A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Zali Steggall MP
Climate Action is now Legislated!
I’m very excited to say that we now have a Climate Change Act, locking into law Australia’s commitment to Net Zero by 2050 and the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees!
This is a win for all the communities, business groups, environmental groups, stakeholders, and all of you who got behind the Climate Bills that I presented in the last parliament and who have kept the pressure on Government for clear, legislated climate policy.
This legislation is a good first step as it locks in a level of certainty for the country and for investment, however, we need to make sure that the policies to support us achieving the 2030 target are implemented (and not wound back) and drive us well beyond 43 percent.
If we’re going to be consistent with the Paris Agreement, we will need to reduce emissions at a greater rate. We can do this by taking advantage of new technologies and unlocking innovation. We will not do this by approving more fossil fuel projects and that is something that I look forward to having more discussions about.
But for now, we can celebrate that Australia is finally on the start line of the race to Net Zero, coming into step with the wider international community.
The Paris Conference was held late in 2015 and ended in December, in April 2016 the Minister for the Environment signed the Paris Agreement in New York at UN HQ and later in November 2016 he returned to New York and ratified the Agreement despite there being no obligation for signatory nations to do that.
To legislate into law and raise the target 15 per cent to 43 per cent makes no sense, unless the reasons are to impress internationally and ensure that a future Coalition government cannot easily ignore or reset the target.
It appears that the pale green Teals masquerading as Independents are not well informed about economic prosperity and where the revenue comes from to pay for government spending including payrolls for public service employees and elected representatives in the parliament.
Tax revenue is where governments obtain the money supply to pay for government operational expenses, public service employees and elected representatives with seats in the parliaments do not pay real taxes, what they return as taxes paid is part of the private sector tax revenue governments use to pay public sector remuneration.
A funds manager once commented to me during a shareholders lunch meeting that I was the only person in the room that day who produced after tax profits for payment if dividends to shareholders as managing director of a manufacturing business, and that the other people benefited by investing in shares for profit. Public sector employees do not produce profits for private sector taxpayers, they used to be called “public servants” and politicians do “public service”.
Tax revenue is where governments obtain the money supply to pay for government operational expenses, public service employees and elected representatives with seats in the parliaments do not pay real taxes, what they return as taxes paid is part of the private sector tax revenue governments use to pay public sector remuneration.
A funds manager once commented to me during a shareholders lunch meeting that I was the only person in the room that day who produced after tax profits for payment if dividends to shareholders as managing director of a manufacturing business, and that the other people benefited by investing in shares for profit. Public sector employees do not produce profits for private sector taxpayers, they used to be called “public servants” and politicians do “public service”.
Seems to be overlooking that passing legislation is no guarantee of its longevity.
How many are now employed carrying red flags and lanterns in front of horseless carriages?
Also seems the Wall Street Journal has a headline
“ the west mimics mao , takes green leap forward”
Maybe a bit of history reading would have helped, given as to how those leaps went.
Unless there is faith in that they were not applied properly?
‘Australia is finally on the start line of the race to Net Zero’
From nowhere to oblivion.
Oblivion may likely occur long before Net Zero.
Zero carbon is like zero body fat, you can’t get there alive.
…and totally out of touch with reality!
Steggall oppose any form of nuclear power and all fossil fuels. She is too silly to understand that all they have done is legislate for higher electricity costs and power blackouts.
“coming into step with the wider international community.”
And that wider international community is in total meltdown, is that really what we want?
Any wind farms in Zali’s Warringah electorate yet. Those ocean cliffs of the northern beaches would be perfect locations. Same in the Wentworth electorate.
That start line is a cliff…
The track to N-0 is like a current ACT road surface – full of potholes with nasty jagged edges where it is cheaper for the authorities to compensate road users for damage caused than to actually fix the problem.
Just tell that stupid Woman that Australia is more than NET ZERO already. In fact negative Net Zero with credits to sell to the rest of the World and make loads and loads of MONEEEEEEEEEY……………………..
No, Zali Stupid.. this is the destruction of Australia’s future by thousand totally pointless cuts !
If we survive this at all, we shall all be monumentally worse off.
Oh really? And China is on board with this Madness? I don’t fink so…………………
An update on Eastern Australia peak period dispatchable power sources for the week ending 21/9/2022 can be found here. I have also added a month-to-date graph based on the percentage contribution of wind+solar, hydro and fossil fuels to the dispatchable peak period energy generation mix. The image serves once again to highlight the disruptive nature of variable renewable energy (VRE) generation – the VRE’s form jagged peaks, just like you would imagine a Himalayan vista. Note the grid-calming effect of a water blanket (hydro that is) filling the VRE stagnation troughs to smooth the output. Just pause for a moment and imagine what this would look like when El Niño returns and hydro is curtailed.
The “Everest” of peak period VRE this month was conquered on the evening of 17/9/2022 when it contributed 7.1 GW dispatchable generation capacity, but in true VRE tradition, it could not maintain this impressive output and slumped two days later on the evening peak of 19/9/2022 to a miserable 1.2 GW. Sigh… When will the VRE supporters stiffen its backbone with the necessary injection of grid-scale batteries to level out its erratic behavior?
Maybe Zali Steggal, MP of a pastel colour group, could move things along this path.
Way to go Zalli! Bragging that you have successfully legislated stupidity and failure.
Or as Maxwell Smart would “ sorry chief but I think we have a problem with coming into line
with the wider international community “ since at least 4 billion of the wider international
community ( china ,India,Africa, Indonesia etc) couldn’t give a stuff about the above
self harm or more correctly-suicide note -which is basically aimed at destroying western
economies and now in quick time eg Germany UK and othe European countries plus
Bidens United States.
Cheers Mike Reed
Emissions produced by human activities in Australia amount to a tiny 1.3 per cent of global human activity emissions, and China being one of the UN listed developing economy nations increase emissions every year by more than Australia’s total emissions a year.
Despite the claimed to be climate emergency and warming tipping point of no return claimed for the near future, being the latest timing and goal post relocation, developing economy nations are not required to agree to emissions reduction until after 2030, and that has yet to be agreed on.
“Russia Mobilizes – What does it mean?”
Means Putin is losing .
Bwaa haa…
Not even close.
War is coming but the west is increasingly aware of that, nervous and starting to break ranks.
Western economies are the equivalent of 9/11 – controlled demolitions.
The masses are waking up and aren’t going to take it any more.
Pollies will do what the people want or face a long piece of rope.
The patience for this western political/NATO/WEF insanity has about run out.
“Means Putin is losing .”
Really ! 😉 Then why is Germany and the rest of the EU on the brink of total economic collapse..
And Putin hasn’t had to go anywhere near them..
A little niggle there, a little push here..
And just let them self-destruct.
Try this
Surely it means Putin is signalling to the west that a negotiated settlement is unlikely before the end of the approaching European winter.
It means Putin will be gone within a couple of years at most and the war will be over. The new regime won’t exactly be friendly but the aggression will end. A couple of the breakaway regions may end up Russian, but if the majority of the population there genuinely want it there is no point Ukraine resisting.
I doubt that Putin will be gone in a couple of years. He has a popularity of 80 plus percent, and I speak with friends in Russia everyday.
EU thought they could crush him within 6 months, and then have all the gas they needed. How did that work out? They are preparing for a very cold winter now?
Putin is well aware that the west wants to “de colonize Russia” as is China. Russia with their own manufacturing base plus their energy base plus the Chinese manufacturing base behind them it turning out to be a very strong opponent!
One of the blokes who runs this UK blog is an energy expert and has worked in Russia and with GazProm. Also good on security issues with a military background. Last two articles on Putin – well worth following
I don’t think so.. He obviously believes the graves in Izium are from the Russian soldiers going around torturing and shooting civilians then trying to hide them, the same as the West said happened in Bucha. There’s no incentive for Russians to do that.
The Russians say the graves are from the many Ukie soldiers who were killed and never buried, just left by their own army, and from civilians the Ukies had tortured and killed for being pro-Russian.
I find the pro-Russian explanations more likely, they had already pulled the military from Khakiv before the Ukies invaded, and now that NATO have boots on the ground and all the satellite intelligence & weapons America can provide, Khakiv was easy pickings. Going into Ukraine with a smaller army than the Ukies had was a bad gamble, and up-sizing it now means Putin will just grind forward over winter.
All wars are economic, its who can produce the most weapons without breaking the bank, and Europe may struggle as NATO tries to expand the war into other countries to break Russia. Ukraine doesn’t have choices, they will do as America tells them down to the fabled ‘last Ukrainian’.
Dr John Campbell finally breaks ranks and deserts the establishment. I have never heard him so caustic.
Turns out the new booster had significantly more development than I thought. I was under the impression it was only tested on 6 mice.
Turns out it was 8
Big Pharma can’t waste time on more development, now that the pandemic is waning. It needs those BA4/BA5 boosters working hard and fast to select for new more resistant strains.
IIRC they’ve just extended the emergency that was declared after 9/11 so that will likely cover the pandemic that they know is coming next
Dr John is a good study in the penny dropping. I haven’t watched every episode but enough to see the subtle changes in his stance on this exercise. It was interesting to see his realisation that the garbage being fed about anti-vaxers was just that in so far as they were not actually anti-vax but anti THIS “vax”. Of course he needs to protect his channel from censorship and so is guarded normally but indeed as you comment this is as bold an obvious turning point as he can present. Will monitor whether any of his wall ornaments start to disappear or show “wear and tear”.
Poor guy, he finally realized he was engaged in a theological discussion with the Inquisition.
“EUA authorization of vax for children down to 6 months”
They may be children but they are still carbon virus vectors.
The Great Iatrogenocide.
The crusade is necessary to save the Planet.
The Permademic/Climate emergency must be sustained as long as there is the scourge of human exploitation of Gaia.
She will know Her own.
I just recall him begging Australians to get vaccinated because you will ALL catch Omicron within the next 2 to 3 weeks. I disobeyed his advice, and I still haven’t caught it.
He is also not a great thinker, given he believes climate change IS happening right now. Anyone who thinks that is lacking in analytical ability.
I suggest the following for das gubermint, shiny-a$$ office-based experts, greenies and alarmists.
I demand this be incorporated into all future ads.
China is now producing electricity from nuclear sources at lower cost than flue gas scrubbed coal plants. They are also getting practice in building nuclear plants. Total generation from nuclear is now almost 500TWh:
That is approximately twice Australias annual electricity consumption but only 6% of power generation in China; however growing fast.
The consequence of this is that the solar panels and wind turbines that the developed countries are buying from China will be increasingly congealed fission energy rather than congealed coal. The high rank coal will still be required for the various metal smelting processes so still plenty of congealed coal as well.
So China’s ability to build nuclear power stations, along with their inevitably growing proportion of manufacturing will be the main factor in reducing carbon consumption globally. Fortunately Australia remains in a strong position as a premium supplier of uranium.
Nuclear War Would Cause Apocalyptic Ice Age, Experts Warn
A new study warns that a nuclear war would cause worldwide temperatures to plummet by 13 degrees, triggering a ‘Nuclear Little Ice Age’ that would lead to mass starvation for most of humanity.
The study, conducted by researchers at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, warned that a nuclear war would devastate the world’s oceans, with the effects being felt for thousands of years.
Well, I would say NO actually unless we’re facing full deployment of all nukes, in which case it’s game over everywhere.
The wealthy buying doomsday bunkers are going to realise what a mistake that was pretty quickly, but that’s a topic for another day…
In all probability it will be a VERY limited number of launches before the west wakes up to the fact that nuclear war is not some political computer game but caused REAL devastation and call for a ceasefire.
As I posted before there is a narrow sub-equatorial survival band and temperature drops of 1-5C location dependant.
All the models and data I’ve seen do not reconcile with the above article.
On a sidenote the following is a video I’ve trotted out over the years showing the timeline of nuclear tests.
Comes as a shock to most people.
Running total at top of video…
Speaking of Maxwell Smart:
“The old Nuclear Winter Trick, eh, Chief?
The catch is that nukes are best deployed with an aerial burst over the target, NOT a ground burst, which might kick up a bit of dust. See also: “One Flash and You’re Ash”. If not “ash”, then blinded, REALLY badly “sunburned” and leaking from all orifices, as that single wave of ionizing radiation, released milliseconds before the BANG, rearranges your body.
Most of the particulate matter that arises post an air-burst is from the burning buildings, vehicles, etc., below the detonation. The heat of the detonation creates the massive, but narrow rising fireball, i.e., the “mushroom cloud”. This mass will rise in normal thermal up-currents like any other fire. The more “interesting” volcanic eruptions hurl a LOT of fine dust straight up. There have been several serious ones in the last couple of hundred years: Krakatau, Pinatubo, etc.. The occasional “year without summer and a lot of fancy sunsets, and nor much more. However, a full-on Tambora or Yellowstone-scale hissy-fit is a lot more serious, as well as involving more explosive energy than the world’s entire stockpile of nuclear fire-crackers.
One minute the sociopaths are rabbiting on in support of launching thousands of tonnes of sparkly dust into the Stratosphere to ward off “Klimate Change”, next, they have pivoted 180 degrees to “We’re all gonna FREEZE” from dust etc., from a nuclear holocaust.
Just more “Political Science”.
Keep an eye out for comet and large meteor “landfalls”; coming at you at over 40, 000 Km/H. Definitely ruin your day, even if you are not in the immediate impact zone.
So hiding under the table won’t work then. Blast…………………………
You can try.
Make sure you paint the desk silver to reflect heat better. 😆
with a Gingham tablecloth and you will be good
What has PSY got to do with this?
When I hear the word “experts”, I reach for my pistol…
In 2011 NOAA said half of all heat that keeps the planet from freezing comes from the fission reactor at earth’s core, and the other half comes from the sun.
Jim Le Maistre talks about marine heatwaves and blobs.
Afternoon, mourners.
It’s not even 4pm and I’m already declaring today a successful QE2 Mourning Day.
Lunch was cucumber sandwiches.
Followed by Devonshire tea, using Coles scones reheated in the microwave and Berenberg strawberry jam.
Then in the afternoon, a gin and tonic with a twist of lemon, which Lizzie was apparently well known to have on the regular.
That is the QE2 hat trick as far as I know.
I don’t have any colonies of my own to grant independence to, but not to worry. Now playing Land of Hope and Glory from Soundcloud just to make sure!
Hey you don’t get a day off to commemorate an ex monarch too often, gotta do it right! 😀
I agree. Just been playing Queen and “We are the Champions” along with sinking a few red wines……………………
Just as long as it wasn’t Another One Bites The Dust.
That’s reserved for the vaxxed…
Ouch. So glad that I never got jabbed. As long as my liver and kidneys and heart and,,,,,,,,,,,,All hold up then I should be alright for a few more years.
My liver deserves a long service and good conduct medal.
My liver would give your liver a sharp salute, if were able to lift its’ arms.
Keith’s liver is the Audie Murphy of livers.
Is Keith’s liver still in Keith?
Or did it finally stop touring.
I am surprised that no one has yet called attention to Kipling’s Recessional, written when he was poet laureate for Queen Victoria’s funeral. It was extremely contravercial at the time because it calls for humility. Seems as if some politicians need to pay attention to it.
God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle-line,
Beneath whose awful Hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies;
The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard,
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy mercy on Thy People, Lord!
You missed out on elevenses.
Her Royal Majesty was fond of a banana eaten with a knife and fork apparently.
a fork ‘n knife.
and a fork ‘n fork.
Canada: ‘This is a crisis’: Head of medical association warns that the health-care system faces ‘collapse’
The new president of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) said Wednesday he fears the country’s fragile health-care system will deteriorate further without an injection of cash — and a plan to increase the number of doctors and other health care professionals.
He pointed to recent emergency room closures in Ottawa, southwestern Ontario, Quebec and other locales and eye-popping ER wait times in major cities like Toronto and Montreal as terrible precedents undermining the longstanding Canadian promise of timely access to care for all who need it.
“We’ve been saying for a while that we’re concerned about collapse. And in some places, collapse has already happened,” Lafontaine said.
Well, that’s a complete mystery isn’t it! 😆
One year wait for a non-urgent ecocardiogram in BC now.
“Putin Gave A Deranged Speech In Which He Threatened To Use Nukes And Of Course Trump Fell All Over Himself To Parrot The Russian Dictator’s Threats”
And what did Trump tweet?
“President Putin of Russia is now threatening the use of Nuclear Weapons, saying “It is not a bluff.” The Ukrainian conflict should never have happened, and would not have happened if I were President. But as I have made very clear for quite some time, this could now end up being World War III.”
This was the first article up on a Google search, from Uproxx which has chosen to reference a tweet with an image of Trump’s Tweet with the comment “If Russia was paying him to tweet this stuff, what would be different in this tweet? Nothing. Nothing at all.” instead of the actual tweet, from a nobody who got 106 likes and 27 retweets. So clearly propaganda rather than reporting.
Putin clearly stated that Russia was threatened with a nuclear attack. I’m not saying Putin is a nice or sane guy but he is far from someone like North Korea’s Jung-on Kim, and Trump needed to go because he couldn’t humour the man child.
Man, how the goal posts shift.
?.????? did you figure that ?
Trump frequently made fun of the “little rocket man “ !
The media insisted that Trump needed to humour Jung-on Kim or nuclear war was his fault. Now, Trump insisting Biden could have avoided escalation to nuclear war is being Putin’s pet.
FWIW from Chiefio
“Russia Mobilizes – What does it mean?”
In comments there
Putin’s own inner circle has had enough, you have open demonstrations in the streets, and an exodus of people who fear being caught up by his mobilization. Putin has cooked his own goose. He’s done.
Just saw a video of the demonstrations. Despite all the camera tricks, they are clearly small for such a large population. Needless to say, those arrested will be treated worse than here so numbers would never be huge, but the reason for low numbers is the Russians have been fed a much different story to us. Massive spin to both stories but I know our’s is Goebbels like bad.
They’ve managed to arrest over 1000.
Problem Putin has is no one wants to die in a pointless war started by a madman.
It’s just a matter of time before he’s pushed aside. Or hopefully succumbs to some particularly unpleasant and excruciating cancer.
Haven’t read it all but he seems to be on the ball.
FWIW on that subject
Media making out that Putin will just use Nuclear weapons at at given moment. He had the decency to give his speech after the Queens funeral.
Here’s the part mentioning nuclear. He will just deliver like for like.
“Nuclear blackmail was also launched. We are talking not only about the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, which is encouraged by the West, which threatens a nuclear catastrophe, but also about the statements of some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO states about the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction against Russia – nuclear weapons.
To those who allow themselves to make such statements about Russia, I would like to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and for some components more modern than those of the NATO countries. And if the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people. It’s not a bluff.”
Full text here.
Epigenetic ‘Clocks’ Predict Animals’ True Biological Age
This is much more precise than telomeres, particularly for humans
Very interesting article.
I wonder if it could be applied to Birds, Reptiles ot even plants.
Putin Is At War With The WEST – Not Ukraine
From Martin Armstrong –
“Vladimir Putin’s recent speech is making headlines as people falsely claim Russia is about to launch an all-out nuclear attack. Putin is sticking to his same plan and says it in his opening statement: “The subject of this address is the situation in Donbas and the course of the special military operation to liberate it from the neo-Nazi regime, which seized power in Ukraine in 2014 as the result of an armed state coup.” Russia must now play defense as they are no longer simply battling Ukraine.
Putin stated that in 1991 the West prided itself on dividing the USSR, and believes “now is the time to do the same to Russia, which must be divided into numerous regions that would be at deadly feud with each other. They decided these plans years ago.”
Putin knows that he is fighting a NATO offensive and not simply Ukraine and directly calls out Washington, London, and Brussels. He correctly stated that the West first set out to demonize Russia and spread “Russophobia,” as they did during the Cold War. NATO and the West are now the opponents of Russia in this proxy war, while the Ukrainian people are merely cannon fodder used to usher in this new world.
Putin has been trying to reclaim land since 2014. He had no plan to seize Ukraine, but did want to reclaim the Donbas. This is much bigger than Russia v Ukraine as he fears he must act on the offensive against most of the world’s superpowers who want to seize Russia. They are shoving endless funds into Ukraine because they expect a prize in the end. Putin stated that he attempted peace talks, but the West shot them down because they craved war.
I have noticed that the new Prince of Wales has already started rambling about climate change & how much his granny supported it!
Trouble on the horizon for the new PM Liz Truss as the new king will opposing her views & policies! Pit one can’t vote for a monarch as well. It would save a lot of trouble, which clearly lies ahead!!
“Pit one can’t vote for a monarch as well. It would save a lot of trouble, which clearly lies ahead!!”
Look what voting got us!
Don;t worry as Charlie Boy will very soon be put in his place. On his royal ars*.
I wonder if the palace has an emergency power supply. Would be a sign of the times to have London dark but the palace lights still on.
Any chilli lovers here?
I need to order some more hot sauce shortly.
I normally get Blair’s Ultra-death but am considering Blair’s “Controlled death” (10 million Scoville) or even the 2pm/3pm reserves.
Anyone had any experience with these or similar?
Strange how the extreme variants of most brands are sold out! Must be a lot of crazy people out there…
Best chili condiment.
Get fresh hot chilies (I grow “ring of fire” for this); chop in food processor; add pickling salt and cure at room temperature for a couple of weeks; add fresh lime juice and good olive oil. Refriderate or process.
When Did Illegal Immigration Become A Republican Issue?
From Martin Armstrong –
“Securing the border was previously a bipartisan issue. National security, before the age of 9/11, focused on keeping the US borders secure and free from foreign invasion. There is a record number of illegal aliens crossing the US-Mexico border daily under the current Biden Administration, which has no plans to stop this invasion. In fact, they seem to be encouraging it and reframing it as a race or humanity issue.
The video above is from former President Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union speech. Preventing illegal immigrants from crossing into America was on the DNC’s radar back then. It was not considered a racist issue until recently. Clinton states that although America is a nation of immigrants, it is also a nation of laws that must be protected. Under the Biden regime, this speech would be considered extreme right-wing fascism. If I posted only the transcription of this speech, many would think these words came from Trump. For an array of reasons, Bill Clinton would not have lasted long in woke America.
There is no plan to fix the open border. DeSantis and Abbott have attempted to send immigrants to blue states where they support open borders without experiencing the consequences. DeSantis caused a mass meltdown at Martha’s Vineyard when he sent a plane of illegal immigrants there, as the voters claim to be so tolerant. Within hours, the people of Martha’s Vineyard had the National Guard ushering out the undesirables. New York, Chicago, and DC are among the many blue cities that turned away illegal immigrants despite voting favorably for open borders.
The immigration crisis amounts to at least a $20 billion annual loss. Studies show that taxpayers spend $9,232 annually to support open borders. This will have an effect on absolutely everyone, Democrat or Republican, and should not be considered a Republican issue.”
Global Warming/Climate Change
Trump Russian ‘collusion’
The Pandemic
I have the nagging feeling that these three things are related somehow.
What could it be?
Just me being silly.
Nothing to see here.
“Realization of Insufficient Gulag”
Evening all,
An interesting article from the epochtimes, reporting that a NZ coroner has found that someone’s death was caused by the jab.
A first?
Dave B
King Charles plans low-profile, low carbon coronation.
This is the most significant intervention from his buddies The World Economic Forum, urging The King to “achieve true statesmanship” by taking action to depopulate his people, The Commonwealth and then the World.
What’s about the migrants on Marthas Vineyard, the Obama residency ?
Tucker Carlson was amused I read in a German info.
I wonder what happened to this ridiculous idea from 2019 to “refreeze” the supposedly melting arctic with artificial icebergs?
See link for rest.
Arctic sea ice extent “bottomed out” on 16th Sept at 4.65 Wadhams, well above the 15 year average.
(1 Wadham = 1 million km²)
also, biodata shows that current levels are in the top decile of sea ice extents of the last 10,000 years.
I would guess his funds are frozen.
Like so many of these schemes, it sounds like the beginning of a B grade sci fi movie
The progress of science and engineering and human progress in general is being massively inhibited by the huge drain of resources caused by the “investment” in unreliable energy, all of which goes into the pockets of the Elites.
Enjoy your insect burgers as you freeze in the dark.
I don’t know if you’ve seen this but interesting in that it is from a AGW believer.
The Problem with Solar Energy in Africa
(concentrates on Morocco)
Not sure if his claim re solar PV cost is reliable (operating life?) but could be compared with current enthusiasm in Australia to export solar electricity to Asia.
Latest insanity from the Left.
It just keeps getting more ridiculous.
Never challenge a Leftist by saying “how stupid can you get”. They see it as a challenge.
Eating meat is carbon neutral, as is the growing of meat.
It cannot, by science, produce more “carbon” than is used in its creation.
These poor humans, whatever gender they are, seem to have a deep seated case of “toxic misandry”
Certainly they have zero femininity. !
“Destroying Women”
“Stories you won’t find in the Canadian media.”
And comments
“Polar Bear No Closer to Extinction Than It Was 18 Years Ago as Arctic Sea Ice Resists ‘Tipping Point’ ”
“Putin’s Gauntlet”
Green Left going nowhere fast in Lismore.
‘At this week’s Lismore City Council meeting, a motion from Cr Adam Guise to switch to 100 per cent renewable energy and remove $92m worth of council’s investment exposure to fossil fuels was defeated.’ (Echo)
Friends on a caravan trip to WA cancelled their side trip to Alice/Ayers Rock, after talking with people in Esperance. Those folks had there van broken into while they were sleeping in it. Apparently violence and vandalism are rife. Hasnt gone full Wadeye yet, and probably wont as its too visible.
Mrs Y noted a MSM article on this today , with Jacinta Price calling for the return of alcohol bans. Im guessing the caravanner blogs will be on fire.
The EU/UK have spent/burned US$500 billion (about the same as they have spent installing green scams) to date on their energy crisis, to avoid an instant collapse of the companies that supply the energy and use the energy.
The existential crisis is the US$500 billion spent to date, did not solve the European/UK energy crisis (European/UK energy is still super expensive, company killing, even with the subsides) and the countries do not have the borrowing ability/GDP to continue to partially subsidize energy while destroying GDP. UK/EU businesses which require energy are facing super high energy costs, high borrowing costs, energy rationing/outages, and a certain recession. The recession will not end until the energy crisis is solved.
Energy using companies need cheap, reliable, predictable energy, not subsidizes which are inadequate and which cannot be sustained.
The UK/EU/US have spent roughly US$50 billion on the Ukraine war to date. A ballpark estimate is they will need to spend/waste roughly US$1.5 trillion per year, until they can replace the Russian energy.
Industrial Panic Set To Burn a Trillion Dollar Hole in Europe’s Pocket?
Shellenberger: Battery Deaths Put Nuclear Safety In Context
Lithium batteries kill many more people than nuclear plants. Why, then, aren’t we scared of them?
For decades, critics of nuclear power plants have pointed to their unique danger. When there is a loss of water coolant for the reactor cores, plant operators can lose control, leaving them to melt, and potentially spew toxic particulate matter into the environment. Nuclear accidents are unique in requiring people to “shelter-in-place,” and close windows and vents, to avoid breathing radiant particulate matter. And nuclear accidents can unfold in unpredictable and mysterious ways, such as by creating hydrogen gas explosions, like the kinds that occurred during the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.
And yet nuclear plants remain the safest way to make electricity and one of the most benign of all human activities. Nobody has ever died of nuclear power in the United States, nobody will die from the radiation from the Fukushima accident in 2011, and only roughly 200 people will have their lives shortened by the fire and radiation from the Chernobyl fire. And because nuclear plants prevent the burning of fossil fuels, the climate scientist James Hansen calculates that they have saved nearly 2 million lives to date.
And now a series of deadly accidents reveal that even lithium batteries are more deadly than nuclear power. Last Saturday, a fire started by a lithium battery in an electric scooter killed an 8-year-old girl in New York City. In New York City alone, lithium battery fires in 2021 killed 3 and injured 57, while in the first half of 2022, they killed 5 people and injured 73.
Meanwhile, a fire Tuesday morning at a Tesla battery facility in Moss Landing in Monterey County, California emitted so much toxic smoke that the Fire and Sheriff Departments issued a shelter-in-place order, asking people to close windows and vents, and closed several roads. Contrary to widespread perception, shelter-in-place orders are not unique to nuclear accidents but are also used to protect the public from chemical fires and other accidents. It was the third fire since the facility opened two years ago.
Lithium battery fires have, like nuclear accidents, been unpredictable, mysterious, and difficult to manage. The battery fires that grounded the first Boeing 787 Dreamliners in 2013 were difficult to control, and mysterious, A Tesla that had been in a Sacramento junkyard for three weeks spontaneously, repeatedly, and mysteriously caught fire. “The batteries would keep reigniting the fire,” said firefighters, who only were able to stop them by flipping the Tesla onto its side.
As such, lithium batteries are as dangerous and more deadly than nuclear power plants.
All of which begs a question: if lithium batteries are deadlier than nuclear, why is nuclear so much more feared?
“50 Reasons to Re-Think Climate Policy”
Griff doesn’t like it
82% of “renewables” in our electricity grid by 2030 will destroy what’s left of manufacturing in this country. Currently coal provides 59%, wind 12%, and solar 40% on some days and zero every night, average 14%. Last night in SA, solar zero, wind and battery 0.7%, gas 61% and Vic imports the balance to keep the lights on.
Let’s see your plan Minister Bowen.
Meanwhile, Jim and Albo promised higher wages, cheaper health care, child care and housing, cheaper electricity, lower taxes, rebuilding manufacturing, improving the public service, and much, much more.
Now you are telling us to enjoy some bread and butter?
Nah! We’ll be eating cake.
Not only Europe
“Massachusetts Energy Companies Announce 64% Increase in Electricity Rates Beginning November 1st
September 22, 2022 | Sundance | 95 Comments”
Hurricane Fiona winds
Link at
I am not going to comment as it is now Friday.
[Good point and also completely fine by me.]ED
More fingers and pies?
And we followed
That is a good correlation.
Our school here has quite a few days now where lessons are abandoned for the full day and they sit around and listen to stories of “country” from our superior race, watch dance groups from Indonesia, and coming soon we have a “wellbeing” day, all day, no lessons.
“WSJ: President Biden’s Green Great Leap Forward”
” The Green Leap Forward has set humanity on a fast track to another man-made catastrophe. …” – a warning from a respected US civil rights activist who was born and raised in Communist China.
The West Mimics Mao, Takes a Green Leap Forward”
The ‘jail Trump’ mania reaches its sad end
The latest Letitia James lawsuit is so much ado about nothing
New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, three of his adult children, and other senior members of the Trump Organization on Wednesday. Her suit alleges business and insurance fraud as well as conspiracy for the same, and marks the end of a three-year investigation into Trump and his business.
The civil suit is basically a civil version of the criminal indictments the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and the Manhattan and New York State attorneys general have failed to generate at the federal and state levels. The suit claims in a nutshell what the criminal cases claimed: Trump over-valued the worth of his properties to use them as collateral for new loans, and then undervalued those same properties come tax time to pay lower taxes.
The criminal cases have fallen flat because of the need to prove actual criminal intent, that Trump lied intending to commit a crime. This proved impossible when the Trump family would not confess (Trump himself took the Fifth some 440 times during recent questioning) and when no one could be found to Fredo him by turning in evidence in return for some lower sentence. What’s left in what has clearly become a prosecution driven by the political need to do something ahead of 2024 is this civil suit. Basically, same accusations, same weak evidence, but lower standards of proof with lower penalties.
The current try is kind of pathetic. It’s just a lawsuit, which carries no potential criminal jeopardy, so no formal indictment, no possibility of jail time. The suit holds that Trump mis-valued some New York real estate between 2011 and 2021 to obtain loans and pay lower taxes, a civil offense at worst usually settled with new assessments or a fine.
Yet even this case against Trump could be difficult to prove. Property valuations are subjective, and most financial statements include a disclaimer stating that they have not been audited. Now underline this part: Deutsche Bank and Trump’s other lenders were hardly victims; all of his loans are either current or were paid off, some early. Trump does not use email, so any instructions he might have given his employees about the company’s financial statements are unlikely to be in writing.
The Democrats’ plan to find Trump guilty of something, anything, seems to be coming to its own sad ending. They have tried to turn belief that Trump is evil into a crime — Emoluments Clause, Russiagate, impeachments I and II, Stormy Daniels, obstruction of justice, and incitement.
Fun site for looking at Land Values and size in NSW
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Just put an address in and search
It is obvious that ‘climate warming’ is not caused by CO2 if it is occurring at all.
The mass delusion will benefit Australia, given our massive assets for ESG.
We have hardly begun to look for oil and the CH4 discoveries are colossal. They can be locked off until the price doubles again. Just nationalize the operators