A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Left are in meltdown about Giorgia Meloni’s win in Italy and can’t stop saying the word “fascist”.
But fascism is an ideology of the Left, not the Right.
The philosopher of fascism (and its derivative National Socialism) was Giovani Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist.
(Pronounced Gent-il-ee.)
The first part of Mussolini’s book “La dottrina del fascismo” was actually ghostwritten by Gentile.
No wonder the Left have written Gentile out of history.
The Left would actually be happy if the new PM of Italy was indeed a fascist. It is a far Left ideology, after all.
Also see Dinesh D’Souza’s video:
President Giorgia Meloni Speech at CPAC 2022
27 Feb 2022
We’re getting another confirmation today of a key definition in Power Line’s Lexicon of Leftist Terms: ‘”Populism” is when the wrong person or cause wins a free election”.’ The corollary is that every Republican candidate for president is H@tler, and now we learn that every Italian conservative is Mussolini.
On the other hand, I can see why the authoritarian elites of the European Union, who have made vague threats against Italy if Italian voters chose the “wrong” party, are freaking out. Take in these two minutes of Italy’s next prime minister, Giorgia Meloni:
Did you note the reference to Soros?
So she is a lefty then.
No Gee, she’s not a lefty. 😆
Please remain still. This won’t hurt a bit:
If so, you must be happy! Right?
“So she is a lefty then.”
About as much as you are a rational conservative.
When the left a running scared their political opponent automatically becomes “hard right” or some other term suggesting that the opponent is a radical.
It is somewhat amusing that the loudest leftist protesters are far left faction, like Greens and Labor far left.
She does have the memorial flame from Mussolini’s tomb as part of the logo
That was a low go.
The question is to what torture tools did EU President Von de Leyen refer when she threatened Italian voters?
The winter of discontent is not far away when the almighty EU will crumble as the power goes off across Europe. And even in the US, they are predicting a beer shortage because of the lack of CO2. So no meat(needs CO2) and no beer(needs CO2) and no heating(no gas) and no TV(no power)? How are the Germans going to take that in Octoberfest?
Brexit, Italexit and Greece and Spain have probably had enough. Nederlands is in full revolt. And France may do the unthinkable. They all need the war in Ukraine to keep the focus off the disaster at home. But Ukraine which never had gas now no longer has coal. And never forget, Renewables are the future and cheaper. The absurdity of freezing to death with no food to save the planet from warming will reach boiling point, about the only thing which will.
But that may be the plan, the Great Reset, another French/Russian revolution. Except the plan was to destroy state governments, not have them come back stronger. Britain was always a vexed partner for France and Germany. But Italy was part of the Axis. It’s unthinkable.
Go Italy! Fantastica!
Re the EU abortion watch on Italy –
Are they afraid that there will be a retrospective offer to Ursula von der Leyen et al?
And that the generous offer might spread more widely?
Notice how the Left give most female leaders a really tough time? Well, at least the conservative ones which are there on merit, not because they fulfil a quota like most Lefty “leaders”.
Britain with Liz Truss and Italy with Giorgia Meloni.
Previous Ukraine President Yulia Tymoshekco, brave leader of the Orange Revolution with an economics degree is probably still languishing in jail.
Anyone who thinks Ukraine is a democracy is misinformed. It is as Putin says, a fascist dictatorship run by deadly gangs. A kleptocracy. Only the Western Press think otherwise. And everyone’s making fortunes from Ukraine, except the Ukranians. Only Moldova is poorer. And the ordinary people in Russia are richer with pensions triple what they are in Ukraine. Is it any wonder people want out? And behind it all you have the EU and the US, pushing in weapons and pulling out cash.
It is notable that the EU and US have been using Putin to explain everything. Massive inflation, energy shortages, food shortages, supply chain, even petrol prices in the US. Biden asked how people could complain about petrol prices when Ukranians were dying?
But it has backfired and unleashed a wave of resentment because people are not buying it. Soaring prices started much earlier. And the EU thought Russia would not dare cut everyone off, unless they paid in Rubles. But Eastern counties like Hungary and Poland are quietly paying.
And Italians are not the natural enemies of the Russians. Yes, they fought with Hitler’s armies in Russia and Napoleon’s armies against Russia, but they had no choice. And lost millions of men for nothing. They were the most unwilling allies of all. And since WW1 they have been very suspicious of the Germans. Plus the Russians have a great love of Italy, most of their great palaces designed by Italians like Rastrelli, father and son. Some Italian masterpieces like Raphael’s loggia even copied precisely. Music, ballet, art, opera, there is a great overlap culturally, even with France. And then there’s Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy, Rimsky Korsakov, Pasternak. And endless list.
So I can see an alliance developing against Germany domination of the EU. Meanwhile Germans will be seriously questioning their own Green leaders. The French as well. After the fiasco of the Gilets Jaunes, fake Climate Science and compulsory diesel cars, now banned. What’s next? Green German Electric cars? The sooner the Germans master their own brown coal, the sooner the world is a safer place. As Donald Trump pointed out, you are not independent if you are energy dependent. But Trudeau who has achieved nothing, just laughed at plebian Trump.
The EU is a massive and very expensive failure. The Common Market resurrected the great Hanseatic League after the war. Then the European Community allowed easy travel and much more. But the European Union is a German dominated political animal which now demands its own army and to subjugate all of Europe politically, plus now Ukraine, Moldava and Georgia. And President Von de Leyen spends her time threatening anyone who wants out. Europe has been there before and the Italians were the first out. That is after the British who fought alone.
I was thinking the same thing. Poland Italy, Hungary form an alliance for closer ties with Russia. Poland culturally is closer to Russia than Europe, even though they are Catholic. Socially conservative!
Poland is very anti Russian because of their experience as part of the Soviet empire and their treatment prior to and during World War2. Whilst Berlusconi is Putins friend most of Italy are not pro Russian especially after the events of the last 6 months.
You need to stop thinking.
Probably the most misused label of 2022. It seems to mean “anyone I dont like” these days
Curious how the mainstream Left has adopted the primary rhetorical device of Antifa.
The Overton Window may fall off the cliff.
Into the chasm of Equity.
Interesting the cultural commonality of dress in which the only body parts not clad in black are the eye slits and the hands.
Her motto is God, Family and Fatherland. All the things leftists despise. No wonder they’re calling her names.
I suppose when you are as far left as all the clowns hyperventilating, anyone not with you is ‘hard right’.
Does the covid virus increase the risk of Alzheimer’s by 69%?
Or is it a cover up and the vaccine causes it?
Note that, similarly, Big Pharma / Government etc.. tries to blame cardiac incidents on the virus and not the vaccine.
Dr John Campbell discusses the statistic but does not assign a cause. I am just hypothesising about that.
well in my book, the way the MSM portrays things and warps facts & research, you may well be correct: Climate change due to some gases and creatures.
From observation I do not believe it causes Az because, like cancer, it can be there, slowly growing from a small spot for years.
My up close and personal experience is that, with 20/20 hindsight, Mrs H showed symptoms that I did not recognise, for years.
As with many things the jab has been linked with, I would suggest that it destroys natural defences and things you may otherwise outlive become aggressive and take you out first. Most older men die WITH prostate cancer, not of it for eg.
How tragic that people with cancer in remission thought they were at high risk and jumped the queue to get jabbed. Who can blame them?
Britain Canceling its Outstanding Paper Money
From Martin Armstrong –
“One of the reasons why the US dollar remains the reserve currency is because it has NEVER been canceled. Europe routinely cancels coins and banknotes to prevent people from hiding cash. British is canceling the outstanding old paper banknotes of the 20 and 50-pound notes. They did issue polymer notes which are still valid – for now. This is how Europe will also force Digital Currency by eventually canceling all paper money forcing the underground economy to seek other methods.”
The old money no longer valid after 1st October. But you can change your old notes at a UK bank.
The COVID End-Game: It’s Time for Answers
From The Quadrant Online –
“And we all thought Wagner’s The Ring Cycle was overly long! Well, the Great COVID Show still ain’t over yet because the Fat Lady in this opera bouffe is still singing, as she has been for nearly three years now, thus knocking Herr Wagner’s interminable opus into a cocked hat for tedious length. The scolding, histrionic COVID divas from Public Health Central Casting are still bellowing away, despite growing audience fatigue.
Thankfully, however, they are on half-lung power and reduced to reprising ever-feebler versions of the original show’s greatest hits.There are no full-dress lockdown encores in store whilst the continuing medley of mask mandates and vax variations are not quite hitting the heights of the earlier shows. Much of the audience, shifting restlessly in their seats and looking anxiously at their watches, has stopped listening to any of it. The COVID arias about the lethality of footballs and pizza boxes, are now so much white noise.
To the dismay of the impresarios who brought us the original COVID blockbuster, there is no new production clamouring to take its place. Monkeypox (COVID – the Sequel) has been a box-office flop – there is no dramatic death-ticker to keep the audience gripped with tension whilst the casting has failed to generate wider engagement beyond the special interest group found in what the US CDC defines, coyly, as “spaces like back rooms, saunas, sex clubs, or private and public sex parties, where intimate, often anonymous sexual contact with multiple partners occurs”.
The Mask Lives On
Through the relative lull of the full ‘social distancing’ orchestra, however, comes the annoying solo of The Mask, that slightly shop-worn symbol of the political power and ideological dominance of the public health caste. This self-important and ceaselessly self-promoting clique of technocrats who, faster than a democratic debate, more powerful than an elected government and able to leap a clinical trial protocol in a single ‘emergency’ bound, haven’t hesitated to act out their superhero fantasies when given half a chance. The mask remains the most visible reminder that ‘the pandemic is not over’, as the Lord Protectors constantly remind us; thus, their orders must continue to be obeyed without question.”
Monkey pox becoming labelled as “Man Hole Pox” I guess took the glitter off that line of panic promotion
Pictured: Jeremy Corbyn plays video game that lets players kill Margaret Thatcher
Former Labour leader pictured playing Thatcher’s Techbase at Left-wing political festival The World Transformed
A description of Thatcher’s Techbase written by Mr Purvis on its release read: “On Sept 24, Margaret Thatcher will rise from her grave. Only you can send her back to hell.
Charming stuff !!!!!
Albanese government announces national anti-corruption commission
From Michael Smith News Blog –
The Albanese Government will introduce legislation this week to establish a powerful, transparent and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission.
This shows the Government is delivering on its promise to tackle corruption and restore trust and integrity to federal politics.
The Government has committed $262 million over four years for the establishment and ongoing operation of the Commission.
This funding will ensure the Commission has the staff, capabilities and capacity to properly consider referrals and allegations, conduct timely investigations and undertake corruption prevention and education activities.
The Albanese Government’s National Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate serious or systemic corrupt conduct across the entire federal public sector.
It will be built on the following design principles:
Broad jurisdiction: The Commission will have broad jurisdiction to investigate serious or systemic corrupt conduct across the Commonwealth public sector by ministers, parliamentarians and their staff, statutory officer holders, employees of all government entities and government contractors.
Independent: The Commission will operate independent of government, with discretion to commence inquiries into serious or systemic corruption on its own initiative or in response to referrals, including from whistleblowers and the public.
Oversight: The Commission will be overseen by a statutory Parliamentary Joint Committee, empowered to require the Commission to provide information about its work.
Retrospective powers: The Commission will have the power to investigate allegations of serious or systemic corruption that occurred before or after its establishment.
Public hearings: The Commission will have the power to hold public hearings in exceptional circumstances and where it is in the public interest to do so.
Findings: The Commission will be empowered to make findings of fact, including findings of corrupt conduct, and refer findings that could constitute criminal conduct to the Australian Federal Police or the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.
Procedural fairness: The Commission will operate with procedural fairness and its findings will be subject to judicial review.
The legislation also provides strong protections for whistleblowers and exemptions for journalists to protect the identity of sources.
Following the introduction of the Bill the Government will propose the establishment of a joint select committee to examine its provisions.
We look forward to support from across the Parliament for a National Anti-Corruption Commission with real power and authority.
Commissions are not courts of law and cannot charge or punish a witness however witnesses are too often embarrassed by commission inquiries and left hanging with no referral by the commission to higher authorities in law.
And federal government corruption opportunities are very few based on the much wider areas of responsibility and powers of state and local governments.
There are already a number of federal watchdogs.
So what are Labor plotting?
A summons to appear at a Royal Commission is the gateway to a “Get out of goal” free card, as information revealed by the witness, under summons within the terms of reference of matters under investigation cannot be used as evidence in any future criminal actions against the witness on these matters. Refer to the outcomes of the trade union royal commission!
If”Always Sleesy”has anything to do with it,it will always mean More smoke and mirrors.
To be staffed by Albo’s and Bowen’s selected minions. !
And their selected subjects
I’d guess you could get long bookie’s odds on anything union
I wonder if they will look at the award and use of Malcoms $444mill for the GBR or the apparent futile expenditure of billions over decades on assorted failed “closing the gap” programs, or the behaviour of the BOM? probably not. I expect they will be launched into investigations of political adversaries.
FBI Agents Armed With Rifles Descend on Home of Catholic Pro-Life Activist and Arrest Him in Front of His 7 Kids
FBI agents descended on the rural home of a Catholic author and pro-life sidewalk counselor Friday morning, and arrested him for an alleged violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances “FACE” Act while his terrified seven children looked on “screaming.”
The subject had no criminal record, nor any history of violence, and had already agreed to turn himself in if a decision was made to bring charges against him, despite the baselessness of the charges. According to some legal experts, the raid was an attempt to intimidate and humiliate an opponent of the Biden regime.
His arrest stemmed from an altercation that took place outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood abortion clinic a year ago. A 72-year-old pro-abort “escort” repeatedly bullied and hurled pejoratives and obscenities at his son, who had accompanied him to the clinic, and the father reacted.
Repeatedly, Mark would tell this pro-abortion man that he did not have permission to speak to his son and please refrain from doing so. And “he kept doing it and kind of came into [the son’s] personal space” obscenely ridiculing his father. At this point, “Mark shoved him away from his child, and the guy fell back.”
“He didn’t have any injuries or anything, but he tried to sue Mark,” Ryan-Marie explained.
The incident was so minor that charges were not pressed and the abortion activist’s complaint was thrown out of court, CNA reported.
When both the city police and the district attorney declined to file charges against Houck, the escort filed a private criminal complaint in Philadelphia municipal court, Middleton said. The case was dismissed in July when the man repeatedly didn’t show up in court, Middleton said.
The incident may have been too minor for the police or the municipal court to pursue, but not the Biden Justice Department.
A few days after the case was dismissed, Houck received a “target letter” from the U.S. Attorney’s Office informing him that he was the focus of a federal criminal probe into the incident, Middleton said.
“If convicted, the defendant faces a maximum possible sentence of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000,” the DOJ said in a press release.
TMS Vice President and Senior Counsel Peter Breen, said he notified the Justice Department and argued that the altercation does not fall under the federal FACE Act as it was initiated by the abortion volunteer.
Breen said the DOJ was also “advised that if the decision was made to bring a charge against Houck despite lack of legal foundation, Houck would appear voluntarily.”
“Rather than accepting Mark Houck’s offer to appear voluntarily, the Biden Department of Justice chose to make an show of potentially deadly force, sending twenty heavily armed federal agents to the Houck residence at dawn this past Friday,” said Breen
The warrant charged Mark with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, due to a claimed “ATTACK OF A PATIENT ESCORT.”
Did the FBI finally go too far?
For the record, FACE is short for “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances.” As has become much too obvious, only one side of the abortion debate has been awarded federal protection.
Since the leak of the Dobbs decision on May 3, attacks against pro-life entities and the Catholic church, already a problem, have only escalated.
The Catholic News Agency reports 97 such attacks in the months following the leak, 53 of them against pregnancy centers. These include vulgar pro-abortion graffiti, the beheading of statues, the desecration of altars, threats, theft, and even arson. Several have involved the disruption of church services and nasty confrontations with the police.
At least two of these incidents took place in the jurisdiction of the two Jacquelines. In May 2022, for instance, the glass front doors of Notre Dame de Lourdes church in Swarthmore were spray-painted with the unsubtle message: ‘You do not have the right to decide what people can do, #ProChoice.” In June, vandals defaced St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Philadelphia with pro-abortion graffiti.
As far as anyone knows, the DoJ has ignored all these incidents despite the implicit civil rights violations involved. For its apparatchiks, “extremists” like Houck are the enemy. “If convicted,” they tell us, “the defendant faces a maximum possible sentence of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000.”
Hawley to Garland: Explain this 25-agent FBI raid over a simple assault allegation
I want to know from Merrick Garland directly why Biden’s DOJ is arresting Catholic protestors like terrorists – complete with SWAT-style tactics – while letting actual terrorist acts like firebombings go unpunished
Josh Hawley
The corruption & abuse of law is out of control. Come January, the new Republican Congress must launch a thorough, public investigation of DOJ & the FBI – from their targeting of parents to religious protestors to political opponents. What Biden is doing is wrong. And dangerous
Well, attacks against
pro-life entitiesand the Catholic church …. at our Queen’s funeral ( was there any representation from the Catholic church @ Rome ? ) Biden arrived and crossed himself. How odd! …. and I’m gonna leave it at that. ( partly because our commenting MSM said NOTHING about him and his background )30
That was when he was having a close inspection of his tongue?
In the Clergy section was the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminister dress in his cardinal red regalia
Tuesday is grossly underrated, glad to be here, eager to get going.
Unlike Monday, it doesn’t care that the weekend is over
or that it was not designated a national holiday.
Tuesday is morning news and handy tool, the good dog
that comes when you call, the horse saddled
and ready to ride. It’s different from Wednesday,
which wants to be Friday, or Thursday, already dreaming
about the weekend. It’s the second pot of coffee,
Just remembering Judith Durham RIP. not a peep since,
Who want’s to be a Yesterday’s Man? You GI?
A biased non-inclusive statement, since it doesn’t include WA, who had a holiday on Monday, and therefore Tuesday was the first day after the weekend. /s
A not interesting way that GA has dreamed up to get attention. !
Why does the week start on Sunday on my calendars.?
Do you have a European calendar? Many European countries start the week with Sunday.
Woman’s Disturbing Reaction to Man Calling Her out for Wrongdoing Shows an Infantilization of Society
I’ve repeatedly speculated that social justice has an odd effect on the brain and people who embrace it seem to suffer something akin to mental illness. At this time, we don’t know if the chicken came before the egg and those with mental illnesses are simply attracted to it naturally, but we have confirmed cases of people being normal, going through a university “education” and coming out the other side wholly indoctrinated.
but another video – 54 Secs – has emerged showing another instance of pure insanity.
As you can see in the video below, a man is seen calmly explaining to Walmart employees that the woman in front of him cut in line to get there and upon confronting her she began throwing a very childish temper tantrum. The woman is sporting a childish backpack and still wearing a mask despite mask mandates clearly being lifted in that area as no one else was wearing one.
Clown World ™ 🤡
This woman cut in front of this man and had a nervous breakdown when the man called her out
That’s an unsocialized two year old throwing a tantrum.
D’you think she’s reading this article? – that would be great to be a Fly on the Wall.
My daughter never did anything like that when she was two years old………………..
Tantrums are very common after two years of necessarily intense nurturing from an utterly dependent baby state. Some are faster than others and it depends on what socialization forces are around like older siblings, cousins, creche and of course individual personalities. But to see it in a full adult is weird.
That’s a type that’s becoming increasingly common. They meltdown whenever cornered and their bullying/antisocial behaviour is called out, or their opinions contradicted. Rather than debate or accept they’re wrong, they immediately turn into a victim. I’ve witnessed it myself and, I regret to say, I fell for it at first. That was before I realised it was an act.
The answer truly is to treat them as infants. Don’t try to talk to them as adults, continue to make your point and, when the meltdown happens, just watch them with a straight face or, if you want real entertainment, laugh.
I was behind a something like that in an airline ticket change queue at JFK a long time ago. If the bloke behind the counter had reached out and strangled her I would have been a witness to justifiable homicide.
Being the next in line and, making plain that I only needed a simple change of an economy ticket and was in no hurry, that job was done and I got a pass to the first class lounge in which to wait.
HAving watched and thought about it, and having to put up with idiots, then WHY NOT …” I woulda just started laughing just to throw more chaos into the mix lmao ” and then walk out leaving a full trolley of stuff at the Till: ‘ in protest’ at the ‘appeasing staff’ but the protest being IN SYMPATHY with the staff for having to put up with plonkers like it ( her ?) .
In our trash news yesterday , they were discussing folk ( seems to be always women ) going to the supermarket ( not @ WALMART, but in Liverpool, UK) in their PJs. Well, I dunno – couldna figure it out – ‘cos I go there ( local supermarket) to GET my PJ – local Highland Edition of that daily Aberdeen newspaper.
THere are days you just wanna waken the world ‘just for laughs’ but in a nice way as the local eccentric ! Keep on Smiling and then listen to this:
Isn’t zhe/they an executive at Twitter?
She definitely needs professional help…. ASAP.
Centrelink’s robo debt collection system is now the subject of an inquiry, Labor continue to blame the Coalition for the errors the system created, originally manual system later changed to computer generated notices.
However it was Labor and Ministers Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek who introduced robot debt collection manual system to Centrelink which Centrelink later changed.
Is it time to ditch the Laffer curve, so beloved by the current British prime minister
Why? What part of it is wrong?
The part where the green left don’t get a cut.
Italy’s New PM Giorgia Meloni – a Woman, Mother, Italian, and Christian
From Martin Armstrong –
“The Italian people have voted for a conservative prime minister, and the globalists are panicking. Giorgia Meloni has long been skeptical about Italy’s place in the EU, COVID laws, illegal immigration, and woke culture. Despite sixty-three percent voting in her favor, the liberal media is up in arms. CNN dubbed her “the most far-right government since the fascist era of Benito Mussolini.”
One would think that the left would celebrate Italy’s first female PM. “I am Giorgia. I’m a woman, I’m a mother, I’m Italian, I’m Christian,” she stated in 2019 during a campaign that came under harsh criticism. Only in today’s modern age could someone be condemned for stating such basic facts. Meloni is fighting to uphold traditional Italian values rather than submitting to the globalist agenda of abandoning ethics for the new world order.
“Our main enemy today is the globalist drift of those who view identity and all its forms to be an evil to overcome. And constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to supernational entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites,” the newly-appointed PM stated. Countless Italians are tired of being under the control of the EU and submitting to a lifestyle that goes against their culture.
A video surfaced days before Meloni’s victory of a mob removing the EU flag in Rome and replacing it with the Italian flag. There is something to be said about wanting to preserve your culture. Nigel Farage touched on the topic during our 2019 World Economic Conference in Rome, where he pointed out that Italy’s Catholic roots were being targeted as the globalists feel they have the authority to tell the people how to live. Italy’s conversion from the lira to the euro pushed the nation into deeper debt as Brussels took advantage of the southern nations. Its location has attracted masses of illegal immigrants who no one will house and has caused a clash of cultures.
This is part of a bigger trend of people straying from what the mainstream media wants them to believe. There is a reason why the only people who have congratulated her in the political world are considered far-right extremists. People want to preserve their culture and can only do so by casting out those submitting to the globalist agenda.”
The video of the EU flag coming down is embedded in the weblink below –
Giorgia Meloni – Italy’s Common Sense
From Martin Armstrong –
“I find it unbelievable that the corrupt media is calling her a fascist. They do not even understand what the word means: i.e. “centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” They were calling Trump a fascist which would mean he was surrendering his own company to authoritarian government control. Not even Trump would be that stupid.
Anyone who is not WOKE, leaving in fear of climate change, and agrees with a one-world government with the UN as the leader, is now a fascist. I think they are looking in the mirror and describing themselves.”
Socialist idealogues play with words. Truth doesn’t matter, ends justify means.
Means don’t matter. ‘Control’ becomes ‘freedom,’ ‘Classic liberalism ‘ morphs into ‘fascism,’- i.e.anything to the right
of authoritarian socialism which must be denigrated and silenced.- One World, One Voice.
Actual fascists, Hitler, Mussolini, started as socialists and branched into their nationalist and corporist variety
which they controlled. Eugen Weber documents this in his book ‘Varieties of Fascism,’ (1964)
Supreme Court Orders NYPD to Rehire Vax Incompliant Officers
From Martin Armstrong –
“New York State Supreme Court Judge Lyle Frank ruled that it was unconstitutional to fire police officers for refusing the COVID vaccine. The Police Benevolent Association (PBA) sued the state of New York and won – all police officers who were fired for refusing the vaccine will be rehired.
The PBA represents 50,000 retired and active police officers in the NYPD. Disgraced former mayor Bill de Blasio imposed the vaccine mandate at a time when 68% of the force was unvaccinated. Mayor Eric Adams was no better as he fired nearly 1,500 city workers over failure to comply. That includes workers in short supply such as school teachers. Adams intends to keep the requirement in place for public workers, but organizations are fighting back.
“This decision confirms what we have said from the start: the vaccine mandate was an improper infringement on our members’ right to make personal medical decisions in consultation with their own health care professionals,” PBA President Patrick Lynch said in a statement. “We will continue to fight to protect those rights.” Others now want the same protections. “It’s a double standard to not apply the same to our cops, firefighters, teachers and sanitation workers,” Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis stated, citing that Biden himself said the pandemic was over.
Private sector employees in New York are free from vaccine mandates. Children may now attend school without the useless vaccine. It is only a matter of time before the public sector follows as the government has milked the COVID cow dry.”
Interesting story of Katherine Johnson who was “a computer” and worked at NACA then NASA for 33 years, before the use of digital computers.
She was a black woman who plotted the orbits for the first astronauts that helped them to blast off and arrive back safely at their chosen destination.
Her Father was a natural gifted mathematician and he worked hard to make sure his children had the best education.
She had a brilliant career and John Glen, Alan Shephard and the aborted Apollo 13 crew and team were grateful for her work.
John Glen insisted that she checked the early computer’s calculations before he became the first American to orbit the Earth.
She understood her segregation at the time but just ignored it and got on with her work. She even insisted that she sit in on the meetings that were for men only because she had performed the maths calculations and she was accepted.
She died in 2020 at the age of 102 and in recent interviews she spoke clearly and seemed to be very intelligent and a nice person.
Yes and saw the film ‘Hidden Figures’ where she was portrayed with the other two African-American mathematicians –
The film Hidden Figures, released in December 2016, was based on the non-fiction book of the same title by Margot Lee Shetterly, which was published earlier that year. It follows Johnson and other female African-American mathematicians (Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan) who worked at NASA. Taraji P. Henson plays Johnson in the film. Appearing alongside Henson at the 89th Academy Awards, Johnson received a standing ovation from the audience. In an earlier interview, Johnson offered the following comment about the movie: “It was well done. The three leading ladies did an excellent job portraying us.” In a 2016 episode of the NBC series Timeless, titled “Space Race”, the mathematician is portrayed by Nadine Ellis.
De Santos refers to Elan Musk as an African American 😉
Fake ‘Meat’ Sales Down Sharply – High Prices and ‘Wokeness’ Turning Off Shoppers
Fake ‘meat’ sales are down 10.5% in 2022 due to ‘perception’ problems and high prices.
Fewer shoppers believe plant-based ‘meats’ are a healthier alternative to the real thing.
According to Deloitte, shoppers are also turned off by the ‘woke’ status of companies like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat.
The fake food sections at my local supermarkets are ALWAYS full. Nobody wants this junk.
REAL chickens however are constantly sold out or close to it.
Real meat for real men and real women.
It made me smile when I made a rare for me visit to a Hungry Jacks hamburger cafe and noted that vegan burger was more expensive than ground beef burger.
They can’t sell fake meat on the free market so the Left have initiated a war against livestock production and “nitogen” (sic). And hence the promotion of insects and the sale in 1000 Aussie schools and they sale of insects in Woolworths. (I recently posted links.)
Meanwhile, let Lefty “men” continue to emasculate themselves with feminising soy products. See
Hmm …
Fake meat
Fake outrage
Fake ‘renewable’ energy
Fake v@Xzine
Fake women
Fake men
Fake Russian ‘collusion’
Fake ‘threat to democracy’
Fake ‘Pan_____’
Fake ‘climate catastrophe’
Fake ‘Fact Checking’
A brand new island appears in the Pacific Ocean
In the southwest Pacific Ocean, a seafloor ridge with the highest density of underwater volcanoes in the world stretches from New Zealand to Tonga. On September 10, 2022, one of these underwater volcanoes awoke. Since then, the Home Reef seamount in the Central Tonga Islands has repeatedly ejected plumes of steam and ash, oozed lava, and discolored the surrounding water.
Eleven hours after the eruption first began, a new island rose above the water surface. The Operational Land Imager-2 (OLI-2) on Landsat 9 captured this natural-color view (see image above) of the young island on September 14, 2022, as plumes of discolored water circulated nearby. Previous research suggests that these plumes of superheated, acidic seawater contain volcanic rock fragments, particulate matter, and sulfur.
By September 20, the island had grown to cover 24,000 square meters (258,000 square feet / 6 acres). The new island is located southwest of Late Island, northwest of Mo‘unga‘one, and northeast of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai.
Wonder if one could buy it at a bargain price?
Let’s pool our money and buy it and then demand climate change protection money?
Apparently, this island may not be there for long. So, I suggest that they make it the venue for the next series of Love Island and then keep everyone there while it sinks back into the Pacific Ocean………………….
Naw! That can’t be right …. not on the Beeb or DM. but gurgling it
THanks for the heads up. Seems the Independent ran a story.
Rangitoto in Auckland is a great example of an evolving ecosystem – rising from the sea only 600 years ago, it offers a unique opportunity to observe the power of nature to colonise a completely barren pile of volcanic rock in such a short period of time. Anyone doubting the ability of Mother Nature to cope with rapid change (climate or otherwise), needs to observe – and learn.
Biden likes ’em young…
When the “great turning” happens, every last one of these sociopaths will be arrested.
Maybe Obama, Hillary and Biden will get adjoining cells on death row.😆
Kenyan tv mourns the loss of the Queen
This is an interview from NZ, but it is just as applicable to Australia. It is about each country’s Medical Association and how they appear to be affiliated to a private global organisation. 90 minute video but worth the time.'s-FSMB:f
The heart does pump. Hope still exists, the Italian election shows. There are people who are active on my way of thinking. Which it often feels like there isn’t. Hurrah! It’s worth celebrating.
It is no coincidence that this happens in a Latin country. The slogan is God, Family and Fatherland. Three things significantly eroded in our culture – especially Australia which I claim is now Godless. And it is worth eroding these three things if you don’t like right wing politics, because they can rest as a kind of reserve where right wing values can spring from. Italy is down the road as much as any of us, but from those three values in the vault, a new movement has sprung from.
And this is why it couldn’t happen here. You cannot state, “no to mass immigration” in this country and win. Everyone thinks that is quite evil. Because our vault is empty.
Another one, good health, 51, heart attack, out of the blue. I’m surprised the media is publishing this stuff. Not a good look.
NASA’s just completed mission, Double Action Redirection Test (DART).
The first experiment in planetary defence to redirect a rogue asteroid.
And hardly reported or discussed at all.
Unlike the anthropogenic global warming fraud, the planet has a real risk of catastrophe if hit by a rogue asteroid.
There’s been a lot of conspiracy theories around lately (many becoming facts).
Who would benefit most from the negative publicity of the Optus hack?
Food for thought.
Right from day 1 Optus and security were only loosely connected. Back in the early 90s there was a period when overseas crooks would hijack the PABXs of Australian and other country businesses during their night time and then route all their calls through it. The procedure was that a call would be placed to any closed business that had a “we are currently unattended” type courtesy message. The crims had discovered that many businesses had allowed too much delay between their PABX accepting the call and then switching it to the recorded voice machine. During this switching delay the overseas crim would send a fake disconnect pulse to the PABX to make it think the caller had terminated the call when in fact the call was still connected within the PABX waiting for the recorded message to kick in. The caller would then effectively take over the PABX and route whatever telephone/data traffic they wanted using the PABX. Interestingly the main originating point for this scam was Italy and the main destination calls went to was USA/South America so assumed Mafia involvement.
Anyways Optus head office in Sydney set up their after hours message which could take upto 7 seconds before it kicked in which gave more than enough time for their pabx to be hijacked.
OTC(A) which looked after all Australian international services identified this and as a courtesy told Optus. Some of that courtesy was driven by the fact that Optus had poached as many OTC technicians as it could and effectively it was a case of a mate looking out for a mate. Clearly Optus did not get the best technicians way back then and, it appears, even today.
Nordstream pipelines 1 and 2 damaged, likely sabotaged.
This is unbelievable.
NSW Police send Nigel Farage a bill for services.
In other words, in Australia today, you have to pay for the right to exercise free speech
I believe in personal responsibility: you do it, you own it. I also am very much pro-choice! A couple can choose to have sex or not, can choose to use prophylactics or not, but they must accept the consequences of their choices. Once that consequence has a heart beat, this represents the consequence to be accepted.
Murder is the stopping of a human heartbeat. Calling it a choice to avoid a murder rap is simply semantics in an attempt to avoid the consequences
To call an abortion healthcare for women takes the choice away from the woman and give it to the doctors; this means very limited abortions for true medical reasons only.
Abortion on demand is nonsense promulgated to rescue people from their own poor choices. If this is accepted, what is next? Robbery on demand? Murder on demand?
People must take personal responsibility for their own actions!
On leadership: A good leader must lead by example; if he wants his people to endure hardships, he must also suffer those same hardships. I challenge anyone to find 10 persons in the upper echelon of leadership positions in any branch of government who suffer the hardships they foist upon their own people!
Pres. Biden wants us to all drive electric vehicles – I say back to him not until you show us by example EVs work and are economical and practical!
First, electrify the ENTIRE Federal fleet, and operate for five years, keeping detailed records of all expenses and maintenance. This includes your limos and all your jets, Air Force One included. Only after you accomplish this will you have any moral authority to ask us to go electric if we can afford it. Also, you may want to check the electric infrastructure first. There is no way it could handle any more than 1 EV charging for every 10 houses without crashing into a blackout. Check your amperage!
“There go my people, I must follow them for I am their leader.”
“There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them”.
Attributed to Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin however quote is probably aprocryphal – works, usually written, of unknown authorship or of doubtful origin.
Israeli Investigators Find COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Side Effects: Leaked Video
“The Train Crash Scenario”: California EV Mandates Will Further Stress An Already Exhausted Electric Grid
Meanwhile, in a completely different dimension on the same planet..
‘Australia facing mRNA vaccine shortfall in global race for latest jabs- an independent review urged the government to invest in multiple COVID-19 vaccines in preparation for new, dangerous variants.’
‘Australia has spent over $8 billion on more than 151 million doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines over the course of the pandemic, including about 26 million doses that were thrown out after expiring before they could be used.’
‘Butler said he was seeking to delay the shipment of 37.7 million Novavax doses (as) 13 million doses were due to expire after just 210,000 had been administered.
Just unbelievable! Total in denial of any side-effects or disagreements with their ideas!
Courier Mail headline on the Optus cyber scam
“Optus hacker deletes data. FBI called in”
Must have a tip that a Republican voter did it?
All in Bed with Bob, Mistresses and Media Both
27th September 2022
Tony Thomas
Bob Hawke, Prime Minister from 1983-91, was comprehensively outed this year for his lechery and shady financial deals by the Australian’s Troy Bramston. He calls his book, with no false modesty, Bob Hawke, Demons and Destiny. The Definitive Biography. Yes, given his prodigious research, it must be close to that.
I went to his excellent lunch talk in Melbourne the other day, which inspired me to plough through the book’s 720 pages. The tome created a flurry of media interest about Hawke’s avid sex life. But after recycling some lurid lines, the media caravan trundled on. They ignored the financial stuff which warrants a separate Quadrant article.
The media is basically leftist and Hawke was always one of their own. Even his ministerial colleagues used to describe the journos’ coverage of Hawke as “nauseating” (p707). Compare the Hawke treatment with the media hounding of the innocent Cardinal Pell , the never-charged Attorney-General Christian Porter and his femme-embattled co-conservative Alan Tudge. Rather than lunging for the jugular, the press pack gave Hawke nothing but love-bites.
I’ll try here for a more comprehensive account of Bramston’s material (Trigger warning: adults only). This isn’t really appropriation since he, too, made good use of published accounts. The book’s bulk is from his comprehensive interviewing of Hawke and ALP insiders, along with masses of archival material locally and abroad. A key passage reads,
From the Comments
The media treated Hawke with kid-gloves. It does the same internationally. When a Republican is in the White House, journalists all want to be Woodward and Bernstein. When a Democrat’s there, they all want to be Monica Lewinski …
All her words are more than okay. Very much appreciated in some circles. But her background tells us she will probably let us down. Though in the hardest of times, its the girls who come out of the woodwork and act with more steel than the burnt out men.