A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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so we are still waiting for warmists to:
(1) justify their claims of CAGW using actual measurements (which they cannot actually do because they have no reliable measurements); and
(2) show how climate model projections can be falsified (which by definition they cannot).
1.. Warming by atmospheric CO2 has never been observed or measured anywhere on the planet.
2.. They have been falsified..
Real data is well below the junk spaghetti of their random climate models.
this depends on what one considers falsification, as it is always open to simply adjust an assumption to save a hypothesis, as per the quinean web.
What is apparent is Earth’s major atmospheric components have not changed in the last 200 years and are unlikely to change in the next 200.
Earth’s Atmosphere
Year ““1800 2200 2400 Change
Nitrogen “““78.00 78.00 78.00 –
Oxygen “““21.00 “““ 21.00 21.00 –
Argon “““0.90 0.90 0.90 –
All other incl CO2. 0.10“ 0.10 0.10
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00
All other includes CO2, one of Earth’s trace gases which is currently a tiny 0.04% of our atmosphere volume up from a tiny 0.03 % in 1800. Albo’s 43% emissions cut and his net zero policy changes will not change this picture.
Bjorn Lomborg would accept that graph, CO2 causes a little warming.
How much warming does it cause?
That should be a simple question for the warmists to answer, based on physics.
“CO2 causes a little warming”
An economist?
Yes, that graph shows a little bit of warming..
It does not show anything to do with CO2 causing it.
Baseless conjecture.
He says nothing on the science, ‘I do economics now, but I am really a political scientist.’
And I expect a scientific answer, not just another signatory to banning di-hydrogen monoxide.
Can you tell me why temperatures keep rising in step change? The present pause is on a higher plateau, waiting for another El Nino to drive it even higher.
see #
you might get a hint.
Energy builds up in oceans, particularly west of Nino34 region, from solar and wind.. then releases.
Certainly is not a signature of imaginary CO2 warming.
Irregular ENSO is the main driver of temperature and El Nino has the power to temporarily slow sea level rise.
‘An unprecedented increase in accumulation over the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctica coincides with the extreme 2015–2016 El Niño. This was sufficient to temporarily offset Antarctica’s usual (≈0.4 mm yr−1) contribution to global mean sea level rise.’ (Bodart & Bingham 2019)
If professor leaf wanders into the room and asks why, with a triple dip La Nina, temperatures have remained on a plateau.
Do you suppose a gradual rise in TSI could explain the anomaly?
Would have been nice if you answered my question instead of asking another unrelated one. Anyway in the spirit of good manners I would guess if the world’s temperature was rebounding from the Little Ice Age and is generally affected by 11 or 30 year cycles then there is likely to be step like temperature changes. There may even be seasonal influences on thermometers located away from high regions in the tropics.
On my question I am guessing you do not have evidence for the link between CO2 in the atmosphere and the current warming. Could be a coincidence or even evidence that a warming atmosphere and ocean results in increasing atmospheric CO2?
There is no evidence to support the hypothesis that CO2 causes global warming, in fact Antarctic ice cores show that an increase in CO2 always follows warming.
CO2 liberation from the oceans is undoubtedly the largest contributor to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Can I add testing predictive value. To paraphrase Carl Sagan, if your theory has no predictive value then your theory is wrong.
Yeah but it’s the vibe of it and everyone agrees it’s happening so there !
Sadly, you win Robert.
Good idea, in theory.
As climate is average weather measurements during a rather long period (re human life expectancy), the end conclusion could only be reached by the 3rd or 4th generation after us; to simplify, about one century from now.
The only place climate change is an existential crisis is in the IPCC models. All real world data shows it’s a hoax.
Global warming isn’t an existential threat, but global cooling is another matter because its accompanied by monsoon failure.
climate change policies, however, are an existential threat.
waiting for warmists “to justify their claims of CAGW using actual measurements (which they cannot actually do because they have no reliable measurements); ”
Equally if there are no reliable actual measurements of temperature how can climate sceptics claim the planet is not warming?
I regard the NASA/NCEP Reynolds optimally interpolated ocean surface temperature to be reliable. It uses satellite information to interpolate the actual surface measurement data from moored buoys and ARGO roving buoys. In essence the local insitu temperatures are used as reference for the satellite information.
There is no GLOBAL warming when you use the Reynolds measurement. Some parts of the ocean are warming, some parts are cooling and some parts are static. The ocean surface temperature follows the sunlight intensity with a 2 month lag.
The land measurements are not quite as good but If you look at regions that have relatively little change in land use over the last 50 years then you get good correlation between GHCN and solar intensity but with a 1 month lag.
Data here:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhG4gM4gmzW9MS07d
The precession cycle is gradually shifting the peak solar intensity away from the austral summer solstice and ever closer to the boreal summer solstice – SH is therefore cooling and NH warming. The tropical zone is temperature limited to 30C – the sunlight that Earth rejects!
BoM no longer harp on about the Nino34 gradually increasing in temperature because it has cooled over the last 40 years.
The simple question for BoM to answer is how can CO2 be selective in what it warms, cools or leaves unchanged? Large regions of the oceans are not warming.
NCEP CPC data consist of analyses from December 1978 to the present
warmists claim the warming started in 1850 with the industrial revolution (also coincidentally the end of the LIA).
And behold, the quality of the argument we face.
And we have been dismissed and censored in the face of this?
I guess sometimes the enlightened society just gets overrun by the primitive horde.
BTW, Climate Change turned me into a newt.
Because it’s cooling
Yep, it has been cooling since the last El Nino.
UAH for the Arctic is very interesting to look at..
A big spike then a gradual drop back down to the zero trend line.
another attempt to reverse the onus of proof.
“how can climate sceptics claim the planet is not warming?”
They don’t… why twist what is said, and just “make up” what you want to believe is said?
Warming is far less than model “predictions”
Warming in the reliable data (UAH) has come at distinct El Nino events.
There is absolutely ZERO evidence that El Ninos have anything to do with CO2.
Data before that is totally unreliable, 70% of the world (oceans) is pure guesswork before the 1970s
Look at the 30 year trailing average TSI data, see where you actually think some of the warming has come from.
Also look at the cloud cover over the Tropics.
The slight warming since the LIA has been very beneficial to all life on Earth, as has the increase in atmospheric CO2.
The Great Climate Shift of 1976 began the upward trend, do you know why?
No, but I am guessing it must have had something to do with the Great War (1914-18) since that is when the warming began.
Warming is generally thought to have begun around 1908 and was responsible for the melting of the glacier that caused the iceberg that sank the Titanic.
The tail end of the Gleissberg Minimum.
that’s when the data homogenization flips?
Climate computer models are reverse engineered on a “best fit” basis. .
They are designed to fit a set of observations of virtual chaos. They can only see backwards, not forward.
The reason why they have multiple models is that they know that none of those models is sound.
If just one of those computer models was sound they would not need two.
The real question is what will it cost and who will pay?
If this is accurate then surely it would become part of the blood donation pre-screening process which in UK already (as of this 2014 list) includes tests for hepatitis, hiv, Human T-cell lymphotropic virus and syphilis.
Im guessing post-covid and with the increase of polio perhaps they are also testing along those lines too.
End result is that this becomes another blow to blood donation supply/use. The initial results quoted in the article (6,621 tested, 6,529 negative and 92 potentially suspect) suggest if all were regular blood donators 1.4% would need to have their donations rejected. Then we come to the question of supply and demand and what price the market might be willing to pay as we enter a time when the most common blood type becomes less and less available. Shylock, Shylock my kingdom will be built on Shylock.
The BoM website this morning said there was a 0% chance of rain at the Victorian Surfcoast today.
Based on this official forecast I did a load of washing and hung it outside on the line.
An hour later it began to rain. Thankfully now it has cleared and the sun is out.
I guess the BoM is too busy with diversity and gender workshops these days. Or maybe it’s just Victoria’s weather.
Zero accuracy and zero carbon targets are possibly linked.
Beware of the “tipping point”, apparently climate church disciples can forecast that precisely, and if they fail they can move the goal post.
Try Elders weather or other apps (but really, they should all be very similar) – Todays Elders forecast for S/W Vic – “Cloudy. Patches of morning frost. Medium chance of showers near the Otways, near zero chance elsewhere. Light winds becoming NE 15 to 20 km/h in the late evening. Daytime maximum temperatures around 13.
Weatherzone is ok. Sort of. You have to pay to get real information, although the ACCESS and GFS modelling are free – as with international charts. A bit self-basting Gen X types try to tell us how good their predictions are. What do people think about the AAO ( SAM) atm? Some keep saying that it’s positive but I reckon it’s trending negative looking at WA.
SAM has been positive for a month.
Not according to my observations of synoptic charts where low pressure in the southern ocean are more north than a month ago. Still, the alps are having a poor time of it lately.
Good catch.
It may have something to do with the jet stream, which momentarily stopped meandering.
Surf Coast was 30% chance today. Morning and early arvo chance.
So they were only 70% wrong 😉
BOM. Now known as the Bunch Of Muppets.
Don’t worry.
The 50 year forecast is spot on.
Please consider carefully that Australian Republic Movement establishment are really most interested in being granted permission to make amendments and remove sections of the Constitution that were created to protect the people but stand in the way of politicians doing things they want to impose.
“PRIME Minister Anthony Albanese is planning a re-education program in an attempt to condition voters to ditch what his government calls a “ridiculous and archaic” constitution”
The same objective is behind the proposed referendum for a “voice”, Indigenous Australians now number eleven Members of Parliament in Canberra and on a per capita basis have a louder voice than their fellow Australians, we are all Australians.
full quote
Your reasons for disagreeing with this Dennis?
You do have a point there GA.
The Act of UK Parliament of 1930s removed the remaining minor powers of a Monarch in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth of Nations member countries.
During the 1980s the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (Commonwealth also means Republic) legislated the Australia Act of Parliament that reinforced the UK Act.
For all intents and purposes the Queen or King of Australia has only ceremonial duties as a figurehead and when not on Australian soil the Monarch is represented by the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia appointed by the Prime Minister and Cabinet and automatically accepted with paperwork signed accordingly by the Monarch.
Since the Australia Act the highest court for Australians is the High Court of Australia, we have no right to appeal to the UK Privy Council as we did in the past.
The Australian Constitution covers our constitutional monarchy, ceremonial Head of State, Parliament and Cabinet Ministers elected by we the people create our laws and govern our nation on our behalf.
Of course Australia was from January 1788 split into Colonial Governments, the first was New South Wales and New Zealand as one colony. The Colonial Governments decide to form the Federation of States, Commonwealth of Australia separated from Great Britain/United Kingdom. New Zealand chose not to become a member of the Federation but have continued to be a constitutional monarchy.
From time to time when Australia holds a Constitutional Convention the Government of New Zealand sends delegates as New Zealand remains in our Constitution but of course not as a State.
For republicans to claim that one of the best examples of a democracy, Commonwealth of Australia, is not completely self-governed is ridiculous and deceptive.
You didn’t address what Matt T said at all.
the sovereign has reserve powers, both in the UK and in Australia. see e.g. link
in the absence of those reserve powers you have a parliamentary dictatorship.
“In a parliamentary or semi-presidential system of government, a reserve power is a power that may be exercised by the head of state without the approval of another branch or part of the government. Unlike in a presidential system of government, the head of state is generally constrained by the cabinet or the legislature in a parliamentary system, and most reserve powers are usable only in certain exceptional circumstances. In some countries, reserve powers go by another name; for instance, the reserve powers of the President of Ireland are called discretionary powers.”
For example, the voters effectively dismissed the Whitlam Labor Government at a double dissolution election that was held after the Governor General based on the Constitution, constitutional laws, requested the PM to become caretaker PM leading a caretaker government and to call the election to let the people decide what we wanted during a constitutional crisis.
The constitutional crisis was that the Government did not have the combined numbers of Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament to pass a money supply bill, and therefore unable to govern.
The crisis was based on the illegal attempt by the Whitlam Government to bypass the Loans Council to secretly borrow billions of dollars from foreign money lenders. This was exposed by The Age newspaper including transcripts of secretly recordings of loans discussions in a Melbourne hotel room. The Opposition demanded information and that was refused by the Government so the Opposition chose to block money supply and force a constitutional crisis because of the illegal activity taking place.
The Governor General did not dismiss the Whitlam Government as the ABC series The Dismissal claimed, we the people dismissed them in a landslide defeat.
There was no need for the Monarch to intervene, constitutional law was clear about what should take place, double dissolution election.
My understanding of it is that the Governor General did dismiss Whitlam and installed Fraser as PM in a caretaker role. Fraser then asked the GG to make a double dissolution. You mentioned above that the PM was made caretaker. The PM was dismissed by the GG and Fraser was made caretaker.
I think the GG doesn’t automatically call a double dissolution election just because a bill presented twice isn’t passed through the senate. The PM asks the GG to dissolve both houses in the hope the election will give them the majority they need. The problem at the time was Whitlam wasn’t asking for a double dissolution because he knew he’d lose the election. Whitlam wanted a half senate election which was rejected.
So basically, Whitlam would have tried to govern but the GG dismissed him and put in the Fraser caretaker. The caretaker then asked for a DD.
A double dissolution election is what the Constitution requires when a government cannot govern, in this example insufficient numbers to pass an essential money supply bill.
Whitlam could have accepted the constitutional law advice and remained but leading a caretaker government.
How would PM Whitlam have governed without money supply and without the numbers on his side?
I’m not saying Whitlam didn’t have a problem without money supply.
I was correcting two of your assertions.
1. that the GG didn’t dismiss Whitlam (Whitlam was dismissed)
2. that Whitlam was the caretaker PM. (Fraser was caretaker PM)
It is important to remember that the British Empire colonised many countries but later the Empire and powers of the Monarch were changed and replaced by the Commonwealth of Nations of which the Commonwealth of Australia is a member nation.
it’s called a legal fiction,
which is better than the politicians crowning themselves with the absolute power of the sovereign, i’m sure.
…and by swearing allegiance to the King (now) you are effectively swearing allegiance to the WEF…
Not so, the King’s private views are not enforceable, only a parliament and of course office of prime minister and cabinet could do that.
The WEF, a self elected club of people who think they are clever enough and entitled to run the world, with Klaus Schwab as self elected world president.
Is this an improvement on constitutional monarchy where the final arbiters are the people through elections, (in some countries).
Err, allegiance to the head of the Commonwealth, of which Australia is a member.
i just read through the 1999 referendum pamphlet and there seems to be zero discussion of the most important thing:
if the queen (who acts through the GG) is removed as head of state, who becomes the sovereign?
What was this pamphlet about?
Your official Referendum pamphlet: here
and actually i see the point was actually flagged in brief:
imagine making the prime minister the sovereign!
This is in relation to the particular type of President in that referendum.
Former NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr and various other commentators during the campaign before the Referendum for a Republic pointed out that major constitutional change was not needed, simply remove the Monarch and confirm the position of Governor General as the Head of State, still appointed by the Commonwealth of Australia government for a fixed term in office.
The complications of an elected president above prime minister and cabinet would not be helpful.
If it isn’t broken (constitutional monarchy) why try to fix it?
which does not answer the question of where sovereignty will reside.
so you think australian politicians are doing an outstanding job and there is no need to improve their performance or accountability?
How would changing from Commonwealth (which means republic) to Republic change parliamentary procedures and elections of members?
MPs are accountable to Parliament and to we the people via the ballot boxes at election time.
with three very small changes:
1, make the people sovereign
2. separate the legislative and executive branches of government
3. recall elections (accountability as regards people getting elected on ‘non-core promises’)
responsible government pre-dates the two party system, so it’s like trying to use a windmill to run a modern power grid.
e.g. in a two party system the only issues raised for consideration are the issues approved by the parties and their lobbyists and there is no mechanism by which to censure politicians for breach of faith (eg not abiding by election promises) until the end of their term.
government is legally allowed to coerce experimental vaccinations and lockup its citizens; citizens have no recourse.
‘it’s not broken!’: sounds like stockholm syndrome.
The successor to the throne of course, but the question is not valid in a constitutional monarchy.
Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom.
In a monarchy, a king or queen is Head of State. The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament.
Although The Sovereign no longer has a political or executive role, he or she continues to play an important part in the life of the nation.
As Head of State, The Monarch undertakes constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history. In addition to these State duties, The Monarch has a less formal role as ‘Head of Nation’. The Sovereign acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognises success and excellence; and supports the ideal of voluntary service.
Reluctantly we may have to cut our ties with the monarchy.
Australia’s historical association, political culture, sports and laws, came from the mother country and are imbedded. The structure is not in jeopardy and the Commonwealth is safe, so getting rid of the royals is no big deal.
We already have a republic. It is surely not possible that they don’t know that. If Gough Whitlam had told the Governor General to go to blazes it would have been the High Court of Australia, not an army from Britain, which sorted the issue out.
So what in Hades are these “Republicans” talking about?
You are surely right. They intend to rewrite the constitution. On a Marxist model.
Who put the chew in Tuesday?
u did. (the the orthographic “long u” to be precise).
No one…if someone actually speaks properly….
I dislike lazy speech….it cheapens the language….and is the equivalent of the poor quality of free to air tv.
In the first version it is a ch sound but as full as the CH in chew and is followed by a “ew” like chew. The american has a hard T and starts with too.
Of course there are variants to these versions but calling someone’s pronunciation lazy is in itself lazy thinking. People don’t just speak lazily, they speak in response to their environment and they couldn’t g a s if they don’t conform to your rules.
*not as full
Two tropical disturbances have popped up in the Atlantic Ocean close to Africa but headed toward the Americas.
The “average” peak of the season was yesterday, with nothing to show for it. Baffled meteorologists are quiet.
The war should be over by Xmas.
‘Local politicians sign petition in Russia calling for Putin to resign from Kremlin. It is third call in a week, after previous calls to charge the dictator with treason.
‘Open calls for Putin’s resignation showcase the magnitude of his problems as Russian units have fled without putting up a fight against Ukrainian onslaught.’ (UK Mail)
Not surprising, nobody in their right mind wants a war, or worse a nuclear war in which there can be no winner, which is why it’s a “nuclear deterrent”.
Who the hell do you believe re. Russia and Ukraine?
Recently , via ” Reuters, Sept 7, 2022
High global energy prices have helped the Kremlin follow through on President Vladimir Putin’s pledge in March to reduce poverty and inequality despite crippling Western sanctions and inflation….
“So far, there are no signs that the drop in living standards could lead to unrest,” said Alexei Firsov, founder of social studies think tank Platforma.
Russia’s current account surplus – the difference in value between exports and imports – more than tripled year-on-year in the first seven months of 2022, to a record $166.6 billion, as revenues soared while sanctions caused imports to plunge…
Putin has ordered 10% rises in pensions and the minimum wage to soften the blow from inflation, while major employers such as No.1 lender Sberbank (SBER.MM) and gas giant Gazprom (GAZP.MM) raised salaries from July. read more
The unemployment rate was 3.9% in June, its lowest since the statistics service started publishing the figure in 1992, according to the Eikon database.
Putin’s approval rating was 83% in July, up more than 10 percentage points since the Ukraine campaign started on Feb. 24, according to polling by the independent Levada Centre”
This is the rub.
‘ … sanctions caused imports to plunge…’
Try to find any accurate commentary from the Russian side! I have a list of nearly a dozen people who were good reference points last March, all of whom have been banned from social media.
The action around Kharkiv is due to the Ukrainian troops trained in NATO countries being ferried to the front with their UK and Polish commanders. There are some thousands of NATO troops on the ground too, part of the ‘International Legion’. UK controls the HIMARs, Poland the M777s and USA provides targeting intel.
Russia had few regular troops in that area, most were National Guard. They fell back quickly to save soldiers’ lives, but already the Ukrainian security service is hunting for anyone who helped Russia, showed Russian sympathy while invaded, or took Russian aid. These people will be killed and their bodies thrown around the streets to be photographed with Zelensky and other photo-op addicts, like Bucha.
Russia promptly disabled all train travel to limit troop movement by taking out the power stations. This would have been done by any country in a war, but seeing it was a ‘police action’, he treated Ukraine with kid gloves.
At least now it is clear that Russia is fighting NATO, not some Ukrainian Nazis, and we can expect the real war to start soon.
The best descriptions (not opinions or reasons of why) of what is actually happening on the ground come from-
Believing the MSM and the mainstream commentariat will get you nowhere. Russia is reorganizing before winter and the autumn rain. There will be no movement off the main roads. Russia will reinforce the South sector around Donbass and Black Sea. It is wasting resources around Karkhov.
It appears the Queen has outlived her (death) welcome with more and more of those bent on a republic future for Australia finding voice and speaking out. According to Barrie Cassidy the ABC has mis-read the level of its audience’s interest and should leave it up to other sources because “If you want wall to wall royalty you can get it elsewhere in spades. The ABC is better when it offers an alternative to populism.”
If Barrie is right and presenting an “alternative to populism” is the true strength of the ABC then may I offer the following idea, which still includes the death aspect, to ABC.
Why not run 24×7 on the topic of rapper murders? According to Wikipedia in America “…murder was the cause of 51.5% of hip hop musician deaths. The average age of death is between 25–30 years of age. Hip hop has a higher rate of homicide than any other genre of music, ranging from five to 32 times higher.” They provide a list of deceased rappers from 1987 to September 2022 which seems incomplete as it does not include these that have also occurred this year Wavy Navy Pooh (drive by), Lil Devin (home invasion victim), TDott Woo (drive by), and Goonew (shot).
So come on ABC rap music is certainly “alternative to populism” and there is at least 35 years of rapper murder material you can base a program on. And to top it all off you already have a well-established music genre program title that could easily, and certainly ironically, become the title of this new dedicated channel – RAGE.
You can see why this is a bit off in Australia to even some committed monarchists.
An example. The news bulletins leads were for hours reporting that the queen is in Edinburgh and that lots of people are gathering in some other place as well. If I lived in Scotland I would be interested in when and where to queue and how long it would take for me to see the coffin, otherwise, public service announcements of local details in foreign countries are not a good use of my time or the ABC’s.
some misplaced commas there.
Here is another “alternative to populism”.
How about running 24/7 truths on unreliables!
Sorry, this was meant to be a replay to Earl at #8
“reply”… I’m gonna blame my typos on age.
Yours should definitely be in the top 5. I saw the Tuesday repeat of the Four Corners report on Drill/Postcode gangs and the glorification of the same by local rappers. This cultural problem is here now and can only get worse. Can’t believe I’m spruiking for ABC but a further repeat screening is timetabled for today Wednesday at 10am and then again Saturday at 8:10pm – if you want to avoid the “on demand” option. Worth disturbing yourself by watching it. Cheers
La nina is now confirmed by the BOM. Better late than never.
Not good enough, I predicted it months ago.
I recall an add on tv about the Australian Bolshevik Collective that said “farnarkle for seven cents a day…support your ABC”.
Had to look it up … ‘Australian slang to spend time or act in a careless or inconsequential manner; waste time.’
When it comes to climate change they have been careless with the truth.
In view of what just happened (expectedly) and intel from my sources, it’s now clear what’s behind the EU “crisis”, what’s happening in Ukraine and Russia and what’s looming.
I think I need a private forum as I can’t really go public with all this here.
This is all a major worry, the game’s changed, and there’s a high risk that it’s all about to blow.
I strongly advise everyone to prepare for major events as best you can.
I for one believe you John Connor II.
Setting up forum now…
“Australia’s first bivalent COVID-19 vaccine to join rollout”
—> Shouldn’t we finally look at something else instead of this bivalent shot?
(sorry, for repeating this)
This didn’t get a lot of attention in the mainstream media:
– 2017 ‘Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations/ The journal of Antibiotics’
Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan.
Today, (in 2017) ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
This didn’t get a lot of attention in the mainstream media:
– March 2020
In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne, in France. To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). This is how Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.
The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored. (This could have been the incentive to try Ivermectin in all elderly homes, elderly people still living at home, basicly everyone who got sick. It could have safed people all over the world a lot of misery!! But no, there was lots of money on the horizon…’They’ didn’t care about the ederly locked up and dying alone etc…)
This didn’t get a lot of attention in the main stream media:
-May 15, 2020, through the end of January 2021:
Ivermectin, a drug used to fight parasites in third-world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract coronavirus for less than a $1 a day, according to recent research by Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
Dr Schwartz:“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
“This drug will not bring any big economic profits”
i trust the corporate media to censor information for me.
If only that were true!
Mr. A: And the “veracity evaluation” that so impresses you- can you cite a single news source who contacted the doctors quoted in the articles? In other words, your favored sources evaluate veracity by sniffing their own finger after scratching. Unless you know they checked, you are a bit rash to attribute “veracity” to the MSM.
An example of this sort of veracity check- in Oct ’20, a laptop showed up. 51 “intel experts” with no info concluded it was “russian disinfo.” That’s how it looked, though to this day we have no other example of the russians planting laptops. Do you? Did they call the repair shop owner and ask? If they didn’t do the least bit of veracity check, good cause to be skeptical.
Not you, though.
“didn’t publish about it after evaluating its veracity.”
Precisely.. the MSM could see that IVM worked, and decided that fact should NOT be published.
This didn’t get a lot of attention in the mainstream media:
Commissioned by the WHO, another researcher, Dr. Andrew Hill, had to make a meta-study of the available studies on Ivermectin. And then something weird happened. In the text of that meta-study that was first put on a pre-print server, Dr. Hill writes that Ivermectin does work based on the existing studies. In his conclusion, however, he says that there is not yet enough evidence and asks for more research. A bizarre contradiction..!
‘Whereupon Dr Lawrie almost falls off her chair in amazement and asks her colleague Hill via some video conferences to give more clarity about his ‘discovery’. This happened and fortunately dr. Lawrie these video conversations on and we can -as bewildered as dr. Lawrie- follow their conversations. Dr. Hill readily admits that he is – based on all the studies – in favour of the use of Ivermectin, because of 80% effective and very cheap.
He also says that he is under pressure and after hesitation also admits that the people of ‘Unitaid’ are his ‘shadow authors’..!! In other words; ‘Unitaid’ has held his pen as far as the conclusions of his research are concerned. Unitaid is a research group in which, among other things – there he is again – Bill Gates has invested.’
The result of Hill’s meta-study was to stop Ivermectin as a medicine against Covid-19..! Because if there was a solidly proven drug that also has a prophylactic effect against the disease before the vaccines came on the market, then the whole vaccination circus would have come to an early end. The carousel of freedom-restricting measures would also have proved unnecessary.
It was therefore important not only to remove Ivermectin from the shelves and ban it for use against Covid-19, but also to then ridicule it again as a ‘deworming agent for cattle’. And that while it had been on the list of the WHO for years as a basic drug against malaria for humans and its inventors have been awarded the Nobel Prize. They did not receive this prize for developing a deworming cure for horses.
His paper was flawed and contained critical errors and was retracted by the journal It was never influential in any policy to do with ivermectin that I know of.
Alleged flaws and critical errors.
Catherine, slight correction. It is HCQ that is on the WHO list to treat malaria. IVM is recognised by WHO for treatment of certain parasitic diseases but not malaria.
IVM can be used* as a repurposed drug to treat malaria as well and is under investigation, but is not recognised as an essential drug for this purpose by WHO.
And CDC directive on processing 3rd world immigrants ie at Mexican border stipulated each got a course of ivermectin (think 2 doses). So when all this sheep and horse drench talk started I had to laugh because the US supreme health authority was already convinced it was safe as they had been prescribing it for years. Total corrupt BS
This didn’t get a lot of attention in the mainstream media:
-Dec 8 , 2020
In a Senate hearing Dr Kory is pleading for a review on Ivermectin
“People are dying at unacceptable and untold rates,” Kory told the Senate panel. “I am a lung and ICU specialist, and all I do right now is take care of COVID-19 patients dying of breathlessness in ICUs. By the time they get to the ICU, it is nearly impossible to save most patients. They simply cannot breathe.”
This got/has a lot of attention in the mainstream media(especially in the USA, since some programs on TV are brought by Pfizer, but I’m not sure if this only started after the Covid ‘vaccines’ developments or if this has been going on for a while)
-Dec 11, 2020
The first EUA, issued Dec. 11, for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older was based on safety and effectiveness data from a randomized, controlled, blinded ongoing clinical trial of thousands of individuals.(hmmmm…)
This didn’t get a lot of attention in the mainstream media:
see ‘testomonials – FLCCC/ Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’
not a lot of attention to this either:
‘Pfizer Reports Fourth-Quater and Full_year 2021 Results’ | Business Wire
Risks Related to Our Business, Industry and Operations, and Business Development:
including the possibility of unfavorable new pre-clinical, clinical or safety data and further analyses of existing pre-clinical, clinical or safety data or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection;
the ability to produce comparable clinical or other results for Comirnaty or Paxlovid, including the rate of effectiveness and/or efficacy, safety and tolerability profile observed to date, in additional analyses of the Phase 3 trial for Comirnaty or Paxlovid and additional studies, in real-world data studies or in larger, more diverse populations following commercialization; the ability of Comirnaty or any future vaccine to prevent, or Paxlovid or any other future COVID-19 treatment to be effective against, COVID-19 caused by emerging virus variants;
the risk that more widespread use of the vaccine or Paxlovid will lead to new information about efficacy, safety or other developments, including the risk of additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious; the risk that pre-clinical and clinical trial data are subject to differing interpretations and assessments, including during the peer review/publication process, in the scientific community generally, and by (regulatory authorities); whether and when additional data from the BNT162 mRNA vaccine program, Paxlovid or other programs will be published in scientific journal publications and, if so, when and with what modifications and interpretations; …..
not a lot of attention on this either:
In England, official advise:
Pregnant women now a priority group for COVID-19 vaccination
Pregnant women are to be considered a ‘vulnerable’ group, emphasising the urgency of them receiving COVID-19 vaccination and booster doses
This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet.
If you are concerned about a side-effect it can be reported directly via the Coronavirus Yellow Card reporting site
And than there are the people who were injuried or died from the vaccines…. It is like they don’t exist.
I guess this Covid episode in history will get an ‘F’ …. depending on where the future is leading us.
The owner of Romania’s most famous football team just banned VACCINATED players from the team because they have poor cardiovascular function
The owner of Romania’s most famous football team announced that he will ban VACCINATED players from the team. Mr. Gigi Becali, owner of Steaua Bucharest, is looking to recruit mentally tough, unvaccinated players. This includes unvaccinated or partially vaccinated players who faked their vaccination status a year ago, because they were under duress and faced certain exclusion for not participating in the dastardly covid-19 vaccine experiment.
Jacinda Ardern: “We all just need to respect everyone’s individual decisions” – New Zealand drops mask and vaccine mandates
“Respect” from Ardern…
Yes, Covid Vaccines UNSET and ERASE Natural Immunity
The GREAT RESET of Human Immunity
An interesting new article came out from NEJM:
It discusses how effective was the Pfizer Covid vaccine among children. It is a large study that included 273,157 vaccinated children. What is extremely interesting is that they tracked, separately, four groups of children.
The NEJM piece shows that children who had Covid and were subsequently vaccinated, were much more likely to get reinfected than their peers who also had Covid, and were NOT vaccinated.
In other words, for kids who had Covid, getting them vaccinated made them much more susceptible to reinfections. They should have stayed unvaccinated!
Australian big banks embrace digital ID
Australia’s four major banks, ANZ, CBA, NAB and Westpac, are happy with EFTPOS’ payment system known as ConnectID to provide the national digital ID.
These four banks, also known as the ‘big four’ are behind this push. EFTPOS stands for Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale – known as NETS in Singapore. The system is based around electronic fund transfers based on the use of credit or debit cards at payment terminals located at points of sale.
Described as a broker for digital identity initiatives behind both EFTPOS and BPAY, Australia’s Payments Plus (AP+) announced on 6th September 2022 that the big four have announced their support behind AP+ development and establishment of an open, standards-based national identity infrastructure called ConnectID. They claim is it to protect customer privacy and drive productivity in the Digital Economy. But a lot of Australians do not want this.
And what does a digital ID mean for Aussies – especially for those who are unable to escape it?
Well, they claim it is supposed to be a ‘seamless online identity verification experience’. But they have cited zero evidence or proof that this is the case, and the majority of people get caught up in the confusing language structure – for example when Angela Mentis the National Australian Bank chief of digital, data and analytics said the bank’s priority was to help “bring digital identity to life.
“To empower customers with a choice – to verify their identity how and when they want, whilst ensuring privacy and personal data is protected.”
Vote with your feet. Move to small local banks, building societies & credit unions…
Normalising the Collapse
A recent headline caught my attention and got me thinking. Quoting Belgium’s PM, Alexander De Croo, Business Insider stated that Europe could be facing “5 to 10 difficult winters” as a result of the war in Ukraine and soaring energy prices. It got me pondering about the Great Reset and how it seems that dysfunction and deprivation is now being normalised across the board, as we await the latest manufactured calamity to be imposed upon us by our overlords.
What the Great Reset clearly is, is a managed collapse of the West. You see, all of the things that are being systematically dismantled, are markers of a high-trust, high-IQ, industrious society. Things like manufacturing, transport, healthcare and the livestock industry. Sectors that cannot be maintained as Whites become a minority. This is a key component of the Great Reset that many CivNat minded “Truthers” fail to point out.
Knowing this, our ruling class is setting about a controlled demolition of these aspects of our society, one where they can dictate the outcome. If it was left to collapse of its own accord in 40-50 years’ time, the resultant chaos and outcome would be very difficult for the Global Puppeteers to dictate.
Whereas, by pre-emptively dismantling our developed society now, they can ensure that, as our demographics shift, our society is already reduced to a simpler, less complex and more easily manageable state, one where there is nothing left to collapse, and the anti-human visions of people like Yuval Noah Harari can be easily implemented. You don’t have to worry about advanced systems like mass battery farming and coal power stations falling apart if they have already been dissolved in the name of reducing Carbon emissions.
It’s also no coincidence that petrol and diesel prices are at record highs coincides with our government bringing in a law banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030, while openly stating that they want to do away with the concept of private car ownership altogether, all justified by the climate con. And electric cars won’t be safe either, as they are already planning to limit charging hours due to the pressure on the National Grid, while the Trotskyite Climate Change Committee wants to fit all EVs with trackers so that they can be taxed by the mile, and Marxists like Mark Drakeford introduces a blanket 20mph speed limit in built up areas in Wales.
…and way more than that…
“Editors reserve the right to amend post-publication”
Shades of a little red book.
‘Wealthy and powerful entrepreneurs in China were once idolised by the public, doted on by the government and courted by foreign investors. But now they are keeping a low profile or leaving the country altogether.’ (SMH)
Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Climate Change’ May Lead to ‘Technological Noah’s Ark’ for ‘Elites’
Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, said on Friday “climate change,” if unaddressed, may cause a “technological Noah’s ark” scenario in which “elites” escape what he framed as planetary catastrophe for humanity.
Harari’s remarks were made as he joined a discussion hosted by the Warwick Economics Summit which framed “climate change” as “the most pressing threat facing humanity.”
Leave the vaxxed masses to their fate eh…
Davos and all those jamborees, funny how there aren’t many LEAKS as to who is behind the controlling band of elites: Anyroad, what makes an “elite” ? many of those self-styled types can hardly tie their own shoelaces … Oh , forgot, they have gold buckles …. on a threadbare sole ?
I volunteer to chip in towards buying them a one way ticket to outer space … especially if I get first dibs on that nice castle in the mountains, down here on doomed Earth.
Sadly Al Gore still hasn’t got back to me on my well publicised and rather generous offer to exchange some excellent inland real-estate in Western Sydney (totally safe from sea level rise) for his waterfront property which will be very soon underwater.
““climate change,” if unaddressed, may cause a “technological Noah’s ark” scenario in which “elites” escape what he framed as planetary catastrophe for humanity.”
Put ’em all on Arkship B according to Douglas Adams..
“Now that we’ve achieved net zero what will we do now?”×900
Via Chiefio
page can’t be found FYI
Try that link:
When are the Left going to start fighting for women’s rights where women are grossly underrepresented such as in garbage collection and sewerage maintenance?
Surely it’s their right to forge ahead in such rewarding careers.
It is both curious and tragic that the Left believe in extremely rigid interpretations of gender stereotypes.
For example, the instant a boy or a girl does something not in strict conformity to expected gender stereotypes, Leftists determine that the child is “trans” and immediately assign it to social, followed by hormonal and then surgical transformation with the obvious lie and biological impossibility that the individual has become the opposite gender.
Even worse, the child is irreversibly sterilised and mutilated for life.
When is this horrific child abuse going to stop?
When there is no (John) money to be made out of it
The medicalisation of Transvestites is a late stage capitalism issue
Now that energy starvation policies are well embedded the Left are engineering a food shortage due to the “dangers” of “nitrogen” (sic). E.g. Netherlands, Sri Lanka.
The “solution” to the engineered food shortage for non-Elites will of course be insects.
E.g. see
Just remember that even if there were a problem that needed solving, which of course there isn’t, the feed conversion ratio of chickens is about the same as crickets. (1.6 and 1.5 respectively). So it is about the same efficiency to produce chickens as crickets, yet the Left are pushing insects for the non-Elites.
The reason is of course, that real meat, such as chickens, has always been considered a luxury food and the Elites want to preserve it for themselves while the serfs are expected to eat insects.
At the next climate conference banquet, do you think they’ll be serving meat or insects?
They can whistle Dixie on that idea.
the wef re really quite dim….let them consume bugs for 12 months, then see if they suggest it.
2 weeks to flatten the curve…of energy prices….
This sounds familiar…similar play book.
That said, it appears at the rate NATO nations are going, Europe could soon be nooked off the map and energy will be whatever trees are left standing…
Just reading the Oz article of the BOM declaring a third la Nina. Always trying to link with climate change they state that temperatures in Australia have increased by 1.47c since 1910. Anybody know the unhomogenised increase if any?
We may have experienced our own little ‘Night of the Long Knives’ here in the US.
The FBI apparently has raided dozens of Trump allies.
It’s not getting much press attention.
I think progressives are pretending it didn’t happen because they can’t face the fact that they are the baddies.
I can’t see much oppositional strength in DC politics to counter this.
POTUS has labeled a large portion of his own citizens “semi-fascists” and “clear and present threats to Democracy”.
What are the ‘Ten Steps to Genocide’ again?
Certainly that could never happen here.
Nice educated EV driving recyclers would never allow such a thing.
the establishment is imploding.
Some interesting questions
“Washington, DC’s Energy Colonialism”
“True dat”
“Beware: Ukraine’s touted Kharkov offensive is probably not what the US news media cracks it up to be….”
The opening few lines are risible.
Whereas I doubt we get an honest picture from Ukrainian sources or our own media/ government, the stuff you post Ian is such hilariously poor Russian propaganda it should be shown at a comedy festival.
Did you ever read the chapter on Mussolini in John Steinbeck’s “Once there was a war”?
In what way is it risible?
The whole article makes a cogent argument, which accords well with Russian statements and the facts as far as we know them.
A historical perspective: The Freikorps: How Germany Almost Fell to Communism & the Men Who Stopped It. Shows how modern and how fragile our democracy is. And it shows the successes of the Anglo model in relief.
Yanks are getting desperate.. Russia must be going to discuss what they found in the American biolabs in Ukraine.
Washington denial to issue visas for Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his delegation to travel to New York for the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations this month, is not just a punitive measure against Russia for the war in Ukraine ( how perhaps this action was conceived) but it is in the meantime a violation of 1947 UN headquarters agreement by which the United States is generally required to allow access to the United Nations for foreign diplomats.
We’ve just come off another covid peak, wave, whatever, in England, with the now typical steep decline, exactly the same pattern dubiously claimed as the success of lockdowns or rounds of vaccines, except this time…… there was none.
Same here in Australia.
The numbers of infections have plummeted. The vaccine tents have gone. The media is not talking about it now.
Also California
“Third world status coming right up.
California Public Utilities Commission- Utility Public Safety Power Shutoff Plans
Utilities may temporarily turn off power to specific areas to reduce the risk of fires caused by electric infrastructure. This action is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) or “de-energization.”
Pacific Gas and Electric- Prepare for a PSPS
A PSPS means you could be without power for several days. We know it will be a hardship and want to help you prepare in advance. Use the following tips to get ready for, and stay safe during, a PSPS.”
“Will California “Learn” to Avoid Peak Rolling Blackouts?”
A California ban on such talk in 3, 2, 1 too?
“California And New York: Do Not Back Off Your World-Beating Green Energy Schemes!”
“Today the Manhattan Contrarian formally calls upon the states of California and New York: Whatever you do, do not back down from your crash program of green energy schemes!
The full text of the Manhattan Contrarian official announcement follows:
California and New York: It is critical to mankind that you pursue the full extent of your green energy schemes to conclusion as soon as possible and at all costs. If you really believe, as you proclaim, that all-renewable energy is a moral necessity to save the planet from the existential crisis of climate change; if you really believe that energy derived from fossil fuels is dangerous and polluting and is causing dangerous climate change; if you really believe that renewable energy is now less expensive than fossil fuel energy; if you really believe that an all-renewable energy system can actually work to power a modern economy; and if you really believe that all that is needed to get to an all-renewable future is to build enough solar and wind generators to do the job — then you absolutely must see this project through to conclusion and without delay.
Now is not the time to go wobbly. You owe it to the world to show everyone how this can be done. This is your moral duty.”
More at
US CPI Explained
Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant
Techno Fog
Today, Special Counsel John Durham moved to unseal this motion in limine in the false statements case against Igor Danchenko.
This motion provides new information on the details of Danchenko’s lies to the FBI, further information on how Special Counsel Mueller ignored Danchenko’s false statements, expected testimony from Clinton-connected executive Charles Dolan, and one crazy development.
But we’ll start with the the most damning development: Danchenko was on the FBI payroll as a confidential human source (CHS) from March 2017 through October 2020.
The purposes of making Danchenko a CHS should be quite clear. The Crossfire Hurricane investigation was plagued with problems from the outset. The reasons for opening the investigation were bunk.
Those problems continued as the investigation went on, with claims of Trump/Russia collusion proven unverified or outright false. (Thus the targeting of Flynn for a Logan Act violation.)
Those problems continued with the Carter Page FISA applications, first submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in October 2016, and which relied substantially on the Steele Dossiers (aka Steele Reports). The FISA applications were renewed three times – more on that later. Each application had its own problems, from FBI lawyers lying about Carter Page to the Court being generally misled.
Realizing its own misconduct, the FBI made Danchenko a paid CHS in March 2017 – just before the third FISA warrant was submitted in April 2017. This would allow Comey’s FBI to work directly with Danchenko in support of its counter-intelligence investigation against President Trump.
Danchenko being a CHS also served another purpose: it protected the Bureau and the Mueller Special Counsel from revealing their “sources and methods.” How do you hide misconduct? Bury the witness.
(Read again Inspector General Horowitz’s report concerning the Carter Page FISA warrants. Even Horowitz didn’t know that Danchenko was a CHS.)
Context helps – here’s a brief timeline of the Danchenko interviews and other important events:
Then there are Danchenko’s false statements about Charles Dolan, an influential Democrat executive with ties to the Clintons. Interestingly, it was Dolan who was given a tour of the Ritz-Carlton Presidential Suite, which was the supposed location of “Trump’s alleged lurid sexual activities.”
What is Durham’s theory on Danchenko’s motive for lying about the Ritz-Carlton allegations? Because it reflects “a deliberate effort to conceal from the FBI Charles Dolan’s role as a source for the Steele Reports and to deceive the FBI regarding Millian’s role (or lack thereof).”
Good to know Durham is still on the case.
Margo Cleveland is too.
Sundance a little sceptical
The Machiavellian Intent of John Durham Surfaces inside His Court Filing, Outlining the FBI Hiring of Igor Danchenko as Confidential Informant
September 13, 2022 – Sundance
This is sickening to read, and perhaps even more sickening to accept. CTH has long outlined the belief that Bill Barr was the Bondo application to cover for the DOJ and FBI institutional rot, and John Durham was the ongoing spray paint application. The bottom line is to first understand a DC operation is ongoing to preserve the institutional credibility of the justice system; a credibility, which is – at this point, entirely destroyed; yet the effort continues.
In a court motion today [pdf HERE], special prosecutor John Durham outlines the case against Christopher Steele’s primary source, Igor Danchenko. For more granular information about the filing itself, visit Techno Fog [review article HERE]. The basic legal case brought by Durham is predicated on the notion that Christopher Steele’s source for his dossier, Igor Danchenko, willfully and intentionally lied to the FBI, and therefore Danchenko is guilty of purposefully misleading FBI investigators assigned to the Trump-Russia/”crossfire hurricane” investigation.
This is where we must stop pretending. The Durham premise of a “duped FBI” is laughable on its face. No one in the FBI or DOJ-NSD was “duped” by false information from Igor Danchenko. The lies were well known to be false, yet materially beneficial to the unspoken intention of the DOJ/FBI, which was to target Donald Trump. The corrupt intention of the DOJ and FBI is the important element that John Durham was appointed to protect.
John Durham is running a Deep State cover operation to protect the institutions of the DOJ and FBI from their prior activity. The bulls**t of pretending this is not his motive, well, quite simply, needs to stop. Just look at today’s filing itself, overlay the timeline, and you can see the corrupt intention of the FBI and John Durham’s clear objective to cover for them.
In a court motion today [pdf HERE], special prosecutor John Durham outlines the case against Christopher Steele’s primary source, Igor Danchenko. For more granular information about the filing itself, visit Techno Fog [review article HERE]. The basic legal case brought by Durham is predicated on the notion that Christopher Steele’s source for his dossier, Igor Danchenko, willfully and intentionally lied to the FBI, and therefore Danchenko is guilty of purposefully misleading FBI investigators assigned to the Trump-Russia/”crossfire hurricane” investigation.
This is where we must stop pretending. The Durham premise of a “duped FBI” is laughable on its face. No one in the FBI or DOJ-NSD was “duped” by false information from Igor Danchenko. The lies were well known to be false, yet materially beneficial to the unspoken intention of the DOJ/FBI, which was to target Donald Trump. The corrupt intention of the DOJ and FBI is the important element that John Durham was appointed to protect.
John Durham is running a Deep State cover operation to protect the institutions of the DOJ and FBI from their prior activity. The bulls**t of pretending this is not his motive, well, quite simply, needs to stop. Just look at today’s filing itself, overlay the timeline, and you can see the corrupt intention of the FBI and John Durham’s clear objective to cover for them.
The big picture takeaway is right there on the second page. Pay attention to the dates.
Main Justice kept a bag over Danchenko until they needed a scapegoat, created by Durham, to sell a narrative that Main Justice was duped. John Durham is charging Danchenko (working outside govt) with lying to the FBI while simultaneously avoiding drawing attention to the FBI/DOJ officials (inside govt) who knew Danchenko was lying and were willfully blind to it in order to continue attacking and investigating President Donald Trump.
James Comey, Robert Mueller, Bill Barr, John Durham, the Mar-a-Lago raid… it’s all one long continuum of the same targeting and coverup operation.
Bill Barr was the Bondo application and John Durham is the spray paint.
The entire system is corrupt.
White House claims prices ‘essentially flat,’ throws ‘inflation reduction’ party as annual rate hovers at 8.3%
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted Tuesday both that inflation was “essentially flat” and that it was OK for President Biden to host a large celebration of his Inflation Reduction Act — even though annual inflation remains elevated at 8.3%.
“Overall, prices have been essentially flat in our country these last two months. That is welcome news for American families with more work still to do,” Jean-Pierre said at her regular briefing, moments ahead of the large South Lawn bash.
Republicans, however, attacked Biden as “out of touch” for hosting a celebration for the environmental and healthcare spending bill — noting that inflation remains at its highest level since the early 1980s.
“You can’t make it up: Hours after this terrible inflation report, the White House is hosting an ‘inflation reduction’ celebration,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) tweeted. “Democrats have spent our economy into disaster and now they’re partying while families pay. They could not look more out of touch if they tried.”
August data showed a continued demand-driven decline in the cost of gasoline. But cheaper gas was offset by steep 12-month jumps in the cost of food (up 13.5%), electricity (15.8%), rent (6.8%) and health insurance (24.3%).
Biden’s staff repeatedly plugged the South Lawn festivities Tuesday in tweets from his account.
NYC pols push for e-bike battery regulation after string of deadly fires
Following a rash of deadly fires caused by faulty e-bike scooter batteries, a City Councilman plans to introduce a new bill prohibiting the sale of non-certified batteries.
Democrat Oswald Feliz’s district is among several that have seen fires break out as a result of faulty e-bike batteries. Several fires have turned fatal — including an Aug. 1 blaze that trapped a 2-year-old and her mother inside their apartment.
E-bike related fires have killed nine people and injured 164 others in the last two years, according to FDNY — compared to zero deaths the previous two years.
To combat the issue, Feliz’s bill, which has yet to be introduced, would bar the sale of e-bikes that don’t have batteries certified by a “nationally recognized testing lab” and would also ban the sale of bikes with refurbished batteries.
It comes as an alternative to a city proposal to ban the vehicles from being stored in public housing.
Maybe some hope for the UK and “Net Zero” yet
Read this comment
September 13, 2022 7:25 am
When Boris was sacked and the competition began to select the next PM I said at the time, it won’t be the PM that’s important, it will be the Cabinet choices which will be critical.
And so it’s proven, I believe in word and in deed.”
And the whole article too (IMO)
Biden Gets a Clue?
The Washington Post reported yesterday that someone woke up Slow Joe:
White House alarm rises over Europe as Putin threatens energy supply
White House officials are growing increasingly alarmed about Europe’s energy crisis and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threats to force a bleak winter on the continent.
Seeking to punish Russia for the invasion of Ukraine and force a retreat, Western allies have moved to set a cap on what buyers pay for Russian oil. Putin last week said Russia would retaliate by cutting off gas and oil shipments, which could devastate Europe’s economy and hurt the United States by sending global energy prices soaring.
Of course this last sentence really ought to read, “. . .which would devastate Europe’s economy and Democratic Party prospects in the mid-term elections.”
In response to my post over the weekend about how the European energy situation is much more serious than people know, a reader writes in:
One of my kids just returned from the GasTech 2022 conference, ironically held in Milan this year. He is an engineer with a LNG shipping/regas firm. It was nothing like he or the execs from his firm had ever seen. Those same “confident” energy ministry staff from Euro governments are privately in a full fledged panic trying to secure reliable supplies.
One key problem is the lack of port delivery facilities for liquid gas product. Not quick to build—if ya ain’t got one now, won’t for 3-5 years. Normally you solve for this by using FSRU ships that are semi-permanently moored off shore and feed directly to distribution facilities. But there are only 4 dozen of these in the world and most are already contracted to places like Bangladesh. The industry is trying spin up some regas units built on unused exploration platforms—then just tow them into place. The Korean yards that build most of the tankers are fully booked three years out—so hard to rapidly expand the tanker fleets—and a lot of ships are aging out.
In one meeting a Pakistani speaker almost started crying describing the economic dislocation skyrocketing prices are causing. He was in a meeting with the Uniper execs…and as you wrote, they are on the brink of shutting down absent massive cash infusion. Looked like hunted animals. Unless Vlad turns the spigot back on can’t see a happy ending. And my understanding with facilities like aluminum smelters is you can’t flip them “on/off”. Have to run continuously—millions and months to deslag, clean and restart.
The Wall Street Journal confirmed some of this yesterday as well:
Europe’s energy crisis has left few businesses untouched, from steel and aluminum to cars, glass, ceramics, sugar and toilet-paper makers. Some industries, such as the energy-intensive metals sector, are shutting factories that analysts and executives say might never reopen, imperiling thousands of jobs.
P.S. Don’t look now, but it appears China may be coming to Russia’s aid:
The first in-person meeting between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin since the start of the Ukraine war is expected to include discussions between the two leaders on how to deepen their economic ties as Russia faces setbacks on the battlefield. The meeting . . . is expected to take place this week at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan. . .
Europe needs China’s diesel if it does cut off Russia imports
Oh goody, let’s swap dependence on Russia for even more dependence on China.
Interesting From the Comments
Don’t look now, but this is not just Europe’s problem.
Any other New Englanders on the board? Thanks to having shut down coal fired plants, and two nuclear plants, we are ~54% dependent on natural gas–~70% for Massachusetts.
And our push for wind and solar (still less than 6% of electricity production), is de-stabilizing the Grid. Thanks to New York (esp. Cuomo) and our own enviro-wackos blocking pipelines from the PA Marcellus gas fields in the US, we are heavily dependent on imported LNG coming into the Everett terminal by ship: international LNG from Trinidad, Algeria, and formerly during cold winters….Russia
for which we compete directly with….Europe! Prices are already skyrocketing (electricity doubled in NH last month). Shortages and blackouts — esp.
if a LNG tanker doesn’t show up on time — are a definite possibility. If you want to get really worried about the coming Winter, read Meredith Angwin’s “Shorting the Grid” and Doomberg’s “Is New England an Energy Crisis Waiting to Happen” (from last January). There was a FERC conference in VT about the coming NE Winter last week (a video may be up on YouTube), the conclusion of which was basically “pray.”
Just decided to check my emails on Gmail, only done every week or two. Sign in on my computer, as always, and before I can get to the password page up comes a new message-
“Google couldn’t sign you in. For your protection,you can’t sign in from this device. Try again later, or sign in from another device”
No doubt this is part of their data-gathering extortion, they’re always asking me to add a phone number ‘for greater protection’. I can’t see why people worry about the Chinese Govt gathering our data, ours is no better…
Anyone else had this problem.
Only as part of their “security upgrade” months ago.
Are you running a trusted email app?
Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us something!
‘Jakarta joins rush for Aussie workers.
‘Indonesia will target cashed-up Australian retirees and ‘digital nomads’ – workers whose jobs allow them to operate from anywhere.’ (Oz)
“Megyn Kelly: ‘Now is the time to celebrate the greatness of this country’ ”
Donald to run for the top job.
‘Mr Trump is yet to officially announce his candidacy for the 2024 US presidential election, but he’s widely expected to do so in the coming weeks.’ (ABC)
KP…Yes, I’ve had exactly the same problem, with exactly the same message, only it happened on my smartphone, not my laptop. I consider Google to be a necessary evil…and that’s being generous.