A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I’m always up early on a weekend
Good afternoon, Putin’s plan B. Orwellian.
‘But there is concern that Putin is planning a nuclear attack west of the regions that would create a radiation dead zone and put a halt to Ukraine’s so far successful counter-offensives.’ (UK Mail)
Sounds very concerning.
Funny you should say that, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called it “very concerning news.’ (Canberra Times)
Just how bad would the radiation be?
The only working example that I know of is Chernobyl. Who was hurt there by radiation, and how?
Its hardly the point, if he sets off a mini nuke it will be the end of the world as we know it.
They are squabbling over rare earth, might be best to let the madman have it and avoid WW3.
Not the point but radiation is not nice
Also Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
… and the animals and plants have grown 10 heads ( sarc). No it is NOT nice, but countless programs have documented visits to Chernobyl ( as the recent example for Generations xyz, whatever they’re called ) Life continues…. – even improves for the Natural Habitat – fish get bigger, Wolves abound – what do they feed off? . Even in the UK where we were SUPPOSED to have suffered radiation fallout IN THE UPLANDS. Any hillwalkers suffer from a walk on the High Road ? … Too much hype from the MSM, – scaremongering even. Flying with the Craws ( crowes ), you’re likely to get shot with the Crows.
Tell us more about the number of radiation deaths from Fukushima…
Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved an estimated 18 million (17m Japanese and 1m allied) lives but let’s talk about the far lesser number killed there than even in the B29 fire raids. Why are you all the same?
people died from radiation for generations. That was the point. Did you understand the conversation?
Sure [snip]
People also lived for generations into perpetuity. Did you understand the bigger “conversation”
There’s always a bigger conversation. Do you ever focus?
This is an open thread. Make a recommendation of diopter if you think it would help.
Will made a perfectly good point re Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
As bad as you want it to be. None at one extreme, no go zone for thousands of years at the other.
Then there are neutron bombs which would kill everyone and blow up nothing, leaving Kiev intact for example.
There is just no end to this monster, once released.
A nuclear direct hit on Hiroshima, thriving city now.
That was only 60kt. Russian Hydrogen bombs tested in the 1960s at over 1200x that size.
Rwanda is a thriving country now too compared with 30 years ago. Cambodia is a nice place to visit. Poland makes nice dumplings. What a silly way of looking at things.
IIRC Neutron bombs only work along with a coinciding nuclear explosion (fission or fusion) so their use is pointless unless you simply do not care about the damage. They are great in theory, just like the War of the Worlds movie’s heat ray, but….
The trick is to explode them way above the city, not in the city.
And of course reverse the design criteria to maximize output of quantity and energy of neutrons and so minimize destructive power. Neutrons being neutral but almost precisely the same weight as protons, have maximum destructive effect on organic material based on protons or Hydrogen, namely H2O and CH2 which is all organic life and little on structures made from heavy atoms like iron or Fe57 or concrete calcium Ca40 or oxides O18.
A neutron bomb is too easy to make, like a dirty bomb. Little blast power, maximum effect on life on earth. You can make an uninhabitable world. Chernoble will be a disaster area for a hundred thousand years unless continuously maintained forever.
Albert Einstein supposedly said “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
That is a great quote that I have never heard before. It seems to be true, or at least paraphrased
In which case, you are very, very early as today is only Thursday.
Either that or he is very slow.
Which would you prefer?
I’m never quite sure what day it is atm; jet lag and tiredness are my excuse!
The level of our education system is stunning!!
Hmm… seem that every person emigrating from NZ lowers the average IQ, and there is the result. I wondered how Adern could ever get voted in, never mind the impossible feat of being voted in twice.
Voting for a Prime Minister who is a member of the World Economic Forum is treachery. It means that you are voting for the demise of your Nation so that it becomes part of the ‘One World Government’ run by the un-elected elite controlling the WEF.
Viktor Orban also went to the WEF. Just because someone is on their list does not prove guilt, only actions do.
THat’s kinda what I’d say too, … BUT ! ( and there’s ALWAYS a ‘but’ ) it is the ASSOCIATION with that flags in Social Media. ( flying with the crows … ). Call it being educated, or keeping a finger on the pulse.
Look what’s happening in UK this now : various Politicos tarnished with their associations.
The comments at that link are spicy.
Viruses can’t do any harm. They don’t have mitochondria nor any known energy source. They lack motility.. But the idea of a virus is a marvellous way to prevent us ever finding out what the real problem is.
Just like a computer virus can’t do any harm because it doesn’t come with batteries, right?
I will byte. Viruses subvert cellular machinery to make copies of themselves, not unlike a communist parasite. Viruses use our own cells energy. They contain a genetic payload that is deployed without benefit to our cells. Sounds a lot like progressive politics.
In a previous life as a G.P.(thanks AHPRA!) I diagnosed a boy with Burkitt’s lymphoma which is the first virus linked to a tumor (now of course HPV is known to cause almost all cervical cancer). So in Mikhail’s world view, Cervical cancer is no biggie! And Losing your liver to Hepatitis B / Hepatitis C as it runs away with hepatocellular cancer is no great bother either?
Interested to know whether you quit in response to AHPRA’s ever increasing heavy handedness or they actually forced you out of medicine?
A problem with viral research is that viruses are difficult to isolate and purify.
A virus must be grown in a cell culture. The virus destroys the cell and what is left is a mixture of virus and cell fragments, including cell DNA.
I don’t know how the virus is purified but someone here may be able to explain it.
Filtered for size differences, centrifuged for weight/density differences, electrophoresis for charge differences.. While protein separation is not hard, purity of the product can be.
A virus is not small by protein standards, although the amount of DNA/RNA it contains is tiny compared to cells.
Jo can tell you, she’s an expert at this…
KP… you got in before me. re DNA and RNA. You can’t really just separate the virus DNA and RNA from the cell stuff unless it is affiliated and bound to a cell component that can be itself purified. We’ve had prolonged and painful discussions of PCR here, which are incredibly specific and robust methods, and are accepted by (literally) millions of scientists (not just virologists) who use them daily.
Jo is no expert. She could get stuck in avid conversations at lunch (you’ll be shocked!) and run all DNA fragments right off the gel.
PCR doesn’t attempt to isolate the virus so it’s science fraud. But the conmen have the right idea. There is no point to isolating a virus. Nothing could ever come of it. The money machine recognises this fact so virus isolation is never attempted. Why bother?
Mikhail, a virus is a code, and we’ve isolated it millions of times. Your requirement that it be molecularly isolated is an anachronistic irrelevancy. If you don’t have a purified box of computer virus, does it really exist? nothing else explains the behaviour of the computer as well as the hypothesis does that “computer viruses are real”. Same for molecular viruses. We isolate them with plaque assays, antibody tests, electron micrographs, PCR analysis, contact tracing, symptoms, blood tests for D-Dimer, Cytokines, blood oxy levels, etc etc etc. We do binding tests on various subparts of the virus with ACE2 TMPRSS2 and nuclear transport proteins, etc etc etc. See Nextstrain to get some idea of how much data you can’t explain.
There’s a billion observations that already fit the hypothesis that viruses are real. Your hypothesis explains none of them, nor does it fill any missing gaps, or make any useful predictions.
“and the viruses form at a layer in the tubes.”
No thats just it. We don’t isolate the viruses at all. Its all fraud. You can’t isolate anything with a PCR test. You run the test without doing any isolation. All the other tests you mentioned also DON’T involve the isolation of the virus. They do not even make an attempt to isolate viruses any more. Nor would there be any point doing so. Since what shows up under the electron microscope is just cell poo. The cell lets go of this junk and no-one has ever shown that the cell poo goes backwards into it. Any more than we have found evidence that fish poo goes back into the fish.
There is not a billion observations there are no such observations. The viral theory was invented before the invention of the electron microscope and kept going even after the paradigm ought to have died a natural death. When a virologist says “isolate” he’s not speaking valid English. This whole story couldn’t have been kept going without deep state influence. But deep state influence pockmarks all the sciences.
Mikhail, when you define your own “English” words there’s no point is there?
To isolate is to separate. We can isolate every strain of a virus genetically, and tell you where it came from. We can tell you how many active working viruses there are in every ml of a solution by diluting it down til there is just one in a drop. We can take photos, and have done, and we have photos and calculation of the burst rate in some viruses as they fill up the cell til it pops. But it doesn’t matter what I say does it?
You speak your own language and so you talk to yourself. I’m sure you really need to believe there are no viruses but you won’t get that here.
Enough timewasting OK? This is thread bombing. It’s profoundly unscientific.
Thanks Jo for isolating this threadbomber:
Mr. Chodorov.
We should also be aware of the carpet bombing by others, like Simon, Peter F etc; their contributions are prolific.
We don’t have these photos. Most electron microscope photos are performed on highly processed material with some fantasy narration placed underneath. But we don’t have photos of human cells blowing up and all these viruses coming out. We have great photos of holes being blown in the side of bacteria via oxidation or antibiotics. The quality of these photos of bacteria is terrific. And when you see photos that good there never seems to be any reason to doubt the explanation. These photos are fully detailed. But we don’t have these viruses emerging out of exploding mammal cells. If we did then this would imply huge numbers of viruses, and this means that isolation would be easy. Very few electron microscope photos are even on living material.
It turns out that these particles coming out of the cells is one way traffic. Virologists cannot credibly differentiate between exosomes and viruses. They take a photo, tell us a story, and thats the end of it. The deep state has been saving this one up for a long time. And making a lot of money along the way with fraudulent and harmful pseudo-vaccines.
PC… so many different methods, many of them I know nothing about but it depends on what you are purifying and what you are studying. Also varyies for the virus – some are hard, some are soft, some have parts that break off so you have to adjust. Obviousluy a whole lot of research went into finding out this basic information.
For instance there are methods used forgetting the protein heads for chrystalography (which reveals fine scale structure. Or for getting the genomic nucleic acids (RNA or DNA depending on the virus) just for identifying the strain or for infecting just using the nude NA.
There are density gradient centrifugal methods where a mix of all cell components (maybe blasted apart by sonication or chemical methods) is spun at high speed (very high in a solution of known density and the viruses form at a layer in the tubes.
Finally you can just look at them which is not exactly isolating them but it is identifying, quantifying and watching them in action which is a pretty clear demo of what they do and how they act.
“……. and the viruses form at a layer in the tubes.”
They never do it Gee Aye. We just assumed they did but they don’t. Its a waste of time. Looting the public is a competitive undertaking and wasting time like this gets in the way. You will not find them ever doing this.
I’ve done it and watched it. Was I drugged or something?
No you did not isolate a virus. It doesn’t matter whether you have been drugged. You are lying now if you are claiming you isolated a virus. But I don’t think you are claiming that. I think you have used a centrifuge to isolate something else and I think you are simply ASSUMING that virologists isolate viruses on the basis of your experience?
You are not a virologist Gee Aye. So you didn’t isolate any virus. But were you a virologist you would not isolate a virus either, because virologists don’t isolate viruses.
Remember everyone Mikhail uses his own language. His definition of isolation is molecular and chemical purification. Lord God Mikhail doesn’t think there is any other sort of isolation (like genetic, antigenic, fingerprint etc).
He agrees gravity is real but he won’t sell me a box of it. He has never isolated gravity in a jar. He is lying if he says he has…
Thanks Gee Aye.
Dr Sam Bailey (the best known virus denier) details a lot of that basic research here.
The basic research seems very dodgy to say the least.
I have bought her book to read in more detail and find the references. Well worth it for thoses of a contrarian nature.
You probably should know what you are being contrarian of PC. That sort of contrarianism is pure ignorant d word and nothing else.
PeterC, you may have missed some of my long exchanges on Sam Bailey.
Sometimes she does a good video like the latest insect one, but the hypothesis that viruses don’t exist is a semantic error. She is using old anachronistic definitions that applied to bacteria and mistakenly expects them to work with viruses. There is certainly criminal stuff going on with Covid, but we have to ignore a billion data points from many different kinds of assays to think that viruses don’t exist. See Nextstrain / Plaque assay / Electron micrographs / Antibody tests / contact tracing / symptomology / Patient blood tests (d-dimer) / Oxygen meters (blood oxy sat). If you have a better way to explain all those test results I’m keen to hear it.
G’day Peter C,
Why not try a different level of research? e.g. The common cold is caused by a virus. Why not try an ant-viral against it? Maybe that famous horse de-wormer, with zinc?? And some vitamin D to assist that useless old immune system.
But, silly me. It might work so we can’t try that can we?
Dave B
[There appears to be a mis spelling in username. Or you are a new user? Please let us know. – LVA]
No viruses don’t and cannot do any of the things you claim here. You are merely restating false claims, which not only have zero evidence to support them. But in fact cannot be true.
It’s a basic fact of life that in order to utilise an external energy source you will need the mechanism for it, and an internal energy source as well. I can’t get to the fridge to access that ice cream and honey energy if I am already dead. Nor can we expect my computer to plug itself into the socket without my help.
So no the virus cannot access our cells metabolism and never did even one time. What has to be understood is that as soon as the public servant declares that a malady is caused by a virus that is the end of the enquiry, and the real cause is solidly locked out from being found.
With a viral diagnosis the scientific method ends, and the money making begins.
Viruses “cannot be true” according to Lord God Chodorov. Well that’s a relief then.
Mikhail, if you want to beat the cheating public servants who misuse and abuse microbiology, you need to learn some microbiology.
There are other malevolent public officials, BTW, who know more microbiology than you do, and they are weaponizing viruses. Just because they want to scare you (they do) doesn’t mean there is no bad news behind it. It’s a lot easier to create a bioweapon pandemic than to fake one.
Fantasy viruses are objects. Like a fork of a chair. Computer software is not an object. It’s not difficult to find the energy source for the execution of harmful software. It’s in the mains or from a battery.
The virus fantasy has been going on so long we are naming high-tech problems as an analogy to something that never existed.
And gravity is a fantasy too right. No energy source…
It’s not difficult to find the energy source for the execution of harmful RNA. Look up “Krebs cycle” and “Oxidative Phosphorylation”. Learn some biochemistry.
A virus cannot even get in the cell in the first place. Let alone lock into the Krebs cycle. To lock into the Krebs cycle its going to have to penetrate the cell wall, locate a mitochondria, and penetrate that as well. Then it has to have sophisticated mechanisms to tap into some energy system inside.
Imagine you are a nuclear submarine commander. And its a “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” scenario. So your submarine is sunk to the size of a virus and your mission is to try and penetrate the cell, penetrate the mitochondria and access some kind of proton pump arrangement to tap the energy. Well you make it through the cell using your nuclear propulsion. You do a few other tasks. But then you realise that its not a fair comparison. So what you do is you float outside the cell. And you power down all your energy systems.
So there you are floating in the dark and thinking about the virus fantasy. You can float forever but you are never going to penetrate the cell.
Mikhail, too many words, but no comprehension.
Viruses don’t need to get into mitochondria any more than computer viruses need to get into Bayswater Coal turbines. Mitochondria produce the ATP. The ATP powers the whole cell including any rogue DNA that may be within it.
Learn cell biology, then form opinion.
Gravity is further proof of the aether. Since gravity propagates instantaneously, rather than at the speed of light, this implies constant connection. Gravity will have an energy source, and it may well be a pristine energy source, since the orbits of large bodies are energy-positive. But we can’t use this unknown energy source as an excuse for pretending that dead things multiply, and that viruses do these other miraculous things. We pretty much know about energy sources for surface terrestrial undertakings. No-one is going to look at the energy sources for gravity any more since the con-artistry here involves aether-denial as well as the bizarre contention that gravity is space bending. Once you lock something like that in, thats the end of the enquiry. If we didn’t have all this nonsense locked into the sciences then we might by now have a very good idea of energy sources for gravity. But the enquiry was ended a long time ago.
So gravity operates on unknown energy source and we both accept that it exists anyway, but viruses don’t exist because you personally have no idea that they run on ATP.
I don’t think this is the blog for you Mikhail.
The warning signs are there.
Lots of posts just trying to stir things up.
May even be a bot, responses are weird in some way. Superficially intelligent but dumb at the same time.
I suspect he has watched a lot of videos of the few medicos who say what he wants to hear. The problem then is that he knows a very odd cherry picked selection of vocabulary, like mitochondria and proton pump, but without the overall understanding that comes from either studying a topic from scratch or from reading the best critics from both sides.
The idea that a virus coated in the same stuff that our cells are coated in won’t dissolve into them is chemical nonsense. And also that a virus can’t get ATP within the cytoplasm. Viruses are designed to use our enzymes, and our enzymes are designed to use our ATP.
It’s of hard to imagine how a virus would not exist once you understand the chemistry.
PS: Mikhail has written another A4 page or two of comments that I haven’t read yet. I’m sorry Mikhail, it’s a thread bomb, and I’ve run out of time.
One of the outcomes of the Pan/Reset is the less than positive public attitude toward science and medicine.
(Not to mention government.)
Certain curiousnesses …
Some notice, like myself, that they don’t know anyone who got sick or died from the Great Pandemic under the age of 85. (I live in a large metro area.)
Mass asymptomatic testing resulting in the revelation that 75% of infected do not get sick.
The not stick still being counted as a ‘case’.
That ‘Public Health’ officials seem to show little interest in chasing down the origin of the virus, even censoring discussion.
The organized, centrally coordinated, censoring and social destruction of highly regarded scientists critical of the official narrative.
This most contagious respiratory virus ever, did not wipe out or even have a noticeable impact on huge homeless tent encampments in any major US city. Odd how more affluent communities were more affected with their obsessive adherence to masks and social distancing.
I just searched the John Hopkins study on lockdown effectiveness and had difficulty finding it, wading through the multitude of media dismissals without link to the paper, seems informative.
The obvious government and corporate fear mongering.
We have changed the definition of vaccine and heard immunity, perhaps the definition of virus gets a rehab too.
‘Public Health’ certainly has a different meaning to many in the aftermath.
Global Warming was rebranded Climate Change. Wonder what the rebrand of Pandemic will be?
But of course, I’ll be deferring to Jacinda Ardern for the truth.
In the good old days the health system would focus on “symptoms” and work out ways to treat the intrusion.
The present focus on obsessing about the microscopic detail allows politicians to skip over the proper treatment aspect and skip straight to the Money.
Individuals, families, businesses, nations and institutions have been decimated by the retentive CV19 Lockidown, Jabber Jabber, buy a millions jabs theme to the point that we could believe we’ve been Fowchied.
From the macroscopic view, the truth was strongly hinted at in the initial New York Nursing Home drama where the CNNNnN _ Fowchi Virus was devastating.
And then the VaXXine was miraculously push on the population.
Just What is the Truth?
The level of our judicial system is also stunning!!
yes, but they are still allowed to vote.
If that decision is now a legal precedent, can we now force into psych hospitals or “treat”(*evil grin*) all the climate lunatics? Sounds too easy IMO.
Surely that decision has to have some legal inverse value to sanity if only to slow the national seppuku we are watching.
Transition to “Net Zero” = Transition to Poverty.
The destruction of Vicdanistan’s electricity grid is progressing even faster than anticipated.
The Left are overjoyed at the additional poverty this will create.
After this closure Vicdanistan will have no proper power stations.
“The closure of Loy Yang A could see up to 600 people lose their jobs”
Far more than that …. Once industry shuts down completely.
“The closure of Loy Yang A could see up to 600 people lose their jobs”
Lol! ..and the thousands who lose their jobs as businesses close down don’t count obviously..
That reminds me , I must test run the generator tomorrow
The Loy Yang troops should shut it down right now and give the idiots a foretaste of what’s to come.
My “back of the envelope” numbers (although I probably should have used a coaster – it was good enough for the NBN)
Spend $100 Billion^ to 2040 (so, about 17 years) to sequentially replace all of our existing coal-fired fleet with upgraded Advanced Ultra SuperCritical(AUSC) Coal Plants, on their existing sites.
That’s well less than half the $$$ they’re already proposing to obliterate on useless “renewables” (let’s “reallocate” / “repurpose” / “appropriate” some of that massive misspend)
^ yes government-type bureaucrats, it is spending, not investment – we’re using peoples’ taxes
AUSC plants should give us about a 30% reduction of CO2 emissions#, as a by-product of increased efficiency, for the same amount of energy produced.
# Whether you think any action to reduce CO2 is necessary (I don’t) is largely irrelevant since we can all agree the increased efficiency is good.
The aging assets are scheduled for decommissioning anyway, so this is simply replacing the asset as it expires with newer technology, along with all of the benefits like efficiency and reduced maintenance of a newer plant.
The infrastructure is already in place to support the new asset.
Construction and deconstruction jobs are created (oh damn, we will have to borrow some of the workforce from all of those windmills, solar installations, and miles of useless transmisson lines we won’t be needing).
Existing jobs are preserved.
The benefits of cheap, reliable, and efficient electricity are reclaimed.
The secondary and tertiary economies attached to the energy source are allowed to thrive and produce even greater productivity.
Consumers see their electricity prices plummet (or return to the cheap level they should always have been).
Bonus: The “renewables” grifters go broke (and good riddance – nice knowing ya. Thanks for the decades of inflated power prices, you criminal reprobates)
In the meantime, un-ban nuclear* technologies and see what they can provide by way of commercial viability in competition with cheap and efficient coal over the coming decades (it will take that long just to overcome the cost of having that ban here for so long).
*We need to increase our nuclear capabilities anyway, we have a sub fleet to operate and support. It would we best if we had some clue of what we’re doing.
Interview: Banking Crisis Will Start in Europe
From Martin Armstrong –
“Commentary from Greg Hunter:
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says nothing is going to get better by the end of 2022, and he is still forecasting “chaos” coming in 2023. Armstrong says the plunge in the stock market last week is all because of “extreme uncertainty.” Armstrong predicted a stock market crash two months ago and contends, “It’s not over.”
Europe is in big financial trouble with Russian natural gas turned off as a retaliation from the sanctions. Armstrong explains, “In Europe, I believe they are actually deliberately doing this, and this is Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset.’ They know they have a serious problem. They lowered rates to below 0% in 2014. They just started raising interest rates. Meanwhile, you ordered all the pension funds throughout Europe to have more than 70% in government bonds. Then they took it negative. All the pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.”
So, could Europe suck the rest of the world down the tubes? Armstrong says, “Oh, absolutely. Europe is the problem. . . . The crisis in banking will start in Europe. . . . The debt is collapsing. They have no way to sustain themselves. The debt market over there is undermining the stability of all the banks. You have to understand that reserves are tied to government debt, and this is the perfect storm. Yes, the (U.S.) stock market will go down short term. We are not facing a 1929 event or a 90% fall here. . . . Europeans, probably by January of 2023, as this crisis in Ukraine escalates, anybody with half a brain is going to take whatever money they have and get it over here.”
So, where is smart money going to go? Armstrong says, “Stocks are like gold, it is on the same side of the table and is opposite government debt. People are not going to be buying government debt. They are going to be looking at anything in the private sector. . . . People are buying whatever they can to get off the grid.”
Armstrong says governments are borrowing and spend huge amounts of money. The Fed will keep raising interest rates to fight inflation, but Armstrong says, “Raising interest rates will only make things worse. We have supply shortages, and raising rates will not fill the gaps.”
Armstrong has never been more positive on buying gold. Why? Armstrong explains, “We are looking at a sovereign debt default. This is what’s going on. This is why Biden will spend whatever he wants because he knows he doesn’t have to pay it back. Eventually, this is what’s going to happen. This is Schwab’s agenda.”
Armstrong has predicted “2023 will be the year from Hell.” Armstrong says, “Civil unrest will only get worse” this year, and he is predicting we will have full blown war next year. Armstrong contends Democrats are desperate and will do things like granting illegal aliens citizenship so they can vote in the mid-term elections.
In closing, Armstrong says, “Something is going to spark a collapse in government again. It’s going to be something, I think, in Europe where they do something drastic because they have no other choice. . . . They need war as the excuse for the defaults of all the government debt.”
A good read.
The correct word is “looted” … those funds were looted and this crisis will be a convenient time to destroy evidence and hide their tracks.
Too Good to not be on Its Own – New Weapon being given by America to Ukraine – all over in 7 secs
That’s better than a microwave. It fries, slices, dices and is cooked ready for the plate. If only you can find it.
By the way. I have no time for lazy parents giving their kids frozen fish fingers with frozen veg for dinners. They could at least microwave them before serving.
Learning to use the microwave oven is an integral part of learning to apply simple arithmetic and tell time….
Yes, poor birdie. I’ve often pondered over such things. How many other creatures hitched a ride to heaven on Missiles like that.
from that link ” EURO FALLS BELOW $0.96 FOR FIRST TIME SINCE DECEMBER 2002 “… no word about that in our uk ( uchh or ughh ) news
Ultimate goal by the globalists is parity all round ? … and then?
Do you agree with Peta Credlin that Voice to parliament campaigners are trying to ‘morally shame’ Australians into voting yes?
Yes 95% 241 votes
No 4% 9 votes
Don’t know 2% 4 votes
Health of the National Electricity Market 2022 – 32 Page PDF
We have identified three overarching themes for the most pressing risks.
Energy affordability is a major concern for consumers
There are currently more upward than downward pressures on energy prices in an environment
where consumers already face higher costs of living. Consumers identify this as their greatest concern
relating to energy. In addition, if the pressures in the market translate to reduced retail competition,
this could also affect consumers’ ability to manage costs.
An orderly energy transition remains the best way to improve energy affordability in the long-term.
However, this will take time and the required investments will add to cost-pressures, although they
will be lower than the costs of a disorderly transition.
Some consumers have access to consumer energy resources (CER), such as solar PV or energy
efficiency devices, which assist in managing these short-term pressures. There is much work underway
to integrate CER into the NEM, and this is crucial to maximise the value of these resources.
Importantly, some consumers are likely to remain more exposed to the risks and costs inherent to the
energy transition. Working to recognise, engage with and provide support to consumers in periods of
vulnerability will be essential to deliver a sustainable transition that benefits all consumers.
– Energy markets are tightly interconnected
– We need urgent and cost-effective investments in transmission, renewable
energy and flexible capacity
They will wait until the subsidised solar + batteries are installed by as many people as possible and then take any stored power that they have and pull it onto the grid . Your new “smart” meters will facilitate that and you will get paid peanuts for what they take and they will charge the user a fortune (which is similar to what they do now) . I must admit I am considering getting batteries , not because they make sense financially , but to have power in the event of blackouts ( but having a stand alone option) . In the event of a blackout , even on a sunny day , I can’t use the power my current solar produces .
You’ll have a flat battery and a bill, they’ll have a grin on their mugs like the cat that got the canary.
Old Goat,
The grid does not use the power when solar produces it. You will need backup anyway, so ditch the Solar unless you are remote or live in a RV.
Keep it simple.
Diesel generator and changeover switch. Make sure you maintain your fuel.
Well whaddayaknow!
No question.
Two words, ‘Its stuffed’
It’s been a bad week for renewable generation at AM/PM peak usage periods – an average of 8.6% dispatchable supply compared to 17.7% last week. Once again we remained comfortable under the fossil-fueled warm blanket with hydro evening out the renewable inconsistencies.
More details available here.
…and as fast as it hit the news, the pipelines sabotage disappeared from the news.
Meanwhile in Italy the new lion has a murky past.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same” 😉
There’s been a 4th pipe burst according to this morning’s news. Pipeline only 100 m to seabed. 10bar crushing pressure, so as per a previous comment on Jo’s site,recently, those pipes must be very thin. maybe just a fishing boat ripped it open.
Pity Italian is hard to decipher for non speakers: so vomit means disgusting. She has raised many good points.
Those pipes have 38 mm thick steel walls, and are likely burries ina “trench” on the seabed.
Water pressure is not an issue.s
Plus they are high tensile steel, good stuff, military grade plastic explosives involved.
Thursday funny: The many faces of Covidians
Bill Gates caught admitting that climate change is a WEF scam
I’m shocked…
I now know which airline never to fly with.
Virgin Atlantic Just Teamed Up With LGBTQ+ Celebs To Become The World’s ‘Most Inclusive Airline,’ New Policy Encourages MALE PILOTS TO WEAR SKIRTS, Everyone Gets A Pronoun Badge And More..
Virgin Atlantic modified its gendered clothing requirement uniform policy on Wednesday to permit male staff to wear skirts as its launches a new campaign become the world’s “most inclusive airline.”
Pronoun badges will also be offered to the plane crew in customers in addition to allowing staff “wear uniforms that express their true identity.”
Well, I know exactly what uniform they should wear. One that looks like a giant Richard. 😆
They must be taking the p*ss.
I used to do a sport where people occasionally got killed or injured. When an incident occurred the first thing that got put together was a statement of facts about the incident. No analysis, no conclusion just the assembly of every known fact and pieces of evidence about the incident. Only then did anyone try to work out what happened and why, at least from an official point of view.
I thought this summary on Nordtream 2 gave a lot of useful info and background in that style. It does drift in to opinion which is fine for a blog.
Has to be O’Biden and co.
I would be surprised if not, but the chances of ever knowing approximate zero.
Bipedal Cassie sets Guinness World Record for robotic 100-meter sprint
A droid named Cassie has set a Guinness World Record for the 100-meter dash by a bipedal robot, and while it’s far from the blistering pace of the world’s best athletes, it is an impressive demonstration of robotics and engineering.
Cassie is the brainchild of Agility Robotics, a spin-off company from Oregon State University, and was introduced in 2017 as a type of developmental platform for robotics research. And Cassie has continued to come along in leaps and bounds since then, in 2021 demonstrating some impressive progress by completing a 5-km (3.1-mile) jog in just over 53 minutes.
This achievement involved the use of machine learning algorithms to equip the robot with an ability to run, overcoming its unique biomechanics and knees that bend like an ostrich to remain upright. With this capability, Cassie joined a group of running bipedal robots that include the Atlas humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics and Mabel, billed as the world’s fastest knee-equipped bipedal robot. But in optimizing Cassie for the 100-meter sprint, the researchers had to head back to the drawing board.
Very much Ostrich like but excellent stability dynamics!
No wonder it’s staggering and can’t stay in its lane, where’s its head.
“Pizza and pasta are now symbols of worldwide white supremacy,” they wrote. “We must stand against any establishment serving this fascist food.”
I’ll have the pizza and pasta; you loony-lefties can have crickets and recycled pee..
Reminds me, time to order a pizza, thanks.
I tend to agree. Peasant food.
BBC: “Kwarteng sent stinging and unusual rebuke by IMF
[..] The stinging rebuke from the International Monetary Fund reflected similar concerns from the world’s major finance ministries that a crisis brewing in the UK could spill over into a global slowdown.
The criticism from the Washington-based body was without a clear precedent in regard to a major G7 country and shareholder.[..] it is the sort of warning the IMF more typically makes to emerging economies.
[..] The IMF’s words sparked anger from some supporters of Prime Minister Liz Truss, who pointed to a lack of criticism of the massive fiscal spending of the US Biden administration. [..]”
The Swamp definitely won’t go down without a big fight. It reminds me of when John Howard trimmed the public service amid ferocious criticism, and then the economy started a big recovery.
I don’t think that cutting the top rate of income tax was a good idea, but everything else that Liz Truss and her cabinet are doing – esp. re energy – is much needed. I hope The Swamp will fail to stop her and then that Liz Truss’s team will be seen to be very much on the right track and showing Europe how it’s done.
‘Fossil Fuels’ are the greenest of energy sources
A 35-year veteran of the global warming debate says ‘fossil fuels’ are the “greenest” of energy sources.
In a recently published paper, Dr. Indur Goklany notes that carbon dioxide emissions from industrial activity and transportation have increased plant growth and that fertilizers and pesticides derived from ‘fossil fuels’ have boosted crop yields so that more food can be produced on less land.
“Contrary to the claims of proponents of the Green New Deal and Net Zero, ‘fossil fuels’ are the greenest fuels,” says Goklany. “First, uniquely among energy sources, ‘fossil fuel’ use emits CO2, which is the ultimate source of the elemental building block, carbon, found in all carbon-based life — virtually all life on Earth.”
Referencing several studies, Goklany reports that up to 50 percent of global vegetated areas became greener between 1982-2009 and that 70 percent of the greening has been attributed to carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of ‘fossil fuels’.
Dr. Goklany’s analysis underscores that policies forcing the replacement of ‘fossil fuels’ with solar panels and wind turbines are counterproductive, exacerbating some of the very problems attributed to global warming.
That’s the objective. Shut down food and energy for the masses. Then cancel all currencies so everyone has to go digital and THEN crash the (digital) financial system…
Bringing hydrocarbons to the surface may be our most important task as a species. CO2 tends to get caught up in sedimentary rock. If we humans don’t bring more hydrocarbons to the surface than what would normally leak out, perhaps we would find ourselves on a sterile planet.
Australia: Pfizer Covid vaccine approved for babies aged six months and older.
Pfizer’s Covid vaccine has been approved for children in Australia aged between six months and five years old.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) made the announcement on Thursday after Moderna’s jab was approved for youngsters in July.
“This paediatric vaccine is made in the same way as the vaccines for older persons; however, it contains a lower amount of active ingredient,” the statement read.
What’s next? Inject the unborn?
Probably shouldn’t give them ideas…
I thought the new advice was to not bother with people below 12, or something like that. Guess it depends on which country you’re in. Aussies love their medicines like few others.
Funny how the lefties in Australia often bang on about “falling behind” and “not keeping up” with trends elsewhere. Except of course when the trend is not injecting young children with faux vaccines or moving away from demonstrably failing “renewables”
Plus they are high tensile steel, good stuff, military grade plastic explosives involved.
D. Pyne: BUCKLE UP: “Only ONE WAY this WAR ENDS”
I seem to recall that Eisenhower guy saying something important.
Biden’s worst cognitive malfunction yet.
Biden looks around the room for a person that everyone knows died recently, including Biden who was told at the time but he forgot.
Dr Steve Turley discusses. I have never seen him so angry.
“Trust The Science??”
“Dr. Naomi Wolf Video: No Mojo in the Air – The Vax’s Killing of Sexual Desire
How the life force/flirtation vibe got switched off.”
An excellent video from Dr Sam Bailey critiquing the promotion of insect eating.
Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipelines?
From Martin Armstrong –
“I rarely believe in coincidences. Everyone is perplexed as to why there are sudden leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea connecting Russia to Germany. The first explosion was recorded on Monday near the Danish island of Bornholm. The second blast happened later that evening and was so powerful that scientists equate it to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake.
Numerous people are claiming that Russia sabotaged the pipeline, but numerous clues indicate someone else was at play. Radek Sikorski, Poland’s former minister of national defense and EU Parliament member, posted an image of the leak with the caption, “Thank you, USA.”
The USA is certainly no stranger to targeting Russian pipelines. In January 1982, Ronald Regan and the CIA planned to destroy the Soviet Union’s economy by using the technology available at the time to create a massive explosion. The US wanted to block Europe from importing Soviet Western gas amid the Cold War and was willing to take extreme measures. Thomas C. Reed, a former Air Force secretary who served in the National Security Council, wrote a book entitled “At the Abysss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War.”
“In order to disrupt the Soviet gas supply, its hard currency earnings from the West, and the internal Russian economy, the pipeline software that was to run the pumps, turbines, and valves was programmed to go haywire, after a decent interval, to reset pump speeds and valve settings to produce pressures far beyond those acceptable to pipeline joints and welds,” Reed writes. According to the Washington Post, Reed later commented that it was the “most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space.”
What about other nations in Europe? No one is claiming responsibility, but they are stating that it was a deliberate act of terrorism. “It is the authorities’ clear assessment that these are deliberate actions -– not accidents,” Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Tuesday. Sweden’s Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said, “it is probably a case of sabotage,” and they are not ruling out any scenarios. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also called it “an act of sabotage.” “The era of Russian domination in the gas sphere is coming to an end,” Morawiecki declared. “An era that was marked by blackmail, threats and extortion.”
The United States is also claiming to be perplexed by the issue. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said she would not “speculate on the cause.” US President Joe Biden hinted at the cause in February 2022. In the video above, Biden tells reporters that if Russia invades, “then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” When a reporter asked just how the US would complete the task, Biden ominously said. “Trust me, we will do it.”
This was clearly an act of sabotage, but who was the culprit? The West is pointing to Russia, while Russia is pointing to the West. Something does not add up.”
NPR, the mouthpiece for Warshington and the U.S. military-industrial complex, essentially announced it this morning—WWIII. Quoting Bob McNally, I think, saying that we’re in a global energy war. A global war. If NPR puts it out, it’s the official Warshington line.
Genetically Modified mosquitoes have successfully ‘Vaccinated’ a human
A human was successfully ‘vaccinated’ against malaria by a container full of genetically modified mosquitoes in a trial funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
“We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes,” said researcher Dr. Sean Murphy.
Activist Post reports: Three to five “vaccinations” took place over 30-day intervals.
The mosquitoes gave minor versions of malaria that didn’t make people sick, but gave them antibodies. Efficacy from the antibodies lasted a few months.
Have you seen how the film “Bite” ends?
When they say “successful” it doesn’t mean anyone has been made resistant to malaria. Success standards for vaccine makers are always different than what they ought to be. What these scientists are doing is clearly something than many countries could execute you for. But at least you could in principle make a malaria vaccine. You in principle cannot make a viral vaccine since the virus is already dead. You can’t prepare a dead version of a live virus since there isn’t such a thing.
More word games. Our immune systems respond to both living and dead things, otherwise killed bacteria vaccines wouldn’t work would they? But dead bits of bacteria work to immunize people against living bacteria. Same for viruses. Viruses are dead, just chemical code, but there are still “Active” viruses and “deactivated” viruses.
Mikhail your comments are 90% mere assertion of things you have no evidence for at all. It takes a huge fantasy to continue to support the failed hypothesis that all viruses are non-existent. If only you understood (or had an interest in) immunity, virology, genetics, cell biology,…?
Our immune systems are a biological “AI” that act on a molecular level. They don’t ask if that furin cleavage site is part of a living thing or part of a dead one.
You are talking about a Furin cleavage site in an entity that doesn’t exist. This reminds me of these loony toon physicists talking about singularities and other unicorns.
Since there is no Covid virus there is no cleavage site on a corona virus. And a humans immune response is more standard than that. The main thing is just to surround and oxidise the offending object. Blow a hole in its side through oxidation. It doesn’t require the body to have such a nuanced take on the precise shape of a bacteria when it’s mostly about oxidation.
If your immune system runs around randomly blowing holes in anything with with “just oxidation” you would be a sick puppy.
Your T cells only needs a nuanced and precise target if you like to stay alive.
Maybe but it doesn’t have to be right down to a cleavage site on something that is not there. The body would be remiss to attack an exosome or a virus (the same thing) since that would be killing dead material.
What needs to be done is to bring the standards of analytical chemistry to virology to end the whole fraudulent industry. Since you people who don’t believe that logic is part of science cannot even know when you have lost the argument.
Vague spooky allusions to “analytical chemistry” (as if virology is not already built on analytic chemistry) are nothing at all. Enough Mikhail. You have zero evidence, and no alternate better hypothesis to explain a billion observations, and you know about ten minutes worth of virology (An exosome is not the same as a virus). You want to believe viruses don’t exist, and will not consider anything that doesn’t fuel your faith and solve your fear of the real world. Ricin is also “dead” but it can kill us. Your quaint faith that viruses can’t hurt us because they are “dead” is like explaining the real world to a three year old. Likewise, that there is some fraud in virology doesn’t prove all of virology is fraud. A virus (doh) can obviously be both an object and a chemical code. Your special 1:0 binary view of the world is not worth the hours of discussion anyone would need to spend to rescue you from your confirmation bias. Your comments will be going direct to the spam bucket.
Sorry, best wishes and good luck starting your own blog.
That’s their reasoning alright. With this idiotic chain of thought they make millions, damage kids and raid treasuries. They get our bodies attacking itself; hence the spread of auto-immune diseases.
Some people fall for this “logic.” Must be people bought up on Schrödinger’s cat, wave-particle duality, and other physics hucksterism. The cat is both dead and alive, so is the virus.
If you think a dead object has what it takes to multiply you are not appreciating the miracle if life and you may need to get your spiritual life in order. Supposing that choosing logic is a little bit too hard.
The mistake here comes with the reification of an analogy. A virus is an object.. Not a code.
Your strange shield of protection that “dead things can’t multiply” will not work too well if a computer virus gets in your computer or the wrong prion gets in your brain.
A virus is both an object and a code, but this discussion is effectively dead. See my last reply. Thanks but no thanks. Goodbye.
UK: millions urged to het Covid & Flu jabs amid fears of winter ‘Twindemic’
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) officials say they are expecting a resurgence in flu infections that are capable of causing severe disease in the coming months. They are alao worried that it will coincide with the major wave of covid that is apparently already building.
According to Steve Russell, the NHS director for vaccinations and screening “If you have been offered a flu vaccination or Covid booster you should book in as soon as possible.” He warned“This winter could be the first time we see the effects of the so-called ‘twindemic’”
Severe disease in coming months you say. 🙄
Germany must cut natural gas consumption to avoid winter shortages
Germany’s gas consumption rose too much last week to levels higher than in previous years, and without considerable gas conservation—including from households—Europe’s biggest economy will find it difficult to avoid gas shortages this winter, Germany’s Federal Network Agency, Bundesnetzagentur, said on Thursday.
Starting from today, the agency—the regulator to impose rationing in case of severe shortages—will publish weekly figures about gas consumption in Germany. Last week’s consumption from businesses and households at 483 GWh/week was well above the average seen throughout the 2018 to 2021 period when it was 422 GWh/week. Last week, German gas consumption rose by 14.5 percent compared to the average of the previous years, mostly because that week was colder than comparable weeks in the past four years.
Increased consumption already?
Pipelines down, winter looming, no firewood and the military about to be deployed Oct. 1st.
Fun times ahead.
They could always start burning currency.
They could have burned books but they don’t seem to have any let alone read them…
“mostly because that week was colder than comparable weeks in the past four years.”
Whaat! No, never! Global warming has every year hotter than the one before! This can’t be true!
Searches for “Real Estate Market Crash” highest in internet history
Analysis of Google Trends data reveals that searches for ‘real estate market crash’ exploded 284% in the United States as of September 2022 – the highest level in Google Trends history.
Yep. The UK property market has now virtually ground to a halt with the EU not far behind (weeks).
The US is slowing as cost of living increases hit home.
Australia – slow to wake up as usual.
If people are panic buying single tanks of petrol then they’re in a bad way financially.
Wait for the major food price hikes before xmas (look at crop planting data) and the next interest rate hikes.
2023 is 3 months away now.
Home food production is the next and best growth business. Switched-on entrepreneurs will make a killing.
Thursday funny #2. Women filling up cars
I was at the local servo the other day and a female pulled into the adjoining lane and spent around 4 minutes trying to drag the hose across her car’s roof and get the nozzle into the filler before she gave up and did a u-turn…
The Italian elections demonstrate a worldwide phenomenon, the reversal of the political views prior to WWII.
(Conservative) “Giorgia Meloni’ was the most popular among workers and the lower middle, while the wealthiest Italians and university graduates voted left. ”
As with Donald Trump, the Red Wall in the UK.
Pre WWII the workers voted for jobs and quality of life promised by the left, especially Hitler, Mussoline and the Communists. Hitler promised a free car (Volkswagen) for every family and a government holiday at a government beach resort every year. (On the Baltic. They were built and movies made) That was socialism, communism’s basic promise a better life in a fairer world.
And Hitler wooed the rich with promises of greater wealth and power, especially the Krupp familiy. That was Mussolini’s master stroke in Fascism.
And the middle classes were Catholic conservative.
Now the rich upper classes are Teal, nutty Green and even the rich middle classes but the poorer lower classes are voting with their feet in the US, Italy, UK for conservative government. As energy prices go through the roof in Australia along with gas shortages and inflation, Australian voters will swing to conservative. Especially immigrants who have seen what socialism brings.
As always, the Elites want total control and to save the planet but get much richer doing so, Andrew Forrest, Cannon-Brookes. The people want cheap energy, jobs, their country back and independence from the EU,UN,China warlords and dictators.
But the new rich bureacratic elites in Brussells, Washington and Canberra want even more pay, more power, less work, no accountability under the cover of saving the planet as long as the workers pay for it. And will they have their own publicly funded exclusive diesel generators, as in Adelaide.
We didn’t need a National energy grid. We still don’t. It’s a Federal initiative to control all the power, of course.
And there is absolutely no requirement to shut down coal power at Liddell, Yallourn as AGL is racing to do. Quite the opposite. We will see what happens politically as temperatures drop like a stone in Europe and America, Japan and Canada and all the chickens come home to roost. Reliable, adequate, affordable energy is the key to all modern life.
Now imagine all power, petrol, gas off for a few months and how much your life would change. You would starve. That’s the WEF idea. The elites imagine they will just change countries.
More degradation of American culture and history. Lizzo twerks with James Madison’s flute.
A true American Roll Model. But just a different culture, not degraded. Clearly not everyone sees what we see, or as much. And you would have to wonder how this is seen in Asia. She is happy, talented, extremely confident and very successful and can actually play the flute where most people cannot. It’s not a bad thing to bring out a famous museum piece and make it famous again. Just different and unimaginable in other cultures. And a lot of African American women are huge in a country of really cheap food.
One of those beached whales from Tassie got away.
And you can be sure that this 200 year old marvel, a French crystal flute, a unique treasure which just escaped the war of 1812 when the British set fire to Washington, will be the top attraction in the Library of Congress for years to come. Even Australians will want to see it. Otherwise most would have just walked by. So while in the US conservatives are aghast at what they see as sacrilege, it was a master stroke for the museum and the flute will once again have the attention it deserves. And every larger woman will feel happier and a lot skinnier. It’s not a bad thing at all.
And this flute appears to be one of two in the collection which is actually crystal.
A NZ radio host interviews a young climate activist and reveals the activist’s cluelessness and hypocrisy (45 secs).
Showed her up as the hypocrites they are.
More lacking self awareness. A hypocrite would have lied.
YouTube censored and removed new Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s video in which she defended family values as a violation of “community guidelines” but the complaints were so intense they have temporarily reinstated it.
The official story is that it was a ‘mistake’. You would have to think that the many people who work there can do such things without authorization and hope that no one notices. Or it may have been company policy and they were caught. It’s hard to tell.
YouTube censored (took down) one of Russell Brand’s recent videos so he is moving to Rumble and taking his six million subscribers with him.
Brand is a good but rare example of a former Leftist that saw the truth.
Disturbing image alert. Supposing we imagine a wolf that can access a lot of its energy from infrared radiation. And a carnivorous fish that can get a lot of energy from the earths electrical field. Our skilful surgeons remove the teeth and fins from the fish and the legs and teeth from the wolf. Next day the sheep have been mauled and the sardine schools devastated.
Of course we already have the perps in the police lineup and this stops us considering other suspects. So it goes with viruses. Doesn’t matter if they are surrounded by ATP or are being bombarded next to a proton pump. They have no mechanism to cause the trouble they are blamed for.
I think I am being clear here but deep state programming is strong. They get us when we are kids. Don’t expect the cognitive dissonance to fade anytime soon.
Not aware whether it has been mentioned yet, but gas-pipeline engineers are pointing out the following.
1.Natural gas pipelines need to be run very carefully, or solid ammonium-meythyl-hydrate ice can form and plug the pipe.
2. Pipelines at the bottom of a cold sea, full of STATIONARY natural gas are ideal places for this to happen.
3. Unblocking such pipes takes weeks and a great deal of competence.
4. The same Russian culture of engineering and maintenance that brought us Chernobyl, the Kursk sinking, and more than one previous pipeline explosion, has been responsible for operations and maintenance on the NordStream pipelines, with numbers of documented holdups and maintenance issue over the last two years.
5. Russian Politicians and Gazprom senior management are not known for either their engineering savvy or their patience….
6. Russia has motivation to get gas flowing, or being ready to get gas flowing…
In which case, orders to “make it work, NOW” render a catastrophic failure in the pipe, extremely high.
Meanwhile, military types are pointing out that if you want to blow up two items in one of the busiest bits of ocean in the world, you would NOT set off one explosion and then wait 17 hours – while everyone focuses their attention on that point – before setting off the second. NOT IF YOU WANT TO GET AWAY WITH IT.
So…. the most likely cause is not sabotage (conspiracy theories rarely stand up under examination) but poor maintenance and poor remedial action, undertaken under political pressure – and maybe a little too much vodka.
“Companies using carbon credits to ‘cover their tracks’, says iron ore billionaire”
I wonder if the new Federal Government uses carbon credits to cover up their flying emissions?
Tucker Carlson: This is ridiculous