes at age 40. He is now confined to a wheel chair and can’t speak. My sister in law at age 38 suffered a pulmonary embolism while at work. She just collapsed and that was it.
It is hard to watch. It is not going to end, until the public wakes up and stops getting jabbed or if the evil ends. Pfizer and the FDA did not test the blood (original test took blood samples and then destroyed the blood samples) of the vaccine test patients, before and after first release RNA covid vaccination, for biomarkers of immune system change, heart damage, liver damage, neurological damage, and so on. Pfizer and the FDA did not use modern high-tech testing of blood samples to look for nefarious changes.
Bivalent boosters, force the body’s cells to produce first release covid spikes and BA4/BA5 spikes. Repeat exposure of the body/cells to the first release covid spikes produced by the mRNA covid vaccines, causes death and permanent damage to humans.
People dying suddenly on camera.
This is the twitter link where there are more cases of sudden death syndrome.
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations
“In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.
…We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage.
We show evidence from adverse event reports in the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Death of Queen Elizabeth II exploited to steal Microsoft credentials
Threat actors are exploiting the death of Queen Elizabeth II in phishing attacks to lure their targets to malicious sites designed to steal their Microsoft account credentials.
Besides Microsoft account details, the attackers also attempt to steal their victims’ multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes to take over their accounts.
“Messages purported to be from Microsoft and invited recipients to an ‘artificial technology hub’ in her honor,” Proofpoint’s Threat Insight team revealed today.
In the campaign spotted by Proofpoint, the phishing actors impersonate “the Microsoft team” and try to bait the recipients into adding their memo onto an online memory board “in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”
After clicking a button embedded within the phishing email, the targets are instead sent to a phishing landing page where they’re asked first to enter their Microsoft credentials.
Hackers now use ‘sock puppets’ for more realistic phishing attacks
An Iranian-aligned hacking group uses a new, elaborate phishing technique where they use multiple personas and email accounts to lure targets into thinking its a realistic email conversation.
The attackers send an email to targets while CCing another email address under their control and then respond from that email, engaging in a fake conversation.
Named ‘multi-persona impersonation’ (MPI) by researchers at Proofpoint who noticed it for the first time, the technique leverages the psychology principle of “social proof” to obscure logical thinking and add an element of trustworthiness to the phishing threads.
“to obscure logical thinking”?
So they’re targeting the unvaxxed and climate & energy realists,
who wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for this in the first place? 😆😆
“A CIA-paid hacking group uses a new, elaborate phishing technique… ..targeting the unvaxxed and climate & energy realists”
Makes sense now.
I had a call from the Government the other day (they called to help me)
They/zir/zod was miffed that I wouldnt provide details to prove who I was to an anonymous person on an unlisted number. I asked that they go first to prove who they were. They had no process to do that.
“What a success story for the UN! Taxing the air we breath”.
When I was young I used to say that the government would never be able to tax the air we breath. How wrong I was.
Comment from – Weaken Germany to strengthen US: Alleged leaked RAND doc outlines plan to destroy Europe as ‘political competitor’
How to explain Government to an Alien (from Outer Space, not Mexico)
Alien (A): “I’ve traveled across space to check on the progress of your species.”
Human (H): “Cool. Shall I take you to our leader?”
A: “Your what?”
H: “Our leader. The guy in charge.”
A: “The guy in charge of what?”
H: “Well, in charge of everything.”
A: “You have one guy in charge of everything?”
H: “No, no. He’s in charge of Government.”
A: “What is ‘Government’?”
H: “Well, Government makes the rules for us. It tells us what we can do, and what we can’t do.”
A: “So, Government is really smart? They come up with wise rules for you to follow?”
H” “Well, mostly. But some of its rules really are stupid.”
A: “Do you disregard those rules?”
H: “No we have to follow the rules, even if they are stupid or we disagree with them. Government punishes anyone who disobeys the rules.”
A: “So, you are a slave to government?”
H: “No, no. It’s not like that at all. Government works for us, the people. It serves us. We are the boss.”
A: “It tells YOU what to do. And it punishes YOU with violence if you disobey it. And, yet, you’re it’s boss?”
H: “Yeah.”
A: “But there are some things government does that you don’t like?”
H: “Well, yeah. Not everything government does is popular. Like, spending on wars, for example.”
A: “What is a ‘war’”?
H: “It’s when the Government spends the people’s money on weapons and soldiers and sends them over to the other side of the world to kill a bunch of people over there and destroy their country. I don’t like that the Government does this.”
A: “Well. I can see why you might not like that. Have you humans reached the stage where you generally consider stealing, enslaving, and killing each other to be … bad things?”
H: “Oh, yeah! We know that! Don’t steal. Don’t attack. Don’t assault.”
A: “But you give money to Government and they use it to kill people.”
H: “Umm, yeah. But the Government does good things with tax money as well.”
A: “Why don’t you stop paying for the things you don’t like, and only pay for the good things it does?”
H: “No, we can’t do that. You can’t just decide to stop paying taxes because the rules say that everyone has to pay taxes.”
A: “But the rules come from Government, don’t they?
H: “Yes.”
A: “So Government made the rule which said everyone has to pay the money?”
H: “Yes”
A: “So, everyone pays taxes because if they didn’t Government would punish them using violence?”
H: “Yes, but most people don’t mind paying taxes. Most people feel obligated to pay taxes and obey Government laws because it’s for the good of society. Society needs Government so that means we all must pay taxes ”
A: “So, just to make sure I’ve got this straight. Government makes the rules and you feel obligated to follow the rules, even the ones you don’t like. And it tells you what to do and threatens to punish you if you don’t do what it says, and it uses some of the money it takes from you using threats of violence to pay for things you don’t like, and actually think are immoral like, mass murder.”
H: “Yes, but we can ask it to please tell us to do smart things like, please don’t use our money to kill people. We’re allowed to ask them to tell us to do what we want them to tell us to do.”
A: “Are you guys just scared of this thing? Is Government some huge monster which can just squish you at any moment if you disobey?”
H: “No, Government isn’t a monster.”
A: “Well, what is it then? Can you draw me a picture of it?”
H: “Government isn’t really the sort of thing you can draw a picture of.”
A: “Maybe you can take me to it. Where is Government?”
H: “You mean the buildings?”
A: “Government is a building?”
H: “No, but the politicians who make up the Government have buildings they work from.”
A: “So, Government is a group of these politicians?”
H: “Yes”
A: “OK. Then what species are these politicians?”
H: “They’re human.”
A: “Like you??”
H: “Yeah”
A: “So, politicians are human and they’re Government. You’re human, but you’re not Government.”
H: “No”
A: “So it’s the politicians they’re the ones that boss the rest of you around and make you do things you don’t want to do and take your money using threats of violence. But, even though you’re all humans you’re not allowed to boss them around and take their money?”
H: “No, they’d put us in a cage if we did that. But, look, it’s not like the politicians can just do whatever they want. Like, a politician can’t just come up to me on the street and make me give him money. They can’t do that. Politicians can only do things like that in their job when they are working for Government.”
A: “Oh, so politicians aren’t Government. They just work for Government.”
H: “Yeah”
A: “OK. So, Government isn’t a monster, and it isn’t a building, and it’s not politicians. It’s something else. But it employs politicians, who are just regular humans who get to boss everyone else around and take their money. How does a regular human become a politician?”
H: “Well, that’s the great thing about our Government. It’s a Democracy. And that means that the people actually have the power because we get to decide who among us get to be politicians. We get to vote! If a politician starts doing things we don’t like we can just replace them with someone else in the next election.”
A: “So the people that get chosen to be politicians only get to boss people around and take their money for a short time, and then they go back to being regular humans?”
H: “Exactly”
A: “Sounds like a powerful position to be in. But if you get to choose who does that I assume that politicians are always the wisest, most honest, caring and perspective people among you.”
H: “Well, no, not really. I wouldn’t say politicians are known for being honest or wise or caring. And they’re certainly not the most respected people among us. Come to think of it, most politicians are lying power hungry crooks.”
A: “The ones YOU chose?”
H: “Yeah, they’re always doing things we don’t like. They use taxpayers money to enrich themselves and their friends. And they never keep their promises to voters. They’ve been caught stealing and lying and taking bribes. And they mostly do what the big corporations want. Yeah, they’re always doing stuff like that. They’re completely corrupt. They’re a bunch of lying crooks.”
A: “But, … you said that most humans know that stealing and beating each other up and killing are wrong. And you said you have the power because you can change who’s in charge. So why don’t you just replace the lying, thieving, murderous, crooked politicians with some regular people.”
H: “Well, we don’t try to elect lying crooks. It just turns out that way. But we have to have a Government because some humans are nasty and they might kill or enslave or steal. Civilization just couldn’t survive without Government.
A: “Let me get this straight. Because you are worried about the small number of nasty people who are willing to kill and enslave and steal, you think it is necessary for your survival to have a system where some humans among you for a short while get to call themselves the Government and they get to order everyone else around like slaves, and if they want commit mass murder overseas, using money they stole using threats of violence. Politicians get to enslave and kill and steal because if they didn’t … someone else might? And you try to elect good honest people to be politicians but what happens every time is that the people you elect turn out to be corrupt evil lying crooks. That’s your system?
H: “Yup. That’s pretty much Government.”
Aliens: “bwaa haa haa. Engage warp 9 helmsman.
We’ll come back in a century to an empty world, ours for the taking…”
Warp drive wasn’t alien. just sayen.
“the basis of cheese and beer and sparkling wine,”
Don’t forget bread and similar products.
Agreed. It’s a long list. And in hothouses they pump CO2 in to grow bigger plants. It’s not a ‘fertilizer’. CO2 is the plant.
CO2 is also used extensively for short term preservation of meat in packaging as it stops bacteria. When cheap CO2, a major byproduct of the cheap manufacture of nitrogen fertilizer from ethane, stopped in the UK last year, there was a major meat shortage.
CO2 has many commercial uses. And Andrew Forrest wants to bury it all, which is very odd but consistent with the UN edict that we must remove CO2 from the atmosphere, not breathe and certainly not fart. And cows, pigs, camels, elephants and all ruminants should stop eating. To save the planet. It’s like a madness.
And that CO2 comes from the fungus we call yeast. It grows and multiplies and you have to feed it, give it water and keep it alive. And for that trouble you get bread and cheese and CO2. All discovered by the Egyptians. Who would have thought yeast was evil?
DR. Robert Malone on “immune imprinting”. On Epoch TV, this one is now free to watch but you may need to register (that doesn’t mean pay) to see it if you aren’t a subscriber.
Patagonia founder just donated the entire company, worth $3 billion, to fight climate change.
Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, his spouse and two adult children are giving away their ownership in the apparel maker he started some 50 years ago.
The company’s non-voting stock, worth close to $3 billion, will be owned by a collective that will use all profits that aren’t reinvested into the business to fight climate change.
The company expects to contribute about $100 million a year, depending on the health of the business.
That’s the way – give away everything to NOT stop the Sun affecting the climate.
$3 billion is a lot of money to give to achieve precisely nothing.
It would be interesting to know by what factor Bill Gates has multiplied his fortune since announcing he was going to give it to charity.
And his mates Buffet and Clinton.
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Is this like Celeste Barber and her fundraiser for NSW Fire Dept during the recent fires? What do we know now? There are millions $ still to be distributed. Who keeps track of these virtual signallers, a couple of years down the track to check if they actually have paid out any real $’s. Pledging is one thing , but actually coughing up the dollars is another. All these events are just marketing ploys.
They will have to get in the queue behind all the other benevolent foundations that have decided to spend the wealth created by their forbears for evil and not good.
I hope they think of the slaves / robots in the massive factories producing the efficient and clever fibres and composite plastics they use in the products that created this wealth.
I know a guy of modest means who bought a Tesla, put solar panels on his roof, installed a heat pump and put Tesla batteries in his basement to fight climate change. He must have blown $100,000 of his retirement fund on this goal, but ended up merely virtue signaling his disinterested neighbors.
I used to blame his wife for their divorce. Now i see the lunacy that she had to endure for decades.
I don’t care if Monday’s blue
Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too
Thursday, I don’t care about you
Oh for…….
Here you go:
faleminderit zoteri
fear not kind mod- it says “thanks sir”.
So you’re Albanian?
je ne sais pas 🙁
Bit late, but hey, there is always next week or the week after.
Tim Flannery reckons humans killed off Australian megafauna, but in fact it was the Laschamps Excursion.
Tim Flannery has reckoned lots of things. So far I have been underwhelmed by his utterances.
If tim flannery described himself as an imbecile, it would be the only time he has ever been correct.
No. He made quite a bit by buying ocean side real estate after someone told people that the seas were rising and would swamp them.
What’s happening in Brazil??
Weird…do the crocs sense something (other than juicy tourists)?
If a billion COT starfish on the GBR is “natural, nothing to see here.” what’s wrong with a few crocks? They aren’t salties after all.
That might be the solution: Give them a few big salties out of the NT rivers. They’d sort that lot out.
Maybe some Brazilian Jaguars:
I wrote this two years ago:
Dan Andrews has put individual VicPol officers in a terrible position. I have been told that many disagree with the “shock and awe” tactics instructed by Andrews’ unelected official Brett Sutton (Google brett sutton shock and awe) and are acting contrary to all human rights and Australian cultural if not legal norms.
Individual officers who don’t wish to “just follow orders” are faced with the options of either 1) resigning or 2) being sacked for insubordination. Alternatively, they will follow orders.
“Just following orders” or the plea of “superior orders” hasn’t been acceptable since the trials of Peter von Hagenbach (1474), the trial of Australian Breaker Morant (controversial) in the Boer War, Lieutenant Karl Neumann, U boat captain in WW1, and most famously National Socialists in the war crimes trials.
Victorian public serpents tasked with doing things contrary to Australian tradition and law would do well to remember that.
I saw only a fraction of the abuse videos out there but the coppers I saw relished the job.
They now can’t recruit enough to replace the ones they sacked. Didums!
OK…what is this thing!?. Anyone?
Probably escaped from one of the vaxxed.😉
I’m thinking it might be a loop worm infected with a horrible parasite (white thing sticking out below) called a horsehair worm which can alter the behaviour of some or all of its hosts by forcing them to drown themselves to complete its life cycle. I am not sure if horsehair worms usually parasitise loop worms though, if indeed that’s what the explanation is.
Does human produced CO2 affect climate?
The science says no.
See Edwin Berry’s home page at:
SEE one of his papers at:
The Physics Model concludes that the ratio of human to natural CO2 in the atmosphere equals the ratio of their inflows, independent of e-time, and that the e-times for both human and natural CO2 are the same. Using IPCC data, the e-time for 12CO2 is about 4 years.
The ratio conclusion means human CO2 adds only about 18 ppm and natural CO2 adds about 392 ppm to today’s CO2 level of 410 ppm. If all human CO2 emissions stopped and natural CO2 emissions stayed constant, then the level of atmospheric CO2 would fall only to 392 ppm in about 10 years. Nothing would be gained by stopping human CO2 emissions. There are no long-term effects of human CO2 emissions. Continued constant CO2 emissions do not add more CO2 to the atmosphere. Continued constant CO2 emissions simply maintain the balance level.
A typesetting error. The last two paragraphs were meant to be formatted as quotes.
“The country’s in the very best of hands. the best of hands”
“Elbow knows”
“Too Much Business Input: Aussie Government Stacks Climate Authority with Radical Activists”
Yes and those ‘best of hands’ are being wrapped tightly around our necks. We the People are being throttled.
In comments there×275.png
Li’l Abner again:
“The country’s in the very best of hands”
One of the best satirical songs written! Right up there with Gilbert and Sullivan.
Climate Change Authority gets new members and the Greens are overjoyed.
Do you realise most people mispronounce “ye” as in “ye olde tavern”?
Those of us who studied Old and Middle English fifty years ago are well aware of eth and thorn, respectively the soft and hard th sounds; now that it’s obsolete thorn looks sufficiently like the letter y to be mistaken for it and accordingly the mispronunciation arises.
If I am still around when the lights go out in Australia I am now holding my hand up to provide the unassailable evidence that BoM and CSIRO, aided by ABC, have guided Australia into this mess.
Their models are worthless.
Bill Gates didn’t arrive at the latest climate conference in the US by private jet. He flew in by private helicopter which uses even more fuel per passenger km than a private jet. To save the planet, of course…
No hypocrisy there….
Bill likes to fly his helicopter long distances as well.
See Tweet
Helicopter flight range is about 500 miles, Bill had to stop to refuel several times on that flight. I think he is losing his marbles.
Yes, you more-or-less need an airport to land a private jet, but a helicopter can take you almost anywhere. I wonder if he was on board, or someone was dropping stuff off/picking it up for him.
Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050:
A lot of words and sentences writing about models and their doubtfull results.
…after spending £20,000,000,000,000,000.00 to get there….
What a load of absolute tosh !!
The cost would outweigh that by at least a couple of magnitudes, if it were even possible..
… which it isn’t without a huge increase in mining.. using fossil fuels.
And of course the massive cost of the erratic inefficiency and instability is never considered by these clowns..
They are using LCOE costing methods. Same as the very faulty GenCost. LCOE costing has mostly been abandoned by the world’s main energy think tanks, one of them saying the method is “incomplete.” LCOE doesn’t accurately compare the full cost of each energy source (I.e., using FCOE) because it only looks at the costs over the lifetime of each energy source. And it’s well-known that if you amortise costs over longer time periods, then that item, even if more costly initially, becomes cheaper by the end of the longer time period.
GIGO model the climate, then GIGO model the savings. What a load of rubbish.
The real world says otherwise, just as mask studies etc. can tweak out supposed aspects of effectiveness, the lack of usefulness in the real world is as manifest as the rising cost of energy associated with renewables.
A major error with the study has already been identified anyway.
Who has the longest average life expectancy, China or the USA?
The country with the cheapest and most reliable power of course.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the folks of Shanghai have one of the longest lifetimes, despite their high degree of pollution.
There isn’t much in it.
‘The average life expectancy of Chinese people has risen from 76.5 years in 2016 to 77.93 at present, Mao Qun’an, a senior official from the National Health Commission, announced on Tuesday. This puts it above that of the U.S., which stood at 76.6 years in 2021.’ (
‘The current life expectancy for Australia in 2022 is 83.79 years, a 0.18% increase from 2021. The life expectancy for Australia in 2021 was 83.64 years, a 0.18% increase from 2020.’
Didn’t somebody say there was a pandemic?
Generational damage from second-hand smoke
Second-hand smoke a possible asthma risk for future generations, study finds: Children are more likely to develop asthma if their father was exposed to second-hand smoke when he was a child, according to a study published today in the European Respiratory Journal.
The study was based on data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study (TAHS), led by University of Melbourne Professor Shyamali Dharmage.
TAHS began in 1968 and is one of the world’s largest and longest ongoing respiratory studies.
For this study, researchers looked at 1689 children who grew up in Tasmania, their fathers and their paternal grandparents.
They compared data on whether the children had developed asthma by the age of seven years with data on whether the fathers grew up with parents who smoked when they were under the age of 15. They also included data on whether the fathers were current or former smokers.
Just imagine what a direct injection will do to offspring…
I call BS.
That’s what happens when “science” betrays you.
How do you confuse an Irishman?
Put 3 shovels in a room and tell him to take his pick.
I made it easier for you…
A 12 year old boy destroyed his parent’s home after the mother confiscated the boy’s phone.
This is the next generation.
Many of them deserve an energy and food starved world that is being engineered just for them.
Bring back the old days of discipline…
This is a shocking story.
Turdeau is trying to turn Canada into a dictatorship.
In this instance he is trying to silence Rebel News Canada.
I’d like to propose ‘Global Please Stop Trying To Save the World Year’.
It is really our last chance.
We’ve been teetering on the sharpened pinnacle of pointy headed intellectuals for generations.
It’s exhausting.
Good intentions are the true anthropogenic threat.
Certain billionaires in particular, need to be pressured into other hobbies.
Nature’s been balancing itself since before we got here.
Yin and Yang only Yins and Yangs if you get out of the way.
It would also help if the wife took a short moratorium from rearranging the house.
Can’t find anything half the time.
A broader scope for
“Safe and Effective®” (/s)
Oops! The rest of that.
“Journal of Clinical Medicine: This study aimed to determine the characteristics and clinical ocular manifestations of acute corneal graft rejection after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination.”
Link at
“Mater’s Musings #58: Does the Guardian write for the AMA?”
It can be done
“Rescued 66,000 Sheets of Real UK Rainfall Observations Refute Alarmist Claims of More Drought”
States To Ban Gas-Powered Cars Despite Human And Environmental Cost Of Electric Vehicles
JCU having trouble attracting new students.
Why BoM took so long to call La Nina, the organisation has to update its baseline.
Australia Post improving delivery time (/s).
Used to was that a letter took a couple of days to get to Brisbane.
Seems that now it will take about a fortnight.
That used to depend on which mail centre it had to go through.
A mate used to manage a NSW regional mail centre. He was intensely proud of his staff.
During the last great mail strike only five urban mail centres were on strike. The top management could not get the mail out of those centres, but didn’t let any more go in. They hired trucks left right and centre and shipped the mail to the centres that were not on strike.
At about 10 pm one night a truck arrived from Sydney and the mate, the cleaner and the driver unloaded it in 20 minutes.
“Well, said the driver. “At Turella that’s a day’s work.”
Australia Post moved more mail in the week of the strike than usual. There were no more strikes.